The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 25, 1889, Image 4

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Why Children Lrare tbe Farm.
Wefommend to the consideration of
oar reader same thoughts of Adeline E.
in tbe liitral Xcw Yorker, as to why so
many of our youths are eager to leave
j tbe farm instead of following the call
ing of their lathers and mothers. In
the drat place tbey are not brought up
to love the country ; they are early ac
customed to hear both father and moth
er grumble about the hardships of farm
life. Then there ia too much work and
too littie play for them. The boy
works in the fiald all day, and his lit
tie opportunity for amusement ia the
evening is cut short by a long range of
chorea" til! bedtime ; meanwhile the
sister has much tbe same experience in
the house. And no agricultural col
lege in the land will restore what' their
parents have blindly allowed them to
lose. ......
Study the. "bent" of your children.
If a boy hates one kind of farm work and
likes another, don't make him do what
he dislikes all the time ; but so far as
possible let him do the agreeable work.
When he offers suggestions or forms
plans, don't laugh at him, however im
practicable they may be ; but if there is
anything in thorn make the most it.
point out his mistakes, and encourage
him to i3e thinking powers.
Keep your daughter at home by get
ting for her, as far as you are able,
some things she practically likes a
magazine, a crojuet set, or an organ ;
nd let her carry out some of her pet
plana for improving tbe flower warden
and front yard. And if you h ive jiven
her some domestic animal, and allowed
her to pet it and regard It as her very
own, don't sell it and pocket the moo-
ey. T,ct her ketrrit and dispose, of it as
she will. , Lul a gift always be a real
Lastly, the social longings of young
people must be gratiSed. Provide them
with plenty of good reading matter, ard
encouragrt all legitimate literary, musi
cal, and social entertainments. Youth
ia not contented without society, and
cght not to be.
Exercises for Horses in Winter.
A m'utaken kinduesa often keeps
horses closa in their stable. They
shiver, yet they are not turned out be
cause ic is thought they would get cold
, er. A heart play, running and kick
ing np their heels, will quicken tbe rir
cutattnn and warm them up ; and if
' permitted, they will take this exercise
gladly. Not only their comfort, but al
, . so their health Jemaods this frolic.
Accustomed to steady work for months,
they are enervated, their muacles made
aoftaod rltbby, tbey are unfitted for
epring woik. When ' unemployed, a
horse should be given its liberty at
least two hours everv day that is not
stormy. The farm is not rigidly man
aged when there is no work for the
borers la winter. A brre consuming,
but not producing, dnring six months,
destroys the profits from his labor dur
ing the other six months. Laborers
can be had at low wnges during the
winter and employment for them and
the horses can be found. When the
horse is given Sunday rest it should be
allowed some exercise. Rest is ne t to.
tal cessation from movement ; this is
more tiresome than uiodeiate work.
The greatest rest is when nature has
tbe best chance to repair waste, ai d
gentle exercise Is one of the cocditioLS
favorable to the nuking of new mxter
A lot three or four acres In extent,
with an open shed in one corner, is
what is wanted for an exercise ground.
A Bell tilth a History.
At Lumpktn, G.. Is a church bell
with a history. This old bell has done
much service for many different people.
It has engraved op on li the year 1000.
tbe year in which it wae made. Fur a
comber of years it tolled tbe hour for
congregations In a convent In tbe
Netherlands. It was a terward carried
toJLisboo-, and from there to Madrid,
and was In the monastery at that place
wdtq the great Napoleon Invaded that
territory, taking everything as ha.
pualinj Lis forces ortr plains ard p
moua'ala siJes, an-1 all bells were le
iog taken aod re-.Mjt into cannon for
the furtherance of bis warhk ambition.
Tbe owners of this bell, seeing bis iu
, tentions. and loving their sacred pro
perty that bad so long served "hem.
secretly took it down from lis tone y
X iwer, aud placing it on board a Urge
vessel about to sail for this country,
shipped It to New Yoik, where it re
mained for many years, oot Hit w,
purchased by a Lumpkin man for his
church. It has been used so much that
it has lost its tone, and will have to be
laid aside.
" The Lire of the Leg.
Tbe perfect leg, like the life of man,
ruffrrs miny changes in its career.
Tbe infant's leg ia chubby and of uns
certain chape and promises. I's super
fluou uVsh ia apt to 'eave it at G years
old, and ten or eleven years must pass
befyre lis curves grow picturesque. At
-JO it fnlQ'.la its destiny, and remains
perfect In a healthy figure until neoriy
middle age. At CO it begins i's decline,
which may be marked by scrazg'oe,
but is more often distinguished by a
settling of the fat elow tbe calf, bo
that the lej is all one siz from knee to
shoe top.
Ob, What a ('(h.
VTlil yoa heed Van warnlna. Tha alkTrial
perLaps of tlit sure approach of tbat more
terrible rllwnse, Cnonmptioa. Ask yoar
iselTrs If you can afTnrd for the sake of tar
ing so cent., to run tie risk and do nothing
for It. Wo know from experience tbat
Shtloa'a Cora Core year Couth. It
Offer falls. This explains why more than
a Million Bottles wr sold the past year
It relieves Croap and Whooping Couuh at
ones. Ooihers do not be without It. Fori
Lane ack, bide or Ch'st. nae Shi lots
Poroos Planter, hold by Dr. T. J. Davis n
A enORT time ago a fcent!eman ot St.
Aoeostlne. i k, beard a brlr tiklior.
in J conM not tell from wbat quarter it
eine until be looked In tbe air aod a w
a buzzard with a small brass bell around
t.N . lie shot the buzz trtl, and on
s saw an ludlstmct date,
bell, lie thinks It mast
- tbie t old JIreaJei
K A S K I Il E
tbat the most deltrate atsmjaeb will bear.
and all Oro Diseases.
Tha moat scientific end sucsosful Blood Partn
er Sunertort eaialoe -
Mr. John C 8-arrMrouTb. Selma. N. C. write t
I ml malaria ta the Southern trmf aad tor a
doaea years sanereri trees Its debllttatlDr eoeeta.
1 was t rritlly nan down wbea I beard ol Kutln,
lb new qelatne. It belped me at etc.- I
rained U pMiadt. Have not bad sueb mood
be I tb In yearn.
Other Mttnod if m liar character from proe.
In.nt Individuals, wtlc.l iluip Kaaklne as a
remedy el undoubted, merit, will be sent aa
Letters front tha a bora persons, jirln J tall
detatle artU ba scale application.
Kavkine eaa ba taken wltbouvany special med
ical auvlea. SI a buttle Nokt by all dnutgifte,
er eeec by mail on reoetvt af prtea.
TUt KAlilNt; CO.. M Warrce St K.w York.
A Great Newspaper for
the Coming Year.
Its Daily Issue Bright, Newsy
ami Enterprising,
Its Weekly the Largest Demo
cratic Weekly in the Union. ,
Forth year t will continue with redoubled
'ery the endeavor to aead ant the
D0c ixmocratie daily In tbe I akin. lt proxre
the laat year Indicate It luluce.ntervri'w. In all
department, tnat euaill:ute a great luetropoletan
dally It will eauapete with tt.e lonnw lt tet
irraphlo taculuea by fpeeia! eorreapodente at all
tbe irreat near centera will be ot tbe meat far
reaching and ihornuch ebararter. lU market re
port, local aad tclearapble. eivertna: every
branch of trade, hare woo a wide reputation lor
reliability aad f nine. 1 her will be continued
and advanced In trie unt line. It edttortal,
Beeg and locU department will be malatainad
with added vittor and enterprise. The lSXtf will
ba a memorable one la our political and badneaa
bltcry. an-1 promixoi to e. tbe conclusion el the
areat battle w.,ed on tbe questions ef TanrT
Kelorm aad Reduced Xazatioa. Ne oae whe de
f ires to be well laionneo and abraaat ot ibe tlaiea
can do without bit daily paer. bnmrmit him la
eloe touch with the whole wjrldof buaine. In
dutry. huance, leKiaiallon and poll lc Waa
iDKlon and llarrtaounr will be alike icreat cen
tra ol new. The Old World Is on tbeverneofa
vnlcano ot war and revolution. Tua FiTTaacau
Iiuli i'uar will print all the new.
By mall oaa year, it, poataara paid.
By aaent or carrier, at lie. per week. '
. Send lor amxla eopy.
Pittsburgh Weekly Post,
12 Pages Each Week 84 Col
umns of Reading Matter,
I the larae't Democratic Weekl la the Union ;
ana tbe aim ol tbe puhllihere la to make It a wel
come Instructive and entertalnlna; visitor at to
family nreside. In addition to a cboice vartatv
ol .ilerary and miscellaneous matter. Tub Wu
1.T 1'wht will publish liurinn tbe year number
ol SSKI4L 1 &Laa by the bm$T Aiaaic.a aad
Koaaio.i !ovai.i(rra. la bou form each ol tbeae
meritorious work, would cost mora than laa
yearly sub.criutioc.
Urol liarie's latest serial story, rr1ssy," will
Commence publication In Taa Purr early next
month. It will run lor about 10 verm, and will
be immediately lollowed ly another either by
Kider Haar I, or some novelist af equal repu
tation. 1 be action department of Thb Post will
be one of Us most lnicresiinK at4 attractive lea
tnrra. .
Tba cattle, pruda.-es and arra'n markets. eap
daily prepared l'r tbe weakly eoittnu. will be lull
aad reliable. The news departments will ba
complete, trivia eacb week the world's history
ivrt ba wees. AS e correspondents at Wanln
ton. Harniibura-. New York and other Impor
tant points at borne ana abroad, will -ontnoute
gra hlc letters on men aad eventa. And. final y.
in It) po'ltn-al expreeaiona. Tua Wutii f(r
will te aa It always has been, a thnrouKb-Kolnic.
anflmchlnir and iwfrelv. lemocratle journal.
It will boar Its part la the arrant baltie ol Tan If
Keform and laa sled action, until a glonoas irl
nmpb crown the caare ol the people.
An extra eopy or lu cash equlvaleat for every
club ei tea auieertters.
Send Kjc r-mpie eopy.
Single Subscription, postage pre-
paid one year, $1.25.
In Clubs of five or over, post
age prepaid one year, $1.00
Printing Publishing Co.,
523 Wood Srect,
Pittsburg, Pa.
vu nrr itmi ia u ixriK. '
Over 30,000 SANFORD Heatera in TJee.
A Trlnl Will Jtlfy Our Clminm: .
tlanurK-tarw- ef The aaafarv Jtw-t irtaltimara
Jlilri : th Sanfrl Star I !itH tfa antt Hem&
irm llanr. i tha Sauforu hnwt Hit f-r lrw. li
luu aud Afuruurnl llouws. and tba calabratnt
ArtHicr Ceoka
Brfvn pyrvkaming 9lm . h r tmdfur eirealar aad
Tlia Sanford National Btora 'Works.
Isasdi-. Pettttm. &Cso SitTttar-St, V. T. Ciy.
T&e Pitturi Times?
No ! Well then send for a
sample copy and become ac-
quaited. Recollect, the price of
this great daily paper is only
If you tako it at once you will
always do so. ,
certainly the cheapest, as it iaona
of the best papers published in
tho United Stales. Address, -
, Pittehar;, Pnna.
V.' s
1 X-.
rr- ( Vl Na2
Hogs ob the Farm.
There ia a great deal to be said tor
and against tbe fanners' dogs. Ia tbe
first place tbe common, ordinary . cor la
a nuisance, not only about the house,
but more particularly among stock.
With no Instinctive love for sheep or
cattle, be must be trained to keep him
from doing absolute damage. Any
thing which will ran will afford a
youcg dog amusement, and when be
has once tasted the joys of chasing a
flock of sheep or cattle he will lose no
chance to amuse himself at tbe ex
panse of the farmer's stock, and if he
carries his pleasure so far as to get a
taste of mutton it will require an ex
cellent band to break him or his fault,
a mere reprimand or even -a sound
thrashing does no good towards curing
the evil habit. On the contrary it
arouses the doc's cunning and sharpens
his wits to each an extent that he will
become so sly in his work that he will
almost defy tbe master.
But with sneh dogs as tbo Scotch col
lie, tbe farmer runs little risk In raising
a sheep-killer or a dog that will del!ght
in tbe vulgar pastime of chasing ea't'e.
These dogs have been bred with great
eare for many generations, and have
been so accustomed to sheep and cattle 4
tbat their Jove for the beard and flock
baa become one of their most pro
nounced instincts. As puppies tbey
like to scamper after beas, or perhaps
follow a ranting flock of sheep, but
there is such an absence of viciousness
in their nature that tKe flock soon come
to regard them as inoffensive neighbors.
Indeed, a flock of sheep are easily ac-
eas'omed to a sheep dog, and soon come
to enjoy its society. . .
These dogs are ensily trained, and
when associated with the herd or flock
the knowledge tbey acquire of their
ways is remarkable, and tbe ingenuity
they show in their methods is an evi
dence of their wonderderful sagacity.
Seme striking examples of their in
telligence have been recorded, and of
these none are more remarkable than
those which refer to their S6lf-taught
acts. Tbey have a real genius, and ia
the performance of their duties they are
constantly picking up bits of informa
tion, and they develop in time such a
degree of knowledge that it is scarcely
necessary to order them to do a given
piece of work. Tbey take in the situ
ation themselves, and at once set about
doing that which they think should be
If farmers want a useful, earaeions.
handsome dog they cannot do better
than provide themselves with a Scotch
collie. Besides being a nice, practical
dog amoog cattle he is a good animal
about tbe house. Cheerful, fond of
children, aud not given to straying
away from home and annoying his
Healthfalness ol Tarioas Ocenpat'oss.
Assuming tba normal average death
ra e of the community as the unit of
comparison, and calling It 1000, partic
ular occupations may be regarded as
nealtby or unhealthy, according aa tbe
death rates among chose pursuing them
fall above or below that figure. The
most healthy occupation appears to be
tbat of ministers of religion, whose rate
is 55C x; are gardeners and n orsery-
men, 590 ; farmers aod graziers, 631 ;
agricultural laborers, 761 ; schoolmas
ters. 719; grocers, coal merchants.
paper, lace and hosiery manufacturers.
wheelwrights, shipbuilders and coal
miners, with all of whom tbe a vera ire
death rat is noder 775. The most on-
healthy occupations are the trades con
nected with tbe liquor traffio and hotel
aeivice. with which tbe death "rate Is
2205 ; following these are general labor,
era in London, 2020 ; costermongeri,
bankers and street sellers, ISTIr : Inn-,
keepers, etc., 1536 ; and brewers, 1361.
Af er the trades connected with alco
hol, the highest rates ore furnished by
tbe patrons that Involve . tbe breathing
of dost other than coal dust and ex
posure to lead polslonng. The death
rste among butchers Is also' high. 11T0.
Under Water Foar Hinstes.
The question has often bee asked,
bow long is it possible for a mu to re
main under water ? aod In order to ans
wer it 1L . Laeessagne, a well known
European scientist, has been making
some observations. His chief subject
was a celebrated diver, who, it was al
leged, could remain under water for
four minutes and fourteen seconds,
which it must be confessed, is a great
advance in duration over tbe period
crmmonly believed to prove fata! to a
completely immersed person. Tha
atudy of this man . revealed - certain In-
Wresting snd important points. In tbe
Brst place, be expelled all the air from
his longs that Is, all the air which
breathing can expel from tbe lungs, for
there always remains in the lunes. an
amount over and above tbat which can
be exhaled in tbe deepest expiration
then he filled bis lungs as comnletelv aa
possible and dived. While in the water
he swallowad about a litre of tbe fluid.
On emerging from the water it ia said
be "snorted" frequently, while his face
was congested, bis heart beats slow and
feeble and his eyes flushed.
Usernlaess of Bje.
Kye deserves all tbat recent writers
ay of it, and they might have added
its special and peculiar usefulness as an
occupier of the ground through Sentem
ber and October, when the mild warmth
acd moisture are favorable to the eon
version of nitrogen in the soil into sol
uble nitrates, which wonld then be
mostly lost by leaching If no actlye
plant roots are present to retain it.
The loss is ruinous to farm soils, and
should be prevented in gardens by sow.
leg rye as soon as a row ot bed is ra
cant. Another nnmentioned merit is
tbe healtbfulnees of rye fljur as an oe
caeional change of diet, far preiirahisfl
to changing rrom diet to drugs. The
hardiness and eturd y vigor of rye add so
greatly to ita usefulness in a course for
field rotation tbat it might well be
made a question for discussion, where
ever a debating club is established in 1
t arming district, wheibet clover or rye
is of moat benefit to the " farm aod the
feituer. .
Posatnn mauv Important Advantage over all
. , oilier pre pared t'ouda.
Makea Plump. Laughing, Healthy Bablaa.
steulataa tha Stomach anal Bowata.
bold by DniTFista. c, frOct, S1.00.
WILIS. HOaROSGa I CO.. lllllnmi.TT.
Baby Portraits.
A Portfolio of beantiftil baby portraits, printed
D fine plate pafT l.y pateo photo proofs, nil
free to Mother of any Baby horn wlttitn a year.
Kn-rf Mother wants tbeee pictures : acnil at once.
Giva Baby's name and age.
WULS, RICHARDSON 4 CO, Props, Partington, Yt
Tltc American live - Stock Wagron,
For toe Dss cr Bntcbsrs acd Stoctasn. -, Sares Time, lalcr an! Eipenss. .
- Ko danger to tha animal you are oonv eying, or to yoor horaea. Tha animal
'aoea not get hoavted up. but ia redy to kill aa soon aa it reaohea the alangbtaiw
rfouae, aod your maaat aa sound and .'laaithy whan it ia broaaeht to tha block.
4as7 -a or Caioiavaai -B.m tor priaaa, tarsia aad circulara, asUrraa
Business and Pleasure Vehicles
Propriiton mi Soli Users tf Xechler": Improretf Perfectioa Flfffc-lffel
AU arft 0varatatael as Jtrjsreeswtetr.
VJatertown Steam Engine Co.
Oentml Way aad
A Literary Maa-aalaia for lb Fssaallr.
Containing Each Month 90 Pages of
AJirsiau acADisn.
Establshed, 1855. ThJrty
Flfth Year.
Rsris! DtwlM k. Ik. Du - .
Tarlet? of (Jomplele Stortet, R-moeea, SketJhes
Jf Adrentare. Bts;ra.phlas. Aa-seetee. Poetry.
Awaaruian awj-1 eiter, Hiisrani rii
rle Pave. The Housekeeper. Ourkxis Matter.
Thlnna Pleasant tad Utharartse. Huaai-naa Mat
ter, ate., all forealra; a eoaipleta publleaUoa lor
rasauy Haaoina;, tjieaa, rrl(at, and mrkllns;.
v uaelnsa miu mallal Ia an m A A .a. a
eelpt of Tea Cents.
ab iaiensaiT j amaiie torT anutlad THE
KTKnoaLte for maveusv-c. ty J.maa
a ran a i id r iw, wm enmoteaee io tna Janaary.
SabscripUaa price 1.M per year poet paid.
For sale ay ail Nswedealara. Price. Flfteea
BalXOVS MAGAZINE Oomblned with the
Fbcsmais aa wbloh tha Sabsetiptioa Prloe U
LSD per year, far 3.0 Consider eo-eDlaaUoa.
I00', "ni Weekly Faperaod aa Knlertalnlur
lamllj Matrasloa. at this low prloe.
C W. STUELEY Publisher.
aaHawleySt., Dost on. Mass.
aLaawFAOTvasa sr
Kespaettnlly In rites tho attention 01 bis fiieads
aad tha pnblle In renera to the taet that ha la atlU
carry Ina; 00 basinets al tha old stead opposite the
Meantala Hoasa, beasbarw. aad Is prepared ia
sapply from a laiwe stock, ormaaaractarina toar
der, aay article la his Una. rrom tha asBAUest to
tha lara-est, la tha bast manner and at tha lowest
1 1 n a itricsaa.
Hr Ni
kAS neBltaatlarv wnr a- aftaa ntlt m.
at this establishment.
Olra mo a call and satisfy yoarselTe an te my
wort and prloe. V. XsUTTfiUJOEJi.
Oaaaborx. Apri: :i. 1WJ-U.
K Witt '' 1
For Iwopty, (irars
Heart. Urinary or LI
Nareootaeaa Brichft
('diseaaea. CaraUaarraa-
teed. Office. 13! Ar a j
drns;lau. Try It, w 4
.'laich 1. lkfe.-l.
'trent. Philadelphia. At
Duiue, six lur (a,
It's Easy to Dye;
- y
Superior 1
Deauty, j
Warranted to color more ennds than anr other
dyea ever made, and to giro mure brilliant and
durable colore. Ask for tbe lnomtond, and taAe
no other. 36 color ; so cents each.
WELLS. BICHARDSOH t CO.. Burlington. Vt.
For Cildint or Bronzing Faacy Articles, USB
Gold, Silver, Bronxe, Copper. Only xo Cents.
AN BBAPT aV CV. ItoKmlh, Jm
cinsroxsrjsrTi, omo.
Jiltnufacttircv of
Of All Ulnae.
Wrfto for Catalogue.
and cm nrr mcutU,
aoay can cat
WILL PEOPLE oae- tasj
lsapure aad fnwKuio.
sasDC Refrienuurs waatls
ara lined with wood, moc
ame raatric iroahles aad
: T Usnuna; aiUk.
St338wart id bdurated Fi&rt.
which are fr fma abaoratiua. eoroaaoa. oJ
eaJ oj :r. d proOuce low
Catalogue, enrmg full e.plaaiuk. and W-
aenptaw. wjU be mailed Iree o aiplKattHn
Addma the manutactarrra
Jcnron Strcot,
. nnrinr duy
Rubber Boot until
you have men the
with Sole leather
Heel. This Is the
beat fitting end
In the market.
Made of the beet
Stook. The Sole
leather Heel eaves
BocsjtoUi Wefirtr.
Out.lii. Oauntar.'a Ai.Asa aa a
emaiw In styla A durability. If you want Uva
wort ofyowr money try trie Colcriaatar wlXJi
H. CHILDS & Co.,
Taa aaiy arm ia
Peaa'a who maJca
a apeciant r ea aLaa
tacky aaddla aad
TwiJ 11 I
iTi'iHS u . 1 1 r
Inra(M aad Pit
Mukai aad kec
taaaatly u
ilea, ad aL
la their .table, ana knndaarf haad
ilsea. Ireea funr loot to the lam aa
, ireea fuor toot
wei(ian M lbs- are I. Arartelaa A to. ft
heaood AreaBe, FlItalMU-gu. Pa. Muleaahip-
pea ia au paru ef toe male on order. Seining ba
Ia I picked stnrk to aa found ia kUl nslika
aVsT Oot rtpo ear rare aolicitad. -
Important to Canvassers.
WAX rt-Lira Oaayaasera la erery eoaBti
In the United States to sell FOX 8 PATENT KK
VEKS1BLE SAD IKON, whica romblnea two
Sad Iroas, Polisher, Flu tar, ava eaa Iron dotna
the vera el aa eal ire set of ordlnar lroas. Is
elf-heatles; lj (as or aloohol lamp. DOES
nsoderata. A Larcaaad laauaa: taeoma lDiarcd
to rood canrseseri. Address, for otrculara, kc
X SAD IROU CO., S iieadfl gt ,K. T.
a .w m
f e "
1 r r , 1
Pearls efTlioocht.
Srmorse of conscience Is like an old
No Messing equals tba possession of a
stoat bf art.
D fflculties are overcome by dillU
gDC ai.d aoaldaUy.
Timidity Is a stamblin.? block and
tarns tbe feet to rain.
Tbe way to do good Is to be good.
There must be light, then it will shioe.
Datb is as tbe foreshadowing of life,
die tbat we may die no mora.
If you cast away one eroas yoa will
doobless find another, and peibsps a
beavler one.
Oar character is bat tbe stamp on
oor souls of tbe free cboice of good and
erll we bave made tbroogb life.
Ko creature of tbe earth tbat creeps,
crawls or flies, bat has some superior
qualities over tbe human race, and can
accomplish with ease what man could
never be trained to do.
Among tbe writers of old ages some
deserve fame aod bare it ; others
neither bave nor deserve is ; some have
it, not deserving ; others, though de
serving, yet totally miss It, or bare- It
not equal to their deserts.
Whosoever deceives a man makes
him rnin himself ; add by causing an
error In tbe great guile of bis actions,
bis judgment, be causes an error in bis
choice, the misguidance of which most
naturally engage bim to his destruction.
There never was any heart truly great
and generous tbat was not also tender
and compassionate ; ic is this noble j
quality tbat makea all men to be of
one kind.for every man would be a dis
tinct species to himself, were there no
8yrp,tby among individuals.
Few people recover frm tbe neglect
or obloquy of their contemporaries.
Tbe puollc will hardly be at tbe pains
to try tbe same cause twice over, or
does not like to reverse its own sen.
tence, at least when on the unfavorable
Deepest Coal Sine In tbe World.
Tbe Hasard colliery war opened in
1842 by M. d'Andrimont. Thr area of
Its concession is 4.170 acres. Tbe col
liery employs 961 workmen under
ground and 273 at tbe surface. lis out
pal in 1886 was 232.742 tons. The
seams worked vary from 2 feet to 4 feet
1 inch in thickness, and the coal Is of a
semibitnminous character. A notable
feat ere-in tbe working of the mine is
tbe nse of the P!om and d'Andrimont
excavator, an ingenious contrivance for
increasing tbe useful effect of blasting.
Tbe shot ht-ie is drilled in the ordinary
manner and tbe excavator Is introduced,
which hollows ont a space at the back
of tbe bole This enlarged powder
chamber ia found to greatly increase tbe
useful effect of blasting and also tbe
proportion of round coal. Ic is used io
six seams in tbe colliery, and has also
been adopted at Lens. France. Tbe
coals are not brought to the surface of
tbe shafts, but only te the level of 400
feet, wbesee an endless chain road, two
miles long, extends to Bay Bonnet.
Tbe Saint Andre du Foirier mine
claims to be tbe deepest coal mine in
yie world. It has a royalty of 864 acres,
and a yearly production of 200,000 to
250,000 tons. There are two coal draw
ing shafta. tbe one 2.9o2 feet i eep, the
otLer 3,083 feet deep. The first shaft is
being deepened to 3,149 feet and each of
the pita i ventilated by a Guibal fan
working In a second shaft.
A Cleck Peddler's Trick.
A good story was told your cor
respondent the other day about a well
known old gentleman who peddled
clocks and jewelry In tbe days before
railroad contracts made bim worth over
a quarter of million. 'I distinctly re
collect on oue occasion." said he, "I
was selling clocks near Mecbanicaborg,
in tbe beautiful Cumberland Valley,
and ran neross a bouse where the man
purchased three. After dinner, to
which I was invited, my curiosity be
Ing excited by the fact of the gentle
man's taking three olocka, I aaked tbe
reason. He told me tbat be was one of
three brothers who bad agreed amoog
tbemaelves tbat tbe first one who struck
a clock peddler should buy a clock for
acb. I inquired about the brothers,
where they resided and the bes: way to
reach sbem, aod after dinner I started,
and before evening bid seen the two
brothers and sold them each three
clock, making nine in all." When be
fioisaed tbe story the old gentleman
gave-a obuckle as if he had a accom
plisbed a thing for whist he deserved
Hounding Carres.
People talk about curves and twists
lot railroad tracks in mountainous coun
ceuntry. where bridges aai cats add
t their fears, bat it is all nonsense. A
urve on such a read ts no worse than
a curve in a level country. I waa
thrown from one aide of tbe ear to tbe
other, oot of a seat, ae tbe Sota F a
few years ago on level track. Yoa be
a great many stories about suddenly
fludieg yourself in another seat, bat
this Ss one of the few actual occurences.
It was on a sharp carve, and the eE?!
neer was careless, that was all. A
carve, in fact, is never felt when a good
engineer is at tbe throttle. Tbie is
something that but few people kaow.
If an engineer, on approaching a curve,
pnta on tbe air and pulls a train op taut,
the cars go around as smoothly as well
oiled machinery. It is ouly when tbey
are left loose and strung out that tbeir
passengers are made uneomfortb!e.
Baking Soda and Saleiatas.
Bicarbonate of soda is very often pot
np in packages and labeled saleratna.
but this is an sdu Herat lot, or rather a
fraud, as real saleratns is the bicarbon
ate of pvah and Is obtained from en
tirely a different source. There ia,
however, an easy method of distinguish
ing btween the two. If som of the
suspected sube-tance be sprinkled prtij
thickly over some loose cotton and satl
ursled with alcohol and tbe alcohol eet
on fire, the flima wlir be bright yellow
If the suritance ia baking soda, and
purplish if it is real salera'us.
Dysaepala aad Liver Casnplafat.
Is it not worth the small pries of TS eenta
to fra yourself of every symptom of t!ieft
diatreaaina complaints, it von think an eaii
at our Btore aod get a bottle of Sholoh'a
Yltalisnr. Every bottle has a printed
guarantee on It, nse accord Inaly. and if it
does yoa no good It will oost yoa nothing.
Sold by Dr. T. J. Davison;
fn OurPopufarDrand
Coi7ihatio7iiiot always
tote fail. Z
A Fine Quality of
AsrCYouf Dealer Fornix
Tbe Most Complete Newspaper Pub
lished in Philadelphia.
Tub Ti was Is tba tnnst widely read newspaper
published in Peonsylrsola. Its readers ara
among tbe mere intelligent, prosrreeslre and
tbrlftr people or every faith. It Is emphatically
ao laDBPBUDSirT newpaper "Iodepeodeat la
ereryiblnc ; teutra! In Bothlne;." Ita dtseas
stoa of pnnlle men and pnblle measares ia al
ways fearless an J la tba Interest er paPUe In
tearrUT. bonrt roversment and proapereae In
aesiry. and It knows no party or personal ailnerl
anee tn treaties; publlo Issues. In tbe broadeet
and beat sense a family and general newspaper.
Til Knu or ts WoatD.-Tn Ti n basalt
tbe facilities of adraneeo Journalism lor Cather
ine: news from all quarters of the clone, in addi
tion to that of tbe Associated Press, now eorer
ln the wbole world la lu seope. making It tbe
perfection or a v(riru, with ererrtblnsr
earefally edited to oeeapy tbe smallest spaee.
TmCosmaTtii will bo me ef universal
pahlle Interrst in tbo United States Party or
erans will perioral their deltas as party Interests
sball demand, bnt Ibe rapldlr growing Intelli
gence an! Independence el tbe are calls for tbe
Independent newroaper when great political con
flicts are te be met. Orave prob'ems of rerenne.
f finance, of commerce or lodcsty. of srlenee.
of art. aod or every phase el tnlUhtened pro
gress are In coarse of eo!uilo by tbe people of
tbe Union, and the progressive newspaper la
ever In tbe lead In every straggle tcr advance
ment. Tbb Ttkb Is one cent paper cnly la prloe.
It alms to bare the largest escalation by deserv
ing it. and rlaias that It la ansnrpaseed la all
tbe essentials of a grert 3tetrlpo!ltaa newspaper.
SrcciMA CoriKfl of any edition will ba aent
free to aoyone sending tbelr address
Swt Eihtiob ie paaee Handsomely IIJm
traled. i-00 year. Weekly. 1 00.
Tcrms. Dally, M per turn : SI for fear
mcacbs ; So cents per month r delivered by car
riers far cent per week ; Sunday edition, an
Immense quad male sbret ef 12S columns, eleeant
ly Illustrated, $1 per annum; arms per eopy.
Dally and Sunday. f& per annum i M oenls per
month. Weeklv edition, SI per annum.
Address all lettsrs te
Chestnut and Kightb Streets.
Philadelphia, ra.
We Want Youi
To send us 40 cents
for one ef our
Uftit, Handy and Strncajr. will r mtwrer aad, Owa
iaat lro OrtluuLry v'reucbea.
Air Ellxich
Household S. D. SetL.
This art onnasssa ef a Roeeweod Handle) and
four lnterohsuiBabIe -blade (4 eorewtrisreni and
8 clue tat) fttttag aatna; aU paioked In a neat wood
box. This loos Is cwatanUy uaeful rwnrhan.
around lb bouee, at tlwt cClro. tn th chop, on
Ike farm. Heat free a receipt of ( jfiO.
Ask Your Dealer
for tbrsn. If He has not pnt thean,he cf!l gv4 them
fur yen. or wa uf entd riUv-r am reoetpt of prtn,
aa above. arnd stawap er owr ttuamM eueo
Plantsvllle. Conn.
rjASOFi '& HAMLII r)
wlta beat
tbey bare
fcaordmary c-na for tbelr plSetEurfbwv'
a aeonred
-.Sf nafJ.'. 1 JL Wa-Uh gry li
htti2Z!Z. thro,
as pajk
AKmm AN0.P1AN0 CO,
iaA. LUltAUU.
Par kirk Measaefc.
rar Teraid Liver.
curs FOR
Illeaa Hraaache,
Tarraat'a Kffereeaceat
Swltzesr Aperient.
It la certain in Its affect.
Ttla gentle la Ita aotl n.
It la palateable te tba
'asta. It oaa ba relied
ip in ta eare, and It cure
ny attUJinf, not by ontrafr
Ing, nature. Io tot take
loleet puriratlvei your
reives or allow your chil
dren to take them, always
g use tbta elegant pbar
oaoeutlcal preparation.
than forty years a puhlla
vdivb pas zeea ivr iuuiv
inYQPFP'NlL 'aworlte. Soli by ironfittt
V S W.I.js I v I O S "Tf 'itiT.rri.
5 KlfE
War i anted to wash A launa
A full op Asleep on the
at 1 o'clock in tbe luorniDg.
The daacing master should ba
at figures.
Usually seen on his last iet!.
kaoaroo. g" -ii
Always turnlno; over a De. ,
librarian. KiUi
Motto of real estate
not words."
Applicants for loans general!,
a borrow-tone. '
There is nothing like a bolt for t
irva- a dead lock. 6:et-
The wind
IDOW Whistl.ce thron h
basahurtytone "
corn fl-tids b
A be
and cry u-aali. fo
t's acquisition of a .
email boy
Goods in the bands of a mercUM
does not adyerilse are like rosk5
Thy baT4 no sale.
Natur h just with comwn,,,;
losses. The toothless man i( m w
bit off more than he can cue.
Tbe girl with a six-foot
said she wouldn't tell a stoiy bu-T
couldn't help bot "draw a long- bjj
A clergyman who unrriarj a ej.
of deaf mutes In Brook'yn tbe other ?
made a bad break tv hen be wUhed ft!
Munapeakable bliss."
'. TbeonW thing that can uowni-a
renins and curb gnuinn inspiratio-
pen that catches h the paper and J
eentes a design in splatter-work
CTery third stroke.
A wealthy young lawyer spe0!
days and one nijht esr one cut L
at tbe end of tbat time sould not tf,
what aide be waa on. It .
First amateur Xlmrod,,lt ja..u
Ihte and we haven't killed aoy;tia
yot.' Second amateur Xlmro4"r
fct ns miss a couple more rabbl'j h
then go home." '
He bad just joined tbs lht U".
aud was telling his brat girl of VU
Then be kis-ja'd ber. "What am
doiag, air ?" she arted. ' Obj m&
a report at beadquarters."
Miss Keaoe (to a bandsotae it
f I atM. a a
pujB.eia -uii. aocior, low do log
do ? Ton look killlog this eyw,
Toung physician (qulHlj'r''v1!4
you. bat I'm not ; I'm off dy(
you koow y"
A young red ski an school boy ta
ak-d tbe other day wbat Is tbe
form of animal life. ''Tbe ffri,'
was the-prompt reply of tbe lad. ta
bad evidently been taking lc tbe eLtg
of the pale face.
A lady having remarked in wtc
tbat she thought there should be a !u
on the single state 4-Ves, nit,"
rejoined'a most notable specimen of
uncompromising old bachelor wboti
present - ss on other lnxnries."
"The churn must go," says an ari.
cultural exchange. Of course it ttt
in order that the butter may come.
When a womao sbowi enou?t iotrx
in a man to pink a piece of lint
overcoat, he can marry her if be e
says so
Kennine Growth.
Success in the past ia no gnartDtMi
success in tbe future. Careless relit
upon past triumph has csnsed k
downfall of xaany a one. Effryr
upwards is likely to require rrore efia
than its predecessor. Every past nv
umph only raises the public expects?!'-
for still greater achlevaaan. t-Vve wi
time. If tbe author or Wurer ia sr
coastaotfy eclipsing former effort, til
in danger of "falling flat." It iita
safe for any victor to rest npon ti
laurels ; yet, with every step forwird
he who has triumphed 'bos far ia
proaching nearer the limit of tia po
era. These powers. It is true, are i
ceptible of a legitimate and ever in
guessing growth ; but one's eagr
t fully sustain reputation, and re
prise, by Dew revelations of WJX
ubsuspected power, those who
up to bim. may 6pur bim on to p-x'"J
or impassible leaps. There is a
beyondi which be may not wsun
without being burled over tbo prro
pice. Sharply denned with bn
bounds is all human genius and capvl
Tbe man is yet to be born wbo cbd
eternal heights, and who ha c -se
for modesty in the presence of tie Ear
nal. X Well-DcTlaed Eeieoge-
A f rieaa f oun owned a kitten aaJ
a nnnn of about tbe same age. lnrj
hsd grown up together and werealwji
good frienda. Tne puppy oaing 01
Newfoundland speciman. grew to h"
a great dug. but kitty did not seem
be afraid of bim, although he frm
large ; in fact, she rather imposed up
good nature ty bitirg h's ears, eerat"1
ing his face and teasing him )
way imaginable, whenever he tried W
go to Sleep. At last, one dy.
kii ty bad tormented him mo th'D
r8peab,. dog ought tn a' and. bM"
den-y got up, rushed out of tbe bow
and hurried to a pUc In tbe J
A. bfB M
wnere it was very uu, - - .
d ig furiously. In a e oHnu be
dng tulle a large bole. n- the ,
; into tne house and goio ap to bh
' torraector with an air ot "no '
i tend to your cse," s?iz-d br "
! mouth and started for the
' this hole be deposited kitty, and M-rf
I her with one great pw. be tW ff,
I dirt on her with tbe otter o09-,
! watched the fun for a fe
; when, being reaUy af laid be would
! ber, we went to The rescue.
k Bital to Mapara Fall-
Labrador in said to powM j.
fall that makes Nlapr Fa"" 's,
cant In comptrison. It. F- P'Lil)i4
recently made a tour of
locates this fall on the Gr na k4p3i
which connects L Vl,ti4Bifl-
with lioose uty, at - - a
too Inlet. Up this river IM
Wiminikapu Lke, and ihiM
furthr up thd river .j,
Grand Falls, in the break of
the Ltbrador table laud. i
feet above the lake. Mr. u j
the Grand River Is 1W0
fill, and the height of ib
mated to be nearly 2000 feet.