ItaTjra jtccaum. 1 ' 1 '-'! 1 . . . .... I. I l i; CElt'MSDUnC. PA.. FRIDAY, - - JAN. 11, 1SS0. TliK lVnnsvtT-nl Edit.uial Aaa.asie t'op. iU hold Utile nut MiitiLal lurttin; at Jf.e Lch!el Hotel, JUrrisOurg, oo Wt (.'.nesdav Dexf, U ill Mr. llarrisoo put Mr Iilaioe into th-j cabinet or "into the s-iup ?M asks the Chicago litre H, ami the chorus comes from thj Saerra ?n fol'ow er. "In the siap !' ITov. James T. Maffet, the mem bcr of the piesent Congress frora trie tviRtj.fifib district, of which Indiana conrsty was a rrt at the time of hta lecilon, wits admitted to the asylum at north Wat ran as a private patent last wtek. CJOTERXOIt DCAVERbll fixed MTCh 27, for tha execution of Srab Jane Wuiteliopr, convicted in PniladelphU of the m order of her young d-iujf.uer by poi.i mini. Mrs. Whittling confess ed I h crimp, and also admitted having poisoned her husband and another Child. l oner nor Reaver nti Wednesday, arpjlr.t-d t'uav's candidal-, Sitrjuel W. I'enaeypaeke r, for a Judtr- of ftie Gnu. of CotsmnQ i'jeaa of Pullad-iphla, io place of Judse II .tchell, e'erf d a mem ber of (he Supreme) Coiut at the last eleetloi, IVonypacker Is a distai t of Quay. TrtE Democratic S:ate Committee of IVDDsy.TaaU will meet at the Bolton House. IIrrisburff. oo Wednesday January 16 h, iPSD, at eleven o'clock to the forenoon, to elect a Cu'rrnan, Secretary, and aa Exreaiive Commit tee, and to transact such other busi ness as may be Irooht before it. The scientists mt.n J jrnyd toGtll fornlt and ht-yond, to witness the cIIdss of th sua which occurred oo Tuesday last, are enthusiastic over the Tlsws obtained and expect resutia therefrom. The vitw of the eclips seen from Winn pg vms a most mttgmficrnt one and gasiona eruptions from the face of the sui ccu'.d be traced. After the Governor's me&sicn had been read and a motion mide to have it prlo-d. Hon. Jolin Fow, of Philadel phia, mtdd a morion to have f o thou sand copies printed in the German lan guage, when Hon. Jhn S. Itiey moved as an ametdmcrt tit 2 000 copies be prlDtrJ in ttie Welsh language! Tte amendment wsa (1efrNd however, and our Wleh Tii. nd6 Will Lavs to tale tue agliah version. NitiT to the great qtiration as to who is to jj into leident Il.trrisob's cabinet seems to b whether or rot Mrs. Harrison hi in favor ot wearing the buvle. A New Yotk firm sent her a baudsome one as a prueat recently, hoping in her acknowledgoment of its receip?, to get an exprensioc of her opinion, but in this tiny failed, and the country win ba ktt in suspenss until after tho fourth or 21 rch. The Piiilasdelphla H'.cord is one of the best newpiprs la th United SJ-tes. and ttiut iha people know it ia tlemonat rated by tha fact that Us daily circulation is considerably over the 100,000 mark. Iu the battl for reform whicb ia being wavd by the pop!e against the monopolies, the people have no tx'ftTor braver champion tan the Jiecord which is always found io the front ranks. Everybody should read The Iteconl which will be s-nt da:!y in cluding Sunday by mall f.r 54,00 per year or every weekday for 53 00. "The Seca'e'aays the PolUdelphU Lc-ord, "pulled itself together and, without tha fear of the Grangers on its mind, voted aarainst reduul ig the pro hibitory duty oa trace cha ns. Perhaps the paii nt Grpger, who is obliged to pay a double price for his trace chains, will be enabled to 'hi'ch' to the 11 -pub Ilcan game. Toe mony does not go Into the' treasury. The fellow wh makes the trace chains pockets the swag ; the fellow whi buys the trace chains payi the m mey." This is a great truth brl-tly told and every intellt farmer probably knows by this time that the 3nate tariff bill is agalott his interests. The E'-ctilCil Sagr U-finlng Com piny, whouo stock until a frw days ago, was way above par, and the Innocent holders of It . counted largely on the fortunes that were in store for them has ollapad wlih nothing lett io the shape ofaes-ts. Ic turns out that the stock holders have been duped to the amount of over a million dollar and the "secret proeess" by which raw sujar was to b xeflaed by electricity was a pure inven tion from tha fertile brain of IInry C. Friend, the originator of the scheme. The stock was issued in shares of $100 and a short time ago, was quoted at H0O. "Mostof tlie slock wis held ia Europe, and Is no . entirely worthless. Tue total production of pig Iron for the year just closed is placed by James Nwtnk at abvjt 6 030 000 gross tons. Iu produeMo'i In wa 5 G3 320 gross ion, an) ia 1S87. 6 417.143 tous. The decrease la lSS was entirely ic B;Si-m-r pig, and the etusa was the falling off la tha demind for srt rat:. Of tue latter only about 1330, 000 tons wera manufactured as exams' il01.' tons in l-37 and 1 574.703 tons in lSi3. In the production of all forms of structural Iron and s eel thre has been no ma'ertat falling eff from the figures of last year. While the to tal output of domesMo iron and steel fall below that of the Impart at lens of torelgt Irrn oJ s'.eel fall iff still mor. The Ircpirutlons of lst7 were 1.7S3.251 tons those of 15S3 000.000 ton. Ths decreased output and decreased ' Importation of trao-and steel ar fully explained K the fact that the ix-w ri' way mileage fe i from nearly 13,000 alios In !!$? to e.lD mile in IS??. The talk about restricting immigra tion s y th rtiitad -ip'jia IHnua only served to e: liiiUUte the rush of foreltfo eis to the United 3'M.tes last year. The steamship agrnis circulated the report that fie porta argot sooo be cosed to immUi ants and thai they shou'd come at if they did Dot want to find themselves shut out entirely. Tbey did come, 33 000 landing at New York alone, an of 21.000 over the J .Emigrant arrivals of 1SS7. Germany furnished I be largest quota in spite of official efforts to discourage imroigratioa. Th German additions to American po; elation numbered 77, SOO. Ireland furnished 41.000 which, io consideration of the fact that the population of Ireland is only a little mi re than one tenth that of Germany, shows that the impulse to seek a new home is at til stronger in Ireland loan elsewhere. JiVxt to the Genoa us and Irish the Scandinavian contingent was the. most iroportaat, 50 000 Swedes aud Xrwegiaa having landed and Bought homes chiefly in the Y est. The le-st aeairable immigrants earn from Russia, Austro-llongary -and Italy, and as these three countries fur nisheu 97.000 of the new arrivals it is evident that the days of cheap contract labor are not over yet. How many of this 07.000 will become pTmanec. re s'.dmts of this country it would be bard to say. Probab'y a large perceotsge of 'hem will rem sin long enough toae muUtea few hundred dollars each and return home to spend their money. The Hungarians, especially, are dis posed to follow the example of the Chinese and not become permanent residents. The experience of the past year In dicates ihu if the rea rlrti a of imtgraN lion is to be ta'ke l ab'at it should be pat in operation aa soon as possible, as mere t k ouly Incieasrs the evil eompUiael of. The eteamsbip com panies use the agitation as a means of crowding their veese's at every trip, and w ill continue to do so until the talk ceases or some restrictive law is actu ally passed and enfoiced. A Disr ATcn from Dirmlnfhtm. Con., says : "Toree hundred employes of the S:er'.inie company, manafacturers of pianos and oriss, were no.ifled of a teo per cent, reduction to-day. The concern oed the famous protection en velop s during the presideutlal' cam. pa-go." Tnore has beeo no reduction in the tariff, which according to the n-publicaa theory before the elction was the one greas and only thing upon which the wgs of the woikingmen depended. Oa their py euvetopes they j advieed thir men to vote for protection j and high wages, yet three mmihs htve not yet p isd u nil these earns Phari sees are trying jo fl-ce back out of the workinjrxrn th boodle they were com pelled to raise for Harrison's elecilon. It may take some time for the people to learn who ptys the tariff and wbere it go-, that wages depend opon the sup ply and demand aud that although the tariff remains the same at 47 percent, wages can be reduced 10 per cent, in the winter when employment is scarce and an be maintalnt-d at that by the man ufacturers until labor from sm other cause tbao the "blessed tariff" is again in demand, when the manu'acturers will be compelled to make ah advance. It may take time for the people to learn these things, but when tbey do learn them, they will have them solid, learned in the bitter school of experience, and a day of recoolng will couie when those who fonght against a 7 percent, reduc tion will be glad and willing to accept a tariff that will not rob the people and ynt give item all the prottctfon that is needed. T-eonakd Wooslet Uacok. in the January number itf the forum sass ; ''Can we off jrd to laugh at (he ennor mity of schemes of plunder such as the Service Pension bill ? Is there anything less bopefnl la the- plan for stealing flvs thousand millions uext year than there was in the plot for steal ing Q re hundred millions ten years be fore ? Is there a leading politician at the North of enLer party that dares open bis month egaintt these shameless conspiracies against the nation in the late Presidential campaign ? Did not both the pariies bid agiost each other, in promises of publie money for the soldier vote, to buy th Presidency by largesses to this pi re rrian guard ? Tnere is not room beie to say the tenth part of the plain words that need to be said 03 this subject, and that no one seems ready to say. It looks high ly probable that be next Congress and the next Execuiive will unite in some measure noprecedentedly rninous aud infamous ; that the party whose boast has been that It would maintain the American workioginaa ia bis superior ity to the European workiogmaa will deliberately impose opon American in dustry the identical burden of war tax ation, to be bourne through generations to come, under which the industry nt the oldrr nataons is bowed into the dust ; so that it shall be said of us as. with auc-j bitter troth, it has been said of them, that ''ihe workman goes to his labor carrying a aoildet strapped upon bis back." The mnrderers of Paymaster lcClore and Hugh Flaolgan. who were killed on the mountains near Wilkesbarre, on the 19. h of Oc'ober last, have at ; lnat btea apprehended and are now In I the Williesbarre jail. Michael R zzdo an Italian, known as "R-d nosed Mike" and four o'.her I aUans were the murderers. U-d nosed M ke has made a confession in which he acknowledges bis part in the crime aad telis tha rtory of the shooting. lie says : "that the two Qmt ahois Qred at McClure and Fiaolgau proved fata'. Tlis horse started to run, and the murderers pur sued. Whca the horse circo to a stand fcU.l one of the men stood in front of hiio with a rifle and prlercsd his bead a t'j'lct. Met' ute was banging from th- wagin wi t soas lifa still In bioj. ' To make sure of b'.a duh be was rtiot again. The murderers then reloaded the rifle to "hoot any holy else who C4me alor.g. They afterwards hid ti. mmt nd rlfl-s lu the ground. About $10,003 0f tj8 $1-J.0J0 bs Uen rM7sr3. The Prohibition Amendment. There teems t be little doubt io any ourier bat the Prohibi ion emeodment will pass the present legislature, and in that event, ticeordiog to the constitu tion, must "be sunmiited to the quali fied electors of the Sia e. in such id tu ner and at such time, at leewt three months after being so agreed to by the two Houses, as the general assembly shall prrscribe." This will probably neesUa:e a special election, and, aa all experience proves, a light vote. By hurrying np action on the amendment in the legislature it m'ght be voted on at the town and city elections the third Tueadav o( Febuary, and a fu I vo'o secured, but this in not Drobable. In his message. Governor Beaver advo ca es aubntission, but urges than the election b- he!d as early as May or June, so that the vo'e upm it my b taken without any admixture of partisan poli tics or local interest to perplex the voters. The opponents of Prohibition In the legislature will probably endeavor to modify the proposed amendment by making provision for compensation ; but this Idea was voted down two Tears ago and is not likely to fare better at this time. I's adopiiou would natnrel ly make the amendment a new one. and necessitate its parage by the legisla ture elected in 1890 before it couid be sunmitted to a vote of the people. There is good deal of speculation as to the fate of the amendment on the popular vote. The liquor interest, at one time disposed to make light of any prediction of its approval by the people, now oonsiders the question more seri ously, and is apprehensive it may secure a majority. It will piobably make a detei mined fight, and will have tbe sinews of war in abundance, as the tr3c in its various forms in this State represents many millions of invested capital and thousands of employee. Tbe farmers Wl!! also have a money in tereet ic tbe question, as Pennsylvania ried more rye than any S'ate (oearly 4 000 000 bushels), and about one fifth ot the product or the Union. This is almost entirely so!d to distillers, while tbe barley product (about 200.000 bush els) goes to the brewers. Toe Prohibitionists, assuming that tbe amendment will be submitted, are already making ffotta to secure a ma jority for It. A combination of all the temperance organizations in tbe Sate is proposed, and tbe Initial steps to se cure it will be taken at a meeiicg to be held in Pittsburg to-day, under the auspices of the Ministerial Association. A campaign committee will be created to which all temperance organizations of ihe State, inclodingthe Sane of Tem perance. Good Templars, Womfn'a Christian Troirisne Union, Gospel Temperance Union, Murphy Associa tion and Ca bolic To'al Abstinence So ciety, will be invited to elect delegates. This committee, or a subxcommiltee from it. will take charge of tbe canvass, and, of course, will have the active aympathv and material aid of nloe ten'hs of the Pro-estant churches of the 5 ate. Alt this represents a powerful force in influenceing public opinion. Tbe chairman cf the Prohibition State committee has isued a call for a con vention of representatives of all tem perance organizations In the State at Harnsburg February 5, and the Phila delphia committee has called a !oct convention of the same character, to meet in that city January 21. Ex Chatinjn Campbell, of the Catholic Total Atlnenee Societies of the PhWade fcba archdiocese, states he fee's crr'aKi their societies will not J !n tne movements above indicated, and inttmats a majority or the mem be s favor high license rather than Pro hibition, as a more waclicable measure. The nearest approach we nave had in this yr ate to a vote on Prohibition was at the local op' ion election iu 1S73, when tbe qus' Ion of license or no li cense was submitted to the people. The cities and many of the boroughs of the Slate void separately from tbeir coun'ies. Forty one counties vo'ed agains- licerse. a.,d 24 for for license, tl. aee rebate showing a maj-riiyof 4.000 for license. Twenty-fonr cities end boroughs voted spperately. and rave a roajori'y for license of 4C.73J, Showing a majority In tbo State egainst Prohibition of 51 2.J4, on a very light rote ; certainly not half the yote that would be drawn to tbe ol's on the straight issu in M ly or June. Pnlla delphia gave 27 033 mtj.irity for license. IMisburg 7 432 Allegheny 2 204. and B-rks coon'y 8 000. It may be said both parties are strong er now than they were in 1873, and will make a more desperate battle. An im mense business interest., threatened with acnihiUMon, will take one side, and a powerful and entrusiastic moral and religious sentiment tbe other. B tween the two there will be the great mass of cidz-ns. sympathizing to some extent with ihe oi j-cts of the Prohlbl tiqnists, but having no confidence in the practicability or efficacy of their ex treme policy, even should it be adopted, to do auht else than promote in more ot j-cttocable Torm tbe very rvil at which It strikes. It may be said that this sentiment has been rtrongly en forced by tbe working of tbe license law of tbe last legislature. As mat ters stand, we believe Prohibition will be rejected io this Stata by not less tban a hundred thousand majority, and that the existing license law will ma terially aid In this result. It solves tbe question an evil miybe regolated but t.ot prohibited, as public sentiment now stanas. And yet again a crnsade may may be started that wltl carry away the sympathies of the people the woueo and churches being important factors and the result of the vote may be much closer ; but in any event, considering the forces 4id interests In the Impend ing conflict. It does not at all Beem pro bable tbe radical mendment, prohibit ing the macuractnre and sale wi boat compensation to vested interests, can be carried on the popular vote. l2t- bxtrg rosL The Farmer got There. TheCtrbondale Lecler tells bow a couple of sharpers got b-at at their own game a few days ago. It was the same old story tbe sharpers "wanted to buy a farm." A strsneer accosted and old bnrkwheater from Aratat and gave him fcSOto bind h bargain for tbe sale rtt bis farm at $3 000. Soon after the chap'a partner in sin met the o!d man and in formed him that Fall Brook coal com pany wauted bis place at 6 000 and that it would pay him to raise fl.OOO to get a release from the other fellow. Bat the unsophisticated fellow from the rural district was an honest man. He woo'dn'r ttar his word for tbe pit tance of $3,000 ; oh no ! And threats didn't mve bim. II started forborne In his rickety rig. renstng on the vanity of the world with $50 ic bis pocket and as his beech gad cut through the air he was beard to exclaim. "G'lang. Nancy ; we're honest men, we Is, and an old buckwheat farmer gets around occasion ally." Tbe Terwlet raaalwaai. W. D Suit Droeet.t. Binoos. Ind.. testi fies : "1 can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every Jxitt'e sold has Riven re. let la every case. One man took six bottles, and was cored of Rheuma tism of 10 years' etandin " Ahrsham Hare, drngcMt, Bellyille. Ohio, affirms : The bet seiiioK medicine i bave ever han dled In my 20 years' experience, Is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have add -d their teetlmnnv. so that tbe verdict Is nnn imons that E'ectrle llntera dn en e a l ills eae of the Liver. Kidaeya or Brnod Only nn aons' a oouie at the urn store of r- oames, reDsuors, and 7. Y. McAtfer. Lot e lt. A Direct Tote for President. The failure of tbe recent choice of pris'.dentlel electors to refi-ct eorreo tly tne will of tha m-jority of tbe the voters bas bad tbe effect of calling at tention to the : faults of the electoral system of choosing a president. The press withont distinction of par'y bas commented very freely on tbe incongru ity presented In the result of tbe late election, of a majority of the electoral vote for a. candidate who received a smaller number of votes at tbe polls t can one of bis competitors. To is same subject bss attracted tbe attention of eonzressand li-presentative. Spring er of Illinois bas siven nolioe of an amendment to the federal constitution be intends to propose which would abolish the e'etoral college and give to each Slate the numUr of presidential Trrres to which t -would beentiiieU un der tht electoral sysm. but would sub stitute a direct vote for presidential Qaudidtte for tbe present indirect vote throuzh electors. Mr. Springer's pro position farther conremplates a pro pomonal vote for president in each State by dividing tbe whole number of votes cast by the number of presiden tial votes to which the S'ate is entitled, tbns finding tbe ra'io fur a presidential rote and giving eaeh candidate as many votes as tbe ratio would be contained in the number of votes cast for him at tbe polls, tbe candidate having tbe largest fraction of a ratio is a remain der to be entitled to any additional presidential vote that must be deter mioed by tba consideration of fractions or remainders. The proposition of Representative Springer is correct in principle and per fectly fair to every candidate and parry. Uuder this plan of cboneing a President tbe people could vote direcly forthe candidate and every vote, whether cast in Vermont or Texas, would count. It would wipe out sectionalism as a politi cal 'actor, break tbe solid Sntb as well as tbe solid North. A Republican can didate for President would have bis vote counted for bim in every Southern S:ate and tbe Democratic candidate would get bis proportional return in every Northern Str.te. Under this plan there could be oo "pivotal S.ate," therefore tbe expenditure of immense sums of money to carry any particular S:aie would be useless end the corrup tion of elections would be cfc'-cked to that extent. Ta-rs is really no good reason why this proposition should not be incorporated in the federal constitu tion in ifeu of the present elee oral plan. It !s a pity, though, that Mr. Spring er has tacked on to bis proposed amend ment a provision extending the presi dential term to six years. He should make baste to sperate the two. Tbe present term of the presiaercy in long aeongb. As already democs'rated in these columns foextend the presid-ntlal term is a step toward Caarlsm. Eitt er the powers of the executive must be greatly diminished or no attempt should be made to prolong the time for his accounting to the o-ople for his steward ship. Lst Mr. Springer stick to his electoral propositi and try bis other Idea by the test of true Democracy be fore r.e insists npon coupling the two in the same constitutional amendment. llarrislurq Patriot. Eailway Wreckage Tor 1SSS. If the number of railways and the amount of cp!tal obliterated by fore closure sales could be taken as an in dex of the condition of railway bufl cess the showing for 1SS3 when com pared with that of ormer years would be a hopeful one. Nineteen roads, w.tb mileagH of 1 5'M mtles and capitalized ai 64.5o5.000,were sold during tbe year. In but ir-reeor the last thirteen ye?g was the wreckage smaller in 1SS1, when aix'eeu road, wttb a total length or 807 miles; In 1552 eighteen roads, with 1.334 miles, aud in 18S3 fif'eeo roods, with 710 miles, were sold. Meas ured by the capital invested 1SSG was the most disastrous year of tue thir teen, the foreclosed rods of that eaf being capital ix-d at $374 100 000. Toe next io the list was 17. wi'ii $32 181 000 of foreclosed cpi a'. To t.irJL closures of 137-1 tnvi.'v d $311 031 000 those of 1SS3 $278 404.000 ana aoo) down the lis;, th- forecioxuiea rr t a thirteen y ars beginning with 176 In volving 423 rllwHys. with a tt.'al mile age of 43 770 miles and a com Lined c.pltal or $2 544 025 000, or twenty eight per cent, of mo entire mileage and 30 per cent of tbe present railway Capital of tbe country. These figures place the average annu ' al rate of the foreclosure for the en ire ' feriod at tbir y-two railways wih 3 3G7 miles of track and $15.703.461 of o.rv i ital and a year iu which ouly one half the average mileage and one third the average capital passes into foreclosure might be supposed to be an exception ally prosperous year. Unfortunately the foreclosures do not tell the whole nor even an sra porta nt part of tbe story. Most foreclosure sales arc tbe result t,f several years' standing and represent the nctoaf railway failures of a former period. Very rarely indeed do rail ways paas into tbe hands of tbe receiver and the auctioneer la- tbe same year. Toe record of railway receiverships In arjy given year will probably furnish a more accurate test cf tbe condition of railway interests than tbe record of foreclosures. Tested by ihte s andard the year 1S8S appears to bave been as dista'rous in tbe matter of railway wreekage as the avearge of tbe past th.irIarB- Twenty two railways, with 4.270 miles of track and capitaliz ed at $186 -814 000. passed into tbe banda of receivers during the year. It ia evi dent from these figures that increased railway prosperity need not be looked for until the building of lines for which no adequate business exists and the waging of rulnone ra e wars eease. The showing of tbe past year certainly does not encourage people with moLey to invest to put into railway stocks or bonds. Phila. Timrt. A Beat Kaas a Traia. Lakahie Citt, January 8. The overland fast freiKbt train on the Un ion Pacific yeS'erday brought tbe man gled body of James Sumner, a brake man, who bad been thro wq from tbe top of tbe train by a goat while 'be train was at a Ltgh rate of speed. Tbe animal belongd to a theatrical company, and got on the train at Cbeyeune. it is supposed, from a low shed adjoining the water tack. Arter tbe train left Cheyenne tbe goat chewed the bell cord awaiie aad then drove two of tbe brate mea to the caboose. where tbey remain ed in mortal terror. belieiCg i he animal was a wildcat. Sumner was on tbe front of the train, and bad not seen tbe goet nntil tbe latter rushed at and struck bim when be lost bis balance ana ten. xbe train was a'opped us soon as possible and run back. Sum nersbodv was found lying beside ih track. His ntck had bettn broken. A cowboy laseoed the goat when the train arrived here, and tbe Coroner ordered him to tbe pound p ndiog inquest. A Wenu'i Blaeeverr "Another wonderful dieoyery bas been made and that too By a ladj In tbU eoonty. Disease fastened lis tlntchea nuuu her .. te.tT t. wiistood Its Mv rea . uigua wnc unueriDUl a I nid deih oem-H tra.mnu.. u- .v. siaaaasiua-ajSk. J VI a,iirse months abe conshe 1 incessantly ana roald not sleep. Sue biQ3ht of ns a bottle of D'. ; Kind's New Discovery for Consninntlau and was so much relieved on takiog flrnt dee that sne slept all niebt and witn one b. tllo has been mirarn'ously enred. Her nam- in Mrs. Lather Lutx." Thus writ- W. C. . Ha-nrlck Sc. fjfl. of Sbelnv. X. C, (i t . ,r" '' hottle at the drng atore or E. I James. EOenatjurg, and W. W. McAteer. i Loret'.o. lEHS AH D OTHEB XOTISGS. ' Tbe combined wealth of the Yandeib it family is aid to foot op 2a4 000 000. On that tbey should fee able to eat two kinds of pie for breakfast without even touching the principal. - . - ,. leven vessels bound to, or from Phil adelphia went to the bottom or the ocean in 1888. ' with 118 lives.. Sine wore were wrecked, but fortunately no lives were lost. The property swallowed np with these 20 Teasels was valued at 850.000. Thirty memrers of the crew of the steamship Scythia deserted her as she was about to sail from Boston for Liverpool on Saturday. They claimed that the vessel was overloaded. The departure was post poned until new bands coald be hired. ' Patrick KiMly. cattle' dealer, was gored by a steer be was driving at Roh res town, LancasUr coui.ty."Tti!irs1ay 'afternoon. His arra was broken, shoulder dislocated, and he was alao tnjared Internally. lie is pronounced to be in a critical condition. -An Arkaneaw girt eff a front tooth at tbe root while she was preparing to attend a wedding. Lot the accident did not keep ber at home. The fastened the tooth with bees wax, and tbouaht nothing more about the operation until she swallowed the tooth at tbe weddlug snpper. A few years ago John Koch was tha millionaire owner of Terraee Garden In New York and was Instrumental In bring Ing Theodore Thomas to this conntry. Kch Is now making a bare living as pro pjletor of a road bonse near Scranton. Pa. Oo Wednesday he was sent to Jail for 20 days for belling liquor on Sundays. Advices from Samoa aay that tbe Ger man uan-or-war Olaa lost twenty men kil'td and thirty wounded out of a party of one hundred and twenty men sent to a3slst Taojaese against Vataefe. Tbe German were compelled to retreat to their boats. Tbe commanders of the British and Amer ican men-of-war received an Intimation of the German iatentlons. but tbey remained inactive. -Joseph L. Woodbury, a young man em-, ployed in the Minneapolis postoffice. handed In bis resignation tbe other day, and told the surprised official that be Intended to be an Indian cif from that time ont. IJe wasn't Joking, for be reftliy Is an Indian chief, being the son nf tbe late Hon. llole- ! the-Dy, Chief of tbe Chippewa nation, and be bas gone to aocceed bis father at tbe Chippewa reservation. At a cireus fair iu Orovllle, Cal., there were several mammoth exhibits of oranges. Thty Included an immense golden heart, covered with thousands of oranges; a grand monument on w bieh were displayed 10.000 samples or the fruit, and a hogh basket In which were piled np 12,150 oranges. An other splendid exhibit was a Jspanense pagoda, in which nearly C.000 oranges and lemons were displayed. Suit bas been entered at Reading agalnbt the county of Barks by James W. M. wlio, a Philadelphia attorney, to re cover J3 593 39. commissions for collecting from tbe Commonwealth overpaid taxes. Tbe minutes of tbe County Commissioners show that Mr. Newlio was paid f700 for services rendered before the Stste Reve nue Commissioners." Tbe claim for addi tional compensation will be restated. Tbe ba i keeper of one of tbe large New York note is bas decided tbe Interesting question of tbe value of new year "swear otTs." lie says that be has noticed that im mediately after the first of the year tbe re ceipts for drinks fall off on an average 35 per eeoi.. but as the month advances they gam Bteadi!y,rand by February 1st they are back to tbe starting point. A "swear off," therefore, will generally last about Todays. Tbe infant child of David Ze.leara. laborer, residing In tbe southeastern part of Columbus, Ohio, apparently died Thursday morning. The undertaker tock charge of the remains and placed them Jo a coffin on Friday mora log. The parents and friends assemt'ed and had taken a last look at the remains. Tbe undertaker was Preparing to remove them when be no' iced tbe chi.d breathe. A pVtcUn was summoned, and he indications are that tbe child will re cover. General Master Workman ?n'.rb Mid ou M mday morning, when questioned about the Proposed new laoor trder to be established by James L. Wright, R. W. Keen and others", that the movers mke a number o charges against the Knight of ijcor, not one or which tbey can maintaia. . "It to k these men ten years." said he, "be- fore tiey disao'sevij taat tbe order wae fouodel on wrong principles. I can only : say that if tbe friends of this proposed new labor organization don't do more for it than i tbey did for the old one. it won't amount to 1 much. A double stage robbery occurred last Saturday night at Cloverdale, CaU The down atage from Kendocino City was stopped near Pbile about 11 o'clock by a masked Mgbwayman, who demanded the trea&nrer-bux, and holding a revolver io one band, took the box from the driver with the other. He thanked the driver, and ordered htm to drive on. Qe then remarked, "Good night, gentlemen." The stage had only gone a few hundred yards when It met tbe UP stage from Ctoverdale. and tbe driver remarked be also had-been robbed, but gave no details. Tbe express boxes were all that were taBem Satorday afternoon a number of farm ers gathered at WUhans Porter' grist mill, at New Hope, W. Va.. as is their custom on Saturdays, to obtain their supplies of flour. A number ware talking in the boiler house when the boiler exploded, enmplete'y wrecking the mill. Joseph French. Thomas Carter, Levi Shields and John Wttnmer were Instantly killed, their bodies being blown Into ahreds. Ill Shields died from bis Injuries on Sunday. P ieces of the fl.-sn-bad dropped froa the arms of Yvade Shof fe barger. exposing the bones, and hs Cesth wlilaoeo cooie. Joremiab Carter and Wil liam Carter were alee seriously injuied. John L. Salllvan, accompanied by sev eral piomlner.t backers, arrived at Toronto Cacada, on Monday morning. At the It.js sin bouse be met Kilraln's representatives. Tbseatsof police Interference frightened tbe parties Into a refusal to sign articles, but the following arrangements were made: Tne fight is to be for $20,000 and the cham pionship belt, which is now held by Kll valn, and will take place near New Or leans July Ik Tbe next deposit of 1-5 eoo will be made with the New York Clipper A pill 13. when the final stake bcJder will be chosen. Tte referee will be ehm-en at tbe ringside. Tbts Is tbe result of the con ference so far. Tne articles will nrobablv be signed on tbe train to night. Friday Engineer John Clark. William McFerran. and William Shearer got into the cage to descend to tbe bottom of the shaft at the West Lelsenring Mine of the Connellsville Coke & Iron company. The fireman, who was running the car. bad failed to reverse bis engine, and the cage started up Instead of does. It reached the ton ot tbe tipple-house, one hundred feet high, with great violeeee. and broke tbe I rope. This precipitated tbe cage and its three InmiU. tnree in mates to tbe bottom of the mine. six hundred feet down. It was .about four a. . a.a . i uuui oeiore tne oodles were recovered, and tbey were found to be f o mangled as scaee ly to be recognized. Clark leaves a wl ei and two children. The other two were un- ' mar r U-d. ,It la charged that tbe fireman wse a new band at the cage, also that be Is very : bard of bearing.. The responsibility tor j tJB accident b being iDVKtlgfttd. GO TO.&EIS, EOSTS; No. 113 Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa., FOR BRUSSELS, VELVET, WOOL AND RAQ CARPET, LINOLEUM, LACE CURTAINS RUGS AND STAIR PADS. HEADQUARTERS FOR DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY. William Mann, an artiMt,' of New York City, shot and killed bis niece, Carile Jones, and committed suicide in aa uptown tenement on last Saturday. She was a married woman and been living with Mann as h is w i fe f or se yeral yea rs. The worn a n 's husband, whose name is Stephen Jones. Is a carpenter living io Pougbkeepsle. and has not lived with his wife for 12 years. A 14 year old son of Jones and tbe woman who bad deserted bim la thought to have been tbe cause of tbe trsgedy. He lived with bis mother, and Mann wished to get rid of bim and had frequent quarrels with the woman on the boy'a scoount. She would not give up the boy. No one saw the shooting or beard the quarrel which probably led up to K. ... . A Lewistown. Me., police officer In passing a dark alleyway beard a strange noise. It was a voice in the tones ot sup plication. The words were undistlnguisb able. It was about 2 o'clock in tbe morn log, and tbe officer drew his 6hootina iron and bis club and hastened to tbe spot. As be neared it, tbe tones grew louder. Some one was shouting in a loud voice, from tbe back end of a horse sbed. The officer was not a little surprised to flind the object of bis search io tbe peraon of a devout soldier of the Salvation Army, who was out In the cold and the darkness of tbe darken hour making bit petitions. The officer passed a good morning, and akd tbe soldier to lower his voice a few octaves. Tbe soldier compiled and the officer departed. More tbau 190 language and dialects are current In India and British Barman, with thlr 256.000,000 of people, and tbe dis tinct alphabets cf these eonctrles, many or which are very elaborate, outunmber al! others In the world. Sime 40 different al phabets or eylable systems, each having from 250 to 600 combinations, are used to represent the sounds nf the 150 languages, and more than 10.000 different signs and types have been elaborated from the origi nal alaphabet to represent tbe 50 different sounds all that tbe combined Indian ver naculars contain. As these simple sounds cannot all be represented by the 26 letters of the English alphabet. 24 letters of tbe English phonetic alphabet are captmed and and made to do service in this new Englieh phonetic alphabet.and we then bave one aim. pie alphabet taking tbe places of 40 or more and becoming available as tba written lan guage of 200.00o.000 of people who bave no written alphabet, because they don't know just bow to use on. Whiskey Kills. Ilow often are we yet to be told that whiskey kills ? Arsenic kltl ; opium kills, and so do hundreds of other good remedies kill ir abuf.d instead of wed. But ask tbe question. "Will whiskey cure ?" "Yes V Is the positive reply of tbe moet eminent phy sicians of all tbe laud. Lisease steals into your system like a sneak thief Into your bouse, and often by neglecting a bad cold, we end our days la lingering, and wishing for health when. Indeed, one Bottle of Purs Whitkev or Brandy would bave cureo the cold. Such gouds may be scare, but they can se found at Mtx Kleins. 82 Federal street. Allegheny. His '"Silver Age" Is he only whisky endor-ed by tie doctors. You I can get tne pure tiuckenhf Imer, Firtch or 1 (iiron Rve at $1.90 per quart or six quarts j for $5 00 Send for price list. j Tbe treatment of many thonfunds of crises ef thoFe ctirnic weekiiex-s and cjieLnsrmg ailtnentB pt-culiur to f'iiw !.-. ar tbe iuvmii' Hotel aud Surjricul ltiexuie, ItuCalo. Ji. as afforded a vast exiife-jence in riKtrly sdaj t iCK and tljoroutiliiy te--tiii(r remcdiea for tbe irre of T-onmu pfuhur iMaindica, Ir. l'lorce'a favorite frescrlpllon ! the outgrowrh. or rcsirtt. of thig g-ret end raliiable experti-nee. TImiiisuikIs of testlmo buUm. received from patit-nu and from pbyal mmtm wbo have ttU'd ic in tbe more kgirra vatc-d uid obstinnto ma hit-b had tinitled their skill, prove it to Ire the moet wonderful remedy ever devised for tke relief and cure of auCertug wom.-n. It is net n-cunimenoed aa a cure-a!l," but as a iniwt perfect Specinc for weman'a iecullnr silients. Aa a powrrlel, lurlrorattng tonic. It tmpar( Hrenyiu to the win. I,- system, and to tbe woaso and its oppend.-itrea in particular. For overworked, worn -out." ruii-doTvn." del:li:Ud teeeliers. millint-ra, aresHniaWem, Searuetressee..8iifi-Birliv," bouso keeiieia, aurs:iiir niotiK-rs, and feeble women Eenenilly. Ilr. rien-e's l"avor:fe rreecription . t!ie irrca'eet earthly boon. Ix-lr.g uncqimled as er appetizing coniinl anJ restorative tofiie. Am a aootlilii and eirenaibenlua; nervine, " Favorite ITercriptiou " Is unt. ounled and la iriVHluut.l.- t:i allsvino- and tub euinr nervous eveiLabniiy. irrilaliility, tl hnuMlim, pruKtraUou. u.Jtcria. ep:wnia and otlit-r 'Atrensirut, unrvuin tyutptonia eom n'xiiy at uckIhii t umu functuinal and orHOio disease of the worn It. It mil;i.-s refrbiiig ei'?fp and relievea uiuuii aiixtcty aud d-spond-ner. r. I'iiTfr'i Fa-arlte rreer I pt I on la a Iriliniate meiieiite, cat-, fully corapouiiGf.1 Ly en eierieiiiT-d and fkillful puysiriaii, and aiiapted to woman s dc'iinte oiiarii.c:i:.uu. It is vurfiy verrialite in its coiapwiiuii an-1 perfectly baj-inls in ita effect Itj a"y ooiid.un of the system. For rorniiir a.i-kness. fr nausea. fr'm whatever cause misiuir, wKuk. t4oniKih, ini'.iestion, dvs pepRiaarl kindi-ed rvmnlnmn, its use, in small dons, will prove ver benetteial. Inrorlle Preacrlplion la a posi. IItc cure for tbe. mi coniplicsted and ob eUnate cases of leueorrhea, excecsive flowing, painful menstriiHt-oii. unnutural eupprcseions, prolnpsus. or faTin of the womb, weak hack, female weakiiea,'t'anreversion. retroversion, hearing-down naaUuiis. chronic congestion, ' iiillainiiintlon erd ulceration of the woinK In- ' flammntion. pain and tenderness In ovaries, accompanied with "internal rn-au Aa n reajBlaior and promoter of fu no tional aetiou. at tbat critical M-riod of changa from irirlhooxl to womnnbood. " Favorite Pre scription " la a perfectly safe remedial asenr, and can produce only good rult.s. It is couaCy ertWoiou and valuable in its effect whon tnken for those disorders and dcranjre tnenta incident o that Inter and tnot critical period, known as "The fliange of Life." iai write I'rearripllon.n when taken In cinne-tion with tbo use of Dr. Pir-rce's Oolden Medicnl Discovery, end fmsll lsmtive doses of Dr. 1'ierce's Purrntive Fi llets djttle Liver VllleK cure Liver. Kidney and lilndder diseases. Their comV,.r 1 Ufe also removes blood taints, and abolishes ennceroua aud scrofulous humors from the evpm. MraTorile Pretcrl ptlon is the only medicine for women, sold by dru-r-isr.s. under poaitl guarantee, frrnj t.'ie tnanu-lax-turers, th;.t it wltl (rive But 1st act 'on In every ease, or money will oo refunded. This guaran. See bns been printed on tlte bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for msny ytmrs. Large hot t lea riOO doses) 1.00, or aix bottle tor S5.00. large, iUustrateJ Treatise on Disease of women (100 pages, ri-r-covered. aoud tea , cents In stamps. AtiUn ss. World'. Disps.isary tsdicol liswlilioB, 1RGIHIA FARMS TOR SHU f turn. SO to 10.0.W cr.s i a ic. aero, tiood niark.s. jienfhv .itr : ... era.i.i. w -n rrr iVi ,r,,c SH'.'' carl lirviasrrus -PRACTICAL- ; AUD DEALER IN 1 0-JlB. t a JAMES & MAYER BUGGY CO. -i-.i.XEl iin'l.,I.H... JVjCanTjilxctnr-o FARHIERS' k 11 -f1" StyHsli, Beet EiBlied and Most Cuxchla nsfe priced VEHICLES ever oflered in America. Bend for full Illustrated Catalogue, . 57, 59 and 6 1 Elm Street, ? CINCINNATI, Ohio. O-ioa. 11 -'e rimm. TTT m m. a Zmm I UBW. YT WAUAi i II rT'kOJN ALU K UUI-Mu.N. J--' ATrOKNEY-AT-LAW, ( ' . tlaajtuacae. Tsua'a ... OfBce 1b Coluacada Hum. H. H. M YE its. ATTOHNET-AT-LAW, ' Eaapsacae, ra " av-Offlo lCllonada Row. ea Centra atraat. GEO. M. READE, ATTOBNET.AT-LAW, ' Ebbsbc, ev. , -OfSoa MGestn street. r--r i.j M. D. KITTELL, Attorney-or.juaw, s ' EBCXSBU&tt, PA. Offlea Arnorf Fmlldlag, pp. Coo rt Honda. T.W. DICK. Attorkit-at-l.avt. Ebenabara;, Pa. OPT fa la bnlldlng ol T J. Lloyd, dee'd. (6m floor,) Cantra street. S.l BiAnaer laaraF kaetnaaa attoodod to aatlrfaeto j ril aad eallaaUana a specialty.- IO-14.-M. . JR- cds hoc. S4 GRAXT JSTREET. e- . , - . PlTTSBCROH. Pa. FOR BALE-STEAM Kfitiin ts. VLKY . Tl re Fans, Boiler and Sheat-lron Worl:. -Second-hand eoalaeaand tiollaraoa hand. InK euirlnes lad msrhlnerr m specialty. TH ild Aa UAKLIN, Alie-beoy, Pa. (Jaa.W.-lj .) L I. JflBTS'.OT, 1. J tSTABLT nED 1872. BCCS, A. W. BFCl. FSTA BUSHED 1SSS. Johnston, Boot & Co. nn,.iu omi umu nil 15dlii BANKKUS, I CirrcEta, Pi, IhistaT?, T. A SH4RBAUGH. A. W. BUCK. Cashier. General Baniini Business TraDsactf.: DobblDS Electric S02F t-as ruer. t i.i'osirs Koeolva.- parah'e eo d.iaa-.d, a.,d Nnt-rest boar Iok cortincatea Issue i to ,m,a dopolui a. co.aXN Katendod te enatotnera on laroraM. totma and appiorod t)aj.r ul-coauted at ail tiioea. si.a.rrriw Mads In the l(abty ana upoa all the h rain towo. in tbo Coiued Nt.,, Cbrg uiout t.. I'KAFTh Isaned nscoMahle In all i.rt r.r o,. sr&oi: " '---. r;: A4-airsiTia Of morrhaata, farmers un ot e-s , ra'nraa are Fiomi ... - n 1 ' b.h.1.1 r.ol.y mm.VmZi c'. tl..l t-,e, min ho treaied as lit, raliTIs a- .1 beokloa a os n perxli " Jll!STOM. BI S K 0. ST. FRANCIS', COLLEGE. LOKETTO.PA, lit CHAHSR 4kF FRANCISCAN BKtmiERS..' Board ant. Tuition for the Scholnsfie YeRr. $M". M -re! S'h f ! Wa Kaea ft,r h e-ur. n--n 'r .1 . jalary tnS tpn er Ciinnastf- i,' vr t 1 . V (raw a fall lhi of fraat aad hantr wwwv . " eniS-lh arwia rarraartm, kmrrsVa, ri tlv ft.-- . SMtafaetisa Guaeairtood to Oaifomtii and Ao-' aaluaar awiv aga qptc w-rrd. Fn.n. a s "t u : S-RTNPct Watches, Clocks EWEMtY, - -A.V Optical Oocds. o - Sole Agent von rut Celebrated Eockford WATCHR8. Colamfcla and Fredonia Waltk lu Key and. Stem Winders. ASGE SELECTION or ALL ItfD of JEWELRY alwsyi on dm 4. AST My line of Jewelry Is ontatu,. Come and ee- f or yourelf betou son-sT iBg elewhere. v " ' tST" ALL WOKK GUARANTEED CARLRIVLMU tbensburg. Nov. 11, 1885--tf. t7j. i Li w K - !S. Kilssn W avtcbva t Pvor- G Sureriare, THE "VeUielo ff,4':r'?n""'- ouh. mas os t u v liOia r.jjan jen. endgf rt. r.-r a fno U. .e Cart-a3 V"'m B. V. C A C T ft 1 Ve Wet stt C'si eWUatS. OW., aV tfW sax 1 Sr UNDBRTAZS ASDMAlttTACTCBEB Of and der.lrr n all kind ol FCKMTrU XCteissl-ir'gr, I'a. -A tall line of Cackau always as h W Bodies Embalmet 1VHES KEUUItED. Apt ra si ft MURRAY M 1315 13IJ I For . the 'Ladies'. assortment and Child:'' " i' ' j . ' . rat the lowest passible cash pr go to Wm. Murray & Scn'i. ept. 2Sth, 1SSS. THE BEST FAMILY S(W -IN THE WORLD.- It is Stricllj Furs, UMfsmls ns rolsr ami blaacbea wmtes. wr IT wa.hea Sannsis aad blaakaa r1t, hi the world doa witnaut awu1 cbaot aoft aad white and Uka ara. Head this vm arHFRE is a rrreat sti"f S of aoan. of fjd. ana of the uwt ilf l u' Flccrnc Soap a uacd eerd'" eWR trinl arTlI UmoolRSJ l"r" . W . II r, rn to make that mat- mV T IKE ail beak ttiinr, ft m M tatad aad rountarfcttrd. peware of Imltatlfls rfSIST open Dobbins' V" e? Ma.rnetc. Etocrto-Maf o. P" erany other fraud, amiply h"a ' )' will ruin dothaa, aad ara dear m aay 4 noBBurs rxEcTKifJJ anil take no other. If early te M or too kaeo. it In atock. JMfejr . , a wUl oelor from kia nearest -1 V, trZf T) EAO oarefaily tbe 'TZ. dtrTt Ji bar. aad ao t Tv"".t mm each ooaxde rT- Jia U.-' wait loneaa before try-ia- far jourt&l aad smly wonderful ...Cafll Dobbins'TEleotno'"" J W l-rw V.''JwAatS4' THE oHrW forma! fcr srtieh fJ,( tnrnty vrrt k nTrl- T.. ekanred m the al.ght. ''Til Iftcnlieal la ajualUy " tlmt made twenty J ear IT coiuaina nolhlof y" Inrslha flneat rl 1 ne