The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, November 16, 1888, Image 4

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    Farm oUs.
After the wheat has beeu threshed
the straw la stacked ia the tarujsrd and
the stock turned lo to eat a portion
wnilo trampling the larger proportion,
in the mud. The bay ia carefully
stored in tbe baru loft, while tbe corn
stalks remain in tbe shocks and are left
In the Geld to topple over and become
wasted. Every pi.uud of hay saved ia a
pound gained, and with more care of
th strnw and stalks tbe bay will winter
a large number of cattle. The itraw Is
considered of but little value, yet tbe
farm can bo impoverished )j selling oil
tbe at raw. Of icorgauic matter 10OO
pounds of what contain leas than a
pound of lime, but lltt'e over two pounds
of potash, aud no; as much as a pound
of phosphoric acid, though containing
largely of starch and nitrogen. Tbe
maw contains in its composition nearly
three times as much lime as hi giis,and
three times as much phosphoric acid.
These proportions are. seemingly small,
but tbey amount to a large quantity
where hundreds of tons of V.raw are
grown. Over So pounds of ash exist in
1000 pounds of straw, which is more
than double tbe amount of ash in the
grain, and in feeding value the wheat
is well woilb being cared for, as four
tons of straw are equal to one ton of tbe
best hay.
Experiments appear to have proven
that acid apples with white flesh make
the best product when dried. In large
establishments apples are prepared for
the evaporator by machines that psre,
core and slice the apples In one opera
tion. Hand prepared fruit, Dot beir.g
divided into uniform pieces, does do:
dry as evenly and present as attiactive
appsarance. orm manufacturers p'ace
the apples when they come from the
parer into a solution of salt and water
one pint of salt to ten gallocs of
water. This Is thaujht to cut the gum
on the fruit and clean if, also to prevent
fermentation and acid in bleaching.
A Minnesota grain grower says that
any farmer can bate good seed if be wl'l
constantly practice careTul selection.
In the spring of 183 he procured from
a dealer fifteen kernels of Welcome oats
for trial. He has raised four crops
from these oats, and their product, tbe
last giving him 124 bushels, machine
measure, and tbey are tbe heaviest oats
in tbe market.
An exchange remarks thtt wLen trees
or shrubs are set in habitually dry
ground, a pail or two cf water, applied
when tte trees are planted and when
tbe hole ia twj-third filled in, wi'l be
beneficial. If the hole be then filled
with loos earth, and a mulch of sttaw
added, the roots wiM be likely to keep
moist throughout the season, and the
ground will not become picked oa the
Given in winter cooked fool fed
slightly warm, as it is pret'y sure to be
is eaten more rat Uly and dots more
good than that uncooked. Cows in
create their yield of milk on it, nail all thihe better than previously.
When vegetables are stored in cellars
they must be kept from fermenting, as
they surely will ferment when piled in
large bulk. Tola may be accomplished
by piling on as to allow some circula
tion of air among them, or by pocking
In barrels.
Raising Frop for Market.
Ever since American epicures devel
oped a taste for tbe legs of frogs, about
twenty Ave or thirty yeais ago, the pos
sibtlity of raising fros in private ponds
as trout are rained bus received a deal of
attention. Among those who have
tried it !s Mr. Fred Mather, the fish
culturist of Cold Spring Harbor, L. I
Tbe late Seth Green a'ao experimented
with frog spawn for two years. Mr,
Mather says that it is do trouble at all
to gather frog sptwn and hatch mil
lions of poliiwogs, and the polliwogs
may be easily fed on both meat ard
Tegetsbles, for they eat both. So far.
raisins frogs Is easy. But when It
comes to caring for the frog after he
has left tbe tadpole state tbe enterprise
fails. Mr. Mather says he Gcds. as
Seth Cireen did, that all that was ne
cessarv was to procure insects in suffi
cient quantities to fetd the frogs, bu
to one can procure the insects. Meat
and vegetables each as mbl rerun-
won't do even aood meat alone is not
frog food, and Mi. Mather says that i
It were it would cost too much. To
make frog culture a success the cultur
1st must at tbe same time become
brf edcr of beetles, fl'es, musqitoes and
other injects and snails.
Mr. Mather savs that even if th ins
sects could r raised for food tbe pisai
bility of making a frog pond pay wou'd
rot be great. Il.g frogs et up the lit
tie ooes for one thing, and besides that
It taas several perhaps 10 years for
a frog to reach a roirke table, size. Th
actual time required for growth is n
known, but Mr. M tthersavs that many
of the poKiwogJ do not get their Uws
until the next season alter they are
batched, which shows tbey are of very
alow growth.
Occassional!? a story describing a
frog farce has been printed in some of
the papers. Mr. MatLer rays be b
Investigated everv story that seemed t
be trii4 and found theru all upocrjrSa
lie concludes that frog culture is a d
tusion aal that a paying frog farm can
sot now and probably never will be es
tablished. Foit a good, everyday household argej
give us a womau who lautrhs. Her b s
Suits may not always t just right, ard
so may occasionally burn ber bread and
tor f el to replace dislocated buttons, but
for solid comfort all day and every day
ahe 1 a very paragco. Homo Is not a
battlMleld nor life one unending row.
Tht trick of always seeing the bright
aide, of Bblniog Up the dark one. is a
ery important fa-.-ulty. one of the things
no woman should b. without. We a-
not all burn with th sunshine in ccr
hearts, as the Iriah prettily phrase it.
but we can cultivate a cheerful sense of
humor if we only try.
Stkfsotii of character is not mere
strength of feeling. It is a resolute
restraint of strong feeling. It
is unyielding resistance to whatever
vrculd disconcert from without orun
"tile us from within.
that the most delicate stomach will bear.
and all Uerm IH teases.
ThtnMt aelenilfle sad sueeesful Blood PurlO
r Superior lo qmnlae
Mr. John V. S'rhorfnh. Stint, It. O.. writes :
1 sot analarta la the Southern army aad tor a
rioted Tear a arte red from It debilitating- efforts.
1 was t rrlbly ran down when I heard ol Kuklao.
th. now quinine. It helped mo at esee. I
sained 3 rxrnada. liira not had such good
health la SO year.
Other lettera of a similar character from prom
la. nt lndilduals. wtlcri lump Kaaklne aa a
nnti ol uudoobted merit, wilt bo vent oa
Xe lera from the above persoas, (I Ting lull
details will be lent on applloatloa.
Kaaklne can be taken without any special med
ical aJvice. l a bottle. Sold by all draegtf u.
or seat by niail on receipt or price.
Tlifc KAihUNE UU..M Warren St., New York.
The Filler Organ
It wtnrfla ill tht hM of all rVta1 orrana. Tiom wte
1-wtr to ha the bt ontaa triMMild aa-TD-vln( Utm
nlwtj with th mrtta of cur Inatnioimta. Don?
te oar wurvl f t what Mv,but im vn4 pwK our
lastrutuentn. If no drttr sell uur oriUM la jour
jwxa ttjr, wnt9 to ia laciury.
fc1 in l for G-itb1 ScrxiHority atCln-
ctuua.ii in tt:stnl t:o aaler
loa iri&l ana .zert teat.
"Peerless" Traction and Portable
Engines. Domestic' and Creamery
Engines. Steam O'an? Plows. The
"Oeiser" Threahcr aad Cleaner.
TVtBCt Variable rrto-
I-tt IriproT-od arc! chrfft Saw-Jlill on 1
iMi'41't, t-ciiJ for cUtlcu U Ilia
Wo want n'--.t an 1 iutiio corruioaJcDeek
T. only Crai la
Peuu'a wnv make
a ii-ia!itT uT kca
tucky Smjile aal
rriir.j U.rae, I
iTOjai aoa nt
lul.a an I kevp
lOL.iacl.r In thalr (taUaa cue handreil koad ol
Mui-. all from four fot to tbe Ur- male
w. -ighin; 1 iUO lis., Ira I. Ariih.U i Co.. ft
S-t uuj Airnur, rittsbarcl). I'au al.!hlp
ped tw all au f the Stat, oa erdvr. Kotlung t
I fk-k.'i mock t be fKiLu la tbutr ttahlce.
4a" Corrnpoodcnce toiKatcU.
Xr.Sota Araeia, MmL MaMKkt, a 1.
St. Looia to Lee Aaeflea aad San Francisco,
iif: cf T,W mn DEECRER tZUtt
. ,,t-:iMi-roaivB.X.Y.
m -.. U W rwfWM. Iw .
o.' ia. r. x. . : rix si.
IS .."7 of Ll?"ll"". ureHuarrVn
mcV!31. Arrh "ewl. llillsdelphi" if.
5 V: fM
Vi T tiou Ard. fat.
2AC"w3aw-A X
ZX- . -w
v- 'A.l-4 V.-& V I V. -r
II f ff K T'n -a.MN everjwbrro. local
lhe vt wodeback's Barrow.
Through some parts of the State of
Connecticut it would be bard to pick
out a clover field of any size that did
not have a woodebuck barrow in some
of it. Sometimes they choose a site
somewhere undei the stone. wall which
surrounds tbe field, or if there is a large
rock, as is often the case, anywhere
about tbe middle of the field, the ani
mal will burjow under this as a very
choice location. Finally the roots of
an old apple-tree or other tree are often
chosen for its stronghold, the borrow
being dug down among them, tbe own
er seeming to possess a realizing atn o
tbat do man would ever dream of at
tempting to dislodge him from such
quarters. As is tbe case with excava
tions made for their habitations by
most foeaoiial mammals, the burrow of
a woodctnek at first decends obliquely
into tbe earth, then passes nearly hori
zontally for several feet, rises moder
ately for the last half of its length to
terminate in quite a spacious and round
cbamoer. which constitutes the ''living
room" of tbe entire family. In it tbe
female brings forth bar litter aud the
young remain there until tbey pair off
and dig their own homes elsewhere.
Such a burrow may be at least thirty
feet in length, so loog tbat one never
thinks of digging a woodchnck out, but
I have seen farmers bring np two or
three barrels of water on a cart and
drown the occupant of this subterran
ean establishment at short notice and
rejoice most heartily if the pair and
perhaps sever or eight quarterirrown
yourg are caught in at tbe same time.
Vety often I have captured them in
steel traps set at tbe mouth of the bur
row, taking the precaution to sprinkle
it carefully over with fine dirt. Oce
old woodebuck, I rememDer, construct
ed bis burrow almost in the center of a
twenty-acre clover lot, and every at
tampt to capture him in any tlad of a
trap utterly failed. It was the rarest
thiog in the world to even catch biua
s'.andiug up at ibt entrance of bis bur
row during the day, but frequently we
would see bira just bead and shoulders
ont of it. It seems to me I must have
fired tblrty or forty times at him under
such circumstances from the other aide
of.lbe stone wall which surrounded the
field, and that too, with a heavy old
fashioned muzzle-loading Kentucky
rifl, which at seventy five to a hun
dred yards was good nearly every time
for all small game. But here every
shot failed, a cloud of dust would puff
at tbe very entrance of tbe burrow each
time and I would confidently walk
over to pick him out, but no, next day
be was there again, looking out as
smiling as ever, lie was captorea fin
ally by my croelly tying a Colt's revolv
er to a stout stake driven down within
a few feet of the burrow and training
tbe aim down tbe entrance and then
tying a long string to th trigger. I
waited behind the wa'.l till he again
showed bimself when the success of tbe
device sealed his doom.
The Care or Lamps.
People who live in houses lighted by
gas escape moch tbat is disagreeable
in tbe care of lamps or their lack of
care. Bnt the Kerosene lamp is the
almost universal illuminator.
The best light is obtained from a
a lamp where the surface of the oil is at
all times at tbe same distance from the
burning part of tbe wick. Where, tbe
reservoir containing the oil is directly
under the burner, as iq most common
lamps, the blaze burns less brightly as
tbe oil decreases and the wick grows
more taity in supplying it. We need
an Improvement in hand lamps on this
Tbe wtck serTes principally to elevate
tbe oil, the combustion of its own sub
stance being very slight, but there is a
choice in wicks. Felt wicks are pre
ferable to woven, as they can be more
easily trimmed to give a good shaped
blaze. Some housewives in trimming a
wick will cut off all the black every
day. This is undaairable. for by pinch
log off tbe loose fibers and smoothing
over tbe tcp a better light Is obtained.
The Inside of the oil reservoir should
be carefully cleansed with sodadissolved
in water (tea spoonful to a quart of
water.) Bs careful to drain and dry
them well. This can be done easily by
standing them in the open oven a few
moments. Do not let the soda and
water corns in contact with anv bronze
or gilt about tbe cctslde of the outside
of the lamp.
Oil should be strained before it is pnt
nto a g'ass lamp. The burners ebou'd
be boiled In soda water once In a month
or two. If you live in or near where
there is a factory In which brass is
bandied take the turners there aid
have them dipped. It wil! cost bnt a
few ctnts, and they will look like new
Some burners give an excellent light
especially for winter, as they heat like a
small stove. One will very auiklv
raise the temperature, in an ordinary
sizej roam, flve degrees. People prac
tlce economy in all ways and use wide
ly a. Cerent means of saving a li-fr
which is a good thing to da but don'
for the sake cf jour eyes and heakl
economize oy using poor, worn out
burners oa your lamps, which rendr
combustion Imperfect, and would be
none too good If new.
Gathered Treasures.
Make each day a critic on tbe last.
In today already walks tomorrow
What men want Is not talent it is
Falsehood my have lis hoar but
has no t utnre.
A laugh Is worth a bundrtd groans
in any ma ket.
Thought Is tte prop.rty of those
only who can en.ertain ir.
The prjfent hoar is a' ways the
solemn bodr, the past has ceased to ex
ist, the future is out of reach.
Success in life is a matter not so
much of talent or opportunity, but ot
concentration and perseverance.
Whatever a man cannot amend,
either ia himself or in others, he ought
to bear patiently until God orders
A man who has not some woman,
somewhere, who believes in him, has
reached a point where aelfsr.epect is
Xoaaeates many lasportant AdTaatagea over all
other ire(&re4 Fuutls.
Makes Plump, Laughing. Healthy Sables.
Regulates th Stomach and Bowels,
j Sold by PrUKKiata. e BOc, J..OO.
Baby Portraits.
A Portfolio ol trantifufrbaby portraits, printed
in nne piaie paper ty patent pnoto process, sent
ti oe lo Mother of any Bahy bom wltaia a ye&r.
JErery Mother wants these pictures ; send at once.
tilTe Baby's name and age.
.WELLS, RICHARDSON fc CO., Propt-. Biirtingtoa, YL
1 n a t f. w e .
1 sVaV j"' " -l,-'rujULvje,a .aa, s ej
TJie American Iiive - Stocli Wasron.
For tUc Use of Bntclers ml StoclieiL Sares Tins, Latur and Eipense. '
No danger to the animal you are conveying-, or to your horsee. The animal
oea not Ket heated up, but is ready to kill aa aeon aa it reaohos the sla.ugb.te.
Mouao, and. your meat ta sound and "leaithy when it U brought to the block.
A for Cmtalw " S." Tor prioea, tonns acd cirx uUira, adJrete
suiphax BitAirr at . 7eKswa, zuav
l-A lit- lf cvr jrjx,
Business and Pleasure Vehicles.
Proprietors and Sola Users of Secular's Improved Perfection Fiftt-Ikael.
4f Worh ttfrmtktoo mm Jifpreeestetf.
Vatertown Steam Engine Co.,
... 1 i.
Central Way nnti
P- t-r 1 psaa a
haSris' stn nal pasti
A KdLcl Core for K-rn.rvw.V
ESL5'SSVi?r? th7.'? eWTm. qf
iT au aoir rUn4fU ttai4 twfiai ihm i
t ioibo wrhoamgf bviaUr LMBf obaoiudi
remw buuth .... " .
-- " rvr -s. wiui J lioa-l i amuiA1i.
The Standard Oil Cesspaay. ef rittibars;h. l"a..
Bade a fpeeialty ef aiassiseiuriBg lor the demec
Ue trsde, the Baest braadt et
Iteiiiiiaatiiiz : aci : Lnlricatiiii": Oils,
I' T wlh the meet aalfermly saUi factory
ells in the aiarkst sk for ears.
Trade foibensbiirg and Vi
cinity Supplied by
V. S. Barker & Bro.,
Ebcnsburg, Pa.
HAnmomu er
tix Roorixu,
kespeetfally Inrltes the atteotloa ot his Men.lf
aad tbe pabl tela reaavral to the laet that he lasuil
carry Ibk oa buinea at th. old stand oiitiostte the
Mountain Hoose. Khensbnrr. and Is prepared to
sapply from a larsje slock, ormannfaetorinir to or
der, any article In his line, from the smallest to
th lera-est, la the best wanner and at the lowest
lines: prices.
penitentiary work either made or sold
at this establishment.
Olre me a call and I atlsfy yoorselres as to my
work and price.. v. It UTTK1N U til. '
rnsbnr;. April la, l8i-t!.
aVJam car
It's Easy to Dye
J-Ui- superior
I ft!
Strength, 1
Beauty, i
Warranted to color more eoods than anv rthw
dys ever made, and to give more brilliant and
durable colors. Ak fur the Itutmund, and take
no other. 36 colore ; 10 cents each. (
WELLS. RICHARDSON A CO.. Burlington. Vt.
For Gilding or Bronsing Fancy Articles. USB
Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Ceata,
Mivcz., 9400,000.
jrtttttifaeturcra of
Of Ml Kinds.
Writ, for Catalogue.
WILL PEOPLS use tfce
Impure and Uawhole
Sbme Krlrigrratorm which
. , ' '. cu iraMric troMblw aad
ckiUlrava s aawniscs by feuauar sUk. aha
ncyesas-et -
Sksetfan and lodorated Rbra,"
which sre frre from abanrption, coroaioa, and
anr ferma-.ion e? ixi--r.r.n vm'd, acd are
cl of oc, awad produce low tcmperaiuree I
Ca:aj-irurs tiviug fall cxpiaaatiosi asd io
acrirtliona will be mailed free on apuhcatiea.
Audreaa the nuinufacturcra.
eTofToTraTi Street,
vui ,1 hy trn
M Four jl
arlnelDMa. Bvdumrt
xxa ta eaM r -1 n an tu airs
ia Silt wtcboa ahr. TS. m.t-Z3 .
loMnoBi ef ftee Sanaaui ewvaiuma mnrl. 7m
aaaaaarjca lawiuaf lrfjn-al. thl pU--,
MAarry; . 1 rpdi-rajna both atreiith amd fcsx
TTftATsTHITT. Hasth. ta. Ts Roc ri yis. rj
I vH xr.TaathtHree,
Trta! cf our Arpl.arce. Ask for Terrrr"
Manofaotorera and Wholeaaii
Dealers ia
To rtDTMt for onu of the UrveH. oldest rs'iS.
Ilihed. lihT K.fUWH NUKSKKIK5 n the
eoontrr. Most lit-eral trrm. Ct(Qua.leu faftll.
ties. GENEVA NI'K-ifHV. Euaul.fhrd lsVi
Aug. al, 3m.
Important to Canvassers.
,A?iTKI-TLU,0"T m every coontj
In the I nit.-d Mate to nell FOX'S PATKNtuk
hadlrons folisaer. Flnter. a-e.. one Iron dolair
the work ol an entire set ol ordlnare irons u
mo.1era.te. a laree acd lastiotr Inoorae Insured
to aood ran'sasers. AdVre.f. lor clirul.r. a
tOX SAD 1KVX CO.. 94 KaldelSt.. H.
OE Bros.
Uow lhe Tiger kills uul tats.
In a paper read berore tha Bomtay
Natural Iliatoij Society rttentlv, aul
published io its jouruaJ, Mr. Invcrarity,
a uoled aJiikari, discussed tbe habits or
tbe tiger, and especially the mode in
which it kills arid eats its prey. Mine
think he seizes by the throat, others Ly
tbe nape of tbe neck from above.
Mr. Inverarity bns examined scoies
of slain animals with ayecial reference
to this noiut, ai.rj in eveiy case Lot on
the throat was seized from below. The
exc p'.ion waa an oid boar who bid
been seiz-d by the back of the neck
from above One of a single file of vil
lagers who was once seized by the nape
of the nick by a man eater, but saved
by his companions, bad no idea when he
recovered his senses whatbjid bajpened.
Whether dislocation of the neck takes
place is doubtful.
Tbe tame busting leopards always
kill by pressme on the windpfpe, with
out breaking the skip Y "jtoss.bly tee
tiger kills in the Bma Vay. Is is only
by accident, if at all, that tigers m kil!
iag sever any important ve:n or artery,
and no blood to speak of flows from the
throat wounds. Very large and pow
erful animals like the bull, buffalo, and
bison, if attacked at all, are in the first
instance attacked from the rear, with a
view to disable them.
Having killed, the tiger almoit in
variably begins eating a hind quarter,
consuming one or probably both. Some
times he leaves the stomach and intes
tines as tbey are; eemetimes he will
remove them to one side, making a neat
parcel of them. A tiger and tigress to
gether will finish an ordinary sized ani
mal atone meal, leavicg only the Lead.
In this case it Is probable that the sec
ond begins at the fore quarter. Ani
mals are neyer eaten where they are
kttled, bnt are always dragged a short
distance. They are not lifud clear cfl
of tbe the ground, bu, dragged.
Hiving gorged bimself, the tiger
lies ckse by his prey, tut if it ia hot
weather and there are hills in tbe
neighborhood, he will go a longdistance
off before resting for the day. He pre
fers to lie io a cool cave or in a breeze
on the bill side than in the close, hot
II returns next night and finishes
what is left, but he never eats a se
cond tirre on tbe same spot, dragiug
tbe remains of the prey 40 or 50 yards
off. Sportsman coming on a half
devouTed animal and desiring to catch
the tiger, tie the prey to a tree. The
tiger tctcs about two hours' steady
eating to finish tbe fore quarters of a
Mr. Inverarity sat over a small tigress
one night who ate for ten minutes, than
want away for twenty, probably to
drink, and on her return ate steadily
for two and a quarter hours. Ha did
not fire, as he could not see her.
Tigers are cannibaU: thpy will make
their mea!s off cscb other. They are
supposed to kill oaca in flve or six dayp,
and no doubt the tiger after a heavy
feed does not care to hunt much for a
few days ; but tiger killa whenever Le
can. They have been known to kid on
fourteen consecutive nights.
Mr. Inverarky believes that animal
killed by tigers suffer little beyond tbe
panic of a few seconds. The shock pro
duces a stupor and dreaminess la which
there is no sense of pain or feeling o:
terror. The powerful stroke o? the fore
paw of the tiger is a fiction ; he clutches
with his claws as one might with the
fingers, but does not strike a blow.
Tigers wander immense distances at
night, and. as they like easy going, they
go on road ind paibs. They do uoi
like to move during the heat of the day,
as the hot ground burns their pads and
makes them raw. They can od occa
sion climb trees.
In Salsetts one climbed afrer a cer
Fandoo, but could not reach him, and
retired. Tandoo, thinking the coast
clear, got down and ran toward home,
but on tbe way was caught by tbe tiger
and killed.
The inquest report stated that 'Tandoj
died of the tiger eating him ; theie was
no other cause of death. Nothing
left except some fiageis, which prob
bly belonged to the right or left hand."
Natives have a beiief that the ghosts of
the man eater's victims ride In hia
bead and warn biro of danger, or poiut
tbe way to fresa victims. .
The Swells ! the Ytotid.;
I suppose everybody hm i ot ced tbat
it is more diflicult to pose ai a swe'l in
a big town than a small cne. Tbe Bame
txay be said :n ..Le citl?s or the wor J.
It is somewhat on the following plan :
Chicago A man may be a swell if he
has a pot of money. It ia permissible
to be engaged in business.
New Yoik Money first, foremost
and forever, bnt no builutss that ap
proaches the retail.
Vienna Social eminence, particular
ly with women, military pjiitioD, got d
Berlin Military preffeige.
Tar s Money, manners, recklessness,
ori?inabty in sin and a popular fad.
Easiness not to be thought cf.
London UloDd, title, but not neces
sarily money, if, endowed with natural
apitude for imitatin;r the leaders cf
fashion, Xo connection wlib any busi
ness venture, absolute correctness in
every detail of attirs and outward cir
cumstance, and an eudless amount ot
admiration for recognized social leaders.
It strnch me that men of distinctive
tendencies toward stvelidom in Chicago
missed lhe details small and attractive
of both life and attire, while, to be
frank, tb-re are, iu Xew York, very
tew men who approach anythlr g lik
(be standard reached by their models
across tbe water.
febiloti'a Catarrh Remedy.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, a marve lous
cure f or Catarrh, D'phthriia. Canker Mouth,
and lleadacbe. With each bottle there la
an ingenious Nasal Injtxtor for the. more
successful treatment of these complaints
without extra charge, l'rlce 60 ceuts. Sola
by Dr. T. J. Davison.
Get Into tbe habit of looking for the
silver cloud, and when you have found
it, continue to look at it, rather
at the leaden gray in the middle. It
will bely you ever many baid places.
hewers or
aboVe cJj.
A SViarZ Ik' ill Justify Our Clnlmx.
ala !(ant:f..-tflre.' of fn'f'.1 J-'rvl r':.Il'Kioro
lierr) ; t,'. i ajr rrd i; i 1 i?d irLai.l iu ii
li r Kwt : I-o r : 3 TirTnit r Bi:ift for f --'x 'i
iui4i:d XjATli-Knl if... if-a. avi.a ti.e c..cfc:
if.i;r f..-i.a.
JWforc pvrtittimvg vrvhrre i.ivl for cit-uiir t.i 'l
Th San ford ICational Stove Y'orkn,
In.-i.-7. reeitiiU. ;.-::, Z'ATi-.-ZX., IT. I, C
rr -i.s
i-Xt k aftaT" t) f!!ll
To send us 40 cents
for one of our
, 4T . ' -
Uht, IIr....T r.J Strt.ti. o-.Tl-t nrfjiJ Out
irat two Oru-nnrv ici.oi.rii.
Household S. D. Sst.
This set cir.' .f a Tt-t-pnTMHl TT;.t!'! enf
four intert'iianvtibl-j ti.3;'-fs 'V .vew-crjvt-ir; ait I
3 chisN fa i-. . r.. :-nt ". -J nw: ,!.; w.i
Im-x. Thit-t"! c ;:.t-;t;Mr iw'nl t ffryr.l.(-;T.
aronati tte hmi. ki r t. i:i tne p, on
the farm. Pru: fn-- i -r. t f g J .CO.
forth-i. if hf ft-.r nr.- ;--t :ht:r..h mil .-t
f .ryau, drv.c t ..i . .. .: r- -.-i, i - ' ; i-.,
ax alKre. r::r.i-i f-r r-r i. wirn'.ctl tcjo
EitTiiVi'dTI CO.,
Plr.r.trvi:!e, Conn,
form by Maon & ilnmltii in is61. Othrr Diakers
ro!kwed mtl,Trinnn:a;ture cf tbore imttnuntmts.
trnt the Muson & Hamlin Orjrm.s hST5 8i .
Urol thc;r j.cpr.-mucy as UaS Ixwt ia the world.
.Mason ft IiKiff!in oiT.t, as den.oi.stiallon of the
troeqn;JIa exrt-liincc r.f thi:ir Mvxrm. Ibe fart tHuf
.rill of My grt VorKl Khit-luorsfnce tht
k com petition
erxof all court
. . . - - " m m m V aar unnura. AUlifl"
Maon & Hsmlm (w n ,t ho-'t: te to m.-.kc thfl rr
traordiiiary ctra for tbrir j, nnoiv, tbat they are
HupTir to'! cthoTT.. 'Ji,oy rfuJ tho hii-h
exce.ltmce ac!i'.rvrd t.y o:!kt mktT In the
JJ!j. I"to buAimrjB, but U11 ciuim superiority.
1 his tK-y cVr.!ni:e ,lr;y to the rfmarkable Irn
rroTncrt ltrod:irol l.y t'Kn 1n tho year
and now known n t ie 'Ma-. i If AMUJI Piako
w ww ayai aa -ew Wi. n pTPacST In-
cxesaed capaci- 6Salf3 CPEIiSr. t v f ur slandiile
' Will U 4llWt.'t1.
A ctrcniar, crmuurj'nt: tentirnrmiaj from three
bUDdrvd rarchaTa, masHana, aod tuners, hul
loertnnr with dwrnKiTBCtai)Tnc tJuny ti.i Iwnuit.
FtaiK am) Onrana eold for caaii or eiV dst
mentu: a!o rented. ' ' 1
-AST Or-rCRTLrivrvy ?
H ' alll aa aaa - T .
Frt UJ.U' E-.H K- ;a Ta "
r U.fltr t. r It k J, V. L i t
v. e
Tiukata a arnnd fur six njotni. Lmiit i t'oiT.T-T"--r-w.tii.u
l.m.t of .-..n-j. -ia'lV""
- VT" - cA'.-c:-,r"as'--.-:
B.o! ,f. A:el!.i.i,y J.,i. a ; ,.,.. .
Ilnh:h tr.iM ..i-f.- ;,r.1 C.-.i-.dsv! r.-ll ',' A-
rlicn vi.u w.u.t i.u.;t.ii i:;utcJ u
s m-f c
ra INn h,. J 6 1 .Mill A 6 Va
To sell nursery stock, lull lino ot N. w and vstu
at:'e Special! tea, .iteaor enmii.i ui!it, hi fixed
Salaries nod ex.ere r on'ni"i.- i..ti .Vd.trif
tclvinn sue nnj reler-iu-.', (;. a. VAl'Iis, -Nur-srrymun.
Korlicster, V.
Nov. a. St.
rrrSHN dr. HoeeisACrvs
I ';Tfi .' j A i;re and f j'e upecii.i (or woak
s V4 v "'"- t'cl'iii-y ot he rmouiiyi.
y.- I t J fii'iu youthful iiii;uuii;iKe. e- cst
i A "tVVi am cv;-rnrk ( lwcly ar.d biain,
f r. i.' caMs'ri vhvMCn! :md mentrj wc.ik-
r-,',:-ri,v- CURtSClOend YOUKG.
! T .4Tzyr: P',QC f' K '"-rared ai.d .,r
1..V t Hi HpticONaiVs l.bor..t.i v.
Ko.MHi'S .lStrAt Thil.. I,.. ..l '. !
C'tJIk v.
t'-A.II. .. t- .. . .. .
T.e intoi-rate ni.i:i wj,o ...
in pt-op'.e ho d.fitr from :. 1
g h.ii vr pontics.
The man who thinks he u 1... .
1 n .1 1 n -.. r. ...... . r ...
"'J .11 II, 3- IJUfbU'I MI J. f J - jj jji
cotiK-s somt-thiiisr of a fool U9 i,a
mna;e ape.
Tue incessive talker, in ta or
who ta'ki tt you cl m1! times
P-acfs, iir.n r.evr 8i3s Bp,..,,. n
The worn m who, having t L : -- f
own life to conoeal, th:i,ki " "'
kntp them dail: by uuur,L' to 1
trtmely pmpt-r. ar.d 8howu,?
charity or uktcv to tiiom wi., . . ""'
The man who reads aloul vi- .,.
a.ikfcd to du so. " "
The m,tn who asks you fnv t
"?-.Un? along" ts U.ou-h 1,.. ...
you to tt-U him tvtry'hing , ,u
s-ilf, physically, social, Oia.-- ,?
Tno raan or w ornan v, !,0 c
piles at people fur rtil (r
vkionjjs ana gets even by givi f- .
digs behind their backs. "
The tuspicious person , ...
in the most innocent ac'i.j;,? ,
evil is within hire or her.
Tue uneerrr, male cr t everjbody within sitty
I.l .A- C'-'t
latita snetr.
The man who ta;ks overmuch
h:s ailments at taMc, or (!,(,,
Tne extremely yoiiupj mnri , !,
dj ujutu iuai ne xt-iusi'S to I.- -
thirAg more as loi ir as he livt?.
The elder! v nia'i vim u.'I
fatherly to an t lTrrifive f-xt-rt
Rpsociation wi'Ij yot'!;g tut .
The man who accepts favo: ? r.-
turns none.
... w ' .AA. O.VO IJII"; J,-'j
norse car an I lets other iZ-,
women wipe tbe dirt oft Lis Mi j
their clothes as tlu y pass h ru.
Tho naan who cnrrie h:s ca.f
zjntaliy under liis aim, to J.?
i'f :.
Olher pcop! behind him.
Ttie mm who dves hiawi i' .-.
thinks nobody knows it.
The old, o!d be'm f-..-r
learned that he has lost the j-.-.v-chairo.
T'ue woman who was on re :-
rfiife3 i...r ti e rt-main Kr .', :. :
6il toy otlier ro e and ;:t w t . ;
ci'oijiir'ih as um:c h sJ:..' d d ;.t : ;.
T' " too fiierdly friend v.!:
tukes cliaiaie of vi n. uorr ' r
you, and otherwise annuys
yju break from him.
The perfect crea'ure who L..: :.
s'nii!'d, in his own f.pinion.
devil at Loin.
the thenier an. l,uka all thr ;: .
Tue woman who bits in fr :.: c
rutiLg ; loweri'ic' DOTrrP! ; h i
Iron: 6i ii to s'de o r-;rn?i- " v
The womsn who iuUr,
tinually and the man who
The friend nuJ.- . i
quent'y at pol-lij r ntt-itai. iu :
whi-pershis criticises bt -x
surh:n points of !Le vl.iy.
I lie Home or the linj .
l'u.valiu.n v tl'ey, : he ce-'i'. r r .
i:,i!us ly t f Washii-yt'.n V. ; r ..
enc:w.)u croj, acd its f .1 n :::-(
Kratuialins tberusivVs 11:1 t r,.- i : -
tailed t' c-i,t 1 -
a. lie iual tjs , l,ti;il rtli'l
the ratlrcal, wns 1 i.-.r- tnr., .
Vie Id txcw di-d -i.f ti-n to t!;-
T 1. . ;.. 1 -i ,a r- - u.iuiatu aha stm in iu: lttn
auu ui tnis jiariicii:r vsi.ry t .
aduptird to the growth of the j '...:,
I . A . JJ A .1 . .Al
1.3 ireeuoiti irt.ui ine nts.s 01 1 re.
d-w, e.:u) other tir iwicir l.s ;::. :
slsewl ere s bete ? t,iii: rit. vc u::
thit a rrnxim.:;;) .nnii.-l y.iJ (h
depended np n with ih. s,:u" r-r'
as the tticDijA-r".-. mi:'.
it is he rn-tikt-; , r:cr. As :i..-.:
s frtiru five lo oni hut.-'r
ln nty live cents per pc-und. ;.u '
to the tin' 'iv aiAil d. n,;ii.J. tl
is 1 ru ! y extitiuj:.
tl.'e cents per pound, lin U I :rr? i
a'i'f to iiie-'t his iiiil ilifi.v ,',1
:..'hiivt-tr .r n.- e:.n 1. -i i .' .
pa'? a pn 1".- of jl su:i j rr ;. :f :.
eld at one t.'!inr 1 1 j -.m.i .
Aj th-i It nti. vleHitil (l ' ii:'-r
i au-.tu vvi'ii v:i;v-i. -fi m t -.-
tart and u.Ti:-itv lol.-r!. : 5'.""
a.Te, to which t: If ;!..' f
o'.'n for dlyinp and i):i rr : : ; rr.
Hiuiaii bu.!l u.ibii-- i -: ; -ruMiu-j
( his t,x,:i:'..';' so-.- '.' '
l li- J nn t.. v..H'h e :..-.!
h f r th- ie.s' o; - - L
iylaai auJ tuust b.- p '
ewry tiit;'i.. It- !:in.
a?r.;e-il;!. i- n. ;r..v.iie-i t 1 . ! ' w U;
c'i'l r;:i. I :iii -m :-.
Ivvo .i irtx; i i: wi. :
a id tliiiiiti.;:-.e . t.i.i ' .' ' ; "
h .d;r. 'e i ti is :i 's ih , : i
ins, aad ni:..'. 1 liters .. i ; ' "
li 1 t wo Lost s .t r da...
Tne drying of ilif lu-ri ' ' '
e deMc tte operation, r ; '''
perienea of t:i exp-rt, ?.s i i' r ;
formance z ve? value in .'
A I t il "o'-ii-" -.
-V dru; ui iti I? n r oii v.
i;ed. He i.i Uia le'io.v v. j i '
A hotei m.tu it not 1 "f '
He is fuli of bash.
A newspaper nut: if D'-''-newspaper..
H i ::j .'!? ;,r "a:
A ealoon keepei' dot-s m i " ''
loon. The s :'o 'ii kee; !imi
An agrimi-t'.if i.-'t ih- -
tin HlJIlo UOW. it II-:. tl i--' " '
oacijpa'ioti, ho"i-w'r.
.V lawytr isn't a m ai h ' : '
bio fool t'.ift.t w'.n d 't l! ;'-..
4 .ri!i'tiriui'Bf is II I it
fi.SH rounter. A cito n'
So di.ei u dud-, Fome ;n;-
Anxner 1 hi rl"
XV t.y ito f rjiw.y t'ei'l-
u? Mfui t J j Jf-r Hi :i :T',r '
T t'
I.F ...ll.t--.--, A '-'
t!i KduO. Yellow Mi. II.
l.fli f'"
we iU seT. tlit'in miiiuu j
..... m
1 jruaiauUx-d to cuie thoiu. lJ
i jJuvison.