The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 12, 1888, Image 4

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    Heights ofCloud.
At sunset we see a band of stratus
clouds In the west, seeming to rest upon
the horizon. How far distant from the
point of observation is the pltco where
those clouds are directly overhead ? A
Stratus clouds ere variola In height.
Generally low in winter and higher is
summer. Their height may ba from
S00 to 6,000 feet. Clouds S00 feet may
be seeu oc the horizon at 35 miles dis
tant. At 2,000 feet high they may he
seen GO ar more miles, and at 3000 feet
60 miles.
What is the average height above the
earth's surface of the approaching
storm cloud, as we see it creeping up
from the horizon before a thunder oi
rain storm ? Of the cumulus ? Of the
cirrus? A. Thunderstorm clouds are
rery variable in height 500 to 3000
feet. The cloud) iu thunderstorms may
toe very deep, two or five miles or more.
Hence the appearance as to distance is
very deceptive. Cumulus clouds are
intermediate, and generally occupy a
position from 2000 to 5000 feet above
the earth. Cirrus cloud? are the high
est, and are from 10,000 to 30,000 above
the earth. .
What rule may be given for finding
the distance of clouds from the place of
observations when their angular distance
above the horizon and their approxi
mate htlht above the earth's sui face
are known. A. Calculations for the
distance and height of clouds are very
uncertain, from the difficulty of obtain
ing correct observation; simultaneous
trigonometrical triangulation from a
known base, and computation, are the
only method of determining the dis
tance. Halloween.
The amusements of this eve greatly
vary in different localities, and among
different people. In some sections, par
ties, where all the ladies, are dressed in
calico or a kindred material, and their
male attendants are arrayed in vests,
coats and neckties of the same mateaial,
are the vogue. Frequently the young
ladies send sufficient material, like their
gowns, for the gentlemen's outfits, to
the house of the person who gives the
party. Then on an evtniDg, a week
previous to said party, all the gentlemen
invited, meet and select their materials.
This they have made in coats, vests and
neckties, without knowing to whom
they are indebted. On Halloween, as
each gent walks into the reception-room,
he selects, for his partner, the young
lady wearing the gown that matches his
coat. Thus, according to tradition, be
learns his fate in the lottery of matri
mony. Anotner way is, for each lady,
to make a necktie from material like
the gown she is f wear. All these
neckties are pet in a box, in tbe gentle
men's dressing-room and each selects
what to him, is the prettiest and most
neatly made. He choose, for his part
ner. ine young lady with gown to
The menu of this feast embraces nuts.
apples doughnuts and cider, anc some
times a simple domestic cake. The gen
tlemen of the party should, to carry out
the "idea," crack all tbe nuts, and
then act as waiters, passing the refreshs
ments to the ladies. No servants should
appear on the scene.
If anything in ' this world makes
man feel badly, except pinching his fin
gers in the crack of a door, it is unques
tionably a quarrel. No man ever fails
to think less of himself than before.
it degrades him in the eyes of others.
and what is worse, blunts his sensibili
ties on one band and increases the pow
er of passionate irritability on the other,
xce irutn is, tbe more peacefully and
quiet we get along the better it is for
our neighbors. In nine cases out of
ten the better course is. If a man cheats
you cease to deal with him, if he is
abusive quit his company, and if he lies
about you, so conduct yourself that no
body wiil believe him. No mattei who
ne is, or now he missuses you, the wis
est way is to let him alone : for there
is nothing better than this cool, calm
&a quiet way ot dealing with the
wrong we meet with. "Return not
railing for railing."
iime may not show its beneficial
. w . a ...
neci on me soil lor a year or two, as
the character of the soil must be con
sidered. Lime adds tut very little val
uaoie piani roca to the soil, as all soils
contain lime, but its chemical action on
me inert mater oC the soil liberates
other substances that would not te
otherwise available. Ic should be ap
plied as regularly as manure in order to
secure its assistance in decomposing the
plant food already existing In the soil
VARXisn made with alcohol will get
ouu ana spongy by the evaporation of
the alcohol, which leaves water in the
arnish, as all commercial alcohol con
tains water. It is therefore advisable
to take a thin sheet of galatine, cut It
into strips and put it into the varnish
it win ansorb in the thin sheet most of
the water, and the varnish can be used
ciear ana nrignt till the last drop. The
galatine will get Quite soft : it can then
be taken out and dried, and used again.
Wiiex butter is alted and worked
till il is quite dr or free from moisture
the salt will form in minute crystals
on the outside of the package. Butter
is not so good worked too dry. There
should be enough moisture in it to made
it pliable. Wash the buttermilk out,
but do not be so awful particular about
little water, and then it will not be
crusted with salt on the outside of the
Ax excellent oil foranoln:ing throats,
chests aud noses when cold has been
taken, and which will often break up a
light cold or render a hard one less
severe, la made by dissolving camphor
gum In sweet oil until the oil is strongly
Impregnated with tbe camphor. It
should be warmed and rubbed in thor
oughly with the hand.
One sheep for each cow can be kept
without additional expense, as the
sheep will consume much that the cows
wilt refuse. Sheep readily eat youug
weeds and other tender hiiUge.
that the most delicate stomach will bear.
aad all Oerra Diseases.
Thsmost id en line aad inecesfal Blood Parts.
er hapenorto quiaina
Mr. John O. Scrboroua-h. Selma, N
C. write.:
and lor a
'I not malaria in tha Southern army
dwen yearn puffer.! from It debilitating
1 wit ttrribly ran down when I heard ol K.
tbe new quinine, it
ma at one. 1
rained Si pounds. Have not had men aiood
health In 20 yean.
Other letter of a similar character frota prom
inent Individuals, wtlca stamp Kssklaa as a
remedy ot undoubted merit, will be sent on
Letter from the above persons. gtrtDg tail
details will bo sent on application.
Kaslclne can bo taken without any special med
ical advice. l a bottle. Mold by all drucglftj,
or sent by mail on receipt of price.
THE KASK1NE CO., 64 Warren St., New York.
The Miller Organ
It stand at the head of all irrwl mm Those wbw
dnm to ha the tm oreaa eboul.1 acquaint tne
svlve. win, the mrnU f our InKrajnrnu. Iuo-
take our word rr what we say.-ooi ir ui
liutrutnenn. If no d-aler Hill our organ In Jwr
Vitality, write to tae factury.
Beautiful! Illustrate J. 25 cts.t$3 aYear.
rai ptvfr..K W rational Vric an wea ao4.
htsTfttu ml art r tf th birhaat atavadant.
ft aruoas Aiwnc-n wr:tr tl n fmgm wib a wid
variety f mi ntinx kat-Uot travavl aai a4ant
art, nl mt I t t.rie, drcripti aetoacta o
oar firaeiii rountn mn aad notion, t-nf aBaj o
tba f'irrmwt lruUlaila of UaO pexnoxi, aaai La aoorta
Una Ma,aim t
Distinctively Representative of
American Thought and Progress-
tt H arkaw'i1,r1 hi tha praa nl ro1' h th
xsuImi- sni otisztrtAainiB f klBsW
moo MBomibllro.
important. .:r.vr.::
1 1 sated I rem I mm .u. iKrclml law
terMvni I C'saak ear Valoal IrBi1suMO
t C lb Kaleers, will avrait rCtsft of
If Ibis pupcr Is mct.lloa.cO
atV" Hfa-MinalM Mod eoorrretle wn
wsaateei to oollclt aakarriplloaa, Tw trtc m
for CKelatvlve Icniiory.
749 Broadway, New York.
xji:e:i: sc son.
(Established 1850)
212 to 216 West 47th. Street
and 1567 & 1569 Broadway,
. . The "Or a a Piann ia astritlv flr-t-cla.s
lnstrnntrtit, fully warrautnd f r firs y.ars. Tha
Dost perfect Instrument ia tiie ruarket and Uia
Most Moderate In Price.
. Cataloinio, Termn, lrices. anJ full Informa
tion by mail. reader of tuia paper.
Onr r.)tta(te Cprirht la a n:rvot of beauty,
and the highest era!, of i irtlkocy.
' tfjlt will p ' to -write us.
(nxjrnrnf Tin rxrrn )
. 1. . -J
Xr. Seta AruolA,'umX.
ah rw,. . . ...
4 SI SU.
rmM Mir bs
aoasocAsi, AV L
anew m
rrnra p txri itaivji t.
17? H rt. i
T.oketa r. a, forais month.. Ha, (! to.ixtx dan
I"' VT i?'h tri K imu City Tl. M:..o.r1
- , " "' 'ana caoid. will .ail uk-
T.W 1 1 Vtf w"Jil-jajw a w
Kor IhYinav I . r..i .. .
wHlCO. ft .11 Arch - - - I'KH..i-a..
drettttti lr It, $1 a boUe. six lor a.
l.axea 1. l. ly.
Preparations for Tt later Fairjlng.
The preserit is tbe time to b?in pre
parations for maklog butter in winter.
The first requisite is that the cows shall
come daring the months ot September
and Octorjer. and calculations mast be
made accordingly. Tbe adrantageeof
changing from the old systems of sum
mer dairying to winter operations are
so great that many of the most intelli
gent and progress Its dairy farmers haTe
adopted the latter method. They thus
escape tbe daily and exacting labor of
tbe dairy daring the basy summer
months, when tbe general operations
of tbe farm demand the most attention.
The cows go dry during tbe sultry days
of midsummer, when the pastures are
the most parched and scanty. There
ia no batter to be kept orer through tbe
hot season, when keeping it in good or
der is the most difficult and prices are
tbe lowest. These and other adran-
tages are greatly in farcr of winter
dairying, which has been made practi
cable by the modern improvements in
deep sitting, preserving fodder in silos,
centrifugal separating, etc. With this,
as with other important change?, it Is
the first step that costs. The first
step, as indicated above, is to bold tbe
cows back so they will come in during
September of next year. In tbe vicin
ity of a butter factory il is desirable
that the majority of the patrons shall
agree to make tbe change, that tbe fac
tory may be kept running through the
winter. Those who already have cows
which will come in next fall, or can buy
them, mast see that good shelter is pro
vided, with plenty of ensifage, means
for taking the chill from the drinking
water, etc It is ;idJe to object to this
system as "unnatural" for tbe cows.
The dairy cow, as we have ber to
day, is an artificial product anyway,
which bas been brought to ber present
state of development by a long course
of breeding and care. It is only a step
forward in tbe same direction to change
her season of greatest milk flow from
summer to winter.
llew the Ballooa was Inrested.
Exercise is antagonism ; at each step
force is used to lift up. our bodies and
push back tbe earth ; as the eminent
Joseph Montgolfier said, that when Le
saw a company dancing, be mentally
inverted bis view and imagined the
earth dancing on tbe dancer's feet
which it most unquestionably did. In
deed, his great invention of balloons
was guessed at by bis witnessing a mild
form of antagonism between beat and
gravitation. lie, being a dutiful bus
band, was airing his wife's dresees. who
was going to a ball. lie observed tbe
hot air from the fire Inflated the light
materials, which rose up in a sort of
spheriodial form (you may have some
of you noticed this form in dress !).
This gave him the idea of tbe fire-bal
loon, which, being a large papermarker
at Annocar, be forthwith experimented
on, aud hence we got aerial navigation.
This anecdote was tcld me by his
nephew, il. Seguin, also an eminent
Beading Aloud.
No one can serve others without do
ing good to himself. A good reader,
for, gratifies others by reading
aloud, and be also strengthens bis own
body. So wholesome is the practice of
reading aloud, that medical authorities
agree io pronouncing it a bealthy and
invigorating exercise for tbe mind and
tbe body.
The late Sir Henry Holland, an emi
nent London physician, says la bis
'Medical Notes " that persons who
have a tendency to pulmonary disease
should methodically practice "those
actions of the body through which the
chest is in part filled or emptied of air."
lie advises that those whose chests
are weak should read aloud at stated
intervals, and even recite or sing, using
due caution as to posture, articulation,
and the avoidance of excess.
"These regular exercises of the
voice," he adds, "may be rendeied as
salutary to the organs of respiration, as
they are agreeable In their influence on
the ordinary voice."
Soda In Toothache.
Dr. D. Duckworth contributes a
short memorandum on this subject.
lie was called on to treat a case of very
severe toothache, and tried various or
dinary remedies, including chloroform
and carbolic acid, without any benefit
to the patient. He then remembered
having read that that tbe pain might be
relieved by holding in the mouth a solu
tion of soda. lie at once gave tbe
patient half a drachm in an ounce of
water, and, to bis astonishment, the
pain ceased immediately, and complete
relief was secured. He thinks that as
tbe remedy is so simple, and tbe disease
so distressing and often intractible, this
treatment may be worthy of notice and
It is't any harder for a woman with
a bustle on to sit down than it is for a
man with a pint flask of cholera mix
ture in bis coat tail pocket to do it.
All he's got to do ia to be a little care
ful, of coune, and that's what a woman
with a bustle on bas to do. The secret
of it is this : When a bustle decked
woman hits down, she does so sldewise.
There is a pretty little trick in it. She
pretends she is goiog to sit on the right
side of tbe chair and makes her first
moye ia that direction, but just as she
reaches the chair she moves gracefully
to tbe other side, tbe bustle rolls to tbe
right, entirely ont of the way of the
sitter, aud tbe problem is solved. So
at least we are told.
Good temper is as an essential factor
in success in almost any department of
life. A superintendent who loses his
temper in his school becomes himself at
once the worst element of disorder and
confusion which he is trying to reduce.
And a teacher who grows cross when
his class is disposed to be unruly bas
lost his las: chance to control the tur
A bachelor, who particularly bated
literary women, asktd an authoress if
she could throw any light on kissing.
'l could," said she, looking archly at
him, " I U ink it'a better In the dart."
If You Are Sick
With Headache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism Dyapep
ala. BUloosncsa. Blood Humors, Kidney Disease,
Omstlpatbm. Female Troubles, Fever and Artie,
Sleeplessness, Partial Paralysis, or Nervous Pros
tration, use t'sine's Celery . Compound and be
cored. In each of theaa tha cause is menial or
physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria,
the eoVct of which la to weaken the nervous sys
tem, result Ins; in one of these diseases. Remove
the cini with that (real "erre Tonic, and the
nxacLT will disappear. . . . ,
Paine's Celery Compound
J AS. 1 Ttfiwr, Sprinpfleld, Mass., writes:
paine's Celery t'omjouml cannot be excelled as
Nerve Took?. In my ease a aingie Ntl
wrons-ht a treat change. My nervorum r entirely
dlsap(-ard, and witfc it the rcsoltlus; affiertioa
of the stomach, heart and liver, and the whole
tone of tbe teiu waa wonderfully hivi-orateo-I
tell toy friends. If sick a I have been, i'ainc's
Celery Compound
Will Cure You!
fold dt druretsta. tl ; six for t- Prepared only
by Watia, Kicuasjjsm.n A Cot, Burlincton, Vt.
For the Aged, Nervous, Debilitated.
Do longer coate -,
a Fortune
qeac isr rrnr xzaracr to m
For sola by Hardware and Gun Dealers evil y where.
XaBBfactarW sy TES VT!T.Tir ITELE ARKS 00, Ksv Eavsn, Csna.
3VT ITT T bTTSJ" Masrazine Rifle.
rarlaaraarawaUrawalltaM. Taswart stuSng
mmrf a4 S aal iJ.Ml,i aUa noa aa b.
TTr at. nTT.nAnTwn Tnnt c
m. roe ail er cactMaya wwa
Vtalutay-K.asuiedy, sVmitk Wmm ; abw
nui ana astLLS,
Cheaper aad better (hast any other.
.1 aTaTI f.BtuHm CompanT,
Bosc 1 064 U. Wasr Bavss. Cobst.
(ft I" ,W$WSmA
The American litre - Stock Wagon.
For tit Dss tf Bntcta and Stntmn. Sun Tims, Lsliur ail Euense.
No danger to tha animal yon are. aoavavinc, or to your horse. Tbe animal
ooa not ret haatod u. but ia ready to kill m soon aa it reaehaa the alauehteo
alouae. sad your ma.t as aoucad and baalkhy whan it ia brought to the block.
' Xsk for CMoJaovet '
tor I GDC. will be aent FREE to alt
no.;ua wltit Cohered Ptataa. and
r offered. CT Our M I DKCT
vy, ?-,:t ta s-iOOlrlna KHIIALI
r-0s. a nd a!( TOOLS neastsanr to manage a
c hth-m Kiraw. Ifrou srow VEGETABLES
FCi MhK E T. tell ua so when vow
our Catalogue.
oast ottst
The Staadard On Cosapany. of FitUbnrab. Pa
made a specialty of maaalactariac or tha domes-
tie trade, tha A nest brands ef
ElimiiiiinatiiE : and : Lnliricatinj : OAs,
If yaa wish the most uniformly satisfactory
alls la tha market ask for oars.
Trade for Ebensburg and Vi
cinity Supplied by
Y. S. Barker &Bro.,
Ebensburg, Pa.
atASfrTacrrsBB or
Kerpeettelly Invites the attention et his friends
and the pnblte la reneral to tbe fact that he is still
earryios; en basinaas at the eld stand opposite tbe
mountain newse, .Densonrs;, ana is prepared ta
supply from a larsje stork, or manufactories; to or
der, any article la his line, from the smallest to
tbe larraet. te the best manner aad at tha lowest
linns; prices.
-fj-Ke penitentiary wark either made ar sold
at this establishment.
Otve me a ea aad satisfy yourselves as to my
work aad prices. V. LUTTKINUHH.
r nsbant. April It. lMS-tl.
VTHw yaas.X raa.eVswiaa-Nav X. s. atNm
I7, fcsi ia CH id Sa,y-sL
"We gruarantea every Fackae bearing onr
firm name, and will REPAINT hcre
atiafaction ia not given.
tofliiis tyadpled paint.
40 Beantifal Colors.
34 HzquiaiU Tinta.
Unique Coach Paints,
AT a oosz or M er a ia roa a aueiiT. ,
Harness Oil, &c. &c.,
Saktle Cakds Faez.
The Wm. B. Price Mfg. Co.,
S7 WAEHEN ayentje,
Warranted to color more goods than any other
dyes ever made, and to frive more brilliant and
durable colon. Ask for the Ifiamond, and take
no other. .
A Dress Dyed
A Coat Colored
n j a t
uurrnenm neiievreu j CENTS.
A Child can use them J
Unequalled for aH Fancy and Art Work.
At druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free.
WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO, Props, Burlinftoa, Vt.
These revolvers are an exact
duplicate of the celebrated
.33 Caliber, using
wa, aaaav
ere wm ta any or the fuJlo tnjr V-1
fur ail gaasa as4 innkra vt
rarts aid brass. pi
aod tor Price List of these tool to JF-l
Part B
V aw U
"K? B 'a
SI s
' B. For prioaa, termaad circulars, addrawi
UIIPHAH BBADT ttt . XfeKmlh, la.
and FARM
wfo write tor rt. It ia Hamtsome Cnt-
trte FINEST tOLLttiiUN vr dcius
PIDnClirSC wrtti varietiea cpecially
sdaptexl to their pur
ssnd for
Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
SUI- NOT? R t i-0 Vft-flUl-SO
rVaEAIBatvA RRA frTtihv
Pittsburgh, Pa.
The anlv Bras la
Peaa'a wIm wiaaa
a spocistitT of Ken
tucky ini lle and
iriTinc uerses,
rtrauitht aad Mc
Alaiaa and kain
caaataativ In stables one hundred head of
Matae. all auaa. from four foot to ih. I-,
" . - - ' " mm Uliril
Satosd Avenoa. I'lttabarwa. Pa.
at AS
. r .. u d. i.oura, -a. Muiassbtp-
pd to all paru af tha hut. on order. Ifothine kas
ha. I nyk1 . Km l
4 CMieaponaenoB so boiled. -
Invportant to Canvassers.
WAJITrn Live anvasers In every county
in tne united states to sell fOX S PATENT Kfc.
KhSlKLESAD 1KUN, wbien combines two
Sad Irons, rolls ber. Mater, Ac. one Iron dolus;
the work ol an entire set of ordlnarv irons, is
self-heating; hy . or alcohol lamp. UUFJi
atvat Willi hot HlTt'Iir.Mi. Price
moderate. A lanre and lastlnar Income Insured
to eaod canvassers. Addrees. for elrcnlars a.e
-. f . ...v.-i VV.HAWHOl,,n. X.
To canvass for one of the Unrest, oldest eatab-
uriiBa. a r. i n.iijnn nutULKlES la tbe
eoan'ry. Most liberal terms. Uoequaled faelll-
iica. . 1 1... r. A r 1, tv5r.1t x . .taLlind 1840
v. m. 1. ami i n, u ir. A, . jr.
Ana;, it. 3m.
E want SAL.ESMKN every where, local
ua iraTwiiw, La ecu onr eods. will
ay rood salary and all exnensee. Wrlta
lor terms at once, and state salarv want.
nostoa, juui.
I a I-'! U". feMT - Imp .twir. til...: 1..
laiwiai ml mm. mi u ia kia mm f l .
birf knpcwH. Iwia mn Mma-T I. mr f.tth ta jr. cttb.
tW 1 wll. arnd TV.t lloTTI.IM ri a. UrtlVr wit a Vil,
. .Lfi 1 .'-i 1 .a oa Hit. dlMi..lA v an.Trr. rair t
aaa aa4 f. a at4lua. UH. 1. A. tLUCX. a, lit rart St.. Si.T.
The Danffcr of Beinf a Human Iking
Heredity ia a puzx.f. I: teems to Le
easier ia Ibis world to inherit bad quali
ties than good ones, bat botb sorts make
each leaps and jumps, and are so in
clined to go off on collateral lines, that
tbe succession is difficult to calculate.
Tbe race is linked together in a curious
tangle, so that it is almost impossible
to Gx tbe responsibility. Defects or
vices or virtues will not always go in a
straight line. Tbe children off deaf
mutes, for example, ate not apt to be
deaf mutes, bnt tbe cousins of those
children may be deaf mutes, showing,
it is said, that some remote ancestor of
both had some mental or physical de
fect, which has been transmitted to his
posterity, though not in the form in
which be was afflicted. In moit cases
we cannot do anything about it ; tbe
older onr civilization becomes tbe more
complicated and intrieate are our rela
tions, so that it has already become a
dangerous business to be a human beiog
at all. It is not always certain that if
a man eats sour grapes bis children's
tenth will be set on edge, but the effect
of the soar-grape diet may skip a gener
ation or two. or appear in a collateral
ine. We try to study this problem in
our asylums and prisons, and we get a
great many interesting facts, but they
are too conflicting to guide legislation.
The difficulty is to relieve a person of
responsibility for tbe sins of his ances
tors without relieving him of responsi
bility for bis own sins.
Easily Tamed.
On account of its timidity and the
great ease witt which it can be tamed,
the cobra is the only snake with which
the make-charm era of India will have
anything to do. By attracting its at
tention with one hand, it may be easily
seized round tbe body with the other
and so long as tbe hand or any other
object is kept moving before its eyes, it
will never turn to bite tbe hand that
holds IL This is the simple fact, the
knowledge of which the charmers turn
to such adrantage in their v. ell-known
performances. The snake is taken
from its basket, and a alight stroke
across the back brings it at once into a
defensive attidnde. The constant mo
tion of tbe musical instrumtnt before
the 6nake keeps it watchful and erect,
and cot tbe music produced. As a
matter of fact, snakes have no externa!
ears, and it Is extremely doubtful
whether the cobra bears the music at
all. The charmers say that the adder
of the East, the Daboia, bas no ear for
music, because they cannot operate on
it as they do on the cobra. It is rather
interesting to Dote that this bas been
tbe belief since David's time at least
'Like tbe deaf adder that stoppeth ber
ear ; which will not hearken to the
voice of charmers."
Wise Words.
A precedent embalms a principle.
Be careful. A light heart lives long,
Life is a reckoning we cannot make
twice over.
Impulse can do wonders where pre
paration fails.
The most profound joy bas more of
gravity than gaiety in it.
There is no courage but in innocence,
no constancy but in an honest cause.
Act well at tbe moment, and you
have performed a good action to all
eternity. '
The true use of speech is not so much
to express our wants as to conceal
The man who bas never known ad
versity is but half acquainted with him
Wickedness may prosper for a while ;
but, in the run, he who sets all knaves
at work will pay them.
All that we possess of truth and wis
dom is borrowed good. You will be
always poor if you do not possess tbe
only true riches.
A man of strong character always
makes enemies, but because a man . bis
many enemies you cannot be quite sure
that he is a man of strong character.
How Diphtheria May be Spread.
"Persons are often at a complete loss
ta understand bow diphtheria devel
ops itself in some households' re
marked a local physician a few days
ago. "Here Is a circumstance that
may give some light on tbe subject. A
few momenta ago a man passed here
with a wagon load of apples and garden
truck which he is peddling about town
Only a couple of weeks ago malignant
diphtheria prevailed in his family and
several members died from tbe disease.
Now some of tbe refuse from the sick
chamber might have been splashed over
tbe straw placed in bis Wagoa-bed, or
germs of the disease be in the sacks or
baskets, containing the fruit or vege
tables be is disposing of. Should tbe
disease break out in a family making
purchases from this wagon, its mem
bers would be totally in tbe dark as to
how the dreaded malady originated.
I don't say that such will be tbe case
in Ibis instance.. It simply serves as a
practical illustration of how diphtheria
may, and, no doubt, is sometimes un
wittingly spread through a community."
To Husband and Hire.
Preserve sacredly the privacies of
your own house, your married state and
your heart. Let no father, mother or
brother ever presume to come between
you, or share tbe joys or sorrows that
belong to you two alone. With mutual
help build your quiet world, not allow-
mg yourdeareat earthly friend to be the
confident ot aught that concerns your
domestic peace. Let moments of alien
ation' as tbey occur, be bealed at once.
iNever, no never; speak of It outside,
but to each other confess, and all will
come right. : Never let the morrow's
eun find you at a variance. "Renew and
and re-renew your vow ; It will do you
good, and thereby your minds grow to
gether, contented in that love, which
becomes truly one. v i
Thebe are two things that a farmer
can never have enough of ; One is feed,
the other is manure, for it enables the
farmer to keep more cattle, and some
cm always oe purchased cheaplv In th
tailor winter, and make a good profi.
on the feeding.
.- . . , -. j s .A-aT
hewers or
aeoVe cJj.
The HOST POKEtm EilTTl in the auiet '
Over 30,000 SANFORD ITeatera in TJse.
Ti4r TV,.
2r ,- j h v a i
A. Trial mil Juttify Our Clnfmt.
aiao MaB'ifiwuror. of Tha Kuufti-tl J. wpl llimlnmnro
J(-alri : iih-aI!'nl Sin k i.n ultvi .-iiaii1 lint
anir rtanip ; Iht- !aiforl rr--n.t:T rarpi: 1v. I rn-ti
li.Ua tmiiA Ajarlin'T;t llui.s. . mid tuect.-lt-hrii.ttni
Ai-iilU-r Oiofc.
Itefarr elmrvhmr :nd f-JT circular atttt
The Sanford National Btovc "Works,
Trr-'rr. rr-v-vn, Zilzirxs. ZZi fTiier-Zi.. V. 7. Cli?.
to get a rtrat-CaavaaWatda
ia in our Co-OporwUrs Claba.
Only Sl.OOaWeek.
Thousands of tbe best 638.00
Oold AVatcli ever made are sell
ing1 in our Co-operative Clubs.
Thwis the Jtitt, Chraprtt, Jfott Conrmirrtt,
nnd only co-operative Pyrtem of scllini? waU'hi s.
1 be watrhca aro AmcriL-aa Lever tHuzu iui'.crs.
cotitaininp CTrry csst-ntial to ar-ruracy anl dura
liiiity, anl have, In a'i iition. numerous fitenUd
improvciacls luuad la no o! hi t ai;U- They are
absolutely the only ufnu llamj prvttf Al,,rr
lurjxtM made in tbe World, and ar jewek-d
throughout with U i'.Vl'JA'U JC L B 1 Hie
fatcryt Stem Hind and Srt is the slruugctit and
Ijnpseat made TAoy arm futijt jual for ajt
t 'oaraiM-, aura racy, dara bit iy aad ot-ne,
i any $73 ITatrh. our corporative Club Systoia
ulnBs them witbin the reach c.f every one.
OO ( htitnol SU,
P. O. Box 928. Ftitla. Pa.
to any Oro- I OGENTS
Vk-'-t. Club "t
' '"'-,:( Join I.'n-,
fcrstfintly Forrr-in-i.
out iiiw and Save lien:?.
, i.,--. HV OctRcirt IN
' wmt M.t;:s
rvcr usee Citt
I. P.Thomas & Son's,
Contain all ttieTslnaMe elements of ataMe manure
In a conefntratad urm. hl i'ly prrparnl fur nil
crop, Tiiry are msnuractared fur rraitlts itiu
arot -Multit. Thjr cannot bn beaten in tbe fitjid.
OCK VOHK.S poaMaas every factiity. We fire
them our prraoual ailention. or tlieaHme tnutiay
a ruarititeA our fpcHKls not to be iirpasel. 71ie
who Mae thfin enlorae them. Vvu umi tbeta aud
Juu will eudurse tbeta.
Philadelphia, Ponn'a.
W. J. ANSTliXl. Johnstown,
JOSEPH A. NOEL, Ebensburn.
March 3d. 2n.
A rare and safe siecitic fur weak
ness and debility of tbe nervous sv
tem, and reneral exhaustion arising
fium youtnfiil unprudence.eaceiacs
and overwork of body and brain,
causing physical and mental -r.,k-ncsik,
Utim ot memory and aeaual in
opacity. CURES OLD and YOUNG.
Z pz,-t r-rio f tr boa. i'rpared and tor
Ko. 2O0 M. Street. Phila. Send lor cirtui..!.'
Tl Xt Qrdsrt for on Choice Bfierg Strttt
Hv hT steady wnrk fur hoaoart, ola-r, mduvtrtoua men.
tLalaryand Cxpene. or Commistion, if PrefrrreJ.
V. 9 ftvw ft faJl hue of frait ud hardy oraftmrntwl m.. -.QsJUnx
Us kcwavad twmrts. trrythinr firicHy hrti f!,
attstaction Guiranteed to Cuvtomcrv and AqnT.
1'nm twiMBwaaw im mily aT4 qntck) .avried. Srmie a.'. uj
IVhaJTwavpvc AddrM, K. i. CliASK aV -.
&4s0 Sou Ui ron lojire. riiiliilil.ia-. I-
HO niYf0 C'F.IFBR TKD fem i: row.
11 H 11 I JL U dsT Hr tsa.f )ul ttiWMVH -tff-ttUtt. 1 T l
mm t's-rtay t.y H . AtiHimtati wonM-o,
-"aasaamfjaaal uJ-l TvIsnI flllNTior l flU 4! hT IfltH'-
mtNllra, or rath rfiiM.-a. b-nt T, $L l'riio
uiar. ic It. lux, 31 lrvumnt Su. IkjHlon, Maua.
)v llliUttraUHl, frifrti. Lut lilc Inm hut l.ulU W lUi
ticatis. l'r.o OIa Jtilar. )'naviMvra i.
p-ladun Isy., iirlat n. .-
KENK.Y WISE uARNETT.Attomey-at-Liw,
Refers r 2d Satiunui h-irk. V ,ii.Kfin. P. C.
1 1
tit a rraT5t5VA
To enormity c siibMst , ,
met-tirg wiib aflvocittcs. u
Know!-Jge is dearly i0).. ,
sacrifice to it moral iua;i:its '" :
Ilf raember every mnm-nt ,.
aDce to temptation is a vic'n,-
Self made men art rn-f;- ai."
to be a littlfj too piou.j of t. . , '
If God riid riot thke lh t.
few wou'd go to Iliin cf l( r
Siu 13 the only W.r.z wLiC, ( ...
aud almost tne oti'y vii,i:.
ft. - .
i ill thy heart with
i :ii c- i . i . . ..
tiiuu win iinu inab trie w
It is the drifting iceUr
any curreru aDywhere Lat W;e.."'
ebips. mucb is a svn of
Le that is lavish in wcrda i3 L
Xo man ought to eo.u;i!
world measures him as t,. t
better ia little, provided it
own, than an abundance of 1
Tear of sickne33 I3 the flfj.
the doctor; the rest is ODlyan.,
of time.
Itevenee. that thirsty dro;.T ,
sou's, makes us covet that v,'fr'.. I.
us most.
Receive tbe gifts of f.-.rtnr.?
pride., and part with them w:; .
Truth should be the Crst hsv,z
child and the last aspirations
The manner of
R'ving si,-.,,
character of the
giver aior .
gift itself.
An affocted man proc'uirrg ; :.
deficiencies, tells whit b d--
yet lacks.
Many a man who pridf3 V.r.
being self-made 5s simply a jr ;
his eood wife.
The pungency of plea.suie is as :
lent as the foam that maiitles t j
brimmiDg cup.
Indies of fashion starve their v;
ness to feed their vaiiity, anj t!irJ
to feed their pride.
There is something brighter ni
born name, there ii a born soul z?.
sire of nobleness.
It is one thing for a dealer tn v
Btand eustomers, and another:1 :
underptand matters.
I've never any pity for cr.r
people because I think they car:..
comfort about with them.
Thrift is the result cf self dpr. ?:
other habits it ia well to rem' z,:
has to be taught early in life.
Habit is the deepest law of h:
nature. It is our supreme stienr'.i
our most miserable weakness.
. A man who is naturally a pr-;
conduct himself in such a manner L
he may be considered a chump.
"When I spy a fault in anothtr.I.
deteimined to look for two )?. rr
and they will not be far to se k.
If I can put soma toucb-s cf 1 v
sunset into the life of any run r ;
man. then I feel that I haTe v,:;
with God.
When you have ric'.LiDgr to
nothing. A weak defence strr f.r.
your opponent, and silence i h ;- .
jurious than a weak re p'.v.
A nobleness acd el. vati. n cf r. '
together with Crmuess cf (:,.'...:.:
gives luster and diiroi;y to lhi u:, :
and makes the soul, us it wee,
through the body.
Time waits upon th? sea1 erl tv
morning, and ssys: hi v,:., :.
have me to da to-day 'i xt is a s'..:
to say what the answer is, but '.
one day be known.
Free-will is not the liberty f -0;v.
ever one likes, but the powrr c:
whatever one sees ougfet to If t
even in the face of otL. iv,:.e s
whelming impulse.
Parting with sin is harder tin'
ing with my wife. S.'ie w;.s t it.:
bone, and llesh of my llebh, e.:i'
the bone and ia the flesh, iilu.
about every fibre of the heart.
binning is putting poison i
stiuc of death. The great t-t : -
through life, with most men, i: t'
morrow, and to-morrow is sii.l b-' '
while it will never be overti-ken.
The trouble with a good n. .; v r-
ls that tbey spend n,uel! nai
ing their own ability that tiny : :
let other people Lave a iI:i-:-v;.
that they have any ability to m'L.::?
Ease signifies waste power, 0:
least, strength unused. Onii M
who does anything easily is d:i?
than hie best. Not ur.til we '-'
burden of overcoming a ii!vins:t.vt
We know thut n ar linit'? in v.- -
we might do. It were btttrrt-)!--it
said that you write w.ll'b-.n"
you write easily ; for thourrli v:
comparatively well with ci't::i:-:--ease,
it would be a greater chitv!i
to write better with corotmrowve c-
The true ideals a'id standard-'1?
are, in one sense, alwi'yJ un; :t ;'
though, in another sense, uhey orem1
unattainable. They are as tbe n'-1
of a man's tead when the sun a -i
behind Lira, lie marks wbere '
shadow is, leaps towards it, and a -r
upon the spot where it lay. l!ut
very effort to reach it has thrown
shadow still farther forward. ,p
ideals. "VVe rach the jwint cf r's
and only a ist, ideal ; tut the very
of reaching it throws the present
still farther forward. A uau 1j'c
siders that Le has reached L' !"';"',
Ideal is a man practically v.
1 .
ideal, and therefore without the
of high accomplishment.
Tkacit your boys a trade. t
old advice, but it is gooJ.
boys to work. Make them i'?
dent of vour support. A trade i '
tallaid up against f uture emerge
ninety per cent, or ine
1 !..... trrlfS. J1-"""
prisons are wuuuui
6hareswith the acquired dexter.-
tha rianil T.oarninff a IraucJ ' .
tbe meDtal Lorizon.
It. trYt
1 r.e
Qrnna tnori(r!nal tvower,
Bible the accomplishment of I
: j T-. o tint lulW IO Cll'1"
. 1 . tt 1. liner t'l
ana lie w i au - t1t;
mind. Ilyall ireans teprb you: