Ul ! ! auilinn 1 rccroim. E HEM MB CUM. I-. ocr. n, isss. ftsivAi ' iuC.lL A.D l'ERSOXAL. tannine accidents are gettluR numer- r wiil!ra Jonas, of Kane, la visiting ,'rir,n! In this plc. rtot!not.rr H. A. Shoemaker la laid ' lit, an attack of cnolera morbus. lie improving. jj,5 FiTUUS Lloyd, are Tiauiu j frl.'iiHt Koe, Ta. yr John Uiffel. of Summit, has three C0WS nd a carriage which be will of at private sale. It you wi.sti gond clothing ot all kind Ji and are March, the clothier, next door 'tr pot office. Altoora, Ta. M s Maty Slnamus, of Philadelphia, .ml MlMt Maunle O'Connor, of New Toik. S vHiting friends In this place. M- J Hnny has sold the Uvry t h on the Mountain House property to yf"jllSeph Piown, of this plaace. . V Divelyt Ei., Democratic candl- for Senator, was moving around imonu the voters In this place on Tuesday. .Mev.Geo. M. Keade, A.. V. Barker j vm Evans, Eq.. were In attendance nth Supreme Court In rittsburg this WrrlS. rvrny-five new styles of overcoats at Mareb, ihe clothier. next door to the post iv. Altoona. Ta. riices lower than the lowest. -The amount expended on our street :,irps would have bought a tin lantern for ,vtry man In town and a brass one for Ui Bjrtf, and each Councilman -Mr. Harry Eterline returned on Wed t,.,ly from a visit to rMinxsuUwney and In, rrsun'od bis duties as clerk at the Mountain House In this place. -Tin piwt 'fti-e at Bell wood. Blair eoun :y, was robbed early laat Friday mordns. Spiral dollars' worth of pottage stamps iud a few dollars in change were secured. -Mi-Donald. Loretto. Ta , f till pays the lucent price; for all ktnds of country pro hn'i.T. pim. onions, beans, wheat. I :je, corn anil oats, part cash paid If desired. S -Kuptnrs cure guaranteed by Dr. J. R. 1 Mivr, t'l Arch "3t., Philadelphia, Ta. Ease 1 tt unce, no operation or delay from bu.M- arse, attested by tnousands of cures after alter fall. -M-r. E. K. Parish and Fergus Lloyd j iKolmi to Pittsburg next week to serve I oir country. Tbu former as a grand juror j i:i ttie Utter as a petit juror la the United I u;et Court. -Mi. Martin Ward, of this place, took j ! departure this (Thursday) morning for ' A'tiH r.a, whence he was summoned to the j i-5 bed of tils (laughter, Mrs. H. A. McPlke, so I tlcsly 111 In that city. I -Mrs. Mary Mary E. Kennedy, the cotl.er of Dr. C. V. Kennedy, of this place, 1 i ul at hr r home In ITollidsyshurg on Sat- a: lay of last work, aned 77 years. ! ivrn au invalid for about seven yei Sbe bad rears. i -It will be well for our readers to remem ' ?. when wanting a pair of shoes for fall or j winter, that the largest and best stock of ; boots and slios In town Is to be fonnd at t- tie slum store of P.. L. Davis, on Julian ji street. i; -Mr. Lester Larimer, who has been em ! p!.yr 1 on the Pennsylvania railroad as a ij fireman for some time past, returned to his t. tonit In this piac on Monday last. We h 'd- .!ertani! that Lester has given np rail- roiilirjj. Mrs. Stewart, one of the contestants for t!'.i pri7 ( ffrred to the best lady rider at lt Indiana fair last week, was thrown from tier hoi and sustained Injuries that say prove fatal. One leg was broken and sbe was Injured lntrnIIy. -A lltt.'e son of Mr. Joseph Skelly, of fimbria township, died on Tuesday last i:J will be burled on Filday morning In ; Catholic cemetery In this place at 9 ioIik-Ic. II is liluess la supposed to bare i'-va caused by eating wild cherries. The following named persons can each I receive, a letter by calling at the Ebeosburtth p'toiiice: M. A. Waterbouse, Miss Sarah A. Jimri, Jotin T. Uughee and John F. Evans. Tersons calling for these letters !:i please stat tbey were advertised. -We have a speedy and positive Cure ?r Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth, and il.'ailactie, n v,tijiou's Catarrh P.emedy. A N'a-ai injec'nr f roe w lib each bottle. Use : If yon desire health and sweet breath. So s.ii.l by Ir. T. Davison. The. Loretto Merchandise Company offers th balanre of H eir stock of dry Kods. boots and shoes, hnts and caps. q ioensware an.l hardware at eost for cash or country rnxlure. P.nr. i, - - ...... ..a iiiucvwU MJ W I. e company are reiuested to call and set- i e licit accounts. -vV. II. Powers emrlovt ik. t.i . . T:,M..,on Meel Works, was suffocated on furoace gas. Powers had laid unuer furnace C to take a rest, and ovrrpowered by the vs emanating f:jIU hen found be was dead. r0w 't w v, eUbteeo years of age, and lived In lock. -M-l)onaM at Loretto, Pa., is aeUlng off 'f::owing Hoes of good at actual ert "pot cash or jiood marketable produrv i-tn l s: Dry goods, flannels, Kentucky .'"'. Udlea. misses' and cttldren'aaboee, w t.ov-s and men's boots and sh.H. hafa "K and clothing. tc. Now Is your time " k' i carnaics. -laving oid out the Oolden Fjg!e ' f v. riu,e to Mr. Stern, I have opened Jf,ln Tn new atock. I am In O. t s old stand next door to tne postofrlce. W'.'.u I K . . - ".re sioca or fjo.otK) worth of -w caning which will be soldatwhol --'l-riie. i aery Competition. Parti-. ' nto save money gQould cij to fte N-fore poror-.asina- elsewhere. S. March A toon a. Pa. ' -A shiM.tma match for a gold medal and championehlD of CamBria. Clearfield - l In, liana counties took place at Hastings, tr..nty.on H-edoeMlay which resulted f'j 'lows, distance 100 yards off hand. 23 . J. Lt. llaiues, Coalport, 250 ; P. P, - I'sttvnie. Caleb A. (Jray, ; James Haines. 231 F E "' -art. Cherrytree. 227; Jos. A. Cray, ru.iiown. 2ci. -Ves, evenna (Tuesday the drltl i tis from reters and llawi' well at - Hollow were brought to town, and will 'i"Pldto Butler county, where they ' bo uv,i by J. M. Gufly and Emmett ntoMuk agaawelL Tbe drillers say e hre was put down a distance of f-et. but that thre U no prospect of wtmg either oil or gas in this vicinity. -Mr. Thomas McBreen. Jr.. last week '""led home rrnm Philadelphia where he k0 employed for tbe past couple of and lnu-nds remaining bere. He will ( ee, opro pft reuurant In the Vk'V ' "h,r" ,un,n or n"1 c m v V ny tial ,n tb" dT nd d reas s ,. ' 10 ln" n,nt- " hre he wilt cr", . 1 his friend and the public i,.'.!'..'"1' Il hv tw" dining rooms. or Mr. Ei? wsul Griffith, ot tils place, after being laid up for several weeks with a sore leg. Is no:v able to be out. The Cleveland and Tbur man clnb of this place will hold their next tegular meet ing at the Opera House oo Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Mr. James B. Zabm and Mr. George YV. Jones, of Pittsburgh, the former a son and the latter a sou lo law of Mr. George C. K. Zahm, of this place, are visiting friends and relatives in Ebensbnrg. Judge Finletter, of Philadelphia, on Saturday, In common pleas No. 3, sustained tbe report cf tbe master In tbe suit of W. II. Piper A Co. against D. Laughman A Co, Tbe parties to tbe suit are miners and ship pers of coal ln Washington township and tbe question was as to tbe right of tbe defend ant to use tbe words "Sonman Coal.' the plaintiffs claiming a trade mark In tbe use of the word "Sonman." Tbe master de cided in favor of tbe plaintiffs, a decision which tbe court now upholds. Clarence Edmonson. yonng man res siding In Sinking Valley, Blair county, was accidentally shot by his brotber-in law, Samuel Cooley, on Saturday last. Tbey were on their Fay home from bnntlng when a pine squirrel sprang up and Cooley raised bis gun and fired Just as Edmonson stepped in front of the weapon. He received tbe full contents of the gun which entered bis body at the Jointure of tbe pelvis with the backbone. He died tbe next day. Saturday night, Sept. 24 tb. tbe barn of E. C. Nicely, of Cook township. West moreland county, was discovered to be on fire, and with all its contents was destroyed. A!mot at tbe same Instant tbe earn ot White Campbell, wbo lives within one half mile of Mr. Xicely, was also burned. Mr. Nicety's loss Is about (2.000. Insurance 1 1.000. Mr. Campbell's loss is about tbe same with an Insurance of f 1,000. Both of these fires were tbe work of an incen diary. On last Friday afternoon Alfred Robb, a resident of Uyndman, Bedford county, while carrying a double-barreled shotgun stopped to talk to two boys, John Miller, aged fifteen and Alfred Goss, aged fourteen wbo were on tbeir way to school. Robb wbo bad tbe gun on bis shoulder attempted to lower It when the hammer caugbt In bis clothing and falling discharged the weapon, the charge taking effect la the faces of the boys. Milter was killed Instantly and Gross ran about fifty feet after being shot when be dropped to the ground and expir ed. Robb fainted wben be saw tbe result of tbe accident and Is greatly prostrated. Tbe will of Rev. William Pollard, late of St. Mary's Catholic church. Pittsburg, dated March IS. 1888. was filed for probate on Tuesday. Rev. E A. Bush, ot Loretto, and Key. Thomas Devlin, of the Holy Cross ehurcb, Pittsburg, are appointed ex ecutors. Fatcer Pollard directs that five hundred masses shall be said for tbe repose of bis soul, divides his Latin and theologi cal works between bis executors, leaves twelve English books, to be selected, to bia nephews and nieces Sara b, Richard, and Thomas Pollard and Mary Hlckey ; tbe bal ance cf bis library and bis pictures to the Sisters of Mercy of S- Mary's congregation. Tbe remainder of bis estate be bequeaths to Father Bush. Dr. Peebles, an eminent physician of Philadelphia, baa been in town the past week, aud on Monday. Tuesday and Wed nesday evenings lectured ln the opera bouse on hygiene and tbe treatment ot various diseases. Oo the first two evenings the lee tures were free acd the bouse was crowded to its utmost. His lecture last evening was to males only and be has received many words of praise from all wbo listened to him. Tbe doctor baa been a great traveler In bis time. Is well versed on any topic, a thorough scholar, and It Is a pleasure to bear Mm speak. Huntingdon Monitor, Sept. 27, 1833. Dr. Peebles will commence a course of free Illustrated lectures upon health, hygiene and travels In foreign coun tries In tbe opera boose next Monday night, Oct- 15th. On Thursday morning of last week William, the sixteen year old son of Mr Wlibelm Yinkey, wbo liven about four miles southeast of Somerset, met with a fatal acc.dent, while cleaning bis gun, which ln a short time resulted In his deatb. Tbe young man bad taken tbe gun to a loft over the wash-house, and while In tbe act of drawing tbe load, tbe gun went off. At tbe time be was holding tbe muzzle toward bis person and the force of the explosion was ao great as to drive tbe ramrod entirely through bis body, and It penetrated several Inches Into the board partition back of where the young man was standing. Tne ramrod entered tbe body above tbe left groin, making a ghastly wound, which from the first lt was feared would prove fa tal. Dr. n. S. Kimmeit, of Somerset, waa called and did all in bis power to save the youth 'a life but tbe wound and shock to the system waa too much for medical skill. He suffered a everely until afforded relief by the doctor. He died at four o'clock the ame afternoon. Sotnertet Democrat. Blaemllek Iwwaanlp Iteaae. Blacklick Township, Oct. 8th, 1888. Ed. Freeman : I herewith enclose a few Items from this neighborhood for your paper. The recent raina have made tbe roads very bad and mud abundant. Tbe lumber firm of Roberts A Williams, who bave a saw mill bere, met with a slight lues a few days ago, by their engine blowing up. Tbe loss, however. Is light and will be repaired In a short time, but it will be a loss lu the way of preventing tbe firm from fill ing a numcer of bills for lumber that axe urgently demanded. Joseph Triser, one of oar enterprising young farmer, got his threshing done last week, and bU barn being so full, waa (bilged to throw bis straw outside, where It got badly frosted. Joaepb lament his loss, a would any other thrifty farmer. Grant Roberts and wife paid a flying viait to friends In Homer, Indiana county, last week, where they are always heartily wel come. John Williams and wife were at tbe Indi ana county fair laat week and report the fair to bave been a grand success. S. W. F. aal4. Every reader of th la paper to thoroughly understand that physicians and superinten dent of bospttala do not lend their names to anyone to use In connection with an ar ticle to advertise, unies. Indeed, it reflects entM on both the name and the profession. Yet they cheerfully Indorse Klein's Silver Age Rye Whisky over their signatures, and why ? Because it really Is what It 1 claim ed for It the best stimulant now known In the market. It Is very cheap, only 1 1.50 per full quart. Ask your druggUt for ft, and use no other. Ooe bottle possibly may sare a aufferer moch pain. It Is not a cure all, as claimed by would-be competitors, but is a pore stimulant, wlxwe equal Is not to be found In the market Address, for fur ther Information, Max Klein, 82 Federal street, Allegheny, Ta. Tala liMiUa. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indirection, Constipation. Duzloesa, Loss of Appetite, Coming Up of the Food, Yellow Skin, wben for 75 cent we will sell theio Shiloh'a System Vltallzer, guaiaUeed to euro them. Sold by Dr. T. J. . Oil and A at oral Oai. We are inclined to believe that In tbe 1 near future parties will open np a big oil and gas field In Cambria county. Only a few years ago It was generally believed that no gas or oil wonld be found in Elk county, it being broken and highly elevated and also a spur of tbe Allegheny mountain. About two years ago, however, they found several big gas wells, and Just lately have struck several good oil wells, "oil" of which ere. ated a big excitement In one locality where tbey are building over forty oil rigs. Ex perts claim that tbe Indications are much better for oil In Cambria than In Elk coun ty or any of tbe oil fields in Pennsylvania. Tbe pebble sand rock or oil blossom, salt spring and oil floating on tbe water In many places are saa Indication, and no better can be seen In tbe world. There are natural gas springs In many parts of Northern and Mid dle Cambria where Its gas Is escaping, and wells where yon can set lt on fire wben It will burn In a nice flame. Tbe geologists bave located three gas antlcllnals that run through tbe country. One Is Laurel Hill and another tbe viaduct. Tbe gas wells in Canoe township, Indiana county, are loca ted on the Indiana anticlinal. Tbe growth of tbe natural gas product of Western Penn sylvania is one of tbe moet remarkable of tbe age. There are some thirty natural gas companies In Western Pennsylvania, with a capital stock of more than 125,000.000. and nearly two-thirds of thts amount Is Invested lo Pittsburg companies. Tbe Philadelphia Cbartler company la supplying 19,000 fami ly bouses and over 500 manufacturing es tablishments. We understand that parties holding great bodies ot oil and gas lands In the adjoining counties have made a fair proposition to tbe capitalists of our city, and we bope tbey will accept tbe offer and develop tbe territory and pipe tbe gaa to this place, as such enterprise wonld give our town a big boom. Altoona Timet. BchMl Keport. Arena attendance. Enrolled. A me Lloyd.... r.me flyers Mnllle ETaaa Asole Jones. K, Head. ToUll I S I IS: S3 1711 S7 10S3M Boom "So. 1. A class, Robbie Bolslnger ; B class, NItie Evana. Room No. 2. A Class, Annie) McBreen ; B elass, Ralph Tib beet. Room No. 3. A class, Fdlth Myers ; B class. May Davis. Room No. 4. A class, Mary McBreen , B class, Charles Weaklen. Room No. 5. A c'.asi", Katie Mc3reen ; B class, Jennie Bower. Tbe following Is the names of tho pupils wbo bave been regular in attendance dur ing tbe term : Room No. 1, Elmer Davis, Arthur Evans, Harry Bennett, Joseph Hammond, Mary Englebart, Minerva Hul bert, Edna Dow, Edith Bai ker, Gertie Ham mond. Lizzie Ludwig. June Davis, NItie Evans. Annie Uitchue. Gertie Dili. Bertie Conn ell. Room No. 2. Wellington Evans, Peer Ludwig. Annie McBreen, Maggie Tib bolt. Room No. S. Oertle Crouse, May Davis, Blanche Folsom. Minnie Elrschner. Room No. 4. Annie Frederick, Gertie Bower, Emma Morrow, Mary McBreen, Charles Weaklen, Fred Jones. Room No. 5. Leonard Jones, Katie McBreen, Mary Evans. Jennie Bower, Ena Klrschner, Ettia Klngsley, Julia ConnelL HABBIAOE LICENSES 1SSCED. The following marriage licenses were Issued by tbe Clerk of the Orphans Court for the week ending Wednesday. Oct. 10, 1838: John J. Noel and Laura Glass, Munster, Pa Andrew A. nileman, Galli'zln and Emma R. Burns, Munster. Joseph Edward Litzlnger and Ellen Res becca McDermltt. Clearfield township. John VY. MeCool and El He Bradley, Washington township. Joseph Francis Glass. Head of Six. Blair county. Pa , and Margaret Cecelia Gous- man. Summltt, Cambria county, Pa. Daniel Cauffiel. Sommeiset eountv. Pa and Lizzie E. Leventry, Stooeycreek town- snip. Orlando S. Frazer. W 11 more. Pa., and Sal He E. Kerr, Buffington township, Indiana county. Pa. Bernard E. Wise. Gallltzln township and Millie M. Smith. Keade township. Char lea Worhl and Annie M. Dashner, Gallitzln. DIED. M'Man amy. Died at bis borne In Alle gheny townsbip oo Friday. October 3th. 168. Mr. Charles McManamy, aged about 84 years. Tbe deceased was one of tbe oldest citi zens of Allegheny township and a lifelong resident of Csmbrla county. Wben a yonng man be learned tb e trade ot a tailor In Eb ensbnrg. with John Dougherty, Sr., who died In this place several years ago. Mr. McManamy worked but little at bis trade, however, after serving bis apprenticeship, but followed the occupation of a farmer nearly all bis life. He was an upright man. true to bla principles, firm in bia convic tions, bonest in all bis dealings, a kind and charitable neighbor and enjoyed the respect and esteem of all who ever made hi ac quaintance. He waa married.but had no chil dren and bis wife preceded blm to tbe grave several years ago. Ills remains were In rreJ in St Michael's cemetery, Loretto, on Monday last, followed to tbeir last resting place by a large number of sorrowing re ta il Yes and friends. efuecat i pae.. M'GOTTGH. Died at bis bom la Por taee oo Friday. October 5th. 1888, Mr. Jesse McUougn, aged 60 years. Tbe deceased was a well known citizen of Portace towotblp, having - resided In that neighborhood nearly all bla life and for a nam ber of years was proprietor of the Ex change hotel, at Portage. About two weeks before bis death be waa prostrated with ty phoid fever, and. although bis friends for a time bad bopes for bin recovery, be gradu ally grew weaker and hrs Illness on last Friday night terminated fatally. His Inter ment took place in St. Cartbolmew ceme tery at W 11 more on Monday last. May his soul rest In peace. HklIOha Caaaaaaptlwa Car. This Is beyond question the most success ful Cough Medicine we bave ever sold, a few doees Invariably cure the worse cases of Cougb, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its wonderful success In the cure of Consump tion Is without parallel In the history of medicine. Since Its first discovery It has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medlelno can stand. If yon bave a Cough we earnestly ask yoa to try it Price 10 cents. 50 cents, and tLOO. If your Lao irs are sore. Chest or Back lame, use Shiloh'a roroua Plasters. Sold by Dr. T. J. Davison. Barklra-s Arm lea Salve). The beet salve In tbe world for Cote, Brulaaa, Soree. Ulcere, Salt Rbeam. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cbillblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Plies or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by E. J amea and W. W.McAteer. Loretto. Kblleb'a CaUrrh Ktaeiy. Shiloh'a Catarrh Hemedv. a marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth, and neadaebe. With each bottle there la ao ingenious Nasal Iniector for th more successful treatment of these complaints witnout extra charge. Price 60 cent. Sold by Dr. T. J, Davtdon. , " !. ' 1 ft St O, H; tt Ci H; -i TaAcaa-aa. b S. m Z- . 5 Ml! II: I liiilJJii I 1 t i 3 Mi 3 J 63: I s ! -Ft i' as - it a, a 3 U II' Mi IS' 23 41 S -I I U 8' Di IT l 10 ST I S , S ! 11 13 34! 13 14 as. S ii-. r TJOK SALE. - ' ' . JP liuuae aad lot In ttxnihnrc. Pa. A never taillUK prior, stable and oacbwidtnt; oa prem- iraa. Icqcir at E. Duiton a. fckift. .fcartlware Store, fctwuroarK. lct. 12, IMS. FOU SALE. Tbe Central Hot! la EbeaSbora toaretber with the tamatnr will be sold at .rlTt aai. For terms aad partlcalars Inquire ot tbe nb scrlbcr on the premises. f.f.BEOWM. EDenabanr.Oet.12. 188S. t;jTOK-S NOTICE. lisTlnc been appointed aa auditor ta de cide npoa exceptions Sled to Ue second and par tial account of Adam Myers, committee oi Peter Mjers. a lonatle, and to report a distraction of Ihe land In his band, notice if hereby g;lTaa tbat I will sit at tbe Arbltratloa Koom ia tbe iort House, KbcDKbore:, Pa., on Tuesday. UetoberSOtb, laas. at ten o'clock, a. at., to attend to tbe dalles of said appolatment, at which time and place all penoas lotereeled niun appear or be debarred tram comlnir In on said fand. M. I. KITTFT.T.. And I tor. Ebensbors;. Oct.. 13, issa. St. IXECT.TOR'S NOTICE. j Ieiter teMameatary on the estate or Pat rick U. Klley, Into ot fcbentbnrr. Pa., deceased, harms; been , ranted to tbe nnderttsrned. all per sons Indebted to said estate are hereby noticed to make payment to me without delay, and loose harlns; claims aaainst the same will present them, properly authenticated for settlement. -JAMES KlLfcY. Executor of P. t. Klley, dee'd. tberwburg, Oct. 14. IMS. Su ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. fitters ot administration on the estateof James MdwnnlU. late of Clearfield township, deceased, hTln: been srranled to the under slsjned. notloe Is oereoy plven to all persons In debted to said estate to make payment without delay. and all persons banns; claims ayasnst the same will present them property authenticated lor settlement to hihs. siuium Adm'x of J sines McDermltt, dee d. Clearfield Two. Oct. la. 1S88.-SU ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Letters ot administration on tbe estate of Parld Hrookbank, late ol Asbnile borouicb. deceased, havlns: been r ranted to the undersign ed, notice Is hereby a-iren to all persona Indebted to said estate to make payment without delay, and all persons barlnc claims acalnsi the same will present tnena properly auioenueaiea iur settlement to ANNIE BKOOKBANK. Adm'x of land Brookbank, dee'd, AsbTlHe, Pe, Oct. Sth. IMS. St. -VTOTICJE. IN To tbe heirs and legal Keprefentatlres oi liarld O'barra, deceased: Take notice tbataa Inquest will be held at the late residence of Darid O Harra, deeeased. in the township of Munster, In tbe county of Cambria, on Tuesday, the SOth day of October next, at 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon of that day, tor the purpose of maktnsr partition of the real estate of said decedent te and amonc bla heirs and lesral representative. If tbe same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling; ot tbe whole ; otherwise, to value and appraUe the ame aeoordlna law. at which time and plaee yoa are requested to attend It you think proper. Jlt?KP OKAY. Sheriff. Ebenibars;, Oct, 4. isss. at. TTSTKAY NOTICE. I!l Came te tbe residence of the subscriber, residing In Cambria township, on or about tbe Tth of Ausrust last, two sprlna; heifers, one brown and the other white with brown ears. The owner Is requested to eoae forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, oth erwise they will be disposed of accordlne to law. HAJKENCE W lLLiliKA? 1. Ebensburs;. Sept. T, 1S8S. 17STRAT NOTICE. J j LtR tbe premises ef the subscriber la Moxbam about the Mtb of July, a light brtndle cow. sereu years old. srood sis, slightly mixed with while, and alone tbe back aed beuy white and Inside of the leys ; small turned In horns. A reward will be airea lor Inlormatlon ol tier whereabouts. A.J.1JO&INO. Moxbam, Sept. 14, IMS. i Notice Is hereby rlvea that Joseph Hoe-ae, assignee ot M. I'. McDonald et ax lor the benefit of creditors will make application to tbe Court of Common Pleai on Monday, October l't. IHea. for leave to reconvey the assigned estate and for bia discharge as said aosirnee. H. A. 8HOEMAKER, Proth'y. Ebensburs;, Sept. 10, IMS. y I7-STKAT NOTICE. j Came to tbe residence ef Albert M. Anns man lu Alleitheqy township. Cambria county. en or about the 10th day of Auausc IMS. one browa-black cow, one white spot In forehead and one white spot on blp next tall, supposed to be six years old. The owner will please come tor ward and prove property, pay el antes and take her away or aha will be dlsuoeed of according; to law. ALBEKr AWSMaN. Allegheny Twp.. Aug. 31, ' . vroncE. X Notice Is hereby given Chat the following accounts have been Bled In the Court of (Common Plea of Cambria county. Pa., and will b con firmed by said court ou tbe hrt day of October, iwi. unless nan om ioowi to ue contrary. Account of Joseph Hogne, assignee of M. F, McIojald et ux. second and partial aeeoant of Adam Myers, committee oi rater xuyers. H. A. SHOEMAKER, Prtth'y. . Ebensburg, Sept. lit, lBSa. . . . tree ef Jefferson Rowland 1 In the Court of Com vs. ! mom Pleas ol Cam John Reese and atsa-fbiia county. No. S3 netn Heese. J Jane Term. ISSS. E. I. Tbe undersigned having been appointed audi tor to report distribution of the fund la the hands vi m. .--nriru mump; inim vuo ssu Ol toe a feodant leal estate on the above atateU writ, hereby gives notice that he will sit at bis office in the borough ol Uenbursr. lo asUd county, on Wednesday. October 17th, loss, at 10 o'clock A. at., to discharge the dutlee ol hi appointment, wben aad where ail persons Interested shall ap pear or be forever debarred from eomlng ln on aid land. DONALD E. DCFTON. Aadltor. Sept, 3S.1S8S. rAHTABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE Tbe undersigned will sell their farm, sit uated In Allesrheny township, adjoining lands of D. A. McOougn. a. J. Sell. Henry Mansfield, and others, containing lis acres, eu acres cleared and M well timbered with oak. hemlock, cucum ber and hickory. A good two-stnry-plank bouse and frame barn, together with all necessery out buildings, a never failing spring of water and a stream ot water running through tie farm. There Is also 76 choice apple, pear and peaoh trees on -he premises. The above property will be sold at a price and terms to salt the purchaser and a good warrantee deed guaranteed. MARY Ft,' RT. ANN FURY. Jane lit.' Loretto Postoffice, Pa. ASSIGNEE'S SALE ., . ' . OF Valuable Real Estate. By virtue of an order Isaaing out of the (Tourt of Common Pleas ot Cambria eounty to me dlrected.lw.il expose te public sale at the tore room otJ.C. Noel, at Portage, en SATURDAY, AW. 3, '8S. AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. the following described real estate. Tlx : A piece or parcel of land situate In Munster township, Cambria county, Pa adjoining lands Bone. John McAtameny, floras rd Blglla. Isaac Wiks and Joseph FretdhofT, containing one hendred acres, more or less. Tbla land la heavi ly timbered, aad la all underlaid with coal. Also all tbat certain piece or parcel of land situate In the village of Portage. Cambria eounty, Pa., adjoining P. K. U. on tbe north and east, lot M I. C. Caldwell on tbe south aad lot ol A inert Davis on the west, containing three acres, more or less, and having thereon erected a two-storied frame dwelling bouse, a store-room and outbuildings, all In good repair- Thla land will be offered fur sale la Iota or ploeea, as well aa la one whole piece. . - .-TERMS OF SALE'S Tea per cent, of the purchase money to be paid at tbe time of sale, the balance of one-lb I rd at the confirmation of sale, one third la (lx months, and one-third ta twelve months after taecocfir matloa et tne sale. Deterred payments te bear interest, and to be secured by the judgment bond and mortgage ot the purchaser. JOSEPH MILLER. Assignee ef John O. Noel, et ex. - ertlmare, FaOov., JXlsss. at. Orphans' Court Sale. VALUABLE-REAL ESTATE. Ty virtue of an alias order Issuing out ot the It Orart et Cambria county. Pa., to me di rected. I will expose to nubile sale ca the prem ises on SATURDAY, OCT. 27, '88, AT 10-80 O'CLOCK A. M tbe followtng described real estate, to wit : All that certain niece or parcel ef land situate In Munster township. Cambria county. Pa., ad- Iolnlng lands of James Noon, William Oarret, 'atrtck Owens, heirs of Patrick (Vmnery acd Aa srustlne Wills, containing fifty-four acres, more or less, having a two storied frame houss. a bang barn aad tho necessary outbuildings, thereon erected. - Tne farm Is situated close to tbe village ef Munster, aad has a rood orchard and good. water. . AsTEBMS OF SALE.- a Ten per cent, oi tbe purchase money to be paid when uie property Is sold, tbe balance of one third at confirmation ot sale, and the remainder In two equal payments, la six and twelve months with Interest, to be secured by the Judgment bond and mortgage of the purehaeer. MATILDA FAR REN. Adm'x of Daniel M. Farren, dee'd. Munster. Pa., Oct. S. IMS. llay Feeer. suffers ought to know of Its efficacy. Ely's Cream Bala was recommended to me as apreyeau Ive to Hay Fever. Have been using ft lorn the ta ef August and bave found It a specifle for that much dreaded disease. For tea years 1 bave been a great sufferer from August Sth till frost, and here tried many alleged remedies, but Ely's Cream Halm is the oaly preventive I bave ever found. F. U. Aiuiworlii, Publisher, t&dia&apo lia, lad. GENERAL . Election Proclamation I Cii .173 t.9 Cc-z::TiIt-. -irHEREAS,hy aa Aetefthe General Araem II biy ef the Commonwealth ef Pennsyl vania, entitled "An Act to Regulate tbe Uener al Elections within tbe Commonwealth,' it la enjoined upon me to give public notice of said election, and te enumerate In said notice what officers are to be elected. I. Joseph A. Uray, High Sheriff t tbe County ol Cambria, In the Commonwealth ef Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to lb electors of the eounty- aforesaid, that a Oeneral Election will be held in the said County of Cambria on the m or mim, l b. i:::, (the same being the Tuesday next following the first Monday ol said month), at which time State and Countv officers will be elected as follows : THIRTY ELECTORS for President and Vice President. TWO PERSONS for Jodre of Supreme Court. ONE PERSON for Sheriff ot Cambria euunty. ONE PERSON for Auditor Uensral. t N E PERSON lor Congress. ONE PERSON fr Senator." TWO PERSONS for Assembly. ONE PERSON lor Poor Director of Cambria eennty. ONE PERSON lor Jury Commissioner of Cam. bria county. I also hereby make known and give notice that tbe places for holding the aforesaid elections In several wards, boroughs, districts and township within said eounty are as follows, to wit : Tbe electors ot the dlstriot composed of tbe bor ough of Ashvilie. to meet at the house ol D. tr. Myers ln said borough. The electors ol the district composed of tbe township or Allegheny to meet at Bradley's school house, ln said township. Tbe electors et tbe district composed of tbe township el Adams to meet at the home ot Dan lei Dunmlre, In Adamsburg The electors of the district composed or tbe township of Barr te meet at the school house No. II. In said township. - Tbe electors ef tbe district com posed el the township of Blackllek to meet at the bouse on the property ol Simon Adam Ln BeUano, In said township. Tbe elect on of the district eomposed of tbe -township ol Cambria to meet at the orBoe et Abel Lloyd at Lloyd Springs hotel, in said township. in electors oi tne a i strict eomposed ot tbe borongb of Cambria to meet as follows : 1st ward. at the school bouse ln said ward ; 3d ward, ln the uvruuun ivcaup ia saia wsra. Tbe electors of the aistrlet eomposed ol the township of Carroll to meet at the bouse of John Flick, In said township. The electors of the district eomposed of tbe bor ough of Carroll town to meet at the school bouse la said boroogh. Tbe electors of the district eomposed of the township of Cheat to meet at school house No. 9, In said township. The electors of the district eomposed of the bor ough et Cheat Springs to meet at the bouse ol Jacob Wagner, in said bortugh. The electors of tbe district eomposed of the township of Clearfield to meet at school house No. X. adjoining the village of St. Augustine, in aid township. The electors et tbe dlftrlet eompoeed of the township ef Conemaugh to meet at the school boose at Singer's, to said township.' The electors ef the district eomposed of the bor ough ot Conemaugh to meet as follow a: 1st ward, at the bouse of Peter Maltale, In said 1st ward ; 3nd ward, at the house of John S want man ln said znd ward. - The electors el the district oompeeed ef tbe bor oogh ol Ooooersdale to meet at the school house tn said borough. The e teeters ef the district eomposed of the township ot Croyle to meet al the school bouse la tbe vlllageof Summerbill. in said township. The elector of tbe district composed of the township of Deon to meet at Richland's reboot bouse, in said township. . Tne electors ef the district eomposed of the bor ough ol East Conemaugh to meet at (be sehool boose la said borough. Tbe electors ot the district eomposed ef the bor augh of Ebeasburg to meet as follows : East ward, at the office of Richard Jones. Irlesaid ws.rd ; W est ward, ta Council Room, ln said ward. The electors of tfie dlatrtet compered of tbe township of Elder to meet at the scheol house ln tbe village fcl St. Honlface. in said township. The electors of the district composed of the bor ough ot Franklin te meet al the school house la said borough. - The electors of tbe dlstriot eomposed ol the bor enrh of Sooth Fork, te meet at the public school house Ne. 2 of said boroug h. Tbe electors el the district eomposed of the township of Uullltsia to meet at the Mountain school house In said township. The eleetors ol the district composed of the bor ough ot Oallluin to meet at the school bouse ln aid borough. Tbe electors of the dutriet eomposed or the bor ongb of Ornbbtown to meet at the pablto school bona la said borough. The electors of the district eempoeed ef the township of Jackson to meet at the bouse of Henry Ragerln said township. The elector of the district eomposed of Uie bor ough of Johnstown to meet as follows : 1st ward, at th effice formerly occupied by Thomas a. Wal ters, public square, 2d ward at the offloe of J. S. Tittle. Esq . on Market street. In said ward Srd ward. at the Mansion House, en Broad street. In said ward; tin ward, at the sehool house lu said ward ; th ward, at the boose ot August Welgand ln said ward ; Sth ward, at the Johnstown pottery ln aald ward ; Tth ward, at the office S. W. Mil ler in said ward. The elector! oi tbe district composed ol the bor cugb el Lilly to meet av the aouae el Oepaart Binder la said boroukh - Tbe eleetors ol the district composed of tbe bor ough or Loretto te meet at the school bouse in sai l borough. I he electors ol tb district composed of the township ol Munster to meet at the warehouse ef Augustine Durbin. deceased. In the village of Muo.ter. In said township. The eleetors ef the district eomposed ot the bor ough of Mlllvllle to meet aa follows : 1st ward, at the lockup; 2d ward, at the hoe carriage fiuuie, iu vr:u wara. The electors of the district eomposed of the bor ough ol Prviieet te meet at the Council Cham ber In said borough. The electors of tbe district eomposed of the township ol Portage to meet at the school bsuse near the village ef Portage. The electors of the district eomposed Yf the township of Reevde to meet la the ttnshon of Abraham ternelllua. In the village ef Olasgow, In said township. The electors of the district composed of thel I township of Richland to meet at the none el , Joseph dels. In said township. j 1 be electors of the district eomposed of the 1 township ol Stonycreek te meet at Jacoby's school boune. in said township. j Tbe elector ol the dlstriot eomposed ol the ! townihlp of Summerhlll to meet at school house No. 4 In said township. , The electors or the district composed of the township of Susquehanna to meet at the house of ' Michael Piatt In said townhip. I The elector ot the district eomposed of tbe ' towashlpof West Taylor to meet at tbe school house near James lilougb s. In said township. 1 he elector of the district eompoeed ol the township of East Taylor to meet at the bouse of Peter Khoades. near the Heudrick's school house. In said township. The electors of the district composed ol the bor ough ef South Fork to meet at public school bouse No. 2, ia said borough. The electors ef the d istrict composed of tbe bor ough ol Tunnelblll to meet at the sehool bouse in aid borough. Tbe electors of the district composed of the bor ough of Wood vale to meet at the new school house In said borough. Tb electors of tba district eomposed ef the bor ougn et W II more tn meet at Council Chamber ln aid borough. i he electors et tbe district eomposed ef the townsolpef Washington No. 1 to meet at school bouse No. S In said district. The elector ot th district eomposed of tbe township of Washington No. 2, to meet at scbe-Jl house No. $ oa the pike leadiag from C reason te Summit. Tbe elector of tbe district eompoeed of the township ol White to meet at the small store house of John C. Ualea In said township. The electors ol the district eompoeed of the township ot Toder to meet as follows : First di vision at school house No. a la said township ; 2 divls4oa at Beam's school house la said tawa shlp. SPECIAL ATTEXTfON.v Sec 1. Every male citixen twenty-one years of age. possessing tbe qualifications shall be enti tled is vote at all elections. , First -lie shall have been a cltlxea of the Uni ted States at least oa month. Second Heaball have resided ta tbe State one year (or It having previously been a qualified elector or native born cltlsen of the State he shall have removed therefrom and returned within six months) Immediately preceding tbe election. fourth 1 1 twenty-ooe years et ago or npward. be shall bare paid within two years a State or eounty tax, which shall bave been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before tbe election. Sec All elections by the eltleea shall be by ballot. Every ballot voted (ball be aumbered In tbe order la which it shall be received, and the number recorded ay the eleetloa officers ou the list of voters, op;oeite the name ef the elector ho presents the ballxts. Any elector may write bis name upon bis ticket, or cause his name te be written therson. and attested by a cltiaen of the district. Tbe election officers shall be sworn or affirmed not to disclose bow any elector shall neve voted unless required to da so as a witness In a judicial proceeding. Sen. . Electors shall In all eases except trea son, felony and breach of surety ef the peace, be pr.vileged from arrest during their attendance on ac election, and In going to and returning therefrom. Sec. 9- Whenever any of the qualified elec tors of the Commonwealth shall be in active mil itary service, under a requisition from the Presi dent of the United Stales, or by authority from this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage In all elections by the cio tena, under such regulations aa or shall be pre scribed by law, as lull as If they were present at their usual place of election. Sec 7. All laws regulating the holding ef elections sball be uniform throughout the State but no elector sball be deprived of the privilege ot voting by reason ol bla name not being regis tered. Sec A. . Any person wbe shall give or promise to give to any elector any money, reward or ether valuable considerations for his vote at any elec tion, or for withholding the same, or who shall give or promise to give such consideration to any other person or party for surb elector'! vote or for the withholding thereof, aad any elector wbo shall re ceive or agree to receive for himself or another. any money, reward or other valuable eensidera- j Uoos lor his vote sball at any election, or tor with- i holding same, thereby toruiu tbe right to vote at such elections ; and an elector whose right to vote shall be challenged for eeh eaasa before the election officers, shall be required te swear or al arm that the matter of tbe challenge Is nntrae before his vote shall be received. - See. B. Any person wbo shall while a candi date for office be guilty el bribery, fraud or wil ful violation ot any election law shall be forever dtfqualiaed from lidding any office ol trust or pront within his Commonwealth ; and any per son convicted ot wilful violation of any election laws sball. In addition to any penalties provided bylaw, be deprived of tbe right ot lura;e aaso- j lutely fer a term of four years. I bac. 13. For tbe purpose oi voting &o person I hail be deemed to bare gained a residence by reason of his presence, or lost it by reason of bis absence, while employed In tbe service, either civil or military, ol this State, or of tbe Vnlted Slates, or on tbe seas, or while a student ef any Insulation ef learning, nor while kept In a poor bouse or other asylum at public expense, nor while confined In public prison. Sao. 14. District election boards (ball consist ol a judge and two Inspectors, who shall be chosen annually by the citizen. Each elector shall have the right to TOte for the judge and one Inspecto-. and ucb Inspector shall appoint the clerk. The first election board ot any new district shall be elected, and vacancies ln election boards filled aa shall be provided by law. Election officers shall be privileged from arrest upon day ot elec tion and while engaged ln making up and trans mitting returns, except upon a warrant of a court of record or judge thereof, for an election fraud, lor felony, or lor wanton breach ef the peace. In cities they mar claim exemption from jury duty during tbeir terms ol service. Sac. 16. No person shall be qualified to serve a an election officer wbo shall hold or wbo shall bave held an office or appointment or employ ment tn or under the government of the United States, orot this State, orol any city or eounty. or any municipal board, commission or trust in any city saveonly tustice ot the peace and al derman, notaries publio and persons In the mili tary eervlce of the State; nor shall any election crheer be eligible to any eivll office to be filled at ao election at wnicn be Shall serve, save only to such subordinate municipal or local officer, be low the grade ol city or county officer, as shall be designated by law. And also the following Acts of Assembly bow In force in thl State, vis : ACT OF JANUARY 30, 1373. San. 4. Tbat all elections hereafter held ander tbe laws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall beopened at I o'clock a. m.. and close at 7 o'clock r. at. Sac. 8. Whenever there shall be a vacancy fn an election board on the morning of election, said vacancy ihall be filled ln conformity with exist ing law. Tbe At of Assembly, entitled "An Act relat ing to the election of this Commonwealth." pass ed July 2. 187S, provide as lollow t Wit: That tbe Inspector and Judge shall meet at the respective plaoen appointed for holding the election In the district to which they respectively belong, before T o'clock In tbe morning of Tuesday, November tth, and each said Inspector cball ap point one clerk, who (hall be a qualified voter of such district. In ease the person who shall have received the second highest number ot votes for Inspector shall not attend on the day of an election, then tbe person wbe shall bave received the next highest number of voles for judge the next preceding election shall act as Inspector ln fcls place. And ln case tbe person who shall bare receive J the highest number of votes lor Inspector shall not attend, tbe person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place. And In ease the person elected shall not attend, then tbe Inspector who shall have re ceived the highest aumberf votes sball appoint a Indue ia his plaee. and it any vacancy shall con tinue in the board for the space et one hour after the time fixed by the law lor tho opening ol tbe election, the qualified voters ot the township, wara or district lor which anch officers have been elected, sball elect some one of their number to till vacancy. MODE OF VOTING. The attention of all qualified voter la directed to the following Aetot Assemby regulating the mode of voting In this commonwealth : CHANUEIN MODE OF VOTINO. An Act regulating the mode of Toting at all tbe elections In the several counties of the Com monwealth, approved March 30. 1809 : S xv. 1. He lt enacted by the Senate and House ol Represenatlves of the Commanwealth ot Penn sylvania In Oeneral Assembly met. aad la here by enacted by the authority of the same that tbe qualified voter of the several counties ot this Commonwealth at the general, township, bor. ough or special elections, are hereby authorized and required to vote tbe tickets printed or writ ten or partly printed or partly written, severally classified as follows ; Oue ticket sball embrace the names of all Judges of Courts to be voted lor. and be labeled "Judiciary;" one ticket shall em brace tbe names of all State officers to be voted lor. and be labeled "State;'' one ticket shall em brace the names ef all county otflcers to be voted fur. and be labeled "County," one ticket shall em brace all the names of all township otUeers to be labeled "Township; one ticket shall embrace tbe names of all borough officers to be voted for. and be labeled -Borough:" and each class shall be deposited in a separate ballot box. lvaa under my bnd. at my office in Ebens bnrg. this Sth day ol October In the year of our Lord one thourand eight hundred and eighty eight and the independence ol the United states el America the one hundred and twelith. JOSEPH A. liHAY. Sheriff". Sheriff's Office. Ebsnsburg, Out. 8. 1SS. E5TRA.Y NOTICE. Strayed away from Olen White. Pa., about July 1st, a black cow with white spots, while belly, aad -crumpled hirna. A satis lac to.-y reward will be paid for Information ol her whereabouts. Address MICHAEL MAZENKO. Klttannlnx Point, Blair Co., Pa. Aug. 10, 16s. FARM FOR SALE, The subscriber residing In Carroll township, Cavbrla county will sell at private sale the farm on which he resides lour miles east of Carrolltown oe the road leading from Carrolitown to loretto. I containing 10 acres, about luO acres of which are cleared, having thereon a two-stcry plank L. house and frame barn. A One orcnard is ou the premises and the larm Is in a good state of cul tivation and is well watered, t or terms applj to the subscriber on the premise JOHN HOaCE. STOKE PROPERTY FOK SALE. One of tbe best store stands tn Loretto. Pa , Is offered at private sale with stock and fixtures. Apply to I.reUo Merchandise Co., loretto, Cam bria eounty. Pa. loretto. Sept. 21, IS-tS. Tbe tmotment of many thousands of case Of tfiotxj ciirutiic v.-catLl':s and ujUrs3;i'.g ailments peculiar to fi-iMult-a. at the Inmlids" llou-l and Kurg-ical ln-.iat.Ui. UurTalo, N. Y has afTor-i.! a vt-t ojc-riotjee in nicviy nda't lxi ir and tuoro'ihiv- frying- remedies' X or the cure of -)uid'8 """Hilar mais In-. Ir- Pierce's I'arorlto Proscription ia the outrwth. or rivtiiit. ,r this gront Hnd valuable crptrion'm. Thousands of toiimo nils. rooniv-d fn.iu putimiis and f i-oin ptiyFi ciaua vuu have t'.-sul it In tle mor mstcYa vatod and or!tiimt crttxw wlii'.tii bad tnf1i'd tnuir skill, prove it to b tbu mmt wonderful rcmfvly evr devised for tl relmf and cure of auffiYiiig woiai n, lt ii not r-coimm nil-d aaa "cure-all." but aa a ii-t perfect apccillc for . woman's peculiar ailiiK-uto. Ae a. powerful, invigorating tonic. It Imparts strength to the wholn system. and to the womu and it appendages in ' part iexil.tr. i un-down," For oriTworkfti, "worn-out, ' uehiiitntod tt-acliora. milliners. nrrinar. aoamBiri--, nup-iririv liouno. kocpers. nursiDg mothers, and feoble women eiMiornliy. lr. Plen-e'e l'avorilo I'resoriptiun i the grrafcet onrthly brum. winr unoqualod as as aipciuini cordial and n-stmati ve tonic Aa at soothing; and etrcnstlienliia; nervine, -favorite Preaeriptiou " ta une- aualed and ia liivniii.thle in niinj ing and sub-tiing- nervous excitability, irritability, ex haustion, prostration. Iiyterm. spasms and ' other bistremintr. nervous symptoms coro tuenly attendant upon functional aud orp-anio -disease of the womb. It induces rcfreeblng alocp aud relieves mental anxiety and do epondeiicy. Dr. Pierre's Favorite TPrcecrlptlon Is a legitimate medicine, cnrofully compounded by an oxiierieneed and skillful physician, and adaptml to woman's delicate organization. It ia purely roffete.hle in ita composition and perfectly harmless In Its effects ia any condition of tbe system. For morning aicknesA. or nausea, from whatever causo arising, wenk stomach, indigestion, dys pepsia and kindred symptoms. Its use, in small . dose. will prove very beneficial. M Favorite Prescription la a potl. five cn re for the most complicated aud ob stinate oasos of Iniicorrnea, ext-eirfiive flowing, painful menstruation, unnxtural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of tbe womb, weak back, female weakness,"' ante version, retroversion, boaring-down sensation. cLronio congestion. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb. In flammation, pain and tenderness in ovariea, accompanied with ' internal heat. Au at regulator and promoter of funo tlonal actiou. at that critical period of change from girlhood to womanhood. " Favorite l're ecription " is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produoe only pood results, it Is equally efficacious and valuable in its effects' when taken for thooe disorders and derange ments incident to that later and most critical period, known a Th Change of Life." Favorite Prescription," vhm taken In connection with the use of Dr. Pierco'a Golden Medical Diaeoverr, and small Inxnrive doses cf Dr. Pierce's Purgative rutets (Little) Liver Fills), cures Liver, Kidney end tlladder diseases. Their combined use alao rcmovea blood taint, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from the ey-m. "Favorite Prcsrriptioii is the only medicine for women, sold by druirgiftn, under at poaitlve faarantrc, from the munu lecturers, f hat it will giro satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This g-uaran-tee has been printed on tlie bot tie-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Largo bottlen (100 doses) 1.00, or alx bottlea lor $5.00. For larire, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of women (lot) pages, paper-covered), scud ten cents tn stamps. Address, - World'; Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Plain su BITFJLO, S. V, Etensturii Fire InsnrancB AEeucy General Insurance Agent. EBEXSBURG, HI. FltOMBES MAY BUT 'TIS rffi'ORlIAKCES THAT KEEP Tlliill. Performances not promises have placed us at the head , of the Retail Clothing Business in Western Pennsylvania, and established for us an. honest name that no upstart competitors can ever blot out. AVe have promised to sell thy citizens of Cambria and surrounding countic this Fall the cheapest and best clothing that tho country can produce, and now extend a cor dial invitation to everybody to come and ex amine our grand new stock, compare our prices and give us their candid opinion whether wo are in position to fulfil our promises. Our Fall Suits and Overcoats are grand beyond descrip tion. Our prices are too low for any competi tors t3 reach. BARGAINS IN OVERCOATS. WOQLF, 'SOJSr & TKOMiLrB, Leading Clothiers of Johnstown, Pa Watertqwn Steam Engine So., H IT. k I'm 1-A.IU-Vi? C-d.riTA.1. to sTV pn raa n n pen nz-jA IAXIFACTVRCRS OF Business and Pleasure Wekicles. fropristors end Sola Users cf Sechier's Improved Perfection Fifiii-WbsEL All Work UMiraceef Jl represented cr-r, poH CATALOGUE. h"V ;- r- Central Way mid , mmu OvM T TlsOVMsad Iruml Vr jar rw m rff oa la a iiu-vo wopornoo lAJaMlmtt w sxtmh rL.M k & fnii trTs t rLnnt and vtiro nwrbomrl ta bnnAUi br mm at SEWIKAi PASTILLES. A kJtu4icvl Ocr-ft f tat NtiiBiDfthi! Itr. i M-traotrt ttMkDMIBrll'Jifalr-nl IaM-a n rmnffor i.1 id- - 9te Ard Mea. T-MteJ for KifLhtYffrs ia issr.y thPTiaiii 4 tlwir abcolntsftlr raatv9 prm;ft-e7 and brokren down men to th lail npyxKntof Mrtfct jud full Mulr8uttjrthand Vinorooa JlotUi. To Lbotsve wbo outtT from tne mmnj tcore d irjas rroaichfc shcm by Indifcmtioix. fcii-owim, 0rr-Firiil Wort, or too trmm Indaijrirsas, r mk. (.baat yen tatpl ns yrar titvzzM with riU(fnerit of ymir ttxmbln, .uid aecqT-o RUPTUREO PERSON'S can tiara FREE .LJ0HXS:M, LJ.BCCE. 4. 1 . KCL ESTABLIDED 1872. 1 ESTABLISHED ISSS. Maston.Bnct&Co. Carrolitown Eank, BANKEHS. rae.atfss.em Ti. K W. BUCK. Cashier, j Cashier. General' Baniing Bssiness Transacted. The lollowinfr are tae- principal features ol a general bacaiuff business : - DEPOMTS Keoelred payable on demand, anj Interest bear ing certificates Issued to time depositors. LOASS Extended to ens torn era on larerabls tetms aad approved paper discounted at all times. COTLLrCTIOXN Made In the locality ana open all tha banklnir towns la Uie United States. Charges moderate. I RAFTS ' latned negotiable In all parts of tha TL'nlted Mtates. and forelno exchaage issued on ail parts of Luro; e. ACCOt-JfTS t)f roerrhar.ts. farmers and others solicited, to whom reasonable accomodation willt extended. I'atmns are assured that all tnnu,.Hln .ball be held as strictly private and c inn.lcntlal. aud that thej- will be treated as liberally aa gwod banking rules will perau. KeTectllly. JOHNSTON. lit I K Ar CO. SALESMEN WANTED TO St.U KUKSEKY tsTtH'K. Profitable employment for honest, cnemetic men, either on salary or commission, expenses paid. A One outfit furnidhed each salesmen. The business easily lenrnd. We crow all the new and rare raTieites of Fruit and iru.irueotal trees. Write for terms. HUUl'Ksi. Hint fc. THOMAS. Maple Are.. K arteries, Weit Chester, Pa. Established 1S53. Sept. 14, issg, lm. ' . CUraPCsT rand BENT. rl-eu Krrnctd HOLMAK'S NEW PARALLEL BIBLES ! paib. Over ariOO.Fufii Ifrofcd. Air'ts wanted iree. WV Circulars J. tloluiauiV Co, i'hllia E5EE -w J- ci3.'i . . V. 4. -i J.fc- 'V--3 l,Bcr mio lr-c. W. "Tf- r-i-iss' riSv tt'SSia a.1,l..M huJ no ml. 4 vl t UIVAVTIIP l.lll I -VV;1 siiSS tr wh.re ynu lie " J a. .iV. Illb llllAl Beo.W.Claflin&Co..5-i&58DTiaae St.. New Yort. GET rc. JIau itjtt:t tirat'if of STEAM End DUslEtte Of AU JCin7s. Write for Cataloguo. bTOCK, $300,000. 81 V WILL ri''FI-I'. u-c ir.: Impure a-J I'nwho;. . b. mc Krlricrutors whu z.rc lined v.-iih v.-ni' n. rJC fj suiu oiiirr 1..CL41S. that cause .'iLSiric ir.njMc ar children's diacasce by hunting iuu, :t tbey uii get REFRIGERATORS LINED WITH . " Sisnewire and Indurated Fi&ra, which arc free from absorption, common, an : am- firiTa-i.i cf fol-R'.ti otitic- and al XHOICOt ;I1I,V KtMTAK V.rronoin cal ol u-c, and proautc I' W tcmic-raturcs ? Catalogue irivinir fi.i! xp Iain: ions ami iif o.i.i..i urn ic in iiica iree on ai-i-licaiion. Address the manulacturcrs. fiOS.. JelToi-on H root, CLITV'ELAND, OHIO. - - aim ntKe tr.,iu . ...i i i , wui tv. itmuu n to iUsitZtJSa. or ex.-..-; . of ifnMseBit3re .a tr,r f V .. 2 vmBiilM mauicftl priripf. By d r at ?i -rr Wieuenrsaifi fell v.Uiou; diar. 'I he Btur-i Irisftxc' 7ruDf-!MMi tne iiurrn orr-Uiun rvc,rej. Thi ra;.UsxJhrssUiri sai nntm s-. I - aiatiien l'k- al.at r.t. a rwwvavirajiuiju:.. rpsj. v suiksl LKHI TmJ4Us twu H AJJRES ttEMEOY CO., Kre -a n . xentti rtrevt. BT.I.OTJI3. V" T"" rfONROE e OutHbi CcmtinitsGn M Rm aril W.? Vs hsre tl bft tv.--. bs-rel rembinetifin frnn TTlKfie. Jl rv-f "V 3 Prcecli l.tBrt-r fur rfLMI V-i,ul In i.ln.rf.. tif run, .'l CM.,. In.,. .now,, ...a ,'lf VM ll'll 2IIVJ w ,w J4JI1 1J1IUIV l C, , To send us 40 cents for one of our E-In. FAF:1 WHEHCHES. Uo'Ut, Ilandy anil Slrony. will Outwear an I 0"r List two i.mi1iu.i j- A tcii,-!is. YOU WAKT As Ei-Lurcn Household S. D. Set. This wt cc.irfst .f a. V. -(--,od Ii..i:.!l f.llir- itlt.-l'li!AlPt':lil. I.!.l.!. t r...- hi-lsi fitting K.U110; all iiu-k ,1 in n pst -lx. '1 hi t.. is c.nstai.OT nful cvrrvn n,-ar..-.i!i.l ihe 1ioiip. at Uu. o(T-, j:1 tiie Ikp lUef xrin. S'lit in tm r?cr'j.i of g CO Ask Your Lorn! Doalcr f irtln . if li.. h.n nrt ,.t i'.,. in.b. will ,-t f. ,r i,:: . , .. v. . ,,1 .s.,, I .,. p , u r.-i- - .- ill, . .;n(to;ifr . ,,r iliut,VtKUV-i. st-ywe. 1ZLLP.ICII & CO., Pla:iTS.iiif!, Conn. ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE, LOEETTO. TA, IN CH AllOK OF FRANCISCAN BR0T1IE11S. Board and Tuition for the Scholastic Year, $i:0ft t MarcU lih, U-S6. tf. We Wamt qui i I! 11 el A I.' f. 4 V