H'nmlifui freeman. rHK.MlHI HM. .. ri:aAr. - a . jsss. v. - LOCAL .l.VP i'KKSOA.lL. A Mr-w school Uoue U being built at N i. klown. Mr. Ed MiieJjH. of l.ortt, ws ft. visi tor U our town on Hominy. Mp m !: T't.nnt. f tiallltzin. ppect iAJ lew hour in town on Monday. Mr. t hristlan Walter, one of Wfclte town-Inn's best eitizns, vvaa iu town on Ti.'.tiMlay. Mr. K. .lumen and daughter, of this yl.tee, htatti'! on Tuesday last on a visit to ri'!aut'.s in Ohio. Anion: the licenses refused in Blair .on nty Inut week, was tbat of John Fitz harti, formerly of Kbensbur. Mrs. R. ti. Kerr, of this place, who has been visitinx her fitter. Mr!. 1.. II. Liu ton, ot Johnstown, returned home on Tuesday last. A fin vein of white limestone, about ciM feet in thickness has been opened up by Mr. W bite about a half mile from Nick to ll. Mms Dillie Noel, who has been in this .,ki' for the paat two years, took ber Ue I'uturrton Thursday fur her home in Cai- rolltown. Minors. Thomas Shoemaker. E. n. Ktt ,ill and II. E. Fenlon, all old Ebeusburjjers. but now of liellefoute, speDt Easter Sunday in this place. Two freight trains collided atSunioier t.ill on last Friday evening, causing a wtei k that delayed trains for several hours. .No one was injured. Miss Clan F.vans, daughter of Mr. I). Kvans, ot this place, who has been visit Inu in Pittsburuli rfurinu the past winter return ed home lut Monday. Jaeobl'eutjintitoii, one ot ('learfielj county's oldest citizens, who died recently, was married three tinios and was the father tf twenty-nine children. n Tuesday la.st. after opening the bids for the buihtinx of the annex to the Altut hoiihe the directors concluJed to postpone the buiMinu for the present. Mr. Andrew F.ekenrode, of the firm of F.ckenrode & Hopple of Carrol ltown. pass thro'itib this place on Monday morning on lus wnv to Philadelphia to buy goods. On Monday night about twenty Italians arrived In town, and on Tuesday morning they started for Hastings where they ex pect to find employment on the new rail road. l.uther Shaffer, the murderer ot Isalali Colby and Nora, his wile, was Ranged at l.otk Haven on WeduesWay. The execu tion was successfully conducted without anv accident. Vr. Henry Campbell, of BlacUlck township, on Sitnrday last lost his pocket book containing ftSH on the clay pike be tween the residence of Mr. David J. Jones and this place. air. iiichaei oeil. of Altoona, an erv I gineeron the Pennsylvania railroad, was shaking hands with his friends in this place on Thursday. Mike fired on tho braach about ten years ag o. Mr. A. T. J'indle, of thin place, while hunting a telegraph operator on Monday night, fell Into a ditch which was dug for a water pipe In one of the back alleys, lie sustained no serious Injuries. A Sunday train has beeu placed on the Cretnoti A Clearfield road, leaving Cresson at 11 50 v. m ., and stopping at all station, arriving at Irvona at 10:0." a. m. Returning the train leaves Irvona a: 1:43 a. m. Mrs. U. K Jones removed her millinery store on Monday last to the Tuder bui Ming formerly occupied by Messrs. Dufton fc Son. rvho on the same Uv removed their hard ware store to the building vacated by Mrs. Jones. The Lnretto Merchandise Company now offers their entire stock, consisting of dry goods, dress go'.Kls, hardware, rjueenware, ladli s", men's and chlldrens shoes, bats and cajis at cost to close out. Many goods at less than present wholesale price. Tho New York World of Tuesday an-nouti'-ed the deatn at Woodbridge. N. J., on Monday last, of Mrs. Ann Caroline P. las. widow of thelaie Dr. Arlstide Rotlrlgue. formerly of Khensburg, arid well-known to many of the older cit'.zer.s of this place. We have it speedy and positive Car fvr Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth, and Headache, In Shiloti's Catarrh i:-rne.!y. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle. Use t if you desire hea'th and sweet breath. Price :.o cents. S;d bv Dr. T. J. Davison Thomas N'aty. an old citizen of Johns town, was so badly crushed by nHng caught between two fielght cars In the old blast furnies yard at Johnstown on Fiiday last t'lat he died in about forty minutes after the accident. He was about fifty-six years of . The following named persons can each obtain a letter by calling at the Ehensbnrg post office : Miss Kmma Williams, Mr. A. V. CarpenW, Mr. Howard II immel wright. iir jorin u. MCKinney, Jr. I'ersons ap I'lvitii for these letters will please state they were advert:sed. When yon visit Altoona don't fail to vtfit the clothing store of Messrs. McCon nell vt Saupp, In St Lawrence lUock. enrner Kleventh avrnue and Fourteenth utreet. wt.ere you wi!l tind all the latest spring -tylesof men's and bova'clothlng, which they fell at the very lowest prices. Celery used as follows is said to be a sure cure for rheumatism : Cut into bits, boil in water nntil soft, the waUr to be drank by the patient. Put new milk, with a little Hour and nutmeg, into a fauce pan with the boiled celery, serve It warm with riece of toast, and eat . with potatoes. P. is supposed the oldest Inhabitant of western Pennsylvania die! a few wreks ago near Apollo, U!chi.nl I.enen, well known to many In Westmoreland and Armstrong counties, fell on the Ice, and the Injuries re ceived theretrom proved fatal. He was almost one hundred and three years of age. A ptiglistlc mill occurred on Monday last in the Cocrt House, Hollidajsburg. be tween a limb of the law from Alt -ona and a lilair ennnty . (Tv.'ial In which there wns more b',od spired than at the late Inter national contest between Sullivan and Mitchell. It was neither a hippodrome nor a draw and the Altoona man came out sec ond b-sf. The strikers at the Edgar Thompson stt el works helJ another meeting at lirad do, k on Wednesday, to consider Mr. Car ti gie's co operative proposition, and after a prolonged f!lsruson decided M reject the ff-r. Mr. Camgi Immediately ordered a complete shut down of the great plant until .Isnuary 1. Five thousand men will be thrown out. The barn of J o. Richardson, in East Mahoning township. Jefferson county, was destroyed by fire the other night. Five ex ceptionally Bne horses, fifteen head or cat tle and twelve sheen hmiM.1 ,n.. u w imposmi to save the animals, the bellowing and bleating ,! neighing of which. In tl.eir frantic efT..rts o eecp, was heartrending in the mrem. The fire U Hiipn-iHed to rave he-n -tute.t by ln-eri l-;irie-.. A Commutation from Gable &-GoM to You. "Vewant every read or of this paper to visit our store soon anJ see our lare stock of new, choice gooJs in all departments. We also want you to examine the quality of our gooila aml note the low prices at which we sell them. We draw the line on trashy goods (won't handle them) and give you the best possible value in the market for your money. We are a strictly one price store ; no favoritism and no credit. We pay cash for the goods we buy and get the benefit of it ; we get cash for the goods we sell and give you the benefit of it. We want you to see our new Dress Goods, 5c. to 1.25 per yard and our new Calicoes, Peicales, Ginghams. Satines, etc., 3&3-4c. to 37 l-2o. per yard. Embroideries, (our own importation) lc. to $2.50 per yard and Stockings, Gloves, Table Linens, Curtain Laces, Ribbons, Notions, 'etc etc Visit our stcre. ? Wm. F, CabBe & Co., 1402 Eleventh Ave., Altoona, Penn'a, Meaars. Woolf, Sod & Thomas, the pop ular clothiers of Johnstown, on Tuesday las? opened up a large stock of men's boys and youth's clothing at the Mountain House in this place. Mr. Reynolds, ooe of their popular salesman. Is In charge and he will remain until Kiiday evening. Give him a call. The Tyrone correspondent of the Al toona Timet says : William Myers and family h-ft Monday morning for Carroll town, where they wilt make their future home. Mr. Myers, who Is a baker by trade, has been carrying on a successful bakery in Tyrone for a numner of years. Us will continue the saate business in Carrolltown, and. we wUu him succecs in hU new loca tion. The Tassenger Committee of the trunk lines has granted rates of one fare for the round trip to excursionists to the Republi can, Democratic and Prohibition National Conventions, and to the National Conven tion of Knights of rythlas, at Cincicnati, on June 12. Tlrk-ts will be on sale six days before the events, and will be good for one week after the opening of the Conven tion for which issued. Mr. Robert T. Shields has accepted a situation as salesman with March the cloth ier In Godfrey Wolfe's old stand, next door to the posttifhee in Altooua. Mr. Shields will be glad to have the pleasure of meeting all his Cambria county friends when they visit that city. The block is all new and he, will guarantee to sell belter goods for lees money than any other clothing house in Altoona. Give Rob a call. A cablegram has been received at St. Vincent's Monastery, near Latrobe. from Rume, stating that the rope bas confirmed the election of Rev. Andrew Ilintenacb as Abbot of St. Vincent's to succeed Abbot Wimmor. decea.ed. Father Uiutei.ach Is at present pastor of a church at Tnecurabia. Alabama. He is about forty-three years of age and was educated at St. Vincent's. The official papers are now on the way from Rome to America. Juhnttotcn Tribune. Mr. Thomas T. Keedy, Chairman of .he Republican County Committee, gives no tice that the delegate elections of that party will be held on Saturday. April 14th. The elections In tne townships to open at 2 o'clock and close at 6 p. M. and In the boroughs to open at 5 and close at 7. Two delegates are to be elected from ech dis trict to meet In convention at Ehensburg. on Monday, Arril lfith, to elect two dele gates to tne State Convention, and transact other business. "t he borough of Ehensbnrg Is without a treasurer, a street commissioner, a weigh master, etc.. on account of Democratic stu pidity. The weighscales are locket ad no weikhing U done thereon. U-raUl As the boromh council is composed of three Dem ocrats ant three Republicans, we fail to see where the Democratic stupidity cn:es in. We know it is very hard when the g. a p. cannot have things their own way in Ehens bnrg ; but the best thing we can do is to advise tliem to grin and beirlt. Rear up neluhhor, the school director business was a bitter pill and this one is not sugar-coated. A fire broke out on Go-pel Hill. Al toona, on Monday morning and before It was got under control three stables and two dwellirig houses were consumed. One of the stables was the property of Mrs. Rice, one of the .'property of Mrs. McDonald and the other belonged to Mis Jennie Scott. The two dwellings burned belonged to Mr. 1 laden Iyory. one occupied by himself and ti e other by Mr. A. J. Shulfz. Mr. Ivory was formerly a resident of Clearfield town ship, ttls county, and was burned out about a year ago at St. Augustine. Ills loss on ! the buildings is estimated at Jl.COOon which i he had Si. 000 Insnraree. He a so losses i considerable from broken and damaged fur niture caused by the hasty removal from the burning building and a railroad check for 5 If, which la euppoed to have been burned. The many friends or George riddle. ' of Philadelphia, will be son y to learn of his death which occurred In that city on last Monday morning. The remains of the de ceased were taken to Hollidaysburg for Interment on Tuesday. The deceased was well known In CamDria county, bavlugbeen employed about thirty five years ago as a clerk by the late Johnston Moore, deceased, In Ms store at Carrolltown, ard afterwards l;ved for a year or two at Pialtsvi'.le, where he was engaged in merchandising. About thirty years a,;o be removed to Philadelphia where he was employed as a salesman !n a wholesale dry goods bouse and ever since has been visiting our merchants thrre or four times a year. He was a pleasant and aureeable companion, full of the milk of human kindness and was esteemed wher ever known. He was about G years of age. The following biographical sketch of our townsman Mr. Martin Ward we copy from lait Sunday's Pittsburgh Leader : M.irtin Ward was born In Ireland in isio, and came to this countiy when the ground on which the city of Altoona now stands could be purchased tor almost nothing. He resides in the pretty little town of Ebeniburg, on the peaks of the Allegheny Mountains, and the lovely little home that be so prides in keeping In order bears proof that he has acquired a fortune sufficient to keep him the balance of his days in ease and comfort He has never tasted liquor in his life, bnt the little -Ojld Dudeen" Is bis dt arest friend. H has five children living, two of whom have devoted their lives to God In the prtetthoo.1, and the love of h wife, who still lives, and the love, honor, and respect of his children and grand children, and thoee with whom he bas come In contact have made him one of the hap Ptebt men In America. Prof. Chapman, ot Pitfsurr. an ex-soper- j intendert of this county and also one who i as ocered a prize, has made a selection of one bnndred words to be used at the con tent ctxt Saturday at Eaensburg and Coopersdale. l.kl the contf starts corns supplied with pen. Ink, at.d paper. It Is drsired that teachers and pupils who lave tern u1j!rj this list cr words at tend tt.e conteMs. Prof. 1-eecn, the County Superintendent, and Prof. VeIh. of Coeperdale Academy, will 'conduct the ct.utet at Eenburg. and the one at Coopersdale will bo conducted by the principal of the Academy. Uurblen. Arnica ftialve. Tie best salve In the world fot CuU Rrulses, Sores, l.'lcers. Salt Iili um. Fever Sores, Tetter. Charned Maud.-, ChillbUins. Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively ftrure Pi'es or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to gtte perfect satisfaction, or money rrlunried. Price 'IT, cents per box. For sale by K. J atne and V. W.McAteer. Leretto. K.tcrUlaaeBi mf Lilly's. The entertainment gives by the pupils of the public school at Lilly's on Monday eve ning was a grand success in erery particu lar. The opening march by the girls of the schools, all dresed In white, was admirably periormea. The marching and counter I marching, even of the smallest pnpils was faultless and showed great care and diclp line on the part of the teachers. Master John George recited "Bo" Wrongs" in a masterly manner and was loudly applauded. "Only a Little Pair of Shoes" was the title of a song by three lit tle mUses Oille George, May Wbeldon and Annie George. A tableau "Child's even ing Prayer" wh beautifully illustrated by Maggie Ryan and C. Conrad. A song by the boys entitled "Six Cents a Quarter for Schooling" was rendered next. The song represented old time methods of teaching and was creditably performed. A dialogue, '-No Cure no Pay" was next on the program. The characters were all taken by the g!rls and the parts were well carried out. Mrs. Languish, however, fail ed to show by expression, a condition requir ing medical aid from the numerous female Physicians who were anxious to serve her and receive the large fee offered. Tha stage did not admit or the play being as creditably ferformed as It would have been under favorable circumstances. It was too much crowded. Esther Thompson, as "Bridget." "Queen of the Kitchen" cer tainly faultlessly impersonated thej Irish tongue to perfection. A claes of boys sung "Dear Old Sonny Home" in a very feeling and expressive manner, after which Vallie Mcintosh recit ed '-Fame" in a satisfactory manner. The representations or "Morning. Noou and Night" by Misses Fannie Leahy, Mag gie Ryan and Mary Goldy was most extqu' sitely rendered. Miss Leahy as "Moraing" diessed In white wi'.h offerings of flowers and her bright face reflected every word or the poem bhe so pleaaantly recited. Miss Ryan in pink, with tresses of golden bair, with bright flowers entwined about ber, portrayed "Noon" to perfection, while next came Miss Goldy darkeyed, dressed In black, with coronet and sparkling starlets ehiuing brightly on her person, representing "Night." Uer poem too ae well as Miss Ryan's described most most beautifully and toucbingly the characters personated. This exerci.-e closed witn a tableau which was recalled several times. Part second of the program opened with a song -Open the Gates as High as the Sky" by a class of little g;rls. The marcnicg with the song added grace and beauty to the little miasea all dresae alike In white. An exercise entitled 'Choosing" was pleasantly giyen by a class or girls. This was roliowed by a fong Whimper Softly Mother' Dying." It was teaching!? ren dered and made a profound impression ou the audience. This performance was also closed with a tableau representing the fly ing mother with weeping maidens in puie white around the dying couca. Two little zirls on a.i elevated position as angels stood ready to rlace the crown on the shining brow. A play entitled "The Thief of Time" was next performed by the boys and was satis factoriiy rendered. Master John George sung "Dear Old Harp' in such a fee. in manner that be was recalled several times to the delight of the audience. Miss Fannie Leahy recited "The Last Hymn." in a clear and distinct manner. The part of the poem describing the dying rxomeuts of the drowning man was a little too hastily ;;Gne over, as this !s the most difficult part of the recitation, and one that calls for peculiar fitness to render perfectly. The young lady deserves great credit for reciting the hymn so creditably. The execution of Cap. John Smith, of Virginia's fame was given by the boys with war-wnoop? and In Indian costume com plete. The tableau closing this perform ance was highly appreciated and was also recalied. The closing 'chorus Good N'ubt" was rendered by the girls of all the grades and was an appropriate exercise. Re fore the song Father McDermott, as sistant pastor at Lilly, announced that the entertainment would be given again on Wednesday evening, as many persons could not obtain admittance this evening. The distribution of severalarticles chanced off at the rectnt fair was then made, alter which Father Royle, of Gallltzin, spoke briefly or the work or the Sisters or S;. Joseph In the public schools and testified to their careful training and efficient teaching and recommending them to the care and surport or the people or Lilly. Thus closed the first public entertainment or the pupils or the schools at Lilly's. Every performance on the program gave evidence of the careful training and disci pline which characterizes the Instruction of the good Sisters of St. Joseph. Many of them, as well as Sister Superior, of Ebens burg. were present and It gave them all great pleasure and satisfaction to witness the success of the enteitainment as well as the appreciation of their labors by the large aud.enco present during the evening. A number of persons were present from different places along tha road. L. Heme from Lilly. Lilly. Pa.. April 4:h. 18SS. En. FRfcEMAN Mr. John Bender, of Scranton, Pa., is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Razil Render, of Plane 4, Wash ington township. Harmon Render, brother of John, by ex posure Is sufferina from the inflamatory rheumatism, caused by going out too boon after convalesiog from a severe attack of diphtheria. There is no man kirks higher or looks brighter than Isaac Seese. Its a girl. Joe. Sanders wears a long smile and looks pleasant. This time its a boy. Evan Griffith fell while coming down the steps at his residence, causing an Injury to Ms right houtder and is unable to attend to his butchering business al this writing. There will be quite an extensive law suit between our lanJ.ord John Metzar, and Joseph Maxwell. The law wi.l be pro pounded by our chief justice, 'Squire Lea bey. The entertainment given by the Sisters of St. Joseph, of this place, was a graud success, and the community bhould encour age their little ones tu listen to the good Sister, and wbec they are grown up they will not regret it. F. C. George and b'.s brother Lambert, are taking In the excurioc to Rallimore, Washington aod other points or Interest. There was a little racket in tee postolSce in this place on Saturday evening. "Three to one aod still Jake" was first best. X. Arfaatal Cart The following ca-es were disposed of at Argument Court on Monday. j Michael MeCuIlouth vs. Matthew Iyory. Motion for a new trial. Overruled. Augustine Wills vs. John II. Meredith. Motion for a new trial. Overruled. Ellen Gillespie vs. John R. MeCloskey. Motion for new trial. Overruled. Jacob Garman, endorsee, vs. D. E- Notley. drawee. Rule to Bbow cause, bet aside. Use Partick Comey vs. Edward McGlade. Rule to show cause. Rule discharged. T. C, Ueime, endorsee, ts.D. E. Notley. Rule to show cause. Rule absolute. nugn J. Daonan, Plaintiff in Error, vs. D. G. Myers, Defendant In Etror. Cer tiorari. Rnle set aside. Rule to show eanse on John II. Mnrphy, assignee of John S:br1ber. Rnle discharged. Rule to show eanse on J. B O'Connor, assignee of Jacob Trefts. Role discharged. Caroline Goldthine vs. Henry Ooldsbine. Rnle to show cause. Continued. Exceptions "to report or T. F. Zimmer man, Auditor In Helm estate. Fee reduced from 175 to 5100. Jacob Brindle, Plaintiff In Error, vs. Garnett Seese, Defendant In Error. Cer tiorari. Continued. Exceptions to road in Clearfield tow nslh p Continued until first Monday or May. E. n. Flick, vs Jacob Stoltz Sr. Rule to open. Continued until first Monday of May. C. A. Lam born vs. James F. Gallagher. Rnle to open. Continued. Exceptions to road In Clearfield township. Continued until first Monday ot May. Rule on George W. Stutzman. Assignee or Wm. II. Cook. et. nx., to show cause Sale set aside. Use II. J. Hopple, sur. Exr., vs. Teter Boland. Rule to open, Contlnned nntil first Monday of May. John Watt, Garnishee, vs. Lewis Mc Mullen. Certiorari. Reversed. John Watt, Garnishee, vs. William Mans field. Certiorari. Reversed. Exceptions to road in Washington town ship. Continued until first Monday of May. John A. Storm, et. al.. Garnishee, vs. Francis Dodson. Certiorari. Reversed. Sprla- ExearaUa tw Wathlactaa via The popular demand for tickets for the Pennsylvania Railroad's select excursions to Washicgton bas been so great and the disposition or our people to visit the Na tional Capital is so determined, that the company bas arrarged another excursion for Thursday, April 12th. Ot the entire serieetbia has. without doubt, the most de sirable dale, as It comes at a time when Was-hlngton is in the Srst flush of the ac tivity, social, political, and natural, ot early spring. The side trips, too, to Richmond and Monnt Vernon, are peculiarly attrac tive at this season. The excursion will be rnn on the same plan as heretofore. The train will be com posed of parlor cars and passenger coaches, and will be run through on a fast schedule. The tickets will be good for ten days, to be used going only on special train and to re turn by aoy regular train, except the New York and Chicago Limited. A step over in Baltimore on the return trip is permitted. The Fpecial will run on following schedule, and tickets will be sold at the rates quoted below : Rate Trains Leave. Johnstown 50 10.13 a. M. Cre6son 6 50 11 02 Altoona 6 50 11 CO " Renew a iter Yealh. Mr. Prpe Cbesley. Peterson, Clay Co.. Iowa. teiUthe following remaikable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents or the town : "I am 73 years old. have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years ; could not dress myself without belp. Now I am free from all pain and e ore n ess. and am a!e to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renew ed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, 50c. and (1. at the drng store of E. James, E Dens burg, and W. W. McAteer, Loretto. I Have not used all of one bottle yet. I suffered from catarrh for twelve years, experiencing the nauseating dropping In the throat pecu liar to that disease, and nose bled almost dally. I tried various remedies without ben efit until last April, when 1 saw Ely's Cream Balm advertised In the Beston BudyeL I procured a Dottle, and elnce the first days' use have had no more bleeding the soreness Is entirely gone. D. G. David son, with the Boston Budget, formerly with the Boston Journal. HAHBUUE LirENkCS l.UCED. The following marriage licenses were issued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court for the week ending Wednesday. April 4. 18S8: Thomas II. McClelland and Emma Ham ilton. Johnstown. Samuel E. Manser and Lizzie A. Ilolfel ter, Conemaugh. Albert M. Master. Coopersdale, and Mary S Alexander. Johnstown. John W. Pluekardand Ella Bell Boring, Mtuvilie. Thomas Tllford, Pittsburg, Ta., and Julia Ann Danovan, Erjensburg. William M. Boring. Centrevllle. Indiana county. Pa., and Moriah Alice Boring, Cam bria con nty. T. William Flower and Emma J. Rine bolt, Johnstown. II-nry James Maliy, Cambria, and Mary I . T m. J . M i.e. in. l pprr l iier uwnsuip. Toll Williams. Johnstown, and Annie Matlam, Altoona. I t. T. B- Arthurs. Johnstown, and Jennie King. A -lams township. Israel Knee bone and E iza J. Allen Johns town. Married. TILFORD DONOVAN On Monday. Aprils, 1688, in the church or the Holy Name, Eoensburg. by Rev. Father Walsh. Mr. Thomas Tilford, editor or tne Pitts burg Labor Tribune, to Miss Julia Donovan, daughter of Mr. Michael Donovan, of this place. ntei. HO WELL. Died at the residence ot her parents in Ebensburg on Saturday. March 31st. IS. Mies Etta Howell, daughter of Mr. Jjuo iljwe'.l, aged about 25 years. JONES. Died at her home In Johnstown on Friday, M . rti aoih. 1H8. Mrs. Jane Jones, wife of I txaas I). Jones, aged about years. The deceased as born about four miles north of Ebrnsburg and was a daughter of Mr. Roland Davis, deceased. She was a sister or Mr. R. R. Davis, of Ebensburg. Her remains were brought to this place for Interment and consigned to their last resting place iu Lloyds cemetery on Monday last. ASSIGNEE'S SALE Valuable Real Estate. By virtu of aa order ol tb Court or Common 1'leu ol Cambria County, fa , to me di rected 1 will expoae to public tale at the Court House la SoencbarK. Pa , oa SATURDAY, APRIL, 21,'88 AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M., the folio wl eg described real etlate. Tlx : All thoee two certain lots or (round iltuate la the Weal Ward of the borouKh of Kbenehurr Cambria eouoty. Pa frontlna 132 feet on HlKn' ttreeton the north and running- back 264 leet along Mary Ann tret on the eat to Lloyd treet. alone Lloyd meet on the outh. and ad joining lot ot Kicbard Tudor on the west, bavins thereon erected a two-atory frame honseTa Iranie table, a wagon abed and all neceuar outbuild lnifs. the Wen V ard ef ald boroojrh or Ebensbnnr frontlnic S feet on Ogle street on tbe north and "LfniD bck alomr Mary Ann atreet to Triumph atreet and ad)olnlnpr lot No. S on the west, known on the plan ol said borouh aa lot No. 1 In square 67. havlne; a two-atory frame bouse, a stable and outbuildtngi tbereon erected AI.o. all those two certain lota of arroond sit uate In the West Ward ol aald borouKh of Ebens burs:. bounded and described aa follow viz Beutnnlnn at a post on Oxle atreet. thence by said street, west JXt feet to a poet, tbenee by lot No. 4. south 294 leet to a poat. tbenee by Tri umph street eaat 132 feet to a post, tlienc by lot . north 24 feet to the place ol betrlnnlnir and betnic known on tbe plan of the borough of tb ensburv aa lots Nua. t and 3 on square 47 bavlnir a building- uaed aa a slauabter bouse thereon erected. Alo, all that certain lot of rronnd situate In the West Ward of said borouirh of Ebensbunr bounded and dUcrlhed aa follows. ii; Be In ning at a post on the south along the east side of Spruce Alley 16 perches to a post, thence east along the north side of Triumph street 4 aercbes to a post, thence north along the adjoin ing lot IS perches to a post, thenee vjit along the sooth side of Ogle street 4 perches to the place of beginning, being known aa lot No. 4 on square No. 47. having an Ice house thereon erected. Alao. all tbat piece, parrel or lot of ground sit uate in tbe township ol Cambria, in sal county of Cambria eVaTibed aa follows : Beginning at a poat. thence north 31Ji perches to a post thence ea 61 perches to a post, thence south 31-"4' uercb es to a post, tbenee west 81 percbea to the place of beginning, adjoining land of Thomas tlnfflth. heirs of Itavld H. Koberta. deeeassd, John Wil liams. Abel Lloyd and others, containing 13 acres and Si perches. Also, all that certain piece or parcel of land sit uate In said township of Cambria. artilnlng lands of John Wllman. Kumford. Ctood. William S. Lloyd and Urimth J. Jones, containing 114 acres, more or less. Also, all that certain piece or parcel or land sit uate In the township ol Carroll, in said county or Cambria, bounded and described as loMowj, vlt -Beginning at a post on the Kbensburg road, thence bv land of belrsof John Btnnett north kt'i degrees, west 114 perches to a poet, thence by land formerly of Peter Huber. north 131 perrbe to a post, tnenee by land formerly of Emanuel Dnhart north CI degrees, east 150 perrbes to a post on the Lheorbunr road, thence along said road south 12 degrees, west 72 percbe to a post, thence south 12 degrees, west 40 perches to a pout, thence south degrees, wen 44 percbea to the place of beginning, containing 120 acres and 72 perches, eir-iet measure. Daring thereon erected a two-story frame house, a frame barn and out buildings. There Is a good orchard en tha prem ises. This tara Is situate about three miles from Carrolltown on tbe old road from Ebensburg to Carrolltown. Terms. Ten percent, of the purchase money to be paid at the time ol the sale, the balance of one-third at the confirmation of tbe sale, and one-third In six months, the remainder In twelve months Irom exinhrmatlon of the sale. De!rrrl payments to tcr interest, and to be secured by the judgment bond and mortgage of the purchaser. JOHN A. BLAIR. Assignee of Joseph Outwald Ebensburg. March So. last St. STATEMENT or at'DITOR'S SETTLEMENT with tbe Supervisors of Blackliek township for the year ending March 12. 1 . Johh Buck Exotsm, Supervisor, Da. To amount ot road duplicate $2flj io To am 't received from Commissioners 36 oo To balance aoeounl. . ... 31 es n-ui is Costtba, Cr. By ami of work on roads. t2&3 49 By exoneraiion... ..... By returned tares By orders redeemed and cash paid.. By services as ujervleor. ..... - 1 i 7 SW . 23 25 . 40 OO $334 16 Jaoob Sttlxs, Supervisor. Dr. Te ara't of road duplicate To am't received from Commissioners To balance account ................ t3ll 60 . -I 86 .- 2fl 63 a 47 (IS ..iSOt 22 .. s ei 1 so .- 16 OO 42 74 Postia, Ca. By ara't of work on roads By exonerations By returned taxes.. By plow and order redeemed........ By services aa super visor... ........ ASSETS. Tme John Bllckenderfer as supervisor. Due Jacob Stiles aa supervisor- .. Outstanding orders Issued... ..... 37 bS 71 64 Wi. the undersigned auditors of Itlarklick township, certify tbat we have examined the ae counts ol aald township and find them as abore atated. T. 8. FMPFIELD. 1 PETER WAONER. Auditors. K tr. EMPFIELD. S Attest. U. A. Michael. Clerk. Blackliek twp.. Mar. 16. lsi. 4t. STATEMENT OF SETTLE) EXT W ITH TH E StrsarisoKs or Chkst Tow asm r roa tie Vnt Etmo M Aiu-B ia, las j. CHARLES OILL. ScraavisoB. Dr. To am't of duplicate ..... .......... 26 I ue township from last year 2 v By taxes transferred 14 S2 Received from Jacob Warner.. ........ 10 04 For use of seoep ................... 1 00 Order to balance account 114 16 $359 t3 .. 271 4 .. 71 2i IH 1 7a 1 M 2 SO a 00 Cr. By am't of work done on roads ...... Personal services 47 j days tj. $1.50 Psid for (dank Paid for plow points.. ...... ........... Paid lor repairing tools, etc. .......... Lands returned...... ........... Exonerations ..... ................. 3W 93 Jacob WARNER. ScrxaAieoa. Da. To am't of duplicate ..... ...... $36 64 'ash from last year......................... in 38 Order to balance account............ ...... 1 1 $377 60 Ca. By am't of work on roads..... $250 94 Pa'.: Charles U1 10 Taxes transferred . 14 52 Paid for plank and dynamite, etc 12 -it Order redeemed...... 29 to Lands returned 00 Exonerations ..... 1 78 Personal services Zi days ($ tlM 3 62 S77 60 LIABILITIES. Outstanding or d era ........ I John K Oill for blacksmlthlng John Nedlmyer tor auditing accounts Henry Itden. Jacob Warner for personal services..... Joseph Hipps tor services as clerk Charles (lilt for personal service and 3 25 I 50 1 M 1 as 7 60 work done .. 114 13 8129 49 We. the undersigned auditor of Chen town ship do cerUIy that the forgoing 1 a true and cor rect statement. JHHN NEDIMTER, ( a-i. HENRY LEIDEN. Aaaitora, Attest, Joaara Hires, Clerk. OTI'E To tbe neirs and legal Representatives of John Rose, deceased : Take notice that aa Inquest will be held at the late residence of John Roae. deceased. In the township of Lower Yoder. in the County of Cam bria, on Thursday, April 23th, at I o 'clock In the afternoon ef that day. tor the purpose of making partition of the res I estate of said decedent to and among his heir and legal representatives. If tha earn can be done without prejudice to or spoil log of the whole : otherwise, to value and ap praise the same accord inc law. at which time and place you are requested to attend it yon think proper. JOS. A. ORAY, Sheriff Sheriff's OfBce, Ebeneburg. Mar. 23, 18S8.-6t IyUBLIC SALE. " The subscriber will fell at his residence la Chest Springs. Cambria county, on Saturday, April 14th. 118. at 10 o'clock, a. the following personal property to wit : One year old mare, 1 yearling colt, 1 cow, a lot of young rattle, 1 treadpower threshing machine, 1 mowing ma chine. 1 boggy rake, 1 eae-borse power teex! cut ter. I twn-borse wagon, 1 two-hore prtng wagon, 1 covered top spring wagon, 3 pl.wa. 1 harrow. 2 eta of work harness. 1 set of buggy harness, also many other article too numerous to mention. Terms will be Dade known on day of sal when a reasonable credit will be given. M. J. WALTZ. Cbe.-tSj.rinj, Mar. 27. IKS. POLITICAL. F OK SUEBI1T. I hereby announce mvself . cmnav,"I !nerirr, suf.ject to the decision ol tbe next bemocratie primary election. O. A. L.ANUHKIN'. Ebensburg. Pa., Feb. 24, FOK SHERIFF. - ,... w John J. Kinney, of Ton- nellblll borough at tbe coming Itemocratle prl """Telection. Your support respectfully to- FOU SHERIFF. W'e are authorised to announce tbe name of W. I McClelland, ol Johnstown, as a candidate for Sheriff subject to tbe decision ot tbe next Democratic primary election. FOR POOR DIRECTOR. We are authorized to announce tbe name of John F. Long, or Cambria township as a can Idate for Poor Director, subject to tbe declson of tbe neza Democratic primary election. FOR ASSEMBLY. . I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Assembly subject to the Democratic primary election. IEWIS STRAY EK. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that John C. Noel and wife bare assigned all the estate, both real and personal of tbe said John C. Noel to me In tru't f r the benefit of his creditor?. All persona indebted to the said John C. Noel are hereby no ticed to make payment to me without delay, and those baring claims against him will present them properly authenticated for settlement to JOSEPH MILLER. Assignee. Wllmore. Pa,, Mar. 23. loss. t. i. The I'nlon County Mutual Live Stock In surance Company of Miffllnsburg. p., has left the accounts of those Indebted to them In Cam bria county with me for collection. All those knowing tbemselres Indebted will please rail promptly and settle their respectlre assessments and save costs. U. W. EASLY. 103 Franklin St.. Johnstown. Pa. "V'OTICE X Notice is hereby &!ven that I have placed in tbe possession or my son. Michael Donabo. of Washington township, during my pleasure, the following named Items ef personal property, vis : One cooking store and utensils, one oedstead and betiding for two beda. one clock, fourtln bucket, eight chairs, one hatchet and one tub, and all persons are cautioned not tn Interfere or mcMle with the aame. MICHAEL IKJNAHO. Washington twp.. Mar. 23, 188 3t. VDM1NISTK . TORS' NOTICE. Lettera of administration on th etate of Edward Lynch, deceased, of Snmmerhlll town ship, having been granted to the undersigned, notice ia hereby glren to all persons Indebted to said estate, to make payment without delay, and those hiring claims against the same will nn. sent them properly authenticated tor settlement, JAMF OALLACrHER, Adm r. ouiumcraui a wp., iiarcn ae, ;ba. ATOTICE. " ' In the Orphans' Court of Cambria coun ty. To the heirs and Legal Representatlres of jonn r.. r.rana. deceased (iKkSTiao: fou are hereh7 ctted to be and to be held at Ebensburg. on the first Monday of Jane next, then and there to accept or refuse to I take the real estate ot Jonn K. Evans, deseased. at tne appraised valuation put upon it by an In quest duly awarded by the said court, or ihow cause why the aame shonH not be sold. .'OSEPH A. OKAY. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Ebensburg. April 3. 1SS8. 3t. VDMIN'ISTR ATORS" NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Patrlcg Dunn, deceased, of Ashvtlle borough, Cambria county, having teen granted to tbe un dersigned, notice is hereby given to allp'taons Indebted to said estate, to wake payment with out delay, and those having clalms'agatnst the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement to MATTHEW DUNN. Adus'r. Altoona, Pa . or F. A. Shoemaker, att'y for administrator. Eb ensburg. Pa. April , IMS. T7PITOR-S NOTICE l. I ho undesigned at the trpbans Court ol Cambria ouuty to make and report dlsirlbation of the amount of the re cognizance in theestateol Henry Krise. deceased, which has become due an! payable by reason of the death of Margaret Krise. widow of said deced ent, hereby gives notice that he will ait at his of fice In he borough of Ehen?bnrg, I'a.. or, rriday, April 20. at 10 o'clock, a. m.. for the purpose ot a'.tcnjing to tbeduties of said mppointmeot. at which time and place all persons Interested shall attend or be forever debarred from coming in on faidfund. ALV IN EVANS. Auditor. Ebensburg, March 30, Iks. It. T71NANCI AL, STATEMENT OF ROAD DE 1 rABTSKT OF 1KAX IowNuuir roa l'lit ESMXO PUKCH 10. 1H8. FRANK KOPP. ScravrsoR. Da. Whole am't of duplicate $ 135 89 Cash received on duplica'e 40 49 Work done by taraMes 95 40 Received of County Treasuer 231 80 Received of J no. Sheets, ex-SuperpIsor.. 60 (330 80 CONTRA, Cr. Cask on duplicate... ......... Money paid out lor work I'aldon orders......... ., Personal services 34" days Q 1.5o Trip to Eoensburg.. Bond Two atone hammers..: . .... 233 05 J.J. RHOSY, To am't of duplicate.. . Cash on duplicate. .... ScrKRvisoR. Dr. t 258 15 125 62 383 77 CONTRA. Cr. By am't work don by taxablet ...... Exonerations .... Cash paid for work Plow beam. 1 hammer ... Personal rvtcea Received ol Frank Kopp Received of John Storm for taxes $129 61 2 92 75 M 2 KI 76 84 5'J 25 00 5 00 8325 14 Wb. the undersigned auditor of Dean town ship do hereby certify the above to be a correct statement. Wm. HiLDEBRAND, ) JOHN OAWLKY. S Auditors. JAS. H. BROWN. S Atteu t. W. Bkowjt, Clerk. Dean twp. Mar. In, lftSS. STATEMENT OFT HE SETTLEMENT WITH tu b SrraRvisoiM or Whits Twr. roa tub Ybab Endixh Mabcb 12. lsS. LIKE Ul'iimN. Sltcuvisor, La. To am't ol work duplicate 80 06 To order lor plank for Frugality bridge.... 28 00 To order In lavor ol A. H. Flak St Co. for dynamite 24 32 To order in lavor ot I'. J. Dietrich lor scoop oo Tu order oa County Corn's to bal. accl 31 25 8173 62 f M 06 28 oa 24 32 7 00 35 ('. By work done on roads by taxable.. By plaak By dynamite used on roads. ........ l.'y acoop.. By oath olofflee.. . y suikes used on Frugality bridge. 25 By.1, days services as sup'r ( 81.50.. 33 75 8173 62 CHRIST NOEL, SrrKitvrson, Da. Taam'tol work duplicate 3 486 60 To order on County Corn's to bai. acct 8u C9 6506 00 ... 3357 50 8 6 80 SI 1 99 Cr. By work done by taxable:...... By lands returned ...... By old orders on supervisor paid By exonerations.... . By oath ef office... By 7l day service as sup'r 31-50. 26 117 37 8566 63 Wb. the undersigned auditors of White town ship do certify that we have examined tbe ac count ot aald township aod find them a above stated. C J. DUNCAN. ) JOHN H. F1SK.E, Auditors. ADAM ECH. S AtteH. S. J. Lcthxr. Clerk White Twp, Mar. 30. 188. SALESMEN U WANTED to canvas for the sale ol Nnreery Stock ! Steady employment guaranteed. Sal ary and expenses paid. Apply at once, stating age. t hum to tnis paper. KNELL, A HOW LAND, Rochester, N. Y. April 6,lRSS.-8t WANTED; SALESMEN to sell Nursery S t o e k. All liood Warranted t irsl-elas. Permanent, pleasant, profitable position lor the right men. Otod salaries and expense paid weekly. I.I ber al Inducements to beginners. No previous ex perienc otceery. Outfit tree. Write fr terms, riving age. CUAHLE5 H. CHASE, Nurseryman, 'chei;er Pi. , Miction, tbi p-er. April 6, 1!8i.-8U 40 49 ... hi 21 . 82 35 ... 51 75 3 00 25 3 00 i ;n 1111111111111 mrm BE RIGHT TO-DAY, THOUGH WRONG YESTERDAY. You bave been mvln other H You've Sf en N'eiKbboi Wilkin's bovs JrHsel ner.tly and tastiiv. In fact' C better tban your own. You bava arntd wltli VViikins that tha yearly . .Tl.KO I'll ,113 Vl.'blJlMK L'lll 13 IUI , ralo and again that bis entire out. C boys wa5 $87 FOR THE B You have figured out the cost of h yet you haven't th inorai courage to say "wiiKins, i was wruu yestur--3 day ; I'll be light to-day." si iDon't Cut Off Your Nose! To Spite 3 when you can Dlainly see the fallacy of your position on the ClnthineJ Question. Acknowledge tbe corn and say "I'll be richt in the future. " Z and buy (where Wtlklns bus) at Z IlOCSE OF I WOOLF, SON '-Tan fniiiniiiniiiinniitiiitnilii rrriiTTSUl mill THE : QUALITY : SELLS ! Arc you going to have some of these Bar gains in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, Tools, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, && Before moving we will sell some Heavy goods at Prices which will startle evervrody. Bargains in Eyerytliing Call and see. 51200 A YEAR T'iii is what lot of foik want. W rsrTt tfive it tu m a win- 10 one t two enerruiic adonis in eoctj county in mis .-Mate wuo will inaustrioaalw l-ash ihr ale or our vpleudi J new line of bookj, -..ruin; u our lust ructions. Tnis is no ritrava fcaul promise. Wo arc Join;; a every day. Wo .l.m't w:;nt laanv arenu ; but we want apcnn wuo naveability, who are mJu.liinui, aua hoate ia rarnirt. r.-vpertuiiue i not alwa 9 ucc-stari soma of our bust areuu are raw recruits, whom we hare taui;lit lo uiakr must) during ihe lait two montlia. V, e usran:ec exclusive tarriWry, give lilxral terms and arree 10 buv anv mtclliroct and amterprisiac aKnt liow to make at let a rear eerinin sure. Aluong our many raiual.W puiilicattuns we Lie ei.oe to uioutiou ouiv a few v( the lutr.t and best : THE DIVERSIONS OF A DIPLOMAT IN TURKEY, by " Sunset - Cox. HARD TACK AND COFFcE, tbe rreat new s-.MiiTs' lt. Twentr-fiTe thouseud sold la first tLirtr days. The li aplenlil original illustrations arr a story iu t ueiusel res. HOME AND FARM CYCLOPEDIA, the greatest Cirm book ever mai. Positively witliuut an equal. tvll by our new aperial plau, and to one C"''1 man iu eauh cni.ntr we guarantee an income of li.tKW a viar on lint bH)k aloue. 'l itis is otruight business. It U not an oirisrinnit, bnt if. an establiolivd fsrU W wai.t the name and address of every book aent who is maVinp lev thii ? 2.01 a weet. We crui't employ all who apply but those ho are wr:iiy shall have our aii. iJo uut beitte st mouieut, but write al onoo ibr full particulars (ficc), 10 P. J. rLEMIlTG & CO.. Publishers, No. 4 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. H JOHNSON STORES5 for 1883, will te sent FREE to all who write for It. It is a Handsome Cat alogue with Colored Plates, and the FINEST COLLECTION OF SEEDS ever offered. CvOur KIDVITT PSDnmrBC with varieties specially in n 1 1 11 k. i poses, and all TOOLS neaessary to manages complete scarden. If you grow VEGETABLES you J0HHSQH& STOKES,' Our Cataloeua. 210 NORMAL SCHOOL. The 7th Annual Term OF THE ERENSDLTiG NORMAL SCHOOL, Conducted by A. K. Jfead. A. M.. .Too. S. Foley and Cyrus Shepherd will open in Public Suhool Kuiidina; or tbennurar, Monday, April ICth, lor a term ol eleven weeks. TUITION. Teachers' course $ 7 (ki Preparatory or optional course 6 00 A liberal reduction will ba made, where two or more attend I rout the same family, irood boarding and comfortable rooms can be secured tor fi 50 per weeit. For circulars and lnlormatlon address A.R. Head, or Cyrus Shepherd, tbensuur. l"s.. orJmi. . Foly. Sl AuKOttine. Ta. EBEXSBUKG, PA. I. P.Thomas & Son's, BONE FERTILIZERS Contain all the valuable element of stable mannre in a concentrated form. Upecially prepared for all crops. They are manufactured for result panaa. Dentesulu. Tbey canaot be beaten I a tne field 4JUK WOKKs mn r f.r, Hi. n. . them our personal attention, for the aarna money we guarantee our roods set to be eurpaned. Tho-e who as tbem endorse them. YM use Item and 7u will endorse them. murrirmri) sr I. P. THOMAS & SON, Philadelphia, Penn'a. . meiLku W. J. AXSTEA1. Johnstown : JOS EPH A. NOEL. Ebensbure. March 3d, 2m. For Iropay, (travel. Nervousnena. ItriKht' Heart. Urinary or I.iver disease. Cure (iuarran teed. Office. 8:1 Arch street. I'lillnileljiliia. All drngelats. Try it. $1 a t-ottle, six lor j. March IS, It 1J. KENTUCKY The only firm in Penn'a wno make a sneeiahly of ken tuefcv paddle and lrivinc Horses, Iranr,nt and Fit Mules ant keep constantly in their staSles one bnndred h.-r 1 of ilulev all sixes, from four fjt to the large mule weighing Woo 11., are I. Arnliei.n Jk .. tiH S-tid Avenue, I'll tburKh. I'au M nlc "nir ped to all (arts of the .M;c m order. jNoiluiij. U So. 1 pick.d stork to he limnd iu tbur sUablcs. r-CWfCi;Ctlicolicitc-i. , lllinimi .a m un r . Stores ble prices for your Ciothiu' O r .t.WIH . i. l.BlUil . ' J.', ay far Clothing for himself ami three i MOLE YEAR.! yonr's tn vrnr IWter Half at f!37 and Your Face, tho Great One Trice Clothino & Johnstown, Pexn'a.E nn m 6 WITHOUT WOFIKI to theia. Cut we oan nnl will euarautee a Jr roflt GARDEN and FARP7I MANUAL unitubllLl u ai their send for Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.lC Oils!Oils!Oils! Tne Standard Oil Company of Pittsburg, Pa., make a spe cialty of manufacturing for the domestic trade the fin est brands of ILLUMINATING AND LlT.RimiNG OILS, NAPHTHA AND GASOLINE That can be made from Petrol iuin. If you wish the most uniform ly satisfactory oils in the mark et ask for ours. Trade for Eb ensburg and vicinity supplied by V. S. BARKER Sc IiRO., Ebensburg, Pa, The cheapen and neatest Fence for aroun4 I.awns. School Jits. Ti.ultrv Yards, (Sardens Faruis. 1'ark aDd thundery "Fences andOates. IVrleit Automatic !ate. Also, ail kindu of Wire Mork. U rito for Frices. Mate kind snd cniali ly vt fence wanted. TAYI.OK a. IiEAN. 203 tL M Market Street. Fittsburn. Fa. Maroli lbBS.-dru. to canvas lor the sale ol Nnrsery stock' Steady employment raarsnteed. SAI.AKY AND EX- FA ll. Aunty at ouce. sutllnir aire fliASr: BimiHLUSt'liMPANV. (Keler to this patter.', liochealer, K. Y. Penn'a Agn'l Vforks. Steam F.tKne.Na w Wills, Hay i'resses. Stump Fullers and Standxrd Aunrollural liniillineDM Keuvrally. Send lor ( aLalKue A H. FAUil H AK' at SON York.r. 4t. I "VX'UEN you want J jh I'rmtina ol any kicd I .3 C.tio give lucl a;Maii om:e a trial. THOMAS to STEEL WIRE FOXCB. SALESMEN WAITED