The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, February 03, 1888, Image 3

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    Xamlma Jfrcfimm.
EBE.tBl KU, P.
riuiKt r. - - run. s. isss.
I. (?C l L . LVD I 'EltSChW I L.
Jsyn In this niotuti.
Hid you see the eclipse '.'
Lent wilt begin tLla year on Wfdnes
1iy, February 13.
I'.x -Sheriff J.uther, of Carroll township,
t:h ni town on Vi'lneliy.
A lot of satins and velvets attntt Misses'
' .Wilis miliiurry store at cott.
A n electric !prln Is saij to have been
t :.-i"vt r'J In lVnCeUl, Clearfield county.
Mr. J. I. l'.irrihh, of this plai'e, fcas
I ceii cr.irteil a pension as a Mexican soldier.
. Mieriif Ul.ilr, of tills place, Is 111 and
--:r:i to his room, but we hope will soon
K H'luut anain.
A portion or the lloi:idaysburg branch
rni'uiad ncuth of Martlnsburg, was elrmetl
rti VUurday last by the snow.
Mr. OsMo Wilkinson made his appear
and! tn our ttrneta on Thursday, after a
very severe attack of the Uinsy.
Mr. Jotteph Homer, proprietor of Uit
Mruntain House, W'ilmore, tas been seri
ously ill for some time, but is now ou a fair
w ay to recovery.
turday next, February 4th, Is ti e last
I ly for fllinir Administrator's, Kxwu tor's
Cuardians accounts for confirmation
tit March Term of court.
A lot of ladles' and children's hoc,
aces, embroidery, corsets, etc. , at cost at
t?:o Misses' O'Nellia millinery store. Call
oar!y aud net your choice.
WANTED. A respectable roan to han
A'.a i iir famous Rubber btauip, eU , to this
litriet. McMabon Eros. A A Cams, 212
I'enn avenue, ritnaburjjh, Ta.
The novernment weather bureau pre
Ue' general thaw during the next thirty
e x hours, which preditlon Is diametrically
t'l'iiosed to thst groundhog theory.
For the past several days the people
fnnu the country have been busy opening
i'S the roads, and sleds loaded wlht coal and
l imber r now plenty on our streets.
The work of opening op the branch l as
t ee?i going ou for the past three days, and
rauroad connections with the outside world
will be sesuTied this (Thursday) evening.
Wauled at McDonald's store, Loretto, J
butu-r, ":. ea's, corn, wheat, rye.
beans, potatoes, onions, etc., for all of which
ttie highest trading price will be allowed.
The Misses O'Neill of this place, in or
t'er to reduce their stock, will for a tlmo sell
a larifo line of ladies' hats and millinery
goods below cost. A good chance for bar
Kains. Ebensburg girls are cot enterprising
c"'tii;ti. All the surrounding towns have
l-.nd i :ie or more leap year parties, but the
youuii ladies of this place are yet to hear
Mr. Susan Domer, who was sent to jai'
from Johnstowu for larceny, about three
weeks ago under a thirty days sentence. I'irth to a male child on Thursday
F.. T. Miller, of Altoona, a brnkeman
en tl.e Pennsylvania railroad, while shift
tn cars at Conemaugh on Wednesday hart his right arm crushed be
tweeu two cars.
Calicos 3 to 6 cents, indigo blue prints
7 cents per yard. A bargain la wrapper
rep at 13 cents per yard. Men's and boy's
fcats and caps at cost at the Loretto Mer
chandise company.
The Pennsylvania railroad company ha
pluced an order for 30,000 tons of steel rails
M I 1.50 per ton. The Cambtta Iron Com
laii) at Johnstown, and the Bessemer Steel
Works at Draddocks, will furnish the rails.
All persons knowing themselves to be
Indented to M. F. McDonald, of Loretto,
i"., are respctfully requested to call and
Battle on or before March 1st. After that
ilnfo the books will be placed for collectlou.
The publication this week of the report
f Uio County Auditors crowds out consid
erable local matter. Among others ' Lines '
Suggested by the death of County Superln- '
tesdent W. J. Cramer' will appear next
Mr. J. It, Denny, of the Mountain
Ilrnse, this place, has sold out his lease and
furniture of that well-known hotel to Mr.
1.. F.'estrlne, of Tyrone, Pa. We have not
ytt learned when Mr. Elestrine will take
Today (Thurr-day) is Candlemas, or
roundbog day. The groundhog, If out,
will see bis shadow, as the son Is shining
rluhtly, ami, if popular tradition amounts
to anything, we will have six more weeks of
Ladies' fine kid button shoes at fcl.CJ
usually sold at ?-? and ti 3 ; ladle:
rfinn pebble goat button shoes at 1 usuaj
t-ricn ?2 .10. All other shoes reduced In
porportion at the LoretU) Merchandise
A grand ball will be held at Haral View
smnimtnnr resort, near Cheht Springs, on
Saturday, February lltli.l-WH, and everybody
Is Invited. A splendid supper will be
ervd Mid a first class orchestra wiU furn
ish the music.
(iALI.A WAV. -Died s her horns In Al on Sunday, January 2mb, 1388, Miss
Sdie (iallaway, daughter of William and
Ktlen UalUway ot Altuoua, hJ 15 years.
The deceased was a nclca of Mrs. II. J.
Crouse, of Eoensburp.
Drown, sugar f! cents ; llht sucar, 7
nts ; bevt white sugar, S cents per pound;
rvt cliijwin tnra.'co, :!.'. cents per pound; 4
pounds best green coffee, ft ; 4 pouuds
bt-t roa-t rot'i e, fl ; table sjrupSO cents jer
gtllon, at tlio Loretto Meicbandlse com
Vtiy. lUrgaine, bargains, at McDonald' store
Loretro, Pa., for the next 3D dajs (until
March 1st) the fullowing line of goods will
be sold at cost for srot cash or good market
able produce ; Dress goods, notions, huts,
apf, boots, shoes, clothing and all other
Tall and winter goods.
The license fight In Somerset Is over. It
resulted In a partial victory for the liijuor
dealers. Three out of nine have been
granted licenses. Two of the successful
applicants live in Ad lison township and
the other In Dauvllle. Lat year not a 11
cense was granted in the county.
TDe Loretto Merchandise company still
continues to sell all eools r very low prices
And, in fact are selling lines at cost,
anj below cost. All ivu aratively new
goods. No ancient etock, a.en's over
coats heretofore selling at fll, cow selling
at f' ; overcoats formerly ?: !0, now f7..V).
Any person who wants paying work as
local or traveling agent for warranted Durs
ery stock should apply at once to James K.
Whitney, Nurseryman, Kocbester, N. Y.
No experience Is necessary, and complete
out!it is famished free, bteady work the
year round and all stock warranted to be In
good condition.
Prof. A. K. Head, assisted by an able
corps of teachers, will conduct the Normal
School in this place during the coming
summer. The appointment of Prof. Leech
as County Superintendent will prevent his
bein connected with the school, but his
D'aee win be supplied by some successful
1:1 1 abie teacher.
Note 1. Closing out Dress Goods
Closing out Misses' Coats at
our on speciaj nnporiauon Jet
1 Ot 1
ana oneeungs.
Everybody pays the same price at
V A. Trau-h, of the Ilollidaysburg
SturuhirJ, was appointed postmaster at that
place, by the President on Wednesday.
We congratulate brother Trangh on the
long deferred but welf merited appoint
Prof. Leech resigned his position as
principal of the schools in this place on
Wednesday, and on the same evening, at a
meeting of the school board. Prof. A. U.
Head was appointed principal. and Prof.
Cyrua hhepard, of Franklin borough, was
appointed to teacb tbe school formerly
taught by Prof. Read.
(lunder Ollison, a Swede, residing In
Morrellvllle. was struck by the engine ot
Mail train west on last Saturday evening
aud so badly Injured that be died shortly
after. He was walking ou tbe track when
struck, and, owing to deafness, did not bear
the alarm sounded by the engineer. He
was about 70 years of age.
The fair for tbe benefit of St. Patrick's
church, (iallitzin, is still In progress, the
management having concluded to continue
It today (Thursday) and Saturday of this
week and also Thursday and Saturday of
next week. The fair thus far has been a
successful and enjoyable one, and persons
visiting Uallitzin should not fall to go to tbe
Prof. J. w. Leech, of this place, re
ceive 1 official notice on Wednesday last, of
his appointment as County Superintendent.
A the office, after the death of Superintend
ent Cramer, wa a plum that some Repub
lican was bound to enjoy, we are as well
satisfied with his appointment as any that
could have been made from that side of tbe
fence, and congratulate him upon his ap
pointment. Michael Ulasco, a helper in the black
smith shop of the Cambria Iron Company at
Johnftown. entered a sewer to make some
repairs to a pipe laid In the sewer which
supplied the blasts Trotn the blast furnaces.
He was overcome hy sewer gas and when
taken out was dead. August Stork, wbo
went to Glasco's assistance, was also over
come by the deadly gas but was taken out
in time to save bis life. Glasco leaves a
wife in the old country.
Tuesd.iv evening atGallitzin, as several
Hungarians miners were filling a can
with powder, from a large keg, sparks from
a pipe or cigar Ignited tbe powder and a
terrible explosion was the result. One side
of the building was entirely wrecked and
several of the miners thrown several rods
from the building- Two persons were seri
ously injured fatally it is thought. The
building belonged to Thomas Itradley. Esq.,
and is insured in the Cambria Mutual.
A week aijo yestexdsy evening the citi
zens of Bellefonte tendered a banquet to
Messrs. Phil'm and Thomas Collins, of this
piac. Hon. John Hielly aud James P. Scott,
of Philadelphia and J. King McLanahan, of
Ilollidaysburg, and others associated with
them in the construction of the Bellefonte
and r.utlVo Uua Itailroad, which opens up
one of the richest iron ore fields In the State,
and who have just started the fires In their
new and extensive furnace at Pellefonte.
Gov. Reaver and ex-Governor Curtin pre
sided at either end of the festive board.
A telegram from Rapid City, Dakota,
dated January .".nth. says : "This afternoon
two cowboys named Arthur and Potts at
tempted to run the town of Buffalo Gap, a
station on the Klkhorn road, forty miles
south of here, when the citizens turned ont
in ful! force and killed both of them. Who
fired the fatal shots no one knows, nor
wants to know." The Arthur mentioned is
a son of Ulchant Arthur, of Altoona, and
his father has also received a telegram an
nouncing his death. The remains will be
brought to Altoona for Inte-raent. Vonng
Arthur was twenty-two years of age and
has been In the West for the past four
Itespect for constituted authority Is one
of the distinguishing marks of a good citizen
and the Interference with an efflcer In the
discbarge of his duties la an offence that the
law punishes severely. When the good
citizen, residing on Julian street, in this
place, on Monday last, rushed out of their
houses on hearing an alarm and found two
county officials, Sheriff Gray and Protbono
tary Shoemaker both down, aud Impossible
to tell which would prove victorious, they
were In a quandary who to assist, and con
cluded to see fair play and let them Tight to
a finish. About this time, however, Mr.
Samuel O'Uara, of Monster township, eame
along and explained the matter by saying
that be had been giving tbe officials a sleigh
ride, driving at a two-forty gait, and wben
he struck the drift tbe sleigh upset aud tb
f f.ieials, strange to say, resigned their posi
tions In the sleigh. Tbe old gentleman
got ttem in again and as they were leaving,
we heard one ot lUeui whUper to drive a
little slower.
About one o'clock Thursday morning;
three masked men entered tbe but of Henry
Merrits, and old woodman in Henderson
township Huntingdon county, and demand
ed to be shown where his supposed wealth
was concealed. For several years Merrits
bn been engaged m the lumbering buslne.-s.
and bad accumulated about l.000, which
was secreted in the basement of his dwell
ing. His assailants bound and fcaged h !.::.
and. failing la their efforts to txtort a con
fession b these means, held bis bare feet to
the fire, and otherwise maltreated Mm In a
most shocking manner, until he became un
conscious. His assailants then left bim and
searched tbe hut for his hidden wealth.
Leneath the flooring they found oer J1h
hidden In a flour sack. Hut this was all
they secured, as the other money belonging
to him had been hidden a fchort distance
from the bouse. Merritts was found Mill
bound and gagged, and, owing to his ad
vanced years. It is thoognt the maltreatment
he received will result In bis death.
Illustrations printed in colors are the
mot-t uniqu and striking feature of the
February number of Tc (,ioyo!itin. This
marked innovation upon the old methods of
Wnstratlon. so long pursued by the old
magazines. Is certain to attract great atten
tion and win universal popularity. No
where in the world has wood engraving .
reached such perfection as in the United
States, but it seeuis to have reached Its limit, t
It being lnnipossib!e to make finer and '
more artistio" work than is now produced.
Consequently, the only forward step pos
sible to take In the direction of better illus
trations is the one now taken for the first i
time in this country by The CostiwpuliXan. !
Color Is always more pleasing to the eye
than black and white. Oil paintings and
water colors appeal more strongly to the i
artistic sense than tbe finest steel engravings
or etchings, because they represent more
nearlv Nature as she is, and It is this fact I
that makes the colored illustrations in The
Coii .'.vim so much more attractive than
any wood eugraving or ren drawing can
possibly be.
at reduced prices. Xote 2. Closing out Blankets at reduced prices. Note 3. Closing out Lagos' f!nnfa V.f. a
reduced prices. Xote 5. Closing
to si per yard aud every piece you
John Mullan was ttiutkand Instantly
killed by au Slit bound freight train on
Sunday morning near Larimers, about ten
miles west cf Greensbure
In company
with his mother-in-law be was walking
along the railroad, and neither observed the
approach of the train, though the lady es
caped without injury. Mr. MulUn. lived at
Ardora, near the poiot of the accident, and
'eaves a widow and Qve small children.
natb of am. Sf. SI. W. Wodriir.
The following notes of the sad death of
the wife of non. L, D. Wood ruff, editor cf
the Johnstown Dvnorrat, Is taken from the
Johnstown Tribune of January S3, last
Wednesday :
Arter a ong and painful Illness, the be
loved wife of Hon. L. D. Woodruff expired
shortly after 9 o'clock this forenoon at the
family reaidenee, No2Vl Locust street.
Tbe ancestors of Mrs. Woodruff werof
irisn, scotch, and German nationality. Her
grandfather came from Ireland la very
early days, and was married by a Catholic
priest in New York to a Miaa McVey. a
Scotch lady. The father of Mra. Woodruff,
who died when she was quite youug, was
born In Philadelphia, and her mother, wbo
survives, and who has long made her home
with her now deceased daughter. In Lan
caster county, the latter'a pirenU being
German. Mr. Lynch was distantly related
to the Lynches oi South Carolinia. one of
whom, Thomas, was a finger of the Declar
of Independence.
Mrs. Woodruff was born in Uloomfield,
Perry county. If she had lived until next
August she would have been forty-one
years of age. She was educated In the local
schools. In the Carlisle High School, and In
the Bloomfield Acadeoiy. Upon the com
pletion of her studies she taught for a tiina
In the Academy and in the public schools of
Perry county. She and Mr. L. D. Wood
ruff were united in marriage at New Bloom
field by ltev. William U. Craig, rastor of
the Presbyterian church, on the iith of De
cember, lhC", Mr. Woodruff being then a
resident of Johustown, having located here
with his father. Capt. II. I). Woodruff, in
Mrs. Woodruff was the mother cf five chil
dren, three of whom Jessie O., wife of Mr.
Anderson H. Walters; narry Durant, and
Lucien Dallas survive. Two daughters
died In infancy.
The death of Mrs. Woodruff will cause
genuine sorrow to all wbo knew her. She
was a lady of much refinement and intelli
gence. Her education embraced a very
thorough knowledge of music, botU vocal .
and instrumental, and th's, as well as her !
many other accomplishments, entered Into
her daily life, aud made her a most charming j
center of household affection and an orna- i
me nt in every circle in which she moved. I
IK ceased was a member of the Presby-'
terlaa church. Services will be conducted !
at the house on Saturday afternoon at 2 ;
o'clock by Kev. D. J. Beale. The remains
will be interred In Sandy vale Cemetery. !
Samuel M. Lynch, of the Democrat ; John :
I. Lynch, or the Cambria Works, and Wil- j
Ham P. Lynch, a lawyer of Chatauqua !
county, Kansas, are brothers of the deceas- !
tirbool Report.
Beport of school No. 7. In Allegheny
township, for tbe month ending January 2G.
Number of pupils enrolled. 31 ; average
attendance, ; percent of attendance, 90.
pupils perfect in attendance during uiuutb '.
Michael Torolinsoti, Peter Uamman. William
Hertzog, Walter Glass, Howard Glass, John
Moran. Walter Moran. Tillie Hamman,
Eliza Tomlmson, May Hertzog and Ettie
Uertzog. Annie M. IIaid,
Hotel Hnslarsi 4'atrrleU
on hnrrrss-
When vNitlng Pittsburgh onr readers can
find an excellent example of successful ho
tel keeping and first-class entertainment at
moderate rates by visiting the New St. Nich
olas, corner Fourth aver.ue and GrantstreL
It has ben greatly improved and refurnish
ed in excellent style by the present proprie
tor, N. S Snyder, and Is convenient to de
pots and business centre. 1.50 to f 2 OO per
day. lmo.
I Have Been
a great sufferer from catarrh for ovtr ten
years ; bad It very bad, could hardly breatb.
Some nights I could not sleep, had to walk
tbe floor. I purchased Kly's Cream 3alm
and am naing it freely, it Is working a cure
surely. I have advised several friends to
use it. and with bappy results in every
ca.e. it U the one medicine above all
others made to cure catarrh, and it is worth
Its weight In gold. I thank God I have
fonnd a remedy I can ue with safety and
t!-at does all tbat is claimed for it. It Is
curing mv deafness. D. W. Sperry, Hart- '
ford. Conn.
Mr. N. !I. Frohllchstein, of Mobile, Ala.,
write-t : I take great pleasure in recom
mending Dr. King's New Ul'coverj for Con
sumption, having used It for a severe at-
i tack of Ilronch'.tis and Catarrh. It gave rce
Instant relief and entirely cured ma and 1
have n.jt been sriicted f-inoe. I a!o beg to
state tbat I bad tried other remedies with
no good result. Have also used Electric
Hitters and Dr. King's New Lite Tills, both
of which I can recommend. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds', is sold on a positive guarantee.
Trial bottles free at E. James' drug slor.
Bnrklrn's Arnlra sinlv.
Tne best salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, bait Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Tiles or no pay required. It Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded, l'rlce 25 cents per box. For sale
ty E. J anies and W. W. MeAteer. Loretto.
The following marriage licenses were.
Issued by the Clerk of the Orphans" Court
for tbs week ending Wednesday, Feb. 1st,
l&SS :
t James M. Ilartline. Heemer, Nebraska,
j and Levenia Saxe, Allegtieng township.
Timothy J. Roberta and Maggie Davis.
Cambria township.
John Emprield and Annie D. Miller, Black
lick township.
James McLaughlin, Johnstown, and Mar
garet Murray, Millvllle, PA.
Francis Thomas Burns, Uallitzin township
i and Anna Maud Turner, Mexico, Juniata
Co.. Ta.
Wendell L. Myers and Mary Gable,
' Croyle township.
j Lorenz Uaseenplauh and Mary Alshafer.
I Benscreek, Cambria county.
' William A. Blough. Richland township
i and Km ma J. Myers, Upper Toder town
i ship.
Joseph blrasaicr aud Lizzie scero, Carroll
J tJ
out Children's coats at reduced prieos. Xote C Our new Hamburg
will find extra value. Xote 7.
Gable & Co.'s S(ore,
KrMl n llona.
resolutions cf respect to the memory of
Win! J. Cramer, adopted by St. Michael's
Total Atsttoence and Beneficial Society.
Loretto, Pa.
Whkkeas, Jt has been the will of Divine
Providencs to remove from life our respect
ed friend and brother, Wo. J. Cramer: And
Whebeab. By Ms death oar society has
lost one of It's most valnea members, bis
family a kind and aSeetionate son and
brother,- and the cause of education one of
it's brightest minds : Therefore, be it
Kesoi.ved, That while we tender to the
family of the deceased cut heartfelt sym
pathy in their great aflfietrco. we would re
mind ttem of the consolation afforded by
the memory of his blameless life, and edify
ing death.
Kmilved. That these resolutions be
printed in the Cambuu Fxxkhan. and
Johnstown TViirine, and a copy thereof
presented to the family of the deceased
r.OBEKTS DAVIS Married at the
residence of the officiating minister, v. B.
A. Bower. In Ebensbure. on Thursday, Jan
uary Jrtth. 18. Mr. Timothy J. Eoberts
and Miss Maggie Davis, both of Cambria
KIKBY. Died atber home in Johnstown,
on Saturday, January :ixth, Mrs. Cath
arine Kir by, wife of John KirDy, County
Commissioner, aged about 00 years.
Tbe deceased was born in County Mayo,
Ireland, where ebe was marrisd, and came
to ibis country with ber husnand in l47v
Upon their arrival in this country Mr. Kir by
located In Johnstown, and eas resided there
evenlnce. Mrs. Kirby wa? the mother of
ten children, seven sons and teree daughters
Two sons and one daughter are dead. Tbe
living, in the order of birth, aie: Thomas,
who was born in Ireland, now a citizen of
Abilene, Kansas ; Patrick, also born In Ire
land, now residing at Wiiwore; Bridget,
who is at home ; John, of Conemaugb bor
ough ; William, of Johnstown ; Mary, wife
of James Kelley, of Altoona, and David, ot
H A 1S. Died at the residence of her son,
Mr. D. A. Had. In Altoona. on Monday,
January 30th, lrt8. Mrs. Margaret Uads,
aged 87 years.
The deceased was born in Chester county.
Pa., and came to this county wben a young
girl. She was twice married, ber first hus
band being Lawrence Murphy, to whom
she bore four children, tl.ree sons Michael
aud Lawrence, of Cambria township, and
John Murphy, d.ceasd, and one daughter,
Mrs. Mary Cain, the wife of Mr. James
Cain, of Mur.ster township. To her second
husband.Josepb Had.she had fuut children,
three of whom are living, two sons, Henry
J. Hads, of Lincoln. Neb-, and D. A. Uads,
of Altoona, and one daughter, Rebecca, the
wife of Mr. James Koss, of Blackllck town
ship ; the other daughter, Margaret, died a
number of years ago. ' Mrs. Uads was an
estimable and kind hearted woman and ber
death will be regretted by her. larg circle of
friends. Her remains were brought to this
place for interment on Wednesday last and
consigned to their last resting place In the
Catholic cemetery. Peace to her ashes.
mmw couhty, n.,
3rd flay of January, 1887, to lis 2nd
flay cf January, 1888.
To t'Slanoe in taan! ot
Traasurer, at
last settlement...
To amount receiyed I root Duplicate of
To amount received from redemption
of lands
To am uct re-elved trom sealed and
unseated land......
Toamuunt received from coiuitablea
for 1-S and previous
To amount received from borrowed
money ..... . ......... .
To amount received from Commissioa
ers sale of lands
To amount received front miscellan
eous source.... ..
f a,l7.W ;
S,e73.71 ;
3.4).7u ;
SOI 0-i
l.SM ed
SSS 01)
tl'JO,M7 us 1
- C'JL
Itv amonat paid
Auditors (Oouaty)...
Auditors (Stale)
Koardtnc Jsnws..
Hoarding prtsoneri ,
Hulldli bridges
HrldKC and r..l views.
HwrTowed money -
Commissioners' sales
Commissioners' clerk
Commissioners' counsel .
Counsels tees
Court crier and tip states...
Constables . -
Criminal frofocutloas ......
Court Hu-e
District Attorney
Kx and other scales
tnquislrlocs.. .
Interest on borrowed money.
Interest on Court House
Janitor ...
Jail and jailor
Jury Commlralonors and
Jurora (jrrand).
.1 urors I traverse)
Juror (talesmen) -
Miscellaneous.. ..
ld orders :..
Postaitc and ex;re3iice
I'rirfTinif ..
Poor Directors' salary
poor A house of employment
Kt-cordjt .
Hefundlnc..- .
Koad dim sites
Koad tund
Itform Schocd
Redemption ol lands...
school lund
State tax
Soldiers' burial ....
Teachers ' Institute
Vi ertern Penitentiary
Western I'enn. Hospital
Kem'n'a- In constables bands
Exonerations .a constables..
Exonerations on duplicate ...
Abatement to tax pa vers
Treasurer's com. on 77,b71.W
it i ier cent
Treasurer's com. on SJI.7.U.17
ti 1ct cc n , .
Balance dae Treasurer ....
xvi no
15 so
3x2 46
Ho Su
a.4s it
2.V70 60
4r4 IS
S-t U"l)lll
l.l'lX OO
6a1 (at
l'a on
.V40 00
2 (Stl So
5. MS 6S
477 oi
3J4 Hi
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43 31
43 73
1..5S0 41
3S) if
S'.'l 7S
310 OO
3 -t 2 7
vm 4-1
13 S
R.KTii 67
1 117 43
1 1,79 73
fi O to
25 6
l.f'-U 7i
1.14 I t
i.-j ye
3.007 li
3 71
3.6.J f,7
S.S.13 t't
703 61 $121.10 30
12 Henry Stemmer. Johnstown 7th w S7 4
1J V B. McCartney. K. Cenemaosrh.. S.
Henry Stemmer, Johnstown 4tb w. VI M
Oeo. 1. Prlnnle. Wlimore Bor 2 01
1S4 eo. K. Krun. Barr twp 14 (nt
D. H.Jones, CainLna twp 4 M
1SS5 John A. Troxell. Portave twp so
Joi n N. Stray er. Summerbill twp. 7s i4
S. B. 11 iu is ton. Barr twp ,.. S hi
I- .1 . Weakland. larroll twp 247 60
A. H. Penrod. t'royle twp . m Hd
John N. Straver. Summerbill twp. i'jt i'g
Wm. A. Kager. Sus iu banna twp. iwj tl
Ilnaia Kciuuivrvr. t. lay lor 17 i'l
Best value in Bleached and Unbleached Muslim, Pillow case widths
winch makes it a sale
18871. J. ft' Oakland. Carroll twp
1 ho. ittlnir. Clearfield twp
i, A Kline. Kl.ler twp
Tb. Hancurf. Onllltiin IJor
A.J. Heriey, Hor
I. R. Illir. Johnstown &th w.
Henry Eiehenehr. Prospect Kor..
John A I'lall. Satehamia twp..J
Joeepb Jenkina, W. Taylor
H2 01
70 65
4 y
27 44
l'l .14
4 5
17 10
rii5 74
VMorsT rrr. cambkta
John T. Conney
inu Wlkr
Kenjamln Flicart
Jame Flock
S-A. K. Kitea. et. al
W. W. Sherman, cU al....
Join E. McKinxi.
Barliary Kir
renseV. Shery , , ,
1 2TS 3
41 as
- 177 07
&9 77
,,, - 1 OS
.. h OS
?ra a
hi OS
M 75
rat l'unneil. ..
Fat fonnell, el. al...
A. 1-airell
7S 7'l
!.:. Hark
Pat Iturtnui. et. al
M. J Noel. et. al
A. H. f.itzlncer. ot. al
P. F. Flenner, ot. al
Wm. H. Kelly, et. al
Sila al
!aatsl Ss(Tnor. et- al
S4 M
7 77
17 12
37 fU
3U4 75
50 00
2 IS6 0
.' V
S3 44
64 14
IM 0:1
27 4S
6 II
2s ai i
13 ff
Mlobael Bonoboe, et. al.
i.neincia ninaei
Kd.C Hiarol
Frank McKortnit, tL al
Omi o,:1r.
William 4 rconnor, ot. al
I'atriek Fleming
Jamea oxTonnor. ot. al..
Pal rick Fleiainx.
John J. Kuhn
Mlehal McPWle . .
William W bije, et. al
S4.149 v
9 0
44 M
s ei
1 so
9 7
14 70
rt 75
4 si
1 77
S .'.
T 43
2 70
17 i9
7 OS
L Lll LAK1;
Barr township.
Klackliek tuwusftlp:
Camoria towasbiri.
ao .
1 M-
r 87
61 64
14 Wi
U 10
Clearfleld townahip. ....
Conemauich ttjw rwtll p
"my le u,wnphlp
1 ean townsn 1 p. ...... ...
Klder towiiShlp...'. ,.
KteQfcfearic Birourfi.
liallisxin towodjip .
Jackson township
Jotinstown Tin wart!
.Monster township. .
1'crtaife township
Keade township
3 U
Stony Creek township.
nuramerblll townsblp..
WahmKton townablp
1 45
13 SO
W hue towa.'bip ,
C M-
Aihmi township M in 41 W
Hiarkllck townsblp J HO
Cambria townshi( 2 50 1 00
CuDemauvh township. ... ft 00
Clearfield tewiMblp...... 1 On
Croyle township 1 44 Sis
lean townsblp , 70 74 l'.O S4
Oallilzm H -rouuli 1 Ou a tt
Jarkson ;tonslilp... . .. ls 00 37 'li
Manster townsblp 1 74 so
l'ortajte townfhip 8 74 ao a0
Keade townsblp . Iw4 00 rvi :a)
Susquehanna township.. . P 00
Taylor tiwnshlp 1 30 le to
Washington towcshlp 2tl .V lu Si
White township M) 710 M
Yodcr townsblp rfi 21 7i
-74 4SJ 41 -Jfi
liue bounty from judir'nenta
Hue Ci.nnTy from f.instaliUa...
l.labiliues over as.'cU- .
...f S.14J
a.iAi 74
17. . 31
c-je.ifii 04
Out'tanillnc order t ".IS4 W. '
. rJL.-.lllli.C . L. u I . I 1 1 1 - ... .. . ' U
lue district on road and si-bool 2.4"i HH
Due Individuals on redemption ol lauds. 24 18
luc Treasurer at settlement 6A24J
f JS.614 04
Civks nn.ter our hands at the Commissioners'
Offle. In Ebenibcry, this 3:ih day o January,
A. V. 1SS8.
JOHN I'AMVKKLL, ' Comlloners.
J. . LL.OYD. S
Attest D. A. Mctiut'uii, Clerk.
VN K. the nnderslirned. Auditors of fambria
county, res.o-trully refKirt that we hare careful
ly examined tbe voui-hers and arcownts of tbe
Keceiptsand Expenditures ot said county, from
tue 1th day of JanuAry. 17, to tbe 3rd day ol
January, 1K8. and find tben as stared, al-o the
foreieoini; statouieni of Assets and Liabilities of
said county.
(iiTka under our hands at the Commissioners
Ottire. In KtiensburK. ibis 30th day of January,
A. D. 1Sj7.
JOS. W. OKIFFtX, JAnd:tors
A L.U. STACaUUl'SE, Tuisruu, Da.
To balan.-e due at last settlement I12.W.1 .19
He)ilisition lor 17 . .. 13 I (0
To cash from n. . taliy .
l o cash from 1 . Lilly
14. no
J,1M 73
To balance due Toor and House ot Em
ployment ............$ll,lu! 17
By amount paid
Attorneys' lec ....... 1
Hoarding and nurs it.r o. d. p.
Clolblna. dry goods, boots
and shoe ..
7oal and wood ..
( at House....
Collins and funeral expenses
o. d. p.... ... . . .
J us Lire cost and constable
lees,e d. p
I truss sml medicine
Expense and allowance,
o. d. p .......
1 Arm and House servants
r lour and leeJ -
t reighi and trans; nation,
o. d p -
Orocerire and tobaoeo.......
Hardware -.-r
Inhurance.. ....
Live stK'k ..
I J very hire, o. d. p . .....
I.cmier and lence posts
Old orders. lf4
Physician at House
Physician, o. d. p..
Phosphate, seed and piauu..
Printing and postage
Keiairs ....
Keirigerator ...
Salary. Steward
Salary, Matron .........
Sewer piie
Warren and Ihxmont Insane
Westmoreland and other
counties boardlns; paup
ers Balance due Poor and House
ol Employ uient. ...........
eo 00
MS 39
16.1 Si
M 00
4 7 63
54 S 70
1 74
i.M' 17
!M 44
701 4
J Ml
n b
it f
470 ?,e
U7 oa
45 00
S0 00
isi 00
134 M
3.121 S3
131 M
11,107 17 R. 199 73
Ik A1 milSt IK fcHFLOliltXr o
Stuok OS 1'isx.
a horses. l'J cows. 1 bull. 3 calves. 10 shoals to
keep over, 4 fboats to butcher.6 turkeys, 45 cUick-
Karm Pbodccto.
47 tons hay. "2 bush oats, 118 buih buck
wheat. 700 'jush potatoes .300 bush corneal-. M bu
rye. bust, turnips, 7 bush sugar beeta. sit bnsh
onions, NuO heads cabbage, and abundant crops of
lomaioe. perns. Deans, etc.
Butchered 7 hogs, a300 lba., 1 cow, anl ealrta.
U.4 Us.
HuvriiTrnD ta the Hots.
23 bbl. oft soap. 11C0 lb. hard np, 3 bbl. sauar
kraut, 'Joo lb. of butter, 60 gal. apple outter. 1 bbl.
cucumber pickles, 1 bbl piccalilli, lie cans Iran..
fi men shirts, M chetuVts. 4 women's drossei,
7 children's dressea, a3 apruas, 7 skirts, 'H pairs
woolen socks. 11 pairs stockings, 12 pair
woolen muuns. r", haps, SI sheets. 30 pllow cases,
IS bed ti-ks, 13 pillow ticks. 13 roller towels.
Wagons buggies and farm implements tame
ai reported )at year.
Jn 11 of .e January lt. 1SS7 ..... 55
-ww-. ivvauvvu iV.V,0 AWIU
Edgings and Insertions are here
place to buy.j
Admitted duriiucyear
Born during year
Iiel durlac year . ....
In?, barKf durlny year" mI."
In Houmo January 1, 181s-.-
No. of nnli Ktren tnmn.!l
3 130
ti l
'f Inmate remaining in v.hi Jtrntrv 1st
isss.tnereare4malm.H1ultn. :rrmalp.aduK.n
maiea ana 1 roaiale are blind J m? and :i temalea
are par.ytic. 4 sales and 3 female are
" 1 icEmiea are demented 'SI male and
7 femalen are or 0 yoan of aa;e, ? mrlea and
female are over Tear cf ace.
Ol the lomatej-7 are native a- 1 are fur-
UrwD at H or 8 K.
Uanlel Kern. Wrrj WolO. Ja. JobrVm. Ian.
lei AddUon. C'baa kHter, Ana;. Ocrrf .lR, Cbaa.
Keiirer, Wm. Lanbort,Saran IJauKbeny.
Imsl-ramco FKorEBTV. ,
North America Uo. 00 House and furni
ture 1
North America Co. 'on aarn and watcoa
North America Co. on pcp boufe and
marblnerr -
"lre Association of fnli 00 V,'.V;i.(in'J' "
SfA) 00
&no on
30' VU
-Zs (XI
i'-T Oil
aM oe
Cambria Mutual t'0.00 bMHinics .7
do do on wairnnat ami hai-nAaa
Oriental Company on t.arn ami rontentfl
"o at on buHdiDirii
do do pump bouse and
machinery .
.. ...n7io ou
sat of above Insuranre on Hmm mil
. - viowv w
Am t on barn, waxon shod and contents. MbO no
Am t on pump bou&e and machinery louo 00
l70O 00
A'' IT Pooa aud Horss KaruiTMxsT.
From Jaoob Thomu and wife fTK o
J no. Maker 111 70
Z f'rype - . . 1
Z -L0"-J- tri" - 41
""'TS"brderon bond 15 ou
Mrs. Henry llass a 10
lald K. Jotea ."" " 1 74
" JaooO ShaOer i0
fvft 10
" tliTea under our bands at Commissioners'
office, at KheasburK. Pa, this lath day of Janu
ary, A. !.,
JOS. W.tihlFFl.N. 'Auditors.
rpHIKTY-FirrH AsjiraL Statkmekt af the
I PHOTktTlOW MrtHl VlKK 1 SiSt KA Mr
.oiiraY ol c'aHuiuA Hurstr lor jear endinit
Amount Insured Doe.
:U. lsao.
Amount Insured dur-
n year.
Ieductam't expired
flurinu year.
Ueduc-t :.:n't surrsc-
dered and anelsd
418,802.00 -r:,127.Vj.W
47.W3.lJ0 40S.VH4 00
Amount Insured Dec. 31. 1M7,
I .720.S4S i
Am't premium Botes
in force Iiec. 31, 'M.
Am't premium notes
taken during; yr.
loduct am't eij lrod
duiins: year.
Deduct am't surren
dered and canceled.
84 ,342.00
4,441 00
Am't premium notet In force Dec.31, "T.t1"a.
o. pcllctrf Issued dnrineyear. r4.
Kio. lolictes In loree lec. 31. 1rs7. lJwB
Am't on hard at last settlement. (l.fWll.71
-a ior new insurance, l,
Am i Aisnument No. ,
17.y7 IJill.t!
e v e n trrr r ei lossj es
Mrs. alarv Ivory.
E a A. V.,
eou oo
26 00
13 40
efasiian itran,
JoliD J. Kvana,
J II. ila-K.w,
D.ivid H.. and Manraret J. Jones,
Oerman Uan sl Kuildinir Asso..
Kev. Anthony Wirtuer,
Thomas J. tdwards, '
othvh exraxtKsi,
secretary's leas.
Treasurer's salary.
Aitcnt's commlssinn.
40 PO
Premiums ret'd illcies ran, i
frlntiur, iostaue.sta'v,ex., etc.,
Compensation r.x. Com.. 45 on
iialanee on hand, .75S.04- v.Ml o
January 23. l?s. the lonrolnic sutcnieut wj
audited, found correct and approved.
i.ii ii. i
Ex. ('ominittee.
Orphans' Court Sale
Blacklick Twp.
By virtue on an ordet ol the Orphans' Court ot
Cambria county I will oiler at public sale
AT -i O'CUX'K P. M.
on the premises, all that certain farm or tract of
"i macKiicK township, Cami.ria
county, adjolDiaw lands ol C. Kara ban vh .lohn
limes. M. Stiles an.i ml..,, ...n. .
hundred a-res more or less, about Ofly arm of
whch are cleared, having thereon erected a
plana house, plank stable and a saw mill. There
Is also a Due orchard on the property
te.TKHMSoi.' st .v t
. . in rauu 01 tne
bid to pe paid on day 01 sale, the balance of cae-
""' "u uie connrmation or ie o..
malnderln two e.(aal annual payments wnh In
tevet to be secured by tbe judgment bonds and
mortgage ot the purchaser.
S AMCEL Ki'.tll,
Kxecatorof Ann Elizabeth Bracken
I erans ,lint.o- 1 r ........ h ... . . .
anoe dcscrlted uropertv can apply to 1' A.
Shoemaker. Attorney Law. Ebensburg.
AA Notice is hereby given that M. Y. MrIon
ald, of the horoiiph cf Loretto, 'ambrla count v
Pa., has made an assignment to me of all bis e's
tate Mt the benefit 01 his creditors. All irHin
indented to said M. K. Mclscnald are notmed to
make payment to me without deav. and those
having claims against him will present them
property authenticated for settlement.
Assignee of M. J". .McIKiKALl).
Loretto. Jan. Mh l8si t.
American Eagle Tobacco Co.
. ) No. 31 .lun
Tnrir, l'li;
Kl l a
T- S. Kreel.iad ti Companv,
1t's E. S.
Having been annointefl mniitnw , n
tribationof the fund arising frem sale of iie
fendant'a personal proper! von the alwve stated
writ. Notice Is hereby given tbat I wl!! sit for
the ruro of said appointment at nivottceln
the horoogh ot FJ-ensburn on Tuesday. Fet ruarv
list, ISMv at 10 o'clock a.m.. at which ti-ne and
plaee all persons interested mav apear, cr be
forever debarred Irom coming la on said luod
1 ON ALD B. DI'lTliN. Auditor.
Ebensbnrg, l"a.. Lch. lsu iw8.
To the heirs or tbe legal Representatives
vi r.Aiiw Aunirri ueceasea :
laae ntnice mat an in.mest will be bold at the
lat resiaen ol Ha' tier Kohler. deceased. In the
borongh of Jobns'own. in the County of Cambria
on 1 norsaav. ine mtn ol ebruarv. lKxa at
o clock In the alternoon 0 that day, for the pur
pose ol making the real estate ot said
decedent to and among; his beirs and legsl rep
resentatives, if tbe sane can be done without
i-iciou. ui or spoiun-oi me whole ; otherwise,
"""" no appraise tne same according law, at
which timi and placoyou are requested to attend
11 jua iuidh proper. ji isr.l'li A. it' V
Sherlfl's Offlce, Epefburg. Jan. 27, lsoe!"
J. Having bees appointed auditor tf decide
ou exceptions tiled; to tbe account of W. H. Smay
as'lgneeof John, ab-ehm and to destribute the
funds In the tutus of said accountant, notic is
orreoy given iw 1 win sit at thaoftce or W
Horace Hose, kv. in Johnstown. P. on tvtH..
tbe loth day of aebruary. lss at in'clo.-ir a J'
"'iciu iuiHiiuu 01 sam appoinLment. a'
which time and place all person interested tnav
at'.end II thev see proper.
J an. vj, roinv
T tna heirs and leicxl rcrrrvnuiivn .t
John Sj. Kvaos. deceased :
Taka outtte that an lno,uaa will . he! J on she
premises ol John K. KtaaK. dm-tK.1. In the
uiwit&a:EM ol i, anuria an 1 lila-kii-ii in )..
t'ouuty ol C'araliria, a We-lnesdaT. Felxuarv
-Jta aext. at io clock kj. the alternoon oi that
Jay, lui Ue uurpuae af- iuanlui partition f the
real eatate of said ioa.Vent to and staouv his
beiri and lesal rei josaaiatives. if the same mi
be da6 w:thont vfvodlce to or f poiUaj; oi tbe
whole : otherwise, to value and apjiral sa same
at-et.Ttlln law. at, wbJeb time and .lic tou are
requested to ttuml it tou think pr. r.
JlrS. A. K. , sheriff.
Sheriff's Offtea, Kneaabors;. Jan. i. lisa.
10O1'EI.L,.TnT- PK(jF1I "'1 SAMPLES
xuu rKLL to men unvr(T iur ttr.
arotl'sitranlns Uleclrlc lie Ha, Hrusli.
en..;. Lady agent wanted for Klet trie or? els.
U-ji.-k sa'.ea V r' at eaoe Ur toruii Dr. sscott,
i lia'Jw,y, V V. 3mt.
our gjiea;1
Between Season's Sale!
At no time iir the year have weolTerecf Goods
so cheap as the present time. We have just
conwleted Stock Takinir and discovered iniium-
crable ouantities of
and odd Pants, which
seoairate corner of our
fijruresfiir below their v knows when we sav a thintr we
mean it and we can confidently predict that in
one month-from the issue of this advertisement
not a single garment of all our odd Stock shall
remain on our hands, so don't delay your visit
to our Mamouth EstablisImicnL It; will pay you
to bay Goods now for nexK Winter's use.
w.u m 1 mwomb
W C . i-
s. 'tfetl?
'. 'tTn
AJvcrtlscmcnt 1.
Farmers' Si;e, 19x12x13, ... weigl it. T35 Ids $24.00
Household Size, 22x15x16, - " 250 lba. $30.00
Small Dealers Sir?. 28x18x18. - ..." 00 lbs. $40.00
Postmasters' and Otf ce Size, 22x22x22, - " 00 lbs. $60.0a
4 has inside door... with C:it lev 1 k, duplicate? ke Sub-treasuriea-
No. I.
No. 2.
No. 3.
No. 4.
have llat key-locks, with dupik-ate keys.
manufacturer ij Ike I el',r tfi f.x.. H c e'iiKi jjernont agaxiut taxi uuytng, .telling
or utirig fifrs iufriugiTj n nr jjiiieniF.
Ei'-r( firxt-cUin.i rare compnoi rnnrnifarfirrrt vitilrr patents. .It is J Majeroim ta buy
rpurinng fuuds bearing no patenirdntr.
towy lTann vht t's imiesd of a fn fe wm find it profitablo to csoreBpood with1
us at once, before on agency in esUibLisiied in his locality, an d re st the benefit
ot our Sjierial OtTrr in ojrrx. trrriiirry.
We want General Merchant a-n-T Denier to help iir earn' out our -Iniet'Statt
Co-oprratire I'lnn. Ejrrtucit c t'xirl f 'rrr. A highly profitable- con-Bction to but -proliably
for a life-time. i'l ct htst one etn'. for a postal carci to leiris full parti
culars, lllnrtrationi and testimonials sent on application. In writing MS mention -advertisement
No. 1. Address,
The Victor Safe a, Lack Co., CINCIMT), 0.--
for 1883, will b sent FREE to all who write for it. It ia a H a ncfwsme Cat
alogue with Colored Plates, and the FINEST COLLECTION OF-SEEDS
ever offered. L J Our Minyrr
specialty is suDPlylna IUMI1HI.E
poses, and all TOOLS neoesaarr to
complete Taednn. If you (ro VECETABLES
FOR MARKET, tell us so when you
inttUonU f. OTftlrO our catalogue.
JUnriOUil Kidl UIVCO, 2IO
91200 A YEAR
Thi w what lot- i" ."uika want. We can't ve it t thin. Iltt we n an l will guaimlc a rtHt
of V-i.'i.OO a wrk rfrtie t t w entrf-t j; aeain in :vb cumitr in this iaie win will .adutriuualy
pii'aii the aie of our -pltuidrd jirw hue WfMikja, afnlin to our in-trucCion 1 hi A uo x t ra va
KmmI priiriH. We- an- i-ini; ii evrrjr4Ay. We iluu't Tiiit manjr trnts ; hut nt amenta who
hT ability, whoaji iiUutriu- axtil who are in cmeU J.xM-ricorc ii not tfj iiwcrmiarT ;
porno of our tt ai;mt are raw m'uit vhui we bvf tnulit to liiukr ukHx during tK
(st t wo months. V tiaraQtx- aicluNie fcerTitorr, f-ive tfriui ani at ta hiw mvj
lnleltient and etvpriintr. a;tit hsi to iraake at .eat 3li"0 a Tear rrrtmn iu. . Aiuotig our .
loanv valuaMe fHLlicaiiU!t w.e hav psiicv-to nM-oiim oulv a few of the last-! and Unmt 1
HARD TACK AND COFFELE, th irreal now iml.lieni' lvk. sjouaand toUi la
firil thirty days. ilie Via letitril wiit' 1 illuatratiuux are a story in ihraafils..
HOME AND FARM CYCLOPEDIA, the greatrst farm lxk rtenaaie. l-itiel
without an ual; tM ! our ww si-ial lan, and to una kxhI man .tiak oiuwi wa
ciiarsnlrs ao inuiias f Si.'i'iO a rrar on l tu boot aloue. 1 lii ia traif;ht Ikiumm. . It ia iiL
an experiment but an r-laltlw.!!! fitet.
We want the iMowawl xl'tnua omtt h.k asent who is making less than $J5. week. Ve ran't
employ mil ahn apply, nut ihw who an- riliy shall have our aid. Oajuit ileal tt- a.
Uiuiaent, bui write ax once for full particular ifi.n;i, to
EUL.EUIMISQ &. Ca. PuLlifihers, No. 4 Tifth Avenuji; .Pittabuig-h, Pw
Tne Standard Oil Cosajxiny of
l'lttsliurg-, l?a..t make u spe
cialty of manufacturing
for the domestic
trade thu fin
est brand.
Thit oan be made jxum Petrol
ium. If you wish the most uniform
ly satisfactory oils in the mark
et ask for ours. Trade for Eb- '
ensburg and vicinity supplied by
Ebc-nsburg, Pa.
Only TcKtperaiM Bitters Known.
The on It firm in
l'cun'a who make
a kfieeialitr of Kan-tui-ky
raddla atui
Driving liorsc.
Iir.iuKUt and Ilk 4f
MuW and k
conatani.T in liour atsi.W on hunJrM head o
.VIiiIm. ail tiara, froai four f'io to the larve niu)
wrighuie; Ua lba, are 1. Arnlilm & ( o.,
Sex-oud A v-uue, I'it txburs;h, ra. Mules .hip
lied to all otrti of the bi.M on ord. r. N-lhnur bi
ifo. I )ars-d t. k to be found ia their feUlblva.
odd 'Suitn, odd Overcoats
we have placed on one
Store and marked at
regular selling value..
HoMfl& Office Safes
Are erprt -ady meant to rnpyhr an nr
pent demt vrvt from Farmer, Lawye
IMk-Uth, t) xoS Sforekrrprrt, PotmcaUrt
Kxprnn on. i Kvilroad Aoentt, Tovmehip
arul ConrJy i'jtiruilx, fruMtss, Retired
tfunnns Me. 1 timl Familir, for a flrtt
olass ftre-pn of, burs?lar-proof combin
ation lork, i adapted ir eapacity
jin.l priro to nit their require merits.
The Victor in : first-class) in every res
pett, warrant id fire-prof, and corr
atrncted inthe mostimppovtHl manner.
We now use n ea"!i and every s&fa
nAMi mar .nNSkslla r. nmKinatinn
VWi iivi. r .
- - tin ibhed and orn aiaented by hand with
- .l -11 1 1 . . a nl.lLnl.t.
I titerior uu-ely Lt ri ap wuri euD-rreas-uric-s.
butik-eiaci i and pigeoa-boles;
H ere merit -r r.p patent and aoie
riDnCsiLDC witn varieties speoiaiif
adapted to ttteJr -pur
send for
Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
for ME1P EXC CHM4 f
$60 i Cll.ZTlatVouri
Tioketss at rood for tv j
mlia.xa-jteai Liaarlw--W
goat. February JOtiand KaukawClty wia, HlMsurt
omosa in tbe United hu, and Uanada.a.iiMll uk-
ta to Lo. Aiw.1m
JMll i
far Uui SXCE HS1C&
UUKtS n'ftHi All. Ubt Ul '
I believe Pino'a Pur
for C'ouMuiption saved;
rriT life. A. Ii. DowetL,
Kiitxr KL4iiirer. Eden
Umi, N. 23j,LSS7..
TU best ClHinh Mtti-.
o.ins w PisoV Cure rot
Cojumptijci. CblMxeu
taJi it wilUiui, objertioiu
Hy all drggUt. 35c.
CURES Wt All HSJ (111
UastCouKb tqrrui). Taataa ood Oss
Wo Hnui will m of rLte, Pots er .rn Fa.
waa. II ionut fSiwrtera are owd us tirr.a,
l-oatr-a fomders will cure and prevent Hoafaoi,aaa.
Joiiu-a Howlera will prevent Gint M rovu.
l-onus, Powders will tm-reae the quantity of pill
and cream tweuty p-r cent, and make tbe butter firm
aiii sweet.
l omt-s Powrl-rswlll rnre nr nrerent almost kraar
Dik to wblcli Horws and attle are snrt.
i.""7'" Powiwa. mu. SATtaFacrioa.
bout everj'wher-.
DAVID E. FOUT2. Proprietor.
t or lale at UA 1NS IN "S Tlrnw Store.
mm i90Biv4uQ.jrup
1 1
rsr;s2fs jSttStlt f
St. Louia to Lot Aneglea aad Sao Francisco,
Lea we St. L,ouia at 8:90 P. M., Daily.