The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, December 16, 1887, Image 3

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    Cnin"bnn Jftcnunn.
riilDAi; - - DEC.IG, 1SS7.
tm . .
Visit Gable Co.'s stores.
Try laughing gas at Dr. Richards.'
Dr. Davison Is attemilDgcourt Id lodlaDa
aa a witness.
Treasurer elect Howe waa in town on
Tim borouch authorities are. plajieR the
foolish virgins no ell In their lamps.
Tbe coal opnraters along the line of the
railroad still compla'.n of a scarcity Kt cars.
Monday, Jannry 'Jd. 1888, Is tbe time
tied for holding (he next Amuintnt Court.
-L. j. DrlKgs'rtas put a erfb erusher in
Ills mill, and lst.ow ready to grrud corn In
She ear.
-Gold fillings at Dr. Uichsras' for $1. and
A chim cf Mr. Hugh B. Slees, of Cam
'brla towoen'.p, died on Jfcnday last from
scarlet terrr.
.Bone tilings inserted at 50 cents at Dr.
A yery large selection of gold and atWer
watches-will be founC at Carl Riflilus'
store Ok High street.
A seven foot vein of bituminous coal
bas been discovered on the Sonman tract In
Washington towesbip.
Extracting teeth by Dr. Richards' only
SS cents.
One thousand pounds of ginseng want
ed at DavlHons's, for which the highest
market price will be paid.
Why does Dr. Kicnards get so much to
do ? simply because he does good honest
Go and spa the fine assortment of ladies'
pins, cuff buttons, aud ear rings, of the latest
stjlcs, at Carl ICivlnlus' store.
Captain William Linton, of Summitville.
Is reported tc be seriously 111 with some
affection of the stomach and liver.
Uev. Father nrown, of Lilly, who has
bfen 111 for some time, ha sufficiently re
covered to attend to his pastoral duties.
The Jack-inn township well Is down to
a depth of l,noo feet and oil or gas may be
expected to be heard from at auy moment.
For every ?5 worth of work done at Dr.
Tltchard' he will piesesnt you with a box of
his tooth powder.
Tt.ejury commissioners will meet for
the purpose of filling the Jury wheel for the
year lxuson the second Monday In January
On Monday last the County Com mis
sinters appointed Mtcnael McUride, of Mill
vllle as merchantile appraiser for tbe eLsui
!ng year.
WANTF.D. A competent girl for gen
eral house work. References required.
Address .v. V. D.Vatterson, 114 5th Ave.,
Pittsburgh, I'a.
If you want to mak your friend a
present, go to Carl Kivlnius' store and buy
one or more of his fine selections of Imported
"Mother of Pearl" glassware.
Wanted. A respectable man to han
dle our tamous Rubber Stamp, etc., In this
district. McMahon IJros. A Adams, 212
Venn aveuue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Blair and Mr. V.
Luttrlnger, of this place, went to St.
Vincents on Tuesday to be present at the
funeral of Arch-Abbot Wlmmer.
The thirty first annual session of the
Horuert. County Teacner's Institute will be
held in tha Court House at Somerset, from
December '-'Oih to 3iHh, Inclusive.
The yard master's cflice ad telegraph
tower at Osceola were destroyed by Ore ou
Thursday evening of last week, the fire
originating In a defective stove-pipe.
You can get 1 dozen tea spoons from
11. SO up to Jii. 00. Table spoons or forks
from $3.50 to f 10 a dozen, also a very fine
llDe of hollorv ware at Carl Rlvlnius'.
Arch Abbott Wlmmer died at St. Vin
cent's Abby, Westmoreland county, on
Thursday of last week. Ills remains were
Interred at St. Vincent's Abby on Tuesday
Charles Wharton, Chest Springs ; Geo.
M.Green, John Galbraith, James A. Mc
Millan, and Levi Uipple, Johnstown, who
wer drawn to serve as Jurors, were excused
on Monday.
Owen McCann, of Tyrone, was run
over by the cars In the railroad yard at that
place, Thursday last, and so seriously injured
as to cause his death in a short time after
the accident.
Mr. James McBreen, who has been
employed at the Central Hotel In this
place as bartender for some tinte, departed
for Philadelphia on Monday last, where
he Intends to reside In the future.
Uev. Roberts. McCaslin, of this place,
has Deen chosen as pastor ot the Presbyterian
Church in Arkansas City, Kansas, tj. aue
eM Hv. S. U. Fleming, srho has been ap
pointed Superintendent of Missions for that
The. Grand Jury of Wayne county has
Indicted Mieritt Medland and Deputy tvher
iS Medland and Clark for gross negligence
In allowing Murderer McCabe to escape
from jail. McCabe was recaptured and
The ufu'.'ir Standard of Philadelphia
as received a telegtam from Rome an
nouitclug that P.ev. Thomas McGovern,
rector, of St. Joseph's Church, Danvili.
had been appointed to the See of Harrisburx
to succeed the late Bishop Shanhan.
Bertie Devine. a daghter of the late
Jucihh Dtrvlne, of this place, died at tbe
residence of her mother In Altuona on Sun.
day last. JIrr age was about 1! years, and
her remains were brought to this place and
interred la 1-oyd's cemetery on Tuesday
Weboter Jones, a native of this place.
Ji i at his homo In Pawnee City, Nebraska
ou 'rU!ay vt Ust week, aged about 2j years.
11 Wvs a wife tut two cnildren. Tbe
deri-awd wae a brother of Mr. William A.
J "(-. aud Mrs. van J. eonett, of this
P !(.
Tt.e following named persons can each
r ' 've a letter jy calling at the EbeDsburg
P st..,ia : Miss Sadie Williams, Mrs. K.
Ivit, Mrs. S. C Porsb, Mrs. if. J. James,
W. G. Price, JSsy. Parties applying for
tt.ri letters will please state ther were ad
Veitlicd. The Indiana Mtwir ?aji : X drum
mer for a tiolfsala hardware bouse says he
s-l!e more corkscrews in Indiana .county
than any other county in tbe SLatUs. He
Urn !- kavn Increased lmaiaoticly
since Judgd VVliie knocked out license to
sell liijuor.
-Mr. Thomas VU., son of Mr. Martta
J'l.i'k. of Aurgucriy township, died at Pittd
fu.'li of t phold fever on TUwsday mora,
lug, after an illness of about tour weeks.
'-Ue deceased was about twenty years of
a;,l imj been wurkloa iu Pittsburgh for
About to
Ricbard Costel'.on, of Summerhlll, while
r'tmhltiir vp tin bank of the railroad to get
"it of Hi.; road of a passing train, on Wed-n-.nUy
furamii of last week, fell and
l'ri Lis leg. X phys'cian was called who j
et the h'x, and ka is getting, along 8 well
ecu 1 m expeeted.
Main Store at 1402, Eleventh Avenue.
Big stock of General Dry Goods CoaU and Cloaks, Blankets, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Goods, Linens.
Branch Store, Woodcock
v, T,hlS I.00m 1:5 one-half square west of Main Store. Open from December 10th to December 24th, day
o.ujra, vmu,i.ue1 i iuan vjooos ana Holiday lioods ol every
some special window attractions.
Twenty-seven members of the new
Cougress are the proud proprietors of red
Be on the alert for tbe old chestnut :
"Doea Christmas and New Year's come In
the same year."
The ruling days of tbe winter, December
1st, 2nd and 3rd, w(r mild, and according
to an old sign tbU winter will be the same.
Tbe shortest days of the year are
gradually crawling upon us. Though short
now, especially in tbe afternoons, nayligb
will be curtailed still further until the 21st
of this month, when after a stand still of
some days It will again begin to lengthen.
An information was made against James
Marshal, of Mlnersviile, before II. Klnkead,
Esquire, of this plaee, charging ulm with
attempting to make a witness In attend
ance at court drunk, so that be could not
testify. Marshall was arrested on Saturday
and gave ball in the sum of &;00 to appear
at the next court to answer the charge.
Any person who wants paying work as
local or traveling agent for warranted nurs
ery stock should apply at once to James E.
Whitney. Nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y.
No experience la necessary, and complete
outfit Is fnrnlshed free. Steady work the
year round and all stock warranted to be in
good condition.
Jailor Peach Intends In tbe future to
limit the number of visitors to tbe jail on
court weeks, and when admitted, tbe visitors
will be accompanied so that the practice of
handing on liquor to the prisoners will be
stopped. On Saturday last, on making an
Inspection of tba jail. Mr. Peacb found
enough empty bottles to supply a no license
The ladles i.f the W. C. T. U. will glv
a supper In their rooms on Friday and
Saturday evenings, December 30th and 31st
rrom five to six a 'clock. All persons
Interested In temperance work are earnestly
desired to contribute to tho getting op of
the supper without waiting to be called on
Individually. Ice cream and cake will be
served during the evening. The patronage
af the public generally la aked.
McDonald at Lore'.to. Pa., sells sugars
at 5. 6. 7, 8 and 9 eta. per ir ; teas at 40, 60
i and HO cts. per tt ; coffee at so atd 23 ets.
per lh ; 2 boxes essence of coffee c. ; 2 pa-
pers suda 5c. ; aood molasses 33 cts. per gal
, Ion; good syrup 30 cts. per gallon; flour
11.10 to fl.33 per aark ; salt J1.23 to tl.33
per barrel ; also raisins, currants, prunes,
cranberry sauce and mince meat at bottom
prices for spot cah or ui.
On Friday of last week Mr. C. S. Ter
shlcg, of Altoona, who deals In stocks was
arrested on complaint of Cltv Solicitor
Dively, charging him with maintaining a
gambling concern contrary to law. Per
shing gave hail In the sum of f l.soo for his
appearance at court to answer tba charge.1)
and on the next day preferred a charge
against Mr. Dively for maintaining a "pok
er shop" or gambling bouse contrary to
Gable A Co, the large dry goods house
of Altoona, In addition to their main store,
1402 Eleventh avenue, have taken a room
one-half rquare west of their main store 40
xl20 feet, for the sale of holiday goods, toys,
books, etc.. of every description. Much of
this vast stock is their own Importation and
will be sold at Gable A Co.'s well-known
low prices. You are Invited to visit their
stores between Dec. 10th and 23'.h, as the
j branch store will be discontinued after that
j date.
I FrarkMn A. Little, brakeman on a
freight train running west on the Pennsyl
vania railroad, fell from tbe tram a short
distance west of GalMtzin on Sunday morn
ing, and tho wheels passed over bis body,
grinding the left leg from the foot to the
thigh to a pulp. He was also Injured about
the hrad. He was taken to the Altoona
hospital where he died In a few hours, fie
was a native of Fulton county, where his
patents reside and was about 27 years ot
No one who Is Interested In the history
of art, or In arcrne jlogy, can affrod not to
study carefully tbe papers on tbe "Metropl
Itan Muxeura of Art" which Mr. William
Henry Goodyear has been contributing to
the Catholic World. Tbe third article of the
senet, which will appear In the January
number, is especially worthy of ciose read
ing. D?tng the result of extensive research
condensed into the brief compass necessary
for magaxine treatment, Mr. Uoodyear's ar
ticles, to be thoroughly appreciated, demand
the reader's concentrated attention and re
pay It.
At a meeting of tbe Cambria County
Agricultural Assuciatlpc held In Sharbaugh's
hall. Carrolitown on Saturday, December
10, l&C, the following named officers were
elected for the ensuing yew : President,
Henry J. Hopple ; Vice-President, John
Stoltx and J. T. Klrkpatrick ; Secretary, P.
J. Dietrl:k ; Assistant Secretary, D. A:
Luther ; Treasurer, William A. Noel ; Di
rectors, 11. J, Krummenacher, John A.O'
Hara, Raphael Uite, Anselm Weak land.
Ales. Leslie. John 11. Hoover. James Per
ry, Charles Weaklaed. John D. Lan'.iy,
ltaulel M. Dumm and Andrew Westrlck.
On Monday last the Court made a de
cree In the matter of tbe petition of citizens
of Washington township for a division of
said township Into two election districts
which was reported favorably by tbe com
missioners appointed for that purpose at
September term, nxing the place for hold
ing elections for the southern eud or dis
trict No. 1 at Lilly, where tbe elections have
heretofore been held, and the place for
holding elections In the northern end or dis
trict No. 2. at school bouse No. 5, between
Cresson and Summitville, and at the next
election icld In election district No. 2, John
Sharbaugh shall be Judge and Michael
Storm and Daniel Crist shall act as Inspec
tors. Between 1 and 4 o'clock on Tuesday
morning tLe residence of Gen. Jacob M.
Campbell was entered by a burglar or burg
lars. A bole was cot in a panel of tbe
kitchen door, through which the intruder
Inserted his arm aud turned tbe lock. The
bed rooms of the General's sons Ralph and
John were visited aud ransacked. Neither
of the young men were disturbed by tbe
burglar's movements. From a pocket of
John's pants a knife and aoother small
article were taken. From a pocket In Ralph's
pants one or two small articles were ex
tracted. The thief also carried off two
xurereoats belonging to Ralph and a number
of silver forks. These are tbe only articles
uiisitng, althcngh tbe lower part of tbe
bouse was pretty thoroughly ransacked.
The bote in the kitchen door was made with
a pen knife, tbe blade of whicn was broken
in the work, half of It beiog found at the
scene of operations In tbe morning. Tbe
case was given Into the bands of tbe police,
but there b DO Clue. Jvhnetvrn Tribune.
McDonald at Loretto, Pa., pays the
bghebt prices for all kinds of country pro
duce, as follows : Eggs 23 cts. ; butter 22
to 25 cts. , as to quality ; oats 45 toCO cts. pea
bushel ; corn 53 to CO cts. per bushel ; rye
CO to 65 cts. per buehel ; wheat 0 cts. to 11.
per bushel : onions 80 to 90 cts. per bushel ;
potatoes 80 tolWcts. per bushM ; beans f l.GO
to $1.75 per bushel ; socks M to 33 cts. per
pair ; mitts 33 to 40 cts. per pair. Part
cash paid ir desired.
On Monday afternoon Deputy-U.-5.-Marsbal
Thompson! lodged in jail at Pitts
burg W. B. Seal and Samuel Smith, charged
wltb having at various points in Western
Pennsylvania passed counterfeit silver coin
of the denomination or dollars and half-dollars.
Tbe commitment was made by U.-S.-Com
mlssioner D S.Herron.of DuBois,
which town the sbovers of tbe queer were
captured. Both men were elegantly dressed
and bad in their possession when taken Into
custody about (300 wortb of bogus coin.
They appeared to take their arrest very
cooly. When captured, at DuUols, they
said they hailed from Chicago. Smith is
about six feet tall, of a sandy complexion,
and wears a saody mustache. Seal Is five
feet six inches In height, slightly bald, san
dy hair, and piercing gray eyes. The prls
oners refused to tell bow long they had
been In Bradford, Corry. and Oil City.
Tbey bad been representing themselves as
Chicago merchants, out for a good time. It
Is believed that more of the gang will be cap
tured soon.
Mr.N. II. FrcbllrbMeln, of Mobile, Ala.,
writes: I take great pleasure In recom
mending Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, having used It for a severe
attack or Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave
me Instant relief aod entirely cured me and
I have not been afflicted since. 1 also beg
to state that I had tried other remedies with
no good result. Have also used Electric
Bitters and Dr. King's New Lire Pills, both
of which I can recommend. Dr. King's
New Discovery ror Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, Is sold on a positive icuarantee.
Trial bottles free at E James' drug store.
Death mt Arch-Abbot Wlmmer.
Arch-Abbot Bonirace Wlmmer, O. S. B..
founder of the Benedictine Order In the
United States, died at St. Vincent's Abby.
Westmoreland county, this State, at 10:10
o'clock on Thursday morning of last week,
after a lingering Illness.
The deceased was oorn in Bavaria in 1809,
and csme to this country In 1S4 to establish
the Benedictine Order. The first monastery
was foucded at St. Vincent's. Pa. Since
then colonies have been established in North
Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia,
Illinois, Mlnneseta, Kansas, and Iowa. Oa
December 29, 18X3. Abbot Wimmer cele
brated bis fiftieth anniversary of his monastic
profession, at at tbe Bame time Pone Leo,
in appreciation of nearly forty years of suc
cessful labor in the United States, raised him
to the dignity of Arch-Abbot. The event
was the most Important that has ever taken
place In tbe Benedictine Order on this con
tinent, and members were present from all
points or tbe globe.
Father Boniface entered tbe University at
Munich In 1827 with Inclination ror tbe legal
profession. Moved, however, by bolter im
pulses, he changed his mind during bis philo
sophical course, and entered the Seminary at
Ratisoon, where. In due time, he was called
to holy orders. On tbe 31st or July,
tbe anniversary of tbe Spanish saint. Ignatius
Loyola, he was ordained a priest.
From 1833 to 1845 he performed tbe offices
of prlet aod professor in tbe towns of Kden
s tetter and Augsburg, In 1840 being promoted
to a professorship in the Louis Gymnasium,
Munich. In the meantime there was a vast
increase In tbe emigration to America, and
the Germans were clamoring for priests,
many of them having to go fifty miles to per.
form tbe ceremonies or their religion.
Girted wlt'a more than ordinary foresight,
and Inspired with a zeal to extend tbe in.
fluence or bis Order. Father Boniface was
induced to undertake tbe establishment or a
Benedictine Abby ror tbe ed ucatioa of young
men In America rot th6 priesthood. King
Loais I. or Bavaria became enthusiastic over
the project, and when, after a roll discusaion
fonr students of theology and fifteen young
men, skilled in various crafts, offered them
selves tor the journey, tbe King extended
them a heart) welcome. Tbe party arrived
in New York on September 16, 1846. and In
their sojourn received valuable counsel from
Father Lemcke. tbe distinguished associate
of Prince Galiitzin. the pioneer priest or
Western Pennsylvania. Father 3oniface also
consulted tbe lit. Rev. Michael O'Connor,
tbe first Bishop of Pittsburgh, and finally
took possession or the land on which St.
Vincent's Abby now stands In Westmore
land county.
As early as 1787 and before It the Catholics
ba made efforts to establish themselves in
the western part or tbe Slate. Five families
started from Philadelphia about that period,
and, after crossing tbe mountains by the
endurance of ludescribable hardships and
self denial, settled in Westmoreland county.
These pioneers were visited by the Key.
Peter Hellbron, pastor of Goscbeobappen,
who. In the rail or 17d'J. at a place called
"Sportsman's Hall," In Unity township,
laid the foundation or tha first permaorn.
Catholic settlement the present St. Vin
ent's Abby and College.
Cart Proceed I oars.
The following cases were dis posed of last
week after our p-tper went to press:
Com'tn vs. Henry Biffer. Assault and
battery with intent to commit rape. Da.
fendant plead guilty, sentenced to undergo
an Imprisonment in county jail for ten
Com'th vs. Alexander Fresh, Rape. De
fendant not taken.
Com'th vs. Patrick Fiemmiog. Selling
liquor on Sunday. Defendant plead suilty.
Sentenced to pay a fine of f-tK) and cost.
Com'th vs. Tnomas Brannan. Carrying
concealed weapons. Defendant plead guilty.
Sentenced to jail for eix months.
Com'th vs. Ellen Hoffman. Keeping a
disorderly house. Defendant plead guilty.
Sentenced to pay a fine of ?3 and costs and
to go to jail for three months.
Com'tb vs. John O'Donnel'. Assault ana
battery. Defendant plead guilty. Sen.
tenced to pay a fine of (15 aud costs.
Comtb s. Frank Mnrdis. Aggravated
assault aod battery. Defendant plead
guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of (5 and
costs and go to jail ror 20 days.
Com'tb vs. Ellen Conners. William Con.
ners and James Conners. Selling liquor on
Sunday. Jury find James Conners guilty
aod Ellen and William Conners not guilty.
Jams Conners sentenced to pay a fine of
(i00 and costs.
Com'th vs. Michael McSride. Selling li
quor on Sunday. Defendant plead guilty
description, lae largest scoctai
Sentenced to pay a fine or 200 and cos to.
Tbe coart met at 10 o'clock, and tbe fo!.
lowing cases were disposed or :
Blanch & Stutzan, vs. the Baltimoro &
O. R. R. Co. Appeal. Jury find for plain
tiff the sum ot f 28.08. Motion made ror
a new trial.
Joseph Thomas, vs. John D. Reese. Ap
peal. Jury find for plaintiff the sum of (82.
84. D. McLaughlin, vs. Samuel Flenner.
Scire Facias. Continued at costs or defend
ant. Hugh Williams, vs. E. D. Vinton. Tres
pass on the case in assumpsit. Continued.
J. A. Krauee, vs. George Rex, Scieie Fa
cias. ntinued at costs or plaintiff.
Henry R. King. vs. C. C Co. & N. Y. S.
R. R. Co. Ca-e id assumpsit. Continued at
costs or plaintiff.
John Dibert. vs. Dennis 3radley. et. al.
Ejectment. Jury find for plaintiff tbe land
described in tbe writ.
Anthony McCoy, vs. James J. Bradley
and wife. Appeal. Settled.
Silas Ream', administrator, vs. Thomas
McGougb. Replevin. Jury fiod for defend
ant. Michael McCullough. et. al., vs. Matthew
Ivory. Case. Continued at costs ot plain,
John Tegler, vs. John McKenna. Appeal.
Jury find for plaintiff the sum of $'.'3 SO.
Motion made for a new trial.
Use W. Cole. vs. D. E- Notley. Appeal.
Jury find for tbe defendant.
D. G. Myers, vs. F. Burgoon. Ejectment.
Defendant confesses judgment for land de
scribed in writ.
Charles Flick, vs. the borough or Loretto.
Trespass on the case. On trial.
D. E. Notley. vs. Kraemer. Mann fc Co.
Assumpsit. Continued Dy coosent.
F. :A. Shoemaker, vs. Francis Bearer
Assumpsit. Continued at costs or defend,
Read Tow h ti I p Item.
Glasgow, Pa., Dec. 12:ii, !687.
The roads are deep with mud.
December is as pleasant as May.
It is expected tat tbe forty new coke
ovens being built near here w.ll be completed
this week.
Tbe teachers of this township instituted
at Mountain Dale on the 30ih inst.
'Squire Uollen and wife, the venerable
couple cf Mountain Dale, celebrated their
goldwn wedding on the 5;n inst. Since that
time the silver-haired bride and groom have
been sporting many gold ornaments. The
'Squire seems as young as be used to be.
Torey, tbe bright and interesting little
daughter or Mr. J. P. Stine, or this place
has been confined to her home by illnees
dnring the past few weeks.
Rev. W. A. Baeir, of Snyder county, has
accepted the charge of the U. P. denoml
tion, on this circuit. He will shortly remove
his family here.
Tbe Methodists' at Utahville have a fine
church edifice under course ot erection.
The beaters in tbe Lutherau church at
this place, not working satisfactory, are
being overhauled by an experienced man.
Jlo. Sharp, ''Donations greatest show
man," is now off oo an extended eastern
tour, giviog exhibitions to crowded houses.
Mr. Jno. Ctaver, tbe efficient teacher at
Shirley, is now off on a forced vacation, on
account or sickness or self.
Tbe mines at Mountain Dale are running
steadily, and the workmen are makiog full
Ed. Spencer and Geo. W. Uollen, Glas
gow's leading mechanics, are employed on
the construction of the new coal tipple at
the coke ovens near this place.
Charley Rlcketts is the new postmaster at
Utahville. He assumed charge about a
week ago.
Constable Troxel and M. L. Glasgow hied
themselves to the county capital last week
on business.
A prosperous revival meeting Is in pro
gress at Fallen Timber.
Rev. Baelr, tbe U. B. divine, dined with
Mr. Joel Gates, at bis log camp, tbe other
day The reverend gectieman la loud in
bis praise of the treatment received, and
courtesies extended. He thinks their "bill
ot fare" would do honor to the most superb
Delmonicasof Europe.
The coal excitement at our neighboring
village or Utahville, has reached feverieb
state, and prospecting for the mineral Is
going on lively.
Cbarley Miller, of tbe vllle. Is tbe Croesus
or the hour. He shakes tbe earth with
laughter, and smiles like an alligator when
be is reminded of the preseut of an immense
9'a pound nugget by bis wife. Guesa the
enigma ?
Rev. Kerr, of Altoona. delivered a lec
ture in the Lutheran church here last Satur
day evening on the history or tbe order of
the Patriotic Sons of America. He also
preached on Sabbath.
The pen Is mightier than tbe sword."
the editor's scissors is the mightiest or both;
but, don't yon think, rheumatism mightier
than 'em all?
Flowering house plants embellish many
or tbe homes of Glasgow. A love for
flowers shows refinement ; and a taste for
aesthetic culture should be encouraged.
Jas. N. Turner and his blonde young
bride are spending their honey moon iu fix
ing np a borne or themselves at Glasgow.
Koss Stine, son of Mr. Jno. Stine, or this
place. Is layed np with a severe beating in
his head.
Jno. A. Hollen contemplates a western
trip immediately after tbe holidays.
The Freeman meets with the popular
approval of our people. Rkd Clocd.
The following marriage licenses were
Issued by the Clerk or tbe Orphans' Coutt
ror tbe week ending Wednesday, December
14th, 1887:
.Vm. Swank, JobnUown and May Stick
ler, Bedford coanty.
Benjamin James, Johnstown and Lena
Nitch, Morreilvilla.
Frederick Karaschin and Anna Mai i.
Wm. E. Sanders and Ellen Croyle. South
Joseph Punko and Erzie Hornace. Gal
iitzin. onderf.l Care..
W. D. Hoyt & Co., wholesale and retail
druggists of Rome. Ga.. say: We baye
been celling Dr. King's New Discovery.
Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salvt
for font years. Have never handled reme
dies that sell as well or give such universal
satisfaction. There have been some won
derful eures effected by these medicines in
this city. Several cases of pronounced
Consumption have been entirely cured by
use of a few bottles or Dr. King's New Dis
covery, taken ki connection with Electric
Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold
by 11 Jaaifs.
and evening. This large room,
me lowesi prices in central 1'ennsyivania. (fcrl-VUit our Storer
Altoona, Pa., Dec. 15, 1887.
I I bave
been a sufferer from catarrh for the past
eight years. Having tried a number of
remedies advertised as "sure cures" without
obtaining any relief, I had resolved never
to take any other patent medicines, when a
friend advised me trv Elf's Cream Balm.
I did so with reluctance, but can now
testify with plaesure that alter using it for
six weeks I believe myself cured. It is a
most agreeable reiuedy an invaluable Balm.
Joseph btewart. G24 Grant Ave.. Erooklyn.
Bnrklfn'i Arnfra Nilvc
The best salve In tbe world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rh urn. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Cbillblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles or bo pay required, it is guar
anteed to gie perfect satisfaction, or monty
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by E. J ames and W. W. McAteer, Loretto.
ELDER Died at bis home in Lenox. Ne
braska n Wednesday, Nov. 9th. 1SS7. Mr.
Philip Eider aged about 27 years.
The many friends in this r.nd surround
ing counties wilt regret to learn tbe sudden
death of Philip Elder, a son of John jfiider,
who died on the 9'.h lost, of typhoid fever at
bis home in Lenox, Nebraska. He was a
nephew of Charles Dillon, or St. Augus
tine, Andrew or Altoona. and was for sev
eral years employed in the erecting shop of
Altoona. about two and one-hair years ago
be went to Nebraska and in about a year or
more his parents moved there, from Nin
evab ten miles west or Johnstown. About
two months ago tbe family were stricken
down with the fever. Two or his sisters
having died with it previous to his death.
He leaves to two slstars, one at borne and
one married, wbo resides in Philadelphia
aud three brothers, Albert, residing in Al
toona and their many friends sympathizes
with them in their sad bereavement. He
was an exemplary young man, havlDg many
noble qualities and had bright hopes for the
future. He was we Iesrn engegt-d to be
married to Miss Lou Wilt, an estimable
daughter of Thos. Wilt, of Cleaifield town
ship. He contemplated coming back eatt
in thelnear future, l'esce to his ashes.
A white buck, a black back and a spring
lnit strayed away from the Dremlsej ol the nutt
ocriber in Lbensburg aom time ago. The white
buck lias a tar mark on the back. Any person
alTlng Information leading to their recovery will
be aultably rewarded.
ElK-nsburg, Dec. 16, 18sT. at.
KSl'ArK rhe undesigned by virtue ol
au order Iroui the Court ol Common pleas ol fim
bria county, will uxoose to public rale at the
Court House In the birough ol Hollidavs burg on
Friday. January 6. 18S at 1 o'clock, r. M., ths
following daserlbed real estate to wit :
The undivided one-fourth interest In all that
certain tract of coal and timber lands situated in
Allegheny township. Cambria county. Fa., war
ranted in the nameof Mifliu Hanuin. containing,
two hundred and twenty acres, mire or le.-a.
tli.M j : One bull on confirmation ot sale,
and balance in one year with interest to be se
cured by mortgages or judgment bonds ol pur
chaser. T. W. M IVH.
Atrip nee of K. A. IK WIN.
1 bare this riav loaned to Mr. Adam
Cense, ol I.loTdiUlle. I'a.. the lollowin articles
la be used by him at tnv pleasure: One lookinic
Klass, three tables, three set cl.ains. one organ,
one lountre. one rclrlnera tor. one cubboarj. uiae
beds aud bedd.n. one beureart, lire j.trds of car
et. lour wash stands, bar-room fixtures, etc.. and
hereby caution parlies not 19 interiari. with the
ate. K. L,. tiuWEU.
Eloydsvllle, Iec. 8, '67.
The uouersianed harlnic been appointed
auditor 10 report distr-bution ol the fund in the
handsol M. L.. Crlasirow and W. E. (ilasuow ad
ministrators of Elizi Noble, late or Keade twp ,
Cacbna county. I'a.. deceased, as shown by
their rirst and final account confirmed Ix-c. 10:h,
T. hereby alves r.otiee that he will alt at his ol
flce In Ebenshnrir. on Sal ordar Dsc. rjist. lss;.at
lt o'clock In the morning lor the purpose ol nt
tendinic to the duties of his appointment, when
and where all person harlnic claims scalnst ami
estate ate required to present theoi or be debarred
from cumioK a on said lund.
E. i. Kr'.KK, Anlitor.
Lbensburj, lice. 13, lstg;.
-J Came the premises ol The subscriber In I
W bite township, Cambria county, about the mid- ,
dleoicvt. jas;, cne ne ad pe(1 eow Un j
wbltestriue Id face, about three voara old. the i
owner Is requested to come forwar.-'.'prove proper-
tj. pay charo-es and take her away, otherwise- i
the will be dllposedct accord I to law
., . ' McNANAMV.
W bite twp., Iee. . 'h7. !
Letters ol administration on the estate ;
ol Henry U'illlhrand. late of .Munste- township. I
Jeasd. having- hern n ran ted to the onderslxn"
ed.all persons indebted to raid estate are here- j
by notified t make payment without de'ay. and '.
iuu.e om( claims tiiort tne same will present
tbem prujerly authentfetted lor se'f !rraent to
EL4 iK KNCE U 1 EI.I K K A N r.
Administrator ol HENKV WLUHKAMi. dcl.
Ieitera ol administration on the etsate of
Henry Olass. latent Alleirheoy township, deceaf
aranioa to tne undersisrneil. resl- i
dentin aaid township, to whom all persons in t
debtee to said estate are requested to make par I
ment. and those bavln claims or demand will I
make known thaiM.aiih..i j.i..
n m. IS I
VV-w.J. HCCK. ...
r.rensoarg;. Wot. , '8
1 Notlee U hrrehr lven that the onder
siicne.1 baa filed his application in the ollice of the
Secretary of Internal AITtlr. at Ilrriburir. for
Ave acres of unloaproved and vacant land, situate
in Allegheny towr.ship. Cambria county, la.. ad
jotnlnt: lands of 1. on the east, lands of
the under.vicned on the south and lands of W II
llam Tomlinsnn on the west, the said five aires
applied lor tain trlanirlcr In shape
Ebensbnrg, Not. 'JSlh, lS7.-3t.
Letters or administration on the estate of
Itanlel Cnoney. dejeaaed. ol Munster town. hip.
having been k ranted to ths tindersln?d. notice is
hereby irtven to all persons indebted to said es
tate, to make payment without delay, and tbuse
bavina claims avainst Hi. . . ... & m . . , , . i
properly authenticated b.r settlement.
Monster. Oct. i hji.
-a The acderslirned will olTer at private sale
his noose and lot situated In the West ward ol
Ebensbunr. fronting on Hitch street and extend
lna back alonir Marr Ann Mfnwt n..
Sample street. Tha house is a lara-e double
bouse in irood repair with a icood stable, and
the lot contains a number or good iruit trees.
Eor terms call on the sobseriher residing on tbe
premises. (SEoKliE METLEK.
Ebensburjc. Ot. 21. Is7
letters of Administration on the estate nl
1'etter lisnin. deceased, huvlmr bee
the unnerslaned. all persona indebted to said es
tate are hereby notified to make payment with
out delay, and those having- claims airamst the
tame will present Ihtui prierlT authenticated lor
aetuemento JOHN BANAN. Adin'r.
Lorette. November. It, lst7. et.
-J Strayed away lrom tbe premises of Ihe
subscriber, a yellow shepherd do with a black
nose and white leel, two and one-half years old
1.1!."Wr,V. t0 the n,KB" Ter. A suitable
reward will be Kivea by retarninir him to
AliiS. V. LACY.
Loretto, Iec. , 87.
TV. ,!er(,t,T,eD0''ethatIhaTepnrrbased
tbe lol lowing property ot F. I. and t:barlea Bur
icoon at constable sale at Ashville. and left the
same with tbeui until I see Ot to remove them.
One horse, one set harness, one buny, two heat
ina stoves, one cook stove, one ora. six beds
and tedditiK, three wash stands, two table dish-
V,5-.. J. A. BLKUOON.
Ashville. Dec. o, '87.
to caJ: te l-a -tM..lJ
I el II. II imd. tmt tHWn ,ur
uwsfl; ottl-
try. Bat hlieral lamrv LnmiuUI iw-1.i I
. ' is. l-'nria. .v
some Hooks, Toys, etc., etc.
40 by 120 feet, will be filled wiih
Sheriff's Sales.
ET TT J j (luring the Holiday term a valuable and appro
8cLl aUSLOibC : Priatc Christmas Gift with every article of Cloth
1T vlrtoeor Kundrvwraj nf levari F.pias. n !
iivm- "Vf,ert iwoi'doutti thefouri
oil,omni..n fit-as t , nt ria countv. r,d to me
t .TXtZ" 1""' S to public L" lt
---- "". i ii i-wcrinurj;. on HI
onJav. Jan.
' . . "lit v 1"
cKtate 10 wit :
Uie follow. u real
All the rlulit. title, and Interest ot :. i: tjirnn
ot in and to al, the undivided one half Interest in
m certain ,.lece or rrcel of in,i mtuxtej 1:1 (i,ffi.
t.ria townfhl,. Caml.rla eotintr. l-a.. bounded
and described tollowa. viz: A.iwitin Ur.?-
o. Thorn., Onmt.h. John F. rl'h.,o'..'? J0J
Myer and other.--, containing one hundred ard
twenty acres more or less, having thereon erected
a Rrtsi mill, dwellina houee and other outbnlld
IDtcr. new in the occupancy ol I.. J Drjnrn Talt
en in execution and to he iold at tlie suit of .Mil
ton Joiic lor use 01 lr. J. s. Drliriro
Alio, all the riitht. title, una interest of r y
Hlenn. ol In and to all that undivided one-half
Interext in all that certain piece or lot of ground
jltoated In Cambria township, fambrla countv
I .. bounded and dcs.-riiH'-l as follow v.z:
A Ionic the township road lyin between the Kb
enburirand rrssr,n rail road d nd tbe piece
or lot o! (.-round therein conveec two hundred
and t-tty.-ix leet to a t.ot. then e uth linn
the public road leading lrom Kbenshu-v to V il
tnore two hundred and scventy-Fcrcn lect to a
pol on the other land ol the raid Thomas iril
Oth ol which thl a part, thence neft bv auic
two hundred and fifty six i,t to a post. Vn line
ul land of -aid Aoel Lloyd, thence north by time
land two hundred and seventy-seven ict-l to
place of br-Klninic containing one acre and nin
five perche. more or le. T-iken in execution
and to be old at tbe ,ult ol Milton Jones lor ue
ol lr. S. DriKir.
Also, all tbe rlifht. title, and Interest ol John
r. I arrish and Catherine I'arrlsh hiwt!e.ol in
and to a certain two tone! p!a dwelling
house, weatherboarded. having a front of thirtv
two feet and depth of twenty. jour tret and h iv
ing attached a one tory plank kitchen and ware
house thirty-two feet In length and fourteen feet
in width, and located on a lot of ground Iu Wah
Ington township. Cambria conntv, fa., fronting
hlty-hra feet on the southerly side of the turn
pike leading Irouj Cresson to Suiiiunu Hie and
extending back two hundred leet a.lioiiilug
lands ol the esute 01 M. M. Adams, declared ou
the east aud an alley on the West, now It, 'the
occupancy of John I. Farrish and Catherine hts
wife. Taken In execution and to be sold at the
KUit ol Frcderi-k Smeeder.
ai-TKKMS : tine third cf the purchase mon
ey to be paid when the property is knocked
down, ana the remaining t ito-thirdi at luc con
firmation ot the d-e I.
Josri'H A. UK.VV. Sncrifl
tbensburg. Dec. , "sr.
The undersigned having been appointed
re-elver ol the estates, properly, monies, and
elects, real. er'onal. and mixed, of the Hie firm
ol Isaac lnehl. and A. Mct'oruilck doing
business under :fe firm name ot Dielil & Co oi
which nrm Oeo. A. iMcCormlck. is the turvlving
partner, all persons indebted to sai l hrui, are re
ues:ed to make payment, and those having
claims or demands, w'll please make kuoaa the
same without delay.
A. J. AMIKI(S().
Keceivercl WtiL it).
A.toona. Oct. J5, 18".
Notice Is hereby iriven that Joseph Out
wld and wile have ton.l., :,n i-i. merit to me
, oi an n i e.-iate. real, personal and mixed in tru-r
for the I enent of thecrcditur of the said .loseoti
O'ltw.iM. All persons indebted to said Joseph
!u:wa!dnro nc lined to make pivment without
delay, and those havinir claims uirainst hl'ii will
present them properly authenticated tor sottle
mnl to JUHN 4. HhAIU,
Assignee of .losEI'ii Ut'l WAI.U.
Ebensburjt. liocembcr ;, '7. 8;.
Valuable Property for Sate"
JL Sale the lollowinic valuaMe
situate on Main street, ol Carrolitown B'Tmiirri,
and In the btiMr.esJ t-;-ntrcol the town opposite
ihe IJiuin brewery. The house is a larae two
story building, i- by 3 leet. Is plastered through
out, weatheroarded and completely nuisiied and
as Kood as new. A itoo.1 stable on the lot and a
neer lail-nit well ol excclent water. It would
answer lor dwell,.-) and business house, combined,
I or tor a hotel property,
For particulars call on or aidresa the owner,
At the Arllnirton Hotel, Altoona. I'a.
September 16. Iss7.
$12? A WEEK. Ajjents Wtci THE
MUIA and M'M ItLlMS i-j ,k8 in
one volume o' immediate and conxtant value tar
beyond its cost, to larmrrs, 1.1 Mark
men. HorlienliurlsK ltulllrr,
lliMinrkrrprs, Money. Walter and all
who have, or aspire to have homes. Over liots
I aices and Illustrations, This new volume
contains such attrarfio.ts anc jiractiral riue as
was never he.'oie seen in a book. l-ositiveiv
totl'jia week made bv capable canvassers M I
H I I f!IF., I KFIt.111 l"AIIai,d M.I
1 1' ilVt. wmcnt men. Jlt-scriptlve Circlars,
I'reas Notices. Atretics h'epons and Tertimri.EE.
irity tntrl; for barely bread ar.d butter 7 Send
at uMce for partieu ur.
ii South Sixib St., I'hiladelphia, I'a.
JL known as the LI 'CK EIT KA H M, situate in
Alunster township, Cambria county, containing
bavinir thereon erected a irood frame bouse and
frame barn. The farm is In a fine state of eulti
Tatlon. is well watered and has a Rood orchard of
bcarlnic fruit trees. The lartn is within three
roloules walk of Luckett's Station ou tbe Ebens
bcTx and Cessin Kailroad.
For further .articulars inijaire of Oeorne M.
Hcade. LVq Ebensbur, I'a,, or ol the uudcrsin
ed on the premises.
July C9, IS7.
1794. lHf(3.
Policies written at abort notice In the
And other First C'lsaa C'ompaalra.
Ebenibur. July H.I8S2.
Important to Canvassers.
WASTFD-Live Canvassers In every coontj
In the Cnlted States to sell FOX S PATENT KE
VEKS1BLE SAIi 1K)N. whicn combines two
Sad Irons, I'oltsher, Fluter, Sec. one iron doina;
the work ol an entire set of ordluarv irons. Is
e! '-heat trie bv cas or alcohol lanir. IKsEfi
A " A HITII HOI' ii I rcll ! . Price
moderate. A lance atad lastiDK lc.-ome insured
Pi te-od cunTBsers. Address, lor circulars, A.C.,
FOX SAU IKON CO.. 6 Keade St.. N. Y.
To canvass for one if the largest, oldest estab
lished. I1EST KNOWN M'KSEKIES In the
country. Most libera I terms. I"neiUall d lact li
tres. OEXEVA M'KSKKY. Estabilehed '84ri.
W. 4iT. SMITH. UENfcVA, N. Y. Iec. 9, 4U
s -t-sr- -aw tu w
Tho op It firm In
Peuu'a a mako
kjct:ia!ity cf Ken
turkr .-.vl'lle aod
Iriiii4 Horses.
I'raugbt and lit
M ii U-tv anJ km'D
couMactlT in their MaMt-s r bucdrel brad of
Mules, all from funr foot to iho hirct- m'i!'
wHichinc 4n Itw en 1. Arnlifiii. A: o.. 5
Scouil Avrimr. I'sttsUurRh. I'm. Mulctiifr
r-l to aii :irt-s cf Ihe Sutto orU r. lvoth;ng bi
'. 1 f.ickfd stM k to le fw.u-l iu their eiA'k-Ae
Greatest Excitement ever Known
in Johnstown.
We are shrowinc: the Public how hiuhlv we
appreciate the unusual liberal patronage be
stowed upon us this season bv uiviiiir awav
ing, iiais and r unushing Uoods purchased Irom
us. Thousands of customers are taking advan
tage of this generous oiler and securing one of
the Handsomest Presents ever given away by
any house in the country. Everybody come.
E vervbod v wel com e.
i to call your attention to our fine assortment of Ladies', Misses' and
Children.?' Coats and Ladies' Wraps. Alsu plain and
lancy Cloths, black and colored Cashmerts,
-Julllers, Silk and Linen Handker
chief's, Mutts, Gloves and
! All of which we are selling at the lowes-t prices. Cult and exam
j ine our stock and you will be convinced that we can save vou
j money.
The largest stock ol' hardware ever offered in
llie county ean be found at niv store. I am
now selling many goods atmijeh less than I can
replace them for, hut I will continue to sell at
Bottom P rices until T am compelled to replenish
my stock. When you want a cooking or heating
stove, tinware hardware, nails, iron, dass, trunks
I and farming implements,
and learn my prices.
h 1 TiTT. mViiT J7-7TT- A " 1
iiLt n.j ' '- ffrtL&t
' "iTyj,'t
AdTertifcmcnt Ko. 1. . -
No. I. Farmers' Size, 19x12x13, - . weight, 1 35 ibs. $24. CO
No. 2. Household Size, 22x15x16, - - , - ; " 250 Ibs. $30.00
No. 3. Small Dealers' Size. 28x18x18, - " 600 Ibs. $40.00
No. 4. Postmasters' and Office Size, 32x22x22, - " 800 Ibs. $60.00,
No. 4 haa inside door, -with Hat key lock, duplicate keys. Sub-treasuries
have flat key-locks, with duplicate keys. K are sole owners of patent and jie
manufacturers cf the Victor Safes. We caution pergons againet making, buying, telling
or wing safes in fringing on our patent.
Every first-class safe company manufactures under patents. It is dangerous to Lcf
spurious goods bearing no patent datr.
Every person vho is in need of a tc.fe will find it profitable to correspond with
ns at once, before an rpency is established in his locality, and receive the benefit
of our Special Offer in ojten territory.
Ve want General Merchants and Dealers to help us carry out our Inter-Stale
Co-operative Plan. Exclusive control free. A hijrhly profitable connection to last
probatly for a life-time, mil cost Init one ecv. for a postal card to learn full parti
culars, "illustrations and testimonials sent on application. In writing us mention
advertisement o. 1. Address,
The Victor Safe & Lock Co., CIKCiKNATI, O.a
Tne Standard Oil Company of
Pittsburg', Pa., make a spe
cialty of manufacturing
for the domestic
trade the fin
est brands
ninnvuiM; ami umrAiiM; oils,
That can be made from relrol
ium. If you wish the most uniform
ly satisfactory oils in the mark
et ask fur ours. Trade for Eb
ensbur and vicinity supplied by
V. S. 15AKKEU k BKO.
Ebcnsburg, Pa.
Miil-:iti yriwii'flly tt!'i''uitHi iir it tut ii-. in1
it ut ;m: f iirni-'ifrt v.-hpn C(miTfrit. A't'lrc: s
4-i?n-T SfrfriRMAM TtLEGKAH CO , Obcrim, 0
call and see niv stock
Au? VI, "b..
BQSEoiii&0iGB Safes
Are expressly meant to supply an ur
gent demand from Farmtr, Isiiryrr$,
Doctor, Small Storekeeper, I'ljHtmaxtcr,
Erre arul Railroad Arjrnts, Tounthip
and County (jficiah, Trusters, Retired
Business Men and Familus, for a firs t
class flre-proof, burglar-proof combin
ation lock, tsaie, adapted in capacity
and price to suit tln ir requirements.
The Victor is first-class in every res
pect, warranted flre-proof, and con
ptructed intho mostimproved manner.
We now use on each and every safo
our new non-pickable combination
lock, and inside bolt-work. It has all
round rornerw exterior hpaiitifnllv
finished and ornamented by hand wiUi
all burnished portions nickel-plated.
r'yyajlntenor nicely htted up witli sub-treaa-
urice, uuoii-BiJacee, ana iigeon-iiOiea.
the uhbni mm,
1.50 PER YEAR 1,50
Address all communicatious to
EllKXSliUItG, I'A.
Dr. Sctti Axuiiid. ilc0.'i,urv , oubjj.i, A 1.
r -
( "
t :
c -
t :
m ri
ii 00