4L 1 1 . '4 ! - . 4 a t .a v. 1 1 a - ainima J atrwan. EDN3BURC. PA,. RIDAY, - - - DEC. 2, 1SS7. Ten years ago harJIy any beet sugar wan Imposed Into the I'tlted S'ates. In 15 the amount was ex icily 1233 4GC, pounds. Then there was a prejudice against this kind of sugar, but we hear no more complaints on thli "core. It i soM alongsUle of Cane sugar ami no one frnrmj it. T)i National CorornlMee of the I'ro bibltion party met at Chicago on Wed TtesJtv l.tst ami ilecldnl opm Iodianap olis for Lolling the uext National Con vention to nominate candidates for l'resldent and Vice President, and the 2rst Wednesday in June lSS, wti natuotl as the day. IIknuy CKfiucr.'" crjran, the New York Mux Jn iZ. intimates In its issue of last n Ic that the anti Poverty or Uni ted L:thoi Tarty will have n- Presiden tial ticket in the Geld next year, but will make a strupjrle to elect some Congress men, hoping to secuie a voice in the House for these interested in tax re- Tar report of the Third Assistant Tost master General for the last fiscal year shows that the total ordinary reve nue for the year was, lu round nuac Ders. 4S,C.J00. The roony from the money cider business was JT10 OK. miikinR a toUl revenue of 719 0U0. The total expenditures for tte year. In tluJicc actual .Hid tMinutrd on'stanl ing liahillUes, amounted to ?"3 l:U 22 showing a dHicit In the revenue of omethiri over four million of dollars. From these figures it l.i quite apparent that the time Is fast approaching when the Dep iitment will be ab'e to p.iy its own expns s, if it does not eveu j ieM a handsome revenue. The New York Court of Appeals banded down its dt-cinion on Tiu aday on the appeal of Jacob .Sh.arp from hid con viction for bribery of th New Yoik citv Hoard i f Aldermen. Whtn Shaip was on trial in the lower court his own evidence before a committee of the State Senate in relation to his dealings with certain members of lha Board of Alder men, was admitted against him. The Court of Appeals holds that this ought cot to have baen dte. Sharp will now be admitttd to bail and released from prisoo where he has been cotfined since bid coDvicliui) aed senteuce awairiiig the decision of the mi.tr court. If, is uncertain when bis next trial will take place. He it an old man a:id complete broken down in health, but is still wealthy. JtArtONE Cjuers a U publican ma jority oq the poyuUr vo:e at the la-e election lr VirrrlnU, whi'e the Democrats show a Democratic m .j irity of 5.0'K. OO course no one b-lieves llahone. Senator UuMIeher'-r, his colleague, ditches tho matter, and says: Tho result in Virginia wa.s no sur prise) to m?. We were licked fair and square. It was M thone and his an'h oJs tbU defeated the U-'puhlicaus. Ilia management of the canvass ami h s abandonrcent of the only issues that we could h ive won wi'.Ii mide i; irapoMstM far the K-publicans:orep"y totti Dem ocratic s:ump speakers. Si Ur us I know, there was no fraud htever at the pols. as has been charged, ai.d no one seriously believes the senst ional reports. The chtrgea printed hy cer tain papers that we were cheated and counted out are the worst kind of rot. Wh. one of our own men was eiec'ed by barely 10 mjpiity. If the D-mo-crafs wanted to count u out how oasv it wouM have been to wipe away the 10 ctes. Showman- PhiaeasT. Uirnum s-ys thit the total loss caused bv the de struction by fire of his winr quarters at Bndgerv-irt. Coup, on le; Sundtv nl,jht a w.k, will toot up Jl K) 0)0. in cluding the building, Cvlej.han3. the lions, tipers and alt theoth.-r wild betts s dss'royeil, the beats, cauves, tents, poles costumes, etc, and alt o her maUriat used with the show. The tlephau's lost were valued at. J30.000, the buiMirg at 2'),000 and the wild beasts at $130 000. the seats tents and costumes at $180,000. Since the dis.iser Mr. Bar num has received by every mail a vaet cumber of letters, most of which are from children, and tLt.y havd been re ceieved from points as far as Chicago and Sc. Louis, and Quebec and Port land, all exprtsmig smpathv and good Wishes, lu this connection it may be .stated that 15 ileum's agent In London telegraphed t him oo Sturday that he had puichased the en ire collection of animals from Wombwell's meuagene, near Lydail, England, to be added to the purcbas-s for the new lUriium collection now being made. Womb well, who is dead was known as the English Barnum." Attorney General Kirkpatrlck of this Slate has decided tha'. a woman is not eligble for un appointment as notary public. The decision is the re sult of the application of Damon Y. Kilgore, a Philadelphia lawyer, to Gov ernor Beaver for the appointment of bis wife, Carrie B. Ki Ipo e, to the i nice of Motary public. The Att rney Gennj.1 bt Us that her appoint ment would estab lish a prevent that r.o law of the 8 ate provided tor it, and that it wou'd occasion litigation becau.-e tnany per aons won'd doubt the wahditv of ttieap pointment. &lrs. Carrie II. Kilgore has acquired a vast deal of uo-.on.-iy during tte last three or four years through her persistent efforts to btc iaea Philadel phia lawyer, the same aa 4:er bu-band. Echof th courts, however, to which he made ibe a plicat ion ref ust d her re plies'. At last one of the Judges ap lolnt d a committee to examine into her knowledge of tte law, and a favorable report bavins: la en made, the was ad mitted tu the bar ar.d inteted into partnership with Damon, her husband. Her ambi"oe for legal tame don't seem to be saUi-fi-d and she now wantj to try ler band at p'ajing Notary puMte. At ! the municipal election next Febrnarv j Carrie will, perhaps, want to ! elected conatable of the ward in Philade'phia j In which he resldea. Her pror ephere J Is at home talcirjr cam of her babiee. if he bas any, which we think la hardly lrnbable. j TllK C-'ngiesstooal caret-r f the U o. Win. II. Mrtin, a m-we'y el-c:ii and very fresh memrer of the House from Texas, nearlv came to ao inglorious and tragic end in Washington a week go last night. Martin is the succrssor of Judge Itc-agan who acquired a national reputa tion during his long and active service in the lions, from which he has ben promoted to the Senate by the Legisla ture of his S'ate. Tnis brilliant per formance of Martin just on the thres hold of bis public career is a sure pre cursor of his future greatness. A Washington correspondent rpeaka of it as fi'lows : lie arrived In the ciy and inscribed hi? name on the Willard register, along with other statesmen, and was assigned a room commensurate with hla i ffi;ial d!gni:y. Late iu the evniog h turnd himself over to a colored barb-r and ex perienced a hair-cjt. Arer sacrificing his Stmpsouiao locks, he further sub mitted to the Cem ludsof the new s-cial life into the vortex of which be had so audd-n'y P'uur.ged, by discarding his bis Texas flannel shirt end d.mntug a broad expanse of linen and standing collar. Then submitting to the for mality of a shine, he retired to his room wiih the evident consciousness of a man who felt that be had discharge.1 fcij his full duty toward the cew clvilizi rion, and was pr pared f or acy emergen cies which might arise. Along abnut mirtnignt ths l.K'.Urf the hotel lx-c.iuie s.fl ing with the odcrof escaping gs. Mr. Dewitt, one of the attaches of the house, up u making the discovery, at once surmif-d lha: sonio ljdy h id blown cut the gas. 11 btgan a hurried eeaich, ar.d af'er much suif-fn-g. finally located tlie odur by its in. tensi y at the door of tie Texas Con gressman. To his gentle ri pping at the door there w,s no refp;iue, and even nhen be i oun.tr d vigorously the onlv reply hum witLIn was siler.ee. .Sum moning n prter he burst opvu the dj)r, s,nd found the room GUeJ vi h gs. the jet turaJ on anJ the Line Sur statesman ling m bed uncjosjio us. Aid was summoned, and af.er a long i-uurse of treat meur, and the persistent application of restoratives, the Texs L'ougreesmau was eaved to his consti tuency. He explained that, not know ing ho thi drurd thing woikcd, he had blown out the gas. The jury in the c se of John Mc st. the New Yoik Anarchist, who was charged with using iucen liary threats on a speech be delivered in Kraemer'a II ill it that city on the night after the Chiw'atco Anarchists were executed, reo dried a Verdict of gui ty on Monday night. IIci counsel will m.tke a motion for u new trial. Mott himse:f was a wit lir?s Hid tlllly tl-Ii tdlhat he had used the threatening language in his ppeeih which the three uew(pair irpir'ers who w.s present attr tu ed tohiu. On cross examination Mr. Nicolt, As-tisrhiit Distiict Attorney, q'irbtijned Most oa itie record of his p.m life. The prison er said he ha I ben convicted of treason in Aus ria in 103. and hat e-ij Inii ris oned for one y-ar. In 170 he was again convict. d id that country of ti.e Same crime and got a Ave years' ?en teuce, but gained his liberty iu 1S71 through amues y arar.ted to political prisoners. In 17? he was sentenced to one year's imprisonment in B rim for cnlnr.g the emp-ror of G-rminy u sughterer' and a "maasacrer." Iu 1S71 he was sentenced to imprisonment ti-r une yar at:d six months for a ppr-ech mdin lL-riin mi the memorial dy of thi Paris Commune. In 177 he was ser.tencec in IJr!iu to two luonih' im pii.ioument for blasp'iemy. In l-vl was ser.tencej in England to IS uinuits imprisonment for applauding in he F. fiutlt the killing of thecztr. When he got out of prison there he came to this country and has since remained here. Most is no d ubt proud oT Lis prison lito in Europe and when one thinks of his previous disreputable career it is hard to s-.y what ouht to be done wiih him. If this country had a p-nal colony m Alaska there would be the proper p'ace tor him. Lnder an Act of the I-zflature of Georgia the people of Atlanta and of the county iti which it is situate voted t.oyear3 aKo on the of p.o hibitingthe sle of intoxiciting liquors within the limits of the county. O it of about S,M) votes the Pronioitionsts carried the d.,y by a m j irity of 2 k . J . J J The same Act permits a vote to be ta - ken on the sarua istu every second year and the 'lesLiou was agiii submitted to p ipular vote on Ia.st Si'tirclty. The Oght of the t-vo factions ha3 been going on tor nearly six weeks and has been of the mmt bitter und exciting na'.ure. M-etinqs were helj every night all over Atlanta anJ a every cross.roaJ ou'airie of lh city limits. Tue negro vote wis the bone of couten tion in as much as it wad the balance of power aud each side msde a supremb eudtavor by every means poss b e to se cure it. Although Ihs c 1 trad vote was divided it seems to be conceded that the buik of it was eas: agtinst rohibl tion. The a$j eg' vote cast was aoout 10.0U0 which is an excess of 2 000 over the vote of two years a? , and the rxjij.triiy wjainst Prohibition iu the city and county is over 1.000, This change in public aentirnent has been brought .j .ut from the simple fact that Pr.ihl b tiou in Atlanttt, as every where else, did not prohibit and that by the testi ni'Ty of her own people thnre was an it crease and uot :i d -crease of drunk enness. The year 187, us fr as lha resul.s hve been asct-rtaim-d thrvuh Ihe ha; lot box, has lu.t teen a good un for the caus-j of l'lohiui'.inn. AcouuiNti to a ! e!sewhere pub:ished, M 'ris d:sp (irevy. I esi- Ueut ot t raoce, has UuallT determiued j K-aJ the fodowing : Mr. C. H. Morrl to escape '.he difficulties in which his j Newark. Ark., says: "VFaa down with admiuialrarion has become involved by ; hsessof Lunus. and friends and phvsl- resigning n!s i-flice. Tnat event was ' fUr l,rotM unred rne an Incu-able C'nn- Cied to take place on yeaterday n be I "umPliT- B.-gan taking n . King's Nw followed today by the election of his 1 fl?0?!'. " 0'"3ralti',n. m "ow oo my successor by the vote of Ihe Senate and , ' V' " T"r lbe wo,k . . ' Z. " my faf m- I I the finest medicine ever Chamber bf Deputes. M. Grevy was ' made." -eutcine ever fitst elected lres:dent when ilc.M.honj Je-s- Mlddlewsri, IVcfor, OMn. says rea gned in W9. a year l efore bis term ! "Had It not been tor Dr. King's New Dia expirrd. lis was r-elected for the onr f"e C.Misomprton I would have died Seven years' term in 10J. arjj b43 ytt of Lung Trouble. Wsa given np by doctors until to Jerve. J Ani " best of health." Try It. Sam- rle K-ttles free at E. Jaw".' drag atoie- Two Cjelone Ktorles. The other day ml u.e Preas C:ubroorns a sroupof repoiters weie relatmg per oit experiences. "Tne most ibrillu-g s ght 1 ever eaw," s-'d one, -ws the howling cvcione at Il-cine about four years ago. I never waul to see another, tor ibe sisht soared away ten years of my life. I saw a big. copper colorrrt. fuooel-shaped cload appioaching. ahd. aoic;patmg that thee would l-e a live Iv j-nim, went to the top t-tory of the Y. M. C. A. bmldii.g to see it break over the city. The immense funnel came r arer and bearer, lower and low er. mJ s ically approachii g the Ii h mian qusr'er of the city. Then, to my horror, buildings were tossed in the air like dice thrown from a box. mingling in indescribable confusion with section of fences, broken aud upiooted trres. ail iu a cloud ot dusr. I cau't describe the ttrror lhat took p.vi9ion of me when I saw the big house fl. ing through the air. and to this day I do not know how I got down ihe several fl ghts of stairs aiid out of the bui dine. When I recovered my corr.p-wuie I whs ten blicks aw-y in trie opposite direction, all out of beath. I d.i't Ihu k I evei ran t he distance in such a short period of time as :ha lav trying to tun awy from that ejetooe." 'That reuimd!" me," a?d one of the listeners, 'of a litr epia h1 tht pu a f-w gray hairs in my head. It was in D ikoia and occurred lapt year. I was wotkin? ou m S Paul i.ier ai-d bed ben sent or a sprcial mission in;o the ai'j lintrijr territory. A frind of mine bad tken a claim in Di.ky couuy. ai1 I lo k silvantagof ihe opor'nnrv afford-d to tmy him a iei . We were havinir a social chat when I oliserved nn anxious look come over his face. He aupred to the window and with h'atictud fi-e hhou'ed to me aud the aifm'r8 or his family, -nush for the cellar.' " Whai'athe mattei VI asked. " 'I'm afraid there will tw acyclone,' he answered, 'and I would rather be iu a cellar than in the gair-t, "I would like in see a cyclone,' I said, H'jd ti"k my p'nee by ihe window, w hile the o" heis rushed fr the Cellar. exctii g me to follow. I Confess I diil not Htiiicipate 'hat my tri-tid.t' tears were well found d. for I eaw nothing ataiming in ihe cl u that was trav.l l'ig toward the p'Mce. Tliere ws a barn a little ws lynd, an the cioud e. ned to be nuking a bee line for it. Th--re was an oppie-sive sti'.iurp.s ffir a tninu'e or two. then a few jus-s of wiprt. and. before I had liine to triitik, tat barn went eari'ig on towards the sky. aiid ws carried Unlily over the riKif if ihe house like a mere toy. The house itself semrd to te lifted up aev eral feet upon one end and then settled d iwn eeam gently, as though some iaiits h.nd had tilted it and set it back uni'jorfd. Was I scared? My hair sood on end, and when I saw that brn sailing in the air I wrsh.d I had i tken my irterd's arivire ami cr-pt into theceMHr. Ihe narn was sHtterfd 'or adist jince .? several miles. We noii'dn't linil enoueh soutid boards In OuilJ a re e:ct:ble hen coop. Tnat s.tn.e cyc'fiiie played a curious frek on ttirej men engiged in hkirnr iiifa-os in a little ehn'y near by. I sucked up the roof and sides of the litrie structure, wi'h le men. leaving t he fl mr intacr. can ied Iheni a quarter of a mile ir. a j ffv. and set i hem down right in the middle of a potato field." PowJerlj'a l.anJ Theory. Philadelphia. X vraher 1 T. V. Powd'riv. M ater Woikmau.il the Ku'g.'irs of Lti.or. th's werk cmmences the publication of a series of I-tters in I re tifficial oran of ihe orij-r, c n'ain ig Miirgestions np-in which a ppuUr Vote of I lie tnrlDVn IDhV S.MIU lie a:. feed. Mr. P.iwd-r'y j -ins issu- wiih the c..inai'n prop-ry theory. 1I etCrms Ihe cHslges aeainst epcil'atori mtk! ereedv landlords, but gives :he K-iieh's or Litmr the credit of f.:rcing i Q'h. "until nw ae s-en pnlilic fili vaN. legislstois, head! of departments. S-n;- torsarnl the President himself s! retch -irie fori h their hands to eave the hcii tge or the people. l'idividua's." says he. "miih? nave raised theii voices in vain ; t ev niight have written and prayer! ; tenia? rd or gstnztioi.s or ni-r. m:glit live ietiiion ed tlie lawnntkeij id ii, give away the !a!rt. and their voices, prayets and peri' ioos wou'd have jjone forth unheed ed had n.a the united voice of nin ant: women who believed Hnd de lare.l that not atiother cie for rai'roads or sier.: lators' should te given or battered away forever. "To r.o other organ"zi?ion be!onesth creditor calling atte,i n tn'h-r vag9 of the Und epecittator. K'lhm or Ih r have kep'. tha' que.'i..n t.romin ently Wfore the tep Jn seas n and our of season, and i-tore our ,nisi in is ended the Mnho'y gra'O of the fipecu'a'or and th-elien Uo.llorJ wi!l J. reruove.1 Ironi the soil forever. To d.v in k.ri j town and hamlet tne lend q iention is 1 U-ing s-ndied and theimple prop,,a;i i.m ' f thM K"'eh' or L.tvir atMiida up in ' R,,ul ,,,,rn be'ore every rnsn and woman j .T-.n.K taJe X vaured which In ihems-lves (md vry j riice as to the ownehip of H the land ! ,,.,fl, people -in common.' B fore that 1 ll-c KHiura ,t,e P"0 m,1 i !srti In think in common.' I', must j tlrst t oVm,.r.r rated that ihe idea is practicable. Inr.ce -livd that the ! l,-,P:e Could own ard till lhesll in co'nmon. id hi nor tetiv that tr was right for an ind vtdu ii to hold asnire. ownersmp or the tsoil. Todavl know that an inlividiiil cannot hold absolute title to the poii if ihe interests of the p-op'e -in common' req-ure that it ehould be o her is. 'I no longer heljpvn that the pop'e ir. common cn I ill the Roll and own it in cominim ; Hut, hecaus they d.i pot think 'in common ; second, ta-came the People are on y people and not anpels. In other words, rue people are not grvd enough yet to discard the native selfish, neas whit-h was hum in them. V must take men and women as w fi ,d them. As we fin.i men and women t d ty. I hey re eelfih and crasping. Ech one has a desire to own and con trol a home jf his own, and my ff irts will b- pm forth ro the end thar each man who whirs to n:;iy own his home. If ev-ry man owneo his home labor woii d he more appreciated than it Is. The desire lo re due the hours of labor wo.i'.l be greater, for every m.n wou'd hav- a place, on which to expend bis epa'e moments. ' S-tiing aside th future nf the land, the one idea nn which all mn can unite is lhat the land should he kept, from sharks, specula ors kr.aves and Und gr.ll-rs native rial nraliz-d or alien. On this piiocipte the KHghia nf Libor hav tinned over a million pe,,p.. for n. matter how many members may have drifted awr. tbev were a unit. that quesiton and still believe i; true." In (onianipdun lnrarbl Ibaajres In Irauc. The many chs"-a in ttie French Gov ernment since 17S9 are un a' interest iug. Though th; caues of the French Revo lution weie at work 1 nir tie tor- the meet ing of the Stages General in 17S9 'lie first time that it had convened since 1G14. then began in a leg.slative way ihe be trouolea which have never since been s cutely quieted. For four years after the meeting of the Si"es General the popu'xr rstwer continued io rise un til L-njis XVI. was teheaded. iu 171)3. when the rol prerogative was n t-r-oina'ed a d the tihxKly career of the revt-lutiouis's pievailed unchecked. It ratrly nrnw: itself out in its in rensity and preiwred the way for the dictatorship of Napoleon, rNn to be followed by his cornation as Emporor. He wrought order iu home nffai's. and at the same time conduced the unparal leled Beries of wars in which hif tame was ccnMimms'e.i od which ended in bis downfall io 1514. H- was Emurnr -ur. for tn yeare. The allies placed Louis XVI 1 1. on the throne.trmn wh ch fie was on veil for one hundred d)s in the following vear bv Xaif-'eoo. .q his I ri urn fmni E 6a. L u's XVIII. was reins'a'ed atiei Waterloo iid reigned for i:ine jears longer. His brother, t'harl. s X., then reigned tor six yeaib and ws de hrotied in 130 v revolt, to make place lor the Ci z -n King. L'his Pnilipp-, w!io was in tn'" over brown lif the revolu;ion of 1S4. when th eecond It-punlic began its short and troubled existence. ciaPstic troutiles and rnrl dis conteni cti'uitr.aied tii tlie coup d ctat by wh'cli Lais Napoleon, rtien Prei lent, iy d the whv to te m-.de En petor in l"o2. His Empire lasted rnne leen years only, and was sustained mam'y by she policy of diterting the hi ten' ion of the pniip frotu the internal edniirnstratiop. II- enterrd noon the Crimean wr in 1554, beM an Jnt ra tional Exhihtiou in Paris in engaged in war wi'h Austria in 1S-19 sent Miximilian to M xico. and expand ed vast, sums under Baron Hausnroatin in the einia-tlishment of Paris. The funds to defray the txpenara were ob rained and expended in a way thar. with other asgrava ions, brought forth threatening oiiii Vstai ous that ttouht less led the Emperor to Io? k for another war In occupy the p polar mind. He found It. and thereby hastened bis own downfall. Then came the Repub lic for the third lime. Th -re have thu b'en nine revolution ary changes in the French Government in less than a century. The shot teat duration of any Government was one hundred days, at.il the longest that of Luia Napoleon nineteen years. The present lt--iubiic has lasted sixtern years, but they have been unsettled noes, and at no time has the situation lieea more orii irral than tt is now. The head of the Government is forced to Hl.dica'e, with no designated bu.crssi r in view, and the legislative lsdy is un der t he control of no predominant par ty. And over all there is a gloomy c:o'id of c-rruDion that has shaken puh'ic cor lid -ne. The outlook Is not Uigur. if. 1". World. The Public Lands for the People. There is one thing the Democratic Administration at Wshiigton lias brought biut which is well wnrifi Ihe cost ot the long struggle that ended in overturning the R putdican par'yafier It had lri twenty-four y-r iu unin terrupted per. The con'es hrtween bona CJe p'in hiser3 of raitrod grant lands and ihe corp rti.i a which have liairi. d and worried them has bet-n tooiigtit to a conclusi.in. The rights or r Set' lets HVe b-en maintained. H-retotor- tlie Government has neither c.Trced the wrongs done by itself jn I i;i"niu,i( iin-upiH; lai.na tome railroad j c nnpatiies, nor trie wrongs done hy the i companies it, selling Unds lu whicn thej : had ni right and in s- z-ng lands ror j whictithev had no suCi lent litle. The j bettier, who had no surely of jos ice iu an appeal to the C urt., wher-i s roog I corporations w-ar ntir th patience xnd I the means of private litig.nts, hs found w stalwart fii-ud at las able Htd wip it.g to take his part. Tne puhlic lands telong to the iople. and it is the wis-sl ':cy to d sp tse of iheoi in small pnr- Cela ti RC Uai SettliK. and t r.olxttiy else. Th-re should nver be aro her f-eit of Und granted to corpora' ions, and the terms of the grants already made shonl he rigoimis y enfoiced agi'Ht the grantt-es. There hta Un no Act of ihe Giivernm-iil since it was founded m- r-inip'tlltic and ioiurovidetit than the re-lclest and unnecessary ws e aid u.-r-i.der f pub;ic djmain. Mila. Ktcord. Ttae Manor Destiny." The latest returna f.-nm New Votk I on'y magnify the inun r.'i tabwh 1.-ai. den CeveUttl has Wot. .y U,e d. f ent of Colon-' Grant in the S a'e. Bnd of De I.-ncey Niroll in the ri y e ection. He was not a iieu;ral fc or iu tho cam paign. OiiIim cimraty. his direct en -dorsmeni whs gieU through a public letter ro the cutid'daies of I he atraight- ut D-niocracy. ar.d lieir emphatic vctory is an endors ment of bis po'icy which nie,,9 that lie will not onlv t ihe i,ex D -m.-cratic candidate for IVes- ldent. but the nex' President hlO'se'f, unKs? he is met with more formidable opposMnri heieefonn thablmp-ded him Hi the pas-. The f,ct :s ihe managers of ihe R-pub'ican pry must abandon knv-iy In the eeleetion or the mxt IVesideiiiial candidate, and arrey ihm aelvea n ihe support of an at.i, a re flected, and an incorrupied and incor mptib e man, who le-sidea being huch. must contain he elemenrs necessary ro toearry the State of New Yoik. It is needless to slate ihat frig d J -hn Sner man is not the wanted person, neither is vapid J .seph Ilawlev, ut Conner! icut ; neither is James G. Blaii.e. who proved hisfu.i.ny unoer uii re favorable cir rumsrHnees once before nor is ibe fi-ry Joseph B. Fork-r. .f Ohio, wno was at one time reacted and respectable, but destroyed more friends than l.ep-m-sesses by ihe ext-evive development of patriotic ardor. Why any of these men sbou'd la taker; nn. cannot see. rMshurj Leader. Jlepxihlican. Ihe Last Straw. Taris. Novemta-r 23. The period nf deUya an.l subterrugs is at an nd. Grevy he'tled y.s'erday that he would coutin inicate h s m.9agt to Parliament on Thursday, t..l ,e of .ne gmvi miud today. II s orsrau hs en in si rue ed to announce ih.u ou Thursdav he will address to the C mmtwra a nits-sag- containing bis ree gnat ion. Th- Ii .uvier M nis ry although prac tically delunct. tuined restive. Ir. ns c-nsenu-d reiiictsntlv to liquidate the situation, but it was Bit king its he-Is with nothing to do and sharing the odium of this unprecedented state of thit.jr. At last Iloovier ta ked very P'aiuly to lb- President. This had its ff-Ct. at;d SO When the Chnrober met th 3 afiernoon th President f ,k Council stef.ped briskly to the tribune, esked ibe House toadj .Qrn til! Thurs day and added that by that date he would tie in a position topreseut it with animpirlant communication. N'u one rose, lo oppose the proposal, at.d Fn quet, who is the most discreet as well aa en erfret ic or Presidents, promp: ly declared the sittii p at an ei d. An Associateo I'sa cablegram says : The congretuof i he Senate and Chamber ' D pu les w II meet on Fiiday at Versailles, tt, elect a successor to Preti. dent Grevy. M.nM.Dul lLK .OH.MJ. A monster ratilettnk , which measured nearly 13 fret In length and was as large aioond rs a man's body, was killed near TabUquab, 1. T.. a ftw days aeo. It had 24 rattles. Tu hog cholera Is reported to prevail In nineteen counties In Illinois. In some of these counties the, mortality bas amounted to severity per Cent, among the young stuck and fifty per rent arooog the tualare. O d Sorrel." Sunewa:l Sack son 'a faoi oue war hiure,bas been stuflrd by a Wastiing loti taxidermist. an1 will ta preserved hy the veieraus of the Robert E. L-e Camp, at K chrnobd. In memory of the great cutu QianJer. . Colonel Wil.lams, in bis history of tie negro troops in tie rebellion, says there were 178.97 f the black soldiers enrolled in th vo-'uoUfer, army of the Uuitei brates and of tliis numoer. 36,817 died lu the ser vice ot their country. Tl.e Leighbortioud of IVnnlMjn. Iiws, is excited uver the elopement or Mia. II. liiy ISiuoOidale. the wife or a proinun ut faituer, with a neuro named Dv'Json. whu wt.rKed un the lartu. Th wjuiao was wril con nected and bad all the comfuits ot lite. bUe left ttree siuaa children. Despatches from various points In Southern lil uols renu t the breaking up uf the rive tuourhs diuuth. The forest fires have been extiugaished. aud at Champaign ibe suOV.en breaking out of a htream ut tl cellent waU-r iu a level field of parched Und brought great reliel to the laruieis, wbu daiunird up the water aud Lauied it away tu their huines. FiefUen and Schwab, the Anarchists, wrre for the fit at time visited by their wives at the pri-on at Iuliet ou yeateiday w-sek, Jue visit wat received iu tne wait ing ruuin. Both priaourrs donoed ciMZrii' clothes, as U the custom when convicts re ceive relatives. Both ma exhibited con siderable feeling. The meeting was afrct itig. but not demonstrative. Tne heaviest locomotive ever turned out in 1'ater.on. N. J.. was bbtppd recently from the K .ers works. It was for th- TJn I n Tati. tic U.ilrond and it weigned 11: 000 p.tu:id4. When it Is kuuwa that the Ueav leot rrlght eUK'mes, with eight driving wheels, weiiih only 129 000 poauds, and this pesengcr engine has only four drivers. Mm: idea of its b'.zs may be Inferred. Millions of eggs are imported to this country every year, aud from nearly every part of Europe, because eggs Irom Germany lielgiuin. and even Itnssla, cau be iut oa the American uiaraet quicker, than tbey can be gathered from the brnaids out West and brought to New Yo. k Tue American ben, if she has any patriotism at all. will scratch round pretty lively to save the honor of the flg. juuu n. uiyus, coiaren, cnarged with ' j reiunious assault on Mrs. lr-akle, an aged I while, woman, ot Fii-daiick, Mil., on Fiiday i last, was taken from j til by masked men at 1:30 u clot k on Monday morning and haul ed ta a trre about a quarter of a mile from the piixtn B gus o. dared his iunoceuce. aud said he had wilues-ed Je Hail, another colored man. luakd the assault. As Bigus bad been positively identified by Mrs. Ycakle hla statement was uot beli ved. The tt -amer Chsrles P. Cbotteau. which left Mem pints on Stturday wrek for N-w Orleans, was burned on the ful owing Tue day afternthin, at 5 o'clock, near Vicasburg. bhe bad 4o,)Q bales of cuttou oa board aud -V0 racks of oilcike. bhe was about to back out frotu tha landing when the fire was discovered among the cotton. S -vru racj horses that werw un board were I u oed. Tha passengers lost neaily all their elothes Two colored deck hands loit their lives. In New Yo. k nu Tueiay of Ust wetk, a ciothitif, firtn gave awty 10iK) overcoats to poor buys Forry policemen were uecesary to keep back the art-at crowd or lads which surged in billows agaiust th- big plate-glass windows.. O.ie little chap banded a floor walker a dingy note, saying that the. bearer was tl-e eon of a widow. "Who wrote this?" Inqu-red the fl mr-walker. "iU faMer.' Innocently replied the boy ; but he got bis Coat Ju-d, the miim The 1000 overcoats rueitfd before that army like suutsflakee on aU I'Vrll. -A flc''t b-tween about 103 crows and nernaps -jiu to jjo t, uiish sparrows was i wltneaed at Cututuin-.ville, O, jut before sundown, a tew days ago. The crows were reluming to the r rookery from feedingi whet they were attacked by ths sparrows. Four or five of the latter would get arter one crow and p'. k it so badly as to almost dis able it. In fact three or four fell to the groudd. being so badly I jjredasto Imj un able to fly. Tne fi.rht resulted in the com plete rout of the crows. One of them pick- d up was ft-und to have had both its eyes literally p'eked our. Snow sheds to cover the railway track have been built at poiute on the Central Pa- i c Cc road wl ere It crosses the S'erta. As the trains bound Kist leave E.uUrant Up . thev run through one continuous sh-u for 35 mile. Tnere is nothing peculiar In the con strtiction of these shed, which have to line ' of the Canadian Phc fi. win re the road ' crosses the Rocky Mountains, t-h-risof a dir ferent construction are needed. Before the road was completed observations In the mountains showed that avalanches luut-t be provided agaiust. A flinisle avalanche cov ered the tiack for a distance of 1 700 reel and to the depth of 50 feet. The results of these observations was thst the Company built four and a lialf miles nf snow sheds at ao etioimous txpeuse. The. sheds are cou structeu aa fo'lows : On the high side of tte mountain slope a crib fi.led with stones a constructed. A Ionic the entire length of the shed and on the oppKite aide of the trick a timber trestle Is erected ; sir ng timber beams ate laid from the top of the crib work to the top of the trestle four feet apart, and at an angle repiesenting the slope uf the mountain as Dearly as possible. These are covered over with four-inch planking and the beams are braced on either tide rrotn tho trestle aud from tbe crib. The covering is placed at such a height as to give 21 lett headway from the under side of tbe beam to ihe center of tbe track onet uf these ahedi la 3 700 feet. Tbe I j At Fslstka, Fla.. a little daughter of Geoig li k-r was playing in the grove, when she suddenly raised a cry that brought her mother and the. house dog quia ky to iier. When the mother reached the spt whence the cry proceeded she almost faiut ed with tenor at tbe sight pieteii-d. On a alight hillutk lay her child, wl i e coiled on Its breast, with head erect and tongue out, waa a hugU rattler. Its ominous rattle ound-d loud aud waruiug. while Its eyes abut forth sparks of fire lis tt slowly turned its head aroutid in a circle keeping watch of the (fog. who trolled sluwiy around tbe auake keeping hi eyes on the reptda'a basi lisk eyes of fire a low growling and tbe up turning of his hair showing bis fear aud an ger. The auaka seemed to have fairly tas cli.ated the do., the canine walked round aud round tbe reptile slowly coming nitarer. ! bui ai: me wnne gtuwiiug as it knowing that danger waa near. Brave Mrs. linker, ; seeing ibe life or her cbnd at atake picked !' up a pine ku.it ar.d huileJ it al tbe rattier, 1 and with rare good luck striking it on the head and knocking it aaay several feet. ; Rubbing luieatd Bhe pxked up tbe child 1 aud ran to the hi use. Uer husband came ! Dp at that moment and Stion dinatrh.-d tr reptile, which measured eignt feet long and 1 WM 'iV'T r a,"'d ! arm at tbe aboulder. and eported 1 rattles j ml s titK-u. I mm Go to GEIS, FOSTER & QUINN'S, Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa., for Carpets, Mattings, Rusrs, Stair Pads, Stair Rods. Stair Buttons, Oilcloths, Linoleum, Lace Curtains, Feathers, Turcoman Curtains, Madras Curtain Goods, etc., etc. Quality of Goods uhequaled and prices the lowest. The remains of yv. D. Welch, a level ing salesman for a Chicago serd house, were taken to Waukegan. Illinois, on Mon day. Welch had gone out duck hunting on Saturday. Ihe snnw storm eitne up. and, not returning, a seaiolnng party was for in-o In t:e boat frozen stiff, about two huudred yards from the shore. The exact period at which guns came 'nto usb Is a matter of controversy, hot it Is a settled fact that their origin dates back to a very remote Period. A Chinese historian mentions the use of cannon as far b-k as 018 B C, and anntentSanskrit wiitings 'how tlmr fire arms of some sort were In use V India in v-rv anrtt-nt time. The. Arabs are supptvwil to hswe uned pun-powder and Are arms in '11 A. U . and both the Moore and the Christiacs m-(I artillery In th-lr warfare in Snain as early as the twelfth century. In Eigland E-lward III employed cannon aeaini-t the Scotch In 1327. Sm ill arms were first used In E tgland in the fifteenth century It has been discovered thst the late Chsrles Albert K-hler. or Cln.. the attorney who committed suicids on Wednesday of last wek. was driven to the deed by the ap proacning revelation of heavy forgeries com mined by him In ihe management of estarea j and of trust funds committed tn his care The liabilities thus incurred bv him amount to about a hundred and seventy-five thou ssnd dollais, while th properly left bv Kebler will not exceed sixty thousand. The per'snns most sprlouslv affected are his own family and friends. His mntive appears to have ben nothing more thin to keep up a style of luxurious living beyond his means. An Old-Tliue Corn-Shucking. Corn-shucking time In the South during slavery days was looked forward to by te farmer and tils family as one of tne big event of the year, and when the rgntier cam" around to invits all hands to a corn, shucking at-John Smith's, o' Hoi J.m&'s. H Brri4 hi lr rt furwarrf r.a lit All nrrijt li.l Kaun nvited tne same as we look forward to the comink of a cirrus The negroes from differ, etit plantations within fifl miles of J-ihn Smith's would start to the com-shucklng soon after they had done their day' work and housed their stock. The leader, who was generally the largest man in the crnwd. would start up a song, arsweied by all In ! his pirry. and could be heard for miles atnund. They wou'd meet at th corn-pile, and the nne that could ballno the loudest was elected the Captain, and would walk the corn pila and give out a song until the last ear wos shucked. After the shucks had i been put In ths pn the nwuer of the corn pile was carried around the house on the i shoulders of several stalwart negroes, ail hallooing at the same time, and csrrled in and put at the head of th tub e and waited oo by those ho who carried b'm on th-ir shnu'ders It was a h ippy time and the jugofold corn juice p ayed a prominent I part in the shucking, but It has all panned aay, and the farmer who get bis eorn shucked now has to pay well for It. Aihtnt (Ca ) Banner. All A boot Applrl. The enormous yield of apples In New Yoik State, eseclally in the western conn ties, is a sut'j -of of much speculation among the larjie nuti.ter tif foreign mid Western t-uvers Ttiis State is the gaiden for applea for the woi:d. The crop in the Went is Very 1'ghr. AH the bujeie are located th much the western and northern courtns. The result of the harvest Is a fl tt contiaoic- I lion of the stln.ate eent tut -onie time ago ' by department of Agriculture, which repre!M-nted that the yield wou d probably j be no more than an average ciop. The ntrv-t conservative tiTra ertimti the crop in the 5late al 2 500 000 to 3 000.000 bair-ls. This does not ine ude the latge amount u-ed in cidr-tuMs. t-vaporators and canning f-tc-torirs. A num-ier f Glasgow, L verpool an.l Austrian Buyers have made a tour of the State. The competition among tlie buy ers has been w tdiarp as to raise th,. price on some fruit pearly SO cents on the barrel Over 1.000 000 btTieis will be hipped to Europe. There I a great cry amo'c for eign bnvers b-canse tesdv trati.po-tation is not affi'ided thetn. The railroads are short of cars, arc! 'h- n- is a regular battle among tho fiuit men when empty cars are left In a town. All through the State the towns along the line nf transportation present a j noVi1 siirnt. Tiles and piles and tier on tier of apple harries greet the sight. Freight i agents are wild nver the way appie ratn b--! siege them. There are few sta'i nt in We I tern V-" York rhat will not xhio any wh-ire : f mm 2 KW to 5 K) bsT-ls, whlci is tha bes t indication of th. wi 1 ilst'ibitnn of the crop In th! S'at. -Loclport (.V T ) W.ter in Xew Yok Timet A Plate Fanrtanaro. A telegram from Wlrneniueca savs : Th Indians keep up their d.ineea nightly, and while only young bra vs and squ ws enter Into the circle the n!dr ones sera to tak crest Interasf in the a!Tir. Ospt. J ihn de livers temperance lec'ure. and ciutinns his people against the nse or fire-water, yet h would be delighted to hive 'an opportunity to get a d'lnk. as would all the Indians, mala and femVe, who attend the festivities There are over fie hundred men here to night, mostly Piues, anl their eastern neignbnra, the Shv,hons. Few reservation Indi ns attend. Yesterday a Mjuad of burks enlivened the scene with a war dtnee. They were n-bust savages, wearing abbre viated garments. Their bodies and lets were paitited In color, b'ack predominating, and their Rcatp-lot It were adorned with f-alhers. P i'ches of rabbit fur were pa-te,l on their br-i. and feathers were stuck n rheir mouths and iuhcj. Th-v appi-nred at the depot upon the arr val ot ihe emigrant train, and simply awed the pa-tsengera. T ley ..nu their war song, which founded like the syllable K-la-n.a-a Ta kan, Ii ferspersed wuh wihtNipa. and. as evidence they dirt not mean to kid and t-calp. as the tong indicated, ear ned the Sum and brripa on a p--le. "ow ing lo jealousies among the captains, a lrge nniiiner or bravf refuted to parade, only the Natch z faction participating." The rival factions unniKht much llireeltng towards raeb other and permit no Ltikcr out vapt j inn. wno is almost nliti.l A drt.aa thfni At t liu LnH....... i , there bas t-en one fiht among tne'm. Bt i-t evening an lurti'iated buck cut hia tqiiw on llm t'tti II was promptly ar rested by the deer and marched to fall out nf t ;ro(l or 200 oi 300 Indians. The opinion prevails among tnt whifea that a few gallons of firewater woul I Inauuura'e a war which would cau-e the linis or uinny lives and ri.e dMtrnctlon of much propeitv as the red men do nor concede the right or tne whit- to Interfere in uiaHer- uhli-h they thti k on'y (Miicern the Indians. An ,nlife, lks upon hia quw aa liia popr- i.r;n"r Sw,ir, rrorrtner eminent, jet all aeem fat and sleek aud ootnforttiy clottietl. CARL RI VIjNTUS, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER & 4ZWttt AND DEALER IN 2 eMtf I - , -. i f- Jft VaAkaW.iN Boat in THo Worlrl , . . or ,m'' Sn SS ellbre. 40 rrln powdtr: frriiaccurrT cr"''-o o4 t'' n! .ttwluicj r-j'nrr.n T-t A X.T. n J Tl IItt. . . m Mf m grt IW IS-Tri &W.l,na. liUUIintf. BLOtln. rou.-ten dicerrni tiritg, prlcn rroia WARL1N FIRE ARMS CO., -Tw1 'rKe, ma te wito un or jnr Ttr nrty tmnlt Lad t'ruJr born Brad iijou Th ran carry ,a Ba.-lr a.1 jftfc PaJUiIiWf WftOlal sxa tttii UTWOl Kz.nct tod ire. o rwmtarii tn isava.LM. t. nSS?.".': StMMJL PASTILLES aaian(lpTfiriJTT in Yoaur ttWcd fliri 1XV aCaaainlal v MavtM AtwnatnMJ T1 and brratn dorn mn tot.. f-ali toraBtof lM'actiQfJ fall Idavai Binkfih tmod Vitoroai iavti. . jl o i hot who amirar rrmm too raxmy otiomrtdiaMM rrmucht ftbotit 2ndtawrruon, iL-mnrm. Orvr-iiraia Vo7k. ertoofM IadnLcok. r aval u yva avnnd us rr tiaisa wi'h rtauwovntof rior tmbl. asd RUPTURED PERSON can ha FRLB Yalnalilg Property for Sate. I'lNLII I 'FKEK3 ATPRIV1TE T 'UK UNIItR aata :ti (uliuwinu Tulai'.-la HtV?E AMI LOT. tltuKt on Matn alreet. ut t'Brrolltown Roronin. nrt tn tlio hu.ina c-tnro ot tfi tu. d u.iorit the Hiutu tirew. r.-. I lia bnit i a Uriir- two :ry tultlnie. Si ir in t. I lmr trrni tliroua ti oui. wai liernuardfd anil coiitfleteT rnitaliel and at iroHi at ne. A itjtti r-tAtuft tin tha l.t atjil a nnver faiHu well ui eirelrul water. It wuul.l ati'wrr t.T itwelitmi unj buslm-fi lionet cumbluoJ, or lor a lmiel irnorty. roSSK-iSIHN UIVEN IMMKMAltLT. fur pattlrularn call on ir a.l.1ra-i ilia awuar, ncEIifclflCK S.NYltEK, At the rlinrtoa H.jtal, Altooaa. Ta. Sepiauitier 10. 1M7. DONALD K IHTFTtiN. ATTO!t KY-AT-LA W. r.Bii,aiK. rim 'a How. ' OH to Colonnada HII. MY EUR. A ITU K NET AT-I.AW, KiirucM, fa. Aae-OrSe la 1'ollonada Raw, aa (.'antra atreet. G EO. M. READE. ATTUKNET-AV-LAW, EBBara,PA. -im- en Cantra itract. tar ..i FARM FOR SALE. T A E ST." HSt?KlHFK W lUI VLt. HIS FARM Mli.r,i at IMLI'CKKll' KaKM Iiu.i. in I lanpier towu.-nip. uauinr a cwuuiy, cuuntiuintf alHiul ACHKS, ABOUT CO ArKES I LEAIIKU. havinir theret-n creeled a .i.l 'rniue liou and trams harn. Tha Iatio in In Hna ita'e ul cultl atlnn. la well watered ami ban a njni rcliar'l ot tx-arlna- tr-nt trea. Ttia turin is with-u ttire tuinute walk ol L'lrkeifn tatioD oo til a tl.aua-bii-ir mu.1 'ieMiu K.iilroKl. Fur lnrther narticuUra loqnlra cf tleoma M. K-3ale. K-q.. tntastjur, P - ut ILe uuili tHku 4 eu ll j.reiulc. , , . JOHN MCKI'HY. July 29, 1IT. VDMINISTR XTOK'S rstlTlCF 1-to-rs ff MituitoiftrtKifi on tha estate of Jauiea lh, erea-nl.ur l:lly b.iriiuuh. I'ai4 t.na c.-unlT havinic hn Krn''l to tne uu.ltr-t-lk-ueil. ni.ttre is ht-rehv mven to all .rron lu dfi.le.l to fiii.l estate, t-j luaka kv a.rt wuhi.ut leiaj . wnii tlioa bariiiv amiun u nuit tliaaaiLi Will l-renul ibein projierl Hn'tie, t .t--d l..r aal tlemrnt. Joa.NLEiHY JR., J.lliy. Oct. 13, ISS7. Aatu'r. ST KAY SHFEP.-- atMJUt two week rrl ala-ht ahefn atrave.1 aay from tlie latui i f u, uiicritr iu t:arr.i tnwuchlp, an.l xlao two frtun his itemti:-s id fc.t- tliurit. Tn ticen am ail u4rrd un the ti-k with tar. Any ;.er-on turtnetiinH Infonuatlun leailioK to tbeir reoovrr win t. tuiuliiv re wante.1. .KiStl H UL'TWALD. tneii5lmrj. Oct. 27 ISoT Al'-MINI'STKATttlW NtlTlt'E.-1-liers ot ailiuinii-trti o m the etate ef Hanlel fcioey. dei-e.1. ot Murmler townrhik bavin beet vranol toths uu.lerUn j.l. uot Ice is hereby Kiven .o ail pernnna luileutrtl lo fa',1 e tate. to wake piiinent without delay, ami th- liavinu c.aon aaal irt lha aauia will ura-etit thtia pronarly auiheuticaLoJ i..r a-inetn-ni. t llAKLKS COOEY. Muntter. Oet. 4, 1SS7. A'iU ' rOlt SALE. The ui.iWi-la-ne.l win nCer at nrlate rale ! honne and lot aituate.t In the West ward nf t..rntur:. fn.utina: ou Uiuh i-lreet and rx lend lug bairk i"na Mary Ann atreet nn the wen to auiple Hr at. l'lis huufe la a lara-e double houiMe In ad riMlr with a .- nutde. and the 1-4 enntatna a uumtr i.f K .d truit tr- '"' lertna culuu tbe ,nrr'ir re- Mm mi the pretulSM. llEullUE tlElLitU. i-s-nsLiuru. Oct. It, l7 ISTMAT NOTICE J Oatns to the . rrrnl.es of the tnhrrther re- lUlhg in Ailricheny t. wuhi. famtirla cunty. l a.. -Im.ui July -h. 1k;. una red ateer and one rod heilar aiM.ut two er old. The owner la re-qe--tel to come loraard pn.re pmpertr pay charjtra and take ihem aw.y. o.herwl.i. they will he diepHwcd of acxor.ln to law ... . 11.I.1A.M IJOUSON. Allegheny twp., Oct. Jl, Pa7. . .. r SaV a i rrj a. a.1 i . . 1 Notice It hereby rWen that the to'lowma account, i,nv h.en tiled to the urt ..r !om. mon l-leaii. of famlirla county, and will he eon rtruied ny itn ,urt on the ar-t Mon ay of le cetuber Den, nole caure be ehowu to tbe con trary. 1 he aeconnt nf Wm. H Stnay. Aatirnee of Joha Itnehm and wife t r henehl l rretlitoni. Ireland final account ot Kent onto. BeaFhofl. oenamUte er t'hrtatlan Knvder dee'd H. A. eKtrWIAitli, rrv. Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY. -AND- Optical Goods. o Sole Agent FOKl-HE Celebrated Rockford ' WATCHES. C olnmbla and Fredonia Watchtj. In Key and Stem Vfinders. i-AP.GE SEI.KCTfOX or ALL riXOj of JEWELItr always ou baod. Mv line of .1-w-lrv l unsa-p4 U.iiie and see for yourelf before purchai". mg el where. CARL IUVINIUS. bnburg, X.iv. 11. l!5--tf. MnLJJ rr. j ufe rifle uatsenua. 8pnrtinc Md Tr- Klllea. .or;a linuwutd. Tkr atindara A 1 rill ir.i f... n . l.ua up. Sentl rurTliMiratca ci;cra - New Haven, Conn.' Tt ca'tbre rlfi-. twentr rnucrtitlT. ihoU and ao canmc durln ti otl-e a?TaatT laa prUoa at taraai buiuim L-auae Uiar pnTiiTiPHiiiiiii Taaa a Sl'Uiuautiuiiij our mm u o&aMfl iju. . ar var raaa m a IiiIm K d,m arlcaiaaia Ut. Ml cl djaraat 1 1 ii rtira, mf tfcl hawaii ainawia itm in Tw. C tmnu ot Lim urimii vara. lit. patlrat Luiaad rMti.r. f - an liti TBEATMErTT. C HarU. t3. Tr Xot. JS. nrst, T HARRIS REMEDY CO., Krz CerBrrr 1T5W -- --- - T iima wr. Trial of our Appliance. Aaa for Trm' T. W. DICK. ATTI tltXEY-AT-I.A W. tbeninurir. fa. tifflca in hulMlna ot T I lloT'1. dor'.l. (hrit P.our.l Centre atraat. Al ; niiCD.rol Iffral buflci atiandad ta atliiaou j i ri ' ! rllat.lot a apacimlt. I l"-l4.-tt. I FK al,E-SrEM KN(1M. CUT .al tra I'm'i?. tmr and r-l.t-ei-lion Wnrk. -ecori1-t'Bii(l et.K'iiei Mint l.ol'rooti tim1. M-lft lnu enirine. murliiLf" a ticuit) . THi ?A Af CAliLlN, AlleaLauj. Fa. (Jan. M.-l.J A DVIItriMltS !C 1 1 t ... lOSi.ruca Nt.. New Yor ran mon in -le cofl or nn lr. ini-a.l on. a AIVKltri IXU InA'tierlcan Nowaajiara, fatare lioili !( ine. loa D1' OtUSIItlE, 534 UUANT STREET. PlTTSBCKOH, Ta. M. D. KITTELL, Attoi'ney-n z - mvlw, KIIESBl'K(. HA. Offlee Armory Waildlng. ajip. Caort Uaiu, 1794. 1HK,. Follclei wrutaa at ahart aaiiea la tha OLD RELIABLE "ETNA" And other t'irat ( lam Coinpnnlaa. rr. W. DICK, CJFSJT FiR TUT. OLD HARTFORD 1704. Eteatburn. July l. 1IS2. R, L. JUHNS'.OJ, I. J. ELCK. A. W. BUCK. JoliDston, Buck tt Co., Ebensburg, IP a. Money Received on Depsit, INTEBEST ALLOWED ON MJe TOITS COLLECTIONS MADE T AlA AVt'BCeiBLB POIKTe. DRAFTS ou the Principal CM Ronaht and hold . General Bantin Business Transactei. Ji CCO tTXTS SOLICITED. A. W. RUCK, Cashier. Kbenhurc, April . l.H.-n. EteESlnrir Firs Insurance Apci T. AV. DICK, General Insurance Agenti KHEXSIIUItO, FA. VDMINISTK ATOtfS NOTICE. l.t.itera ilmttiliitratioQ on the a'a'a Henry Olara. Ute of Allegheny town-tnii. lei-ea-ed. h-re teen irrantel to the undera'aned. r"1' lent In a. Id t.,wui,i.. u whom all iwr.i ta drlnej to laid ear .tte ate rrqieaied to mtHal?- Ulwllt. and thie htvlfly lluli.. a j.r amnMUtlf ! tuake auewa the aatne w It hu - delay. .i. in . iv. ( aJoi'IS, AS t GLASS. Ehenfburar. Nor. a. 'ST. REt't I VEIf- NtiTH'E. . The underrUne.1 harlea been avPol,"T re-elTer f the e-Late. proeriT. "' etecta. real iirrviiiHl. aod mi led . ol thel8rm ot lae Ulehl. an.l t.eo. A. MtS'roil'-a '1"8' hunlne under tbe tlrnj i.ame ot Plnhl "j which Broj tro. A. Mcfottinrk. If the aurr'1" f. .rtuer. all .-rona indented to aaid Brat. T' r qiteted to make iayun'nt, end tho'a c or demanda. wii ideate make knoea t' name wltkout dalar. A. J. ANtiEWSnN Receiver ol JjlEiL Altoona. Oct. SS, 1887. TI'HEN too want Jan lrlntlnir ef T7-; - isa, ,.V fon dXfon auaavAa ania.aal ey i , a,M, T e re - n tvuoai -es o oo oo MI.OI H rr.