The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, November 25, 1887, Image 4

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The lithir-i o:
is coin, i .rtttiVv'ly n. l'-rn
i'9'..tuUin. Oar :v:--iior nv(r Ti 'is j
god. They filmy and dfimrly em-'
trace-!. There's . J.i,- difference I. 1
twe n a hug and an embrace. The hu 2
is .u' earnest, i in-k contrac- j?
t.CB of the mu-'cl'-a -t the arms and 1 3
chest whn ttirt ot'j--ct to be bazged 1 j u
within th- circle b .u -...-iJ by thearniH.
hrd th chest H tho ir 'il or lin.ti point
tin. line. Tiie wauuih t,f the Im i :
b'te,Hnnied by tip! extent ot the i.-uiscu- , j;
lar lint the hu;i no:, its '
anatomists ast-tri, terminated wbfr: the j
object is brou-ht in wi.h the
client. On the contrary, the sweeping '
in is bul tbrt bhei; :f the. opt-ration.
Tb k-rr.l is rem li-l ben trie sp.ic3 !
b.tweeu the hugiiir aai iho fcugg-e is j
annihilates, ana me tune or a Knit
could 1 1 . s. r tl t y bo inserted b?teen both
SUrflC..'. This U, pernillU, the UlCPC j
tl.'i'juerous su.e o' tliO opc-ralion. A
jxiund, nay, a few ounce:", of extia prtF-euri-,
iu;iy rt-snlt, i( nr. in tbe itlsjiliic.
Trent of a rio, ;it ! in the bursting of
u ccrst't-srrinj, with the u.muft in-vi-t-dbl-
destruction of b.tngs. ruii:tij;Ues,
puffj, an rueh like Leadkrear. Tliere
lense. if not skillfully ni;.:-;ied, is als
attended wiLh dangT, au l shuuld be as
gradn kl h3 eluniiMitary pressure.
Kxprfsslons nf a::i;iisli in tbe p:rt of
the husfsen rn'iy, un a riie, be regarded
as l.ypucritic;i!. ar.d srhould have no of
cct inii.ducir g Use to diminish
the pressure. Iu bKe mar.ner all dac
jfer signals in regard to ttse arrival of a
third purly on the saat slinuld b in
vest.fiuted by the p-.ny of the fi p3rt
before receivit'g ;lie attntion the genu
ine of a ptrent or guardian
icigbt eummand. l'dis may be donu by
a quirk glance ov r the shoulder, and
this rapid ciiang. of tbe direction of tbe
bead may b accomplished by a litt'.
rrac'.ite, without making any relaxa
tion of pleasure necessary. If the
warni::g s!:i uKI prove to I e without
foundation the d-eeic tuav be '.iini.-T.ed
ty frun two or three im.jijJj of addi
tional pressure,, nit pa gridual that
none of tho ornntuents of tte person
bugged nmy sutler. These little inci
dents rnlll- lhr teiiipr and e mbktei ti e
meniory -.f tbe o; ration. The snull
alTairs or' tin? uih nut ai:e-iimplihed
easily, ana thj f. male mind isruflled 1-y
the deftructior or th. lab to us embel
lishments of tbe morning hour.
Tiir eiupraoe is merely the throwlrg
out and puitial contrac.ion of tliearms,
without any fp -cial attention to an ob
jective p.);iit. Near rulativts should l-e
embraced and rot linage J. An espe vouns and pretty aunt may be ex-ceylt-d,
and eases are known wh re an
extrt ne! y juven,! ami goi'dlokin
B'.ep-i.h'.l.t i is the i-o.ssion of
ttie m. r-is.g 1. 1 tli3 tiuli.u- into the
hutf. liut tills is larrly done, particu
larly if tb emlnacer is deju-r.flent on
t:. puis.' of the tid miti for ti e nect-s-ili
s :.s wt 1, as to lux .: iescf life. To a mnt!i-r in law is a tollow
morkery, pn-1 thoiil.t I e atternp'ed 01 :y
when e 'me Important otiject has to be
attained, and n':u then it is Lard'.y ex-
Hew wo Vtiiin la-lirs Here lMap
foluted liy raiiiii!- d Uet 1 here.
)ne evening last week a plump, pret
ty and d'.cidedly dashing young lativ of
Nuiit ury :aaie up to.u to make a few
pureuiijcs. Tho evtumg was wet ant!
tiiiagreeal.: and she ttej pe l into . s'.oie
on JI;'.r'.et strut a fc-.v miuutt-s.
Wbelher it v.s the wfither or the
B'ght of tie riir.gers in the store tlmt
impelled hi r to tu p will remain lorevn
adaik and unfathomable my-tj-ry, but
stou slirt (i d. ling somewhat of a
masher s'ne turned smiling eyes upon
the "new dinltj in town," and tbe pro
prietor of the shop, who is never out
done in jliteuess, seing this, intro
duced the charming pair. The conver
sation that ensued was commonplace,
but tinaily the gentleman asked her if
she would an U.e opera bous-) that eve
ning. Site looked triumph. mtly aa si e
said, '-Oh yes, I wouM be delighted to
go," and they pnrte-1 mutually pleased.
Airiving honie sie toid ner motoer the
whole story, who told her she could not
go with a comparative stranger unless
ber elder sister accompanied them.
"While affairs were in this state and the
bands of the clock pointed past seven, a
rap was heard and the. gentleman usher
ed the parlor. The yoong lady told
him the circumstances and seeing what
fce was In for be said, "Trot in the sis
ter." After a few minutes she appaar
d, but iu tbe meantime he had been
thumpir.g the piaao and warbling sweet
and plaintive or.g, and tbe g'rl was all
fcrcke up on bin. lie surveyed th j s t
uatlon car?fu:iy a- I then sail ho must
RO up and pet ae ther ticket, as he only
bad two, but would Ui Lack ia a short
time. Tne ladies agreed and sat down
to await his arrival. Sight o'clock j
rame, r.o dude ; half past eUht had
journed Into the tyeor.e.buthehi.d failed I
to materialise. Tiiec"iirues of the clock
registered rlne, but his chair by the
hearth was still vacant, and wilh its I
echoes ringing In their ears they con
cluded the villain had lied, and they re
tired to dream cf new world to coa
uer. llraa Tor llee l"tid.
n Is 83 li-ht that it is rwubrlv
telinred that thrra is little substance
or viluo ia it. I a warm ms?hts for
. cows it givs a great increase in the '
lailk yie'd. as evtry farmer knows.
ever, by the leiit-r that milk ia so
largely wi'.er. and that tlie water which '
cows duriK with thobrau is tuainly re
sponsible for the increasing supply ol
milk. Hut the substance iu both milk
and .rati U greatly underestimated, j
ilk. even after the cream h removed.
is a very touruf.nfood, and the nutri
ment it of a kid that the tr n is pecu
liarly adapted to supply. It supplies
the proteuie which appears in the albu
ms, of miik. I'reciscly the same kind
cf niati-riaU ur required to give
trengtli to workiug Lowes. Those w ho
cm uian wu uorses largely are mot . :n ,
favor of it. Duo uf U advutai;es ia iu
keeping the horse from becoititg con- i
stlpattd cu dry fetd Ld grain. It ia a !
cheap and valuable feed for horses at
at y time, nr.d e-ptcia!y while thacgiog
Ibeii cua.a iu tLe ti-r;jr.
tb most de-iir-ate-sti-mard will bear,
aoj ii (t-m
Ii :ae.
Theinot rl nt '.nr mt
i-e.uf--l Blood Puril-
Mr Jinn iv ir;nr. '::.-h. Selrra,. N.O.. write ;
- to .-i:iniii.'
"1 j." t n::-'. iri:x - n I r - .n p-rn iiruij mn.i irr s
c!. Ti-ti . T- afT -icil frr r I -.. tViiltatirgr eflcl.
I rt.u i r.'ti !v ric din lirn 1 i.ertl t KitJkin.
l- rp i;m .:r !? h ! 5.J.I m t ecee. 1 M punl. 11j uvt EJ tueb K00U
h-lih 1'.
J.ehpr !-t;er of m i'.m"r character from prom
inent I n Ii lu tU. vrt :-n r'amr- K Kklat
rf?iiii.!v n! unUoubtaJ Merit, will be di on
;-;iiir itt-m.
I- irr-i frrtn t- atjovo perton, lrlns tall
d-ta' wtit 1-e srut on &;iUcation.
K.iflilrte e be takes, without n freelal rofd
Ical a,i-i, i. il m toiil'. Sold t-y all tlruKtifti,
i'rii.i Nv nit r" 'f pr;"e.
THtKAMNE IU.M Warrea St.. New York.
tVr i':'--,-.-i-
f Coughs
"Kooicli on UaU.'
derm out rat, mire, roacbei Bias, tnu, bed
bug a.
It (-art Pialua.
Palpltatlafi, lrot3Sl Hwelltr.;. aiaaineitfl. Ia
(lir-ili.ii, beailacbe, tieiloitaast cured bWrr.' hilitwtr.
"Routb on Corn).
Ak for W.-I1-' "Ko-Jt:!- on i'orn." lie. Quirk
complete care. Hard or noli corua.wa.rta, bunwna.
ciinji-.eto cure, all kiJoj, h.aJJer aoj
uriniiry li-a-i. licMuix. IrritMiioa. ht.cQe, graif-
I. ciit irrh of the I.U.i.lcr. I. dr aU'-a.
KcU-ltaic, rilra.
t ile , Da. p'a, an', t.o t buii, rau, rue. coph-e-t
rbtpusacki, clcarei oat L "Kuuh ou Kjii.''
Ihln l-pl
" We!l.' l!i!to K-nrwr"' rctorff health anj
ns'j.-. euree lxpepia. lu:putenceezuil Uebllily.
'Ron;b oo I'aln."
'ure ch.len. con... rrtmn. urrha. a-he,
j Ai Tt . rprain. -lie. njr:;iA, rbu isausm.
'ijt. KuuisHna I'aia P:tur. 14c.
! f Ta r riM1' iri n nrn p-:' u-vou.
11 o' t ;i j lie h i;L n r.' l-ruL-u.
1.1 ro -rekerr.
V nr I. ri; . ir crip oa li-e. trr-Welli
Ii-!r a i;cne-i r.'- 1 Iv.'j l:r : t i t VpuU.
"Koajlt on 1M! .
i"ur- p;l- .-r n'-:!..r-h..i.jii, itrhtn-. trot rod It!.
I PC. in; -. al nr 1 tf'er. I ntm .i in.1 el'. rtrtl
reamlf ic ci.-U .rfe. ire ear. 10c. Lru-
I .a.!i who w..i; i I r-t tta frnh-c.a an 1 T'.TrajIt
dua l hut l try W l..-i'.th lienewar.
"liontii en Well."
Kr oh ' n Itch" M l.u:a .r. erupt rbj.
worm, tetter, rait rhwutu, IrustaJ :ct, cnHtbLi-.Di,
i:otirt on Catarrh.
'orreet oir. tmve n.! ..rj at imi-o. t'nmr lete earo
ot rirt"I as carRi lur
diphtheria. .ure thn a:, foul 1 re ith. 4oc.
Tiic Hnjw of tlio uiloo.
I I I r ?n. .w in : elupuiei.t, I'U.iv, irawit
autl Uelie.iro u-o Weill-H.:th Kenewer."
( alarrlt of IMaCUer.
Stlnirlnr. Irrint' -n. Inil-i-n-nati.,-. ,1! kl.'ner
an.l uriuary Mmi.W tts cur,l l.y "iiuchu-l-iioa "
"Water rtuza. Uoali-.
"Uooarh on i;:i" clear, tticia oat, &Uo baellet
xH :-- !-
outcf oioer.
micju - M LKTIU SH:lor viv. nauai
ia- "'r - ,v;
OVER 1000000
3 " .w. . w- w j -. i . nuke.
i5 rjji-r .3 3
Thia Xn.-ziae portrays Atnr-rl-rmn
thonsht and life from orraa to
x-ean, is filled witk pare higU-clafta
lilf-rntare, and can be aaftl- weU
comrd in nnj family circle.
fIC 2Sc. Ct 3 A TEA3 Et U:t.
tmm Cop tf turrnnt mjmtr m-ailti t.pcm r
P a SS s.f beck mmtr, is cU.
Prima urn Umt with either.
a. t. S722 & r.:i:.r3,
130 135 Pearl St., X. Y.
p'?.'-1.;'iT,' )3
I Li
V L . . -. w -- . !.- 1 1
I r -' .-ft7 I
STm iX M iff
. 3
3 I
I tMu-r I'mMi K . H. eto.a.
o. 1. No. I. No..
A.M. A. M. P. M
Bresson, "j OO 1M0
..ucaett, wo; U.-& J.SV
' In;r, U 11 -.
Noel. l - 11..
Kevl.r. u ll.l
. Krd. l'.47... v.
Etea'.rK, .). 12 01 e.le.
I Liatks StX-raurAMt.
. 1 .
A. M.
A. I.
Wo. S.
r. m.
S -i.
T.OS 10 eo
r.i.. jo c 10. ii
7 10.-J0
7 3u 10 IS
7 .So '0 Si
T.4i !.)
frMOD and Coalpert K. It. Sehednle.
ltTtS NuttUWllD.
Mall Krp.
A. M. K M.
('rung. t.10 ..
WltJ-jej 38
I ..
vurty, 9 4" - -
AA-Tllle, W
Mitlaida, td.00
I'y.itu. 10.00
f'ocJrca. 10. 1J....
IWtn, IO.10
Jr-uii!lty. luv;
Shirlv. 10 3.S
t alien' Timber, lu.37
KlBn'ity. ic.49
Ccutlport, 11. ul ......
Ko.teOud, 11.04.....:
lrToOA, 11 JO. ..........
ft S3.
. t ins.
.. 5.44.
.. a.l.
e oi.
.. e 05.
.. e.wj.
6 17.
.. e.23.
.. 45.
.. e.w-
Mail Eip.
P. M. A. M.
I it ona. 2.3o 7.00
Koetud, 1.M 7.05.
f-r-lP'Tt, 2?" 7.07-
Klvn "it-. 2.4S 7.18-
lien Timber, i.47 '.ib.
litrlev. S.iH) 7 --7-
t ruicaUty, 3.01 7 Mi-
lKMO, S.15 7.41,
fondrun. 3. -JO . 7.45.
lvrt. 3 -J4 7 4i.
Millside, 5.."t 7.J-
AJhvtile, S.l! .. S OU.
Amsbry, 3.4J S.iio.
Inwson, 3.:-J 8.14.
Wlldwood, 3.54 S.17-
Cresioo. 4-IU
it is LIGHT RUNNING and does
Kuch beautiful work. Agonta" Favor
ite.bacauss itia aquickoud casysellor.
1CEMS WASTED UW f cpisd tehhitoily.
BX2rvz3 o . ornouijAr..
in La Sill. AT::.! ul Cttina Street,
rl4Bt4t NsfU ma! Ota- V ar,a- iy t mmtuB
AntJiara, AlafaM4 ClvoMi A w ta y. T- hMu
tW .ie-latta IB MM p4rj4aar, -CB. Ut a J aUP lrlaitaf
tan- gmil tjp wmm jc44 mr. T-r u.i f
va,iiy (,.. w. au. 1 tin. a n caa
.it t've ttaiuc -C.rrtQ sanf Utat tu ar aba
( r4aa. la ClU) teWMlad ft-fOI alajeat BkII 4 C444
I. CM (Ma.t-. I. a- b .a 1 ti.f.
1 1 h Wlelow lt-dett l'uiV4Urav, 1 au U (ha kat
4T sr wumK ia. raa3-wtr r -aatid tal it-af 4jrelt ao,4
k ta .at aa f-nt.jf W lay a It eat.
W In tour LCwfUilric KcraUeai(, lrg- mv(1MIo
4af Aat-Bt. e-aafail , Ta.:. (t.t, Oa-a-aa. f avaaeva. m , tW -U4V
.tof .ugy.. p n ak trtaau". ca-a. aa-t ftctubia at .oa..
S Btack tt the M II 4aaau A B aiarv
rt. riai . ar uf " HiaKWa fecial "
llAlfxnaMs Km I tat it - mm4 Ba4taia, Lvt
Vtval CaOKN Cu;l.M euT ao4w. aJUiflaiaiaVtl -4t h)l4 Man!
rri-a-i - ..-,.. wa.
Ike Htiaai-ar4 LvMtcr Wrltr Ibr taaUa aad
0 tiaafta-at at juu -ai (ui4 La rofrtapwaai1 B4M, i tax fwaia
tf-rw-tiowa fr U.e .tar-etiawii of WlL4jre of cry aAavJ, Ut
i-iM.iaar4.4c aaraaa' ad auupiaa
1 lae KrMvn lti-ra. A i-rf-t Kav4. By f'Ula
CU-a atr-af4f 'Tas msbab ta VaiM," m.
1. tcl (rt Kairaa-. Am trMrtiif at. Vylr.
b?t.rt U vit-t a.fcArf. .' fvaat Ltlaf, e.
Tha. L.Jjr af tk3 !uk. If bar Va.MT "WaH.
T!a W im i.a ta at ivevi-a la ara. ajatl 4 al
tlaa f k.u t.i U aurt bajaaUfV tou Ri
la 4 ayld SU A -ai- At jr ur f Xf
t Aaiaa HarloN. A r -rrt BlLit, a attiaT
- a ia.-. t. .i. : ..v- n.:
U luJy Oweaallaa'a lrau A :tr4- IW i
ivaor tf I-.r lawist.
il Tt-ft Mjat.ry .r the Tr. A !.
B ui .. r w4 - o-a Tw-rar
13 T .e llaidt VV it, II amor . Fan. lavr
ancuaa f k tjauf atats, actc, ai-a joa. t
U Rawaraaak'a Wlfa. A Ka-r4 B MiM
H.k.el.ia.hK.f Jsti 4 mi.
4 The Cray IXmmtnm. A -U Mm. GaakaU.
aui-r of - Mar- Bartau. .
- Mtteva CMarlf ta huH hy fota. Aalhftra.
''; , Uma.4'11 aa 1 4cMIIa M-ta, aaaraaa uX
-h-i- UK, bf a4-abur, raUaki .. av-l r -a
IT. 4mpr name t-C 4)it. Br lliaa M B.
toj-al.,-. .ic .r - Aarera
i-- laacf Mark fer Haaae A dsnnteata aatlraay
w ar3B ktvva tvtt. a-La.-ag aaa Md ivacari
Att for aaavatut faac bawu, aJ pofcwaa hra.a-
-U 4-rt wtora4-irj. , , atWa.
wli; U.u-itrawd.
4 irl-'a ralrj Rtftriea fWr he Yaaif. The
t coi.4N i,..a ef Nwr atorla thMiKtal. TW aculaa ar
eU i u 1 A vLatm.
I X) Maaaal af KUtjarttA W Lc-tt-aa antt 0-kM-t.
p iuaai as. t4 hr,i. 0Bg vu n
f n U L.4et:a tor a.l vcaaMoaa
TI. LaMrffcl kaawMca Tar iat Mllllaa. a haa4
Wa af 4lt- taf-iaauM. W -U, Mywfa 1 hm
n. lha Ileaae Ceek Baak mm4 FaaalW Pyfc.; a a aaag rwo.ja,
h.tba ta houee-kevtCTa. uUiaf h to aeara aM ana mi a -aK-i
a. tap. hoiaa rcin.j a.
v: Maaaera mad nataaia la Par Away IoaW
a arry t4. -:ca-..n r.4 m.ii..ji, ak af Mat.4, aeaariae
Img iLm --ciatiar Uh, baiu. aawaft a4 aaa,M W t,i
y .rot Atc cb aanirt-a
Z lapalar Uallada. 9-1 rat aa n ili n i t
V4-da b tJ V- v 4 LaJ i g-
U 4 atlvd KL. a sa,M. f nrh Ca-a
At Lh UarUl'a Mry. 4 !-yai. y Vraaea)
Warttra au d! - lk. Iua k Ua Mas " t
" Mtldred Trttialaa, A Nri. b, -Tha Dacha
Am l By 4 ef M u.f fla-a. 4-a,
lmrk luya- A favai. BjiU twtiar af Ca-tad
"jhadewa aa the . A Krwt By K u. y-,.
laoai. w Ureal aa 4 . a4.4 kaeawa im
L-alia. Mar CU Kay . ax-aw ' f -- Be4a
' Oahrlal'a If arrlc A hovai. Jj, TtkMCatLaa.
St. Kaaapla that V hlrlwlad. X !orat. By Uary
Cac.l hit aa-ii. t n Mai.ei-a aaa
U Uadlcy larlcaa. A Vweaa. hy Mi-4
Aaa. a.uiur ef a,i a a tc.t." ate.
4 4 al 1 ra baa au A har-at. By
Lara Tbwri.. "
ht Val-rlea ate, A MreL By Mm
a-1- r t- i'iB. o . -
M rlrr Uete. A h.-al. By TLUaa Ca-iaa
a " Ta acua-. ta k:i. aia. '
fc JiAl""r; Ma. Uary Tad, aaiuv at
1 karri Itaab. A Kaval.
aa'-ur vf J.u tiawfas. uaiiClvKaji.' a
Ey lftoa WeA,
"ioaikaaa rvaar. t Uui.uai arrdrhf
J'Mt'.tt.a.c UM a.lvaiuiaa af a .!. a a. .
I aarradv-i H tacld
bwa-ti lu.t,- ua-j.
H ta Make raaltrr Pey. A ararawcai aad
t"-lJ, krfU-.c. L. Mr y W Ja-ct-. rCMVT
aMiar W - T-a raria a-4 f.aiea. Tt. 7
i l'a-l-ar MaCle M-t krall
U afca aa-ta -. .ona tar.J.i, r 4-...ll( U-iAa
ta euane aa4 arwti v '-wruaac ta a-.ih turua aaaia.
44 WeasaT I a a Ha-ta, aeatii.lus vr.a,
77 fcr Tr,L'-' l 'c -' -'. W-aauaa. h,a. fcafc Wluiaieuit.
3 Halldln I'laaa far PrM-tl-l. Lewaad
aaaaa. a fav d-a-. ..ot fcr. P., H,,L
hvaea. 'taC-.r U. jrl.-e- fr r, O j4iiW i:iawMMi
ti 'd.laa af Pabllf M aa - a aarlanaa. rraak
Ua vim. t y . T leu. ij jou. t.rai, GarftauL
u4im BtLa. Ha-ca. La. a4 ai the 'iliu aM .
aaa aaa-ar. "
. rabla-a. Tm avk aS aa aaetert gauiaa,
CAi-lrea baea raaj Ue W aaatortaa and avava mmm
kkMaaaaaT? 4a.
M hftvf evrranc! with the paMlhrfl
X liiem, Uok t furn!h thr whole forty
rvc w;tu one t';irn hu r. ri pt.on to our
I'Hkt Ujr i.l-.M or w will m iiU r.v i.r
ij-r s cte-, or th vholtt fort v-rtv'a for
1.3i. AtljT-h-t jUa orders to i uiieutrh oi
-FBEEMAHs" KKco.bur.. Pa.
an. dealer lo all kinds ot rVK.MjCKE,
i-ljei-r-iljiii-gr, Ia.m
jTA tall UB ( Cakeu always on a..-fca
Bodies Embalmed
Apt S3 S3
ftdtrniiri-r nrnn.r a
M St., New Yorn. e. li7a TbiTex-e. mI?o?
' "fAdyarttstnc " A-V
newspapers. --J00-rae pampblct, la
' mmm
Two Aaeedoles of Soldiers Wha Lost
Their Courage rihen Bullets Flew.
Major J. II. Skeltou related in our
bearing the following diverting inci
dents of th sanguinary battle of Sharps- I
burg or Antietain.
General Carksdale drsw bis brigade j
up in line and addressed them in sub
stances as follows :
"Men, upon this battle, bangs, in all
probability, lha destiny of the Confed
eracy, the destiDy of our beloved homes,
the destiny of our property, the destiny
of our fathers, of our mothers, of oar
wives, of our sweethearts ; then let ev
ery man of us be a 'hero of strife' and
acquit ouiselves like men. If there be
a man amoc? you that possesses cone cf
the precious things that I have just en
umerated and feels' that be has nothing
to battle for, if be will step lo the front
I will give- him permission to retire to
ignominious safety.'
At this juncture two lean, lank, dirt
eating looking shadows of men stepped
to the front, and one of them, in nasal
tones, drawled out :
Gen'rul ma'n him," pointing to his
comrade, hain't got no home, no pap
py, no mammy, no wife, no sweetheart,
an' nary nigger kin we go ?"
The General looked at them with
withering scorn for a few seconds, and
then pointing to the woods In the rear,
thundered, "Git !" And they got.
While the battle was at its height and
the cannons' thunder fairly made the
ground quake, and tbe shells and grape
shot shrieked through the murky air like
veritable demons. General "Ranse"
Wright saw a fellow running ont of the
fight like a scared babbit. The General
drew his pistol, and, putting spurs to
his horse, intercepted tbe recreant sol
dier and shouted to him :
"Go back to your place, sir ; go back,
or I'll shoot you 1"
The frightened skulker yelled back :
'Shoot and be to yon ; them fellers
hev got a d sight bigger guns than
you hev 1"' and darting under the Gen
eral's horse's belly, incontinently took
to bis heel?.
The Annual Peril Festival In China.
The Devil Festival is said to have
originated in a legend of the mother
of a fabulous person, Mu-lieu ; she was
about the wickedest person then in ex
istence, there being no crime which
she left uncommitted. After her
dpath, she appeared one night to her
son Mu-lien, with a heavy wooden col
lar around her neck, and she harrowed
his soul with the tale of ber sufferings
in the lower regions. She said Bhe
was enduring the penalty of her un
numbered s;n3 during her earthly lire
and pleaded with her son to deliver
her out of the hands of I'luto. This
to him seemed an almost impossible
taak, as no human being can enter the
dark regions and return alive.
She told him that he. must become a
BudJhi.t priest, and that there was a
door in a certain Buddhist temple
which he could open and so let out the
prisoner from the shades below. The
son. being filial, obeyed the behests of
bis mother, and sought out a well
known Buddhist priest in a certain fa
mous temple and ask 2d to be admit
ted as a novice. As his life was pure
the priest willingly admitted him.
After having been there several months
and learned all the Buddhist prayers, he
sought out the door that led to the lower
shade;, whither the wicked ones had
gone, and, remembering his rrother's
instructions, he knocked open the door.
The Jud;?e TJuto being always willing
to release his victims upon tha inter
cession of saints, he has set all his
prisoners freo for a certain length of
time every year, beginning on the lo'.h
of the seventh moon, ever since the
tiras when St. Idulien knocked open the
It has become customary for the peo
ple throughout tha country, In the
seventh moou of every year, to worship
their ancestors, whose spirits are then
at large. The annual Devil Festival
hsld by tho Cantonese and Fuhkienese
began to-day by theatricals, etc., at
their cemetery below Using Ilua Chun.
It will last three days and three, nichts.
Tbe people from Canton and Fuhkien
provinces are not few, and tboae whose
remaics are buried here are numerous.
The amount of paper clothes, money,
etc., burned to the departed is conse
quently veiy grsat. The spectators of
theatrical plays rush in from every
part ot the city. The streets are en
livened by nnmerous passing mule carts
and jinrickshas. Chinese Shih rio.
The Old Mush Pot.
Mnsh and milk is generally esteemed
a wholesome and palatable dish. In
our maiurer years" we have found it to
be such, but when we were young it
didn't taste that way. Many a time
did our loving parents, anxious for our
f:elrri t of-t- ; .n. , . .
, .o.v ik naa mo IMtHl lOOO a
growing boy could eat ; bnt we would
not be convinced, and often went to bed
without our supper rather than eat our
dish of hasty pudding. But there wes
one thing about it we did like the
"screppings." But these we couldn't
get only a few bitts occasionally, just
enough to make us wish for more for
father had a mortgage on them, and us
ually reserved them for himselr. In
memory we can see him now, sitting be
fore tbe old-fasioned blazing wood Cre,
with the mush pot between his feet.
patiently digging the scrapings loose
wun a case knife and breakiaz them in
Email pieces into hfs bowl of rich milk,
and then, with a half closed eve. and a
drramy, far-away look, leisurely eating
the dainty repast. In our opinion that
was a dish fit for a king. We haven't a
great deal of thia world's goods, and
have worked hard for what we possess,
but we would freely give hair of all we
own to live over again one of those
nights, and again see father eating the
scrapings from the old muj'a pot.
Rrslaratlra Wise.
If yon are weak and snfferinsr from gen
eral debility, you srioald use SDeer.s Tort
Grape Wine ; it will pnnry your blood, re
store digestion and make you feel like a
younger persou. ia fact it makes you new
blood. Speer's vineyards are planted on
hrownstone shale rock soil containing iron
Th re is over two miles of carrage drives
under grape arbors in bis vineyards. For
sale by druggists.
Hardly a etk passes wkhout the men
tion by thenew-iaj-ers-ofsuddt n deaths, and
of l.te tl.o blari-ing frequency c-l the ttate
MfTit thi.1 di'&th M-as caused Ly rheumatism
r iwur-Igia of the heart cannot to have
lu-rn nutii ed. 1 n :1 probability iny Jeuthg
artrlhuud t-" heart dier.e are caused by
tb.-iC UiTulodL.ea-ts, aliieh are far more
datirroi;s tiiau La .'jnerally considered. Is
there any p-t-itive cur? The beat answer
t- such a j .'vtu-n is $ veu by tliOoe who kax
Irrn eurt'l by the nee of Alhlcphoros.
Greenfield, Maw., May 19, 1SS6.
I l.avc l oen trouLl.1 ith rheumatism
hi cmet-f my knees for year?, bein-t times
bud un for several days. Athlopuorc has
entirely enrol iue. It has also cured two
friends c f miiio who were the worst cas?a
I t v-r fc.-iw, one i' them a voting man enly
IiJ Yesrs old, w ho was o bad the doctors
gave him up. Two bottles of your remedy
entirely cured him.
Cite. W. S-rcRP- Mg'r Diamond Soap Co.
Oetol-er 14, 1S85.
Two bottles of Alhlophoros cured me of
inflammatory rheumatism. My family
physician ft lvisv.-d me to take it, saying he
hail done all he could, but could uot give
me any relief; but Aihloplioros drove it
awav, and 1 am happy to say it has never
come back. My daughter was also cured
by half a bottle after suilerine; the pangs
cf Mrt. Jane Downey,
21 Pleasant St Waterbury, Conn.
Northampton, Mass., May 21, 1SSG.
For many years I have been subject tr
rheumaiL-i in its wor.-t furms. During my
lai-t hlcpe of su-kncrs I was induced to try
Aihloj-horos, and found it to be all it
claimed to Le, a cure for rheumatism.
Levi I. Clark.
Every drufrgL-t should keep Athlophoros
and Athlophoros i'illa, but w here they can
not be bought of the druggist the Athlo
phoros Cx)., 112 Wall St., New York, will
send either (carriage paid) on receipt of
regular price, which is $1.(0 Tier bottle
for Athlophnrn nnd SOr. for Pills.
For liver anri kidney diseases. dyjicr:a. In
digestion. wencs. nervous dt-Mlity, diseM-a
of women, c-onstij tim, headarhe, impure
blood, A.C., A tlilot'borca I'ills are u equaled. 8
Wholesale Agents,
Agents Wanted tvery where.
Eulftrp -il and fii:h. oil roiora, from trr r f
asjua 1 pirtnr. No .xiri i-ue. rr',uir.l : r un.rci;:i
ft ar rifi ir Vfhi ri-1 wi pi!t iir.ifti emi r riM
a. fu'l p- mrulT-. oo outtti rre.
M. W. KI.LLKV, 111 Unlooiu ft-,.
(MeiiUunlul'i. a'ti:. fa.
i "'' . Tot Mrd-ta w. wit! -r .
- -r . - . aon'ka. T .. r , ,
aoiiaat or '-"' .:. -
aai-tr, lalrtl a hri f;-
iL. ;", tar htt4-ktM, urat-tU l r-.-
jlVOtT'Vv.V rl- f-r
-". . I-"" "- C .t.suiu; i.( a .k-di'vtac ..4. a:
Jtjj r t-'-mt' j '- - ini.iat r.v-ntf .a a Noodle. a4
- aitc r iri-lrlit.e I.k ikJ r'.
paofced ta a troe( tta. hal. Tan c lua.uab-i attia ar .c
aa4 a r k aucn asUl ttioae -y --aiii!f,j'.- a, i i,d- fciaic
oar elwt, calli an-J bowchJirl m'-a. i an b i -d U a l :r p
si---ada anJ rual-ic, aa. a a Ucaitra nihwi d r it.
a4i Mar ar r . rarf- .Wv, b .. a a.d itJ-..S.; Wr"! uos
wwh tr bt.l ML B'lt wfcat initial -rna at.i wfa.a CfJt-rtcjt.
A-l1r-a at o-w, -tii:f li.'e. ! ai'iraa 4r Y- .Lt. N- tr a :
iser a1 rn-.-r.a-Ti hw r.-cirs a-aii. 1 LI Jr'AM'lL.k"
V191TOK. Philadelphia, rcna.
atif'-i TrnpmRra rir-
OiJ ac-1 t;,ri mar M
4 retTjiitiB itiTo ara -a.-
"t . t1"- !!i," Sra Blar,
I I I ! Hak, rn af rtaacti.
UU I lf4T -HakUf. 4atrayr
ah i as ajjpf n si aaa nan-a, tixniMt a a a yleflf e,
aa4aauB't AiB 1 i rvranti4i, ar.d aa aalyrri
k4 r CTt-aLa af d rlnkfar. wtra tr k-l ali;ahlea-4 oar?
lLhraauoa. Ed.ra--t bv M r. FrakfM F. l lllard
aa otkara af taa K. W. C. T. I . It ta not a eaeap, wortfitr.a
fciia. kot a r-aw.rta arark af art. rriutnl in td lalorto
air Tftp Tt m B raeu rn 3 on r itra rraa tnhac'un tte wall.
rs v:amted. is
kara a ,11 fcuy a i J tutoura
-rfa ta r.49ti- ;ik ii. r&
a44 m eiaar Trtniwraea pao-
pr -rakara a .11 tut a-J tuourart ia avillac of i. Elmp-T
haa It an4 It aatla itaarlf fUfy yoar.atf aul acr.1 foV
aro ttlr e-r au4 tasaka v avaata. A'iliaaa II. VV . la. fe' ia
iY. 711 kuaaoai tot-. '(" v4c fa. 4Mmku jat.
rrs YEARS.. Ifj USE.
Zae grj-ttrtKeliVirl TrT-B)i af ti Ajjs!
SyHrYrji.iS OF A
!iif:tlu, ltdwalccaativa, Pla la
Ifca fara., ml'it a cull aana-tlaa la tka
bade ymrt. i'cJa uadr tha akanUer.
blaA?, Fklli tH afitM- aatiae. wltka41.
l-cliuati.a ta tiertUa af toir er Kitad,
IrritK-Uit-aftamacr, Law aairlta, with
n fecllnxaf LaTirgr as.lected mbi daty,
Vftaiaaru, laeiaaa, - luttarl-r at thm
LUjxt. Iota baforaiho area, llaaameba
Tr tha xiht mr, KtitUttitii, with
Ctll riu, lllzblr aolftre- I'rlaa, and
TCTT'hi J'l-J.aareaspacUUy adapUd
ta aucb earea, on doae affecta auca m
-.ang.- orfeelingaatoaitoniihlhosuOrar.
Thy larrcMelha Apoatlta.andcauaatha
rey to Ti aia a-lt.rk.tiut if mynta la
ao-risrtari.a-'l I rU :rTnle Aetlaa oa
Uie ltatl-eOrMBa,r(rtriiiai N tool a arc
FT,i?V',rt" -4 Inrr.yit.,?)..
-iAT Haih or Hisiczica ek'.ngad to a
CnoKar Black by a siocie appli'.mtion of
this lira. It imx'arta a uataral color, aota
lnaar.tfcjjonly. riold by Druggists, or
ennt by express on rece'.ptof ai.
Office, sc IViurray fit.. Maw York.
Kefpeettolly inrltee tba attantloa ot his frleads
and tba public to .aneral to the fact that ha la still
eniir on tuslaess at tba old si-od opto3lu tba
MoutiUln Hoae. Kbensbanc. and is prepared to
supply from a larne stock, or manufacturing toor
dar, any article in bis line. Irom the amallest to
tba largest, lb tba best manner and at tba lowest
llrinir prices.
fNo penitentiary worM either made or sold
at tbls establishment.
vjri q maj m ca
Wo rtr an1 nriMa
tilve m ca and tatlsfv Tirf!vM t.
i-MDurn. April 13. 1S83-M
, V, LlTTKlUtK.
Import mi t to Canvassers.
kA?!T.F'? L,lTe -anaserf In eycry ooanty
t1BLL' ?,A' combines two
fAd Irons, Polisher, Fluter. Ac. one Iron doln
the work ot an entire set or ordinary Irons, is
K-i or alrehol lamp. IMK.4
"IT," "WT "ITfHr.aIs. Price
moderate. A latve and lastimt Income Insured
tui "AU IKON CO.. a Keade St , N. Y.
--- a s.ii. .
K-T7 t-iW lHbu
TTarraiited themoat perrpct Forc-rl
Fertillr Drill In eri.tence. Send tor
A. B. FARQWiAH. York. Pa.
brand Canyon ofColortdo.
A correspondent of the New York
Nation writing of his visit to tbe Grand
Canyon of Colorado. Speaking of Dia
mond Greek, says :
Just in front of the hotel a portion of
this creek, about half a mile in length,
disappears every day towards noon, al
though above and below this place it
flows" merrily and abundantly. About
ten o'clock at night the water suddenly
rtarns to the deserted portion of its bed.
Mr. Farlee had repeatedly dug down
many feet to find the subterranean
brook-bed. but in vain. It almost seems
as if the water, after leaving the cool
Diamond -canon, were afraid of being
absorbed by the superheated air in the
open space in which the hotel ia situa
ted, and therefore concealed itself un
Possibly there may be a poetic Indian
legend accounting in some such manner
for the fact that even the broad and
rapid Colorado river ha3 in this region
dug its way into the bowels cf the
earth until the mountains which form
its banks tower more than a mile above
ita surface. Yet, after all, there lies
more poetic and sublimity in the scien
tific account of the manner in which
the soft water has, by infinitesimal de
grees, worn its channel through these
hard rocks, and even through the bard
lava with which Major Fowell thinks
this river has been filled more than once.
"What a conflict of water and Cre there
must have been here ! ' Just te some
what diiappointed at first sight of this
river. It is about a mile fiom Farlee'a
hotel and is reached jy following Dia
mond Creek, which empties into it. In
comparing the mud coljr of the Colora
do with the crystalline to what the 1 ti
ter owes its name. Kspid the Colorado
is, and broad, and its walls rise to the
height of a mile, but they slope and re
cede towards the background, and In
vain does tourist look for the "granite
prison walls" rising abrubtly from the
edge of the water, and almost meeting
above so to shut out the daylight, their
sides adorned with floating clouds and
with the water falls and cascades of trib
utary streams.
Yet in truth it is foolish to look for
all these things to expect that all the
wonders of Mr. Powell's long tour
should be concentrated in one place for
the convenience of tourists. The sad
fact is, that the most sublime portions
of the cannon are at present inaccessi
ble except to those who are willing to
undergo the same dangers and hard
ships as Major Powell. Oue can readi
ly believe the legends of travelers
wandering along the brink of the can
non for days and "perishing with th'.st
at last in s'.eht of the river which was
roaring its mockery iuto dying ears. "
Powell himself once sent four days
tring to get down to the river.
Women quarrel m Church.
A very serious and sensational Cght
oocured between the female members
of the Methodist Church at Horse Neck,
a little hamlet in Jackson county, W.
Va. The irate women were arrested,
and at the bearing before the Justice
of the Teace of the district, the follow
ing facts were brought out :
While the pastor of the church was
in the mid3t of his .Sunday morning ser
mon Miss Amanda Gault and Mrs.
Ma'heny, who occupied adjoining pews,
became involved in a qnarrel, and as the
hot words disturbed the services Mrs.
Geo. Malone, a sister of MlS3 Gault,
interfered and attempted to stop the
discussion, which only added to the
rage of the quarreling women, and one
of them drawing a pocket knife rushed
at the peace maker. Dy this time the
congregation was in an unroar, and
half a dozen men and women had pushed
forward to help the combatants, and
blows were being struck right and left.
Mrs. Malheny succeeded in reaching
Mrs. Malone and inflicted a terrible cut
upon the upper part of her body with
the pocket knife. The woman fell, but
almost immediately regained her feet,
and being handed a knife by some par
tisan in tho excited crowd, she endeav
ored to stab her assailant. This was
prevent? d, and as the combatants had
by this time about exhausted themselves,
the couusels of the more consrvative
element prevailed and the wounded
woman was conveyed to her Lome.
Several of the woman have b6n put
under bond3 to keep the peace, and Mrs.
Malhony will probably be indicted for
assault with intent to kill.
A Singular Accident. A special
from Douiiville, Ky., says : "A very
peculiar accident occurred on a farm
just beyond "The Point" the other
morning. Mr. SimpBon bought a lot of
dynamite cartridges and was ergned
in blowing up stumps in his yard. He
had a lot of hogs roaming about the
place. Near the noon hour his family,
who were at dinner, were startled by a
loud report, and, hurrying to the win
dow to find the cause, saw a cloud cf
dust arise from the ground. An inves
tigation showed that two bogs and one
horse were blown to atoms. It ia sup
posed that one of the hos had swallow
ed a dynamite cartridge. A farm band
saw the horse kick one of the hogs in
the belly, and the rery next instant the
explosion followed. There was no
trace of the hog left, and a hole several
feet in depth was left in the ground.
The other animals were left dead on the
sod. The shock was very violent and
was heard several miles from the scene.
A number of window glasses were shat
tered and tbe Tamily much alarmed.
Jack lteeves'. Prayer.
Duiing a fierce storm cn Tikn Snr.
ior recently Jack Reeves got off the fol
lowing prayer. "O Lord ! 1 am not
one of these miserable suckers who are
continually asking favors of you. I have
never troubled you before, but, O Lord I
get us to the shore and I'll never trouble
you again." This put Lieutenant John
son, of Cleveland, in mind of an Irish
man out West who was met by a big
bear, and oa its failure to scamper away
after he had prayed to that effect he
'aid : O Lord 1 since you won't help me
lick the bear, please don't help the bear
to lick me, and you.ll see Jbe biggest
rongh-and-tumble fight you ever laid
your eyes on."
Which) i?
Gjenuinef)as a
Fed H tin tag on
every plug.
Old Honesty is acKnowl-
edged to be the purest
and rnost lasting piece
of Standard Chewing Tobacco
on themarKet. Trying it is
a better test than any talK
atioiit it. Give it a fair trial.
Your dealer has it.
For loans; Men and Bj, Hulls, Venn
V2 miles irom Philadelphia. Kixcd pricer vera
every expense, even Im.i.ih. Slc. !q extra charge.
No incidental expen-. Nn examination l.r ad
miPJ'Hn. Twelve expcrifcnred t;irner?. all men.
and all icmduates Special opportunities lor apt
MuilMi to aJranra rapidly. Special drill lr
dull and arJ hov. t.trr.n-i or ttU'lcnt
may elect any tudies or chooe tt:e rrirular Lnir
ltsb.Soientthc, Kuftnrsf, t'iai's'tcal or t:ill 1 ni.
nevrlnic course. Students bttcd at J'edla Acad
emy are now in Harvard, Yale. Princeton a-d Ten
other t'ollettes and Polytechnic Schools, lo etn
deuts sent to er Uetre tr. Isn3, 1 5 in 14, 10 In lfc".
10 In 159. A tr.vluAt .i.j; c1hs in ihe totr.merc-ial
department eery year. A Physical and t'hem-l-al
laboratory." and Hull tr-urtd.
15u0vols. added to tt.e l.ihr.ry In 1S13. Me.lia
bfs seven ol ur.-hes ho-i a t-U3pt-ran ce charter
wh;ch pr---ht!-! 'he f.i it all i;;
drinks. Kor new illtrtej circular uddr-i tl,
Prinilpal and Proprietor. S WITH IN .f. Mil i KT
UlMjt, A. M., (HarTard liradua:) Media, Pa.
7'. '
x y
Carriage Making ia all its Branches.
Painting, Trimming
andRKTAIRIXG of al! kinds doneon
PKICES. Also, Plaoicn. Siwinit and Wood Turn
Iok with imprcved machlaery. Alfo, alt kinds ol
heavy wort;dono. .'irriareiith f hcplconnected
All parties trusting rue with work will bo Donor
ably dealt with- All worlt warranted.
Ebensborg. October 24. IS1.
Board and Tuition
for the Scholastic Year, $200.
March .etb, ISsC. tr.
OD ie io Pir-rwtM'-.iH st tbe A1rert'.iu? -f
wao ill riir.i. i tur ao renma ul lowe. t ratca.
rr.XI)l. AIVEltTINER- should ad
L dress
IO Kprnee btreel, York Cltx."
Fob Sklet ListojI, 000 N.wsrArxius
Wlll'ba sentrraa on application.
Jan. H "87
SO Kilra 1 lne( Iruro i l the aove trand.
MIIHAK1Z kLIr, Kotirnonla, I a.
Jan. 14, V7.
I iU a TWO OTTlJL rUBK, UfMbtr rith aC
CABLJi TUlTUI am hm ior laffuvr. Olr p-
iraa aa r. O. AAdr-aa. DM T. AUMTV ii, Ul tH 8Ua U. S.
icuii. m mil ut a laita ia t a o . .
F. lintSAI tSUiHi ---n .....
and traveling, to sell our Koods.' W ill
I ay irood salary and all expenas. Write
... - - - . miiri bi.ic iinrT want-w!-
(sttt waist ah ti-.t not
B tCVHiah Tm-..
.... i ta .,
o( prime quality, In any quantitr lor cash
on deliveriy. free of broke raK, commission, stor-
lraporUrs and exporters. 88 William St., New York
to canvass lor tha sale of Nursery Stock ! Steady
employment iruaranteed. iAl.AKY All EX-PKNSI-.S
PAIH. Applv at once, statin. aa
(Keler to this paper.",
liechestor, '. Y.
t. -T-' luiiui Ettiiet & S Bills.
l,-'T N X
v.J;Tr..r : :
aoMtlva rK4f Ur im auu; y t M
PA 117011771!
ii nil i uu
Penn'a Agri'l Works.
Steam Englnea.Saw Mills. Hay Presses. Stump
Pullers and Standard ARricullural lmpliments
generally. Send for Catalogue
A B. KAU'-IUHAM-a. OKYorlc,Pa. 4t
Miss Uubfo's Romance.
In May. 14, during the strawberry
season, Miss IVtina N. Ilubbs, a pretty
young woman living In Desota, was v's.
iting an aunt living at Mill Crf-eK in
Union county. 111. Miss Ilubls picked
a box of strawberries one day, on which
she wrote :
Carhonimle, III
This box contains the sweeintberrjps
shipped this season. I know this to he
true, for I picked thftri with mr OA.a
hands. l'En.VA Ilrkj, '
The box. with others, was shipped ic
due time to Chicago, and nothing more
was thought of the affair. About a
month later, however, Miss llubhs re
ceived a letter from a young gentlemen
in Uelcit, Kansas, signing his rme
William Busby. He Baid that wh.le ia
Chicago he had purchased the b&x Cf
uno viji.ii auc unu iivitn on, ard
also requested the privilege of or re
sponding with the lady. The request
was granted, and in a short time tie
couple engaged in a very hjrestig
correspondence. In the course of time
the young man made a declaraUon of
love, and the result was finally a mar
riage in the following year in Kansas
The union was a bappy one f jr a year
notwithstanding the fact thai our-
Busby was a poor man, workig kg a
day laborer to support himself ad wi.'e
At the end of the year the cout,e vre
overjoyed when it was learned lLat
Busby bad fallen heir to tij.Mj jt;i
him by an uncle in Scotland. I: ;r
cecepsary for Busby to return to -cot-land
to obtain his 'nheritance, H was
agreed by husband and wife that Mrs
P.usby should return to Desota to v;3:
her widowed mother, and there await
the return of her husband.
Months passed, during which time
Busy had returned from Scotland to hi
prarie home, beini; in actual;;a
cf over 525,000, which he waa lavisbiy
spending in Beloit. Tl.r wife learn.,
of her husband's sale return, end wio'.e
numerous letters to him, to which Ete
received no answer. Doubting tLatt
had returned and that Le really baJ
come into possessions of such a fortute
she wrote to the postmaster at Bdult
for information, who iramediate'y a;.
sured her of her husband' good for
tune, or bis presence in that town arj
added that all letters bhe had aid
him had leec promptly delivered U
Busby in person.
For the first time the former straw
berry picker began to djuLt tl.6 gen
uineness of her husband's fidelity
the acquisition of riches. Her tfcr
neys say the lady has discovered ctter
startling aud disagreaable tLiLs con
cerning hei bustjand, and that she tj
taken ste; 3 to secure a divorce.
The ginger-plant, is a native cf te
Eist Indies, but is now raised in te
West Indies, Sierra Beone, and
ont the warmer parts or Ameii.a. It
is kind c 1 - --oj an gr0vg in a d:p
and even a ny soil to the htigl.t c!
2 or three fe . It has a fi.3iby s'.r.w
stalk which grows under ground, like
that of the iris, or 6weet flag.
These f.eshv root stocks re du. rp
yearly after the stems wither. The dig
ing is done in January tr rebruary.
They are cleaned, then gradually 6ca.d
ing Lot water ; then they ars exposed to
the sun uutil fairly dried. Afierwar.s
they are put into bags which hold abo.;
one hundred pounds each arid eer.t to
maiket. For table use and ior medicine
the plants mu3t be four y-ars old.
Ginger is made white by remcvi-jr
the epidermis, washing, scraping, sii
bleacbmg each roct and drying It in lie
air without scalding.
A preserve is made by taking j,:a:!
about four month old, when thev are
young and tender, and belling their
roots in sugar, then it is put into :'.rs
and covered with a thin syrup, which ii
poured off in a few days, and a thicker
syrup put on. This last syrup is aiw
poured ofT, and a still thicker oner'.:
on. Sometimes this process is repeated
four times. These syrups are used for
a cooling drink after they are poured c,
by being diluted witn water.
Ginfr is used both for cooking ai.3
medicine. It has an aromatic odor ad
a spicy and pungent taote. Barge quan
tities of the preserve are brought from
As a medicine ginger is stimulative
and carminative and is a remedy a.l
tonic for the digestive organ.
The Jarnaca ginger extract is an aico
holic tincture and is sometimes used
diir.kby tooers who cu get notui:j
An-Old BfT Good Bit.le toet.
Nick Biddle was a wit as well a' ai
nancier. During session of tha Ye--sylvania
Legislature, away back iathf
forties, a bill was up appropriate.
large sum for continueing ths Siats im
provements. An honest but unWsiJ
memler from Berks county wa hostile
to the bill and, in fact, opporvd to -':
.State improvements. lie kcew !-
wishes of bis constituents, and Hit-9
else. While the bill was under cons ';
eration Mr. Biddle moved an ironic
amendment appropriating f lO.i'A1 ';r
the improvement of the Alimenta-7
Canal. The member from Beiks
instantly on his feet, declaring his r-r'
pose to oppose any appropriation for '-e
Alimentary of anv other canal. T;e
amendment was iustantly tvith-l"-'3'
amid the general mirth of the mers3
at the expense cf the Ifjnest m&W
from Berks.
"Mt dear friend," said a can.
dr?ssing an acquaintance, "wtv cJ-
you do something with your 8.
"What's the marter with him?
"Why, I noticed that whils L "
playing with several littla ttilo'
robbed them of all their marp.f
"That's all right." "All right 1 T
gracious do you want him ioUr-
ber ?" "Yes, that's the drift of
. h $
tparhincru Ynn aoa T am lriL-l- k'
up to keep a cummer hotel,"
"Johny," said a fond mother tJ
boy, which would you rather do. -'I
French or Spanish " "I would :te"rl
said Johnny, rubbing his waist-t-and
looking expressively at the t"
"I would rather talk tuikey."
8ur.CRinE for the Fkeemax.