It Will Pay You to Buy Your Dry Goods from Win, F. Gable & Co. WilSt Everybody KllOWS rRE5itRIHU.P4, t :;in.t v. - - ocr. -. or.U.,LY) IKJiSfKY.IL. j -II.-n. 1. Mi'l.atiKtilin, cf JutmsMwri, vii mi town on Monday. I N'.iw t- the tint t" subscribe f-r tl" 'ivi-KM ami kttt u'.I tie cnmpitt&iri new .u i Mi. T. li. f'Usrrt i-t nnjnving liU , ri).'ify on strict by a coat o? p,int. .m. K.ltri'.. V. , of this pl'iC', 1 if-vcle race in the Caiiol.toAu Vair on ; ulsy All policies of thrt New pln.l Mutua ! l.ih Insurance ('omrany are noR-forfeitable, I vK incontestable. J Mechanics are at wrork raising the '.'oil iloiis in this place ttr-.out six feet .'iher oa th founilaUon. )ne thowand pounds of uinseng want- .1 at I)i. HaTvsons's, for wich tt.e tiiutieet .'i.ttket pricf will b paid. A l'erry pomrty tarnr has thirty. two ui ies in potatoes, from which lie experts to cattirrsv.ld t -PH10 bohttlb. Tl runiiiii race at the Carrolltotvn fair was won tx,' a uniy oiaie owued by t!ie O'Hara brotners of this place. James 'Foley wa severely stabbed ono ninhtfast wteU in Attoona by his btvrt.lier .lulm. Knth were ilrenk at the time. fcx-Nherift' John Uyan, .f John-town, -topeil Iwre on '.Tliuriljy niniit of latit ' vMrk, o!i Uis return liuiue from the Carroll- j to it la sr. I Miiotmlil at "...iiictto, Ta.. wants Vw i b-i-diels little 01111:111, l.OuU busdleltj picked I liuis aj'.il l.iH) bi:-.liels clean wheat. Tart t -U iuiitl it desirvd . Mr. McKay, of Cambria towr.slrfp, I - i ti t fit on Tuusii'iy imirtiir.i; wilh a iine of j -evvuty cattle, IctendliiK to t! in posts of 5:e'.u .r Mlf'.ui county. j -L S-Nn'riflVani'-s Fuuk, of Puiu'apstvlUe, j ov!is a cow tvseiity-rUl.t .ira ckl that re eritly nae birth to twin calves. Jju'.h are nvi'iu anil healthy. 'juire W. ti. Krisv.--f AsJiviJle, on l'(;eday lat rrloTin' the Lmrrtja, cere it. my that ma le James Faiirlt.ft? aid .1 i:toti, man utnl wife. CouuieiMt "Suver" tlollnsar? in clr- . umtinn In tMs iielt. borhood !J and so well are th-y executed that tSy would :linjst 1eieivt un expert. Ttit .-niitierset a i.ox-iat ay Ui it on ttie -'Hi ui ictolH-r, ls. ii, snow fell U tlie dei'th i 1 t-ulUeeit riches, 'l'ho weat'jKr has ttieat 'y uii i lovei? since then. Mi.'S Jr'iie dl;s, the charjiiini; step-lai'nl,U-r ot Juile Joliaatan, ot Eoeiisbur;, r, v i : i. 1 1 1 c b- r frienil-. Mr. 1. A. Miner aud 1 la Uliliker. i.'i-tct.i-'-urj " . I'r. lieyisoii on Thursday luorniutr li lt a isit to his aed l:tietits wlo le-nl i't- J. HJuliier, WrsiUHUvlalld t-olility. he vsul t ahseut the ba.'anceot tlie wrrk. A licmTodd, wite of 1C. -Frrd TuJJ, :? on'.aale, deal held r.iuuty, died at lutr nine in ll l pluee on ast Saturday iiiub. r. Todd wa; at one tiuje a i-sideiit oi ' o. -''he 'W Kniand Mutual Iife 1 n s u-- (..oiiij any t:uaraulees investment wk"a ifi'tin'. to every puJicy tioider. Its - -will puiicies iv; an and i-aU vp j . . . . s. A hiwiunH ordiuauce of Tyrone -fe-LmiJ .. to be at boiue not laier lha? s and the borough conciable is iteuirv ' it ui ':nauoe is eiitorced. Kbeiisburti be ketietuied by a law of the Mitue ;i"' Comedy CVmipiuiy in "Fua at w..s billed to appttar at the Opera '. i .. n this place on lar Moiidvy nin.'.t, . 'iia:' pun v was ficaut ialiy stranded :it ! : .(: .Saturday niLt and failed to . t . i 'il'owina named persons can fc!) .ter by calling at the F.lienshurtJ Miss Clara I. Davis, Miss .May ioi liosy Lant' y, iliss Celia David vatitiu, Mr. John. II. i ' Trice Vi). a-i Kratt. an oid resident cf , while helpirn to di: a diUli:i : .jt in that niao on Monday last. . i from a sUk e of paralysis. lie . i- t wo j ears of atfe ami had beeu Jolmstown thirty-one jeait. t general r?u!on of the Oai nl Forty -eighth reunsylvarja will he held at liellelonte n . . -tii of this nioiitn. Kxcursion eeiits per tnilei will be issued on cnia railroad aid branches. .i::s have fuurexl out that 1,2m t My killed while enlaced in ., and '.',.:; Injured. There toubt that tie t-alllntf of .2 tu most danneroiis gnowu. e deaths occut from it thai. .. e. a r.eilfofd -"ouiity farmer, j Hi tlie rnite i Mi'e- oitili;tj of uioous'iiini g. Mc(iee ' ;:iln!i eie'tei in the woods ; e.u:lilinu lieir.k: covered with ! u:iifik! a Juutmeil topper j . t;e whisky was tn.tite. 1: i:s.sell, of C'-o!r-iiru, ( ;i:o, 1 llollli!arhuiK rriui.iiy J b h ti visiting Miss Miry j - plw.o, for the pAst six week-, j on HVJnesiUv- Mis-i l;u- y fr:ends durnii; her visit ! tu ru:ret her departure. titer, a irkctitati, in Altoona ; ' U-t week, In attempting to r a aid engine nt Lis leet ; viteh. II- sucveedo 1 In ex-1 ht foot bat bis lett one wu 1 enu ! act run over and ; 1 to be auiputateU above the ! who wa,-it.s paying work as uent lar warraulsd nurs- j l'pl at once to Jacies K Vina!), iliH-hester, V. Y. ' i tiectss rv, and complete t . free. Meady work the ' stock warranted to tie in rd, of JoLutowu, on rfkenter-J tuto a cuu n Deau, of ii. a r county, iiltie huuiired feet lotii; a capacity of six huo- kJils of ttie Cressoli A .. 1 Coke t.'ompany, near ' iun .v Coalpurt r sail .So&ierset, and liU two i their home lu Sotuer iy Ut week, aosl ou rses tan off. the Mle iite, aud 'heJadge, who is puiird out and so i and bruised on U was utcor.sclous for 1 f tnan nied KotierU, i tit. ions, ad of whom ! ore I fjuor 'ban they UMirw awuna ilb . . . v - ..m- ir 1 1 luir siiii v ' 1 - vould die from hi in- j recovered auflicienUy : lay to come In secoud J it occurnd iu tr- i FLANNELS. Sor.r!et Flannel at l.v. a yard, at at 2.V., at .!(., r.:., ;.7'.&, 42c, at iceach oi Ice social value. Kareains in Uiue and iray (' -unc's : a!-o White Flannels. Striped Skirts at Jl.2" and 51.T3. -On Thursday nitht of last week twenty steers that were beinii shipped eastward escaped from the car ty the breaking of the car door near Wilmore, and stro- k out on the hunt t good pasture. The next morn ing they were hunted ut by the railroad men and shipped to their destination. Mr. Joseph GutMvald on Teesday served out to his cuetotnvrs some of the nicest beef that has tickled the palate? of the people of Ebentiurg for some time. Mr. Gutwald j took ftie premiira at the Carrolltown fair for home slA110htercfl hpr nn Unnnv liar xr i . , . .... M , , ' weight was 1050 pounds, and she dressed 1 p(nlnj3. j . .. , ... .1 Joe Best, a fourteen-vear-old bov who . ,. , . .. ,, , .. . , . i w vim iiiij oiiul iiiiiirii ill bile itiiifa. la.i Friday morning , in North Braddock, while playing with his father's revolver, breathed his last about 0 o'clock the same evening. The sufferincs of the little fellow Tor a time ! hefnr. h pvntrrt tflrrihi unrt it -tfr ! the combined efforts of three men to hold him on his pouch. There is a glut hi the potato rtiarket at Reading, Ta. , an cne dealer has srsteen car loafis sidrt tracked near that city await in g orders. Several weeks ago reports of short rrop came frnr.n the west. In the eai the crop was large and In less thin ten day l.ooa oar loads wer sh pped west. Sudden ly t bottom drc.pped out of the marVn and potatoes fell twenty cents a bushel hi price.. A9 a Westmoreland county lad was on his wav to schixv on Friday last, a yo.inj ciri threw a splinter, some fif;pr. In'iength, at him. It struck him sidewise ' in th. pye, cutting the top of his eyehall i crvmplet?lv off and letting out the arj-nenus T! .ml. The stroke was so elenn that neither of the eyelids were in the least ahraded. The injured eye will rrcfcably ; tiave to ne taken out. I On Sunday night a train cf thirty cars,' eleven of whh were loaded with 'Chicago dressed hef and the halarre empties, was wrecked on toe Penr.svlvani railroad near Kiltanninsi T-oint. The wreck was caused' by the train t.reaking while derenrirng the mountain ml i number of oars were iroken un ami tho beef scattered around promis-euou-Iy. Vhe trainmen and att-o two trattitw who wpre stealing a rido escaped withmii lnrry. V. .1. t;rter, ff ln'dve, met with & w-ll n mil fatul li.-eident Weilnesday even ing wbile chopping wood. He :.! the ax r-Ms-d arirt was in th? art tf lowering it with force when the handle raxght on a rlothes line and it rebounded, striking hiiu on top of head and Inrtietinv. a terrible wound, r.e was takn into the lions and medical attendance summoned His con- dttion is pronounced critical. 1linigli be may xi.;sltif sn-vlve the ejects if t'il injury. CU orii lil.'t emocriif. The advisory committee oT the Penn sylvania railroad voluntary reiki' fundi has decided to recommend tnat an employe reaching t'.ie age of years, after twenty years of continuous satisfactory service. may at th discretion of the suterintendent ! of his dlvK Ion, and on certificate of disabl I- I ty withdraw from active service and re- ! ceive the nages paid rrior to his withdraw- j al. It Is proposed that the company shall guarantee the payments on accotiDt of the ; superannuated llet uritil the relief fund shall be atle to carry the list wlt.tout aid. ! On T-eslay last the Ccunty Conimis ' sinners, awarded the contract K-.r erecting j the iron bridge over U Clearfield creek at Dean station on the Cresson and Co.ilport I railroad to the Morse Uridge Co., of Youngs- I town. Ohio, for the sum of f'.'iT; .X.".. and al so to the name company the contract for building ai! iron bridge over the 'south Fork on the old Frankstown road for the sum of . ;'.0. The stone work of the bridge at Dean Station wa awarded to M. J Kirsch, of Ilarr township, for the sum of and the Smith Fork bridge to J. A. Shoemaker, ot Ebenshurg, for Jlo'".!. Tlie wre-k near Kittanning Point on Sunday evening afforded the people of that vicinity an h portunity of obtainia j cheaply, if not honestly, a lot of meat, cnr.ed goods. co'.Tee. etc. t resh 'oeef and hams were car- j tied olT in Ure iiuantities. Maiirnad police- , men. under tt.e direction of Chief Hampton j !Iiug!.ton. a.'ter the wreck nrwureil the J cuntry rouhi about for plunder. They j captured iuite a lot of stuff and mide a , r, umber of arrests. In one shatitc, occupied by two Frenrlimen, eig!it hams and .two ltiarters or bv f were found. Tlree hams i and a bucket o' coffee wire fouud bidden in j the woods. ; t Mrs. Sadie Pruner, alias Sadie Jones i an inrrrte ot a house or ill repute in Pitts-! ourgh. was shot and Instantly killed -in that nt on Tuesday niglit by Joseph T.vans. a . hack ciiver, rviCi whom she had been liyir.g, but leTt lnm four weeks afj. Or. Vuesday evening Evans visited Iter and , afrer a shctt cnnTsatioti drew a revolver . an.t vt.i.1 h-r threr liuits. oausinc tteatU in a , , .,. n,inlUr. Mr went to Pitt-bureli about tt.ree rars (.' f.m Altnona, tiav.i. lef h- Jni-ihamt. William 1'iuni-r, lii U i ra.iruad mail. U wiinian's livvs said near that tl-.- ;-u.! Chrt prJc.cs, in this com, ty, hut at this writing we are unir'e to '.earn her came. The dead won:aii leaven two children who are living in a bcoie ui i".leit)eriy. Mnnlrr att tiinnrlhlll. (b Tiienlay atteiniKin, about 4 o'clock. Tl.i St.mlev. a resident ef TuniielLi'.I. and a ;niner by euiotii.n, wi.rkiru for l'ott'r, IVnr.ison t IVi. , returned to Ms ln-ue oni.ter'tb'iy und the irlhierice it n eriterum an altercation hetweeu l:i uor. lie and his wife, whieii was of freouent I occurerK-e. took place. an1 ia a few rtnnutrs : Mrs. .tatile ran out of l:e house, across i the htieet toward a tieihOiM and had jut I renched tl,strrs when the report of a shot was heard atui Mrs Stanley wit.k on the , steps riddled with shot. Ttie harge had etiten d her kft side just belo the heart and caused tow death In half ao hour after ward. Tbeouo!e were marrienl omr SH or eveii years and have lived untiappi!j together, their quarrels being fruent. Xrs. Stanler's itaiden name was Kmney, and at the time of her marriage to Stanley was U'ie widow of a man named Dillon, a resident of HoUidajsl.uu. to whom she bad sevorai children. ho are now crwo up aaul reMded with After the shooticg Stanley ns arrested i: i brought to jail the saiiM evening, arriving here atwvut Dine o'clock, aud when leckel up was su.i visa- ....... a n . : av.Aitr .ivrr.ivi) div iiiioxi--itc(.i. jio m T11 fi.r the east H'ars. lie ,i,ai .... to. r.i.ce t th liou he p.. - ..... was attack- ! by Ins wife and step daughter aud beat or toe iicad with a poker, when tie seized the that ws standing by, and when thry ran he fired. The murdered whuju wao about fifty yeatsof dge. UNDEUWEAIL A'd Kinds of D.-sirab'e I'nderwear, in White, Scarlet and Gray, for Ladies. Gents'. i (ui: r . inn ni rntn vxir l aiii i niiii our Underwear the cheapest in the market. no matter where you co. Now is thetime to I mirrhs I Ilrni Irom HnulMk, IlEMIXX'K. I'A.. Oct. lHth, l!S7. Fuf.emas: Mr. William Ryan, we En re Kll to ni'te is Yible on our streets once more after aD iiiDess of four or five weeks. M. A. McCJonigle. our enterprising mer ehaut, received bis fire clay machinery for grinding and preparing fireclay for market. It is his intention, I presume, to attach it to D. K. Wilhelm's stationary engine and saw mill at Cen'3 Creek. When in operation it will give employment to a creat anany men. ! and will help to increase the population of our IKtle village, Mr. George Kears, who lives about one and one-half miles from Lilly, I leain is , . ... , ... , ilwn with tvphoid fever with kttle hopes of his recovery. He Is an aged man, pretty well broken down by hard labor, which causes the fever to affect him more seriously. There is rumors of a wedding to take place here in the near future, I have not learned the names of the contracting parties jt, but from thesuiilo of a certain young lady in towu it wot id not be very hard to uess. Miss Jenai. Mis-t Maggie Hannah, of Washington ! township, Cambria oaunty, and Oliver Shaw, of Blair county, were married at the i residence of the bride's parents on Wednes day. Oct. 12th, by Tv. Unrue. or Wiluiore. ! Mary, wire of John'L.eahy. Jr., is, we are ! glad to note, able to -sit up and the wishes of ' all an? that she will be able to be about in ! a few days. Miss Kruna Owens, daughter of Simoc : Owens, deceased. i. we are sorry to say laid up with that dreadful malady typhoid fever. The mines here for several flays have Been j running pr?tty steady and giving the win - ' ets all they can do. The wishes arb that ! they may remain so. ! A party of -ctvl men have founded to- i parteiiertnp to b called the Lilly Game j and" Fish Association. On Tuesday, lct. lth, they hiJ themselves to the wilds of I the mountain top to build a castle for win- ' t-r quarter and to slay whatever night ' come wtt in gun's reach of them. One of I the party after furnishing one pint of health's comfort was anxious to sell bistihare of stock awey below par. It was not that ! he over o.crte,l himself in the erection of ' the cstle, bat I presume on account of the fractious steed he ha I with him. 1 r.uticed when te ws -starting for home r.issteed was j rather In a hurry and ran with the rider over aeveral logs that happened to be in the wav. However, he is a good cUizeu and I understand has ordered ammunition er.ouu!i j to slaughter ail the wild game on the A lie- i icbbtiy mountains. "K. Ileal from (ilaacow. (ii.A6uow, Pa., Oct. 16.27. j Er. PnnF.MAS : After a pro'rcted silence i i of several month's duration, 1 again assume ', the dire responsibilities of correspondent to your Tenable paper. The public schools of this township, ex cepting the Mountain Dale high school, all now in successful operation for a term of five months. Heavy frosts during a few mornings of last week occurred in this region, and they have bad a tilling effect on al) kinds of veg etation. The forests in this victnitj hove been Rreatly discolored by them and present to an admirer of beauty one magnificent blending ot brilliant hues unequalled ty anv artist of painting. Jack Frost is an ar tist of no mean abiiitv. Mrs. Perry Troxel, of near this place, was taken suddenly ill on Saturday of last week, and for me time fhe lay in a very pre carious condition. At last accounts, how ever, hhe was improving, and hope is enter tained of her ultimate recovery. Several of our peODie were in attendance at the Carroiltowr. fair, and they report hav ing had an enj.iyable time, and speak in the highest terais of the treatment and hospi tality of tlie people of that mountain village. An effort will be made at this place on next Friday evening to organire a lode of tho "honsof Hickory. The "1 1 icV.s have se cured a roota for their tteetinp; in the public school house hero. The cr ke ."ens being built near here ore being rapi lly puheit to completion. There vni: he tifty -ouipleted, and it Is expected to have th 'm ray tor operation by the first of December. Mr. John F. Hollen, ht the contract of the btick laying for these ovens. Mr. Samun! Kutiii contemplates spending the coming winter in Wet Virginia, where lie will be employed In lumbering. Daniel Kiriin, a former resident (if tbWi place, on last Monday, moved back into our village ard h3 taken dd his residence in our midst again. K Iitor PaRt'baker, of the Coalport tund ui'l. tVinking it not gooj for to be alone has obeyed the. divine Injunction and taken un to himself a helpmate. tTorn huskirrgs are all the rage In this vi- ! rinitv. and these In conjunction witti apple but'rr boilinifH create consideraMe excite meet ami merriment anion e our young folks The re-dedleation service of the Lutl.ern ' church t thU plav-e on Iat Sunday was a st Iendid affair in ttie history of tbecurcll The ceremony very imposing and was con tut ted by tt.e minister in charge assisted by f'er. A teacrers" dirlrlct institute for this townsblo wi:l tr) established on next Satur day. Mr. ti. W. llawman. the old veteran school director and energetic work-r in that came, lias aain slifieil his intention to lend his n-eful assistance and tie I j move U.e ponderous edueatMual ball during; this i ramria . Mr. Jo-epb (i. IfolkMi. I am very sorrr to write, still suffers greatKy from the cancer in orve of his ryes, wr.Ku now seems to be crowins tapid'y worse. Mr. U:air Decker, of Flynn Citv. has erected a substantial reekteDce for himself at that place. Mr. John Sharp, of Hrw place, better known as "Peter Hontz." U cow giving ex hibition in ventriiloquism. -etc.. in trie sur rounding towns and village. On last Saturday a birthilay surrrise pirty was given to Mrs. Duncan Foshy, of j Mountain Dale, and oa Monday evening a similar event happened to lira. Samuel Troxel, ot this place, both occasions were It iHort wiilh ri-iM.,,,. .ml th- la'B in whose bouses the parties were made, wtre the happy and grateful recipients of many handsome and valuable presents. Among tho improvements going on in our village we notice Mr. A'ni. Uickard huiliiiug ,t 1 a handsome awning porcli atound li.s resl . i dence, wbicli adds both to the comfort atid 1 appearance of his house. A your.g oian of Fair Hoslar.d makes weekly visits to the salubrious hills that gird the picturesque village of Mountain Dale, to get a eupply of the fresh mountain air, 1 preeuxe. llzu Ci-old. DRESS GOODS. You will find our Stock of New Fail Dress I Goods the largest here and best value at j every price we quote. We give yoa the best J 5c Dress Goods, the best 10c. the best lJ'.c. 1 the best 17c . 2.-.;.. r.T'jc. 50.. the betfi2'.:e. j 75c and fl.00 Dress Goods the best ti.: ; J and the best Broad Cloth at f :.7j a yard. nAKHI UiE i.h e.m-s ism The following marriage licenses were issued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Couit for the week ending Wednesday, October, 10, 187 : I Charles Gloor and Amelia ShaSer. caai- Dria. Michael Uess and Han let Horner, Lower Voder township. Charles Manus and Clara Plummer. Croyie township. John l'lunket and Mary Elizabeth Cretin, Clearfield township. Azariah 11. Myers and Delilah Stambaugh. Johnstown. Eaward P. BeDder and Catharine Fara baugh. Carroll township. John Mattes and Sarah Maloy, Cambria. Frantz Joseph Mather and Uosie Smith, Cambria. Kdward Kreiger and Anna Brosiy, Wood vale. Henry Cain. Allegheny Co., ra., and Rose Ontgley, Cambria. Michael Marshall and Annie Grady, Min erfville. Sebas'ian Kruis. Chest township, and L'7.rie Krise, Clearfield township. Ttionias 1. Trout, Altoona, Pa., and Clara J. Cain. Munster township. James Greg and Annie Harvey, Gallltz ln. Frederick B. Coster, Wellsville, Ohio, ani Margaret Ann Headrtck, East Coneibaugh. James Henry Ttomas and Charlotte Snriuus. Inenjat:'!. (Unrv llmra Tvri ma H'ir fn.. Pa . and Julia jjater busijuehanna township. EleIric Ititlrrw. This remedy Is becoming o well knowo nd so popular as to need no spesial nien tlon. AH who ftave used Electric Bitters -si pi; the sme song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed I lo ilo all that is claimed. Kleotne Hitters i will cure all diseases of the liver and kid- i ' neys, will remove pimples. hoil. fcnlt rheum nd other affections caused by Impure blood. Will drive tnalari.t from the nystem and pre vent as weilas cure all malarial fevers. Fos cure of headache, constipation and Indiges- j turn try Electric Hitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price .".0 cts. andfl per Dottie at E. James crtg etore. la 4 naninplloii larnrable. IJead the following: Mr. C. H. Morris. Newark. Ark., pays: "Was down with tiwsa (if Itirti7 fhnti frierrla anil rihViiii'iris I'ltilliiuii' m II ir: ail n tni'iir ri.iisumi'liii, IWan twtina Or Viri's 'e Disciiierv for ' Crumpt,on. am now on my third bottle. Sf-SKi;:: and able to oversee the work on ray farm. 1 ;n election, and in iiotti to and returrunn :h'.rc It ts the t'nest medicine ever made." j lrum. .Iee Middlewart. Oecatnr, Ohio, sayg : Sec ti. Whenever any ol tho .-ualihed elcc I if n..t h. f.r lr Virtu's Vwir'll.s- . trs ol t he I "om uion wea i I li f h .i II l-e in act i ve ui 1 1 - covery for i:insump'ton I would have died of lung troubles. Was giyen tip by doctors. Am now in best ot health." Try it. Sam- Ple bl'Kles fre at JQe'-' dru itore- ii i n. DATJS. At l is Lome in Johnstown cd Thursday morning. Oct. t-'Oth, l-sT. 5Tr. Seward D. Davis, brother of Thomas 15. Davis, of Cambria township, agfcd about 40 yers. C-SSfl I'.SIiiJS F;.::iAiIIiS! God Save the Communweallli. rilEKKAS. by nn Act of fhf Gen eral Assemhly ot the Commonwealth i i ol 1'ennsylvanla. entitled 'Arr Act to Keunlate i tie I Jenera 1 Klections wit h in the ( Vitnmonwealtrj.' , j It is erpdned upon in to rive putdic noti--e of , said election, and to enumerate in aaid no- tice what otllcers are to he eleeted. I. Joseph A. ! - tiray. Hmh st.erilt of thet'ountv or 'auitirla. in t he fomiiiiweaUh id I'ennsyivania, do here j hy niaKc kiiowp and Kive to th elw tors , , ot thecounty atore.-aid. that alreneral tle.'tiOii I will he held in the sani t'ounty ol t'amhria on the I . 'i"t f .Y"rrttifr, .. 1j- 1HS7. ; : tthesame tieini; tt.e Tuesday next following-the : nrst Monday ol said month) at which time. -stale J and tNiunty ntflcer will he elected as follows: . ! I N K PKKsi N lor Judue ol Su;ireuie Court. I I NK I'KKstiN lor state Treasurer. ; O.M-; I'l'.Ksl .N lor Treasurer ot C-imtirla ' t'ountv. TH KKK PEKSONS for Corcmlssionert" f Catn- tirla t'ounty. oXKI'KKSi iXL.r Poor House Director for the J t untv ui CHint.rni. ; 1'HHKK I'tKsOXS for Auditor for the I'oucty i I ol t'amhiia. " ' j 1 also heretiy make Known and iflve tiotice tLat i i the places lor tioldina" the alores.ii.l elecciomi in j several wards. horounhJ. districts and town- I ships wilhin ral I county are as follows, to wit : i The electors of the district composed ol the i tiorouieh ol Ashnlle. to meet at. the house of ll. r. Myer in said horouuh. The electors ol the district computed of the township ol Allegheny to meet at Bradley's tchool house. In said township. The electors ot the district composed of the township ol A.'ums to meet at tt.e house f 1'a.n iel Iiunujire. in Adaoistiuric. The electors o! the district composed ol the township ot Harr to meet at the school house No. 11. in said township. Tne electors ol tne district e.nupose.l of the township ol '(iaekllrk to meet at the bouse on the property ol Simon Adams In He'.sauo, in said township. Ihe eltctors of the district composed of the t wiship "-f t'am'.ina lo mett a: Armory iiall in Ebenshuo; horouicn. '1 i-e eleoluis t.t me district composed of the horourfh of t'smtiria to meet as follows: Jst ward, at the K.-tiool house in said ward : '1 ward, in the boroutch lix't'ip in 'aid ward. The electors ot the district couiiosed il the township ot Carroll to meet at the school house in i'nrrolitown horoiiwii. The electors ol ttie disrrict composed of the riorum!! or arnuitown tu meet at the febool liouse in saitl k.ur.iuifh Ihe eleeturs ui the district compose.! of the township ut l'.fceit lu meet at rchuol house No. !. in nl township. The electors nf the district coruiose.l of the tior- ounhol t'hest Kprinirs to meet at the 1k.uc ot Ja.-. b WarniiT.lii f.u l I. rnimh. The electors ol tne district enrapoed of the to nship ot leurtlelil tu meet at school hs; . .j......u w.i. v. auku.'luic, in Sttia t' Ihe '"P. elector? f the district composed of tie township ol ommi.iuich to meet mi the school house at siniier. tn ?a1.I township. The e of the district c. .m 1 ol the h..r ouzh ol Cone, .tutch to meet as hdlows : 1-t war.l. al the house.. I reler Mltne. in said 1st wnr.l : 1- ward, at the h w.-e ol John Swarxiuan, in said ; i ward. The electors of owe district composed of the hor- I uiau .v. - nuu.i uuum in siu Tho electors of the district composed of the towushin ol t'royle to meet at the sctmol house in th tll:ie of liiumerhill. In sai l township. The eltctors ot ihe district composed of the tnwr.hip ol Ienn to TOeel at Klchland's schol house, in "aid towimtlip. 1 19 elector- ol therflistrict comtiosed of the hor ouul: ol haist t 'onetua-ui:! lo meet at the achool house In said rn.rouifri. The electors of th s district composed of the hor ouah id rhensurif 10 rreet as Pillows : Kast ward, at the orti'e of Xichard .Tones ,lr.. in said ward; West ward, I'outcil Koom. in said ward. The e'ecr..r of the district coti.pose-l of t)m town.hcof rM-ier to meet at tt.e school riouse In thetili.ijreofSt Itoattae. in sat-t u.nniti ip. Ihe e! of the dinner com posed ot tt,e txir ounh ot Knt.kliu to cieet at the school bouse in said fnit.iuk-h. The ele-:or i-f the district composed of the r-or-ou h tf h For, to meet al I e j aollc school to" use No.-Jol said liorouirti. The electors of thi di.-trict cr.mi.osed of the t. ij.h!p 01 tiallitun to cieet al the Mountain house In said township. The electors ot the district comtiosed of the tor- wu".h -' u the "-' ho n rm 1 .n.ri'UIII.. 'The elector of tne district actuKsed ot the hor ouifh ol (Jrutihtown to meet ai Ihe public school hoime jQ said U.irouifh. The eleclort of the district comKsed ol the township ol Jackson to meet at tie hiuse of Henry hiirer In sal.l Unanship. The electors ot the district composed ol the hor otrt of .lohiistown to meet as ttSKiws : 1-t ward, at tlie office formerly occupied by 1 homas jc Wal ters public couare . it ward at Uie oltice ot J. S. I T ttl. on ltaraet aiteet. in said ward; 1 ill wjr.l. at the .Mansion House on Hroait ' street, in said ward : 4th ward, al the school I house la said ward; .Un ward, at the bouse of 1 August Weiicand m aid ward: nth ward, al the J iinsow n pottery 1U saoi war.l , iu ward , al me 1 oiii'-e W' . Miller ui Ji l ward ixie en-ci r ol ihe district coiupofe.I of the Iiur- ouKti ot Ldlly to meet at the school Louse in said i tH.r.iuuli. I The electors of the d'strict com nosed or the 1 norouitli ot i.urctto 10 meet at the school uouie in I said Pooincti. j Ihe electors of the district composed of tho t township i.l Munster 10 tucetat the warehouse of Auitusiiue Iirti.n. deceased, in the village ot Munster, In nd township. The electors ol the district composed ot the hor ouun ol -Millvilld to meet as follows: 1st ward, at the lockup; ' tne hose carriage house, In said ward. The electors ol the district composed of the bor ough of Pro c pec t to meet at the school house in said !oroui:h. The electors f the dii-trict composed of tao toirastiip ol i'oria :o to uccl at the cti'.iul hoae TABLE LINENS. Among our bargains in Fall Iinens you'll find one at 20;. a yard, another at 2.. a yard, another at and ."iOc. a yard. We shi nee wnen lowei. none. .nuc ou colored border for I2'.:c What do you imtK oi iuai . dfar tlie vtlle of l'ort.iife. The elector. ol the district oouij-nsei of the township l Kele to meet Id the tinhop of Abraham forneiius, in the village t Hl!i". in mil townfhiti. The elector" of the district cc mpof d ol the l'mn.-hi' i I liichl.iu.l to meet at tlie house ef h (iris. In township. The electurs ol the district compofcil ot the ton(ihii ol Stonvereek to meet at lai:olyi school l.oii;-e. ui al.J uiwn'hip. Ihe elector ot the ili.ttict coniposeil ot the ti.wtirhip o Suuitnerhill to meet xt Sumuicrhill !mk,1 house In the t'Oroimh of vt'illmnre. The electors ol the dii-trict eomi'ose l of the township o .Su-'uehnna to mett at the house ol Michael lltt in said township. The electors of the district compose. 1 of the township of West Tavtor to meet at th school house near .lames Kioiieh's. in tii township. The electors ol the disrrict romioeil ol the township ot KastTnylor to meet at the house of Peter Khoailef. near the lleuiinct's school house, lu said townhlp. 1 he electors ot the district ccmnose.l ol tlie horouiih ol South Fork tu u.eet hi public school honse No. 2. In s:ml Ix.rouuh. 1 he electors ol the district compoart of the t.or ouuh ol Tuiinelhill to meet at the school house in Mill txirouKh. The electors of the district composed !h" '""" ouifh -if M iMMlvale to meet at the new school house in said horouuh. 1 he electors ol the district compose! ol the bor ounh ol Wiluiore to meet at l,"oancil t'harnher in in snid torouih. I lie electors ol the district composed ol the towii-hipol Waslimtton to meet at the school house at the loot ot I'lanc 4. in the horouith of Lilly. The elettors of the district comtiosed of tt.e township ot White to meet at the small ftore house ol J ihn C iates in said township. '1 he electors ol the dl.-trlet composed of tht townshi;ol Yoder to meet as lollows : First li visiou at sch'Kd iK.nse No. in said township: second dlviMon at licam's school house in said township. SlMXIAL ATTKXION. Sec. I. Kvery male eltir.n twcn'v-onr years oi aue. Mise"sinu the nuaiinciitionJ shall te entitl ed to vot- at Mil elections. Klrst He shall lime l.een a citiren of the t'ni ted Stutes at least one month. 8e- ind He shall have resided in the Statu one vear lor it having previously l.een a qualitied elector or native horn cititr. ol the t:ife he sluil t riave remove.! inerrirum mm ip. o r ue. i wiiiuii in month I Itnme.llHtely preeedlliK the eleolion. fourth Ittwen'y one yeim- ol aise tr upward. ' he shxll hive i.aid" within two yeiir a State or county lax. which shall ren as--css-i t " ,'r' least two tnoriths and j aid at least one uiontti ire the election. Sit.'. 4. All elections Lv the citizen Flinii r.e ov 1 all..t. Kvery l.allot voted shall he nunihered in the ordct in which it aliall he re-eiTrd. an t ihe i nutntier recorded hy the election otticers on the ' list id voters. opHsite the name ot the elector I who presents the I. allots Any elector may write I lit? name upon hi ticket, fir cause his name to he ' written thereon, and attested hy citizen ot the ' district. The election otticer shall lie sworn or I attinned not to disclose how any elector shall have voted unless re.iuireu to do feo as a witness in a judicial proceeding. Sei-. i Electors shall in all ea.-es except trea- itary service, unilia requisition from Ihe Presi dent ot the Vnited Stales, or l.j autnoritv ln m this Commonwealth, such elector may exercise the ru-ht ol sutti-ra-e in all elections t.y ttie citi- y.ens. under such reaulati ns as or shall he prc scrihed l.y luw, as lully as it they were present at their usual Place of election. ski . T. All laws rcKulatina- the holdirir ol eU.ctiors shall t.c uiiiturm thr'-uhout the State but no eb tor shall he deprived otthe privilege ol Toting l.y rea.'n ol his name not leii.K reis-cn-d. . Sec. 8. Any jierson who shall Ivt- or pnnnise : tour, c to any elector any money, reward or other vaiuahle i-onsMeiatioHs f jr his vole al any elec tion, or lor withholding: the same. or who shall five or pr imise lo icive such consideration to any other r?on or party l r uch elector's vote or for tne w ittiholdina- there t. and any elec or who shall re- ceive or aree to reel lve lor himself or another, , j any money, reward or other valuaole corridor. ; lions lirhisvote shallatany election. or tor with- i huidintt same, therehy iorleits the riant to vote I at ach elections ; and an elector whose Iiirht to i vote shall he ehallcnued for uch cause lietoretlie election olrtccrs. shall he re.pilred lo swear or al i nnn that the matter of the challcue Is untrue i lelore hisol ba!l he received. ' S.-. V. Any person who shall while a candi ' date lor ottice he ttuiity ol Pritiery. Iraud or wil- . i tu! violritu.n of uy elei'tion law shall t o 1 .rcver , li.-iual Irom hol.liuu: miy otti'-e ol tru-t or 1 prur.l I'limim nwealth and ar.y pf r ! son convicted of willul violation ol any electit.ii laws shull. in addition to any provided hy law. P. deprived ol tuc ri-hl ol unrai- ahso- ; , liitely lor term ol lour years. j sue. li. l-or the purpose or votinic no person shall lie .leeuied to have KaincJ a rei lctiee hy n-isoti ol his presence, or lost it iy rca-on ot his ahsence. while emnloyed in the service, either civil or military, ot this State, or of the I'nited Slates, or on the seas, or while a student ol any institution ol learnini:. nor while Kept in a jor house or other asylum at public expeti.-e, nur whlleeotinncl in putdic prison. Skc. 14 lcstrxt elections hoards shall consist of a jiidne and two inspectors, who shall le chosen anualiy hy the cit ir.cns. tich elector shall have the rtyhl to vote forthciudne arid one inspector, and each inspector ahall appoint the clt-ra. I lie elected. ab1 Tacancies in oiotmn rM(arl.8 nlKtl : P.iall Le i.roviiii hs law. Klcrtiuu i.mrs ' Htmll 1 e irivllti:el lr;:n rre?t upoo ti.iy ol elce tiou nni while ennK'l in making up an-1 uiittluK returns, f x ;tt upon a warrant t a court Kit xecunl or jule tnereuft n elH-ticn Iran i, fur Iclony. ur !ir wantuii hreachol the peae. In cities they may claim exemption from jury duty UuriLi tlifcir tJTUi 1 service. Ki . . it ieron Fhall tc iu:iJinJ to Ft-rve : as aa eleetiou ofticer wL lHll ril .r who shall I have heij au -lticr or apoiiitiuent or inpW I meiit In or uuder the icoVenimei t ot the I nttej Stated, or o! thi- S ite, or o( any city or county. J or any municipal bonnl. otnintHSlon .r tru.-t in ; any city frave niy jhp-iu-ps ol the peace, and al ; ilernirtii, notaries pufiio and per"ii? in the miti ; tary i-ervire ot tlie State it shall any elertniu f ottitr t-eelimhJe tt any civil o!h c to Ie lilted at i an election at wnieh he shall nerve, ave only to ! hurh suh.iril mate inuuicipal ir local olhcer. lc l.w the ! city or county tneer, its hhall 1-e deInatle4i ty Law. And alo the iollowinif Acts of Aeinhly now ; In lorce in this state, viz: ACT OF JANl'AllY l7o. ec. A. That all elections herentter hel.i un.ler the laws of tliin ruiDninnwelth. the jmils Jtiall te ilieced at I oVlott A. M. aoJ close al o'clixk Y. M. iKi-. 8. Wbenerrr there shall le a vaeanev Irv mi ulrctiiin lMnir.1 1.11 the mnrninr ot election. siii. vai'im-v ;hall be nlleU la eonlor nitv with exi?t- I luis j The Act of s.eml.!y. entitle.l " An Act . ntc lo the electron ol this ('umuionwealtli.' i .,i iu1t s"6. urcvi.les a follows to wit reial- j i That the inspectors an.l Jul me suall meet at j the respective places appinnte.1 l..r h..ldin the ei,-iiun in the district to which thet rein-tivel v t.elonu . I.el. re 7 o'clock in the morniilir ol Tuesday. A.n'i.Hiiier sin an eacn saia inspecror Mini! aii- . i.oint oi. clerk, who ehnll lie a iiunliried voter ol ,Ul., district. i In case t!.e i.ersi.n who shall liave received the se-ond liiizl.e.'t nuttO'r ot votes l..r inspec'or shall I nol attend on the day of an election, then the . pec.-..n wnosliall have received ttie next highest I jiutuper ol votes lor tu-iire the nest preceding ! election shall act as in-pector in his place. And in ee the person who shall have received the hiithe-t nuuil-r ol votes Mr laspeetor snail not attend, the ; rson elucte.l ludiie siian appoint an Inspect. .r in j hls ullc- And In rana the i.ersi.n decte.. ii.i.l not attend, then the inspector who shall have re ceived the hivhest nuiuder of Votes shall apoit.t judue in his place, and it any vacancy shall con tinue iu the hoard tor the r, ace one h.iuratter the time tiled t.y the law :or the openinic ot the elec tion, the qualified voters 1. 1 the'township, ward or district l.r which sucti officers hare heen elected s.'iall elect someone of their 10 nil vacancy- MODE OF VOTING. The attention of all ij ml: lie. I voters 1 directed to the tollooririrf Act ot Afseintiiy reiculaf inif ttie mode el voting In this commonwealth : t'HAXOE IX MdbROF VOTIXfi, Ax A-r reculatiiiir the mode t votisic at all the elections la the sevenl e.iunties ot the I'otu monwealtS. atiprore l Mnr-h 3.1. : skc. I. He it enacted hy the Senate and Il' i-enf Keiiresenf mves ol "the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania in ieneral Assemh'y met. and Is heretiy enatei l.y the authority of ihe same that the iualined voters of th'- several counties of this '.iniuirne:il: h nt the Kcnernl. township, in. ruoft. or spei-Tal elections, areneret.v ant and re quired to vote the tiltet printed "r writt-n. or pa.-tly printed or partly wriiten. severallv classi ned us foPows: tine t'eked shall emtirace the names ol all .Indices of courts to he voted tor. and he laheled "Judiciary;" one ticket shall emr.rn.-e the names ot all State officers to tit voted for. and be lalieled "State:" one ticket shail eml.raco the names of all connty officers to be voted tor, and be labelet "County one icket shall emtiritee the name of all township officers to be voted tor and be latieled "township ; " one tlcltet shall embrace the names of all tiorouith efneers to be voted for. and be labeled " H .rouiih ; and each cis shall ie deposited in a separate ballot box. rivrn under my hand, at my o.fice In Kbens onrrf. this 4lh day ot September in tne year of oar Liord one thousand elirlit hundred and eiichty -sesen and the indeiiradance o: the t nlted Stales ot Amcrtci the ofe Hundred and eleventh. JOSKPII A. liKAl. Sheriff. siacritfs Offi-e, tbenshurg, CK-t. ii, lbsT. IOK SALE. The ur.dersiirned will otter at private sale his house and lot situated in the Wust ward ol r'tierisburif. fronting on Hiich urect and extend ing back aion Mary Ann street on the west to Sample street. Tna house Is a larite double house in good repair with a )tood stable, and the lot contain a number of K'od irun trees. Tor tertni, call on the subscriber re-iiimr on the premises. HHJllUE HhlLKK. Kbensbartr, let. 21, ISsT A LL kinds of Job work Deatly an ex- ijsUitiiubly executed al tbib cilice. STOCKINGS. All qualities of Cotton. Merino and hose, for Ladies, Gents and Children. We make a spe-ialty of the HoMeiy Dtpartmeut and you will find our goods and prices all rifiht. Sheriff's Sale real"estate virtue ol wrts .t Vn-n i-.... Am h Fieri i'. ias ati.l kmo i k.x as. iffue.l out t the ourt ol omm.m l lcis of county, and to me directe 1 there wi'i he exposed to put. lie sale, ot the four't IL.use pi Ktienshtinf. on x 77 'L'j).n oct. h'j. sr. at 1 o -., k P. x. tlie iol! .trlnu real r-mc to wit: All the rUl.t. title, and it.trr.'. .,( I.cvl lieain. deceased, with noricp to silns i;.. ,M, .,.. mitustrator ol said deceased. ..I. In and t . all" tint certain ice or ptrcel ol land situ .ti.i ,n s,,,,,. inrhill township. -aiiilrla entity. I'.i. .),.. inir ii:i.i oi .lUKepn vxriliTit oil tin- :l-t. s- McKmzie. t n Ihe south, h township Vo id west and ltindsol tieorije W. Kirt v on 'he c.-tcr n i ho r.-.rth. acres ol . oiituiiiiiiK acres, more or less, a'lout II i. icu are cleared,; thereon ere le I a ?"o- Riory piaiiK nouse and bank t.arn and other o-it- t'Uii.niins. now in the occu np. v m Thntiris ."U--Oouuli. Taken ir. execution and to .si,1 n'tl.e fuitol A. ;:t.e:b:iie and W. 11 H i;......i.... I KUar.lian. - . Also, all the riuht. title, and Interest of John Jtre!iiT.:.,t. in and to all that ,-ertain id.-.-e or pan-el ut land situated In s-uunuerhill town-hip .r."' !1''-' 1a- '"'initnc lint oi William Wulhollen. estate ot f. AllcnhaiiKli. John Keam I ..di-..i .i. neait'i ana others i ttiii.L.' nventy or h'S-, ab lit iMcuiirsiniiii-ii:iiiv perclies in 'n acres or wtii. n are c e n e 1 . "'so, an uie r.ict.i. title, and in ten st ot .!n I miiuiier. mi. in anil to all that cirta u p e e or I parcel or land si'tiuted in Suinrm rh i: t..w.,-h:p. , - ..... luwuii. r.i.. H. .. nit. . ....I ..i . .. Mullholien. estate ot :. A 11,-nl. t;i i,d 1. i.ltu 1 UI..-1IHH-U. curiiitiiiiiig twiiiivl vc i,.r" more or le-s. all ol which is cleared. li;n:n - ficre on erected a one and one-halt stoi v i,iu house and plank stal,le. imw i the o. ci;p"a( y .,.tir, i.icnuer. i.ikra in execution and to I., the suit ol .laeob 1. Wearer. .-old at Als-i. all the nirht. title and Interest ..I 1 is 3IM ouiiell. ot.ln and to all that certain ; .c c it parcel ui land situate. 1 In Sumtncrlull P. :i-l,ip 1 amt.rla countj. Pa.. ,,., ung J u, , i i n.ines l..chui. ."Margaret .McKin.-v. e:er Juirtn. tt l-atri.-k Cnnuery and .I.iuies -. Kcllv. c.i.iain' inic sixty acres, m.ire or less, a! out tl.lrtv a. res cleared. havltiK thereon ere, ted one and .'ne-hall Mory plank house and 1. if harn and other out now in the occupan-y ol Jl. ;,rv and Catherine Mcfunnell. Also, all rhe rluhr. title, and Intercut ot I t ir.cis Mi-Cutinell, ui in kioI to all that ctriaiu pie.-e or parcel ot land situated in I'ortairc township. 'aiu .ria c.iunty. I'a.. Ji!..ii,ini! Iii.imiI I '" Mar tin Wiliiitm MvOmnt'l! and lui.iel s-m ,v. cm lainibu (5nacres. more or le- unitnprove I 1 aki n In exe-utiet and to he fold at the -uil of Jaeoh J. S taver. TEltJISOKSAU; One third ot the ptircnase moncv to l e paid when the pn jicity is Vnockid .town and n,e to maiiiini; two thirds on the coi.nrniato.n ot tie deed. JllSKI'H A HIMV Sept. 1- Sherii't. LI7!TIN(;. rpiie ommlsf ior.ert ol Cambria county will rc J. sealed t.roposals un-il pj o'cio.-k tn.. Oct. Is IsT. at Iheiroaic" iq El-enshurir I'a for the full.. wli.K desenhed hridtfes and al.ulin.i,!-: No. 1. A low truss hrldire I feet span, with 11 t.Mit road way across South KorK Crei-k. hetween vnanik ami t royie townships, where tl r rat.kstown read crosses said stream. N'. '-'. Ahuttuenrs and wiin; wa'us l..r br due. height water suriace. 11 leet. the old ii'iyvc N... :t. A HikIi truss hrh.ire T.'i leet st. iec with ' M toot road way at liean Station on the C.xC. It. K.,acr.s I'leatiielJ C'reelc Petween Clcarh-ld and liean townships. No. 4. Ahutments and winif walls tor iitiovo Pildite. Heiuh: nhove water surlaee. 1 :'. leet. Plans at.d si.ei'in.'a'ions ot ahutnients lo he se n at Commissi,, i, er s office, and each l i.l.Ur to Inr nish his own plans for Pride". The rait tore, jectanyor ai:hids is reserved hy tlie Cjuunis iiontrs. .It IHN- hll.HV. .1 A i KS ci is 1 I.ow. 'Corn's. 1AYII HAMILTON. Attest: It. A. MculiLiJIl.t'lcrli. Oct, tt. sT. II. INSTJRiANGE I Tlie Xew England Lil'o Insurance Company, of Boston, 31 ass. The Oldest, Cheapest Sc Best in the World. Assets, - -lS,f,00.00(). i O Will Ol 1 1 I ftt XiUUU JMLllt X Flll.I at ordinarv Life Rales. L. STRAYER, $wm f..r i Fie W'MU Hiv;ri.-i of tlie S:a;.'. Orphans'jCourt -Sale. "I y virtue ol an orer l-ulr ir out of ttie ( n.han." J ) "i.urt. to me ilireete.!. I will ex.i.e tu l-ulilie fiile at Die Hiniestr.ul. Lite ot Imvi.l Vouniikin?. ilec'.I. sitHie in iie.n'e tj n.-liui. CauiPria county. on .s.iTrj;jm ocr. jd, O I . I AT 1 O'CI.tK K. I M .. tlie f.ilP.winir described real estate, viz : . A certain piece or parcel 01 IhihI sl'n:ite In :ii.l ; township ot Keu.le. bciinded by the Heaver Him I Creelc on tne east, land of heirs of (Irorne Wul ters. de.-easc.l. on the s.iuth. an i other land ol heirs o Havid Yount-kiti, dee'd. -epunted dv the i Clenriield creek, on the west and crt (1 . cont air. -1 Inir s a -res and 1 . an.l M pen lies. tin. re or loss. ; beinif known and niiitiluTc.l 011 tin; return of th in.juest in partition in the csi:it. o' said li.ivi.i j Yoiinickln. deceased, as purpart No. 7 1 A i. all that cTt un piece or parcel ot land sit ! nate tn said township ot Kea.le. b .tin. led bv Heaver li.itn I'reek on the South ar.-t w-f Cle ir heid Creek on the north, and hind of heirs of ' 'icuri;p W alters, deceased . on the east, contain , inir hftcn acres atid hftecn perch.-, more or 1 less, iieir.i; No. s as returned l.y said in- . quest. 1 Also, h!I that certain piece or parcel ot land sit uate in saol township ol Kelde. bounded by land ot Mr.. Nancy Sneath on ttie north, land ot 1'. ,. A. K.jnn. on the east, flcarhcld Creek on ipe south, and other land nl the heir of li.ivi.l Youn'kin. deceased, on the we; t, cuntaiti!Ti:r tour ' acres and twelve perches, more or less, b,.tii pur ; part No v.-is retiirntd by said iri-juest. Also, all that certain piece or parcel of land si t tiate in said township ol Ji-ade, h iundcd t.y the "leartiel l C. unity line on t he tort h , land of ( 'lark ! A. Ion on the east, and land of l.elts of 1 reoryo ; Walters, deceise.t. in the outh atui west, c.n i taiiiinic sixteen acres and hf'y-one por.-ltes. 1 or less, and beinir purpart No lo. as returned by 1 said imjuest. This piece is underlaid by tlirea ' veins ol (rooil coal. j Also, the water risht on all that certain tract lot land situate in said township ol He.-ide. war i ranted in name o! Wilson, which said tract is now owned by I'. K A. r lynn. beinir purp nt No. 11. as returned by said In.iuest. tl.Ms. I (ne-thlrd ol the purchase money to tie paid :.'. the cr-nhrniatioti ot the sale, oiie Ihird in six month" and one-third in one year thereafter. The deferrred pay tnent " to bear inter est and to be secured by ntdTii-nt .,,n,t and inorlKaite ol purchaser. ".I OS. YOI ' N' KI N, Trustee to sell certain real r-tate ol IAT1 Yor.MJKlN. dee'd. Coalport, I'a.. Oct. ti. lss;.;n. 1 cm itiKs- Nt nicE. 1 V Hnvinif been ap i diFt'Tbution ft the fund j A. lJr.y. Sheriff ol t'am j ttie sal- of real esti te ol ' tion No. Al. June Term, in the hurt' ol .tos pli ria lounty. arising ir..m William Cole cu execu- ss7. Notice Is l.erel.v J irtven that 1 will attend to rhe duties ot saoi ap pointment at my of:c tn ttie borounh of p.l.cns hurif on Tuesday, Nov. l."i Is,,;, at In o'clock a. in., when an 1 where all parties interested may ap pear if they see proper, or be tjrevcr debarred Irom coining in on said hind. I" NAI.l E. IH1TIIX. Kbcr-shurs;. Oct- 17 1SS7. :.t. Vli.M I N ISTK AT KS' N( 1 ICE. letters ot adtnlnistration on the estate ol lhtnlel t'lKinev. de -eased . ol Munster township, having beeu granted loth 3 undersigned, notice is hereby Kivcn to all persona Indebted to said es tate, to make payment without delay, and those havinir claims auainst the same will present llicui properly authenticated I..r settlement. ill A KLfcS C t ' FY. A.iui'r. Munster, Oct. 5 lss;. VHM'.MSTIIATKK'S NOTICE. Letters ef aditiinn-tration un the estate of Stephen i t allan,, havlnif heen araut-e-l to the underi'iitued. notu-e i.-i hercl.y itiven to all liole'.K d to .-Hid estate to liiak-e .av- j tnent M-;thout delay and those having daitiiM ' ai;aint Ihe same will t. recent them. ro.erly au- I thenticated lor settleuient. A. W. lillt lv. fcJeoftiur, I'a., Anit. -t). 1ST, et. Adui'r. KAY NOTICE. lauie to the fremiees ol the suhscrlher rcsiiliri(j in l lic-t lowr.Khip, trauahna county, aiut the 1st ol Se temher last, a white loar. The owner is re.ue-trd to come lorwant, l'" ve tri.ert, pay cnares aud lake it aw.iv, othfwl.-e It will l.e disposed ol acc.o.liu to ia. .1 t.MKS A. .Mi CANS Cte?t twp. C'ct. In Ib-T. ut. Iv ili'iilinii- willi us vou are not onlv sure ol' nn in nioiicv 1 1 1 1 :ilso ol' hciui;- concctlv and fashionably dressed and ol' srrunnir strictly first -;lass, rcliahlc u-oods in every Department. Combined with these inducements vou have a STOCK OF GOODS TO SELECT FROM 3 limes as larp as that of any other House in Johnstown. embracing all descriptions of u;ood working gar ments, business irarmeuts. and tine dress gar ments. Xo iroods of the trashy decriition ever ohereu un a!e m ov.r establiMiiment. :WOOLF. SOW TSIIIS BOTTOM IS EEACKED AT LAST. Tlio largest slock o' hardware ever offered in tlie Countv can he found now selling ninny goods at much less than I can replace them for, hut I v i!i continue to sell at Bottom Prices until i am eompelled to replenish mv stock. When vou want a eoojvimr or hcatinir i i stove, tinware hardware, nails, iron, glass, trunks and farming implements, call and see my stock and learn my prices. All 1;; .s r II Kill STREKT. - - i:i5KXSl?UIaG FIRE! BURGLARS! THIEVES! wmmmmmmk s K rr-r wil IIsKMW 7iri ; " i it'll i K 3 X; k " tf'i .'- ""'.'' ".'''V'"'-S iHt.;., j:. tired 3J-w ttrl'&tff'&'y'lil toifi" J.i Finr.ilu f, i ir a first- ijB C Itrpll' tL'lf Class fireproof, ,,i oomUn- lR!WV'iti';i S y'jS a f at ion lock, safe, mlafti-il in capacity P&'illjr an.l price to Ftiit their ro.iuirt'rm-nts. lm:Mt44i r;-t warranted fire-proof, ami con- ZzSi-s?Krmjau.:m ! nfr'ag; eTiM pi ructci in the mobt linprovcil man iter. t- "V,ig.i i..i j-. - - -i" Ai'.vrrtifomcnt No. 1. Farmers' Size, 19x12x13, Household Size, 22x15x16, Small Dealers' Size. 28x18x13, Postmasters' and Size, 32x22x22, No. I. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Xo. 4 has inside door, with i!at key lock, duplicate keys. Sub-treasuries have flat key-looks, with duplicate keys. IfV un- m,c ei n. r.s- pntrnu and t A: manufacturers r-f the Victor Safes. He cautiiu )e'ru..s utialact vuthinj, Lu'jiit'j, tdlinj or tiding yttfra infringing vn our patent. EetTi first-elafs safe company 7nanttfcc'ur innLr jalt Jt ii dangi nu. tj Lur rpuriuim gijftdi hearing in pateiA dntt .. Every jierni V ho ii in in td f a safe will full it profitable1 to correspond with na at once, tn-fore an aireney is established in his locality, and receive the heiictil of our Special Orfcr in tp- n territory. Wo want (lateral S!TchanU and Dialers to help ns carry out our Inter-State, Cu-o)rratire I'lan. Exclv.iire cm'n! free. A highly pmtitabln connection to last probably for a life-time. l HI o.-.-f hut one n id lur a postal card to learn full parti culars. Illustrations aiid testimonials tent on application, lu writing ua mcntiuu aaveruscmuuL - o. i. Aauri-'ss, r The VIUHMS'I K AT 1 His Mil Id I .' tic t - : :. .! to 1 mm r i t :--n Kii-n 1 1 .1 1 , .' ; S a 1 : 1 1 ti t.-. -r. i:. I. iniT I et 11 ulalilc.l t . . .C'-l htT.'t.y iri-:i (. all pcr.oi- : :i tai c 1. ma .ivu,-i' iir: -.:i; !.a mi; .-l.i'i'i- ; l'.i 1 -1 tl e ....line i , . tr. ' the I I ,.11-ler.y .il : ,c I -i ll M I- I. II l.M; , A '.11 r. ;umtiiif 1', A'u. 1"? . I l l HO' M 1 III Ihe Colli mi-. i-o;. t':v..s .: 111: ;;,.! ho I In In the 'i-atlcr ol ti: y . sh..:icr. A-s.i.e A tld "... wit ISsT. 1 1 11 11: 1T.111 ol l lo .sc. a .;...! I! Ted a -i .1 .-cull! o 11, r. . t , ii., tnhlH!,, -r. :is-i. '. I a s. a- I'. 1 1 . 01 Au-; 1:1 H iy 7:1. .Iiv 11' Si-;, l.a-. I." I. k. I: .1. r rci...rt the Inn. is in the hat I'. . s . I An tor the t.i-ncrif .. 1 e.l pearJ t.v 1 St al i first ,1 t'.rial aeciM Hi 'heCourt. 11. ..SIIi'IAl.i;u:. I'n.'v. N nt ire is herc'V 1: 1'iit 1 v 1 . 1 Lit It t 1 purti.-sf oi ti,e :;ti,,vc a 1 p, ! t. T inei.t at my olti.-e No. id Krankl'li ..'n-rl, .1 . li n -T-,11:1 . t" nutria Cm 11 t.v . I'a .. tin W 1 . 1 1 1 1. . 1 . 1 y . ! .vi-in ! -r '. ',",7. at lo o'clock a. III., wt.en Hll-1 w!lt-c all p(-r-. I. s I O -teres ted Tiny iiiu-ii.i. it l.f 1 .r.- t r d lia 1 n '1 !r-T:l cutuing in 1 ;i .i'.i u l l . IK 'l; A "1". I.' isK. An '. .tor. .lohr.itown. I . c, Oihans' Court Sale. 1y virtup of an "r'ir --tiiiiir r ut ot tl-e r y t'fiai' 'imr! ni Tain hr i.l t Vu n I v l.. nn- ! i - r-',t,I. 1 1 1 1 php To juhltc s1p at lli: "ur MCKXKl) OCT. J, AT 1 UVUM K, the fi!lo.ii(r r tf i ral tt:itf. r : AU rtJtin j-i- e r p in-el ! 1 m-i pit i T In t'leurfi!'. town-hip. V iin'TiA cu tuiy . r.i. hil (ininie Iktvl p i'f V - i 1 1 hen I o'y, tic r o I .1 . '. lvry. Itr!C M'r'iirt. Y'r tx.r Ivory ami .!.-. Iiynirt X S;ii. "'intHtnum 1 -j H'-rct, hhtc or lt-ns ha vinz 1 h'TOfn Tft'r'.l i tn-'nry Ir.i'ne hmi-r. a hiirn ati 1 ti r -nT .u il.t ; r ir , all In i:hi rc I'riir. TJure i : ti ;t f 'ti n-a -h" 'l i.ttT ;n-l h, nn .r'"'T-.l . n ;-rMin V .l Kli MS rie-t hit A ol tho v t:u noy t' ;ti-l ;it tf.e ("Mirnt..t n I t'.c ;ni 1 tr retn:i i fi'lcr in two eii:i! iiT'ti! i .::; r..r-. . T r i ntf tvi .1" '! ci:r'.i 1 v i : z ; Uil ii; iit l.i.n.i a iucrt.ii;e vt lhcj.tirc!: i r. I I SK!Mi A (fK VV, Trust t( ! i 1 1.-r"l il KNAI.'ll IT.NhiiAN, il - M. 4 1 I'l'ITOK- M ITICK j I'lie un derslif ti" I hailnir l.een l'Oint ed auditor to re;.ort ci-tr l utl ni ..t the Intel in the hand of John T. l'c- r-..n. adtiiltiistralor ot S.un nel Ealif n. late ol C:,nniri a County, de e aye ; . as shown hy his first and hral a. count tiled an 1 confirmed tiv the Court " Sc:tctnlier term. I1"?, heretiy ives yotice that he w i'l et at his o'tt.-e in Khenhur on Wednesday. N"i cu. i'cr 'J!. !--7. at 1 o'cloca r. v., tor tie pur j o-c el ai 'end ; iir to the dnties ol his niuiom: men'. heti and Mian1 nil lierrons having clai us au Meftcd to i.riset.t them ate an re rrc 1 !r ml ;, And. he I com i nt; in on said ! I. Neit. ;h K. ;i.:; 4 CM l u iKS' Mi Hi 1'.. - Y liiv.nir ! .-en a;-oi 'n?el an j,u !.r r to inakc a distrihutlTci i I the run 1 in -!c t a-i :- i.l I Joseph A. liray. Sh. Till ot I 'ainliria couniy. aris . j inic lrotn the pale ol property of H. 4 '. i f ariinin on I writ No. !-. Septetnri, r ic-ui, 17. notice Is lu'fc I hy ttlven that I will at'. :'.! to the duties ol ttio j said appoint mer.t at the .ri,'tr.itiou inttio I Court lloiife. Kheiishurit. I'..., ou Wednesday, j No eia''cr -Jd. 1ST, at lia'.i i i t one o'.dm k. p. in., at which time and place all persons intere.te-1 i must present their rial in or he torcver dcl-iirrcl Iruin c.iiii.nwt in e:i n.l luti.l .11 Ml N I'. 1.1 N I'.iN, Audit :-. ; .1 jli!i.-tv;i. 1 t. ' l"-r. THOW1AS. at mv siore I am sapes i OUR VICTOR Hoasenoid&Office safes cpropsly moant to supply nn ur- Itianil from J-cirin-rs, J.-itryerr, tor.. Small S'o' tK" ; '; ', I'rmtinu.iti rs. We now ua; on each ami every nalif our new non-pickable combination lock, and inside Imlt-work. It has all round corners, exterior heautifully linished and ornamented hy hand with all hurnifihed jxjrtions nickel-jilated. .Interior nicely titted up with fiuli-treas-'urics, huuk-epacus, and pigi.-ou-Loles. weight, 1 35 lbs. 250 lbs. 600 Ib8. 800 lbs. $24.00 S30.00 $40.00 $60.00 Victor Safe &, Lock Ca. CiKC ivvsn n nrt i if w rroiis Nunc f.i'c 1 1 1 Chri-t : . ! a I y it: Tie c te . 1 the t- 11: lia I I.'. .1. I.. IT. r hi i-t..plicr l;o- 'a 111 1 ria c. .11 Tl i I V . t . I- . I . rs ' . !. rc.l-- -I. .I. : li ... r- 1, l.c.ii - r;. ii; 1 ! i.. the 1. 1. - llj.!..l li-.l ! - 1 .! c-t;.l. arc ... ;.aVTii-l.i w it la. lit ilcla V , i .t.i'. '. o. ICS . I ! 1. ' 1 11 1 1 a 1 r . 1 1 i 1 a- anam-t a o I l:i..;i. 1 1 1.1 a :tu W .il .i l : .r sett I.l v I., ir. ' I . I . 1 1 A N . l;,e. . c ,1, t. 1 I II. 1 .1 A.-l I. I. i is-:. Orphans' "Court Sale. Bv i ui : i at 1 , 1m cc id an i t l, ' ';. Hi I 1 la t i ill!! " S- ile ... tl c 'li vn un i ) 'lock V. M.. the r oi 1 lu V. there i' '., Vl.l, r' o I ,-1 t,j a. i -i - i n (K'T. ,s. -il'M in T :i t viz : I ;i t .l Ian.! sitnaH n riT' Wilt" 1 1' Cm n i i 'it.iniv. i-i.i.'ainii,- : 1 ,T a-T . a I tiiinu la nil o! lli' Ui- , i, i.-l Shcoha I nit t lie pretil! Hai'in .am. Titui Tltv .('-Inn 'trul .-Tiler-, I ' J.e liit i J'.l.n Stn-c! :ui. K ti e: nr. nn't'tt-il a iiini.-e .tint i s 11 K'MS - IV n . it ct'ti I t' !'f 'M iij at tho .( tin- t.m-!-, i r 1 t h'-rct, i. on a Titl 1 h ( m la n- i ti I Wit i an ! nir. tl iTf- r In SP''JIP,1 l v Hl!Mli lit r.l.i - v r-;n.i;ii AN. I fiic i.T v ; l.a la in e r. V. r if in t u:ii 1 1 ha'. J.l lt : IHOMt-. at i i-.-r. with lnirri . V k'tj'ls "1 Ali:iniNfral'X "t Sent. lv. lT . ;;t. MH.N MM. KHAN. Jrvj .l. ' vi isi n i-:is" i '! iir. Jr.. vmiinn -i op in M i niattrr of th -hna Au- hv laii-u t'.i - ;;!! :ii- !!! i. r i. i it: '-p (!.: raft. tl.i i haii!' i";irr ol Cnrn'Tia t'ntjiiTy. I'a., i-i !ur- .ii. i ri p rt it ?--nt 'i'jrt In rt-iiai l t tt. ;i:;if , tu re: y -ixt-s m-tiftT mat he will -it at .lice ;n 1 1 . lloriHiIi M Ml'i-n-n-ir. in t'onn tv an I S: iu. an Mv-ii-Jhv. i("..! r 17. !"T. at nn-' o't-'t. k m . . t . ili-.'li.irv tho tlutiv ! hi v -i . i fit tj: n t , v. In. n ;.! h--rc i 11 j.. r- i r:i-rc- tcl in ty a; j ir. Im ..LI' I',. I" h 1 N, C ui. Orphans' Court Sale. v v ir' cc ol an order ) pi. an' Court ol I i-siinir out of the i aii.lna County to nn: .1; l. etr.l, I wtl! i i ose ell. I r.if Hotel :n : .;e ! lo I'liMic .nlc at I he 1 it. mil: t.t Chest SiT-iii.--1, , FUNK I ) OC T. AT 1 o'd.ix K 7 .v. v.swr. e ; W ITl a a ! Ic-crl'ied Tunt -,' or : arcel ! r l. vir. : unseated land situ- ale 1 :, :.-.:: I... ::',., le 1 ,,n f . x,i :.. ; w i "a r i n e . a: and 1 1 tl'h 11 Ilia ll t.o;i,i-eil an,t .1 t-cA ii.- hip. 'a e e.i"t i.y land ol ri , Oil tl.C so,.' It o: lier . en the and John I'urt. a eou 1. 1 v. I'a. . :. Pa.-I in and .and of ri I IV lar. 1 ol Tila.r.iii ..itc r le-s. Ihi .1 thirtv fires. ion lao.l i .ten-elv covered i'. r ' .l'Kll.MS.-i ne tn-.r.l li valuaMo Tniiner. o me purehasc monev ;,, I . - i a i.l nt the ci, "nil Ti'l- rt-Tiiu1 ml T in ti e.i w.Tii iiit-rct, to l-'j sen I en .is anl ttiort jate ot Hi all'.tl ol Ihe .-.tie, uti'l ua I a nn tnt I pa i iiient s , :ci I y the ,udmnctll l;l.lII.M. M. Ml 1.1 KX. l'ru-te, oh. r 0. 1- to sell eer'-tlll real estate. -1 MA l l'llKW Mi .MI 1.1. I N, dec j. .;t. MIT1CK. , !.'.:e an I red spotted ci,w. tilH.ut I years 1 A v 1 i, ur.inr. a t'ell with Copper ti ets m sliap. 5trac-l .iw.iy Irom tin" premises ol the UD.It-r-saulic.l on .1 u:io I-'. 1 sT. A rewaid Will he pant l..r i ii 1. rui it ..-ii ol her wherea'i.uiTs H ll. HI NMll.i:, ilon Whili.. I'. l , liia.r Co., 1,'u., July ."J, lssr. l t. t. t. r. r-: t -t I. . r r .: . ..- - . t : .. . t ':' : r. r . I -r - E-c-i. r.- r. r i l. t - tf. I? 7) oo nn