THE BEST ASSORTMENT AND LOWEST PRICES ON i m. wn itu. jm. I llll A 1. - :. is :.S7. !.: I .. I A 7) J '.'A'.sYA V. L. C' lrrn't li.itid of this place will give , , ..cert In few wet Its. i )r. ( W. vp, of Lilly, was a visitor : ; . ur town or. Tuesday. l !n' Mountain House at Cresson closed i, " sea-on on Tuesday. -. Mr. I'. F. Urown. or the Central Hotel, ', t , ), s trip to 1'itlsburtih nn Tuesday, j Mr. Lincoln I. lord, of Cambria town- 1 j . li st a hue colt weik from botts. .Yen h'tit Cleveland will pass ovfr the) Ivania ra!rud on his western ttip. j - -The miners at Lilly nrs now palil every t. ,i weeks ItnU'ad of monthly as heretofore,. Mr. William Want, furuian of tl.e Carroll town Y. e , spent a few hours iu town Nr.n- ,l.i. M..s Vora Oavlsv.nd Miss Clara Xvans, i t t:;ts rtaco are Hi'iun friends Ik Hunt it olon. A T.:w lamp has been placed in posi- ''ti rt tne eowasre. ot "nam uros.' : verj stable. ,'nhn "canliR Jr., left on Mmday last to a, tend srhviol r.t Yillanova elleie. near i'l.l' VtelplllA. Mr. Herman Cunnell, of II is place., has urepted tte -ositiou of veslstaut tic tot t i.t at tlie depot. Mr: Andrew Stnttmattor. last week iri linvd ths lumber yard cf Meters. Iiavw i , u-ar t.e station. Mr. Faith His purchased the btrlisoitif slic.p and liaise now occupied ty Liui, from Mr. AtHl I loyd. V.tert) will rerot-mbr that the) last ihy fur pA tiu taxes ami t-s last day for fcrU' tut ..rn.ii.erl in Saturday, Octoher -stli. --Mr. .Iward Mao!:, of this place, who !..i been lihij ill wt'.h the typeoid Orer. S ri-civ"rttij arid will soon be. atle to be a!. it ,:mi. Hon. U. L. Jutwston, of this place, will deliver t.-.e addrs rt. the First huld at C' Jn on T esday 4i:tower .i:tb, at a oYI.k r . m. Mr. rti.irl.-s M"' lonik'le, one of Lilly's B-Mtd i-ukliiu and pMd natvred - citizens dricw'e 1 In to see as while, iu town on busi ness, i". Tuesday. The nianatjer-i of the lltair ccrcnty fair l:avc o.-tpoued t'te time for holding their exb'h'.ion until the four days cootuencinz Tuertay, Septeriber -'Tth. X'r Willi: Cole, of Owroll' township, whe as purct:cse1 the planing ari saw mill rp: ti e depot, moTKd Ut town with his on Wednesday. Ilr. J din Flick, one of Carrolltown's be-: c tlrms, passed tnroaxb towu on Tues day, on lila wiy home after taii'U In the ivilent:al at'Tliiladelpt.ta. Th O'llara Uro'hers, who bave been running tlie h.ery stableatCres n, brought tlx- r siock V this place on T'exlay, after t(' cN'sinj; of the lIouiiLam lUt.t e. K. L Kerr. K.-'i , accompanied by his wl. '. dJUiinVr and ilrs. llut"5:inson drove ourland n Tuesday to Indiana, where Hi. y lnteii rpeiidiin; ft.'veral days. In t'w 4'leartieM Pomy court last w k t!.i j-ry acnuittod ju-.j t;. Ilamlor who was on trial, charged wtMl ttie murder of Mrs. Foster In Mnrr.s township on ill 'J. -- in Top-lay next a reiinUru of Con. -any A, i'lf tv-l'i'.:i resilient !' V.. will be held at AshviUc, at which all tlu surviving ni"in h:s of trm; company aie eariu-st :y rcnuestel to attend Mr. l.ltir !uut, of l.riv, a non-ri-Hw ot Mr. iC.iliioe who i1i.J lat weiilt at tli;.t plue, ; Ivinirvery low with typrioid fe .i r. bat AUid Ji.ij'et bvini; entertained for li!- re'-inKL-y. -Mr. Ai.-lul.aia Mrr.o:.!-;.. Holiidays birj, well t'uiwn al u: th line of the "d 1'' :.t! r.iilroad ty oir olde r eititis. died at :.ii l.ttw In llolNIvhir- on Wedues Jiy of la-t wivk a-d T. r !wi'i I.i'lv. M-cxnil se. of Mr. I. Lilly hteird a', "he almf house, ;j Saturday last Is. ..d a ?;. -.'Cesf ill i-xaiiilliaiioii for a fire. lu i on l.r l'i-niiyl u.a ranrnad and will j!o t otic as hoou ax a vacancy occur. Mr. !1 ;iry F.ard, of Munter township, I tttcv.'.i;li tills p!a-e ou Tuesday on 1 1 w vi' Klackllck townshlF. In (juest of sjk nls. in his return on Vednesday he r'i rted U hunting jjood but same scarce. l i e f.i'.'.ow'm named p'r ons can ea-l: r.'ty iv- a W ' ti-r li "ailing a: fiia KbenhtmrR pov.Mtv.ce Mrs. Hell Kerr, W. II. Fra-er, A. W. IL'..l. braiid, Atnos Jclon. Mr. Sua it 1 JrJ y, M. McCarthy. Mr. Maxwell I. fu.-r. Mr. i..p.i-:. Foster, of ;r(vnshurir, who 1 I een vin t 'ic friendt in ttiis place for tl.rt .i-t inn:!h. t.'ok bi? departure for home on V ruliiy (.eore Ls uinoy friends to t!n , lace, all of whom wer jiry to aee h:m ieave. Hr. f.earife iv.b?hen and s!auiihter left fr Ci.errj W" ( their tioiw) on Wednesday, aft.-r '..aviiv apent lodayawitl'. Mrs. K. J. N x'.cj. i t t:.n place. Mrs. t'aU tieii came 'ip f ". ;n r !.i'ii:ii ami jjoe home very much hi i r 1. I :.e llirry isters, the muskal and I it emry w-inlers ivill give one of their con !:! at U e 'pe. a House It t s place, n W i....y, Ntitr, S:tl, the proceeds of " ' -ti w,.l lie fit toe benefit of ti.e (irand A.iru.y -t of tUl.s place. hi Tuesday wetiiti Mins Mary Koberts a L.i.'.a purti- In honor of her friend, M is Kiiui; l;iiB-il- Kerythln tfotten in r.eiiM stylv aud about fifty presents "re u;wu away, it was the -t enj-ijaMe evett cf tt'.n season. The JoLustuvn. Tribune of Tuesday -- "Jutl,;e Johrwton's fences '.not his P'M,: oties. Out tin . around bis premises in K:.n;sburKV are in bad repair, ana be caue down this morniuif to fee about aew a-id aivi tkS(ct a tew paven-ent." I'm!. John is. Miller, who purcLaspd tte l ii:t II .ue in tlis placp and who will. In a rt tiire, take po-i-es!on of the bou, tiv. .1 tl9 iinMrat- nomination for 4 " Treasurer at the Leniocratie county f' ''Vt n.:,.ri l.eld ai Jiurt.ndon last week. li'tle tan-year-old c'nuubter of Mr. V .liiarus, of C'ambrU township, on """-inf afterniwu ol tier left band ' .:'.; betv.'een the tis of a ruler mill and ' I ( a o uf i.or tiriiiers bad ly a angled but It '' e 1 thai .she will Dot be permanently '-iT.d. A 'jrj,. boar Is lioldiu forth In w ...!', went of town, wber.i l.e has "eei, -evera' times within ttie last few ''- in 11 o curt field if Mr. J.'lu'i Cun- -'' -mi a few iUy-i asi Mr. I'ruin was "i ! ; it 'simM'! to sorr.e toastimt ears ""' '-is track in tlie 4rt Kround are plainly M.utin, a !i;tie two and-one-Iia'f year ' :,! -'-ii i f Mr. Tliutnas l'n I'-ell, ot Altoona. attempt ir.u to cros street in tbat r"V '': tfi.t i.f a team of b r ses on Vs'ednes . i t week, was knock 'd dowu and tr' i--d by oho of the hories Ui 'd died al ""t ..i --.atitiv. A u'tuiiiTi jury asouef aUd il-.til I I )'U lll.y liU'l.e 4rie day last week a youcg man named Harvey (iensler went buntini at Curwens- vilh', Clearfield county, with an old-fashion eii pun Iht iron ramrod stuck fast in the nuizle, atid tn?. attempted to shoot It oct. when the weapon burst and fractured the young man's skull. He was taken to Lis home, and fc not expected to live. ShertJ Joseph A. (iny, accompanied by Messrs. John 4'Hara. M. D. Dearer and H. J. Creuse, started on Wednesday morn ing wi:: five prisoners, John Iridiums, Jos. Mart'n and liarney l.undy each irr.der one yearV. sentence to the penitentiary, aud Vernon i. Ditzel and Ida liowden, who are nnd-c sentence to the Moranxi Keforru SCl.t)l. Captain Kobert B. 4;utbrie. formerly a resident of A!tixr.a. where te was well aixl favorably known, was drowned at Atlantic City on Sunday last. The de-cea.-ed was an expert swimmer but yentur IrikC too far out was carried by the undertowi wliich was unusually heavj-, out Into I Up ocean. All efforts to secure bis body were unavailing. The Sisters of Mercy, whose mother house Is at Lore t to, will open a branch bouse at Dunbar, l'a, on October 1st. Sister Josephine, formerly Miss Hilda lhm.sen, daughter of tte late glass manu facturer, ut Pittsburg, will be iut In charge as Superioress. be will establish the houiej with four other Sisters, two of whom will teach In the school. Mr. Frank M. Postlewaite, of Somer set, was instantly killed on Tuesday luorn- inK uvmi u tiuu i iusuuimu, uy uriuK kuocked ,ll a tram, bis bead coming in I a .. .I....W .. !. . 4. : cont.ut with the Tcull. -street, bridge. De- ceaseU was a sou of tLe late William l'osticlliwaito, auj wna a youug man higt)l respected fur bis generous impulses aud nobl.ity of character. Mmsrs. McConnellA: Saupp, the popu lar clulhiers of Altoona are still leading in the clothing business iu that city. Their stock ia all new and their prices are marked away down below all competitors. tieu jot visit Altoona drop around to their store iu the M. Lawrence block and take a look at theii goods and don't you forget it you will be a.stoniaUed wbeu you learu their pj-lces, James Morris, of I'uiontown. while out huu ting one day last week, bat down on a fence to lent, with his rubl arm carelessly l.Angir.g over the muzzle of his uo. U'm dug struck the hammer of the guu and it w us Uicliarj;uJ, the load shatteilug bis arm all the way up-the sbulder oiut, making It ttivf a:y to ami'Utate the aim. Part ot the of the guu also lodged iu his chest. He will hardly recover. Joseph Xrugh, of IV.acklog Valley, lluutii gdon cuui.ty, informs th Hunting don .UtC-r Uiat Le has a larger ray sU;ue which was dug out of a public road in bn'.r ley town-l.ip by a supervisor about seventy live years ago. The btone Is very hard, weighs about one-half ton, and there are ! clearly imprinted on it the tracks ot a horso will; a W:oe, a colt, a deer, a b-iar, fox, a wild cat and a human hand. a doa A very important bill passed the last Leg. Mature, providing for payment of costs in all criminal ca-es, by the county. The ct.unty is made immediately chargeable for cots in every ca e of misdemeanor in any of Cie couits i,u.n tr siessi ons of lenn.- lani, and also for ti e cods of wtnesses which the District Attorney snail certify were mb po naeil t y Ins ti !er ar.d werein attendance and ne cr.- ?ary to t .: r trial of the case. A Sridicate of l'it:.-burg capitalists tas purchafsi the tacious ltedfr Spiings property ind will enter Into possession on , 4)rtober 1 . The price paid was fJ.Vi.'Hn . : or.e-hftti of which was paid in and ' the b.i'iiiuoe to draw ier cent, interest fcr j the next ten years. The syndicate is coin , pooed of A. M. ISyers, KJward Andeisoc, John U.wrell, John W. ChaKant. ajid J ud ' Hawkins, of I'lttsburg. and William Hait I ley, of Uedford. V Farinefs rarly gain by keepUig grau: after It is fit for markeit whPn the sLfiiife is takeu in to account. Leaving the clepre 1 dations of vermin out Of calculation, whoat ; will shrink 4" per cent, or two quarts per bu.-ih.'l. in sc. months; therefore. V Cents I in August is as ginxl as fl in February, i ; Corn shi iriks alKjut JO per cent.; therefore j ! to cents in November .as good asients iu March, f ctatoes rot .and other losses, j about J-i per cent. j J 4ntael:th lustant a partnership was entered Into Lc the marDW business, betweeu ilr. James Wtlkinsou ai his son Ossio Wi.kinson, r this plJM. The business which has ben conducts! by Mr. James V'U" inson wi.I ki the future be a-rled on by tlio new firm and thos having work to do in their lm, will find lUiu reedy to receive or Jers and to eaecute and deliver first e!as woil. on sh irt notice aod at iea.sonabU pri-es. An editor Invented an InfernaJ n.achine wince p!ac-s in .an envelope aLd sends it Ui those who "refuse" ti paper after taking it live ytars without pacing for it. The machine explodes and kills tU whole family, and the fragments that fall In the vari kill the dog. Glory ceitainly awaits that editor, and when he uels Into the sanctum tbat awaits him above, be will bave an uphoUstased chair and be all.-wed to sit with his fet on the table. 'Lxrter TjuuAner. The building of the Washington Monu ment, the loftiest structure ever ralsl by man. Is described In detail by Oscar Joote. Although authorized fcy Congress in Cj1.', the work wa not actually beruu until 1M7, when a 8orley wasorganited for that pur pose, with the nhi'authropbt W. W. Cuc- I coran as vice-president. Tte article In tho Th A'wi&'n iftnazine ully ilIuU.Ucd I with pl.ins and pictures of the monument. and a portrait of Mr. Corcucan serves ao j frontispiece for tii? October riamber. I While Mr. William II. Connell. who w ' assltin Turnkey lVach at t!w jail, was ' clitnitinii some of ttie prisoners to dilT.'rent j cerison Weduesdiiy, ioiueoi.e caaie to trm j front door to e abut deliveries a load of hay. Mrs. IVach. wnj was cjt aware of any ot the prisoners bcinc out of their tells. opene.4 the door wbou l'eter Le. wiio was ; Lroujlit uii Irii.ii johntown about a week a charged witti assault aud htu-ry, tua ie j a da-h f..r liberty and panbinii Mrs. l'euch outnf his road, escaped through th-J du-jr. j Mr. Vailie I.uttriner was just cowing down a ladder, on the opposite side of tlw i treet, and seinu the prisoner running, saw ! at a u'ance what was wrong and took after ' Mm down :iilp;e street. Mr. Walter ! I).i is was on the tieet ami headed o:T tUe ' prisoner who turned lulo lion. A. A. Uark. ' er's table yard, when Mr. Luttiiiicr cap I lisui bun ao J uarctied him back to jail. ii WILL Michael McGuire. who was hurt by jumping from & train at Cresson, on Satur day the r.rd inst., died at the Altoona hos- riul on Saturday last from lock jaw which had s-et In. His remains werw Interred at Gallitzin on Monday. The residence of Joseph Taylor, an aged and wealthy farmer of Westmoreland county, was entered by masked burglars one liiht last week and thoroughly ransacked, the occupants being silenced by drawn revolvers. The thieves secured but f -i5 for t!i -ir trouble. Our thanks are dee to Mr. F. II. Marker, of this place, who is now Sdjournin.g In (;aiden City, Kansas, for a copy of the I I Finney couiity T-tniomi', published at ! f I. 4 '.. . I.' V. . r . . , v.iiuro ,uy. riuiu urn jTi'Trrr we leaiu that on Saturday, Septenitv r loth, at the Democratic County Convention held at j iarden City, among other made was that of Lichard I". Dominations I ,. "S Hoover fort surveyor. ilr. Hoover vu horn rtvmr near F.benf burg in ls4S and is a son of John 1. nocrver who at that time was a resident of this neighborhood and who removed to Iowa with his family in lss. -Mr. William Hick, a twwvcati of Al- toon a, on J- riuay last while riding a Texas I ...... . , . , l pony Uat be bad pU. Chased a few dajs before was thrown but held OU to the pony by a long lope that be attached to the j bridle. He attempted to stop the pony by I running the roLnt around a tree box but was ! thrown against the box. with such force as j to iupiu:e a olood vcaael iu the region ot i the heart and be died almost instantly. TLe I deceased was bum iu Allegheny township. .... mis county, and was a flick , of Loretlo. lie son of Mr. Charles ; was niarritd a few years ago to Miss Kllen J. Itel, of Munster township, who survives bim with two children. His remajas were Interred at I.oretto on Sunday. The following item we clip from the New York Tablet of the 24th insant We ' were aware of the fact of Father WaUh's generous contribution to his suneriog coun- trymen. aud intended mentioning it last 4reek, but while trying to learn the particu lars. Father Walsh requested us to say nothing about it, and in compliance with his 1 request, we kept silent. As we get It now from another source we take the liberty of j publishing it: itev, Fther Walsh, of Ebensburg, Pa-, may not be very loud in his profession of sympathy for liland, but he has a practical way of showing his love for the old Una which leaves no doubt of its genuineness. When tidinjs of the Mitch ellstown rnurdere ti ashed acres the wires of the Atlantic cable he wasted no time In drafting fiery resolutions, or In Mv";g way to impotent and futile wrath, but at once cabled ioo to William 4'IJrien to aid ttie ylctims of Euglisb brutality. We re gret that it cannot be applied for the pun ishment of the F.nglish brutes ; but that is not Father WalsU'e fault." M AKKI AI.K I.I4 F.NSr.N lSM Fn. The following marriace licenses were Issued by the Clerk of ttie Orphans' Court for t!ie weet ending Wednesday, September 2-'. lssT : Ambrose I,ntvy. KU!p tnwrship, and C'?'2rin .1 nn- Uii-e. ltrr tow nship. JosiaW. .Makm ai) Maggie Jamef, South Fork. I. -vi 4'.rovenr'd Malinda StaM, Cambria. Michael liartos and Doia Thomas, Cam bria. John llynn, t'hest township, and Jane C'ark, Clea'tit-ld township. 4'lTi-topher F''rg. Lower Voder towuship, and Anni Smith, John-town. Iiarnel Cain aud Martha Lowry, Washing ton township. John T. raprnn, Iteade township, and Nani 41. Heverly, liecana townstiip, 4..1arlie:it county. Philip S mdmaicr. Johnstown, and Mary Keifer. 4"onemaiith. V. S. (iraut 4reiger and Mary Klizabeth Miller, Morrellville. A Karf C Ior (unity rr I'riiHI. The soundest, createst and best rair.ins enteii'ri-e in Anuriea today, whose shares are for sale, is tlie Torti.ita. The property corourises twelve developed mines located iu Arizona. Over jlfc'.H.'O In bullion has been taken txit of tLe tree mines now Ce- lutt worked, and their permanency is derat-n- j stra'td. ThecapiUI of the Tortlhta Min- iue. Company is t l,Ki.ot). based on proper- i ,y worth J I.j,-o,"4)it ?J each, at wliich pri-e they can be purchased by letter or in per son at the Tortihta Mining Company's of fice, 57 liroadwai N. Y. The stock Is be- i In,? largely taken for private inestnient ty j bankers, mercLanls, farmers a id workinc- j men and wouen. Su!:ription may be i mad? for froui one sharo upwards. Tte price Is likely to advance materially. The ; Tortilita is second only to th famous Can.- 1 stock in Its output and promise. -i-u'r ; W. I PernoD!. Mr. N. II. Froh!icr:-,tein, tf Mobile, Ala., w:iU's: I take ereat plea-ure in recom liitnilln? Dr. King's ?ew Disctivery for Ci.nsumption. ane nd It for a severe aUacK of broncfcltif and catarrh. It cave j ni' instant relief and entirely -cured me and i 1 not been a:Vieted since. I also beq . ty s'.ate that I had tried otlier remedies j wilt-, no Koo-1 result. Have also use? j Kletitrio flitter and Ut. Kind's New Lite I'ills, both of wblch 1 can recorfcoiend. j Dr. King's New i)i-tcovery for Consump- j won. cougr.s and cold, is sola ot a posuive guarantee. Trial bottles frwe at E. James, drug tore. Itdlcm Halted. A lady agent is war.ted In eyeryrity and vilUiie ; also ladles to travel and bj licit or ders for Sadame Wtxiw't Corset and Cord ed Corset Waists. Tampico Korms, IIoms Supporter. Meet 1'rotActoN, Ladies' Friend, etc. Aiietrts are making rom Twoaty to Fifty dollar a week. Send for ataUwu? and friee list to li. I M outh Saliaa Stroet. Syrac?e. New York. I hate been for several years asufferer t'rom hay feyer and severe bead colds, at. 4 have tried other remedies in hope of setting relief but have found none that can compare with Ely's Cream UaIhi. I would not be without it for any consideration. It is simp ly wonderfnl In its effect upon the nasi organs. . A. Kurt, Wilmincton, N. C. 1 cau cheerfuiiy ritromm.-nd's Cream Kalm to the suffering public for Lay fever and stoppage of the air passages. I Jiave triel it ai l find it ttlves satisfaction. Udfklrn'a Arnica Salve. The best ealve in the world for ruts. Ilfulses. icres. I'lcers, Salt iitieutu. Lever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Ciiillblains. Corns and al! Skin rlruptiotis, and positively cur.s I'iles or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, fir money refuhded. I'rk'e .'j ceots per box . Korsa:, ryh JjN.-t;saJW. W. JicAtccr, of L-rdto avss m&m Aim BE FOUND AT- Llt iitJarnoi. Following Is a list of Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn to serve at the next term c.f court, beginning i.e first Monday la Heeem ber : OKAXIl Jl UUllS. Hl-.C((h, Saniuel T.. -two'er. Johnstown. "-Tl' li"li're. latM.T-rr.t'tcarflrM l"!1- uttioert William, lurcmnri. '..QeniiiUi:!. llur. -u-ter. I'ivid S.. I:in jrrr. MJIvule. Iil.-v Ttio. K . l arton.ler. "..nuniauh UT. 1 avi"s. Am"? . IHl-Ter. Kt TlMf. lurtrirh. I.ewii, (anaiT fliel Tp. H;i.i..w. M. 1... rirmer. t;e.l. Harli-r. isiric. laruier." "lt-arneld Tl. Hotfue. K. .T-. t.un-r. Wilnmre. l..iD r. l irv. v. (:irini-r. So.r.y 3rok. lluiti. MuMnii. .lat ror, Y -n.urg. k"..nv lmi hiNorer. ' Keslrr. J. .. IarmT. wr:ue Vr.TrV" "v!". haei uwr. M.iiVinn. ary. Anstra. merchant. MlllvUle. I 1 1 li-irra. j'-nu i . "r ui iu. -' ' 'f.-i-:er. ieMme. watobman. 4VahinKU.n. KickPtt..'ohn. larmer. iiri;. Sh:wlr. Vatnel. enKineer. J..lin;lon. 1 roxell. S 4 miner. Kca lP. Wcn.n-ll. K. W.. lal-.r. r. Wwvln'f ..-.. ihavkkse jiKdiis-utof mekk. ro. r .. laruier. j. Itralner. lame I.. Urtner, l'ort iwp. Kra.llcy. Mi-hatl. larroer. WmylilnirtuD. hMn, ii. K., larmer. Karr. .. . . . .K.ui t 'amt.iioll l.frr. f amer. t'rr'lltwn. ('aalay. rrve, laruier 1 lorn:la Twp. fawlry, 1 x?ni. farmer Ieaa. : T.?..r.h ,1." "i nl.p. Hck. J. . miller r ruian. Uo. K. tarmrr !uf.tiehanna. , mien. imw farmer J.vkon. !tnna. Th.-raaj farm. M ;frnel I TwV. t'Rui, lani-l enirmeer i allium H j. Dm mu . J..spu iu:ci-r Ktx-net-urK. J;V?i;7i,' a."--. Hunt. .I. iin I. s. farmer Vet Tayl"r. I'til. Junes larmer AJairn Jam-s. Si-l'liPn rarventer West Taylor. .l.-ne-. Ktcliarii. J. F. t .iiemauL lior. kaua. J anies lahrer 4'aDihri.i '1 wp. Kaj lor, John C. rilackmitb alliuln Hir. Ki-iver, Al raham f iruir Ailains. k.ritiev. .lotin enaini-iT Ha-t 'i.iitimauyh. Kruuionarht-r, Henry ! i run-r linrr. I.i.-li, Aiam. Ola-'k-iuiith. Mrr. l.luk. .1-ihri li., larmer. .IiIimq. I. Ink, Suuiuel. farmer. JarLffn. Var li n. Heorne. iirolp.stir. Johnstnwn. Miller, WillUin. tni'Mpr. "oneiuaimh Hor. Mer, 14. K., furmer. Kealp. Kiiier. Jnhn .1.. taruier. .larnson. Kn.-i, I -i. Ir.i.rer. .1acU-on. Lowland, Ella, larmer, Hlackllrk. Shurl-'iituh li.l.n W mri.h!tir I rrril I tWtl She -bill. l$:lah, tflTmrr. SuminerhiU Twp. j eV.T.'iV "ZT'S;. Smuy. l'aviil. loreman, lonetnauh tivT., li. t .. mervnant, J'.hti'iown. Sielt'ei k. Adam, laborer, CamtTla. Strmmatter, Aloyiua. earjienter.l'arroll. Walter. Ianil, lahorer. Kift Tylr. Wnliaan. Ji hli. rx-er, t'or.emauKb lior. W ilsdn, John, lahnrer. 4"royle Twp. Wlsslnur. Jere. farmer. C'inemauicb Tp. TRAVEUSK JI RiiKS 8BTC.1T WHK. A ilamg, J. I)., mlllham:. We.t Taylor. Hearer, Josei.ii. larmrr. Carroll. lUouuh, S. W. larmer. Stonvrree. Kulacd. K lnworth, latwrer.'Hlaskllrk. Wrallier. Jacoi laborer, franklin. Humnanlner. Henry, but.-her. St-mejcrcek. Murk. r. N..caneuter, (Jallitiln. 'arrull, IVter. morohant. lillvillo, "arlton. Ue-irire. laborer. 4rnyl. 1'avla, ImvM. lumt-erman. KliensburK. lavl!". T. K.. larmer, Jacknn. I)-itnn. K. K., la'urer. (iallitjln Hor. Kberly. I. M.. clerk. Khen-hur. a'l.raiih. .l.-hn, r-nt li-min. J"hTiSl'iwn. fireen. Uo. M.. (ihutnicraphrr. J.ihnotown. nru. Iiani-U. lal-orr, Johnt';wn. Heroirioit. K.. enlut-i r. I 'or.i'm.iuich for. ! Horrji'i,. Ji.nathan. ;cer. t iom:tn .1 'ont mauiro I4or. Hurtiia . .losejih. J r., ihurr. Wmi'lvalB. I lliiun. ,1. J ., uierrhanl. t'arriillbiwn. i .lolly, VY . A., merchant. J.hi:tinj. Ktuie-y. Kdwa:l. ::irrnT. V Tylor. ; Kririn. I rla.'i. i.irmrr. Ki hl in !. i S imucl, larmer. Kihlur. An-lrew, l,th..rer, ''iui:Tii:iTih H'ir. . "harli'j l.itiorer tolin-tuwh. I I.ibl y farmer Khier. I. ilir W illiam lmtter Joliutiwn. I l i- tcr- l.iM'.li wi'l:t .) r.-.i:ile. .'.i s'-i Jol.a S. lurmi-r A'.lrtl ny. ri.-M ulen J. A- i-luiul't-r I.. ..i. t iwn. ' MeN u.iy er:e la!i'rt.rsuvfi-iiiiiQu. I MrNulty Krank lalmrer White. ! ale Mici ael 11. larmer Kh!r. ) "i, . ter J"hn In."!' XVr.Miii.-t'in. I'airi-U K '. Tr.'-ri h'iut l.i t-n huiv. j ll::u -O -e' h .-.tri'uLi r v j.-hia-'t'-n. 1. ,,!iS .1. clerk .l'.h...-t n. I Sirl. u:f ATi'lron .Ir. nirr. ham .1 ihr. !' wc. Skel.yiifi.rae A. hirmer Suinrcerhill. s'l.'nerv ilic lanui;r SUMjui harin.i, . V:l.i .laci'b if ciitie-tian J.-hnl' an. Wi-r.iriili' oi.ra.l inrik'e:.-r ilui'-re. hari'in i harlr . nicr.-ti m' I'l.f-T Sf.-ms, : Wi:hc!m iivi l lumi-erm-tn i'.tri;ii:e Twi. ' '.V.i:ii..r N ah l.t..vr-r .1 . (i!ii ivu. W y ian-1 l.i-"i. lu ti. h-r:r. .ir. s u5';uhanna Two. , Z'lieZ. J. larm-r Cir:i. ln-l.l. OltlTIART j i;ir.INE. 1 iMt at his borne in I.i:iy on Tbur-day, September l."t!i, ISsT. Mr. Chris ! topher Kobine. aed about 4"i ears. j Tlie dereaed was born at Sarbrook, 4ierinaDy. but eruiirratud to tliis countrv when a yonnir man and liwated at Lilly where lie has t-.een a rident lor a nuuiher of years. was hil.iy e-teemed for his inacy cood (luaiitiei as a ei'izeii and neii bor. and was a kind IiUbai.d and itikmI l parent. He leaves to I'rvive li-ni a widow five daughters and i al,( lJ--t c.ih'.ren, tt.ree t-ons. namely : Matiiie w ho is mar- ri ii in i nomas s'iierniari ; r:i.:aopth n:ar i ried to L'air snort and Moliie. Aniiio nnd t.arrie anl 4.erce. 4 brltj. and an infant son a'lout a n.oRlli old. His r-iuains were interred in the Catholic cemetery at Lilly on Monday la-.t alter a Hiuti Mas of requiem for the repose of bis foul, l'eare to bis ashes. LKAUKT-Dicd at his borne In Lilly on Monday. September l'.!b. liST, of typhoid fever, Mr. James Ltahey, aed about twenty-fright years. The death of James Lahey was a shock to the community in wliich he lived and where ; lie was beloved and esteemed tiy everyone, i His position as agent for the railroad eom 1 pany, broucht him iu contact with all the j s.ple in the vicinity, and Lis kind and j obliging disposition, made everyone his f riernl. He was the fifth son of Mr John Lahey, Sr., and a knottier of John Lahey, j Jr., Carou. Jam-, Iani-l and William, and I 3is Mary arrl Klizaieta Iahey. He will be greatly missed by a larg ciw.le ot rela ! lives and friend-. His remaids were inter ! red in the Catholic ctmetery at Lilly on i Wednesday mcrning. IVace to his asbes. -MITII Uie at the home of his sister! Mrs. Herbert Id Cambria borough on Kri day, iseptemrier, 18x7. Mr. John bmith, aged a boot " years. Tlys deceased was born In Pittstvargb, but wbeu quite young his parents moved to the Summit and af Upwards to Cbeet 'fpring4. Mr. Smith when a Asmug man. went to Al loi na. where he became an engineer on the Pennsylvania raiiroad, and, subsequently went Vj Cuba whera tie remained a number of years employed as a railroad engineer. In Cuba he lost bis health, and ou return ing to tr Is country made Ms borne, witn his sister up to the time of bis death. He is Mirvived by three sisters : Mrs. Herbert, who is a widow : Mrs. Judge Thomas, and Miss Lizzie Smith. LYNN". Died at his borne at fiallitzio, on Tnursiay September l.":b. lvC. Mr Andrew Lynn aged abont .'40 y wars. The deceased leaves a wifa an three childiea to DMurn hi deatb. MeXleer. Iied at her home In Lilly, on Saturday .September 17th, '.67. Mrs. Me A leer, ajied about CO years. The de ceased was the widow of Mr. John MeAU-er. who ww kliled during tlia late was. belug a member of Company A, 55th Pennsyl vania Volunteer. Tte ldcKt anil bft Invitation lor obtainlne a Bu.-u-es.- Fduratloc. We liave Kuewsf ully f-re-; .rrl i ji.usards of Toutr men for the active el.itu ol Jile Ku' Vr'-tilars mt lr. I. Ill r r" S. S-NS, I'.t U'i' rit. I'l. Scj.t .,-Si. VI M I N 1 STli A T K -S .N 1 1 'K. Ietter ot iliiiiui;rat'.oii en theeftite of rj:ier. II ir y , .t Hallilzin (.ronicli, deeea.-el. hav tfair ktii )irar:i:t to the an iersn-ned."e is Lere'. y aiven to s!l trsor.s milooied t.. tsi.l e--tat uiaii'e p-jvtuet.t witl-iitit delay, and Ihoe b la.m: a a i ii. t li e .-aoie w.i I preset! I the M . iu:ii in..- .t?J lor t .-itl-m.-nt. proj.eri,i i:'ilj. ukn::v. S-Xtadl I .1., AJit. Js: it. .iJ- FIRE 1 ;BURCLAR S J THIEVES ! "j-vr-'- 'vkVt j-oi e 2 um&d&5&m urn ;i2wySyi53-xil xt, warranted flre-p; I f 3 5 r3idl-A-'i 6t ructed in the most im II" avvjTT5 CyM-ipyl K-.V-vlirs '"-- " - -'"i.'li-1 Advertisement No. 1. , No. I. Farmers' Size, 19x12x13. - tf ..- weight. 1 33 lbs. $24. OO No. 2. Household Size, 22x15x16, - - V- " 250 lbs. $30.00 No. 3. Small Dealers' Size, 28x18x18, - x-- 600 lbs. $40.00 No. 4. Pobtmasters and OSce Size, 32x22x22, - " 800 lbs. $60.00 No. 4 has inside door, with, llat key lock, duplicate keys. Pnb-trennuriea liave llat key-locks, with duplicate keys. K": are tJc ott-nm (patent and note manufacturers ( tie Victor Sa ft s. We caution permits a-jairut Viakwj, buying, idling cr u.-'irv tafrs i-lfringlvg on our patent.: Every firft-chxt-s safe tampan' manvfacturt3 under pateitU. Jt is dangerous to ltj' tpurious ltaring iiOpzter.i datrz. Erery person vfa is in rmd cf a ra fe will find it -profitable to correspond with tia at once, before an agency i- establifihed in his locality, and receive the benefit of our Special OfTcr in oi7i U-rriUjry. We want General Merchants awl Dealers to help us carry out our Jntrr-State Co-('T-eratixe Plan. Exclusive control free. A highly profitable connection to last probably for a life-time. M ill cuft ItU one cent for a postal card to learu full parti culars. Illustrations and testimonials Bent on application. Iu writing ua mcntioa advertisement o. 1. Address, e The Victor Safe & Lock Co., CISCISNATl, 0.5 CLOSING We expect to vacate by the first of next April, and in order to reduce j our stock, we intend closing out all our Summer i Dress Goods. Curtains, and Ilosie rv. Gloves, Embroideries and Embroidered Robes.WhiteGoods.I 4 I .Jit. Skirts at actual cost. Hand-Satchels, Gossamers, 01 and odd.s ClKlS Oi ( 5v. HEAL ESTATE. r VKSI' ANT '1 1 1 !;m:;;s f " Tin: rorins llMiil.ria t I'-um-n I'ls ot i f i ei.ur.tle. l'.i.. t. -n- mi: i.r- i... ; :i the Highland 1' u-s. in To - !. r in the ci anly ..: uu:t riu, ou I I..,I.tto thitcsiuy mpm r mi at Tr.N cIik-k a . ii . I te one un.tiTide i halt part oi me oiiowin .i -ntica iveal l-,-:ate, ai-.-mined J by HotM-rt T. S!:...i,!s and Klla .. Inn wi'e. to the UDdsrineJ. in tru-t t..r the l.i netlt ol tLe credi tors ol .a:.l Ki Lett T. shield?. 1. T'le undiii'.e l halt jiart ol all that pertain traet ol land situate, ly init and Iiclntr in the tuwu -hlpot Iral'itzin. in the ennty .) 'am'.r;a. and State i.f l't r.iiFvtvani-i. adj dmii i.l ei-ftte Of V. X. 4rUty. al.ri! il- i.iue. Si-tiatlan Sil-ert and Williatn t'.'irijity ; iiuiok sixty-nve acre, more r l-rt. 1 Lis trafl is rMxti.-itei, neil eet with heoi' cat. a? I: and i.t ;.r t lai: r. Tin Irart Ir al uD.l. rl ml wt!i a t iiuaiity ol lutd- cnirour coal. 1 rve tre.-iin ar.d eiiportrailr ad runs UtoukIi the land, and I'.e oini.any has t-aied a Station on tee adjoining tract, known an '" liaw.-on'e Station." a Aij-. the i-ti undivided l.a'.f .art ol all that certain i her traeK'f land s ttin.-. 1-. inn and t-liia-In the Town-hi. ui Al'ix'iei . in tne founty of amt.rla and State el I'ennn 1: in:a, adioiinr.K land d Kranc l arns'i. F. A. St oriu. W illiam Lltxirger. Ii.-i.r- Mo iuirt. AmtT..e banker and raiici-an Kreiic r. cot t hMhk nixty-.ix i; aerei-. more or le-i.. A'hiiii ttnrty tive ai-rc ol mis tm.-t Ik wi-xllard. well etlth Leu.lo -k. .ine and otlier tiuiher. '1 ne remainm p irioi the tract Ik In a hmh -tate m o-ltivation, and well alaoted for farunnic j.nriioKei. 3. -AL the ell? undivided half iiartof all that certain other lot neee of lau I i-itutr. lylni? and l..-ln(t in tl.e Ton-hii el Allegheny. In the 4 ocnty ol 'uuiliri. and state ol 1'entif.ylvanla, adjomiiiK land ol Feter Sweeny. Fraucean Urother.i li.iiin.led In nrt t.y Township Koad and alltfc' ou the wet : containing reven (7J acre?, more or less. This l.ivwt I- valuat le by reason ot ItK froxiuiity to the fioroneh of Loretlo. it la im proved and yield tood crops. 4. iAlho, the one un llvi ied ball partol all that certain other lot or piece and traetoi land situate, iTlnu and l-einir In the Township ol Allehenr. In tb County of t'amt.ria. and state ot l'ennyl- i Tania, anjoininir land ol i-ranciscan Krothers. Kev. K. , Hu.-ti. W . W. MeAteer. and t.ounde-d on the east by an alley: containing lourU acre. moreorJesj. Thi land j.roduces mo.t excellent ara. Trrti of Ten Jr eert. ol purebaKe UHiney to be paid n aid Real tstate heini; inoeked down to the ir eha5T. tn-third the purchaee money, les tn percent., u e pai l on counrmat ion of the Sale by the Court, and the balance in six and twelve months, with interest from date of continuation of sale, t be tecurtd l y judgment bonds ol ttie purchaser. 1'ersotis desirtnif to view the premises will please all on J. t. Shield." . residing a' I.oretto. Ha. ILOH'.iK F. srKtlT, Atelxnee of Jitdirt T. and fc.lia C. hie wile. In trut f .r the creditor? ol aafu HoIk rt T. t'li-elds. Alti-oua. Scpieiubcr I'l. lST.-rt. 1 .NOTICli j Inrhe Orphirw' (Vinrt i.f the t'ounty of f'am I ria. ro tdi beir--au 1 P-nal reptosviitatn e.- o! . Havlil Yountfkin. it.r n.ed. j tiH!a:iiNo: igj a"e nt rel.y oiled to be and appear rx-fore the Ju.e ol the Ornhens , mrt. to be held at Kic!udurir, on Monday iswi'teuiber I Vln Is-:, then anJ therv to aecept or reiu.e to t ine t!. real estate of said liavul YoiUiiikin, . ilieci,;.. 1. at the aj.praj.e.j va!uafu.a put upon It by an ln.iust duly awarded I t the swld -i;irt. or !:. ca-iire vty a tru.tee sl...uid uot bt nji. pointi 1 to aid! the niiie i .loKh-il A.tlKAi', Shifi'I. J September, t.", lsT. -Jt. Vii.Mivisi f a mi.-s fi.n i. ;:. 1 letter of a.lminitrt ,:i ui.02 the e-tat.' j of J-imh s an. I Ktisan M.M u:en. " late o! Chen j Sprttii:.'.:K u . yirii-na i -.-aiit.deen-e.'. I1.1v- inn I..-I 1 itrar ;el i the utob rsiVried. not:e 1 hcrel y o ivcn to ll..vt :n.t..'.e! Io -aide.-t.itfl to raike lieriir.'iatc 1 . :u : . .-mi :.'i : i - clumwiil preset,, tht-'iu. .ii-er!y an 1 :'en'i j l I l. r fettituient. .1. !.. S'tn i.AN. ' Ala:'-, el J.ia.-- : s ' .". :.:.! I-i.-. J'-'J 1 A J;' . . o: -1 SAPES ! OUR VICTOR HQOSBfiQlfl & QfllGB SBfBS Are expressly me-ant to RurTlv an tir- pent tiomanil from Farmtr?, Lawyers, IhKt'Tf, Small Sorekrrjrrf, kloM masU-r, Ksyn fi and. llidrwid A.jrntit, Tmt tuihip and Couyiti liJJiciaU, Truster, littirtd Jiii.ini.3 Mn and J-'amilu., for a first class fire-proof, burglar-proof combin ation lock, safe, adapted in capacity and rrice to suit their requirements. The victor is first-class in every res- roof, and con- proved manner. our new non-pickable combination lock, and inside bolt-work. It has all rouim tururrs, exierior ueauuiuiiy JWa-wiiVall burnished tortiona nickel-plated. Wj tTtrdfylnterior nicely fitted up with sub-treaa- urics, bock-eiiaces, and pigeon-holes. UT SA our present store-room Curtain Goods, T 1 IT ! ces, i arasois .aim i,aaies Also, Is 3' herent kinds of uood v - rn ' IF 1 1 fern. L I B Ki,KXSIiURG,PA.;ESSEJTftL 0 S L S - Sale -t ,r REAL ESTATE irtu- of tii'idi.. A 1.1 v:- F: n::i K.. : writJ ot TiriVA IAS s and S!iiriu l. i'on rarr ui I'oiiniion I'leni. to me dir. -ti-.i. Will l.-i.e I out i i u.i- t i 'al:itr:.i rt.unlv . i.nd l.e in. ed to i.uhlic :ale. it the tti.u: I Ho.i.-e in 1.11..-. Oil t 1. I i I A i 1 J at 1 nVli'.-k r. M. the toiiowinif real etare ti wit : All the riKht. title, aud inter. t of Ievl Kcani, deceased, with'.i-u to Silas Keani. a l innr.sirator of ."aid deceased, ot. In and to all that ceriain pu-ee or parcel ol land ulu.itcd -n Su;o inernul lown.-hip. t'aiiiiir:a coonty. l'a.. adjoin'.nT iant ol Joseph Wriitht on the east. Sylvester i Mi'Kintic. i n the soulh, h township road on me i west and Itndstt iivorire U, K:r. en -it nertb. ' containing ioaeres. or lea. , abu..; ;o .j-'-e? ol ; w.iieh lire cleared. I.aviiu' the" -on ercorel a two st,.rv lan4 hoase and bank barn a:m utiirr i.u: i t uiidiiius. tiow in the oceupai-cy of T.'m.uaK "!- i. ouch. TaU-sii Ir. exeeut i.-n and to "e ?oli at the fun of A. : i;erb;ue and W. 11. il. luoertsoii, 1 Kunr.ii.-in. I Also, all tl.e riklit. title, and iMfiwt iT John Itrennei .ol. in and to all that certain piece or ! parcel ot land situated In Suiumerhlll township, t'amhria county l'a., lol i .iiiln land ol V. illiai.i Mulhollen.'eslate of '. A llenbauif h. John Kea:u I ! Jacob. I. Weaver and others, ci ntaiuii.ii" twenty- j rve aens and euhty por.'hes, nmro or less, utiout I ten acres ol which are e'ejred. t Alt... all the rlKlil. title, and interest of John t ; liornntr. of. In and to all that certain piece or , ! pari""l of land Mtuated in Suininerhlll township. ( aiiil.ria cuuntv. Fa., adiuinin land ol William 1 Mulihollen. estate ol :. AllonbiUKii and land ! i above described, containing, twenty five Hcres. j 1 more or less, all of which is cleared, havlnic there- j on ere-t'd a one and i ni-halt story plank lo use . an, 1 plank stable, now in the uccupauvy ol John i Hrenner. 'laken in execution and to bo nld ut tn- suit of Jaeob 1. Weaver. I I Ali. all tno rirnt. title anj Interest of Francis j j Md tonuell, ot, tn and to all that certain piece or ! parcel ol land situated in Suniinerhill township, j t aintina eourti, l'a .. adioininx land 01 t'harlei i l.'.o itn, Margaret McKmney. I'eier llurtnett. , I'ai rick Connery and Jaiues F. Kelly, contain- inic clity acre, moreor les. at!out thirty acrep cleared, havltiit thereon erected one and one-hall story plank house and loic barn and other out buil.liniiS now in the occupancy ot Henry and Catherine Mct'oDnell. Alwo. all the rtuht title, and Interest of Francis Mct'onnell, ot in and to all that certain piece or parcel ot land situated In Fortune townshij,4;am una rouQtv, l'a., adioinlna: lands ol J . . Mar tin. William Mc4ainuell anil l'anlel Suiay. con talnink 6o acres, more or le.- unimproved, laken in ext-cutlun and to be sold at the suit of Jacob J. Weaver. TF.KMS OF SAKE. t me-thlrd ot the j urcnase money to be paid when the property is knocked down aud the re main inu two thud on the continuation of the dee.!. " JtlStl'll A. OKAY. Sept.ia. Is:. shcrllt. T'-ALT'AItl.K FA KM AT rHIVATLSALK. The u"!ersijrn"l will sell llic.r farm, slt itHteit ir .llli-iiiruj tovrn-hip, ! 'oi .inif lands id 1. A. Mcliuuvil. 'A. .1. So l. Heurv lansneht, aod others, coiit iininu I 1 S acres, rki acres cleareu and .s acres well timbered with oak, hemlock, eu.-.imtier ar.d hiet'ory . A koo.1 two-story plank !n,ue ai d Iraine i i:n, toirct.ur wjth ui t nece-sary out Usui lins. a never lailirn s(. runt ol wt"r and a i-t:ea;:i o. water running il'.:wui.'n the fmu. f'bere ip al.-o clnoce apj-le. pear an.! peaeu trees on tue premises The above, property w.ll be S"J,! at a price ami terms to suit the purchaser aad a ood warrantee deed ('ii.'iranu-e.l. A1AKY Ft" It Y, ANN ITK". June 10. 'ST. I.oretto I'ostolllce. l'a E .'XKCI'TOliS Ml! l"K F.Cute ot hrl.-toler lllne. dee'.l. I;tterK 1 -lie "'i-nso! ( 1.,; her Ko or.. h ..I ! i y , .1 tn iina coun .. I tieel iT.inv.: to tviC un- t . -e ; ,1 nt-.i 1 ry f'.i. -. :tt.- oi'ti . tv. l'a.. e-t.- .Itrrltrned. all oersons indel 'ed to .-a:. I e.-':i :iT3 lierebv n lille-t lo 11: k.-J.riy !;.f: t w 1 ' 'mm delay , and tlui--- i-HK .r;i: .'It. 10- aain-t the same wll I'lij-cnt tiieui or, per!-. ait iier.t t-.! lor si'ilc iuo..t lo i'L' V.i: l.iJillNr:. .'r. .1,- CAI.I A :I N. i:eeutors e,i Christ.., J;( r J.ol.ine, u. -'-L'.'y P.".. SA!U'!!:!."T i3j, 1ST. t. TO THEPEOPLE of EBENSBURG AVc hardly think it ii(?cossaiy to warn you against buying Fall i;oo(ls belbre seeing what we have trot for the conrinix season. You have 4 4 learned from past experience that our ;oods are the best and cheapest and our way of doing bus iness fair and snuare. When the proper Woolf will visit vour i hainNoniest stock of Fall and Winter clothing" ! we ever exhibited and at prices below everybody Seise. Let no inducement whatever cause vou to i1)U - v 1d;,ro y()U ii;sled ur r00(ls- Xo what otlier merchants promise vou we ca will do better. You shall have due notice of the date of Mr. Voolfs visit. Woolf, Son leaders in stylo and low prices, JOHNSTOWN, PA. TIHIIHJ BOTTOM IS REACHED AT LAST. The largest slock of hardware ever offered in j the County can be found at my store. I am ! now selling many -oods ai much less than I can ! replace them for, but I will continue to sell at j Bottom Prices until T am compelled to replenish ! my stock. When vou want a cookinir or heatimr ! stove, tinware hardware, nails, iron, iilass, trunks ana larmin implements, call and see my stock and learn my prices. AuR 18 C3-. HTJ1TTLET, HIGH STREET, - - - EBENSBURG DONALD E. PUFTON, ATIuK.NtV-AT-LA W, Kbkssbiho, rusa'A - Orbcc In "ohnnaile kuo. n MYERS. ATTt )HN EY-AT-L. A W. J3ii-e In 4'ollunaje How. oa 4:cntro ptreet. EO. M. RE APE. A1TI i K N i: Y A T T. fl W . Kmssnrin, Va, 4-(l:!loe ondeiiire ?tr'-t. i....r in.i i S1 "TliA Y X'lTK K. A while an-! ro.i p; otLP-1 cow. al'nut I yc:.r.s Ci'in er rlveti in fti.ip, 1 reinfr ol the uinier A rcwanl will he lia: 1 1-1, wearing ;t hell with urajdl iiway Ir'M the .-ini-.l nn June 1"-, lk7. lor lriliii iiiatioii ot litr w lii-ri iOnmt c. M'ii. ui NM l Hkn V l.lti- !'. i.. llia.r t o., l'.i Jnly SI. l"7. EtetoE Fire Insurance Apcy rV. AV. DICIi, Genera! Insurance Agent, E HEX SIS UK ti , I'A . 4 :M'.N IS IK ATI Mi's M-TlCi:. ' i I 1. it'T-. I .i lininl.-lrall .n on tl.e c-tal t s;,- j.'.en ' i. i '.i I ...ti, ii 1 1 . h i.'irii' fo-i-n i- rani -e i to l!.i' u n 't vr -1 'j 0'! , Tit'.- i : tier-l y i v .-ri I o ail lo-r-oti-i i: .'e'.Lotl to.-ni.l e-'.v.e to ui.ike (.'- n.viil'j i.el.iv ami tln..-e havln- i'1.i:iii-i . :m..'.nt ttie :-:iiiie wi l I r- -ent t'u-in. ( r : r.v ;m. tl.e'. til-iTt d tur eit!i-u'ti!. A.W.l'J K. tlH-s.ura. l'a., Aiu. J'. 1S7. ;. A lm'r. ! WIMIFIlliltri X, I'I PPKIIIIM'. I'K.N j XV KY M'KA lt.Ml.XT, Ac. I d j.ntmi ijaality. honjjht In any quant. 'y lor cafl. . ilolne-lv .rtc Ol iT"in r;ii , i i-iii ill i ? -. on , a ve. fcc. I'V BoofiF. l oi.corr, ltui'.rtT- ai..l cou rtcr.'. si V i :iatn :"t.,N w York A I IMINIKT I i )irs IK aii: VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. VlIirt F. OF AN OKIiKIl OF rilKOK- 1 ! 1. .ans Oourt. of t'amhria ounty. the subscri ber will offer nt I'ublie Saleon thepremises in Hie Iti.n.uah of hest springs, in atnnna county, l'a., on i TKIHSD .V, 1ITII DAY OCTORER IST. : at nK o'clock, p. to., the following described Kstate, situate the Horouuh of t'hest spr-nvs. t'j.ubrla county, bouu le i au i tie? Tlt cd a.- I .Mow. ; I All that certain piece or lot of irround bounded t on the Fast by a sir -ct on tlie North by lot of Ma-y Aun Conrad, on Hie West by an alley, ami j on 'tie South t-y an alie . I t'mt i -ertaT ;iic -i or 'ot .if ;;round j situate in the lionmn ol tJni.-'t Springs. I am j lirla county. 1' i., a.ln inlinr loisot K. .V II. Nutter. I ar. l on .-t-eet o::e side, and an alley I on the other side. ! TKKMS C F SAIi I Ten p r cent, of the pur. hae money to bo paid on the day of safe, one third ot the I i lanco in oiiufirti.' ..foil of the sale, and the remainder In two e.U:.l an n il. .1 payments, with .merest on delertd pavmunts, and to be secured hy the m luHient oond and mortaie of the pur- baser mi the prem ises. I'K. J. If. .MM N AN. Administrator of .liniiS t Susau M-.Mullcn. I'l. li" -si. D. B-ANGELL'S ASTHPiflA felCATARRH MM REMEDY SOLD DY ALL DRUCCISTS. liavlriK slrnaitled -U TearK between li fo and deatn wilt- AslHMA or i'HTHlSlC. treated by eminent physicians, and receivinit 110 bencnt. I w-a compelled dunnir the last S years of my ill ness to sit on my chair day and nijiht Katplnir for breath. My sutlcrlnns were beyoud description. In depair"l experimented on myself couipourid- Inic roots and herbs and inhaling the medicine thus bt lined. I tort'innt.'lv ds-..ver. d this Wd.MiKKK'L tM'HE FOK AS1HUA ANI It ATAli till, warramed t relieve the trin-t stub. ea-.e of ASi l!!A IN F1YK MINFTF.S. hat the patieni can lie down to rest and sleep comfortably. I'leaso read the toil e.vln condens ed extra. 'ts Irom unsolicited testimonials all ol ro- 1 cfclil ilal . j Oliver V. It. Holmet. San Jose, IM. .rlt... "I lind the liemedy all and even more h in repre ! fccntcd. 1 re.'etve inst iMTune.oia reliel.'1 1'.. M. Carson, A. M. V. arr n. Kati.. wrlu - " Was treated I v eini t ti li v . ,.iai:.- o. t v.sci -.1,1 try and (iertnatiy : tr- -1 i.e clitca'e t Ir'erent States uotnluk ullord'.-d relict liaeyour ,.:e, : ra tion." It. I'htlps. I'. M. Tri-'', o:.:.i. wr!f s "Saf lMred v. uii A-'.huia ye irs. Y".."r m-dictne I-" tt minutes doer, mure for me thur. trie iDott eni.t.eit ph ei nans did f..r 11. e 1 n tliree year.-." H. '. I'l im pfott. Joliet 1 1 1., antes : "S, r. I t'l tarrh I.Virie ly at once. Cannot itct ai. im u!n .it 11. 1 liud if the m .'.-t vaiuabie u.e,.cu.c 1 have ever t.- e.l." We have inatiy o'lier t.carty ff'tir-vl-i's ot cure or relict, at.d m'or.ier t'.a. ail nl!erer 'r-.iu Ar'.h 111a. Catarrh, Ily i-eter. and kindled iiista-'i- mav have an opportunity of tc-lmi; ti e value ot the' lleme.jv we Wll! -i od to .i".' id Ir 1 bTAI. l'ACKA'.KKKKKiiFI 14 A ! I- If oar dn:-r-cts' to '..; it .01 "..t per oit tiltn to pll VI. II e..ine w..i 1 1. less unit itn.ii it I. - r -pre cut 1 '. ' it to be j tt gr.O't. but send d're-. tly to us. It rile v..ur name an ! :.t.'.r.--- r'a.-ile A.Il-ess. J. .I.M..11-.U U..N ,x . Frops.. Wholesale lri.kais'.-. W..o-ier. Wayne Co.. 11. i u:t i i; Hex bv mall -j1..ju. lui. -l -iy. tune comes our Mr. Morns town with the largest and matter promise vou we can aim & Tliomas, ALL kinds of Job work neatly an ex peditiously executed at this office. SH1T11I V. MIUKTLIIK.K'SM AIlLai, lor loan Men and Bj. Hell, Pcaa li mllei" froui rtilladelpbla. Fixed (irire cover every exjie'i ne, even hook. Jic. No extra charge. Inelitental exienaes. No elimination lor d inlSHiiiii. Twelve expenenreil teaehero. all men. iinil all Kratlunle? Siieeial ii,iiurtunitleff lor afit Mu.lent in .tilvatire ra plilly . Special drill lor dull ari-1 haekwanl hoy.s. "I'atron? ir Mulentit niy s-eli'et any t-tuillcii or chmme the reculr Kmi li.-li. Seientlni-, li'.ilness, t'iayelcal or Civil Ennl. ueuiliiu i-.ure. Stu.K-lit- rrie.l ur lodia Arail cmy are imw In Harvard. Vale, l'rinreton hiiiI tea i.l lier i 'o! 't'fs and I'olyte.'liiilc Schools. lo Hk. ilent.i pent to ci'IIi-ho in iS-:i, 1.", In lM, VJ In 10 In A uraduatinu; el:i In the cumuieixlHl IO ai1ineDt evi-ry year. A r'hy-.ical aud 4'h-m-l'-al l.aooraiory , ( iymmi'iuu an 1 Hall tlrnund. 1.X0 vil?. uiided to the rnry in 1i43. Media has peven t'hurrhea ana a tt-inperance charter wlileh iirohilnts the fale o! all lritriXlratlnK ilri!!ii. Kit new illi..iir.itej eirular adalrev tho lTit; an I rriirier. S W ITHIN. t'. SHOKT LII'ilK, A. M., (Harvard Oraduatt) Media, fa. ONLY SO. This avis PMMelpMa Sineer. IT. g .' Jy. i ilher couiisii.ii-s charge tnim to f A erFiu p!"t" a. t t.f alti olii. iita it!i .n. h luarhine. Ala J..: nr n liulll-r. J'llinn.n Tin kir, ai d U.x of Vour II, niters and a Ilm.l.r. 1. HAW TK14I. la your own houmi b.f..rt' yvu jsiy on esut. Kvi-ty siail.ine W AItlt I i:l Kilt 3 Y FAIU. Se-i.l f jt Ct,-i:I ir. C. A. AV4! COMPANY, 17 or Hi lotli su iUelplila, Iau STJBSCPvIBB- -F0R- nit mm mm, 1.50 PER YEAR 1.50 WITHIN THE COUNTY. OUTSIDE THE COUNTY, $1.70 Till- "FUKKMAN' JOB OFFICE -is OS a OF THK- MOST COMI'LETE IN THE COUNTY Atldres3 all cotiimuulcitlons to F11EEMA2ST. laiKN'sni'.;, I'A,