u t i miilm-i -Fvim-ir VtUlllUll.l -J., UUllUlU -' " CBtNjQUm, PA FRIDAY - MAY 27, - - - -.. . Tuk M -ir.-r.l );. -.he le:.di-.KCatl. lie ;. .11- in .in I ,U .i u of Ct:i4.)., l u -n a sti.i... u u- :.4oriL! ttn.ex at ion th. V it-iS Sc.t. !. T:.e artlcV b-eH t r-.i.o::n on the m an ifestat ior.a ouii i.jr r.iinux me inp or u ihd tfir 'iili th- province and is causing inuivi iMir.iOfi.i. Ii'Im.k Tut. u man, .f Otiio, has writ ten a le'ter iu rep'y . one, askinij him the ij i-Ntioi) ' HhKh-r he wohM accept. a tloti tnerms nomination from the I. tt-'ctatsof that iv for tJ vtrnor," iu w'.ich he says that under no cir cum.vtmces would be accept the norni n.: 'ui-.' Iu biaith ami old age are the caus of his ce'ir. rr.enc. Tiif L 'Uts I'-Ht-lHxjHitctk ays: I'. Is st.it. d a.-t oiie coun quenc of the a bo ltlion by the Pennsylvania Company of all passes over it roads, that the county auditors in Ohio, Ii .liana and Illinois are discovering that the railroad is more valuable property for purposes of laxa tiou tliMn they had previously supposed ll to be. .John FkK.vr..N, of l.rowutown. New Jersey, died at his home in that p!aee. Oil Sunday, at the ne of 10." years and months. It was his custom every ni.,1: before goinjr to bed .o take a horn of Jersey Apple .J.:k, and he believed that it was conducive to his hea'th. Some people, however, think that it shortened his days, and if he had lived in a prohibition State he might have cell Lr.ittd the next c ntenial. Last wtek Dr. Ir-stetter and Mr. K.ijh Hag:ey. of rilisuurgh. solj a, laiKv body of coking c a! lands in the weolctu part of tLls State, aiong the line Of 'he South I'enu riilroad. The nam s Of the purchasets are withheld, but the price is said to be alxjul ?1.(.hhj,ijiiu. The transaction is said to mean the abandon ment of the building of theSuuth l'eun, as tt lands Wtie originally pun based fur tlif urpBe of securing ihat load a bL.i cf the cui e trafic. On ThuisiUy of lat week two large j ocean "te.iuu,r,, tbe Hr. tannic which left .Sew York the day before, aud tbe L'el- j tic bound to New York from Liverpool, both fliied wp.ti prwirr.eM wliile steam-J il tlit .-'u'li d. nse ft jr. rolii.le.i. . Tw.Uf pn-oiis vv ie kilV.l and about' twti.iv were itj:;red. H . b v. s. N Wi. l-iot'i i.iu. bill abie to r.i': N- v k Where the pt.'ti.'U r ..' .1. i. The .tit .mi.ih.p .''.l.p.llie; di.in : t . 1 1 the ..'ollidlo-i wh un iv.iidable ar.i h .' tliet iew of both ib:pi were kx. . m; ..v.ry pn-caution. In tleir efT i m uiiKi-t u;e in hee d.iy, nlups run wilt pive.tution at tl.e rate of four- '. tec: k o- :m hour wht n thev should no' run nt .i!! and when a roll; wi.m oi'i urs 'fie:.- ii of c,iu. nobody to' LI..!.- ' I Thk i ..'4 01 Like I.'nderi, Houh ti u iv'i ry. M:.-!.i-an a.t on Friday ta-' ::.t i ily wij ed out of existence by rtr. Niihinu f nt a crowd cf borneltss jh-. i .Mii.'U'uerii.i; l u.n.s, one saloon and oin- uieui market were Ufi. at nluht, to Ui.rk tl.e spit, where in 'he mnrrin,:. Was tbiuihn (own and alt:t three bi;ndin!'jin 1 ies Lad happy home.'. Two bundled and seventy buildings were den tr.'yc.l entirely, a loss of about ?;t (no, (Hm, oti which there was an insurance of ?.Mw to STim.Ujo. The bmldiri weir nearly all ot woinl nd there ere nuddeipiute facilities f ir extiouishin g a tiie. Ki'tf.R O'IIkikn instill in rnnada. fr . . . , . . , " kuu uv viaua j 11 is u uiii era, wriiie ine ; fricrd, of Lord I,tnd.,down -trite niuku it lively for him, and to add vie-' ty, occasionally pelt him with es, cob , Lleotones and brickbats. On Monday' at Il.uniltnn, Ontario, ht wa3 (riven ' J'. Simonton huuded down an reception the like of which had never ' t'l'inin refusing the ll ation of At been Men in that city. lie dt Lveted an ' t('r''ey General i a.ssidy fur a irelimiiiary addrts In the evening t the IVace ' irJlncti.ti in the Anlhr icite I'otd Case. ItiriL. Capable of hidinr inH) teoi.'e. ' Ttl tHdnioti does no, state whether the Mid the buildintc was picked until It ' wcu'd hold no more. On his leaving , Question oik n Tor Una! hearing, but ' "p-1- 11 "-as Saturated with the ataiis the Rink and returnin- to the hotel a ! thinks that the Commonwealth h.vs fail ' , ':'e bt corruption. No sane and me moi ana returning to u e notei a rerWtv for ' Uuu railroad nianas-r giveshis ntrents number of shots were brtd at his car- j 10 b ;',w "-,,e r.ecesa.ty lor preami- j r.u u hlm -U to send Uree suma of rUtte, tbe diiver John Nelson was shot . n&r lr'J-ftjcrion lhe gr iiitin of which ; money with, ut vouchers. H arepvatd and Mr. O'Rrien made a narrow elC.ine. wcm-'i only t warranted to prevent a 1 rf9I'rk 'hAl C,1S'S ,nu-h '- 4xrUin a btdlet punstng through the window ' ch-s" by him. On the whole editor O' ! rnt n's visit seems to have bfen sticciss- ! ful In enlightening th ieovl" of Ca-iad. as to the chitrActer of their Governor f5 -nerl as h htndlord in IreUnd. A loMMirnt ial traveler was, a shott time apo, convicted In a New York CJtirt of abduction. Ther wu r.o de- 1 niI of the keej iritf of the compHtty with th girl, but his defence wan that she bi reached the ace of lepa! d scr-tion. ' At the trial, th girt appeared in f Mother Hubbard that reached only to ' her knees, her hair bntiied down her lack, a chil Ps tint on her he id, ur.d In tlm eyes of the jury was the pictur- of youthful innocence. He wa., as we h.iv aid rrornptly convicted. tut he was not sutisfltd -ith the result. He had t-e-en taken unawares and appealed to the general stefM'.ms for a new tn.il. In the hearing rc a new trial it waj shown . that during his acqnainTance and tf.ire ! thetii.il, the ijtrl wt-ro lor.g skirts, s -reculathm nu.dle, and all the p;.H and Improvet " that art and s 've ha lnretile to ailoin and to tt cp the w. man of tu.luv, Af'er a ti-jiin '.l,e court derided t h t the jury rr. in ceptinir the o'ltward rj,b ains of m tioeent rh I'dh'vn! nt the ti awarded 1 the deliidnf a new lr;il and suc it-i thtt th frosepiitrix sotiI. apjiear in ict.rt In the sntne fet m in which sh 1 rd rrj tivn,e'!,hdirmrri.-Tird dressed in accr !r" with her nt;. With all the mo lern improvements in womo, ' rid. ;.'timper, tw-!.'ti r. I paints. It Will eioi l.e 'mpsib i-m fny 1 de"9 of Jns'et. In A 'j.-re their, a;. j) In v.'I'fl. fo rei.i't-r a c r'"t ritin. It ; ' N 1-81 Mu,lJ- 4'ur s't-"t-"f ,f- I ! i lor, at Wjhiut.u. iued a iu.e j n; "'a the Land tiiu.nt ta:!riad.- to k!mw . nue why tl..- orders of wi hdrawal ! tt lenient of Ut.ns wi'.bin their ii..!eain:ty limits sbou'd uot It, rr v- kJ, at.-! the sam opened to settlement and f fit ly. ; Tbe above act! m la one the. shou'J j b.ve been take- Iol a;jo. For the nasi rea years a Urg-belt of gemm J.cn'. Jji d oouipiisiotf mil. ions of actes, has, l.t 'iidrra .if tl,., Ti.f.ri.r Ti.n..rin,-r' l n c.osed to settlers fur the pur''se of leni-fl tiDtt the railroad corporations. They are known as indemnity land" and the rail n ad companies are entitled to. ptihtp!, one section in fifty, enough to indtainify them for the lands occupied ' "fillers at the time oT the building of the railroads. Vet such has been the Influence of the lar.d pirates with the tifti-.-ia's under previous administrations that these lands have been for years withdrawn frv m settlement by ac' ual I settlers, and have been in tie possession of land grabbing Companies who have fenced them up and have had tbe exclu sive use of the public domain for pastur ing imuieuse herds of cattle. OUi.'ial I repot ts estimate that i,.yiO,000 acres are I thus enclosed. The Secretary of the Interior baa made application to the War I-prtm nt for troojs to remoe the fences arourd these enclosures, and tl.ey musl eo. Actual settlers have been driven off when attempting to locate on these lands by employees of thesa cuiu panirs. and s hc lands Here withdrawu from bettlruint by the government the illegal land got tel. had things their on way. L'.ider the administration of IVtsidect Cleveland the land grabber lUU.-t go. On MouJ.it I'resident Cleveland, ap pointed Andrew II. Dii.'.nf I.-v.j3burg, Union county, to be United States M.tfkha!) f.r tt.e K .stern I strict of Pennsylvania. Mi. I U tutered public j life in 1S70 as a Democratic .member of the LegiDlature, and the next year he Was elected to the State Senate, where he remained until when he was nominated to the Governorship by the L niocratic convention which sat in Pittsburg, but defe-ited by Ilenrv M IKyt. priva Suice 'h.t tiuje Le baa Leeu in S ates. The loupes, way round is iu life, tbuugh Ust fall be wis a 'oIk- the iLortesl way Louie to caiidi'tale for the m-iii ii..tti..u to Con gress fioni tt.e Twentieth district. Satn J'.'-ej ha vl Philadeli hia, was an app'iciiit for ti e iHiition unu bis nppi:nt-' u.enl wuj urfd by LVtreaiati Ua:i- da'I, but his name wus not vl.wed with ; favor by the Tresidect. The appoint ! meat of Dill, is one lit to be made and ' will give general satisfaction to the Iimuoci toy of I'. nr.' !v inia. On M!.iy 'a-s' Actir -cre' ar Th.imson appointed i oinunitue to ni:ik hq examira'ion of tl.e books and ass-ts of the o!i.e of the Tinted state Treasunjr. incident to the transfer of that oili.-e from Mr. Jordan h.Mr. Hy att. The examination will involve an actual count of tl; the rnony in tf.e treasury. inclulin jr:7,it.iHi.) ja paper more, mthe reserve vaults, im,iiiliS'M c.nh v-iult, f-. UhMKli ;n ."and.ud silver dollars. g'J...noo,i.iiMi il( g"'d CO n I'.d srij il'vr i'HQti:y : fino t'oil.J ai'.vrr. Th- tuiiir.ilue-1 in tLukinj; t lie cou..t will b ,ve the iisi.-iViricv of To p rso::, iiK-'ud!iiir ejiH-:t i'ii a- wr.. It Uiian in M rube af ti-rviion. at.d can hardly '. fir.isl.td inside cf two nior.tt ?. Tre.-i.--uit.r II y t't fjriu.itly a-sua.ed c!i.:rge of 'h- othi'e or) Tiedy. I 1 Pl-l ATl 11 I Torn IM:M, 1 !l K :d.ili, j to London, s.ijs that another attempt I I waa rna.le on WednesJ ly. of hist week. ' ' to asioysinate the L'z-ir. While the Czr : I ft.. ... - r ... ' 7-"nn, ,!r" 2 in or-" ' ! c?iiri.i;e from a tall givfn by uierubeis ) i of the nobility, a shot wis fired at tbern- i i from the crowd. A irrit unnwr follotc. I e.i m.f ih a., -k fr ii w i en und the man who f.red th shot ! . in maAltrcati-.l lv th . . Ii Q..nait.ltl tvtt.VV arr.ulAl IT . i ...... ....mi.- n.iTu Diiro.ru. or ii in .. .. , , , . re'U3ed to answer any ques- ' '" " In the Djunhin county Court on Tuei- combination is illegal or not, and leaves "iTi justice. To Stimulate mining of every kir.d the M. xican Coneres9 has enacted a law whereby lifter Juiy 1, mines of nearly every description an.l me products there- of will l exemt no matter under may te leviei : in ill rem tin v . ' own. ii iuiivu - duties and interior charges of whatever name, with the exce;tioo of the coinaee ' - tax. The cofTeo transactions in New York the past three weeks have txceeded In extent the h;tht:to nnprecedented deal- l tw... . A . .. .. ...I Stru:n.-ll til lfHVH hi nCCniir.t-llTnnplhtor . rOOtpmrililtA.1 tnarria.. (ivictj c lift O nvHnft - i v rtlr i. ur ton, . , . . , ; : 7;. . 1 " . i .. '.. " ' t acd Mvs- Mource. theoulv hunter wnat nanie the same . .c... the death si,h rHii... .i.;..t.... v io r.is lawyers. ii. tne latter's And if any of the persons Intending to , V ; , !. I oreign qnlck.Uver recoinmerdation he was party to a vio- martv bv virL of IFL ' io , ' ?ard when tox ntr-'1 -nd r.. i f r . . . n .ii ; . . .. I . I r. . . r I . .. . - .. . , . .. u.i ii ii r i.. i . . . i . . . .. . . ings on the Havre Uourse. the largest buV .tili'f.ulty on vital io n's 1I V' tknaw,2menU. which said cer cotre ruaiket m the world. Speculation could not remember whether he profited 8ha" fiIed of record ia I did it, the renorts l-eicg that there is a ! l'" certain transactions oi not. In short, ?lce: nd entry of the sme ha" be : ur.ivcrs ,! failure of the crops thrcugh- ' men, ,abUi lo tel1 lLe trulb w-'u,d " I t MlJ Clerk D the "rrta i ... ... " lurcuS" i it a)!. ' cene docket as a part of the records of the ou. the world s coffee belt, which in- . Kx Gov. Pattison evinces a searching 'f said license, and for which he shall 1 c.ut.s I.r.uil, Mexico, Central America . dkpition that promises to be trust- receive as his fees the sum of fifty cents, in ' and h l'-st. an ' e-t Indies. j worthy. V. 1. .rll. i in addition to the marriage license fee and ; )MF Hlen.OoS feilow has invci tt u i I-a'ent hailot tox and som, interested ; patti-- are tryiut; to have l-il! p.(s-.ed ' lyl." I.i;iMnn f New York, ndoi:- in,; It ; thai Stale. It i- s::niated th'f ic w u:d uke LO 0' th Vht places of New . rk s.a'e w. .. the p.e:.t N;a. It n a blcsiing th.jt our I.ejri-!ature cannot ce: chance a i' for nearly two tur... ' ' TlTF. te ty -vcon-i and tw.m'e. iT-r.i in ern.-.i Urvenue distric t have t . rin v r ' ' tr"1 v'"'"-' kr.nwn rts the t wer.'y-lhird distr.ct. Mr P. j:r ths twer?y-thir.i d.;Brrje. ' wi:i h.;-i tht i-oit!on while fr T,,-. i l'n r-i'ltor l It l'.v-i:Y -fr-)t l w;i I j b caill upon to rV;i" - --- ..... . Mr. I.lalue mi! Travel. I' has lee:i our iiu;lt SB'uri !i.a'. theS I'l.itnl S a.S of Auirrica aff id. d the aid-st tif-;d !. i :l.e employ uieut o.' polit ical nctivitir;.. :he graudest ai lor p-)'itical ambiiion. tl.e most auprb maus ilenoi f-r p..it:ca! btv- W.- are not aware that aii) A out can hai ever fouud i: necessary to elec-iou-er abroad for p '.itica! preteruir'a: a', h me. It re ma. ns for toe bold, '.he I rrirsi. tbe far-s-ei: g. the uuciupu'ous but splend.d .1 -.ui-s it. lilane t. stump Kuui"' tor. the 1 iesiJency of tii- L lilted ".tes. Wil'.ian II. Seward made tbe Our of Ibe fftobewa a private jjent!em:ji in 9earcb of health and informatiou. (iriit re ceived ibe luiDj.ie of the world in Lis dual character of so'.dier ami ex Presi dent. Chauncey M. I jw has been a popu'ar feature at Europeau courts, and ll ifTilo 15.11 is the lion of the hour in Lndou, but none of tbet.e Americans, so far as we know, had political aspira tions which he hop-d to benefl: by for eign travel. Mr. II aiue has. It is doing the I'.uuied Knight's in telligencj no injustice to say that he'd give his golden spurs and his fairest plume for the Irish vote. veled far for It, has spjkt He has tra- eu much to it. and promis-d it everything. There is no Irish leader of impor;auce in this couotry who has not at some time been the otjc: of I!a. tie's most tend-r re ?ara and the subject of K. line's mist tlattering attentions. "But this magnetic, peripatbetic I)ver, he lived to learn By no endeavor could magnet ever Attract a silver churn." The silver churn the honest sterling Irish vote remains pledged by tradi tion and instinct to the party of "Hum, Hjmanism and Pebellion,"' to the De mocracy of the tew world. But. there are troublous times in Ire land. Her enemies press hei sore and close in upon her. Oh ! for some fear less toiigue to speak her woes, some gal lant kutght to charge her oppressors Does any one suppose that Mr. Mulligan IVaine does not see the oppor tunity of his life ? He cares about as much for suffering Ireland as the fisher boy does for the worm, but his is the quick rye, the ready hand, the fertile brain to lempt the gudgeon with the bait. The Its: known, the most brilliant American of his time, his arnroach to Gladstone, the most liberal man in Eu rope, will U na'.ural and easy. Parnell i bis next SteppiBg stone, and then Come the dinners, meetings. si-eches and addresses, which nobody can luru to his purpose so well as iJiaitie. We are convinced that this traveler is poing .broad to harangue Kgland and Iieland lor Dolilic.il effect iu tbe I'uited (Lie vt r.r.e 11 .um t warn nil true I fr:er.d 'o i.olue :ul: to advance no cie - .1... ... t.. ii.u ..j.ii...i ...i. . - ii . v..v . v. ...... i ... k . v. . auTruiuin, iin ' .. . : . .. ... .. . t-'-rric: honey in n; .piecn. Livt-a nv pifsideu'.iitl Ut in Lid bonnet- -V. 1 him v l'.n r Ul..l ,1 ' A inLo thr. I.-!T1.U nr 1'jrlv io tl.u lata : ' - . ' - . . 1. ....... IT UO I Ll L L UU UL Pessi. n ITiiV lr-il t.:r n ,. M',l rnm. I pa-iy store orders, pa boi.ks. dlyidrs ' ' ard Ik r1eve i-.d liv ..?i,i,l... f .u o. ! lVt.ii.-y iv.mi.i tot e h'J::.l' tl.' ti.;ynje!;r of w in chii.. II ia U'n ii 1 1 or-rii lijia. ; " H'lni oi:iir.:.;y tTiiwi-eo it ' .1.. . ..... . .. ii.o.- rii. , . . i. . ;,i.f. i:;.' S'i)r i or.l ; 1. '.jui'y. I;i. w!;ti 1 he till . I111.1..7 (;.--! I !.H i.l: th. Iri.vHUvf mi: :. .." t a i .ir, uiuerjtliur tu iuij. r? in,: .1 !ix ..a ,k s oi.l.-i.s i.ai tin.! be iinri-ib.rij. .1 ih.tr .lay, after 1 th-(i.H o! :t:tii isstl-. I5- This auien-1-I :i:er.: 'he b:i; w.ism.i.le u'.'.erly abomve, j sifi'-- u:. .-: : oni.-rd ir le-lr. nie.j in 't-s-i ! r.hUu .liia liotn ilale. Iu the ni.r.u.' -..-i.-a of r. ViVan'ui the stele out-r i.:"ru tt.m r-.vti into a crying i tn.ji:!'y. i;j' iii':ii.'ii,'c.iui't.a:i:. s cum l-el t:e tllit.cis .O tflk-i out th-:r Wages ii. tore I;.i'.il whtn tl.iy rofiiaf, j diii1' .r.- Irom uij.-!oya:ent ia .tu- aiij. It ?9 p.fv.ito !ff.i; on th,-. j J..fc...r'i4! ii.r. ..'.! iutj-rovi-lrnce araon W.lk.' iMUMi lh.4: linn I ililajVJ by aucti .. stvui. T.'.e ir.l! i. UC- of the (' u tied who .tic UJLrea.e.l la u tltit.lirj- .r.g the abll:e i'UVi-a Coo vi Wt 1 1 In the Lvix.-.ture. The b'oie orJer b::I. iutlie shjie in which it p;isseu, sli-jus that tin . 'w.ilkinp: deiejj.i'.eii'' who were left at , IItrnsburK la?t .sr.-.sioti were coiiij!eteiy 1 ou'.witltd. i'lii'-nl. Ji:onl. The l'acillc Kallroad ln(uet. road Inv.-st.tins Cm.n ission held 1 New York closed on Tbursdiy with the examination of Jay Gould. The resuHs ?.f u,fi lTry so far have Uen Ya!ub!e. U6'Tl;t tfitf ttioiony given tnii?ht be t i.rh.', u. a.lli r.rrt J i ... ... ,: r . v. ...... . . if the moral cert a'ntv that 'uost if not all - . 1 - - 1 d the ch-res which led lo the invest.- gath.n wer.isubstaniia:iy true. The an- ! pointmect of the Commission is vindi- j cated by the met bod -i it hus laid bare, j whethT the Government profits pecuni arily by it In a direct sense or not. The Commission as yet has litt!e more than touched on the alT-tirs of the Central l'acific, by which the Govern ment Is doubtless the greater loser Ii uC ! Mr. Huntington's? testimony ja defend was se;f-c6nvict!nf . Th he appeared to be unconscious of the suli on the tar: of a h.trd n-1 drtk-i nuMic sentiment. President Adams on behalf of the Union l'ticitjic, tliso'rfiuied any resjousi btiity for the condition of that proterty when he look it nud knew nothing about nooK Keeping oi law Jj he felt con- -O.U ui u.uui v,I1KtrW. nt. UHHI- niack, a Lunm I'aciflc director, testified k.a.. that he Toted for a consolidation, not ' thinking it necessary for a stock director ' I . , I to minw aooui rauroao management. Mi. Myosin!, the .artner of Gould, had ' not even access to the books ot his own fcrm Mr. -e made a business of forget- ! .... ........ ... nauu.rmrui iu leioeui- ! IliiiVTi'.... . r-.-.v- .t.. ii. i ... . ....ft. '., i;ura oil i Li i ne l.e rll Isa put-.iLan paiiy. ure f Hie tost knoan cans of New York State, Gene- saaC . tat I n. of r.r.K'.bT. r. . has quit th- party, i'.:!,, back "at'lhtm his I'arthian ccrr.plimer.ts, thus : "l cannot continu- to adhrd to a Uit,izei i have successively lost it a rre.sjdrM, a G.overr.or. nnd Mayor, and lr fiuaiiy, by tt.e ind'ence, in differ prc -ieachery of a lar'e number cf ahV-red Ilej Lbi.caus tnd the ii.c3m- tenet of its leaders, the party has been recently comi !( !eiv sw.miMl Vt,t ?I iru 1 o u ,1... ... . a . . m . . . - lJ setteu ar.a idi reacting qaeVi-nablT truV, ar-i T.Tmiiands u"d thousands of llerub'.icaLS feel utter'y di.curase.j and disheari4;i:6d." 1 f 'jme on errin? Lu: nenitf-ct Lrtth.ren ! 1 J'-fO'cratic foid is spacious and all ; , rn rfterui fj . i nr , l ...ii... . . "- uounti t4i.uii ara wei- ; ccrae. Lll IM rl I K avrIta-TM Mini 1111 lll'all rii-MtJ rTarj. i 11 tfttnea TViA-tma 1 Coming Ukih klu an Ti:ori;t-i. Th- d UK-tailz i. loll of tl.e r. I o! Ikn ptr v of state is clearly .shoan in the c.".nteni:ou that has already Ifgun for the nomination for Stale Tns.surer at it.e cjni:.g State convent iou. At tbe rect-nt nominating conventions of the pariy there w..s developed a rem-ukablb unanimity of sentiment both as to men and measures, 'at the iudict?ins are th t the coming meefing will .-how a great bitukiug up of lines, and indicates a o. ililu! uncertainty as to rf-su'ts. There are a'ready a number of candi dates it. the O-ld and each thinks he has the s;-cial favor of t':-v and ot h--! nus tets. The its: embraces in the order of their pronrueuce Ciptatn Wi.Siam 13. Hart, of this city, Co onel T. J. tinine n, Si-ak-i Ii yer, of I' jiiad- Iphu, and K-preeiitalive True, of Susqit hauna couniv. The latest information is that Captain H.-.rt has the support of Colonel (uay, but Shaker B;yer and Cilonel Grimeson lay claim to the snj favor which beclouds the matter w i.h uncer tainty. It may be assumed tba'. these coLfltc. in? claims as to preference man tiou ble. It was such a condition of xffairs that led to the independent revolt cf 1S2, and the probabilities are that who ever is nominate! this year will have to meet a condition similar to that which carried the paliy down to disaster tneu. The people crow :ir d of bossism every now and then. at;d during th pas', few years they have been afil ;ted with this evil in an aggravated form. If trrLi btifj 1'ntriot. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. -The following persons can each r.ceivt a letter by cailine at the EtJensburg P..ot officc, ii.. Koaert T. Bberts, Wii!im Wr. nier, II. C Marchand. The residence of Mrs. Keddinger Ziiie, in East Conemauiih. is situf ted n hank overlooking the Caneuiaunh river. Ou Tues- ! day, while washiu;, she fell headforemost iluwu the bank iiito the river, and would have been drowned had not her daughter rescucj her. She wa.s very seriously hurt about the head and shoulders but the physi ciaus think she will recover Itrrorallan Day. A meeting wis held at the Ennltie House, iu this place, on Wednesday evening, for the purpose of makiu arraio-'' QJcnls for the observance of Decoration Dy. I. A. Shoemaker, t-q., was elected Mar shall, and the follow idjt route was adopted : ! Fire Corunanv to meet at Knuii.e Il..i.M t ' 1 o'clock. Shaip. To proceed from Encine j ,is pocket br ok contaioinj- f 17 far out jn th. Iloe dou to Cer.tie 'ieet. alotij: Centre streatr. U f jre the aniuiai cutj reach it i-treet to UiKQ btreet, up Iligr: street to; t,M! 'llrfi'" had sunk, nd Mr. It hfrtson Is "Wair Ilouse." then procession to proceed j ,Jliuus j"-1 tbut arrount fur his few 1110 up Julian street to Catholic cemetery, thet.ee J nieiit' auiu.eni,nt. down llorni-r .-licet to Centre ttreet. thence . It i- ,i ii ;,t t-o wa tl.v Ci. iihu.i i.. out Centre atieet to .S imple street, thence Mult .-luel. . w V' lk, j.re tlae o;.ir.-. down baojtjle street to ConKreirational Cem- J Ah Chan, at No. 1. !,- all y. ar -old Chin etery, then to ll:cb street thence out to j e.-e t.ir! -'ave whom h b -uijl t fo VPars aao i.iovib ccmeu-ry, luence nacK to .Engine ,'ou''- The following young ladies wert a'iKirt- a Commit tee to collect flowers : Julia -'onnell. Crare Fenlon. Flora Mills, I.i.z- Sii.is. Mauii i!:in, fc.l.tl. 5Iyer, M.r.r.ie N . lf. So". be '.'hu;.-, SidiM-i H.ii-ir.i?. r . (ten- I.-.I iinr, Cora !Jvi.-. Jer.:.. i:.,n Mad si. Dut. A;i.e lKvis V ,r Kvan -, Aim J-J!li-, Ji ni. t CK'e t u nt.-nt. K ilie Etv.nf.. K..';r cr, At.ni.) i).:v ;.S..n, M iy Uhvi It i t: el. Mi ill-.- Limwi;, AW.ii Aftitie 0. ns umi Mifnie Lil.ty. Ki 'W.'1-i to l-e i;'l.t-ril O'l Morula) lll'.tli- it.i; ..ar'y. aiul takni to .li.- engine hv,-ue, ii.it !;itr t!nr nitre !." Kk-U. a. in The f';l!0!7ini i-islic W;-r. :t.; ini.ied a ('cu.nit:-'i- to .In-, c-.t-i t!.t- irrave: .1 . VV. I.' t -i 1 , A U. Iiu.'k, II. II. Mvis, v"li.-i i" a ii Ciemen:, L. It Cre vrcl!, S J. II ni.i.'. ley Invitations art? eaten.', d to al! Sun-lay SlUik.!. or oft.er or.iti:z -.tio: n. ttist see pio to attend. The Verdfrl l iiaiiluious -w. . s ,!r, i)Mii..i:,t. !; t.. u , ii.d t.--!iL'- : "1 . all r couitu- u-.l Kii-clric Uit.eii tin very l-t remedy. Eerj ImM ,!.! h:.s ivtn relief in every c.tso. Out man toi-k pii bottles; ar.d A a, cured if Itio iima tiMii of 10 years' standing." Abraham ILire, druuaist, Kellville. Ohio, afliruis : "The be.,t selling medicine I ever handled iu n.y 20 years' experience, is Eleetric Bit ter." Tcouands of others hive added their les-tiuiony, so that the verdict is unan imous that Electric Bit'ers do cure all dis eases ot the Liver, Kidnevs or Illood. Only a half dollar a bottle at the dru stores of I--. James, of Lteiist)urjr, and W. . Mc Ateer, of Loretto. Hie Marriut.- I.w an lineiiilril. The act entitled " An act relating to mar- . T. ,! " b " ""J,l- i ' 3 r p.uea to marry,- . w'"3 ctnf-t"'t-d b the last Legislature to read ! a follows: j Tr' Clerk of the Court shall inquire of the parties applying, either separately or to- nether, for rnprriace !;rn a af,.ri.t fn! oath or frirm-.,t .i tn .-w. ..v.. v.. . tu..rmpidi.-u luarrisRH ; anu ll mere oe bo lejral objiction thereto, then he shall grant such marriage license; or the parties , Irtlldio marrn ..A r.t t- all l..r c.r.a m i & I.. ..!.:.. .. .. ' v.v... . j i together appear before any magistrate, alder- J luau, i-; uusuceui ine i"eaee oi me township, i ward, or county wherein either of the con- ! tractin parties resule. and In the county : whpre th license is desired, who may, and ! is authorized to inquire of them, touching ! the Ieeality of thtir contemplated marriaire ; j and such Icquriies and the answers thereto I having been subscribed and sworn to by the parties before such officer, may be forwarded ; to the Clerk of the Court, who. If satisfied, i after an examination thereof, that the same is yenuine and that no legal objection to the der tentv -orw. cp.rtnf .. it, t , , ' ,h:. ' J .. " ' "'""- , 'Z? hal1 J' ! " J " "'"re t,aia t,ierK, orcertmea an-: .Iat t H. Kan1 f.f ...nl. . . i " ... OUu.y..ruiUr)!uMuiaii, i- . t8ted hS two adult witnesses: and the sin- 1 ture of such parent or guardian shall be properly ackr.oaledged before a notary pub , nc or omer othcer competent under tie law ' the said magistrate, aMtrtnan. or Justice of ! the Teace. for service reuderoil l.v IMo. . - j ' mi. revisions of this act, shall be enti tled to the sura of fjftj cents. The Clerk of the Court Ehall furnish ui sa turates, aldermen, and Jutieesof the Tesce. at th.; co-t of the proper county, all neces sar blanks for acknowledjitnerits and affi davit, herein required ; and if any Clerk of any of said com Is shall in any manner issue or i;r. a mairiatre license, or If ar.y magis trate, aMerman, or Justice of the Peace, shal' wilfully make ar.y false return to the Clerk of the Court, he shall forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, to ana for tbe use of the party aggrieved ' "" That nothln ia thU " eba ' 80 P0DS,rued M to Pr.vent either party from njakinR rtli-:ation tor st.ch license, by or ' tnrtJcrh any next friend or relative, which ! friend or relative may make tbe re-iui- lc' iui on oeaa.i qi iu person represent- . I . , . . . ... ed by him or her nvs vioniKtt xjri.M.s. (ju-ei. Kspiolina ar.d suit, ai!ed Tups day n.on.ing (or Europe. Iicpee!l Furnace, in Berirord county, wl.ich lias t..--n Idle for four years, has aain been put tu operation, ivlinj eiuployujent to 2o0 nwii. Thon as J. Q'jigley, of Xorrtetown. was yesterday Bwataed a verdict of fvr.253 5S as land dau.ittri, against the Schuylkill Valley 1 Itliircal. AN.ut :te latest is a gta-s-bof tomea boat, used, according to a fort-igr. eorrrspon- 1 dVut. to g. z - upon the b antics of the hot- j torn r the sea at X-i-giu. j In the joint seSfi. 'tw.iwK!Turcoman Curtains, ladras Curtain Goods, etc., latu:.- 5:..i.dcj tlx eiiu or itiuiiid a fi!l : Sn.u- uu-i ia c. bPcan, IV. L)uirat. 8i; Ciodrlch, K-.-pu Mr. l'aco was d-.-cUred eltcted. I The iteltton of a man was recently ' found in a ruined hut on tbe banks of the Krd river, near CaVdonla, Dikota, and in ' the pctets of the t..Uered clothing were ' greenbacks rn gold an.l silver to the value of Ik arly f.,oOJ ; While a ruin'.ir of young men were playing ball about two miles from Mansfield, i Ohio, on Fiiday aftrrn.K.n, E i. Saard. aged' 25. su.l.ien threw up his hands and gave a shriek, falling to the ground dead. Phy-i-ciaus lt clnre it sun gfroke. "i.l.-Lt Jud (iiiiii.isr.ii T'mrsday last At E ir.inst Hi., legality of . ... ... r- vl u'ai cny miner which a "cha-u intvc" enmpeje, chl. fly of tramps, was rsthh ihed t work on the streets, and the prisoners were dclmrged. Thf issue was .lia.le in Court by I he Knights f Lsbor. A X. wark, X J . dispatch shvs : The experiment by the Dn-'rict M.seris-er Ser vice of ruour.ting the U.js on nuiMapys is proving a u,ot lauchable ent. rprise. The boys have turned th -ticetsof X wartr into " amat,'ur "Wild Wrst" show, and uiewsa K-s are oeini? ue.iy. led more at the pleasure of the auimais tt!an V-v will of the hoys. Kr in the roofs of houses ap.l othr enrt- inand;n& cniin. i.ces people jn Bur!inCton Vl . watched throuuh field trlasse? last Fiiday a great cooiuiotion in Lake Cham plain. Hb..u' four miles from there. Some say it virsa squall and water spout, others soni y ind of a large fish, while one old cap. iai.i siouiiy niaintaitis that it flocU of teese. was only a John Robertson, of rittaburidi amused hiair, or, Sunday, h; thrcwint; Micks in ?he Ailenteny river for Lis doe to after Uicoinii.c excited hon,i..rJ. ...a . - . vmi . m oiJU Linrw , ror t !, arid Ahom h.' eonsliie.s woitli ?400 ' now. Km ;: II 1. tr hut n. a: No. 4. Ins an ! othei 1; rl whom he bought in Canton several year an-- '..r 15'J She is IS yeaxs old, aud her n..iver vdlut'? her at fowl Ti... . ..., t; , , . I The ra- Kg yacht Thistle lost her bow- .i;.' is olieri.--e duo,aiied in a run I mi '.!: ' )' to Cowes, during the jmI on While i.n the trip the Thistle res- en . . liie;: in a hf- boat N-I. r.it.-: to lit a way, mhicli had fouu-livi-r wire lost wlun the the su-.in 11 .ii-n :i S x': i j: 7. 'din T e.ent iliiW!., Ti e lift; liyat orihl- al'v i-iii d six p' t.-ons. three ot whom sue- ' euu.he.! ! j ntivation. j A ll'it'cn county, . J.. rustic irivited a yoi.ri.. man of Saw Yorh to spend a day ' with I.i::i m the coutitiy. );-. Suniay in ' their wi. ifc throuub the woods tne i ity younn ruan av what lie wupposed was a sand bai; ' huiitr rh-ie f..r gymnast i exercise, and rush- iiit iin he tiuck it a b'.ow which ki ticked a ' hole c . an tht..!.-h it. H is now in the : h.-i .1- i '. f. i urse. The sand bay oroved to be a ' V'er lies' of hvTUefS. i On Kilday morniny Math S'eveneon, ' couns i foi Thomas Jp.ekscu, Allenport, ' Wa.-h -union Co, Pa , who ou the 13Ui just pkHd.d uui:t to i.teeal liquor selline, and who was sentenced for the same, aked the ' release of the prisoner on the ground jnat ' the II ikjli LiceLse law went into effect on ' the aferroon cf the day Jackson received ser.ler.ee. niakimr all business of this sort I trariMn Jed that moruinc void. Ju.ie Mc- ' 1. s . .. . j . . . . i aitau.f orcertu riis release upon payuieiit cfjeosts. i On oj.if nine the will of a diceased West Cluster. I'a., lady it was found that she had , I mad - empie prrvj!i us for the iiiintcnaiice ; her fail!. ful friend-her doc hasriuu left j a It'Sacy of f 1 oim, the int test of which was j i to he used for bis summit, aud after his 1 j...... ... - . . death the ?l,oOO was to (iv to t. I'eter's i: t.. l.iumH. TIk provisions ot the will are b-ii- faithfully curried t ut in a is rtsptct, and the old do is livin nigh. From nr.enl ti.earauce it wi'.i be some time before St. IVWs will receive the leacv ,' J 0,1,1 KK i-r. or lhup.ii:. county ruaae a i;app ni r.d last we.k whi!- tearing ! ellil.i! li,u-e on hw t.rooertv eiiu.i. i ou.e on his property, down the old dvie I ui.c uir um MLinru rujintiaiu. iU!U CiOBC 4 iu ,.1,1 1:..i - i . .-. by the eulitney. was a si,rt i t and in . c(.,Ilt.r wrani e.i in a hneu i.oulIi, were i L0 silver hilf dollars, with d-U.-s fi ol 1795 to ic good Pond t:on. A supposition says they were placed there by j;r. Isaac O'e, ac old settler, who built the hi:: se and lived there uuti! his denih. whi i t as cauM-d ly fhlltnu fioru a tre and 1 enk t,n his hfcit, and the uioney Uy in its in :roi. tu sr.fe ever since. A fox huut recently incurred in Kmt, Couu., which was in many res-pects tbe most remarkable this country has ever known. Tnere was no auise-seed-bac non sense about it. The uaote was a real fox, was in at i : the i in a hen, c Its. Monroe II . .-. I seized the invader by the tail ten firmly in its mouth the fox attempted to 1 drag Mrs. Monroe awav to its lair The 1 lair. beroic woman retained her crip and called h iidiv for hi,. if ... however. shape of two sturdy dos. who immediately dispatched the fox. eaiate.y caiee in the T0 THP BEST TOMIC This meflielne. rnnd.'nlntr twin v liH Vegetable t-iniea. tlv and eoii i..e y Cupe ITlrpln, IjlliLueattuii, V rak now, Iiuiuie Blood, .nljtWa, UiUU an.l r evrra, wuil Nenrwltrlw. It is a:. iinfaiii,.;; reuicdy iur lisc-ai ofthj lvl.1 oy avail Lttrr. It Is lnvuluab!- for Piseaiios tiecnMar t W oimeit, and ul w ho lead tedentary lives. JtdrK-snot itljuretheU-.-ih.caiiht..haiIache or prKluit, constipation o.-A.r J,,m mrdu-inc do. U fitrlcliea .! purlnn Mood, Btimu.u-.es the apiute. ui.la tho atsitui.ai.oii Of food rehevi lleartburn ut.d IielcldniT.kiid Btrenirtiieiia the niiuick-ii an. I i.erveK For iBIrrmitlcut Ftvrr., iJtaattude, LclL uf hMrgy, etc., it Lits no cual. 1 ir The eeuuine haa atx.ve trade mark and CK-od led Uum on wrapper. Take no other. ai vttwwa iitiAiiAi to, u.Tiaoas, aa, iifffilii rk-l 1 1 1 1 1J I 3k Go to GEIS, FOSTER & QUIXX'S, Clinton St.. Johnstown, Pa ffP Carpets, -Mattings, Ru-s, Stair Tads, Stair Rods. Stair Buttons, Oilcloths, Linoleum, Lace Curtains, Feathers tiiit uaieo ana i)nees me lowest. 1 I'OI.IIICAL P' 'It COI'STY AVIiirOK. I hpreby announce mnv ell a-1 ranjidite for CountT Aujit.r, ut-je-t tu tli .ie.-N on of tlio next Imo-ratlf Prima ry K-: (on. JAMES NO' .'. Lilly, M .y -.T. 1S7. p-OR '''ifNTY AtrUITOK. I l'.-rr!y announce my.elf as a camlld:ite li.t('onn'v 4 n.li::r. PH'iiect to the decision . the Irii!...T:.tlc i.ri.i;ary election to lo helj on the 4th my '' June next. PHir.IPIl RKKIY. I'ortaite twp. - - TT " ;. ' "NTY AfDiniK. - ri.-rcl.v announce mvpe I'V announce mvself a., a. ran.)Muti. .or Cnutitr Au.Iiror. luhject U) the .lecl.ion ol the next I Tii..cratlc jiriuiarv eiei-tion. JOSEPH HI TPS. Client townshlu. I I ' crt hv nnnounre my'-lfa a candl.lnte t Aw. lit. .r. si!h)ct to the decision of the next I).-n: .('Mill! ;.ritnary election J. W. OHIFrlN. Muns ter Twp. T:K('ii?'NTY AT' IU I OK. I her-l.T ii?in',unoe myself as a candidate for I'.mn'T Ar'for snhject to the decision of the r.cxt itrni.---r:itlc .rltuarv election. LOUIS R(JHNI). 4th Ward. Jt.hnttown Kurouuh. Fi'! 'Of NTY COMMISSIONER. I hcrri.y xanounce mvpelf as a candidate lor Countv Cointnissloner. suliject to .he decision .t the next Iiemocratln prlinarv elfptjon. JOHN KIKBY. Johnstown. F. H CIU'NTY COMMISSIONER. I hcro'iy announce myself as a candidate .liner '..:niiif-si(incr. Fuhiect to the dctilon .f the next Lh-moeratlc prinmrv election. M. 1). KHKKI.Y. Ktnl.uru. T'iK cof NTY COMMISSIONER. I licrcl.y announce mrsell as a canrttdatc . .. ,u',' . "tEnillnner. KnLjcci to ibt deci.i i T ; : TCxJ 1 ttni.Tdtic i.rinmrv election (.'. A. McOONlOI.E. i,llly Uorouijli 1" K coi'NTY ("OMMISSIONEK. I lii'tel.y announce royelt ai a candidate f. it I 'onntv 'oinDiiJJiniKT. put.ject to the decision t.l the nrxt 1 cn:ocratic j.rimrv Iwtior. F.J l'A!KIH. frilllitm. Ft Hi COT'XTV COMMISSIOXEIi. I licn t v nnnoniTC mT!t a n candidnte '..r Ciinty c.nimi.-f ionrr. snh)..ct to tl,.. di-cision ..1 t!io ii' x! llcino. ratir priinnrv plotl..n CHAia.Es nrM.Ai'. Carroll Twj.. F'Mi corXTY COMMISSlOEIi. 1 l.rr.-l.y nnunrc c nivfolf .1 c 'i.h.te "r onritv i . .10 to is.-i..r,r fot.iwt to tlii luciinn ol the n.-xi Ivm..cratlc i.rimary eio.-ti..n. I. K. 1UI.I.ON. - - " . 1L .1 P :; riii'M v coMMISsf'iNKK I lier.'.'.v . tn ii. ijii.-e tnve'f a? a c.i r.ct ul i ! f..r tl o offi.-e ,' ''iur.rr ' in iui.--i .ner sui.i.ct t, tin! .lo."ii;in ot t;:.: ii xt I..oK-r?lc rrini .rv I-ll.'.'T ...n JA.MKS OMSTI.nW. Mny Hi. 1 M. f I olTer iiii si-ii a r. can- .li.late f.r I'ounty llcinrnlisi.mi-r at the e.miimr ' I'rinian.- i:i.iti'.!i. If ele-t.t. I wi i riilear..r to ' .T'orin tli .lotles o( the ..ttlce wi'.h n.lellty to i the lntcrt-t i; Hie taxi'xver J A MFS .1 KAYI.OK. AlliKlicny twji.. Aj.ril -."., Irs;. . fT'iK TOOK HOT'S E 1)1 K L'OTOK. 1 horphv an- eoeoee myelf as n ear.. li. late for 1'oor H ium'o IU re'.r. siiroeet to the ileeUI'.n ol the Iiemocratio I'rltuarv chx-'ion to ho held on the 4th .lav of June. 1S!,7. W. H. BYliNE Ki-cn-'tiuru. Mdv r,, r sr. ; Ii...... II . .. ..! Director. . j utlH.ri7e.l to Hnnounce the name of o'ko TJK '. W.EAsi.Y.ol Johnstown af A ll late tor l-or House lire.Mor. fulii.-ct to th ri..,.i.,n , . M.I ! Iem. oratic l'rinifiry Election. TOK C'OT'NTY TKEASUKEK. I hcrehv announce myself as a candidate for Oountv Treasnrer. sul ie.-t to the decision of the next IletiKXTutie Cri mary eleetion. JAMES OK1FF1N. 'auihrla Uorouirh, Mar. 4, 1s,st. FOR COUNTY TREASURER, I herehv announce mvself hi lnmliilat tor Conntv Treasurer, fill. iert to the decision of! me next iiemocrailo pnmnrv elnetion. II EN It Y Elf'HENSEHK, Kichland Twp. TT'dR ("OTTNTY TREASURER -J I lier.-hv announce invself as a candi.! late 'Vrr"u"tv Treasurer. siil.;.-t to the decision of the next I'einocratlc nrimarv election. einocratlc primarv eloction. M. A. (inAKTZ, Wa.hinirton Twp. TUK "( IT'NTY TKEASt'KEK. I nerehy unn. un-e myself as a candidate t..r lountv Trensurer. ("iihject to the decision of tue ; next 1'eiuocratlc primary election M. F. KKI.LY. ! Oallitltzin Horoujjh. TT()l; COUNTY TREASURER. ... I hereby announce tny.elf ns a candidate ! lor County Treasurer, .it.)ect to the lieciflou o i next Democratic primary election. A. D. CKTSTK. Murifter Twp. T?OK t'OlNTY TliEASfKKli. ! r i i.iIUittfBn..ii.A.i i or announcing that 1 will he a candidate lor the nomination ol the office -jf Count v Treasurer, ' pul.iect to the action ol tha riemocrati,. i-r,,i,. ' election. If nominated I will make an active e- ' fort to le elected, and II elected will perform the 1 ntltiesof sal.l ofHce tn tlia I... it ..l i.. i ........ ,i 1 for the accommodation ol the taxpayer? THOMAS" E. HOWE. auihria horounh, March 4, lhS7. LL kinds of Job work neatly an ex peditiously executed at this office. SHERIFFS SAIES RY, Vilf"TE OF A WK1T of Kiicrk. Facias I D iwiied out oi tho Court ol l ououon I leas ol t auil.ru ( ountv, and to tue directed, there will l, exuosed to Puldic Sale . th i u...... ... cusl.urit.on Monday, tl'iefilh dav of Junc.'lSsT at i 1 O'clock. V. M.. the lollo.in.r ul.l 7. Ht i 'Sm"h. Frlt 'oaI & lr" '"mpany as per charter ..u.u.u ,a xtecora uooK vol. X.t, jvoje 475, and deed Jo said Cotnpany in Kecord liook. vol. 2, Ar.soOne undivided one half interest In i&l ' acres ol land -ituate.I in ( 'royle Townshii,. iu- ' hria county, pa., adjoining lands now or late of i Jeter .McLaren. Samuel 'royle. J. I.ckei 1) ertnett, John Wentroth and others, warrinted i In the name of Wm. Smith. Deed Keoor.led In l.ecord li.Mik. vol. 2S, ).ae l-.7. Al ne undl v tiled hall interest In all that certain Ptriu at 1 "Jt!df,,",ua?ed ,n 8ai'' c,,UDtv f ''iilria. near ; OUth I-orli St:.tl..n I l; U ...1...,-. ' . . . i I K. on the south side one-halt mile Ki.i ...i i" ! i r,..V'.'n anJ ultJ'nir Westward on said K 11 I I l.-'ooteet Southward at ritrht angles ;th . ...'i i.-' ' K. JV. leet boint; lioo Icet lorn- by a.' loet wido. ' ! AhSO-Ono undivided half in nil the coal. Iron j ...., .. lM u jo an omer minerals in that certain ain 1 ! , and l.artly in Adam. Townahlp. in said county. U . auibrla, containitut A", acres and 154 perches ! adjotninr lands ?f l. K. K.. J,,,u Wen troth". To sv.h i royle. 1. Hurttiett. K.ivld I..101I1. Thomas 1 .,... r,.uu,cu eariiy in r rovle l..uni.i. Ktelan and thft.-. 7 i.l SI . vml". . .oi. . i 1 Buck vol 27 j iije !Sy iccuiucu iu j.eooril i ! AlJo Tl.euudivlde...iieliaIllnSr.'aiTesand . allowance Bttuated In t'roylo Township, said coun- : y i l ' loubna. adjoininir Utile l onomaiiRh Kiver ! laud warranted in th mm. ,,f v..v. ' I ; Wiu. Smith. 1). 1 : Robert Krwiu auj ethers as' . perlieed re.orde.l in i;.-..r.i it..w ....T 4 . . ...... i. . ... .. . -.. ...... u..u..iL. unison. iu. rMUItn. II. 11 r Ki. nrt I'.u... ...j T ' ! 3J. AUkj-His interest in tl.e hoppers' sidimTs ; tramways and Improvements made uiMin all sai'.i ' lands. ALto In all that leasehold interest In loo 1 na 'M I aeres situated In Waslilnirtoti Township, (u sabj ; county of f'ainbrla. on Bear li, i.-.., i ... ..." I 1,an,"i ?' ,' -'".lh-" J -."o otlieraua pir lease . necor.ied in eald Mlseella nenm K'.w..r.t u,...i - putrevo:. " "w'' A also 1b the Standard foal l omuany, lim ited, funned out ol, and upon the l.,aace i as I above mentioned, and in tne hoppers. tramwavTsidin and improveraenu made an.l erected u(.on sabl the.'o'n, 1"1",n in eaw-tlon and to bo seld at cJLed eiecuuirs ol ( 'at via H. iiarher, do- T 10 HM S O F S A 1. 1-: . One-third of tl.e purchase money fi bo paid when the property is knocked down and the re uiainintr two-thirds on conflrmation of the de.-d Siierlff fiffiee. EbiSr & 1KAY' ' May, 13, 187 ( CARL RIVIIsnXJS, -PRACTICAL -AND DEALER IN- mmmmm For lr or small game 32 calibre, 40 praing powder: VS ml. 56 rr. ; i i.ojkt.: ileal. To and . -t. TLt itroccest chantlne rlrle made , , u-i. i"r3'v K'i:'Xfri an 1 te ..o'v ai,o;ai:y reduced. Ti T.l . E 2 Tl O'allcn'. , , . 'i'WI ii.a uvt llidfH, world ri.oLi. i. T.-i M4.-d tor u tret sao..iu,. im:ma,. anj rbuvtms caliertes. loiiibrrtr-,.m-9i.. x..u.t.ii airrtt-ii m;, ic. prin from WfiRfiM rint: admc rn V ; r . "'0'J 1 Two t.-.r.-. ts nri' itb etc or our farttrilfty oa-wlivl already l-uen flr.d shots -'Jr..- .nrry . ft n. ar!y a.i u a.w.j i a' xi.: : an.l r.lal:e. 1 1 Kill n 1TI! t s a l-.l. r. . Pt.ewf r-.y li.nnn. Il.l.i ... WvUin.-nr..li,i!VHlrnll'.v m raiu!CT 1' : -1- Uioniand ci-i Iter tatuulciy rm-.-v rmtjilurdl tvfti aad l.roKm down n..n tot. la'i .a.Ttr.nt of lrfe.'t and fuil ?.inly fttxeoirth and Vifforoaa IjAMtt-h. , 1 o ih-iwtin) nuilr from LLe irtiin7 o'o r. 1 owrt rrotvht about hr lu(iicrHiori. KxroTSi, rr-l.rtvrt Varl,arloofrft9 lQflnliA.ai. w. t.k ih v' y.Mj swi ud sronr caaie with staunnnt of y -or troul.la. tod auaira I RUPTURED PEKSOM-3 can tvavo FRE.2 NOTICK. IN THK 'KI'HANS' ClM.'KTof the (.Vunty ot Cmt.riA. lo the heirs anj l-nal r'l.reen'.-itive? r Eliza Nohle. decease J ti iii-ti -Jr. : Y.u r.re h?T.hi .c.nc l".V" n1 -l'I--r H:lore t!je JuJues , 1 Elwr.5hurK. on tlie "l ol Juno next, then anj there Tu ncci it or mi ii ci. t 1 1 t o t li. I.' an I I-'.iIa .i T-'l i ti Notile. deceased, at the ap. raised valuation put j upon it l.y an iuquot duly awarded oy tho said I (.'ourt. or show c.iuse why a trustee rhoul.t not be ' appointed to sell the same JOSEPH A. (iKAY, Sheriff. I Sheriff Orficc, Elien.buTi, l'a., i j April JS-7.-4W. i I K, L JOBS'.OV 1. J. CITk, A. W. BLCk. Johnston, Buck & Co., lYIoney Received on Depsit, PA FAIII.K OK IICMANU. 1NTEBEST ALLOWED X TIME UEFOSITS COLLECTIONS MADE &T All A(H ChSIKLK POlMTr. DRAFTS on (lie rrincipal Citie I.ovilit Aiitl Sold anil a luuiiuiui Dauiiiii cusiuuss iRfiSaU im. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. A. W. BUCK, Cashier. Eheniihuru, April 4. lSF4.-tt. 1I.1AI. l.IM, ,'u-1, JUNE TEKM. 1SS7. , . . ,, ,, snjer .. ...... vs. Mellon. fj'l'l l-loy-.l vs. I.nutzy. f-a"f") " Moil. Itol.imi .. vs. Wilson. vs. McDermitt'a - vs. Kcmery. vs. Storey. vs. .lames. vs. Shoemaker. v s-1 niton. ts. Kcllcy. vs. Hex. vs. t'ole. v i. Hums, et ux. vs. Sisters ol Alercy. - - ...vs. Conscr. vs. t'ruin. . . vs. H:ikot. VS. lyOllK. vs. liwell llou.-elus. t.'.i vs. 1'arrisu. vs. Olark. vs. Suiay, . ... vs. t Jiifiy . vs. KiKamiiu Ins. Co. . !OLM A K FI.' P...'il... I'op.lon D-.bert j Slick I.enitiif 6. ll:ivi.ou , Hearer Williams Honers Krau.-e Snyder j Itendoll... WsS ,m '.l'V T ,' i SmecdVr metuir Koherts uwVih'.sV V.SC 1 tl. Pro'tliy's Oftlce. Fbensl.urK, May 111', 18S7. NATURE'S, 4 MI. I A Bit HKJH.K Fer Sick Ktomarh, For Torpid Lier, Rllin... Il.l.ft... CURE FOR CONSTiPATlQHa x., S-lty.er Aperieiu. It is certain in its effects It is gentle in us auti n. It is alate;irle to the tuste. It can be reli. .1 upon to euro, an.l It cures by arixir, not by outratr inK, nature. IK. uot take violent iuruative your selves or allow your chil at 1 ii J 1 . ureu w ute tlii-ui. a!ao StcK-Headacne, ix. AI41 which nas noeu lor more nwcnr-nriai ... i km. ii. i. . ears a oo. f. I 1 A r T f M B .-o,.,e. ,w e; a, -wj., w a aa w r a ererytrnei NOT I CM. - 1)1 K K '-V lilVKN, that the loll . J-i -'.a a.'.-.i.iiTts Imrj l. ..i. nie.l in n... I,""' i nia. ... .. ... . .......... ;t ton in- -n in-is o t 'aniliria eoi.i.iv I- i.- I. .. .. . ...i .'.innn.-.l by said i ourt on the -Mo.M.AV ot .IL'.NH, 1387, i ,,e lu, v" h-eo'itrarv A'"'""""! ' -,, "'i H. Murphy, Assi ui.less .'iin. nee ot .lo'in stiioriiior. ft ux. First and p..r:.nl account of V. 11. Smai. Assij Deo ot Jou.i n.i.-bm, oi ur It A SHUKMaKEK, l'ro'thv. c. jeiisbn.f . .Hay 13, lsd7.ftia. NOTICK. IN THK 1 1 KI'HANS' t't IT' It T of the County of J Cauihr.a I ., th.- heirs and )eKl represeutat it es of l.o.iel II. l..M.y, deceased. Okkki iu : Yon ! are hereby eit.d . I and appear before tl.e ' -ludms ot Hie orphans' tjonrt, lo lo held at 1 ... o..r.M,.K. on .nr isi i.ionday ol Juneneit Iheu and ther.i to accept or refuse to take the Keal Ks. tale of Kauiel H. lionley. deceased, at the ap praised val uatiou put upon It ty ao Inquest dnlv awardo.1 by the said Court, or show cause whV a trustee should not beeppoiated to sell thegame' JOSEPH A. OKAY Sherif SherifTi OBIee. Elneburir, l'a i ' r,ner,c' April , 1SS7.-4W. ' j W7 cl.a TU... 1il KtV.trfi: - A"-".1" "! at (nftftiiuuia, tuwu w fey' ?? A4" fv.rtb'j UOIM.W1 j vu,-j.. etc. Quality of Goods Watches, Clocks JEWELRY, ' AND Optical Goods. 0 Sole Agent -EORTHE Celebrated Rockford WATCHRS. (olambla and Fredonia Watches In Ky and Stem Winders LARGE SELECTION op ALL KIM), of JEWELItr always on hanl. lf" My line or Jewelry it utisurpad Come and rpp for yourself before pu-Wia, me pUwIicrp. " r7ALL WOKK GUARANTEED CARL RIVINiGS Ebensnur,;. N v. 11, 18S5--tf. r"-- -x a.Li safe riflo on tee i lrtinit nnd Tar- fl.'-.uu no. fctud t,r v. ..-i.. . w. n.' m;w riaven, conn. s7v-Tv a .'iur nc. ......... !.." .r r! y1-.. a-id d . tiom.:: i- u.'S Zr,.rrl ... -'-I u.o v:Uv at ta.-. i . .. - ....... ,. . i T V . rJ t.i leBUlW mfdicai Jv-lnrJift Ilj.;,,; LVV? ifV vtj "J"' """" . tax olilral It. Trr:'"""" Ine onrnaji ontn featarn: . i r. r..y . . . . . . . . . . . . J i.e. . . . . . . . . TOAT2yT. CaTKsrth. 3. n Ttn. K. Ca: . ; H&r;;3 hkjedy co., wrt cyta'. I -?S H.TonthBtTt,BT.,U3t7ia.TO. Trial of our AppU4M.ee. Ak tor Term'r j ri W. DICK, ATToit n ey-at-la v. : .1. Lloyd, dee'd. (first rtoOr.l t.'enlre itrreu A.! nnoacr ot lairal buslceti nttndetl to natif l!-tuj rli and caileUonf a ei.fcr'!t . l"-u.-if. F(K SAI.E-srEA.11 EN i SINES. ('LAY .xi Ore fuuf. Holler an.1 SLcet-lron W or -Secon.i- t.aul tnniiiei.n.it t-.-ilei? n harjj. Hf i.i iag entices nd machtnerr a ) ecln !tT. -Tlii.'X Ae CAUhlX, Allei;het:. i"a. (J :a. S.-ly.) A' ItVFKTIKrRN tv ,!dr-"!nK tie. P. Kowrll A' '.. 10 Spruce St.. New Yi.rn oiu le;irn int sao: cost or hit prp .l I'D; o AIlYKKTIINiT la Auu-riciin NensjuipeT-.. Itt 1'atce ljiiililet ltir. ; III.AITM and BEST. 1'rlctMt Kecnee.t i HOLMAN'S NEW PARALLEL EIELES ! Over 2.0ll I' ltft. F'.lHy i:t:ttrnt, . A r Wintil j Circulars ireo. A.J. iloliuun A. tu, I'll I la I j T.MtXMMi AltVF.HIIt.Kft h.HiiliJ I 1 .Ircsa ;t:Rf;K r-. kowi i i. a ., IO Si.rnre Slreel. New Yori Clly. F'iik Ski bct I..?T"rl, ft"i N iwsi-Arsiw Will l ellt Irec oc ai-pllc-tiou. .Inn. BARBER SHOP The uiiili-r.Jiiri:e inrit.!. tl.e citn. ti "l E--esf hurt; -t.! I'l'iic tin eraiii to .-all ut h; i on "ititre St.. El'em.t'UtK IV.. :op It Mountain Iloi.s- -Hl -on). where he wi.l t f nti ' ready t i .iconiod.ile tlieai with a .'lean r..tve : a l::i ii cut on i.ort notice. j Hy ki-tfj.liitc everrtliing nn-t and t'.ly t.x n-T ! .-h.,j. I expee: to merit a llli.-ial -hare r( pana aire . I March 11. ST I'KTl'K lLHTl-V. A1 1MIN ISTKATOlt'S NOTH'K. I.etiers ol a.lminist-atlor. on tt.s eta-e c! W mi. .111 .1. McOiiire. late of fleat field ' ""'T. 'an:bna ci;iintv. deceased, liaviiof Oetoi j;nir.'.i to the liii.k r.-'iined, all j.ersons Iu.lfbie.i f. mj estate are hererty iioftlcil Iri iro.ke is.n'.nt wl. out .i.'lny. and all those bavin c1miu; sii.': sani'5 m'! 1 resent them, -rj.erly luihruti'ft J I.T M'l I. meet tt) HIKAM V. OflKP. A.lm'rol Willi. m .1 MeOulre. c'i CK-arriilJ Inp., April 1".'. l7.-l t. !!-:$. i'flU'U'! writ?n at t;orl uotlci- !n tti OLD RELIABLE "ETNA" An.l oilier Firm a tmiitn.e. rr. W. DICK, VFT r'-K TII IiHIIUMilWiliHOI'l'. OOMMENIith Hl'SINKSS 179-4. EVensLurn. Jniy l. lbSi. fc.'. AV-rSSVEEf ft- T- t f7 fV AlOftJ EL rS CItEAM JiA LM Is not a IfqtH'J, snuff or powdsr. AfpO into nontriis w quickly absorb d. It cfain tA7tead. AUayt injiammation. Ilea's tM sore. Restores the senses of taste and smelt, 60 cntr at Drvwrist; fcy wtaif, Trmrtrreit, 60 cf! ELY BROTHERS, Dmists.tmego.ST. ir