The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, April 22, 1887, Image 3

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v. :
tfamlmn Jfrcrmnn.
rilFIIBl HtJ, pa.
IlKl 1 . - - A 111 1 Is 2
iss.. .
1, .;!.'. a tree.
T - f Friday) is Arbor day.
! ,.y ii 1 your seeds at Barkers'.
r '. r reach l;ns lit boarders who w'U
lc v -i ..Til t! e summer vri'ri him.
r ii t.iiri William Linton, of Summit,
-1 ii stt unlay last appointo. postmaster
i r Mc
.y- Cl.firle4 IhinUp, of Carroll township
1 - wru'i fire sheep killed by dotrs cue
' ' :.i-t week.
ir ! of ten millions of dollars worth
! !;: v "i t up in smoke laf month In
"i :', I States.
: i.ur in-tantly relieved by the use of
-'var.-.l Fry Tris. For 5 lo at
- ..; Jtui store.
Andrew Carneeii has just wade
r ;loi.a!ioii of ten thousand dollars to
' irnetcie- Library In IV.t.sburg.
V Pennsylvania Uaiiroa.l has corn-n:c-
' I t. rtr.'re- th old engines for freight
. and put on the 11SG0O pounders.
Mr. Matthew Zahm, who has bPen visit
'.ny '' Tliila H'lphia, returned borne cn
Ti:-- ' i- lie is much improved in health
ar I ! i yed tr trip very much.
Mr. W-lter Cummmas. at one time a
f : l-i t at the St. Joseph Convent at this
p : is vi-iting friends in this place.
Work will be jin at the Huntingdon
I.i f. ry on Monday next. Nearly
t ' v. ii! be impended during the year.
F. r a ! kinds of groceries, always fresh,
t . '! suar IJowl.
i r. 'inrmun of Oeensburg is to have
W :-.
". u:. 1 1: water is to be supplied
W. -tn;ore!ani! '.Vater Company from
on t'liestnnt ridCP.
1 .'annO1. Tahaney, pastor of St.
J. ( itliolic Churc It, Johnstown, is re-j-.
:. be in New York, in a very feehk!
a::.) ' r- ;iUninn rondition, physically.
- il oat- and seed potatoes at Barkers'.
Ai.-vvnior A car, a well known rctil
J . va found dear in bed at a lumber
rv: e i" ar Keating, Clinton county, on
1: : - ia The ea'.i-; was heart disease.
V ', aiiinhle fim1ier was destroyed on
T.- - . ! mtain near IToIlidaystmri.', last
W- ' v ,"..rost f.res. It Is said tlie house
rf . ranted I),inim, on the mountain
vc- :.'r.ved.
V. e- Tipton, a well known printer,
vr' - n,-' time ao, for a short time, worked
Carrolltown .Yctj died at his home
....T,, on Wednesday of last week, aged
'. V .-ars.
r U'.e best tobacco and etioice cigars,
fi . Suv'ar P.owl.
worst -now r-torm of the y?ar pre
' ' Lock Haven on Monday, flic snow
!o the d-pth of ten Inches. A simi
r.i occurred there at this season of
r in l-M.
.".ngihe year Is.-,.; tliere wereentered
l'r-thono'ary- f.fTice of Cambria
s-.' j'.i.:uir.ent-, suit ,
li. ns at.d crti.iraris, and ll'i
.i :
1 BppeaiS.
rreenvoo.:, an old off.'iiiler,
i i I op Tut'sday r.ieht lr m
-d i'li st.-a iii-g I. ides from
a ";.u!''l or, and sc-Tiug thepi
t jr.Ti'-rv.
I -t w.
nnan C ont.c'.
'to ti..- hf.:t
run ti
and ti
i r
fo: t,
C I !
sai. :
- y
n a-!.-
I". I' MAN
:f time on
he havir;L
two hours
.o'ir riren'at
n off, ii.
: tv-five rnir.r.t.'-..
s,-);,j tt at ru oot
- 'e f f t' e coal
.ifi.i.'s are
d we
, on
Of fj.
ti- C
esson and
;i for t'.ie
i -.rpi ts at lV.rker-".
s H. of the P...!ton
:t.! and Mu-io I' ark Springs.
!' .. t- : b'. n ,-peiii'i.iii several
du-:r. pre r.t we- k gt ttln
: ! si(ri -i. !' bu-'ness.
'hi'I t ! i-t week the lar wr-ii:':
i' . ry of V. TV . Ue-d A,
I'liv, Hnriting'Ioo county, were
.i t)i,.ff-s with dynamite. St-veral
i worknif-n are su -pet ted.
.I.e Sest iViur in tli" nuirK -t, go to
c. ..
- 1
I.e l
d. - :
F . i
' . ; ir Bowl.
i.'o; FX'hangos are noting the fact
. i : I r n ill i about leiiig s'arterl at
There is atiout as much pros
.; ;oe.r t of a government navy yard
v aVd at E'.ensbure a" a paper mill.
' "..n II-!frich, n brakeman on the raiiroad. a resident of Johns-
iv .i - struck by a west bound train at
on Friday last and Sf-vt-ely in
io was taken to the Alt-ocoa hos-
1 p'l Hinps, of C'.est t.,w-Mp,
- .. .';'(, -s his card as a rand 'te
' An lit. t. Mr. Hippi is li
; .-rf'Ttn f! diities of toe ofh-e
;t... ati-d wini'd fill ti:e position
"' a -or trrort of f,neensware,
' hi i'piI, at Barkers'.
. .)..-. ,. Ca'iaher, win) was at
-'it.;.-;;o1 nt Loretto, b'.'t w'.o ieit
.rot'i.T It-v . II ilt;!; iadf.ghei ,
' v -:" r years ao for CiliTornia
-r :o ,..-t. dvd in San Fran, is -o on
' in '.jt'i year of h'ri r.,!?-.
": ir v.yrr:", of this p'.a.e, will
-sni,. his farm atout half a
" ' i .r.. on the J,of-t.o rd.
a I'm acres, about K, tit
ovrti and in a high slate of cal-
1 1 is h j.ire chanct' to w.-cure a
a. .:f Huntir.gdon oiunij
er, railed to meet at th
t i-a'unlav, May H. at lo
r the "..tirpose of orgiuilr'nc
-r'.. ral !ve Farmers' ABcia
'i of v lii.'.i Is to regulate the
r t'ot yoa r.n get the hirffie-irt
i nt l:.r'ter,5'.
(rofiri-f! a bill into (le
:i'in that a'l vegelah!-3t
ft -iiior ,;t.a'l be solii lf
ad ...'.; .r i-hing s!z (it
ar, ! h try Us demands
'yrffn ly is to in-ist that
be sold 1 v.vilit.
Mr. .f W Crir.n, r f Mun
s a cat,1,,. Kite for f.'out ty
among the political an
v. k. Mr.C;r:lin U n cam
to positioi,, a good I), rn
;ir.?.ted would perform t 'u
r, f ; vr or t itrcti.iu.
f t
f :
'.-..mi-er ff our rit:z-ns were,',' rt,(i providing tiiu;
!! i oils of bait on Friday
p t!ey re'urrjMi from tr.nit
l i'e.l l.on e tl . l ack way and
"L-t ! or the'r bracking a .'onl
rs'.;'ig of ST eekled beautli S.
r .' n was Lr tight to fail on
'.d-t eha.-ge.i with PteaHior ::"
1 li:'i an inmafe rf a house of til
" ' Krar Vtinj n road nepr.I-.hns.
rdon ! a cousin cf Ki!ooc! G ir-
' to tl. IVnitentitt y from
' a:.ou. a year f;;r '? e u-jrder
adu see ineir Jnne Stock of TTnmhn, tm
jobbers wholesale them at.
w,0. lluu
iT I A
county mtenj., t0 practici, hw profession t
J. Ii. Dennv who had h
up" Boston, Mass., for a week or two return
ed home on Saturday.
-The charge In tho weather last weok
stopped the carden makinn for the time
being, but the prevent fair weather will
soon cau-e It to tx? resumed. Before com
.... uiuti mio jonn iwens store on
j lliilh street, where'dry aoods, dress goods,
I boots and shoes, groceries and provisions
I are alwavs sold at bottom nrlf
! rj..
oinp wi.i oe a meeting or me citizens
or Carrolltown and vicinitv. on Saturday 1
evening next, a? talf past seven o'clock,
for the pui pose of forming a company to
Ket up a fair ground, race course, etc. I
On Sunday last, at Summerhlll, Drs. W. '
H Lowman, Walters and Brmkey, ofJohns- j
town and Dr. Green, of Suainiorhill. amrutat- j
ed the leg of a bov named Johnston who
hart been Injured In Seotts coal mine at '
Snmmerhill a couple of weeks previous. It ,
was at first thought that the leg could be j
saved but gangreene set In and amputation
had to be resortsd to sve his life. i
I On the last day ot school the pupils of !
I the Ebensbnrg Ilich school took their
j teacher, Mr. Leech, by surprise. He was
decoyed from his room for a few moment?
and upon his return he found his table '
covered with handsome presents. Two '
beau'iful pictures, artistically framed, to
gether with a card with the inscription :
"To Mr. J. W. Leech from his adaircrs."
While a boy named Hay, aged about 8
j years, was walking down street in Phtlips
l burg, Centra county, on Saturday, a lad
named Kline aged 10 years pulled a revolver
out of hU pocket and said, "I'll shoot you,"
and shot Hay io the head. The wound is
not considered facai but should it rrove so
i Kline wlii in all probability be sent up for
awhile. lie had two revolvers on his per-
son, a 22 and ,V2 calibre, that he had taken
I from a trunk at horr.e and belonged to an
older brother,
i .Judge Harry White, of Indiana, has
i placed an order with P'.ugene A. Pooi,
j artist, of Creeris.burg, for four oil portraits
of hi deceased father, who was at one time
I President .iudkie of the judicial district
I embracing Westmoreland, Indiana, Arm-
strong and Cambria countie. When the
j portraits are eo-rpleted they will be dis
1 tributed among the countirs named and
placed in the rpctive court houses. One
' of them will occupy a plao in th library
I room in the court houe here a'',n! with tilt,
! portraits of Judgi s Tayl ir uid Dean.
On Wednesday of last week Joseph
I Adams, oT Coalport, Clearf.eld county, was
; arrested on a warrant char?iii hiui with
having paid a man a sum of money to file a
building belonging to him. On the same
I day L-.vis I). ore was arrested ar Dean
! station on tte c l.nrg.' r f having been the per
i son who set fire to the building. The tire
; occurred on the 27th of August, IRti."., and
. the buiid.tig, which we understand was a
hotel, was insured. Adams furnished bail
. in the pum of rl.o 'O f,.r court, whiie I)-vore
1 a. talcen to jail at Cleari-id anil locked
' np. I
i Andrew Carnegie, the wealthy Pittsburg
iron merchant, wh i is going to bui'd the
cattle at the Summit, is reported to be
I engaged to be married to Miss Est.lie Whit- i
fiehi. of , w Voik City. They will be
married tbis C Friday) evening ar.d to- ,
morro.v morning the bride and groom will
1 dernrt on Cue steamer Fulda, fi r Europe.
The v.eddii;g will be without di- play and .
in the presence of only a few ftiends. Mr. !
1 Carnegie is aged .".2 and his bri'ie, who is the
: daughter of a deceased Broad way merchant, !
is said to 3i. Miss Whitfield is not a1
beauty, according to report, but is a lady of j
1 culture and many accomplishments.
telegram from Hot Springs, Ark,,
says Faymaster in the I" S. Army, John E.
Blaine, brother of James i. Blaine, is lying
at the point of death at the U. S. Army and
Navy Hospital at that place, and that there
is no hope of his recovery. Major Blair e
spirit the greater part of last summer with
his family at Maple I rk Springs, in this
place, and is well fcnowR to a number of our
citizen). His wife is a daughter of Mr.
Tniet" Fen'on of Notre Dame Indiana, a
sKter if Hon. Thomas I . F-Mi'.on, of Leav
enworth, Kansas, and a niece of Hon. John
Fenlov. of this place. Mnjor Blaine is about
fifty years of age being the youngest of the
B!ain family.
T!i.. lighting rod fraud is still on his
travels. Down In Lancaster county several
farmer.' i;ave been caught by signing a con
trite ir; which it is agreed that after the
lightning rod men have p;;t up 50 feet ot rod
free cf to t. the farmer shall pay To cents
PT foot for the remainder of the rod neces
sary to rod the building. This puts no lim.
it to tiw number of feet which the operators
may find necessary toc.imp'ete the building,
and there ie no telling wht-r? the expenses
may run to. The Lancaster Xnc Era says
thai some farmers in that co;in!y have been
presented wi'b bills for fK and upwards,
ard a c upie such claims are in the hands
of a prominent attorney of Lancaster city
at the time. The sharps who prac
tice this game, are still at work over there,
but may eou,e fo this section of the country
erp long.
On Tiiurw'.ty of last week, the applica
tions for licer.sos were heard forJIuntingdon
county, at Huntingdon. There weie fifteen
applications lu tt'.f county and ail were re
fused. FretddtHit Judge Furst held that it
was obligatory a the part of the court to
grant all lieen;3 where necensitj of the
hotel and the f.tntss cf the applicant were
.(l.un, hut he wa? opposed and -overruled j
bv the Bsoci.'ife i.idgs. Jude Purst in j
lis .'.pinior. says that in granting licenses the !
court has no jurisdiction to rass upon the
propriety of the Uw, that that is legislative )
and nt a judicial question. "In granting I
Ii. eie;e," he said, 'tl. true rule is to ascer
tain firs. the necessity of the house for the
ai omm.'rfiation of the traveling commodity
ai:d the entertainment strangers ; second.
to ascertain the fitness of ti e applicant, and j
1 1 1 1 1 1 whether the applicant has corur lie.d j
with all the provisions of the law in regard !
tained the fact that the. nppitcant has com- d arter forfeited, and there are no sign
pli.ii with the law, and t!if house applied j that the money wili be fortntominx to com
for is necessary, the license to be granted Is piete it. The read carr.ot he sold because
a legal incident flowing thervfrom. The the purchaser would have to take It subject
discretion vested in the court Js a sound j to t!.sp connitians ; I e would kive to comb-gal
discretion upon the facti and circum- j plete and operate the whole line within the
stances of each particular case. Accepting I time limited or else lose everything and no
li,,. frt( t that the Uw has determined that i
licenses shall ba granted, the discretion "''-"""'' "" wnu.u niuiij nur.u.n
vesied In the court l not upon the law Jte!f j thev already Dave connection with Pitts
but upon the facts and circumstances ur- j hurg. Tiie Pennsylvania could not buy it
rounding each particular cai ." Three of j because the courts have held it to be a paraU
the pr tdcants from Hurjtinedon and two M and competing iine and the Reading is
Broad Top have notified the couit
I through their attorneys that they willapp?al
i to tho supreme rourt.
..kui aji.1
Prices range lc. to $1 per yar.l
m-eruons very cneap. A iine
ere, per
3'anl. Bargains in All -
to select from at Remarkably Low Prices. Ladies, Don't Miss This Rare Opportunity.
1402 Eleventh Avenue, Altoona, Pa., Cable & Co.'s Store,
fresh vegitables, go to the Sujjar
Persons indebted to tne I.oretto Mer
chandise Co. are requested to call and settle
their accounts on or before April 30th, lftST.
-William II. Carr, a resident of Altoona,
was struck by an engine near lip II wood,
Blair county, on Tuesda-, and died at the
Altoona Hospital on Wednesday, from the
Injuries received.
Barbara, wife of Andrew Weetrick,
died at her home in Elder township, on
Tuesday last, aged about 28 years. Her ra
i mams were Interred in
the cemetery at
arrolltown on Thureaav.
An inmate of the Bellafonte jail named.
Kelly, an umbrella mender, made his escape
on Wednesday morning. He pushed the
turnkey aside and was ff before that indi
vidual recovered from his astonishment.
Mary, daughter of Lawrence and Mar-
Rret, Schroth. of Carrolltown, died at her
j parents residence this (Thursday) morning,
aged years, 8 months and 24 days. Fun
i eral on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.
i The Tyrone Daily Herald is the latest
journalistic venture, and we hope it may
prove a successful oi e to Mesers. C. S. W.
Jones A Co., the publishers. It presents a
neat and attractive appearance typograph
ically, and is full of interesting current and
local news.
Prof. J. S. Foley, who during t be past
winter was a subscriber to, and received
the Fjikeman at San Diego, California, has
returned and is assisting Professor Leech
in conducting his school in this place.
Within the last ten days two of the
finest monuments to W, seen in this neigh
borhood , have been placed in the Catholic
cemetery at this place. One is to Mie mem
ory of the lat Father Christy, and the other
is over the deceased members of the family
ot ex-sheriff John A. Biair. Both are finely
proportioned. t models of artistic skill
and are a credit to the skillful workmanship
of Mr. Jauiet Wilkinson of this place. Mr.
Wilkinson is a master mechanic and his
work when compared with others shows for
itself. If you need any work in his line
give him a call.
Fifty stuSonts are enrolled in the
Ebensburg Normal School. The reception
for the students, was r.ot held on Monday
evening laet on account of the bad weather
and the absence of Miss Moote, who did
not arrive and take charge of her classes
until Wednesday. The reception will be
held in the hall on Monday evening next
and will consist of readings and recitations
and musical numbers by Miss Condon.
Many more students are enrolled and will
enter the school next week. Two recitations
daily are given in the special branches,
elocution, penmanship and vceal music
The Norma! literary society will meet on
Friday evening.
Mr. J. H. Cauffie.1 who Is teaching pen
manship, drawing and book-keeping In he
Ehensburg Normal School, will organize
special classes in those branches for the
benefit of the young people of the town and
vicinity who are unable to enter the regular
day cla-ses. The first meeting will be held
in the Hall, on Tuesday evening the 2o h, at
8 o'clock. Mr. Caufilel has been elected
recently as teacher of penmanship and book
keeping in "Curry Institute and Union
Business College," in Pittsburgh, and will
begin his work there as soon as his present
engagement closes with the Normal. This
is a rare opportunity for our young people
to avail themselves of, ir: obtaining at a very
small cot, instructions in these most useful
brunches, from a specialist.
i:nrl.leiri ArnlraSaliP I
The best salv in ,the world for cuts, '
1 P.rui-es. Sores, 1'lcers, Salt Kheuin, Fever '
; Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblains, I
i.orns an.l all Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles or no pay required. It Is guar
I anterd to give perfect satisfaction, ormoney
'refunded. I'rice 2."cents Per box. For sale
by F.. James aud W. W. McAteer, of Loretto.
- - - .
Tonic, Altemnt I vr and Cathartlr.
Simmons Liver Regulator cures malaria,
bllliousness, dyspepsia, headache, constipa
tion and piles. Jt is most effective in start
ing the secretions of liver, causing the bile
to act. as a purge. When there is an excess
of bile in the stomach, the Regulator is an
active purge; after the removal of the bile
it will regulate the bowles and impart vig
or and health to the whole system.
Kc matter what parts it may finally affect,
catarrh always starts in the bead, and be
longs to the head. There Is no mystery
about the origin of this direful disease. It
begins in a neglected cold. One of the kind
that is -'sure to be better in a few days."
Tlio-.sands of victims know how it is by sad
experience. Ely's Cream Balra cures colds
in t'.ie head and catarrh In all its stage.
Not a snuff nor a liquid.
Jolcj- Itetlrr F.ach Month.
Oy:ei'i Lady's Hook for May comes to us
filled with good things. The steel plate is
well rendered, the snbjeet being the now
favorite "Five O'clock Tea," illustrated by
a story from the pen of Mrs. Agusta de
P.ubna. A new serial from the popular
authoress, Miss Marian C. L. Reeves Is com
menced in this number, entitled "In the
Skirts ' the forest," The opening chap,
ters promise well for the Interest of the new
novel. 'Numerous short stories, poems,
black and colored fashion and work pages
complete an excellent spring number of
this popular monthly. W. 5J. Striker. 1224
Arch St., Publisher. Price, $2 per year.
Sarupte copy, -15 cents.
The South I'm..
Senator Thomson, of Dauphin county,
who introduced the bill In the General
Assembly permitting railroads to build or
abandon part of teeir line, acknowledged
1 ist wee - that the measure wav. Intended
toatTect the "south Penn. "Nine out of
every ten men who know the actual facts of
the case have long been satisfied that the
road would never be irjilt as a throes line,"
i said Mr. TtKMiison, "aid the object of this
bill is to enable those who have pttt their
money into t&e road to -save as much out of
the wieek as possible. About f.i.OOO.dOC has
been expended a'ready and $o OoO.OOC i re.
quired to complete the line. We are now
within two aud & half years of the t-isaa
within which the road must be built or tt
body win buy under these conditions. 1 tie i
T.i.; i .it,:.- ...... : . i '
not in condition to buy anvthing. Outside
of these corporations, where are you to find
a purchaser ?"
; Special Value at 5, 10, 12 1-2,
Lane ol flouncing wiutns in uamDric
Over Embroideries. You will
To the Citlzrn of KIonslnrBr nnd VI-clnllj-
It has been the custom for some time back
for some of the Clothiers of our town to
visit jou with samples of Uielr stock, solicit
ing your patronas. Almost every sensi
ble person must recognize the fact that it is
a'most impossible for a business house
Parrying large and varied line or doming.
iv. ... juiKr iu iiiriiitri ir ill uioiiinjr nit;
their goods by samples. We have been re
quested by some of your best citizens to
again visit Ebensburg, (being no doubt
satisfied with our way of doing business and
our extiemly low uniform one price to all),
and the on ly reason that deters us are the
facts as etated above, "the multiplicity of
kinds, qualities, styles and prices."
We have therefore hit upon the following
plan which must meet the approval of all.
We will retcrn in cash on all pur
burgh to Johnstown and return. We
believe in offering this very liberal consider
ation you can make your purchases far
more satisfactory to yourselves, (having our
entire stock to 9elect from) and it will be
the means of making us better acquainted,
a deslrf greatly wished for. All our goods
are marked in plain figures and one uniform
low price to all.
Cohen & Marx,
Popular One I'rice Cloth'ers,
210 Main Street,
Apr. ir, 4t. Johnstown. Pa.
C'ommn titration.
Mountain Dale, April 10, 188".
j The literature class of the Mountain Dale
i Ilith School during the past term, just
j closed, achieved veiy satisfactory results,
j generally. Among its most brilliant niem
j bers were Ben nle and Charlia Myis, sons
of Mr. B. F. Myers, of near Mountain Dale,
who are remarkably endowed with bright
I Intellects and powerful memories. The for
! mer committed to memory 315 extracts from
I nearly two hundred different authors, while
J the latter, who is but ter years of age, could
i quote l."4 extracts from nearly as many
j different autnnrs. James William Murray,
son of Mr. Thomas Murray, of this place,
stands first in the li literature class. Here
cited memory extracts from more than fifty
! authors, aggregating loo verses.
j Brace I" p.
You are feeling depressed, your appetite
is poor, you are bothered with Headache,
I you are fidgetty, nervous, and generally out
j of sorts, and want to brace up. Braes up,
, but not with stimulants, spring medicines,
i or bitters, which have for their basis very
, cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you
for an hour, and then leave you in worse
condition than before. What you want is
an alterative that will purify your blood,
start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys,
j restore your vitality, and give renewed
i health and strength. Such a medicine you
j will find in Electric Bitters, and only fifty
I cents a bottle at the drug stores of E. janes,
I of Ebensburg and V. W. McAteer, cf Lo
! retto.
Comma titration.
Allegheny Twr., Atril 18, 1S8".
Editor Freeman. Information has
reached me that reports are current that I
am no longer a candidate for County Super
intendent. I will hereby state that all such
reports are fals and have been circulated
for the purpose of injuring me. I am still a
candidate for County Superintendent nd
will remain so until after the convention.
W. J. Cramer.
The following marriage licenst-s were
Issued by the Clerk of the Orphans Court
for the week ending Wednesday, April 20,
1887 :
Tatrick Malonv.Tunnellhilland Elizabeth
i Sheehan. Allegheny township.
i John A. Baum, Susquehanna township
I and Armioa Clevinger, Unioutown, Indiana
Isaiah Rough and Nancy Catharine Gregg,
Julius Tuky and Mary Laban, Cambria
Joseph Smeltzner, Gallitzin and Susan
Ma'oy, Loretto.
Michael Klemko and Nettie Barkhame.,
Cambria Borough.
J. M. Kakrhan, East Conemaugh and
Margaret E. Bee, Johnsnown.
firttpe-H ttrr Weakly anil Klckljr Per
on. Many persons who are weak end sickly
are at a loss to know what will restore their
health. Jspeer's Port Wine and Unfermen
ted Grape Jaice are the best restoratives
known. It Is especially recommended for
its purity, exquisite flvor, and heaithy
properties. Medical men certify to its valu
able medical powers and blood making prop
erty. Mr. Speer has been for years engaged
In preparing and perfecting this wine, and
it requires a four year's process before It is
fit for market. X. Y. Baptist. "
Sold by druggists.
Hlrfrtr Convention.
The school directors of the county will
meet according to law, at Ebensburg, May
3rd, to elect a County Superintendent.
Excursion rates will be granted to directors.
The Pennsylvania railroad will eell excur
sion tickets on presentation of card orders.
These orders wili be mailed to directors
coming by lailroad. Directors from the
north of the county coming by the way of
tbe Creson Clearfield and New York Short
Route, will purchase tickets with the orders
on that road to Cresson. At Cres9on the
orders on the P. R. R will be need. Orders
will te nailed about the 2.rth of April.
County Superintendent.
Piles Rlind. R1ff1n(anl Itekfnfc
Positively cured by IJarbys Prophylactic
Fluid. P.athe with a little of the Flu';4 ad
ded to the water. A single application will
allay the itching, poothe all inflammation,
deodorize all offensivenes9 and staunch the
bleedinfe. Tetter and Scald Head are quick
ly cured by Darbjs TrophyUctic Fluid.
WALT Died at his home in Carroll town
ship, on Friday, April 14th, 17. Mr. Land
lin Walt, aged about 45 years.
will receive proroI lor the contruet inn of two
ops.ij ool. one tor the rife of the Court Hwie and
one l.r the Jail, and also for the conftrnctlon of
fewm connect irsr with fame, (n accordance with
plans and t pectr.catlonn to tie cen at their orflee.
All proposal mnft t e In writlne and be filed In
their offiee by 1 o'clock, p. m., on Monday May '2,
is7. I'ropopals for cepsiioolg must be separate
from the n.poa!s for sewers.
The fucces8ful bidder must tumlf-h bonds with
purctlef to t.e approved by the :ommi.loner! for
the fnirhlul completion of the work. The Com
mlpionerf reserve the rUht to reject any or all
Attc't: 1. A. Sli Oornn, Clerk.
15, 17, 20, 25, 28, 30, .37 1-2,
uoods, just received, at 60,
find this
a Verv
IOK CnfNTV At IiroK.
I herehy announce myeel f as a candidate
lor County Auditor. Mihect to tlie decision ot
thfc next licmocn.tic primary election.
Joseph htpps.
Chest townshln.
I. OK COt M Y AT lilTOK.
I herehy nn.nme myself an a candidate
lor Anditor. subject to the decision of the next
Iiemocrntic primary election
Munster T.
1 herebv iinnoiince mvself as a
1 candidate
he decision
lor County Commissioner. stit.ect to
or the next lemocrntlc primary electj
.V V - - . .......
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for County Commissioner, suhiect to the decision
of the next Kemocratlc primarr election.
I herehy annrunee myself as a candidate for
County Treasurer. Rubier to the decision of tho
next Iemocratlc primary election.
Oallltltzln Borouh.
FOK f'Or.NTY AfiuroK.
1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for
Oonntv Auditor subject to the decision of the
next Iiemocratic primary election.
4th Ward. Johnstown Kornngh.
jl I hereby announce myself as
a candidate
tor County I'ommlsloner. subject to the decision '
of the next Ittmoeratlc primary election. i
C. A. MeifoNHJLE. i
I. illy Korouih.
I heieby announce myseli as a candidate
for Bounty Commissioner, suhject to the decision
of tho next Democratic primary election
I herel-v an
nounce myself as a candidate for County Com
missioner, suhiect to the decision of the next
Democratic Primary Election.
Ebensburg. March 4, ISS7. 1
I hereby annonnce
myself as a candidate for County Treasurer, suh
iect to the decision of the next Democratic Pri
mary election. JAMES OKIEEIN.
Cambria Boroueh, Mar. 4 1S.s7.
T hereby announce myself as a candidate
for County Treasurer, snbjeet to the decision of1
the next ltemooratie primary election
Richland Twp.
T herebv announce mvelf as a
T herebv announce mvelf as a candidate
tor county Treasurer, suhteef to the
the next Democratic primarv election
decision of
hinton Twp.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for County Treasurer, suhiect to the decision of
next Democratic primary election
I hereby announce tnvself as a candidate
for County Commissioner, suhiect to the decision
ot the next Democratic primarv election
'arroli Twp.
1 hereby announce myself as a candidate
for County Commissioner subject to the decision
of the next Democratic primary election
Elder Twp.
I take this methn.t
of annonneinz that I will be a candidate for the
nomination ol the office County Treris'irer.
subject to the action ol the Democratic Primarv
election. If nominated I will m.ike an active ef
fort to be elected, and If elected will perform the
nutlesof said office to the best of my ability and
for the accommodation ot the taxiav'er
Cambria boroueh, March 4,
W ircular. A. n, Ill.Liss. Centralis, vl'"
WANTED LiDY A'"f',,,' e"nr-nt,
ih . 1 "'Present in her own loraVy
InoMhrm Kehnrni-rsrcitilred. I'.-nn.. i ,Rition
fc.d (f.HJd salary JA-S BHOS., li Brel . S . K. Y
TW. DICK, Attorney-at-law.
Ebenebnrz, Pa. Office In building of T.
J. Lloyd, dee'd, (first floor,) Centre itreet- All
manner of leiral bnsinesi attended te gatmtactoy
ril and eelletl.jns a specialty. (10-14. -tf. 1
For we will
send, nost naid.
i f r ira ruin utKMcnnf anore brand.
-Ian. 14 '87
Estate ot Francis Mulveblll, deceased,
letters testamentary on the estate Francis
Mulvehill. lateof Ebejishurif, Pa., deceased, hay
been granted to the un.lersiurned. notice 1 thereby
(tiven that all persons indebted to eaid estate
must make payment without delay, nnd those
havlnif claims nifnlnst the same shonld present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
The urderslirned Invites the cltir.cns of Ebens
burg and public irererally to call at. his shop
on Centre St., Ebensbure. Pa., (opposite the
Mountain House saloon), where he wi.l be found
ready to accomodate them with a clean shave or
a ha ir cnt on hort notice.
Hy keaptn? everything; neat and ttdv about mv
shop 1 expectto merit a liberal share 'of patron
age .
March 11
of Ulackllck townshln lor tho
year endlnp March 14. ISH7 :
Wm. D. HHorKsj, Supervisor, Dr.
To amount
Read Duplicate
Cash ...
By amount
Work on roads ......
Retruned to Commissioners
Services as Supervisors
Cash, tax
t ine Sled re
t ne order paid
Percentage on ca6h tax
Peter Wagner, Supervisor, Dr.
To amount
Road Duplicate
( Ine order on Commissioners
. l 63
. SO. 1 10
. 40 43
By amount
Work on roads
Returned ..
Services as Supervisor
Paid for plank
Repairing- plow
Orders paid
Ferecntaite on cash tax
..f85 11
,. 39.26
. II 71
. 31 .25
. 37 .87
.. 4.1.43
The following: orders were issued by the Audi
tors and remain unpaid :
No. 2, S. L. Reed oo
No. fi. A. W. Rowland y,
No. 2, (i. A . Michaels (No. 2, of 'So ren'ij ")..... fi 0)
W e. the Auditors of said township do certify
that we have examined the acounts of said
township and rind them to be correct according
to our best knowledge and belief.
J. f. REESE. Aa.Iitorg
ittft -. A. W. KfLAyo, Clerk.
April 1,1SS7-
.fill no
. V0 H'i
. 24.57
. ;
"46.17 !
2 IS
. 43.75
. M.31
. 11. -2b
12. oo j
l.t :
02 1-2, 75, 87 12,
of Beautiful
In the mutter nf the final account o' Wm
H . feebler ami 1-rancis Warner, executors ot John
Wuicner. (je-eHe,l. who wh s guardian cl Aira-ha
wi.i nd lny Catharine Will, minor children ol
Auirusime I. Will, deceased. Havinu teen ap
poinred an Auditor to make a dlstrttiuilon ot the
bind as shown by said account. Notice hereby
Mven that 1 will sit at mv office In Er.ensbur
l'a.,on Wednesday, the -JTrh dav of Arnl iv-t'
at ten o'eloek. a. m. to attend to the duties o!
aid nppoinrment. at which time tad place all
persons inrereste.i may atteol It th r- proper
April S:h, jss7 3t. Auditor
In the matter ot th flr.i nj finoi
cour.t of Joseph Hocue. astirnee of K. r.. Ketio
I et ux. for the benefit of his creditor. The under
I siiftie.l havimt been appointed Auditor bv trie
: Court or I ommon Pleas ol 'ltmr,ria counrv to
j distribute the funds in hands of said asMiinee
1 notice is hereby jtfven that I will sit at the Arbi-
tratlon Koom. In the Court Hmise at Ebensburif
! Pa., on Tuesday. Anril '2H ikst to f
. 1 U..-.1A., nirn i?3, 11 1UC
said dav to dlschiiriie the duties nf m
rue the duties nf mv nt,,,M.n.
11. cu. mien anu wnereau persons Interested may
attend or be forever debarred from comlni In oh
aid fund.
Au-J itor.
Ehensbarn. April 2. '87. 3t.
tatives of Matthew McMullen. deceased, lake
tiotioe. that an In juest will lie held at the late
residence of Mat'hew McMullen dee'd in the
township of Clearfield, in the county of Cam!.ri:i
on Friday, the VTth day ot Mav, at lu'oVloefc in the
forenoon of that dny, for the purpose ot making it ion of the real est.-ite of snl.l de.-e.lent to and
auionir h'.s heirs and let-al representatives. If the
same can be done without preiudtce to or iponin
the whole; otherwise to value anil appraise the
same according to law, at which time and place
you are required to atfnd If you think proper
JOSEPH A. (i'KAV, Sheriff.
Sheriff Office, Eber.t-tmr. t'a. I Apr. 15. -4t J
and dealer In all-kinds ol FCKMTCUE,
-A tull line of
Caskets always on hand.-
Bodies Embalmed
Apt 30 33
Orplians' Court Sale
Hy virtue of an alias order of the Orphan""
Court ot Cambria county and to me directed ;
there will be exposed to Public Sule at the Court
House, in the borons h of EbenLurif, County of
'ambria , on .WAr:th. jsst,
at JO o'clock, ft. m.. the followinir described real
estate, as t-.icntione.l .ind described In Third Pin.
ties Writof Partition and drafts accoinpanyinic
fame in the estate of F. X. Christy, deceased, viz:
All the bituminous coal and mineral rfirht In
an.l under purpart No. 1. which is hounded an.'
described a follows : A certain tract of land
situate in (rillitz.n township. Cambria countv.
Pa., ad), inlnir lands purveyed In tl.e natoe ot
Catiiariea Ilc st-r. I.ind surveyed in tt.eniimeof
Richard N hit.-iiea.I nnd lan-i o! Ko.-iger Kradley-g
esta'e and o'her better known a the Jacob Hur
Koon tract or the Old H..mete:id. Hoirinnlntr at
su'ar call, thence j,,- land warranted in the
name ot Richard Whitehead. Nir'h :IT . decrees
Eas: V.n't perches to a suirar : th-nce by land of
li.-irer ,r:iley's !.ei-s. s..utb 4S1, iier'ees Eist. ;
2ii perches to pointers, thence by land warranted
in tt.e name of ctt:arinc He:-ter, South s; ,le- '
irreej West, '.'ti' perches to the place of t eiiinn'nir. I
containing about '? ncrc nml 14 1 jtrrrhc
The surface and huildina ot s:u.l purpart have
been accej.tcl and taken bv Dr. J. T. Chri'tv at
the valuation placed thereon t.v the ShorifTs'ln- ,
quisition. '
AISO All the bituminous and mineral
rieht In and nnder No. 2 which Is bonnded and
described as follows : A certain tract of land situ
ate In said Township of tfallirzin. situate on the
waters of Storm's Run. heirinnlntr at pointers,
thence by land warranted In the name of Catha
rine Heister. South 51 decrees East 70 perches to '
poin ers. thence by other lands of E. X. Christy,
deed. Smith :!7' :. decrees West perches t) a .
prist, thence North 41 decrees West 4 perches,
thence by land ol Agnes Bnrk North no deirrets
W est li perches to a post, thence hT tame K'.i de
grees. W est 20 perches to stone, thence by land
of John (rrove North '4 rteirree East 15 perches
thence by same North 2f decrees West 17 perches
to a post, thence by same North 2'. dee-rees West
20 perches to a post, thence by same 14'., decrees
West 12 perches, thence by same North 21 deurees I
West 2i perches to a post, thence by land ot Se
bastKn Siberts. North R degrees East fi4 perches
to the place of beginning, containing -44 acres
and 1.7.7 perchc. 1 All the mirfaee and hufl.tlnirs of said
purpart No. 2. which wllbe sold separately from ;
the coal and minerals, j
ALSO All the bituminous coal and mineral :
right In r nd nnder purpart No. which Is bound
ed and described as tollowo: A certain tract o
land situate In said Township ol Osllitiin. beirtn- '
nlna- at a beech ftnmp and pointers, thence bv I
land of Dr. J. T. Christy South 21 degrees West
10t' i.eTche to a pot. thence by lands of Agnes :
I HurR North 22i, degrees West "1 perches to a post, j
; thence by same f-'i decrees Wrt 42 perches to '
I stones, thence North 41 degrees West 27 perches '
j to a post. theoe by other lan.1-- of the heirs f F.
j X Cflrity. deceased. North .'171-. decrees Eat s:i .
I perches to pointers, and thence "by land wa-rant- I
I ed In the nenie ot Catharine He'st-r, North 51 1
: decrees Eat perches to t)e place of beginn ng, i
I containing 4 t teres and 47 pnrchr.
ALSO All the surface and bull. lines of said '
I pnnnrt No. which will be sold separately from I
I the coal and mineral. " 1
' AIJSO All the bituminous coal and mineral '
; right in and under that certain tract of lar.d situ- '
; ate In said Township ot (lallitln. hounded and I
- described as follows ; being purpart No. 4 : Hegln-
! tiinz at a p.
i name ol Ihi
t. then.e bv 1-inl wrrrante in the ,
h Met ov North iv; degrees West 77 !
perches to a hickory, thence t.y land ol Henry
Sanker N 4rt )i l:i dei: rees Eat 12 perches t a post .
thence by same and l .n 1 of Snr.ih Or. ve North
degrees East 8" perches to a t'oat. thence bv
land ot Sarah iJrove North 15 degrees East :i; i
jerch'cs to a j. est. I hence by land ot N. Dork North
V-'1 degrees !!ast -js oerchea to a pcft. thence
North ." degrees "e?t 20 oerches to a chestnut, '
thence by fan. 1 of ,I..):n tjrove South 11 degrees !
East 4 perches, thence by other land of F. X. ;
I'hristv. dectased. N .rth fio deg-ees East 2" per.'s i
to a post, thence hy ri'' ilegrees East 12
ches'to a post, ttience South 41 degrees East s
parches to stones, thence by same Sooth 55 de- i
grees r-ast 42 perches to a post, thence South 22' j
degrees East perches to a post, and thence hy
land of Dr. J. T. Christy, South 21 decrees West
lo perches to the place'of beginning-, containing
.7 armi anrl 42 jwrchw.
AIs() All the bituminous coal and mineral
right in and under that certain tract of land situ
ate In said Township ot Oallitrfr. bonnded and
described as follows being purpart No 5.: Be
ginning at a post, thence by land warranted in
the name of Ellen Catharine Heister Sonth 25
degrees East !sl perches to pointers, thence bv
land of Dr. J. T. Christy Sonth 4". degrees Wes't
22 perches to jwitnters, thence by land of ,1. E.
Shields North XK degrees West St perches to a
hemlock, and thence down the Clearfield Creek
by its var'.ous eonrsesand distances :v.J perches 10
the place of beginning, containing; Itto acres
anrl 4 1 perches.
ALSO All the h:tiim onM and mineral
right in and under thai certain tract of land s tn
ate In said Township ol Hallltzln (being pun art
No. ",. bounded and described as follows: Her in
ning at a post adiolning tract in name of .1 n
Hay. thence by same North fW,' degrees West W
perches to pointers, thence by land ol F. X Ch is
ty, deceased North 4 degrees E"St :t' perches 1 , a
beech, thence by same South (ti d 'grees Eas; ".2
perches to a Hnd. thence hy same South 9 deirr es
East 12 perches, thence by same South 45 degr. es
() perches, theBce by same South til degrees r st
lo perches, thence by same Sonth 75 degrees F 1st
10 perches, thence by same 85 degrees East 22
perches ton pest, thence by same North 4rt degrees
East 12' perches to a post, thence bv same North
85 degrees East 1f perches to a post, thence by
same South 12 degrees Eist 15 perches to a post,
thence t.y same 7: degrees East 5S per.-hes to
post, theuce hy same North 54 degrees East 115 per
ches to pointers, thence by same North 72 degrees
East 4!i perches to pointer's, thence by same South
15 degrees West 2;t perches to a post, thence bv
same South 15 degree Wet 34 perches to place of
beginning, containing .'ti acres anrl Jf perches.
T 11 1 1 M S O F SA1, 1 : .
One-third of purchase money to be paid on con- I
firmatlon of sale, and one-third in one vear there- 1
alter, and one-third at the death of ' Elizabeth !
Christy, widnw of the deceiient: the bitter ttcn
payments with intereet payable annually, to be
secured by I Olid s and mortgages on the premises.
The last iu.lgtnent to remain in the hands ot the
purchasers during the natural lilctime of said
Elizabeth Christy, and the interest thereof to be
annually paid to her alienee. Dr. J. T. Christy.
Trustee to noil the Real Estate ot
April 15,1867. F. X. Cl riety, dee'd .
50c., etc. Beautiful New
Our Wire
11 lPO' 8 clothes
&71afh fh
1 1
The largest stock of hardware ever o Herod in
the County can be found at my store. I am
now selling many iroods at much le.s than I can
replace them for. but I will continue to sell at
Bottom Prices until I am compelled to replenish
my stock. When you want a cookinir or heating
stove, tinware hardware, nails, iron, glass, trunks
and farming implements call and. see mv stock
nnd learn my prices. n,.
I have now on hand the ashhitmiint of
Harness and Saddlery in Kbenburg and am
constantly manfaeturing new work. Call and see
my stock of Harness. Halters.
S&fifiiES, BfUOiES, WHIPS,
cb I use none but the very best ol stock and
sell at the lowest price llark taken in e.
chango for harness. (J. L. FUEDFJUCK,
Kbensburg, Pa.
T.I kit i- r f J..1, p.-oik :ip;i!!v a" -x-leiliti.niV
exfciiii-il at t lii.-, t fli
A Tl 1 1 R N EY - AT-1. w
-r, ... . KHKSSBir:,'PEVA.
e Office in le Row.
FMI! SALE. The snt.scriher will fell ar private
side. cut. 1 Lath M'll and Sawmill con plete ex
cepting head blocks and leltlmr necearv to
run all the machinery. Kir fur' t.arr-cu";ar
call on ' Ii. M. KKU7KK
at Asm ;i i k. or a-b1rs him at t hest Sj.r'ngs.
Postofhcc. Catn) ria county. 1. Feb. 4. lfc7.
T"iiroR-s mitice.
In the matter of the second and final ac
count ot Alvln Evans, Eaq. , A dmlnistrator ot
O.Evans, deceased The undersigned . having
been oppol - te.) Andifor by the Orphans- Court of
Cambria county, to distribute the fund, as shown
by said account, notice is nerenv given that I will
sit at my ofheeln Ebensburg, Pa.. on Wednesday.
May 4th. next, at in o'eloek. a. m . of said dy to
attend to the duties of sa id appointment . at which
time ard place all persons Inn rected trav attend
it thev think proper. a. V. BARKER.
April 15, 1S7. .T Auditor.
Che undersized An.ll'or. appointed .v the
Court of Cambria county to make d i--ribu - ion ot
the fund In the hands of the shcr (i. arising from
t he sa U' of te rea ' est -e or WinnTp. 1 ,.n -hoe r.n
Fi. El.. No o.'. March T. lstr, here' v gives notice
that he will s,t at his ertice In the l'.roiis.'h of E'.
ensorg. Cambria countv. Pa., en Thursday . M ay
1''. l4i7. at 2 o'clock, p. M . f .r the purpose of at
tending to the duties of said appoinrr ent at
which time an.l place all persons interested may
attend or be debarred from coming in en said
April 15, 1'7. Au.litor.
I )M I N I STR A T 1 ! I X ' NOTT C E .
-4. V Estate ot W IPiam McConnelt deccasei
Letters of Adrrln strati. .n on the ?'.-tate of
William McOonncll. la'e of the Township of
Washinffton. Cambria C:..uptv. dw--r 1, having
been granted to the undersigned all persons
indebted to said estate nr hereby rot fried to
make payment without d'lav. anl t'o'O havirg
claims against the same will'present then prop
erly authenticated .r epeif-m-nr. to
Snmmtt. April?, '67. Admlnistratrixs-.
In the matter of the first and fina I hcc. unt
nf Alvln Evans. Es... A.Im'nisrrator of Iemiel O.
Evans, deceased The unders'ged. hav'n t een
Bppelnted Auditor t.y the Orphans' Court of
Cambria enanty. to d1tribnte the It.nd as h.wn
by said Sfnnt : Notice Is peTe'-v given that 1
sit at my rfftce in Ebenhnrg. Pa. "on Wenes-lav.
JViav 4th. pc;rt, at 2 o'clock, p. m., to attend to tbe
duties of said appointment at which time and
place all persons interested rrav attend if they
think proper. A. V. MARKER. '
April 15, 1S7. rtt. Auditor.
Notice Is hereby given that letters
dminisira-ion on the estate of James c. Brown
d-eased. late of the Horongh or Lilly Cam
bria county. Pa have been granted to the
nndersigred. All persons Indebted to said es
tate are notified to make payment to me wfhout
delay and those having e'alnis ags(nst the same
will present them properlv authenticated to
Hemlock. Pa.. March 1, l.f7.
X. In the matter of apppointment of Jno H
Hrown Anditor. to d'stri'.utc the funds in the
hands of Albert E. Render, assignee of Albert
Ivcrv. Not'c-. c here'..' riyen that In 1 lirs-nnce
of tho above appointmet t. the Anditor will it
for said purpose r.t:the r tbee of (Jeo. M. Rade
r ..-.. In the borough of Etvnstmrg on Mop 1 iv
April as. !:. t 2 o'clock, r. v.. when and where
all persons Interested mav attend or be debarred
from coming In oi said lun.'.
Aprils, lss:. Audlnor
' 'rp f 1 a n s t . nrt of I amhr'a countv t rep irt .Jt
tribu'ion of the funda in the bands of EHa R.-w.
land, executor ol John Long, di -ease l, as shown
I y his first and partial account, as well, the funds
in the hands ot said Elias Rowland, ad in 1 n IMT a.
1r Sarah Long, deceased, a shown I v his first
and partial account . horchv give nt!-''e that h
will sit at his office In the tH.nuu-h of Fhonshurg,
Pa., on Tuesday, May HI, 1 at pi o'clock . a.m.!
for the purpose of attending to the duties ol said
appointment, at which time and place all persons
Interested shall attend or he debarre.t from com
ing on said funds. AL IN EVANS.
April li. -S7. St. Auditor.
Twist Suits.
and don a new one is only a change
in matcrim, unless ine wearer sees that
Modern Cut, Recent tvle, Fashionable
Fabric, and the Prevailing Shades also en
ter into the combination.
Our Gcr.uine Wire Twist Suit, that
we are now sdlim: for 10. -"0, will meet
these requirements exactly. They are
strong, all-wool goods, that we warrant not
to fade or change color, and have a first
class tailor cut style that adapts itself to the
form, resembling custom-made apparel in
every particular " We have the Wire Twist
Suits in Men's and Youth' sizes and in Plaid
and llack Colors.
Ifyouwantto get the benefit of an
unbroken assortment, call and see these
goods at once.
L lil. W001F. SOU & THOLUS,
Leaders in Style and Low Prices,
're l aps. K.ier and Sheet-Iron W erk.
Mrnn.l-I.snil fpginesnn.l t oilers on hand Ho'rt
ing engines inii machinery a spec i a !t v. TH -As
'A KLIN. Allegheny. Pa. ( Jan . 22.-1 v.)
I7"xr.( TToirs notice.
Letters testatner.tsrv ii;.on the es'ate cf
Jeremtah Topper. Inte t.f All'st.Mv towhst
eeaed. having t een granted to trie undersigned
by the RVgi-ter of Cambria county, those In.iett
e l to sai.i est.-ite are re.iuerr.1 to "make payment
w Ithcut d!ay and tt"c having claims against
the same will present properly authentica
ted, for settlement .
April 1. 17.
Etate of Imriel M. Earran. dec d.
Notice 1 hereby given that le!!-r oi admlnlf-t-ation
on the estate nf Iianiel M I arren. late el
Munster townshif-, CamtTla cunTv deeaed,
have been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified
to make payment without delay and those having
claims will present them, properly au:heut Icatel
tor settlement.
April 1. 1857. fit. AdmlDftratnx,
iETIFMFN In urnuii't- ol the mrfv-thirJ
f e-tlon ot the Act ot Assembly of May rii. 1!4.
011 are hereby notified to meet in convenilon at
F urg. in the Court H..uge at ene i.'rlwk,
v. t. on t e first Tix s.iay et May. A lb, 1T. te
lr;g the "r ! oay ot the mon'h. ard select nra rece.
, ry a mapirlty of the whole number ol dire-tor
i jresent. one person of literary and scientific ac-
inurements and of skill and eiperience in tl e art
ot teaching, as County Superintendent for the
three sue e l ing year-, and certify the result to
the Sia'e Superintendent at Marr'.shurg. as re
quire! by the tblrty-ntuth and fortieth section!
ot said Act. " Lewis Stutir.
April lbth, 3t Su; t. ot Cambria County,
I 70R RENT. The unilersiffi.pd of
fers the following destrat le property lor
rent : An elegant ftore r.-m 2rx4 feet elegaDt
glas, window, suitable ter hardware store or any
other store and there is a tinsh- p and tools In smnae
building. T here is a g-Ki ga'.len nd b t a rta reb
el, and rooms in the building suitable f(.r
.'.welllrg. A s lend! 1 01 portut.ay for one want
ing to Hurt a hardware and titling etab!i-hment
the trj.te is already established as 1 have been
carryinifon the business tor vears. Ttie above
t.roperty is situated in Carrolltown, Cambria
Countv, Pa.
Alio, several 1 .ts of ground in a good state rf
cultivation situated in Carroll township conven
ient to the Horough. Possession jiiven Aprillst
l"f7 . Call on or addre-.
Pec. 24. Carro.:t owLCibia Co.,P.
1.50 PER YEAR 1.50