auilmn freeman. finrNBi HU. pa. i i, . - AI'IilL .t, IS. ST. vnir wool at Markers'. . ruaiN nre in ?i Sne condition. ,r farmers are busy sowing oats. puv yo.r spring jjnods at Barkers'. -jr.. Oil v. brut'.wrs, liverymen, have .., ,r r.f flan. F H- Marker returned from his Siri'tr:p !at erk. r ,rjM kind of groceries, always fresh. , ,,,.;.( Susar Bowl. M Ann McDmald of this place Is friends in Pittsburgh. jl Cera Mark, of fluntlnedon, is fi-.r.g Miss Izira Davis, of this place. ir. Jnlin Hamilton, one of Lilly's best :,.,-, spent a few hours in town on Mod- jlrs Harter. wife of the late Jesae Har- yr ,f Indiana, died on last rrtaay evening j f -atarr!.a: consumption, at the age of 40 T'" K r-arcain In sewing machines at Bar- , ." j f,.,,p:p !iiuld be very careful about ,.v r.z i" the and grss this dry ' T" Republicans of Indiana county will t'-.eir primary election on Saturday. 'une 4'h irc wav to keep your boys home at i f Invite your neighbors' girls to :s.; fften. -For fine ianiily flour, go to the .""Sugar - M ss Nannie James, dauehter of Mr. E Tan.'-, of this place, is visiting friends In f;:rv.:!gh. -Mr Khev's residence on Centre street, . twn improved by the addition of two porticos. M"-is. Raymond Kaylor and Josenh C i-nn. of Altoona, spent a few hours in town ,-s Sunday last. -Rupture instantly telieved by the use c; tt.e rf Vbrated Fry Truss. For sale at Psy'sori's drug store. -Mr Web (IrifTith and Burgess Richards vs:;ed on Wednesday morning to drive to 5:,p. M'-Kean county. -Messrs J-. Crery and Win. Ward of :l? i 'arrnlltown .V-! .. were to be seen per. iT.u aUng on our streets on Sunday. -( ork!ia wagons are for sale at Rirkers". -CM. John r. Linton, of Johnstown. h kd to deliver the memorial address at !.-. ..(!, Klair county, on Decoration Day. -.'! the applications for license in West-Tf- tnd county have been held over. As a number of remonstrances were pre- i II F.rrl, a wnndmin, more common v kn as ruy, was strangled to death - f itinc supper at, the Nicho'.on House, T j I; '-. on Saturday evening. -!!'. John S. rthey returned from Har : '- . en Friday last anil staved over until V ': '. iv mnrnintJ. TTa lnntra ac if tb. atmna- at t.t Statp f'apltal agreed with him. -TN- IVnnsjlvania R.iilroad Company Is J an addition to Its car shnns at A I- ' It is a!o constructing a large reser- r eir the ci'y to Increase its water sup- y Ti e fl:-tance from Pittsburg to Thila is P.- miles, and the cost of moving ' ri of fraieht from . 1 1 - . . . one city to the other in tsi7 to fi.021.; in -Mr. .riweth Gutwalt. wents the party 1 tfM.h tli open lirk off his plow a few v. - h'i t(i hrlnff it haoV n Ulrnnwn and : ! n t hrlnz It nac he will eet himself r.t--. tr.tS. A-Ii-'ph Keeale. an pmplovee In the : r iro Mill, at Jonnstrwn, rtroppcI :-a 1 !.' p t work In tit m 1.1. Friday after- r ' v 1 family. .!:)jf Johnston, aecomparied hy his I . :-M, on Wpflnesdav startfd on a : L .1 ' 1 1 ni i.Amrnrr in iroinia I nn ' ; ' iV-a Ttt axppctto be back nntll about ...... . , . I- i- fiat thsra hav ben fnlly two I 1-1 ko'- -. 'npH frfin HMfn-l th's r-, r vuragp price to the seilfr of 3 -'"! '..! arnorii the farmer. - ! r . 'ock of shoes at Barkers'. .' u "'i l:. k, a frpleht conductor on the r-! "i (, r, T:i!road, fell from his train at "r" .: h ,,n T.i.rlay and fractured his nose. F'- -.v i- othprw iae painfu Hy cut and hru'sed. "Trii'v physician of Bellwood dressed -(l Tu.'-day afternoon the FTouie at ;'ir: -l .ir pa-iapd the Brooka FI iizh Licence '"'!' ii":r.i,t smendment. It provide" that - !n c!'i of the first, second and third ' bT'i :,0 VxiO; in all othp-'H" ; :- '".r, -..iL.w .!-,n. nd In towrsh 'c tT.1. r.'liv's Mtoona Time is: Miss Mi v I; .. ts. dauehterof Mr. V. T. Koh- ( "o r,f K'ifnshureb's best citizens and "-t ; ror-'-.; ve business ruen, has been ""'I f r apreral days past visiting .: w':o:n ne has the happy faculty of - f -a' Tfovpr she goes. n r,l sugar crop of Somerset for some 'argt-sf this season rd i f Mr. John Kirby. of Johns candidate for County Commis- a - Trcu-1 this week. Mr. Kirby Is at ' ' '. ciniNsioner and has performed we'latid falhfully and if renomi-- ' continue to discharge his duties I'i-rar tion of the tax-payer?. J I'll' to pav school teachers their w 1 i 'n attendance at the sessions of n' crmnty Institutes has passed both 1 !'rav, and Is now in the hands of r,-n or. It allows them two dollars t i t only for such days as they are I a? present at the sessions, w -took of (ioods at Barkers' which x -hanged for wool or any kind of ":'!mm B. Lutz who was known !'-r citizens, having lived here at ar.d who removed about 1' to 'v. Wabasha coanty, Minoesoota, ! i- home at that place on Tuesday ! bont fifty-eight years. lie was a n law of er Sheriff Blair, of this - ife being a sister of Mrs. Blair. Maggie Burtnett. wife of Mr. i''nett of Proapect borough, died i e in that place on Monday night, t forty yars. The deceased was of this place anout twenty year as a daughter of the lata Richard . formerly of this place. Her re- f r .. - ' ' v-r t .-- i n - r ;.'p r , r k-' TV "rp hroughttofhfs place on Wednes :ffprrpd in Lloyd's cemetry. ''t cash price will be paid for wool --rs' either In cash or In exchange A -! was placed on record during the eek from the administrators of M. dereased, to John K. Powell 1 ! j'rt Henry Towell, of Baltimore, '' John Aschrn't of Phlllnshnra cobrity, for the mineral and part of ";rVe of e ypn hnrdrpd anl thirty two "'I or.p hordred nri throe perches of W'ssMnuton township, te consid '' ' r. tLerfor he'rg !22,:tO. AFTER STEP FORWARD TO THE EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT And sec their Fine Stock of Hamburg Edffinss and Insertions Fine Work on Good Cambric iust imported from Switzerland, and sold at jobbers wholesale them at. Swiss Edgings and W., $1, etc. Schenk Block, 1402 Eleventh If you have have not bought a sew ion machine yet. now is your chance as V. S. Barker A Bros, have two Domestics left that win De sold at a bargain. I The shocking sight was recently pre j sented In the no-license town of KiUanning. of a number of boys appearing In school in a beastly state of Intoxication. fctudenU of the Ebensburp Normal School are requested to meet in the Hail for organization, on Monday, April 18. at ten o'clock a. m. The afternoon convene at 2 o'clock. session will Sixteen stone bridges have been erected by the T. Ii. R.t In place of iron ones.during the past two years. This is in accord with the coaipany's policy of ultimately supplant ing all their iron bridges with stone. It. M.Graham. E-q., of Ligonier. while digging an his farm, recently, excavated a couple of old muskets, four tomahawks, minnie balls, human bones, etc., supposed to be relicts of the Pontiac war, 1763. Owing to a misunderstanding of our contemporary, the Carrolltown Xeirs, about publishing the Dotice in the matter of the application for the passage of an Act of the legislature, authorizing Supervisors of pub lic roads to erect wire fences, the passage of the Act will hardly be reached at this ses sioo. On last Friday morning a man named Jobn Fry, while walking on the railroad track uear Petersburg, Huntingdon county, was struck by the locomotive of an eastern bound freight train, and died of his injuries & faw moments after being struck, lie was ! was walking on the nortn track, and had ! crossed over to the south track just as the train was almost upon him. and no fault can j be laid upon the engiueer. ! A ten-year-old daughter of John Tritn ! ble, of MontBomery township, Indiana 1 county, was induced on Thursday afternoon, j while on her way to her grandfather's, to get into a buggy with a straDger, who on i reaching a lonely part of the road, assaulted i the child, but failed In his he'.lish purpose, she escaping with torn clothes and various i bruises on her body. Tne name of the vil , lain is saiil to be known, and his early ! arrest is hoped for. Mrs. Daniel SfoufTer died at her resi , dence in (Irfensliurg the other night, uuder painfal circumstance s. The lady had been ill, and among tht remedies prescribed were some piils and a few r.iHd doses of morphia. Fler little daughter, however, instead of ad ministering the medicines In doses as pre scribed by thu physician, innocently gave tier an enormous proportion of each , soon after which, she fell Into a comatose condi tion, and notwithstanding all that mtdical or scientific fkill could do she died as above : stated. On Wednesday afternoon, about two rcloefe the large frame barn bPlonuing to Mr. Vost IIiK-tisteiu. of Upper Yoder town- ! ship, caught fireand was destroyed, topether : with Its contents consisting of aeveral stts , of harness and saddles, one spring wagon, one buegy. a threshing machine, two hun dred and fifty bushels of wheat and oats, some buckwheat nd hey, thre& calves, a mowing machine, and other farming impln- : menta and tools. The loss is estimated at at 3,000 There is an Insurance of $'300 on the barn and 400 on the grain in the Cam bria Mutual Insurance Company. The origin of the fire is unkuowD. For choice tobacco and fine cigars, go ; to the Su?ar Bowl. The Huntingdon correspondent of the Altoona Tim- tells the following : A young man of Marklesburg took a stylish girl to church the other Sunday, and on the way thither he told her that it was his ganeral custom to put a five dollar gold piece !n the i collection baskpt. Then lie clinched the . statement by showing her the five dollar gold piece which he wa. going to put into the basket that morning. Such an Interest ' in religion plainly made a great impression on the young lady ; hut, unfortunately for the young man, the Rev. M. Boyer announc- j ed the anaount of the collection at the close 1 of t-e service. It was lust fl. 77. ' -On Friday afternoon an alarm of fire ! again startled our citizens and on reaching , the engine bouse it was reported that the , house of Mr. Edward Owens in Cambria j township, about one mile northwest of j Ebensburg, was on fire. The engine and hose carriage were gotten out In a short j time, teams were hitched to them and they were soon on their way to the scene of the conflagration. When out as far as the water ) works word was brought back that it was I the grass In the field, near the house that j was on fire, that it was then tinder control j and that it was useless to ro any further, when the people who liDed the road turned 1 back, not sorry that they weie disapolntfd j At a shooting match on Monday last, ! at Oallitzin, between the Gallitzln team and ; the Carrolltown tram for a prize of I'O and ; a bear, the Carrolltown team came off vie- ! torious. The rules were G6 yards without a i rest and 100 yards with a rest. Mr. C. A. j dray, of Carrolltown, won the bear. He shot standing and without a rest at fir? yards, ; making a string of !,' Inches, teu shots. ! Jas. Melhorn, of the Gallilzln team, laying , down at 100 yards made the best record, 13 inches. Nicholas Smelzer, of the Gallitzln j team, at 100 yards made the short string of j , thrpe Inches In eight shots, but the other two were so wild that he was only third in the contest. There is a class of Inexperienced adver tisers Mk seem to labor nnder the baHucina : tion that an immediate return should be , received from any advertisement Inserted no matter what its nature. Such men seem 1 to forget that many readers have never heard of the existence of euch a man or firm, and consequently believe In making haste slow ly. They should remember that it is the constant dripping that tvears away the stone, and that the shrewdest and most suc cessful advertisers keep their names and i merchandise constantly before the trade ! Instead of depending on spasmodic efforts. Ir.quiry on .his point, we reel satisfied, will convince every doabting, Thomas. Inland Printer. On Sunday night the new frame dwell ing house of Mr. nayden Ivory, of Clearfield township, was burned to the ground together with all It contained. In the evening Mr. Ivory and his wife went over to visit his father Mr. Matthew Ivory, who lives bnt a short distance away, and before going lit a lamp so that they would have a light on their return. About half past eight o'clock, on looking towards his house, he saw the flames breaking through the windows, and that the whole inside was on fire. It wan impossible to save anything, and the build ing and furniture were entirely destroyed. It Is snpposed that the fire was caused by the explosion of the lamp. The lose Is esti mated at about fl.soo, on which thpre was an insurance of f'00 Id the Cambria Mutual of this place. SEEING GABLE Trices range lc. to $1 per yard ; Insertions very cheap. A Fine Line , per yard Bargains in Patterns to select from at Remarkably Low Prices. Ladies, Don't Miss This Rare-,Opportunity. The Hopkins Mower Enterprise at Johnstown, has baen abandoned. I Mrs. J. C.Brown, of Lilly, has opened , a millinery and notion store at her home in ' that place. Mr. Samuel O'Hara, of Munster town ship, who was ieported seriously 1)1 last week is able to be out again. Mr. Philip Warner, and old resident o: Washington township, had a stroke of appoplexy and is lying in a critical condi tion. . Mi?. Mary lyre, whose maiden name ; was Maiy Kltter, formerly of this place, died at Catawissa, Pa., on Thursday nf last week, , aged about :8 years. The call for the meeting of the school I directors of Cambria county for the purpose i of electing a County Superintendent, will be 'found in another column. Messrs. Cohon A Marx the popular j clothiers of Johnstown, have some thing of I Interest to say to the people of Ebensburg. j See their card In another column, j The following i.amed persons can each j get a letter hy calling at the Ebensburg i postofnee: Edward Brockbank, Mr. J. T. j Fuller, John D. Griffith. Miss Annie Ihwn I (2). F. W. Ott. Mr. Ira James and Mr. Ilarry j Stalk. i Sister Antonia, of St. Vincent's, snd j Sister Hilda, Mother Superior, at the Latrobe j schools, have fal'en heir to the estate of ; their father, a Mr. Danghertv, of Philadel i phia. which is estimated at f2."0.00O, and un. ( der the existing rules will be turned over to the Sisterhood. Our farmers will be very busy now for I some time with thlr spring work and will I have but little time to come to town. When I they do visit town they should go at once to J John Owens store on High street, and lay I in a supply of dry goods, dress goods, boots j and shoes, groceries and provisions John I alwavs sells at bottom prices. The students of the Ebensburg Normal i will be given a re cept'on on Monday eve ! ning, in the hall, by Misses Kittie Moote and ' Edith Condon, the teachers of Elocution and vocal music. The exercises wiil consist of readings and recitations, vocal and instru mental muic. and addresses by the teach ers. Mr. Cauffie! will also give an illustra tion of artistic drawing and penmanship. ! Christ Hccker, a boy about f.-uirteen vears of use, was cut in two by th cars at the iron bridge across the Conimaugh at Johnstown, on Wednesday forenoon. lie and aiiothpr bov wer" on the bridge when the trRin came thundering along and they started to run across. They succeeded in getting across and his companion eot out of the way of the train, but young flecker be coming bewildered stepped in front of the traIn and was cnt to piecps. Captain John P. Snter, chief teleeraph operator for the Pennsylvsnia railroad com pany for the Pittsburgh division and branches, tlied at Pittsburg on Sunday, aged fifty years. The deceased was born in Ber lin, Somerset county, and when a boy came to Johnstown and Earned the art of telegraphy and was in the employ of the railroad com pany until the breaking out the war, when he went out with the Johr.stown Zouaves as first Lieutenant, and afterwards wnt out, as a Captain in the Fifty-fonrth regiment. At the expiration of his term of service he wa appointed to the position with the Penn sylvania Tiailroad Co.. which he held up to a short time before his death. Fie was mar ried to a daughter of the late E. A. Viekroy, of Lower Yoder township, who, with several children, survive him. Francis R. Relghard, aged eighteen years, a son of Abram Reighard, wno lives near Imlertowo, in Bedford township, eom pVtPrt h's last term of school lest month. XT' went to the Flelzel School for thirteen years, the school hone being a mile and a qnnrter distant from his home, and In all that time did not miss a day. In going to and from school he walked 3.250 miles. In bis teacher's report of last month he is mark ed 100 in reading, grammar, writing, history. arithmetic, -'tendance, punctuality, and de- portment ; 08 in spelling, and $T in general Information, physiology, and geography. This Is remarkable record, and the yonng man and his parents have just cause to be proud of it. On the day after the close of his -school life he went to work in the iron ora mines for the purpose of earning money to defray bis axpensps at Normal School. lied ford Oatttte. C'Minty Normal School a. The term "Normal School" Implies a school for teachers. A school where instruc tion Is given in such branch" as are taught in onr common schools. There has been snch a school conducted In Ebensburg by the Conntv Superintendents and principals of onr schools during the pant fifteen years. Dnrlng the last two or three years the school has been more larpelv attended than ever before. Bnt few of the tpaehprs of the conntv have the means to attend the State Normal Schools. Without a school in the conntv the training of teachers would be negiectpd hv the miorltv of those who an nually attend the Ebensburg Normal. The question has bpen raised several times as to whether the Countv Superintendent can legaltv conduct a school in his own conntv. To learn the opinion of the School Department on the question. Snpt. Strayer wrofp for information. His statement was that, the Ebensburg Norm -1 School was ex clusively a school for the Intellectual and profpssipnal training of teachers and that but few of the teachers of the cout.ty would attend school outside the county. That manv Reserving young men and women could be assisted in getting an education and f ngage in tpachlng and fill our schools without employing teachers from other counties. That the school was rot a private one In any serse, bnt that special attention was eiven to hrnrchps named on teachers certificates and that all teachers received regular instruction In school .nanagpment, methods of teaching and the art of teaching. The following was received in reply : Harrisbiire, April 21. 18M. L. Strayer. Snpt. of Cambria Co. tTlth the explanation yon make In resrard to the obiect of yonr school, f am authorised to say that the law does not interpose any objections. Yonrs trnlv. fSlsrned) Hksry Horm. Peputy State Superintendent. County Normal Sch-vots are eondncted by a nnmber of County Superintendents in the State when ro State Normal Schools exist. Snpt. Straver has improved the condition of the Ebepsbnrg Normal from year to year, and a f dll corps of te nchers has been engaged for tbe coming term. The special work of the County Superintendent Is with the pro fessional branches and is given without any remuneration whatever. Fars fared A Tier M Ttr' Affliction. Mr. Robert Ramford. of Candor, Washing ton, county. Pa., had scarlet fever when a child, followed by ulceration and discharge from bis ears constantly ever since. In Jannarv Dr. Sadler. 804 Penn avenue. Pitts burgh, began treatirg hirp. fls is now well and hears better than ever In h's life, and at the same time was enred of catarrh. Dr. Sadler asserts (and proves it by results), that there Is no disease of the hnman family mcrecotahle than the so-called "running ears." All interested can get full Informa tion and all the reference desired by calling at his i ffice nr addressing him. & CO.'S NEW Special Value at 5, 10, 12 1-2, of Flouncinsr Widths in Cambric Ail-Over Embroideries. You will Avenue, Altoona, BVKHYBOOY PAYS TUB Merlins: leinooric lonnty ('ommlllft. There will tie a meeting of the lemoeratle Coun ty Committee of i-amtrla county, on Monday. April '25. 17, at one o'clock, p m.. in the Armorj Hall at f:ren?hnrir. for the purpose of fixing a day for the hoMinc ot the Prtmnry elections, and for the transaction of such other bnslnes as may be pnperly hrouiiht before said meeting. All members are respectively nrired to be present. Below is a list ol the committee men in each ward, borouifh and township. I". J. Mater. Chairman Pemocratic Committee. CCrifTY T1MMITTEK. AtVims township Henrv I.arslon. Allegheny township John A. McCoy. Harr tnwopcip Inhn 11 Kfiircr. HUicklick township A. T. Pindlc. CnirLrin townshir Adam Shettiif. Cambria hor.. First ward William O'Dnnnell. Cambria t or.. Second ward A-dam Stlbich. CnrrolKnwn . A. harbaUB'h. Carmll township I'hns. K. Hunlap. C hest SprtnirsM. ,. I.arv. Chest townsnip Anthony Hill. Cleart.el,! n wnshiti Thomas Wilt. Coriemnneh W., Kirt Ward John Campbell. O ni-inaiiirh her . Second ward Edward Connery. Conemautfh township H. V. Kreldhofl. Conpprdalc Peter Felix. rroyle township .lames 1 Plommer. Teiin township James J. Khody. Fast Conema'h J. Inne. Fhenshurar, Fst ward Henrv Kyrne. Fhenshtire. West ward Thomas McBreen. Elder township P. K. llillon. Franklin borough W. J. Miller. Hnllltzin hnronirh M. Fltzharris. Uallltzln township W. .1. Dawson. Orubbtown Williim H. Orubb. Jackson townhlp John 1. Stna-er. Johnstown. First ward John Hannan. Johnsrown. Second ward John Kaao. Johnstown, Third ward Iouis Witin. Johnstown. Fourth ward A H . Orumbllnif. Johnstown, Fifth ward H. niftenbauRh. Johnstown, - Ixth ward T... J. Kinple. Johnstown. Seventh ward Adam Hnebner. T.illy ttoroueh Cnron Leahey. Iretto Pierce V. Ijacov. Millvllle. First ward-Austin Neary. Millville. Second ward John Fox. Munster township A. I. Crise. l'ort-i(fe township freore Mears. Prospect Pat O'Toole. Rende tnwnshlii John Klcketts. I Kl-hlnnd township H. Eichensehr. j Stonycreek township I-erl Jacobv. Summerhill township Ed ward lirew. Summit borough Susquehanna township .1. B Stalb. , Taylor township. Fast James 5-1. Clark. I Taylor township. West James Kckel. j Tunnelhtll J. J. Kinney. ! Washington townhip--.Tames Rainey. I White townhlr M. .1. Noel. Wllmore P. F. Kirbv. Wowlvnle .Toset)h Horton. Jr. Voder township, I.owor P. H. Cole. Yoder township. T'pper J. A. ('Connr. I A "ARI. To the Citizen of Elennlnrfr and VI- rlnll.r. ! It has bef n the eutom for some time hack : for sorre of the Cloth'prs of our town to , visit you with samples of thplr stock, solicit ing vonr patrona"?". Almost everv sensi ble person must rrcoanize the fact that it is ; almost impossible for a business housp . carrviDg a large and varied line of clothing, to do justice to themselves in displaying thplr goods by samples. We have been re , quesrpr! by omp nf vour best citizens to . r(7fttr visit Ehenshurg. Cbeing no douhr satif-fipd with our wav of doing busfnessand our ev.frcnilv low uniform on price to all), anrt the only rea-on that rioters us are the facts as stated above, "ti e multiplicity of kinds, fjun Mtios. sfv'cs ar.d pricps." We Iibvp therrforp hit upon the following p'nn which must mppt trip approval of all. WF. WII.T. liETlUX IS CASH ON AT.T, PrR CHASFS OF FIFTF.EN POT.I.ATtS OR OVFR. THE ' AMOTST OF RATI ROAD FARE FROM ETSES- rt'tsoh to Johnstown asp return. We i helieve in offering this very liberal concIder ation you can make your purchases far i more satisfactory to toptspIvps, (having our ' entire stock to select from) and it will be the means of making ni better acquainted, a desirf greatlv wihpd for. All our goods ; are maiked In plain figures and one uniform low price to a'l. EespectfnUv. Cohen fc Marx. Popular One Price Clothiers, ' 210 Main Street, ! Apr. 15, 4t. Johnstown. Pa. Fxritrment In Tsias. Great excitpment he been caused irrthe vieinitv of Paris. Tex., bv the remarkable recoverv of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so helples he could not turn In bed. or raise his head : evf rybodv said he was dying of Consumption. A tiial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery was sent him. Finding rolief. be bought a larpe bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills : by the time he had takpn two boxps of Pills and two bot Hps of the D'scoverv. he was well and had gained in flpsti thirty six pounds. Tiiai bottles of this (ireat Discoverv for Consump tion frep at the drug storps of E. .lames, of Ebensbnre and W. W. McAteer, of Lorctto. Large bottles fl. Can't Make Anj thlnt l ike It. I have bepn practicing mediMne for twenty I veers, and have nf ver been able to put np a vegetable cotnpound that would, like Sim mons Liver Regulator, promptly and effec- ' tively move the liver to action and at tt.e ; same time aid (Instead or weakening) the ; digestive and assimilative powers of the j sv-tem. No other remedy within my know- 1 ledee pen fill its place ; L. M. Hinton, M. D.. Washington, Ark Typhoid, Sirarlet and fellow Fevern, Measlca. Diphtheria, Kmall-pox, Cholera, Ae. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid will destroy the infection of all fevers and all contagious and infections diseases. Will keep the atmos phere of any sick-room pure and wholesome, absorbing and destroying unhealthy effluvia nd contagion resulting therefrom. Will neutralize any bad smell whatever, not by disguising It, bnt by destroying it. TTse Darbys Prophylactic Fluid in every sick room. NOTICE TO FARMERS. naving sold the "Quaker City Phosphate" for the past three years, and finding such profitable re sults over all other grades. I desire to inform the farmers of Cambria County that I do not propose to rob them of their bard earned money by selling them marl, coal, ashes, sand and the like worthies trash, but to sell them the oldest and best Phosphate made in Penna. It has an established repntation since 1R42. Twenty Ions now on hands in my wareroom In Ebensburg. M. D. Bearer. Rneklen's Arnica Salre. The bpst salvo in the world for cuts, BruiFes. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Khetitn, Fever Sores. Tetter. Cbupped Hands. Cblilblains. Corne ard all Skin Ernptions, and positively cures Plies or no pay required, it la sruar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Trice 2." cents Per box. For sale by K. James and W. W. McAteer, of Loretto. fw Jersey Wine sent tn Kurnps. Mr. Sneer (of New Jersey ) the Great Wine man's Success has arisen from the strict pnr-It- and valuable properties of his wines for invalids and feeble persons, and his repnta t'or.s extends around the world. Fits Port Grape Wine is now rpine ordered by fami lies In London and rsris. Cream an fl Cold Weainer. What a luxury is a batf; in summer. Surely, but a crrealer luxury is a clear head In winter ; Just when almost everybody is sneezinc and snuffling with a cold tn the head. But when you are attacked use Ely's Cieam Balm. It cures colds In the head, and what is better, it enres the worst cases of chronic catarrh and hay fever. Not a l'quid. not a snuff. Fleasant to use, tr'uick relief. Radical cure. M ARRIAVG MCF.SKCN ISSCED. The following marriage licenses were Issued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court for tbe week ending Wednesday ,'April 13, 1887 : John FToffneard Eleanor Schwab, Loretto. John E. Elliott, Barr township and Ida May Anderson, Cambria township. FTenry S. Young and Emma Marshall, Johnstown. George Wilhelm and Mary Weile, Johns town. John A. Vorhaner and Katie E. Slebrt, Woodvale. S. L. Thomas, Johnstown and Frances Groraley, Croyle township. SPRING DRESS 15, 17, 20, 25, 28, 33, 37 1-2, 50c, etc. Goods, iust received, at 50, G2 1-2," 75. find this a Very Large Stock of Pa., Cable & Co.'s Store, SzAfl3 PlilCB. SEW ADTr.KrisF.JIF.XTS. VTTITOR'S NOTICE. The undersiittaed Andltor. appointed by the Court of Cambria county to make distribution ot the fund in the hands of the Sheriff, arlsinir from the sale of the real estate of William Itonnhoe on Fl. Fi.. No '29. March T. 1S7, hereby uives notice that he will Set at his office in the borouxh of Eb ensburat. Cambria county. Pa., on Thursday, May l'.. 1SK7. at a o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of at ten.itnir to the duties of said appointment at which time and place all persons interested may attend or be debarred from coining in on said lund. JOHN H.NI.ON. April 15. 1S7. Auditor. CDlTOICR NOTICE. In the matter of the second and final nc eoiintot Alvin Evans. Emi . Administrat orot John o. Evans, deceased. The undwrslif ned. havlnit f l een nppoi ted Auditor by the Orphans' Court of ; Cambria county, to distribute the fund, as shown bv said account , notice is nereby given that I will ; sit at inv office in F.hensburif . Pa.. on Weilnesday, ' May 4th. next, at In o'clock, a. . of said day to attenil to the duties of said appointment, at which time at d place all persons interencd mav attend if thev think proper. A. V. BARKER. April 15, ltW, ;tt. Auditor. Vri'i roR's n tice. In the matter of the first and final account ol Alvin Evans, Esq., Adm'nistrator of Kanlel O. Evans, deceased. The underlined . havlnic been appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, to distribute the tund as shown by said account ; Notice is hereby srlven that 1 sit at my office in Ebenshunc. Pa., on Wenesday, May 4!h. next, at 2 o'clock, p. M, , to attend to the duties of said appointment at which time and place all persons interested rrav attend if they think proper. A. V. BARKER. April 15, 18S7, 3t. Auditor. UPITOirs NOTICE. slaried Audlto Orphans' Cemrt ot I 'am br' a county to report dis tribution of the fundi in the bands of Ellas Row. land. ejteutor of John Iconic . deceased, as shown by his hrst and partial account, as well, the funds In the hand" of said Ellas Rowland, administra tor Sar ah Ixine:. deceased . as shown by his first anil partial account , hereby gives notice that he will sit at his office In the borough of Ebensburic. Pa., on Tuesday, May :td. 1SS7, at 10 o'clock. A. M.. for the purpose of attending to the duties ol said appointment, at which time anil place all persons interested shall attend or be debarred from com ing on said funds. ALiVlN EVANS, April ir, ss7. :;t. Auditor. m THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS or , .A CAM H R I A COl'NTY . ! lip.STtEMfS : In pursuance of the lorty-thtrd section ot the Act ot Assembly of May 8th. ISM. you are hereby notified to meet in convention at El ensburg. In the Court House at one o'clock. ' r. m. on the first Tuesday ol May. A l., I8S7 be- i Ing tha 3rd day of the month, ant select viva vorr, ' ny a majority of the whole number of dire-tors : present, one person of literary and scientific ae- j iuirenients and of skill and experience in the art ' ol touching, as County Superintendent, for the three succeeding years ."and certify the result to the State Superintendent at Harrisburg. as re-(lui-red by the thirty-ninth and fortieth sections J of said Act. Lew is Stbatkr, , April 1Mb. 3t Snpt. of Cambria. County. Orphans' Court Sale OF ' By virtue of an alias order of the Orphan"' . Court o' Cambria county and to me directed there will be exposed to Pot. lie Sale at the Court House. In the horouirh of F.henshurn. c0)lnty ot i 1 Cambria, on SATUHD.IV, MAY 7 th , IS 87, ; at 1 0 o'clock , a . m., the P-I!owinif described renl j mentioned and described In Third Flu- rie Wri t of I'artition and drafts accompanying i same In the esrate of F. X. Christy, deceased, viz: i All the bltumlnou" coal ami mineral riuht in j and nnder ptirpar: No. 1. which is bounded and i described as follows : A certain tract of land j i situate In (fallitzin township. Cambria county,! Fa., adjolnlnif lands surveyed in thp name of ; Catharine Holster, land surveyed in the name of i Richard Whitehead and lando'l Kodger Bradley's ' estate and others better known as the Jacob Biir i goon tract or the Old Homestead. Beifinnln M j suifar call, thence hf land warrantee in the ! I nameol Richard Whitehead. North :I7' , deirrees ! F.ast PW pen hes to a suit ar : thence by land of ; Roarer Mradley's heirs. -M.utb 45'. denrees East, ! 2oti perches to pointers, thence by land warranted in tne name of Catharine Heister. South 87 de crees West. 'Jus. perches to the place of boirinninir. , containing about 1'i.t acre and 114 lurches. i The surface and build inr of said purpart have i been accepted and taken by Dr. J. T. Ohrity at i the valuation Placed thereon by the Sheriff's In quisition. ALSO All the bituminous coal and mineral I rieht in and under No. 2 which is bounded and i described as follows : A certain tract ot land situ- : ate in said Township of Oallitzin. situate on the i ! waters ot Storm's Run. t (-uinnmir at tointer, . thence by land warranted In the name of Oatha- ! 1 rine Heister. South M deurees East To perches to i ' poin-ers. thence by other lands of F. X. Christy, ' dre'd. South decrees West SI perches ti'a . : post, Nor't: 41 decrees West 4 per-bes, ! ' thence by land c l Ajjnes Knrk North tl'.i decrees W est Pi perches t" a post, thence by same i;:t do- ; 1 irrees. West l2o perches to stones, thence by land i , of .John (Jr'.ve North !: decree Fast, lo perches j ' thence by same North US dezrees W'est 17 perches to a r ost. thence by same North in deirrees West ' 2"t perches to a post, thence by same 141. deirrees ! , West 1- perches, thence by same North 1 decrees I West -Jti perches to a pot, thence by land of Se- ! ; bastlt.n Siberts. North SS dcicrees Ka-t b4 perches 1 to the place of beginning, contalirinic 4 4 acre and ic,.t ptrchen, AI.SO All the surface and buildings of said purpart No. a. which will be sold separately from the coal ana minerals. ALSO All the bituminous coal and mineral i riifbt in m l under purpart No. :j, which is hound- ! ed and described as follows: A certain tract of I land situate tn said Township ot Oallitiin. beirln nlnor at a beech stump and pointers, thence bv ! land of lr. .1. T. Christy South 'i degrees West i TO; perches to a post, thence by lands of Aifnes Burn North deirrees w est :u perches to a post, thence by same f5 deirrees West 4- perches to stones, thence North 41 deirrees West 27 perches to a post, thence by other lands ot the heirs of F. X Christy, deceased. North dearrees F.ast 8:1 perches to poiDtets. and thenep by land warrant ed In the name of Catharine He'ster, North 51 degrees F.ast es perches to the place of beginning, containing 44 acre and 47 pcrche. ALSO All the surface and bulldiniis of said purpart No. n, which will be sold separately from the coal and mineral. ALSO All the bituminons coal and mineral rleht in and under that certain tract ot land situ ate In said Township ol Oallitzin, bounded and described as follow fbelnir purpart No. 4 j: Heiin nln at a post, thence bv lani warranted in the name of Huth JVlcI oy North iKi deirrees West 77 perches to a hickory, thence, by land of Henry Snnker North 111 deirrees East 12 perches to a post, thence by same and land of Sarah Orova North deirrees East 80 perches to a post, thence by land ol Sarah drove North 15 deirrees East .T perches to a post, thence by land ot N. Hnrk North 4'JV deirrees East 28 perohpa to a post, thence North :! deirrees West 2tl notches to a chestnut, thence by land of John drove South 11 deirrees East 4 perches, thence by other land of F. X. Chrlslv. decf ased. North deir.-ees Fast 20 per.'s to a post, thence by same w deirrees East. 12 per ches to a post. tlipce Sou'h 41 dearees East 28 perches to atones, thence by same Sonth 55 de irrees 42 nerches lo a post, thence Sonth deirrees East 34 perches to a post, and thence by land of Dr. .1. T. Christy, South 21 decrees West lfi perches to the place of boKlnnine:. containing; j .t acre and 4-3 lurch., ALSO All tbe bituminous coal and mineral rtRht in and under that certain tract of land situ ate in said Township of Oallittin. bounded and described as follows belna; pnrpnrt ? 5.1? Be ginning at a post, thence by land warranted in the name of Ellen Catharine Heister South deirrees East on perches to pointers, thence hy land of Dr. J. T. Christy Sooth 4tl deirrees West '2S-2 perches to pointers, thence by land of J. E. Shields North :t6',' deirrees West SO perches to a hemlock, and thence down the Clearfield Creek by its various courses and distances ,'iO perches to thp place of beginning:, containing HPO acre and 4 1 pcrche. ALSO All the Mtuminnjs coal and mineral right in and under that certain tract ot land situ- 1 ate in said Township ol Oalhtzin belnir purpart No. rt.l bounded and described as follows: Begin ning at a pest adioining tract In name ol John Hay, thence by same North siet1 . degrees West 110 perches to pointers, thence by land of F. X. Chris ty, deceased. North 4 degrees East :i perches to a beech, thence by same South r2 degrees East 32 perches to a lind. thence by same South 9 degrees Fiast V2 perches, thence by same South 45 degrees a1- perches, thence by same South til degrees East lu'perehes. thence by same South 75 degrees East 10 perches, thence by same 86 degrees East 22 perches to a pest, thence by same North 4 degrees East 12' 1 perches tn a post, thence by same North 85 degrees East lr! perches to a post, thence by same South 12 degrees Est It perches to a post, thence by same 7 degrees East fR per.-hes to a post, theriee by same North 54 degrees East lrt per ches to pointers, thence by same North 72 degrees East 4ft perches to pointers, thence by same Sontb 15 degrees West i:i perches to a post, thnce by same South 15 degrees West :t4 perches to place of beginning, containing 5f acre and 76 perches. T K 11 M S O F SAL K . One-third of purchase money to be paid on con firmation of sale, and one-third :n one year there after, and one-third at the death ot Elizabeth Ohrfs'y, wide of the decedent: the latter two payments with Interest payable annually, to be secured by bonds and mortgages on the premises. The last judgment to remain In the hands of the purchasers daring the natural lifetime ot said Elizabeth Christy, and the Interest thereof to be annually paid to her alienee, Ir. J. T. Christy. JOSEPH A. OKAY, Trustee to sell the Real Estate of April 16,1 w:. i X. Crnsty, dee'd. GOODS lower prices than Beautiful New many 87 12, Beautiful AJAj kinds of Job work neatly an ex peditiously exf cuu d at this office. n old ftri,. kAffnnM,M....i.i ii . . ted trouU salary J&Vrt JjkoS.', lLfj . K.V. fOXALI) K. DUFTUN. ATTORNEY-AT-L. AW EHBNRBL'Hli, Pes-. -Office in Colonnade how THE PLUMED KNIGHT. For we will renri. nott oatd r w vinri cnrfTtrea'-,vebmnd S HHAHIZ A kl l.M., Kohrsonia. t'n Jin. 14 '87 iliri i n i1 t-ri 1 n'- Notice. Ei-tnie ol Mnry Jane Troxell. deceased. I-etter of administration having been eranted to the undersigned In the estate f ftlarv J. Trox ell. late of Oalhtzin borouiih. deceased, all per sons Indebted to said estnte are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to JOHN J. TKOXELL.. T. :-. TK'iXKIJ,, Oallltiln, March 4, 18S7. Administrators BARBER SHOP The undersigned invites the cliiiens of Ebens burg and public tt: erally to call at his shop on Centra St.. Ebensburg. Pa., (opposite the Mountain House saloon), where he wl.i be found ready to accomodate them with a clean shave or a hair cat on short notice. By keeping evervthing neat and tldv about mv shop 1 expect. to merit a liberal share 'of patron age . March 11, '87. PETER WlI.HElM. ADMIXISTKATKIX' NOTICE. Estate ol W illiam McConnell, deceased, i letters of Administration on the Estate of I William McConnell. lute of the Township of '. Washington. Cambria County, deceased, having ! been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate are berejby notified to ! make payment without d' lay. and thoe bavins; claims against the same will present them prop ; erly authenticated tor settlement, to ELIZA MrCONNELL, KLLAMifuNSELL Summit, April S, '87. Administratrix?'. DMIXISTHATUIX NOTICE. JLX. Notice is hereby irfven that letters of administra'ion on the estate ot .lamp C. Brown, deceased, late of the Boronirh of Lilly. Cam bria county, I-a., have heen uranted to the undersiirr.ed. All persons indebted to said es tate are notified to make payment to me wi'.hout ' delay and those havlnu claim airaint the same will present them properly authenticated to JANE A . HKI (WN. Administratrix. He nbK-k. Pa.. March 19, 1ST. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of apppolntment of .lno. H Brown Auditor, to distribute the funds in the hands ot Albert E. Bender, assiirnco of Albert Ivory. Notice is hereby ajiven that in pursuance ot the above appointment, the Auditor will sit for said purpose Bt;tt.e office of Ooo. M. Kcade, Esq.. in the borona-h ot Eriensbu rir. on Monday, April 2T. 18-7. at 2 o'clock, p. m . when and where all persons interested may attend or be debarred from cominK in o j said (unC. JNO. H. BKOWN. April 8, 1S-7. Audinor. AUDITOR'S NOTICET In the m.itterof the final account of Wm. tt . feebler and Francis Warner, executors ot.lohn Wairner. deceased. w!,o wis iruardian cf Airstha W ill inii May Ciithurine Will, minor children of Auirustine I. Will. ncea?el. Having been ap pointed an Auditor to make a distribuiion of the tund as shown bv said aceount. Notice is hereby given that 1 wifl sit at mv office in Ebensburir. Pa. .on Wednesday, the 27th day of April, 18S7, at ten o'clock, a. m. to attend to the duties of said appointment, at which time and place all persons interested may attend it thev se proper. M. 1). KiTTELL. April 8:h, rs7 3'. Auditor. A1 rniToirs notice. In the mat'er ot the first and final ac count of Joseph Hos;ue, assianee of F. Behe et ux. for the benefit of his creditors. The under siirncd havinir been appointed Auditor ty the Court of Common Pleas ol Cambria county, to d istrlbute the funds tn hands of said assignee, notice is hereby slven that 1 will sit at the Arbi tration Boom, in the Court House at Ebenshura:. Pa., on Tuesday, April 28, 1SS7, at 10 o'cloen of said day to discharge the duties of my appoint ment when and where all persons Interested may attend or be forever debarred from coiuinir in on said fund. H. H. HY ERS, Ebensburn. April 2. "S7. r.t. Auditor. NOTICK. TO THE LEOAL HEIRS A N I K EPKESEN- tatives ot Matthew McMullen. deceased, lake j uotice. that an inquest will be held at the late residence of Matthew McMullen deed, in the township of Clearfield, in the countv of Cambria. ii , u.inj, .,ui .14, in ,iinj .j ii ni R mine forenoon ol that day. for the purpose oi makinir partition of the real estate of said de'edent to an i amontr his heirs and leral repreentatives. If the same can be done without prejudice to or spoilirir the whole: otherwise to value and appraise the same according to law. at whi.-b time and place vou are required to attend if vou think proper JOSEPH A. OKAY. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Eher.t-bunj. Pa. I Apr. la.. -4t.J Admistrator's Sale OF YaliiaWe Real Estate. By virtue of an order f the Orjihans" Court of Cambria county, there will be exposed to Public Sale, on tbe premises in the village of Snmmer hill, in said county on S'ltii J'ftat, 4J-H 10, 1SS7 at 2 o'clock, p. m.. the following property, late of Dr. W. A. Harnett, deceased, to wit : All that certain lot of ground situate in said vlllaire of Summerhill, bounded and described as follows: Beirinninor at a post comer, adjoinlnir lands of C. A. I'lmond, thence sonth 05 deurees west 40 teet to an alley, thence alonir said alley sou'h '2S deirrees east fa'J teet to a post, thenoe by by land of Mrs. Mary A. Wendroth south f5 de irrees west 40 feet to a post corner, ad joining lands of C. A. I'lmond, thence south 2fl denree" east i' feet to the place ot be,innlns;, having thereon erected a JT-vellinpr Ilousio, Stable and other outbuildina-s. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, ol purchase money to be paid on day ot sale, one-third on confirmation thereof, and the balance in two equal payments, at nine and eighteen months with Interest to be secured by ludirment Vnd of purchaser. JOHN T. LONU, Administrator of Ir. W. A. Burnett, dee'd. April 1. 1887, r.t. S'1 TATEMENT OF SETTLEMENT with the the Supervisors of Blacklick township lor year ending March 14. 1S7 : Wm. 1). Rhodes, Supervisor, I'R. To amount Read Implicate Cash Cash Ordor AW. 17 COHTRA, CR. By amount Work on roads Retruned to Commissioners Exoneration Services as Supervisors Cash, tax Printing Printing t 'no Sledge I Hie order paid Percentage on cash tax ...fJ04.34 ... 8 2 .. 2.1S .. 43.75 . . .56.31 ... 1125 .. 12.00 .. .75 ... 4.38 f?4fi.l7 I-rrraa WaonkR, Supervisor, Dr. To amount Road Duplicate I 'ash I ne order on Commissioners Cash tISO 71 SJ M 5O.00 . 40 43 J.181.1 COKTRA, CR. By amount Work on roads Exonerations Returned Services as Supervisor Paid for plank Repairing plow M-dersi paid Percentage on cash tax .. Cash Cash ..f m 11 . 1.7 s. .. f.P7 .. 3I6 . 1J 71 .. 3.50 I .. 31.25 S.os .. 377 .. 40.43 $3ol.77 Audl- The following orders were issued by the tors and remain unpaid : No. S, S. L Keed No. fi. A. W. Rowland No. 2, O. A. Michaels (No. 2. of ' ren'd) ... i.v 0) 15.25 Wk, the Auditors of said township do certify that we hav examined the aeoonnts of said township and find them to be correct according to our best knowledge and belief. O. (1. EMPFIELD. J. F. REESE. T. S. F.MFFIBLD, KcJ.Ar, Clerk. j Auditors Atlcl : A. W April 1,187. I i .lll.SO . 90 2 . U S.7 . 1S.1S Our Wire i $HB.50 TIE-TIE IB OTT O HVL IS HEACHED AT LAST. j The largest stock of hardware ever ofl'ered in the Countv can be found at mv store I am now selling manv coods at much less than I can replace them for. but I will continue to sell at Bottom Prices until I am compelled to replenish my stock. When you want a cooking or heating stove, tinware hardware, nails, iron, glass, trunks and farming implements, call and see my stock and learn my prices. C3-. HTJN"TLEY3 HIGH STREET. - - - KISEXSBURG HARNESS AND SADDLERY I I have now on hand Harness and Saddlerv constantlv manfaetnrinc: un stock of Harness. Halters. SaCtJtES, SMDLES, WHIPS. etc. I use none but the sell at the lowest price chanire for harness. POLITICAL TOK CO! MV COMM1SSIOM.H. 1 hereby announce inyclf : c ,n-li.l i: lor County Coiruilssioner, subject to be iirc;o ol t tie i.ext Iiemocrntic primarv election. John KIKBY. F"Ki: 'tit'MV '"OM M I SSI ON Elf. herri.v announce myef a a earid'.'iiite lor Countv Icimmisioner. subiect to tt.e deciib.n of the next !'omioratfe prlmarv eic t"n. i. I'. F.KEKLY. Eten-biirn. F 'IK COT NTY TREASI KFK. erebv ano. once mv.elf as a candidate fot "ountv Treasurer, "ut 'ect to the decision of ths n ext IcmoTatic primary election. M P. KFLI.Y. (iuiliiltzin Boroueh. 170K 'OT'Nl Y AT I'll OK. I 1 hereby announce myeif as a candidate b.r Conntv'or snbiect to the decision of the next I'ornocratic primary election. LoriSROLANP 4th Ward, .lchnstown Borough. T-'OR COT'NTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myaelf a" a candidate for County Oommlsioner. subject to the decision ol the next Iaiocratic i.rimarv election C. A. 'McOONlOLE. Iilly Borough. TOK COl'NTY COMMISSIONER. 1 heicby announce myself as a candidate for County commissioner, snbiect to the decision ol the next IHmocratlc prlmarv election. F. J. PAR FISH. naliltrln. MO R COT'NTY COMMISSIONER. 1 1 1 bert y in- ; nounce myself as a candidate for County Com ' misl ner. subject ro th decision of the next 1 Iemojrattc Pritnarv Election. THOMAS .1. WILLIAMS. Ebenshnrz. Mrh 4.!":. FOR COT'NTY THE ASl'RFK. I herebv announc myself as a candidate for County Treasurer, sub tect to the deci"1on of the neyt !cru-er.te Pri mary election. JAMES OR1FFIX. Cambria Korounh, Mar. 4 lSi;7. FOR COUNTV TREASURER. 1 hereiiv announce ravself as a candidate tor County Treasurer, snbeet to the dec'sl tn of the next Iemocratie nrimarv eipcrlon. HFNKY FIOHENSF.HrT. Richland Ywp. OR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myself as a candidal for Countv Treasurer, sutoeet to the decision of the next Pern oca tic primarv election. M. A. il'ART7. Washington Twp. F OR COUNTV TREASURER. for Connty Treasurer, sutoeet to the decision of next Iemocratic primarv election. A. D. CRfSTF., Munster Twp. 'OR COUNTV COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce mvself 3; funiii t-os for County V.mmlswoner. suhicct to the decision of the next Iemoertfe nr-mnrv election. CHARLES Pt NLAT. Carroll Twp. FOR COUNTV COMMISSIONER. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Coramlsioner snbieet to tbe decl"ton of the next Democratic prtmarv eVetion. F. F. DILLON. E'der Twp. FOR COl'NTY TKKASVKFK. I take li method cf announcing that I will be a rndl1:' for the nomination of the office T Countv Tregurer, snbiect to the action of the Democratic PTirasrv election. If nominated I wtll make an active ef fort to be elected, and If elected w:il perform th duties of said office to the best of mv xbllity and for the accommndatton of th tarnsver". THOM AS E. HOWK. Cambria borough, March 4 17. FOR S A I.E. The suheriher will sell at prtvs'e sle ONE 4 INCH TCRRINF WATFK Will FL. ONE PERRY SHINHI.E M A H IN F, side. cut. 1 Lath Mill and Sawmill complete ex. eept'ng head blocks and belting neces.-arv o run all the machinery. further rs'ticular? call en D M. Kh AT7FR. at Asrrvitrj. t address fc'm at rh.-t ?rrtnts. FostctT.fe. Cambria county. Ta. ;F"b. 4 17. Twist Suits. To lay aside an ola, wornout suit of clothes and don a new one is only a change in material, unless the wearer sees that Modern Cut, Recent Style, Fashicnable Fabric, and the Prevailing Shades also en ter into the combination. Our Genuine Wire Twist Suits, that we are n w selling for $10.50, will raeet these requirements exactly. They ere strong, all-wool goods, that we warrant not to fad1 or change color, and have a first class tailor cut style that adapts itself to the form, resembling custom-made apparel in every particular We have the Wire Twist Suits in Men's and Youth' hfcs and in PJeid and Ulack Colors. If you want to get the benefit unbroken assortment, call and see goods at once. of an these I. LI. I'OOIF, SOU & THOMAS, Leaders in Slyle and Low Prices, JOILYSTOJKY, - - FE.Y.Y'.-i. Aug 13, the uest assortment in Ebensburr and of a m new work. Call and see verv best of stock and Bark taken in ex G. L. FREDERICK. Ebensburg, Pa. TW. 1)ICK. ATTORNKY-AT-J.A w. Ebenshnra;, Pa. Office in bulldin. ot T. J . Llojd. dee',!, ifirst floor.) Centra street. All manner ot leir?! l as!nes attended t sstlstsct rj -I toil cniiw ' cs a spete !t v. nii-u -r(.l 1 FOIt NAl.t-SH AM ENOINES 're Par, B-.l-r andSLeet-1 CI. AY on W rk . Second-hand er j; .res a n 1 to inir eiiK'res and machinery i AsCihLIN. Ali-irhery , la er on 1 pr d . H o t f, cr: i-v - T HON -( Jao . SV '. v ) E N t t iff. tie ( f Anian.ia ZimmerirHn. !e'd. Ie'ter" tes'atneni try ,.n the eeta'e ot Auianda Zirru-errran. Isteof C'earfeid ttwrsh'p. I'srobria e. nrtr. Fa.. 5ec.-sed. Invfrr been crantad tc '.b under-rard. ail persons mar' ted to isbl i"st are heret v not.fl- d ro rnske psymert witbetjt (!e lay. and Ihoe bavirijr claims atrslt.Pt the same win present them priperly authenticated ?or set tlement t. CH.ESIINE Mt Mt'LI.KM. Altoona. l a. Mar. 4. l"7.-6t. Execator EXECUTOirS NOTICE. Letters testamentary upon ih e'ta'.e f Jeremiah Topper, late of Allegheny towhship. de ceased, having teen cranted to the unders'tned by the Register of CiihItH county those indebt ed to said estate are requested to mr ke p m e-t wlthontdelav and those hanra claims aitatcst the same will present them, properly autbei.tloa led. for settlement. V. A. B. LITTLE. April 1.17. Kxecutir. A1 DMINlTU ATR1X1 XUTIl'K. Estate of Daniel M. FsTan. dec d. Notice I hereby gjven that letfrs ol adminis tration on the etie of Ianll M Farren. late ef Munsrer township, Cambria, county de-sed, have been irrarted to the undersigned All per sons Indebted to Said estate ara hereby notified u make payment without delay and tbo bavlna claims will present them, properly an'.bent lemtel tor settlement. M AT! LP A FAR KEN. April 1. I s7 . r,x. Adinln-'mtr-x. 'OR RENT. Tbe uii.lersic.bfij of- fers Ibe following c-er'rat'a pre-pertv fa rent : An elegant store room 1Tx4'i feet, eletant class window, mitable lor hardware store er any other store and there I" a tinshop and toe' io sara building. 1 here is a good garden nd l attach ed, and rooms In the buildtne sul'abla fer dwelling. A splendid opp.-rtuTi'ty P-r i-ne w ant ing to start a hardwitre and lining et'.sh thnsent tta trade is already established as I Isve beea eaTylntf on the busine, (..r lie abova proper'- is situated In CarrMlt. 'nibrla Countv. Pa. Alo. several l.c" of ground !nai;ood stata ef cultivation situated In Carroll t-wnhtp eenyesi lent to the B . rough. Possession given Iprilde. 17 . Call on oraddre AM'REW H HAT 1, fee. 14, ti. OarrollH wnCambta Co., Fa. SUBSCRIBE -FOR the mm mum, 1.50 PER YEAR 1.50 WITHIN Til K COl'NTY. OUTSIDE l HE COUNTY, l