i Sri wmi'irw rtf. ......... . . .-f-. i J 3 i i j 3 ! - ! 4 i ! i CamMi Overman, i FRIDAY, MARCH 11, sM. ' NkuhiI'Milam) would like amitXfd to the I'ni'ed S'ates. to b Ti: .1 i r.i: r in again.-;:. Mnie in the i. e foi R gi..TT of th Disirict. but jrot there judc as 'lie 4V Hi Congress was on us !.v air stretch. 'iiiK High License Lil! is receiviigl addilicii!?, ahiidujrn'a and other modi- ' tiealiutid in its ttdious m itch ihrougli the l'e!)LS '.V.ltita I.e!::it UT. Now since our X.itlimal Legislators ; have packed their grip .aeks and left for thi ir h.-iDt'S. the people of the Keystone j State can give their und.vidsd attention j to thtir State JeKi?la'.or9. i In acc irdan e with the Act of Con gress, trade dollar? ;re being redeemed now a the I'nittd States Treasury, but if defaced, mutilated, or stumped, will not bo received in lets quantise? than ( three dollars, and then only at their , bullion v.,tue. Tjie past two months have been uu- , ITeceJeuted in a business way in ma; y Important trade centers, notatilv New : Vork, Philadelphia and llaitimore, and j the present outlook for the spring and sur-itiier is exceedingly encouraging all j over the country. Capital and labor j hi.ve jui' ed hands in tquitabie U mis in the coal regions in the middle, section oi , this State, r.t d no visible breakeis are in the way of the thip of prospei ily. . We are now eii viiiL-i-M the c'nantrts of the one month of the ear whose irrei'est virtue is i's stiblmi" hope ot the 7 . . . tetter things to come. March is the . month of d.oibt, uncertainty, lickltiif ss , at.d perplexity. No weather vane can , r juister :s mult.tndii.i tis air currents, j or pi-phet f'-reteil the peculiar antis ne of its days may brir.ir forth. lUin, . Miuw, sleet, (';:liiiii(-s, '.'.us.t r, gloom , and sunshine are coirmiii.i'l in hUat:ge is one hui.dred and twenty-nine. The. i th-TC-nch Prrsi(Jent. impressing his pur .., ,1 , , ,r,i ut-.-o ,.,r.i. H - i;n!v i vniW ti o i;u ,'nr n,0 ',.',. "non all his subordinates, and doitd oi.t to us help. is- meitaS in Ire- , treim- nt .ii.tl heavy d,,ses. but .March ii the niont'.i of h -pe. s:iid Spring wou'd ' t e but gi i' my v t a else but Spumr.' h-r if a . ha! iiothT. the cab, to prepare for a poss'b.e but j t ion ist s bad ncqutred an ascendency and Til k t xciirsiou o -natois aid Rep- ui expi ite 1 crisis. An effort will be a power which seemed to defv purificA i'esenirt;ivi which h ti Washington on ' made to urge the necessity for an extra . 'im ind r-f'.rm. Hoarv abuses had T.:,sd.iv for Fior.d.-. and Cuba, has an- , session l v the seaboard cities for tins frfm"n " been fostered under I tweiity fi w vears of misrule. Th'te whs o-hir ..bj-ct in :td-t ;!.. n to the recreation ( purpose. d-mb' among the more cor.si rva ive ele- tt w i'.', furnish tl.i tn. The leaders of the i The forty-ninth Congress, like many I mens even of ih Democratic party. exciisiin r,avt' ru :! an argenieuts t have S. t ! .i. or h-rni:!tt in ;ke tr q.:er.t ihe ;,.ur which is to be the j:".in!.,T of a i.oii. , r lb" ( )h:o sta'.es luaii's Pie i '( I.' al I'.ii.didacy. Tliis o. k s like pi "it kit g a to; 1 er ft a! her III lil the c ip of t :.e l'inm I Kiiight. No one ii.-qii-iii.ted with S, ii it r "sbermaii's po litical cart ( r w i i do'i',.; his a.nt i'ion in ' bat direct ior. lie b.s t xpr-nsed him .': If as vei v much disgu3lrd with U.c forty-i. in ih Congrfss aid the I en, errat ic Pr. sii'.ent. Sour grap s. Mr. -nator si;, i in in ! s;, ,,ir rjr.ipt s ! 1'iiK ib n:o::s- ution in Philad.-lj hia I i ..1 ,y evei.ing la-, in honor of Itjbert ! I. MUliet, IS 1 11 :no'lier il'us rat:m o the rrouk.g in ere', (.f the pe'p!J of this ivunt! j in the Irish cause. Those i l urnir g, iiv tig words of the renowned ; petrtot "Win i; n y eoijiitry taki'9 her place aiu.'iig the nations of lie earth, ; then, ana not ti;i ;!. n, lit toy 'pi'eph ; be w ritten" . ; ?. sctiliiueuta of ev. ry j true heart on the Kmeraid Isle. )ur j native soil :s de ir to us, our liberties are a prec.juj oooii, and except where nar- ! row-mii;di dni ss acd se lishnss hold i swav. th- American citizen sympathize s ; the President dois will be djii3 advised- j West is largely represented in New York with and longs to see the Irish free, aud j ly and after calm deliberation. He is a I bv r''yfrs. theT own rulers. No doubt Ireland is . safe acd reliable balance wheel to the I Traveling salesmen having their boad ,.r , r. i ( r i f . .. . , . i quarters in Pittsburg look for a lively prcp-rt.l f t a ioe fe-st, but she has a , more impulsive nod basty deliberation j v,nsiness as soon as the roads improve so right to demand that Li gland shall do cf the legislative depart ments. It illus- that farmers can get to the railway some i f the love making. I lJbX'.vi'sK it could not help it. tbe United states Senate at last confirmed j the appointment of Trotter as Register in Hit District. It refused to confirm tbe appointment of Matthews, l.ecau-ie, foisooth, be was a non-resident of the District. ! r.t in rea'ity hi cause he wps a colored man at.d Dt :u, r it. That is to say, a colored mar: wlu has the brains to think tor t.im-elf and tecome a D.-u.-ocn.t, should b- tbnied all favors. The same arguments might have been used against f riderick Douglas when be whs a-p'inted Matshal o: the District, ex- cept that he was a Republican instead of a Ih m.'ur.it. Most of tie important itti.'tsot the I". strict Lave always lcen : ..I i r.n.'ni. oi.t.- ri... , , . c a.-. ... ' '. ' , ' ' th.t the p. ope wen Vanning to recog- n.- its at -rumen's ; m re subterfuges and w I. en Trot' er, another in i.-iesidt nt. ccioie 1 Democrat w;. c.'io, i in, it ion, it .paie'.lv ntid for quietted in the in -point uu nt. Another victory ccre.l for President Cleveland. ' TiiKjull to let gthen the public school let in of Pennsylvania to six months : passed the House last week, but will fill . run tl, .1... " - nauuL.r,, l. t.,r Senate. It is charitable to suppose the bill was originally intended to advance ihe Uii firsts o eib.tatiot'. tut ill its present crude state it is i.I-u 1 ir.ed and would deteat the ol j.ct il ain, to pro mote To compel a,i districts :n tin' the Mate to keep their public schools op-n s .x months in the year without ; providing an ixtra Slate appropriation ! to enable the poor dkstrie's to comply i with the law would nsiilt in one of two things: ei.ber lhe.se lii.-tricls would be obl'Led to reduce teachers' wag js to si : low a llguie that only tojith-rate ta'.ert coul I be en.piojt 1, or toey would have to siiotteu the teim ut 'In ;r own accord a;.d lose even the pocir. appropriation, which woj'.d, pnh.ips, give them four inonths' school, mhtead of tiv. as now. : As the law now stanjs, many districts aiieaJy have six, seven, p.r.d even ten 1 luoutl.fc' school during the year : so that the old law dors not prevent the exercise of the iibcity evtry school tlisliict enjo)s ot b nutheniiig its terms at pleasure. If the State leng'heus ttie term, let it also j make provision fvi diiiating to the poor ! Ubtricta a suiticient sum to relieve their ' I'JnLAOF.LrniA is happy over the re pevpleof oppressive taxes. 1 ,luctiyn f street car fares from six to j five cents. Hie Forty Ninth Cerium" The Fonh-ninth Congits? has pa.-s. d off the s'.ee of iegisiation, auJ while it enacted in iv i Ii-4i tlie usual number of laws, it is lo tw regretted 'hat fevera! i u; i r';i: l bi!U under consideration were not li'i i.iy Jisp .vd of before ii s i.djourn w"nf. A ni.ii": 'iu-se were the For- -fiea-ti'.. : : .:- ..Ik- providing a (V.nti'u- t: ...a: uLicLidint ill iu4:'ii; t ti :u.h of Apr.! i:iaU)iuralio;i i!a ; the bii: tv.i- veiling Citiirep within two iui.iiths of its t-ieclioii, inate iii ot tbirtteii months :ts at present, :ind the repeal of Hie Tim ber Culture and Deneil Land laws. The importance oi Congress con vc nio and oruamir.g at i'.s first tession alter ( j-3 fcKctiou is obvious in view of the fact that Cor.rtbsuieu failing in a re election have no more weight in that body muring its abort h.-.-sion lhau so mauv traw men, except as their vuUs mav d-cide ' ' ,, an isiu one way or another. Tnere . sertai to be a tacit understanding in that legislative asH-mtily that men whose lease expires with the short Session are . , , , , . ,. . , not to be heard in the advocacy of any - uv.'asur. A charge in the time of or- gan.'zing Congress wculd place llepre- : sentalives on a more even foot'r.g and at. the same time give their constituents a be' ter opportunity to judge the desira-i biiity of returning them before the n xt el-, ction. The tolai nuaibei of laws enacted by the last Congress exceeded 1.3(H), of which number more than two-thirds : oi igtnaled in tbe House and the remain- , tk-r in the enate. There were 132 bills i vetoed by the President, or twenty-ont ' u.ore instances of the exercise of the j Presidential pi en gat ive of veto than j h;-.d occurred from the foundation of the (Joyerum'. nt down to the beginning of i this Congress. From this it is evident i that President Cleveland is a man who baa the courage of bis convictions. That Congress and the people, on mature i (K-libera; ion. coincided wi'hUie Prf si- i . , . dent s icws, is amp.y corruborared by j the fact that but two of these Dills were j afterward carried over his veto. Of the membership of the expiring Congress, of hundred and ninety-six have bet n re-elected, and the number of cons'.itiiriicii-s represented by new men of an extra session is the fai.ure to make u unite provision for haibnr and coast defences, whi'di. c-upled wiih the n tab itrt i.,.vcer nixeed in the hml f tii ; President might induce him to make ! b,'.".n admunsrerert npM, thP 'narrow i i pst rar isan basis. Jobbers and porrup- preU;-Cessols, Ual!I-a too mtlCtl Ot Its; time away in political fi ibusteririg du- ring the eailin' periods of its si ssions, i itllfv.-: ii tnportar.t bills, affecting the biutt.ci'S ..r.l ecu mercia! interests of the ; Colil.tiy, to le postponed fli m day to day, i'1-.t :1 th close of the session linils : thujj siii! I. -a ui t -s . : ui.ei...cted into laws. There. " .mp! ven;er;t in this Coti- ; predecessors in this respect j :.o do;;!.t, is due to the lirmm-ss j itidus'ry t,f toe 1'resident fully as ' .nil much 1.3 t.) its own general m;ke-up. Witu tne expiration of this Coi gress, j onehi'f if I'rtsident Clevela'd's teim j pAssed its second ani ual mile stone, and ! hia undt-viatii-ir course in his defined policy, presages what may be expected of 1. m dur'ng the lemainir.g half uf his term. He is to be congratulated on the unexampled success attending him, not w i' hst andit g Ihe kickers both withiti anl v i. hout he r.ir ks of thenar! v. Two' yi..rs more ot lionest, earnest, straight forward administration of national af fairs and the Democratic party will bj 1 twenty per cent, stronger with the I ... ., . ' people than it was two yea.s apo. Of ot.e thing we can nst assured, v,hatever Hates one ot the commendable features i j of our form of Government, that when il lil!! in ii nrivld i..fl f i;... 1 t.mi j 1.1 u Pni m ...... - j-- passed both Houses, the Executive has the privilege of annulling it. or of referring it back for revision. Judicious, ly exercised, it is one of the highest sal'tguards of the people. 1'iik death of Henry Ward lleecher, which occurred on Tuesday morning, removes Irom the stage of action one of the greatest minds tlie country has ever pi duced. As a lu'pil orator it might j be Said that be had no superiors .in.l ! but few if a"y equals, lie not only '"-"RCU ii expoumier or tne ; ser pturey, but also shone with t qua! , brilliancy in discussing questions of j tiaiiiinal or im,,n,nw. . ' national or Fociai imiinrn.ni! o.n , , , . , - f , -a hatter subject he wie.ded the pen, t-r ent the eloquence of bis voice, he left ; the traces of his originality and profound thought. As to bis th-.'i;logica! views, all iersutis have the right to differ from them or coincide with them as tbevsie fit. In the later years of bis life he be- 1 . i came a strong advocate uf evolution, and : many persons who at one time heartily j endorsed his views, saw fit to differ from hlfll 111 Lls recently adopted theories. ; I.lll . h.l 4-Vf-r t) liuv Ii. Uii'1 .vf fiim - j ... o... ...... as a man and minister, all will agree j th. t be was kind-hearted. liberal, elo- qnent at.d brilliant. Mi:, "vmi his introduced a bi'l in the II: use to jrohibit the standing aside of juror3 in ciimii al cases. IT; object of this bill seems to be to prevent one side from having an undue advantage ovei the oiht r, ly refusirg to 1 ave men sit i". judgment who could not be wield "' s : r r.t. ( n 'he othtr hand it ''' - - 1 that a deft iiilant should i.iiv. it.,- i,i.t through bis attorney to aa. ilal a bitter personal enemy s'-a'l not have tl.e right to sit in judgment on his case. Much dept nds on a jury in all casts, i'.nu it in 13 palladium of our liber- ties should btcome corrupted or suscep.. title to extraneous and unfair i; tbienci s the anchor of justice is gone And any measure that will help to place these twelve chosen men and true bove all suspicion of personal bias or prejudice ' in ttie Case deluandilltr their vrdir should receive a heatty welcome. ...v.V.,, I he President's T.pcotA. M my of our esVusin) contemporaries have been summing up the rt salts of the first two years of Mr. Cl -veland's ad uiiiii'.rat ion. In ttie main the comment fits lit'en f,ivorabl and even wheie then? is a dc ilicr .te purpose to depreci ;te, it has been manifest the President's critics have loiind it difTieub to make a serious point again? him. Their o jec- iot s :in-captions and t:iviil. and their ma-clous ii;h-:r;ti n too palpable for 1 !.nn to prove IT r. ive. One has on'.y to exercise ordinary powers of discrimination and judgment to i:-i ize the fact that t he President has Ien of v ist service to the country. Ief.rp and Immediately after his elec- ' t i . . r i ih.- Hepuhlican press was full of I lie Democratic paiiv couM e.ot Vv at' !j entrusted with the adminis: ration or the government. Its record on the currency whs reviewed and condemned. The chairmen of the con mittees :.o the j House, having to deal with the great questions of finance and the banking' svs'em, were pointed to as representa- tivt,9of thp widest Hnd mos: extravaraut : vagaries. Their utterances on the floor and off f gave the cue to their critics, netted s-m- d-strust eyen r.n.ot K' , their own party associates. If the If,, ue, ; w pre ,he j ,rijn,rHts h;iVP a majority, is to be controlled l y such men, argued our opponents, what must be expected when I lie Democratic party the Executive and a mijority in the i Senate ? , Then it was argued, too, th-at the , party, Jihving been condemned to so long j an sbs'ri0p from power, would make a j wi'd rush for patronage, and seriously disturb ;1ip proper administration of the : government by fiilirig every office with i ln.'.omnetvrits -and heelers. Cleveland, it . was sa:d wtuIiI find it Impossible to withstand the clamors of his greedy fol- '. lowers, and, like Ac' icon, would be ! devoured by his own dogs. The Civii law would, of course, become a dead letter, j But how different has been theresnU ! ; Is ther1 any business man to-day who i doub's the capacity of the present ad- i ministration, not only to enforce the j Civil Sirv ce law. but to deal wi.h the '. lar?". problems of finance and business it.t-i'igent'y and jus'lj ? Every depart- j . . . C t b n ....1.1 n n, .w ; 1 .. a ' ,rs n " " i 1 '.'V BrV i 'V m elevnt'd. and a higher standard of . in- . cjil, ror.duet and duty has been firmly i rs'ah!i;hed. And to whom is all this due? We take it fti it 'he President 's worst enemy wiil admit that the achievement is more to be attributed to his calm diirnity. his j firmness, his intellizence and his courage than to anv other cause. He has buen a ! demanding implicit compliance with the h-.rger and essential features of his poli rv. Hp lias done this, too. in the face ; of difficulties which seemed almost in- ; surrrounati!e. 1 ne government Il?.fl L ne nw iTesioent -vas an exirirpem. atid he bad to encounter all the distrust which so rfien nteverfs tbe success of TP'Timentx. lie bad to disappoint a huge rummer of bis own ;inr ll -ctmg fo'lower' aril to push sf-adily on despi'e tbe hos'iti'v w' ieh sue disi pintmei t iova'ia'lv er-cp'-ilers. He had to sup press 'he crm hs. combat the extremis 3 nr d expose himse-f to all the opposi! ion. a- d indeed all the cvumnv. which cri"ks and extremists, when l.-fll il, are ever re oiv to d:rict asftins moderation and wisdom. Rot. in sni'e of all. it mu-,t be admit- tfd. Cnvr Clevdand h-asdone his duty and has ilnn it well. y. ". Star. t I hreatening ( loud to be e"en. Tlie most, co firm"-"! grumble :t tbe condition and i.rop ct of trade finds lit tle roc mp'ain of now, while t he tone of r";ir'v everybody in business is not only t opetu t n! buiyatit. . ..v , j ... ..)'iii n",,i'iin i.rT, v.1111 i (lie Inter-State Commerce iW is to go in'o effect, rail we. y men a-ho have care- j fully studied it and compared no'eg aie I m tp than everol opinion that it is eoinz to he a "rvieeaole measure, and will not l,e attended by ny revolution in rates, ks was predicted. Tlie possibility of merdian8 (o sfu,e in their transactions. The South and stations or into the towns with their produce. All of last year the towns lrihnQru in T'iflcl.nrrr n-nra nri.cr.orr.iia . . ar)rj Dongnt treelv. ihev are in even better financial condition this season, throuzh the general increase in business and business confidence. When trade fairly opens, the buoyant feeling of mer chants notv will tie justified. The large stock of pipe iron made in the winter was in anticipation of a large demand for it in the gas and oil trade, ar.d the indication is that the demand will be all the sanguine expected. The; labor which pipe laying will require will copTibii'e to the big aggregate of bnsi- ness which tbe city is promised from the Ciintry rmiril. Wasres in nearly every depar' merit of i industry are remunerative, and the dili- i multitude will have the means to pav liber-illv. There is not now a single thraten'n? cloud in the horizon, ar.d will not b if labor and capital maintain their good ' humor -Pitt.hurn Txm " i The war alarm in Vienna bns pro- dneed a tnss cf nampb'e's in which the ! uVMrrfr nnwer of !ip VMrions Continen- t fal armies is reviewed. One of thpse ' .rn-Mets. by a forrnpr Austrian Cabinet , punister. marshals the dfrman and A ns- I fri,n nrrn,C!, re Russian and! French, wi'b the fnHnwing fignrps i OoTnan snhliorq. sa." 000 : An to- j """ff'rian. l y.ti t.s4 : "''K'. inIM; ltni,n sotdTorq 000 000 : Frpnch' I crto 400 : total. 7.V2 m Corninr to tho prohpr,'o post of the war. tbe Ans- trirn rr-iniofpr tbpn comnnteq tht a ! s'niccr'e Mtpph France nod (Iprmonv i nh-iT-e wisnld cost t lon!t 200 000 00O. ! nliTfiio if tbp fenr conn'ripq foifrrif tbe i iV".m ei-.,1 rrt. fll cbort of ii fN'Mt 000 orm. TTv'-iTVorinrpd nn bis fman- j r-iqt Tiiirriioro, th A'iufrian s'l'miTi ! eoeptrjoc bs' Fnrnnpir) WHr totiM ' briic oo nrirfrflTl bqr.brimcy . j Tp N'r' V.rV Trihunf fiyps nn over ! :-.. e'Mmna of tfq va'nqWn tiwcn rr ' i,-"ti' 1" r Ii - f.n rT " i -q f f V o Coo '"n ' fi(?-r;?-."lrf ion TViooo T3rrr.rat frr,r.,in of ho hiir.,1 nhoronco nf n l'-rii,lort f,-i ia rjrfirv ftf eifit sor ! vi,-a rof.irm mur f- QomP comfort in r - T o rro trot .".O 000 npraor-o him Knan i inro'npd r '.fTifp. '-r,icr. ; o or? for i 0ci ro-r.th. so for pnb. worVin dir. j 10 fnr t""h "-orltiror bo.,r. '-,r, r , fi T,T,";V 'h2n : 'N- 4 of MarM,. 17." ' T.T!iormt S-e-crv M-r,nir r,. i.Trcion dooa no tih-m nfTnt .u , II ( '.'.fil ( I ' I on nii'iiwiinn wicn m cmon ,3 , virrnallv severed now. Acfncr Soprofurv , Faircbild is regarded as his probable Hue Mor. A rill to prohinit selling tobacco to minors was read in the legislature. Jt;I:u Hicrfttan Enters I lie Arena. LVtbs- Mr. R aire counters on J-e .a or Sherman'.-" proposed Southern ir'pwitti sr. nip n'-w device, the nron-iliilit ie-s are wrvsir ,t- i hat ho:.e.o John w ii I ratt ne most of the delegates from the South Vi the Rt-pub'icaii na! icual convent ion ; ;int if he does this, and hoids his own State, j ami C mei' n not! Quay band him over the Pennsylvania delegates, with scafter- ! it.c recruits from New England, New j V rk and the West, the probabilities are j very scion,- Air. Sherman i;i te tne Republican candidate. Mr. iJlal'ne just ', now seems to le a dwindling fo-ice. j I'robanly John Sherman has the -Beans ! at hai d tinsmcial and otherwise for ' more effective work for S.m'hern dele- j gates than any other II-epub' ican api- i rant, as there are scattered through the j South local leaders who held federal office under Sherman as Secretaiy of tlx ' Treas-is7. atid in the diabolism he pr.ic- ' ticed to steai the Presidency m 1S77, he put himself in accord w.ib the tasesC ; elements of ooii'.ical life m that, section, ! and was potential in putting np the re- i wards for the rascality by which be and I Hayes profiled. A great runny of these people have gnne into exile awd the state prison claimed others, but there are enough ieft to work up a pretty subs' an rial Sherman boom, e pecially as it is j understood be ia the choice of the mill- ' lonaires, who win pour out money to carry the initial contest for delegates. Mr. Sherman is the ah est aias of li e Republican party to-day, and its most expel ienced leader and tactical polili- cian. He will be a 3trong candidate, atid I Ivlw a-oni.l trivp the Den-flcmrs ' more tri)tible than the magnetic man tr."m Maine, whose humbug and magnet ism are becoming a trifle Ihreadliare. Sherman's weak point is with the mass es, and especially the laboring popula tion, which counts him as cold, selfish at.d devoted to the interests of the capi tal class. His gospel is that if the gov ernment ts'.Kes care of Jbe rich, the rich will care for the poor. Pitt. l'n:,t. The Responsibility Put on the Miner. The decision of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in the case of Roby is one of the highest importance to t tie coal miners of the State, as under it tin-can have ro rec uirse upon the companies for ir juries received by explosions in tbe mines. The court bol ls that the mine boss, whose duty it is to daiiy examine the mine and see that it is free trom gas, is a creaturp of the law, and ?f a company in selecting a boss uses reao; able cau tion, it is not responsible for 11 juries o the miners, resulting from his neglect. Reasonable caution in the se'ection of a boss, admits of wide latitude of inter- pre,ation, so that practically the com pa- , ti-.es are exempt from .lability tor injury t ord( .Ih M.NP.t J,v mine o'oti. m The responsibility for their safety is i put upon the miners themselves, who ; must inquire ino the fitness of tbe boss . for his pb.ee, and hold him strictly to bis ! dutiej. If he is not fit, or is negligent, ! they have tne right to demand his remo va), and. not txercisirg it, they will i have on ly themselves to blame in case of accident. The point of the decision is that the boss is not the agent of a prin cipal according to the ordinary rule, and that the principal is not hound as ordin al ly by his ac's. He :s the agent ia'h r of t he miners than of the company. It is Slid that incompetent mine bosses have been employed by the com panics 1 ecuse they e usid be bad at small cost. If any such remain in ollice it will be through the indifference of the mineys to their own Safety. Trade Hollars. The following is tiie full text of the Trade Dollar Bill, which passed bo!h ; Houses, and is now a law : i Ik it li'vAel , cV'c. , That for r. period of 1 s;x months after the passage of this act. United States trade dollars. If nit de faced, mutilated or stamped, will be j received at tlie ollice of the Treasurer of the United States, ip exchange for a like , amount, dollar for dollar, of standard : silver dollars, or subsidiary coins of the I United States. Sec. !. That the trade dollars received i by, paid to, or deposited with the Treas- i urer or any Assistant Treasurer, or any : national depository of the United States 1 shall not lie paid out, or in any other , manner be issued, but at Ihe expense of the United States shall be transmuted , to i.be coinage mints and recoined into j standard silver dollars, or subsidiary ; to n, at the discretion of the Secretary i of the Treasury under this act, but shall ' not be counted as part of the bullion re- :' quired to be purchased and coined into ; standard silver dollara, bs iequired by the act of f eb. -2, 17. , Sei;. That all laws and parts of laws I authorizing the coinage arid issuance of ' of United states trade dollars are hereby ! repealed. i The Mew Cabinet Position. The Senate on Thursday bwfore ad journmeut passed tbe bill creating the department of Agriculture, and making a new Cabinet office. Tbe weather ser vice of the Signal Service liureau is to be transferred to it. The bill creates an executive depart ment to be known as the Department of Agriculture and Labor, with a Secretary and Assistant Secretary to be appointed by the President I y and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Secre tary 13 to receive the same salary as tbe similar ieads of the other ex ecutive departments, and the Assistant Secretary the same salary as the Assis tant Secretary of the Interior Depart ment. The Bureau of Labor as now organized and existing, is transferred to j the Department of Agriculture. The i department is to include a bureau nr.der I the charge of a Commissioner of Labor. ' f he Western Corn Crop. There is a verv lisrht corn .rovement clo'hes under the impression that an earth in Illinois and ail the States west and luatfe was in progress. The cause was southwest of Illinois. Fully one-half of ! eP"dned by the wrecked condition of J, S. tbe counties of Iowa are importing corn , Ross' store. Cracksmen had blown ipen at from 33 to U) cents per bushel, and tie safe, tearing it to ptvses, wrecking the Vlls is a,so trufl of scattering counties in xnuiiiesoia, o 'aci.nsm ann tiiinois. in Decatur county, Iowa, 500 cars of coin, or an aggregate of ioO.OOO bushels have been imported, and in Madison countv of the same state hay lias been advanced from to fS per ton. The movement I of corn in Xehraska is fair, but many ; are deferred from sllina- by low prices, j and are holding rheir corn for an ad- rr"-"; aVerage rnCe f COm l 16 tO Jo CcLiS. I j " " : It is satd haf the marriage license law will be amended at ibis session of i the legislature, S" lhaf but one of the cocc'racfing parties will be required to appear before the Recorder to oltain the necessary credenjials. It is aiso proposed to so amend the law that Justices may grant permits. Their Rnslness Room Inf. Frobablv no one thing has caused such a serera, revival of trade at the drug stores of - E. James, of Eoensburg and W. W. Me Ateer, of Loretto. as their giving away to their cos ! tomers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. laeirtrade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always ! cures and never disappoints. Couahs. Colds, . Asthma. Bronchitis. Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. Yoa can i, v. . test i before buy ,ng b, getting a trial bottle free, large size $1. Every bottle warrauted. JKHS AM) ;THFK AOTIMfS. i Mrs K t-t, v. ife f JH-iislor Droit, died ! ill Wbsdimirlnf nal.irday eli:P2. -Mr. Mar? Ibmnen. of IuHois, wai in rentiy uwanfrt! fl. 200 t'oirageB by the . Cleaifieid c.uir.fy cmrt for injuries recelv- j ed by fait on a t!r'e;;tive sidewalk. A woman n. Well Pit i.iwnshrp, X. C, angry at i.er i u-i arni, ihiew the poker at i hi in a" l:e t-at l.i.: it.y ILeix Paby in !.if arms, ar.d it jilt ne iiaie line on the bead ami kil.fvl it At tin ate .f 120, tbere being absolrrly no doubt about ti.P figure?, Obaihau ViucenD has been forced to i nter the Cumberland, III., j out l.tmsr. I eca.:se rj.'iod and unab'.c tosnipoii I iu.-HI any ,'onxer. I -Jim:i DiiIjii, general utility man at the . Stewail Iron Woiks, Sharon, was puiieii ; thruutth a tra:n of rolls and rtariry kill 1 Sa'iiniav iiver.i'UB. He ieavete RTUWII-up ; fanjilj ii: ii; nlt-r:jt circurcsiaice. i j At a l.H"iin,j bee in a Connecticut town, I in wiiieli ti.e l.ui.-er wa- blinNileiJ and ?kkI 15 cenls lor emh hug. all went we uiitil one Horn l.jimr! that lie t.il beer li u u ging his i.wti wiie, when he gt ma! a:.d j demanded the return uf his 15 cent j Stephen H iitton. of the firm oJ MUts , Stu-iimr. & It.i , ot l. goiiier, was btrtu n . . d ! alrnst killed on Tuesday inulit by o-jrvut who had trok-n into tlieir furniture ;etJiy j for tools with which to burglarize t;ls: nouses. ... . . , At Ai.nar, Mi.-h , a lady saw an en tin Iiouse Wi.h a steeple, and ipnocently sed ; a gentleman atte-ni-K--.' : What c!iurh. is i that?" The gentleman, after reading the ' "Delutre No 3." replied : "I guess, it iMJ-t be the Third liabliht." On Tuesday nigh: while fishing at hrrfc : No. 5, Thomas IVarsr It and Frank Craw ford, of Hrownsville. Pa., Were lrowiMri. The men were in a small boat which -v.. ' swamped by the "back lash," ,f the DiKi'v The bodies have not been recovered. Mrs. J.ii-iips Kreenland, of Warren, P.-,. cover. d her infant with a cju ilt in it s crad: ( on Saturday evening. After doing her lion-. ! woik.she was horntied to find it had beer.; almost bii.othered. Mednal aid was at one. sutnnioiied, bjt ihe little one di.-d a tevs' hours iater. j At C' nthiaua, Ky., I'au King, caohiKi j of the Faiuiers' National Bank, commit:. ; ! suiel-le by shooting himself through the tem- J pie with a revolver yesterday, ile v. short in his a.-counts about. flO.OOO. j leaves a wife and four children id fcood c.r- .' j cumstances. i J Frank Uarrello. was strnck by aba.-kinsj ;' i freight o.r nt Waif'.! Ttm v;utt,.,o.. ... i cut to iM.es. kSonie ,)f IIarr;flM.s r.ri. ,cl, ... 1 1 "c "-"" i '"I"""1' "r the disaster, and would have killed bun j but f,'r ,!ie Intervention of tbe police. D - ) ceased leaves h wife and f. mily. j At a prayer meeting heldatNew Ilaiiii,- ! shire, Aden comity, t)., Saturday nim I James Cooney siirped up quietly behind ; ,n.t .ff I a revolver, both taking effect, one of them I indicting a fatal wound, in Meffert's head, j Ihe quarrel was overs young ldy who.n ! th y both wanted to take home. ! The boiler in Thompson's tub factory at Ithica, Mich., exploded on Tuesday af .er- j noon with terr.flic forces. Fireman Iloiien ' Morton was kil.t d instautly, Orren Harvey ( died shortly after te.e explosion and Charles Wilson is so tadly injured that he cannot ; recover. A number are missing and it is I feared they are buried beneath the ruins. Walton and Green, two convicts in j ?be Lancaster county prison, on Tuesday procured the keeper's revolver and defied the authorities, and held the fort all nliilit, but surrendered VV.?.tnesday morning. Dur ing the night they attempted to tirea throiiL"h the wall but were unsucnssfui. They have been placed in solitary conGrt ment. Miss Sadie Gallaher, aged is years, em ployed as a domestic iu the family of Mr. Moore, a Wilkinsburg groeei, was nearly burned to death, Tuesday forenoon, by hei clothing taking fire from a stove in the !auo dry, where she was engaged in ironing some clothes when tbe mishap occurred. At latest accouuts no hope was entertained of her recovery. An accident occurred to the train on the Peniberton A Illgiitstown Railroad at Snar- i on N. J., on Monday night, in consequen.-w of a broken rail. Tbe mall car and passen ger car were thrown from the track and the ' former burned and all the mails destroy;!, i A. A. Perry, of Liinhtstown, was fatr.lly i injured, and Ievi Wilson, of Camden, con ductor, seriously, if not fatally, hurt. ! On Sunday niyit Mrs. Smith, a widow, who lives south of Indianapolis, Ind.. -tth her grandson, Cornelius E. Sutton, a vountr , boy, was awakened by some one demanding j admittance. Sutton was also awakened and ! warned the intruder away. Instead of leav- ' ir-.e, however, th man attempted to eain ' an entrance tbTough a window. t3tton ; fired through tbe glass and the felloe went away. The next morning hi9 dead body was found near the gate with a bullst thro' his heart. His Identity is unknown.. At Catsford, Lawrrence county. Pa., on Tuesday, Samuel Smith, aged 12, bad seme difficulty with a neighbor named Hammond, and aimed himself with a revolver and went to namrcond's, followlnp him Into the house, Hammond reached for his riflp, but Smith fired and killed bim. "lanunond's wife and children then attack 1 the mur derer, but he sooi fatally wcnrted Mrs Hammond, and 3S tbe children attempted t escape, he felled them botb with a ballir.i wounded them so badly that they may not recover. On Monday morning at an early hour the town of Mill Village, Erie county, was shaken to its foundation by a terrific deton ation. The people rushed cat in their nijht.- building nd breaking the glass in a number of other buildings. The burglars got bnt f 10 and did several thousands worth of damage. The work is laid to local talent. The steamship City of Chicago, of the Inman Line, ran ashore on the outer barop- posite WesthamptoD, L. I., at 2 o'clock on Sunday morning during a dense fog. Her 3iKBais of distress were answered by the Iife Saving Station crew. Despite ,. . ....... their utmost endeavors, the lifd-savers were unable to reach the vessel, the waves cap- sizir,K the boats every time. A large mortar WAS fired and a tine thrown over the shin hot Just as it wa3 oeing secared it parted. At 12: 30 noon the tide changed and the steamer floated off and steamed away for ( New York city, uninjured. i Judge Meriwether, of Newton poncty ; Ga., is a party to perhaps the most singular . line of matrimonial coincidences on record. I When quite young men he and a Mr. Levett . married rlmiohrora of th. lata r;. v... . dreW. Irj conrseof After a few years both men married again Ih!r MmnJ M. . !. BI"l - - , . v v, ni.ca .im uvuia; sisiertj. it was not a great mc.ny years before both genteimen were widowers for the second "mf " Rut th"y Were 91111 of the Pin,on " w" . " ' f betook tnern9elve3 t0 matnmony : this twmTter i n marriages-they married twin sisters. Judge Meriwether is a widow- er for the third tlm9 QNLTf $20. This St5l3 FiiMelpMa Sumer. f-7 - 1 " k fH Im r roillT :itn-- lirti rom 840 to $'10. A Com-' pie ft -t "f hTt;-Tti- 0i rarh ttitifliine-. AbK Juljiiiti Unit!-: . .I"hiw-ri Tnrker, ami box ef Kuur f. IUVS TRIAL in yiur f ti iM-'w I t r-- vmi tn r ut. Kry XDarhitit- V A list M i l I OK Z YKARS. C. A. H (WIPAXY, 17 cvrtli UHli S t- I'Siflatlelpbia, Pw- BROWN'S r IRON rTTERS tvfLL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS a.vd FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY FAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS THc Genuine has Tra 3e Mark an J crocked Vjcd Xadcs o& wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. -ViKNTS WANTKLX I.'eiuuner.live . . j.V.m, nt ..ireTsd eaerstle r. ii .Mi- ii.. n. .1J , Secnrity ViM 3aieflt ' Socisty, 233 Brcr.dwaj, ew Yolc. B!a;i'Tr., Ja., Lies' ?eminarT. IV -OH ert i -te.n. ii. txwrii. i. u !..-. i-iTim .. ii., 'iiltlirir bat " '"' ''' '-ct " i. l 'rnich iavtrac t,r ,. ';.a,..;,;. r uTai.ohei-ruom, oi. n . "mjular ot.orie 72-33 Pim YEAR. ' ' .!..-. ;n Ar .. ."Marfo. Thl-Tty-t.- r ,t .t . ;.jt. ylT latJoicu. .iv. 1. J. tWlM4. If. D.r I - r-rinc-tp&I. .".Ui . . . appiy J,..j CLCv T-.t- i. tatii'T. s .y. 'C ' D n:.?0THY SEED, '".i - T'tl'-r. I) J 1 n mi.. ; m ii. 1 - jr l ui vi.tt .-t i r Ieln,:toi.; 3 5 st Year. TEE Y LEAD ALLs 1886 UGH'S Pill";! Pt: ' 1. VIA V.' w Spc:::-r ' .i duub uieai 'viPuW Bones j: Se?d Leaf Tobacco :SiOGuano ::i " Fertilizer EMl8PIiosphate i '5 Piiosphate :') ?calnral Chemicals i ai-.ciwmpW. AfldrMB y, est i ni lsn n is.5 " e i r w .a. i ECC D:.: iiidelpliia, Pa.t U. S. A. ' and The Cosmopolitan The harf'w-me:t, most mffrtairring. Ww price, illustrated family mat7ine iir the world. tti.aO per year, with a. premium free.) Srxtv-four beaut fully prir.ted paRes in each number, filled with short stsriev sketches, travels, adventures, hripht and br-ef scientific and literary article, by distinguished American and foreign writers, such as Julian Hawthorne, Harriet Prescott Spoflord, Choree Parsons . La'.hnp, Louise Chandler Moulton, J Mae donald Oxlry. Ei!a Vv'heeler Wilcox, H. H. Bovesen, Ca:herine Owen. tv. R. Heber Newton, Atphonse Dsudet, Paul Heyse. Count Toltc, Th. Dostoirrlty, Willram We.t:il! acd lany others. AIo enrerutinine JIVKMI.I, and invaluable MOI SI-lllO LI) departments. One or more illustrated articles and several lull page trujravings n eery number. A Shannon Letter tad Bill File or a Shannoa Shet-Music Binder Frte to every Subscriber. These premiums sell mm everywhere for &Z;2S each. The File is the mt perfect device ever ravent etl for the preservation and t lassjfication lalpfcabetic aiiy and accordmp date) of all letter, bills, etc. Any paper can be .eferred to. taken out and put back wsthout disturbing the cHhers. With tee Hinder oee can insert or t..ke out rw flu--- i i ATV .. ti 925. d'sturbtntr anv rrhrr sh-t 0tt SAMPLE COPY at NEWS ST AND or end 20 Cet to publishers. TAirria. e:j costitisssrs pah. Schlicht & Field Co., Rochester, N.Y. f tt IN f' , 7 -sT. i V .-j. il . v A z toys - s - -T Newark. N. i. 1 ir- '"-- I -' - i-'-'f i i ii..s-;,.. '...iryiiola;.; i.. i...Vj SiiiUi. Pre. tOLLKI.E, NEWARK, EW .IFRSFY. fVo-ioies thre. BniVdlns. I.arff.-t nnd r.rt More positions for Bradoats in a! other m 1 ool"s cm biUfl. l.iro ' trsrnp . w rite f jr c irrnlHrs. COLE.M AS, PALMS A CO.. ! ...r.etors. --jySl.:::-.- ..;.:: .j::".:::.cvir.iti.nilvl ri'rp.I'(.(xt ri'itiitrrr I'r.i.in oistu-ti. -."nil fi.r circular. 1tsTf..Ml4 AIIVaHli.lS . r,,:ull ad Dress ;r.itUK f. HOWELL .1- t o , 10 Sprnoe Street, Xew Yk city. Fob Select Ijst orl, 0x i:n.,rivr.i Will be sent free on api-Jrcatloiv. Jan. II 'ST T.L kinds of Job work net tt rt ex peditiously executed at ibi3 Cjce.; mm riEmiJ kjAAs CARL H I V I iT 1 1 JB PRACTICAL 1 TT"k TX AND DEALER IN- Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY, Silverware.- Musical Instruments INt) Optical Goods. Sole Agent l'OK Tilt: Celebrated Rockford 1 Yvvvrer-nis. Columbia and Fredonia Watches. In Key and Stem Winders. CA!'.GK:SELKCTION of ALE KTII.-. of JEWELRY always on hand. ( My line of Jewelry is unsurpassed. ; (' me and see for janrelf before purrhas ' i 9ii els where, i 1 ALL WOHK (iUAKANTKFDJVJ CARL RIVINIU.S. Ebensburg, Nov. 11, lSH.x-tf TVt" A T5 T.TTT MAOAZIKTE Fr ;a"p or sma'l pam' calibre. 40 pra!n p iWiJt: Sh HJ ai. ft) fzr. : 45 ta! To ni k.Sirr. 1 !, sironr'-M sirot:ni: IVrf.., t ai curocv pnarante'i and trie r-n'v aDsoluie. j PV l .lc-S M ap V JK r: . II,-. for ?fiTt 8ht--t:riir. iiiiti:rte. au i KUfM'tiDU t.i .erif. Iourt-tn different atjlt-s, pn;s fr-m 1YIARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., iwo ta-yots male wun cup or r anpf lirTv sh'iT-: l ivi a.rt'a 'v bti nreu fhota. The- rrtnraTy rT nearly a.l are a. ways ac-iruraie anu rt-.iu . leaston Fire insrace km General Insurance Agenl, s, l. ja?is'.)i, t. i. my a. w. Bick. Jolmston, Buck & Co., lUVUV'Iv lilt SI, Ebensburp:- Ia. KIone7 Received on Depsit, pAr iHi r. ox iiEWAsn. IMEUESI ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS COLLECTIONS MADE AT AL". ACCKSSIRLB TOlTTrP. I) IZ A FIT); on the rrim-ijml Cities nought and Sold anil a &Mfal EaniiDE Ensiness Transacted. ACOOTHTS SOLICTTKTi. A. W. BITK, Cashier. In!t.urif , April 4. l?4.-tf. rollclt written at sbort mlce In tlie OLD RELIABLE "ETNA" Anrd ollr First l'la Companlet. rr. W. DICK, E"T rOR THE fT u iiiulii men j r, MMItM'Kli Bfl'i.M-sS 179-4. Etecpt)ur. Jmy "l. ISsj. ! TT II. ?d"YFRs. 1 II. ATTOKXliY-AT-LAW, PiniiT'SBCBo, Fa. ir-Offir in Collonade Kow.jn t'entre street. GEO. M. RE ABE, ATTOKNET-iT-LAW, TKrvsBrR, Pa . ' r-offlce on Centre .'tree, nr.. hi :i M. D. KITTELL, EBEXSBt'KU, PA. Office Armory Buildinit, "iiv Court Honoe, JPARM FOR SA1.E1 A valuable (arm sltnaled In Alleicheny town fhip. Cambria rounty adout fire milef from F.henabure and two and onelialf miles trcm Ixiretto. n.ljolninir land? ol Janie Kflylur, W. S Muck, aBi;i asbers eontatnlnK ABOUT fOO ACI1F5S, Having tbereon erected a fine H RICK liWEL.lv 1N(J H(,f"SK, larire barn and nil neoet'ary out bmldlnKF. Th farm la jr. a fine condition, build ings all in irood order and It will ,-e sold on eaer terms. For further particulars cull on the nnder- lined on the premfjes. Junes, issa. M. I-. 1K1SC' ILL. ADM I N IST R A TO R -S N OT IC K . Kftate of Faeic fl. SmiH, drctaffii. IeMers of adtninlstrsiion mm t'ttftmento mnntxo bav(sir Iwfn itranted to the underslrned. ail per sons indebted to the sa.d etate are recjueted to maita pnTnint. and Th.e hsviny claims to pre set:, the fame without rte'av to JOHN V. SMITH. Adra r T. A., Kunster Twp.. Jan. 2!. 187 -6t. STAR SHAV1HG P&BL0R1 9pfit jldutitiii Rjoic, iiiLliijd's Bsiliiiat. HIGH STREET,EBENSBUR6, VJ J. II. OANT, Proprietor. I rHE PVBL.lCfwiIl alwayffind V at onr plk I 1 of business In fwisiDe.s hours. Kerythin k nw ana cosy. i-Lits tovils a spicialti. FOIiVLE. A valuable Hotel property known as the Blair House, eltuaied lathe West ward of Ebenslurtr Pa. For funkier particulars sall on or address the nndersiuned. JHN . HLAia. - Ebenebura:, Maj 17, ls. . i I 4 HTFBTI.WRS by aidresslnir Cie. f. i JY Rowell o., lOSprace St.. New Tork can learn tbe xact cost of any proposed lire o AIVERTI-slrir In American Newspapers. IOO Pare ih let loe. Tte American Estoctire Bnrsan, MaIbv Oflrea, 94 and OH Dlamoiid M ., tbllshed 1SS3 by Iiivld H. (JilSinson, TT. S. (Kvv't Peteetlva Oruaniied aid conduct ed on te system of C.ie 1 nitea Slates Secret svrvie. Confidential As-ents In all the Princl-jm-l COies of the L'nlted States and Canada. H. H. Ollklnsoc, Principal and Hen Sapt. Herr Meltowell. Superintenderr. Drfmnt: Jsinei J. Hrooks, Ch.f Se-ret NPT- , nr.,. Ulilill imiwii, niivnii:. r... nr mi imu, . ' view UlTlsion, Wascinitton, U.C i euhr. Send tor I lr ' 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Tettars of dmtnlCra3ioB on the estate of Peter tttalo , Sr . late ot H-.rr township, Kbrla county, rfeeeased. having been granted to th nnderslrned. all persons lndohtea to sail estate are hereby notified to runke payment without de lay, and all those having claims aeainst the sarae will present thjm, properly authenticated for settlement la MICHAEL, TX)WNY. Adm'r ol I'cier Maloy, dee'd. Harr twp., Dec. 17th-lH -t. &GEUTS WmTm'OTD"?.8COTr8rsn'1. nanitUfui Electric Corsets. tolbvee-becumiL.a; apciili.. OUKk Sales. lemuTV Ki tySati-aclls.n a-uarantee.1. Ae4- DR. SCOTT. 842 Broadway. NtW YORK. 4 f Tin t -r p&&. ' IM 1-.- -r" IT ; ci'. er.; rlil Bia-le tale rl.lo on tnc moi- fiar.pt imr mwA T. A 1 i calilr-s t r m 22 t" 4S !-a' in $r.w up. ta f-.-r r..ut-atf.i riu'.t-rw. - New Haven, Conn. : ca lor nni twenty rn-ijtive sri'-ts nnci xwnty civ : e srir.ts parnnr Murine t: r.i'- ve I jjf at larg ; iuali;: cys V? nl c r..an tii prize i ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE, IN C'H A RrJE.BP FRANCISCAN IfflOTIIKRS. lioard anJ Tuition for the St-holastic Yetir, 5 00. Maoli i"":h. is- . t'. RtT. J. F. F"T A K. T. V. ITf;"r' T1KT I 1 LI SUPERB fTu icny rl'-r-n ln r.'D- TiTa rt T. & f-. ' i. . - 1 lillMru., Addrrr-VfcJr.V.:'n.-L . - ! & to iM.cltm'r . - . - . .txhiutrlon I . S..n,. Ill I I U I'l Ml e -.I...iit!r.MTTd Ut-ni 1 IK t i lii i un l untie l CatarrHT CREAM BALM. CleaiiM. tl. I I .",.!. A 1 1 .-, v Infl.'i in at ;o n . Henl t li S.,,,.. I I :!St . r-f - tli. Senses i t .. . -nr,.- -r. lis . A iniolv ltf-li' ltu U51 MAY - Di i -. i t i 1 1 fc J A particle ! a -oe.l Into erb c :r '.- r-t ' aureeftt-ie. I r:ce t .-t!t at t ''ui: a .-' - : ' '' -.1 reif i-ner-1. f-' etr. ir'-ular ire. KI.Y 11.' lruiii-t'. I eco, N Y. iURRIAGES, WAGONS & imWi. Carrias? Makin? in all iis Bnjtthti Pa 7 n f ir?g, Trim m iv rf and REPAIRING of all kinds done oa the SHl.KTKST NOTICE and tbe Li'WliJT TRICES. Also. Plantmt. Sawing and Woo 1 Tti.-3- Ir with improved maehlr.err. Alio, all k:tii -f heatjw:rt iiCf. I ur iik-e .rr.ith fhep c. i.nectei All parties trusting tue with work will l e - ajf- ably dep.lt wltb- All work wan-an'e I. ... . , I'. X. I'Ht'TE. thensburg. irt..bcr 'J4. 154. Ql WJTHIS C SHOETI ll'tK-Sll ADtlV.: lonnr Sea. l Boys. Sella. Tfti 12 roilot iron) PtiOa leliMa.- Fixed pr- c. T.--S every expense, eren t.. k?. jlc. n f T;-m , . srtf". Jo Incidental fipenw No i xanOriHticn :! mis n. I welve n;r enred tf,c(r a 1 il t, ar.d all praduMtes Sfeeial cpj i rtunu - io t stodenta to advanc th pid It. Specini .!ri 1 : r doll and backward V,. '"atron is-- -::.. may seleet any studies i.r ehoofe the rwclhr 1 ' lish . Selenttne, Knslaea. Ciassteal or ( :;vii 1 to. r.e rB CMir'e. Stadnl titled at "ejia A i l ea y are m w In Harvard. Yate. Pr!r.-t n ac.i t. n other I'ollejtes an i Pi lvtc-boic S.-ho. Ii 1 Hi dents sent to v ll-ce tn IM. is In 1"s. 1 i ;r. 10 la la. A grAluatini class in the otu'rercsi ds.artment evry year. A Phr,ir! ar.,1 fhvtn-i-al laboratory, ill mns!um and l M Or -u i. 144 vols, added to the I.it.ra-y In .. 1e.: a has seven chur.ihes am a tetn;.e-n -e rlu-o r hich prohibits the sale ol all irr xl.'s.fr Irinks. Kor nw ii;i.tmte1 r-r-n ar add-eo t'. Ir'nclpal and freprietor. S W 1 TH I X . I ' Hi'hr LillMlE, A. M., (Harvard Uraduste: Media, la. NATURE'S CURE FOR CONSTIPATION, t HllUlll. KtHEn. For Mrk stnaaarh. For Tort I l iver. Bilious Hi adarhn, Costiraes, Tarrant s) tfrrvraeaat Sf-ltT'or. Arsi"ifnt. It Is certa'n tr. iu effo- It is (tctitKv in its actl . It is paU'.eab'.e o t: 9 taste. :i can b relit 1 upon to ra-p. ar.l It rar'-j f y cq. trus, not y cruraa--intf, nature, m, T.fd t.. vl.-ieiit puratlv. j-v selves or a Mow vi.nr oh'l- Sick-Heariacn9rD dren t take thi. aiwuyf Uiis e'.en int 1 1 sr maceatlcal pr-earati-n, A!r hlcb has t.en t.-r n: re thn ffxrty yer a pu'-i ) favore. Snl4 J. (f rw..'y o.'S f rerwr. DYSPEPSIA. ALESMEGV WANTED. to canvas for the Sile of Nursery t Stealf en. I lo v r ent cusrcrti e1 s i.aht ami Ft rF.NSES. Paid. Apj-.y :;t "ire satit-e a:e. (keter to thi raiei. ( HAS DIK. Feb. 2.". Jm. Rorr.ster, N. Y. M IEI. FOR NAI.K.-Tl.c nndersign- . . ... u-s 7" ' ' " l.rr "' -.-. " "'"-.I ,u ....i. . ....... . . westofSt Boni1.-. II.. -oii hs a 1 i-.'t ov.r- sbot wheel and a mri'Dlur ins, i,..-..l a new. II -aired I will ell the noil e-ervit:if the bui! I r.i and around. SEHASTIAN HOI.TZ. Jann.iry 2".', ISst. nt VIRGINIA FARMS FOR SALE. V v lariuv. :0 te Iu. m a ir. ai It to I a'-r. 4,.wnl mark".. ht-.iii:y iituaic-. ra- " ie rrr.Kts. W.i'i, (or t iculr c .u::i ' vfipti .ii. S. rr. Ill H ,1 WIO ' I, . ii R V ti i S Vj i h I D J"iai'". w.tu.i :.l. bet kao.ii twrrir . m taeomn try V - bWwiU I.-7TJ S. I oejsled l;ili'''-l s.,,1. S' tllllll.llfn-lll.V). Best Xia Tlio x7orlcl. naaaa.iuiRi