The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, February 11, 1887, Image 2

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    ! I
i i 111 iV1 1 'l Yt'tx ill! lv
'UUlvVUv HtmUU i
- - i
The l'rohibitorv Amendment bill
pa-ed the Ilmse Ht Ilarrisburg, on
Wednesday, liua'.Iy, by a vote of 1:)0 tc
Tiik Interstate Commerce hill has
been .ipproved by the 1'resident, arid
vs i I t if'' : (!. tt ot ir.i' curs' of
III I-: .it-L to .t cure ton.ariw-.! umiihi
their separa'e earnings nnd to enable
them to beooiue liib It- for the payment
of debts. jMs.ed tii aP in the
Ib.'iie on
Tue lav. .
to r;..!i'
be -!
t ion at
over tlii
i'4 ; ioi
ib i nit'
Hi! Tic M..I'
rr ince. nvi
i.tVl-'er.-. It
..r:n- are
is -fC Mid
; hough It
i ;he r!ec
ri'l j in
i extmd
f..r b-.c i! .
AKh r-f
I J, W 1. (".'
ir.lli;ei:ce i
Thk 1M,19 irej.eialls is i n's;.. ken in
Coiid-lima? ion of the Additional Magis
tra'esbill f r the cltv ot Philadelphia,
and Gov;? nor Heaver, who has :,!'!x( d
his s'gi.Vur- ".ieto. : openly r roved
for his act. It augurs ill for the new
State Administration.
Tn f. ctasional rift in the Furopean
war clond never ce'.s w ide enough to let
in the sunshine f efore it closes up darker
nnd rn. re lowering than ever. "Whether
it w;!l linally descend in torrents of fury
or kriadu iHv blow away and ch ar IT, is
a .piestii c t'me wi'l settle.
Wiikn the Commissioners of I ho new
In'ei-'ate Commerce law bi gin to
grope !hiir way throimh i's intricate
tn.i"S. they will rial -' that this is a
great ountn, with many conflicting
in'erests. and to adjust mat tt is rightly
will I r qnire wis discretion, th ronyli
in vo iiraiion ard label lo'is appMc i.
; ion.
lit i i;i:-i:nt ativk Cai.i.A'.iian", of
"Wes moreli.nd. lias thrown down a
challenge to any advocate of proliihition
in the ""ate to prove that it is not an
infringement on our inherent right of
liberty, w hi'e he promises to pr jve that
it is, and also will undertake to prove
that it is not temperance, and is an out
raeeor.s proposition. Here is a chance
for some enthusiastic prohibitionist to
air his ari;iirnenls and e'ther quash the
deiiaiit Representative, or get quashed,
Tiim:k are three liquor licence bills
before the f.egiphit ure the I'.rooks till,
the Feeds 1 and a third which is said
to have the npprov.l "of th0 Auditor
General's department, which provides a
unit'otm of r.Km. one-half of
wlo'ch the S'ate is f.i nceive. and the
other half to en to the county or city in
which the license is collected. The
II mnl; g bill requires a license ()f from
ijt'.oi) to ft;: n.i. The bill int rodm-ed by
Feeds almost entirely cot lines itself to
the fixir'g of license rates according to
the annua' silos mad'-. The highest
iate is cl ooo for "ab s of .-Io.hiii and
and h-
down to S'.ihi f.-r ales of fl (hmi
Tiik iinna nse !o?s entailed on lain r
by strkfs car. 1 e partially comprehended
when ho large n;i:::t e; of men thrown
out of employment thereby is consid
ered. I i:r:r rt I inn irv t here were about
7 i n i wot k i'.fr ni "ii out ii" strikes. Since
the last of the mon'h :d .uir P'.mii) I.ave
struck, rrrikiri the i'grejate now on
strike at-out --or.i. to which rny lie
added atv ut 1". o"o workers in f i"?oties
and nv"s, which have been stopped for
want of roa This makes over Iihi.hiki
working men ami women idle to day by
the various s'likes, bep.c: a loss of at
least .t12",ooi ier tlay to laV'or. while
the indirect losses entailed on thousands
.)f oti.ers will tl inble the estimate.
TliK terrible railroad disaster which
occurred shortly after midnight, stur-
day morning, at the White River bridge wi,n a11 nis might, and the army con
in 'die town of Fndon, on the Central j tractor adds a new smile to his hopeful
Vermont, is another of those appalling j
ifri,ler:t5 hirb spom in nann tn :
leriodical exactness every month ov
iftener during the winter season. The !
auses may differ ; a broken rail, a
urste.l wheel, a defective road beil, an i
nsafe bridge or a collision, but the hor- j
Me detai's of the results ; the crushed
d imprisoned passengers, the groans
' arjonv and the turning of the victims
e very much the same. In this wrek
. !pasf forty lives were sacrificed ; many
f them burnp.l and charred beyond
cognition, while others were terribly ,
atig'ed by the j.rpcipitation down the
vpnty foot rocky gorge from where
ie cars left the broken rail of the track ;
n which thy were speeding at the rate
f forty miles per hour. The thought
ccurs, where will the next railroad
isaster te and who will he its unfortu-
late victims. With grave dotibts we '
ot there'll be no more. ;
Titk increasing independent attitude
f the partisan press is one of the
"althy political sign of the times.
he" the officials of a party are no
lger defended by its organs dmply
cauae of their politics, V ey begin to
alio that evrn tl eir prtrtv friends
nsitler tf em the srvantsof the people
large. No party 'can afford to put
"n in oflice who think more of their
rt than of their countiy. FoyaUy to
. party is commendable, ar.d he who
rves hH eonrtry best is most loyal to
s partv divested (.f its bossism and
indie element. The latter attachments
re the funpus growth nurtured by a
mg lease of jwo.ver. coupled with a tils
'gard of the pc.-ptp'g Interes's. Four
ars ago the eople of Hie ruling party
' this Commonwealth applied a remedy
remove the excrescence formed on
dr party, but recent mar.ife-tations
ve shown that the remedy only gave
lporarv relief. The same old troub'e
. returned to plague its honest mem-
. and will continue to, do so until
' tually eradicated. Like any other
J-seated diseasp, it will require a
'inual application of the remedy un-
10 vestige remains.
Tl!E iVTisvlvania F-gislature has
' vi.'.ently taken an extravagant mm,
which, like the national pension I iiFi
r.tss, snoir.i n nu a "ce i
and take breath. Frovislon if m:vl for
the increase of the salary of th- Oeputy
Attorney General from ?l,s0!) to .?J,rXi.
' he a'.i.ry of th superintendent of the
Arsenal fr.nn ?1 lot I t.. cl So", a-..! ihe
sa'aiie-s .d the watchm-n at 'he Arsn al
irom -tTpO hi -'.'hia y.t-ir. I h.-:-fit alt d
four ...dices in iphia a: cii.ix-.V
(r ich a year. Las authoCz tl th-' panien'.
of .hrui' SiVi.OoO to . Pl -ers -ami f-inj-Ioj t s
of the legislature of ls '. r;
! ;. ! ',"vr r.ioi I '.it .is.::: t.-ht! : -I t
wt-ie rii.t t-ntii tl ur.ier the lav,
lli.:e Hie l.i'U r.uv pending ' lil '
m: ion ot six new Judges oi the
Common Fl-as of this s r.te, :u.i
Orphans' ('out Judges, which.
jM-i"i.l, will increase '.he of
Judiciary fi:! no" a year.
1 ' v
:i c-
t wo
The recni, railroad !i -rror in fr-
niollt ha.J revived n" l.-C UiSloil on tlie
feasibility doinK away with coai and
woo.i Ft. VL3 for heatirs.' tlie coaches.
Mr. I'lil'man s;.ys hea in?; t y s'eain I'.iua
locomotive boilers is impossible, and he
d. esn't ser ni to stand alone in this
c.pinion, but there are many other me. fi
nds of heatirg cars veiy highly recom
mended, which at the outset might
prove expensive, but for the sake of
avoiding the terrib'e holocausts which
accompany almost every wreck, tte
companies should be willing to spend
some money. Tlie additional sense of
security the at sence of the car stove
wouol i-ivr the p.'io:s of a lai'nvd
would more than repay the expo se t.f
niakii g the change. On this sip .pot
the Philadelphia remarks, "it is
al. in time for '. he oi .; manly pi i. dent
mor'al whom business or neiessity com
pe's to travel, to provide ;mon the ihle ar'itrles with which l is
trunk or valise shall be picked, an i tide -struct
idle urn in which his ushes may be
sent to his Ii ieii'ls for s-; ui: or". "A't at
ever his views of cremation af'.'-r a nat
ural death may be, it will be wish for
him to prepare o be cremated alive if
he must tr ivei.
Tur: Prohibitory Amendment bill
piiss'-d the second r. adiug in the House i
on Tuesday eveiiing. An attempt was
ma. In by Mr, Mackin, of Philadelphia, to
amend the bill with the compensation
clause, but It was voted down bv a ma- .
jority of seventy live. Mr. Mackin field !
that owing to the immense amount of
capital inves-ted in the liquor industry of
Pennsylvania, some compensation should :
be ofTered for its destruction ; that the
House has voted favorably on the com- i
pensation idea previous to this, and it :
rf mains to be seen if it will do so this
time. Mr. KautTman. of Lancaster, said '
there was no choice for any Republican
but to carry out the plank in the Repub
lican platform: that no damatres were
awaided when the carril superseded the
stasie coach, or when the railroad super
seded the canal. Mr. Showalter, of
I5utler, declartd that as members sworn
to obev the Conslinti..n. thev must o-i-f.
the people a chanc" to amend their own
Constitution. Mr. Ca'lagl tn ch'imcd
the atten! ion of t y "nrapdirg
the bill as nn outrage, t" cause i' createl
a monopoly, because it wvs impossihlc
to stop the manufacture, n:-d bee-: us-:
contrary to ur ins1 itnt iot s. He conclu
ded by saying : "I'toliibfon failed i"
Ine fi .id. n of Fop." Mr. Poirrs, i
Ilrie, based 1: :s ;.(.' e nrii's! !: ( 1 -ag'-ofthe
;(-.. 'u. ion i u 'he I'.rni beliid
that it was ,t .Rn t'. vio'ali n ol the t il:
id righ!. He acknowledged the !;. i. r
tiatlic had brought odium upon si-if,
but we did not dare to allow ourselves t o
be s. bin, .led ?.s to 1 i?e sight of this
abstract question. The question of this
inherent riarh.t was never meant to be
submitted fa a popular vote. lie con
sidered it. only one step further to
abolish priva' . ownership in land : that
in fact there was no difference between
annihilating the rieht to the soil itself.
Tiie very air about Washington has ! Fkf.k r.vs
been laden with tlie scent of biittle for st rarer" ph;is
some time, and the necessity of having i
our coasts fortified immediately, against
sudden forejern attacks i3 urged with the
greatest avidity. The inventor of de
structive war equipments is at work
countenance as he reads of the letters
received bv Senator I n calls com men d i n t ,
him for his bellicose utterances. Our:
defenceless seacoasts are about to be i
lined with plates of armor, imperious
and impregnable war vessels are about j
to lie put atloat on our waters : torpedoes, ;
dynamite, improved arms and all the
modern appliances for striking terror j
to the heart of a foe and carrying death ;
ami destruction with them are being
manufactured for tlie great affray. Of
course there is more or less hunccmbe
in all this war agitation. No one who
has for a moment considered the matter
gravely can believe we aie in any serious
danger of an international strife. The
simulated war clamor has spread itself
over the whole country, and white we
would naturally expect the States along
the roasts to be the most interested, yet
the leading agitators, with the exception
of Senator Fiye. are from the interior.
Senator Teller, of Colorado, in admon
ishing his associates of the bd policy of
reducing the Treasury surplus by lessen
ing taxes, and of the urgent need of
money for military defenses, told them
of the superior armaments of other na
tions of the world. I5ut would Senator
Tel'er have this country imitate those
nations of the world in other lespects as
well as in their armaments ? For e.x-
ample, IFussia. with her 1 ,f h m l.t n m i mm
in arms is wallowing in accursed pover
ty, with her finances disordered,
currency inflated an irredee mab'e paper
ard her army an incongruous mass of
treason and corruption. Italy has an
army of "Vio.oiki, and the masses of her
people ar reduced almost to beggary.
If ti,e peopleof these coutitnes had their
choice they would disband their armies
and have the idlers in camp and garrison
return to productive' pursuits. An in.
'ustrious' halfy and prosperous people
nave rut nine to icar from invasion m
this age of the world. Fetter have our
country teach by example the grandeur
cf inherent strensfh in the people.
RmsU has a strong government because
of her standing army and a wenk people.
Our government is strong because it
partakes of the Immeasurable stre.ugfh
cf the jieople. "
A !form in IMvorces.
A bill ;r"is' 'gto n n.ed ' he divorce I as been h.t rod need in the
Ass'in'ov t' Mr. Wherry, o! Ciitnber
land cmoty. and r"nnl tavorardy by
coiommee. It is a drastic measure, but
caret nil v preptr-d. mid if marie a law
uj I pa! n'i to 'tie well advertised
h iiH".-o or securing divorces spedi!y,
,-t Mp! a. .J ivtUi-u: puonci'v. It pro
vi 'e. al-'V'itr'i tint no divorce -ha'! be
a!. .iv . ' ; I!-"'" I'Xt'-p' for the cause
ot aduttcrv. :it-d thrv .vs Ssiieh safeevurds
tro'.i".! ' :- gtarif'i.g of a duorce even
j". - i-6 no n. .')-r- idf-ni of
i., s n't- .-an ,ke 8dvat:-iire ot t he
.-.v. V . 1 - f .'.'cut") s
:. ,r '. ' "-T 1 ' 1' i: '" i
: ; . ..:;,' ii . ;t t'.iS cl nu."
p-i '..( .i: i 0' ::!.;" it" a , .r ) . n
it iioei wiiii.u tw. yeaifaiifci the.
i :y ,,r ', . tfer.S". A u'vi icf ui :
y '
i c r
:t.?r the
v who
pi p .sc.! ..i-A p;ir-j::s u,e p.i
lor if.
- ;!
Ii- til
ii. ai;
l) many i iiii,
t ut h
v. i.icti
1 miy
iru'iry o. trie ciuiie tor
u ice i- .is planted may not
uiitll Itie death ot the
pi '.111 p.. a Urtr-t' O! .Sepal an. 'II in oer
the ac.: tray be n.ade for cruel d"d br
bai'oustic.itir.en; : for wilful and ma.i-ui"u-(
itesi-1 1 ion Kir t .t o yi-ar.T : and wh..-ie
the wile is iiie applicant, t"t the neglect
or i e 1 1 1 1 1 of her husband to support
tier. Ti.eie are a'so precautions against
i.on residents availii tr themselves ot thu
bein lit ot the act as to 'gal s. para'.l n.
Til- Comri on P.eas Court under he
hhl is authorized to. ;-.nuul mairiage
cm. racis m cases w l.t ie I he p. am. ill h is
not httaineii ttn age tf f, ur.een years :
w t.eie cue of the paints has a husband
or wife living; where cneol l he p.ol ns
w.s in idmi oi lunatic, or phsically' ed : where the marriage was ob
tained through force or fraud, or wh ie
the marriage s within the degrees ot
conaaiigumiiy a rtllinity within whicn
nirtl I lage irt pi hibited by ihe laws o t ihe
S. a'e.
Tins ia a very siih.gerit tiii, rsj.ecta'ly
in l's limitation ot Ihe gianliliu of in
voices to ihe one ean.-.e, but ouch a
me. r-oie ..s ihe natural iracilon tn.iii liie
iaciiii) with which divorces are now
obiMiiod in Peniis lvaui.t. and which
lias made .)ur SLale a livsimg place ot
matrimonial couples jangled n.d onto!
one tioiu oilier Stales. .No city ot the
Union equals 1'hiladeiphia in the numbs r
ot divoice cases belure Us coliris ; i lu;
judges there insist ou privacy in h. u
cousideiatlon, on moral ground?, Iheie
tiy a'.traotiug ttiose ot social oi o.htr
pi on.unei.." j w ho desue seen c) o a'!
- -Heiierosity
that .1Iak(ti Poor.
I) i'pg the rluhl and lieneioii-s L i i r i by
ex soldiers of every kind l.s a noo.e o
timmt How to do it is a practical ques
tion. Rewarding patriotic services is
what the Nation is willing to do, what
evdiy i iuht-minded citi.-u exptcts Con
gres w.U pmv de 'o; doing. Hm :t
should be a matter ot serious it Ilec'i '-;
that the presei t pel S.-ui program con
templates the paying out in the n x t u
eais, even it there is no traud, the sum
o! lil'ein hundrnl millions ot dollars, a
s'Hn nit i.ter by a good deal than llo
total ol the national den. Where the
money is to come from appears not to be
c jo-i lered. What gees m'o the Tr. -s
ui. no mailer for what, has to te
raised by taxation in some lonu oroiher
and tax s are paid by labor in the t . .1.
W Idle we ue dutilui and g-neioiis l
the s ildii rs and the mommies ot sohiieis
lhat are dead, we owe something tu tho
living tiy w !n -e l0or the monej tos-ip-p.'it
ihii ir. :n-iii:.i'.v is p ;! into
Trea'iiy. Co arly I here aru tw o -nies
to hts i;esiloii, one lery haul one. ;:s
of the
countiy, which p...s
.intuijy leal .1 ' he
i-r mi is can o d . u .
XIS, Will p,
' eeiir,'!.'! II
Our Military Strength.
The War I-parlmei.l has of la'i b t r
i gained in ''"lit t-ting in ioi ni a: "on .0
r;i ir.' the sir -ip'ih of th" i,i::im.. r- -.
' !.! I'll li S.-i'.ii. Hli-i pi'..!
ily i 1. : ;- N..M-i.:ii: . . 1 - .
' s. J ii- p. : . o :
I': -he
; v 1 -i
t '-
. 1 1 1 -r
m 1
m ,
t- 1
.-. n.t
ia f..r
' I -f,
11 iH-
I ee
1 1 .".t
mei B.
nl sh.o
' ! e 1 r
The r: p
en in - r
i.iz-.i I i
r ;h- year jus' end
of abou' ln.iUHi in
of the n ilifia force,
n 1 ir. ui, rganized
, 4..1 11 10 nr i :! lam n
. rgan '.'...I :o;i, ..nd
Ol : )
n 1 'r !
... m
:ir s 1," '
ate now
in .
tei 7.'" 'i 00.1 ..-.-a ...v l.-i.-i tor luiiif ary
scrvic; in fc ri;ud ,,.. AV.- t el eve
in six'y .1 tvs 1 to; c coual :e organ
ized, were he e :noni'"-i t d inger, of
?-t leaf? half a million of t'e vrferaus of
he civil war, North and Souti.
?rris!ation exlutiits some
In the Minnesota Feg-
"ishuure, l lie a bill ws pemiing pro-
IlIOlll' g I -'. I 1 HiUIS IIOIII 1.1.1UII1K utc
passes 10 pu'ol'c Ihct-rs, a memlr 1 ffc red
a substitute providing tor the veiy
opposite thai is. compelling the rail
roads to issue such pusses to all State
officers, judges and members of the
Legislature and, strange to say, this
substitute was promytly voted in place
of the other bill, and, it is said, will be
passed by a large majority, llie Mmne
sota Legislature evidently thinks that
the next brst thing to getting rid of an
evil is to establish it and make it a law
of the land, P.ut there is this to be said,
the railroads being compelled to issue
passes there will be no sense of recipro
cal obligation in accepting them.
Tiik Senate passed the bills on Mon
day providing for guns and coast defense
appropriating ?-.'1,i'hjO,( for these
purposes. It also passed the bill on the
House calendar, amending the Act of
February -20, iss.", to prohibit the im
portation and immigraticn of foreigners
and aliens under contract to perform
labor. It gives authority to the Secretary
of the Treasury to contract with State
commissions, boards or officers, for ex
amining into the condition of passeners
arriving from abroad, and to prescribe
regulations for persons prohibred irom
Tiik Agricultural Department pub
lishes seme important facts in regard to
the sugar production of the world. The
report is of particular interest at t hisj
moment, because ;t shows what Furope
has done by the aid of a bounty to -ug ir
producers. At the beginning of this
century it would have cost fl to produce
one pound of sugar from the beet. To
day beet sugar has actually supplanted
cane sugar, and the official statistics
Show that the woi Id's prod uc' ion ot bttt
sugar last year was :2.. ".''11,(100, and of
cane sugar J,,.'i'.S,0iO tons.
Tiik C pr' ut Carlsruhe, Germany. ha
jusf derided a funny case of contempt.
Th" defendant hail addressed a pe-tifion
'o ho Grand Duke of laden praying
for an additional rr;cle in fhe code of
judicial pincdure which shoipd requite
hat "On of five judges composii-g tl e
tribunal, one af lei-. should he always
atvakf The piiunei "s peiion valmd
him four week's impii-otimcnt for "in
suling fne magipfracv."
It U "p.! s'coe the opening of the
(Ipi i, bin Pacific Railway, -aliiion tie
setting :-e Fra-.T i.ver. Formerly in the
spawning season, they ascended the river by
the miilior., and could be scooped out of ti e
writer by the bnrr 1 w ilh pny kind of net.
The noise of the engine and the vibtation ef
i Hie w ater caused by tlie trains running on
its hanks, are supposed to have scared tlum
t and th-r- f.- a i-ed t: .r departure.
H:e ar ituation.
Ti .-t'P 'r! con.e ft- !. I, oi'l'iti t
IJIsili -'ok :.-a -nonslv (!' dim rd "ii Wil
whether tf.rf s'i.tei.riate c.rriefor not.
T( i.s tla-rn "1 h- !. 8 evdf sice of an at- i
ten-p on lli' pir: i France only two
rr.,i.. tn t.c to t rtn an wrilh
n.l til. . fr-rn.:nv tloui 1 1 J - map
ot Kmop
Ihe fir ire
and -fiat the only len.-oii ;
Fren.-'i ;,rmy not i a the '
ron-itr id the tha. overtures,
w re i'j c;cd. Neariy h 'i ijh of the '
German rf.s, rves have Vr-u called out, !'.'y to pract'C" with the new i 11, but r-a!!v to be in rca lii tss ;
f...r act ive service. Tti-re is cn'-isi.-.i;. ;
no icisi.ti for sir.'b vai n.ii'.'nry p'-p
rafio'.s 5 i ..'rT ".v is i..-w niUtr."
u'.' sjs'ie i r; t i'.s to iiiv.-i.l. France.
There is not he Ie,ijt d mper ti a
I'lii'"'.' w i; ; .-iri.e t he '-."ijrcssi e, s
.ti.' rrpr.cS p'.i'.t' v rjri'n"rri3st"nnatii-
in- ns t ! iv a
Anot t.ei s i. :i.
nulMiii is an ar'
''.(,,,' inl.
ministry, i.'kin
J.'.y land w ill cm
.li t fent ore in th.- s:t
;cle in t lie mi . ii
is ttie oijran of ihe
: he p round that w tr ie I., guarantee ttie
ii.dep"iide'ice o! lletjr! urn. this may not
prec n. h the pass ot troi 8 tiir.uin
hrr 'erntury.
The h'hii of liismarck ni u be to push
the i;-nnnii fciniy ihrnngii llgaim ai.d
attack France f n .m an unexpected
fin .rt or ftp u-nnM llms avoid the lie
cessi:y ,f assailing the most formidabie
of the Frenen firtresses in front, and
otherwise Secure certain advantages
which 15iu.xi.ger would be unaliie to
counteract. In the meantime Fnsiland
is bestirring herself. It is said her
gents are now en route for this country
witn orders to purchase a large number
of cavalry and artillery horses, Kentucky
being the principal point from which
they propose to gather them.
Altogether ihe situation may riot be
so peaceful as it seems on the surfaCJ. j nr.inv afternoon, l)vld K:nc stint and in
"We may expect the continuation of war j stantiv killed Jame' 1 D-ivis in the bouse
rumors tor some weeks at least, and 1- of a wr,man named Din-more. I)vis had
verish activity in continental Securities. j.wt rPturned from St Fouis and found
The grain maiket will be chi. fly affected i Ki-f, 0rfMM,vir(e ptar-p in the nffecriona
in this country, and it is not improbable I,., nnd Po, meetino King
.hat wheat, oats and corn will have a .
, . i tho xipr qnariel -d. wl)"ri ivinc " lot Divis.
sharp I'dvai.ce. 1 '
Tne eastern war cloud, though some . K.".j s-.irrendeied and w a- taken to Clarion
what by the nearer and darker j1'1 f"-nit'ht.
one in western Furope, has by no means 1 The "ra'.hit font"' snperstition is wth
disappeared. The reports 3f an arnica developed in the S tilth. It'cently when
lite understanding between Russia and i fiicers raided a mimMing room in a South
Aostiii are contradicted in words as prn rjtv a rRhhit's font wa- captured, and
well as by i he military aetivnyol Polli
c. imtrie?. shomd the Pall open on the
French frontier, we may be sure the !
combat will not tie confined to France i
and Germany. The chances are that :
a most the wliole of Furone wi'u :
involve.! i men ulri l.iok on at a listi- '
cud catch ihe imm!se to light them- j
The occasion affords a text for the; A miner named Cfwishas been from! A- tiik l'i:.rn:, nox .'I'-rcAi. Kihk b-i -has. a
moralist and philosopher. In an age of 1 ,lis j,,,me ne-'ii Nervttnri, We-t V-, for the uli.uill uiS: ' "l N '"ri,,e Jr end
SO much eil'iuhtHlinent ai.d of Slich ',..,, ..,,,., ..i no l..n.l Am..iot : r i -1 ; r i I -
progress n the peaceful arts we seem ,
upon the perilous edge of one of . he most
extensive nnd destructive wars known
to historv. It is not the ..rr.bition of .
some single military irenius, some Alex- ,
ander. some Hannibal or Atliia, thirst- .
inn tor cot.'ouesl and ie,.iiroz ereat :
armies to the sack of cities, but the
impulse of entire nations that ;ieeipi
ta'cs the struggle. There stems really
no reason for the threatened encounter.
Whatever m;il b-1 the result, both Frai.ce
and Get many must 'use mole than the
en ire v-t'io- oi A'soe and Furaine.
It, ' ' 1 the vast armies which ate drawn
I 'on; 1,1 ', w I'lii-iiils a :..l Mipport ei!
in n e:- i.peta b'.ve aiieady Cost more
t h.iit 'I.e imvi-p I pr .v. 1 nces are nor h.
I. p.- 1 ate. is :bil- "tpiipped weie to
c i:- ii 'o . s, im permit Iheirsil-('.i.-rs
0 .! v..', : lie same time hi, d e; eivy
to ti":-- g '.'.e ti.-lds and to later lu the
A..ik-l. ps. they woii'd be far happier
an ! in. iii- pv -pi rotis. The solution is
easv ap-i t let'le wi'hin their reach. I ut
tnim-'ii !'a-o;.. iiiitrposea with its pride.
j-.,r. .! inb. 1 ' i veness, and we have
.he u: t lightened peoples of ihe
. or
;i h.
to .1
I ! ' : 1 '
II 11
-mo -1! ' . 'he tec'h and bent upon
' 1 's .h";' i uc; run.
':ns .ii this rf sp-ct the world h;'S
.,, , T,,.. 1 t S-itlO- p.- 'V
lias w hen Xorxes er. ?sed i he
; arid wlicii Alal : -s'4i-lo d
"Tiie pr st t. m-.' sas Ta In y
'nas ciei.ied a ur"at many new
, bur It h-'s j.. 1: treated " n;-w
;; i." A'. F. ''.,-.
1 I:
Repiihlican Ii tdiihifitui.
The Republic ins of the Pent -svlvauia
FeLri-i at vire J ave co'isutiiiiuted !h ir
lill 'e pian ly v.hith ' hi v think the
people w ill 1" ho't-iw ir ke-i. 'i'he bel,. si
01 C'ln-oR lias been obeyed, and the per
tunctory prohitiitory legislation, shame
lessly admitted to be simpy a piece ,
party exnediencv. has been put tt.iough
bo. h Houses and sent to th (luVtiiiiii. th nionstrative mob thai he became more in
I PartV managers have indulged ill H tensely insane, and indulgel in sonic wiid
' long-drawn Figh of relief. The rash ; breaks. At this ju: crure Francis Kennedv
platform pledge of the last campaign has : lnterfered and took the mania, to tils home
t-... 1 . a tl.A e..'t tiL.t ie .....
necii leucciuru iu toe .uh rAvnn umi io
. is tne intention to reueem it. ieiore 11
is again necessary to declare on bi is
sutject two years will have passed by, '
tluring which time the party restored
now to authority in Ponnsylvania will
; have become so firmly entrenched in
power as to listen with undisturbed
; equanimity to the how.s of the Cerberus
; which was satisfied with the unsubstan-
tial sop cast to it before the last election.
Notwithstanding the apparently
: smooth working of their plans, the
Fepubliean managers have been manip-
1 ulating this tender subject w ith very
' much the same feeling that an inexperi-
i enced person handles dynamite. There
! was no telling what moment there might
' be an explosion. 'I'here were very many
i indications at times of thestiuggle that
j was going on between the personal cou-
vlct Ions of the memU-rs and the inter-
nntn .f nnr. at it imnfliia Q I'll 1 1 f UtlillrarL
' . ' . ,'
commands of caucus.
F.ut party expediency won the day
n.itn iKo m.iinriiu ti,a I ti,.,
' measure has nothing to fear from' the
I Governor, for he will s'gn it, and the
. people can have it for what it is worth,
! I5nt the sober mindpd, practical ones of
: that element of the people which de-
mandod this legislation will reserve their
; judgment of its worth until that future
day when the Repub'ican party leaders
1 cFnll tnL-o ctcna - rnfifti Ihotr it' nri.lor.
:"' 'l'1 ' ""
fully conscientious action of the present
session. llirrihurj I'ctri'it.
! " m " "
TliK Presitlent and his Cabinet con-
! sidered the existing relations of the
frovernment with Canada and Great :
Piritaln in a full meeting on Tuesday. '
' The whole subject of the fisheries con- i
i troversy was discussed in all its phases. I
The Administration will warmly second
the deposition of Congress to take
immediate and effective steps to place
' the country in a state of defense. Tlie
Fresi lent, t is said, alluded with cor.-
siderable gratification to th3 awakened
1 spirit nf 177d, and expressed the opinion
that with a proper precaution as to na
tior,al defense, anything in the - least
like a foreign would be practically
;l Itestilti In Ilaerj (ac I
I. A. Jtiadford, wholesale paper dealer o
Clnltiinf.oj'i, Tenn., writes that he was se
riously afiiicr. d w ith a severe, cold that set
tled on his lungs: bad tried many remedies
wit limit benefit. Ileing induced to try ;
Dr. King's New Hiscovery for Consumption, '
did so p.ini was entirely cured by use of a
few bottles. Since which time he has used
. it in his family for all Coughs and Colds !
with best results. This is the experience j
of thousands whose lives have been saved ,
tiy this Wonderful Discovery. Trial bottles ;
free at the Drug Stores cf E. dames aud j
W. MeAteer, of Fnretto. Fnrga Bottles $1
I per bottle.
-A voii'itf man ii.niic.l '.V.:!i :!ii J! of
Mi. I Creek, Iubt!'c;toii c u ily. was I ii.i!'y
, injured on Satunlav ''J le'n j k 'j a cut) :
of ti tree. lie died lat evcii:Ti-.'.
A murder P'i.1 sui.-'de n-carr.I in Sin i
Kranctscn on lat TJuirs.Ifly
An.Irew Frits
shot his wife and then himself. 1? "i died i
in a few nlrnf's. Mr-. Ft lt Sept a
not' livirifc! with her hiistiind. Jealousy ,
i rorci'ted the rrin e
J.ilii Micliaels, a prisoner who wis con
victed in Hamilton county and feiitenced to '
tn years, in the Ohio twnitetitlry, was p.--r-o.Pi.
d last week h th.- Governor. Ii was Jis.
covered that M.cliao's wa-i not the ium w ho
should have been convicted lor the off.'nse.
Natural cas was to day struck at a well !
at I, 'w i-hnv. i st h ich of Covoi:'on, Ky., i
in lrfe j nan! it !.. Tn flaw iew is atwiut
"on, ooo feet a d y. The people are much ;
excited. Should the developments e.pial to
the promise it will he a great boom to Cov
ington and Cincinnati.
Two Dattirnore and Ohio trains collided :
at Newark, O .Wednesday niirht. Several j
freight cars were demolished and an engine I
bn.Ity wrecked. A hrakeman named Sr.od-
jjra- was knocked into the air CO feet, re-
ceivintr in the fall a broken ler. lacerated J
side and internal Injuries. It is thought his
injuries will prov fatal.
William He Fnret, of Rochester, Pa.,
and his brother, James, of Allelienv, re-
ceived word Saturday through the Fond. in
Claim Company, located in New York,
that their ereat-arnndfather had died in
France, leavinc a larce fortune. There are
no other heirs lmnu. Willian I)e Forest
leaves to-morrow for New York to investi
gate the matter.
At St TetenhnrL', Clarion county Sit-
the other dav in Foai-vllle an offender was
.Ueiuler was
...w ii
hr.,,,t ,11)fro ntir(. mn(Ti-trate
with drunUPM'ess and disorderly
nnd was a-ketl why lie tot .trunk, lie re-
l'ieJ that a few days I.e had lost his ,
"rabbit tnit.
and since that time bad met
a ""f "r "'""f"!' inci.ients, wincn j
culminated m a bin spree.
(f ,,e ,Vft ,iis.home 0ne night and
wn to Pnt(.r a saloon, since whpn noth- '
,. i
-. has been in ard of him. De had just ,
nrawn the pay for bis month s weik, and it ,
is believed hv some that he has been robbed :
, , . . j , iiri
una niur.iere.i. a sn.n was nmni m i-.e
vicinity of the saloon that night which has .
not been explained.
Not f ir from TahL quah. 1. T., a .'? year- '
old In ram;- hist in fie woods in the after- I
noon, nnd wis not f .nnd .mtil noon next
day, at l.'eb 'One Th" youngster w as discov-
i reil iiti.aii -ix mi!, s ol-t nit playing bronnd
an old tree P.p. v.iih one -hoe off and his
hit lo-t. 'Ihe iifle t.'ih -.v seemed happy.
As he'.c talk plain, they coii.d not find
out how ii had : j M"ed his i.i.Oit's rest hi
t'le wot 's. v!i. tin r he wlk..l -.11 nijht or
-lept, nnd the i.i':t was a c Id a' d frosty
one Ibiw lie escaped b-Jnii tl 'V iured by
the numerous wives of flu neighborhood
is another mj r-terv.
A si-'tiu'ar (hitting t.'j -rf w..s picked
up at si a hy ii:e cT. w .:f the F.'miish -team-s
dp Th.-nias Y"iv'!le, w ;i i-': nrnved at
PhilHt!e:p! it mi Saturday from the Mediter
ranean. P w. sighted ef'v on the morn
ing of .January is, in '.ilitude ;'t Is. longi
tude 1'i ''" aial ' -t cur. d lt a boat's crew
inat wi ' . .: to ii. Tl e .b-vi- cr ti-i-t-'.l of
i 'a: e - 'lit poie or s 'a'.T pi. icir.g a ce.':o
i-.rn-l, . ach end h.-i.. V-ilii'v -.1 hv htavy
btiii ti.'.ils or -ho?. n li.e In ait-st was
. fmal ill!;'. kn.-.Mi the Fugi;-'! .J-lck.
Where it tri.tuor P.. '.vl.i.t i'ii.." it
was i.'Iiiah s a m-teiy.
He' ry 11 ;rt t t'li t, a . !e tne u ted man, es
caped fr'.m tbe'Metcy Hospital, Pitt.-burg,
p limit 1 o'clock on Sunday nfterncun.
When he L'lined the ..ntsi.te of the it stitu
tioti lo- ).,f-t ( )i.!i:p.u attracted a
lar;e cr. wd. naoroy i'io-imS'i! of urci:i;i.
lie wended his wiy, hunted and assaulted
by th.ein. until he readied Huh and Ro-s
streets. Here lie was sui rounded tiy such a
, . T; iiosoi'a nu'.hotll.i.S call. ft 111
iit-ar by..
i a little while and look him in charge aiin.
'ice Wi ters, widow of Conductor.
Robert Wrer-, w-Vo wis kii'.-d while in ti.e
, employ of the Pent sylvanla Railroad in i
Ap:il AXV wJ,0i with her children, oc- i
crj,.d a rrfinn of the old rafroad station
; , ,lunt;,; dou ownPd ,,y tha coniparVt was
; -.a .. - v.
" -y dieted from he premises by ,
ia cop sat hi, for non payment of rent. The
woman has since remained almost eontmu-
ously seat-d '..esid her household goods in '
the street in company with her two children . !
On the d. :: of hv hustmnd Mrs. Waters re- '
ccived fp.oo the rail road companv, tird '
recently s'w rl. man. led an additmim I sum, '.
wt'oh tt con pniiy r.-ftised to pay. The
' unfortunate crature is l.elievt.l to he de- i
trented i
. s (. 1ark :
arsburg, West Yn., were fatallv wore !ed in
, '
a melee a! ice ...T-nrred near the U m con- :
ty line. A wo' I hi s? person iiAuied Miller ,
; had circulat. it r. i.;ns niTecting the charac- ;
i ter tf one of M e H .pkins girls, and her fath- I
i er nipt MPI.-r nnd four brothers named :
i I'.oicent a si,oe n:ikers sta.p near the mouth
; 0f Westfnrk Creek. The eight men weic
' 8on encac-'d in a ternbte fmht, in which
' et()Iles .,, tne st,oeiinkers tools '
, wprp f , um.d T j r()inp han hH :
Krnuei. ,v Mow .f a sPoe hammer I Inn I
kins back was broken by a blow of a club, '
; and the elder IP.pKic.s and another of the I
j P.oice boys were v i.tiy hurt. The fight was
i a terrible one, la-tir g for hair an hour. i
1 . :
K3 K-J
rnmbininif IKON yrUh TV KK TFIiV.Ttf.I.K
TOMt. quiekljr an.l eomplttely tI.KiM.S
and KNKIOIKS TIIK Ul.tHlU. tuickeii
the action of the Liver and hiiii.i y. ( Pars the
mmpleiion, tnakett the skin smooth. It does tint
Injure the teeth, ranseheaila.die. or . rennet iiia
atipatiiin AM. OTHI.U IUtlN ?lf.lH'IM J,'..
Phyiciau and Drurgi.-:ta everywhere reconiin.Ti.l it.
Iia. N. R. Ttro'it.r.a. of Marion. ll. erv.- I
s-i:..lll?l..n'i l'.n... I." I' P.ii l.-is n-- -I v 1-lii'.ii- 1
f..r enrii-i ntiir O I-l..- a j.n ut nil
ti; mi.t.ims. ll .l.-s i..,t iiurt lop l.-.-i... '
Dn. R. M Pr 7- rT., R.-vn. 1 U. III ! . MV"- "I
hivi. ttrp...-111'od Br..T--'s I.-.iTi ll.ltpi. in , ..f
li:. .-:iiia mid I i -1 .1 . :-'.-j. ii- i. ii I-.' . ' -is
Ilt-P.lrttl. an.l It line r.- f. i .li. r K.y -.iy . t-.i.-. .- s '
J'r. W m. U-ntN.l j. S.. ytnr. Sr . .'-1 Ir!.-....-. I ...
Fv.- "Ilr.--,.i! In. p. i pi vp.1 i- - i.i r , ,-
of blood poisor.ii, it. nnd I herti! e.n.ue-it t-j
tli- si- n.-sti:i ll la..i piiriia-r
Mr. VV. W. M N mi.'.n. TtispnTp'-i.i Ala . a"n "I
I l-'n tri..itip.l lr..ui ctai.Ui.Kj.1 votli l!at.uri
I'i ssl anil -r-. o.. i in r.-,v fv two hlnil.-- L.t
brown's Iron lfilters ei:p. t..i a prfs I I
citnnut eKitk tuo e:t-ij OI tuia rup.iicioo."
GvnniTie ha a born Trade Ma-k and cr- miod r.-d lin-ja
on wrnpi'er. Take DO other. Made only by
V'' ti L-i Ia ti l.e rl
Y 'H&'Bjjfifc.Sh'J
rfC :C -
'I h: v'.
l: -ula".:
iu-;' m.'t.U
i;-l :::.'!l
t ir i - ia:. - y
- l.iv.r
i r-. v
F:ii''.: y
7,f 'y-n M-
llie W.e- V. ,y :... T. '.t i IS
H sn:''-. t.-.--i anl re ;.i':.i" rr;-ll-r.i.e
: .r :i'iy '. r M' tiio
sysrem. an') it n-f.l ii t itie- i
ir 4rittt ir'-r'-ritirf if utrktfn
I o't. -i --loti.. 1 it P. :::y
i-.t i. 1. , ;ui 1 .-',::! c-.ntin-;" !
..1. 1 s. ..
- - ' Mr. JAU1I.!I M. ltolltn".
TnffTor V . r.. nu r-' h. .-. Katiii.-id.V a."
altmtH kfrpimj Mmninim Iivvr
II eyulntttr in the fiiic
"I liavc foimO Simmons 1,1 vr
It.yiib.'ir the iw-r taioily ni"d- j
ji-lne 1 r- v u.-od. TOr anything ;
That, m.iv happen 1 u-.-.l it.
In i.i'ef ifn, 1'fr9 J Pin rri.m, '
J'(7ii.i ., f.,i;ii'l it tort:- j
lii vii i mi me. liat '! . At'er eat- I
1 ru a ). art - -i : ; : ;n r. if. i n tr, ,SiJtp
to I.e. 1, 1 tane a'" .ill- a. tea-ii. ion- j
fill, 1 In Vef f. 1 the I'U'clLs of 1
tlio supper eat. Tl.
"UVI ll 'i. SPARKS,
"Kx -Mayor II neon, Oa." j
II.LS . .Mr 7. stomp on front of Wrapper.
J. H. Zeilin & Co., Soe Proprietors,
J'rice. 1.00. rHILAlJEI.PHIA. V-V.
l Orq I lnrl e nr ..t ll .. ..! ovf l.rnn.i
St IIW 'i:i7. ,V Kl lK, Knlit'Siiiiia, i'H
.lull. 14. 'ST.
Kcihuiht it. eitij'ln incut fit T 'd e rieri? '"tic
auil reii iLle men. AItrrsvt
Security Mutual Eenefit Society,
233 nroatlway, New York.
N.iv. 'j .. '- '-;; in.
K..r !. .-In
I . r S J'
n ('.;.-
u . will ( a ten Pre- -t.l-.'I
1 1 ; '"11 l.- -tl. s el
Ainpri-iin N. wpappr.. 1 Lis i- Ht thp rate i.l I
Kivk M H.I.1..N H i:., I.-u lot." will I
l:ite. rt'
r-l. A'l lr....s w.ii. p..n .l
nnd l u .r-..n.l :. i I r t k ..i l... i K .
I . I''., r.-l.fv' ' '., i.l r- II'. I ..K r I .. . K 1 1 KK.
It,-,- i.i. 1..;.
rlmi:Ti ktii Annial
a ii,'.'o .Vi ,,.,... i ,iur-
'YJCZ,-, Ttlrei
,p,,u,t ""' ' "tl"1"-"'
,,;-,;"'" ,.,wn.
lt..TV , , ,..,,,.,,.,,
Alii i iiiurtti i't ',t.F
fi. t-'..i
.3. ii,rilfi.'.e .fii.'.'i.'..:,.s
A!' " IV-
Pi; PJl.aS
g'.O'il 'II
Jl ,i'ST (T.
I a o l I'-e.r . nm Tn.tes
1 ta k . .. .1 nr; i, v y t:i r
II'Mluct ain't expired
I diirirai v..;ir.
Ile.pi.-t iini'I .-iirrcn-'
d.rt 1 l!l.i .-.I lii-.-i.-d.
premium iciprs In I -r 1 . -c -".1, '-'
.pir i rej- vcj r.
i Ii".' i'.i. 1-ti.
1 'i ic- i a I-.
csl A i i .ji i I' K ' r' I l"i .
A 111 'r cm , a nd -.t I i - : s- ' i a'aipi-- . '.a-
lii.-h Li in 1'i-n- j :
A in'! t I..,- .N" . : :
A m t k.pii! . - : ,..
KM'liMll Tl I KS I. -..--.;s ..,.
K . T. ' J.'ra n, T
M ;i rv Ii..-in r
.1 i. . i at r :i Id. :'. . ,
. aia... i;..... . n . .
' 'h i- w p 1. l ; .'
.V ary K. i I : -i;. "V. 4,t
I'.. .. Ii r .''i r- I otc.r'.i p. actv i.ti.
W. A . Ii irr.-'. 'Ml., ii. ,- '
'. .1. W ,-.i.,v,-r. 4 .
.1 Ii n .N.-imivcr. ::vj ;
- t-urcr"
i'H Ml I - HJS.
I . 1 1 j - t - I
A i. I
1 r. i.r
i. l ,
.1 ail ci r i. i s-7 . Tl..
a 1 i-lfd ' ii i-l i-. r-ppj
. i a'i'-uv
.1 ii. I.I.I t I)
.1 X l. .1. 1 A NS,
. t. in mil'! s.
K' rn.-'iur.'. 1, 'j-.'-T-i'.p
Klairsvillt', Pa., I.aiiit's' Seminary.
II'Miiti'ui iii. 'mi. ut i !ior,-f 1-1 1 nir J'pnt-e-i
ty r.-i m. I p.i I hf ii 1 l"c i.-n . t t".r- "i - m tni ruo
ti:Ti. K'lrhr rf -h1ffit t'-n-licr. Kurnu-t.e.I rnjin,
I' t tri, liiit.L. ;.n.l tait:--!. 111 r -:ul ir course
Special a.l'';. ntai;p? In Art and ."Mti-ic. 1'iiirtv
fith vear Peitin? s.-. ' th. 1--". K..r I'atal .su'c,
iipniy t. l. K. i.n; .. P.,
.fui.v -2'.. I
1 .;-';l.i ( irad' :- i nrtvailPd. r r ":iiii;l', qn
i.i ( rra-P :- T 'nrividipd. V. r :iiji: le
n'" lrJ:,IlVr''l'-.".ir''.'' . . ... . .
31 st Year,
Pure RaiY Bone Meal
Pc iv '."Ruu Bonos
Speclii! far Seed Leaf Tobacco
HewPrososs 10Guano
EconoEleal Fertilizer
Do Kafjs Phosphate
B; ; : c0 1'liosphate
K' ji r.nii Aiccltural Chemicals
Spnd 1. :
and I .ii, -
.i!p. A.ldr.-:.s
tLIidsIeiptiaFa., U. S. A. ;
ViU lliU; RIRjli ESTATE.
BV vfrOin ef nn nrdpr issuinu- out pf the I r
pluins" t 'curt ol tlie Cmir.ty nf Caichrla. to n
directed. 1 will expose lo pui lip snip Ht the premi
ses St N ii IP.rr town.-hip,
i 'iitiiliriu county, l'enn'ii, on
Satnriay. 26th day of Fctey, 1887,
nt one o'clock, j. in., the following ilccnl' 1
real estate, xir :
A!l that c-rtnin ieoe or tot ol irr nin - : u Ate
in the viilaue ot St. Ni'ti --.-, n li.irr t. a n.-:,ip,
Trtmtri;. rtmnty P;i., tr-nTintr n th J-r.t uric
roai.,'.l;o!n.!ir J.ta ol lSt'hnl;i Innthourn Tii A.
I'riMfr. etinfiimiiif tit-out one fourth ol an acre,
an ! h virtif n j lriroi 'iou-p tTtereon erect1!.
1 Kli.MS K N. Mi -hfiit oj the virtiust;
money to he :n) nt ttie con n mi ;t T i -n ol tVie f.i!c.
ami the rrinaiii.ter in year with int. rtst -e-eure't
hv the 'udiinont tMn-i of the ourvh.-t t.
ru;ir'!:in of infrnr ctiihlr n it Wiiliaiu , ounitr
i- ni "or''"V! Vot;:vz. !ee i -eil.
t'el ruar 4. l-.7.-.H.
Ir n in'si ct t iit- Rivrti1,kin ktil ln.n--. .-n l-fnii(r,
If,p.i1-n,. Orcumt; VlraLnrsia, nn'irrrtt , Svj.;iUiiic m -X
l.rrnrimi AT-. ibis. -.. i t:.r- ir.'t; riil-: n: 1 f.rc
rn. - ; (. In f .?" 'l"l -i. ' r.r f r !'-t i f
s'j.-jnjitf, f,ea;i..wrM(! hyt)n.-t H' -tnnp t-r-lt'tH I.y i:.a:l.
0 l'-r(.a1 ..r Te-fn-r frrnn R-tiattir- lnti!rt s-ni thwtr awllrffc.
,Aoi ham rvomi i tn 1 1 Ir Ml4'.!a-e. i i Utfil m tr'i.
AFI-s, r. T. I.. LaH R.K. Ir' knrt Phys(Hii in h-.rir
Watches, Clocks,
- -JK'VKi.llV.
: ill".n"lT'rp TiiTntiin'-! T et ,.-r , t (
04.: t
Sole Agent
-K UJ I I! y
Cel eb i'at3i I ) : 7
CtilumMa ah J Freilonia "Wafthe:
In Key and Stem Winders.
fa';;k sfffction o aff-kimo
of .1 KWKFR i" always on hand.
I if" Mv hue of J.-w.'lrv h iimsu. jr-i
Come and s.v lor j iiiirvii b; tor-- purch i--itnr
eK wheie.
J-f" A 1. 1. WOK K t,L A 15 VN1 Ll.I) ....;
Kbenshui ii, S iv 11. lss"i--,r.
F r i-i-.-o or iima'l rump "2 railbrp. 4'' cralna r. w ).
V al. ... kt. -. iitmi. 7. ana -0 ?r. 1 !. l'ou---l t-...- i.r.' M
I', -f.-. t cur:., v l'': Ti'." I a:-! Op .n v ni:u:.;y fc:Cp
-- - . r - sr-
" I ' r T .T "T l.nil,rv.Sr.n.n.- m.l . ur
r.-...icc-.l. i3J.ij4ja.iVA J. liil'. -
f...r t':- "t Eli'-. ...;t :i-i. I -l.t .i . -. ti
P''. -'-. n -1,1 . s. . j i:i Si -
f 'IT -? C? O't-T liftv (.-.-.i- i I h - a ' - ! !i Ii". i u;
V, 7 f,..t5 1 ... f.T. .--.- i T i.y i... t....
are i-Wi. -a a il iiti l r- a.i:.-..
, , ,
itetai Fire insurance Ape?
r-f-a -V I tllf 117.
General Insurance Ager.t,
iiiiEjssiiunu, rA.
K, L. JlH?.. B.J. Ill th, . W. T.IIK.
Johnston, lhick ("o.,
i ?vrs k i : i c ?.
- Money Received on Depsit, i
i IM r.iBI.I. OS lHM AM. (
- I) RAVI'S on fhe rrinrijiril f i'i.. ;
'j ; lliin lit .m l Sol. I h ii it n
, General BasVirig BnEincsr. Trcrsactnti. '
a ceo i ts s i.i ci Ti:n.
11 ; A. W. r.l'l'K, ralii.r
I Kl-en-'tmru, April 4. i--4.-u.
l''.llpe. wrlt'er, at sli'.rt nuipe In nu:
Am! 'ttir First CIim fi.iiimnli.
rT. W. DICK.
i i nit r ii i.
old i Afrn 'n iwi
iiiiart 'Cei'ti i r't niUf
i iSii; l:M Si lALiitU
ii pi -.)--.
A i I t Oi N KV
: i -l
A V.
.-.r.-. r.i. Pa
p Hin.inl'.
Ofi.-o In t
-! Itf f
I ) V. .
i'. h Ni - A
r.".. n. kitt f Li...
tti'iK.'y-: i - l s i av
i.r.KNsi'.n ii. p
Oih-'e Arinirv t ti . i :..:. . . i i ' ii--...-.
a 1 1;
A Tiihiiihlp 1rm si uHte.I in A'irhpni t- wn
hip, t'jnn-4 foiitii- H-l'Ut five rmlpf tram
1 .!'t-T. -'iro; ia.i nnd tntios r in .
Ij'rptt-". .i.i: dfiniK lfliiiis "1 j;njp! K-'-vl'-r, W. s !
liuck, ntiti ,,:l;prs O'-rifi'inij "
H iving tvf-r.n - re tp.1 a tine IMT'K IW KKl
It Mi!!K. !pl'p i"tr-i :tTl tip- f-;irv -nt-
I'Ui lilinus. 'Ihe t irti; is in :i ini-- "'"ii-t i'i"n, ltii (.1
irn: li "i nr' ler ami ii ri II .e lit nn p;v
tenii-i. K. r- ; urt ;icr j ' ' r i . nl nr- r I i -n i fc 'i ri.Itrr
s:krn'l "O ,h" t"''i'i'
June 4. M . T.. 1'iasi' -I.T
k.'Utt' ..' I d.'i
k Ii. V7.,."i. ,
m a
I. et tcr- ..I ;i 1 in i ..'.r ' r i I ii .
liil VI lli; : ' :i i: Til i P 1 '.. . ii
-'mi-- mil. Oi i d n. : tip -,.
lnilkP ;i HI. nnd tl:..-p
llu. I. .',. ... l.ln ,.' a.
Ii lid IT-Til l.P.I . il I I 1
:i.p are r.-.Mu -tp.l ti j
n a ; riir -1 a i ii. - in .rc-
5oIlt tlie j;i!ip wi'.wn.t .'pl-tv to
.ti P. N K. s-yii Hi. A.lin'r f. T.
Munster T p.. -Pin. -I. is: -t.
lji(iMte fluiiiiiain Housf. inl.l'.pis tuii.jiin;.
J. II. (JAM. Piuprielor.
riHK pi'I-H.K' iii aiwnys find ti" at fur pl
1 ut l.iirin.s I n t.-.t.-ines? Iinir... Kverythitut We
ne.l .11.1 CSV. t'LKArt TOWKl-S A S?K. 1ALTY.
A YHiimtile Hotel property known s ti e
House, situated in the W e-t ward ol KPeti lurn
I'a. lor further particular ph;I nn or ad.lrexs
the undersiitned. .11 lit.N .-. HLA1U.
--Etiensl.uru, .M;iy 17, IsSfl.
li.liln-a.ini. iAtf.. 1 I
J. lUnrll Al ti., lnsnriiee St.. Not York
can learn tlie exn.'t c.-t ol any pri.jK.sed line o I
A I V KI.'TI -1 N't I in A merU'un New -papers, Ititt j
1'nee rainphlrt Kir. I
Tte American Detective Enrean,
Main tllof, 91 Riitl OS Itlaiiioiitl St..
1'it IsOiirli. I'a.
Estaldistied 1-s.i t v lmid H i r i ! k in-..ii. et
'. S. trov't I tp-. tu t'ri;iin 7Pii and oi.durt
ed on the sy-'tem ol tiie t ititpd statps s.-.-ret
servlee. t '..nti.lent iiii Aeiif s in at! tin- Pr'iii-i-Jiul
1 " it i ( of ihe tril'e.l lat - an.l t'a mid i.
It. tl . ( i ikinson. I 'rineipii I an 1 ' leu Supt Me Powell. Sil;--inl ...i.t;'.
Ili.n. .Pi.r. Ii.,7ell. Att.-rnt v I.t ine Ilureau.
Ke'eren e .' . n..-- .1 . ii ... .k -. ' i. f r i n r
t Ii e iiivi-ion. W'a-iiinut'.n. 1 . " . St n.i o r ir
ciihir. A - n-
M 1 N A l i til's M i ni ..
irr ol a.tiiil.i-tr;.li'in on tin- pJt;it.
Peter .. i i .' . S-. . ,i . ' ii or r wti-tti'i. ' -oi '
eountv. tl-'.-eil-ed. I.MVll.l.' I.epii ural.'ed !"
uiider-inii.-d. "II i't-r-".!!" tiitp I'" a to 'ni..
are hereto- lo.titie i to m tee t no-tit woliotit
lav. M ll. I all th. -' of. ' : ' III s ife tl..- -a
wii' . it .!..:-:. i'T- i . r' . :iu ! -ii :...'.- '.
r!fi me::' t"
Mil'll 1.1. I'lillM".
P i r r.i P r .Ma.!oy. d . '...
. nt'c 1- :
; mm
U'l t'TT IV 'D-f.fCOTT'S N ji fu
n Mil i iwbtut
tut Electric Corafifi.
iirp: tree t t u L- 1 t i.l
K. (('Uv'fi Mlit h. ti ftilon k. t
Ir SiiU - t:ict I ''t C Un. Mt ' A ! 1 ' -
' A
1 t
i ' i
Til TItlo "World
. v . T.r. - -v.'
1- i..V- -f r.l.-Jt- I'. V ... .
AO i::. :. . 1 r .. 'M'. ! . '".
- New Haven, Conn.
l Ii" r ....: - - ' : or- - .
- p-ii- at H.-i.t -e.u - f V .
m . , , T
IN OH A la- C OK
IJoanl rind Tuition
for tlir- Sfhi-.lnstit Year, $U00.
" n ii:ii-i.,
i ii rv ...
. T .1 t..!T'
: In pi t t or
I lit- r i trn
' la i.Ip ;
. i : i.
-' ' ' iron x
gt I ine St., in,. in.
iiatl. Ol:i.
(J Mills W ANTIII-l,
M ' -r ' i. me-. ST -ui I s
- at
i 'i
i "
t : e v
It 'V I.
t "t ; ... p
! ilTC-3
n. l-s.
Rpv. J. r. EWMi,i.,ri. w i. : "T"
I i i,:,. it i i i i T
s r.iVTO LIL1
',V V: .' .5
; l Jf-tt- ElR ' t
K- ::.pi. l-r tr-
yi I - i
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! .1
"t I I t- c
1. ?
: i
I l.
1.11. ,
, 1 'UC
r-'ij t
1 .
I 1.1
j raniat- Making in all its r.tamfcs.
j and RFFA1R1NG ol all kinds done on
I 'hit 'K-. Al- . I !:' ..j
irts w.tli i'tipr. .red ;i: .!.
: s ; n i w ... ! Turn.
A ' - . ,!: m lail
iu.r-.vv w. res .: i.e. me ti. : :
i:i artie.- t.-uslifi; citr with w.-tit trol he :. i. -
ni-iy M-.i l Uiir- t k, H w i:r. !.
1 '. v i'!:l'l t..
"..-l.uri.. I ' : ir:l.:-i
"Jlltilli ittL....,,,al tl..ii !) iml
S7 ',I - e"r-T.rrrr1
diHis ( siiourniu i s t mm.
Piint ?ib ami hot. flla. linn
i'j in 1 1.. i.-..rii pi i ;.. 'i '..1
V v - 1 j.r rev.-
I'VvTV t' f.i M IU':. .'
-v .. .. l. .....I . .. ... ...
K - . V l- ..!' I"' '.'
N ii i mil' n.'. n '. r -i
ipte-ed tea-l.t-r. a ' "'
-.-ei 1 .. j ion: - r '
ii.. iy i -o -T
- i'R"-pn -'
. r r I....-P tl .- r- i:'ii r 1
mir-'l.-ri. Twelve epe
.Hid a 1 1 ara-l il ' 1 1 - S-e
s' l:' - t .1 S 'I T
dull I t...-k .' I I ,
rii.iv .,,..( -4i.v -til .i-
li-ri. s- in t
- - . s t 'i .1 -- i.-il i -r t 'i - ; . 1 l s i
... ', I i.- r-'-o a : .!.!..
-.:-!. a '.p. 1 't !: ' .1. a 1 '' 'i
i'. 1. S . .-. 1 ' - '-
neerini. e..'ir"
J eoi v a lo w i
mlirr l -..liei!p :" 1
I .lent s -..-nt to r- i i-
- i ti 1 ss i. 15 i ii )s-4. ... in i - s .
i' p!r-- in tl.e rotnui. ri :h!
p A hv""i! ar 1 .-
Ilnl-.i-.iiili ai -I 11'.' ' 1 -: ' i-
10 in 1 '. A :;,i.!
I-V 0 V- S it.i
ha -..wn pi
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l . "'.III hi-' a t-iii) .' ' I "
h,- - .1.- .- PI i: ' " '
i 1 it - r . ' . '. r' 'ii ' a td r - ' "
I " Tl - r. SW !Tli!N." r-!0 O. ! -M..
'il..r..: ! I rad ua; v 1 Ale-Pa, ia.
win- I. -
! d-ii. k y r
l-'.e.'f. :l a I.
I.I 1 1. i I.
li ATL RE'3i , Ji.V m
.111 H i ll .
lor 1 fir'id I O .-r.
liliion- llf a.iati'.r.
constipation, i.;';;;;; ,
-.Srrj S. Hv-' l- l'l-i.
e V
nu. e.l:i-.
vVk' trt
- , t. r V.
k v n.i a
e l. -1 iV -'
biil-.-.. iarr
n'.v..-r.: T"SV ,-
............ .
TT.n:-- v.. : . : .
. sx
;.f? ' tlj-v-i-.t j , ,
JH. T.fT -;t