The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 07, 1887, Image 2

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FRIDAY, .IAM AltV 7, 17.
Uovkj'.nok I'.i: 1 ism I, is pn st-irc.l h's message I Mi" I.eirisUtoire.
Tiik r.fMlle f 111'.- j: yr.icul tin)...--loiiit.i
more evry tl.iy
tuw.u.H th1 cunt ir:u,i:ice of a Nali v
Democratic A.itiii.'iistr.V ion.
'.'ii(,i;E,S rf HSetlltVrl Oli TtP"-Sol.iy
anil it!imtiia!ely after fli if5 iniii::! i-s
tu.!i the Senate ai:.I the Ilo.rV ;ulj oiiioi
eJ out, of re.prt to ?!)! m"rK'ry of Sen
ator Liigan.
It wi!' soon be two yt'ars sIpcs. t.lift
Democratic Atlcniiiistration Ims t:en
Jtarnling at th helm gui.liiiz the sftip
o: State. TIki sh.p-yv reik that was to
follow it3 iHt'.itica!. th tn;e of cupi.aiii5.
according to lie publican pr.iplifiy, lias
been locked for in vain. How provo
king ?
Tiik '.hrea'ened iipiion in the
Knights ot L;U'or rrga!iizition, on ac
count of Master Woikman Powilei iy
pronounced views on the socialistic ar. l
anarchical tendencies of certain nim--UerH,
has been partially b a'ed by the
sober, second thought of its invnibf.-ri.
Monopoly caniiot. be successfully fought
by the worse evil-anarchy, anil Iho soon
er the organization e'.imirntes from its
rank all who believe in the shot gun
and dynamite the sooner will it make
itself fwlt as a piwer for goo..
.Notwithstanding iii receiit'lbifs.s
President Cleveland went through the
trying ordeal of two hours continuous
band shaking on Saturday, at his New
Year's reception without any ill t fleets.
Mrs. Cleveland stood by his sidr and
greeted everybody with a smile and cor
dial shake of the hand. The, New Year
reception at the White House is always
regarded as a grand social event and
this heme Mrs. (T.-vidand's first recep
tion of the kind, it was looked fiward
to with more than culinary interest. It
is said to have been one ol the most .-satisfactory
and brilliant receptions evtr
held in the Whi'e Home.
The proper di-posiiiou ol il.e surplna
in the Lci:tl Slates Treasury is one of
the questions ihat will likely call forth
4 diversity of cpii;i.n fr .iii Senators and
.'ongressmen. I' :s not ye' t i late U t
I he H .use to act up.:r- ttio pi.d aih ice
embodied in s.(t:uie: -I. Tildtn's. open
letter to Sieakti Cail.sle one year iigo.
Mr. Tilden advocated the utilizing jf a
certain am i:;t f ffie "orpins in im
proving our tiMats, the buiidiug of
American vessels Lol h for comuiercia'
and naval purposes and strengthenirg
our means of defence. Aside fn.m the
neressi'y of carrvmg out lliis enterprise
for the soke of uiaintaiuii g our Nation
al importance among the nations of the
f-uth, it woti'd give n; . di d employment
to thousanil- ot cUiz-t and aid; in pro
mo! ins th' gm-ral -iosp-rity of the
count ry.
A i.orK ov r the past ye.r reveals tlie
ericoiiragi" fact that a a nation
have m.'.de marked progrrss in all
resources. The agricultural, mining
and manufacturing interests of our
country h've kept pa:e wi'.li each ether
in reaping the ;.d vant :js i f ;i free -public.
I )ur proie?s in the arts, science
and literature is beoini;: greater each
year, and in all thes- onward strides
toward pi-i fiction is r.ot the condition of
the la'.'orirg class, the rji.s.s of the peo
ple made better? If not our progress
is not of the kind lefiuing a r ati m like
ours. The only ru" prirres is the pro
gres that advances the interests of all
alike and makes everb ly happier and
better. There ar these who believe the
ri;;'its of the many are being more
trampled upon by thr few every year. A
glance down the corridors of the past
will prove such not to be the cas It
has been the rase in all ages that a few
have domineered over the r-iar.y by arbi
trarily exercising the advantage Ihat
wealth and pi sltion afforded them ; I ut
the poor man can assert his rights to
day with more hope of recognition than
ever before The power of the monop
olist is gradually being shattered and he
who oucs.tiranDizt'd boldly over those
in his employ has learned to proceed
with caution. The committee appoint
ed ty Congress to investigate and report
upon the labor ddliculties of las' sum
mer have no doubt collected some valu
able data on this important quest'ori
and Ibis winter will probably see some
progressive national legislation on the
General John A. Loran, United
States Senator from Illinois, died, at his
Washington residence, Sunday after
noon, December '", l'"', of rheumatic
disease and nervous prostration, in his
Cist year. II is remains were laid away
in the f ami'." ' M.l '.r. Uoik Creek Cern
e'r' -. Friday .:at. Gftie-
".tie.-! v.:: limbed.
soon attained, promotion r.nd served both
as adjutant and quartermaster cf bis
regiment. ln his return hoiunhe studlfd
law and successively served as Distr ct
Attorney, in the State Legislature and
as Congressman, holding the lp"t posi
tion at tne breaking out of the Civil
War. After the adjourr.nif nt of the
special session of Congress in August,
1501, be raided a regiment the Thirty
fir?t Ilbneis and went into active ser
vice, lie tecaa.e Mjoi -Ccneral before
a year. After the c'.o-e of the war he
was returned to O nureas, and in 1-70
was elected to I nitt d Stales S.-nate In
15.." he was asrain elected to the Senate
ai.d had four yenrs of hs'erro to serve at
the time of h's d nth. He as a s'.aunch
Uepublican and drt -v .roach s'.rength to
that ticket in hid roni.iAition for Vie
President in "SI. His-dlath is a heavy
blow to bis devoted audi accomplished
wife, not only in the irre' 7;evyble loss cf
affection and compinHi'V-"P pla
tains. but also in her suddenly bl"i , ted
hopes of bis Presidential aspiration.
To the intelf-gen'-e. '-hTlomico and diplo
macy of bis wi, r'r Logaa. doubt-
The members of the IVnnrT vii:i j
J.-'tjis'atii.'e met in toe capital u Harris-
I. tt i r . Tuisila, hud .-ach liutist- tffr-ced j
:im i inop. i :- jrre Han ly Smith, !
' l"i.i'j b-'piiia. w.;d elected l'u -S'.iient j
i Heiiiy K. I lyer, i 11. i!u
ds!i ' ii), S,e:iki r ot the IIous". Each
in bis in.iiiffui il address spoke; ot I tie j
advis .liiiity of at once unor-ting ri; as- I
nres provitl'.ng f.r the yi.'.tui.ssioii ot the
(pi'-st io.i, rt? the t t ; ion of a citr.ttim-
ti.H. ill arnei..iineu . ihi IIjjJj the n:.ti- '.
ulaf.t .lie and t-a'e 'm ihK.xiCstafcg lil'lki
as a L -iitifi Within the- 1'ilitd of th.s
comrui-iiweaUh, to a vote of the pcvpU.
Auioiig '!ber mutters that will iikely
claim ih'j atten. ioi. i t our Slate law
m ikei:, vv ill be the apportionment of the
.Slate into!, S-natorbii 'i d
Legislative districts and leislu? ii".i :
,.i.t i d scrimination in railroad lr;;t.?
porlatic n and mt.isurfs fur ,toti:::.i:';
the i'!'( rests of the laboiirp- cl.isff.
flovernor I'attison prt sntid h j fui.l
mesnago to tn'.'i Houses which io an
(latoia e. tdear and forcibly worded
document, presenting important ques
tions of public policy in his mru.i1 fr;nk
ard ( 'arless manner. lie gives a griti
fyu.c; exhibit ofj'.l.e Sfafea financial af
fairs, there being a cmsIi balance in the
Treasury, with all the ordinary expense i
of the government met. of $-,nno,0Mi :
and the State debt deducting money an.l
bonds in the Tn-asury is jut,.7,07,0'K'.
lie advises a Oon-:t iiutioiial Arr.e-.dment
i'.holishir.g the poil tax which lie claims
g;ves jo'itieal coininif 'ees an irjurions
danreri us power over electors by
the iniquitous irac'.ke of paying their
personal tax for their votes. The Gov
error nrgr s inimediate 1 gislation on the
liquor tK'fTic. and in speaking of pi)hib
ition bv c insti'.utioiial amendment av?
li lanno' In-
less limn live
vents, and it would be a de'usive reform
to continue pre.-ent evils wh ill- waiting
en thi- uncertainty. He advises high
iicerif-.e as a remedy for the prevention
of innumerable ''tippling"' shops. In
his message he repeats his conviction
that Superintendent Higbee w'as guilty
of gross misdemeanor in neglecting to
discharge his dutien as Surerintendent
towarJs tl.e pupils in S iIii-r.s" Orphan
Schools, ami hdd it not been for the
constitutional provision denying him the
power he would have summarily remov
ed him from she otl'.ce to wi.ieh !.:. rt-ou-po;nt
d !.:m. The (Joveruor jrives a
sonifiiary of the in vest : :, tion hr- iPitd
iri'o he eor.di1, io'i cf ttiesefscliools, 1
sof iuicS the iicord with the rfq-i si to
il I.' gis' lire that it takes ?v: actios
as may 1 - -' dfu! to prevent tb recir
re.nce of !h tiharnr.iul atmies .'irch -so. d.
n the quustion of apportioLiueht 1.;:
calls the attention of legislators fo il;e
Co'istitutionl which direc's the Legisla
ture ia forming dis'ricts, s'all compose
them of "compact p-:d contigupr.3 terri
tory as nearly equal in population as may
Itw," These rules are the p".rd:rir'. pr ii.t ;
in apportionment. If they be fediwr:!
in good f.ith, they will result in ju'.-t,
fair and acceptable I ,vs. It is only
when they are violate,! thai l.tiicu'ty
and i: ju-iice are occasioned. He dwells
at length upon the two important j-idj-cial
piocei dings instituted by the Attor
ney il to enforce the pri,vis:ir.d of
the C.i d it ution covert: mg railroad cor
porations. One of these proce'-din.'3
v. as U ;uu for the purjose of preventing
Cue Pennsylvania raihoiul from
t;nu;:ig the construction of the pr jetted
Couip!:t::ig line S.-etwei-n II inishurg ar.d
Pif.sburjth kiiown as the S'itli IVnn.
and tl.e other w:is against the combina
tion variously known as tie ''Tn;:.k
Line Pool" and the "Coal Poo!.'1 He
urg a toe Legislature to rrive all need- d
n-si-v.uce ;o the Att' 'i:--v H n ral in
pt i -Sf cut ion of ' b
is i i jo:-tice may b(
KintiTKBN --Kh;y ft ven :.ow re
out before us ia enco-ir .1:1 g p-. .-p-ef.
leai ii g t he events, t he jo s ,ird sen rows,
the taoiires and successes f eighteen
ei.-hiy six to live on'v ir no-uiory or on
theptgeof history, It vt old ho lute-ri-s'iug
to know how many good lv.vdu
tio: s wero made 0.1 th' first day of the
year. ;.nd bow many ii-.vo already met
their fate ere this week has completed
the eveie. ILr.est r silver ure not to
be treated scornfully, even thoutrh they
are horn to die';tl:e next day and be
buried in oblivion the rest of th9 year.
A mere resolve to reform is evidence of
good intent'on, and its frequent rer-'i-tio
i may eventually lr;fl to tfie desire
consummrtion. The past yeir lias had
its full average quota of disasters
floods, fires, earthquakes, cyclones, ship
wrecks and railroad smash-tips; while
on the ether hand it has seen many en
terprises prosper and communities bless
ed with all the good fortune that could
reasonably be expected. Among the
illustrious names borne by those who
have crossed the river during the year
are: Genera! W. S. Hancock, Horatio
Seymour, Samuel J. Tilden, Chester A.
Arthur, Charles Francis Adams, David
Davis and John A. Lnn. These are
the names of men who have figured in
our nat'onal history ot so'diers and
statesmen, ami wh though d-Md. have
left the impress of their !ivr-s on cur
free institutions. In a. hnMn?ss view
the old year had son r veis. s and dull
periods occasioned by s'r'kes ard lock
outs but on the i-ho!r it a very
favorable corrparion to its i.nmediate
predecessors. Our iron and steel indus
tries have len active throughout Lire
year, which is attributed largely to the
increased number of new railroads built
during that period, agcrepiMng 7,000
miles. Pailroad building promises to
be even more active in ls-:7 than in 1SS6,
and the general business outlook for iron
and steel industries is correspond in gtv
heightened. With the advent of 1SsV7
has come a better understanding and
closer relation bet ween capital and labor,
and whole tli harmony is not perfect,
nor the dissatisfaction on "h one hard
or oppression on die other entirely re
moved, yet the signs of the times indi
cate a better state of affairs the pr-sent
, year than exis'ed in lG. As th Ne-.r
Year advances let everybody s'rive to
practice the Golden Rule and Nub em
ployer and employed will be prertsir- fn
enter upon a still h?i pier New v nr in
Gen eii At, James A. IlenW r;il l e
i inaujrnrat(l (iovernor of IVrn sylvan! a
; on tlir W.h inst. wiih lmi)cs'nj cerpmo
! nf. Threi will be no itni'atioi of .Tf-
frinirn slmplicitv iu his in?.ucrumtio:i.
Fre-?Hndrd.Ir. .Mctilvnn.
Ti e Ne'v Yoik World is iti
las: t-n- i
ao'td to suii-, on the veiy litsi aui'aoil- J
ty, thai, tlo- li-v. l)r. McGiynn is unuer I
d"linUij susp-nsioM, bo'h as a rector and '
a p.lest. A jui-jt in high authority iu j
the Archiejsc?al Druuey, aud huldmg j
close otTieVil'rehi'rfiS Sieuh Archbishop ;
Coiran. s ii4 hot r : 'Tu- siaie- i
ruents that I)i-?M--f .n has Oeen sum-
montd to Uoriio TmKenU i are
all at. fault. Di. Mc(iiyuij has ui-tu ;
siimruoued t ftome for censure, aud tlo;
only thing li ft for him lo do is to rtc.ui. ,
Tl.e idea ot the Catholic Church e.iUu- i
r.:it ingj' he abolition ot property, in. ;.nd ,
n preposperous. Tba l.'iiliohc cliiucti
does iut advue.-tte the abolition ol pro- !
p. riy in land, an 1 will not do so ; lliut j
is c-Mi-niunism, and tiie chutcli h is pro
iiO'iiK'rd against ciuuiliUoisilj. Jieside, ;
il is absur'l to say that the abolition of j
prop, lty in l.iurl will remedy the evils ut ;
poverty. Its effect, on the contrary,
will he to intensify thrui.
"I do not, know. what Dr. MeGiynn
ntci.ds to do alviit g.jii.g i., Koiiie, but
rnv own ophii'-.n is that he is not jroirg.
As to latitude, there is no latitude. He '
has'been suu.uioned to K mie and he is j
! expected to go at once. Of course, if he
j has written to Hump, submitting any j
good reason why he cannot go immedi- j
1 htely, he will be granted a reasonable
; extt nsion ot i ime
but I do not believe
he lias done. this. I believe he has aim
j ;!y ignored the whole, matter. The fact
is tlai !-. Me(i yt.ns whole .attitude,
for inaoy; years, has been one of antago
j nism to the po ;cv ' f ! he Catho! ;e church.
; He lirst n'.pns-d tie1 est itiisliment ot
I parochiil schools as un American and
I antagonistic to the public school system
; Now the est
tablishment "of paroeha! ' v.onhl do their perfect w
signed for the purpose of individually interested in
: senoois is ues:gneii lor the i
I teaching reojnoii in ttie fcho is, whictl
I we cannot expect to do in the public
j schools as they are designed for children
j of all denominations. Then, again,
when - he question of depriving th Pope
! ot temporal power came up. he lather
i took a position against the Pope in the
matter, which, to say the least, was not
exactly Catholic : and filially, when the
; agitali- n against prop-riy in land at use,
he tnok a s'and against, the church
j Sf:ii!i.:4c,w, the. Aid. bishop has dealt
very leniently with Dr. McGlynn and
I given him every opportunity to set;him
i self right, but he declined to;set himself
right, and as the matter wis an import
ant one there was nothing left tor the
Archbishop but to refer his case to
Home. There it is at present, and Home
must decide it. Pome does not care for j
individuals. The maintenance of dis- j
cipline is much more important ;o her i
hat; the.'u.iluence of an individual, no j
nt -iltrr in what estimation he m ,y i t :
id ;; i is c.mgreai Hi.''
The freasury Surplus.
.it ions lor a dispo
ition v;f
being in
in i
t reason y
:-ongl es-u;e;
, but. thu fact is hat the
il JJL L
;v ues now accnm irat ed
t so t ; o.bii s nio as the necsaity
veiling the further increment of
". irplos. If jd likely that an ine;':i
ed expenditure in the construction of
v: ssi Is of war and a still fur! her en
largement of the pension roiis w:ii sweep
away m.ich of Uie piesent accumulation
in the treasury, ji.nd it congrtss will pay
th'- '.oii-s. '.;.-Ws ol the f-deral g v rn-
:: . v' lo the several m.h'i s ' i .-( tie 1
to u.ii'KOiity iti ge'fi'-tt rid of the re-
pitind'T. j
IJat ti e present congress v.ill bo faith- j
less to lis duty if it tail to reduce the !
r.ver.uea so ihut the treasury sh -.ll not '
tn tui lire contain an unnecessary snrp'us. !
Tin- merit y needle.-sly uke n from the :
! 1 pie in federa. taxes should be p: r- '
niite-.J to 10 in the people's p -keis. 1
Ti this e;:d !.: ti.iil'f i;ivs should be re- 1
vis-d so us t j relieve articles of necessity j
iToni taxation as rouel. as possible. If!
1 Irs ("-"tinot (ione without making '
Sorne cor:c it--ri to those who think that !
Lie inte-na! raxes should be repealed j
some middle c.-uise ought to be lonnd i
by which t he passage of a p:op'.r bill :
c;u. be ei .oir: ,. H, f.-,r instance, dee
...e.j.'-.oco intift !.' given iii exchange for ;
frei- sfil it wen;-r nssent t- such
a corupron :-e than f o have no re i'-ion
01 the t.-..r'fT v.t all. 1
1 '", however, those who btlievo that 1
!u.xurii-s u t acco and whisky should '
le relieved of tex rather than ntcessi- 1
ri'-s of i;l iik w 00 1 arid lniiib-r, are 1
i:nwr.!ir.g to ci rule artyib.ii.g t'.u.gible :
tiie trier, ds o: tai iff tductior. can only 1
siand t y their princ'p'ff: and wait for i
mi h rn ixpii-ssi'-n 01 t he .-ople in favor
ot their ;..-! ,.s w 1!! : ro; e! congress ;
: 1 them. F.-t-e ;.m;:co for free
wool ought to be acot pied as a fair tx- '
ch uigfi tv the opponents of the internal j
taxes. The sugar men, too, ought to be j
satisfied if the product in which they j
are interested is not ton. bed, as it would
no, and should not be if tobecco is made
free. The Morrison bill, with a free
tobacco tiaus inserted and sugar left
nt: touched, would probably pass both
houses of c r.gres. It would certainly
not be improved by smh an amendment,
but it would still be better than the rev
enue laws it would displace. Harris
hurij Patriot.
tleTtdaiid's Popularity.
:-er.ator V'est has no doubt about the
course of the Democracy in lSSst. in
answer to tl.e question "What are the
President's chances for rehoiuination ?"
he says :
Splendid. lie will be renominated and
elected. Missouri will send a solid delega
tion for him and roll up a larae vote for him
at fhe election. He n sure to be elected
it 1 lie e in-i.un . nt 11 sure iu ub e eeien. ,
I do not see anything to prevent it now. All ;
the politicians in the country cannot prevent
his election. The mas? of the people are
for him ; they see he is honest, and that his
intentions are pood. Why, in Missouri we
look upon him somewhat as a second An
r J -
n somewhat as a .second An-
"of cK.cUr.'SdXd'B !
drew Jackson.
mil nrmniwa iif iharuiliir Bra a O .-.O r-t. A h,n
the people, aud they are willing to overlook !
his inexperience when he first took his seat.
The politicians, my boy, are watching the
drift, and ns sore its bite they wi'I rr.nke
love to the peeroe, whtieio ttie true p.iwer
of the country lies.
Th' s'rotitr signilicance cf the Miss
ouri Senator's predie'ion lies in the fact 1
that on Cejt.iin issiies he his not adopt
ed the vi?v advocated in the President's
messages, and was counted among the
dissenter from the policy of the admin
istration. With reference to the Benton
case, he dc.ii.res that the reports of
speeches made by that gentleman bitter
ly hostile to the President were irapu- 1
dint ft. retries, "c.oncoeied by a notori- i
ous liar." The Senator closes his com- 1
preheusive review of the situation by '
drclarir.g his belief t hat, without Logan, j
Illinois will lie a Democratic .State. Mr. ;
Vest's testimony only pdds to the over- 1
whelming mass of evidence recently fur- !
nished of the solid popularity of Presi- J
dent Cleveland's administration with i
the people of all States and sections. '
A". 1". or. !
Eknmamin- Irf.y, of Parker's Ford, ;
who in Novernhr 'a-t was elected Slier - I
iff of Chester county, vras ion tver and i
kill.- d by a milk train on the IVnncl-i
va-iy. Haiiroad, Tuesday morn in at. nt
Frstzier Sta'jon. Mr. Irr-y was sworn ;
Mf office on Monday.
A not-T 1 o'c'ock on Tuesday morn in !
tlir-M s-j-nitf nrul distinrt. shocks of
v' tl.'l'-.'cH weif ajiin felt at West- j
ri,itsr r. Mil.. ,i on the previous morn- !
it . Ii i "us aif coraitiiT from all i
to.Tih of Westminster and Adams conn- !
ly. i!;5 Suite, it,it tjje quake was lso
f-:t nt tlioe t'(irts. At Gettysburg!
r.:niy pt-rsons feit the swaying of their j
h'Vi-ep at Iluutt rstown the same thine
vors pxperif-nced. Four panes of c'.vss j
;o tbe store cf .1. F. lriLkTho;I, t 1
I i iiolt r .tovTTi. were shattered.
i ne ffeet, of the reduction ot the pub- I
lie itb' on the volume of national Dank I
ooies through the rapid callirg Hi of the ;
bombs on which they aie f used has led !
to a wide discussion s to wnai anaii ue
d ue to meet the con-c- quent contraction
of t h it species of paper momy. Iu ail
iht:. !.,.s leen 8Cil on the subject but
!,m v reference is had to the adoption ot !
,. p loumrDt system of currency. Sen
r Sherman, for instance, suggests
letting the banks do business on the 41
p- r cent, bonds with a circulation up lo
thtdr market value. This, it can be
seen at once, would be only a temporary
. Vpsf-.ifr. these bonds become due
hi ls'.'l, when the situation would I i
sseiitially the same again. The sug- j
geslion is in keeping with the general j
treatment the currency question has met
wr ii ever since war legislation uetjau.
It has almoct all been of a necessarily j
temporary character. j
nr gold and siiv r certificates posses i
t l,e'merit;of forming a pel manent iir.d
as at:sr!ute!y a sound paper currency as
can be devised omitting, of course, the i
question of difT'i ecce of gold and sl.Vt f
valu-s since for every dollar issufd :
corresFi ondifj: amount of metal is lock- ,
ed up.for its redemtion. Were we con
fined to Ihat Casis, we should have ivni
t il .-.null in l 11 1 I ri 1 c y I Mil I. X-j I'H ioiiw, ..... . :
l . , ... : ; c - oho ....
.. .,... r... 1. n I. rr 1 t . . 1 tt 1 1 f" fl
r 1 i;;.
securities tn ui null uii.. '. i
held for redemption. I5ut fngland's
sv3tem is practic;d!y sound for all time.
It is es'ablished3 permanent and dot s
away with the constant need of tinker
ing we laoor under. What we rrquire
is soT:eth;ng of the same kind. Tin n
: ural
awsof supply and demand
ork ai:d those
regula! ing the
currency to suit their own advantage
would have no excuse for interterem-e.
Nei'her the condition of the national
debt; nor the stockjot'ber';woii!d have '
amthing to do wnh if. It is not time i
to consider a stalk arrangement V A'.
r. wrid. :
liailruad Disaster.
A wreck occurred on the IJaltinioie J
and Ohio railro.l early Tuesday mom- j
ing ly the collision of a freight train i
witn the west bound fast line, the latter j
running at the rate o( sixty five miles an i
hour. The collision was terrific ana its ;
i ff.-cts appalling. In iess than five ruin-
utes fire fmrn the overturned stoves j
communicated to the woodwork and
flames leaped high in the air their roar j
mingling with the cries, of anguish of !
the imprisoned vic'.ims to whom death !
its most terrible form was pre.-.entcd.
he soihl
y riioiised from an uncou-
si': ol , d . e. at '2 o'clock hi the morning,
t a deafening e: -sh continuing while
you -ire dashed h'thtr and thither and
liraiiy landed biuised and mangied is
sni'ieu rit ly ten i ying .0 the
oi'Mii ; but, w de -n m addi ion to this you
are pinned fast wnh no hop.- of resell"
,0,0 see the steal by tire liend ete. ping
n- .'i oil f o ad 1 iniensitj to oli n.ex
; s-ii it iig(iiy, tl irii itriinilini: i ils to
fathom the !.n ib'i s.iuition. About
t .v. n'y lives are reported to have been
lust and a large ntmiiicr of persons are
uiiousiy injured. It isevident that some
one, or more, blundered or this sad affair
lu-ght have been averted. S .me of th
e?ri'!o. s of tl.e imi1 are sharply criti-
1 cised tor their heai tlesii conduct towards
the wounded. It is to be hoped thai
lss7 will witness few such accidents.
Til K .lA ME-
A bout o'chti
hr'-i men on-
Phmtiikiis Oi.'toone. 1
k one evening last week ,
w no in trout of ; he large 1
sioie ol .1 P. KHio't. at Minne- ;
opo'is, el moe-o! h. Two of the mi l.
jeop'd from 1 loir sieljh, while th
ihnd held the horses. One of the men !
caiT'Oti a heavy stick of wood with
whiih he : mas'e'd th large plate glass
witid v, m which there were travs of
diamonds, watches, etc. Tie bun iedly j
sei.-t! ali t il') available jewo"iy and tnrew j
it into the sleigh, while the accomplices j
k pi the crowds of people iloit swarmt d
the stie-ts at bay with cocked revolvers. 1
l'.efore anything could be done to appre- j
bend them both men had jumped into :
.he sleigh and drove rpi.'iyup the street, ;
the driver wildly slashing ' he horses and j
the rot hern standing with revolvers
point 1 l at the crowd. They secured be- 1
tween 50,000 and ?s Odd worth of dia- :
lu-inds and walches. For bo'dness and 1
hiring this excels rh James brothers'
exploits. The streets were unusually
crowded, and a large crowd wns iookintr
r;t the display in E liott's window at the
- - . f-
Pr.F.pAisiNCi for a Mexican kkvo
T.rTiox. It is well-know 11 thai large
bodies of troops have been moved up
and down the Mexican central recently.
The latest movement of importance
to' k place about two weeks ago. when
some two thousand soldiers were
brought up to Chihuahua. The reason
for this is and bos been an enigma, but
it is known now that an outbreak is
feored in the M-es'ern part of the state
of Chihuahua. The population about
Cusihuiriaehiao is said to be ripe for re
bellion and to le only Waiting for op
portunity ami a leader. Of course of
ficial denials of this alleged discontent
will be forthcoming, bnt everybody
knows how little these denials mean
It is the invariable iule of the Mexican
authorities to stifle all reports of troub
le as long ns possible.
Three Girls Arrested for Jlunler.
On Christmas day John Akely, of Lo-
i 17 . , , r- . t,u t, .
enrl' ?nd .'Ko-n zman, Delia (.orbet
and Jennie Quay went on a sleighing
party to Yeagerstown. All were in
toxic.atd and while passing through
populated portions of I he country the
jo'uin-' J'. 'I l IKM1.1 ilJXi 1. V U I I I 1
youngwomen behaved shamefully,
J-rstown Akely was ll
li row n
out ?T ,,ie sleigh and was dragged a
considerable oistance, trie giris mean-
Wii'" t'eat ing nun
the heal with
a whip to make f im let
po. Finally
th'-v cl awf'V from him. this side of
Ye, oitroyn. iir.d 'eft h'r-i lying in the
sr-ow. Hf ws fcut d s -me time after
ward and removed to his boarding
house, w hen it was discovered that dur
ing the sci flle tn- girls had ir dieted in
jui i-s ol a nrtineless iharac'.er upon his
person, v. Inch fin-illy culminated in his
death. His body was covered with cuts
and bruises from the rough handling he
h:-.d rcct ived. Owing lo his intoxicated
e ndit'on he could give but a vague ac
count of the iiffair, but it was eventu
ally learned that the girls bad robbed
him of ail bis money before maltreating
him. The three girls were arrsled and
are now in jail at, Twlvown, The
victim ot this drunken frolic was 34
years of age. His parents reside in
Ft llefontp.
A STBcxa I'ointer. The Chicago
7mrs snys that a siiijrlp railroad, the
Ctneago. TJurMnytou it car
ries h diiiiy :vs-.-tee of one hundred
V-rrr-ls of whiskt-y into the Piohibitif-n
Sratfof Iowa. This is double the quan
tity handltd beforp prohibition was em
braced. It is assumpd ail the o'lier
roads are following f-uit.
Sarcl nil I.lfc.
Mr. D. I.Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky.,
says tie was, for many years, badly afflicted
with'e, aiso dialietes ; the pains were
ali!.(:.-.t iinemluraMe and would enuietinies
almost throw me into convulsions. He tried
Electric Bitters and cot relief from the first
bottle and nfter t ilting six bottles, was en- j
tirc-ly cured, and had cained In flesh eighteen j
pounds. Sajs he positiAely believes he i
would have died, had it not been for tbe re- J
Kef afforded by Bitters. Sold at !
Crty cents i; bottle by E. James. '
The or.Jwn r.f .Secretary; Li mar and Mrs.
Hoyt in tTie;berle if matriniony i one of
te seciety trents anticipated IdJ the near
Itotiert Janiiuii,ot near Ppaai:t I'nitr,
Westnioreland County, died Ion Sunday, at
the ae of ninety five years ten niontlis and
twenty - six ds.
j Michael D.tviit, tne cliampion of tl.e
: Irish cause, was married or. Thursday of
, week, to Mi.-s Mary A. Gore, of St. Jo
i li, at Oakland, Cat.
1 Clkk ion i not t- -Use Dr. Thomas'
! Electric Oil HCCuruitK to directions. It is
e bet remedy for ail sudden attacks ot
colds, pain and ii.fltiHalioii, and for injuries,
-.Mrs Iletidre-kson, wife of a policeman
at Miajlt.toIlj Oaio, accidentally fehied her
live yeat-nld daughter while showing a
neighbor how Mie wouM shoot traiups if
Ihey iiioltsted hi-r.
There are now published hi tliu United
States 14 ltlo newspnpers and periodicals of
all chisses. The net gain of the year has
oeeti (iiiG. The daily newspapers number
l.'JIG, a tiain ol Canada has OTi periodi
,- Fraiikiui It. Goodhait, of Leading, who
t.:w lU'l'll v I . IT., r ' !l i tr..n. ti.Ttr.,l f rn 1..
u jn
w,'s an I)
a raviiiii maniac on Thursdav
by flight caused by j'okiui: friends
dressing then. selves up as'Indlans and cow
boys and surprising hiiu.
Now since the skating rink craze has
died out and even tiie Salvation Army fails
to attract th.; carious, the. toboggan slide
conn s to the. in iit, with ail the new and at
tractive features calculattd to enlist, the at
tention of the modern American.
It is stated thai Lev. Hilary If raenule.
President of S;. Vincent's College, who was
recently chosen Abbot of New Jersey, will
ns.-itme the tluties of his new and onerous
position in February. It is also stated that
Father Iloiuiinck w ill succeed Father Hilary
as President of St. Vincent's.
The Temple Theatre and Egyptian Mu
seum, tin Chestnut streef, Philadelphia, ot
!oning to Wm. M. Singerly, proprietor of
the llecord, wa completely destroyed by Die
un Monday t.f l:i-.t week. Two firemen,
John Johnson aa.T Jacob (iihson, were bur
ied in the iiii.'is of the.bnrned building while
fighting the flames,
Priest ly Huckmaster, who had been in
the Columbus, Ohio, penitentiary for more
than twenty-six years was pardoned on New
Year Day by Governor Foraker. He had
been imprisoned for murdering his wife.
Drinking led him to the oaiitiai of the crime.
His excellent behavior during hi confine
ment aidetl in securing him int, liberty.
The trial t f Lev. Waldo Missarros, pas
tor of tl.e Xoithwi tern Free Wiil Ilaptl.-t
Church, of PMilad-lphia, eieUd en New
Year by a verdict ( !.: uittal coupled with
a censure for indi-ei ::tion. Mrs. C. W.
l oulston, on, of ins flock pro-ecuted h;m
for assault. Ti e evidence presented shows
conclusively that the ail.'ged ft'oault was
merely a viie piul coiic. eted by Mrs. Coul
stun tor the pin of gaining notoriety.
Assistant Postir.ftt.Jer, of Philadelphia
'eorg.- L. Parker vacates his position under
Mr. Jlarnty on the Kuti instant to return
t. ii'-. chosen t.r."itec--ion wliich is journalisui
Mr. 'ark r ye-t-. r tay stated tint his rela
tions witn the Tost master and with all th.
empioyes of the t.ftir-e were of the plea sari -test
character, and that he retired simply to
satisfy a de-iie cherished for some time past.
Henry S, Drake, thr" cashier succeeds him,
ar d iu turn i-t succeeded, by I. Frank Alh t
ii. F. iotts, ex Common Coueeilnim from
the Fourteenth ward, has been appointed to
fill the vaeinej cu-ed by the advancement
of Mr. Ahbett.
-Insurance policies in forty-nine compa
nies and to the amount of J.J75 OoO were car
ried by John.Tl.T, alias "A. Allen," under
which latter name he died in November last,
at a hotel in South Nor walk, Conn. The
cause of.his death was an o erdose of mor
phine, and the Xcw Ycil; H'orM states that
payment on sum.-, il net ou ail, of the poli
cies will be. ri-si-tetl, nn.ihe ground that the
decean" Mid other parties conspired Ito de
fr -.nd the compatiies. Nearly f2.",0. 000 of the
total amount of the policies was made
over to assist ca-ual friends or business ac
quaintances, and the rest to his immediate
Pmkerton rletectives tiad been closely
following the robbers of the Adams express
car on the St. Louis nr.. 1 Sriu Francisco rail
road since the nn-ht of the rob'oery, October
2.oth. Last wet k ttiey suri -eded in raptur
ing the robbers and their accessories. The
principal clue to the identity of the robbers
was the "Jim Cummings" letters, which
were written by Fred, the man
who entered the car arid took the money.
Of the ?i"0 000 stolen nearly ail has been re
covered. On Tuesday afternoon the three
robbers most directly interested in the crime
plead uilty to the indictment of highway
robbery, and Wittrock and Ilaleht weree?ch
sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary,
and Weaver to five yenrs.
Queen Victoria will be sixty-eipht years
old on the 24th of May next. and, Deovolcnte,
will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of her
accession to the throne on fhe 20th of the
following JuTie. ner health is said to be
breakinc, and doubts have been expressed
as to whether she will live to the date of her
proposed jubilee, hut piobably these are not
well rounded. Should she die today, but
three of her pr?decessors would have reiened
longer than she. The longest reign in the
history of Ene'and is that of her grandfath
er, George HI. It lasted fifty-nine years.
He ascended the throne in 1760 and died in
1820. Henry HI , who died in 1272, reigned
fifty-six years. Edwaid III., in the next
century, reignrd fifty years. T ie n. xt long
est reign previous to the prese ot is that of
Elizabeth, which 'asted fourlv-foir years.
Her age was a remarkable one. Inu-i lectu
ally there is none more so in iro rec
ords of the world, tut us for rial
growth England has never known such an
era as that of Victoria. Ner has there been
a peaceful reign whtrein theie lias been
such a nark?d political advancement. It is
a season for Democracy to coeorate rather
than Monarchy. The aristoera.iy had vir'u
ally a II the power when it began. Now the
sceptre is practically in the hands of tne pi o
pie. BROWN'S
The Omiir.e has Trade Mark and crossed Re4
Lines ca wrapper.
" I hnvf i;s-i Som r:o:.- i. vcr
R-trll:it'.r lot many yea.-. :.;t v
ie.' it my e.iy i-':-.r:i :;".
Jle-iieiii-. My "?o--'tli r l..-f..r"
mo w;v very'inf To ir. It is
il s;ife. f : hi i.e.'1. li ; ' '." : i(-li-;ne
fir iiny d'.sor ! ? th
fystPin, an t if ns-.5 i tone is
I oli'-n ro'"!iiiii' o.'i to my
i.d.-t, and chilli 1-oniiL.uv to
"R'-v. .Tnrtif s if. R. lilns.
"T.istor M. K.i 'iHireii, So. Fao lUvi,'.'.'."
Ti;'C AKC D jSTORS' Ei'J.S SVtO bv
7t-(tj ker)intj Sisn mow Iiver
l;ctin!atar .i the Asnsc.'
"I bo" f oire" so in m ns T.frer
I. o'uit i. toe !.--t loro.l;. 1 1 . 1
!--.:i-. I -r . ' r ;-. r : h 1 tip
t:;-, t. ni l." ;-- ii:iv- o.--S It
: ji.-i... u'itri. itif, iifri he
. .'oei it t 5 r
'. Af-'-r Tit-
' .-. if. on -..Is:
: Tr.u-o. ei-
t." fl, et of
l;-.-r i!i.!i.-'l
1::o-;l il. ,.r -to
'.... 1 ft':,
tot, I le-vi-f
"uVii; .":
.-:- o "t i .'
.' ,:' ..:.K":i, 'o
tn.;.. -! V.'.-nr';
J. ". .(, !.n .2 Co., i'c-.'a Pi oprieiors.
I'i l.-.-. :
HA. I'..
Sister ol the l're.-i lent .
New Story jnJannary Goficy.
FOi: 1S87.
S imple co'V 15 o nt.
$2.00 A YEAR
Always in Advance.
JJcautifu. prcml'ims to every su.- Tibfci".
KxTr.i j reraiums to cluh raider?.
V t-.ipp ? ' f-'
. j,ir 4 i
- 'I " J ' L
K'r Ii - t "f I re mi iti ius h n-I terms to iHrjrt-r '-In
m i . t- r .tiii i-iv '' , wtncii will nive y u la -
iiit -rr-ia- ion.
t U'lY'S. ;it th present tirno. i-s a-luitT ! t-
lirt:- nnl ; ) he superior to any
inau i7 no in Anwrtca. havinir the itreatesi ari
i:ty i1 1 ;p.irt lutt'it.s, a(Iy elUt'it.
; lie literary feature are : Serial-, Novelette -y ,
Sho;T Sfrtri1. t'tiar.t ls, J'oiD!. etc.
AiU'.riz the popular H'i'.hnr wit will c iinb
tiro ( 1 i-j.Jev un-: .1. V. Pri'Mmi... Mh. K:tn!v
of, .J no. " riitj rchlll, Will tain M ihf r iiutlr.
Ktui'v LonrMX, ninl of hers.
KiLT'iviiii:.- apprir !n every nu;ntpr. f.f siih-t-.c
i'V wvil knori lirti-ts, ari'l prrt ! tin
new : pr I a 1 1 1 nilirLit I : ( r.s i -
! - h-HI :r. r .r ril sr ic". Hr j ni.t-l ir t-s
;.:;! !: nic.ire-.- it;,i kors utvwr.i ihtai I he reni' H
I-o, r i .n.
i'.ipt-r r.i.ttTns :r one of th,-- i n-pi r i rj ft t-turf.-'
ot (Ins tiiau'arrnr : -ih -o i..--rr"T
:i ! i ' w-tl f t x-le-'f t u"ir t w :i ' f -rr. - vcr;. mon t ti ,
an i r t; n, alone more '.lia L'vt-ria.; '..'.- 'i ; ..-cr : p
tion prt o.
I'ra';i'.il Hint u;him 1 re--!n,i ki iu- .--li -w Imw
'; r:neiitj fun e reaovatoii -t n t ut t it- "er I'V
Kk- pialierns Kiveti.
I'racfitMl iiuits (i-rthe, Il' iisetioltl -how jcunn
tit - timekeeper. huff ti ma naife t ;C ul i P.:i ry le
part.neiit with tc ii uy ni .k;il.
Kahion Notes, a I II me arj'l ANroi l, lliirlit
every lady'? tioari.
The eoN.rotl an.! llla-'k Wf.rlt I'ey!!.-1 fiivo
the n-'Wet i.Iea tor fancy work.
I'he look in- Kesipe are under the eoriTrvl of
ti n ex perieheetl !:oute keeper.
The Ar.'tit.'t'Tral Ipart nmnt 1 of pricto-al
u t ill ty, careful esti:u:ites l-ciii viven with cacti
pl.i n.
( 1 iK V 'S has ftrr.inire-l to icive pleua nt Si I ver
Plated Ware ot Mipermr maker? a promium.-.
t ho v:i ! 'ie tf which in s-tmo tnsr a nf rci fhe over
if'J." for nno prerniuia. Sn l 1-V fo" sample ropy
whhe will i-onta!n lilustr tei 1'rem iuiiiS with f ii il
particulars and Terin1-. A dl rt-s
;ir:Ys hnvs ijhhk.
I'h:lad'jlphia Ia.
In VI n1 with this pupcr, G o b -y s (inn thr
yrrniftn I'rire, f.J 00 uhi'-h Joiltl be sen O
the tifivc of ihh pnper.
Jennie Jnne's-'Scciety Letters in (Mey'
Lafly:s Book
tejhula A?:i:dt:;il Wc:h, 7i:L Pa,
t 7f S " 1 8ea fHr r!laltrte4
r iW -rvi -try A; c.t,. .
& : j-AT'r7?- -r- w-a
-Address itfARCtl
?r.Y rnnnn-;
Y II K A T .K. I.
mm i ll k o-s
Newnpaprr Ad-rrrtislncr llTir.mi ilO M'KlO'i;
umy be made lor 11 ia
Pittsburg, Fa.
The oliicft an 1 het appointd Institution lor
ot'iaininij a HiiMncss K.iuralion . Kur Circulars
ail. Ire.-? S. Dnir.V Noni.
! ''4 1S5. -1 m.
Blairsviile, Pa., Ladies' Seminary.
Il.-auti'iil irnoo.i. oomr.i.i.lio!!.- Nnil.llnif lieat
J '" s'm. Itelt.ful hir.mi.ii. tborouich inntruc
ti..n. Ki4-ht rf l.l'iit teai-lu-rs. Hirnished roam,
lioar.I, list, i. so, tuition in r'n!.ir n-urce
Special h.I vant wires fn Art ami tn is Thlriv
hth year heum? Nept. 8th, lsrt. For ftnlnau'e
apply'" Kkv. T. K. FW1M i II I)
July 23. 1886. rrincipal.
Private Sale
I o' .-el! ,.t pri .a'e F.,le n,y one tlitr.l intoren
In the followlni; lamls lyintrin ratntina dJ Al
leKhrny eoTinties vtr :
One thir.I Interest In traet ol lan.l ?i'uate.1 tn
Sumnieinill townphip. aml.rla eouutv. p POn.
taminn tl-r : t ini.lreil sn.l fUtT -inen "ere
more or lr, u n I r ; ;i i t with Severn! irooil vein
ol hitumino'is f .n. a survpv ha Pen tlironich
thi" property Irom South Fork to , rd lor a
Also, one third interest in an undivided tn,-'
of Innd owned l y Anna II. Met onicl. m ..ii.,
K. Seiinlan ( hot h l.einn now de.-cas. d ) conui'nin '
one hnndred H'Tm, no re or le-. underlaid with
a itorrt vein of Iron ore makinif 4'J poreent. of Iron
sMtnoited in l'ort-ii:e I o n?hi p. 'a rnhrla co I'.i
AIo. one-third inten"-t in two lots ol ijroiind
f'tnated m the town of Portaire, in Fortune twn
r'aml.ria eoumy. I'a. ' '
Also, one third Interest in a traet ol land f-itna-ted
in WashinKton township. 'amPria couniv
I'a., eontaininic Six Ilhun.lre.l nd Forty A"Tf
underlaid with three veins ol uaod Coal, a vein o!
i ire flay, anl Ore
Also, one third interest in two lots ol i; round
situated iu Alleuhenv c.untv, l"a ahoui he
minute? walk from Ka.t Liberty sration on the
Henna. K. K.. there heinir two (food I'lank I'wel
l'nit Know, ereeted thereon, with irooa cellar
and (rood water.
The ame will he Hold Iree (r all ineuml.raneee
and a uo-xl title Kirirsnti-ed . For fan her partic
ulars call on or addraesj, ( A. M inMii l.K.
lieii-v'tH-k, t'amttria co.,
or wy attotue E.O.KtkK,
t- t'KiUSiUI, t
1 1: u i. .:
AM -
- 'r-.-- : . 1
1- L..i
Sole Aer.t
-loi; i m k -
fulumlila .'Hid F;e'ler;i;i Wat e lies,
In Key and Stem Wm
LA Mil-: .-Ml..-' il. tie ALL KINils
of .1 i". ' i'.i .. . i al wa, s t n Ii in 1.
U 1 1 o s u p - - t .
li-lor- oiir oi : -
Viti i,.it. -in
ii el- 'v
:t at i v o--.,
si r . N- v : -M
VAdbahi Best
F t la-i-por small ram-o? cftlibr, gralru powder: 3
Atk i r.. - . a. , -1 -i. -H ct 1 h Ktrr.r.t--t h04,tllie
k t Prli fl m mm mm f:ii rv.
reduced. 5 a M A VxlU ert Hiflr, wor. i T'-m-wnl. Te FtiTir1anf
-.,r eVf.. , t,0 an I f 1111? CA. 7U'B. AH Ca:lbr8 fT TT1 to 45 M&J" J
11 n bi i.i. ."
Two t--pta mule with on of our
after Cfo- hhot ld It m Dred
6h. .t cnn rrry t.rr n'riy .l
are a. ways accuraie id rc.laii.e.
Genera: lrsijrancc genl.
: ; kxsj; f mi, i'A .
U, L. hWX il. i- r" I K. tt. ;:!k.
)r)hiii')'.l. iu
ICbenslbiavg, I3 a..
lilonoy uocni-c-i oi Depait.
rr viti.i iiv ii:iam.
i ; -. i e.;t ; i T '., i -i-fV r
Ml." ...v ! 1 Lu n i.l- '. I e : " -1 i
lT At '. (i lfsn Li. I dISTI.
D::A l".ri u ! rrinrlpttt f
15 mill iui'l S'tld nit it a
;aeral Bar-Vin Busiccssi-TrEnsactrsi.
.-I ' (il y TS tsnl.JClTf 7.
. W. iUTK, Cashier.
i 0".rt. A i.rii r. 1-4.-11.
I'-.'Ktc' r.
Ant titbf r I irst t 4 tn ? ri i ei.
1 ) I c;.K,
Ji fiAirn'1! tii
mv jyvni vrrrnn
f iitU i.t-ta i n t ,i i .
t ' O yi M K N ' Il 1 1 Ii l s: 1 v LSS
- ir i 1
L''ec'.nr,.l:iiv iss.
MY !'!:
A I I I i;n KY-
Arii iiNEY-A .-l.A'.V
-cV-1 torm-v-j) r . j ; a1-
1- ;e.Nltr jo. -, .
I 'r!: A r :i) r V I'uO'r t.j ... l","j;i
Catarrh elvs
clrsv. 1 Cream Balm
f t. V U.
A i i " l.iijin'd .
,,- 'mnh r.
fin 1 1 in ni i ii i i
IJAVf-rrir'i-'"' ot
A imrticle w ..,J.i nt.. .-.,,-h nfstr:i. nn.1 i rT,s.- .s.i nt hi Js.b -r. ; I.v m-iil
ri-ui-i.-r'-.l. .i t-i... tfiil.-ir tr. e. 1 I.v HRns
Ilru;lt-. ( wc,
N Y.
niu mid kiii nb l-s ( irv.
Vonnsr )Ipi an4 Bot. fle.lla.
I' nn
l'J ioif. r-'.n I '1 00
i t - rv: e -e .". ei.
No 1 1 .-i.i . lO-. I ; , i.
I tn -(.-. . I . t .
and :.). u- :
-"-.. - t I-. t . e
.' U ; . ii. I '
.'t:n -- i i :.v -' ' -1 I
li-l:. S. I, I !',..
ncin nir .n r ... . :
en.y ure in Ii.t.
!e!pl ia. r'i-d .neo ,-. . erp
'!:-. rf ' .i - t r t et. .1 .
i - . Jan ( tia ti ti li.ra.t-
- -: i- l i. : :,.:---. a ! men.
1 ' i r'r?.i!ie i..r '
' . s'io .' i dr.. I lor
- t'a' t r or
. . r .... :i.,- r ar Viz
s- ' i:.-IO:!I'ui.
r 1 ."".-d t A.-...1-
1 'e. I'r !,,- TC n a ::d t-ll
..i . r oH-i:e. a n.l I 1. .- -t-.r..,. s.-h- ..!.- I t
il.'iit" sent i i Ilrsf.. ii. s .. i -, m ! -m M in l-so.
lo in lss-i. A tr idiiat .in; e!a- in tl.e r(iniiier. :i
department every year. A Fh .-i. . 1 a nd t h. in-'- "t-ry. ( i Ti... . : ii in an 1 H,ji -, ...i r,,l.
I.V u v!. ad li d to tne tv.t rary tn is.!. ;e.ji
has peron i hun-he. ho-I 1 .m.-e cl atter
'" r..!..:.i:s ll,. y-ile .1 ,M ii:iox.t:r!i
drinks. F'io.f HU.str.tfd nr.-n'-.r ..Ir.. the
I'roi and 1 r. r let or. S W ITU 1 ,. ' SHOU 1 -
J.llinr., A. 31., (Harvard tfra lua-ei Med a. I'a.
or Nirk Mnrniih.
CURE FOR , or ',.nrP''1 I ier.
nn ion s riranaene.
0st iTCnaOS,
Tarrant 'a V lfrrTr eat
Sltv.1!' - i-ii 1 1 .
It Is rertaon in Iti eMt-oto
It jtentl-j in us aeti r.
It is pal.iteahle to th
tai-te. It ran he rel'e.t
upon to rnT(., and it rores
.y e.tvl-...7. u t ty oiltra
itili, nature. Io i."t Iikh
violent puruative? y"iif-s-elves
. r alleiT your ehil-
, ,, , , dren p. take H em. aiiw vs
jPY.H'jrtar1a u- tin etet.nt phr-
VJiWt-. llcUjaOIICj ii:'... .inn: r. r--. i i n,
and i"!' hr
P.n S ltv .'r- a p.lh.ii-
.-v 1 Ti
v vtT1-: ...hi-..!,.-!
I " - - - - - - r -
mws-K rali finjfiksk wii
A Ufa Experience. Remarkable and
Quick cures. Trial Packatres. Send
etamp for tea'.d pssrtictiUrs. AdOreoi
Dr. WARS - CO. toitisiann, Mo.
kVAtlUU BWfeJ'- - ton. f
c o ij 1
t. -. v. ' V?
v . r i 3
i . '-..-.v..
xn "rno w ox-a-ci.
cm). Mrr.;
rifle Tn l
nnrtins and Tar
iarin n n . .- i r.'.'nrnft
- New Haven, Conn.
K c llTf rlf. twomy reowrclivt r t
n.l no c!enlr.i flarlnr t!.e t Dtlr mrvtutr
ti.e pilie l l--gct Mumtcliet lcUMa
i Asrents Vant
ea LVrrvwi.ere.
i. Ii 1 .r r t i fill h -1 i : ' r
ax:ialjJi'ur-- -.i n ! k-x i-
(invriv.!ii-H..ia- vk ; - t
aiid !"i'l r : r . mi oHftti
li. hr.LI.KT, 711 S-.n..c-i ,
..jpr t . " . i i
i i. . .
i M-iiiu!.:'
tJFiZ ' - - -k. r r ... ,.. im
M UU i iV-i .w,.sv.
loarl nnil Tuition
fur the Scholastic Year. 200.
III tl'IST ntifl HIST. lrlr- Rrriic.d
vrr -.'
i. - :
.... A.J.
' T' 0.f . c'rd Aa't? wo.-p
ilnlmanol o , I'll I'
l (.. .ii--y i,. t h. ;-.t w.'lt at tl.e t :
1. !" i a (1 iy ran psw't i. - ie
w, r. i.-n: i. h:1 : i - c it - -! r.B . W.. I .v
K... 0 .1 1 !ii:t -i.l .-.r t.ur ffTk n tj -i Tnrri h ' -
:' tn-i.t. A . wr fatnt. BM ?
H I Ii nm I'A M . SHI Vine M., ( ln Iu
unll. Ohio.
n AIHI S W4TII-Ti. w-Tk fr.r y- it
M Tt.-iT-.wi, ..m- ' JT:.i.'l 8IO r 'ti
Lf .-tn: l.p f:i:lv it K.lp : iv. ranvH-.irg : w-vb-
fafc "J a '!;;.,.. vt-,( ly , !r yoifnt. F T'. ' U i
:.i ; . t t w..-ht-T-,t f,,r ;trri.. AJ"fi
lit ! 1. i 1- ; n.. r.;i i. K J 191! K ifti B.
ft i: w ;rO SAI.FVKN tve r wfcr. ! -
l Id' L' .i. .smtv an.! sllrljen. VrK
fc ' r .---r. :. t . ....... tt1 h t 'r . :. I'
I AM'AKH SII.Vl hWAKK n :fany,
t. :i. M:i-.
) Actual
I t ir : h Avkm e. I'm siu iti.. Fa.
:!v c dleiie in the whole nnrO V;
yo.iii nun can Itiru it
pr-.-t :,.. t:e only jsm! le way to l- .r:". ':.
-. :
i.... h ke.''.ei i:K ir a de en ttrei v trni tie I":
trar-a.-te-l hy tbe f t u.len tt ' t hrin.ej . -.
n:e a tt.r meet it in r 1 bu:t.e..
ea; . raj i. w roinif ly our new (v.iem. v..
!'i College .Tonrnal : ?ei.t free
T. M. W"i.lhs, j rej-ident and pr..!e-
plain and orr.nn.ental ienn.achip .1
1'ksj lii-s. pr...es5 ,r of tt e tl.eon and p'a-t.-e
"' hors, at.'-i IToprif-tT.
'.'-L'-l lxs. a m.
FrciMcli's Hotel.
1TV il 11 1. Mil Altl , t V VIIKK,
I 'I pi -::e ityiHail and the 1'. t fte.
T! !- H !' I !-'.', e of 'he i; . f . ... ..Ve -n tt
. tn. . i :. uT.r.ure el AM HOI SE la
N.-w York t i' atid is .-..n " . e I ti ":e
K rri oiOv one .p.i ar ier da r. Hi't tr!nut
' K T.on B'ts-nlyn I'ri.U-e ai. i r l. vHted K. K.
A:1, lo.. ,-' ei--- i n., ti e d"or. ..'t ..r.v..r.'?i
H..:ei tn ." w Y .rk tor Mer.-haa: o -t-.p at . L
mtr !s....tii. f':ite and luto-h ,-nn: .-r rei :ct .l!x
all the luxuries at u:..0erate pja-.-.
duly 2, ia.-t.
e .Making in all its hiranew.
nn.1 UKl'AIlJINt; 4.f nil kinds donea
he SlIliKIKsT Ndllt'K and the 1.1. WEST
j I KICK'S. Also. 1'laniiMi. sawlnu nd t .l Turn-
' ln with improved m. hioery.
haavy wrk done. arri
All part e trusl.oH
' ahlj dealt with- ll w,
t i powitlv nbvdv far tba imm rtimn it f
ftoMT)4 f (m f th vr4 mtmm avad ml 'trf mi
mm r a4 f rr..Bb l ay tmM t tm , .
Uav. 1 Will aJ TWt (.TTUB fVU, tof-vl W . .f.
tibLI TUlTI?! om Jium m mjitLW
F . . to i rr-"--!Vi."i, j-
Dfttl d!ff'i f d'-'nUiifi.
! H.fsT- Mr. . :. Wi-.
'. - : t - f k . "V. ( . 7 . I . r . . - -
ILli!, ' 'i a r- .' n up! ',.'t.l. i-
: iCD'TsV-'AiFn.-
, , . ' ' r '
. t- -. ' " ' .--" . . r.r
,t r-. : ' - i- - i
Lt V, i : ..!. .. ; : .t. - -
'-.- rt, V
f mith Ftw e nA
ti c with w .rk will bmV annor
1. X. CHI-rp