The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 22, 1886, Image 4

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TlitTt- .ire doubtless many persona
why the term "Academy" as ap
plied to e lirational institutions who
Jo r t k:.-!r the curious or?si;i:t of :M
Y- wi'i cive it iu as few r-l lucid
wnnls n "'ssible. iu conn-.:: iou with .
bku-h ' "!Ht divinely pi-ted Iihi'Iimi j
PiHt . :!" : father of trun PiiMosoj.hy.
Firs', w i- must ii'iper"" that ab'xi" 4')1) ,
yetr V-fore tht Christ ia'j en. th-tifte?.-
"'ere the nin enlih'.P'id
pei' r. ;be wutld. An?' at; them tli j
aits n .! sciences flourinhed to i liih
d-g:i- ;vid Philosophy "D.i'itrr.ter of
IleaV' !."" as Burke- once- termed her, fas
tuiaU.l all the youths cf the world of .
st hich Greece was then mistress. I
Aiii-'i the apt pupils who listened j
to the wisdom of the "aire S Traces, was ;
r.ato. sti of Ariston anh Pontone,
born :' Athena, 1?. C. A2'.. ar;d descen- ;
ded from ifreat C'odua and Solon. He j
hrtd t" en brought up in the schools of j
the time, trained iu grammar, music j
and gymnast ies and at the d-ath of i
S icrates was one of the m ist promising j
at 'endants, haying given ear to his
teaching for eight years. After his
master bad exchanged worlds, as he
himself put it. I'lato moved to M" ra,
whence he traveled into Kirypt, Sicily
and the Greek colony in Italy, enrich
ing Lis mind with observation as well as
Upon his return to Athens, he re
Solved to open a school of Philosophy
in which to instruct the youth of the
country. Tie- accordingly chose a sin
gular spot, which soon became famous
for h:s teachings and attracted crowds
from all pom's. So great did his rep.
utation become that even ladi"S. bre ik
ioir t he st rict rnVrif AlhuiiTi pr ipriet v ,
dill'S-d tbetrselves and attended Irs
lectures winch spark'ej with the tru'bs
of irum ata'ity, ':d ;.l. tlie maker
and governor of the world.
her shoo's were' deserted
while he taviht, arid rulers, and law
yers arid judges carne to h"ar his w rils.
The p'.ic at which be cave his
lectures wa a prove which belontred to i
Olie Acadf'tiillS ail 1 fioni this Slight Cir-
ctimstau It was ca!!ed Academv and
... , , j
lllO.s ' tV!ii attetidesl Academicians. It I
beaBie the chief ef 11 schools, of an
ciitxU Km"?. nnc no liijher title can
b given to any iistitulieui of learning
Wi jm Academy
Th dronjihifl of K-istern
are riirted as follows.
"In If. 21, 21 days in succession with
out rain.
In V'.',), 11 days in succeesion with
out rail..
Iu lf.r.T,
Iu lf.JJ,
out rain.
Iu l'.Tl.
out" rain.
Itl l'jOl,
out rain.
In If,'.'!,
out rait:.
In 17l'.
In 171.-.,
' day iu succession n ithout
30 days in succession with
4") days in succession wiih
Sl days in successiou with.
02dis in succeg.sion with
1" ilays in succession with-4.-.
tlays in succession with
out rait'.
In 17l, d-iys in succession with
out rain.
in 17:j.
Out r:tiii.
I Tl 17 U,
. '.'2 ''avs in su.cesion with-
ii;tV5 in HHf.-oepsiii with
out rain.
In 171'.i, 1'. ilivi in succe-'sior. with
out riin.
Iu 17"j.j, 'ltys in successinn with
out run.
In 1702,
l"2!i d;is ii. succession wiUi-
out ruin.
In 1773,
sm d tys ;n auccessian with-
out rsrn.
In 17'.1. in succesiion with-
out rain.
In 2'5 days iu succession with
out rain.
In 1S12, 2 days ia succession with
out rain.
In 1-V, 21.daya in succession with
out Talc
t. ioti j.i.i,,.. in ..cQlr.r. a-iil,.
au i-u, t- .w-.
out rain.
In lTTi. 21 days in succession with- ,
oat ram. j
In 1SS5, 20 days In succession with- ;
out rain. i
The longest drought reported in ;
America was in;the summer of lTt'.J,
no raiujfell from the first, of May to the
first of .Sepierobr, inikinir in all V2'.'
day; without train. There are s,vm
drought reported in tbe seventeeu'h
century uveiafiirg ol days each, ten in
the e!s-htee:;'.i century averaging nearly
7 diva eitch, "ircj up to the present
timf 'it in the ira'ecriii; cntury aver-
aglntr 2" dtys each-
Hints to ""ports-iieu. j
Tiie sp irting season is now at hand ;
and a few hints to amateurs will not be '
Fitst, ji-'l our g'da bud load it. l'ut .
the rrowder iu first and the shot on top. :
lauift, when you have emptied j
your $run and are in a hurry to load up ;
lsad it rice veiSA. j
TaVe three or foui fellows along !
with you eo that if one of you is shot
tfcere wi'.l be enough left to carry him ;
home. This wiU also reader the acci- ;
dent less difficult.
In climbing over a fence hunters
should be very caieful. When you
come to a lence, set your gun down and
get over yourself. Then reach through,
gtt tLe gun by the mu77.)e and pull it
through the fence.
If jour dog should refuse to tree
pheasants, and persist in chasing rab
bits, Fhoo'i him.
By a continuation ol this process old
dogs may become so fu!l of Phot that ,
they couldn't chase a rabbit if they
Should you fall down and jam about
two of mud into the muzzle of j
your gun fire it off immediately. It !
would be advisable to do this by means
of a forty-foot string, but on such an
occasion you must be iu a hurry.
Shuuld something get wrong with
your K'i", puidi the hammers bxck with
your f"Ot itnl blow in the mu77.!e.
Th: v.-il! bring a recreant gun to its i
duty quicker than anything.
Ko.low tMP-fullv ti.e; dirtctions .
any intv iigant man can do it and you
wit! havn no need f.jr further instruction
Thi! Hrifrlii of Academy.
, ? HISTORY of ' nQl -
S' rCSCOIX S y,e-w of t!i. Ancient
.ir.rfotvrt.-.. llluttrntett l ibrary Idilion, in
. ittttr I'.tl it t.vo v-.thifiii'fi iti
le, without Uliitration. 51 -3- .w
JHJ$Jy TlgtlKm roprrietit enable
in-' r." l " 1'irwi.t thw frat mrk to Ameri
can ra'ier at a r. . .uiur pric-p, yet in form
withy of the author, a n-1 worthy cf the finest
Ulnar? I; ruechuiieal qualities are fairly to tliooe of my bast eJitiuu of " Uunvt's
ry of Fi anoo."
IfJ Uinnlo t)i noted spriFt and
tS 4i lUppiwy criuc, aavs : "Ahiatory
p. sfcinjr Uic unity, variety, and interest of a
uignifk-ent pom. It deals with a rie of
fucts and exliitxta a pivJlcry cf character, whirh
t i live invtt'l would place it errBtr ry the
ki i.f Homer ; and which to rtalute and repre
fv in the mode Mr. Pr:ott drne, re
quired a rnre degree of historical imaKinution."
nnimnrl ALL PRAISE. "This
t-4 Ujf UI1U annoiincemeul in all that IM
tif-eed. The work itself Ion an passed beyond
all prLe. Tha thouand of people who were.
imuMe to e:ure it at former prU-ea will be Klad
to aail themselvea of the opportunity of doing
k at a reduced rats." Interior, t'hicasjo. 111.
The work itelf occupiea too high a plaoe
anion hitorlcal wrrtincs to need comruenda
ri,.n "Tht Mail, Toronto, Ontario.
TJ " The enterprising Mr. I-
I II lUljf a denhachoeenamottlm
Iv occasion for Ue relaeue of thi Taluable work,
and its excellent and conanient library form,
IT CmW.Jn itJ Ferdinand and
Illuitrattd Library E lit ion, In two volumes, small otavo, uuiuiimg poriraiie u
f.tions rine h-ar-i -7 er.f.r.c cloth, rUt tops, rrice, $9.95. 1'epuJar Edition, from the same
nlatts but without il: .:ions. the two volumes In
Precott had the genius to invnst the dry
facts of history with the charm of fiction; and
yet he uever sacrifice truth to the graces of
style "' WasTLAS..
" It is one of the most pleasing a well as most
valuable contribution that have been made to
modern history; it is the only one that gives us
a faithful ami sufficient picture of a period so
ILI.l STKATKD CATJLOGVEct CmW Book, 139 page; 4 etntt ; Coadenaec I ata
logue, free. The best literature of the-world at ths lowest prices ever known. Address,
JOIIXIi. ALDEX, rubllsher, 393 rearl St., Xeiv York.
,Tue Alden Book Co.: Ciarkjuid Adam St., Chicago; ) Yonge St., Toronto.
-w -v At the oglce of "J jPAPEf
fl. 111 hs HHFH 1 ills
VX VTl fVk ia combination wiUl ttie
r a 1 i n is
the Wet Uwrature of the wcrld within the reach of
t ,
OUT r-'t, lllll'e. r'Mi'?!f H:--!. lt", T);J
llrnrl IMlu
l';i!pl!!..n. d.'!-dlK-iilon.
Health llae cr.
cured IivWeli"
A , ",,l.0.,',, ?" ,,,
A-k lor W til- "Kii'inli o'i 'rv.f. llic li'UCK
complete cure. Hurl or satl arm, war's, tejiilju-'.
"iincini 1'i.n.a"
ttulcH, eomplete enre. ;1 U i 1 n-v. Mai i er and
urtnnry dlsen-e-. e:!.ttmr. !rtitai.ti. tooe, grav-
i l Pttt:, rrh nf Ifif 1. 1 irl,lir 1 . 1 rillf 'J ! -"t .
lt.rt-lI.iicM, Vile.
Flic. rfi;i'f. inN. t'iL'. riit.'. iui''e. if'ti'h
er. chipmunk.-, rlear-d out Nv 'K.iuh on Kan."
Ill in rci.nlf
'Well-.' Health Kcni-Tr.T" r t-.r- health and
i vlit'T, circs dyype..'ia. iiiip.iteu.'c.fBX'iiil debility.
! fl.
I "Itonvti .in I'hIii."
' furc.-i chol.'-t. (.!!'. crii-Ti' -i. din rrlcri . rn'tics,
n-. prsin J. 1-. .'-i' i -hc. -i.'nrt!via, rlieimi:. tisni.
2".'''. Koii'n on I'iiiii I'ltyft-r. 15''.
at 1it.
i If yon arc f 1 1 1 i .''Ti,n i-n. ifitrn out anil nervous,
i life' VVeU'f llenl'h Kcnevv-T." 1. lruttl-".
i l.lfe Prfiirr,
Tf VOl :ire lo-.irK vour ifrli. on lii. fry
Well-' ,
: Health Kervwcr
O-je- ,lirc'. T.t wiea't "i nn.
"Iloiiitrt i I'lles"
t'ure .l!e .r heni rriiii,N. iictin. e-ftrii'Mrii.',
Meeil i ry. i neri!:.! r oi her. I r. tern ii r. nd ext' rn 1 1
remedy In e h p'l,l:'X". Sure cure. wv. Kriii;
iclr. I'rfffv tnteii.
ljU!ie v)io woTti-1 rfl:ii'i h-'m' .1 rl ' TliH.'ll,
don't lail t' try Wct;" i-.v!M Iiene.r. '
'ltna!i l t."
'Koa-h en Ii'h"' rur.. hiir-iMr-. er:'i'tU'ii'a. rtnif
wurm, tetter, rvl t rheum, K.'-'fe,i 'ec:, e.iit.inin.,
Rorisjh on .'Bt.irrli."
,Trects offensive :t -:r,ce I'lnnpleii. cnr
nt w-.r-t c!irnn!' ,iN( 'i:i"4'ii'el a Kiile tor
d;pliMierl!i. ore, !-m! .-.
Tlio Hope or llie Xatlod.
t.'liildren. h'W in de clm.iner.t. T'linv. s.'rtwny
and delicate u-. ' Well"' Health Kenercr."
I'nlnrrli of I lie Rlnddrr,
Stuminir. Irritation. Inflpmnnf1nn. all klilney
aiij uriniiry complaint.- cure 1 iy "Hucliu-Piiiha."
"Water line;. Rowhe"."
"lin iiih .in Kiits" dears tbetu out, nlfio lele
, aat.-.
u t., "e'v '..riv, i'i;, the e-;er. c.i-i of
any 'r.'(.
"t lin"
i A ! vrt ! . i :ii; i:1 Aire
loii.jtituo pititipltlet.
OAL-IjLUvJ iiliUiiljK,
or Ctir
1 s
i Cwte!n'n at-iorv!c!i e.owrrrhen!7awire.
I of ( ITa t . ts of ill t i.irl.v
is and flHsaes,
with Numcm'n r uisMe-i cf I'ersonal Experience"
la t io Iereciioa cf Criminals, eoverlng a
Lr; )d ef Thirty Years Active Detecttva
if en 1 r miira -m? r.atsr intensely UUf-rttiutg
ami Viriilinj Ltt'.-.ctivt Sketches.
An entire' v new liork. f rnf'w'u Vhtttrattil,
and wi.U Pertrait cf Ibe oreut LelecMve.
Tn every t'iwn tliere ir nttmbers of pe"r' t;1
will le p'tI to Ci' I'm ho'ik. It sella toMsr
e'intr. VeebrMrs, s-rii'-rt and Professional men.
1 nt:s ercrv ii :1 euil j. r:t U ty or tn..r kit
l tnii-i to v. iii'iu he can feal suru of selling It to.
We wir! Oi: Agnr. In m-ery towrjhlp, or
er.uEt-. t.rj!ii7 ;-''"'"n- w1"1 I'0-), can
be -oe n 1 1 .1 t. t jr f u.l particulars
and t. .-it ' '." 'i. a Mre-s A to., PiibiiF-hcm, New Torfc,
J? S3 X 1ST"'
Children's. 1 to R rears,
ditto, two attacUi.'ntB,
1 aJiee. " "
Hi', with a bs'.t, "
IoidiMS-. " " '
B.?. a pair.
1 Oc.
1 3c. "
1 5c. "
ioc. "
a sc.
i-t.x-kirip. Ahdonrnal. and CaUm.
tiial Bandage Supporter om-lin-id.
...... 80s.
IWlth Skirt Support-, - - - t Sc.
Brigiiion Uetil s Uarver, - lis.
Sample so tit poet-paid to any adir
ri-oeipt or price 111 x 1111 stamps.
Sola and Manufacturer,
ITS Centre Vtreet. New Vork.
1fMate PrPM R.tnrd
St 4TitnAm St MllVI UlSKAftW 0W
t'ALLlll.t J takes u diMctahl. S hlii ft
rt W. IwttlM 9 triaU bows I
h-t pane". lhT ' r
... r t. 1 . Swut 3 tM r O. !
;!T1 nl'n ICLlSil1IA'. st.rWWV.Ma 1
it, I T,rri i Af.A iWTA T1S
miMPif nil i o
A r pi ftat and tu way Mfg" mmm n.1.
(bit F-w-.T flrtl. by hi. DrMjc Vv or
. oih if an 1 r- nr1 A cia for uni r.
t i ( )'V I tit'
i t
1 fT of MEXICO. W .u . a Pwamto vy
i'"n. ml the Ufe ..f th. fniquw.,
t.-... rvlmiK. small .e'Jiro PrV-e.
iu cheapness anil the widespread interest ia
Mexi. an matters that exita at prrent. will
dnubtlww combine to Rive it an appreciative
reception." Thr H'refc. Toronto, Ontario.
The volume before us is a very creditable
pie'e of work mechanically, and put Preswtt 8
charmiDK histories within ttie reach of the aver-ae-e
pocket book." Evangelist, Ht. Louis. Mo.
4.; " Thi history
ascinating. tasafi.,
inj? interest, and is so well known aa bo need no
praise."" Chrittitn Secretary, Hartford, Conn.
Especially interesting at this time. Is pub
lished in two handsome voluaiee, and like aU
Mr. Al len's publicationn is sold at an astonish-iiu-ly
low price "-lfifcrftsfT, Petroit. Mich. '
and admirably executed; rich with the spoils of
learning easily and graeefully worn; imbued
evry where with a conscientioua love of the
truth, and controlled by that unerring frood
sense without which peniua leads astray with lt
false lights, and learning encumber with Its
heavy panoply. It will win the literary volup
tuary to its page by the attractiveness of its
subject and th flowing ease of Its style; and the
historical student will do honor to the extent
and variety of the research which it displays. . .
It will take its place among those enduring pro
ductions of the human mind which are cwnot
stele and custom cannot wither. O S . Hiu-isn.
JXSrOKF of th It FIG X of
Isabella, the Catholic. By William II. rnisc-orr.
one. Price, $1.95.
JVutc ready.
momentous as the latter half of the flXunth
Century." London Athenceum.
" One of the finest histories of modern times,
written by an author of rare felioity of diction,
fervor of imagination, accuracy of statement,
and exquisite beauty of style. Every one who
reads at all should read PreecoM.-" Ye6S
rian, Philadelphia, Pa.
APER cPT f work shove
ana it or anv i Mioon a
mav be had en ex'i-Hiuelv
Premium fer f imps, or
paper. " A boon worn:
orth owninf " AiJies tia-" puicco
every home
ltd for our attractive term.
Cite as premiums t :of"rminc elubs to
Ur sale of t!:lr TF .4 S e4 t'OF FKKS, ,13
m-T.t TViti !-! .tf, Silctrtrmre. Wttrh.M.etc. WBITH
KA Si;TSof sn.l ! pieces with S1 arid 13
rier l.rcornt'-tl TF A 8TBf 44 Sloths'
with ii nvA f15 r-r. TKM-WII)lfO
JAtIcr Moss Rose Tea Hef a of 44 pleees, e
' V'bHd Tlner Sets of 1 IS r'eaes. with SIO -ers.
Servl ua rosr sl1rss nJniHTi?1o tWi pafwrt
?t- win y.'ii our Cii!1 Beck contab -in complete
r"?.iniTri fvire I.Ht. I ns dint f'HUl Til Co.
fja h l
Wtr . VlTAJ Il T Is fll'w
'nsr. Ft
iTtTrwAn? i
mr tn ths
I M i ..r I'twer PHTH A 1 I
r!K:iit.-j ij I'rof J IAN I IAI ..f l'arls, PHuisa
i. m f.-.t -i, i nd iH.ieC rpMiy "
1 a jwi'.v-t r(j relinble cur- til Ttis
sv.-i ssra;!y id'h .luel tire. ajl wfmfcjrpina lios ot I
ci,XL5 AGESCrl'Nr: 'Vw Fr.stSU ?t '
!o You Know It?
w lCli f ? 1 iVS l't .H. r;oi 8 J r. tS f'J fcotu.
tWld by L-ruwuiu V i M- i) i I B eV CO
n. I4 l t., Kew Terkk
The Original and Owly Geasls.
SA Hi lr, Saw r .rCk Ufa IslnSiM,
ft J
SAME PAPER, t klakxtve i I (C.
tfll kf.Vti.. Soasra, Pai.aaaTrsk
t Kr.!,',... TraA y(,Ut ky iKvllar St t n
mmktr, F.U.Sclpkta. Tm.
At IeIgf,t.
0 A L E S Ti! E ?T
S4"W7"VXr,X,3iIX to canvui I Vj
Hln the ea.t. of Nursery Htnek: Steady H 9
nnrlovii.cTit k'linriiPtced ! IAUBT A!V
r .ri!Xi;S IAIN. Apply at onne, stas
tn K" (i.efer to Uils iipJ
5 ys a s
s.-v.'-jfc. a-
Tis CrsaUet e.dl'.ripJ2ga 6f tlltAfel
I.essef aepetite, Uavr sis cest I ve. Pain la
tbe krut, w!tk a dull eeraattna la the
Fmia the ehealder.
hlaae, Failsess oftor eatlnc, with adie
icelinatien te exertion of hedr er mlad.
Irritability sf temper, Iwselrits, with
a leeltHeof having- oeelected some dety.
Weariness, Dlscineas, Flatterloa; at th
Hear:. Itets before ths eyes, fleadashe
ever the right eye, Uestlesseess, with
filial dreams. Hi t Wly cr.lored I'riae, aa4
TrTT'.l PI LI.S are especially asaptad
to sn-h eases, one closo efTeets such a
thi'igv of feel in to astonish the sufferer
rS"l '??r,,e!n: APTUte,andeaueUe
cr Teh. e on Kluftjti n toe svia u
iaVH"t ' ": 1 J"" irToatVe Aytlon ea
T r. -3.- orot n Msg laa.
t It. 1 ir Ii , , .... : tm
. l n imiijh ftse.nffel to a
V 'lYlJ '-?. bV U S,",B TPlition ci
' Ii irnjarti natural eoIT aota!V. 51 by Ierists or
rc-.;i r.iurrr5:;f Mow Yerk.
Owns a WAOOTT Wants
( ANOl'Y TOP. Fo rtuo
like an ombreiia. Weighs
leutkan 1 -J Ilia. Can be
takanofT r.r put on In 3 mln
ntea. Made In slsM to Qt
buklneas werecs, pleasure
wuom ajid tturrles. Head
for lHiiBWatd o:raalar and
prise lin. Agents wanted
.ererjrwhsre. State where.
& ( (., Pateateeiand Xanuf rs. gaudy Uouk.,cos.
rnnuwlMi II II Rrrilfl
When 1 eort I 4j net sHn MerAi7 t thee tor m
tla-e tbn here tkaars rtltrn Kirein. I re a a ralMal
I he raad U dsaM f rTTS, VrTU-U'8T r FaLXjW
nn KM ejs a lUe-Un t I varraat my rtmady o emra
1b Wr.rsi naasta, Baoaaaa tftbeTa kT tailed la no raaaa for
Fit w resavrl'lDf ra. Imb1 at obc for a traailaa and a
BotCe af m j tafamata remedy. 0i7 Bxpraa as Poet
Offte. ft aoe'a fom nothtag frr a I rial, aar I fll rare 70a.
AdOraaiDr. H. . BOOT, IBS pearl Bt.t Sew York.
Tbe pi oba liriaa, witb alrlatiftaU Bolt Biantior of
p.Tin. Ir; Sam btwan wiiinin: UTifl 1.ilBt
r' riif t laari eiplainad, thowinr ht on bahitaalrfr
oi. H? R'Vnail Stnpfia. mnr yvwrt painr-ktapar
in t'hi'"i?. Nfw Trlt and 8aa f'nticiC". No a aa
twr mi ifT-d to h wjiaaui it- Send Vircrma lo
Franklin Publishing Co., "0i..V:..c:",i,,:r..-
' -
-rj. ero'iv or Mi" i.irr."
ji-r N Ail Art f V. .-.ry with
w ; . 1 .U'tn jCt.: for inr.y MXA.:it.
"T-:i o. .t"'- ; r. lirr inn if 90
13 tl. fH ritt t o. w
" F3fiHEE A fuCcMAK!Vf Cincinnati, O
t,ili Mata 5 a
TT arlllnc lHVet
.-nl-.reiv rw ... r!n ip'. . E nc mini to pB I.
r. -i. 1 I kbilJ Si i ycMAU ClHClMKATI, O
IkiTUUnHLIsil RliAUiSg ill
A Life ExperienosA. Rem&rsuvble and
Quick cures. Trial Packages. Send
etarap for sealed partlculavra. Address
Dr. WARD A CO. Louisiana, Mo.
LORD & THOEAS, ?Z?pf?o
49 BauOolph rH.,Oiiosgr, keap this paper onfll
ftinl arc authorized to a niirnviernM
. make contracts wltb All I Ctl I IdCritJt
rtK HElK.!t HYPTPHl 'PMITB oflljll AVO
U f. a. .l:fi: fr.r f'onsmmefl BS IfS
ery &r.-.e ujr vwtn war v easj
u:ig. 1hr;.al UiT-sir. Lo DsUt a4
ai.,:l's. nl si! for- 5 "t Stftral VrkUikv a M
ii s. ai.-. :.-.. -swe-tse it -msSv f e lltlM
r.vtrtv oxEvno
urn i
Fepnlar Superstitions.
Pr'-arn of snp-kes, a aipn of enemies.
If you sins before breakfast, you will
cry before sniper.
PrearuinR of muddy or rushing water
foteteHs trouble.
Finding a horsesbce or a four-leaved
clover brings good Iucbt.
I you cut your nails or sneeze on Sat
urday, you do it for evil.
She who takes tbe last stitch at a
quiltirjg will be the fiist to marry.
If you spill tbe salt, some one will be
"mad" with yon unless you put some in
the Are.
Stub vour right toe, you aTe going
where yon are wanted ; your left, where
you are not wanted.
If the rooster crows oa tbe fence, the
weather will be fair ; if on the doorstep,
be will bring company.
Tf tbe first Sunday in tbe month is un
pleasant, there will be but one pleasant
Sunday during the month.
If by any chance a mourning hat or
bonnet is placed upon your bead, you
will need one of your own soon.
If your right ear ourns, some one is
praising you ; if your left, your friends
are raking you over the coals.
Returning to the house for a moment
after hav'ng once started out will bring
yon bad luck unless you sit down.
When, in dropping a fork, it strikes
the floor and 'stands upright, it will
bring a gentleman fisitor; a knife, a
While at the washboard, i the suds
.plash and wet the clothes;you are wear
irg, you will have a drunken husband.
If you drop your dishcloth you will
have company ; also if yoa sweep a black i
mark, or if two chairs stand accidentally
back to back. j
If a baby sees his face In the glass, it j
will be the death of him. If his nails j
are cut, be will be a thief. If he tumbles .
t 1,. tf n. ill aaira V, i TVs hrnm V. i n r I
)Uj Ul UTU, ll n 1 1 1 tin ' u uiua ' " ft.
a fool.
To break a mirror is a Bign of death. !
Death is also foretold by a dog howling
under a window ; bearing a mourning
dove, a strange dove hovering about, or
dreaming of a white horse.
Tht Way of the World.
Charles Mocckey, invenfor 0fthe
Monckey wrench, generally called mon
key wrench. Is living In poverty in
Brooklyn, N. Y. ITe sold his patent
for f2,000 and the parties who bought
it are making millions of dollars every
year. And so it goes. Fulton first
utilized steam as a motive power for
ship. Tie died poor. Thousands of
other case? can be cited where men or
.... . . - , .
oricrinal ideas grasped some new thought
Plc 5t in t shape only
SPP SOme n el9B r6aP tb bPDefit f
their labors and make additions and
improvements to it. Mind9 which
grasp ideas are radically different from
j those that grasp situations. It is a
i struggle and competition. lfDSter
; minds conceive sune gigantic scheme
j in business or politics, and other minds,
i not so great but more active, and
necessary to carry them out. The
j world is heueGted by the clashing and
i contest of these minds, all hen' on the
attainment of a similar object by differ
i ent methods. But In the end trie qnick
j wit nsually triumphs over th slower
I buc abler brain which is forced under.
Then cooes the bitterness of defeat
. and the knowledge that'the reward goes
' where it does not belong. This is not
only trne o? Monckey but of countless
1 thousands whose names and history are
known in every place throughout the
world. There are many who suffer
I grievous wrong in this world which will
not be righted until all men shall face
each other and be beard before the
judgment bar. Then all wrongs will
betighted, and justice, long delayed,
be meted out by an impartial judge.
About an Eren Thine.
A Dptroiter who was working across
one of the northern counties with a
horae and buggy this summer met a
farmer on foot, and asked bim how far
it was to Greenville.
"Which one ?" was the query, after a
half minute pent in reflection.
""Why, I didn't know there was but one
"Didn't von? There's one in South
Carolina, another in Kansas, a third in
Ohio, and a fourth in Iowa. Which one
do you want to go to?"
"The nearest one,"
"W-ill, that's about Seven rnUegloff.
Next time you inquire for Greenville
you'd better name the state, Have yon
anv tobacco?"
"What kind of tobacco do you want?"
"Why, I didn't know as there was
more'n one tobacco."
"Oh, yes, there is. Thfre is plug
tobacco, finecut, shorts and smoking.
Which do you want?"
"Well, I'll take'plug."
"I haven't got any. Next time you
inquire for tobacco, you'd better mention
the kind."
The two looked at each other for over
a minute, aDd then separated for life.
Watr Spouts.
Bain, hail ,and snow are caused by
ascending vapors. A water-spout is
a diminutive whirlwind, lasting from a
few seconds to an hour, and reaching
down from the nnder surface of a cloud
to or nearly to the surface of the earth.
In the centre of this whirlwind appears
a slender column of water or dnse vap
or, constituting the water-SDout proper.
This column often descends but a short
distance, like a pouch, but in its com
plete stages reaches to within from ten
to fifty feet of the earth or sea, and is
accompanied by a cloud of whirling
dust or spray raised from the gronnd or
sea. The column is probably hollew ,
and the air whirling around it is
sometimes an ascending current, but
more frequently a descending current;
the latter apparently is the caow in the
"Cloud bursts" that occasionally des
olate limited regions. In the water
spout the whirling movement of the air
is generally distinctly recognized, but
in the hurricane and typhoon this move
ment takes place on so grand a scale
that it can only be demonstrated by
collecting and platting upon charts the
observations mada at widely separated
Carriage Making in all its Branches,
P,r7cf Trim.-rn.i.ntf !
mid REPAIRING of all kinds done -
I'KICKS. Also, Planin, Sawing and Wood Torn
Iiik with Improved machinery. Also, ah kinds f
hen t work done. Carriage smith shop connected
All t.nrtie trnstlns; me with work will be noaor
ably dealt with- All work warranted.
Eheashnrt. October i4. lis.
Are yon recilees enough to venture ' Tf to sand
wo cents tn stamps to the Hack rubltehmy Co .
BSM and MO Waahlnirton Street. New York, for
cue of tiieir beautiul Ulustrated 'I.1lew'
s900Besi.v It is a novel, unique, and iatrt
wot; work to every person of refinement.
Om reoelpt of ten cents in stamps they wi!!
end potld a full set f their famous house
bold game Tear tut.
Vorten cents they will also seed s book conts u:i-c
Complete words of "The Mikado." and intisu -
Ma ni'Mt popular tongs, topetber with tn sxqu.v:"
ehromo cards.
A very pleeslns;. harmless glyeyrrliied arrrs!:
CompoDDd for d!sgaia:r. th tssle cf quisne stid
Otlier bitur druys. either solid ;r fluid. Price. 76
CemU per Plat fvetlls. P'ewrilied hy lhouirrtcf
pkyaictsss ia Eur sad Atnerirs Kcrinu a sc
ooipaolee every bolLie. For a.;e by Drnpe sis.
Maaaisctnred ,y
The Academic Pharmaceutic Co..
v sfelk R
la elegant Ens-'iah ph.irniaceut'c rreparatk.a
for bilious, malarial ami bliod trouble ; tle re
sult of over twenty-five jeam of uwist eiflinent
SdcliUrlc reeenrch.
approve,! by theliiKhewt medieal aiithoritiei.
In tn the honiiitais in every nwrt tf t.urrpe.
Kepeclallv helpful to ladies, children and peo
pie uf eedxntHry
Entirely veKet;le : frae frrwa harmful dmcs.
In Handsome Packages, Price 50 Cts.
Prepare.! aolely by
Cbeailata by appointmeat to Her Majesty the
Wueen arid to the Royal family.
ISO, 132, 134 Charlton St.
fWn mxdUnal propertitw as lifevn. Ei ;iib. In
blares. i rlls o box, fnr t & eeji'-s.
Vinegar Eittera COZDIAL, -J J'" iOt.
Vlsegar BitWrs POWDIKS, M, 6 Or.
Vinegar BItUrs, nsw style, p)i 1 .OO
Vinegar BCttars, old style, Wtter taets. f 1 .00
The World's Great Blood Purifier
and Life Giving: Principle.
Only Temperance Bitters Known.
T1i vast Hflh of a f'eatarr tun Lea dial;
FasailF Msaleiao f the M arld.
B. H. M eDonald Drug Co., Proprietor,
L. II W III WWI l lii i .ii '. ,
VK-:t' ;.s';v-
V?. 17 . ''1' S r IJt-
I stailr f th flaati41aais4
tar ofUlass f.r wltsusaosidlsAs- hMt.
Every Rood. triinr La Oounter
ftltd2a,nd oonBumera are QATJ
ttiMe Chixnnoya mads of VERY
POOR GLASS. &e that the exact
label Is on each chimney m above.
The Pearl Top is always clear and
briarht Glaes.
M a,. ftw tarsal OJI.T m,y
ritaisanfc Tsmm CilaaMi Warks.
Tone, Toncli,oTaiaiisliiii & DnraMlltr.
TTTT.naM K1BE ak. CO.
Fos. VA and Win! BalUraora Btraet, Bajatataaa
1a. lit TlfWi iTtniif, Kow Tork.
Xy-'-orKH..B to JL lJlJ m fj
imT, nrai WMiMaa i mt .nana
rwnrim m irv Htjam. r'nrfic sTMrBMili mf ud aar
fjuew.onitn rx arsrwrrr-rl rvinosjsj rjrtirlnsj traasrvrcct by
a4 ('in atthlfiv e hkr a4vaait4w. Ii ia
iiiIH mtm J
ftucceMor u. 1
J TT. XiUll i
AaWIk-4 0 Imi.
-J If O
PCM M f f?
Ii is a reroarktb.e taci thai, th p t'i
j coat was Bist worn by men, and ibt n
this age and generation even met
loth to discard its flowing drapery.
1 .
like to record this fact," writes a lady,
Naturally, women take a sort of savage
satisfaction in discuss'ng a weakness o'
the other sex, especially in th maiter o.
dress, riease don't stare me out of
countenance at the supposed presump
tion of my assertion that men have, or
appear to have, a sort of envious filing
toward us for having stolen from them
this noble prerogative, and that Ibey
clutch at every means in their power to
! wrest it from or at least share It with
! ua, for I'll prove It before I get through.
! And we do not wonder that this is so.
There is dignity in drapery as well as
grace aDd elegance. When Henry VIII
went to meet Anne of cieves he was
habited, we read, "iu a coat of velvet
somewhat mde like a frocke, embrotd-
ered all over with fluttered gold of
damaske, with small lace mired between (
of tbe same gold, and other laces of the ;
same going traversewise, that tbe ground j
little appeared ;" and in a description of :
a similai garment belonging to his
father, Henry VII, we read of its being
uecoiated with bows of ribbon, quite as ;
a belle of the present day would adorn a .
ballroom dress. It is well known that :
the .garment was at first not alone a
skirt, but, as tbe name denotes, a little
coat. How U came to lose its upper
half, or body, we do not know, unless
the '"petticoat" waa made with long
skirts for tbe sake of warmth, and in
each case it was as much petticoat, as
we understand it, as anything else.
We have only to look at Shakespeare's
characters nay let us be thorough and
go back to the time of the patriarchs to
discover the skirts of men. And easily
enough we trace them down through
the ages. In the inventory of the effects
of Henry V appears "a petticoat of red
damask with open sleeves," and altho'
it was a question whether this had been
fashioned for a man or woman, it would
be, if a woman's, the only instance
known before Elizabeth's time of a wo
man using such a garment. Thus we
hear nothing of women's petticoats be
fore tbe Tudor period. "Good Queen
Bess.'" with all her learning, which was
essentially masculine in her age and
time, bad the true instincts of womanli
ness, as regards personal adornment, and
even though we find her deficient in
taste, and heartily wish she had not
made such a guy of herself ir. her old
gp. y?t as a woman we have to ibank
her for stocKings and petticoats and j
many other luxuries which have become
necessities and which we now appropri
ate with aa true a belief in inalienable
right to their sole possession as though
the legacy bad fallen to us from Mother
Eve instead of Maiden Elizabeth.
Mysteries of BeehiTes.
A lifetime may be 8pnt-in investiga
ting the mysterifs hidden in a beehive,
and still half the secrets would remain
undiscovered. The formation of a cell
has long been a celebrated problem for
the mathematician, while tbe cbauges j
which the honey undergoes offer at least
an equal interest to the- chemist
one knows what honey from tbe comb is j
like. It ie a clear, yellow syrup, without
a trace of solid sugar in it. Upou
straining, however, it gradually assumes
a crystalline appearance it candies, as
the saying is, and ultimately becomes a
solid lump of sugar. It has not been
suspected that this change was due to
a photographic action ; that the same
agent which alters the molecular ar
rangement of iodide of ailver on the ex
cited collodion plate, and determines the
formation of camphor or iodide crystals
in a bottle, causes the syrup honey to
assume a crystalline form. This, how
ever, is the case. M. Scheibler has en
closed honey in stoppered flasks, some of
which he has kept in perfect darkness, j hh IIINr
while others have been exposed to the j J La 1 1 1 1 I L J U II la
light. The invariable results have been i 8EWINC MACHINE
that tbe sunned portion rapidly crystal- j Ja rpyrm BEST. BUY NO OTHER.
ires, while that Kept in ine aars nas
remained perfectly liquid. "We now Bee
why bees woik in perfect darkness, and
why they are so careful to obscure the
glass windows that are sometimes placed
in their hives. The existence of their
young depends on the quantity of sac
charine food presented to them ; and if
light were allowed access to the syrup it
would gradually acquire a re ore or less
solid consistency ; it would seal up the
cells, and, in all probability, prove fatal
to the iumates of tbe hive. We will
also state that whoever may attempt
getting up a hive of any merit must ob
serve the one thing needful that of
prfect darkness within the bive if
they expect to succeed. The nearer the
natural laws are observed by man in tbe
management of bees, the better will be
the results, and the more certain will be
bis success.
A Picture of tae Tlaiat.
One of tbe most startling and roman
tic features of border life occurred
recently on the Wild Ilorse prairie,
thirty miles north of Loi Angeles, when
a band of wild horses, under tbe lead of
a noble Borrel stallion came galloping
over the plains to reconnoiter a company
of surveyors engaged in making a survey
of the tract.
Tbe band dashed toward Capt. Keller
and bi8 party of surveyors until within
500 feet, when the leader halted In a
grandly proud and defiant manner, with
neck curved, nostrils distended, erect
and tail on dress parade, and all tbe
band ranged themselves on each side of
him like a squad of cavalry in a battle
charge. After surveying the scene for
a few moments tbe leader galloped
away, followed by the band in tbe most
graceful and dignified manner. Tbe
scene was most romantic, the picture of
the lordly leader, with his most obedient
servants, in their flt-ei and graceful
motions, being well worthy of an artist's
There wa another band of wild horses
on the same prairie, under tbe leadership
of a dark mahogany stallion, with black
mane, tail and knees. In this band
there were two white horses and the
rest were mainly bay and sorrel.
Evert dog has bis day, but many of
them, from tbe bowling that they keep
up, insist on having the night too.
There is eo medium through which
disease 60 often attacks the system
as by Constipation, and there ii i
other ill fiesh is heir to more apt to
be neglected, from the fact materiaJ
iDConvenierjce may not be immtd late
ly felt from Irregular action of the
bowels. When there is not regnfex
action the retention of decayed and
effete matter, with its poisonous
gases, soon poisons the whole system
by being absorbed into it, causing
piles, fistula, headache, impure blood
and many other serious affection.
immediately relieve, and one bottle
positively cure or relieve any casa
of Constipation.
"Was troubled for a year with
torpid liver and indigestion, and after
trying everything imaginable used
first bottle revived me and the tsecond
cured me entirely." J. S. Williamson,
Rochester, N. T.
$3.00 SHOES
Button, English Bals & Imitation
Lace Congress,
From tlie BIST CALF SKHI, wltH
liFAnnT. noi;rn tops, solb
pair wtrmiitfil.
Pittsburgh, Pa. -l.T.
Til i:
hl sttalnexl s. sV.ti.Inr.1 of e' cllenee whieb
dmtts noiipen.H-.
I 1 eontaii: erery itri.rrTenio!
getiins, skill p.nn mHi-y e&ii yrr
tisr.e, fir-rv'itv
-i, j.p.-
frii eonvTriirti!
nrk ::C l n t
; le. ommr. i.trl sr..l .i-uTi i"
wiA!ii.:.'vir.:' Km tai kx.
i titaiI a i.?".r ; s if.s,
siiir.i.r.n wokkjikn.
lir.X V. ir.MI4L,
l'.trus':l T- - -- li.:r)0 SrtS.
Catakts u4 . - r.. it k; lii-sfk-, rasa,
Ths Lhicv- --uitigc Organ Co.
f-ar .' fk km.4 4rn (re?t,
r m i r s ill.
ii . ........
I OUR Sv -&'r1 EVERT
.'VjiS. (.' ORGAN
! aim is2Sifl
i.rk.?tl . WAR- 1
IS la.-? Ve-s, rati 5$ RANTED
to rC'.''.Z&?Allt-'-
I "?v: r: J.fV five .
! XCEL. A-f?K K'' YEARS. .
VI 1 rS-,..- r, r,
tivit. nralitv f j.p. - j...
Th e Ij AD IE a ' FAA'TTE , beosus. V'Zlu--
It 18 LIGHT RUNNING and does dar. st.v artlcla ic Y I ns. fr-i tr . .ii :
BllCri beautiful work. Agents' PaTOr- ; the lariat, it. ths hen nsinrt ua " :s
it,becauseitiaaqTiickaudeasjsllr. llT'n t"r" , .
J tr rn!tentisry work s tb?i -
iGEsn waited iNnorfcriF.n TmiTOM.
BBIfD 3F-0. CinOTJIjASl.
Cir. La Salic knm ui Oitirio stmt,
Mrimrc uiod smne
a trtt aa a av t ts sm a a . . .
GRAIN DRILLS.ririer mills, i Hark, sad oth-r. roaia nm.
Warrant-.! the be?l. Ilrnin drlll; ths cele
brated lnnTlvanlx. trie only 'rert ferret feed
pliosj.hste s.tartiRirnt In lire. t'Mcr JTill; the
ceiel'-.e'l Arfe'1in and Taunc A.nerin
O tV silt I.I.S KS. T I'Kr.SMJN and
ST 4 M A Kit I l lI.I.n l t . tf-n.mllT.
enrl for ri-nlorne A. RtR I'lUR,
Pctin Ivsnta Ariralturl W orks. urk Pa
Important to Canvassers. ran ipr In ever rnnDti
In the I'nile-I Smir- to n f i iX s I'ATKNT K K
VERSlHI.KSAIt IKON. (h rH romMne tws
ISad Iron?, I", Kinier. Ac. ..oe In-n doln
the worw n n entira fct nf nrrllnar irnnf.
Splf-I,etmk- hy e:.5 or a'cotvl lnn'n. Iorl
mofli-rate. A Ixrirtaiid Ustinr Inivime Insured
to s;od etiTaera. A.1.'rr. Ir cironlara Ae.
Fti SI lKil.N I'll.. Si St N
UltVt I I-T -
If .Sill All till sans
I'MliSro BWd by druuwka
' ' '-'. ,'-"' -'"-v s i..t f tV.T..
1i:-tc-l tia Ihr "titilnry plan. K v m
L. C. BISHOP, Hfarl Ma.ter, adirm.
SOtara Utw ruaiaw m. U.,
M'.1 " rt - -mm ,m 11
If r-r'.wa a.)aaJ,iiaaMv-iin.
SM W as P. Ml", aad cotr, f i t mil l
I' tin lhe "ealth of be fitrj ( ,
innaMe ' luni-t.
,ii.l I !i. j sr iir . (;
t-v a
rar v rui i-i're. . tw-;vt
th-y ar" cut ..ff. Tf.f s'unj..) v,
tf!ra few cJm the h rl .eV
or they cp.n be drawii ut w:-n-u
and with mje. Thn f-HtL-rs tin
, n:. ii."ULiio iu grow U::;re tv
, aain le cut. Threj packings Hr'
, tainabh in two years' time. T u
cess ol plucking continues ? r r 'r
yars, but it requires the gr-'...-to
prevnt the fea'hf-rs fr-ira rT. f
ting. The feathers from the w.;,j'
are me loiifisi. ann Hnes'. Lut
far.- i
moif tutu turee on one h.r.i hrH t,
ciently perfect lo render rhu
commrce. Hnce ttie neef-:tv ..
farm. A male bird turns t ;A, k
ahnW Iris. u rrn r.f u,..-
"v r"i"l-";. n,-r".
The black and b;a. k-Hn3 h:;t f,..',
are pu'.led from diffrrei.t parts ... .
tody; the 'fathers ces,,
' one row only in tbe winrr ; tail tJ
j are tever as white as tln-se in !
' and are usually L'eache.l f lf
So little is known about the 1 ,
1 the ostrich that jxop'e are pur: v.
f...x I I. I.E. . 4 'J
: iuiu ijuvt uir lit-itiiii pr jjjp i ;rd
its feathers. In many ol
feathers is vbat aj'pears to he
1 runnit g across the feather. Tl!
" !'.
a : Le
i vnuaru u me par K:ng - .
if ing too iiguiiT lien. Ln y
I innena. ry xw,,CHe are !),e fe" M.
and so :ntima-ly and si wo- jtr. '
connected wi'h ttie firr . ; , .
' . . i
bird that a da) 's dy;p-iu . r
: feeding or nr. der feed: 1,3 w;:i v;iV.. .1 '
j mark. A dt'.icate bird n- ;-s
! more or less niaiked tLrni.!. ar n -.t csmirfd m.'. i, r lr--
until the riiale b:rd ? four ' 1
three years of ae. T!. ,, ., ,. v
to Gtieen eggs and mcuu'.e f :' .-
days. The male bird is a ;
barid and father ; if ri
oveitake his ma'e it is m u m,"
i him to continue tti sittirig, a-
1 been frequently known ., i.r:. f . ..
; brood sucesf u!l , 'm.."bei;I.j-- .it
: : . v .1 .
: 1 1 . . J i .
; wuii me preHiesi cure v:.
' - -.. 1 : . . :
lt?T eg;
, i.ei:iv, w11n.11 1? noi ni t:, ti.ree t
I after hatching.
The nrs
f tl-fr OF'.T.C1".
: is always in the sr.d, and is F-rat
; out bv tbe male bird : r p ) . r '.-r-.s 1
perfect wall of sand roir; 1 r
, wings riore tl.e- etrr rp
j The ostrich knows id
1 most foimidHhle and
! ponent. Their cry, which a:
: COCk Crowing, is a d-ep b"'! ''.V
te heard for a couple of ll
cailed "bmrnruiijg. " J,,r ufj:i.. -,.
in ost rich farnjiij? Las t ,t-i. ( v.s
an merPtock-d rc.irk.-'. Nrurh
those in climates suited t.i t!.e I t i
ported them from the i'n;.-. ''M
the steed wss pfoler;. ti e t'i; (, -..
ment locked tie- stab'-e :
i the one bundled j-.tir..!
evry lird exp"r-ed wa? to
ure tu preven'. tl:rivi; c 1;
iii Aufralia and Ii h:
chautln t.f rderi ov O.r
Cape farmers l:r.d 1 1.
gleaning the itoHs.
:t :-
:r ttr
II" stut'Prei.
A';d tn:"'e!rl
"F..r your hand I'm a;
St.e grumbled.
And miimb.-.!:
"I never d:J!:k-i.p; !-
The season of r., mira is
the country places.
A mill race Pii
sn.l (1n!r In nil i:ni r: rT'K:T''af
t-f-A fall line of Cs'kc-.' i't.
Bodies Embalmed
A pi. 10 ft
urrtiprrm or
RaFf-arttaU; iTITlta the s'!r."'B n" t' " "
. and ths fublle in scrral to ths ls: '.sst re -'
ra-ryiOE on ninf at tts rl.i far.S -r:
at this pi:tar.l;hmnt.
On ma a pa
and tstl-'.f ys '
! work and rr!r..
v. uni.'"-
A r. In. Va f..M m't.'d 1 a A ' W
11p. CsnOPTlS CBBtT, SOt " HJ
FsIr.urK and two and pb ' ' "
lretto. .1 a'nini Unit -f Jiii
, . r.
HsTlnt: tbereon erected a f ns URICI 1 Wlk-L:
1N" HOVSK. lit harnssl a:i se-a"7
bnlldinra. Tes farra u In a frs eaa'
term. For farther panleo!ar evl s ! , c
s:;ned n ths rramlf e. .
J ana .!. . I.. ri' 1 tL"
tatnriT Fire Insurance i33
General Insurance Agent.
a 1 i i . ri . . . . . t . tk F'-
nne. aiina.ea in ire ri wwi . -.
F. Fer Inrther j.articolar .-"' "-
the nnrlerisod. Jl'HK t PLa.a
Rbenfbnrs:. May 17, lis
nr.T ix tiik troRi.n
UrT. j. r . n rvv A V, . P. -w t 'iLj it .r;.'l.'-tic 1 1
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linuM i;tr-n. At-! "f t.arn. r f I I
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