I M f i i autlirin Jvccmnn. - - w E 1K Mr birr to inform line of that we saw a IT' n." bi .olrl K. It. Sr tied ale. j,s , , North ward. M.l A. ,l l t:i. 1" ... 1" i-4.. 10 .. 10 i7... 1 1 : .. -.-- 1.1.41.. 1.1 Xr. . 1 '.. . F-' .. if- I.XA Efl SotTHWAHD Mall A.M. 11 On. I 1 OV 11.0 II 13 sr. 11. A 11.x 11 fi 11 . 11. W 11 M l .:."' n o r. 3.. u i ; i -j; UA ' F x P. Mixed I M. I'. M '-. 4 38 I 2-M- 4.60 ', Oe 5 03 i 1" ."..14 I " 'ih - ft 32 3-i &.r,l S" 5 3 '-41 5.41 2 15 h 4 2-M & .S7 3.03. , A ns 3.11. 818 vi.1 e.so S.24. 6.M 3J4 fl.40 ID. Kip. Mixed V.Sl. A.M. . 3.40. S.00 . -"i 5 08 .48 li.Vt 3 AT &.! 4 07 r,4l 4 " 5 .R4 4.V5 ro 4 30 6. t . 4 m e.-A . 47 e.04 . 4 4f 6.S.1 ' . 3.2C 7.18 . 5 on 7.0-2 . 6. "7 7.07 . 5."5 7.30 I j Underwear for Ladi niuircn, and CO. thcv are FOR THE REST. VOll Merino and Scarlet Cjentlemcn and so cheap, too. es W E bejr to inform vou that we saw some pretty Dress Goods at re markably low prices. GABLE & CO. for the rest. WE bei; to inform von that the best -m i in j . , Ebensburg and SurroundingSr value in Blankets we ever came across was at 1402 Eleventh avenue, Altoona rijrht here in our own town 1402 ELEVENTH AYE. 1402. j GABLE & CO. for the rest. -Mr. L01 AL A. YD PERSONAL. , fU -.b v a'Jvr. tupkiii parties fr th latest. : t.u.-U w'o-at tl iur go to the Su-ar tlr. K:atik ... . i'. 1 -A, rV I. 1'lke, of tt.e Iittsbur-h j nwn on Saturday. . ! f ff!o;re trocetieP, always fresh, Rnl -y-.ir How!. I .lruihter of Mr David Davis is ! ;th .iiptri-'ria. ,! im i-'lynn, nf CValport, tarried sr in town on Tti-.lj last-f-.l.i1 ami clioicft sugars, go ..i-ir li.'Wl. K Puftori.t Nm have a nice f f: , ..al 1 rating -toes tt.at they will : ' iril.i rnl! and e them. Mr A'-x k i-! i y . of Summerhill was s:; .if a tuiitiy at Wilmorc one ! rmi t, 1 tliree of liU ribs Droken-rf.-it fiv- dollar kM pieces are w in cirt'tiiatinn. They may he 'fed, sinff the "u" in the word - up-'n!.' down. -Mr. F."- I.'oyd, editor of the Iterate), as ; urrl.a'fj ti e property on the tiorth j ..iritr nf Jn!mn and Sample sts., pay- - roofer the Him of -10)0 r-fi . -i :!' rV-1 hi y ..v.f -Mr. -Mr- l . a vi-it t. r. M r-( i r l-ai" Kautuian, a weamiy ana well ; ci'U-ri of inier-iet county, died at , - l., ('oiifiuawjih township, f? iner- j .ty. on S'.ind.iy last. , A Mel ike, wife of the senior i Ait.iona Tir" i spending a , town .'.uriiiK ths present week, , rfiritivo- at.d friends. i ( ' illns are having Colonad? ; The oP.iees will be raised ! i'.t iL'.-'.es liigher than at present, j :. k; ... -J . uiel.tion gt-nerally' i Aiu'.rrw Carnegie is reporetd to be j ;.,i.-. y ill at his cottage at Cressou, :r, Tin. mas M. Carnegie died at ! ;I, i Tuesday last aged forty-three, j ,,'ir.e .Ijr.es, of liraddock. formerly it uf Johii-town, dropped dead at at the former rlae on Satur : t- wtf. about fifty years of age. -.'l.ar.g. says tl:at a folded news- . -r ; A I ui.der the coat, in the small . '.-i-k, ari (.Tcelitnt substitute for r. r- uh-rrihe for the Freeman. -v i Mi::er, an Altoona cigar maker : i, ".-.1 - ! 1 e on Monday last by a dose v-U'iun lie had been on a protracted - a;. 1 ieiT.g c.it of work became des- -A . aiatio erT'jrt is soon to be made - :.:::) tuTet county by parties of -:;. a:)!ex;.-riene. to ascertain whether -A;, J ire r.-s'Tvoir3 -Mr- cf oil bd J gas there In F.itn Dourfiierty, who at one vre tea', led at tt.e Foot of I'lane Dumber ia V..'.i cour.tv. died at Pittsburah on 'it-.- lay !a-t. Sne had been a resident of I '.'.-b'..-- f.,r a number of years- -M-3. Kittter, widow of the late ex Ster- K.rtfpr, r.f Westmoreland county ; aged ' year. U 1 une of the old-style quilts, ' :b the made during the past summer, j -Ai..l!'.;.ja at the (Weetisburg Ftlt last -i -T'.c fuiiowing named persons can each J ' a i-tvr uy ca.iing at the Ebensburg r Cora II. Lowrie. Jlenry Ely, ; II. '.Vi i.ub, J. II, ' Mr. (.icorge Ileraperly, Mr. Alles and Mr. -i' -. a-.r.ual '-'- i ri r-1 ra:n -A -1 f. ir.spection of the Penosyl is i:ow being made. An pasbed over the road from AitCM.na on Tuesday last, on r im Altoona to Harrisburg and Ptiiladelphia. ia.ly of P unxsutawney f&s n on the wrist by a spider. 'i of the bite lasted over a week, ? tL-antime her arm and shoulder 'arfaliv. white blisters t.reaklng : to t!:t. til-; poisoned peiU. rA Simrine diver was brought to -'vr for tne pnrp09e of remoy- a frf.m tl a rrfMi.h rt A nlnA In IhA '?(! es the city with water at i l''j!r.t. He successfully accom ' ohjert of his coming. -s ti.ai - 'Ur.r.: - 7f more dNaarreeabte to a lady than "t f er hair h3s not only lost its - i- f ,,;i of dandruff ? Yet such was :t!i mice until I used Tarker's r i!a M'a. My hair is now black and per 'is :y. Mr. E. Sweeny, Chicago. ' v"'ii MCune, an old and proml- "' i-n of Blair county, died at the 'r "f I,., (jau2bter, Mrs. Marget iti A'.toona, on Sunday last, aged He had served several terms in r2-ati:re as a merobT from Blair t 5 . :'f '-ear itnigh, who had his skull fractured WjIi:ir. at a wreck on the Tyrone railroad recentlv. was remov- A:t'"-a hospital last week for treat I; 'a!-t 18 entirely gone and even ,.;'! ;!f there Is no certainty of his restored. -..Af Wir' l moves, Our grandmothers I -V"'J:i 'u"ar- we use white ; they used ,--jn brown soap we use white soap. - iA'"tilV'Uli' s"ap '9 DreydPPel's Borax V, ;b caa U9 u'l for all purposes to soup is pr,i.icable. -I' , T , ' J i om, the great musical phenome ' .;"ivp a concert this (Friday) even ; L- r,.i Tom has been before the public j ' ' &r '' performances bo wonderful i- -ai.ng that irtr, : an extended notice Is ary- Admission, 60 cents. ; cents. Concert begin3 at eight '?io '!-( i.leil at the meeting In ITiint- 'Jt-la-T OTQr.b 1 & . . . . - mat rne next reunion oi 5li'4-n"-h shall take place at LewistowD wJaT'''1" 14, 1887- Lafayette Webb. v.r nrU- anJ I'billp nail, of Lcwls iM"r 11 Ewing. of Newton Hamilton, W... , ' 1)ull tf McVeytown. were Vv Rn e3tecutive committee to make -ffi-Ms for the meeting. Andrew Dumtn ii-ni. town h, d Tuture l niRke hiS home ln th 11,7 a'tention of 0r readers Is called to the advertisement of Messrs. Woolf & Son, Johnstown's popular clothiers, whichwiil h rouud In another column, I -Mr. Andrew Strittmatter's chicken coop In Carroll township was visited on j last Saturday night and a number of his1 best chickens taken. It Is said to be an easy matter to guess who steals chickens In that locality and Mr. Strittmatter has a ! very good idea who got them. Lvu. farm h0U9e be,onf?in-- to James j W tnkleman li Buffiogton township, Indiana i county, caught fire from a stove pipe on I Wotlrtay afternoon and was burned to the ! rounl with all his household furniture and j HI the grain that he had raised this season which was kept in one room, j -Thomas Reese, aged 73 years a resident j of Scott Haven. Westmoreland county, knelt I 'Jehberately In front of an approaching train . at Oonnelsvllle. on last Krirtav rtar been twice removd by emyloyes of the road, and was crushed to death, his body being shockingly mangled. He leaves a family of grown up children. We learn that the store of J. C. Noel, of Portage, was entered on Thursday night by tHeves who effected an eutrai.ee by breaking off the window shutters, and stole a lot of pants, boots and various other arti cles to the amount of over one hundred and thirty-five dollars. No clue as to who the daring thief was has yet been obtained. My liver was so fearfullv disordered and I felt so feeble and languid that I took , Mtle interest in anything. Tried all the so- i called remedies without relief until I used j Tarker's Tonic, which effected a permanent j cure. David Bash, Little Rock, Ark. j At a hhootiuK match at Conemaugh on ! Tuesday last, between a JobostowD team i and a team from the north of .the county, j ritar Carrolltown, the match was won I by the Johnstown team by a score of 438 to j 4JS, distance 20 yards. Two of the Johns- j town men shot with globe fights for which I an allowance ot 10 was allowed the Carroll- j town team. j The Abbot of St. Vincent's is about to ! est.iblisb a hum.' for destitute an ! friendless ' children at Carney's Station, about five miles east of Greensburg. For the present j the Home will be in the old house ou the j farm owned by the Benedictine Order, but i in the spring a large brick building will be ' elected. The home will be In cnarac of the ! Sisters and a priest. ! Uupture instantly relieved by the use oi the celebrated Fry Trues, for sale at Davisou's Drug Store. j One day last week as lit. Murphy, of Gallitzin was driving on the road from Ashyille to Gallitzin, two men threw a rope over him and pulled him out of his buggy, ! It i supposed for the purpose of robbery. A revolver in the Doctors hands put the villains to flight without accomplishing their purpose. There Is no doubt a gang of dangerous villains in that neighborhood. rick pockets worked the crowd at the Blaine meeting in Gteensburg on Tuesday I night. State chairman Cooper !ost bis i pixiket-book containing ?50; Editor M. P. Hardy lost a pocket book ; Colonel Bowman, of Philadelphia, lost a pocket-book and a gold watch ; Colonel J. P. Coburn, of Chester county, lost a gold watch and a pockefbook, and Colonel McAfee, of Greensburg, lost a pocket-book. The predictions of weather prophets do ntt always hold good but still they do not give up. If they fail In one prediction they may hit it la another and so there Is no use gatting discouraged. There can be no fail ure however In the prediction that at John Owens' store on High street, dry goods, dress goods, boots and shoes, and groceries and provisions can always be bought at bot tom prices. Foil Burns, Scalds, Bruises and every pain and soreness of the flesh, the grand household remedy Is Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. There appears to be do lack of aspirants for the County Superintendency. Among others are Lewis Strayer, the present incum bent, J. W. Leech, principal of the Ebens burg schools, W. J. Cramer, son of Jos, Cramer of Allegheny township, and a graduate of tne Indiana State Normal School of the class of 1S8C, and several from the south of the county. Surely with such material as the aboye at bar.d tnere need be no cause for electing an incompetent person to preside over our schools. There were 215 teachers enrolled at the Teachers Institute last week. This is the largest number ever enrolled at an Insti tute in this county. The weather was very favorable and the Institute was the most successful ever held In this county. Before the opening of the country schools is the best time for a meeting of teachers tbattbey may be enabled to apply the instruction re ceived at the opening of their schools. The full proceedings will be published and mail ed to teachers and directors. The advertising car of the Blaine circus for 183 passed over the Pennsylvania rail road on Tuesday last, ahd stopped for about an hour at Johnstown. General Beaver, the Republican candidate for Governor was In Philadelphia when the aggregation swr and, as t:e was travelling In the same .; thnv kindiv cave him a lift number of our Republican friends went to Johnstown on Tuesday to see the man from Maine and returned the same night, a spe cial train having been run to Cresson to bring them back, -Mr Andrew Gutwald, on Wednesday last turned his cow into his lot for the pur pose of letting her eat some corn fodder. In the lot was an old abandoned well, about thirty feet deep, covered with a platform that bad become rotten. In browsing around through the lot the cow got upon the platform and fell through, going down backwards until she reached a cross piece In the well, about fifteen feet from the top, -hrhe hung. A number of neighbors .mnnii with roDes.and after -ihokio .lifflcnltv drew her out. only lived a few minutes afterward. -Patrick Shay, about twenty one years of age, formerly a resident of Johnstown where bis sister. Mrs. Daniel Crow ey still resides, waa killed by the car. at O reecs burg on last Satuaday evening- The de ceased along with his brother. Timothy had been working al Scottdale and started to go to Johnstown. At Greensburg tbey got off the train and Patrick started across the track when be was struck by a freight 9A.nd his notice. His neck and left leg were broken and his death was . iti remains were taken Johnstown where tbey were Interred on Monday 1-. Miss Munden, of Pittsburgh, is visiting Miss Nene Robeits. A fine line of breech loading shot guns and rifles for sale cheap at Duftons. Joseph Finegan who was raised In the neighborhood of South Fork, this county ! died on Tuesday last at Benwood. West ! Virginia and his remains were brought to South Fork on Wednesday. The Huntingdon Iocal Xews says that Mrs. Levi F. Putt, whose home Is in Saxton, Bedford county, was dangerously wounded wl'.ha revolver on Tuesday morning. Her son aged aDom sixteen years, Lad picged up the. weapon, and by some means It was discharted, and the bullet penetrated her right breast within an inch of the nipple, but it is tot known whether it has gone into the lungs or not. All efforts to find the ball have been unavailing. Her condition Is critical. Boltl linrrlary. On Tuesday night of last week the house of Mr. Richard Elder, in Gallitzin township, about one mile east of Ashville, was enter ed by burglars, who demanded his money, and on Mr. Elders refusing to give it to them, they proceeded to tie him. Mr. Elder is about seventy five years of ape. and there was no person with him but his wife and daughter. There were seven ot the thieves and after they had tied Mr. Elder, his wife and daughter were guarded by some of the Villains, while the others ransacked the house, Mr. Elder had sold his property a 9'nort time previous, and had on that day recived a check for $2,000, ut had been to Altoona and luckily deposited the money in one of the banks of that place. The thieves found between forty and fifty dollars that Mr. Elder had about the house, which they took along with some other small articles. Mr Elder was guardian for some minor Additional Insiitnte Proceeding - Whereas, The necessity of some means to supply the want of knowledge at.d the want of sociability among the teachers of our county is evident and we believe that our meeting for the purpose of self -improvement in reading circles, will bring forth mutial improvement and the advancement of our schools. Therefore, be be it resolved, 1. Triat the teachers of Cambria county in Institute assembled, do declare It their ! opinion that reading circles should ne estaD j lished in all school districts. I 2 That we recommend the division of i the couuty into sections, each of which shall , contribute a reading circle and the appoint ment of a leader to call togetner me teacucis of the various districts for organization, j 3. That we favor the organization if a permanent County Teachers' Association composed of county teachers who shall hold I meetings at stated times for the consider I ation of educational questions and other i school matters as may be brought before j the association. I 4. That we authorize the County Super ; endent to appoint a chairman of an execu- tive committee, who shall, after consultation i with the committee appointed by him, con voke the association and act as temporary j chairman when the association assembles, j The time and place of holding the first I meeting to be detea mined by the executive j committee. I fl That we recommend the careful read i Ing of at least two good educational papers by every teacher in the county. Jennie E. Sellers, Elmira Stalb, Ai.i.te Lr.ovn, M aggie Walters, Emma Gwin, J. C. Brown, T. J. Itell, Ch. Com. Koohi. 'otlee. Godey's L,ady's Book for November is a gorpeous number replete with good things from commencement to end. The steel plate illustration is an exquisite rendering of the figure of Marguerite in the opera of Faust. A comparison of this engraving with i that issued bv other publications places children, and had a number of receipts and Godey at once far ahead of all its rivals in artistic, merit and mechanical skill; tnis I is followed by two beautifully colored fash , Ion plates, and a double colored work design ( all of which are sure to please the fair sex, With this number is commenced two power j fully wrtten serials-" Why Did lie Dolt?" , by the author of "Wedded to Misery" (aser . ial published in the Lady's Book thatelicited favorable comments from the press throuh out the country,) which the present story , bids fair to eclipse in interest : and "A Lcal Fetter," by Mrs. Olivia Wilson giving : promise of Sensational merit. "A Wave O I The Sea," oy Marion C. L- Reeves, grows in interest and the sequel is anxiously waited , for. Several good short stories and poems , complete the literary pages, among the latter "Indian Summer" by M. L. Baker is ; especially beautiful, nints for the house j hold, dressmaking, fashion and work fill up ; the magazine with many useful suggestions. , Godey's grows better each month, but this doet not satisfy the publisher who promises ' . . : . ,A .. -t : ....,..... in private papers, and also his deeds which were useless to the thieves or to anybody else, but ot importance and value to Mr, Elder. These they took and tore into frag ments and scattered them over the floor Mr. Elder does not know yet whether he can patch them together or not. The burg lars were not masked, but were strangers to Mr. Elder and his family. Up to this time there has been no clue to the perpetra tors. A Family IllcHHinK- Simmons Liver Regulator the favorite home remedy is entirely vegetable, and is the purest and best family medicine that is compounded. No error to be feared in administering, no injury from exposure after taking, uo loss of time. It is the best preventive medicine, and safe to take, no matter what the sickness may prove to be, and in any ordinary disease will effect a speedy cure. God Sare tlic Commonweal!!. ! "WHEREAS, tvan Act of the Gen- f T eral AffemMy o the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to reirulate the Oenfral Election within the Commonwealth," It Is enjoined upon me to k't public notice of said election, aDd to enumerate In said notice what of ficers are to be elected, 1. Jon. A. laT. Hiarh Sheriff of the County ot Cambria, In the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and (five notice to the electors of the county afore said, that a Oeneral Election will be held in the said County ol Cambria on the 2d Day of Xovcitibcr, A. D. ISSG (the same l.elnit the Tuesday next following the first Monday ol snld month.) at which time State and County officers will be elected as follows: ONE PERSON for Oovernor. ONE PERSON for Iieutenant-Oovernor. ONE PERSON for Secretary Internal Affairs. ONE PERSON for Auditor General. ONE PERSON for Conrressman at Lnrtre. ONE PERSON In conjunction with the coun ties of Hlnlr. Bcdlord and Somerset for Congress. TWO PERSONS for Members of the deoeral Assembly ot the Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON lor Prothonotary lor the ceunty of tlanil.riii. 0.K PERSON fr Register and Recorder for the county of Cambria. ONE PERSON for IHstrlct Attorney for the cjunty of Cambria. ONE I'ERSON for Poor House Director for the county ot Cambria. 1 alo hereby make known and rive notice thai the places lor holding the ali.re.-ald elections In the several wards, borouiths, districts and townships within said county, are as follows, to wit : The electors of the district composed of the township ol Allegheny to meet at Bradly'8 school house, ln said township. The electors at the district composed ot the township ot Adams to meet at the house of Uaniel liunmlre.ln Adams!. urif. The elector? of the district composed of the township of Karr to meet at school house No. 11, in said township. The electors ot the district composed of the township of Blacklick to meet at the bouse of Ad am Makin, deceased, in said township. The elector' ol Oie district composed of the township oi Cambria to meet at the Armory Hall buildinn on Centre street, Ebcnshuric boro. The electors of the district mposed ot the bor, ouirh of Cambria to meet as follows: Elrst ward, at the school bouse In said ward ; Seccnd ward ln the borouxh lock-up in said ward. The electors of the dutrict oom posed of the township of Carroll to meet at the school bonse Ic Carrolltown borounh. The electors of the district composed of the bor ouub of Carrolltown to meet at the school bouse in 8 lid borouKh. Tne electors of the district composed of the township of chest to meet at school house No in said township. The electors of the district composed of the bor ou(h of Chest Springs to meet at the bouse of Ja cob Waitner. in said boroua-h. The electors ot the district composed of the towushin ol Clearfield to meet at school house No. 2, a.lioinlng the villaifc of .St. Augustine, la said township. The electors of the district composed of the township of Oonemaua to meet at the school house at Sinner's. In said township. The electors of the district composed of the hor ouiih ol Conemnuirh to meet as follows: Eirst ward, at the house ot Peter Maltzie, in said Elrst ward ; .-econd ward, at the house of Joha Swan m:n. in said Scond ward. The electors of the distriet composed ol the bor ough ol Coopersdale to meet at the school house in said borniiKh. The electors of the district composed of the township ol Croyle to meet at the school huu.-e in the village ot Summerhill. ir. said township. The electors of the district composed of the township ot Iean to meet at Klctlanda' school house, ln snld township. The electors ol the district composed oi tne nor- Sac. 8. Any person who shall iriveor proaiseor offer to iilve to any elector any money, reward or ..'her valuable consideration for hl vote at any leation, or for withholding the same, or who shall irlve or promUe to five such consideration to any other person or party for such elector's rote or for the withholdina thereof, and any elec. Although our reputation as a fir.-t das Clothing and Furnishing Goods Houe has slrpaly pained a firm hold in the minds of all with whom we have had business transactions. Vet we think it our duty to remind the people of Cambria couuty. from time to time through the column' of this paper that tve are ever alive to their in terests and we arc determined to- hold the top place in their confi dence as long as our Establishment exisits. Our method of doing business is plain, pimple and ever the same. .We purchase at all times the best goods for the money that the man ufacturers can produce. Y e guarantee every article poU in our Store to be exactly what it is represents"! to be by our sf.iesmen. We tor who shaii recive or agree to receive for him- nave one and the same price to pvorvbotiv. o cheertuH reiuii'i self or another, any money, rewa-d or other vatn- ... i able consideration lor his vote shall it any elrc- . a liberal portion of the plirCnftSC mOnCV ID CK30 OUr gOOd.S prove UU- the ritht to vote at snch election; and an aiecior saistactory to the wearer and in every instance our prices are war- whose right to vote shall be challenged for such . - . ranted to tie lower than the same fpuahtj ami make ot gools can oe purchased for elsewhere. For the benefit of our customers, Mr. Sulka will continue hi usual visits to Ebensburg juid we would strongly advise-thorn at all times to delay their purchases fur his coming in cae they find it inconvenient to visit Johnstown. Remember that it is imossible to secure in any of the- eastern i to have gained a residence hy citips better goods or later btvies than wt can give vou and" remcm- .sence, or lost It bv reason of bis . . , . J ,. - " i- r i.- employed tn the service either, wv whatour guarantee states reirardin"- prices and satistacivn. ! "WOOLF &c SOIT, hai"; Grand Depot lor Clotliiiiir, Hats and Furnisliinirs. dOHNSTOWN, PA. cause before the election officers, shall be re quired to swear or affirm that the matter of the challenge is untrue before his vote shall be ra ce! Ted. Skc. 9. Any person who shall while a candidate for office be guilty of bribery, fraud or wilful vio lation of any election law shall be forever dis qualified from holding env office of trust or profit within this 'ommonwealth : and any person con victed of wilful violation ot the election laws shall. In addition to any penalties provided b-r law. be deprived of the right of suffrage absolute ly for a term of four years. src. 13. tor the purpose of voting no perswn snail ne oecmea reason of his prose absence, while ctvil or military, ol thin State, er of the T'nlted States, or on the high seas, or while a student of any Institution of learning, nor while kept In a poor house or other asylum at public expense, nor while confined tn public prison. Sw. 14. District elwtloa hoards shall consist of a judge and two Inspectors, who shall be chosen annually bv the ctilr.ens. Each electer have the right to vote for the judge and one spaetor. and each inspector shall annolnt the cierfc. The first election board of any now district shall be selected, and vacancies in election boards filled as shall be provided by law. Election offi cers shill be privileged from arrest upon day of election and while engaged In making up and transmitting returns, except opon a warrant of a curt ot record or judge thereof, for an election fraud, tor telony. or lor wanton breach of the peace. In cities they may claim exemption from lorv dutv during thir terms of service. SBe. 15. No person shall he qualified to serre as an election officer who shall hold or who shall have held an office or appoint ai en t or employment In or under the government ot the Vnited State.-, or of thiB- State, or ol any city or county, or any municipal board, commission or tru-t In any ?ity save only justices ol the aeace. and aldermen, no taries public and persons tn the military service ol the State ; nor snail any election officer he eli gible to any civil office to be filled at an election at which he shall serve, save only t such subor dinate municipal or local officer, below the grade of city or county officer, as shall be designated by law. And also the following Acts of Assembly now In force in this Ttate. via : THE BOTTOM IS REACHED at LAST! ACT OF JAXVARV uO, Sr. 4. That all elections herealter held under THE LARGEST STOCK OF HARDWARE EVER OFFERED in the County can be found at my Store. These are all Fiit-Ci8S Goods, which wero bought for Cash at rock-bottom prices. I do not buy or keep in stock any Cheap Job lxt or Auction Goods, an4 whatever you buy from me you can rely on being worth the woney Owinsr to au advance I am naw ellino- mTr- n-nnrU of I & j . ..tEorJ"-i much lcss than 1 cau replace them for, but I shall continue to sell at Bottom Prices until I am compelled to replenish my stock. When you want a Cooking or Heating Stove, Tinware, Hardware, Nails Iron, Glass, Trunks and Farming Implements, call'and ee my.Stocfc and learn my Frices. I will not be undersold. Ali. 13SC the laws ol this Commonwealth, the polls shall I vrm irivfsf be opened at seven o'clock, a. m . and close at j lUtSl seTt-n c ciocg p. in vltb existing llandneme and Dnrable Paint. Ready mixed at 50c, 60c, 75c. to ft. 00 per gallon, all ready to brush on, seems to be an Inducement to farmers and property owners to take an advantage of. Send for color card, testimonials, prices, etc., free, to ATLAS PAINT CO.. Pittsburgh, Pa. See advertisement elsewhere In this issue. Brace Fp. You are feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you are bothered with Headache, you are fiidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up but not with stimulants, spring medi cine, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimu late you for an hour and then leave son In worse condition than before. What you want Is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give you renewed health and strength. Such a med icine you will find Electric Bitters, and only 50 cants a bottle ot E. James' Drug Store. eyery department connected with the mag azine for the coming year. Each subscriber receives a cut paper pattern of their own selection. Now is the time to subscribe for the cheapest and best fashion magazine. Price f200 per year. Liberal terms to club raisers and valuable premiums. Send for circular and specimen copy 15 cents. Godey'e Lady's Book, Philadelphia, Pa. ongb ol East Conemaugtb to meet at the school . rpenlnr of the bouse in said boroug,h. townihTp, ward i MARKIAVF. MCF.SSESi ISSI EO. dl A con but she The following marriate licenses were Issued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court for the week ending Wednesday, October 20, 18: Fremont C. Jones and Mary E. Davis, Ebensburg. Leonard G. George. Franklin borough, Clarissa Jane Ribblett, East Taylor town ship. William R. Ilatcun and Annie lerkley Gallitzin. Edmund A. Clark. New naven, Conn, and Hattie O. Johnson, Johnstown. John Karl, Conemaugh, and Minnie McCIintock, Johnstown . Oscar L. Triugle, Portage, and Clara G. Ashe, Wilmore. Oliver G. Smith. Reade township, aud Hannah F. Bougher, Cresson. Anselm V. Buck, Gallitzin, and Lucinda Hott, Carroll towuship. Married. JONES-DAVIS Married, at the resi dence of tbe biide's mother, in Ebensburg. Thursday, October 14, 186, Dr. F. C Jones and Miss Mary Ellen Davis, both or this place. We tender our congratulations to the Doctor and his fair bride and hope their pathway through life may be free from cares as Is possible in this mundane sphere, and that they may live Iodj? to enjoy the pleasures and comforts of connubial life. into Obltnary- LLOYD Died at tbe residence of his grandfather, in this place, Ross, son of Furgus and Olivia Lloyd on Wednesday evening October 20, 1880, aged abouteighteen months. LEWIS Died at her home in Ebensburg, on Sunday, October 17. 186, Mrs. Claudia Lewis, aged about 30 years. The deceased was a daughter of the late Isaac Evans and was the widow of John Lewis, deceased, formerly a resident of this place, who removed to Rooks county, Kan sas, ia 1878 along with a number of other residents of this place. Mrs. Lewis and one child remained here until her husband fixed up a home on the land he purchased, when she followed him. The day before ths ar rival at the railroad station Mr. Lewis with several others had been at the statiou to meet her and arter the arrival of the train oo which she was expected started home, but on the road died Trom heart disease', Mrs. Lewis arrived next day to find instead of loving husband his cold and lifeless corpse. She remained about a year In Kansas where her child died, when Bhe re turned to this place. She was for number of years a teacher in our public schools and taught the greater part of last winter, al though In falling health from the fatal disease consumption, but resigned before the end of the term. She bore her sufferings meekly with a Christian resignation in the hopes of a happy Immortality. She was a consistent member of the Congregational Church and after services at her late home her remains were Interred In Lloyd's cemetery on Tues day last. Teace to her ashes. Fact Worth Knowing-. In all diseases of the nasal mucous mem brane the remedy used must be non-irritating. The medical profession have been slow to iearn this. Nothing satisfactory cau be accomplished with douches, snuffs, powders, syringes, astringements or any similar ap plication, because they are all Irritating, do not thoroughly reach the affected surfaces aud should be abandoned as worse than failures. A multitude of persons who for years borne all the worry and pain that catarrh can inflict testify to radical and permanent cures wrought by Ely's Cream Balm. new AnvrRnsr.riF..Ts. STRAY. Came to the premises of the subscriber in Susqnehanaa township, on or about the 1st of September last, a roan cow supposed to be about six years old with crop out of esch ear. The owner Is requested te eorae forward, prove property, pay ckarnes and take ker away, otherwise she will be disposed of ac cording to law. JOHN M. WEAKL.AND Oct. 22, 1886. CTRAY. Came to the premises of the subscriber In Munster township on the 'JOth of July last, a dark brown bull, one year old with a stripe down the back and a stripe on the nader side of the right ear. Tbe owner Is hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise be will he dlsposed'of according- to law. HEN KY HARD. oct. 22, mt, st. The electors of the district composed ot the bor ough ot Ehenstiur to meet us fallows : Last ward, at the office of Richard Jones, jr., in saiu ward ; West ward, at e'ounctl Room. In said ward. The electors of the district composed of the 'township ot Elder to meet at the school house in the village of St Honlface In said township. The electors of the district composed of the bor ough ot Franklin ta meet at the school heuse in said borough. The elector? ot the district composed of the township of (Jallitxin to meet at school bouse No. a, known as Mountain School house. The electors of the districtco mposed of the bor ough ot Oallitxin to meet at the school house in said borough. The electors of the district composed of the bor ouirh of drubhtowp to meet at the public school house in said borough. The electors of the district composed of the 9, i vacancy shall be Oiled in conformity ln The Aer of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to tbe Eleetlin of this Commonwealth." passed JuIt 2. 1ST0. aroTides as follow, to wit : : That the Inspectors and Judges shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding the j elections in the district to which they respectively belong, before seven o'clock in the morning ol , Tuesday. November 2nd, and each said Inspector shall appoint one clerk, wbe shall be a qualified I voter of such district. I In CRse the person who shall have received the . second hlirhest numVr of votei lor Inspector shall not attend on the dav of an elei-tsen. then the i person who shall have received the next l.tgh- st j number ol votes for indite the next preceding elec- ; tion shall act a Inspector in his place. And In case the person who shall have received the hii;h ect number of votes tor Inspector shrill not attend, tna person elected j lu'e shall appoint aa Inspect or ln his pl.ice. And in ca-e tt.c person ele-ted )u.le shiill not attend, then the Inspector whe shall have received the highest number r.f Tote shall appoint a judge In his place, and if any j of one honr after th time --. ;,v law for the i led ion. th? qualified voters of the i or ninriciior wntcn sucn omcers HIGH STKKET, - - EliENSBURG TM GOLDEN AGE G00mTGr:vST0VE- OYER 50,000 IN USE- baye been elected shall elect some of their number to fill the vacancy. MODE OF VOTI.YG. The attention of all qualified voters is directed to the following Act of Assembly rcgulatiag the j mode of voting in this Commonwealth : I CHANGE IN MODE OF VOTINO. j Ait Act regul.-itlng the mode of voting at all the . elec-.lons in the several counties of theComnoou- . wealth, artproved March 3u, 18S9: I Sic. 1. He it rnarltd by the Srnnte and Jtoutr f I Ktpmrntat ipr of the i'trnmonvralth of Pennsy'va- nsn in (ienrral Arh!y mtt , and it it titreby enact rt by the authority tif the tame. That the qualified ' voters oi the several counnsj ol tn.s Common r,3, irw,f luiimn in m. ih. ).,i.i. ... w i weaun si inm general. townsMp, ooroiigti or spe- ry Haver In said t.,wn-iii. -i1 electlnu. Bre hereby authorize i and required The electors of the district composed of the bor- I 'o vote the tloke.s printed or written, or partly ough of .'ohnstown to meet aa follows : Eirst ward, :. I ,,' -1 1 1. a t O. irt ln,m.rlD rt.i.iT It. . .... Th..,.a w 'Oil DONALD E. DUFTON, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Ebensbi-ro, Pens' Office In Armory Building. FOR SALE STEAM EN(INES. CI. AY D Ore Pans, Hoiler and Sheet-Iron Work. -Second-hand engine and boilers on hand. Hoist ing engines md machinery a fpeelalty. THOM As t'AKLIX. Allegheny, Pa. (Jan. gJ.-ly.) A' UDITOiTS NOTICE The under signed having been appofntad by theConrt of Common Pleas ot Cambria county auditor to distribute the fund in the hands of Otis Lloyd, Assignee of Reese John Iloyd, hareby giTes no tice that he will sit at bis office in Ebensburg, on Tuesday. October li, lbG, at 2 o clock, p. m., at wllch time and place all persons Interested most attend or be debarred from coming in on said" fund. T. W. DICK, Auditor, Sept. , lSSfl. UDITOR'S NOTICE. In the mat ter of the final account of Joseph Hogue Anra'r. ot Mary A. Hra.lley, dee'd, and Adm'r. d. b. n. c. t. a. of John Bradley, dee'd. The un dcrsigned having been appointed Auditor by Orphans' Court ot Cambria county. Pa., to make distribution of the funds in the hands of said accountant, notice Is hereby given that I will sit at the Arbitration Room. In Court House, in Ebensburg " Cambria county. Pa., on Friday Chi. I,", la,:, at 10 o'clock, a. ru., of said day. to discharge the duties of my appointment, when and where all persons interested may attend or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. H. H. MYERS, Auditor. Sept. SM. 18S8. E XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Jacob Na gle, Lite of Clearfield township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate are not mod to make pay ment without delay, and those having claims against the same will present tbem, properly au thenticated lor settlement, to JESSE NAdLE, Executor. Clearfield twp., Sept. S, 18-6t. FOR SALE. One of the meat desirable Traels of Land for a Colony to be found. Consisting of abont 12.000 a-res of rfch Fannin Land, ot which considerable Is cleared, and tbe balance In fine timber, for staves, saw mill lum ber, fcc, within good markets. There la on the land a charcoal Iron Furnace, with No. 1 machln ery ; a Ortst Mill. Saw Mill and Tannery, rnn hy steim, and about thirty dwellings and other build logs ; situate In Trigg county. Ke ntucky, having two miles ot river trout on the I ennessee river, and the whole Is offered at the low price of Five Dol lars per acre, with perfect tttle, or will sell a por tion to suit Puyers. All i as is to go ana see tne property, as no such a bargain can be found else wnere. For fuller Information, call on or address C, BEHINflER, 1(W Fourth Avenue, Pittiburg, Pa. .'-" lm, Walters, public souare: Second ward, at the office ofJ.S. strayer. Esq.. on Market street. In said ward: Third ward at Mansion House, corner Broad k. Franklin street. In said ward ; Fourth ward at th school house ln said ward ; Filth ward, at the bouse of August Wiegand, In said ward : Sixth ward, at the Johnstown lottery. In snld ward , Seventh ward at the office ol Samuel W. Miller. I tn said ward. j The electors et the district composed of the bor ; ougb nf Lilly's to meet at tbe school bouse, In said ! borough. The electors of the district composed of the bor ough ot Ioretto to meet at the school house ic nld borough. The electors of the district composed of the township of Munster to meet at the warehouse of Augustine lhirbln. deceased. In the village ol Munster In said township. i tie electors ol the district comiosed ol the bor ough of Millvllle to meet a follows : First ward, at the lock-up ,- "Second ward, at the hose carriage nouse in said ward. The elector" of the district composed of the bor ough ol Prospect to meet at the school house in said borough. The electors of the district composed of the township of Portage, to meet at the school house near the village ol Portage. The electors of the district composed of the township of Reade to meet In the tin shop of Abraham Oornoltus. In the village ot Ulasgow in said township. ! ine electors of the district composed of the township ot Richland to meet at the house of Jo- seph Clels. in said township. I mo vieciora oi tne aisirict coraposea oi toe township of Stonycreek to meet at Jacoby'e school house. In said township. I me electors ot tbe district comntsed or the i.uwii7-ni) oi summfrnui to meet at summerDUi school house. In the borough ot Wilmore. The electors ol the district composed ot th bor- ongb of Summit to meet at the school house In said borongb. near the eastern limits of the same and fronting on Pottage railroad. The electors of the district composed of the township of Susquehanna to meet at the house of m.cnaei i-iait, in gm.i township. The electors ot the district composed of the township of Taylor to meet at the school bouse neat Jonas Blouch's. ln said township. The eleccoss of the district composed of the township ot East Taylor to meet at Angus' school honse In said township. The electors o: the district composed of the bor ough of Tunnelhill to meet at the school house In said borough. The electors of the district composed of the bor ough of Woodvale to meet at the new school house In said borough. The electors of the district composed of the bor ough of Wilmore to meet at council chamber, ln said borough. The electors of the district composed of the township of Washington to meet at the school honse at the foot ot I'lane 4, In the borouab ol Lilly. The electors or the district composed of the township ot White to meet at the small store house of John U. ates. ln said township. The elector of the district composed of the towns&lpof Y Oder to meet as follows : First di vision at school house No. 3. In said township: Second division, at said Beam's school house. In township. SPECIAL ATTEXTIOX. Ski-. 1. Everv male citizen twenty-one years of age. possessing- tbe following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections : Firs He shall have been a citizen the Uni ted States at le.ist one month. Secemil He shall have resided In the State one year (or If having previously been a qualified elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have removed therefrom and returned within six months) immediately preceding the election. Third He shall have resided ln the election district where he shall offer to vote at leist two months Immediately preceding the election. Fourth If twenty-one j ears of age, or upward, be shall have paid within two years a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month be fore the election. Sbc. 4. All elections by the cltisens shall be hy ballot. Every ballot voted shall be numbered tn the order In which It shall be received, and the number recorded by the election officers on tbe list cf voters, opposite the name of the elector who presents the ballot- Any elector may write bis name upon his ticket, or caa so bis name to be written thereon, and attested by a eitiien of the dtstrlct. The election officers shall be sworn or affirmed not to disclose how any elector shall have voted unless required to do so as a witness in a judicial proceeding. Suo. 6. Electors shall In all cases except treason, felony and breach or surety of tbe peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance on elections, and ln going tn and returning there from . Sic. 9. Whenever any of the qualified eleetors of this Commonwealth shall tie In active mllttar sc-vloe, nnder a requisition from the President ol the ITnlted states. or py autnoruy ironi tnis om monwealth. such electors may exercise the right ol suffrage In mil elections by the citlrens. nn.ler such regulations as are or shall be prescribed by law. as fully as If they were present at their usual places ot election. Sec. 7. All laws regulating the holding ot elec tion by the citliens for the registration of elee tors shall be unitorm throughout the State, but no oleetor shall be deprived of the privilege of vo ting hy rtattin of bis name not being regitieted. rinte.l or partlv written, severally classified as ows . One tickot shall embrace the names of all J u.lges of Courts to be 7otod for. a nd be labeled outside -Judiciary " one ticket Shall embrace the names of all State officers vote! for and be labeled "State:'' one ticket shull embrace the names of all county ofBcots voted lor. and oe labeled "County :" one tick-st shall embrace the namesef all township officers vted tor. and be labeled "Township ;" one ticket shall embrar-e tke names of all borough officers votej for. and be labeled "Borough :"' and each class shall be deposited ln a sepirtite ballot box. Uivkk nnder my hand. a, my office In Ebensburg. this 24th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty six, and the 1nd( pendence ol the fnlted States of America tbe one hundred and eleventh. .Tl ISEPH A. OKAY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, Sept. 24, lS'fl. nOAL! COAL! W Sealed pro COAL ! roposals will be received at the 'omm Issioners' office. Ebensburg. Ta.. nntll 1 ! o'clock, r. .. Nov. 3 luss. tor furnishing coal tor ' one yer for the Court House and Jail. It must be good No. 1 screened coal and most be weighed on the Ebensaurg borough scales and settled for according to the certificate of the welghmaster. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of Commissioners. 1 A. JIiddl ilH. Clerk. Commissioners Office, Ebensburg. Pa., Oct. 3, 8J. In presenting to lie favorable consideration of the public the Gol den. 4W Cookie- Stove, WS do 50 witli the utmost confidence in its merits as a successful operating eook stove. It lias been thorough! j tested, we having sold in the lut three yours over" '50.00M of them. We would call attention to the con tour of the stove, it being in the highest degrrc graceful and well For wtight, smoothness of casting? and perfect fit- tinrrs it is unenualled. As a Baker it is 1 et-fkct, and we hcliere that this, our latest production, is, without exception, the finest and best onpratinf cook stove made to dav. I proportioned. .r Sold by JOHN FENN, jfohnstoivn, Penna s WITHI.1 C. KHOKTLlMiK'S A( IDEM 1, QRPH&HS COURT SUE. Valuable Tract of Land In .T?t-kfcon Twp. Y virtue of an or.ler issuing out of the Or phans' Court ot Cambria county, the under signed will expose to Public Sale, on the premi ses, near the ;vitro.!ist and nunkard cnurcnes on Old Pike, near Junction of Johnstown And Ebensburg Road therewith, on Thursday, October 28, 1886, AT a O'CLOCK, P. 51., All that certain TRACT or PIECE of LANK containing about ACKF.S. adiolnlng lan Js of William Byers. T. Ivls. Elias Mucday. and othera. In Jackson township. Cambria county, late the property of E. A. Vickroy. deceased, arid known as .he Thomas Vickroy triet. Tine Indis putable The said tract ol land Is a short dis tance from the point where the experimental oil and ga well is now being drilled, and also near the point where a cannel coal vela has been opened, which Is supposed te underlie this tract. TERMS OF &1LE: One-third cash on ronOrmatlon of sale, eoe thlrd in one year and one-third ln tw year thereafter and neferred payments to bear lawful Interest and to be secured by judgment bond or bond and mortgage ol the p:ireher. at option Trestee lOH N SON . W EST. Trustee of the estate ol E. Vickroy, dee'd. Oct 1. !. Ready Mixed. .-o. ni. TV and $1 per gal, EES! LINSEED OIL PANTS Shipped any where. All shdes Property awners nrdrdirct. Also, best 2 and S 1 ly Felt Roofing with Let coating and e iiT!t. Agents wanted. -..lor cr.l list tree. AT. Box 2i I'ititburgh. Pa. U miles trom Philadelphia. Fixed price covers every expense, even Mok. fce. No extra ehargrx. , No Incidental expenses No examination lor ad- ' mission. Twelve experienced teachers, all men, j and a 11 graduates Special opportunities for apt i students to advance r pldly. Special drill lor dull and backward boys. Patrons or student" : may select any studies or choose the regular Eng lisn . cientinc, pusmri", .i-s.cior .th x-nai. . neering cour'e. Students fitted at Media Acad- . emv are now In Harvard, Yale. Princeton nd ten j other Colleges and Folvte-hnle Schools 10 stu dents sent to college In 1I3. 15 tn 14, 10 In Is".. 10 tn 158. A graduating class in tne commercial department every year, a rn leal Laboratory. Oymnaslum a lb a vols added to the Library has seven churches and a temperance enaner which prohibits the sale ol all Intoxicating drinks. For new illustrated circular address tbe Principal and Preprietor. S W 1TH1 N.C. !H HT LIIH1E, A. M., (Harvard Oraduate) Med-:a. Pa. i a j.t ; N ATU REL'G t. "i . V 1 " cure fob frM,,:r.:,HeL.,;:.,b CONSTIPATION. Tarriat'i LfTerveaeeet iS-lier- Aperletii. It Is etna-a tn Its ef es It 1i gentle In lis aetina. It is palateable te the taste. It ean be relied upon to euro, aad it earaa by ittufinf, aot by evirat ing, nature I eel tate violent purgative! your selves or aliow year II- dren t" take than, alwava y.ical and hem- Ci r V.Hfl 3 ff 9f rB use this elegaal a'r n.t Hnll Oroupd. , OlwA ilCOUaWllSi naceettoal prekaratiee. In 13. Media 'which has for mere than forty years a ab.te nYCDFDvlI forite. t. ,Vmv' IS I w I a. I uini'n"un STiR SHMIIiG PARLOR 1 HIGH STREET, JRENSBUKG, PA J. II. OANT, Proprietor. THE PI'BLIC will always find us at our place of business tn business hours. Everything kept neat and cosy. Cl towblb a arB.-iaLTT. CatarrH "VTOTICE In the Orr-ars' Curt of the countv ot Cambria. To the heir? and legal representatives ol Francis X. Christy, de ceised. . OReiTisn : You are hereby cited to be and appear before the Judges ol the Orphans' Coert. to be beld at Ebensburg. on the first Monday of leceraber next, then and there to acceptor refuse to take the Real Estate of Francis X. Christy, deceased, at the appraised valuation put upon It by an Inquest duly awarded by the said t'oart, of show cause why the same shou'd not be told JOSEPH A. OKAY. Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Ebensburg, Pa., Sept. r. 1188. ELY'S Cream Bain Civet Relief at one and Cure ixeud, CATAUHlf. HAY FEVER yot a liquid. Snvf er Poveder. Frf f rom tnwri ovs drug i ex- a :fn.ip odoTt. A particle t applied Into each aestrll. aa4 it agreeable. Price hn rent" at Omgg'itt : mail I registered, SO els. "1rca lars free. ELI 1IU1., ' ITugglstt, Owego. H. Y. AT UVS May feyir f o IT'XECITTOUT NOTICE. U Letters testamentary or. the e-t te of Mary uiif lure ol Munster township, deceased, hav. Ing been granted to the nn.lersig ne.i, all persons i Indebted to p aid esiai r n'......'. r-j- ent w1tbot delay, and ths having elaitut agaln't the same will present them, properly au.h.n.icated. I"""iupl,nnl,i Executor. Munster twp., Sept. 1. I'M. ALESMEPH J WANTKD Liv E XECUTOK'S NOTICE. LAS PAINT CO., I. STRAY, the suhse .f'-me " ''. r!iirl-nct of :eril-erin AHetfonr townsntp. nnoni the 1st ol May. t a dark puii wnn wnno tar on lorehead n nd some white on flanks The ower is requeued to prove property, ray charges and take him awav. otherwise be will be dis posed ol according to lw. Oct. 18, 1881. ALEXIS PARKISH. 5 PATENTS HE1CET WISE GAB1CETT, Attoroey-at-lw, WA8HTKGT01, D. C. Refers to Jd National Bank. Washington, T. C. MrlEVD FOB 1KVENT0K'8 CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, Toledo Oiades I'nrivalled. For samples, qoo taHor.s and Information, addrvs Si. W. 1 l.OWEK A" CO , Toledo, Ohio. letters testamentary en tne estate ni nnnir Wl'liamson. cf Oallttrln borough. dc"cd, having been granted to th undersigned, all per. sons Indebted to tald estate r notified to nwke payment wlihowt e-ly. and those having cUims against the same will present them, properly au thenticated for settlement. t ALFRED WILLIAMSON. Executor. Oalllttln, Sept. . ! .. to canvass for the sale ot Nnrserv Sto-k ! Steadv emplevment urTtd KtL AKY Al RVPf !. PAIIt. Apply at on-e. stating ace. ( Refer to this paper. ) 4 tiaae) Brother, Rochester, N. Y. August 20, 8 2m. XT OTICE. In H e Ori-tinns' Court of the Countv ol Can-bria. To the heirs and legal representatives et Elms r.aker. deceased. OgrirTinn : Yon are beieby cited to be and appear be lore the Judges ot the 1 irpr.sns' Court, lobe held at Ehcnst-nrg. on the first M nday ol lecember next, then and tbeie to accept or re tne to take the Real Estate of F.dss Baker, de ceased at the appraised Tlntln rnl upon It by an inquest du;v asrded bv the said Court, or show caute why the same should not be sold .ltiNEI'H A. OKAY .Skrifl. Sherifl's Office. F.t ensburg. Pa., Sept. isar. FOR SALE ! . : , ankle Ortst Mill. fourth mile t-om r.ilro d st.tlon at F en.b- This It a three run wa-e' P""" m"' n.1 h sold cheap and oe ieni"-"" leqeire i J A . ORA7i F.n er A V nARWK, Executors 1). Shlnale. dee'd. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, letters of admit, isirntion on the estate ef William Ivorv, deceased, late of Clearf.e:d to shlp. paving ten granted te the nndrslgB4. all persons Indebted te tald estate ere nellt.ee t make pavment without delay, and the havleg claims against the same will present them rrep erlr authenticated for settlement to .! I H P IH" KSIS, Adm'r l William Ivory, dee'd. loerflcld twp.. ct, . Iff.- AUDlTtH 1 hans'Ce UDlTitR'S NOTICE In tfce Or- ourt ofCamerle count-. in the matte -of theteirl ana gtiti smiit James Mvers. one ol the Executors of the last will and testament ol John Elder, dee'd. Having ben appointed Auditor by tbe eald Court to pas u-.n the exceptions a led aa-! account and to make dtstributlou of tbe fund ta the hnd ol the accountant, notice La aer givn that 1 will .! n:v ofT.-e 1 the boroeek ..f IKn.Miri. on M-noav. the ftr-t lay .f N-v. vernier l-". at in j'rinrk. w . to TUrbarge th doMe- ot ssi i ai'po1nttr.t.i tvci M l where all parties intre-t-1 "' 'ten. I -f thev l"pt 1 IN ALU E. l'l ETON, A-dner. Fei..burg. '-. Oct 4. 1-.-.-. I WANTED For our KeMsb'e ?C"rery St.k. oi Salary or Ciwajie- a-.,, fn li.ru Ir t'l.ri Stv 1--T' V MTh": SALESMEN i a a jfjr W WT