Minima f reman. IBMNBFROi pa. r, OCTOBER 1, 1&89, ,1 coalport R. B. Scbedtalo. on an frr Tg v NOBTl WARD. Mrt -I A. M. 0 10 t -1'. -i 9 41 V w 9 6' lo rw 10 04 10 :! 10 it 10 2 1J.S4 10 43 .. 10.4& Kip. P. M. , 1.4s... . 2.03... , -..(.. . 11T . 1 25... , 2 M... . 1 37... . 141... . 1 15... i.M... , 3.03 . S.Vi... s n . . S.24... . S.24 .. r. m 4 ft 4 60 603 S 14 5 82 6 81 6 M 6 41 ... 6 48 6 67 8 08 6 1 ...6.31 ... 6.33 6.40 41' Vs" !!!. f ' I" I.XAVlEg SOCTHWABD. El p. Mixed A. M. 5.00 6 08 . 8 11 t.26 6 41 6.S4 6 08 6 14 .. 8.21 6 M 6 83 7.18 703 7.07 7.30 A. M. 11 11 05 no:.... n. n .... 11.J5 ... 1 1.3.4 11 4 11 4" 11 .SO.... 11 M ... U.oO 1-2 P- 12 1 12 i' 1J 40 P. M. S 40 8 4 . 8.4 . 8 57 . 4 07 . 4.16 . 4.26.... 4 30. . . . . 4 S3.... . 4 87. .. . 4 45 .... . 3 ... . 6 03 . 5 07.... . 6.26.... r ".: :tv. .e. "local a.vdpersoxal. t,!ih" worning". - reMce grapes goto fr Sugar Bowl. I " - 1 t.a' the chestnut crop will be a potatoes to the Sugar -Ft tsji r,r5alit reason ootnmences to- - r izn,",vr',s. always f re3h, go to "T., in Armory tlail is being en irl tr.d in'r-roved. --s -uters "f Clfrflii county will vote qnrion of having- county poor U. i; t!f next election. R. K. Jones Ms this week. rerelT t r, t-orttuent of ladies long anf A' I price. y;- 'nhn S. Dtvis. of this place, on 't 'at. riifc-aipd the farm of Mr. j.,.-, tv-tart. in Cambria township for V nx'v ever rtetra of editor ahsconrl- ... ... f uraHa it ia T A fr f T. Ts m'f.".' ri'Tr pver is-i- n uum m i-y -wf rave a curiosity to know .r :t r-ave any fff- rt on a number f'rare- Kenrpdy, of Khenshnr, - i f TI .'!ii(1vhn'R, V'fitert his moth i M'r !r 'M r!re Insr wek. Hol- ! rr, 'r t , f r? r f rift h n't. It wi'i nr. rxsmine a fine asort- ' V'a- T! K. .Iimn'. M -r 'av in-'. S'l'T-ff (riv took Mnry Vfir in tbut frMtiition at ' f r ; -.1 t"t Howard Jnne. at .rt rf fr,i place, a 8on of M J'-inep. dT'il, ft iert at jst'" on Friday of lat f-i ni Tnnntv Snperintndnt r3. a., r;1.'r fip programme, "paV 'C ., 'r rnnntv Iritifnf" tr hp he'd "1 ' , i; ct . wa prowdei, out of our 1 !x r"i -lirine parties ahont to pet ' tki"" rnf a marr'ano rene wm t vr T"tPr(!T. and dur- ' 'Tf V.s''pt Rrnwn iupd three T"i"-'sv ( f lat vrpfk, pj Shpr'ff M of EMorado. Ptair rnuntv. t a'i t-."!v crushed by ere'tlni? v " Vr ni wiind waa drfSfo-d at " r ' I. and he highly praises Nil ' fi. Bradlv. of AllPchPTiT :tT one rv !apt wppk fonnd two hen J7. w,1 trurf'h.f. Ilka th Uiamneo tntna report rr.ri prtlne thP piga belnif 'i-k i h! little finper. The eeee -' f "! I !' had yolka. I ( . T 1 .. . n V il g'ovs whinh she is selling .,-.., nnrrnprewanfl nesnnrn - i . . . .. .... .. " nv me uamoncs or 'ir nfi virmi'v will fake place on 'v cir.f hpr ir wncn crBnrt Pnnt'fi ' w! i h rMKhratpd hy Rt. Rv. ''"',Ti "ri thp wrmin delivered hy " f ti,..', pradp in A'foona. rn 1 w !,. wo.e thirtv apvpn fire orm pqr's of the stare, aceom-'''"r'v-fiw hands and was the 'r-'pvw!tM...prt in that dtr. '-TM.f; tt.a ahnut bftcpn "hondrd t. . - r. .f Rf.thprick ard hi 12- -i j -r were rrrwiis the Phils T.' ra;!r'-ad at Ick Haer,, on .f, ,,,, Wf dtrnck by V ' (-xt'iv-a and M'et Mr I?ith w anri two rMlrtin, one 1 r''Pr ar,l the other !'-'. i Rrrih. ion of Mrs. Nancy r township, aud a brother lately deceased, of 1'. arrived on the moon it after an absence of r v-t " Ilia home Is In Caiifor- k. sa!l to be a prosperous ' '''7 relieved, hy the TIP "d Frv Trnaa for aU at ' ran ' k c,t-." 'TP I party ymjng cltlzn of 1 r:tl e could eat a pint it, ra'f minute. lie won, p 'Tpam In huge hKt Mows. "'ft t Hl t could eat three large it-a H rt ti. i '- together weighed half ' ' u. He devoured two of - n i I e third when hp anrtrtenlv "01 " f! t d-!vd. ' IfwTitt made the follow- T, a. Wallop ; State Senatr r. A-erDhly, A ' "ar. A. M I'.k : G. Kramer ; .Register and " i- I: Fui erton ; Surveyor, Vf-. pavt-r I.a . H i',.ji...i. Kuntz and Shields sena- '' ' rp 1 'r'J !! '. of Johnstown, took iror v it for the purpose it fipxt world A i.liTicli.n y 'ummruipd and for souie time v ' " t her death was almost t tf.p tr...... . . . , "-f, n md she g nov n a lair r- She ..1,4 . n .. - ar.,i rai'e tu Johnstown fro.u the "A a CUrrjtree. J 'u iw Tribu, aays that, Mr. u'Ptr.,f Fra T pro.ific arnle tree. F.arlv in .- I ' and liiei... . .. . M rwffi appies. it put r,ont one-third the a za of "'lit. The nen other bl g-oms .Ivl, .... u't,n "'to ilttla apples, " m bloom again. and be to inform line of t3 bi U1t3 Underwear for Ladies, Children, and they are GABLE & CO. FOR THE Mr. Tl a i m 1 r uarra s IVinff with , Phtid fever at the hoa,e o, C f'r n" e "e aoutrDSh,p- "e cnted the d aw .about .two week, ago, ,n Tyrone. Blair county, where be had been employed. Ret a letter by calling at the Ebensbnrg W.lliams. Jonti Runk. Mr. Fred Clevenger. Ti .'nvT elJe"--Bn.oer. Mra. Robert Ti.lny, MrB. Phebe Jone8 ,nd da Weaklen. Our farmers are all buav nn .hh ,-!. rail work and have acarcpiv .... t. . . w T 1311 Haaight to John Owens' .tn,l n,!. street wbere dry goods, dress goods, boots and shoes, groceries and provisions are always sold at bottom prices. The United States letter envelorm i. . new and. unique device that ia nn hi i troduced into the principal poateffices by the . "vu.a!ifr general. It ia a combinatl.n nf letter sheet, -enveloDe and new tu,.t..,. stamp of the denomination or two cents, bearing the ai'irtary portrait of fin TT r trant. Thry are to be sold at the rate of IJi per thousand in any desired quantities They are especially handy for travelers. A renukm of th boatmen. transo.rt lion men arx. iPortage railroad men will be he.d at IlBiHingdon. on Tbursdav and Fri day, Ottober M and 15th. inat. P-o..,.ir, tickets win be sut-d by the railroad The speakers Irani ed for this occasion are Hon. miani ruse, of Washington. D. C: Tfnn R. 1.. Johnston, nf this l.lana . T-k - sod Mitctiell, D D., of Willia njSDort. and W. II. Sctvwariz. of th Aitmn. t)...- -Mrti,iPhiliD FlenDer. of South Fork, on Saturday last, was so badly burned by an ex plosion or carbon oil that death resulted on Sunday rooming. Mrs. Flenner undertook to bastt-a the fire in the kitchen stove by pour ing oil on the wood, and a a natural conse- queocf . an explosion followed, scattering the t tlinmg oil all over clothes and setting them on fire. She was horribly burn, d and Sulft-red In krtat auonv until rnlipvud hu aMi. Coairnunicitions Intended for publica tioii Ir.quently arrive on Wednesday eveo- ine, to lalf tor publication. Sumetirut-s w 'can hud tkjiii for matter received at tnt late hour but as a general rule they nMHit be It f t out, and before the next pub- J canon day the oews contained in them has tost all its lierhuess and is old and pas'. All-eomruumcatiuns should be sent to reach the tftiee by Tuesday evening's nail or IVedueoday Doou at the ltest. While James Banks aud James Barr, two. painln -j, were engaged in painting the cornice of t ie Presbyterian church in Lewis- tow n, on iat Saturday morning, the scaf foidi'Dg on which they were standing gave way and the men were precipitated to the gto Hid below, a distance of fiftv feet. Banks was instantly killed, bis head strik- dk on a large stone, crushing iu his skull. Burr's baca was hurt and his injuries are prvnoui.Ced fatal. Banks was 35 years old a id leaves a wife and three children. -Mrs. Giace Rodgers, relict of Mortaa Riggers, died at the residence of her daugh ter, Mrs. O Donne 11, in Mmersvme on Jrl dav last, sued one hundred and four year. Alts. Ri.diters was the mother of eleven ch.'dreti, seven -jt whom cuivivs as follows : Saiih, the eldest, now past seventy-five years of ag. widow of Anthony O'Dounell, w Hi whom Mrs. Rodgers made her home; Jdbn, aged seventy-three, of Prospect; Francit, ot Miuersville ; Anthony, of Pros pect ; Catharine, widow of Dennis Boyle, of I Mibersvllle ; Grace, widow of James Moon- ! y, of Prospect ; Michael, of Cambria, and ', Patrick, the youngest, of Millville. -Ou Wednesday night about half past ten a crash was heard in front of the Jewel- ry store of Carl Rivlnius, and a number of people who, were still up, gathered there . found a stranger, who gave his name as James Craveo, standing there and one of the side lights of plate glass in one of the mdow windows broken. The man admitted thebreaklug of the window and said he wanted to be committed. Whether It waa done for the purpose of tobbery or for the purpose of eoing to jail has been discussed pio and con by all our citizens butcannot be definitely settled. He was taken to jail and a Jury at our next court will settle the ques tion. On Saturday last, at Pittsburg, J. n. M C-try. E-q., of that citv, and Charles P. Cioby. E-q., of New Tork, attorneys for William Van Aken, a resident of New Yotk.tfiled a bill of complaint In the U. S. Ciicuit Court against the Cresson. Clear tielj Couuty A New Yoik Short Route Railroad to recover $74 000 for work done as a sun contractor. Van Aken a.-.ks for the appointment of a Master to take testi mony and.fix:bls compensation. The Court is also asked to declare null and void a mortire of $750 00 made by defendant to tlte American Loan A Trust Company, of New York, and require the latter corpora tion, as trustee of the road, to cancel ail of the aame Indebtedness now recorded In the c.iunties offOlearfield and Camoria. A gs well that Is belnp drilled on the farm of William Blackburn, near Stewart's station, in Westmoreland county, has devel oped a queer find tbat is puzz lng the scieD ti;s. The well had been drilled to a depth i f 1,200 feet, and was working a four inch bit. when it struck -something soft. The hole was reamed out, when It was found tbat tie bit had struck a Jog. Pieces of wood orer three Inches In length were taken out ot the bole- Some of the pieces have been pre sented to Mr. II. M. Mtle, of Braddock How many thousands or years m been ther. r how it got down under 1,200 feet of earth and solid rock, ia a puzziirg question. Oiis solution given is tbat a. some distant time an earthquake had spilt the jock at that point, which afterward closed. The log, which Is two and a half feet in diameter, Is in excellent eondition. - ijMUea Wntd. A lady agent is wanted In every city and 4-ilUge ; aiso Irdiea to travel ail solicit orders fat Madame W.-kT. Cors-ts .and Corded Cret Waists, T-mpico Forms. Iloee Sup boilers. Steel Protectors, Ladles' Friend, etc. Aer.r are maklnif from Twenty to Filtv poilats a week. Sen4 f-r circulars acd price-list to B. WS 64 South- Salina street. Syracuse -Y. Saved His Uf- Mr. D. I. Wiicoxson. of Horse Cave, Ky-. says he wss. for many years, badly afflieted with Phthisic, also Diabetes; the oalr.s were almost unendurable and would some times almost throw blm Into He tried Electric Bitters and got relief from first bottle and after taking six bottles, was entir.l, cured, acd had gained la flesh eighteen pounds. Say. be Psltiwiy J litves he would have died, had it not been for the relirf afforded by Electric Bitter o!d at fifty cents a bottle by E. Jne?- you that vre saw a Merino and Scarlet Gentlemen and so cheap, too. REST. Jnrora far Deeember Term. The following Is a list of tl.e Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn to serve at Decem ber Term of Court : OBAHD JURY. Clearfield township E. R. Dunesan Joseph W. Dougherty, Thomas Ryan . Conemaogh township N. R. Griffith. Conemaugh borough-Emanuel James. WillUm Kirby. Edward Woodruff. East Coneuiauith-D. F. Kameey. EbeDsDurg-F. W. Gurley. Gallitzln township Joseph Koontz J oh nstowo -George Akers, Isaac CoheD, John C. Gearbart, Samuel Kioley. Isaac Vn Valkenbaugh. Prospect Daniel Eagan. Stonjcreek township Mosea Feathers. Susquehanna township Jamea Somer Ville. WasUington township John Lvncb. West Taylor township Beojam to Stew art, David Teeter, Jamea Devlin, wilmore-William Robertson. Woodvale Lemuel B. Eldrlde. TRAVEKSE JURT riRST VTE. Cambria borough Patrick Bovle. Jobn Downng. Geur?e Alt. Cambria towuship JJarrison Barkbart, Edward Owens. Carroll township John Fees. Chest Springs- Luke Leaiy. Clearfield township James McGoogh. Conemaugh township John Eagan. Couemaugb borougti Edward Doran, lleniy Harris, Jobn E. Snayer, Scoit W. W else. Cioyle township Daniel Muttcugfc, Si mon Scorlft. E'jeusburg W. J. Dufton, J. A. Shoe maker. Eldr township Jacob Kirkpatrick. Fraj.klin Jacob L. Custer, I). A. Coulter. Gaiiitzin township W liuaai Dawson. Juhustowu William Baulley, Amos A. BnuAer, Johi Dioert, Conrad H.ffaiao Martin Uannar., Wm.J Lloyd. Mliion Len'-t-art, Georga M.rtxlea, B. F. Speedy. Lower Voder towusLlp A. Li. Brown, Felix. Millville Thomas D. Jones, James Mar shall, Edward McUaiis. Munster township Ignatius Biter. Portage towuabip John Border, Wm, Prvce. Prospect Patrick O'Toole. Richland township-Frederick Keiper, Bnuuett Nees. Jodu 11. Bomgardoer. Summerhiil townsnip Isaiah Sberbine, John Wright. Susquehanna township Joseph Lantzy, Henry McAuuliy. John M Weakland. W ll more Thomas Kinney. second wan. Adams township Welgand Grnsb, Jona than Hdse!. Allegheny town hip Peter Felix, Jr. Barr township Unry J. Hopple. Cambria lowustiip Joepb Brown, Dan iel Gilfflth. Carroll township W. J. McCombie. Chest low usbip John Campbell. Joseph Swope. Courmaugh borough S. J. Boxler, Sm uei Brown, George Kiper. Coopersdalo Jl. J liiough. taoyie township John Rorabaogh. East Cooehiaugn George Zaue. East Taylor township Ed. C. Horner. K.der towu?bip Lufce Bush. Eoeuaburg S. B Sen&ebaugh. Galluzin borougu Frederick Bush, Jacob Fosier. Johnstown J. F. Carpenter, Peter Co baugn, Jotm L- Edwards, Hugh Green wood, John F. Gr.ffiih, J. C. McFeeters, Jeorge W. Weno Loretto Patrick Morao. Li'Wer Yoder township Joaeph Gates. Millville Michael Conins, Robert Carney. Michael Mc Bride, W. P. Rese. Munster towuship John Sharp Prospect John Neary. Jr. Reade towuship David Brookbank, W, E. Glasgow. Ru hiand township John H. Blougb, Ja coo G. Vainer. David Stull. Stonycreek township Eli Wisalnger. Wasbingcon township C. J. Cnsie. White township Joel A. Gales. West Taylor township Joseph Jenkins. tarp- Rata Insr. A. B. Biddle, of Loysburg, undertook to try carp-rai8K .nearly three years g. He stocked one Mnd about one fourth of an aire in size and put In two dozen of jttaaU carp, about three months old. They multi plied and grew very fast, ne constructed another pond, riiiht below the original one. covering in area three fourths of an acre. Last spring, about the 1st ot May, be drew off the Mist pond and divided tbe stock, placing part in the new pond. Only half a dozen of the first carp that were put in were found, being then about two years and nine months old. Tke largest weighed sevea and three-fourths pounds and measured in length twenty-six Inches. The half dozen would bave averaged at least six and one half ponuds. He caught out about one kuo dred of one year and ten months old, that wouhl have averaged In weight one and one fourth pounds, with perhaps several hun dred small carp from eight to ten months old. S.ime readers may suppose that those carp weighing one and one-faurth pounds were not so large, .aocotdini to age, as tbe first carp; but it must be remembered that the older they get the larger, ic proportion to age, they will become. These ponds are fed by a spring of very cold water, the temperature of which, we nresume, at the fountain stands at about fifty degrees, but runs slowly and warms up in the pond to the proper temperature. The ponds are well supplied with aquatic grass and weeds of different kinds, which is one necessity for auocesful carp-raising, and where ponds are supplied with plenty of 6och grass, Ac , tor the carp to feed upon they will not need any other attention In that direction, as they are eutlrely a vege table fls'i. and yet can be caught on a book with worm bait, but are very difficult to catoh by net. We think, all pninU consid ered, they excel tbe trout. Bedford Inquirer- MAKKIAWE IJCESSES ISSCED. The following marriafee licenses were Issued by tlie Clerk of the Orphans' Court for the week ending Wednesday, September 29. 188: Michael Kiikpatrick and Katie Weak land, Carroll township. Orvllle S. D ckson, Altoona, Pa., and Jen nie Kaylor. Gaiiitzin. Orphans' hirt arfament .!. In the ma'ter of the proceedings for spe cific performance in the estate of Biassius ln.1 dfp'ri. In the matter of proceedings for sale of real tstate In Christiana Myers estate. In the rott-r of the exceptions to the re port of Chal I. Dick, auditor, to pass upon ttie exceptions and report distribution of fands in the hands of Jo n J Kinney, ex ecutor of Charles Hunter and William Hun ter, administrators of Anthony Hunter, de CeMd JOHN BROWN, Clerk, O C. Tvntiold. fellow ferlet Favera, Meaalc. lHptherla. Small-poi, I helrra. f. Darbys Piophy lactic Fiuid will destroy the infection of all fevers and all contagious , and infectious diseases. .VIII keep the at Biosphere of any sick room pure and whole some, absorbing and des'royir.g unhealthy effluvia and centagion reiuiting therrfrom. Will neutralize any bad smell whatever, not by disguising it, but by destroying it. Use Dsrbys Prophylactic Fluid in every pick-too rn. beg to inform you that we saw some pretty Dress Goods at re markably low prices. GABLE & CO. for the rest. 1402 ELEVENTH AYE. 1402. Hemlock Item. Mra. John Leahey, Sr., who has been quite ill lately Is alowly convalescing. Miss Rose Veigel. who bad been absent In Altoona, for the past year is now home, quite ill with the typhoid feyer. Six new bosses are now In the course of erection on the lots recently purchased by A. V. Barker, E.-q.. at asslanee's sale of the George property. Mr. J. T. Long, of Sum merhiil. baa the contract and they will be i posbed to a speedy completion. Tbe talented and accomodating. telegraph operator and genial correspondent of the Altoona Sunday Morning. Mr. Will. Kelly, bas gone on a two week's trip to New York. Everybody who kuows Will, wish blm a pleasant trip and a safe return. C Commn n Icated . Loretto, Pa.. Sep. 28, 1886. is It not strange that every fledgling who piques himself as being able to edit a news paper should consider It a bonnden duty to say something in bis leader about things of which he is totally ignorant? How strange tbe language used In the Voice of September 23d sounds In this enlightened aKeTue Sale of Indulgences in the Cath olic Church." Leave it there gentlemen and read a little more. You will find srany useful hints In the hidden lore of the chnrch abonc prohibition. Yon can't work to much purpose wnless you are well, but you can build up your health and strength with Parker's Tonic, and work will then become easy. It sets the longs, liver and kidneys In working order. Cougts and Colds vanish before it- Take it in time. Bar Fever. I have been a periodical sufferer from bay fever (a most annoying and loathsome disease), since the summer of 1879, and un til I used Ely's Cream Balm, was never able to find any relief until cold weather I can truthfully say that Cream Balm cured me. I regard It as of great value, and would not be wl'.hout it in the hay fever season. L- M. Georgia, Binghamton, N. Y. Obituary. MALOT-Died at hln residence, ia Pflektown, on Thursday evening, September 16th, Mr Peter Maloy, Mr. Maloy was a man of singularly clear judg ment and mental power and upon all questions of public Interest bit views were intelligent and just. He bad been a resident of Nlcktown for about four years, during wbleh time both In his basiaess and prirate relations he sustained an enlable repu tation. HIS leuneral was largely attended, and many and titter were the tears that foil upon his grave. His remains were Interred In the cemetery at Cameron's Bottom. McI'EKMirr Wed at his residence In Loret to, on Tneday AuauM 1. 1886, James P.. son of James and L.ydi Mclerm1tt, deceased, formerly of Ebenshurs:. aged 31 years and nine months. May be rest in peace. Iet me lay. before the summer fades. One flloweron his srrave! Let roe write tetore my heart Shalt tall. One word upon his tomb ! Let me breathe a prayer aHoTenlm, And await till Uod so willing. Here beside him In the silence. All the rest of ns find room. Do I cannot jtather flowers ! I can write lor him no verses ! Let the prayer be loved so dearly. Ie Profundls" be my ory. Ob t tbe Lord will surelv hear me. Hear the voice of my petition Thro' that pleotltul redemption, Urant him endless rest on hla;h. M. KKW AITER I INF.5IFXTS WANTED For our Reliable Nursery Mtock. on Salary or Commis sion. Write for terms, enclo.lna jtip)ii-w!". No experience needed. S. QftTT'QTVTT'M A. JlillMRin Si Co., Nor- O AJjIjUlUJull serymen, Rochester. N. Y. FOR SALE ! The well known Shenkle Urlst Mill, one fourth mile f-om ratlroBd station at Ebenhurir. This Is a three run wate' power mill and will be sold cheap and on reo-anabl payments. Inquire ot J . A. OK AZ1KK or A. V. BAKKKK. Executors I). Shtoaie..dec'd. PEREMPTORY ORDER UF ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF TUMBLE RE.Uj F.STiTE By virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria cumy tn me directed, I will offer at Public Sale on the premlres, on TUtSDA Y, OCTOBER 19. 1888. at ONE o'clock, p. M., the following described real estate : All that certain piece or parcel of land situate partly In Lilly borough and Washington town- snip, iu saia county, sajominic lans of isienoias Hebe. Jeremiah McOonla-le's estate. Mary Mc- Oouith and otb' it remaining? unsold of the as- strned estate or Prudence M. and Kachael C. tieorje, containing- about 150 ACRES, be the same more or less. The above described piece ot land Is IB great part Improved, and under cultivation, having taereon erected a two story frame dwelling house. stahle and oot-ouiiatngs, ana nas an orcnard ot excellent fruit tnereon. The above described land Is situated la Lilly borough and Washington township, convenient to the coal operations along- the line ot the road In tivoae districts, and Is v sdkrlaid with coal. The Assignee Is furthur authorised by the order of Court tn sell the property as a whole or divide the same Into parcels and lots. Tb.i he will on the dav of snle offer certain lots to adjoin those already 'ld so tbat each purchaser ean procure a dealrafcle property. A plot or plan thereof can be seen rv calling upon the Assignee ir Upon Wrm H. Sechler, his attorney at Et.ensbunr. TERMS OF SALK Five per cent ol the amount the property sells for tn be paid when the profteny Is struck down : the remainder ol one third when the sale or sales are confirmed, the nalanee In two equal annual payments there after, to be secured hy the bond and mortgage ol the purchaser, with Interest. PE1 EK P. OF.OROE, Assignee of Prudence M. aad Kachael C Oeore. fcheosbur Oct- 1. '80. RGUNJENT LIST. OCTOBER FOVRTH. 18M. Lee and ife vs... vs.... VS..C K. R. Co Q.oarri. Boring et al C. 4k. a N. Y. S. R. Bennett Ansraaa ....... Stan!ey Oallagher...., McCoy Fullmer Stutsman I Jtnee Trefts .. rs Commonwealth vs....C C. It N. Y. S. K. R. R. Co. ... -.vs. Bridley va Horner ...... vs Stonebra fcer .. vs Ianc vs o-hotn O'Neill .Kittannlng Ins. Co Exceptions to road in Washington township Irom mglin nn.tge. I'onfer vs. .Com'th a Coneat'gh Borough Sotora Strayer vs Col Bowers '. vs Kelly Covan St Bay vs Freelan 5o. Faivella . lenny Same vs Oerbv Same vs McOlnley Wsaklan-I vs Wharton -l al In the matter of ths A 'sitrnment ot I.ea ls Hart uia... Weakland vs Mancher Ftcke vs Noel sksys vs Larimer Exceptions to road Irom Ed. Kilgailens to Fallen Timber Bearer ..vs Slioentnkrr Wlluiaa v Hearer H. A. SHOEMAKER. Prothotipfri'V. Proth'y I O.'B.'e. Sept. 2. "yTE beg to inform you that the best value in Blankets we ever came across was at 1402 Eleventh avenue, Altoona right here in our own town GABLE & CO. FOR THE REST. EEKEEAL SLECTION rumil.! ! M Sare tbe Commonwealtli ! WHEREAS, by an Act of the Gen eral Assembly ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to regulate the (General Elections within the Commonwealth," it Is enjoined upon me to give public notice of said elwtioD. and to enumerate In said notice what of ficers are to be elected, 1. Jon. A. UiiT, High Sheriff of the County of Cambria, In the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, de hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the county afore said, that a Oeneral Election will be held in the eald County ol Cambria on the 2d Day of November, A. D. 1886. tbe same being tbe Tuesday next following the first Monday of said month.) at whlcn time State and County officers will be elected as follows: ONE PERSON for Ooveraor. ONE PERSON for Lleuteoant-Oovernor. ONE rEKSON for Secretary Internal Affairs. ONE PERSON for Auditor General. ONE PERSON for Congressman at Large. ONE PERSON In conjunction with tbe eonn tles of Blair. Bedford and Somerset for Congress. TWO PERSONS for Members of ths Oeneral Assembly ol tbe Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania. ONE t-EKSON lor Protnonotary lor ins esunty Of Cambria. 0 E PERSON for Register and Recorder tor the county of Cambria. ONE PERSON for District Attorney for the ounty ol tJambrta. ONE PERSON for Poor Heuse Director for the county ol Cambria. 1 alav hereby make kmoww and srlvo notice that tbe places lor holding the aloreraid elections In tbe several wards, boroughs, districts and townships within said county, are as follows, to wit : Tbe electors of the district composed of tbe township ol Allegheny te meet at Bradly'i school boufe. In said township. The electors of tee district composed ot the township ot Adams to meet at the house of Ianiel ltunmite.fn Adamsbarg, The electors ol the district composed of the township ot Barr to meet at school house No. 11, In said township. The electors of U district composed of the towjhlp of Black IK-k to meet at the bouse of Ad am Makin, deceased, tn said township. The electors ot the district composed of the township ot Cainoria to meet at the township school house In Eoensnurg borough. The electors of the district composed ot tbe bor, ough of Cambria to meet as follows: First ward, at the school bouse In said ward ; Seecnd ward in the borough lock-up lo said ward. The electors ol the district composed ot the township ol Carroll to meet at the school house ic Carrol I town borough. The electors af the district composed of the bor ougn ol Carrolltown te meet at the school house In a .id borough. The electors ot ths district composed of the township of ('best lo meet at school house No. 9, in said township. The elector, ot the district composed of tbe bor ough ot Cheet Storings to meet at the bouse of Ja cob Wagner, la raid borough. The electors ol the district composed of the towuship ol Clearfield to meet at school house No. 3. adjoining tbe village of St. Augustine. In said township. The electors of the district composed of the town.hip oJ Conemaugh to meet at tbe school house at Singer's, in said township. j 1 he electors of the district composed of the nor- oogb ol Conemaugh to meet at follows: Eirst - ward, at tbe houue ol Peter Maltzie, in said First ward ; .-eound ward, at the house of John Swan ' man. In said Second ward. The elector of tbe district composed ol the bor ough of Coiersdala to meet at the school house ' In said borough. The electors of the district composed ot the : toa nship ol Croyle to meet at the school bouse Iu i the village ol Summerbill, In said township, i The electors of tbe district composed of the , township ot Ltean to meet at Ktclands' school boure. iu said townhhlp. I f he electors ot the district composed of the bor ' ougn oi ui Conemaugh to meet at the school bouse in said borough. i The electors ol the district composed ot the bor ' oupb ot Ebenst.urg to meet as loilows : Eastward. ! at the oJtlce ot Richard Jones, jr.. In sail, ward; j West ward, at Council Room, In said ward, I Tbe electors of tbe district composed of the j township ot Elder to meet at the school bouse In trie vtluuce ot St Boniface in said township. & .w : iioi. oi wie ciieinci romiHMfa oi tue iHir- ough ol Franklin to meet at the school beuse In ! laid borough. j Tbe electors ot the district composed of the towuship of Gallitxin to meet at school bouse , No. x. kuown as Mountain School houe. Ths electors ol the district composed of the bor : oughot Oalntsiu to meet at tbe school bouse In . Said borough. The eieciors ol the district composed of tbe bor ough ol Orutiotowc to meet at the public school faoufe in said borough. Tna electors ol the district composed of the ' township ol Jackson to meet at the house ot Hen- I ry Rager, in said township. i The electors ol tbe district composed of the bor ough ol ,'ohnstown lo meet aa lollows : First ward, at too office lormerty occupied by Thomas b. W alters, public square; Second ward, at the office olj.s straer. .. on Market street, in said . I ward; Third ward at Mansion Houe, corner Broad t t Frank 1 1 -a street, in said want ; Four.r. ward at lb. : sciiooi bouse in said ward ; Filth ward, at the j house ot Augu.t Wiegand, In said ward ; Sixth ward, at the Johnstown lottery. In said ward , Seventh ward at the office ol Samuel W. Miller, . i In saia ward. The electors ol the district composed of the bor ; ougu of Lilly's to meetat the school house, In said borougn. j The electors ol tbe district compose! of the bor- ougn ol Loretto to meet at the school house In sid borough. j The electors cf the district composed of the ! township of Munster to meet at the warehouse of Augustms liurbin. deceased. In the village ol i Munster in .aid township. The electors ol tbe district composed ol the bor- ; ough ol Millville to meet as follows : First ward, at -he lock-up ; Second ward, at the hose carriage j houe in said ward. : Theeleciors olthe district composed of tbe bor- i ough of Prospect to meet at the school house In : said borough. . The electors or the district composed ot the i township ol Portage, to meet at the school bouse i near the village ol Portage Ire electors of the district composed of ths township ol Reade to meet In the tin shop of Abraham I'ornollus, In the village ol Olasgow In . said township. i The electors of the district composed of the I township ot Richland to meet at tba bouse of Jo- ; seph Oeis. in said township. The electors of the district composed of tbe township ol Stonycreek to meet at Jacoby's school bouse. In said township. I The electors of the district compesed of the ' township of Summerbill to meet at Summerbill school house, tn the borough ol Wilmore. I The electors ol the district composed of ths bor- ! ongb ol Summit to meet at tbs school house In ! said borough, near the eastern limits of the same ! and fronting on Pottage railroad. i The electors of the district composed of the! township ol Susquehanna to meet at ths bouse of ! Michael Piatt, in said township. ! The electors ol the district composed of the j township of Taylor to meetat tLe school house I neat Jonts Blouch's. In said township. I The electors of the district composed of the "aaing partition or m reai omavo ot aaia uwm townshlp ol East Taylor to meet at Angus' school nt nd among his heirs and legal represent- bouse In said township. The electors o the riktrist eorr,..d of th. hn,. ouah of Tnnnelhlll to meet at tbe school house In said borough. The electors of the district composed of ths bor ough ot Woodvale to meet at tbs new school i house In said borough. The electi rs of the district composed of ths bor- i ounh of Wilmore to meet at council ebsmbsr, in said borough. I'he electors of the district composed of ths township of Washington to meat at the school house at tbe loot of Plans 4, In ths borough ol Lilly. The electors of tbe district composed of ths township ot White to meet at the small (tors house of John O. Oates. tn said township. The electors of tne district composed of tbe township of Y'oder to meet as lollows : First di vision at school honse No. S.ln said township: Second division, al said Beam's school house, in township. SPECIAL ATTEXTIOX. Sec. 1. Every male eitli-o tw nty no years of age. possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: Firtf He shall have been a citizen of the Uni ted States at least one month. Second He shsll have resided In the State ons year (or it having previously been a qualified elector or native born citli-n of the State, he shall have removed therefrom and returned within six months) Immediately preceding the election. 7'aird He shall have resided In the election district where he shall offer to vote at levst . w-i months Immediately preceding the election. Fourf - If twenty-one j ears of age. or upward, te shall have paid within two ypa-s a State or county tax. winch shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month bo fore the election. Sir. 4. All elections by the cltnens shall he by bal'ot. Every ballot voted shall re numbered Iu the order In which It shall be received, aud the number recorded hy the election officers on the list of voters. opoelte the name of ti e elector who presents the ballot Any elrator may write his name upon nis t spiel, or cause nis name to I -a written thereon, and attested hy a citlxea ot the district. The election officers hall be sworn or affirmed not to disclose how any elector shall h ive roied unless required to do so as a witness In a pjdiclal proceeding. Siv Electors shall In all easej except treason, felony and breach or surety nf the peace, be t.r.viieeJ Irom arrest duriug their attendant on elections, and in going to and returning; tuera Irom Sxc. 6. Whenever any ol the qualified electors of th s Commonwealth shall be In active in...a-y ae'vlce. under a requisition from the Pre'dc-t til t e United States, or by authority Irom this Com roonaealth. such electors may exercise ths right ol suffrage In all elections by tbe eitlttens. under such regulations as are or shall be prescribed by law. as fullv as If they were present at their nrnal pla.-es ol election. Stfc. T. All laws regulating ke holding of elec tl. n by the cilixeiis for the registration of elec tors rhail be unllorm throughout the State, hnl no olertor shall be deprived ot tbe privilege tf tin-; t y ru.i. of b! name not neing reairte: ej. Sac. 8. Any prron who shall give or promise or ofler to give to any elector any money, reward or otner valuable consideration for his vote at any leetlon, or lor withholding ths same, or who shall give or promise to give such consideration to any elber person or party for aoch elector's vote or for the withholding thereof, and anv elec tor who shall rseelvs or agree to receive lor him self or another, any money, rewa d or other valu able consideration tor his vote shall at any elec tion, oner withholding the same, thereby forfeit the right to vote at faeh election ; and an elector wnose right to vote shall be challenged for snch cause before the election officers, shall be re. quired to swear or affirm that tbs matter of tba cfaaliengs la untrue before his vote shall be re eel ved. Sac. 9. Any person who shall while a candidate tor office be guilty ot bribery, fraud or wilful vio lation ot any election law shall be forever dis qualified from holding any office of trust or profit wiibm this Commonwealth : and any person con vtcted of wilful violation ot the election laws I suau, in addition to any penalties provided by law. bo deprived ol tbe right or suffrage absolute ly for a term of lour years. Sac 13. Far tbe purpose of voting no person shall bo deemed to have gained a residence hy reason ol bis presence, or lost ll by reason of bis absence, while employed In the service, either civil or military, ol this State, er of the 1'nlied States, or on tbe high seas, or while a student of any Institution of learning, nor while kept In a poor bouse or other asy lam at public expense, nor wnite confined in pnbile prison. Sac. 14. District election boards shall consist of a judge and two Inspectors, who Shalt be chosen annuaiiv by the citizens. Each elector shall tiavs tbs right to vote for the judge and one in spector, and each lnspecor shall appoint tbe clerg. The first election board ot any new district shall be selected, and vacancies In election boards filled as sbali be provided by law. Election offi cers shsll be privileged Irom arrest upon day of election and while engaged In making np and tr-nsmittlng returns, except upon a warrant or a court oi record or judge thereof, for an election fraud, tor lelooy, or lor wanton breach of the peace. In clues they may claim exemption Irom jury duty during tb-lr terms t.1 service. sac. 16. No person ik .11 be qualified to serve as an election officer vino shall nold or who snail have held an office or appointment or employ menl In or nuder the government ol the United States, or ol this State, or ot any city or county, or any municipal board, commission or trust In any ri ty .w wm.j j.."wb " iu. t,K, and Aldermen, no tanes public aud parsons In the military service ollbestaie; nor anal, any election officer be ell- gihle to any civil office to be filled at an elecMon ; at wtnch he sh.ii serve. , 0niy ts such suoor- n i ntxl a rniiBiri tiI or Iim . . . . . . ' " i n nicer. Deiow to" rntutj , uw ,tyoTeoaa ''"""er. as shaii be designated by J And also the following Aetsof Assembly now In force in this I tats, vtx: A CT OFJAJi'UAR Y30, 1874. Sen. 4. That all elections hereafter held ander the laws ol this Common wealth, tbe polls shall be opened at seven o'clock. A. m , and close at seven o'clock P. M. See. 8. Whenever there shall be a vacancy la an ; election board on the morning of the election, said vacancy shall be filled in conformity wtth existing ! laws. I The Act of Asssmbly, entitled "An Act relating to the Eloctl n of this Commonwealth," passed July 2, 1876, provides as lollows. to wit : . That tbe Inspectors and Judges shall meetat the respective places appointed for holding the elections In the district to which they respectively belong, before seven o'clock In the morning ol Tuesday. November 2nd, and each said Inspector shall apiiolnt one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of snch district. In case the person who shall bave received the second highest nnm'ier ol votes lor inspector shall not attend on the dav of an election, then the person who shall have received the next hlgh-st number ol votes for judge the next preceding elec tion shall act as inspector In bis place. And In case the person who shall have received the hlgh ' est number ot votes lor Inspector shall not attend, toe person elected judge shall appoint as Inspect I or In bis place. And In case the person elected j judge shall not attend, then the inspector who ; shall have received the highest number of votes shall appoint a judge tn his place, and if any vacancy shall continue In the board for the space j of one hour alter ths time fixed by law for the opening of the eleci ton. ths quail Bed voters of the j township, ward or district tor which such officers i bave been elected shall elect some of their number to fill the vacancy, j MODE OF VOTLYG. i The attention of all qualified voters Is directed ! to tbe tol.owing Act of Assembly regulating tbe ! mode of voting In this Commonwealth : ! CH ANtlE IN MODE OF VOTINO. An Act regulating the mode nf voting at all the elections in the several counties of the Common- i wealth, approved March 30. 1S89: Site. 1. Be it enacted by fe Semite nd ffmirt of 1 Rrpretentat ieet o f the Commonireallh of iVnnsy'ra- ! sua tn (ieneral Attembly met. mnd it it hereby enact ed by the authority of the tame That the qualified voters of the several countiss ot this Common wealth at the general, township, borough or spe cial elections, are hereby authorised and required to vote tbe tlcke a printed or written, or partly printed or partly written, several I v classified as follows . One ticket shall embrace the names of all Juiges of Courts to bo voted for. and be labeled outside '-Judiciary " one ticket shall embrace the i names of all State officers vofej for and be labeled i "State:"' one ticket shall embrace the names ot i all countv offlcois voted lor. and te labeled 1 - County ;" one ticket shall embrace ths names ef all township officers voted lor. and be labeled I Township ;' one ticket shall embra'-e the names o' all borough officers vots l lor. and he labeled ; 'Bo-ou:rh :" and each class shall b deposited In i a separate ballot box. 1 Oivgjt under soy band, at my office In Ebensburg, I this 24th day of September. In the tear of our j Ixtrd one thousand eight hundred and eighty- j six and the 1nd pendenre ol the United States ) oi America tne one tinn ired and eleventh. JOSEPH A. O RAY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, Sept. 24. 1SSS. S WITHI C. SH'IBTLIDGKH AliDElT, 12 miles Irom Philadelphia.. Fixed price covers every expeose. even books, ac. No extra charges. No Incidental expenses No examlnatl- n for ad mission. Twelve experienced teachers, all men, and all graduates. Special opportunities for apt students to advance rapidly. Special drill lor dull and backward boys. Patrons or students mav select anv studies or choose the rernlar lish. Scientific, Business. Classical or Civil Fngi. neerlng course. Students fitted at Media Acad emy are now In Harvard. Yale. Princeton and ten other Colleges and Polvte.-hnle Schools 10 tto deuts sent to c liege In 1883. 15 In IMt 10 In 18S5, 10 in 1SS5. A graduating class In the commercial department every year. A Physical and Chem ical Laboratory. Gymnasium and Ball O round. livO vols, added to the Library In 11S3. Media has seven churches aud a temperance charter which prohibits the sale ol all In'oxlcatlng drinks. For new illustrated circular address the Principal and I'rr.prletor. SwlTHIX.t". SHORT LirxJE, A. M.. (Harvard Graduate) Media, Pa. , . . 1 "V"01 U -To the hetrt and fees' repretentatnet , 1 of John Fry. deceatcd : ........ . ' Take notice that an inquest will be held at ths j late residence or John r ry, deceased. In the town ship or AMei-heny. In the county of Cambria on , Friday, far 8th day of October next, at IO o'clock, t tie f-renoon ol that day. for the purpose ol attves. if tne same can ne tone witnout prvjuiice to or spoiling ol tne wDole; otherwise to value na appraise tne .uie to law at which time and pleoe you are required to attend It v i think proper. JOSEPH A. OR AY. Shertfl. Sheriff's Office. El-enshurg, Sept. la liM.-st. Letters testamentary oc the estate of Mary Hanlln. late ol Monster township, deceased, hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persona Indebted to said estate are notified to make pay ment witbonl delay, and those having claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated, far settlement, to PHILIP NOON. Executor. Monster tap., Sept. 10. 1888. JXECUTOIVS NOTICE. letters testamentary on tbe estate ot Annie Williamson, late of Oallltsln borough, deceased, having beeu granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment witbont delay, and those having claims against the same will present them, properly au thenticated for settlement, to ALFRED WILLIAMSON, Executor. Oailltxtn, Sept, 3. 18M St. E XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Jacob Na gle. late ol Oleartleld townahtp. deces'ed. having been granted to the onderslgned, all persons In debted to raid estate are notified to make pay ment without delay, and those having claims against ths same will present tbem, properly au thenticated lor settlement, to JESSB NAOLE, Executor. Clearfield twp , Sept. S. 18-8t. S1 TRAY HEIFER. Camf lo the re- dence ol the subscriber In Cambria town ship, en or about the 1st ol July last, a two year old ' light red In color, with some whl'S on facr.fcei y and tall. Ihe owner Is request d to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will bs disposed of according to law. E. J. HUMPHREYS. Cambria twp. Sept. . 18M. tS ol av call e. I. ni' ! !- rr.toer.- ol the subscrltier In Barr U. w n s a to ahoat 1 th of July last, five head of three year-old cattle ds-er hed as lollows- One red steer, three red bettors and on white and red s, wotted hei er. The, owner la requested to corns lorw rl. pro-e property, pay charges and take them away, olh er '.o lhu will cedispoaeat ul acoordln. to law. E. W. EVANS. Barr township. Hep. IS. 18.16. AV ANTEll 1 want you to do parlor work me at your own home , go d pay : i pleoa ; all material tree. A. LOVE. Clove an. THE BOTTOM IS THE LARGEST STOCK OF HARDWARE EVER OFFERED in the County can be found at ray Store. These are all First-Cl&fls Goods, which were bought for Cash at rock-bottom prices. I do not buy or keep in stock any Cheap Job Lot or Auction Otxd3, and whatever you buy from me you can rely on being worth the money you invest. Owing to an advance I am now selling many goods at much less than I can replace them for, but I shall continue to sell at Bottom Prices until I am compelled to replenish my stock. When you want a Cooking or Heating Stove, Tinware, Hardware, Nails, Iron, Glass, Trunks and Farming Implements, call and see my Stock and learn ray Prices. I will not be undersold. Aug. 13S5. a-. X3i"cr3srTiiEi"Z", HIGH STREET. - - - UiHEXSBURG- THE GOIDEX AGE COOKING ST0TE. OYER 50,000 IN USE. 'yi nronnrtiuiifMi Vnr w. in-Kt mrifithness of castings and perfect fit- ... T c . .. tlOS lt IS Unequalled. As BKER IT IS PERFECT, ami We ht'llCVe , . .,1 .. - j that this, our latest i iroduct ion, is, without exception, the linest and X i . . i.i best operating cook stove made to day. Soa by JOHN FENA . Joh nsto iv n , Pen na. DONALD E DUFTON. ATIIIRNKY-AT-LAW. F.UKrotHL .o, "Office In Armory Building. F OR MALE TEAM EN i I N' E. CI. Y -wo Second-hand engines an. I roiVr'on hand. Hlt Ing eTia'nes nd mitchtnerv a speclaitv. THOM AS CARLIN, Allegheny. Pa. (.f.n . 'ii.-ly .) VnvrRTiiF.n Rowell A Rst bv a.jtre-'nK S.eo. - in Spruce St. New Y ork. can learn the utifl cot of anv line of AT KRTIIN'l in American .ipcr-. IOO Pasre Pamphlet, lor. A1 UDITOirS NOTICE P'tn un ler- signed having been mi t-omtd bv tr.etv.urt of Common Pleas of Cambria county auditor to distribute the fond in the band of otls Lloyd, Assignee of Reese John Llov.1, htrehy gives no tice that he will :t af his office Ic Kten-tiurg, on Vietifay. October Jt. J!ci". at 2 o'cl'wk. p. in., at wlich time acd place all perons tn'eret-tad must attend or be delarred fn ni coming tn on said fund. T. W. 1'TCK. Auditor. Sept. 24. l-6. A' UDITOR'S NOTICE. In the mat ter of the final account of Joseph Hogue Anm'r. ot Mary A. Bradley, dee'd. nd Adm'r. d. t. n. c. t. a. t.f John Bradley, dee'd The un dersigned having been spjK.lnted Auditor t y Orphans' Court of Cambria count?-. Pa., to tnjk--dlstributlon of the funds in the hands ol said accountant, notice is hereby given ttut I will sit at the Arbitration Room, in c urt House, in Ebensburg.; Cambria county, V-.. on Fridey. Oct. l. liiti, at 10 o'clock, a." in., "f snl.l day. to discharge the dnti'S ol my appointruent. when and where all persons interested mav attend cr be forever debarred from coning inoo said fund. H. H. MYERS. Auditor. Sept, 24. 1S6. ADMINISTRATOHS NOTICE. letters of administration fe front's noa cvm tettamento annexo n the estate of Teresa Scanlan. deecaved. having been granted to the nndersigned. a II pt rsoi.s Indehted t" said es ate arenotihrd to iiiuq pv stent w i;hou t d jtay , a nd those having cltlm against th same will pre sent the same properly authenticated for te! '.le nient to JOSEPH HOOVE. Adm'r d. b n. c. t. a. of Teresa Scanlan. dee'd. Lorelio. Pa., Aug. 20, ls.-t FOR SALE. I On of tho tnoat desirable Tracts af ; Land for a C'oloay to t ronad. Consisting nf about Vi 000 it of rich Farming Land, ot which coiisi.1en.ble Is cleared, and tbe balance tn fine timber, lor staves saw mill lum ber, (te.. within e-fHl markets There ts on tbe land a charcoal Iron Furnace, w th No. 1 machln erv ; a Orlst Mill Saw Mill and Tannery, rnn ty steam, and shout thirty dwcllinirs and other build ings : situate in Trigg county. Ke ntocky, having two mile ot river fronton the Tennessee river, and the whole la oft -red at the low (rice ol Five lol lnrs per acre, with perfect tul-, or will se'l a por tion tn suit buyers. All I ask is to go and see ths proper y, as uo such a bargain can be louod tise where. For fuller information, call on or aJdrsas O. RERINMER. 10 Fonrtb Aret-ue, I'ltierg. Pa. V 24 1 m. VALUABLE FAR.H FOR SALE! The snhsvriliei will rll nt private rale, his tarm In Allegheny townshiji. i'ml.rii c. on't . ad)otn lng lands of Valentino Hi'bup. Jos. Maloy and Jnn Rose, conalulng Seventy -Three .JCHKS, About fca acres cleared. hv ng thrrtM.n erected a comfortable I,Ot Hi'l'SE. and a -rood t.arn. The farm Is in a gosal state ot cultivation, well water ed and has a good .-election ol fruit. For particulars call on the on i he premises JOSEPH BILLKR. Alleghenv twp.. June 11. lft-tti. STIR SHAlG PiRlQB! Opposite Coantisa Pocse, in LM s RuiUm. HIGH STREET, EBKXSBliUG. I'A J. II. OA NT, IVoprietor. ritH E Pl'HLlCwill always find us at our place JL of business in business hours. Everything kept neat and cosy. Clisa m towku-. a -rs.-ui.Tr. yo Actual College, 1P1 Fifth .Uijiit. PiTrsiBt. Pa. Tbs only college In the whole world where young ineu can learn booUkoapltig by actual practice -ihe only possible way to Iran. it. th bookkeeping lelng made entirely 'ro:n tte bus! nes iran-acte.l t.y the students" ihetoseives. tha s measii.ry meet it in real business. Learti easy. r..p.f writing by osr i.ew svstem. Wrlts foa College Jour 'al : s-nt free T. M. Will. us), presld- i t and pro easor of plain and ortiameotai nunnship. J. M. Phillip. .r,. essor of the theory and practice of account. Au t.ors, S--J4 ISM. i rn. teachers and Proprietors. t 'he ' Pitt sour, Pa. Tbs oldest and beat appointed Institution for obtaining s Bu-inssa Education. For Circulars aldroM f, Iatr Nob. - in. 21 I'M. SELWYH HALL "'"' 4 thoo'irrt prettars'nry hatl for B-vs. 4'wat aJwartoal apon taoMiUtasary plam. Beysefaaf as ad-a!t-d a-H fr ea-a'.rrca. rsss, a.'-. L. C. BUHOP. HsasJ Msatsr, rTsaoirta'i a. for per REACHED at LAST ! In presenting to the favorable consideration of the public the Gol den Age Cooking Stove, we do so with the utmost confidence in its merits as a successful operating cook stove. It has been thoroughly tested, we having sold in the last three years over 50,000 of them We would call attention to the con- our of the stove, it being in the ao.iitrhest decree rrraccful and sree xrraeeful and wcl c c " Assignee's OF YALOIBU BUL Sale ! BUTE. l.'v virtue of an alia- i r.l. r : V ii-.-uing I the 'Court ol '. in... on n- e ft C county, the un.iersigne.1 will oM-r at publ.c fair, at the hotel oi L.Schroth In Carroll?!. n Ca-i 1 Tit sAiViti'AY. onomi; -. lfcSS. At 2 oYt.-k p. mi., t 'nit n ve firm ':iir'.? tn. wii a. h s. iMin l.u't . r farm n.'.i " me land-- fnMip !! vt-r. ' l.kttivr. ltenrj Luther too u her-1, c-ntm .ir.g at.oul isp Hi ni:H' asu Sis A. Nca-lv all -.. ar..l hating 'lie-e.-n erected a Inn m n!:v 1-BtMv Umih. lagc new trun e bsro n, .1 o' ljer ou l-u il l ' r 1 t: - :- a t . r sir:. " i r 't t -.' tt ir.rel. i ti u i:' -d ta.e M eult' a ion ii'. ' situated at-out one time south I C.-t-T' wti and v til t-e -id a.- a ah'.'e -r di vided t suit pur.-l.Hiiers. TkKMI ol Sale 1 en per cent, ef 1 nr'-lia'e itii.i.rv to i.e p a:U t. i a oi ra -. -1. 1 t ' a a r-.-e iu t in-Hi r.l on con Mriiii tou tli'-reo! : the balance oo two rqua. i-a nit-i.t-. v :'.t. li-M-e-t, the i-u"-l. .scr to pav f or wrttitig deeil. CALEB. A. Af-lgnee ol . V. Met oujim Ctirrdllowti. l a . t p. t OKAY, and w:; N ATU R E'3 AJJ " CURE FOB ,TioS e.dVrri., CONSTIPATION, tSw-ltar! A pti i'in -It i rf rtftin ir. (t fMt? iLl? rrtl'P in IT!" rti TI. t if 'MttHt!e to t ff fiife. I r d t-f rllf.J ui(ii to ro-ti, mnd It rurp atit I'to. ct t'y outrnir Inif. nature. tot tKite violent pursativff yvvt Frlvef t year rLil- .Iwsatn. in tiiLa I liwii a W u v a Sick-Headache, t.arruTtr,al jirf-rt-ar-lion, an which Svvn Ur mtre than tort rrd fut:ir DYSPEPSIA. TrZx,:1'd'''' HfiTAnnH ELY'S iv'sS l Cream Balm WAMBNVI "in- i:ii,f,t oneeau res t.'ATAl! It I I, HAY FEVER .V'.f o L'citi'l. iPa,"'H -'in n r tn i" w ' aV .' r- vTI i i i ff ) c'ri i 1 1 "i.i ots rt;s !l i.Mt t ifihi it l r. in juri or ,;'- XiJSS- Ova HAY-FEVER .rrtiaV:. rrlc- -Vt tftT 1 t-tik(r ,-t : r"K 'Mrr'- . C4.- . iru;ir. skj. UK aALESMEfUl E 1 LiVJ W A NT I'll ) to - n t a -s t.-r the sale of Nursery Stoek : -...It .mi I ti. ell t KU:"lited. M L- A K 1 AM llXrt.VLM Api-ly at one- slafny aue. ( :c fer to th is paper. I (hate llrnlhera, IV. .el ester, N. Y. August "JO, S-itn. Blairsi!!e, Pa., Ladies Seminary. H si. I ul ir ' otyi mini i' ni u 1 1 1 1 1 .aj hftt I l-fMit d. ttMirfMitt h iu-trur ed tv su-a ui. In t- t ion . F r '. I ti -i board, iigt t. i n.! !( Uwtiitr?. turn i -ried pmki, ?200 PER YEAR. Spe 'tl m"v-ii -o it. Art end M'isie. Thirlr filh e ir hen i ii- Si ; t a 1, 1. F r at.i i .g je app y 'o I- !.t T. i. KVt I.NU, ll. II . Juij -i.. iSf" 1 i.ncij.a:. Fpenoh-'o Kotol. t i l l II ALL MFl ARI; i EVT TORU, it.,.-ue .it H i I u.l tue Port orhce. This Hotel ts . ..: ti iuo-! e .;!-, .tp., in it. ! .;o '-t itterts n 1 f ii -nil re of IM' tt O t'S F. 1SJ New Y ,..-' v . i.d is cu luete l on tl.e ll fx I r 3 f , 1 ' 1 A-f .i '. ..r - l a-per d-iv. ! f i It .e inure Ot S faun-!--.. k.r . r ! ... ;.,,,( y t-v ;, . ( K tiLH lor i.-a's..... i .. o.H-r. . .-..lit cr.i.' a Y rk I' l Merc'i nit . '.. ; ,. a: . I ' . . . ': - fid lui. -li cour.irr replete wttlt I rut wa.k v"i A If I i . s , HO-el in ina 1: ti -. ell I er h1 e-very" .luit 2. l't lvr. Barv.. T.yrMlS, r. C.'Vr!Ti".-rr Tp IIL ProneuTi'e. i t SUPER! rroneuTi'e. j i nriLl I hamj is . itt i r.s. ln-rraiuc trousers Mrr rtamplea. We w . Iefcear.l oarva-ra I jmad.aiely. . ia.!.- a-rr la Pjada .lit . fn.i ntia term' reliable persons. Remamher th;s ts a star'-art i-1- 11 - u rcu n.a dep. od en eon- y THna1l,"N' Pr".r JPU IDtiat r,STl'vlir,"w .ilS? "rhar-a.saa.siyaitiiw talior." Gllr-rt I. Fe-. sola . tnf r , -...par Washington l. C. Soma ttiaicalacalit'es re ev 1 r Vtril bflltP- .vbar. I fcT pervous wuh car LORD STIIOLUS,1"7 thfttr,a 49 Randolph St., Chicairo, kcp tills par aod ara autborlz4 to a nVCDTI J dpn t lock lik make contracts wltjj Mai B 1.11 I lt-br ra you it, t'i' homer." j Mati!- ihrrl 1 rt tr Naraeri ! tie r vtrthe Man. te. at aa, ncaraa Vpaqaa1 . . pHe-ak- t-reevm ur-s err. i.ttalir hai'i one " 11lI..,v Yon took th . A T . - V USt 6lng taatw irif.iv,,MtD: AULH w;--7 - C , III'Vl.-l.-li"' Not DR. SCOIT 42 Broadwahere, I rn trt4 maniaf 1 of mlii- i:-. ...t: : ' : vthy don't rar kapa y 4 i ia- with ru- miDi ' d!p.-tita-