The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 03, 1886, Image 4

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Cut onf. the f nl drv tree" for
Jei. n ol is 111 a'.le to K.t U;e XMOal
for butter.
Oats, barley or wh.pat bowu on too
rich S'il will fall down and be worth
Jess for rraiD.
Nothing ad Is more to the value of a
farm fhan pood road? in the country
surrounding it.
Hardly a'iythiog is of more import
ai'.v.: to Luc cultivator nt lt:p soil than
the quality of the seed.
The application of white hellebore to
the currant bushes while the fruit is
ri;r.i-jj will tot reader it unfit for nse.
He is a poor farmer who cannot find
a j )fi to lo en the farm on any of the
three hundred and thirteen v.'oikiug dajs
of the year.
In Walla Walla, Wellington Terri
tory, may he seen eighty milts of wheat
LV.dp!oj the foot hills of the Blue
It is best to w-tler plants in the even
ing. Make a lew noles around the
plant so as to allow the water to run
down to the roots.
?fany farmers do too much guessing
in their business ; trust too much to
luck, chance and the moon, and do too
little close figuring.
lo not feed breeding sows very large
ly on grain. They may be kept in good
condition, but it should be done by
more bulky or partially green food.
The following are said to be the
symptoms of hog cholera. Drooping
ears, low-hanging head, diarrhoea, vom
iting, rapid breath, and an aversion to
Permanent pasture lands are the main
anchor of agriculture, and the farmers
of this country will find this out after
awhile, as they already have in Eng
land, and will commence seeding their
land with permanent grasses.
Vegetables and fruits, as well as the
grain crops, require deep working of
the soil. A moderately heavy soil that
has been underdrainei and subsoiled
and then carefully worfced is capable of
producing the heaviest crops.
In these times of cheap prices and
close margins, farming requires more
judgment and management than almost
any other business. A good farmer can
still do well on these close margius of
profit ; a poor farmer must run behind.
The great profit In agriculture lies in
keeping every acre actively producing.
This is the way gardeners on the high
priced lands near large cities make
their money as Boon as one crop is off
they sow another, and supply the proper
nourishment by high fertilizing
Clover growth is helped by lime and
plaster. Large quantities of nitrogen
are contained in the earth and air, and
clover absorbs nitrogen more than any
other plant. The plant and air work
together in furnishing an exhaustless
supuly of food for all kinds of food
To destroy the cabbage worm bruise
a quantity of tansy in a wooden bucket
over which pour cold water, and let
stand until the water is quite bitter,
and then sprinkle it over the plants,
being sure to reach the worms with it.
It iB absolutely necessary that the wa
ter should be. quite bitter.
House plants that have been planted
in tie border need to be carefully
watched and supplied with water ;
otherwise in a dry time they will suffer
far sooner than plants with their roocs
unconfined. As these make their
gtowlh they will also need soma care id
pinching and tra' with reference to
their future forms. !
A correspondent of the Country (Ln
t If man has tried J'rof. Forbes me' bod
of repulsing the cur.u'io by dusting
slaked lime in fine powder repeatedly
over plum trees. He reports a tree
which formerly was entirely decimated
DOW hangs full of plums, and believes
if the operation is beguu eaily and oft
repeated the crop can be saved.
Keep a constant supply of oyster
shells before the fowls, not ground into
coarse pieces. They may be quickly
Iouiided if placed in the oven of a t-tove
and heated. Where they cannot be con
veniently rr.ured, the ground article,
which is for sale by all dealers in poul
try supplies, should be ued, as they as
sist in providing the shells of the eggs.
Dr. Arnold says : ' The best way to
remove grubs from a cow's back In
spring is to enlarge the opering made
by the grub enouch to admit of pulling
it out and theD draw it forth with a
small hook, such as might be made by
bending up the point of a large pin.
The grubs can be easily killed in their
nest by touching each one with a drop
of kerosene on the end of a pointed
stick, but a long and tender sore will
follow before the grub will rot out so as
to allow the sore to heal.
The roultr'j Yard gives the follow
ing remedy for the disease known as
"bumble foot." "As soon as the
swelling ripens fairly cut open the puf
fy protuberance and let out the gath
ered pus freely. To effect this thor
oughly the incision should be made cru
cially, ttus, X, and quit down to the
oone or ligament benealb the skin. It
Is useless merely to prick the swelling I
It must be cut through, cleansed of the
maner entirely ana washed io a mix
ture of alcohol and water, equal parts,
to cleanse it. If it gathers" the second
time repeat the process."
A correspondent calls for methods of
raising colts by hand. I can give one
which may suit his case and may not.
Last summer I lost a mate by tetanus,
bhe ltft a two months old colt. The
problem was to raise it. It would eat i
uothiDg but dry hay on which it would I
soon have starved, I tried to teach it j
to drink or suck out ot a bottle cow's I
milk. Had co success. Tempted it
Sirrii com aim wnn everythinjf I
couia iiiiuK or, but failed. At last I
saw tht whenever it could get into the
stall with one of my horses, to which it
had taken a liking, it would eat every
thing the b-rse did. This was the so
lution. I5y putting what I wanted the
colt to learn to eat into the box for
bath the horse and colt, I accomplished
the object. That was a year ago, and
the colt is strong and well. F. II.
A Western Tack Train.
W I.t.-l of-, i, hr-trd r ; fniu -.
O.-r :!: 1;PVC-1 av-ii;x'l a defi-
f-'iiv. until it was o.u f.rctnte
wilueia 'he jaik'ip and Jp-iit ure of
fitly mules ai.d hiet- hot he with five
drivers. The merchandise all having
been previously collected and carefully
packed, (a labor requiring many days, as
every whiskey barrel must be enshroud
ed in burlaps, and other goods made into
bales.) the mules are led into a large,
open shed, and placed opposite each oth
er, and facing the hi!?, upon which the
weight of each is marked. The animals
are then called out of the ranks by their
respective names, and respond by taking
a step or two forward. Leather blinders
are placed over the eyes of the animal
to be laden, then a saddle cloth or blan
ket, then the "apparahoes" immense
pannier-like arrangements, which are
securely fastened on by the united efforts
of twomon. while the mule, who is no
novice in the business, resists their ef
forts as much as possible by puffing him.
self up, making it difficult to accomplish
the operation. The smaller animals are
packed first and with the lighter goods, I
two bundles of corresponding weight bo
ine placed in opposite panniers. Two
or three men are rpquired to lift these
ouraens to their positions, were they
must be held until as many mora strap
r.d ro them. The mule, meantime.
m.ikes all the trouble he can. knowing
that he is being imposed upon ; he kicks
and squeals, groans and grunts, and in
some instances lies down and tries to
rollover, as soon as released from the
hands of his tormentors, and it requires
all the persuasion of kicks and blows,
vigorously applied, to induce him to
rise. The weights placed upon them
vary from two hundred and twenty-five
pounds to four hundred and eighty, the
latter being the weight of two
barrels of whiskey. They are a
molley crew. Some have merely bags
piled one npon another to an immense
height ; others are almost lost to sight
between two square boxes ; two have
stoves on their backs, whose protruding
pipes look bruised and battered, after
the attempts of their carriers to roil
over. Beans and sugar, kerosene and
candles, tea, coffee and oysters, with
everything else that is consumed in a
mining camp, is placed on the backs of
these animals.
Words of Wisdom.
Keep little annoyances out of the way.
ray as you go, and don't go till you
Nobody is so wise but has a little folly
to spare.
Keep your conduct abreast of your
Hide your own troubles, but watch to
help others out of theirs.
A wise man should have money in his
head, but not in his heart.
Common sense in an nneommon de
gree is what the world calls wisdom.
Long sentences In a short composition
are like large rooms in a little house.
Conscience is a great ledger. In which
all our offences are registered.
The proverb that light gains make
heavy purses, is true ; for light gains
comet often ; great gains, now and then.
The mannpr of a vu'gar man has free
dom without eae, and the mannei of a
gentleman has ease without freedom.
Divine Providence holds in one hand
the "sorrow" which "endureth for a
niirhr." and In the other the "joy" that
"cometh in the morning."
There are some people who never have
a cheering word for a struggler. They
make life just as hard as posstble for all
who are striving to do right.
Teach self-denial, and make its prac
tice pleasurable, and you crate for the
wor'd a destiny more sublime than ever
Issued from the brain of the wildest
A Plague or Rabbits.
First the white man took Australia,
driving out the aborigines ; and then
came tho rabbit and drove out the white
man. It would be a pity if our colonial
history had yet to be written in this
way. Nevertheless it was the white
roan who introduced the rbbit to the
Australian continent, and he is now
having a hard fight to hold his own
with it. Premiums are in vain offered
by the governments for the invention of
a rabbit destroyer ; a committee of in
quiry Is at present inquiring into the
devastations by rabbits; In Victoria
there is a rabbit department. The very
causes that have made the colonies
grow grain so wonderfully under the
care of the settler are responsible for
his Rreate't enemies, the hordes of rab
bits. It is the country that "agrees
with tbem so." By-and by some man
of science may come to the colonists'
assistance. In the meant'tne tbev
should take comfort in the survey of
affairs In Brazil. There the field mice
are like the sands on the seashore ; it
being calculated that a single pair may
Increase to twenty-three thousand in a
year. St. James'' Gazette.
The Buffalo and the Indian.
Whatever may be said agalust the
buffalo destroyers of the far west, the
meat killers, the tongue hunters and the
robe seekers, thev have added no small
Itpm tn tfco aitll.....! - m , -r ..
- i4jC cr-Ln-uit-Ni, u me innisn
Question on the nlatns tk- .
Wl 2 taw their deadliest work and
over a quarter of a million of robes were
shipped from the 'Yellowstone valley,
holding now about the same number of
cattle. The true plains buffalo is now
practically annihilated in the United
States, there no doubt being droves of
them on Ihe Canadian rivers further
north, but in this district even they are
rapiaiv disappearing under the rain of
bullets that h been nonrpr! nnon t,0r
'or the last ten years. There is still left
frcies called th wood, or timbei, or
mountain buffalo, that concrefrsit B in
reJ smsll herds, and that occupies the,
msirici or tne n g lima dDd the Wird
River mountains. Thev are also fmir-rl
in thn Yeflowiton National Park, and
will no doubt remain nndistnrbed there
for years to come.
IIalf a centurv ago in Turkey it
was considered a shame for a woman to
read. To-day two schools for girls
in Constantinople have been established
by the Sultan himself.
Ruseian history bopine nlmoet in myth,
Hinnnoa -if ron flirting tralit:orj5. find
light only in comprjtivtly rect-nt times. It v stt:iara wnn
imposing persomditie and darkened by hideous
$k . f crimes ; striking events make it 'dmmntic, the
' i yg- suffering's of a great people lend jt pathos ; the
B fj onreflt of the present hour and th uncertain
outlook for to-morroTv invert it with deep fn
tfrt. M. Rimbaud puts the roadar's mind fnily in trnm to
eor.i!eT the sitv.ntion of the hour. Literary World, Boston.
m t T "OT!TJ TT" covered is f mm t ho e&riirtt
X Xl-i- Xu-i-LV-i. JXJ imdS t0 1877. It ib more
interesting as told by M. Ramhaud than
Cloth of pold studdeu witu aiamonm,
not of moral brilliance but of intellect
ual vior and faprirmtir personality.
Ivan the Tornble. Peter t tie Great, Ma
zeppa. Catherine. Nicholas, and other
monarch.- of iron will 3nd brond nmhition relieve thf! rnorirt"ny
of war, and the Mast-ppa of Lyron couoes in as a ch.irrr.iiix
opisod.. Tho high oivilizitiou attained without tho adopt ion
of a civilized form of government, leaves no room for 6urrLie
at the strength of Nihilijim. Intr-Ocean. Chir-ig-o, ILL
mTTT? TTT J nr1 0 "O of PuiHr. row publfclied
fcisrorr of that country ever nmneht before Enfrli-h reader.
The history of the rise of this vronxful natiou is remarkable.
Ira power" of absorption and diffusion is phenomenal. " The
World," said Napoleon once. " w ill one day be nilod by the
Slav and Teuton raree." The prophecy ie nnder fitlrUment.
How the Russian 81avs expanaed from small districts about
ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, 132 page, 4 cents; Condensed Catalogue, free. The beet literature of tho
world at the lowest prices ever known. Addrees JOHN B. ALOEN, Publisher, 393 Pearl Street, New York.
The Alden Book Co. I Clark and Adams streets, Chicago ; so Yooge street, Toronto, Oanada. IMmOion. UOi ppor.
At the office of fTTI
liberal terms,
"A book worth
world within the reach of every home ; every roader of this notice 6hould see lua
"Uonjfh Batt."
nlmr out ratf , mice, roachon tllep. aat, ted-
Heart Palna.
PalpHtlon, dropalrsi! swlltnici. miti . In
diitestion. headache, sloptr; nrpp cured hyWelis'
Health Henewer.
Ronrti on rornn "
Aiik for Wellii' "Houirh on lorri." IV. tlnl"l
eomplete etire. Hard r nnfX eorn.wiirt. bunU'fis.
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li'ilcic, ctritlete cure, nil kidncr, hlnddcr and
urinary difcises. pcitldtns?, trftt.-tti't'i. mne, (frv''
1 catarrh of the bla.liler. 1. liriiiKtsts.
nrl-Bnt, Fll.
File", mache?. ant, hed htitr'. Tit?, mice. Roph
er chlpmunltj, cleared out by '-Konih on Kan."
Inln I'eopl".
"Weill"' Health Kenewer" retore health and
alitor, curet dyspepsia. lmpotence,.cxual debility.
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pains, sprains, headache, ncnralsrla. rheumatism.
0c. Konh on Pain Plasters, lie.
If von arc falling. hroken. worn ou and nervous,
use' Well's Health Henewer.' $1.
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If on are lf.-inij voiir irrlp on life. IrT "Wells'
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Cnrea piles or hemorrhoids. Itchlnir. protrndlnir,
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Iadins who would re'ain fmhness an I vlva;lt,
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f'orreets offensive rVr at once, t'omplete cure
of worst chronic, also nnoUa!ed as garble for
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The Hope of the Kalian.
Children, slow in development, pnnv. scrawny
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Catarrh or thr niador.
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"Water Rntc". Koa-hsi."
"Rouh on Rats" clears tbem out, al?o beetle?
It nddressinir (IWlR'IKP
ri kuwki.i,
St W'.V V'trt," C ir. !ii-:rn rn r.r .nl n.,at f
ar:y propose.! line of Advertising in Ameri.-an
Newspapers. -lOO-pacr pamphlet, I Or
r-rst e?. r-f'-rmit-Vr Tw4. (VI Cr fnr Jilt of
0 "erwni o7rrf-Lr? 'j S oun Cm: i mm
.-wi !".rj wartiip: W tSatkr 34i atr .
4 Dtmir Rrfr,
.v.. :.r. 1. 1.. 11, h Lit., i-rtat t n.4 Fhf-JM la itrH
U-I Iri. A titrf. .'fjajl.l-.lj. 'Ji-J Iu t ( a,tt j v
Tone. Tencli, Vortian! ilii & Militr.
VTirXIAM lillBE fc CO.
Nos. ?' l and J5 Wet rtaJOmora Bu-eet, llultlmora
Ko. m Final Avanuo, Kurr York. "mora
" Just Pahilahad. ntUlel
CrmtnJntr.? a thorooU and ntarrefcceclT rrpco
Of ' I'larUre o all Ora4a a4 Cluora,
v im Numerouj tftaoiem of Farcreal Kzpennnoa
In the Uoteotloa of Crtmiaala, novartnf a
ra.rlod ef Tbirty Tear AcUt XtotiV
l.i fo and ta any in4ucU tntArttttno
and thriiitriQ UtccUct Btlta.
An entirely nav book, ps-ofuf y (UuMtrattA,
and wuti Portrauc at Cba Oraat IratnatlTO,
In avatr town tbara ara Boaibart ot people vvu
VH2 lit qlad to QU tali hcxH. It aella toMarw
chanU. Martian lea. rarnvartand '-rtinni frncn.
Thus every 4rut caa pick out Jltp or more in
a town to w!ua ha cax teal aura of alUBg It to.
We waDt On A-rant la vary tow-cahlp, or
eotmty. i f a ny rnrton, with thla bonk, cao
become a inceemfui A git- tor f taii paruculara
and 'trim to a'jeniB. aoreae
G. W. CAilLEIOK A CO, imWleherB, New York
Children's, 1 to 6 years, -ditto,
two auactnrv-ota. -
Miwe' "
8e. a pain
1 Oc "
1 3c -1
is a. -
TArliee - - .
Miss-V, with a belt, " .
I-artl.-, " .
Stocking, Abdominal, and Cafe-nie-nia.1
bandage Supporter com
bined. ncfiith Skirt Supporter, -Brighton
Gent Garter,
2 5o.
roa BL BY
'J ' yn.m mj any
recu t r.f pnee in 2-t-ent etamps.
RflmnW unit -: -i -
any address upon
m:vis steiv,
Sole Owner and Manufacturer,
178 Centre Street. Naw Tork.
1 ..." I Mi Hm4
1 " -.i - -xi tn ia i If.' Mm 1
" u . i . k . . wor. . -wajQdrf.i 1
Urnaftrnr. Orfftr,t- (t ikjiaWaV. bMrrl. a,,.'.ith,. J
i.i.bjiu It 1 ..... - k- .
I i'--
11 If
from, the Eailiost Times to li?T7.
Bv A.
' . i.r.-i lrtrp V. mn rn nm I wmrr f-nmfr rrn rLn rmmemiiM tun 11 it wrrtlnns.
t r.3if.aps. Fme cloth, iit tops, Litarary etyie, lr ice reduced from $ 18 to $1.7ii.
the Upper Iiwina and Dnoincr and the V1 era and the Oka
lj clonhtlesa the.liost history ' until they dominate one-sixth the territorial surface of the
of Pussia in nny Ltngnape. f ploN coTHaroiner, a population of 103,000 000, is mnet admira-
proceeds into a wu- bly told by nambauri.
euiergM into a cu'ir , ana wwi maexetL ximtrr j-rt.w, oi. raui, Jiuin.
fevc-peaoe-ftd paawigce to pot the alvanco of eiviliaation. This
very fact niakee it dramatic emd full of stirrmcr incidents, and
those who crflve this
l!i!-tory of Khspui ror
its own Kake, 'will
fuil ?J. Rarubfi-ud's
vol ura eg 'well 6uited
to tlieir noed. Me
any romance. It is a
Las taken vast paine to mrie Ms hL?tcry both full and accurate;
his Ptyle is nervous and f orjH. Jtrrd h give a graphic picture
of the conrurioe through which the Russian Empire rose.
Ilia bonk lil'L to a fTer.t exu-nt tho veil of myfterv tliat hangs
over tho origin and growth if Ru;i:i. Inquirer, Philadi lj hia.
PTO C3rpTTTTT,lVrrn of hiBtory and no observer
UX U lJ-iXi O- 0f evente can afford
to bo ifmorant of Russia thai P Iar FVur which stretches one
huyo patr toward Constf ntiroplo nnd the other toward India
that "muffled destiny" of whw? future no one knows save
that it I to be trreat end muct aUect to a remarkable extent
tlie condirion or w Ji-iiiei tJ. wrire human race. No more
weighty n.att-r of delote rjtibld amuDj tho nations than that
which wnftituUis tlu Eiu-tern QiKtion," and of this question
tlu? Wliite Czar, representing territrially the frentest nation
on earth and one of the strongest, moet ambitious, shrewdeet,
far-eoirig. and yersinteiit, in the central figure. "What is the
beet Hiptort op Rcbsia in the Cnglibh langUAge? Undoubt
edly that of M. Alfred JUujiUiad. Morning Star, Boston.
PAPER py of the work above advertised can be seen,
T rJen' Publications may be had on extremely
lllLI either as rremium for Vtubt, or in combination with the paper.
reading is worth ow ning ; " Alden has placed the best literature of the
. mmmy ms priuluin to tioe far
dm mmmv ms Driuluin to tioe farmrfru?
tbm 111. vi U.tdr 1 F.A H am4 LXih J
erf.t Toil hjtt, fljwrvv-l. A AcAf. tit. a H i
TM kKTldM anl tut ntrntmn with tHO inia
i aala vi U.aar 1KA am4 Cot I J M, liriner. J ,a
. ftjMcHr. PcA, sit. wall 113
r 441 and 4M rll'' WIU) 9nJ ni
JiJMwliM At fatten. CO I
urn anuioi OA r l
we wii uajui tos mr t jmo oaouDnxft jip.u1
i aoatel.o4n
Adop44 bT ail rraDea
wtni btitrg rmptdlr anfl
. - - 1
ralna pratapttf tbc4. TfKATlll 'le hw
tlon (dDW sr bj ra&UJ wtUi u tBlwl kgton fbtt
CiVlAU AGEmcr. fco. W4 FuKm ttL Raw Ti
Do You Know I
yytc.HMTE e ferporlioeytfiTk r till
idI)A a mm. mm k eomm
vs4 rf IkaiaW tyr attl?
LBpas. iTtiroa
1 i antqanlo P-t
Tw OrfwJ aa air Cffa.
At Oracsjata, Traa aarrlM as BaVw A akaa
5 W AJVTBX) to canvaaa
f lot- Ujo tiui of iurr Btoei! t!t-ulvE
KXI'tXE. I'Ajm. At.ulv ai oao. '-a.V
WtoTrf U. Uii s I
v c 1- i ca.4 s.?r' . 1
VP? a MS I eI aar- '
s "r , cj- i - lia w o ba
Tae Qreatft Iedicnl Ir.nmTill of the Aff!
T.nsa ofoportlio, liimrli costive, Fain ta
the head, wi-o a. dn!l araaatlon In the
back part, fain colpr iba ahoalder
blade, Fullceas after ratine, Trltn a dls-lu-iinatiun
In exertion of body er mind.
Irritability of temper, Iow spirit, with
foelinp oi'bavirK neglected aome doty,
WcaHoeaa, iliieloeaa, Flntterina: at tba
Hecrt, Dots before tbs eyes, Headache
erer the rictt eye, B-estleaaneaa, with
S' 4ronis, IlUbly colored ITrlae, ai4
I TTTT'S PIX.I. are especially adaviteil
tr tucii cxaes, one dose plTeets Buch a
aha t: 5 m i T feoll n g t to aston tah the smfTerer.
. T.ty I rterense the Appetite .and ranae the
h"J y V Tk ou r'lcari, t fins uie itracm la
Ioa-istei , t-rt b;thr Tonic Merlon on
tie MV-euqveOrest.iui.Ucjritiai atoola ara
' i: it Mair or WgicKJiB-a ceitrel to a
(-.'s-r I-.laCE hy u Biofrle aprdi'jatian of
ttike l.'rc. It i i.jjtvrt n natural color, aoa
':sULiiianoyljr. Hlj toy Irroggisie, c
wt' hy ixiroe. oa receiptor St.
'.:rc, Itfueray 6t-, Nw York.
EVERa- ONE Who Owns n WAPOX T.isn
Alllitlt. llll.lllMi
t'ASOPY TO f. F..losup
like an un'brella. We'.gha
lonthnn ft ba. Cnu l
taken olTnrpntuulnS uiin
ota. Made In atsos io (It
hualneaa warf.rj. pleuro
wnarvna and lu(fle Bend
for Illustrated oirealar and
price Hut. Aifcnta wanted
.everywhere, btnte -w-hero
A: ( 'O., Pa tec urea and auuXTa. Sandy' fiuok .Conn.
it. . . .. TT ' mmt stop tkm fnr
Zl ,!?, " rrr- arii-araT er raijjn
ltfc-W.aT I wvr. T rma7 , a.
r a
! vmt MML hn.b , 1 TIZ
a.t a. v nati . ar. a,a at sum tor a Itmiim .ad .
r-.aa.wu .r , ,.n,w. r-a,. utr? SZZZZrJi
- r trUl, .d I wni .sr. yon.
AdArauDr. b. e. aooT,inr.riit,i.vT.
The probabilklM. with aalrnlations Ttast minmr of 1
rime claarlT siplamad. .howicg why aotns bahituaily
lose. By Rirhare Stnrria. many ysars atna-kapr
to (.biratro. tiew yrk and fsa FraogiKm. o ma--t'ler
raa aflorrt to be witanot it. Send 1f;v c.Mi tc
fruiiii Pttiistit; cg.. "".,.,.':';;is.':
" ' - i ' """-"- iiw-w-n ivtunttif and llag-
Crf3 "7' tobt oriiy i.irt-
e i!l And art of atoncy Oettinx with
,-MOold.n Kuleaforaton.y at.ZniT wX.
f:r;; family SCALfS
wtsauaDVSir A' ft t A is,
A Life Experience. Remarkable and
Quick: cures. Trial Packages. Send
Btamp for sealed particulars. Addrees
JPrWARP A CO. Louisiana, Mo.
Arttrat!T (ate sad alwavs K(raaaj.
Lsad to-rtny ri-(ru!arly t lj.t. ruerua
w" Uasraafssa aserlor m
alhsn. ar tuh rataagm, Imn twame
mnnev on w m .A. I u .. . .
Afcts BasaveJy flrat. Hold bv all Dmgitla? or
mailed to any adrtreaa. Rend 4 eenia for partimlara.
wilcox srKciric co.. raii.c... ra.
3T -----
Ptsri tw W klrt
aU JVrr f Vryrjll Pi-'JlIl
Q & I E 8 M E
1 ui
3 s
ttm-onrh pr.rsrs'orv aVbool fr f.7a caa.
f "'V WUltai-y plmw. rietany -
L-C. BISHOP. Head Maafari RaadiSi. Pa. 1
History of RUSSIA
Hampaxtt. Translated bv L. B. Lat.
rho work is well supplied with mnpe,
hLkry is full of cruelty, oppress
tyranny, and all sorts of crime,
kind of reading, or w bo desire to know tho
132-pagw catalogue, and our attractive terms.
Are yon mckleaa enough to vre-fr j
two oenta in tttampa to Uif Utirk rvt,n, .
5l8 and H WaablnctD Stirwt. -. -. .
ono of their beauuul Uhistraied " E i.
Hooka." It Is a uoval. un-.qn. t,.u
lng work to every pentuu of rct'.-.j,;
On receipt of ten vot fn kt,i,IM j.
"end poetpafd a full set of thair laiiscr.
hold frame Verba.
Torten ei-ntetbey w!l ajaraend NW: -t.:
rnmnMs vnrdi nr i'K. U11...1.. ..j ..
. rond
,. - .
1 !!
..4tt WJ
-y vi!1.
Its moet popular aoc-a, togetlj-rwaU Ui: i
Chromo card.
nair .
ijp!k :
A very plaaaing. harmlaes j'vrTr'l Lr.i tn !i
Compoand for dlsgBtaiiif the ta-e 01 qo-. Lr -i
Other bitur drnpa. altiicr or B. i:. r. .3
fenU per Plat Rutilau Preacr:le! hv 1 v.,r.-D ..'l
phyaidana in Bnrope and tmidra.' j..m,r .
companies rvary bonis. Fur nur bj J;rutKuu.
Mannfactorad lv
Tllfi Aoailmi Thmuzsjaeniic Cr.,
LOWdoi iiu nyr rcia.
Ab ales-act En'.laii pharmaoautitf rrrta.adcr
Tor Wiloun. majaiial and bliwni troubles ; ur 1 e
ault of over twenty t tJa of ui.rt Ii:rtit
Srtentiflc reaearcli.
Approved by the hiheet medijaJ auihorlt'?
J? la the fcer.!us in ev-.i v i r.rt of ti..-xo
Epcially heliul to la.1les, rhll lren and t ao
plo of feduntary hatiita.
Entirely .., etsbis ; fye, fr, tu , ;
In Handior. Pickett, P.'ce LO C..."
Prar-arsd o)oly ! y
Yle foykl riceiitL Co.
CbeuiLits by appflriUD-M.t to Her VaJ-fr the
Qusen aiul to U.s Royai Jajiiil .
ISO, 132, 1C4- Ci.ariton t.
8rie madiaiiisJ pro;ruea tt K-iYii. Luzjr. ia
boxes, fc. I'lils to li. for o-u.
Vlnftgar Bittcw COZilAX, -J Oe.
Vlnegj: Bitters PCWD5E3, 60 doses, toe.
Vinegar Blttara, new style. "'f 1 1 .OO
Vinegar Bit ten, old style, bitter tuts, $ I .OO
The World'- Great Blood Purifier
and Life Glvlnr Principle.
Only Temperance Bitters Known.
Tbet-ost Mh mf a t eatary the reading
Faaaalr aArslolac ef tbs Warld.
B. H. KcLonald Drug Co., Proprietor,
ty of (.lasas for withstanding heat
BI0ry S004 thirty is Counter
vihrnd cpriaramors am CAU
vCLChlmnoa Tnado of VERY
POOBOLASS. f, that the exact
label is on each chimney as above.
The Pearl Top is always clear and
bright Glass.
?f an Bfact tired by
Flttabnrfth 1 lns Work.
Mil v
PaL0eL0th.l8a3L i
Banana Farms Id Costa Rica.
The cultivation of bananas in Costa
TV ' '.ii'" s x jmrs ajr on
'si! . lie !ani alontr tbc
1 t.t- . , 1 i 1 tds, oiip roile wide, is leken
up by iLti foauAi.a farms, a majority of
which are owned by citrzpns of the Uni
ted Stales. Each farm is one mile
square, the laLd having teen purchased
for 510 a mansana aboat on?) acre aDd
a hulf of our laD5 masuiement. There
are now about 150 square miles under
ITofltable cultivation.
It is or,ly necessary to cultivate the
banana in Cota Jtica, to cut down the
forest, and then the land i ready to re
ceive the seed. The plow and the harrow
are unknown. The trees are allowed to
ly where they fall. WhHt is called the
banana sucker, a bulb resembling an
onion, is planted about eighteen inches
deep, and from fifteen to eighteen feet
apart, in among the fallen trees.
At the expiration of nine months the
banana plant has reached a height of fif
teen feet, and bears one bunch of fruit.
Fifteen or twenty of these plants or trees
in various stages of development are to
be seen at once sprouting from the same
"ducker," bearing fruit successively the
year around from seveE to ten years
from the first planting. Along the river
banks, where the soil is renewed, they
bear twenty years from the time of first
When the bananas aie ready to cut. a
farmer who cultivates a mile square ot
land, will take about forty men, five of
whom are regular cutters, and the others
convey the bunches out in mule or ox
carts as fast as they are cut. In a day
and a half the crop is harvested. The
laborers ar3 all Jdmaica negroes and na
tives, who receive f 1.25 per day for their
work. The laborers are almost all Eng
lish subjects, and, like the negro of the
southern states, they always have com
plaints to make. They call themselves
".English objects," and if they imagine
themselves imposed upon they threaten
to "go an' tell Mrs. Qneen, an' the sen'
her gunboat" alluding to Queen Victo
ria, whom they look upon as the most
powerful person in the world. When a
ship flying the English flag comes into
ti e harbor, they say, "Dat Mrs. Queen's
8 up ; she go aD' tell somefin' to English
councilman ; dat's whar Mrs. Queen
sends dem fur." They work hard all
day, drink rum and dance nearly all
night, and are ready for work early in
the morning as bright and apparently as
well rested as if they had slept all night.
After the bananas are loaded on th
train they are taken to Tort Limon,
placed on a vessel and brought to New
York. The steamer Foxhall, named
after the American Tiorsa, but flying the
English flag, Bnd owned by Mr. Keith
of Biooklyn, carries 12,000 bunches of
the fruit to New Orleans every fortnight.
So. all along the line of the road the
succulent banana is making the fortune
of those who had the couraj.' to tempt
the climate.
The snakes make a stranger feel rath
er nncomfortaWe. They have a variety
of them, and when the traveler reflects
that the bite of almost everv species is
fa'al, he is quite I'kely to keep a wary
eye on his surroundings, Quite a num
ber of New York people expect to go to
( nsra Ttica during the coming fall. X.
Y. Star.
Power of Fascination In Snake.
Some animals are held in universal
dread by others, and not the least terrib'e
is the effect produced by the rattlesnake.
Mr. Tennant says that thi3 snake will
fiequently lie at the bottom of a tree on
which a squirrel is seated. He fixes his
eyes on the animal, and from that mo
ment it cannot escape : it liezine a dole
ful outcry, which is so well known that
a passer-by, on bearing it, immediately
knows that a snake is present. The
squirrel run9 up the tree a little way,
comes down again, then goes up, and
afterwards comes still lower. The snake
continues at the bottom of the trf e, with
his eyes fixed on the. squirrel, and his
attention is so entirely taken up, that a
person accidentally approaching may
make considerable noise, without the
snake so much as turning about. The
squirrel comes lower, and at last leaps
down to the snake, whose mouth is al
ready disterded for its reception,
LeYaillant confirms this fascinating
terror by a scene which he witnessed.
He saw on the branch of a tree a species
of shrike, trembling as if in convulsions,
and at the distance of nearly four feet,
on another branch, a large species of
snake, that was lying with outstretched
neck and fiery eyes, gazing steadily at
the poor bird. The agony of the bird
was so great that it was deprived of the
power of moving away, and when one of
the party killed the snake, the bird was
found dead upon the spot and that en
tirely from fear for, on examination, it
appeared not to have received the least
wound. The same traveller adds that a
short time afterwards he observed a
small mouse In similar agonizing convul
sions, about two yards from a snake,
whose eyes were fixed Intently on It, and
on frightening away the reptile, and
taking up the mouse, it expired in his
Don't snub a boy because he wears
shabby clothes. When Edison, the in
ventor of the telephone. Brat enteied
Boston, he wore a pair of yellow linen
breeches in the drpth of winter.
Don't snub a boy because his home is
plain and unpretending. Abraham Lin
coln's early home was a log cabin.
Don't snnb a boy because of the igno
rance of his parents. Shakespeare, the
world's poet, was the son of a roan who
wa9 nnable to wn'te bis own name.
Don't snnb a boy because he chooses
a hnmble trade. The author of Pilgrim's
Progresr, John Bunyan, was a tinker.
Don't Bnub a boy because of physical
disability. Milton was bliud.
Don't snub a boy because of dullness
in his lessons. Hogarth, the celebrated
painter and engraver, was a stupid boy
at his books.
Don't snub a boy because he stutters.
Demosthenes, the great Grecian orator,
overcame a harsh and stammering voice.
Don't snub any one. Not alone because
some day they may far outstrip you in
the race of life, but because it is neither
kind nor right, nor Christian.
The greatest fault is being conscious
of none.
Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil
Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
99 TIMES OUT OF 1 00
Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric OU
A Cold or a Hoarseness.
Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric OH
aithxa and Diphtheria.
Dr. Thomas' Eelectric Oil
ci RES
Creti? aid Affections of ths Throat.
Irlcc 50 rente nnd 61.00.
The Greatest Shoe cn Earth."
Old White School House Shoe,
Misses', Youth's ani CMlton.
Soles, Confers & Tips.
Th ESST ECHO:! SEC! In the Market.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Raa attained a ptauilard of ereeUacoe vhloh
admits oa do unpsrlar.
It eootalci erary iroprOTcmaat that lnventr
gesloa, aklU and money oao iodoea.
Tluo (uuwilect Oraxi a.u -atoil lor vol-
Ohio, quabtf J ts.::c, ti Si :.. Vkj-.etr ft
ciznhi&DJn ii.. iru'ja Jj-!;, t rt-ilf Ln f. ruab, er
foct conatann Uan. tcaii'i. i:.'-: i. u.iit attract
ie, omarnia.taJ aijd dtini'ia ftT.s f -.r Lnar.ea.
VArABLUitLi) USl'l tiriOX,
l aEUl liXa f il It.irikai,
CtT i!i I 1UI4U
InsJrucllon Cv
OKUuafrace scl
- riero SioeU.
... ( i ai pUcaalrm, r
Tbe Chir -m Crgaa Co.
( arutr x ph acd Asa strvcta,
it ia XiIQUT RTJNN1NQ And does
eueh beautiful worlc. Aaronta' Favor
it.beoaujsa it is a quick and eaay seller.
Cor. Li Salle Lmit vA Ostsrio street
GRAIN DRILLS, cider mills
arTant?,l tho l.cst. drain drills: tbe rele
rrtM Pennsylvania, trip only perlfvt for-e feod
ltw hRlc aiurhmf nt In use. Vi.lar Mills: the
rr!etrtel Amsnnin an.l yoiine American
aTAlSDAltll I M Pl.F.M F.M rrnerallV
t-rnd ..r ratal. ntue A. HARqi IUK.
PennsTlvanla Agricultural Works. York la.
Important to Canvassers.
WAXTfl)-I.lva Oanvasrrs In every pr.untj
In the t'ntteil States to sell FOX 'S PATENT KK
JEKS1HLKSAU IKON, whlcn rom Lines two
r-ad Iron. Polisher, Floter, k.c. one Iron dolns
the work ot an entire set ol ordtnara lroti Is
aelf-heatlnir hy tras or alci.hol lamp. IOF-a
moderate. A lanre and lastinr Income Insured
to a-aod canvassers. Addre's. fur circnla-s a.c
H'X SAD lKi N '(... Vb Keade St . N. Y
fiai'irn' -
tll Villi all ILH fAllt. E
KaiOouh Brmp Tim fc
i.- to lima, aoia y drts-w
a saiainir a,,
LORD & THQtfAS, fn
49 Hnndolph St..f hli aKo. Vp t lit irrra C!e
and art- nuth.ri.. d to n:ini.Bn.
li:ake central, v it !, J f ft J ,
ll MM J "M Parent Bwe'l
. ..... su-r
i iZ'y ii ''"""j iiijwt... t,rM
j . .. , ...
'nv .v-r H. .
IV' ? . """ r " ai i t 1 i-lr., 0
WANTED LAD YrirUT -tw, m
n ew Arm "n,n.'-1 n.n i,.wy
aod 4oa aaUry. uV tKO..
The History or Ire Cream.
There is a considerable 3,ff r-nri(. f
tween the ice crem of the prpEt j
an1 that -fcieb foulr? haVp
J by the pilgrim fairer, hvl th-v ) sdv .
I ft" tbe art of making the c.jj.':
; refreshing dish 1 14 rr. Uli. r.
. n aiilr.. ,
advancement since the eariy (3as ,f '
manufacture. Ic cream. yt, v ,1
of it goes, :s not an inventior,, ) h'
covery, like many of th ; .' ,"
which Lave fallen to the use of u,H.
it vvaa discovered, stra-jge to JC".!
feimuIUntoualy witL the ursco'vVrv'
this preat continent, and, eithi
it was rua'Je by an Indian vcnUl;j '.. ."'
of the tribes in nor i hern l'f l: '
The aborigines in tljt , - '.
us:d the milk of the cow t,k, 3
kept their milk in jucs ).f .U
stone. The milk fifque.U f;7, " . ,'
wa" generally thrown away J JV.""
but one of the squaws took to . r.
and found it good, ai.d f-h,. .,. " ;
ing it regularly, ul!;1 hf.r i.iV. ',
lord made a vigorous kick a: of her using up ai! t',t I; 1 .'.
every time the Luck went o:. h i -V.'."
trip the had ht-r fn.zr-n n; k. w' L r. ?
the real predecessor of ir-e crt .fr 'j
many of the pquaws of !.r
ftllowed Ler naruple, ut.t:: ,.- .
among thtm, the Iudiii:is t -, . .
ening their frozen mi.k. .''a
settlers took to the d -' .-
avidity with which it c :.'V',
to tl.e regular establishment r.f ..'
u'acture arming the trad-?.
Thf primitive nn, ,,f .
ci-i.m l,y the ei " '
lutionary days was at: . .
'.lie way it ia made now. A;
sweetened ruiik waa himi iy c'.'i'V
and then broken up with a Lid e.
it was found that cream h'..Le nea
better dish, and a!so that an t l - r
added to its richness and K-dv, a: . s.
if air was beaten into it, it ii.e
cre:im nearly twice iu qit3tl:y. V
trade fell entirely into the Ur,dV c.f ,
bakers and confec?iorrs. arid the "-V
work at which the Lakti"- apj:-'"
was put in those days was iJ.l
icecream with a wuxd-i, spo l.
ice cream season had no nltasur-sV
him, for he fpent Lis davs, fl-'j
his nights, agitating the "iroztc Va"eu
ness with his wotden paddle, wL.'t'l
companions with th-ir pir:Q j.p.,
the fruit of his labors.
As the demand for the dtleciab: i h
increaped the od paddle meth d a
found to be too slow, aud macL Lerr
was devised by which the wrt c,.,Vj
be done by steam, water ar.1 !
power, and now the hea'-td rr-,
within the closed can while rer,:v:;
blades cut the frozen cream fr.irc .va
sides of the vessel.
The growth and development of tt?
trade has brought so much -ry
into use that upon it de;: rla a V,A
numer of people for alivfchh.v.d. T''
sands are eno-affd it, ti t.
d ffr-rer! arr'iarevs f..r n,-.- .'. 1
tliouiiid more ar eniT.'.-x- i
ly in the itak'rg . f jr. ...;.. ;
more are iiilir-cth s:;j p:... j w
through it. Kver, !..: :
owe njauj- a f-.3e t it'. r-. c
ii.g theirs in preset ,:,;T ,r
brought on by ovf-r-i;:d:iV--: '
and the lawrs pti' if , tJ
theirs by mans of pt'' ' r 1 r
promise made over lie :.
and seductive di-h.
Formation fa Kf:ifi.r.
In the skin of a fowl. !-t a f--i
is to apiear, thf-re is tr b '--r i :
pit, and at the bottom of
a little mound or 1 Ar :: . i
ryramid cert tin little cr,- v y
deeper at the t-ase. ard z '
ate from one larire cro,-v- at : - !
crowinc shallower and :::-Y. ". -;
ir? at the top. The w ! v-; r
covered with a skin v u.p i
same fcales, or tlattei.t-d c--"-. '.
which cover the wh.. l!v. I , i
pioces.fS of crowth the : '
oa the surface of the I -1.- 'r :
efTete matter, th" ' Ur ;
skri ; but here t It a:e r
become so c!-se:y uni'.ed I -. ';.
that they form a srt . f
more or les, strong, accr c:
over the surface f t .. f.
new r lis row at thf t"4-. t ' :
this little liorr y i u; era i- ;. '
breaK? at i's '.! ne-t ) . :. '
opposite the 1-irce crf --. T' i
crowtlis ti'l lKi. it f 1. ' - ,
it. it assumes the f..nn ef :
rid-e in the iuai:i furiow 1: er
form the separate burl f ':
When all this web ot the f-,t-.:
pieted, ttie pyramid loses it srr
becomes smooth. All pirts ate f
thickness, aid so hard as : t trr.k
easily, but remain tubular, a-, i f rn: a
quill, which is attached to wh v rn.vr.s
of the pyramid. The f:t ,:-r !...' ri
even sirgle ba rs are drve! ;-i r.ri
farmed in the same wav. fi; 1 tv-rv r:e
whi has lnjurrd ai.d lost a f-k-ri',
k ios by how lou,; a pr ic--
three or four months the n. :s-:i . 1 :.
to his digit is beina repriuce.i.
eJ. sV. AVER a 0N.
ne Ef:5 Pfcllnrl''a
Like w:4a' A-'''
cut auio..x&a
taH vans. rMd frM t. w T
at, 1 vtn m Two temji ran, IT
riBLa nursi tais tii 1 1 1 1 . ..rrsttow.
iwaaar. ttnaiia Ba. t. a. aix a. m r a-, "
l:i T!IK
v?c ,tsk tri j ... 1 .
Boys !SCidd:a-acl n 1 pi- I "
Newar,K. J. I f h.M.-.h,; 0 v. t " '
a:. rc-t t r : :',,rl
Mattsuuo. lloiiry CoJemaa. Vnr. Brr. w ' m
Bt, J. T. NIWM a. n. wr.?1"T r"" ' V' I
t-r.-Ti. u r. it T ' l I l r " . .
t-iiial lf irr-T-.. Km
loo in ay dTitii rn on-
-u. ....
' r " r t
. T. ..-1
j iai.cir prr-'i.. Binta. Ir 1 1' if
1 Ai
ft Pi I li I I'ntptrwto'JoM ti"1
KULt e U ""-. Qtnc T." u -t f
ty.-n!cll.n iiri-ni :
DR. SCOTT. 842 Broadwa,, II Y9
Iraas as.