The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, August 06, 1886, Image 4

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A" "i. I
CI S Vi ..t.
'rorn hen not i;1 company with
M -a :'1 kc-T thr as lor. a.i r ir. friiit
i ct rot rvfcrroil to too often
'An ir-uixe. rrore u.iiversally
.ej. Non', !i.t. there 'a riornse
. . fl'j '.in': ti' ;, n a fr:ol time to
. -jurta it.
'. corfiKitu'ent of the liurul . Kew
" ; r k:(5'5 : The best rocstinfc poles
1 ,? coin? across ire imi rol3 wrapp-
,Vout with thick woolen dofh.
(-!"'.'' ia "atura'td sitb kerosen9
us '.ttiU aV:tior. cf oil of sassafras.
. 'banre U r .' there.
f !- .! i!.iiit. to he the tenor
,r :: of the California wheat
rr. New ' ;iey are a source of prof
'. liy iotietioua mechanical harvest
. . both cops 3re patherel separately,
: t the rotmard is worth mora than the
. ; 9t ta the same land.
Nearly 'l who have tried bagging
-.r nPq There mildew is prevalent re
r r', that the results are satisfactory
: 1 ran. The bag" should be put on
v: i afer blooming. A screen of sheet--X
ov:;r the vins proves as satisfactory
i- harsrine: in preventing mildew and
n Indian farmer ha? noticed that swine are fed plenty o .apples
vaw is unknown, and mentions cases
-.ier diseased cattle were allowed ao- i
A" to me rerusp oi a ciaer-rnui ana re
vered. He thinks the acid of the
"rn!t proved a correction for the tlis-
aied liv-rs of the animals.
I'pstuie is thP most nutritious when
; of many species of grass, and
and w! n young and succulent. As
.rasa gr-ws older it contains a less pro-,-'i-'ioi
of -ilbuminoids, and is then an
Verior ret ion for milk. Cow peas and
n-Tj eronnd together ia excellent
?-. A as part of a ratio for rich milk.
Professor Hobert3, speaking of the
eat rfJlciency of mrxlern labor-saving
: -'p!emntd and machines, says that
:-TV boy of to-day, w ith bis sulky plow
d s Mf-bUidor, can rob the soil of more
.'nr.t r iod in yf-ar than his grandfather
cowl 1 i" ?. 1 is lifetime, though his
nu'Ci:'ar grandfather might have car
ried off vitli rase two such boys, one
mder f ach arni.'
Arl C -mpbt'll, according to the ex
Pr:mei)t3 reported in the irwbnndmnn,
find tl.i. miicli t he rheai)pst ft ed for
edtl ia vivtPria wheat straw, wheat
hrn ;nd cotton seed meal. He statC3
th-it cotton f"-d niral. according to ?.n
Alysls, 'i worth ?li a ton, can bo
bo;i f. iii 0.,'5 ) for f2t), iiiitl at that
r;ijo !.s A3 rt:aa; 3 goj'l !ay at ?'..V) to
i7 a t'".i.
"L.."rt .viuttr,' wiites a subscriber to
the jr.h;Un,i Firmer. "1 lost about
twt.r.ty shep with grub in the hea.
Then I found a cure ; at least I Ji'l r.ot
hiose aay Uioro after I tried it, an 1 th.t
wa? t!iri-.c;;titie dropped in tho ear. I
pt t f iir or five drops in each tar. My
sheep commi'iieed this winter just as
th-.-y Jul last, and I usd the tur;ent!?ie
ffiu !i;ivo not I.m'j a EhRcp.'
Tli3 frrchard sh.n:ld le st-.ppiie'l 'viih
U t'.p Ma-iurt trees can aj.probri-i-.
"i -id th f r ' wili then oe vigorous
a"-.' r ill .-hi sv ii, 1 y a good giowth of
wood 3:11 i:'-r.d-cmf fruit. When the
!r ; do :' r ike a frecgrowch of .vood
it : r-.i-x'.A v. t .' are in ill condi'.ion and
r."- i " cf fertiMt-ra and
'.i'' n ; probably, also, judicious
ir nlr.rr, c'eaairltj the bark and the des
truction of wors and insects.
T. t'.e f-conoray, says the lliuib-vvhnan,
directi fie juent cultivation of both corn
ard potaiot-s. In the growing season
once a week ia v.'t too often to run the
cultivator between the rows, thus keep
.mr the ground fresh and in the best
riT, iitun to piomote growth, i It may
iirfar like increasing the work too
much, but this is only in appearance.
Th? advantage will certainly be been in
th oi.tcotoe.
Ct. S. McC'aun stated to the lilmira
Farmer's ("lub that he found the limbs
of the white oak much more durable for
P fts than the body of the tree. lie
1 ad tried setting posts erect and invert
ed, but could find no difference in their
durability. I'osrs were found to last
longest when set In clay soil beaten
compactly shout them to prevent the
passage of water, and to kep them in a
I' jiform ?t!.t of moisture. In gravelly
srn!;, hch permit thera to become
c:Uri wi'.er-soakeJ ud again sfon dry,
they t!i ) not last long.
Fff.di.vo Ilor.r-cs. For fast driving
oa's may be tho Vst food for horses;
but v.-o hild to the o'd-fashioned mode
of fee 'inj 1' rses ; which waa generally
in vog':" from forty to sixty years ago,
;.iid Is st'Il 30 among a great many ieo
plo. even livt:y stable-keepers that Js
regular feeds of bran and short cut
8tr,'.w, rai.vvl with asufneient quantity
cf water to taaka it palatable, half a
vl7en ears uf corn per horse daily, when
the weather is not too warm, and plen
ty of good hay. We have known whole
Ftablesful of horses to keep in the most
perfect health, and capable of doing the
hardest work a horse can be pnt to, by
this mod? of feeding.
Tv.f. J'k-t Fwd run Vorxa
Cru ks. Tlie fnut rnfat, '.vhich sho".!.l
not be jrivea rntd the c-hicks are at
least 12 hours old, is hard -boiled egg,
cr:inb!"d Pop, or stale wbpp.t brad
crumt-s Moistened with milk. We
Brake ;t a rul-- to foed nothir tlie f.rst
w?k typept tbn egg, iH ea l crumbs and
curil-J. A'tien a week old we begin od
CO"';! w.t mep', boiled potatoes, rooked
ric tc. f'ookel corn meal may be
fed th" .-"cond werk, but 've think they
do te'.fer wit any corn meal urtil tho I
third or fourth week ; then we give al
most cooked "ood, aJiir.g a little
cocked itjeat when the eg is droiiiei
fruru t ie bill of ftre, unless insects are
plenty. Vs soon as they are old enough
to sw.-'l'o.v the grains, give ciacked
corn,' racked oats, wheat, etc.. at night.
Tw o 01 thre? tiTies a wr"k mix a little
bine meal with tbe feed a tablespoon
fi:! to a pint of feel. Season the food
s'igbSy wjth shU and pejrer. Cive
mi'k to drift?: if you can get it. Feed
t-f'n f:"e or piy times ady. Feed all
j!.,..v .v 'l eat in) ciean, but do not leave
-u.v f iod .iror.r-il to sour.
False Proj-hcts.
A Profennlon Verj IN-pn-fir
lli li'it CfnlnTj,
I it r I n ft
The last century was prolific of false i
prophets. Jane Wardlaw, tho wife of a I
tailor at Tlolton ie Moors, Lancashire
j started the delusion that Christ's second
advent w.i at h nd, and that TTe would
appear in the form of a woman. Short
ly afterward Ann Tee. the wife of a
blacksmith living in Toad lace Manches
ter, adopted the views of Jaim Wardlaw,
I but w?nt far beyond them, and became
known as ibe mother of the sect which ;
now begin to be called Shakers, because j
they made a strange kind'of dancing an
element of their worship. Ann Lee
(whose husband's name was Stanley.)
had been a Quaker, but hernew doctrine
had no connection with her previous
convictions. She professed to see visions,
and in 1770 she declared that the Lord
Jesus had appeared to her one night
and had become one with her, so that
whatever she said or did was ITis saying
or doing. Her claim was to be the bride
of the Lamb, as seen by St. John, but
her pretensions met with little accept
ance in England, and she was inspired
to seek a new home in America. To
New York she went in 1774. accompanied
by seven disciples and her husband, who
soon separated from her, for now arose
j a new tenet the necessity of celibacy.
TWs'doctrin not commending itself to
! vAM::nn.Hn x"- ' , a t- a.
mo uiLi.r'iM in "sw i urn., Ann Jiee went
out into the wilderness of Xiskenna and
founded that spttleraept of Water "Vliet,
wfiicDsuii extsrp. Mi maaa herself very
ormotloueltA the Arherfcan government.
was arrested as a T.ritish srv and thrown
into prison. Persecution increjQod hef
notoriety, and she became known as the
"female Christ." She died In 17P3, but
her followers protested that she was not
dead, only '-withdrawn from eight." '
Johanna Sonthcott was born In Devon
shire about 17oO, She spent-tipryonng
days as a domestic servant, but in mid
dle life she took to uttering prophecies
conched in coarse and uncouth prose or
veise. She found followers in Exeter,
but soon went up to London, where she
obtained a wider field for the exercise
of her talents. She drew her inspiration,
like others of ber kind, from the Apoc
alypse, and made a considerable income
by the sale of seals, which were warrant
ed to insure the salvation of those who
purchased them. In the your 1814, being
then over GO years of age. she gave oot
that she was the divinely-appointed
mother of the Shiloh, and that his birth
on the ensuine 1 1th of October would be
the second coming of Christ. Her ad-
P'ents then numbered about 100.000,
and they provided a magnificent cradle
for the expected infant. A crowd
assembled at the predicted midnight.
nd only dispersed when they ver?
informed that Mrs. Sootheott had fal'en
into a trance. On the 27th of December
following she died. Her followers re
fused to believe that she was dead, and
would rot allow her to bq buried ; but
wh.'n d?compopition began to set in they j
consented to a post-mortem examinat ion j
being made, which revealed dropsy ss .
the cause of her death. !
PfOlrt Matthews, in America, at the i
beginning of this century, took up the j
profession of prophet, and entered upon
an extraordinary career of fraud, imps- !
turi and crime. Ife was arraigned for I
murder, but only convicted of assaulting
his daughter with a whip. Of his latter
davs we have no account, ror nr? his
blasphemous and nefarious doings worth
recording further. (M-cr.
Something About Corn.
a ?reat many tests, purposely and
I carefully made, go to show that the com
cron succeeds better with low planting
and level cultivation than by the com
mon practice of plowing the middles
and hilling up the rows. This plant is
a tropical one, and requires heat and
moisture. It has an enormous root
growth, which spreads through the soil
npar tho surface where the warmth can
reach it. The feeding roots are broken
by the plow and the growth of the plant
is checked. This fact has been fully
proved by Dr. Murtevant, the Director
cf the Xew York State erpeiiment sta
tion, who made the great mistake of
advocating what he called root pruning
or cutting tbe roots by deep plowing in
the rows when the ears were beginning
to form. The mistake was generously
avowed, but the damage done by it is
hard to prevent, because error always
travels faster than truth. The present
is however a good time to give a caution
against the deep working of corn &fter
the roots have made their way into the
middle of the rows.
Beautiful Living.
Sidney Smith cut the following from
a newspaper and preserved it for him
self : 'When yt u rise in the morning
form the resolution to make the day a
happy 'Hrie to' some fellow creature. It
is easily done ; a left oil garment to the
man who needs it, a kind word to the
sorrowful, an encouraging expression to
the striving trifles in themselves as
light as air will do at' least twenty
four hours. And if yon are young, de
pend upon it, it will tell when you
old, rest assuied it will send you frsntly
and happily down the stream of tiixe to
eternity. If yon send one person, only
one, happily through each' day, thai is
305 in the course of t!ie year. 3 f you
live only fwaty years after you com
mence the course of medicine, you have
mpde 14, r;0O beings h?i',py, at all events
for a time.'
Tnr. farms of America equal the en
tire territory of the United Kingiom,
France. Belgium. Germany, Anuria,
Hungary and Portugal. The corn tieljs
npal the extent of England, Scotland
and Belgium, while the grain rields
generally would overlap Spa'n. The
cotton fields cover an area larger than
Holland and twice as large as Belgium.
The rice fields, suear and tobacco plan- j
tations wool 1 also form kingdoms of no I
insgnifiant s!?.?, and such i3 the stage j
of advancement reached by American 1
agriculturists that it is estimated tbat !
one farmer like Mr. Dalrymple. with a j
;1fd 1 of wheat covering a hundred pqinrp j
milos. can rai.e as much grain with 10 i
farm sprvants, as r(,U0 ir-apant propria- I
tors in France. i
(Vr.ERtiiK denned n vl mtn. ore i
who mistakes his thoughts for pprson 1
and thing", j
'Koiiuli on Ilali.'
clesrsout rats
mioe. roaches flies, au, neu-
lieurt Fnloa.
raipltatlon, 1rof.Ical RwelUnif. (iiT.invs. In
.linestlon. be1icho, glcoplc.'.'nc.-! cureil byWelis'
Health Keaewer.
"KiiHli on rorm."
A?k fir Wells' nlion Corn?.-' IV. Uulrk
Complete curt. Ur1 r ?oft oorns.warti. banlona.
"llnrhn l'lb "
(ln1it, (Minit( .-urf nil kMney, Ma.ldr anil
nrlnary tlisen-'e'! cal.ltnit. Irritation, stone, frrav
el raturrh of the bl:i.Mer. II. ilruifitlsts.
Kliec. rort.-lip. an'.', liCil-biw, rnts. rotoe, ovn-
cr (liiiiumnk.--. fU-areJ out by ' KouU on Kats.-' !
Ill In Pttoplc
Wl!.:nl:b Kdicif restore Tiofclth nct
vigor, eunef ilviicpi-ia. lmpotenre,sexul debility.
Jl. , . '
; t "fiotiKh o ti."
't'nr'J rn.lera. rolif. rrampf. iltarrhopn, acbe?.
pln, sprain?. hnil.i'iie. neuralgia, rheumatism.
5fu. Kcuirli on l'.iin I'lnsters. IV.
If you are failinir.bro(cen.-orn 6u't an-V nervous,
u?e Well's Health Kenewcr.' l. Irui(K'3te-
f.lfe PrMtrtfr.
If vou are loslrn your (Trip on lite, try 'Wells'
HeaUh Kenewer." Jrf-3 direct to weak spota.
"Rn-h on PIIm."
Cure' r irg or jinrrhoi.1, Itchinx. irptj-'i!lnir. j
t lys.lincr. irtfrnal or other, lntcrniil ;n l oXfflrnal
remedy in each liaokaire. Sure cure, Skn Irni;
Protly Women.
Ladles who wnnbl retain freshness and viv"?lt,
don't fall to try " W'cl'.'i He iRh Kenewer. '
"Koniih on Itch."
"Kouifh on Itch" cures humors, eruptions, rlnir
worm, tetter, salt rheum, fmswd feet, ehillblains,
"Ronch on Catarrh."
Corrects offensive odors at onee. Complete euro
ot worst chronic, alo unequaled a lairt'e tot
diphtheria, sore throat, foul breath. Soc.
The Hop of Ihe Nation,
('hlldren. slow in development, puny, scrawny
and delicate use "Wells' Health Kenewer."
Catarrh or the Itladilpr.
Stlnirinir. irritation, inflammation, all kidney
and nrinary complaints cured by Hucliu-Falba."
II. .. i ' i X
'Water ttntcH, Roaches). "
j "Rouifh on Kat?" clears them out, also beetles
- -v " "ft
lUiWHAsni., 10 Spruce
St.. Xew Yurk. can learn the exact cost of
anv tironosod line of Ai! verttslnit in American
.NewspaiMjrs, , l00-pate pamphlet, ljIMt
A f Tr. La Barr '
' InfliPfW OTITIC monfl. HO nul.- ji iim INMHy.
lmpAt.nry. Orraol. Unklw. .Bmrrlnr, 8yskllttl ana
H.rmrtal Afftkww. Cm ic ntifie rn aruii.l ; aic and ur ,
-rrr-r!V. P'f"mtilirs Trtcil. C'a 1 or writ for list f
qwitioastnb an. rMbv l hfe rtrsmrir Trrntrrnt by mail.
CPrrn, fafTiTinv tro Ptlu mld sn ftdrM.
fttt4 IriV w-thlnc to hlr ftdTAntar. It i- mit m v
Iftdrrw lr. f. I.. l.HICt.K. Prr't and ThrsletM l fTir
fBtrl ImI. ii .sure. In.titntr. 8' Lora.t ,t.. St. I,bI ,
baccisiuctu Ur. UulU iyiaar. .iil1ibia o iMtra.
r lllood.HLm lid IirMI MWr,
Tone, Toucli, VorlmansMj & DnraMlity.
W1T.I.1AM KATAnSf 4c CO.
K.. and 2 Wrrt Paltlmora Street, Baltimore
No. 112 Fifth Arenus, New York.
For Onr
New Book
Jaat Pnhlishod. enUtlod
Contalntnfri thMTmeh nr:d ewiprehet)1ve Tpna6
cf I'rlminal Vrrv'l (t B'.l t.ra-lt s and Clma,
v.;:U Nuro' rotH Episode? of Ferpnal Eiperlence
In t:ia Iistectiori of Ciixninals. ooverlnr
period ef 'ihirty "i cura Active Detective
tali e.abrn-lnT n.:mv fnff iiiterctlinff
aiul thrilling Detective Xkctchcu
An entirely n.'W bolt, T.rofw'-lvf77.frafMJ,
ftD(i witL Port i Ait of ""3 G-eat lxjtfctive,
In rorr ti-wn tliero are numbers of people vha
Will hi (i'r- l t in : ii '. ; .).:. It sells to Mer
chnnta, M.-t;h:.uu , farmer) and iro.' ssionalmen.
'l'Cus evt-.-y A'T. :ii in i " r mure i
a tou'ii to n lioia lii caa foul sure of selling It to.
Wo war.t f iis Ar"Ht in evory tnwnfltilr. T
emmtv. ;r'i!i'i ,r i -', v.Uii tjiit 1 k'. rin
ert.:rM a "'iwwi i.i iU lot f-il ai .K'u.ara
cnti tt i n'.s i' .'f ctl'iri.3
G. W. CAnLON . CO., Vubllstiers, Now lorfa
T7-'S''f it'V!,
Rim1 only of th finmt ami fxwt nil.
ty uf tlanB for witltxtmiUtnat henU
Every good thing1 is Countor
f"dto3, and consuinors are CATJ- :
those Chdinnbys "mado of VERY
POOR GLASS. Seo that the exact
label Is on each chimney as above.
The Pearl Top ia always clear and
bright Olass.
Mnnnfadnred 01.T fy
Pltt-ttar((It In,l 4;lnaa Works.
H"5 B
25 YicArsS IM USE.
Til a Ora1 r:v-. Ia J-ll of Cr f.5si
Loaaofavetlte, aiawela caattve, Pr iu la
the head, with a dall enaatlro In the
hack port, I'ala aider the ihnrt.-;,
bltide, ('iCrni after eating, with ncl
Inclinotius ta exettton ef fcodr or niil,
Irritability t'teanr, L.w aplr t.
a feaHnj of ha viae neelecteA arie to y,
Wearmeea, IMzzlnaaa. Flatteries at tdd
iieart. io(a before the area, Uta-dacke
far tbe Tight eye, Reitintarr, vl'H
LUi I drnaic, Ifithlr rolored Urlae, a.cS
TTTTT'S -lLA.are!speclMly sil.itofj
to j-h enef., om .doo cfT'-cts pu.-i a
ia nfi, e:iiiraitorjt-n!ththe suTerrr.
l Jiey in-? e-! f -.e AT'etfte.anc' rruse tto
lo.'.y I.i tateoiMi I- ie - f&iia. the 'tei ia
r:o;triah.1. r 1 hyh"lrTre Anient on
I ni- irTf Orrant, Itraitlai f'ocl nre
:-..,.. . j...-r 4 Kp.Tray f-t..f .
f;i"f cic f'V :i s;:ii;:n' "rt i-v - r
' -i i tv. Tt i I'; :t nr-'.ural t-oior.e.-tj
I ;' !' i-: i-. -.:', JLTURsie:s. . c
i ! t r r i . .. ; r.rf'.x: 'v of f .
mm fitb
T I ..y ci
m -i
a.i i;- sat--,
Kit 'i . :. s i, .ri m
i n" 1.---, vi ir
I). lpaL0cL3(nh,IS33.
weak; ke&vousd
-Ui U Wf V- anci
It teftv
fb-.o M
. ......
A ,irio
in rati r i
, lfad OeTTOuVsreSlUtlffJvetS
i Vc of pobUoia.tlon. Ce$5
1 r r
tnirty ci
3 an a
tcli&ca abfi'.et '
PwUlfhr9 AEVieW, M04 Broadway. Nqw York,
t r .jtply now ct gtrv u address, as yoa may oot tea t!U aouci 4tua
f-l fniiV'C "' M. !! MM I
Civ awv mn pj-ndiima to tho forming cjutia for
frj aalQoI their TB AH and COFFEES, Z'lnr.r. 7a
iJ Trili HtK, Btlvrwart, Wair.e. WIIITB
EA 6Ki-a? anrt 6S rl9cwlfh 91 and BV&
nVurs. lecortl TV A oKTI of A BAplcoM
RANI) or Moaa Ra Te Prta oi 4 pieces, or
Wbltn Dinner hot of lia nieoeo, uii t0 oi
cr. b&nd xxm your address asd mention tr.U rper ;
IM wfll roali Toucnr Oltib liook contaJntniraeaiDlete
rrnmliiTTi Prw List. Ta ilnm nns Tit fox
Tt.-ASiVin wiw rvRi,T
tM SftMii-tvon Co-j We Pr'a4-a)r& Ajbr V-
evil ij l'V fur tltr-. month'.' sab-Tir?Vr
Fi.y I JU L 1 3. to Trid xvi Aiirijrri
'". an ria x r, red hs pr"b:wrnf r-" ,,w, miA yot
vtil HOti a VimldWUu enhnlW .rlL (1 O.
i ADKn Hul'lVj. N V
WlWrin ' SfimU o StH tVe lvt a Chirt WiaJS-c?
PiVa ti. rv,kt1 awan CeolcK.'Q.,UKarat,v.K,
snn R,. . -AAWt A Tnl hi
i A por
tas pAj!fT to CW an
miditn, aa
1 KiltRA B
A u tli I ii&SSS
tan, A.K IJoa, Plaat SiotX, Ornka, Flsaa. aioali
u4 ad uuaa t w,
. . f. M I, a.ati
attar Hoaer for U Aama
ewsoifa insect o
V DL CO., intaakuah,
JiBFeTtavr)tr--.'Barontveaf lcrtaxr ttnri
vt abotai fi nnmi
aeuL94, avIXaMA Jari7witAr I
T ao orilil pUfalU tf igrurrm. jnj tn'r.-rpaJ
i Co a1 ftirrno 'V
ifSs e mat' b fcoj
a an Bwrfli:1' ',s"C nr- f
Harrv CUM Qo., 1 J E. 2SUi M fcew lorX
rrn LI Mil w fs
Ir-r II
firs a a-:
.. uTTT Tr.1 fejl
-4 ' I.VI SS
1 A ' i A : Lii o- 1 omr H KM A ii KELV W AH f
ltl Kit h;
' ' 1. ' ' f e -'J- cut t tb '
i,t all (.. i 1 ri' lMi mi 1 beiMg rai l'l r ai.c
-at'.-T.lna 1
p .p. . i- ! n
i.- ;rl
hi iit-. i rininci. )ci.r riirr
is: V
" , t7d Citj, .ih,.t ai v..
a m
h 'f'A It It. I' Men 1
a it a it.
f.tai e
iru.f rir l.i ninn.juin
JreiT ;-tiq vi 5ae ir, vor e:nnuiia eafe
.sum, Tkroai Dlv-unana. ef ileHi ao4
Lpaetftti, wJ -i (i"' i i'i Oam-rl pebUliT I' 8
an Juin.-! ?tfc;l9 inqr. tv ui ira ear
4V Id by lr-.t. ...
WlNC-ii-M i'-r'hra-i e.T rf. ji via
'.1 vd 1 2 a 41 Wouia.
."'!.rri"h , Crt..
Tbe 0l !al ! Omlr enoUa
k-Wrira'.. Dies. ip.iDra(laa
paam-.Jjn aa ar Ml,, .
e reciara j
a, t'kli.
rmar. 1
iTxr r. -rvri' -iti-
foi vr,o ham; of JCuiaer Ktci! ftnjKlyfa V
y. -J:
niTflovmeri viiaeittiteed I IAMRV 1KB
K X i Sft il PAID. AtrpJr a fne, atwV
Iim (Kefar to tlila pai-v
CHASE EFiCTHE?.G, Rochester. II. Y.
& j :r-.-trr;.t3r.V: F;
1.LMIIII mfit
ala Aal'a. I'
iV mark. QnUtt (m. avtdraaa Avrmm iawaa,aya
KrTwan aM H4mbml BookafW. S. V
ale ; UjO rt eeix. vroflt. aa enr4al
CW n ?A TO fcf -ra moetfcV'tBbfsHr
dtiua r'naoljer wurtfi it (A
A. A.-roauaca, Bntralo, M T.
KD -Aaetu" iVaeS iha Bit a CfeMraai fiuauTWaT
.JHo tl. FlckM Htaaia CokrC .Haahoiaax.9.-. .
VT Ij,! 1 Ij Kmm paving -3 to ftK) . notaafc, aoV
araa . ljfOT, ' ar;.a ar -o
1"KfeX?a"i BTDftkS .AECAid 1 aaatviM
J rfV" . 1 lu O. t. Knat. i COjXMaj, TY7
. AuU M-w, lilntra, Uoth. Crab. Plaaa, afMaV
tQ.ji. ih i I li,rt L.tln. Ml - tlaarr rbr I It. .(aata
V-.'i '-r e c-a- .a-j-t... po.t' drailii.
VJLOlH lri-;i. c t vUIiiK CO., fltuaarsh, Ppa
- a
3iTwrai avreaniiuasarf fnnran ano aa
aai.iAaix rma nun Maaajai raua jraraa a vaa
Pfrri Sample
ifta awiiy prtaifd aa aicj
i'VA ''ATKD riiij a.!T
aracerina to wherahT o
'? ai paea, fi
J te !-. Vd rn I ?V
la. Waffl.Mrmt ni
4 tUm
--' ct otoufAit f
wit ao-da
- r a.
ANT a,-,.
.'.'i..- ami
t- : baa La r"- trUra,
i; S. BfaeKl C-.-p.
ottir u a
VU.r. nuaas, auaaJaa a4
L' y ' r- I 1, --"e-l -.-lanead tnr Oard,, a ra.
1 J A r J' -; f.' a ard tfc-a
I - Ante' Alo--m K.-,r Brrtea. At ia Ti
I- ( L?-'; r ! - aS WaVkTaI
'. rvi.. XortHi-ir,,.
Al. a 4 !
-lth oi-rfH,
'. Ct
MfttnclaM aad ai:v ir -,
s cf arccaa laaa
'r trtAt, C-jt ?-e-to. a r-? .fCA. P
'. ud Uua Hoii4
) Oed I ad mwamtl- w
1s t. Mtl.l 411- Ml I IH
Ml !. II l l IIH."
I V! i ' f V" -'--y oattiug with
1 -n T'nl. tor AJ -ney AiaKinfr, Worth fi
i in., .? i .i : tc ii, -r on tcs. tv
' IT iS-.". C '-Write at oik,- In
SiiJ-fa.- "'lftt Circinn-itirO
.-. r ' . . ..n.r To sc f. .r-;..
', ,,' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ,5
.'K:i lL it M.MAr.J, tJS--hAtl,
I I -3MTa?rlff...rl
a pU. .Nv 6aa Icm3t bowtf
o ... -- 3 w -r r n. u .d
debilitated men
women seeding- nonnn,
v ?iv? cines, etc., and send for 'Tho
Review,' or u Healtli ana
Strength Kegalnea," a largo
Illustrated Journal, pubUau
ed entirely fhr their benefit.
pa b;ltn.lyi
beaitb aai pc
t&trinna Ufijio7 (rfsiotffj wn eta-i
4. ani IB oi-o".vi(t:' TH'-ioi.; v
ana lb nM
- - ; i . . . , v.
MIN, rod otftenj wm wft? frTSSS- 3Cl
Are yrm ruckle enough to venture ? If wml
two o-ntt in stamps to the Mivlc iM'Mtmj Co.,
and MO WaahinirtoD Stn-t. New York, for
onei of their beautiful l!lustratl I.artleW
Hooks. It Is a novel, unique, and inten-st-lneT
work to every person of r.-rlocment
On receipt of ten c-nt In atAnips thev will
aerwl pwwtpaid a full eet ot thfir f amoua limi
hold frame Verba.
For tun cetitUn-T will ajaoat-nd rIkmiIi coutalidii
complete words of 'Tho Mitado." and tntiaii of
moat popular toi$, toyt-tlier with ten exgniKHr
chronio card.
A Twrj pleaelnLr, harmleai plvrjrriiir. ur(t:n--:v
cOTliaintnl for tliatiifinf; tlie iate t.f (juiHiiie anl
otliar bitter rlnu-a. eiUier mlid or BuM. l-ri-e. Ii
tenta per Tint Bottle. Preerrilrxl 1-T tlririainir of
ptiyaiilana In Eurojw anrl America.' 'orniuia ac
companies crery botUa. Fur CIo ij li.-i:x.ia.
alatiafartnred by
The Academic Pharmacentic Co.,
An olerant KrurllFh i!ianii.vetitlc prei'ertiljon
for bilious, niaiarinl ami tileoil tr"ull- : ajkp i e
Bnlt of ovw twenty -five yearn of tnot c1?tT.ent
Bcttintlflo restart h.
Approval by the liiliwl mollcoJ anthorilira.
In use In tbf liot7iTH.s In vei v pnrt f K.iirrt'.
Ksprdally h-lpfnl to In.Ki-e, chililreu ami
pl off il-Jltiiry halilt.
Entirely vnceUible ; fr- from harmful lrnc
In Handsome Packages, Price 50 CH.
Prtpj-el io1o!t by
I'yad I i,ariii.i..ciil!C
Clal-Ilil.-J.Bih. t;.ip-,ili',uH- : i . 11.-J Ijuj.-wty th
J';o !i nn l to the Koyal f a:ni y
N1W Yo.".S. l:RANCM :
ISO, 132, 134 Charlton St.
beietK-n lli-l.idl i.rx r.ri!. - i j I' tal nrr.
box.jw, ) pllUt to box, for J 5 cn-nU.
Vlnepar EUtcra C0EJ3IAL. SOc
1 y .11, 1
ta-t . i
Vlcevar Klttfr" POVDe.?",
Vinegar BUteis, is r:?t p,t"
npt t
Vinegar Bi'.tci-s, old i-tyle, bitter ta.-t-
Tbo Vcrii's Crrsi lilood Purifier
and Llfo Clvlnx Prlnolple.
Only Toinperance Bitters Enovm.
Th r f.a.t flfth ot h C'e:tnry thf I.rndlnaT
l auiily .i. (!lclu of the orld.
R. H. McDonald Dreg Co., Froprietort,
-A. E I" S
ChlMren'a, 1 to 5 rera,
ditto, two attacliRviita, -Mlssen'
" "
Miaaes', with a tx!t, "
IJKliep', " .
Ftoekinr'. Ahrlomlnal. and Oataxn
8 c. a pair.
1 Oc.
1 3c.
1 5c. -20c
niai uandag-e Kupportnr com
bined, . 50c
Health Skirt Pupportr, ... 250
Brighton Gnt g Garter, --150!
Sfmj.le.o pent post paid t. any address upoo
receipt of price in 2-o-nt Btittiipa. a
Sole Owner and Manufacturer.
178 Centre Street. New York.
may n ron-noi
"II.F AT .KI. .
lfawapnper Arlirertlaii.rr Itirrau ,t'( m-iii;Cb
wiik At.- raecgr an c
i .. r r, V, I ft I . AM
ar 0-wr.;a,ru. Crwt.naa. trl ;.o.'
H,U.r.,ll.,art or at Liarr CeB
wiicti m- v,.irm ira ".fa. An4r.,i
- . nil i. . :1'ir"l.HI. rt- 111, I Ir., u ...
T" ' tJ"-l . r Wl'-inaKtn, hill..'
iVa " J i. ; ' aria. nt..n7 r,ir j. ,1
baaa aaaa earaA 1pi.a-. an atrear :a my faith ta Ita affac.
Uia 1 anil a-rxl TWO luiTTI.BS rasa, loaalkar wtta a C
t In a.
raaa aa r. O. MOraaa. ba. T. A. dUXJUM, lat rarl at., ,
.-!AVl: l'l V ! ., UI ;.i . -u.n-'j. ,.,. F
-j ..-.v.j Jinrit - - .a-i. .1. r.,i :.!r.U.i. .., mi.v, T :
I '1":WC 1 ." I "? t l--f I II 1 ll-v i" 3
' -.s W I J n LI - 'S 1 11 Atv K I
i kkd 1, m be&itb mod Kaai
e rerlVe OjrtW 10 le ta9l W
Jettons ke4H6li. tr,n n4 Uiva
....i.Jf Ai .V-. li Wr Arlwr.Vd. and 1U4
1 1 IT
I Aaaa a poaulT rarclr for lae ahTa JUUaaa; br Ita ,H
aaaaauaa raaaa of tha wnrat kina aad
Farmers Can Kaisc Their Own Troul.
Setk Green in Am. Agriculturist for Aug. j
There are many farmers who own ;
trout streams, and would like to have
them restocked, and some others very .
feebly attempt to do it bv putting in a i
few thousand young fish. This would I
re-stock a small stream if it were done !
every j'ear for some years. F.ut it is folly j
to snpposo that a large stream, which ,
has been fished for years, and thousands
of fish taken fiom it every year, can be j
re-stocked quickly by putting in a few
hundred, or even a few thousand young ;
fry. It is much easier to stock a stream
than to raise fish in ponds, because the
young fish will take care of themselves :
much better than any one can take care '
of them, and if tbey are protected from ,
danger until they are about forty-five i
days old which is about the time the !
fish culturist takes charge of them un- !
til they are ready to feed, they are then !
tolerably able to look out for themselves, j
In stocking a stream with trout, the
young fish should be taken to its head-
quarters, or put into the springs and j
little rivulets which empty into it. As i
they grow larger, they will gradually
settle down stream, and run op again to ,
the head-waters in the fall and winter !
to spawn. J
When putting fish into a st-ream, do ;
not put them suddenly into water much '
warmer than that of the vessel in which j
they have been transported. They will i
not be so likely to be injured by putting :
them in water a few degrees colder ; but
try to avoid all sudden changes, and
gradually raise or lower the temperature
of the water in which you bring them,
until it is even with that of the stream I
in which they are to be placed. Perhaps
in no branch of fish culture, are resutls
more immediate or more apparent than
in re-stockine streams. Very many
inland streams that were once inhabited
by trout are now wholly depleted, not
only of that fish, but of all others. They
are beautiful, sparkling little streams,
but so far as a food-producing element
goes, they are valueless, and m a large
majority of cases they make wonderful
returns for the re-stocking.
No brook that has once contained
trout need be without them if its waters
remain pure and cold. I believe there
are no water? more satisfactory to stock
than brook trout streams, because they
are alwavs before you. In stocking
waters with shad or salmon, they mi
grate to the ocean, and only return once
a year for the purpose of spawning ; with
salmon-trout snd white-fish, they stay I
most of the time in the deep waters of
our Jakes ; but brook trout remain where
they are placed, grow, and are caught !
among tho residents, and contribute di- ;
rectlr to the support and amusement of
the people. Streams that have been
wholly worthless in producing food can
be once more replenished, and be made
a very valuable addition to the farm.
Pnt Agreements In IVritlng.
Farmers as well as othera shoul.l put
matters of agreement between them
selves in writing ; that is, such a writing
as they may themselves draw up, and j
and which expresses intelligently what j
is agreed upon. Many a lawsvit hai !
grown out of the want of some writicg j
to express tho agreement among parties.
It is insufficient and unsafe to simply
talk a matter over, and with a "we
shan't have any trouble, '"and the words
"a'.l right.'' leave the matte? to the
memory. Many words of our language
have a diffeient.significance. according
as they are used, and in six mouths'
time parties trusting to memory alone
willunderftacd a thing diffeiently from
what was originally intended.
It is not necessary to call upon a law
yer to write out an agreement ; good
common sense is all that is necessary,
and any point expressed in plain, simple
words is just as forcible and will stand
in law as well as though accompanied
by a mass of legal expressions that are
better calculated to confuse than make
plain. Farmers ought, above all, to
avoid lawsuits, and very many might be
avoided by the little matter of written
agreements. Express what is desired
in the writing and let copies be Rigned
by both parties (one for each) and there
will be no occasion for any subsequent
misunderstanding. But at the same
time avoid signing papers of any kind
prepared by strangers, whereby one is
liable to bo entrapped by a fraud. Give
such papers a wide berth. (7crntanoTei
About (hiinine.
Quinine is lower in price now than it
has ever been , it is selling at wholesale
at oo cents an ounce, and is so much
cheaer proportionately than its usual
adulterants that a loss rather than a
profit would result from mixing these
with it. Quinine is derived from Peru
vian or Jesuit's bark, obtained from
various species of cinchona which grow
in the Colombian, Ecuador, Bolivian
and Feruvian forests of South America.
The Countess de la Cinchon, wife of a
Peruvian viceroy, was cured of a fever
by its use, and when she returned to
Europe introduced the medicine there
about the middle of the seventeenth
century. It derived the name cinchona
from her. This bark used to be gathered
by tho Cascarlllas Indians chiefly, who
obtained it by cutting down the trees
that produced it. This, of course, soon
thinned out the more valuable trees, and
such was the recless stupidity of the
Peruvian government that, although it
put every obstacle in the way of the tree
fteing planted elsewhere, it never, by a
system of forestry, attempted to renew
the riches thus improvident'y wasted.
The result was that quiuine became
scarcer and scarcer every year. It waa
at this time that the East Indian gov
ernment determihed to try to naturalize
the cinchona tree in India. To obtain
seeds and young plants was a difficult
task, but in a short time a flourishing
plantation was yielding large quaniilies
j of quinine on the ,'eitgherry hills of
j southern India. The tree has since be
j come naturalized in Java, the mountain-
ous regions cf Jamaica, and many other
j places, so that we are almostif not en
j tirely independent of Feruvian forests
i for this great febrifuge. It is this
l increased production of the bark all
' over the world which is making the
I drug cheaper and cheaper every year.
; The Lai;oi!(iksik'X-1' Henry ,aie
I you going to get up to make the Crc?
For Neuralgia
For Neuralgia
For Neuralgia
For Neuralgia
For Rheumatism
For Rheumatism
For Rheumatism
For Rheumatism
For a Lame Rack
For a Lame Back
For a Lame Back
For a Lame Back
Doctor Thomas' Eclectric Oil
Doctor Thomas' Eclectric Oil
Doctor Thomas' Eclectric Oil
Doctor Thomas' Eclectric OH
PRICE SOc. and fl.OO.
TCSTES, KILE'S CC., rry'i BTT7AL0. . T.
E..CH.LDS&CQ., ;
onrji to Tin. TRAiu: Tin. est
$3.00 SHOES
IN THE M nivI'.T.
HaVUki: ix
Button, English Bats & Imitation
Lacs Congress,
Prona ftiai III ST I AI.P KHI5S. wUa
eEsm'E Doxboia tops, liOLQ the shearing pr-R-,-
LlTlir,n rOlJUEBS, and rtuMzf
(valr warraDttd.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Feb. lis. 8.-j
Ifcfl ftttaJnaJ a etundiu-S at rxotlloo h!a!i ; Cry of .!p.-;',;;i. :
admiuoi nosujvnnr.
It occtajus every lrjirr"'eji;f r.t i!.a !nvit?T
geiiltji, sHill acd money cau prrJrp.
C3 ,vV.--V 3 Alt TED
TO (V-.'w'-i ;.2 "?
a"a a -V .. r- -. i
0171 f
A 1 21
i-1-. i'.v 4 - crtv-.s. ...- ..
- "I '--.-
Tl-etv- . T.c;v..t t'r. r ..-,.(.. .! : t Wh:-.-h - 'r;.t... .
time, quality .if t-i.o, , .v ren- ilso T.r:tHy i.-l dt'.l'l t i "..
foct coi struetiou. I: ak :i tLi :.. t'.f-ui'-rt Rt ir-HCt- und.acgf il.
ive, frrtjon:' I". '.- ' r. i . .1 -"! r i r -; I m J LtiL! irfl, '
Bcbwi!-, clrr... ...!.--:..-.-, a .1 , t . a. - u. j T"! ;). '. .1
r r t r.:. ::f.!"."r,,naj1 terrr-'i i t
vsu:-M.rn i-iiiinr. 'torn. T t ' -
nar.Lt i:i wtssiiii ' ., .
11IAT U .rLHliL, , ' ' ' V r
.a!.ita-, m&j: nits ; af at 1 ?':.. T: - : -
Icrtruc'.lon Eyli PIj. o Sir7li
Ths Chicago Cottage Organ Co.
Cursor luiclj'iiti aod Ana Surxb,
r!iiCi30. ill.
The TjADTES' FAVORITn, becAuso
It la LIGHT RTJNNTFfa and doee
ouch beautiful work. Amenta' Favor
ite, because it is a quick aod easy sailer.
Ccr. La sails AvE a:3 Oitano street.
CRAIN DRILLS-clrlnr millu
rr:inte.l the lot. Urain drills: the role
rrate.1 lctiryl the r,n!v j.,"o,.. f, .r,.j
litii.j lull' ni::irl-iii-nt in use. I ula- !.' ,c
e-l!irnt-l Aim-r-nn an.l vutir... . .,
OllN Mil I 1I KS. v I'KLWS
MAM.W IS irM. r. lv
S.t..J lr lie A. KK;IMi';.
rennxvlvatiia ulmral W rks. . k i n
Jmportff ;t to Canvassers.
WAX1ll 1 .ivc (ti'-n -era tt, f v.'TV r m -n
In the 1-ni-.-.l s 'c t. soil yi sill f.M ; j .
Lull.: K - ,i ll-i N. whim c - ii!nri. i'v,i
Sh. I In. us. I'. ' K'utrr, .-.. .me ir.-n u
thn w.r. .it: ,ur- -Pt ui ir.. i- 1-rir-hcatii'
.x Si, ..r a!p..,..l I .. I S
awa- , 1 1 ii Hur iiir iii.s. I -, o
iu.lti!. A i.i,. ,.. iLstrnx i:-.,u,e mi-u-.
to u phtivh - r,. A I.Jrpa. i..r -rcniar ip
K SV !i '. i:. n i n ,nj ;,;!,. m v -
! ITS All !'- -t.Mii..., fro., bv Ir. K!m.-V
Great Neivo lli-s'tira-r. No i;r nftrr liist'
oav's usf. Mutvcluus urt-s. Treat:.-
r.OOtrinl I..-.M .. t tit cases. bei..J t..
Pr. KUrif. !,;i i St.. Ihi!adeiptii.i,
Ore l'n, n,.i -r an.l S!hm t-lrou '. r'
i 1 . , .y ,,,.t t,.,iu ,,n i1HI1, h... ,
ItiK rtiMsp 111" ii:;:i-iiiii.rv asi.iviil'v -' ::i.M
A.CAI.I.IN. AH-utit-.v. I'a l.i: ii "'-iv I
ryn aim 1: i !n;.-i,m ,.t Kat. 1. r 1-
1 virliM.n: :,. id .;.. uow-fHi-rrA s.nt fr.-o.
N .Y.
eumi WKist ti use fails. H
I'-.: . n:tt fj-nip. TaauvATonL W
I mp In 1 tn... 64.. .1 by dmriM, L-J
I In huntlij :jr :
. and his rr-v.e n,- -
It rnkj ho . ero ,-r. .
gls are a'.; rr-. ,- - ...
"f ives to a si: Vi .
geth-r in V. t-;. ..
through U,p:f ;.tV,
; one of them ','(. .
i vor is not
1 fcood, but va?::-;..,
; few days and tV. V
; mate. It ;s a
. that, whereas t
v j
I jour g by disj.,rif;r .
j have takr u.- t;
I carry the prey t i j I
I tear t to pieces ,
I with the tnor-!.j m
j 9 Prey, it js a r ".
having been s-.-r; '
from before t!,e r
It is a keen f-d er'n H
caring Fa'rnon a:'a v-..
singular skill. -.r'',
with more than ;;, tj."t,
upon a f-sh ihat v '
; powers ; thus f .
porting picpf j . ,
ions pever.i!
have (j,.,. .
I large pike, w,jc! ,
j ants under iU.(,r h
; thern. In r....r.- h
, feet of an eag:e
. -Wl!ltf!i irj l2n . 1
i':''5 ti.
; the bird bavin
The Shof.,,'.- v,
! It is ir, 3 . ,
senso nf f.f.rir- .i t.
, the cry of :-r
t as a thousand . "
, same time ; ;t., ..(. '1. ;
S recognize its mo'.'.-Tv
; it te in tf;e rn:d-t .-,f
j Hogg, who was a l , :
P-et. tells us that :t , 4.
: to watch U.p ; ,.(.. I.?.,
were iT-i ct
put into a fold bv t-.,: ... v,
, former won' t b- -; . ,
j ones rs soon a.-- the t.
I ing was ovr-r. Tt e - .
j heard it mother- v.-.-c -."i,
j from the crow 1 to n.- ' f. .
i of finding th "r--.,- -x .
' fort ah! e rr. w.r.or,-- . - . .
, short t ;rr,p b-f. :
j J;rar.g and ir. i ; ;
: creatiir-. , t1 - -
j wheel al-r-ut. cor
heard ;jjrr,:r. .
r'-rn. thf n e-r..?
onr.?irpi-s r :'-.
i'i .CT; . I ..
that o ., '
!'"!..' r !.-, ,-
II'.ni'iM ).
hi. 1-r.-.,.., ... - . .
v;as di? ;:,t'-r'v ' : ' . -:
hunclre'! ypars v:-: '. .:
and f':i'.jr5 tff - ; -t!ie
ror;--- V.:. 1 !- - ,--r
grave, v."; , r ;:
l o.y vas - ;.; !
!- i viil in a iivii; -
the rermar.i1!' - . 1
tO h-- in -l rif '....r",
In all t!i"? case-. ! vev-
C (!r? tv V n r. ; ;
arnsifi at the pr'.rc
rposure to tVe a:r '
aud a'l re--n-.b'.i' r- '
I he Mr:;.. ! ". ..
l.vrry nr!. ;:r !-.:. ? ".'
Most il 5;n;r'ivr- an.
cucuoiWr at .1 other v. ir.s v
limes diiiii.,:?.,: th. o: ; ?:' :
reraedi.'s have L-.-i: .- . -
theru no doubt j . .-. : ; :
trtiuli-t..jiue. ...i7, ..-!
years Irieii an..: '. '
with u-j a coin-..-:.' -a'niing
to J::vt .v..i :: . . -ashes,
etc.. ve . 1 ::. :
it With iOoil I t tu i 1: ....
a:i;i cucumber '.di '
around each Iiili at ii.f -
a few radish kcJ a-: -the
same tini-, the t-,? !-,.
for the hue. wliii''. :l
the vines. I.e'tucv .
the radish is lailn-r '. i
out vines are uiitouo.i i i
little i rovisioii f--r ::. 'i-
tf'i9 are cmpirte'.y '
ShouU thi.s fail, v : , . -ca.e
ainJ has lie vet ! "
."I'.riTikle tb. v:i; . .3
m l;:itt- i..;' s-.'.ap h:h1 'a '
hut Hi circulio ..::.
tin? pi t j.ti" :;'. ion in !) n't
5.1'. ;t ii:; .f earlh.r ;.' "
w;-:'.-';.r-.- ..".
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