The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 25, 1886, Image 4

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i t
r,.ipu3 ffip rmitife is oil and well
rot'P'i it ?h i'i!l rrt x allowed to io'iet.
thp rotnf fr,..,:
nrsr-n the fait ice.
Ir, pl-upHsr under gretn crops it
AliKICl LTI UAL DLl'AI. HIEM. ?avorv Jrua3!'.' c?tr:s,v Is rotr i Two New Ancetlo'es of That iJrllliant
;econi a- one of the very best late I -?e!iri: "raru'
A read-T of th Savannah Xox rwnds
tnti;-if.Ti(-rtM hitherto unpublished
ann-dote of John Randolph, saV'ig at
the sme time that hf is no Admirer of
tho "vain, overlvirine, liausrhfy and
pietty-minded" Yirzinian.
Randolph's fastidiousness as to the
use of pur En'ish and tho proper ap
plication or English words ia a matter
of hi?tory. It happened that at a social
gathering a young gentleman, who had
been attached to some legation abroad.
made U3e of the word "classify" in a
sense that excited the, disapproval of
Mr. Randolph. He was quick to resent
"It Is extremely unpleasant," paid h,
"to hear eareleps or ignorant persons
debasing the language by a wrong ap
plication of words or phrases. Now,
sir, you have, used the word classify in
a connection that is entirely wrong."
The young atraehe, dreadfully morti
fied, colored deeply and retired from the
conversation. There chanced to be pre
sent a Mr. Harris, a member of the
R-chrcord 15ir and a relative of the vic-
m: He took up the cudgels of de-
"Really, Mr. Randolph," be said
you are too hard on my young kins-
man. i tnins in at- ms ni-i
the word was perfectly correct anp pro-
"HnnKti on Brat"."
clears out r.Uii, nu.:e. roaohe". file?, ant?, he.l-
Heart Palna.
irot I yWe'.i"'
aliiti' 1 be d.;. while tho crop is yet
gren full of sap, generally before
it h is attained full growth.
A Nw England ponit'-y raiser keeps
l!cr f'r'Ti his fowli and their house by
the frp use of powd?red sulphur about
the nests and in the dust bath.
An egg broken in the feed once or
twice a day will tone up a horse's
systera and make his hair glossy. Bat
special foods are to be used only for
A Nebraska farmer, who has been ex
pprimrnliris with blue grass, concludes
th".t all Northern Nebraska will prove
to Ih one of the finest tame-grass coun
tries in the world.
For he purpose of converting the
lirc?'. proportion of the wheat straw valuable manure, the stack should
be built in ths centre of such a yard,
aid suClcifnt straw be scattered from
time to time to keep the yard in a pass
able condition.
An earthen floor Is the best tor the
Ion!try house. A cement surface un
derneath possesses the advantage of per
fect dryness for the xtra cost, as it is
not difficult to keep your earthen floor
reasonable dry, provided you raise a
mound of earth for the house to stand
on, and surround It with a ditch to
catch rain.
The bogs should have undisputed
sway In the orchard during the fruit
season and they will eat up all the fal
len and wormy apples and hunt out
many of the grubs, etc., which are in
jurious to the trees. In this way they
destroy many of the enemies of sound
fru'.t and sound trees, and in other ways
greatly benefit the orchard.
Froopects of a bountiful wheat crop
are excellent. From rpports from Min
resota. Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa and
Newbraaka the season has been remark
ably favor-able favorable, and though
cl.ifr farmers are diversifying their
crops at a greater extent than ever be
fore, much new land has been put un
der cultivation of wheat by Dewcomers
F.h1 clover shouhl be more extensive
ly cultivated both for forage and for it
remarkable fertilizing qualities, especi
ally on clay and clay sbbsoil lands. Its
long roots penetrated deep into those
heavy clay soils, and decaying mix with
It just what tt need? "egetablc mold
This loosens and livens up the soils and
pets them in condition to better nour
ish plant growth, Rpd the p?teqnpnce
is that they yie'd much heavier crops
than before clover was grown on them.
Of all the l?al:s on a f?rm, says the
II urn I W'rll 9. !ptv, sloprng barnyn-rl
Is th" wr.rf. Tb tin" Irmrpd fash
ion of placing the barn on a knoll or, the
hijrhrpt pp-)t of land'.r thn hoi;s- i
rr'"t rrprehf risible one. More wealth
gl iesuw.y froM such a sunny, elevafd
barnjard than car. le computed. It
must ieu"h far up into the millions en
uiuily. TLe numlier of barns that are
so placed tiiat the water that falls from
the roof at each rain and rushes through
and washes out the most valuable solu
ble portions, can be numbered by the
hundreds of thousands.
To make ths manure hpan of the vari
ous kinds of farm animals should be
daily or frequently scattered over tLe
straw in thf! yard, so tbiit, each, possss
in,r a distinctive value of its own, would
bccMie thoroughly commingled, and
th U3 form a manure in common, that is
ecpecially well adapted to growing all
V'nis of crop. Such daily or weekly
delimits in the manure bank enables the
tl rifly farmer to check out from time
to t'me a reasonable amount of valuable
manure without danger of overdrawing
Lis account. The farmer who has a
good bank of well-decomposed manure
madrf annually subject to his order, is,
and can be, the only true independent
or.e, for the incorue .'erived from abund
ant croi3 will as surely make him so as
ten time.-: one are ten. Feed the soil,
and It will, in turn, feed, ciothe and en
rich you.
TV.ri-nt'.-n. rtT'jfM'!l
"Rmiiili on 'orn "
Asi; "-' -i ..uliom'-rii'. ."'
cr.u..l.!ie". 'vu l r tt -,rn-.wart. unnlom.
Uu'-K. o. mi.!" -nr.. -.11 kMvy. r n 1
ur arv , I. .M!nir, i-r1t ni,.n. 'tn, T.v
ei cs' i"'i : 'H-!--T. 1. !ro-irfiM.
rVr. rs't"". tit, t.c l"i-s. mr. mi"-.
cti'.j.intiri'f - p:ar cu'. "y
-ame9 of European tountries. Qrgast ShOe Oil ESrlll."
'K'inirh on Kats.'
i lit" vcor)'" , .
,cl ii!it"Hence,?p xual dehlltty.
"You think," retorted Randolph
don't believe you know the meaning of
tbe word. Tray, sir, what is the meai-
iDg of classify ?"
Well," returned Mr. Harris, goort-
naturedlv.-'l don'tknow that I can give
a technical definition of the word, oat i
can classify the books of your library by
the size of the volnmnes, or I can class
ify the members of the Richmond Bar
by the Initial letter of th'r names.'
I thouzht so !" said Randolph ;
"you know nothing about it. Suppose
I should classify, as you term it, the
books of my library by the si7.e of the
volnmnes a nrettv mixture I should
make. Or, suppose I should classify
( here a sneer the members of the Rich
mond Bar by tbe initial letters of their
names. Let us see I There's Mr.
Hoggs : he'd stand at the head of the
list. God forbid! There's Mr. Wick
ham ; he'd stand at the foot of it. ; a
most Improper place for him I There's
yourself ; Harris. II ? The Greeks es
teemed II no letter. We 'd place you
The other anecdote is even more un
pleasant. One day Randolph was at
tacked with a sudden faintness, and im
mediately made up his mind that L.
was about to dio. Accordingly he dis
patched he faithful attendant, .Tuba,
with orders to bring him a clergyman.
.Tnba, dilict though he was, succeed
ed only in fipdiner an itinerant preacher,
zealom enough but very illiterate.
RandoTu rfcMved (he reverend pentle-
I ruin with great urbanity and offered
him refreshments. Alter these had
hern partaken cf he invited bis guest
to r-'ad the Bible to him. The preacher
consented, and proceeded at once to suit
the action to the word. D-rectly he
mispronounced a word.
"I beg your pardon I" exclaimed the
Sage of Roanoke, "you pronounce that
word wrong. The proper pronunciation
is "
The par?on corrected himself, apolgiz
fd and proceeded with the lecture.
Every one knows how frequently the
same wcrd is repeated in the Biblical
text. Diiectly the unluckly word again
"I told yen. Randolph, with aswrity, J
'"that you ruiF-pronoiniced that word and
you hare doi.e it again."
Tho' ckrical gentleman again made
due correction, apologized and proceed
ed. Randolph watched and directly the
unhappy word was about tc turn uponce
"Stop I" screamed he In his high
treble; "stop ! lay aside the book. I'd
ra'.hcr go to h 1 and be d d than to
hear you mispronounce that word
again J"
Weil.' tie
U "rtnneh on Vnln."
rnr eh .il .-pc. mmiw. .imrrnfi. '""-
20c. lions: ii on Pain Pi.i5tor?.
If Tflii art, fnlllTiir.breljen.wnrn oat and TiervouP,
uee' Well s Health Kenewrr.' tl. rrunnsts.
Tf Ton r lolnir vnnr irrlp on 11 le. try Wells'
Health Kfr.ower." Hues ilire.'t to weaK ejiois.
KotiKh on FH "
ire r.lte at her-. rrhi.(.ls. It.'htnir. r.rott-n.llnir.
Moeillna !n!"'H;iiK. inienin "'
irruj rw ......
I.d.l'fs who wnu'.l retain rrehness an.1 vlvaclt,
don't f:itl t ry " Weirs Ileum tieiieL-i.
'nonith on ltrh."
KoniThnn lii-h" '-ures humorf. eraptlons rlne
worm, tetter, s ill rheum, fn.sce.l feet, ohilll'lalns,
Rnnih on ratnrrh."
Correots oilcn-ive o.tor at 'tnplete enre
ot wor?t rhronie. also une.inalcl as irarifle Jor
diphtheria, sore throat, foal breath, w.
The Hope of the Sallon.
tmil.lren. f'.r.w In fleveloj.ment. puny. Berawrjy
and dcllenre use "Wells' Health Kenewer.
Catarrh of the B1aller.
Btlnrlne-. 1rr1tntl..n. Inflammation. H kidney
and urinary complaints cured l y Buehu-Palha.
Water, Konelien."
"Konirh on K i's" eleirs them out. also beetles
wtnnnii-iw T'" ' ' yr?.: '-. .4
b" ::."-.B. mU strength and energy, should
NfFfMv1 avoid Drags, Secret Medi
malhmmmt m. and Bond fbr "The
I lUi II li ll .T II.. 1U L I I
. r
York. Mn lt'-rn the fiai'i ni-.un
' . . in A m an en n
INewj.apers. e-HM-pire pamphlet, e
InTnM Lftnr tllwod, -lm ami Srtm okil.(r.
I.DOInT. Or.le ItMkann. HyrlillhJ nj
Brrrnrlml Jl ir.o. V .r.fdf trrlinitol; mic and ur
rru.r.h. ri.nn .lim 'l :a'l or tm .r .It of
qn-Kiotnloh-a:: r, d t.r Ih. dvsiniir trramnt by maU.
( .rw nfT'r!rff frota Rupr shonM mnt Ihlr adlrwa.
ad laarn mnnrthlnif l l-lr a.aalaw. II I- ' a rmm.J
kMrr- Dr. ('. I.. l.r .HKI.K. Vr-.'t mil rar.lrl.a l 'aar
6ucccsol W :r- i.Jtu .lahlbJie4 aara
3TI-3NT 0-2? OIITES.
Tons, TotxcIi, WortiansMp & DuraMtj.
N!. nnt ? v(--t r.altlmoro Stroet, Baltlmonx
N . 112 Fifth Avcrae, New Vurk.
joat PublUhed. entitles
I"or Our
New Book
TiAdfOT." or "iieaitn onu
WBm Strength Regained," a largo
3 Illustrated Journal, puouau-
ed entirely fbr their Denomx
a. Dlrel in w i rHr
or con Mi
r.rt ton wui
Wirrn rn "inonr;
lictilo '
itr.ftn UJS
K 1 1 ohd
&2jDiT WW or prrwrv. our ddte 9 Toa tn7 no '
V6d perpr1j&.a(J"T."i'''Jr'y
o! PurKt'.i'Jr"-'"i'K. ' w
11 Ll -s- :r-
efm ife s promlnni to IheaefrijilUK clul f"T
.'IEliu4 COi F KJ.-s Lt wiir, J Yx-oormUKl A Bj34Ayrei
rl lH WATtmS with 1 orders. CoLl
St ASL or Moes Jiow Tea rieM of v4 N"ee. t
Vhlto JHnnrt ta "f 1 rljt tti 30 or.
Wr. Solid n your address and nicnuoa t)iU paper I
re will mail too our Cltib Book eoDtnlrdna a ej mpleto
re-nlum rrjosjjf t. Tbj! Q"t J1 '-i. V"
Ou work. (Hitflt fm iw J. Arvrci
Mrrican dm foe4maa, ttwnorar, -
Oraia Sv-in !ofl Ov. )tfial ft-!Jj, . v
K-i-Tl-j'-v fv IVFC lufTSntnuirOl' 3iCTll.t:-
ShNl) DO Lla nB ivira ,Ku
iKfiT an -V-p rJ mt BtrwVWaoB P".p "
a 'j'l'a-i-i 1 l-
I? Pn. Ti ruVrrt SlcAjn l"jv?jri A,
oam to nvit
are. you reeklMW enmu-h to venture : wml
two CPrW In etampe u the Murk IiiKlL-r.ii; i-'n .
S28 and .".30 Waliinirton Stml N- - y. lor
one if thHr N-autifni illustrate! 4 I.1i''
Bookil," It ia a l. utupi. nnl :. ' r.
tnf work to t-very irin rf rt-tPioiii nt.
n rerelpt of -n o-ntj in stHn.pi ih-y v ill
senil postjmi.l a fMil e-t of ttn-ir fmumiM In i:v-hoUiKam-j
For fn rente tht-y ni'l aleo"""i1 n rwu k roi'tn'.i '..i
eomplefe wortle of The Mikudo," ar.d inn-i.
!t ntt popular et)ii-e, toetlMTwith T-m -T(j'iin::c
rlirnino cards.
cxinrxmnfl f(r (Ttecuisifiv- tl-c t-tf .. o.;: ii.e !
other bttt. t drnt'a. t ltlH r solid or fluid. 1'rlr. 75
Centa per I'lnt Bottle. Presrril-! I y il, .uwi .'ia:
phyeiciajia in KunH aii'T Amrrtra. Kf.nmiis r.
eoruiaiiioe crcry bottlu. Fcr !ulc ly I'rus:g't:a
Manufactured by
The Academio Pharmacentic Co.,
I-OMrON 1D SEW Tdlili.
X O rfjmo naf. 1. a. t RlIBf. 4 CaMwwL V
BY ALLAH riKKEBTOM. nr'vvjrTi r.r.1 ornpTeen1T) rpoe
c (-!" "" u M "3 r.f all Tradea and Classes,
-"im"mh w ..)io3!icf FersrnalKxporlence
la tifl Ut-"o:icn cf Criminal, covering a.
peri -a ei Ihirtv Years Active Detective
L,i? -r d " -nl-si r.ianv nt rnseiy tnUrfcrtino
aii. t'i.'V7i'K? lJ 'ctlivt SlxUhcs.
A3 er.f'-r It r.w tooV, rmftweTtf fTfifr at!,
oiid K'n ForTT2.if ot tao Gn Ifefjctlv.
. nvrtinnn as A al Wain fl
In errrv t vxn fier" tn nornberfl of poopla wto
ri'i f e ' :.Z .'o cif It sella to Wer-
eharts v -': -.r.U'i, rana.!r and Prof sionf.l men.
Th:i '! k1' e m pirk out fi'ty or more n
n Uixrti lo m ti.jin ho CJ.a feel sure of aolllng lt to.
Wo wmit Oia Arnt in erery townehlp, or
enr..'y i r" .-t: i crvn, wilb tbl btolt. cn
bei-on.f) . .r;r.- ;tii -omt. "or full particular
to t ft rmi : 1 1 '''o, address
G. W. CARL7TO N & CO rubltaherB, haw Tort.
How Tcta?p Staiops Bre Made.
A Man of Deterniinatlen.
The dwin of the stamp Is engrave-
on steel, unci, in the printing, pistes are
umh! on which 200 stamps have ben en
graved. Two mn are kept busy at
work rverinrr these with colored inks
and passing them to a man and girl who
are pqna'.ly busy printing them with
lartre roMing hand presses. Thrne of
these little sqoads are eniployed all the
time. After the email sheets of rarr
containing S'tO printed str.rrps have
dried enrus;h, they ent into another
room, an .1 gummed. The gnra used for
this purpose is a peculiar composition,
trncle of the powder of dried potatws
and other veg"tablns, mixed with water.
After having been agi:.n dried, this
time on liitle racks fanned by steam
power for abect an honr, they are put
between sheets cf raatetoard, and press
ed In hydranlic presses capable of ap
plying a weight of 2,000 tons. The next
thir:g is to cut Vie sheets in two, each
sheet, of cours?, when cat, containing
100 stamps, Tcu l9dor.e by a girl witB
ft large pir of cutting by hand
being preferred to that by tucxhineiv,
which would destroy too many stam;.
They are then pr.fd to r-nothar FQnade
Ward IT. Ltooii, Jfr, Lincoln's Illi
nois partner, who was appointed by him
United States Marshal for the District
of Columbia, was a man of gigantic size
ar.d herculean strength. Among the
many anecdotes related about him was
that cf his contest with Secretary Stan
ton for the jail at Washington. Mar
shal Limcn had in custody there a num
ber of colored prisoners, legally com
mitted, and he refused to liberate them.
One afternoon he went to dine with old
Mr. B'air out at Silver Springs and when
he returned Ids d?puty informed him
t:3t the military Governor had tiken
possession of the jail, and put there a
8rgearit and about a dozen meu. Lamor.
consulted Mr. Carlisle, his regular coun
nfl, and ascertained that this intrusion
wss utterly without warrant of law, an
nounced his intention of retaking the
pin ;e, which he proceeded to do at once.
A one, with his own hands, bedisarmed
ce entire party, took the keyes from the
gergeant, locked him up and his men,
stacked their arms, and then reported to
Mr. Lincoln the state of affairs. He
was sustained, as he always was, by the
Fresident,and in due time a ponderous
opinion from Father F.aips put an end
to the militrry siee of the jail, which
Lamon meanwhile had put into a pos
tura of defense, and determined to hold
at any cot. About the same time Mr. !
Stanton hail mad up his mind to seize i
a house that Lamon had bought and j
was Otting op for the reception of his
-J hi! o
mi TrenTTa -rami rm Irotraror fTvonTt
' BDoal win u?"f ST" . i 1
v-r uZtt anminUA. hJM ) .Www r-i.ti
w W (Kxil pil'U of Unrironra m
2h- to KT?1 lfre.Oijrl tr U ami rf CtOTA
ft me to aunV h'vr i CKiwfvc rr prti- t-c
Kumj CXU IXla. (,o-. 119 B. 2SU .- hew Icri.
ITS I TIT it iml'n?, P-.ln !iAI7 tuy
II I J h ' r-i V t - M .'.'rT BELV W AiT
..... '.i. i ..'- el-. .-;-. lr.
t t
An elcp-ont Fnell'i pbfirn.nivii'k- pmpsration
for bilious, irmluriiil and l.lxxl trol.)i-K : Hie n -eult
of otit twenty-riv, j eurs .f inort eminent
?ict-nt lib; revrfb.
Approved by the hitrhettt m.-dlonl aullv i iiicn.
In ufv In tln hoKpitnls pi "very part .f i nn p".
tt"p-cilly helpful to lT'.lfn, children and i o
j.lo ct tn-fb'i;t;iry haoir
Entir-ly t.i i Uvl ie ; fr.- from htuinful lruc.
In Handsome Packages, Prxe 50 Cts.
I A l A i"Urj, T L.S .
(irjr.i i- i-i.i. TaUTI"" oi.tTW? Wa
roi- at - .' .-ftl n.Hr.'B.MiB.. .V.:.. If ltTfX. ' onF.J"
fei n i-vj or 'ftw .u i . I -u;n..I. .i.-o4.r iht.
feiVjiwE flZhCl. ea. W4 ruJt-n btrak Hen Yor
?fl mmymm
fcwtj of !.'- . i-r taih IVenJ
tire! rlnjan'.Ja, Va -f I1'.f
-t-ru i.tfjit r- . l ff 44V bs
-.'r :.1fi.z. n .-fT7. t: 'i:!t'!t:'
b. f ti!.,e Vrla.
S.- i.a r a'.f i: wu.-
tlk Ortinial ml Oai ly Qcnnlne.
fa an aar blaas. Prcai of yorOlaa fariVea
klainMb u I D!9. . ) " "- M
,UaU'a Snar-I'K'' 1 -v-" ..
IVFjwin-l mo'-Iv 17
london a:td new yr'-v,
Chilntj" ly nii .iui i flit ;o Tli-r T ii":y the
ymc:. Hii.l t. li:" iit.v.V K- .
NI-.VV Yul K. 1'KANUi :
ISO. 132, 134 Charlton St.,
Same ci!i':!is .l cror-'-rJ--- r lixih. 1:
txx".'. r) puis t i. :. ; c. lu.
These are derived principally from
some partioulac cause or object. For
instance, Ireland which Julius Cresar
GrBt called Ilibernia is a kind of modi
fication of Erin, or the country of the
Scotland, from Scotia, is a tribe which
originally came from Ireland. It was
anciently called Caledonia, which means
a mountainous country forests (and
Portugal, tbe ancied Luisitania, was
so named from a town on the river
Douro, called Cale, opposite to which
the inhabitants built a city called Torto
or Opoito. And when the country was
recovered from the Moors the inhabit
ants combined the words and called it
the kingdom of Tortncale hence Tor
Spain, the ancient Iberia, from the
river Iberius. or Hlspania, from the
Phoenician Spaniga, which signifies
abounding with rabbits, which animals
are very numerous in that country
hence Spain.
France, from the Franks, a people of
Germany, who conquered that country
Its ancient name was Celta, Gaul or Gal
lia-Bracehata, the latter signifying
striped breeches, which were worn by
the natives.
Switzerland, the ancient Ilelvetla,
was so named by the Austrians, who
called the Inhabitants of these moun
tainous countries Schweitzers.
Italy received its present name from a
renowned prince called Italius. It was
called Hesperia, from its western lo
Holland, the ancient Batavi, a war
like people, were bo named from the
German word hohl, the English of which
is hollow, implying a very low country
The inhabitants are called Dutch, from
the German deutsch or tutsch
Sweden and Norway were anciently
called Scandinavia, which the modern
antiquarians think mean a country the
woods of which have been burnt or de
stroyed. The appellation Sweden is de
rived from sictunft, or Suitheod. The
native term Norway, or the northern
way, explains itself.
Prussia, from Peuzzi, a Sclavonic
race; but some writters suppose it took
its name from Itnssia, ani the Sclavonic
syllable po, which means adjacent, or
Deumark means the marshes, terrl
tories or boundaries of the Danes.
Russia is the ancient Sarmatia, which
has been subsequently named Muscovy
It derived its present name from Russi,
a Sclavonic tribe who founded the Tin
bUd monarchy. The original savage in
habitants used to paint their bodies, in
order to appear more terrible in battle.
They generally lived ia the mountains,
and their chariots were their only habi
tations. Turkey took its name from the Truk3,
or Turcomans, which signifies wander
ers, and originally belonged to the Scyth
ians or Tartars. It is sometimes callvd
tho Ottoman empire, from O homan,
one of their prircipal leaders.
Old White School House Shoe,
Clerrr CnnnlrrHtf rs,4
An official of the S-cnt
Kta', Ycnti's Esi Cti'Sren.
Seles, Counters Tips.
The BEST SCEDOL SSCE la ths Karkst.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
VeK 20. R8.-ly.
1VT.I -.
partment of the Un:.ted Statt-a rf.
at Washington ha been sb.cC'- J
In ('cin correspondent s'f e "-. "
rons of the clever work r.-r.. i v
tfrifin-ra. in"ii'.ie ITOD, tl,f p
pondent'8 account :
"Tber'e another that r,.-r
yti. It Is a Nario.iHi
raised to V). You -- , ...
words are inst ai nlnin i .
were originally priid rhpr
'raising' is very common. IU-P i,
raised to a $10. and a 2 u, -,
process is to erase entirely fr .rn -. t ".'
i j tufrtiis O! hcius arifj cl en
whatever may be npc-ps-arv v, V'
in t!.i
-r- KC f. jyLrir- la. -ii-la
2r? YCAIJ3 llj U oil
Tie Ortsit FT ooirTrt-jih of tia Ael appvtlto. liowclcoiiT, fain la
the bead, wild n. di.ll ecnaatlon In iba
back part, Puln coiicr tho boldrr
blade.Vnl.Bcas aflr to tins, with !!
InrllDnilon to orertloa c f ldjr or tnlad.
IrrltsMlityorteopcr, f.ovr tpirlt, with
a ferlmz oi ln vini ncan-ctoil oonje duty,
Vrinr-i, lilt jufiu. t lattcrlnc nt tba
HeaTa, UotS boibraltc ct Headacbo
over lite nc!:t (? ii eatlfirm3. with
fUCuJ 4reaio. i i li.L It cc lorrd I rJoe, and
'TTT'i 'ait I1- t-jjclilly adaptea
a.i'ti mea. ore Jo effect eucb m
lv r-oir tliv . r;:ite.Tl cause tlia
t. i w i -
tm la
an on
I'Jt'ST I'l aTZ t' 'u"t ipliOtion of
i;7n. H i:
iT)-jtji.-!ti;r.e"?i .
i.iurI color, acta
11 l'y tnjsiits, or
pert livMprfj. ra vi
office, fo LT' irrr.y f ti9vy TorK.
rvm ftt!pvl a atari'lril rf x(yr.CT5ro rfctoll
.1 .ti . tu rtf nnmincnor.
It contains every lrrproTP mrrt t-t tiT-rtlyfl
aiUub, iskIiI ftJid ii.'onoy curs prciuoo.
t Ir-rr'". Tw-i a--'t!il FMa all ba9ta
A Pat. fi..L 3Glh. 1383.
M al "ay JJ JV - ' ' a .-.. i-
fj)U-T Uu; aiau o ,furar ijfu-il StiwljW
R3 ? r,r
3 f-53
JKXtKSR! 1AID. AtDly X cine, -'
tD- tur thu-fitr to l;n -,'
a'.'-M a. L bt.TU ( . .-'. fuaaUa. Ua.
- -I- &i
Stil only of t h flnrat ntt1 tfmt r;wal
ity i (,'ihhh (r vtiDistan'linK li.-at.
Every orood. tltlr.rr i& Coiantor-fc-i'torl.
"and consumon an CAXJ
TIOtfiED R.g-ainst IMTTATJOrS of
those Chimiieya raada of VERY
POOUGLASa Boe that tho exact
label ia on chimaoy aa above.
The Pearl Top is always clear and
bright Glass.
yin.nnfncinrtl VI.T by
PlftTtnrrr'i Iv C.lrtHH W'orlia.
of work era. who perforce pa;r te- j family. "If yon do that," eaid Jamon,
twecn t-unps. NextUi-y ureprcrs- J at tho conclusion of the interview in
?d once more, and than packed and j which the secretary had been vfry often-:
l&be'.ei ?.r.d rfcowed away to hi crnt oct filve ..rn k,n yo,u. Stanton went im
to Lie varion? offices when crder.-d. If , ri-ie(1iate,y to tn3 rrridont and inform
a b1lp'.c- -triiaip 13 tern or i,i r.ny way ; ed htm ha the M,rshai fcad threatened
aoutilatrd, the whclesheet of 100 stamps i murder him. "Veil, Stanton;" eaid
is burned. Not less than .'CO.000 are , Lincoln, "if he really Paid it, I'd advise
e;iid to be burned every wek from this
cause. TLe gitatent care is taken in
counting the sheets of slampa to pre
vent by theemplojeea ; ar.d it
is said that, during the past tweuty
years, tot a eiDgle Ptamp has been lost
in thia way. During the process of
manufacturing tLe sheet3 are counted
eleven times.
you to prepare for yonr end, for he's a
man of his word. But I'll see him, and
try and if I can get him to Rpare your
life on my account. lie's a trreat friend
of mine, you know." But. Mr. Staiton
did not take the house.
Among1 tha many symptoms
cf ryspepsin op irdirrostion
tho mcst prcr.iinent are: Va
ris.t!a appet ite; faint, gnawing
feelinp- at nit of the stomach,
with unsit'.sfied craving for
food; heartburn, feeling o?
weight and wind in the stom
ach, bad breath, bad tasto in
the month, low spirits, general
prostration, headache, and
constipation. There is no form morp prevalent than
Dyspepsia, and none so pecul
iar to the high-living and rapid-eating
American people.
Alcohol and tobacco produce
Dyspepsia; also, bad air, rapid
eating, etc. BURDOCK BLOOD
BITTEMS win cure the worst
case, by reg-ulating the bowels
and toning up tho digestive
crgrans. Sold everywhere.
wl Outfit nam. A4rcaa t. aenn AM, S
rryrsaa an4 Hrcdunoa, Uov&m. K V
tiiiVarvoTt Aftasta Y jr xrswvfrVtf, dOKf
L aaam 100 pea naa. wool, ac eaifty rrfjr. VpsI. AaV
ba fom1fran a pe., fc UrwivaTyahcnf jt. T,
fVTvlT i'l' (totKria i"aqnahV adUwlfMi
iriil U DJ V 1 1 ) as vim AAHifD-
KUiT, a fWvm, m4 V- BKjblMtira oa. and yoa
ami (at riLA a EMtuaL l'tu,Jr iii i A
A. jUjlMK, aflaVYll. T.
Krj wrKr-Aft uV. tla. Am t'CfnrM Sai6?5
TT Mm ft. riaaaH uawamanaliaaWa,:!, .
A J Tj ii lOaMa aa.fwi a to - a awO mir
l. 1. ta oft aaaa I.
1 rT
A. ma av-3 .
l'r. ', Ja i- UjU, Orwtn. I Uims It!(M4.Bl-
V-jaa, Ia?4 ru,..,. J, i.tfvj L-lv & fCHZmm
bXr VUZ. lXTSUU ruftf VaUrtHl Wtl
41'1'BVatnprj .TTT" t
Lm.rj lrAr?r riff JA
5 oil I nrprsskFrr rrttEH o c:m.
I ty-l lf -t aaj be.. ftfK.! cm cOl
ar-,o Jo e-t-a, -,o r-.-o I ft fj, fr',th .plL CwitiaiR J
l" t aarai W. rrm anil m 1 ! ,-1
la. aa a4 a-!t ttrAai (wrS i.,J (X,
r" (3 ri R It La Is: t?l iWa. Via.
tl K -J n M1 'T FlfJ .; :!.. (rrJ.. d
a an-at aJ. One Hr-r tl. Nr-nr" '.. ,
um na. a i
tjMW r,Bri AH'B. a-.j i t..i,t d ( f !i.ak hi
The man who is entirely out of debt
t'ieR ticies i.i a lucky mau and fhould
b; a Lapi y in in.
The young man who siend3hi mcney
before he earns it is always a slave to
him who earns it before he spends it.
- Li! a. ' m
I The hatter a power in
tied vibtrii he makes hi.i ini!ut;oc folt.
Whii I mr. I 'W not mvn Trn-1 v to mtp t"m fr
t'nix a,. it -n ha ihm. n- it.m : in. I a tir 1 niri.
I lnvr Mail- the f Fn. H II K.r,sT wr FAl..lNt
M'KS KSl m ll'f-l nf p'tifjv. I tm n.f rutuvly to cor
t'..o irt . - f.tN - ! '.iVii ta no rrnm n !..r
i. it i,.-w r-c?ivlnr "i , b-t rl t cm. - f nr lrf,--i- nt.l
F" BTa- f III) lr.f-,1 .la rvniy. t-,ve CrlV Rflt. l'ra
Or.i. i, U Ou-! T'-n fi' 'M'.K for f. t im 1 .rt a.
AJitOweiTi ti. U. UCOi , lcS ,'arlt.. T
. Oi . aj
fjra.i'-t.i, i D-.a.
i-t;t;:j, rr.
." Br:sa4 Hi
'; '' ."vsr-.Ct
--as ill 'J i .... r.V.irarii Po.?iai
u or ar.:.j !.. . ,wf aauu, 111 a--'d
r.-l -Ts. act r- fori.l
n:n:nMnpr- r"-fiTi T)T-'' mni
Vir.?eor Bit irs C0'iT;l. L, -J ,;;;j"J" 60r.
Vlacga; POV.TEES, ro doses, SOc.
Vinogar Bitters, now Ftylc, pln" J $ 1 .OO
Vinegar Sitters, oUK-ly:., Uttor tai-tc. $1.00
Tho World's Great BIoo-i purifier
and Life Giving Prlnc1r'3.
Only Teiriperance Litters Ksown.
Thr tir rT i ff-nttirr ihf l.-i.llrB
u.ily .Mrilirlu.- of the World.
'ii-'Tkii.-f 8 it K
v s t ; wj vi "ts riir ja
Sweating Apples.
a iii'ri war.
13 ?rlS--,d
chan and then to put
amendments by prir.tirj?
sometimes with a p?n. S;.'i. v.
not often deceive men w o a
tomed to haudling monev -r.a. ,. ""
body of the enpravinsj on rxjth
back for the various ri:in-r. t .
t 1 . T
ciiniciy umpni. 0W V---1 ra, , .
a glance that this hnn dr-J :V.
bill, and it is jtckxI for tr.e R,r'.''.'l;'
the bank of issu-, or the trn-rv
iEsne a new $o bill in its -. r-c." t.",'.
not a counterfeit. So that c, v ." "
good for 2, and the fl'i far 'l '
bills can only be pa.s-d u;.on j.-
not familiar with the differ-.. --"a'
our currency. This appli mi'
cularly to the National T,v r.o'I -
there is a much nearer a; proael, t . -
formity in the appeaniEee of sti-,
This 1 100 raise came into the ti
only last week.
Here Is a Gfty-dn'lar in ,.
another curioeitv. It is rot rp ...
feit. Every bit of thf pa;r k:.1
line and letter of the print!:.
"TLen what Is it here fur ?
"If you will eiamice it ry c.-
ly you will ee that it is w .,-;. v .
of pieces neatly past.! t-s---.0T ".'
man. say, taks twenty cenu:' e v. .. ,
cuts out a differeut port'r. fri- -V
the twenty pieces when j :;t v
making a complete bill. Th -i
bills are restored bv Cilirp vi
and he has twenty-one h;'.u
twenty, all of which are hsb'e t
without detection. The ; tcLwrk'v "
soon begins to show the spam', t.nw--This
way of making money ir,vn'T t
good deal of labor, and we see Ttrf
such bills."
He turned over the leaves of s
took filled with 6;-cirDer ? rf
feits of every description
inaarereni. ome wcu .1 f-i'v
ceive a '"wayfriija; iimn, iL.-vlaf , ;
while others wtre LanrvK g
E. H. McDonald Prng Co., Proprietor,
5J H
Pi o
8c. a pair.
i J.i r'- 'J.- --;.. -"...'.-o-'IKCiSn,
If ST ' ,-'-:--' fi.V,7C.t,
V yJ O 1 l awl, irti' A,.i.i i fa-, dcr-rt 4", Tn.i
r'r.rti.t.lar. 2. r .k d, Xxrtklrt C- a
CT A ' a! f. I NAWU i'Attf i
rij I l-i mjt 00. id. -i'pi.-v auJ T.u-4-S
V . . c-'-rf c ,Ni,i!j ji. oj.
I 0 -J-PC4 a,4 V.. k,.B.-,..c. -ftv
U u. o;ll,t-. v.lri,l-. ., ...,
il rirtir.iiaffa acd ..: car':t f a:i:u Pal-,
Z-HAI'JlV I "P-Jt J V ' Bt. Co.Nord.f'-rCmiii.
J Hl'l", j'b . nUi
" anl aq firl Vta. d'-r-Ji BrajiforO,
j- i-s.. , i - ir.Mt b ir. Ml.: !-a
" 1'HnS 1'.i-it.:. r.iv4 :l l-V i IM
PIW KJdji and aqrti. m-. 1,, yi
l-a-pa ol , aj.j u j-.r .
YKr I, mm. j..v:. a, rl rven. -iti'J. i.V
i-' Si I a lHlharVt Cf Book
i . "TK T.V or V I1KF."
Tc ' , . ' -' ' Art p 0'.1J,1 with
taaiooldnTi Rulee 'or Mo::ry JVak-nn. Woitl. Ji .,
V -S n .: s, .1 liter. ( 'ct rnp pntrc-.
l i,'l ' - J.S 3. C T" Wrtte lit or e t
x'-' M k"ir ,cM"K,Ni Cincinnati. O
oli.I'li.'.Prrrl't FAMiLY SCALES
1 r.tiftlY nr. in prin!.le. oac ounce lo p.,n
CWllren'8, 1 to 5 ypars,
ditto, two attach irfita.
Tadit-s' - " - 1 5c.
MisFpm', ar1h a belt, " - -SOc. "
Ijwiif', " " " - ilao. m
Stocking, Abdominal, and Catm
nml iiandiuce Kupporter com
bined. - - - SOo.
ITeiilth Pkirt Rupporter, - - -85c.
Brifriitoii Ueut'a Garter, 1 5a. "
ran biijc jrr
Ait, rrr.T class etop.fs.
Samples Sent post-paid to nny addrMK TJPOO
receipt of price In 2-a nt stamp.
Sole Owner and Manufacturer,
178 Centre Stroet. New York,
. Ml. Mowl T.r 8" y.-ar, a., t.t.n r t.n.M, tor thf
i rtrw, ana ! wiiuintt of thr l,:r.r. Rra.1 :
i '..Srllirrti l.i'if i lui CO.. 1 r.M Ll..r CnniMaiot.
I whirh m? tott .rk "-iai., I
We hear much about "sweating" ap
ples after they are gathered in the u
tumn. Farmers, and even mrriculi ural
papers of the better class, often allude
to "sweat" on stored fruits as some
thing that comes from within the fruit,
and is to be regarded as a natural or
necessary exudatioD. One of the best
agricultural papers in the country, in a
late issue, gives this advice to farmers
and frnit-growers: "Apples intended for
market should be gathered and laid in a
pile on the ground for a week or more,
so that thev may sweat before barrel
ing." Now, let U3 consider this matter
for a moment. The skin of a pound ap
ple is practically a protective covering,
and designed for a two-told purpose:
first, to prevent the ingress of air and
moistnre to the tender cellular structure
of the fruit; and, sfceond, to prevent the
loss of juices by exudation. There is
no such process as sweating In fruits.
"When men or animals sweat, they be
come covered with moistnre passing
through the skin; when an apple be
comes covered with moisture, it is due
to condensation of moistnre, from with
out. Apples taken from trees in a cold
day remain at the temperature of the
air until a change to a higher tempera
ture occurs, ana theD condensation of
moisture from the warmer air circulat
ing around the fruit occurs, just as
moisture gathers upon the outside of an
Ice pitcher in summer. This explains
the whole matter; and the vnlgar notion
of fruits "sweating" should be dispelled
from the mind.
It is almost impossible to gather ap
ples under such conditions of tempera
ture that they will not condense mois
ture after being placed in barrels. It
would be better if this result could be
avoided, as dryness of fruit is essential
to its protracted keepiug.
Our autumns are characterized by
changes from hot to cold, and these oc
cur suddenly. The days are hot, and
the nights cool, and this favors conden
sation. Apples picked on a moderately
cool day, and placed in a moderately
cool shed, protected from the sun, will
not gather moisture, and this is the best
method to pursue when practicable.
Popular Science Kercs.
11 . B' v. -o!"- :it i ry
un ... cjui.h.y ( t"i.'", .
C"'.l: .".Tint . i.Lli:'
f ..t c i t'.ru.-j ii 4.J.
tv... r-:a:i ai .
I 5l.'iHJ Ei i a t Hi
aLn.r.r.o -u'ciiUtii T.
'JEf T WAIEr5l.ll.
tnitructieo Geeks and Piano S'oola.
Chinese I?nrial-Kronn li.
As you walk round Share!..! t
thiuk that about ba!f the !a::J : s
o s-wrun I 1 OH I.'IDCV .t i3 eft. S arr- ( f rr-r-.-
heatber-clad heatr.s ore l-f: v
preserving flourish'1: b'j if r--j
clostr, you see turf-cnvr.l n .j-.j.
is a uriai rrri una. i.v're .'-
that neighborhood will y(.;: . (,;-;
yard tl land that ia i t ..,
Cj? cf-.ol-raLo.l I.r voi
a. r.a ,:-, vuriityot
u I- : , r-.'Eh, per-
.. '. 1 " r attrftxt-
Cfetalcenes tiid PrUic Iliaa, cu: oj.pliiration, not
Ths Chicego Cctiags Oiped Co.
Coraer UaoJj-lpb rzu lcs Streets,
v- -r.
k IJnlly Heat en.
HF T TV Till- v .
rnrvD ot
T .K. 1.
1 I.I. . O'fcl
RfWpf r A lTt!rt.alicr Ttttrean (l-l SPRrOB
STHF.PT. , Will l:K. Al- K-Jrar gal m aa aa. mm
nt s ,; 7R;7 VRK
umy l.u iiiinu: i.t it iu . h Vr- i' k Wtiifea
til, a r"ntT r-s.. for tb. abova; ar lla uaa
RcauDll of eaaaa Of tna amrot Itnfl aa4 frf Ioti .1. r. tlnf
ka.a r.a eara lr.- .-..Irror '.mi faitn In lt afbacr.
ia. t i two ri, lontbiraiu, vil
CiiMJ THILaTlba aa tbia diaaaaa o aufanSrar Ulaa aa
araa aal r.Uadaraaa. Ii. T. A. UU' fll Uk, K.C
The IiADTE8' FAVOTtlTE, because
it is IjIQUT RTJNNINQ and does
eupri bervurlful work. Agents' Favor
ite, because it is a quick and easy seller.
Cor. La Sill? ATeKe ana Ontario StreEt.
Half our little warr w:,'r.
teries. Thf Frnr'r'i - - t v.i
what threatened tc t-e a v;t : - r
they wanted to dnvn a r.J :!.:. ;;'
of them. Thfy are "ihV-i."
limes or an even:n? vci n r. c- it,
lae elder waikintr rour.lar Ik;
to the TouDjrstf-rs that tl "ir
a hundred years a en if h;:r ! !'
that five rsauuda eff !:-? !' V '
father who was raise -i t-i t :a
marquis t'Hcaiis" his s.t r inc -classic
and serior wrai.r'er
examiration. 1 am T-k:rj ' -burial-einuLiJ.
In a r.-;v.- cr' T
See the solid, hi j'ri'-vi". !
(often carvrd) lyit p cr. v
There ih-v arc i-ft for h y ".
after wh'.ch th v are thn'c
over, accordin? to th wf-:.:'.1- "' -?
faoiily, th resu-t beirp a r?.
like those sent to s-vprl o'. 7
family. This cetscro" r
grass and wds. and er ty l?c
ine a mound, still hallowed !n tbf
lec'.iou of the elders, still Tifif-J cs t-nlversarit-s
with the aprMr:t?d of?rr:K.
The thine to remember is .. ir C':J
all is above cronnd; tTre is ! n ''?"
of grave: simply layircr iJ.wr e' c i:!
and coveriDp in by-and-hy.
In old times thev used to t-ory i-:?
their dead gold and precioi:? '
all kinds. They are mrp ecr -
nowadays; one renien-tx-r? t'
bum horses, and biri'. ard
etc., cut out of p ld or re.l r:v' -stead
of the old ofTf-iirg", whi:il-s-5
grown too costly. In ilvirvn'''-'-'-'
of mind, the Chinese aie rot li.t-)
take to cremation or to let t.e:r f:
Gelds be desecrated ty plow orr:'
; '
therefore they are round to - -
sewatre, and if our people out t! f"e';;
to make life rasanter. M ti '-ratrj
get an imierial edict f ?r iV-v."
Our resideuts cannot ct-2:p.-2
about the unhealthiness of the
eystem. The . "hlnese Brn. on tl '
a healthy people. 4'M" If u '- '
GRAIN DRILLS, elder mills tho hst. r!'n lrlll(: the rlv
rratea rennyl-nia. the only isrrfpet force M
pho?).hatr att: ('Tr.cnt In nse. 1'Mer lill: the
reiaprniei Amorirnn ts1 ronnsr Arrartrm.
faTlKI inil.llt:rs rrnorallv.
Son.t f..r (Mtn!.rtie. A. IKllllH,
i Duun ivuiu.fc ru'u i. urai orKf. lora l a.
The English Sparrow ia a bully, and
ia Teady to run away the moment his an
tagonist 6howg a disjKisilion to stand his
ground. I saw this demonstrated yes
terday morning. A pee-wee flycatcher.
the Drst of the seasou at least the first
I hare seen this season perched his
tiny self on a dead limb of an oak. An
English sparrow, who had been quar
reling with himself and the rest of the
world since sunrise, made a rush at the
little fly catcher. There was a scuffle
in the air, a general shaking up. a chirp
that sounded like a squsal. I suppose of
course, that the fly-catcher had the
worst of the riot, and I pitied him. He
is no bigger than your thumb, and I ex
pected to see him driven out of hearing.
There were a scuffle, a squeal, and then
rapid pursuit, but it waa the sparrow
that had turned tail, and the ftp-catcher
followed him, poping his bill as if It
were a whip. The sparrow went uhder
the house, and the flv-catcher returned ! "F0.R , r tka.m knoinks. vj.w axn
KJ 1113 pertu ami aa& mere as UllCOUCtru- rx-on.i-iiaiij enn!n-s nn.i boileison l.ftn I H.Ht- !
edly aa if nothing had haPieed. X'lZ!, " WIT !
Important to Canvassers.
WASTI'Il-LIrp 'anrnfrs In rrerr vunt
In the 1 nlt-J st:ttc. soil .t Sl'ATKM'HK
KKSliI,K. S-l i:N. whirti c..tiit-lrc two
Ml irons, iv.h-her. Hutor, (.. iron doini?
the work ot n rn-ir .-t o i r lln;iry lr' rr.
ac:rti(iitinsr i y ..r ('. .),.,! tin-. p. ltOI'Ji
A WAT Willi tlr KIK1IIVS. Irioe
n-.ii.liTste. A li-iica:..l list:ntr Inc'in. fnsiirol
ir. ir-o i mr.s A l.-n --. t r Hrc-tila-, e.
K' JSAIi IKiiN v-0..i'"i lie-i 1 St., N. Y.
nnrklrii' Arnlra .-It.
1 hk I.kst Su.vr In tl worid for CuUs.
P.ruises, Soips, ITicprs, Salt Upeum, Kevei
ores, ieit.r, i huppp.i llnb, (Jhilblairs
Corns, arri allSbin Erupt tona, and pojitive
ly cures nips, or no pay re.imred. lt is
guaranteol to iiiv pctfoct Srttiamriion, oi
nmrey reruridoc. l or salj by K. Jaiuts.
Fits All fit stopped rr.e hy Dr. Kline's
Great Nrve ltt.rr. No fitt nftr first
any 9 use. Marvnious cures. Treatise and
.jih trial tottle fr-e to fit CAe9. Send to
Ir. Kline, m Arcli SL, rhiladclpnia,
"I wonder why I carTt m-k?r.jt-
fiy," wailed the htile Ito. I.-t -High
School girl. -It l-ks to
replied Mildred, "as the::ch :tscu-
appendage were disproporti-W-
sujetGcial area." "I d rt tV-
it," said Jim. "I third- It? i:
fA J.l"Slf-t'P"if:ra W .- -a ; ?
m) Wa l ou Fnl if rf ,, ,,(.
RDll en Tf r.Ttl-p ' (:' 1 tf
1 lry St., New YTa.
jrV 1 I 13 H ,
With Hanoer' Taylor M1
Ire?ce to Rt, ltn" "l . . a';.-i
niKf"r t-rinonTre it p-T- ' t
Booh a:i.i loubie Iranrc ?'
A Syatern i. an.l W iieel '"'
ulfl.UO. Mlrr- ., a
HA1" t li. I'""' -
JOIl '.
e ai. .1 w '
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iHress tlao. P. Kuksll l .... lospruoe St..
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