The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, April 09, 1886, Image 4

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A;nill LTLRAL .OiKS.
Wenis Kf Uthie to Farm, Lire Slock, Or
chard, (idrJt'n and Lawn.
Take a sluhII cau of machine oil, or
auiy other very liquid t il that, is cot cor
fo-dvc, and pour a sn,,i!l stream of it on
the r.if 'si buck from head to rump; then
p.-tir a iittie cf it iti the hainl anil rub it
on iti- in Lrtwt-en the liiDil leps, ami
ynu will fu.ij that it will rul the ani
mal cf lice.
Strawtenies require a preat amount
of moisture to mke that large, hand
some fruit that is alwnys marketable.
Irrigation or mulch will furnish this
moisture- S f?w persons cmi aiToid
the expense of irrigation that mulch,
which is within the reach of every
grower, is much preferable.
Iiiuing the last season it was found
that corn cobs dipped in coal tar and
pla ed among the plants and squashes,
proved beneficial in preventing the rav
ages of the squash vine borer. The at
tack of the instct, however, wa3 not
very vigorous. I'ossioly in some sea
sins much ilamajE- would result in spite
of this preventive.
A Western New York farmer, who
buys sheep from the West to fatten in
the fall, says he last year made a pioEt
when his neighbors made none by buy
ing split ar.d colored beans and feeding
them with corn, instead of an all corn
ration. He says two-tifths beans with
corn makes the sheep thrive and fatten
faster than full rations of corn.
Many persons are prevented from us
irig petroleum on wood work bv fear that
it will make the wooel more inflarnahle.
This is not the case. The oil enters the
pores and so fills them that the wood is
harder and less likely to ignite than be
fore. Coal oil or crude petroleum, with
something to give it body, makes
cheap paint for all wooden implements.
lhe colt should be baiter-broken
when a week old, and wherj allowed to
follow the mother should be led at her
side. Accustom th mother to work
without it, and when plowing near
tnouph to the stable, leave it there in
middle of each half-day to have it suck
or tie it in the shade at the side of the
field. A colt thoroughly halter-broken
before it is weaned is half broken.
Hogs often become covered with ticks
and lice. If a little sulphur is put in
their feed occasionally it will help to rid
them of these pests. Often hogs are
covered with these parasites when the
appearance of the animals would not
lead the owner to suspect that ftich was
tho case, and consequently it is alway
well t examine them closely occasion
ally, so a. to be sure that they have
no such tax on their vitals, to steal
away what should g.j toward making
flesh and growth.
The greatest caution must be taken
to catch a fox in a trap. Get a strong
steel vrap in good condition. Make a
bed of chaff, where he will find It, and
put a few scraps of roasted meat in and
about the chaff. I, of this bed remain
a few days ; a good trapper has patience.
After you are sure the fox has been
there several times, put more traps in
the bed, lightly covered over. .Securely
anchor the trap with a light chain fast
ened to an iron rnd driven firmly in the
ground". Io as little walking about
the chaff bed as possible, and wait for
Fanny Field, in the Prairie Farmer,
tells how to make a home-made egg
tester : "Good esr-testers ean be pur
chased for twenty-five cents, but you
can make one that will do just as well.
Take a wooden box large enough to hold
a kerosene lamp ; cut a hole in the top
large enough for the top of the lamp
chimney, and in one side cut another '
bole about trie size and shape of an egg. j
Hinge the opposite side of the box so '
that it can be used as a door. Tut the
lamp in the box, close the door and
partly darken the room, and hold the
eggs, one at a time, between the eye
and the egg-shaped opening in the
The Wenfern Ajrvid:iri$t says : "At
many of the stock exchanges and livery
stables where horses are kept for sale or
trade, a part of the floors are nicely and
purposely prepared for the improvement
of the condition of horses that have
been badly injured in the feet, limbs
and shoulders. -What is the remedy
these men employ and rely on ? The
earth floor, that has stood the test of
all ages. It acts as a preventive of the
many evils that originate wherever the
plank system Is brought into use. It
requires little more labor to keep an
earth floor in good condition than to
keep a plank floor in repair."
If time can be spared now for wash
ing the trunks of fruit trees it is much
the better. It prevent them from be
coming hidebound. Hidebound trees
are often started by poverty or unsuita
ble soil. Few soils can be too rich for
fruit trees ; if fertilizers can be had low
most orchards are benefitted by manur
ing. If the ground beneath the trees is
cropped with vegetables or farm pro
duce manure must be applied. The
trees then get some as well as the vege
tables. If grass is grown under the
trees, unless the land is alluvial and
some food is brought down from higher
land, surface dressing should be given
every other year. It is an excellent
plan to have orchards ia grass, provided
care ia taken not to let the grass starve
the trees.
A food "catch" of grass depends on
the condition of the soil and weather,
and on ether inflences affecting the
germination and early growth. A good
crop may depend on thequ intity of seed
used 1b connection with these influen
ces. The usual quantities of orchard
grass and blue glass (when light and
mixed with chaff) is a bushel or two to
the acre, and ten or twelve pounds cf
red clover. When mixed together one
half of each of these quantities may be
used. If the ground is in fine condition
and everything favorable, a smaller
quantity will bring a better crop than a
larger seeding on hard ground with ad
verse weather. You can judge by your
ovu knowledge of these conditions'and
by the usual success in your region in
seeding in the way proposed, whether
this treatment will be? likely to answer.
In some placs it is necessary to mellow
the surface or tho ground freshly for a
certainty in tl.e caicL.
hw 7 - -w"" X -T - " asiaa. .MBPf- 'jBK
for Infants and Children.
Caatoriaissowellaaptedtochildrenthat I r&xtortm euro CWie ""J'""-
, ... . ' .1 P.Hir Stomach.. Inarrhcea, Eructation.
I recommend it as superior U any prescription I -orm3 gjVe8 sleep. and promote
known to mf."1 II. A. Aboibr. M. D., I pftioo.
HI So. Oxford St., Brooklyn H. T. I Without injurious medication.
you wish to Farm
CV'C.."": -
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H 'at::! . .v. 1
rat ions !' i :. n
l3:uaik'l 11 ) '! i j
i FARM PAYS," 412 pages, 2.bU
;'J LTur:
:st, t,cr.t.
'. cis. in
Pptpr Hpnffor.Qnn
-e.t and bi itani
'.'..t-.jiI,i,; lipat
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. aro CATJ-
: :.l riTiCN's ci
. cio of VERY
i L 1 he exact
.. :-.!!-y nsabove.
-Ivuya clear and
ITT '.y
-.. . Vj orks.
V3A TjKR3.
riaa attained a e tar. lard of sxccJlooeo whlctt
admits ol no superior.
It contain! every improvement that lavectlva
geniua, kiU aiid muuey can produoe.
These, cxcollont Orpaiia aro cdfl raUd for vol
ume, quality of trnc, iT:ick roflx'UbO, variety of
eombuiatiim, artlatic d-siKn, bvnr.ty in finish, per
fect CPnatruct tun, making tticni tho moft attract
ive, ornamental and drr-irai'io organs for homes,
schools, churches, kl s, societlca, eto.
CJIeqi ai.f.i i'4( ii.inrN,
ctiHwiitr, mm; this
Instruction Books and Piano Stools.
Oatalopnos and Trice Lists, on aril!cattou,:
The Chicago Cottage Organ Co.
Corner Bandolph aad Ana Strssta,
The Best Newspaper in America,
and by far the Most Readable.
Agents wanted everywhere to earn
money in distributing the Sun's Pre
miums. The mo:t mterest'ng and advanta
geous offers ever made by any News
paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected.
Something for all.
Beautiful an.lSalstaut!l Premiums in
Stan Ur J Gol 1 au.l oiLerWawLes.Valoable
Bo'.k.-, t!i. l;tst Tamily Swirg Machine
knovrn to tho, tavl en nnequalod Hot
of objecU of real ut-iity auj iDstrnctioii.
by Mat!, Postpaid:
DAILY, per Year uitlioot Sunday) S6 00
DAILY, per Month (without fiondav) 50
SUNDAY, per Year ..." I 00
WEEKLY, per Year . . . r IO0
idJreaa, THE SI H. Jisw fork City.
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Illustrated American
A trsatmsot sf a is
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for Profit, READ
Ion fir Profit, READ-
'A PROFIT, "300 pages, $1.50-$ ;
a Florist, READ-
500 pages,
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t :is an
: i plants, vi:;
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Tit GrafctMt Medical Trititrph Of tie Agsi
I.naa of nppettte. Bowels costive, 1'aln la
tk head, with a dull eenaatlon In the
back art, l'aln under the ahouldcr
blade, Fnllveee after eatlnc, with a dla
laelinatlon te exertion of body er mind.
Irritability of temper. Low ctlrita, with
a feellngrof havine neKlected eome daty.
Weariness. Dizziness, Flattering at tho
Heart. lots before the eyes. Headache
aver the risht eyo, Restleesaess, with
Ctfnl l rooms, Tllahly colored t'rlne, and
TrTT'l I'lLI.S are especially a1nptd
V tj.- i i-'.ien, ono tloco efTrctS sucll a
h' tr-- f(rr iiinstonstoniUtbesufTcrer.
Thi- In Tffia tiie .petlte,nd cause tba
r .'.v : i '"!!!- Flrt'i.t : tho ntcta la
.-. .ni iili .-.l, r.T-d by ;li -lr Tonic Action oa
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krerjr pair urranf til to
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"AMI PAPER. OImt r!l aT
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At Irsa1is. TpsSs FUaS w -"tt a '
saaaK fal,kU. tm.
m l m & m
WAiwpn-n to e.rr... at"
fr iaa ia of Nursery Stock! 9teJy'
lorroetit (tiaranreej I ItMRT iD
VM-.nmBm PAID. Apply a4 ono, ttaV
SSBSCTHSaS, Roohister.N.T.
-.iLI I L.i -
nr sxiowna aSTisTaaxers asrasjaxT sooa ass
ULusua rrena ruua amioi rau rraa VaaJ
sa- iji
1 Sample Pack 6t
DfyranryT sttie ot cards.
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TV ii:t to. Card W. hV-U, r
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7. n- M'ca wrUTveisar.,
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This was the topic of a successful
wool-grower at the late meeting of the
Iowa live stock men, and it is to be
said that essentially the same treatment
answers for East ai d West. He said :
"I would prefer pure bred stock, but as
that is expensive, I usually get grades
and breed up, for it takes but a short
time to breed up a good flock. I have
always used pure -bred merino bucks,
being convinced that for proflt, where
sheep aie kept in flocks of one hundred
or more, there is no equal to the merino
and its crosses. I aim to have lambs
dropped about the time grass comes in
the spring. I want lambs early, yet not
before there is pasture enough that the
ewes will have plenty of milk. I keep
a close watch, and if a lamb is dropped
unless it is warm weather I see that
it goes to the stable at once, and, as
soon as possible, see that it sucks, after
which no further care is needed, except
in storms. 1 wean lamrs ny eptemoer
firsl During the summer I know of
nothing better than good blue grass,
and that kept pretty short, as sheep do
not like long grass. I never feed grain
In summer, yet, when pasture is short.
I think a little grain would pay. I feed
lightly at first in the fall, but by the
time winter sets in I aim to give full
feed of about one bushel of corn to one
hundred head pr day,
with plenty of
lur. Whil on drv feed in winter, it is
: important that sheep should have plen
ty of water. When the cold fall rains
commence they should be kf pt dry. as
no 9heep will thrive when its coat of
wool is soaked full of water. Good care
and shelter are just as important as
water and good feeding, for a sheep
well sheltered will shear from one to
two pounds more per fleece than when
exposed to the weather, and the wool
will sell for a higher price in the mar
ket ; with fine wool sheep the wool can
be lert on until quite late in the season
first, because there is great danger of
losing sheep by cold storms, if sheared
too early in the season ; and second.
i the wool is not ir the best condition un
til the "grease" rises, which will not be
until the weather is quite warm. We
usually sell as the clip is ready. I think
merino sheep and their crosses the most
profitable because they, being smaller,
eat less and shear moi than the coarser
"The trolden age of the great Eliza
beth," appears'.but bare and poor when
contrasted with our own. Women
servants were paid about three dollars
a year, besulos one dollar for clothing.
and meat and drink. Most of the gen
try gave their servants but or.e sub
stantial meal a dy.
The houses of farmers and mechan
ics were still, for the most part, huts
! without chimneys ; the smoke escaped
; by doors and windows, after it had well
blinded the iumates. Even the great
' palaces, as the French ambassador re-
j porteJ, were without carpets, 'Tne
floors being covered with rushes, which
remain for months, receiving mud
i bones and grease from the table; arid
, Clth of every kiDd, until the stench and
; vermin in these great houses are insup.
: portable." The plague which raged
i in England in those days was due to
i the uncleanly condition of the houses
j .Strada gives an account of the wed
! ding of the son of Archbishop Parker to
! the daughter of the Bishop of Chiches
ter, which contrasts oddily with the
I magnificence and cost of a marriage
in the United States.
"The bride had with her as a dower
a ffeldincr: for hpr unnitrel ten nonnd?!! i
. . . , . . . . . .
or her own stock, twelve pounds ; ana
of table linen, one damask cloth and
one towel, two pillow bears, two long
cushions, one silver salt and standing
cup, and, when they rode to see her
mother, ten pounds in money."
Napkins and table-cloths were seldom
used; forks were almost unknown.
Even the gentle Lady Jane Gray made
her breakfast on "swine-flesh and ale,"
cutting and tearing the meat by the aid
of a knife and her fingers.
"When we contrast this bare, coarse
life which the luxury of our own days,
the countless appliances with science,
art and wealth have brought from every
quarter of the globe into an American
home, we are apt hastily to call ours
the age of civilization.
Yet the genius of Shakspeare and the
wisdom of Bacon grew out of that
poor outward life; the finest flower of
English literature blossomed in it, and
men and women found in it what the
people of the present who have dainty
fare and soft clothing do not possess
good health generally.
Subscribe for the Fbekmak.
nnwnrlftht Cruelty.
To permit yourself and family to
"suffer !"
With sickness when it can be prevented
and cured so easily
With Hop Bitters 1 1 1
Ilavirie experienced a great deal of
"Trouble !" from indigestion, so much so
that I came ntar loosing my
Life !
My trouble always comes after sating any
Howfrer llffht
And digestible.
For two or three hours at a tlma I had
to eo throueh the most
Excruciating pains,
"And the only way I ever got"
"lleltef 1"
Was by throwing tip all my stomach
contained. No one can concelre the pains
that 1 had to go through, until
"At last?"
I was taken I "So that for three weeks I
lay In bod and
Could fat nothine I
My sufferings were so that I called
two dactors to give me something that
would stop the pain ; their
F.iTorts were no good to me.
At lat I heard a good deal
"About yonr Hop Bitters I
And determined to try them."
rot a bottle in four hours I took the
contents ol
Next day I was out of bed, and have not
seen a
"Sick !"
Hour, from the same cause since.
I have recommended it to hundreds of
others. Vou have no such
"Advocate as I am." Geo. Kendall
Allston, Boston. Mass.
Columbus Advocate, Texas, April 21, '83.
Dear Editor 1 have tried your Hop Bit
ters, and find they are good for auv com
plaint. The best medicine I ever used In
my family. II. Talenkr.
-None Pennine without a bnneh of areen
H.,in on the white label. Shun all the vile,
polfnous etu3 with -lloi," or "Hods' in their
Keep up a standard of principles ;
your children are your judges.
Remember that trifles to you are
mountains to them ; respect their feel
ings. If you say no, mean no. Unless you
have a good reason for changing a given
command, hold to it.
Bear in mind that you are largely re
sponsible for your child's character, and
be patient with them.
Take an interest in your Children's i vigor, curei dyspepsia. impotence,?exual debility.
amusements; mother's share in what'1' Rongh on vain."
pleases them is a great delight.
Be honest with them in small things j
as well as in great. If you cannot tell
fo I
them What they Wish tO knOW, Say SO J
rather than deceiye them. I
AS long as it is possible, kiS8 the
children good-night after tbey are in
bed ; thej
very close.
v , ,,, . , .. , 4.v,
bed; they like It, and it keeps them .
If you have lost a child, remember ;
... '
that for the one that is gone there is no ,
mora to do : for those ieft, everything.
' !
ilake your boys and girls Study phjsi- ,
ologv : when they are ill try to make j
tBem Comprehend Why, hOW the Com- j
-.;, , , . a
you know it.
Imprf-ss upon them from early infan
cy that their actions have results, and
that they cannot escape consequences i 11.
even by t-eing sorry when they have;
done wrong. ;
Respect their little secrets ; if they ;
have concealments, fretting them will ;
never make them tell, and time and pa- j
tience will. j
Allow them, as they grow older, to
have opinions of their own, make them J
individual, and not mere echoes. i
Find out all their special tastes and j
develop them instead of spending time, .
money and patience in forcing them into ,
studies that are entiiely repugnant to .
Mothers, whatever else you may teach
your girls, do not neglect to tiain them
in the mysteries of housekeeping. So
shall you put them in the way of mak
ing home happy.
Take jour children yourself, if you
can, to places of amusement ; let them j
associate you with their enjoyments ; ,
when they are parents themselves the
memory of it will influence them in (
their treatment of their children. For j
thir sakes enjoy life with them if pos- .
sible ; clouds will come to them before
long. i
Spicy Paragraphs.
A tongue that never talks scandal
the tongue of a shoe.
An anomaly in pantaloons They are '
never t:ght when they are full.
The pupil of one's eye is made to at
tend to business by Lhe lash that is held
over it.
A woman refused to giye a meal to a
dwarf the other day because the was
opposed to din-a-mite. i
Let your pleasures be taken like Dan
iel took his prayer with the windows
open ; pleasures which need not cause a
single blush to an ingeuuous cheek. j
The old lady who thinks every calam- '
ity that happens to her a trial, and ev- j
ery one that happens to her acquaint-
auces a judgment, is not dead yet. j
Xo mafi has come to true greatness j
who has not felt in some degree that his
life to his race, and that what
Guil gave him, he has giveD him for !
A man r"y bo in heaveu long before j
he roes tber--, and mat' bo perfectly sure j
that 11,, -re is a hell here, even when he i
! is doubtful about the one hereafter
Put jour foot dow d where you mear to
stand, and let no man move you from
the lipl.t. Learn to say "No," and it
will be more usie to you than to be able
to read Latin.
I could never divide my selffrom any
man upon the difference of an opinion,
nor be angry with his judgment for not
agreeing with me in matters in that
from which in a few days I should my
self dissent
In philosophy where truth
seems double-faced there is no man
more paradoxical than myself ; but in
philosophy I love to keep the road.
Blackberries, raspberries and currants
are much assisted by having the weaker
canes thinned out, and those left short
end a fourth or fifth of their length.
Gooseberries need thinning, but not
Bnrklrn'a Arnlrs Salve.
Thb Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Soies, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fevei
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all bkin Eruptions, and positive
ly cures Tiles, or no pay required. It Is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, oi
money refunded. For sale by E. James.
Helplsaa Vpsa m lrrlenleaa Saat
Who, in taking paaeago in a gre&t tranfe
'Atlantic ataamer, doea not fael a thrill ol
ax ul tat Ion over her magnificent pe-rei.
,Againat bar tha Btorm King may hmrl hto
dement al farces, nor ptaroe bar arn.ot,
nor atop her onward oonraa.
Bnt let ma fieacrlba a scene when, on
morning la mld-oeean, there rame sa
alarm from tha pilot bona followed by
ery i "Tha ahlp'i rudder ta lost " Tram
the confident eipreeeion, oocitemattoa
came to t-t face. Tlia wheelman beina
helpless to direct her courae, tha veaaai
aa at the mercy of wind and vara.
The captain had been negligent the
hangings of tUa rudder were allowed to
wear weak, and it bad drop pa d
deep Into the sea !
S?tioug in intellect. !n pttyaieas rigor. Vet
energy and amhltl. . ao oonfronta, ntk
dannted, slffantic t. and command
applauae for bis 'f.e-rnt evotte-
menU. But, all tine i '.r. an alarm
come the rudder of i. esUtutloa ta
gone. Ue baa Taeen caralr Iu preaea
Tatton ; mental etrain, r. .tie osUevee
ruauta. lrreeular hablta o. - work, have
destroyed the action of bis lildneya and
Liver- This would not occur ware Waa
Ber'a safe cure need to nm.aUU visor.
And eTen now it may reatore vitalitr to
those organ acid give back to the maa
that which will lead him to tha bates eat
bia ambition. th 7Voeler.
Taafl io are saffsstaa; Csaaa tne arrare and
todiaorstlona of ynalh, itisi weeinete.
aarlr daear, loss mt maahood. M., I will saad a
reelpa that srUl eaae Tea, KB OF CHA-UOiV
Ttile grr sat rsnasd waa aUeovared Vy a nUa
tonac-r ia toath AfBeriesv. Sand a eelf ad
areaaed envelope to the Bars. Joissat T. tas.
n, BtaMoa D. Vaw York tfUy.
"Tlp Tr.!-Ialeft ani gentlemen in elty er
eoontrr to take light work at their ewe
tiorne". S te 4 a day esn he eapllv made ;
work sent br mail : no" canrassinit. We have
goe.i rtemami Isr our work and larnlwh atndy em
plovment. Af1.1ro9. with !itami. 'KOWN
MTIi l ONP.tSiY, 294 Vine St., inelu.
nsll. Ohie.
"Kenih on Hats."
clears oat rtj, mice, roaches, fiiei, tnti, bed
bugs. Heart Palms.
Palpitation, dropsical sirellmirB. amiMtt. In-
dlKeftion, fienilacho, s4Mplei"neati cured byWelil'
neaiui ttenewer.
"fTonrh on Corn.
I Ark fnr Well-" .uirh on Nrn ." lSc. Quisle
i complete cure. Hunt r iolt porn?. wnrtu, bunions.
"Bnrhn I'afbn "
tlui.-ic, complete enrc. all kl.lnov. M.-id ler and
i urln:iry diea?cs. srAMinic. trrunti'Ti. Pione, grav
el, catarrh of the btadder. fl. druirirt!ts.
1 Bed-Knsrv Film.
t Fliea, roaphea. anta t'e.l-bu- rat.-, mice, iroph-
ers rhlpmunki. cleared out by "hoiiiih on Kats."
Itiln People.
11 Wells' Health Wfnwor" rforf health and
'ures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhoea, aches,
pains, sprains, headache, neuralirla. rheumatism.
Kouh on Pain natters. ic.
T, r . -' ,r"-
If too sre raillnifroken.worn out and nervous,
nsWeU's Health Kenewer.' fl. DruKKlts.
, J"
If ou are lopini? your (rrlp on life, try "Wells
Kcafth Kenewer." Joes direct to weak spots.
"Bongh on Pllesi."
urr plies or remorrnoin?. u-tiiiiic. ini ruti i n
Mce,iin'.internal or other. Internal and external
remedy in each puckiiife.
Sure cure, Me. Ituk-
Pretty women.
Ladles who would retain freshness anl vlva:lt,
don't rati to try -weirs liemth Kenewer."
"Bmith on itrh."
'Konith on Itch" cures humors, eruptions. rln;-
worm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chillblalns,
rqii onfmarm."
orreets offensive odors at once. 'omplete cure
ol worst chronic, also uncqualed as itarnle lor
diphtheria, sore throat, foul breath, bfy.
T ri e If nnr of the stlon.
I'tiil lrTi. plnw in ilcvf loinnen. niny, nrnwcj ;
and delicate use "Wells' Health Kenewer." s
atarrli of I tic Bladder.
Stinirine. Irritation. Inflamnatfnn. nil ItMnoy '
and urinrv rorriTla.1nt i-urnil l.v "HuPhll-I'.lltiS.. 1
hmK.t.-,i,,'n... .im t.tie
A Nowspaprr BtipportinK the Principles
of a Dciuucratic Administration, j
Published In the City of New York, j
wiiYLTAM i)oksiii:imi:k, i
Editor and Proprietor.
Daily, Sunday, and Weekly Editions. ,
A Sixteen-page Newspaper, Issued .
every Wednesday. j
A clean, pare, bright ami Interesting
It contains the latent news, down to tl.o hour ol j
g.jir.u to ir-s :
Financial and Commercial,
Poetical, Humorous and
Patartmr.t. al'. under the direction of trained
Journalists of tlie h eljest Iu sixteen
jar'-B w:l! tie rt crowded with good tblO
from l'c iii::i!K t ? nul.
Hrii;.r-.: t.r et 1. y ,rln ;u:ihl i AmWHB atd
fore'n writers iif r.ction.
The Pailt FTin conta in ail the news of the day
In at, Mtra.:tie furm. its si ,il rorriv ndrDr
by ci''.e fror.i Luin. 1'ans. iwtMn, Vienna aad
lvilrn : a c(inirterniMl.le feature.
At VuHiit.g;.,n. Aibauj, and ether news esnters,
tVe al-lft c rres; onfl-n'". r per r-t.i:r.ed j tka
The Stir. fura:li tne iatet news t triersba.
I'literjitv features are i.nn. r,aft. .1 .
The F:nnnc'al aud Market lienewt nrv'jr
full and r..n-.fler.
Special terms anil extraordinary indue
: xnenta ti acrntt and cnvar.
8rnd for circulars.
srRiBBK, run or msTiuB in I i.:ted Mu
; and Cauwla, oulsulo tlio! of Nt .( Ti rk t .'J :
! '
' Cihs of Tct. ;J S
Clu'.'S of Fifteen (and x'-r. t" nrzai.ixrr). 1100
Pv,r, Hut fnr nee rear (inlodinir Sunday. ... $7 00
I)ai!y, wiihout Suuriay, one ytar
I Brery day, six months
Daily, without bandar, i: i raorlhs
e r
3 SO
AcUlrtM, THE r-iTVli,
j S6 sod 88 North. William BU, New Vosx.
The "Wffklj Mnr" and ('bhu Frbk-
ii will he pent to ary iddre-s for;a.a.' , j
IIr2ii!slitr'gra l-
The lead ins: I'emecratic i.ier In tbe fa tats
Full of intere?tln news, and uit.Jcell.meou! and
political rend i uk.
Special Rates to Clabs.
Snmple coi-le mailed free on ai-licatlon,
Th. P.tdkvt ami a,'ew VArtr sreelclv World n r e
! yeRr f0r one dollar and nlty cents.
The Patriot and the I'hlla.'.elptla Weekly
Timet one year for one dollar and eTen ty-fi ve
AGENTS in every Township in this
County to solicit subscriptions for the
Weekly Tatkiot.
Write for terms. Address all communl
cations to
Ilarrisbur, Pa.
Carriage Making in all its Branch's.
Pa in tin, Trim m ins!
and HE FAIRING of all kinds done a
the SHOKTKST "'T1'E anJ the LHWiJiT
PKICKS. A'" i, I'liin'.tin. SjwIuk an i Wood Turn
ing with Improved machinery. Also, all kln.ld of
hear j work;done. ;rrisae pmitli np connected
All parties triiFtinn me with i'li will te honor
aUy dealt with- All work warranted.
1. X.. CHUTE.
EbenebnrK, 24. 1S4.
Dr. La Bar w.
T d. oftti Sata
, ThUU tan i
rwvttvl AsTtWM. Scientific IrraOmiili mrnlu taod tur
miedi. IfoTmttlf TWatexi. C 1 or srrt Ihr Itfl of
i tvlw I
! Is
qwUotisTto S crwerri tyttw &tirig twt.MWttby KaiL
rarMffM'lnfrs ptatT- fcW xm4 ttelr kJiiraM,
mmd mmru MeMXatf to twtr 4svatov. Il la Mt a tram..P
i4ttrm rVf . C. L. LaBlRbR, PpmI avae ririWH t nktu-r
r-atral W4. h Bmr. lntKto. k-s-i-t al.. , Lto. m
fiuLxetooc to Xir. iiuU iJutiuaJ7. IttoUUW Im
With Hanorer'a Tsjlor System yon can eat
I)reei to lit. without oral Indirections. Iress-
malters nroni.iinoe it perleet. I'rlee lor Bjatesj i
Boek and lleuble Trarinir Wheel, fo,e.
A Pystena Hook and W heel will hesent on receipt 1
era 1,00. At.i-e-
jOU.H C. HAtm.R, ( isfinsstl, 9.
Agents PenneiylTania Ohls and Welt Va.,
Urn, KtHNimprr Artvertlnisr Aarenta.
Omcis, IHsriTcH Huildinp, Fifth Avenue,
PI tt s b u r e;. Pa.
- - V- I V t H '
Never Ktovyi
P;:i mi lihi:
.-SO YEARS 72)
l'hvMrianV TrsMmotiv.
A. W. II row n. M P., of r."- ! !nnce,
II. I., tfty: "I lii:ve u"'l Hi t'b
KlJcry a:id Liver BirrT in my
i rartice for the j.ast iixtt rn y t.rr,
and cheerfully roromnu-rd it as
being a fofe and rrltutiie rcrurdy.'
rur. ks
Ar.nthrr r-rr.mirx-nt dv-Vr of I
Providenca mh that
1 rre-
itictiti urccd t use othi r t -.;- r-
i.r, n aXt Tle fnr I i ' N . K i'i-
tt-y and l.iverj IlKMKtiT. I :.i ! r-3 them that tii'-y or1 v...r:f 'ets
iti coui; arion to it.
An Old
"ly mother. 7' -ra r'tl, hafl
cluoi.ic kidney c ..:.i '.:.i..t dr p--v.
Nothing kae tstt I. i, t nr
'ike lit T! K;l:i'V fn.d l.iver
nrr'T. Sh' l.-i r". r ! rn.t
he:.t iit from R N.;t'e. ! v f Mi-tilt
it will h r." W. . -.a..vT-
li.nd, Il .ii.ii r, i.-.:.l.iir;..t o-.:i.
A ?:iniit r ir-.
liev. Ar.thnny AT-.' I. cf !".!? i-
d-it'll m. Hi;' . 'Hints i ::
i 'f'i Hi tv ny
wife of Pnt.-v i!i i worst furm.
Ail eay tiirtt it is a TiiirJi ie."'
(icni rul ( hurr.
tJet.ertiJ ii'-- of I. ! I.-'i.l
aoys: ..'.!.' i !!;.'' ;i. i
ny and l.'itr Klsedt In : y
honpe. Taken in ;ii;;il fhe('s " r?.
ionally at night, it frvrnts l. i
Krfcc. and rep-iluts the k: in y d
tiuiuai h ind c!hT oraus." lo
i : s..
1. 1
Tli 1
i oa
j HOS-
; OP
j TTRrN'F.
1 .26.
Pond for
of Teti-
i:t m riv
Iro Idi-ncc,
U. I.
-.rv soon shakeu. l y lh sn KglBDT tike: .''
C. !. ( ::i i I : X ON, . . :.- -1 treni.
Are Veil reckless onoturh to vcntiire If t0 send
two c.-ntti in 8tamp to tin Mark I'uhhshing Co ,
Bi-I and MO Wastnnt'on ptr-i-t. '.-w York, for
ono of thoir honutif nl iilnstmted "I.ali?(
IlookN," It is a nov.-l, imi,)in", and intert-at-ln
work, to cvi'i v -r-oii ot r tliioinout.
On r.'' i'it of ton f.-i.t in stumps thoy will
send r."stj.anl a full a-l of tiioir famous hotise
holdfrauie Verba.
For Mi cfi.t" thry wiil alfi 'nd a ho k cOT!t:iMiinc
rnmil to words of "Tiie Mikad i." and mneic ot
!tf iiiot poji'ihir t- 'iir-, tojrvtl.i-r a itli ten exquisite
Clinillio r.'ird-.
A very I'ionpiiii.'. linrni'.-- r'y vrrhii-.fl aromatic
Cotnl'.ui.d f..i- il:--ii --; T 1 . . Ta-'.- (! i' :.;: and
other b:tt-r dr-i(r. th. r M.'id .r f.;M. Price. 75
( eat iirr I'int Bottle. I'r' r lv d I y t h .tf-Mndsot
phyHimiri in Km:. ;"- nnd Aiti.-ri h".r'n.;!!i uc
cotni.ftui. r cv-.-ry bolt!.'. For 'ti'' hy It-Ukt.Mf.
I:intifrtt:rcd l.y
The Academic Pharmaceutic Co.,
v bt-z i:K "
ri.i' Knr't--;! t
.;;.;;; .l
j.f.ntf d
' ! h.- r-
for !.!
S..l!, .1
1-4. TIlflilTilii MP-I I'll I
vr t ciit i iV!- j . ai s .f r.
Approve.! l.v tho Idirlx-ef an. peril i
Pi i:-' in tin- li - .j..ui's oi ovet y .-irt . i ! iuro
Virj" I . '. ' i li T. lno.i'-, ehn. ! r. u ari.l 1.
pi", of .' : .r 1. .!'.!
K.nti-'- v v. -.-t, tij.r : fr-T fr::i hari- .ini;
In Ha';Js;.:ne Packages, Price 50 Cts.
Pr. i-ar.-! s.l.-iv l y
J lie -Jii'val 1 liiiniincctiti
c Co.
Ch- nii-ts l y fti.i-o'-ntr.t.t t TT- r "'i-.'-t;.- th"
t,'-o.-u (it. i to t!,- l;..v.! Kiumiy.
1 CO, 5 32, 134 Charlton St.
li.-h.-il pr-'rwrti'- n Tyvt. T"!.!xrR. in
I... ::. , . j io ovx, for ii5 C'-i.t-.
Vinegar Bitters COHDIAL, -J d,t'tl"? 5 Or.
Vinegar Bitters POWDERS, W d s 5 Or.
Vinegar Bittcre, new tt yio. l;'1 $ 1 .00
Vinegar Bitters, o:d ptyle. Vi:t.r to,-:. . $1.00
Tho World's Creat Blood Purifier
and Life Giving Principle.
Only Temperance Bitters Known.
Thf rt flfth of n ntnrv the I, ending
r amilr Medicine of tho World.
R. H. McDonald Drug Co., rrornetorB,
Jsj.irseaj ;.
lustre Pmr,r4
. ari A wt -,fc.sir s, Ft:f:y. c.
fe0i H. to I ' KLIN AnhV )l a "l;-hi.P.
GRAIN DRILLS, cider mills
at-ar.ted the t'e?t tlra'n ,1 tills: tte eele
I'Tale.l I e!:,i v I a ti a. tneutny i-ricl t. rt-e feed
.,.,t i.-.t.' -t'icl.!,."nt in t: :. i i ter Ms.!.; the
r,lel'T-. '.'e---.n voi:p? An .r-can.
:: Mil I.I.I Its, II Y I'KlSVt S and
KrwittKII mi'l.i.1F. IS Mre'V'v.
s .-1 . I f. r .'I'-il.ieup A. ltKI II B,
r"en -. ;', !n i.t i A irr it ;r 1 o'V y.,rk l'
' lmjiovtant to Cajirttsscrs.
WtMf ! - 1 .1 re -ii nr',i'f r . n fvr-r
! In the I tii-r l St.iti-t t.. e'l H X'S J'A 1 I NT KK
i VKKS1HI.K SAM IIO'N. wh'rn com?.:ne two
I Sad, I'o i i a li-r . Kiuler. Ac. vtie iron doing;
: the work ol an entire jtet .1 .nlinT-T iron.
! self, heatinu l.v gas r -Or h. I lamp IOF.S
! AM 4V m i ll HOT kl I I II 1 AS. I'rlee
ni'. lerte. A l.rkeand hisiiriK im-oiue msured
, to sn.l rsnTB.'..Ts. A.i.lrev. i-.r .-ir(-ula., Ac.,
F( SAH IKON t"t.,V5 Ksado St . N. V.
Bw4 fnr ST. y?m F 'Jr. r i Eis!r t-r
"a.nn.. 1.1. wr fill, mmTwA M mt l4.r
F.tttr.-r. I emm rmmmm1 allr, l,l.r Ptli
I bct bt.twtfd AwwflVr. afiriii'Ur',t.lli
Th.M. aiaa... Sir fe. aitsckT. frw a a i
Sx. Hold b. n DrncM B emHrtl'v Stere-Issr, 1
a i-ki . fki a i r. r-t".' .!... c. r
OSEWhO Owts a Wi(:niWn:i
A I I It r Iv V H I'.N.
si Pi I i j ISS I
i' Ti-. i . :
like an 11 .- r. ... ..;
iea 1-3 lbs. ' rr.
l tEeu v T . r i . r .1
y.t . 13 lo
lninei- ii. 1 s.-jcra
wa--'i a 'v.-.-'- Vr4
f..r 1.1ns; rai.-.t . .!.
1 1 rlre li-l. Atfen". iiiie.i
.vfrr hee. Ma.e tr
;,ii... ri a. til r If
V CO., l'at. nweand lUnuI r. khdo h l. t
Item Vhith Will rrore or Interest,
the Vt oinea Folks.
Wipe fat irons on a cloth we' .1
keroser,e to prevent them fmm I
ing "
A glass
water ttT,
i morning before breakfast will kCf"
; stniach in oidtr. '
Kid shoes can be kept sof
from cracks by rubbing th.
week with pure glyceriue or ca.
:,r oil.
To extract crease frmr t, ,
I'iritFof i
rub the greasy siKns unre
or tw:r-e w;iV
It, and tbey Will dlSHl't-xr
To tell Lried pfunt n.,
, i . iiirui ;n ttj.,,,
if 1 1 e larc-p pr.ii t ,
fresh. This is an ir,f!'-i.
tinguish a good eRff from a b,i
When you have fj.;!;j a,v.,:,n
the stove, or milk I as r,..ii. .
a sufTocating smoke aris c,
sp.1 with s,i!t and it w;I! ,J:st ,
mediately. t . i.
Cvike l cf lery is said to tP ac.,.;
fer iheumtism i .. . i .. . , ' " ":
v.v nir c-.eit
Qni'lll ttii.ri.B ...1 I :i .
uuiu,. ,.n,.,i, bi,,, u Ulltil Si'
patient should dnt.k XU wa'.er
v ..i . . n t ' j . .-n e1 ir:f Cf- r-T
In case of a Lite frmn a ih
I);:;iiis recomtiTr:ds V..n tl.- v
1 . a - ...
w ciiuif-nzco with str.:.g c,i-b
It is much less painful a:..l a,,,'
lve than huiriin? with a hot :r
wounds will also I,val in 'k t;c'I
In orJ-r to make wheat mi.:
on'- p ut of milk, two f.pp. thw
c r
Bt-jvr. a-:. a lilt!. sa;t f
j enouph to :rake a sti3 t.att-r ; ;fct - -;
four or five hnnr ftnd bake ;ri '!-'.'.'
j rinps in a hot oven about ten n. :-!.""
! To pick feather? ..ff chi"'Kr,9 w ;'! j
: PcaMiiig, hanjr them 14. 1 y '
! leps, cut a place in the r,,..f ,.f ,i . r,.,
j with a sharp kn:fe. RT A crun'-r "."
i once to pick the tether r.T ...
shoiihl come har.l pull t.-.wrl the
If you want to mak. sweet uk
Wat one epy we!!, a!. a j.-ir.t t f
mi'k, a little salt ami :: .i-.r -'
til it will drop eft the s;.-- :r.J.
Have rea.H yur cm pir,?. (.:; ertistJ
and lieatpd. P. tke in a cVr i-
; sen 1 to the tftb'e hot.
j Never allow the cupa. b.- w'.
I etc., whih you use in the ?
I to lo service in the kitchen. mth;-1
i old ones for that purpose, or, if y,n: :aT
! just bepun housekeej :r ,-T s j
I cheaperjones for kitchen ue. A'ts-
lor.p be fit for tab'e use.
Many people in the c-i:i
' ry v ;
'i' :
' ,i k'
; compelled to rfrii.k we:
I oilirp al! that is u?e,l -i
The is frtq!i.-r.' '.
i lonp it sliould be i.,-.iV i T!
: chemists say that l;.:f m. l.,.;;r
j Is considered suftlcier.t t -
f-ae pHiins, if ar.y exist ia t! - w
j Croup can he cured in r-ne !
: and the remedy is slmp'v a'ur-.i r,
trar. The way to accr.n-r'.i-h V.
! is to take a knife or crater a'.
j off in small pHrtic!es alwi:t a v-;
j fu! of aluni ; then nrv it with ta.:
, quantity of susa; . t-i make it .a:i
I anJ adminii'er t a quickly as
j Almost itiPtaUaneous i. Ii. f ti',; f.
j From the dan serous wt.;- '
J often restilt frrn r'ir'r;r: i r :'t
! in the foot or other i irt .. t.c
th-e following is ai.l ti be a
cure : Sm"ke such W';:: 1.
wound or binio tbat is
burninp: wool or woolen cl "tb,. T
minutes in the ?m. ke or v i"
the pain out.
A neat littlf work-V-x m.iv 1 :
of a cierar bor. Cover the -with
leather, plush, or stin. ar.i
the inside smoothly with si':
court rastinc color. ( n the
thf top iriak" a chip f,-r a p.iir '
soi s and one to hold two r.- -
j needles. In the bottom of !:.'
j fasten a little cushion in ere c
j and in the oj.jvsifo one a i i-' !
' thimble. At tr.e side of the h i
1 the cover fasten, even with tl.e :
i little l.tod'c bor,k. The Ca-
cushions should corrcsp.An1 r. :
to the outside of the b?x.
Tloaches are the most forn-''r :
of the kitchen. They biee 1 r
places, and usually select hoi-? ::
terstices near the s'ove or I o:
prevent this, as well as tode?--;
putty up or plaster every h 'e,
or aperture, and inters' ice in t'c l"
stone, wood work, walle. f :. s
ceiling of the kitchen. Tl ; :-
them homeless. Then dr:..-v. '
whenever seen with scald.! c vi'r
bot water in which you hare
so3a and cblorid? of lime. A' - ''
sprinkle the places where t! ev ':
pate with pulveri7ed borax a:.: -
insect powder. In one wett. '.'
sugppstions le acted rp to, tl " -:
fected kitchen will be free '
The I?ct Tted for Ilpr --
H. rses li.ive sihh'.I !-to:r, u!
tbonph tbey can wri! ;
jet it is veiy difficult foi il
enouch bay to keep tbera in il
diiiou, because it is n. t s -
ed nor nutritious as fresh, :
They may look plump, and a.-.? f
fat, but fat gives ro stre:J'i- s
enlirely dtceptive as to t :.1"
health and strength, llav :? r X i
plt te food, as il it does rot f:"'tl
requisite proteine fnr tl.e r:1.1-"
ilesh and the restoration cf tl- '
nitrogeneous m,tttet from t'.i
every muscular tnovrrfr.'.
jorlty of farmers, an 1 .-spec '''? :
ltfrmpt. frtiif-ltf-.e i.i.l .,''"f f
- -, - " ' f- -' - ' A . 1 l.
horses woik hard, favr !v
corn and oats, or ne al
pround, and fed with cut ! y r
siuYicient quantity to lill i'i '
The usual ration of etrt.' i-T
whose woik is the Ian!'-'- s'
j tiresome of any, is "
j hay and eipht jHtunds oi r.."
and oats piound and pive:; l-""
a day. 'l he writer's pi i '"
j 10 pive the same rat!":; ot ' '
j louiids of the mixed fc -i
winter, and in the mil
i twice a day, with fur . :" '
i noon. Y. 1'. 7V -.
t- P
Fns-All CN at..pp,-d f -
Gr.-at Nerve K-t .--r. ' !'
lav'a ue. Maiv.' ci.'.-
?-"' tttal tr-c U ' i
Lr. Klice, j.;i Arcli St.. I". -: