LISTEN! LISTEN! LISTEN! r . . Al'ML O, 188G. i ' MSTiLSTTS OF W GOODS I hp To the Citizens of Cambria Co. . . . r-. nr en .1 T rtand the Other riaee. 11 Generally; to Good Dres sers Particularly. vet r' ur for at Barkers. (' ' '' tbls year comes on Sno- 4 fi, ur In the market go to the hr' TOUAM I. GABIJS & CO., AKTOOKA, -A o ami fine rlsars po to , .I,,;, of s'ocrrls, a r l'owl. i: :r.'i keral In the 1 n t If A fresh and market go . , I ''t "" 5" ore have t'nailitn county. a -k. or loins cured by the best ,r,,r rce.'.lcMue Hunt's Remedy. c w'.Ul geese were taking a p'flre on Thursday nleht of last 'Are-' C -fi ts yHV are preparing to feed a!i near iranKiin, ra. , ramp, on of K. ii. ,-e, has been admitted to ,!: in c epidemic Is near at w .-itt pc are already showing St. pf Johnatown, ......;,st-' rcpTitation have for selling Mr. Sulka a rlait ,,rtrM to town. Hetter see his .vfn-p U'ev are picked. v p fppf of riemlnck, It Is eatima , w rut in Oarfielc! county this r'n".rr;" tN' barh tra,e- : rthine like Dr. Thomas' Ec- ii-k'TCure a cold or relieve Wr;tten bv Mr". M. J. Fel- Jofepb Co., Mich. S r.. t! popular clothiers of 1 -: '-' r s r tavf on'y one price, but they -in a case before the Fayette county court which occupied several days, the plaintiff reared a verdict of f.-,. it was for damages done by a sow In a potatoe patch. The cost or the case to the county was 100. John Mehaney, a bar-keeper at the Dix on nouse. Oreensburg, on last Monday morning committed suicide by shooting himself with a revolver. A few years ago he was worth considerable mon y, but had squandered it and was reduced to earning a livelihood by tending bar. A wife and four children survive him. A gentleman from thy north of the county Informs ns that at about this time last year we had the best sleighing during that winter. He says his team hauled the biggest load of boards to this place on the 14th of last April that had been hauled dur ing the winter, and on that particular day the sleighing was elegant. M;-. Charles Humphry, of East Cone maueh, did at the Uulverslty Hospital in Philadelphia, on Thursday of last week. He had been 111 for some time and had gone to the Wpital with the hopes of being bene fitted by their treatment, ne was a son of Mr. David Humphreys, deceased, and was an ecgineer by occupation. An exchange tells how a farmer tried a new way of catching rats. lie took a keg and filled it half full of water and placed cottonseed on top of the water, which float ed on the surface, ne then sprinkled meal on top of the cottonseed, and placed the keg In his bam. Next morning he emptied his keg of over a hundred drowned rats. nORKAM IIF;)IF.V REPLY. EnF.NSBfRo, Ta., April 6, 1886. ifr. Editor : I see in your last week's pa- i rer a communication from Mr. George Ber key, in which lie says he offered his wagon for the purpose of taking the dead body of Mr. Robert Murray to my house. Now the plain facta in the case are as follows : When I went up to where the body was, I asked Mr. Berkey for his wagon to take the body to my house. Mr. Berkey replied. "It is getting late and I have a good piece to go." I then said, "It will take you but a tew minutts." Mr. Betkey then replied, "There are plenty of you."' I then said. "Come on boys, catch hold." and William Richardson, Thomas James Fred Davis and myself carried the corpse to the house. Mr. nildebrand was present but could not assist on account of having a steer which he was leadir.g with a rope. I do not know who sent for the doctor as that was done before 1 came. As to Mr. Berkey offering his wagon and I saying that it was not fit Is not correct and did not occur I do not intend to bother any more about it, but if Mr. Ber key thinks the above is not correct let him call on me and we will go to Mr. William Richardson. Mr. Thomas James and Mr. Kred Davis, who were present and know exactly what did occur. Mohoan IIcghf.s, Oil. A.M) uas xfar home. pvpry se the lowest. fvrik anl how d' ye doof the -v f.;.n fv.rn'ih exercise and r. -J to jr'i'.r good rlaht hand. wN' moved says the bed rf--i lnop are very friendly 'iir.'Y. not fp(luir D in" r ..vf. of T. J. WePtover, of I canity, was recently ; nQ 1 damaged to the ex- - v it "'a?: f"ur, five or six tined Tr-.r-tW' Is the plaoe to get rv : w. Also, hay folks, ahov- !v.-'i-tM-. S:!as A. McGough i ,: i f police in Alt'Xna by rrayor, who was -v. .liy of Johnstown, : : I :-, rj . was admitted urts of Cambria l.iv v.-r,i. ! i-t. George W. Lisher, of Franklin county. Is feeding a stetr that Is a curiosity. The animal is pure white in color, jands seven ten hands high, is eitrht feet and ten Inch es long, Births nine feet five and a half inches, and weighs between 2,500 and 2,600 pounds, ne Is ot the Durham stock, and possesses a velvety coat and is quite gentle. On Friday Maitland's steam laundry In Huntingdon was destroyed by fire. The bnilding and machinery belonged to I. D. Kunlzelman, whose loss is f 2,500 ; insur ance is 51,500. Mr. Maitland's loss will be dohsiderable. He has nly $2.V) insurance. His lease expires on the 12th of May, when lie Intended to return to his home near Cressoti. . Mr. Ed. 15. Scull, of homerset, passed through this place to Creson. Mr. Scull, it Is understood, has been appointed Superin tendent of the Cresson A C-alport railroad, under J. n. Boytts, his brother in-l.iw, who Is GeneraH Manager of the ro:d. Mr. Scull's father, Ed. Scull,, editor of the Somer- 5 ; -1 tbe I.atin class surly- ! ', i n ia-t Friday evening, t ; r.-ot:! a fine writing desk, r-r '. ': r rra.ird. : ' !. f ft t! .at Huntley is sell- : .V-j't4 n-.omitig the bakery of ! lanf-1 to :. i. dpftroyed hy , rt !! ii're of Mr. Iless '"I'je extent. 1 t :.-d p'-rions cati each :'. c a' the Ebensburj !:.-'. ard Walker. i an Ohio, Chilled, t.i t. s J ,hr i ' r.f 1 set Herald, is one of the Directors of road. Johnstown Tribune. The indications are that we will have a backward sprln, those who pretend to be , posted on the weather bein; u nanimously of the opinion that we will have hut little good weather dnribc this moiith. The gen- s in the hard- j eral opinion also prevails to a great extent ; can be bought j that the best place to buy dry goods, dress goods, boots and shoes, groceries and pro- visions, is at th store of John Owens, on High street where goods r:in always be bought at bottom pric-s. "Dozens of letters a day pour In upon Pr. David Kennedy, of Rondout, N. Y., frota people who have been benefitted by n Jine, Miss Julia 1 using his popular preparation called Ken nedy's 'Favorite Remedy.' And they often illustrate what this remarkable medicine ac complishes in some new and hitherto untried field of operation. Not Infrequent ly patients come long distances to grasp tho Doctor by the hand and express their gratitude for de liverance from pain." Troy, (N. V.) Daily Timr. The prolonged controversy between Father M. T. Stack and Bishop O.Hara. of Scranton, which has been see-sawing through the courts for the last fourteen years, has at length been decided by Judae Thayer, in the common pleas court of Phila delphia. He decides that the exprcise of priestly functions is not a property right, for the deprivation of which a civil suit for damans will lie. It is a common sense opinion that is in accord with the best law, keeping as it does a strict line of demarca tion between church and state. The card or John S. Rhey, Esq., of Eb ensburg, as a candidate for Assembly, ap pears in this week's paper in the proper column. Mr. Rhey Is well known through out the county ae a man of ability and ex perience as a legislator, having served In the Legislature during the session of 1S50-51 and '52 as a member from Armstrong county, where he then resided, the latter term haviDg presided over that body as Speaker He has been connected with the editorial department of the Freemas office for a number of years, and in that capacity Vlenr field Townvtilp Heard From. Clearfieid Twr., April 5, 18S6. Editor Freeman: Thinine; a few lines from this section might prove interesting to some of the many readers of your valuable paper, I have conluded to send you the fol lowing : The roads in this part of the country have been, and are still, in a very bad condition. Some of our neighbors are making maple sugar, and I hope they won't forget the printer man. April Sittings seemed prominent in this section last week. j Elmer, son of Mr. Arthur Wharton, aged ' about 17 years, who has been confined to his bed for over three months with what is ; supposed to be inflammatory rheumatism, is, we are sorry to learn, not improving any. What this young man suffers is beyond im agination, as be cannot be moved the least . bit. o sensative is his limb from bip to foot. He has also lost in flesh considerably. , We predict aud hope when the warm weathtr arrives it may tend to alleviate him from his terrible sufferings. ! The Young Ladies' Sodality of this place, I have been informed, chanced off their the i handsome gold watch. Whoever was lucky enough to secura the watch for the mall sum of 25 cents, we have not been able to learn. The money secured from chances is to go towards buying a banner for their so ciety. Mr. Lawrence Burgoon, of White town ship, we are sorry to state, had six lambs and several old sheep killed by dogs one night last week, and the question is, " ,Vhose dog or dogs did the ratal deed ?" Mr. S. J. Luther, of the same township, lost a valua ble cow In the same week ; cause, unknown. A number of our schools have closed. Violet. 1 '.. i-;:rr..-d Armagh, or North ' c- :hpm at the Old Reli r:.i: Store of (ieurge Huntley. n H k :" "c'-ir.t President of tlift - 'i C j'. t .-Lpatiy and the Moshan- : ' r. 1 I. :;;.!' r Company, died on j i - a; !. home in Philadelphia, j ' ;. r-T.rc,-"ntative of Woolf A i w-i :ti '-!, i-ays their line of j I ' !'. !:'-: tf.ey havp ever ex- j .: i t- : -ie in a few days with j .-;-.y ' i.-r , -.vri ,V-u,i has completed j --' i-r and is increasing In nse- j ' it- ag- advances. Undir the .f M-r. Creery A Stoltz it I ":r-i-.-d its circulation and Is ; 'i, it;jr-ere, a generous support, j rjboily, no matter whetb- j '.y or not, to call on Mr. j t' wr,, when he comes to j '-lothirz and furnishing ry attractive. 1 'r. ; ! ire to recommend Parker's "f; b-.t" writes Mr. C A. ff I.iLerty. N. Y. "After J- r.n it record."' It stops fall ' r"i T':iinal color, softness and "T' ri iy clean, prevents dand- - - i. f - -A- ''.IX a ilaman on the Iadi- " : -v rtlv fiueeed between of Ia.-t week, while at e .;.ptrj together. A loose r fr m the car caught Mc ' rrventlng him from get- ' t n, Mii -r:a; Dy comes this year on Kiv ."':h t n n.n..)n..i r n - ' "- i'Vi'ai HUCUh VI I CUU" -5 :-?urd a general order t..tinif -re with an act of Assembly "1. arjd tha rules and reg A K., the dav will be cel- Hy, Miy 20th. r.r-i.e.l by parties visiting o clothing House is v-tw u this Pbason. Their 'pting goods has ranged : Si-.- - v . V ' r-t' i a:,1 f our reailers is called to K iJ'ifte.n, attorney at-anottit-r column. Mr. '- an rfT'ice in the Ar n attend promptly and ! uines entrusted to f :t:i '-iiffpes. "f Mr .Tames Mellon, of Car a candidate for Poor 'T v 'l , q tnnnA in ...thnr ""iii'i in niiiivuri n i well (jualilied for nominated arid elected 'Intiei (J the tffiee with - i ir v , i r i 0. i IVr,, to ""at. 'it nr. 1 pwer renews, e'eanses, 'rates the tialr, and re- o I- original eolnr nnii Imp. " uray hair prefer to use the '-ri i.roclaim to the world -irt.H.i locks, that they are ' i pacing to decay. Vivsiiia Itnilroad Comnanv on the new Iraneh road 'it7dale to Coalport, Clear- foi,nrt with the Cresson & The majority of the labor Th road will be eight -e fi Dished by the 1st of i.- t 1 l d that lnr,rl in Connecticut, on -, trees were planted a few years j "uiivimi uiiiinn an A ArN)r Day will it might be well for the I n this region to paste this j ;i 'heir hats and think over ",t5 April r,th, te ,rM!J has at all times labored earnestly and faith- : fully for tbe supremacy of the Democratic j party. If nomiaated and elected, Mr. Rhey would make an active and efficient member j and would serve the Democracy of the State j with strict integrity and undoubted ability. J Miss n?len Windsor, "Countess The dora," in "Siberia," says the Johnstown j Tribune, of Saturday, was handed a tele- j gram last evening, just before appearing on the stage at the Johnstown Opera House, j announcing tbe sndden death of her mother ' in New York. Tbe young lady was quite ; overcome by the sad intelligence, but there ; was no person, to take her place in the cast i of characters, so she bad to smother ber 1 feelings as best ehe could and perform ber j part. Once or twice while behind the j scenes during the play, Miss Windsot gave j way to her feelings and fainted, and it was j feared at one time that she would not te able to reappear before the footlights, but; she proved herself equal to the emergency, and answered every summons to go upon the stage promptly. This morning she de parted for New York, another actress hav ing been telegraphed for to take her place temporarily in the company. A Terrlblw Accident- On last Friday afternoon a little girl about nine years of age named Tibbott, a nifce of Mr. John Hughes, farmer, was The family had bpeti ' boiling maple 3yrup at the spring-house and ! at the time all were out except the little girl. She was heard screaming but nothing ! was thought of it, as she was in the habit of singinR ard making a noise. When first ! seen she was running from the spring house to the houee through the high wind ' then prevailing with her clothes all abla7.e. : She ran through the house and out, and then back again before Mrs. Hughes could ! etch her and aueeeed in putting out ! the fire by throwing some carpet around her. She was hadly burned from the waist np all around the body ana was uncon scious up until Monday morning when she rallied, and at last accounts was doing as well could be expected. Mrs. Hughes was severf ly burned about the r ands and arms wbile trying to put out tbe flumes and it will be eome time before she will have the uee of those members. I.orelto Heard From. i Lohetto, April 7, 'SS. Dear Freeman : We are having quite a lively time here over the license question. Our borough limits are not so extended as are those of some of our neighboring villa- ge, and at the upper end of town and real ! ly within it, but outside of the borough limits, Is located a tavern, at. which the ardent had for some time been dispensed i with more freedom than discrimination, ' and much, it is said, to the detriment of or der in the community. Accordingly, when tte proprietor petitioned the Court for a; renewal of his license, a much-signed re- ; monstrance was sent up against it, which , proven fatal. The indignant liquor men ; then procured the names of the men whe had signed the remonstrance and posted the ' list In conspicuous places through towW. Then some wicked temperance man, who evidently understood the cruelty of com parisons, retaliated by obtaining the names of the signers on the objectionable petition and tacking them beside the other paper, with the explanation : "Here are the other fel!ows : take look at them." The effect wiil oe appreciated. All the fun is not over yet, but the temperance people are ahead at present. Yours respectfully. S. - Wllmore item. Mrs. Michaels, relict of Henry Michaels, died at her home In Wilmore, Friday of last week, at the advanced age of 75 years, ner husband died about fifteen months ago. Her maiden name wa Clawson. She leaves four sons, all grown to manhood. In terment in U. B. cemetery on Sunday. Th weather is very disagreeable. No kind of farm work can be done. The snow is about four inches deep, and still falling. A notice is up in Wilmore statir.g that a meeting will be held at an early day for the purpose of forming a coal comyany, at which operators from the F.ast will be pres ent, and all interested in the welfare of the community are requsted to come and "here" what is to be aid on thd subject. While there is no doubt the coal Is to be had by shaftlDg, it is doubtful if the preeent move ment will be encouraged. M. Ttie Opinion of an Amalner OcolofrlM Who Talk a an 1 1 He Knew. A correspondent writing from Ligonier says he thinks it folly for Johnstown to go to Grapeville for gas. "There is," he says, "as good and perhaps much better territory a shorter distance from Johnstown. The range ot hills running from the Conemaugh river, about three miles below Blairsville, ad passing along the Salem Church and land east of Greer.sburg, Is equally as good as the (irapevllle range. There is another range in Cambria connty as good as either of the above. The range runs from tbe P. R. R., a short distance west of the old Via duct, at a place called Mineral Point. It extends in a southwesterly direction tnrough Cambria and Somerset counties, connecting with the Negro mountain, and divides the two coal fields of Cambria and Somerset counties. There is a good show in these ridges for better gas and oil. I firmly be lieve that the Laurel mil and Chestnut Ridge are the two great gas belts of West ern Pennsylvania. The hunJreds of deep ravines that start on both sides of these mountains, if properly tested, would supply the gas required for all time. Th6e tests should be made pretty fai up in the moun tains. In testing one of the lower rantes, away from the mountain, the higher the hills and deeper the ravines and more bro ken the surface the better." Johnstoun Tribune. Arinrofnt Conn, On Monday last Court met with Hon. R L. Johnston, President Judge, and Honora bles John Flanagan and Josepn Masters on the bench. The on the list were dis posed of a9 follows : Charles Farabaugh vs. Davis Bracken ; motion for new trial. Motion overruled. Charles Faiaba'ieh vs. Davis Bracken ; motion for new trial. Motion overruled. A. J. Fulmer vs. William Horner, et ux. ; rule, to show cause. Continued. Henry Shaffer vs. Conrad Stakeman, et ux. ; rule to show cause, etc. Judgment stricken off. McMillan Co. vs. F. A. Shoemakar ; rule to .-how cause. Judgment opened and case put at head of list for June term. Ex'rs of li. M. Johnston vs. David Trex ler : rule to ehow cause, etc. Hule dis charged. James C. Murray vs. Geo. A. OUall. Gar nishee, etc. ; rule" to show cause. Rule granted. James J. Duncan vs. Foster W. Davis ; ruin to show cause, etc. Judgment amend, ed so as to read ?l.T11.5ri, costs to date im posed on plnintirT. John H. Kran-e vs. Georire !!x ; rule to show rnu-e. Judgment set atid and 2nd pluries Scire Facias awarded. Joseph Falvella, Plaintiff In Geo. Gerby, Defendant in Error Continued. Joseph Falvella, Fla;nt!ff in Richard J. Denny, Defendant certioiari. Continued. Joseph FaU-ella. Plaintiff in Error, vs. Peter McGinlev : Certiorari. Continued. Swank & Son. vs C Glenn and D. Argus ; Subrogation, Prayer granted. Mary Varner, etc. , vs. Jesse Vainer ; Libel in Divorce. Continued. In the matter of the petition ("for leave to take an appeal) of David Lanrion ; Rule to show cause, etc.. Rule dis'diarced. In the matter of the petition of James A. Felix for the sppiointment of Supervisor in Lower Yoder township. Petitioner ap pointed. Tn the matter of the petition of D. A. Lu ther, ex Sheriff, furcompensation forattend ing furnaces, etc. Petition granted. In the matter of a petition for a road in Clraiiield towns'.iip from point on road from Erkenrod s mill to Glen Conneii to latiu Simon .Noel. Irreeularly on the lit. Error, vs. ; certiorari. Error, vs. in Error : W. of Scliool Report. Report of the Ebensburg Tublic Schools for seventh month, ending April 5th : Avorsse Enrolled, attcrnlance. tOlSTV COMMITTEE. The names of the members of the Demo rratic County Committee which has been cal'ed by the Chairman to meet at Armory Hall, in this placy, on Monday next, are as follows : W. Horaok Kosk, C'tiairnian. Johnstown. Jamen t'otlnr. Adams townahip. James J. Kaylor Allegheny township. Jnhn I Eairer, Barr township. Isaac N. Wisslnicer, Blacklick township. Ko(ert Bridge, Oambrn horoujrh, 1st ward. Adam istihich, Cambria horoujh, 2d ward. Thomas Hoover, Caiuhria township. Philip J. Ieitrich, Carroll town borough. Joseph Hearer. Carrol township. John Connery, Chest Springs borough. John T. ilt. Chest township. Silas A Kyan, Clearfield township. Jacob Kohler. Conemaugh township. P. S. Eretdhotf, Conemaugh borough, 1st ward. Joseph Dnily, Coneinauxh borough. Id ward. A.J. Skelly. Croyle township. Dennis Cruller, Ix-an township. Isaac Crilt, East tionemauirh borough. James B.Clark, East Taylor cownshlp. Henry Byrne, Ebensburg borough. East ward. James Myers. Ebensburg borough. Wast ward. I'. E. Dillon. Elder township. Anthony Hursbbertter, Kranklln borough. M. Kitiharris, llitiin borough. D. J. Sibert, Oaliitztn township. Wm. H. lirubb. (Irubbtown borouifh. James M. Singer. Jackson township. John Hannan, Johnstown, 1st ws rd. John Kabb Johnstown, Sd ward. James King, Johnstown. 3d ward. A. H (Crumbling. .Johnstown, 4th ward. Oeorge J. Akers, Johnstown, Ath ward. L. J. Ripple. Jobnstown. Stn ward. Adam Huebnar, Johnstown, 7th ward. Caron Eeahy, Eilly borough. W. C. Schwab, L-ofetto borough. Jaeksun St. Clair, Iowar Yoder townahip. Austin Neary. Millrllle borough. 1st ward. l'Htrick Connelly. Mlllllle borough. Id ward. J. Smith, Munster township. InniPi Itell. 1'ortnge townnliip. Patrick CJ-Tool. Pr jspe-t Dorounh. ''erry Troxell. Keade township. Hiram Orris. Kichland township. I.eTy Jacoby. Stonycreek township. Edward drew, Summerhill township. J. B. Stalb, Susquehanna township. John J. Kinney, Tunnelliiill borough. Chauncy Davis, T'pper Yodor townahip. Joseph Kalney, Washington township. M.J. Nel, White tjwnsbip. 1'. F. Kirby. Wilmore bornuh. Joeph Horton, Jr., Woodvale horoufh. Win. KiDblett, West Taylor township. - A Walking Skeleton. Mr. E. Springer, of Mechanicsburg, Ta., writes : "I was afflicted with lung fever and abscess on lungs, and reduced to a walk ing skeleton, dot a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which did me so much good that I bought a dollar bottle After using three bottles, found mvself once more a man, completely restored to health, with a hearty appetite, and a gain in flesh of 4S lbs." Call at E. James' Drue Store and get a free trial bot tle of this certain cure lor ali Lunn Dis eases. i,arge bottles 11.00. HARRIAIir. i.icEsr issrED. The following marriage licenses have been Issued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court since last week : William R Inscho and Emma Rorfgers. .Tohns- low'U. E.tward Herrman, John6town, and Ida Hatin, "a mbrta. Michael Harrington and Kate Houllihan, Mlll vllle. William Wilklns. Indiana county, and Sarah A. OTerdorf. Lower Yoder township. Joseph Sailerand Mary A. Weilel, Conemaugh barougn. William R. Harney, Pittsburgh, Ta , and Lizzie Ji. Parke. Johnstown. Hubert Kieishoaer, Johnstown, anil Katie Kell er, Conemaugh borough. James Long and Barbara Boring, Taylor town ship. Peter Kcrshenstin Morrellville, and Miry Ann iallatcber, Prospect. I.ouis Stein and Bertha B um , Johnstown. W m. M. Smith, Coopersdale, and Matilda Me Means, Cambria Albert A. Berkley and I.aTina Harshberger, Cpper Yoder towniinp. (teorge W. Wilt and Kate T.I. Baylor, WIN more. - - - IITMF.XEAI.. WILT-BAYLKK.-Married, at Ebensburg. on Tuesday. April e. lusS, by K-v. K. McCaslin. Mr. Ooorgo W. Wilt and Mrs. Kate M. Baylcr, both ol W llmore, this county. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. OR REOISTEK AND RECORDER. T the ifmnrrarv of Camhno f 'ounfy : I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination for the offlceof Kisterand Keoorder at the ensuing Democratic wrimRrv r;i,.ton CEEEST1NE .1. BL.A1K. Ebensburg. Pa.. Feb. lRRfl. FOR REOTSTKK AND RECORDER. 7o the Democracy of Cambria County: I here by announce myself as a candidate tor the office of Register and Recorder, suhiect to the decision of the next Democratic 1'rimnrv Election t, , THOMAS HOOVER. I ambrla township, March 6, lsw. IOR REGISTER AND RECORDER. To the PrmocTatir Votrrt of Cambria County: I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Register and Record er, to be made at your next Primary Election. OEOKOEC. MILLER. Conemaugh Piorough, March la.lRSS. JjoR Heoister and Recorder. FETER M'GOUGII, OF rORTAOE TOWN?nir, Subject to Democratic rulea. poR district attokey. JAMKS M. WALTKltS, OF JOHNSTOWN, Sub'ect to the decision of th Pemoeratla Pri mary Election. i March 19. 1598. TOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. HARRY Ci. ROSE, JOHNSTOWN. PA. Subject to thedeclilon of Democratic Primaries. March 2, 18S9. JOK PROTHONOTARY. l-r. A. SHOLMAKEU, Subject to the Democratic Primary Election. (Ebensburg, March-22, lSSfl.-t.e.) ptlR ASSEMBLY. WILLIAM LINTON, of Summit, Subject to decision of the Iten-.oeratlc Primaries. March 28, 1S9. If you love Nice Clothes, GOKTZ, the Tailor, invites von to No. 1511 Eleventh Avenue, Al toona, to examine into the Magnitude, Variety and Beauty of his Xew Spring Stoek. -AJLjIF1. IE. GOBTZ, Merchant Tailor, 1511 Eleventh Ave., Altoona, Penn'a. F Hardware! Hardware! -:0 irpoirrysT to STS OF EB ENSBURG AND VICINITY -:0:- OR ASSEMREY. candidate lor the nomination for the eominit Iemocratle Primary 1 will be a Assembly at Election. JOHN E. STRAYER. Johnstown. April 2. lSS. or Assembly. DR. J. C. M'MULLEN, OF CLEARFIELD TOWNSHIP. Repertfnlly submitted to the Democracy "ambrla Countv. April 1. 188. t.e. F of JpOR Assembly MICH Subje.-tto decision of April 2. EL FITZII ARRIS. OF GALLITZIN, the Democratic Primaries F R Assrmi;ly. I nnnonni-e myllas a candidate for nomina tion (-r the Aembly at tho aproarhtnt; Demo cratic Primary Election. JOHN S. RHEY. Ebensburic, April 9th, 1M. F or Poor House Director. I hereby an nonnce myelf i a candidate for th nominntion tor Poor HMie Director, subject to the decision of the next Democratic Primary Election. JACOB SHAFFER. April, t, 1SMJ. Allegheny township Poor norsE director. I hereby annonn'-e myelf a a candidate tor the nomina'ton tor Poor Hu?e Director, sub- jet to the decision of the Democratic Primary TBACHHR.1. If In Mary E. Davis.. IWt?. '. Lewis.. Allln Lloyd lussie DmvIs J. W. Leech 1 i 9 i'S 1 j -lb .1 -JA 21 4 I 22 C) 5 ! ri 17 Totals ! 5 .130 U an, 110 81 198; 60 The, following pupils were perfect in aU tendance during n o.'itti : Hoom No. 1. Artie Davis, Carl Dick, Peter Lurlwig, Oilie Davis, Joseph Lut trincer, Leo Luttrioger, Walter Jones, Wil lie I'each, Ada Jones, Allie Jones, Emily Davis, May Griffith, Daisy Corhio, Mrlla Creery, Annie Mcllreen, Victoria Iirown, Alma Itosensteel. Kojm No. 2. John Strayer, Prescott Davis, Butler Roberts, Jrhn Thomas, Lew is Evaos, (ieo. Thomas, Flora Mills, Annie Mills, (irace McCaslin, Aggitf Jame". RbOM Fo. 3. Kay Jones, Cristie Strayer, fHaulon Davis, NonDie Lutirinuer, Mella IloseiiS'teel, Minnie btchler, Maud Zilun, Annie Maloney, Mapgio McCabe, Mary Mc Breea. Hoom No. 4. Sherman Mason, Ilerscnel Davis, V nlie Jones, Leonard Jones, Norria Mason, Jnlia (Jonnell. Koom No. .V Geo Kinkead, Ira Davis, Jesse Hill, Hen Davis, MiltConrell, Than nie Davis. Herman Connell, Herman Jones, Oscar Kinkead, John Sht-ietelt, (eo. Dick, Izora Davis, Cora Davis, Caddie Kerr. Bert Davis missed no time and was iiot tardy during whole term. OKI 1 1 AKY. EVANS. Died, at his reidrc in Ebensbanr, on Monday. Aprils, ls&n. Mr. Daniel O. Evans, aire 1 serenty years. The deceased was born in Montifomeryshlre. Wales. In 1V5 anl resided there until the year 1340, having in the meantime learned the ilioe tnakiiiK tr;.de Irom his lather, who carried on the business in that country. In lo Mr. Erans carne to tbis country and settled In Ebcnsburu. wlierc he worked at bis trade, and alter a year or two married a Miss Tudor, sister of Mr. Kicbard Tudor, ol tlii pla.-e, w bo, however, lived but a short Mm. In 1S47. when The W'.r broke out be tween this country an I Mexico. Mr. Evans, who belonged to the njilitiary company here, went to Mexico, with the old Cambria iuards, under the late Captain Murray, rerformod his duties as a soldier until the end of' the war, and returned home with the company. After his return he and Hon. Richard Jones carried on the tannins business for a number ot years at tuo old tannery near Mr. David Shtnlcle's mill, on tbe outcirta ol our town. Alter the dissolution of the part nership Mr. Evans, up to tbe time ol his last Ill ness, worked at bis trade. In 151 he married .Miss Jane Evans, who horc him a number of chil dren, peven of whom, two boys and five girls, are living nod all ol whom are thrown up. Mrs. Evans died about ten years nKO. Mr. Evans wis a man ol hne appearance, honorable In his dealings, in telligent and well versed in Kcneral knowledge, was kind and social in his disposition, and will be ureatly missed from i be community . His luneral took place on Wednesday alternoon at 1 o'clock, and hif remains were Interred in Lloyd cemetery. Peace to his ashes. J'" Election. Carroll twp., April 9, 1S". JAMES MELLON. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the mat ter ol the second and final account of Mtcnnel Bradley, AssiKnee ol James C Murray et it. The undersigned havlnir been appointed Audi tor by the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria County, pa., to make distribution of the lund In the hands of aaid Assirnee. notice Is hereby a;lv en that 1 will Hit al Arbitration Room in Court Heuse, In Ebensburg, Cambria county. Pa., pa iVrdnrtitaij. April tS. Hw, ttTi o'clock, a. u., o( said day, to discharge the duties ol my appoint ment, when and where nil persons Interested may attend or be torerer debarred from coming in on said lund. H. H. MYEKS, Auditor. Ebensburg, Pp.. April 9, lssa.-at. NORMAL SCHOOL o A Normal School will open April 26th, 1886, FOR A Term of Ten Weeks in the Kbeusburg Public School BUI LDING. The Scr.oel will be conducted by J. W. LEECH, Principal of the Ebensburic Schools, and Prof. T. T. Bearer, graduate ol the Northwestern (Ohio,) Normal School. Special attention will be paid to the wants of teachers . The higher branches will receive eare fnl attention. HOOK KEEPING WILL HE TAl'CiHT THOKOT'HLY I For further particulars and circulars address J. W. LEECH. Ebensbnrir. March M. lSW. 77JE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF IX- forming the people of Ebensburg and vicinity, that we hare opened out in the Tudor building on High street, a new, large and complete stock of hardware of every description, XJrMECTM.XICS' TOOLS. BUTLDKHS' U.lKmV.IRE. WT F.lliMlMl'LKMKXTS.FUliKS. SI'.lDhS, JiLACK- X-MlTll TOOLS, HOns i: fill OF fi. HARROW TI.YS VSTXAILS OF ALL A'l.VDS, FAR IRO.Y and STFFL, VWLJO US E FFRX1S H l.XG GOODS, RE- ur J 'OL J 'FRS. CVTL EH OF.YS. SITEL LS, CA RTF ID O KS. T U 'I.YFS, CORDAGE, ETC. Referring to the above, we respectfully ak the citizens of Ebens burg and surrounding country for a share of their patronage. We have been regularly trained in the hardware business, have bought our goods for cash and believe we can offer great inducements to those who desire to purchase. Ei DUFTON & SON. Ebensecko, April 3. 18vi. CARL RIVINTCJS," PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER & 4EWEIE8, AND DEALER IX Watches, Clocks, 1EWELKY, SilTerware. Musical Instrnniits ANI Optical Ooods. Sole Agent FOK THE Celebrated Rockford WATCHES. Columbia and Fredonia Watches. In Key and intern Winders. LARGE SELECTION ok ALL KIND of JEWELUV always on hand. My lin nf Jwplrv i nnsurpa-sed. Ccoi and see for yourself before purchas ing elswhere. 1ST ALL WOKK GU ARANTEED CARL RIVINIU3. Ebennburc, Nov. 11, H5.-tf. STATEMENT OF SETTLEMENT with Snjidirlior? of Plaeklick Township for the year ruling Mnreh . 1888 : I FKTER WAarftK. im. To am't ol Duplicate W5S.S9 ' CorfTRA, Cr. 1 B am't wrk done on roid t24 M ' Hv exoneration? i hack tax 6 45 1 Uy nerTlreji rendered b Super- vtor as.i"V j By furui?hlnit plank 2. bo 291.23X The Khrninrv Jiormnl. I I Armory Ilniidirs Is be!n fitted up for IUh srconinnxUtion and convenience f ' tpachers. The class rom 9 will be ftirDishcd witt the celebrated Keystone seats and j dests and provided with portable black boards, outline maps, etc. ine itm-iien : i institute meeting wiil be held weekly and : i every advantage Riven to teachers for their i improve merit. New student are being en- ; 'rolled daily, and the attendance for the j ! openine session will bo large. Superintend- ! j ent .Sir ayer Is making arranKf meuts to have j the most interesting, practical and Piiceess j ful term ever held in Ehensbare. The i teachers employed are entirely in sympathy with normal rootliods or leacunin. wukn will be fully carried out in every derart- ment during the coming term. . A Wwmlerfnl Ilovery. Consumptives and all. who suffer from any affefiion of the Throat and Lungs, can fini a certain cure in Dr. Kind's New Dis covery for Consumption. Thousands of permane-t cures vnfy the truth of this statement. No medicine can show such a record of wonderful cures. Thousands of once hopeless sufferers now gratefully pro claim they owe their lives to this New Di3 coverV. It will cost you nothintt to it a trial. Free Trial Bottles at C Jmiies' Dru Store. Large size, fl.oo. Licenses Ciranted at Arnnmfnl Ion rt. Oo Monday at Atcument Court the fol lowing iicenses were granted : First ward, Cambria borough. John Wa ters, tavern ; Patrick (ireen, quart, and Fatiick Scaulnn, quart. Second ward, Cambria borough, Teter Tont-r. Michael Curley, taveiu. beeonu vard, Johnstown, Joo Morgau, j quart. ! Fourth ward. Johnstown, Frederick W. j LlotTiuan, tavero. ! First ward, Millville borough, Andrew i Winn, James Daley, tavern, j Second ward. Miliviile borough, James P. ! Burns, tavern; Ellen Conlry, eating house. buiuuieriiiil, Croyle towusiup, John linf ' nth, taveru. I'ortage towuship, John J. McDonald, eating house. A1 UD1TOU S N OT I U K. Havincr tieen appointed Amlitor to report distribu tion of the maney in the hand? of J . V.. rtoel. A alunee ol Wra. Klynn f'r the Nenelit ol creditors nf iiliuwn by hi? lirst and partial acooiint, notice is hereby itiven thst I will tt at my ellVe In the horoonh ot Kheniiuric. on Tuctiay, the t7th day of April. JS-.V?, at tes o'clock, a. to attend to the 1 titles ot said appointment, at which time and place all person Inten-stod may Attend If they aee proper. INAI.l) K. IVL'FTDN, Auditor. Khensluric, April 8, 1S3. -S t. I7XECUTOK-S NO 1 ICE. Fstateol Mrs. Mnrj Ann Mci:onnell. dee'd. Letter? ol adminiMr.itlon on the estate of Mrp. Mury Ann MeConnell, late of Summerhill town si .in, iifci'a?rd. hiivun been granted lothe nn dirslitned, notice Is hereby irlven to those in di'iitrd to the said estate to uinke payment with nut delay, and thiise havinif cluiius auamst the same will present them properly authenticated lor settlement. W. T. M'CONNEl.I,. JAMliS 11. J1W iNNEI.L, Kxecutors. Summerhill townMilp, April 2, lssa. et. Balance due Peter Wagner flT.gTH WM. I. RHODES. Ia. To am't of Duplicate CONTRA. Cr. Bt work done on roads tJT5.6 By back tax 0U By exonerations 1.20 By relnrn tax to Commissioners. T.H.s By (lerTices of Supervisor S2.0--tI2.M Balance due Wm. I). Khodes .t31.T NOTICE. Williaro D. Moyer, one of the Demo cratic Commissioners of Lehigh coanty, has been arrested on the charge of promising offices tor votes. It is that he prom ised nine men places, and the trouble arose when tie tound lie bad only three positions to give. Iturlorn' Kills.. i Any person whone blood and liver are in good condition is all rigiil, even in Ine uiidt of epidemics. This cn Oe nolux-d iu tho life of everyone. If ail would avail them selves of the advamak;t-s of restoring auj maintaining the heailb of the Dody, there would oe tewer doctor's bids and iuucii less ! sorrow. The one thing neetltul anrt the one ! recomuier.dod above all others is hnnuions ' ljiver Regulator. The testimonials are I counud by thousand, and its merits are utiduubtfcti. Attemios Farmeus. I respect i uily cali youi attention to Williams, Clark A Co's, high Ktade Bone Fertilizers, viz: Pure raw bone meal: Uoyal bone phosphate; Amruo niated bor.e super phospiiate. These jjoods are gunranteed not to contain a siugie i pound of adulteration or make up weight in them. 1 hey aae the cheapest goods lor the money that wan ever offered in the county, (.'all and see them, buy I hem and try them. Ten tons just received, atieo. Huntley's. TXECUTOI Letters tcstcmeitary on the Rotate of Francis (Irinies, lure ot White townshiii. dcr-ea-ie'l . hav ing been itran ted te the unicrsl(rned , notice is heretiy riven to all persons indnbted fo said es tate to make payment without deUy, and to those havinir claims avainst the same-to present hem properly authenttcited for settlement to BlUIxltT tJKlMKS, Kieeutrix, I. I KK BKHK. Kiecutor. St. Augustine, 1'a. , April -J. 18s. 6 t. The lollowinr orders were Issued by th Audi tors and remain unpaid : No. 1. Kmanuel Custor 9 S M Ne. 3. (ieorge A. Michaels 6 00 No. t. . i. Kmpheld X.U4 No. 4. .1. T. Hoes 2 No. b. .1. B. Hlte l.M No. e. S. S. Keed I K THE BOTTOM KJMED at LAST ! THE LARGEST STOCK OF HARDWARE EVER OFFERED in the County can be found at my Store. These are all Fir3t-Clfla Goods, which were bought for Cash at rock-bottom prices. I do not buy or keep in stook any Cheap Job Lot or Auction Goods, and whatever you buy from me you can rely on beinp: worth the money you invest. Owing to an advance I am now celling mnny goods at much less than I can replace them for, but I shall continue to sell at Bottom Prices until I am compelled to replenish my stock. When you want a Cooking or Heating Stove, Tinware, Hardware, Nails, Iron, Glass, Trunks and Farming Implements, call and see my Stock and learn my Prices. rp I will not be undersold. Aug. 13, 'S5. HIGH STHKI'iT. - - LT.KN.SDUUG. Total $1-.U T. AV. DICK, Attorney -a t-IjAW, Kben8bnrir, Fa. Office In bnlldlnr of T. .) . Lloyd, ilec'd. (first floor,) Centre street. All manner of loiral buslnesi attended satisfacto ry and celieatljnP a specialty. flo-t4.-tf.l ON' ALD E. HUT TON, A TTO K N KY-AT-L. A W. KmcNsnuBo. raws' -Office In Armory Building. Mr. James Kino, cf JohntowD, was a visitor to our town on Wednesday, having come to atteDd the funeral of Mr. Daniel O. Evans. D QEO. M V, the Auditors of said township, do certify that we have examined the accounts of said townshlo and found thern to be correct to the best ol our knowledge and belief. . . hMI'UKlil), 1 .1. II. HITK, J Auditors. J.T. KEKSE, S Attest : !S. I.. Keed, Clerk. EBENSBURG -NORMAL SGH00L- F1RR 5-ANNUALTERM:5 KEADE, A ITt IKiN tY A l' LAW, -Offlee on t'entre ltreet. n. . M. D. KITTELU, Attorncy-n t-iaw, EBENSBUKd, FA. OfBee Armory Building, opn. Court H as. riMIE CAMBRIA FREEMAN can he had lor X the small sum 1 AO per year. In advance. Suhscnhe. TUE FREEMAN If rokI piper in which to Advertise. VThcronith, rract'eal and rriKreclTe School f'ir tlie Teachers ol the Conn ly. JV 111 o jen on MO.YDAV, AFRIL JO. JSSG, For a term of TF.Jf WF.F.KS, In charge ot t'onnty Superintendent Lewis Strayer and Pref. Thomas J. Itell, a graduate of the Indiana State Normal School. SIPEHIOK ADVANTAGES Are oflercd to the teacher of tbe County to attend school at much less cost than at any othsr itood school. Write for free circular kItIoc lull Infor mation to COUNTY SI PEKINTENHENT, P.O. Box 16, Ehenshurir, Pa March li, lnss.-6t. VEWKPAPfR AdtfrllsinKDorMn IO 1 Spruce Mrftt, . 1 Policies written at short notice In the OLD RELIABLE "ETNA" And other First flaw Compnnlri, T. W. DICK, AlltST FR THE OLD HAHTFOUD win ivnn COMMENCED BUSINESS 1 704:. Eeecshurg. July U. 1SS2. ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE, I.OItETTO.l'A. IN CHAIIGE 1P FUANSISCAN 1JU0THEUS. lioard and Tuition for the Scholastic Year, $200. March 2f;h. 1 tf. SM Vmn P&RLQRl 0j95ilf M B':ta n Fn?e. in llnjil i Bui'alim. HIGH STREET, EBENSBURG, PA J. II. OA NT, IVoprietor. rrHF. PUBLIC 1 o I.VOIRPORATKII IN l.-7. STIlllTi.VO.NMIiULI'LiN. PROTECTSO;; MUTUAL IRE IHSUB&HCE COESP'RT OF Ei2SrSEUr?C. PA. k- C 9 I S f I' IM l, Only 7 Assessments in is '',us. Good FARM PROPERTIES ErECIA I.LY I'KslhEl) KO STEAM RISKS TAKEN, GEO. M. REDE, FrcsiJenl. 7'. II'. DICK. Secretary. Wonur. Jrn. M. lM.-lv. DEAD YET I will always find us at our place of huines! In l usiness hours. Ererythlns keit aeat and osy. Clka rowrus a MOT V ALLIE LUTTRINCCR, mM'urriT.KH or tin, coniR ami mn-m ware asi tim noorjya, Itwiiecii jilv tnvito H e atictiti-in pi hi Irieodt snl t 'c jmii ic In n'Ei-ral to tl Imci that he i till carrylut on WiMce- at the oid l ofRit tea Miu:,:.'. 'ii Mon - . K!-i n-l-ura. an.l i re;ar4 t i 't 1. n a lr.- : -ck. luinu ictunnc ter de'r. at v rt:e!c it. '' ' '" the nualiwt to tde Uriic-. it. ihe ! ft taai.ncr an.l at T he I ewe I IITinu y'-o-' , - j. j . ;. k . : in le or old tl t e T-jl lN(i .-. M'KIMAI.TY. ri n k i 4 I , t TC " . ..rk anil pr;- !"' Tlr ! nrw . n. - 1 H sal i.-'v T'Mi--ei, a to ra .'ll'lTKIMlKK "