i at' nsBtmo. pa MARCH , I6. rX PERSON AL. - Hr. Yd ami the Other Place. vow if the time to adTertle your pring H j .aid that this is no a rood season ft,fnPu,r" ,For tfc beat maekeral In W market K0 yar the tl flour ln tne market go to the For Sli gll-us ui kiw-iii-h, nu ana pur?. W tn ttlfl Sue" BowK twalve-thousaml-tlollar temperance dotl i to be built In Somerset. jjar,iii-.gjotj having eot her water works l,7ow lisr.kerlDR after the electric llRht. Ymi ran ry ' soap for ten eta." ,t Barter'. "1 H00 ""P " '"t too. Tarartav. ADrll 15th, haa been appolnt- rbor Dv h Governor Fattiaon. Oroat le of moalin. at Barkers this j. if you want a baroaln now is your Lne-.!r!v!ne n the Chst creek and tf1itprnf the Susquehanna rirer has cowrr "'. I!vf mn tried Barkers floor, at. 11.25 p,r If not. try 11 l on!e 8P cnu t'V It. -rt j,ibnnwn Democrat ssvs that the ,c nrl het arn'ea erf selllns: In that -Vest a 1!rrer barrel. Tbp irlrer at I.lllv'a have aealo eone to mtrk tmvlni' been rrantert the advance of n ,(.nt' s tn askeil for. t (Ymmilon,r Franoto O'Frell. of Inrcfn. hn berl one of his lees severely ljurt r(;prt!v. I ahle to be about again. Vr. P Mvere removed his fsmllv to X,Mrrt on Wpdnesdsv lat. where he has Uit fprnri!"rf a r"w dwelling honae. rfnnf fK'dnev snd I.lverl Remedy hpn nwil evor thirty vfars, and saved thonr'l ?rom l'n?prin disease and death. Vr S'rsver's Normal School will be con duced In Armorr Hsll. Mr. Leech will bnM f-T'b !n t' Fub'lc School Building, at fteoM mn.1. Jnlinn'e Mtl'r, a little crand child of y. j TTorTcr. of this rise, died at his irtr;hir' on Saturday tat. aged about Rsro of frsnds. B nre von get the jrn!n Pr Thoms' rdertrle Oil. It nTft Colli". Troup, Asthma, Desfness and Jnn B. Collin, mechanical engineer of Uis ppnrTlTnl railroad at Alfoona. died In that eltr on Saturday last, aged flfty- t'uM yssr. If ymi w"1 a real good una n at a low prii-p, buy It st Barkers' at fen cents a foot, mil von will have more soap and better (oap t the price thsn evr before. luae Oamhler. a German pack rdW wt robbed of fl04 on the cart between TTmnstnii Altoona on Tnsday last by a lot if mtiKbs who got on tha train at Tyrone. A frpiffht train was wrecked at Mineral Tnirton Friday nleht. csuaed bv a broken IX Ek1'' oars were rtemolinhed and a bratofrun name'l John Dewitt was slightly !c-irH -Captain Michael Quartz will punch the t!-it on the ('reason A Coalport railroad. wt::i the oars nn that road commence haul Int paieneer. which will he about the first of next month. -Mr. Tlstt A Olunt. of Besde town itilp. started np fieir saw mill lat week. Tify ba t lar?e number of log and are still bringing In more. Tha mill gives em C'ojTen: to ou'te a r.nrsber of hands. -Mr, Mr.hn A Slrauer on Tuesday last shipped another car load of horses from tt sD'ao to Lancaster county. This Is the tt!M car load htppd by these gentlemen isd there coa'd he several more bought yet. The County Commissioners commenced bnldlnc the appeals for the different dis trlts thronehont the county on Monday !, nd quite a nnmber of citizens froai the d!I?reit districts have been visible on our l'r?etj this week. Tbe follow'na names can each get a inter hy falling at the Ehensbnrg Pott Of ie. Mn. Rachel Rager; Mrs. Sarah A. Setfemver: Mrs M'nnle RoherU; Mrs. Millie DitIs; Mr. Nathaniel Linger; Mr. Jueph Rowers -Tb;s week we publish the card of TI. (i. Boss. at a candidate for the nomina tion tor the office of District Attorney. Mr. f-f iat prepnt filling that responsible P"".!on aid ha performed the duties of rS-e during Ms term with decided abil- !:y -JV'irrtav f.f lat week was the day for i'j the applications for license In In ra eonrtv Judge White refused all P'ieaMons holdlna that the llnnna was cot teeary for public accommodation. "Tsls new no licecsed house In Indiana winty. r ymir congh while yon can. J nothing win do it. It Is worth V H4!r.s. 'hat Tarkpr's Tnnlr la th best ti'r.f kTinwn Tor coughs, colds, torpid liver, '"v t-r,t!os and WPSfe lungs. You risk mrli'e ! wa!t!n2 Take it while there Is T'ttims. -Cintain William Linton, of Summit ville. to tfie frr.r.t this week as a candidate jcr A,crab',. Cap tain Linton la well known twnrtont tu cooDty. where be bag hostg Wend,, an,, f nominated and elected, w 1 make an enfeinZerit and active mem- tbe Legislature. ;Mr Alnwta Maon. of tbe East ward. T to Fj,t Conemaugh. wber be has good position fiom the P. R. R. ""T Mr M woDld have moved this 1 W wl?h him success In his new WrtndriiW QiifMt, nf f'nn A - .o.town prmtemt. ba been granted a and har py amonnting to I 200 up ber, la,-, tD(1 13) montn thereafter. fontracted rheumatism during - rm nf service, from athlcb he has ever " -nrrjav next SOU at Public sale, one , nn. . ". one mare, one v, vi sneep. wagons, narness nurr'h'r of other artlel t.i nnmer mention bale will be held at his when a rea- fwi hou w at two o'clock. r,ia r , will be glvon. r. John Q w ' . . . , . " ' - cuiy, or Allegheny T r,e t of Chest Springs. . . ro,d' wI!l on Saturday n on tbe irriev nert at oV!wk. r w ..u . i . i ill'J"mUtnX f b0r,M' Cmtt''- frm- rre . ...... jatoea by tbe bushel, and a t&r Of other - 3,.,. i uties mm uuioeiuus iu -The I . . . th orln standard silver dollars ",,'," ounng the week, ending ;rtt k WS ',08 000- The Issue I the corrMpcnjlnK period of last year .rl'V'.m. ti,. . , 'Mn durlne h. ,u w "-r-' 1 '..j 110 r) I J Gable & Co. for Embroideries. Gabled Co. - -ADDKESS- F. GABLE & CO., 1402 Eleventh Avenue, ALTOONA. ONE PRICE. You all need muslin at all times, and you will wonder how it la that Barken are selling off a lot at a reduced price. The only reason Is that they bought a lot at very low figures and are Mlllng it the same. The attention of onr readers is called to the advertisement of Prof. Leech's Normal School, which will be found in another colnmn. Mr. Leech has been principal of the Ebensburg nigh School for the past two sessions, is a successful and practical teach er and pupils attending his school will find in him a competent Instructor. When a cold or other cause checks the operation of the secretive organs, their na tural healthy action should be restored by the use of Ayer'a Pills, and inflammatory material thereby removed from the system. Much serious sickness and suffering might be prevented by thus promptly correcting those slight derangement that, otherwise, often develop Into settled disease. The announcement of H. A. Shoemaker, Esq . as a candidate for Prothonotary Is published In the proper column. Mr. Shoe maker at the end of the present year will have served one term In that office, and dur ing his Incumbency has beea an accommo dating and obliging officer, and. If re-woml-. nated, will perform the duties of the office In the future as efficiently and faithfully as he has done In the past. Attention is called to the card of St Francis College. Loretto. published In an other column. The well known reputation of this college In the past fa a safe ruarantee of Its usefulness In the future, and Its p'es ent anle and efficient corp9 of teachers are among the best Instructors to be found in any school in the countT. To teachers who wish to continue their studies until the end of June, it affords a good opportunity. Parties attending the appeals should bear In mind that, while a reduction of their valnation a hundred dollars or two may save them a small amonnt In tnxes. the beat way t save money while here is to buy their dry goods, dress goods, boots and shoes, groceries and provisions at John wens store, on Hlgn street; where tl.ey can always buy at bottom prices. Thomas Oallaefcer, eon of a wealthy Wllllamsport merchant. ' while recovering from a long debauch on Sfttnrday afternoon, deliberately laid his neck on one of the rail road tracks at that place, and waited for a coming train. A policeman was summoned and removed him from the track, but the wonld be suicide broke away and aeain threw himself on the track with such vio hl. aknll. lie then tea- i lence as to Injure ged to be taken to fail. lie is not Insane. The Holllavsburg Sta ntJnrd says: Dur ing the absence of Tlarry Kanfman. who resides near Ore (1111. and who was on a visit to Jnhnstown. bis w!f eloped with an other man na med Ephram Kensinger. leav ing beh'nd her three, little children nnpro. yidert Tor. Fortunately, the condition of the little one9 was discovered in time, otherwise the chances are that they would have per ished fnr want of the necessaries of life. The woman indulged in a similar freak once before, and with the same individual. Rev. V. J. Coleman, of Beaver Falls. District Secretary of the National Reform Association, delivered a very able and in structs e lecture Ir. the Presbyterian church of tbls place on Tuesday evening last, on the great object and purpose of tbe associa tion he represents. Flls lecture was a mas terly presentation of the reasons for the Christian amendment which the association labors to secure. The speaker hld his au dience for about one bout and fifty min utes. 1 Information by wire from the mountain mining district to-day. nays the Johnstown Tribu-n of Wednsday. Is to the effect that j the mines at Gallitzin, Mineral Paint,Lilly'B, Renacreek. Portaee, and South Fork are all ' at work, having reeieved the advance of ten i cents per ton demanded. One mine was ; out yeeterday at the east end of the tunnel, 1 but it la understood that all are at work to- day. There Is no news from Summsrhill, but it Is likely, however, that all are at work j there. A son of Mr. Frank Warner, of Wash- ington township, aged about eighteen years, , was killed at Son roan on Friday last, about four o'clock in the afternoon. He. with a j nnmber of other young men, had been engag ed In the hazardous and dangerous paettime of jumping on freight trains nd riding up and down the railroad. Young Warner at tempted to jump on a moving train, when his foot caught aed his handholt slipped, and be was dragged several hundred yards, breaking his lower jsw and horribly mutila ting his head and body. A Sanitary Convention, the object of which will be to afford an opportunity for an expression of opinion on matters relating to the public health and the discussion of methods looking towards an advancement in the sanitary condition of the Common wealth, the prevention of sickness and avoid able death, and the Improvemei t of the conditions of living, will be held In Pbiladel phia, under the auspices of the State Board of Health, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Mv 12. 13. and 14, 1886. Mr. Charles Cronse, of Summerhill, on Thursday of last week, while in this place, purchased a new buggy and took It home. On the next day be started to Sonth Fork with his new buggy and a horse be had br- M ir . CtA, ,nil vhll. 'ZaT hn bouillons. Superintendent Strayer Is arranging fell, upsetting the buggy and throwing Mr. Cronse out. Tbe horse became so entangled n tbe harness that it was with difficulty he was released, and he was so badly Injured from bis struggling mat ne oiea in a enorv ( time after. Mr. Cronse escaped unhurt. but tha boggy was badly wrecked. . A Dostoffice has been established at Afthland. this county, to be known as Ash Ville. V. G. Krlse. Eq , has been appoint- j ed postmaster and he l now actively en- i gaced lo putting up a snitahle building. : The petitioners for the office first intended ; n have the Dostoflice named Ashland, but m ,. . nr th.f nam In Pennavlva i II, i v .j v ... --- - nia the postoffice department refused to i adopt It, nd so the r.ame of Ashvlile waa then taken. The mail will be carried on : the Cresson A Coalport road, and mall mat- ter will not be delivered there until the trains begin tuoning regularly. We con : gratulate the 'Squire on bis appointment. ! Judge Olmsted, Id the McKean Court, I nformd those who were clamoring for the rejection of all license", tbat be found pub- !' ; He sentiment largely in favor of license for j I tbe sale of liquor, and that in bia opinion a t i better state of affairs would exist In the j j county If IU-exsrs were granted than if the j liquor traffic wss to pass sdUj tba hands of j unlicensed and Irresponsible person. Al- ' I though a temperance man. Judge Olmsted is of opinion that the sweeping change de manded would be injurious, and thinks the observance and enforcement of the laws the : best course for the promotion of temperance for Table Linens. Gable & Co. for Towels. Gable & Co. for Silks. ONE PRICE, A dozen ITollidaysburg boys, who baye been reading dime novels, planned to arm themselves and go west to fight Indians. Only two. Dean Baker, aged 12, and. Charles Bollinger, aged 15, carried out tha determi nation. They left last Friday and have not since been beard from. A roan (?) living three or four miles from Ebensburg. was on Monday afternoon driving an empty spring wagon, on bis way home, when the body of Mr Robert Murray, who had dropped dead on the road, was found. Mr. Morgan Hughes, who lives close by, came upon the scene and suggest ed that, as it was only a short distance to his house (about one hundred yards), they would take the body there and send for a doctor and see if anything could be done to j revive the man. As It would bave been I mnch easier to take the body on the wagon, ' the owner was asked to drive up and take the remains to Mr. Ilaghea' bouse. The reply was : "It is getting late and I haven't ! time." and be drove off. leaving Mr. Hughes and the other men present to carry the body ; over the best way they could. Our opinion is that a man of that kind would be yery j little missed out of a civilized and Christian j community, and he should be allowed to I have a good deal more spare time In the I future: ; M ntion was made ir, the Tribune the i ' other day of the arrival from California of j Mr. Robert Devlin and his son. Mr. Devlin i Is one of a family of nine children, all of j whom are living, and the youngest of whom i is sixty years of age. In the order of their , birth they are James, aeed eighty-four years, I residing In Ireland: John, aged eighty two, i Johnstown; Frank aged seventy eight, Johnstown. Arthur eged seventy-four, ; Jackson Townbip; Marsret, sixty-nine. New York; Ann, aeed sixty-six. Tyrone; ; Daniel, aged sixty four, Anstralis; Robert, ' aeed sixty two, Sacramento. Cel., and Hugh . aeed sixty. Altoona. Their combined aees ' foot up six hundred and thirty nine years, J or an averaee of seventy one years to each. John, the second in age. has been for some : . time Indisposed. He resides in Conemaugh borough. -Jofi-wfwn Tribune. Wllmere Item. The family of Mr. Thomas Kinney haa un dergone a sleare of sicknesss within the past week, but I are clad to say they are all now convalescent. The ailment was some thing of the natnre of diphtheria. A little grand-rlaushter of Mr. David Far ber Is suffering with something of a similar tnre. She came here a few weeks ago from Tyrone with her mother, who is the ' widow of Thomas Farber. to be present at the bedside of Mr. Farber. whose Illness 1 was noted In the Frekmak ome time ago, . but who is at present some better. Tbe lit i tie airl, too, is somewhat improved. I The !ecture of Ray. Father Boyle, in St. ; Bartholomew's church, this place, on Sun 1 day evening, was well attended, etmsider !ng the inclemency of the weather, and was : very interesting and instructive. I had in ' tended to write a synopsis of it for this ' week's Freeman, bnt have been suffering from the effects of influenza and couldn't ; set my head to the task. Perhaps I may by t next week, as there are many facts advanced by the lecturer that are too important to be passed over with this trite notice. George Shaffer, a railroader, is ill of pneu monia at the residence of hia father, Mr. Christian Shaffer. lie is reported somewhat better at this writing. M. Another Barn Bnrnnl. On Sunday evening about four o'clock the large barn of Mr. Samuel Reed, in Black lick township, together with its entire contents, was destroyed by fire. Mr. Reed bad a short time previous to the discovery of the fire returned from chorch with Rev. S B. Laverty, who accompanied him home. After putting Mr. Laverty's horse in the stable and the1 buggy in the barn they went into the honse and were there a short time when the barn waa discovered to be in Barnes, They succeeded in getting Mr. Laverty's horse out and one steer and some few trifling articles, but almost everything else was burned. Mr. Reed had in tte barn one hundred and fifty bushels wheat, three j hundred bushels oata, fifty bushels buck i wheat, twenty-five tons hay, a lot of corn, I ten head cattle, about fifty sheep, several ; hogs and all his farming implements, which i were burned. Mr. Reed's loss is estimated i at $2.rtOO. and he had an insurance of f 1,500. j The barn was insured in the Cambria Mutu- al for $1,000, and tbe other $500 is on the 1 contents and is in the Kittanning Insurance Co. The cause of the fire is a mystery, as i neither of the gentlemen was smoking, and there was no fire about the barn, which waa ! some distance from the house: i The Ebr nsbart Jlermal Hehool. The Fifth Annual Term of tbe Ebensburg Normal School will be held id the Armory Building. The hall and class rooms are large and convenient, and students will find . - mi. greater advautages than heretofore. The main hall will be provided with suitable desk tables blackboards, maps, charts and various klnda of apparatus, and will be used various nuu Vv .km fnr general exercises, class drills, teachers - meetings ami the meetings of the Normal Literary Society. On the first noor are several rooius well adapted for class recita- . . Ktr.tTAr la errencrinv IOI13. Duptliuwuuti.. u.i.jv. . . c t have the most successful school ever held in Koenaburg- Special instruetorb In Elo- cutlon BDd Vocal Music will be employed during tbe latter part of tbe term without extra enlarge of tuition to students. Alrea- dv a large number of atuaenw ar enronea from tba various districts in the county, and a number from adjoining counties, free circular of the school, write County Superintendent. rot a to the An Anawer Wanted. ; Cau any one bring us a case of Kidney or "Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure? We say they can ' not, as thousands of cases aleady perma neotly cured and who are daily recoin ' mending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright' Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. ; They purify the blood, regulate the bowels. ' aud act directly in tbe diseased parts. Ev i ery b3ttle guaranteed. IH-treas AHer F.atlmr, j tha result of indigestion, will b no longtr j experlonced if half a iablespoouful o Sim ruons Liver Regulator is taken afr acb meal." It is such a good digester, and so mild and pleasant in its effects, that it is used by roaoy after a heaity meal to ensure good digestion. The Regulator does not nauseate or irritate the stomach, is purely vegetable, and can be taken in any condi tion of the system, and, unlike any other known medicioe. when its use ia discontin ued, the system is not left constipated Gable & Co. for ROBERT MURRAY DIES fttriIF.9la.T . On Monday afternoon, about half paatfiye o'clock, as Logan Hildebrand, a butcher from East Conemaugh, was leading a steer and walking out the Pittsburg pike, at the weet end of town be came upon the dead body of a man lying on the road in front of the residence Mr. William Kagan. He called several men who were a couple of hundred yards away, and when they reached the body they immediately recognized it as that of Mr. Robert Murray, an old and respected citizen, who lived about a-half mile from town and who had been seen passing the bouse of Mr. Thomas Davis about ten minutes previous to his body being found. Mr. Murray bad been in town during the day. digging the grave for a child at the Catholic cemetery, and at three o'clock bad assisted at the burial. He started borne about five o'clock, and on bis way stopped at the tailor shop of Mr. Lewis Beynon, where he left his shovel, at the same time complaining that be was not feeling well, but he did not Intimate, and perhaps did not think, that be was seriously ill. It was a cold, blasteiy day, with some snow on tbe ground, and his tracks indicated that when he stopped be made two steps backward and fell on his back, dying without a strug gle. Heart disease Is supposed to have caused his death, which, as above intimated. must bave been almost instantaneous. Mr. Murray was an Irishman by birth and came to this country about thirty five years ago, acquiring by thrift and industry a little pro perty on the outskirts of our town, where he had lived for a number of years. He was honest and conscientious in all his deal- j ings. was a good neighbor and was respect- ed by everybody. He leaves to survive htm j a widow, but no children. Deceased was ; about 75 years of aee and was a broth j er of Mr. James P. Murray, of TunnelhiJl. Remains were interred in the Catholic cem etery, this place, on Wednesday. May he rest in peace A Few Pstlntew. When the people of Cambria county elect ed Rober L. Johnston to preside over their n,,, tw ini. v, .k.m.f,,i nf .'Cw:..;.:' V"''"" . I the carnival of drunkenness and crime ... . ....... ....... ..... ... ...... i, i iino...-, i . which follows the wholesale licensing of rnmsellers may bring them to repentance. The above we take from the Altoona Tri ' ttme. The crank who Imposed It on that j respectable paper shows the most notable i ignorance. He did not know i That a majority of the court resides in the ! Johnstown district, where the bulk of the , licenses were granted. That the number of licenses Is smaller in proportion to the population of Cambria connty than when Judges Taslor and Dean ocenpied the bench. I The "carnival of drunkenness and crime" spoken of is fitly answered by the records of Cambria and Blair counties. ) T . . . In the last year in Cambria county there f has been a Single prosecution for illegal , , ,. . . I liquor selling, Tollowed by a condign punish- ment and revocation of license. In Biair nr . .. . , t, , . ; county court proceedings bristle With them I at every term As to "crime," our Quarterly Sessions are j only occupied with a portion of the four j weeks allotted to the sessions in the year ; 1 while In Blair county, notwithstanding ' JndeeDean is an able and leWoriotis judge, i the sessions absorb the whole criminal term and consume the week devoted to civil cases : beside. The Cambria court does not legislate, but j administers the law as they find it. But as ; to "drunkenness and crime," Blair caunty, , and especially Altoona, should keep pro- j found ly quiet. . j Tot: have often seen women with marked j paleness or face, vitiated appetites, and a craving for unwholesome food. Tnese are ! signs of a disordered liver, and the trouble 1 must be corrected or worse results are sure I to follow. Husbands and fathers cannot afford to treat this matter lightly. Dr. Ken . neriy's "Favorite Remedy," which dispels nver oif-ease. coets less tnan SICK wives n j daughters. You will find it a profitable in vestment. Jaatlcea F.I ew ted. The following gentlemen, who were elect ed Justices at the Spring election, haye filed , their acceptances with the Prothonotary : Thomas McKernou, 2d ward, Cambria . bor.; Charles Khody. Ubest twp.; John I Rehe. Clearfield twn : K. R. Duneoan ! Clearfield twp ; Georee Fl. Martin. Coop- ersdale bor ; J.J. Sshaffer, East Conemaugh 'Heaux eux" hy r v. It. is a sketch of a 1 bor ; M. II Davis, East Conemaugh bor.; love episode In Carlsbad, very prettily told, , John Roberts, Franklin bor.; T. J.Steph- "An April Fool",i8a comical account of i ens, Gallitzin bor.; John JJ. Fisher. 1st womon's discomfiture which ended happi ward, Johnstown bor.; J. iS. Strayer. 2d 1 in eweet recompense. Cora Carien's ward, Johnstown bor.; Thomas Callan, Lo ! "Memoirs of a Piano" is a tender little bit ! ret to bor.; Harrison Overdorf. 2d ward, of writing that adTa considerable grace to the Mil'ville bor.; W. II Cassiday, Monster ! magazine. Max Vander Weyde'5 article twp. ; J C. Noel, TorUge twp.; William ! tliis month is about the keeping nf canaries , Flvnn. Portage twp.; Wm. F. Kinney, Pros- Bri hears the taking titin of "Echoes of pert bor ; Jacob (x. Varner, Richland twp.; 1 Eden," A poem Eaufer Bells" by Minerva i J. n. Veil, Richland twp.; Moses Feath-rs. Bond, some charming lines on "April" by Stonycreek twp.; W. 11. Smay, Kuranierhill twp ; John "sharbaugh. Summit b"r.; E. P. Baker, Susquehanna twp.: Jacob Gloser, Susquehanna twp.; S. A. Mvers, Wabhing ton tp ; P. A. MoGougri, White twp.; Joel Gates, White twp. , i Osb of roj children, a girl about nine I years old, had a very bad discharge from j hgT hpf(1 nd iWe of a thjcki ypIlowisn mttt ! ter. and was growing worse. We hid two i differen physicians prescribe for her, but I without benefit We tried Ely's Cream I Balm, and, much to onr smprlse, in three 1 ,,,., ... 1 . . ...j T ' . . i txyn eurtD tt m m wm iru iui fjrifvcmyiufc. y, continued using the Balm and in a short rime trm discharge was apparentij cured.- A. Cary, Cornlhg. X. ! " I 1 layalelna Hv Feood nl , Tnt a contaminating and Torelgo element j in the blood, developed by indigestion. Is the cause of rheumatism. This settles upon sensitive sub cutaneous covering of tbe . eonsUnt ,nd shlfM nir nain. and aocrreffatino- ; HS B calcareous, chalky deposit which pro- j nncp Atifrneaa an1 diatyirt.mn .r tha tninfo T m , i k j ' j in regard w nosteiier s fomacn Kitters, nas stronger evlilence to support than this. j namely, that this medicine of compraben- sive uses checks the tormidable and atro- cious disease, nor is it less postivelv estab j lished that it is preferable to the poh-ons often used to arrest it, since the medicine : contains only salufory ingredients. It Is j also a signal remedy for malarial fevers, constipation, dyspepsia, kidney and bladdet I ailments, debility and other disorders. See ! that you get the genuine. Cllts, Wvei Bnrklea's Arnica halve. i Thb BfstSat.ve in thn world for ! Bruie, !Soies, Ulcers, Slt Rheum. Sre, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains ! Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cores 1'lles, or no pay required. It la euatar.teed to give perfect stlsfaetion, 01 money refunded. For sale by E. Jame. Time For Crltleal T.ytj Operations With the ad rent of bprina and pleasant weather it is heat for every one whe are in need of Cataract, or other serious operations uii mn eye, 10 nave fcnem none oeinraine ex- tretne heat of summer. Consult Dr. Sadler, R04 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa, who will aend iilnstrated pamphlet and reference free. Terms to sui"; each case. Lawyer are not admitted Into tha or Rnt7ation fcnown a tht Kuighti of Labtir. Muslins. Gable & Co. for Hosiery. Gable & Co. LIST OF Jt'RORK. The folloing named gentlemen have been drawn to serve at the term of Court to be held In this place, commencing on tbe first Monday of June next : rahi jraoits. Homir,lTtn,r Simon M.. laborer, Ktehland twp. Hradlev Joeph E.. laborer. WahlBton twp. "lark John H.. Inn keeper. Waenlnrt-on twp. Cnmphell Jm. tnonliier. .Tohitown. lt ward. DonoT-an Michael, laborer. Ebenebnrar. E. ward. Imohner .Toeeuh. Jr.. batcher. Oallitain br. Earer John B.. farmer. Washlmrton twp. Karnr John D.. farmer, Krr twp Ferarneon Robert, farmer. Blackllck twp. Frank John. Jr.. laborer. Johnstown. 5d ward. (lnoi Jehn J.. farmer. East Tavlnr twp. (Ull Charle. Jr.. farmer, Cbeet twp. Horner Sylvester, mill man. Jnhnttown. 4th w. Knontz Joseph, carpenter. Johnstown. Sth w. KHlr Patrick, fireman, ('onemanah bor.. 2d w. I.ltr.tnirer Fnrene. merchant. Ixtretto boronRh. Peterson John T-. farmer. Reade twp. Parrleh Francis J., alderman, flallltzin bor. Orrlt I.ewjs. merchant. Crnyle two. Oppev Wra.. Jr miner. East Taylor twp. Rntledre Irwin, alderman, Johnstown. Ith w. Rtseh William. Jr.. laborer. Joheshtewa. lat w. Ileum Jonathan, laborer. Franklin boroagh. Wilt Tbomaa, farmer, (.Uearteld twp. TAVae jraoas vraaT aut. Adorns James, farmer. Clearfield tewmhlp. Blonah John S.. farmer. Richland tewnshtp. Braitlev Michael (3.. merchant. Ully borough. Barker F. H.. merchant. Ehenthnre-. E. ward. Brawler Thnroaa J.. lanaer. Portare twp. ostlow John :.. laborer. Ooneraauirk twp. Oratar Christ., mtllman. ('ambrla boron rh. Sd w. :hr1stT A. J.. Inn Keeper. Irette borough. Dettrlch Albert, farmer, t'hest townahlp. F.nrteheeh J-eorae. clerk. Johnstown, lat ward. Brens Edward, farmer. Barr township. Fry Sehastlan. undertaker. Iretto borouvh. Oreen James, merchant, t'stnbrla borough, 1st w. tUnnt V.t5.. laborer, Keede township. Hildebrand Oeo. W., flrsman. Oonemangh boro', 1st ward. Hofecker Ieonard. laborer. Ptonycreek twp. Moorer Thomas, farmer. Cambria twn. Harshbarrer Anthony, laborer. Franklin bor. Harshberger John M .. farmer. Adams twp. H ooelt J. J.. merchant, Cjrmlltnwn bor. Jones Thomas I... teamster. Fbeosbnrg. E. ward. Klhney Samnel, clerk. Jehnatown. 1st want. Kohler Andrew farmer. Conemaugh township. I,avman John B.. farmer. Richland township. Little T. '.. carpenter. Chest Springs borough. T.nke P W.. laborer. Iower Ycder township. I.tnton Reuben M.. stndcnt. Johnstown, let w. Mnnday Flins, farmer. Jackson township. Mnndev John, teamster Conemaugh bor., 1st w. Mrera John A., laborer. I lallltrin borough. MrOoifh Charles H. laborer. Crovle twp. McCartney E. blacksmith. E. Conemaugh. McMonlgie Edward, laborer. Prospect boroagh. Oft Francis. Inn keeper. Elder township. Orris lllmm. farmer. Richland township. O'Brien Edward, lumberman. Washington twp. Ream Itonlel, laborer. Orubbtown boroagh. Rnbrlti Peter, mason. Franklin borough SteTent Thomaa J.. jeweler. Osllitxln borough. Sweeny Thomas, laborer. Cambria bor.. Sd w. Sfull Jacob K.. farmer. Adams tnwnshin. Slick .loeph, shoemaker. Johnstown. 7th wnrd. Swank Samuel, potter. Johnstown. th ward, .vhtnkle Parld. miller. Cambria townahlp. ?tn,verlw. epr10tendent,.Kb.-.hr.E. nhn Sr.. merrhant. f'onemauah bro'. 1st warrt. I Veil John H.. tanner, Richland township. : Wlnesettle Michael, farmer, I'royle township. tra vau,K jnnona an-osm waaz. : Axmarher Jrhn. earpenter. Johnstown. 4th ward. I Berrele Joaeph. nserrhan. Oallltiln borenah. : Kantley Dotlelh, airent, Johnstown, Sd ward. Hrawlev Francis, carpenter. Washington twp. j Heers W. H.. farmer. Keede township. , Hlller Joseph. Jr.. farmer. Allegheny tewaahip. j Buck Sylrester. eerpenter, t'amolltown bor. t'osilow Iyd, farmer, itonemaueh boro'.ad w. ! Campbell Peter, farmer. Cnrrolltown borouh. 1 'urMey J. H.. miner. Kest V.nemanirh bor. j t'eurleton Altert. laborer. Fmnklln horonnh. t'lnrk lnmes K , miner. Kat Taylor township. ' IHbert liavld. Kent.. Johnstown.'Slh ward, j IXllon Patrick, farmer Kider township, i TotIi Oenrxe. lebo er. Iwer Yoder township. Kills Sam. P. S..ylerk. Johnstown. Id ward. Fnlton John, parer. t'onemauirh boro". id ward. oeonre Albert, blacksmith. iuiy horourb. rore Fred., farmer. Jackson township. Olilan James, merchant. Weshlnirton twp. i0 James a., laborer. Ty.wer Yoder twp. Horner vrus. farmer. Adams twp. Horner William, enirineer. Fast (onemeuKh. Herner Klchard . laborer. Coneraanifh twp. lnr A. J.. teamster. Jackson township. IJizintrer Mltchel. tartaer. Allearheny two. Mcr.auVhlln Patrick. Inn keener. Cambria bcr.. 1st waid. MrOovfrn Thomas, miner East Taylor twp. MrCann James, brakcraan, enemau!i bor., tld want. Naule Michael, farmer. Dean twp. Noel John O.. merchant, Portaae twp. Plunkett Thomas. Jr.. merchant. Tunnelhlll bor. Patterson S. I)., farmer. Barr twp. Rece John, laborer. Johnstown Id ward. Kicketts lohn, larmer. Kendo twp. Robert Henry, mason. I'smbrfa tor.. 2d ward. Kotih Henry, laborer, Johnstown 1st ward. Hnsfcr Jackson, farmer, Jackson twp. Supiea tJeonre. itardner. Upper Yeder twp. Stiitznoan Daniel, farmer. Croyle twp. Swires James, farmer, enn twp. shank Samuel, farmer, Adams township. Wills Thomas. Jr.. fiirnier. Allegheny township. W enlhroth i'ourad , Inn keeper. Wl I more bor Wetzel I John. J r., wa gon maker, t'arrolltown bor. Wike Isaac, rent, Hlacklirk township. Wo!e?laicle Joseph, clerk, Wilmnre borough. fiodry's Ladjta Reek For April, oppns aeaonaoly with a charming frnntmplece eneravlna of "Sprlnatimw." This plate is reproduwnl from a German palntine of rare baotv by a new proceaa of fncrarlnar whtfh has been ennraily pcoa I larized by linrprrt't and thw Centuary Maaa- ; . . ' .. ' . V. - n B....4 . W 1 . L. i tts Illustrations nf late Thn fashions and work designs art) among the most artistic Iti j color and conception that are now presented ' i to the patrons of periodical literature. With I the present nnmber, a new story ft French ' j aoclpfy, entitled "A Coronet of Thorns." by J. V. Prichard. open with considerable ' i eclat. The clever stilly German-Americat j j life by William Miller IJutler. called "In Her I Own Rieht,", comes to a happy conclusion j in this issue, and there are seyeral short : s'ories of decided strer.gih and oriainality. Josf-rh Barnett Cowdin and 'SymDatbv' bv M'nnie MarArtriur, help to make up a number of exceptional strength. Godey'o is gaining ground every month and making new friends in every field If ARRIAdF. I.K F.!SF.l INSI F.D. t The following maniage licenses have been ' ; Issued by the Clerk of the OrDhans' Court : j since last week : i IeTi J. Miller and Mary E Walter, Richland townbp. Charlea W. Hnrinr and Alalia Alice Keltb, Sornchaona twnshi. , MawaawBwawMaBwiMaBMawMwBwiBwaMBww r it "" : a- earTUIIV UOmiTlOn i j - . - Kidney woneplalota Among- Rejik ( Md All Area Brill fauat Recovery. Tber la ecmettiltir ttartlinr In the rapid In crease of kidner diseatea imnn( the Americas .ecile w thln a few vcara pan. Many cause peculiar to certain claaea tend to produce and arernTate these trouble ai. lor examine, care less living-, overwork and exposure. lr. Darid Kennedy, of Readout. N. T., I often conrratula ted on tlie exceptional aunces y( hla medicine catted "Faverlte Kernedv" In arrestlnar and radl- I sail? etirtar these mot palnlol end dasaeroua roors nf this, like the following era con'tartiy liruneht to M attention, and are iuh llshed hr him lor the fake ol thiand of other sufferers whom he nesire to reach and benefit Tbe letter, therefore, mar he of vital Importance to you or to soma one whom yott know. It I from one ol the best known and popular drurxl't In the fine and erowiea city from whlcb be writes, where those Interested may find Mr. Crawlord at hi place of bi.ilneit on the corner of Mala and I'alon atreeta : SrRisnriKlii, Maas., March M, ISM. Jr. rwrid a'ennedy. Konttout, X. Y.: IIkab Nik : For ten yeara I had been afflicted with kidney dt?ae in ita most acute form. j What I suffered mnet be left to the Itnaa-lnatlon. i lor no one can appreciate it except thoee who I hare "n thronirh It. 1 resorted to many phvsi- I ci.ma and to many d liferent kind of treatment. ' and spent a treat deal el money, only to find my- I...),' t.VH . , I f I I nf m .m , Inn' s 1 .1 w I adrertised "as a aiiecitic lor tbla precte o-t oi 1 in.ot.les, and loand t' entlrelv uiic!r- at leajit ! in mT ra,e T,,ar "I'AVOHirE KEMKDY" 1 done forme besmes- I the only thing that did me the slightest koo I, and I am bappy to admit that it R"ee me permanent rellel. I hare reenin-mended-FAVOKlTK KKMKHY"to many people for kidney disease, and thev all aaree with me In aarlna-that 1K. HA1 II) KENif KPVS FATCR 1IK KK.MEHY baa not It eoaal to tba wide world for tbia diitreealDg and often fatal cam- ( r,ii laint. Ise tbia letter a you deem oest for tha t benefit of omen, loori, 1,1 .iidn v.Ka.vT- ,KI- , , ..,,.;. r,.uiv. yinBiRlA rinKS To" V rirralar. A, O. BJLU bare rlir HI laa, Clralla. Tav ' Alerl-ltitireaai. ' i Uprnea Wtreel, . T Note You know, of course, that Gable & Co. axe selling Ladies' and Children's Coat at less than ooit in order to close out balance of stock. If jou don't, it might pay you to know it. for Notions. Gable & Co. for Laces. NORMAL SCHOOL. o A Normal School will open April 26th, 1886, Term of Ten Weeks in the Ebeusburg Public School BUI LDING. The Scboel will be conducted by J. W. I.F.ECH, Principal of tbe F.benaburg Schools, and ao at- latent. Special attention will be paid te the wants of teachers. The higher branches will receive care ful attentlcn. BOOK KEEPI!(I WIIJ, BE TAtTOHT THOROrHLT- For further partlenlara and etreulare address J. W. LEECH. Kbenibnrg, March IS, ISM. POLITICAL AKIOUKCEMOTS. T7'K ERHSTF.R ANI KE?ORDF.K. Te Me Drmocrmcy of Vambri County : 1 hereby aanounce myself aa a candidate for the nomination for the office of Recfeterand Keeorder at the ensuing Democrat le prlmare Flection. 'ET..FST11E J. BLAIR. Ebensburc. Pa.. Feb. 26, 1M. FOR REOISTEK ANI RFJTtORPER. 1 o the Drmnrrmry of Cmmbrim COMnty : there by announce myself as a candidate for the efflce of Keflster and Recorder, aubjert te the deelelon of tbe next Itomoeratle Primary Flection. THOMAS HIKIVT.K. Cambria townahlp, March I, ltM. IOR REtHSTER AND RWflKDF.K. To the Democratic Votrri of I'amona County: I hereby announce that 1 am a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Register and Record er, to be aaada at your next Primary Flection. OEORaEC MIL.LER. Oenemangh Borough, March 11, lit. T70R P15TRUT ATTORNEY'. ! JAMKS M. WALTKUS, ! OF JOHNSTOWN. I Subieet to the decision of tbe Democratic Pri mary Election. l Mateh 1. lisa.J . J"'K DISTRICT ATTORNEY. ! HARRY O. llOSi:. JOHNSTOWN. PA. ' Subject to the decision of Democratic Primaries. ; March M. law. jaoK PROTHONOTARY. H. A. SHOKMAKKII. i Snbteot to the lenioeTtle Primary Rlectlon. (Ebeaaburg, March M, HaS-t.e.) . pR ASSEMBLY. WILLIAM LINTON, of Summit, Subject to decision or the Democratic Primaries. March 2. ISM. OT ATE MENT OF SETTLEMENT KJJ wl Ith Superrfsors of Wackllek Township far the year ending March I, 1SBS : PETER WAONER.D. To ain't of Duplicate ttSX M CONTRA.Cr. By am't work done on road..... 344 M By exonerations 3 By back tax H By services rendered by Super Visor as.fv. By furnishing plank 3.M Sl.SSi Balance due Peter Wagner WM. D. RHODES, Da. aST.STX To am't of Duplicate.... tM INTRA. Ca. I By work done on roads VJTS.ae ; By back tax I 00 ' B exonerations 1 20 i By return tax to Commissioners. l.Vi ; By serrtces ol Superyisor M.0--tX3e.M Balance due Wm. D. Rhodes na.74 The lollowlng orders were Issued by the Audi tors and remain anpaij : No. 1. Emanuel Custer t 3 40 No.2. (ieorgo A. Michael ao . No. S. K t Empfleld l.tk No. 4. J. T. Reese S a No. 5. J. B. Hlte M No. t. S. S. Read a.2 Total. tlT.le j Wl, the AndiWi of ald towniihlp, do certify , that we bave examined tbe eeotmta of aald ti.vnihln . nil Tnnn. km Km m I best ol oar knowledge and hellef. ; t. . EMHFlEI.n, 1 ! J. H. HITE, (Aadltera. J. T. HIK.SE, Atteet : S. I.. Reed.tnerk. EBENSBURG -NORMAL SCHOOL-1 5-ANNUALTERM-5 A Thorough, Fractieal and ProarslTe School for tba Teacher of the foanty. Will open on MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1SSG, For s terra of TEJf WEEKS, In charge ol Connty Superintendent Lewis Strayer and Prof. Tbomaa J. I tell, a graduate of tbe Indiana Stat Normal School. SlTERiOR ADVANTAGES Are offered to the teacher of tbe County to attend reheol at much leas cost than at any othr good school. Writ for free circular alrinc tull Infor mation to COT.' NTT SrrEKINTEJTDENT P. U. Boa sea, Ebenebarg, Pa. March 11. ist.-t. ARGUMENT LIST. List of causes set dwn for argument at the conn to be held Monday, April S, 1SS6 : FaratMagh.. .. Ti...... Bracken Same...... ti Same Fulmar. .... va ...........Homer Shaffer T.. ......... Stckmn McMillan a Water.......... Sbeemaker Johnfton's Executor .. .v Trailer Marray i. .Lafllo a Rand Powder Co. Imncan t llaTt K reuse v. ................... .Hex FaWelll v 4erby Sam.. vs.......... Denny Same va MeOlnler Ani(u rt tlenn Yarrer n Varner In th matter of th petition of llarid Iooden. lo tb matter ol the App't ef Superrlser of Iwer Yoder Tewaahip. Id tb matter ol the petition of I. A. Iutber. Ex Sberlft. In the matter of a Road In Clearfield Twnihtp, near land of Noel A Met kinnell heir. H. A. SHOEMAKER. Prothrnetary. Proth-' Office, March 32, IPSO. ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE, LORETTO. PA, IS CHARGE OF FRANSISCAN BROTHERS. Board and Tuition for the Scholastic Year, $200. March 36th, lsS. tf. V'OTIUE IS HF.KEKY OIVE.N THAT AN 1 appheatioo will l mad to tb Hernor of tbe State of Fennsy Irania on April jo, tins, for a charter lor tb Torrem tae t.'omnanr foe Ka urpoaaof tolnlng for and predoclnc natural Ka I la tbe tworbi of Peon, Ploa and Fatten, ia i aurintoT coo 017, ana (uppiTina; aaaie In Fltta banth, AllKbr, Wilkiaabura', Hraddecka, Oraenabar;, Mck.ee pert, Iatrob, BirTin In.ilaoa and Johoetown. Pa., with th ria-bt of aylna ira pipe thraugh AJlegbany Weetnor land, Indiana aad I'lmlini eountle. Jimn Fits, rlmmen. Jamea William, Jehn Headier, C W. Helmold and T. M. Armstrona: being flf of tb aoDeerlbers to aald chart r. ,. KUBB a FITZSIMMONS. Attomer. ritUburgh. March 19. lc.-t. LISTEN! LISTEN! LISTEN! To the Citizens of Cambria Co. Generally ; to Good Dres sers Particularlv. If you love Nice Clothes. GOETZ. the Tailor, invites you to No. 1511 Eleventh Avenue. Al toona, to examine into the Magnitude. Variety and Beauty of his New Spring Stock. -A-Xj1. IE. GOETZ, Merchant Tailor, 1511 Eleventh Ave., Altoona, Penn'a. Hardware! Hardware! IIPORTTSTT TO CITIZENS 03 "E1STSBITRG AND YICINITY 77E TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF IN- forming the people of Ebensburg and vicinity, that we have opened out in the Tudor building on High street, a new, large and complete stock of hardware of every description, rrMECTM.YICS' TOOLS, BUILDERS' HARDW.4KZ. VSTFyPMIMrLEbl EXrS.FORK SI '. 4 J) t:s, BLACK: pr SMITH TOOLS, HORSE SHOES, HARROW 1 IX. PW. VAILS OF ALL KINDS BAR IRON "nd STEEL, VT HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS R E- r, trVOLJ "ERS, CUTL ER G l X II EL ES, HT CARTRIDGES. TW INES, CORDAGE, El t ' Referring to the above, we respectfully ask the citizens of Ebens burg and surrounding country for a share of their patronage. We have been regularly trained in the hardware business, have bourht our goods for cash and believe we can offer great inducements to those who desire to purchase. E. DUFTON & SON. Ebkkrbcrs, April 3. 1885. i CARL RXVINIXJB, PRACTICAL AND DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, TEWELUY, Sflierware,Mnsical Instmuisnts ANI Optical Goods. 0 Sole Agent -FOR THE Celebrated Rockford WATCHES. Columbia and Fredonia Watches. In Key and Stem Wlndars. LARGE SELECTION of ALL KINDS of JEWELRY always on band. My line of Jewelry Is unsurpassed. Coma and see for yourself before purchas ing elewhere. VM AM. WOHK OUiR A!TTKET JH CARL RIVINIUS. Ebeosburg. Noy. 11, l83.-tf. THE BOTTOM BJACHED at LAST ! THE LARGEST STOCK OF HARDWARE EVER OFFERED j ' in the County cn bo found at my Goods, 'which ere bought for Cash at rock-bottom price. I do riot buy or keep in stook any Cheap Job Lot or Auctiun Goods, and whatever you buy from me you can rely on being worth the money you invest. Owing to an advance I am now selling many goods at much less than I can replace them for, but I shall continue to sfll at Bottom Prices until I am compelled to replenish my stock. "When you want a Cooking or Heating Stove, Tinware, Hardware, NaiU, Iron, Glass, Trunks and Farming Implements, call and see my Stock and learn my Prices. I ill not be undersold. Aug. 13, '85. C3-. ZKTTZ&TTILjIEJ" HIGH STREET, - 1794. 188.S. rotlel wrmea at bar nolle la tt OLD RELIABLE "ETNA" Aaid elher First 'Im ( empanln. T. W. DICK, AUF.NT FOR THE OLD HARTFORD FIRE INSUUANCKCOMV. CXIMMENCEll BrsTXESS 1794. Cnbara. Jaiy !. I Wa. "WAJITria 1-Iie and geTitlenea In eit er f T eenntr te take lifbl wort at tbeir wa home. te 94 a 1ar cao b eaellr aaada; work aent bj aaail ; so canraednf w bar ao4 deraaa1 lor net work and torn lab HiJ em t.loTmcnt. AiM-. with ataaip. I'UOWJI N'rU 4-OMPAN1T, S4 Tlw kt iaietal atatl, tlil. rp V. DICK, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, A Fben bare. Pa. Offie ta bnlMtna of T J . L.16TO, 1cd. (flrat floor,) Uentr atreeU All aDaer of leeral baslneei attended t (atlifacte r.i aad clltljaa a lawelalty. (in-ta.-tLI G EO. M. READE, ATTOKN ET- AT-L A W , Giimraa, a a Catr atreet. tt ui .. a-one TT H. MYERS. Ala ATTUi"ET-AT-LAW. ATTUBl'ET- Limiint, l a JVOne fa OvHeaed Row. Catr tireeu flHE (-AMRRI A FKF.E'WAW eaa be bad for 1 th email nn IU ft )T year, la adranee. hubaerlr. : f - i Store. These are all Fir.t-Clajg - - El'.ENSHURG. I(ORIOR ATF.n IS 137. STRIfTLYOXMCTHLPUN. PROTECTION MUTUAL FIRE IIISURauCE C0LIP1 OF EBENSBURC. PA. Only 7 Assessments in 2S Y'&iv Good FARM PROPERTIES ESPECIALLY DEflRJ'Jj 1 NO STEAM RISKS TAKEN. GEO. M. READE, rrfsfdf nt.! T. ir. DICK, Secretary. Ibenabara. JfB. 11. 11.-1. NOT DEAD' YET! VALUE LUTTRINCER, UN, fOFTER AMI SHEEHHiN WARE A?tD rry noor is a, Raepecttony lante the attention of hi Irleede and tbe public in reneral Lo tbe fact that b ta an II carry In j en hwilne at tbe old cand opio te tb Movntnln Honte. Kt-enst-nrv. and i rcj a-a-l to apply from a lare "lock, or ruana facturinit to or der, any article In bl line, frorn the !n!'t to tb lre"t. Ir. tb heel maccer and at I he lowaet lirina; prlcep. eTIS"o penttetitiarj- work t-tther mJe or oJ 1 at tlila establishment. TIN HOOFING i SIT.t I I. I Y. OIt n a ea and ratlafr toomh w to as y work and price. V.'l.V n k'iil,K. Ftenar. April t Ufs-tl t V t t t i t i r i i j and the prgtection uf the people.