The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 19, 1886, Image 4

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. 4
M Raaatra to ftrm, tt 8tck, Or
, '. - a-art, HarJea ni Law.
Ouiona rcay be stt out just ai soon as
the frost leaves tbe ground. They en
dure quite degree of cold, and make
good headway before other crops are put
tn the grour.d.
If you baTe an old grape vine that
yields poorly and has "seen its best
days," cnt it entirely off close to the
crown, manure heaviiy, and let it throw
cp two new Naders, and the following
year you will see that "it's as good aa
It is told of a kicking home that he
-was cured by suspending a sack behind
him filled with hay. At first his kick
ing was something terrible, but he sub
sided entirely when the hay returned
toward his heels every time.
On all mild days treat the plants fully
to outside air. In all but the coldest
weather at least some air should be ad
mitted dally, if only after the morning
sweeping. Much dryness in the air is
unfavorable. A vessel of water on the
back of the stove to evaporate will help
this matter greatly.
Orchard trees need potashes as a for
mative element. With the disuse of
of wood fires, there Is naturally a smal
ler supply of ashes finding its way to
the trees than formerly. These should
be saved for the purpose. In their ab
eence the German potash salts are the
best substitutes.
The American Farmer says that the
most economical use of stable manure
As Its application to a grass sod. It
should be hauled directly from the sta
ble, if possible. When the roots of
grass are present in the soil soluble ma
nures are retained, due to the action of
the roots and the capillary attractions
t the soil.
Lack of trees about a home Is bad
enough, but to have them standing so
thick by the close planting, never thin
ning system, as to cause excessive shade
to the house and lawn is even worse.
What we mean by excessive shade is
when grass will net grow under them,
for this is a true sign that tbe blossoms
from tree tops is sufficient to cause
dampness to the surroundings, and to
keep pure air from the house. Ill
health must be the result to the inmates.
Where trees stand thus close they
should at this season be thinned ont.
Such as then remain will be the finer
for the thinning, and there will be oth
er advantages, not tbe least of which is
the possibility of having a grass sward
beneath the trees. We say, therefore,
where trees stand close, thin them to
let seme ample patches of daylight and j
sntishlne in about them. j
At the ifew York Experiment Sta- i
tlon were tested eleven so-called varie- I
ties of garden beet, one of chard, four- j
teen of mangel murzel and eleven of su- j
gar beet. The seed were planted April
24, in rows ten feet long; two rows
each of tbe garden beets and chard s
and one of the mangels and sugar
beets. The soil was manured with a
moderate application of stable manure.
The rows of garden beets and chards
were twenty-one inches apart and those
of the mangles and sugar beet twice
that distance, or three and a-half feet
apart. The plants were thinned to six
Inchps apart in the row. A table, tot
ing the results given in the report of
this experiment, shows that the average
height of roots is decidedly less in the
far den beet than in the sugar beet or :
manrrol on tf fKo Vl1.;n. J
"'f.'-m " . uLuuiiii a i hi - i
proved eufrar beet, which is noted foi
its sugar, the beet averages less in
weight than in the other varieties of
sucar beet. Richness in flavor and in
sugar, accompany small sizes, hence, in
choosing for table use, one should not
necessarily select the most productive
variety. It was noted that the more
depressed the roots, or in other words
the flatter they are, the more rapid will
be their development. This rule seemed
also to apply to other garden roots as
well aa to onions. By planting several
samples of seed grown in the station's
garden a previous season, was learned
the fact that the varieties of this veg
etable cross-fertilize by natural agencies,
and bene cannot be kept pure except
when grown separated some distance
from each other.
The following crop summary appears
In the Farmer's Review of the numerous
returns made by its correspondents :
The returns from the winter wheat
fields are almost uniformly good. They
present an outlook very nearly as favor
able as those sent in early in 1885. when
the prospect was exceptionally good for
a large yield. The utter disappearance
of the snow covering is the only serious
menace now threataning tbe growing
grain, and with another general fall of
snow the outlook could'bardly be better
thaa is presented in the reports of the
correspondents. The latest reports
from California, Oregon and Washing
ton Territory aie generally more favor
able than at the same time last year.
Out of twenty counties of Kansas eigh
teen report the crop in good condition.
In Indiana the outlook is reported to be
very favorable. The reports from Ohio
are uniformly favorable. Southern Iili
nois makes a very good showing. From
Central Illinois the returns are uniform
ly rood. The returns from Kentucky
and Missouri arc generally of a glowing
character, and in the former Htate tbe
outlook is considered brighter for a good
crop than In many jears. The Michi
gan reports do not indicate any larger
yield than last year. In Tenrewe
tbe reports indicate an average crop.
While it is not yet possible to give any
tbingMikerposltive date, the acreage
In all the States, with the possible ex
ception of Michigan, w!ll show a fall
ing off as compared with last year.
The reports indicate that the stocks of
old wheat in Dakota, Kansas, Missouri,
Kentucky; Tennessee and Illinois are
pretty well exhausted, while considera
ble wheat is still held in farmers' bands
In Minnesota, Iowa and Michigan.
Rorklrn's Arnlra SalT.
The Best Salvk in th worl4 'for Cuts,
Bruises, SotM, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Ferei
Sors, THter, Chapppd Hand,, Chilblains
Corn", and all Skin Eruptions, and poaitirei
ly cures rilc-s, or no pay repaired. It Is
guaranteed to give'erfeet aAtiBfac'iion, 01
money rpfnn fod. f"or a !e by F. Jamea.
for Infants and Children.
Caef ri. is so well adapted to child that tS
t recommend It aa superior to any prescription I lJlg Worms, gives sleep? ntl promote OH
known to me. H. A. Abc-hbr, M. D., I ?estion.
Ill Bo. Oxford 8t., Brooklyn, V. T. I Without injurious medicaUon.
If you wish to Farm
"HOW THE FARM PAYS," 412 pages, $2.50 to Garden for Profit, READ
"GARDENING FOR PROFIT," 300 pages, $ 1 .50
I' you v.ijf: to become a Florist, READ
"Practical Floriculture," 300 pages, $1.50
Anv of tiif n
c- ! ks Tnailcil fro
Jatalorr'ie for I of 110 ':iit, containing descriptions and illus
xations of the newest, best, ami rarest SEEDS and PLANTS, will be
feaailed on receipt of 6 cts. in stamps to
Peter Henderson &
Ity of t.Ins-i for withatniidinif beat.
Every pood tTiinsr i3 Cotmtor
fbitod, and con.'umen are CAU
tbopa Chimneys mada of VERY
POOR GLASS. Bee that the exact
label 13 on each chimney aa above.
Th Pearl Top is always clear and
bright Glass.
M annfartared OXLT by.
Plttabara-b Lend Ulnae Works.
TUnal affelnaf as fdVtr'aV.Y fit ATl1lAnOA wllirlh
admits ot no swricr.
I contains erery imrmTemeiit that inrcntlre
genias, Bklll and moDey can prodacc.
r . -: . : ' - t r "I .
These excellent Oraejia are colrbrtvUKl for Tol
unn, quality of tsxto, qnl-k rif'DM', varioty of
combination, artistic (it.sifn, brnnty iu finish, jer
fect construction, inakini? tl:n tbo mc-st attract
ive, ornamental tnd dcsirnblo organs for homes,
sobooid, churches, lo!f;ep, so'ictios, ttc.
IJ.TAI5I.IMltJ Itl l'l TAIloa,
.?rCil'AI.En FAt'II.I rir.K.
nisT niTr.niiL,
Intlruotlon Docks ord Piano Stoott.
Cta2o(rnei and rrloeLisU.rvn arpllcatlon, fUE.
The Chicago Cottsga Organ Co.
Coraar Randolph and Ana Streets,
The Best Newspaper in America,
and by far the Most Readable.
Agents wanted everywhere to earn
money in distributing the Sun's Pre
miums. The most interesting and advanta
geous offers ever made by any News
paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected.
Something for all.
Boantlful and Substantial Preminma in
Standard Gold and other Watches,YaIaable
Booka, tho Beat Family Sewing Machine
known to the trade, and an unequaled lis
of object of real utility and instruction.
Rts. by Mail. Postpaid:
DAILY, per Year (without Sunday) $6 00
DAILY, par Month (without Sunday) 50
SUNDAY, per Year ... I 00
WEEKLY, per Year . . . v I OO
Address, THE SOf, Kew Tsrk nty.
Illi'str??3f' b msric?i t It.IAt.
ll "Jtiep;
- ! t it 1 ores;
- I itn them,
'-tr'ntr ran af-
r i :
r I .... mw."
a- . : r-rej-ai 1.
. -riicrv GlTn.
i lcncr.
..;.i 1 -.i,a
A rrm prfTrirrT rhKl f-r Bovfl.
lMrtl upoa tbe niltUkry flit. ! any
Rjt ar rt . f..r r.M',i'rii, !rm Mr,
Iu. C. SH6HOP. Head Masttr, Readirt, Pa.
"rt-r s uvt. 1 rrlUs n1 trltl bottie Ire- M
rit patient;, thfy ptvtnj- Tjrr chr hoT
aid enwMi uMracs at
feito Dm HLINbi Arct, St
A'r'tftti.U Akb ,y JMl r'J iJVi, KAl
sj if Ills
(I l Pat Oct 30th, 1883. fy
ff Insane Pssoes Fejtersd
for Profit, READ-
r-n rcroipt of the price. Our
cover postage.
TTi Greatest Medical Trinmph of tll Age!
Loasof appetite, iiowela coattTe, Palo la
the bead, with e. doll enamclon In the
back part, 1'ain tinder the ahoalder
blade, Fullreaa after eatlnc. with a.die
Inrlination te exertion of body or mind.
Irritability of temper, Low plrite, with
feeling-of bevingr ncelceted some daty,
Wearineaa, Dlxztneae, Flatteriae at the
Heart, Itotu before the eyes. Headache
Trr the rieht eye, Reatleaaaeaa, with
fitful dreams. Highly colored t'rine, and
TrTT'S riLLN are especially adapted
to au'jh case, one doge effect such a
chane' of feel in frns to astonish the sufferer.
Tiwy Increase the A poetlte.and cause the
I it to Tikt on Fietihithiia the system Is
nonrlnhc:!. nml by lh--lr Tonle Action on
!i iS;ccBt.' veOrirnns.IleaTnlai Stoolaaro
!r,, , , Pri' ea.c. 4 Miirray wt..wi.Y.
4 y a h d
mm dye.
r,r.T I'air cr inKSR8 changed to a
r,ur rf."K by n single application of
l.iulirt. It imparts a uattiral color, acta
i:.ii;.ii.ti;eousiy. iolil by Druggists, or
trnt ! txpiTFsOn receipt Of 91.
OfTic'c, 4-4 Murray St., Nw York.
.i.Sltl1 HOCtlor.F i
5 -i S ' k ' " ta t" rar! a; 1
- 1 r : f , 'f resit fs oi
.:- A t I U'y !:i b-ck -:r.y 4
3 5? . " s . . in.- Tr -ifor.l-a
r" ' .o -.Hl.lTB Mr
j !
- rrct rellf-r w.-Si
-5 iSVA contort to U--i
rl.narv Cor-'5,Sl
I f dursbllJLy eco
VL bv 0 fort-iWo B'ifunit.
A lira ehstuuteiy
I i u mart lia-able, PwMiHi, h1 I
U'i'Lful Coritl t: .r $e-d yr iU pru.
Kury pair wirrsnltd te
-rlT-e patltfftct I tn or piantr retwrwed.
f 1 AT HICK, k CO., if in.,
Te-.tiKrl S'xe't, M1W TOElv.
lutulioo Uiu pyv in ora.r.
Ge av-L:tf a ii 'thiTn3 t thow fornln rhibt ror
the ssleofil Jr 1 KAS and COFf i;S. 1 iim- Tvt
an.i lox'.rt Sr". Al.'r-rirI. WHIT8
1 F. A bTSof 0 nn.J pl.v-e. till flO a-nj 13
er li r. lecoratl II.ABETS if 4.1 A 5 nieces
with 1 and 15 or.!r. K"I r.U -W I Si ni N (i
itVI. VAT 11 KS with 15 orders. til.l
IlANIJor Moss lloiw Tea S"(loM4plf'M,or
"White Dinner tets i-f 1 i 2 rWes. witli tXO or-
dere. Send on ynnr aVtrcss anli;titli-n this n,'tner;
w lll niatl von onr i. m ' v. :fs e''Uiain7aet.'TiipM.'o
premium Prl-e l.t't. I Ur Out T H lV A 1 T. To.
nt telle and Is an la
AWAKEi&E" I. soiTW
Pnce, 81 OO per fcttz. raak-
VAXZl, D7 IT. nil FaKpl"
sent jrrjts by P. Kmu-
i- 3
QUUlUt. Of 5A
The Orlflnsil sad Ow ly dt'Dnlse.
a Ml .W.r, a.U.KV. Braara ? werMrUes Inllsanva.
lcnMi l AD IAS. Am '' ttrfM s
"rtlek fMlj..a x m u7u
bUfflrfi to a. t'T puilM-. IMr rf.i. mmM
MAMS PAPI Ft. lh nm"
At nrmcal.t. Trade "ria r iis A aa
A L E S M E 1
TT'a.lSrTEIXD to rssTtwl
'fr the sale ot Nursery Stock! Bteadyfcl 5
mTilorment smarantecdi ! IAMRT 19
tntaa-e. (Kefer t tali payorl
C2ASE BSCTinZIS, Kockectwr. N. X.
Umpls Pick "op SO
wia r.r ame aMU7 arte tad mm ad
f-n Ces. s ' ur.- -.-z -i
hT5 V. Oh full la
ni meke Vl PTV ri Ct.T ,
ld wth i, k p k. 6tws
frt. 4 to MEd w.i toi aa ' jrm
Tli i, an l .f3kl(,A.i card traiim i
' Flos' r Ptuttsa aa W
Uk Frtand UiiAma
1 " K.m
ao'J IJ rienJ Gram. I.v
enj"" Antograf b A. Sad, and J t.udt-U CmMvtuid
:w faArrr ggvc
III SiTVii"!:' lilKuiU Fa.Ua. Ok. Jtl,-
1VUH snrj fniVin. aOr. aaam.
BwPi. ; tr, for )r. gVs Jl ?2a. C Bs'Wl, Ct.
1 r,"11" 1 AwTimpaTSiTPiicS
a t, Xernonuliitm a. ahIm t. v . .
ca corTjRa for 10 -."M 6te
1 KMlOl
slW't erk kmfwL CX
Bsaaaaa. awA tat
BTivt ai auxra
A.. u.. fir.rm
. L. as II Ma co l.irt's.
IE.- . ' . j---;, 47 AD it .Mast
nn no
ias6 f
Cart Works. Saettifl O
tPiHu. a. r Iv-w. v.iu r
rl I wl mix .a. .-,;,. a4 ta.
V V ('stow fao-risa Co.. tanwf;rA c
AA Mitwan aaa aiiMhi ssjt ssaai ai aa
s easni sc.
rsisitaa. uk
1 Even a burial is a desecration of the
PabDath at Thurso, Scotland, and the
cemetery is not opened then.
! It is estimated that not less than 130,
1 XK),000 tons of waste are heaped in the
' anthracite regions of Pennsylvania.
ThAlntPt discover of the medical
writers is that water is fattening, or at
least that it favors fuMness and round
' ness of the body.
! Inoculation of rabbits with the bacil
! his of tubercular consumption is pro
! posed as a method of exterminating
them. 5u Australia.
I A parly of travelers recently made
j the journey from .San Francisco to Lon-
don, via New York and Liverpool, iu a
! trifle less than fourteen days,
j Paupers are still' sold at auction in
! Nova Seotia to the lowest bidder. A
1 very good article of distinguished fam
ily can be had for a few dollars.
I A prominent physician of Athens,
1 Ga., who has had many cases of sore
j throat lately, made an investigation and
, found that nearly every one of them
j was caused by cigarette smoking,
j In Lincoln county, N. M., near the
; Tattos mountain, can be traced what
were once the walls of a large city. In
! side the walls are growing monster ce
! dar trees, said to be thousands of years
j Ciockery coffins are proposed by a
Philadelphia inventor. His idea is to
glaze them, thus making a tight and
imperishable receptacle, the object be
ing to protect under-ground water cur
rents from pollution.
To test his marksmanship a young
man of Sonora fired at a crow. Tlis
aim was bad, for a young lady who was
passing on the highway received the
ball in her mouth, between her parted
lips. She suddenly shnt her teeth upon
it and held it. Iler only injury was a
slight cutting of the lips and the break
ing of the enamel on her upper front
"Two toes o? my buried foot overlap
each other and pain me dreadfully,"
said the wife of Jacob Bereau, of Marl
boro, Mass. The leg had been ampu
tated and buried one month. The hus
band, unknown to the wife, had the leg
exhumbd and the toes straightened out,
and she said she knew by the relief that
followed the exact moment when the
act was performed.
Five hundred years B. C. the Etrus
can ladies fastened their coils and
braids with spear-shaped pins, as beau
tiful as they were useful. Some of
them were mad of ivory and some of
bronze and silver. They were orna
mented In various ways, some with
busts carved upon them and some with
full length reclining figures. Venus
rising out of the sea and stroking back
I her wet hair was a favorite design.
J In Iceland the woman have votes as
well as voices in church affairs. The
' custom bas existed there for ages, and I
! is kert iid bv the Icelanders who bare i
i emigrated. There are in Dakota, Mod- I
tana and Manitoba nearly a dozen Ice
landic congregations. These recently
J met in convention at Mountain, Dako-
ta and adopted a synodical constitution.
J There was considerable discussion, but
i finally it was decided by a two thirds
vote that the women should continue to
enjoy their ancient privilege.
In New Orleans strikingly beautiful
women may be seen of a Sunday morn
ing at the Cathedral, or at the French
opera upon some special occasion.
Their complexions are olive ; their hair
black and lustrous ; tbeir eyes large,
dark and expressive ; their hands and
feet small ; their figures slender and
graceful ; their carriage stately and dig
nified ; their taste in dress exquisite.
These types are by no means rare, but
as a class it may be doubted whether
the Creole women can be pronounced
In the first generation k man reckons
only two ancestors, his father and
mother. In the second the two ara
changed to four, as be had two grand
fathers and two grand mothers. Each
of these four had two parents, and thus
In the third generation there are to be
round eight aucestors, that is eight
great-grandparents. In the fourth
generation the number of ancestors is
sixteen, in tbe fifth thirty-two. In the
sixth sixty-four, in the serentb 128. in
the tenth 1.024, iu the twentieth 1,048,
576, in the thirtieth 1,073.741,834. This
may prove that the whole woild is akin.
Down riff tit fraelty.
To permit yourself and family to
"suffer I"
With sickness when it can be prevsnted
and cured so easily
With Hop Bitters 1 1 1
Having experienced a great deal of
"Trouble I" from Indigestion, so much so
that I came near loosing my
My trouble always comes after eating anv
However Hunt
And digestible.
For two or three hours at a tlma I had
to go through tbe most
Excruciating pains,
"And the only way I ever got"
"Relief I"
Was by throwing np all my etomach
contained. No one can conceive the pains
that 1 bad to go through, until
"At last?"
I was taken f "So that for three weeks I
lay in bed and
Could eat nothing I
My sufferings were so that I called
two doctors to give me something that
would stop the pain ; their
Efforts were no good to me.
At last I heard a good deal
"About your IIop Bitters I
And determined to try them."
Got a bottle in four hours I took the
contents of
One I
Next day I was ont of bed, and have not
seen a
"Sick !"
Hour, from the same cause since.
I have recommended it to hundreds of
otners. 1 on have no such
"Advocate as I am." Geo. Kendall,
Allston, Boston. Mass.
Columbus Advocate. Teiaa. Anrll 21 at
Pear Editor -I have tried your IIop Bit
ters, and find they are eood for anv com
plaint The best medicine I ever used in
my family. H. Taleher.
)Nooe ajenntne wltbotit a bnnch of gTeen
Hops on the white label. Shan all tha rile
poisonous stnff with "Hop" or "Hods" In their
i cm Claln rbilndelphla
t the wnnMr AiUer.
tiln Airen-v of Venr.
W. VER a SON, our autuorized atfrnla
To polish a stove, rub with a news
paper. Salt increases the beat of the water in
the boiling of potatoes.
Half a cup of vinegar in water will
make an old fowl cook quickly.
Lard may be made perfectly sweet by
boiling a raw pared potato in it.
If nutmegs are good, when picked
with a pin
Oi! Will constantly OOZe :
t , . . . nrt, I
The WingS Of turkeys, geese ana r
r-ViiVpn ar rrond to wash and clean , '
windows, as they leave bo dust or lint
like cloth.
A charming design for a bureau or
sideboard cover has clover blossoms and
leaves in the natural colors, with a spider-web
If you wet the under crust of a pie
with milk just before putting into the
oven it will be a rich aid yet delicate
brown without bating until the crust
Bt a Japanese process sea-weed is
made into paper, so transparent that it
may be substituted for window glass.
When colored it makes an excellent
imitation of stained glsss.
It is claimed that a paste made of
equal parts of sifted ashes, clay and
salt, with a little water, will be found
very effective for filling and cementing
cracks in stoves and ovens.
To keep insects out of bird cages, tie
up a little sulphur in a bag and suspend
it in tbe cage. Red auts will flee from
a closet or drawer, if a small bag of
sulphur be kept in those places.
Graham mush is a good substitute for
rice pudding on some occasions. Make
I just as you do cornmeal mush, but add
a few berries or raisins or English car
rants. Serve with milk and sugar.
A refreshing beverage for an invalid
is made by slicing a tart apple after
peeling it and adding a small piece of
lemon peel and three lumps of sugar ;
pour boiling water over it and strain.
Potato crust for meat pie is made by
adding one teacupful of cream to six
large potatoes that have been boiled and
mashed fine. Add flour enough to roll
and a little salt, and handle as little as
Many cooks consider it a great im
provement upon ordinary apple sauce
which is to be seryed with roast goose
or with pork, to rub it through the cul
lenslar, and then beat It with a spoon
until it is very light and almost like
Brass ornaments, that have not been
gilt or lacquered, may be cleaned and a
very brilliant color given to them, by
washing tbem with alum boiled in t
strong lye, in tbe proportion of an ounce
to a pint, and afterward rubbing them
with a Btrong tripoli.
Corks may be made air and water
tight by keeping them for five minutes
under melted parafine ; they must be
Vl down with a wire screen. These
coiks have a perfectly smooth surface
and maV be iutroduced or drawn out
easily and 6eal perfectly
A nice breakfast relish may be made
by slicing cold sweet potatatoes and set
ting them in the oven to warm. Thick
en some milk or cream with a little
flour and season with butter, pepper and
salt. When the potatoes are hot pour
the sauce over them and serve.
bcotch shortbread made by this recipe
is recommended : ITalf a pound of but
ter and a quarter of a pound of sugar
mixed to a cream ; add one pound of
sifted flour, knead and rool it half an
inch thick. Bake slowly. If tbe cake
is preferred very sweet use six ounces of
Any kind of cold boiled fish may be
utilized for breakfast or lunch. Tick
the fish into flakes and put it into a
saucepan with enough milk to moisten
il, seasoning with pepper and salt. Add
a little butter, and when quite Lot pour
it on buttered toast, garnishing with
hard-boiled eggs, cut in slices.
If you want a good cream cake, put
three teaspoonf als of baking powder into
two cups of flour and sift the mixture
into a bowl. Beat the yolks of four
eggs light, then add one and one-half
cups of sugar to them and beat together
a few minutes. Pour into the flour and
mix well, then add one-half cup of boil
ing water, then the beaten whites of
three eggs. Flavor with vanilla and
bake in Jelly tins. Whip one cup very
cold, thick, sweet cream and one small
cup of sugar together, and put with
chopped figs between each layer of cake.
XTelpleaa TJpon a Prlenclleaa ksat
Who, la taking pnaaage In a great trana.
A tl an tie steamer, does not feel a thrill ot
saltation ovtr her magnificent power.
A gain t her tha Storm King may burl hta
alenaental forces, nor plarc her armor,
nor stop her onward course.
But let ma (3 esc rib a acene when, o
morning In mld-ocaan, there came an
alarm from tha pilot hona followed by a
eryi MThe ship's rudder Is lost I" Prom
the confident expression, consternation
urai to every face. Tha wheelman being
helpless to direct her courae, the vea&ei
(waa at the mercy of wind and wave.
The captain had been neglige:. tbe
hanglnga of the rudder were allowed to
wear weak, and anddenly It ha4 droppe d
deep Into the sea !
Strong In Intelleot. iu physical vigor, la
energy and ambition ,in confront, Btv
dannted, gigantic t. . and commanda
applanae for hia -iSeent eaeite
menta. Ent, all snti "ly, an alarra
come the rudJer of a itltatlon la
gone. He hes beon cars'.- iu preser
vation: mental strain. aohleve
rnenta, Irregular hablU ..--work, have
destroyed the action of hu ildneya and
liver. Thia would not occur were tV ai
ner a safe cure used to maintaia vigor.
And even now It may restore vitality to
those organs and rIto back to the man
that which will lead him to tha riaTrt tat
hia ambition. The Trawler.
5A all who are arafiterlag from Ue en ma and
kndlaoratlona of roata, nervona weaknesa,
earlr decay, loss of manhood, o I will send a
rtpe that will ear yon. FREE OT CHaJtOE.
This g-reat remedy was dlaeorered Vr a mis
sionary m Bontai Aaaerloa. Send a BrXX-eA-dreased
anvalopa to tha Rav. Ti sassj Sj. Ia.
Kaa. Station D. jtew York pity.
wroatlce. AniU. r"':'i'f; ""a intarrstina In.
'k V. Snl.nilu '-t' a year
lean sent frei""a rtAriss'ji CN KA?,'
AMsaicAis Office, ki flir, w.V'y,1'"1"'1
SSbscri'e l tl peT '-r '"
rn'. mw lent rr v . ,ln" ar)ul
"Ronjh on Ftftta.
olecrsout nts, mire. roaches, flf. inu, bed
bugs. Heart rln.
Palpitation, dropsical siwelllnirs, arm-nrAK. In
dticrstU'Ti. hdach, fleplen enroll byW elii'
Health Kitefr.
"Ronitli on rnrnn."
A"k for Welle' "lioaifh on Vornt." lfo. Qniok
complete care. Kar.1 r toft corn,warti, bunions.
UnloK, complete pnrf. all kidney, hlail-ler and
urinary dicenes, fcaldtng. Irritation, stone, grav
el, catarrh of Che Madder. $1. druicixts.
Rd-fln;n, rile.
Ell namm r he.l-hllir. rt. mice. ffOT'h-
em chl'pinanlc.'.'e'ear'ed out by -Ko"?h oa Kau."
Itiln People.
"Well."' Health Kenewer" reetoren health and
Tl)or , eura" . lmpotnee,iexiiBl deWllty.
"Roath on Pain."
Cures cholera, enlle. cramps, dlarrhwa. achss.
pains, sprain, headache, nenmlitia, rheumatism.
30c. Kouiih on Pain r'lasten. 15c.
It yon are falllnn. broken, worn ont and nerroni,
nse' Well'i Health Kenewer.' SI. IruKl'W
I.lfe PrfnerTer.
If Ton are loln ronr trrlp on life, try "Well?
Health Kenewer." Joeg direct to weak ijiota.
Rnnch on PIlM."
Cures pllep or hemorrhoids, ItchlnK. protrndlntt,
bleeding, internal or other. Internal and external
remedy In each package. Sure cure. We. Ittnu
Kl'ta. '
Pretty Wemrn.
Toadies who would retain freshnepi and Tlvaclt.
don't fall to try "Well's Health Kenewer."
"Rona-ti on Itch."
"Konirh on lien" cures humors, ernptlons, ring
worm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chlllblalns,
"Rough on falarrh."
Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete cure
ot worst chronic,, also unequaled as arK.e lor
The Hop of th ton.
HoiM' of the Jiallan.
ow In development, puny, scrawny
use "Wells' Health Kenewer."
Children, si
and delicate a
Catarrh of the Bladder
irrh of the Bladder.
StlnKlnK. Irritation. Inflammation, all kidney
id urinary complaints cured by "Buchu-Palba.
'Water Basra. Roaches."
KouKb on Rats" clears tbem out. also beetles
A Newspaper supporting the Principle
of a lletnocratio Administration,
Psblitaed In th City of New York.
Editor and Proprietor.
Dally, Sunday, and Weekly Editions.
A Sixteen-page Newspaper, Issued
every Wednesday.
A. clean, pare, bright and Interesting
It contains the latce news, down to the hour of
fon to press :
Financial and Commercial,
Poetical, Humorous and
Pcnartmenta, ail under the direction of tralnea
Journalist of the highest ability. Its sixteen
iiaifca will lie found crowekd with good things
from bceinr.'nc to end.
Original stories I t i! stlnsr" lied American and
fre;jn writers of Si-tion.
Th Pait-T Ptb ronta;ns a?l the nws of ti e day
In an attractive form. Its apei-al correspondent e
by cable from London. 1'aris. Ik-rlm, icnua and
Dublin is a commendable
At Wasninirtoii. Aibany, and other news centers,
the ablest correspondents. tpecaMy rera ned bv tba
The ?Tn, furnish the latest news hy tciersj.h.
Its litcrarT f eaiures are nnsiir.s- ii.
The F'naficial and Market Koitws are nnasnai.jr
fn!l and complete.
Hpcinl terms nl extrsiortlinary Intlurs
rnents to Brents and cauvMsera,
.Sand for circulars.
acniBKRs, mis or mtTici :o the tmted state .
and cauada, outsuta the limits of w York (.My :
Fcryear ' J5 i
dribs cf Ten '? I
Clnbs of F'.freen (aiiil .ne extra io or-auirer). .1.) (W '
Trv.ri- fnr one rear (inrlidir." Stindsv) $7 X)
Italy, without snmitiy, one year
Erery dar. Fix mouths
PaliT, without fur.daT. six months
6 00
3 00
Addre, Till: STAB,
6 stud 8 North TVllllam St., Uew Tarls.
Tti We'Uly t-ir" and Cbii Fnrsa-
will do fenl to ury i.ldrcc! for S3. 33 ,
The leading Iemecratle rrr ,D the State
Full of Interesting; news, and miscellaneous and
political reading.
Special Rates to Clubs.
Sample copies mailed free on application,
Tbe Patriot and New York weekly World one
year Tor one dollar and fifty cents.
The Patriot and the Philadelphia Weekly
Timet one year for one dollar and seTcoty-five
AGENTS In every Township In this
County to solicit subscriptions for tbe
Weekly Patriot.
Write for terms. Address all coinmunl
cations to
Jlnrrishurg, Pa.
Caniage Making; in all its Branches.
Painting, Trimming
and REPAIRING of all kinds done a
TRICES. Also, Planlnr, Sawtn- and Wood Turn
ing with Improved machinery. Also, all kinds ef
heavy work done. Carriage smith shop connected
All parties trusting me with work will he honor
ably dealt wttn- all work warranted.
Ebensburg. October 24. 1S84.
lDe. L Bares
Is aWstes oft he Plbwxl. sila aad I,m HvM.T.i7r
' to H M aa B f 1
Orn.! W.l,, 0.WIW. S..HIKJ. anJ
IwertlOM. erinttS bnliiHni mm .1
nm-4t-. rrrmM Treated. c!l or writ, fcr lit at
qnsMaoasto bs aaswared by thoM dfinnuR trvMment by mmiL
"ea MUk tm a4raau. IthMiM.
"" r- ' tsBiass. rrt us Pkrrtrlaa h ni
Ctra aara. iuH.u.ese lwm M..iK.iiMk.i
BrtTinn to ixu Jails Iispsusai7. f lllitii so f in
inta Hanover's Taylor System yon can cnt
Presses to fit, without oral Instructions. Ires
makers prnnonnce It perfect. Price (or Kvstea
Book and Denble Traclair W heel, f 6,fcO. "In'm
A, -V8i'n Book nd wBel "HI be sent en receipt
of $l,0O. Address
JOHX C. HAMOTt-R, tlarloast!, Q.
Agente Pennsylvania Ohle and West Vs.,
1wspaper Advertielssa- Aceaita.
Orricae, PiaraTca Bnlldlnit. Fifth Aveaae,
P Ittsbure. Pa.
ri-, Lots of People Say, j wietificbi,;
a . -r- ' il
- - -i itr c I
i ;?M.'iri '.Tin
Hero is Solid
from ITard Working Men.
.Mcblnlt and Ttallder.
I tsara ix-f-n tr.mUrd year, with kidney and be adopting th plan . " V
bladder dir. Mltr. After u-ing four bo-ties of . ft Wv. V
m,T', fKidnoTand 1-iv.T Pf.kidt I have been , PJ-Thv.
rJ.'-Wtl!.mr. dark, M.aon and . chloride Of rtnc With th p..V:
' rf ft a ,1 r. Si. f
Bnilder. Aub'irn. N. T.
-Health is better than wealth."
lite a new mflD.
-Good counsel has r,o pr'.ce. obey It."
Mr Henry Williams, Mechanic. East Bridge
port, Conn.. aaTa:" About two month! ago I
canghta heary cold, which settled In my kidneys.
I eot a bottle of Btsr'i Kidney and Llrerl
P.ritnT and with the first dose began to get well."
"Light snppera makes long lives."
Railroad -Tl
Mr r..-orc Karc. Mcl.'nist. 11W RMge Ave.. ''J " n;a p;ar.t in .Va., t
rhii-fleiphS !p -r:'Mfdl"'":nkMrev.n Africa, aniMfavrrabV , ,
1 was onite a vourn by having weak kidneys l,J ' IS "he '
Ih.rV.edjnV-llflttleJof ljr,T-. Kidney and : that floweT9?in-the-op.n Vr TJ1 'C'
i.her.KT.and 1 solemnly proc.alm. -1 fe.l -r Oay Vv
Frank B. eme, ?. T. C. H. R. B. Wt-l; , . ft. fr,,;' a th.
ills, N. Y.. .'une , li. '"T: ";1,T " t ""-""u 8i:n,
vrin oifl. nan amur . ---
... . . i. n,,iiiiitr r i : k r n m tt
for '-to years, nnna
weakness was so
ruocer '"'J-U .t.d we consider it ' Without ths of r..
i .ry-. i. w. cheerfn It recommend it. ' ,
v .v.n .Drd. It IS competed that
nCNT'S UKMF.nV CO., Providence, R. I.
C. J. BITTKNTON, Oeneral Afnt. . !
Only TeniiMTjinn' Hitfi'rs Known.
rwr-s Kidney and LiTer Rdt has stood , wall built Df hard-burr V--
the tc'tof time. It baa oeen neioreina puiiiic iur , .. .Hr,
twenty Years, and ha. cared every year fhoc.nds good lime and Band Dortar' ,
ot people aaffertnB from ranons diseases c.r the built 1 GOO ffpt yt -
Kidneysaml Liver, and kindred disorders, who had . oul11 A.ts sj Ifet high before tbs k-k
failed to get relief from doctors and who expected layer Would be CTUShpfl T t, ' -
never to be cored. Thousands of testimonials "-unijpa. L ror.Vy
from such persons attest its valoe. Send for book. ( Cement were added to tbt IDo-a.N
i "ai:s well that ends well." feet might 1 reached
i inu lit an uiuff-in. . . - . f
1SJO other medicine known so effectual: and Shows a decrease" of l.lj
res tbe blood of deeo-scsted dieea.-a.
rfllllona toar testimony to Its won-
de-fa! curative eflets.
It la m purely VeRe-tablo Preparation,
made from the native berbe and rootg of California,
the mwjicinal properties of wfci'h are extracted
thTefrrira withont tlie rise of Alcotml.
It rem o Tea the ranse of di erase, and the
pa'ient recovers bis health.
It la the arrest Blond Pnrlfler and
Liie-givinp Principle ; a twntle Purpative and
Toiiic; a perfect Renovator and ln imratnr of
the svstera. Never before In tlie liistory of the
world has a medicine been compounded p.s-eing
the power of Vivton Bittirs in healing the
ick of everr r!iaee roan is heir to.
The Alterative, Aperient. liiRphoretlc. Car
minative. Nutritious, I.axstive. f-dative, Cnumar
Irritanu Sudorific, A n ti-Bt lions. Nilv-nt. Diuretic
ami Tonic properties of Visioab Bittxrs ex-ce.-d
Hkim of anv other njedt ine in the world.
o peraon van take the Hjttirs according
Indirections and remain long nnwell, pro i!-d
tneir lione are not destroyed l y iniut-ral po:. n
or r.M,-r vi'tum. end the vital orj;ai.s wastod
bevond t'i poo.t of rcnair.
Itillons, Iteiilltteitt. Tntennitter.l .-.nd Mj
la a! l-'r'-i-rs a'e jir-vajetit tbroiichoiil the I nitd
Stu, particularly in Hie a'l-ys of onr prr.-it
riri-t and their vnst tr:ni!tr.' i? ('':rin the Stt:;n;i r
and Auinmn. esrecialiy during seaeuus ot cuauai
Lc-.t and if- ti,-.
'I hcae PrTfrS or invnr;"tilv si-rfirnpsnl-d hy di raniri rifiits ot tne s:o:n:i li, iiv. r ti.d
1) -wi- s. In ti:t-:r t'i-a"nt:t. a pnr;at;v. exert: tie
a powerful it fl-icBce ttpon 4bc-.-e otgaiiB, i abo-lu'-
v nr. ,-arv.
There Is no ratliartlo fr fio r-:"w'',
si;a: to 1'r. .1. Wii.kuv'i Visri,m HiTiaKS, a
it Will ;jir reinoe 1'ie c.? T.fcf'l'er w:th wl.ich tne in .we - ar lon ir.l. si trie
ss-iie t'me sin"!'stit ll.-t " "ci:"iii ot ti e liver,
ai-d pTi'raily rt.irij.g ti.e Leaitl.y fui.'.UoL.s i
tti rt: peat Me OTyst'S.
I ni-liry the hod jr (U-ainst d!ease 1 y n--i-
fving ail us fluids with ViruR p.iTTaas. No
eiii'ifiTitc can tak hotd of a ivuphi thus forrnj-w-ri.
It luncnralra the liomarh and s Utn
tilati the torpid l.iv-r and 13-.wc!s. c'canaiii
t!i lrol of all impm-iMca. iniprin life anl
vipt.r t.. U e frame, and currying o.T tha
aid of ' 'dome!, or other mint-rais. all I-lin-nons
reattT from the system. It is tay of adtninls
tmtinn, prcmpt ill action, and oortam iu ita
Ilepfin or Iu11gctiw, TTeadacbe,
ti in xhf StionHers. Coii;h. 1 irn:t s of ti e
liifM, Pn"iiinoiii. 1 dzziiuwa. fa.l Taste in tli
!!m-h, liiiious Attai-ka. 1'alpifation of t!ia
llee.-t. and a hmi'lre-l oth"r painful aynijiton,
tr- at oi'r relu-vcl y Vixr.r.iii P.:tt!:s.
t or I ii rtniintilr) a:nl I'hnni'c hhet-ni-ativm.
G "tit. Seiiral-ia. lix-a.ea of the l.i. ..!,
l.irec, Kidnt-rs and liladiicr, the Bitt a have, i
no e inal
ease. V ai
Pa irrcat c
an l 1 ;raiti.lile eh on i .
MM haiai itiM-asn.-renins snrtcM i aowruinfr textures an i swfuir.e r
In 1 .uiite and Mineral auch as riuiuo-ra, XODe Of these feat Ure ar foQr3 ' "'
Tvp--at:wrs. (loul boiit ra. ami liner. :ia tl-ey " "
ailva ioe in life, are aulij-x-t t- Pnrairsis of tj:e Snbmrcpr parts of p'aTi'S.
Ikiw -la. To (,-imrd tkpaUut tXiii, take uvcaaiotuj . .
dis-'fl or vivsciR bittei. Alter a stndv of nearly 12. -M ft?"
Stkin E t lurnirk, tcrornia, ra't Knanm, TT
rice". f- wfiiinira. iimpies. PumuW. rtoiia. i nr- 1 'r- Herman rsrehmer nc sb.c Gt
tne rvFtem in a bhorl time by tbe u ot the
l;itt-s. i
11 n, Tape and other tTsrms, birkine j
in tli' svst-on of p many thoirwiuis. are
efTec'intlv dt-troved and remove.1. No avstem I
(,( mM'o:n, tin verrni'iirew. no anthelnar.t'ca, ' puch R9 inherited defPp'? of f
win ;n-a luc aitstu xroin worma uae iDiMi
ytcnle, Scarlet FfTfr,Mnmrs,Tliofvn.
lair VniL-h. and nil 'h'l.lreii a diseases rnav
made severe by keeplnft the bowels open
with mil l doses of the f'.itt.TS.
I curiae the Tttlatrd Rlood when ita
trnpurities l urst tliroiuih the skin in Eruptions
or Sorci; cleanse It when oliwtrui tcd and shic
gish in the veins; cleans" it when it ia foul :
your feelinjrs win tll you when, and the hoalia
of the system will follow.
In rnnrlntion t tiivw the Bitters a trial.
It will speak far iuself. On bottle is a bettor
fuaraiiU-e of its niwrits than a lengthy advertise
ment. Aronnd cacti bottle are full directions
printed in different lanjruaes.
R. ft . FIrDonald Drnr Co., Troririator,
tan Francisco. Cal.. and KH.&ftlbtd waehaha-toa bi..
Cor. Cl.arltnn St., Ntw York.
Sold by all Dealers and Drug-gists.
Three Doors Host of rostofUcc,
J. II. OA NT, Proprietor.
rriHE PUBLIC will always Bnd as at our place
X oi business in business hours. Everythlna kept
neat and cosy. Clk ji tovils a araci iltt.
cider mills
Warranted the best Drain 1,-ii!a- ik.
brated I'ennsylvnnia, tne nnlv pcrlcct force feed
phosj.hate atti.chnient in e". t:idcr Mills; the
coletirste.l Amerii-nn and vours; American
4H N MIF.l.l.FltM, II Y I'KIMI.S and
hTAMIAKII MI-.KMl:.MN Benerallv.
Send for a. ft A KQ I II AH,
Penusvlvnnla Aaricultural Works. York Pa
Important to Canvassers.
WAXTm-Live Oanviitrr In evcrv ei'iintj
In the Cnlted States to ell Y X'S I'M KM lit
VKhSlHl.K SA1I IKON, whicn combines two
Snd Irons, Polisher, Klutcr, kr., one iron dome
the work ni an entire set of ordinarv irons. Is
Sclf-heatlnK by u,h! r alcohol lump. lMr..H
moderate. A larireaiid lastinir income insured
to Kod canvassers. Address, lor circulars, ac,
rOX SAL) IKON CO.. Vb Keado St , Y.
A r. I KKS llll.nnii
'V s t AMH't Kir. -.-.. up
i I I I I like nn un-Lreiia. W,-!lrs
-J-JJ I Rl-"1ian 111 I V. su bo
-,r'"J ft takeuo.Tcr pun" '.- j mln-
Mjikm s'.e l. rt
'HiTll 1 V-T-ii r- t . t lliusiraK .1 circular s-.- i
iIVm'- VJ V1'" Ap.--t wn-VJ
SLiji- V ; iVi. I .y.fvirrn li.-re. ftrto t. .-r
xt.tJ5-",-von-wthi. h.(;.:lTKs
, Patentees and I'.auul'rx. SanOy nun
Xmw9 Moe4 t K aar aancl ar4 Bereay for vfe I
oarv of I aew o-spMtsafl. (kMwisnair, &imk Utt
bV, wad 9U darancwttaoot f LJvvr Masaad
" fiielVara Lrr PUla 4aexl m at LItt Oomr-laoit
whMb tvnll4 ro an eH wnr -m m m 1
BaUtimrr. " I ro rtaBwT4 fi1)ara' Ur 1' 'a
Tbev bftvVaWTvX hundrr ( ti-ite-t 1 dtxrtiM- Mai.'
Tbo llatrsa. Kiar faeaMlv. KaatmlrT. Tri aW. 1
rxjT. "ni bv all I)ni!fi ma nemtrt rmmr fw
I STt TVS ft r., r-T. fl ricV',a Pa
ltm Which MIX pr0T,
Frozen jH a r
-i -
The gf rmi wLic!,
'H.J P. T a
ai fever have been found by
physiologists. " 0
r,,rr,, , ....
of manufacture
! Tbe tubercos- is t:
?tatistir8show that orar
cent, r.f mad dogs are rt;
f Vers
. or
U,J lLat
much more Habl to ltfaro'";;;:;',;?
dogs of pure breed. c
The generation"0f haatJ'by
una t-rr-r-u nyUCQ ID A
ere k dne ana n.aaur aisrass Bnrvivrir cf cKir.-.. , "wi;
stlon causing arnte pain. The ! "Urvivors 01 Shipwrecks ffiar ,v.
rreat he was ob!'f 'd to wear a Sjtr-Am Bad flTSh Water frnr '""
BH- bottles of HrT-B K:dney r " waTr iroffl ,
I ' r-V. .ig i - - m iWS.
The Paris ITrirt icnHni
meet in May, is to d rn.s, i.
questions, the ir.flaence cf th
seeds upon the plan's wb-cb '.y
: auce,ana the possibility r.f PC'.
other mti'htnonn thon tv. ... ' "-
ble variety.
A race of bair'efs Atrsr'ci-.
threatened. It baa heD estim&t.' k.
j already one half the aduit men c'-
; lean birth living in our c!'.iM
! and baldness in
Lur.7 i.aois i.
, propagated in tbe male lice, r.3 lc i
, pear a little earlier in fach s-;(e
I A comparative jta'prnprjt of v?
. rate in England and Wa:
decennial pprio1s from 1;T1 to lV ii
161 to 1?70 has jut U-?n v:v
year in each million of inhas--
The deaths from dir-htrer'a
supposed to N duo to ur .lj f
roundii ps were pieatlv reJUetfl
Layers of s'on coD'alr.;--? .
the supposed human foopT;tt, tj...
found near Lak- MBrnrua. y -v.
pna, have been ppnt to th Visr-iy-'
ural liistory Ma seem. TKs
volcanic tufa and the :rr.7rc;
remarkHb'y clear aid di'tiT',
5 L
CPDnine. prove the exi.pnee E5. .
Central Africa ata very r?rr-'r- -,
In a commnnirat ion ty vt -.
loeical Society of Aus'iia. M. G. I;
ner ha dpcrrirmd tha rrr-Vnv ,
coverv that the moon ha
; on r maer'ic rpd'e. jk, j-t-o--
nop is a:d to he more prr-ert t
. i . ...
i np mnpn ip rpp.rp? T r parr &' ; i
! vpry marked wVen s'- i? r?i'rr
hT fu'l to her Erft or wf -ri q-ir-r
Th di;turbr!ce"reaphe5 i'5 rrax.:-.:
j when the moon j? in the r'atf -if ;:.
equator, and is erea'pr dur-re H v.-.
em than in the northern !cVrtir:.
I The adaptations Trv.:-V. ;'n
are provided for matirj tye r.-yr. :' :;
t warer that comes to Ihm in iyt
j of rain or dew are tbns rV f-: .
) Londstrom, who rmi" thTE 1
of Fpecial invest if at ion : T--C;:-:.
; in the form of leaf enps cr rrv:
1 the epidermis ; cair f oraati'-'CK. !t
or borders ; hydroscop'P t
in' ths". as in ail cont i is- : spots or strives on the Priderci; .
.its a Vivitons HrmK.a hnj sbon
uratie i5 in the moat obeunute I araiOmical adaptations. Pncri SSVi.-T
Punle. Kme worms. rv-aM-liead. fus ; nkFiinim. , ... ...
i-jx.iriaa,ith. scut-fa. 1-oiorationa.ntiTfiora : PbvBician, rejects t fce theory rf tbf
and rfwi nf Uie Skin, of whatever name or , taeioiisness of rulmonilT CnriUtE?'--
Txfttor are l!t.nllv doc lm and ran- M not of I - r
lie finds the disease to be dee to 5-i
cient nutrition of tbe lurirs. vrfc'ri
result from varions anterejert rt
tion, and vital ortrans !rrr3ire'J
: ease, ininrv. or mode ot livirc. H
: lieves that the operaticn rf a'1.
For fomaio compixints. in younj; or causes mav rrodnce1 ncfc cinrr??
d, marriifl or Finerla. at the dawn of wrinian- . .
xkI. or tbe turn of hfo, this Bitters has co it may be possible verr. eveE C!k -
in advance to predict wiih grptf-;
v : l : 1. 1 i . r a-
ai'iiitr wuilii rrjHuji.irr Oi
ily will be afflicted with ft's
consumption, and vrLich wiU r?ri
The author of "Twn Tear" !: -
Junple," Mr. ITornsdav, dt'er:
elephant from the charjre tat :'i
Uacity ig of a very raediocre fifKrl,'--and
that its reasoDicg faculties '
below those of the doe BTidpc35
other animals. lie declares it to be -most
intellieent of all arjirrs? -horse,"
he remarks, "that will rr "?
ly back at the word of comrra:,
dog that will back and stani "
hind leca when told to do so. i? c:-'-ered
tjuite accomplished ; but :c :
any well trained elephant, at a wa--a
touch from his driver, wbosltstf"
of his neck, will 'hand np.'
speak,' (trumpet), 'salaam.'
with bis trunk!, stop, back, lie
pull down an obstructing hr.rrh, f
fodder and 'hand up' to Ms stterii
turn or lift a lac. or drag it by
its drag-rope between its teett
will also protect his attendants tz
tack a common enemy with fai?
Contrast with this the perforscKif
our most intellieent breed of 5'
pointer. Even when youre and tr
urder the most favorable circeff!'--'
they are at best capable of heirf t--but
a few things, as to 'eo '
'charee,' to go in a civen iiiecW1
A MiCROscoric slide tether:;
of tbe Manchester Thilosk ptirl ?
ty, contains the Lord's Frayer r
within the space of the 4r5.iX1:h r
an inch. The minute speck t
found with powerful tticroscpr
with ereat dirBculty, as the fx
of the lens must be made to ccr?-
exact spot bearirj on the ct:?:t
was engraved in several J,'ArS
Webb, some years aco by tte :
instrument now in the pos.-!00 1
V tlTftUr. A. . ai lea. NasnUa. Vs.
- .t