The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 05, 1886, Image 2

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4mibm Jvemum
The Welshmen of New York hold an
eisteddfod la that city last wetK. An
eisteddfod, as we have been informed,
mens a celebration by a society of
If Senator Edmunds poshes the con
flict between the P res-idem and the tk'D-
ate to extremes it may up. wt.l to con-
Tbe impulse of gratitude to General
Hancock, which took expression tU his
death in a public subscription for his
the best vocalist1?,
eis'eddfod the Johnstown Tribune, one
,ht hist week, said : "The New York
- ----- - - Society of Welshmen held an eisteddfod
AccottDiNo to the report of the Biard this w,.er. An hiterenins-; and amusing
( D rectors of the Pennsylvania Kail- feature cf one of the sessions was an ad-
road Comply, wlikh Las juat been pub- dress by the President, William Jere-
"slied the net income from the. main miah, followed by one by Chief-Justice
line and branches between Philadelphia Noah Davis,
and Pittsburgh for tie year IS.-, was
over eight millions of dollars.
Pin-r at which prizes are awarded to , sider wbat results will flow from the widow, appears a ready to have spent
Pin r. ai wn cu v rV ! nnarrei. President. l;!f vela-i,i w. -u Id ' itself. The fund has stopped short at
nr fh' New York : quarrel. President Cleveland would,
v. . . i . . i ' j t , : . , . .
ui iviuisc, t3 uorurteiiru uy ri:s or-iig;-
Vf Geo. W. WRir.HT, ex State Sen- .
.v.or from Mercer county, the principal i
contractor in cunducliDg four of the ,
. t . w'l., rt tlia
SMJiers urpnans ---uiuuh Vl -
the Johnstown i noune i-F"" ,
rht out in meeiine .j"'
W. Wright, ttie vniain v. no
S'.a' e,
has been waxing rich by pluckintr sol
diers' orphans, was in 1S7G elected to
reoresent the Lawrence and Mercer dis
trict in the State Senate. He should ;
now be e!ected to represent the sum ,
lotal of villainy in the darkest dungeon I
In Moyamensing Prison." i
TnE Johnstown Daily Tribune euter-
ed ujxiri its tbirtcenlli volume on Wed- t
n'sdy last. As a newspaper, in the ;
fu'.l accep'aticn i the term, the Tribune -has
no superior Anywhere, while the ac- '.
cura'y and ihoruii,ut.i.-s8 tsf its lucal
ws, which is the pari of a paper the :
i.,iple iuke the most interest in, will al- .
ways insure for it a generous support, ,
by those who desire to tnow what is
transpiring not-only iuMhe immediate
locality where it is publish-d, but I
throughout the ouaty. It deserves j
success, and we are gratified to learn
thit it re-ts on a saf bs:sis and is in a :
flour's hint; C 'iKliti-'n.
Mr. Jrremia'a tok par
ticular pains to use the biggest Welsh
words fn his vocabulary, and tickled
hisau-lience into a state of uproarious
ness. If there is one thing a Welshman
is prouder of than another, it is his na
tive tontruo, and he appreciates a man
who can handle it with visor and effect
iveness. Jnige Davis said he was rusty
; in his Welsh, but retrieved his credit
by tracing his ancestry back to Ana,
j King of North Wales more than one
hundred years before Edward I, who
flourished along about 1300. 'The
! Welsh language,' the Judge went on to
! say, 'is one of the oldest on earth. You
have all heard that Adam was the first
Welshman and that his real name was
' Jones. Well, Adam spoke early Welsh,
I Our modern torque, perhaps, dates from j
. the Tower
s'ory that
' torgij? fell on the workman il t'lotow
; er the mr.s'er -.vorKru-i' was giving !
Rome o.d-rr- to a rra-"n. which natural- ;
' !v fPTic'lfd to tl.e rnari lik': gibberish.
He felt insulted and threw a trowel-full
' of m irtar in the master workman's face, .
: and out rf thr- sputtering5! of the 'at'r !
; ca'ne our iiiicouth Wel.-h tongue.' At j
' this aa'.U th-? 'aud'enco shouted, and i
felt still be-.tcr plca:id ''h the Jade :
wht;. he said that he find tried a thons- j
and prisoners in his t?-Ti, tut rrver'.w j
one v.h w.1? t Wi'Vshui -r-"'
Iioms to the CoustituMon to resist to the !
Utmost the Senate's pretensions to share !
in his power of rfmoval from t-Cice. i
Shu-d the Senate pursue the policy -outlined
by Senatcr Edmunds and reject ; nations in mass, the President
would only have to make new auspeu- '
sions and new nominations. Not a re
moved or suspended efflciat would ha :
r stored even for :i dav as a result of
tins threatened Senate iviicy. But in I in Pennsylvania,
the conflict confusion and df nroraliza
tion would result in nearly every depart
ment of the public service. For this
the responsibility would usl with the
about thirty thous iud dollars, which is a
miserably inadequate token ot the dent
we owe to this g:at soldW. Ar.d even
rf this meagre sum Philadelphia and
Pennsylvania have contributed but lit
tle, though Ilancfick was peculiarly a
lVnnsylv anian. and a'though this State
aud its meiropolis are under pf-onliar
ob!igat iiins to him.
It has rcenMy been s-id in discuss
ing the supposed seaicity of great men
that we do not, want
great men. It cerrainiy peenn to oh
true, as has been said very often before,
thit we do not recognize great men
when we have them. Hai:enk is- ack
nowledged by all to have b-en the. ideal
.wptaVnr M-rf!TOT"!ntoi tyrfint- dierof wnrfor the Uffton nd his
Fer this question from the Judiciary pari in the critical battle which saved
I ennsyi vania aim ua ujfuupni! in'm
of Bibel. There 13 an old
just as the confusion of
Jnr,H TnrRMAN hi? teen in Wash
ington for a couple of weeks engaged
with other couvis -1 on the part of the
Government in preparing the suit to
test the validity of the Bill Telephone
patent. The other day he visited the
Seuate chamber where be once played
so distinguished and honorable a part,
and when he came out he was ap
proached by a cheeky newspaper report
er, who inquired : "Are jou in any
v.-9v .Tiidsjo. a candidate for Presiden
tial honors at the hands of the next i viewing th management of the schools.
Presidential Convention of your party
"N'ot by a d d sight 1'' roaied the
sage of Columbus.
; Iv ever a man achieved immortal in
, famy at a single 'oouiid the fe.-it was
' successfully accomplished by ex State
j Sna'or George W. Wright, the !v . 1
, and front of the ombiu-ition thai, has
: the contuct with the S'are for e; 1-
ducting the Soldi' rs' Orphans' School -it
j Mount Joy, in Lancaster county, when
he wrote the following letter to the
i principal manager of that scho.j' on the
' SOih of January, The lefcr w.ts
j published in the Philadelphia TUcord
J on last Monday week, in its article re-
The question of the constitutionality
of the tax law approved June 30, 135,
entitled "A further supplement to an
act. entitled 'An act to provide revenue
by taxation,' r' was argued in the Su
preme Court at Philadelphia on Friday
last. It was brought before that tribu
nal by the appeal of certain citizens of
Scranton from the decision of the Court
of Common Pie is of Lackawanna coun
ty, in which that court held that the
act of Assembly was constitutional.
As this question has been very vigorous
ly discuss-d ail over the State ever since
the new tax law went into effect, the
decision of the Supreme Court as to its
constitutionality will be awaited wiih
deep interest.
Jror.E Field, of California, who is
one of the Justices of the Supreme
Court of the United States, is in a veiy
bad humor at Mr. Cleveland, and de
clares that he will have nothing more to
d with the Administration, because ho
failed in getting a certain applicant,
whose cause he espoused, appointed
United States Marshal in that State.
Whenever a Judge of the highest court
in the country bo far forgets the nature
and dignity of his great office as to be
come an office beggar and to wrestle
with politicians at thdoorof the White
House, he deserves to be defeated in his
purpose, and Mr. Cleveland is to be con
gratulated that for Huch a reasu he has
made Stephen J. Field his enemy.
When the Ttc'rJ p-iis'.e;! this letter
strong doubts wre expressed as to its
' authenticity. Inn the editor of the Lm-
! caster Examiner states that, he lias seen
j the letter and that the Record' 8 publica
: tion of it is a true copy of the original.
Thi being (he f.iet ic is impossible to
conceive a lower dep1 h of villainy into
which Wright could plunge, even if he
; wer-o to m ike an effort in that direction.
It is a most shameless, heartless and
! cold -blooded production. It is as fol
. lows :
! MF.ncER, I'd., .Tamiary, 30, 1RS4.
: 1 find tl-.e lait cc-flVe bonchi very poor, and
, liav ttw dav ordered o'fier to Mt. ,1nv.
While I do not irant the ponr throxen out I ilo
; not vnrU you to it ii'Xt iceek. S-e that it
; is put out of the way, -ure. It is nut a fair
! sample, of what we usually use by any
muans. You will lively have some visitors
from the l. A. H encampment, which
l meets at Lancaster cit next Wednesday,
' February t. You need nut be surprised if
! members drop in on their way to or from
j the encampment. I r.erd not sav more, only
see the cook nni all other department and hire
' no )ii1iikei anywhere I much fear trouble
from this encampment t;T Mt Joy It tro:en
feet, toe nuH.t dnppi'tg off' itih etc., uitli your
jour moiiths' rerord of denihx etc.. do not
icurtn up our Q. A R. friends I shall feel tlMt
I am no prophet. Al! these matters :np suro
to be mve-tiuati'd anil brought up at the e;i
i eampment ; .o net in hipe to incet charrex
' and receive ri.itor$. I forgot to caution
, t?herbin In writing htm yesterday about next
I wt-ck. Talk it over with him and matron,
, and get to work and in shape.
fer this questi
Committee to the Committee ou Privi-
leges and Elections presents to the Ke- i
publicans a way out of the bog into
which they have been led by Senator
Edmunds in his eagerness to regain the '
good will of his pirty in Vermont. The
Chairman of this committee is Senator;
Hoar, who has offered a bill to repeal .
the Terure of Office act. Yet upon the 1
Constitutionality of this Tenure pf Of- ;
fice act Senator Edmunds has taken his .
position. If Senator Hoar did not be
lieve the act unconstitutional he would
hardly have introduced a bill for its re- '
peal. The other republican members
of the Committee on Privileges and ,
Fiec'.ions bebi-bs Logan and Evaris, are ;
Fryo and Teller, neither of whom is
K'lievrfd to be in strong sympathy wi'h
Edmunds on this issue.
T'io Demorrrs of the Snate have ;i j .
cause to shrink from a cor.tli t in
h.iM of the authority ni the Executive.
In the very first Congress of the United
S' i'es it was. determined that the power ,
of j-4 to oval from eiTici bcloiiis xi'u-
siveiy to the President. Tins was the
uniform and undisputed interpretation ;
of the Constitution down to t:ir 'iV;i--ni"
of OflW v-t of 1S67. In the four i
yesrs te-.nre :;ct the power of the Pres-
ident t o mA-" removn's is exprt -sly re
?rve..1. ln. the amenlnv-Rt made to the
:if of l-'ftT to accor.irnod.-.te President j
Gr vnt ilie Presidtn'. v.-;-s no 'onger re
qciri; 1 to give reasons for removing or,
suspending ofli'iitls when making nomi
nations to the .Senate. Ttie Pies d-r.t, :
tli"n, cannot be required to transriiw io
the .cre ex-cii'ivo B-?-iion of the S-Mt-1
fjp papers reh'.ti: g to supTisio;" ;:.d
; rem iv;;ls.
' In face of all the facts and pr?c- i it ts
I that Sui'airi the acti.'.u of the Pifbid. ut.
Senator Edmunds will hardly succeed
1 in carrying a majority in favor of his
. r---s-?'.itions. If he should do so his res
olutions offer no isHiis to the coriil :t
I v ben passed. The heaoN f d pitt
' meuts will Kive ttiemselves mtll c-n-1
c-rn over the censure pronounced on t!:e
Attorney General for his refusal to de
l liver up papers relating to reiu ova's. So
far from it, the boundary between the
i Senate's legislative functions and its
We must tell of the preat specific
Hunt's Kidney and Liver remedy. It
never fails to cura DiabetTO, Dropsy.
Br-ht's Disease Art.
E. Beller, of I'onea, Ind., butchered a
cow, ar.d in her stomach fonnd a pound of
nails ruid a one and one half inch screw, all
i of which were worn a- biijjht as if poli lied
on an etLery wheel.
i The Bjard of County Commissioners
cf Grant county. Now M.-xico, offers a re
ward of ?-)" for every Ar-arhe killed by a
citizen of the c-unty. The presentation of
' the scatp Is to be si.ffii-ient proof of deatli.
f -Xt-w York World: The publisher! of
, General (irant's nimoirs have sent to ttie
! widow a chwk for ?200 0o0-her sbare of
( the profit? on the sale of the first volume.
; The second vo'nnie insures a ifko amount.
! S. M. Markle, a ci';zcr. of St. Joe.ilo..
. has a contract ( supply the Smtrer !Sewlne
Machine Company of (i'apow, Scotland,
! with 5 000 POO feet of Arkansas jfum hi.nber,
j to be used in the manufacture of pewing
; machines.
A Texas editor is cue of th? curiosities
i in Washington at present, by reason of his
j extraordinarily long h--dr. He was a Whig
j in 184-t, and mad'? a tow that ha wou'd nev
I er shave his beard or cut his hair until
! Clay was elected President.
Ray A person and John BraMier of
i Jcrtcbo, Mo., each ab-vit 13 years old, went
j to prayer mee'lnc the other niht. At th
I close of tha services thev renewed an old
As Shown bv the Recent Trionninl , A,-. -mihmiI .
Coinifv nm State Piirpo.-es.
I 1 - l K I 1'
inealculahie loss is known to have been
essentia! and decisive. And yet Han
rock never received from Pennsvlvanla,
tho Slate of bis birth arid of his loyal
love, nor from Philadelphia, the city
that his valor defended from impending
catastrophe, any material reward or
recognition whatever.
Ha was not a roan who ever sought or
could have sought worldly advance
ment. Remaining in the service of the
L'niled States, his sense of military
honor would not permit him to engaee
in speculation or to follow any of the
opportunities for money getting that ) quarrel and Brasher shot and uiortilly
I wounua APirerson and then escaped.
With bright eves and elastic st' n, yet
j Cray, liisfre!rs hair. It is unnatural, r.eed
; lesa. Parker's Hair 13 iNani will restore '.he
black or brown prematurely !nt." cleanf-o
i from all danJrulT. and stop Its falilnz. Don't
surrender your hair Ohotit an effort to
save it.
! It; a divorce the other day. at Chi-
caco, a lawjer arcued that if a woman on
! being niarritd ml -represented her ace to
j her husband, she was just as liable as a
j wan selling a hor nn.t K-prosentir.if it to
j te cf a certain a when h cmiid be prove i
j thttl it was cld.-r.
i Is your hair is turning eray and cradu-
a'iy fnl'i i? out? Hail's nir R-rewer will
( re-tore it .. :'t ciiiriil c.-lor, ,t-.! st'niiilate
1 the f( ITc-'i s t ;-r.i'isce a row nnd tuxurbnt
, growth. It a.-ii cieHue the pce'p, en-.di-
aereeatile fold
... l':.:7
. . . '!' 'il
H 4 7
7:;. i .-
2 U i
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must nave been coiuinu-iiiy r-nerea ro
ene of h.s prominence. Occupying the
posiii 'U lie did, and meeting the many
demands that w re made irixm his hos
pitslty iinl benf fierce with th liberal
ity of a pen soldier, it was impsssi
M'e for him. wi'h noti ing but his pay,
to make provis-ioti fr.r the future, and
thus his sudden death left those depend
ent on him without resources. It is to
Hancock's honor that i his is so. It will
be to the d.nhnnor of the country he
served if it fil now in practical recog
nition of its debt to him.
To anyone who can recall the terror
pnd e.s-'S-rnaMon that, spread through
Pnilad- U-t.ia and Esrem Pennsy! vai.i.i
i'l t,,:'-t nrri'ner of lc,; v.-b"n it whs
known th it ' he (V.nfed-i ate army bad
en .ssed ihul., aud the j y u:s re
lief that e.itiv.' 'i s'h the uevs of the v;c
tory nl (Jet ty.-biirp, it i -iu hardly be
rt-cessar to n't
fpecial claim to
among us, ev-r.
H'ed ty bis P-un
erge. The s:i"-t
his widr-'v we si
leav.! to suaig n
to him but to oi!raelves, to honor bis
memory by l w.ii-!:v moTiuuvuit. 13ul,
first of -11. let us c-.r: esly nn'te to per
form our lnty i M-e living, and s we
shall best show -ur recoeui'iori of the
heroic dead. l'liUaJipia Times.
There has now been nearly a year
in which the execn ive powT has twen
in the hands of 'a Ib mocra'ic President.
A Hi-.: I: ! V I -A ' ll !
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tl;.. rbtneo'-k lull a
u'ra'eful rec.trmt ion
; ut frm t he t ie cre
. !v:t:'ia blrt h a id l;n-
d n.
e of
caring for
content to
il not only
. Rich, of New York S'a'e.
P.'.ul on MutiJ iy last and
i if" was iivina w ith one A.
re.rt.ionsro j.y l .o.r. .,.,. 1 y(, cnmpMint has been made that 1 1.
lip'Ul 11 II 111 . 11 I n II 1 t ' HI' t. - Ill t'. in'
strictly d-fined than ever before. As a
result the Senate's disposition to tisuip
iiowers that do not belong to it any
riv'Te t:i;tn to ibe o'ner bouse r i 'ti
gress will be effectually dirtied. Ti:at
is a jam which the :ausQ of good ri v
ernmeut w iii secure should 'he confliol
inanuuraled by Sena' or Edmunds lie
carried to the hitter end. VhilvV.
Soldiers' Orphans chools.
In speaking of General Hancock,
General W. F. Smith, of the regular
army, who s known as "Jialdy" Smith,
says : "Perhaps no soldier during the
war contributed so much of personal
effect in action as did General Hancock.
In the Trlendly circle his eye was warm
and genial, but in the hour of battle it
became intensely cold ar.d had great
power on those around bim. In the
Presidential campaign of 1S-50, when
Gen. Hancock was the Democratic
standard bearer, I believe I am safe in
saying that no man was promised a
place by him, and t believe this af
fected the result. In that campaign I
know a warm political and personal
friend of General Hancock offered him
10.000 in greenbacks out of love and j
good will to meet expenses, but General i
Hancock refused the money." j
A keligiocs impostor by the name
of Charles II. Smith appeared in Henry
county, Missouri, sometime in August
last and followers by the hundred fl ck
ed to his standard. He announced
himself as an imbassador from Heaven
eent to found a new sect and establish
an order which was to be the forerun
ner of the millennium, and that all who
joined him would never see death or
sickness, but would live forever in hap
piness. Soon after Smith began to play
prophet he married the daughter of an
old farmer with whom he was staying,
and announced to his followers that a
plan had been rtvealed to him whereby
untold wealth could be secured without
money. His plan solved the old and
perplexiDg problem of getting something
for r.otbinfr ln TTenrv anrl ftuQa rnnn. t
r,- --- - j U m
ties he organized eighteen lodges of a l)lir);
On Monday last in the Senate of the .
United States the Democratic minority
of the Judiciary Committee, consisting '
of Messrs. Pugh. of Alabama; Coke, of
Tex'is; Vest, of Missouri, and Jackson, ,
of Tennessee, made their report on the
issue between (he President nnd the II v ',
publican majority, in the Senate as to
their respective richts in connection i
with removals an 3 suspensions from of
fice. Immediately aiter the report had
been submit td a lengthy special ra s-
sace was received from President Cleve
land on the f,;irue sur ject. The message .
was read in a clear, distinct tone of
voice by Chief Clerk Johnson, and mad-1
old Mr. Edmunds, of Vermont, who
started the fight with the President, be
cause th" latter su.-pvnded an (ClcUl In
the town in whicn Edmunds resides,
wr'ggle ami hop around as though he
had just sat down in a chair in the bot
tom cf which some fiend h id inserted a
very harp tack. Edmunds declared to
the Senate tbat the Me33ig reminded
him of similar documents that Charles
the First was in the habit of sending to
the English Parliament. The issue on
the question is now fairly made up be
tween the president and Republican
Senate, and w ill doubtless lead to a pro
tracted ar.d exciting discussion, in
which the Vermont "icicle" will at
tempt ta regain his standing in the Re
publican party, which he lost by his re
fusal to open his lips in support of
15'aine during the campaign of 1884.
llAnurBURO, Feb. 27. Thisevening
Governor P.itison addressed t he follow- ,
ing letter to General Louis Wagner, of
Philadelphia: 1
Dear sir : I hsye yonr letter of the 25t!i
bist., atv'sini; me of jour anpointmio.t by
the (iraad Army of the Republic as Chair
man of a conmib'ee to in veti?p.' the man
aa nient of (he S.ilJieis' Orohans' Schools of
Pennsylvania." an,1 inquiring whether I
have the authority t constitute the tlom
m it. tee a Commission on the part of the )
(.'niiinionw.-altt. for the purposes of tht-ir f.p- :
Pi reply I hpe to say that it is a matter
of regret to me thnt I possess no authority
to appoint anv such commission or to invest
yonr committee wilh any ofTicial powers. It ,
will, however, eive ine treat satisfaction to :
aid you to the ful'est extent possible in the
accomplishment of the end the Grand Army
has in view. To this enii I sen-1 you, as -e-quested.
copies of the laws eoverriina the
Soldiers' Orphans' School, and of the con- ,
tracts between the S'ato and the propri-tors 1
of the schools, and have requested heads of
departments to furnish a'l th" inform it ion
you n.'y rail for. In te meantime I shall
in tiie discharge of fie duty imposed upon
me to see that the laws t e laith.tuUy exe
cuted . make, with the aid of the law fli-ser
of ttie Commonwealth, a thorough personal
examination of th- schools and t li conduct
of those connected with them, and wlil then
take such action as the result of the exami
nation may warrant. Of course, you will
readily understand that mj- course wi'l not
in uny way interfere w it ti your action, L-ut
mav, and doubtless will, aid the desire to
get at whatever wrongs have bi-en done to
those ao emieetly entitled to our warmest
sympathies and pro'ec'ion. E. Pathson.
In addi'ian to the foregoing commu
niciiion the Governor has ent th fol
low iiig rf quest to Rev. E. E. Ipghte.
SnpcTinendent of S'hoois, Aultor
General IVilea und Stcte Treasurer Liv
i sey :
! Sir : Yon are hereby requested to fur
i Tdsh such information In your department
i as may be called for from tmits to time by
: the committee of the ' Gravri Army of it,u
i R-pu'tiic" rec-'t;tly appointed to investigate
I tt e charu. made In relation to the conduct
i of the Soldiers' Orphans' Schools.
law has not been prnpt r ly enforced.
The renu'H ion of th na'ion has not
ftnlT-red a i Toad cr nt homi-. None of
the predicted calamities to grow out of
Democratic adminlstra' ion have made
their npp'ar'-.i-f.'e. Rt-mHtkitil" care
nnd ti t-ave been exercised in
the removHl n pintmnt of public
functionarh-s. Ttie fitoinces have bc-n
wisely m-iii'-i - -d. s -ciional t'-eling has
almost flisHpp'-:red from our politics.
The p retmi:"i d ti ions of the President,
to Cin.r.ess ate .' ded to be piudent
and cor.servat: ve. As far as w e fiave
progtessnJ there is no reason to regret
the di-cision of 'l.e pop'e nt th po ls
in Nivender, li The session of
Congress uiid th' j. ir t iclp r" ion of 'be
Executive in the h is'r.csa of legislation
wili put a filial lest upii I'resident
Cleveland's captcity ; b'.it there is much
less reason to dubt ot it to-.lay thun
i'lt re Mv.rch 4, 18'-;.".
I.v mak'nc up the es'imtte of fi-n.
II.ii, cork"c i h it K ter, this sterling por
tion of his famous "'gener il order No.
40.'" isHuerj ilming his brief command or
military district number live, compris
ing the Strifes of Louisiana and T-xas,
under the ord.-rs of Piesident Andrew
J.dii.soii, .sliwrlil not. ie forgotten :
"Th" right of tiial by jury, ttie habeas
corpus, the liberty of tin; press, (be
freedom of sp-ech, the natural rights of
persons nd the rights of properly must
tie preserved." Tbis wrt said a' a time
when h coriscientious Ho d er micht
have feit teti iiteil to r-xreed his miliary
anth.irity and make it c ver otij-c. s not
within its province. But Hancock's
revrei't:0 for the civil l.iw and his duty
to himielf dic'.a'.eil Hie great utterances;
and to-d.iv it is oie of the proudest
chapiets that can bi placed up?n his
colli -j.
A I'.cmarkslilr Illfttory.
rates itatnivutT,
' barm!e--s rlrssi
! I
, an ived i.i ,
b aru.-d l liat I,
; Gale. It; b soucM an interview with her 1
at the A-fotia House. Ti e meeting n-sult-j
cd in P:c h shnf.ttwj Ms wife dead and thi n ',
i S'.;.e!d;ti2 wiih the .sair.e revolver. j
j Mum'e Lorn, f Ir d -pendence. Mo., i
wh i wa ked thre miles aft"r mirininht on a
i bitn-r co'd nluht to re'-cne two children who
hart been l.-ft b a n:aibiian to lie in the
', sior. hf twn irs.r,t-i! tv 11. e cl'zt' i f .
Kansas City with a band-onie cold wv'eb.
snitaldv Inscribed, a diamond rinc and f ".00
. in money.
i Miss Fanny Mills, of Ohio, who claims ;
I to have tiie bineest feet on record, has Jn--t
. bad a pair of shoes ai d a pair of Mipr 'es
made for he- in New York. T.eir s'ze is
30. The measurement arniinrl the lall of
, each is 2- ii ches ; lrwt'-p, 22 i'u-ties : heel,
25 inches- arhle, 20 inches. The ce-t of
shoes and slippers was ?70. '
; J. 11 Wi-hek statted on horseback to j
j take a daj's journey in Mcintosh county, J
. Dakota. A blizzard wopi down on bim, i
j lie lost his way, and stood behind his h'.rse
; all nipht and witb I is r;st.; bept .!T a pack
of prairie wolves When day broke be '
found that, he was within a few hundred :
yarns of the house be was seeking
George Sn i'h, a colored porter at the
Chicago and Alton Railway, In Icderend ,
erce. Mo., recently sent a note .-on'ainina :
endearing phrases to the 13-vear-old dauch- f
ter of M. II. WiMtips, a w-bpe citizen of the
county. On Tnesrtay ristt, nf tact wperc. 1
the nt gro was taker, to n barn, tied up and
100 lashes administered wilh a cowt ide.
Smith has left fur par's iinttnowtn. .
Andrew TIss. who d;ed at Er. Pa , on
Saturday at the 8rP r,f ninety t vo, served
I as a-i i fD'er with Xnpoleon two nnd
j until bis exile in Rlba. After coming to '
j America heard eight othprs formed a se- ;
j lert circio. f. whicti TTcss was rrf-ident.
ry met daily at. their club room in Erie
j for over sixty years. Some time ago they
i began to die of old acre, nprt now only the
1 Secretary, Andrew Reer. a man of ninety,
j is left.
George Ross, the 14 yet r-old son of a
I very wealthy merchant cf Harlem, XV-w
i York, was raptured at the rai'road depot in
1 Jersey City on T" si'.-y evenltn--. when
j about lo statt for Denver, Colorado. II
l ad stflen .4.00 fj-.-.m his mother and pnr-
chafed tw- revo'vers. a bnwie knife and a
j silver watch, completing his outfit by pev
I v cfioofora polrter do. He proposed a
bnting expedition. lie was returned tn
IVt, !.rs!griMi. (l.- . 1 1-- ' ' - U ' f t"'i'l--M . IV ' . - a t- -
V :i: i t ie H'.iiv is a irue Cut . rtv-e ! ' f ? - i i i'" v
t'o- T ""-lit ! 1 H'ti 11 a! R'i'
-., . . I.
- 1 w !
nj.-Ti i
.-. n 't v li'-'.-s i :! i .t S - . - : ' , t t-
' ! w , ' t . v :.' i '': ' v 1
i I- ::.!. tb.ti.-i' .. '. ut.! v. i ' t.
of M I' eh. IHs-i. ;! v h . v. i- ' -i j
whieir v .. jev- ti i'-iv h- -i r d i t - low.
v li b w e bi-li ve to l ave be - o ' ' I s h j-b-
tp -t : !IA i i H a "' 1 I. 1 ' i'
1). A Mri;oi i-H, ' AMI.- ' s ; j , ,
Clerk .!':; V K I 'ii'. t
. Timesj to ll"s. By M. ' t -iz -T. I'
mued from his n-.t-.s. by
CV.T-Tl.-TP-n v,.'s
lar-je 1 2m.. b"-'ir,d
eleeantly in fine, cloth, pit tops. A n-w e-l-tion just issuo.l, T - 'i
lured in price to SK.OO, includinfr po-tru-e. lh:s is Ti,uch the I et
"d'tion puV.lished of this matmificetit work, which is as the "-t
popular history of Fran-e. The cost, f-f ih itrp'--rt'-l -V';. w::h F-iltai:':.".iy t:i-
irf m
tills is certainly the best in form, ar.d tiie tr.o-t
u;zr.t s style, nis ar:ipt'ic n-
61uci-l;ty ami e:i of h:.i st.' r. .-! t:
iiii!'is..j,l:i rcfl- i tions, p.'-.l ck: r-
, 0 . i i ... . t
wortlivoi l.n-i in s r t-Ti'i'i u I '
!- A 1 w CL Vl u Kj XX
-1 s.s-U,
A i
i u
r to V "1J
n. tc.-.
Inr historv of Frnn-'o. It is as msi as n
as fi thentricnl rcpreentrti'n of ih ever.ts r.r-l "
...ft r much reflection, a mystc: for the v rk is
427 Fine ilinstrations
tion, Cousin in philosophy. Huizot is in Lit'-i v. .: v 2 I.-- :;t ! ."i ; .-. 1 1-u few i-----:-.' '
Ma-s '"IT IS FAR THE l-est hitorv oi Fiu:i e that i.-s U .-a written. It is a w.- .- ..; .
AdvwaU, Ub-hm.ib'!, Va. " SUCII A HISTORY- 1 y Mi.-h .1 writ. r. &i :.t i " .i ; ' '
c-rs by the thousand."' Churchman, Kichmon 1, Va. "IN STYLE of n.vt r, - i s
press affluence of illustration, and lowness cf j.rice, this edition of one of the ro't-k-st l.i t"r al r s '
of the most remarkable publications now offered to the public.'''' Miming Si tr, lo. r, N. II.
ILT.tTSTJlA TEL CA TALOG UT, pa fir, J rfs.: Cn 1 ns, d fc.t.a f - Ti ' '-
world at the lowest prices ever know-n. Address .TO f.V Ji. A IAJEX, I'iIj! iht r, ..'. I'.url fn-
f. "S T "S"
s ..'V..
STY HIUH '-. ri hi
w 8EWIa "'.CHINE
: Ii
A Fine Iteeord.
new order which he styled the "Star of
Department Commander Gener
al of the Grand Army of the Republic,
Gen. J. I S. Gobin, of Lebanon, on
last Tuesday week, the day after the
Philadelphia Record published its ex
haustive statement in regard to the
shameless mismanagement of the sol
diers' Orphans' Schools, appointed a
committee to make a full investigation
Into the charges. The committee ia
composed as follows : I,ouis Warner,
Post o. 6, Philadelphia ; Wm. Mc
C'ellan, Post No. 259, Pittsburg ; A. C.
Reinoehl, Post Xo. 81. Lancaster ; Ezra
j H. Ripple, Post No. 139, Scranton, and
M. Jones. Post No. 64, Willirtms
They are requested to proceed
The deputation of Irish "Loyalists''
froiri Ulster who oppose IIim Rule
aid demand protection for Minoiity
Rule waited on Lord Hart ins on recent
ly and were told that Mr. Gladstone
declined to receive them or to say Any
thing about Ireland unlit nfter the pov
crnment. mv-kes its y. i:c,y known. But
Lord irr: inirton advised the deputation
to "do their u'most to enlist the sympa
thy of the English people in thuir
These Uls er "Loyal'st" are the Irish
men who bitterlv opposed Catholic
emancipition in 1-29 aud the disestab
lishment of the Irish Church in 1SC9 '70.
5incp then they haveopposed and helped
to defeat twenty-eight lulls for ttu reg
Ulizot is the Maoiilny of the Uistory of I hi Pyents.
nance rns narrative h tnll or emotion I ni'Mn Mvcmr, tin in-
liKe a qircn stream ; his ctiararter-i ris tw- 1 t'e Kirl of lne, and
I 'fiH is m tr.e fl-'sli ; ihcynre iin'n ?nd
w. -nu-ti, not historic luv fi-r tires. It is ns
ctirnrn' as nny romance. It is a wnrrt to
ren l am re r-nl. Ti e new edition jn-t
piiMiti(t i- woi'iy of 'te work. T-viuri
ri-i'uo-,1 in rriee from ?W 00 to ?6 00 tiie 427
i ''.!strnti iii ure all there. ppert in quality ;
ttif tyne M 1 ,rt'e ; ttie IU'k' inn is ttioroHK'li iy
exci-iient and tustefitl. Evi-iy wor.t of the
piitilisfipr'n r!-sc! ij't ion in th a-.wfrtienient
els"wh( re is wmtli reii.iinu -tle work oulit
to I- - owned ii, every home. We tmve ma.te
an arr.tnireui.-nt v. it h tf:e jiutlisier tiy wlneli
we are ahle to i tier this wor k, G'utzoT'S
ilisTORY r tf France. 8 vols., lanre i2ino..
Alt tllte I ! ! 11 st 1 :i 1 1, tow ns .lounriKi.rl In 1 tin I
i publisher's a.l vertim-ment elsewhere, remi- I n,R!" bpinr c.f!ehratr,1 l,y Faber Cnm
lnr price $t d0. in comblnat ion wiih the merford In the presence of a cor, ereea tion
I t'AMBKiA on the fi,inw It-; re- ! nnmberinn two thoiisanil re-srins n c'o-i.1
uwikat, y arua-jtive -. .., namely : j of 0(nokp hnrt tMmmh the floor and for' a
For 8 2i. we wlil Frr.d one popv of th' rm- I 4V. ,
, par one yr. and deliver a trt cf Mu'izoi't Hiiro- : fm there was ntrrnst a panic Men and
Ty ot France. desrrituvl. at our t.ftt-e without, i womrn rnshed fer the floors, hut fi rtnnno
-h Hnil aeut to
and whos" fiht w'"i h;s
tenantry at Die r.;ir'i:ns r f the land war fr.
179 -rave rise to the word hnycoH, wl icti
has fince he on so x't-nsively B'lcpti-i! in rnuntiy as vri p.s I-e!an1, hen heen sp.
po'nted at'ent of Lor.l's estato in
SiifTo'k. Ila- ttie Enclish will ree-ive
the man wlmso petty tyrrany in Ire'npil
-et a-?oincr n practice that has tnrne-1 (heir
Gnvrnment upsirte down reronhis to h
! seen.
In St. Mary's Catholic Church at
lik-enarre on Mima-, last, while hioh
fl! t'.i ;-. r--. ...' .
f i .- r.., ... ,
. .... : e
. .si i u i-'-.i - :.
I SIlT 1-1 I'.ii :.!- jjr S-
t . r. r n 1 s-: - M 1 . .
-")-. Pf PK!lArh, e . . ' : -
s u, ..-.. 1 . ... ... .'". .
in:.- f r ::r- :.- : . I . I'.-M '
r." v-rv T . !. 1 in ' rc wo .; '
6v : .- -v : I"- : v ' v.i It
Liiii. l.a i s.'? -;;L. r- 5' f - -
do vou y-
Ci-'... Lri?-Z i 'r?:
0V:i 1 1.
" 3
'.- I
ES 'r,oo:E
J f S S
Sc. a p!r
I Sc.
1 So.
13 the r.rr. ivv :o
T"'lmon'-" Hin m W . h. kt. Ct.:
" I hivp S. ri,.:, .Tis I.i' V. ' .
pa tion of iVif Tme's. r iMf-l I v -
r it-m'-n'. of th ( - r-r t! ' i -
ion f'f t'lf I .r.-r. HH'! P'v 1 - .. t i
trorr IS t' l2 k i Hi-is c: ThHii ' i . .
too up for three ri fctir t ivp. I. at -v L . i
taking Si mope: l.i-r IVitO I'-ir '
rel (, without mty lntrrnUoii
HM. J . h I '.-.Lr, ii.H. e i ... 1 . v
J. H. ZEtUX & CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
Chil tn'n'f. 1 to 5 Toar,
dirt's. tTro at'ac' inai ta. -
Vs'' - " - .
1 flies' ' ' . .
with a bett. "
ljjiis". ' ..i. ,
Stiv-kire. Abdominel. and Ctame-
nial Bandage Supporter com-
hir3. SOe. -
Vf th tU-Irt Supporter. - - - S 4c. "
Prfeliton yitrA s Onrter, - - l',o. "
roa HAI.K BT
"samples aent p.sst-paid to any addre-a upon
reccii t of j.nce in 4-cect etampa.
Sole Owner and Manafacturer.
178 Centre Street, New Tork.
'..'.-iii-r It ' v j ti
-- . - .
light :
f. . . - I - -
sj'.'.mq Lm Lr.i r
runner rreiriro anvlnic to ru of Ml .25
rr fl l.5 we wlil stn 1 two copie of this r a
I er one ear. and no: U er umcis of the worn d
ecrlbd. at our tfj-n without Inrtlier charge a
avlnar to you of 8 t. -".
Tor 8IR.OO, we wlil send three copies of this
pa pur one yenr and de-liver tbre copies of tho
work de'i-rllied. at onr office without further
charce n narlntr to you ot gA SO.
Our arraneements with the publisher ena
ble ns to r.mke these exceedingly liberal of
fois tor 30 days only the tim-i expreg
March 1SK6 A prompt call nt our office
to exan.ine the work is worth your while
that will cot nothine: a few hours' or a
ulation of the land tenure in Ireland, to ' f,lw moments" talk witn your neighbor will
St the earliest, moment In tho inmrl
neaven, - arm aucceeueu lu gelling i u.
i lj v, i i m n lit ill i r "r"
settle the difficulties between landlords
and tenants, for tenants' protection and
tenftnts' improvements.
From 1S30 up to 1375 they supported
and helped to pass ten cts to proliii it
the poste8sion of arms and gunpowder
by the people ; ten acts for the "sup
pression of d:." urbanees," by making
assembl!nes of the people unlawful ;
one act empowering the courts to change
the venu and try cases where they
pleased ; five "Unlawful Ouhs"' acts :
two acts to enlarge the constabulary
force ; two "Co-rcion" acts ; nine
"Peace Preservation" acts, allowing
summary arrests and trials by Judges,
and six acts for the suspension of halieas
enable you to secure it on easy terra;.
deeds for about a dozen of farms from '
the dupei who had enlisted under his
inspired banner. Up to last Friday tbe
people in both of these counties were
wild with religious excitement and
Smith's success as a prophet seemed to
. be assured. On that day, bowever, his
prosperous career in a region said to be
1ihibited by ignorant people, was
brought to a sudden and disastrous close,
an4 the prophet, who is represented to
'fn, lank and dirty," wai arrested
us !t sw indler anit is now lanpnisMng in
a critical personal I corpus m ims ., do, ou, ot ana
10. olui:r loiu lur-j ilflvo rtii'! iliru
al the coercion acts that have been in
troduced against their own couutry and
This is a record that ought certainly
to enlist the sympathy of the Ene-lisb.
people in their cause. X. Y. World.
of everything connected
with their management, the care and !
treatment of the pupils, and such other I
matters as may be neceesary to tbe !
good government of the schools ard I
proper compliance both in ietter and j
spirit with the law instituting and j
mainte.ining them. i
j Pbyalefnna Have Fonnd ont
That a contamination and foreign element
! In the hloorl, developed by indigestion, is
! the cause of rhenmarism. This settles upon
j the sensitive pnh cntaneoiis covering of the
ruuseles and lit-aments of the j iints, causina;
I constant and shifting pain, and aggregating
as a calcareous, chalhy deposit which pro
id uces stiffness and distortion fif the ioints.
No fact, whir-h expf rience has demonstrated
, in reeard to Ilostetter's Stomach liittrs, lias
j stroncer evidence to support than this,
I namely, that this medicine of comprelien
; sive uses checks the formidable and atro
, cions disease, r.or is it less po'stivelv estab
! lished that it is preferable to the" poisons
i often used to arrest it, since the m'edieine
j contains only salutory ingredients. It Is
' a'so a signal remedy for malarial fevers.
con?-matron, oyspepsia, Kinney and bladdei
allmwnts, debility and other disorders. See
that yon get the genuine.
Iv no one was hurt. The prirsr, did pot
learp the altur, but amid the ?n'- c nn- i
seled the people to keep cool a: d r -tire !
cs'mly. and his wnrds had a goi 1 e"".ct. 1
The fire can gtit from a furnace In the ' ase !
ment. Tt was soon subdued Lorses. -na- 1
ted at f.ri00. j
Theae are Solid Fnrta.
The best Mood purifier and system regit
lator pyer placed within the reach of euf. j
ferine humanity, truly is Electric BMters. j
Inactivity r the Llvr, Tiiliousnes, .!aun- ,
dice. Contstpation. Weak Kidneys, or any I
disease of the wrinary organs, or whoever re-
quires an appetizer, tonic nr mild stimlant- I
will always find FJectrrc Bitters the best '
and on'y certptn cure known. They act '
surely and quickly, every bottle guarran- I
teed to give entire st-tisfactlon or money re- i
funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by E !
James. '
v li
vi.l.vf, .
2 ( l. :l .
5'.- .till!. .
itH . r n. .
for r; i c .
h ... -Ol;
v.! . -b-m-
K;-,i i
Ad.l.' ,
rt!:r-iiftT coroiT t
i i !i:mHT toi.e v !
1 . t I . U X C !. TTY !
I.AIlt ( i 1,Oj(V !
LA ICK.llOM' Kll ilM I
I. ' ii l.flC. i (OI.CM I
I AIU tu; f 'tl.i,V
y I , i'.it - i-i : : 1,1 . (ar
;uy ;tj ii. -m U s .. .i. ;an l stores. Z lir.t;.
v. . t p- . t.-ic'oiy. fcnmirT. 4
-. - i l : 1 i r.ui .(lii v, I i :. 1 ra pl.JV v
'. T-..1. ird tr nil nii-nni, .'ii't
' - : i 4 .r-p. "1 1 i.r.I. p -ft ,.( cuts rf
i : '' c r t 1 -tii . T our col.
. . . ;i -!in. , r rP'Tl nnllies,
- -.: u;. iimi V-oiui-r iliminrt Pulj.iect.
4 , nr, v . 'itl,':T iii'-tniirvetits IT thOM
.,.- ,. i-n-t lenriMt thi ir f itnnli -n.
b. . .'lA.NtllA,Ciareu.oiit,Surry Co..T.
"2 r-r"S Ef n ari-jft
sin wtiiiKstw O
I t it
Misses', Ycntli's ill mi
A'iLMj.'a::;N;'' - '
SEND "!nCl'L"1
r -, T " " t '- '
Lie...: i. - -
CHIC G0. il-L ,
A-r.A pr'
'Zl -s L
r.?rpM--.s-.'.. . -
Are D-Tf-ctlv avfe nd alw&vn KHrrlaxl.
Td to-5T mnilnrlT ri. Arr.eri-mo
Women. (iariinte tneerler to all
other. 4r 4I'ali reftenf e. Iinn't waxte
money on wrthl ! loitniiii. Try
ReMetf t atr-st. Hold by nil DniKin. or
infctIM to ny i'lrw flpnil 4 cents for ru'ticula.ra.
WILCOX iriCiriC tOH Pnllavdav., raw
i 1 : - :
1. V 1 Issj
Tn err in h very old tradition wbich
leads thus : "Yf Mirsche comytb iyn
lyke a roryng groung-bi.tfae sbe 'wyll
pow out like intu a jentyll
Of the eleven candidates whose names
appear on the six Democratic National
tickets since the close of the war, rn
18C), Tilden and Cleveland are the only
stirvivini- Presidential nominees, and
Per.dletm and English the only surviv-
ins Vice-Presidential candidates. Of !
the seven who are dead, five have died j
since Mr. Cleveland's election.
To feptobh sense of taste, amell or tiear
ine cse Eiy's Cream I!alua. It cures all
cases of Catarrh, Ha Fever, Colds in the
Head, Il-adach and Deafness. It is dointr
wonderful work. Do not fail to procure a
bottle, as in It lies the relief you seek. It Is
easily applied with the finrjer. Trice 50c. at
Mr. P. M. Hurl er, has us-d Ely's Cream
Halm for Catauh in hit family arid om
mend it v; ry hih!y. ladv is recovering
the sense of smell. A Tun khan noc k lawver
ituown 10 many or our readers,
I t,T KTsrs tnrm for yp"fs was rasing at
I Rive Dn Loupe, Quebec, on Son 1av
i Friday a express train was buried In 10 feet
! of snow near Trois Pistoles, although two
engines With. a snow plow were running
i nnout is miles ahead. Another train is hrr-
ied In 15 feet, of snow on Bic Mountain
! blocking the line. The accommodation and
i down express of Friday and Saturday have
I been unable to pet through. The storm is
nn:re-ismg ana rne ftrirrs swell faster
j iney ran n plowed or shoveled
or pas nat to lie
torru 1.4 over.
till the
savs he was i nf k r,.. .-.f i.
cuveil of deafness.-rf.-ji (To..) GaxMc. rite Remedy."
THrtoron onr luxurious and perverted
modes of living, and from a score of causes
besides, diseases of th krdneys and urinary
orrana are now airnnn ihn r......
. v v s ..... iniib i-iMiinion
! and fatal In this country. Men puffer from
i them most frequent lv and nin,t intensely.
Their victims are falling exhausted hy the
I wavside of life everv day. Do von fear ih.s
end for yourself? If so, we can assure v,,n
Keunely's "F.vo-
l RkSVoiy-X QSiLtorlk kiiLUSL Li
xSiiWiuii ViL.'ii2iLEi rim
A lilfo Experi?nco. Romarksble and
Quick cures. Trl&l Prvckaeres. Reri1
stamp for sealod particulars. Address
Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana, Mo.
tatiirii Ym Insarauce Agency
rr. . DICK,
Gensit;! Insurance Agent
; ; a.s ii uu g . pa .
Iok .s i.r. ... : t: . i lnhinks, i i.w D
lire ft h ii r. , liii.'-r n.l Xieet-lron A'-i-k.
Seron.l-I. . . : . -i. z i i.i ii '"1 I "i er. nn hand. Il-ist
Ing etmiri.-. i 1 m.. -r mi-rv n jteelii'tv. -TH M
As VA i; I 1 N , Al t:i r.i),l'.i. (.tun. C.-ly.)
-A. ttoi'iu-v-! t - ft:-i w .
Ths lest scr::i z-zt -
H. CH-
i . :
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jf K -t-it-i of s!.n,r Pattctn r..-.-
t- ? X " I!"-" u-nt imix l.ui ha '
r . ' ,rf .'' vniur t .A r.- 4
- ,- ..! Is. iK-rxt .t. .hah
A I. ' -! t,.tl. 1. Ur '
r -r-
- j - 1 t!-ri'. : -"; i . nn: .-fr t-nlu-rV.
j i !:. -, !l"t;.1 tp
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i -';? v-t' n rr - . . - -
J l ..t i i Ll.t U
filT t' l i T- " ' '.
- . - I n: S -' --. - -r..n;':
A-.- - '
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-i .-h i
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I j- ' art H u-t-.
M. an 1 , r:
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'1 fill .Latrl. .... i, nil
- .'.r.t"i..'.,ntt,'!i.:i
' ,J " .r .- ' '" ' ' i t t-rvx I f
i' - s -i.-.'-i---iC'.l aruitrfinteed
- . ' ' !.... r.-i i. .ed. A 1 :-c,
V.M.M M)U;M S l! . n M. Urtfoe.Co
(F.-r-.v i ; "; '(
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