The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 15, 1886, Image 2

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FRIDAY. - - JANUARY 15, 1886.
Fhiuadki.phia, Pa., Jan. 1. 1886.
There will be a rrjeetlneof the Democratic
Utate Central Committee, at tbe Bolton
House. In the city or Harrisnura. Pa., at 4
'c'ock, T. at., on Wedntday, January 20,
IS, tu elect a Chairman and Permanent
IWrrHary, and BPTen members of the State
Executive Committee ; and transact aucrt
other bualness aa tbe Committee may deter
mine. W. U. FlENStL, Chairman.
J. B. LtCHTT, Secretary.
Tbk original conquest of Ireland
took place in the twelfth ceDtury, when
Ilenrv II. made his Bon John lord of
that country.
The tnghsh Parliament met on
Tuesday last. Its session will be the
moKt Important one that has been held
for the last half a century and will be
big with the fate of Ireland.
T. V. I'owdkrlt, General Master
Workman of th Knights of Libor,
ays: 'If every laborer and eveiy
manufacturer would read daily a good
Taper, and keep pcnted on tbe topics of
the tim I feel certain there would be
less trouble."
JrooE Thcrmas, who was seleeted
to act as umpire in the matters of dis
pute between the miner? and operators
of the Hocking Valley (Ohio) mining
district, rendered his decision in favor
of the miners on Friday last. He al
lows them their demand of an advance
of ten cents per ton. and his decision.
by agreement of the parties, is final.
Nothing of special Importance has
transpired in Congress during the pre 8
ent week. The Presidential succession
bill which passed the Spnate just before
the two weeks holiday recess, has been
reported favorably in the House, but
has not yet been discussed in that body
Several speeches have been delivered in
the Senate against suspending the
monthly coinage of silver dollars and
two in favor of it. This question prom
ises to occupy a great deal of the time
of the two houses, but no change in
the present law i3 anticipated.
lr there is any young man in this
couDty. or more than one, between 18
and 22 years of age, desirous of entering
the U. S. Military Academy at West
Point and fitting himself for the Army,
we direct his or their attention to the
letter of Congressman Jacob M. Camp
bell, which is published In another part
of our paper. As will be learned from
the letter, a competitive examination as
to the mental and physical qualifications
of applicants from this, the .Seventeenth
Congressional district, composed of
Somerset, Cambria, Blair and Bedford
counties, will be held by four competent
gentlemen, whose names will he hereaf
ter announced, who will meet at Johns
town, on Tuesday, the 231 of next
A BiJiouT.AR peusion bill was intro
duced into the U. S. Senate last week
by Mr. Cockrell, of Missouri. The bill
authorized the settlement of the claim
of f resident James Monroe for half pay
due him as LteriS",'; Colonel of In- ; investigation.
Before retiring from bis official post
Minister Lowell performed or many of
his deluded countrymen in excellent
service In directing an-, investigation
into the alleged estates in tbe Bank of
England awaiting claimants, in Ameri
ca. Mr. Henry White, one. of the Sec
retaries of Legation in London, con
ducted the inquiry, and bis rej.-urt trans
mitted to the State Department bbows
that these fortunes are as illusory as the
proverbial castles in Spain or the gold
that is picked up in dreams on Tom Tid
dler's Ground.
It appears by a statement made by
the chief accountant of the 15a tik or
Dgland that the whole amount, of
money at the present time in the keep
ing of the Court of Chancery is eighty-
four million pounds sterling, of which
eighty-three millions belong to owners
who are known. This leaves about five
million dollars to be divided among the
imaginary heirs of the "Jennens,'' the
Hedges," the "Hyde," the "Brad
ford," the "Home" and many another
supposititious estate of vast wealth if set
tlement should ever be reached on this
side of the millennium. The numerous
American heirs of the "Jennens estate"
ot fabuiouamouut hold meetings every
now and then to iise funds for seeding
out-atflbow lawyers to London to pros
ecute their claims. Mr. White says
that the Jennens property went to tbe
heirs-at-law long before the American
claimants were heard of, and that the
latter never had a ehadow of a title.
The rest of these estates rest on the
same airy foundations. Of the un
claimed amounts in the Bank of Eng
land the chief accountant quoted by
Mr. White says there are few of one
thousand pounds, and piobably none
that exceed this sum by more than one
hundred or two hundred pounds.
Such are the phantom estates in Eng
land, the foolish quest of which has
lured so much money out of the pockets
of honest people in America. Poor
Becky Flyle was made mad in the vain
prosecutiou of a real claim in Chancery.
How many persons in this country have
lost their wits in pursuing estates in
Europe that are as unsubstantial as is
the pot of gold at the base of the rain
bow in the fables of childhood I Next
t3 Eug'and, Germany and Holland are
the favorite countries Id which weak
headed Americans are pursuing ances
tral wealth. From the time when the
Flying Dutchml began his ocean
roamings his descendants have been
searching for his phantom fortune.
The estate of Anneke JaDS, after the
accumulations of several centuries, is
Supposed to contain as much wealth as
that which Vanderbilt left beaind him
the other day. Ther there is the Zim
merman estate, some of whose Ameri
can heirs have lost their identity by
changing their names to Carpenter, and
with it their share in a fortune which is
believed to be as vast as that of the
Fuggers of the Middle Ages, if it could
only be found. Some of our diplomat
ists on the Continent of Europe, whose
time hangs heavily on their hands,
might find some employment in imitat
ing the example of ex-Minister Lowell
and exposing the illusory character of
these foreign fortunes. But it is some
what doubtful whether the victims of
this peculiar hallucination would de
rive any substantial beuefil from tbe
Ouce possessed of tbe
The agitatioD, protestation, vacilla
tion, and insubordination on tbe
part of Englishmen of all political pro
clivities during the short interval be
tween the election aDd tbe meeting of
Parliament, are strikingly contrasted
with the Imperturbability of Mr. Par
nell and the perfect discipline with
which his example of reticence is fol
lowed by his Nationalist colleagues.
So formidable is the tactical advan
tage secured by this reserve that every
device would naturally be essayed by
both Tories and Liberals to commit the
Home Rulers to a definition of the min
imum concession they would accept.
But it is pretty certain that however
modest might be the demand thus pre
maturely outlined British opinion would
Insist nn vieldlDff less. U is lucky.
therefore, that reither the sunshine of
blandiabmetit nor thetilast T5f objurga
tion has moved the Irish leader to cast
off his wonted cloak of taciturnity.
It requires extraordinary gifts to ex
ercise at such a juncture a vigilant and
iron self-repression, and to euforce a
scrupulous adherence to the same policy
or silence upon fourscore members of
Parliament, every one of whom may be
subjected to probings, pumpings and
cajoleries. We would not disparage
the great powers and services of O'Con
nell. but is the simple truth to say that
with his fervid temperament he could
not in a crisis like the present have
fixed a Beal upon his lips. The confi
dence and exultation with which he
would survey the phalanx of supporters
at his back and tbe iipe occasiou offered
by tbe equilibrium of parties would
almost certainly betray him into some
giave error of strategy. But by con
aumate strategy alone can a majority of
80 hope to wrest home rule from an as
sambly of 670. There has never, in
deed, been auy lack among Irish patri
ots of daring soldier9 or dashing cavalry
commanders ; what Ireland has JaeReu
hs been a general. She has one at last.
We are now beginning, also, to appre
ciate the imperative necessity of the
measures taken at the Dublin confer
ence to insure unanimity and subordi
nation among the Parliamentary promo
ters of home rule. We can see why
every Nationalist was asked in advance
not only to efface his private judgment
before tbe deliberate decision of his
party, but also resign bis seat should
he be pronounced leaky or refractory by
a majority of his colleagues. Of course
tbe eighty Parnellite membeis have
their share of rashness and ductility,
and who doubts but that, without the
striDgent measures taken, soroeof them,
under pressure or seduction, might have
committed themr.elves, if not their
leader, to positions and assertions they
might have to disavow ? It is the mru
who talk too much who are observed to
do too little, and to British onlookers
the pit-sent silence in the Irish ranks is
a fact of grim significatice.
It will be noticed, also, that the reti
cence maiutaiuedby Mr. Parnell applies
only to details, to the mere machinery
by which his cnpital aim shall be ef
tected. There is no mystery whatever
about the fundamental object for which
he is contending. The central, indis
pensable basis ot negotiation hasalready
oetn proclaimed. No proposition from
the Liberals or Tories will be even en
tertained, nnless it embodies a consent
to revive the Dublm Parliament. Su
mueti has been published but no more,
ll would have been folly, ou the other
band, tr formulate beforehand the pre
cise checks and balances by which the
functions an Irish legislature can be
adjusted to the workings of the British
Constitution. To devise such means of
accommodation is the business of the
British statesmen who essay to solve the
hom rule problem ; it will be for Mr.
Parueil to acceptor repel them, accord
ing as it may seem congruous or in coin
paubie with his uuswerviiig pur
pose of securing self-government for
Ireland. Wheu Mr. Gladstone or Lord
Salisbury shall have wrought out and
brought forward a scheme purporting to
attain thai, object, will be the time for
him to speak. 2T. Y. Sun.
Tke Mh Discussed question of Heme
London, Jan. 10. Politiciaua of all
6hades seem to b thoroughly at sea
concerning the probable program the
great parties will decide upon with re
gard to the much discussed question of
home rule. The leaders of all parties
have suddenly become very reticent, and
the closest questioning fails to araw
from them an utterance upon which tbe
remotest idea as to the stand they will
take on the Irieh question can be based.
Mr. Gladstone appears to be in a state
of great perplexity, and is apparently
more or less nonplussed by the conflict
ing elements within his own party. He
seems to realize that it would be the
sheerest folly to attempt to give battle to
give battle to the Tories with his own
Dr. A. W. Brown, Mystic, Conn.. say9:
"I have a case of dropsy resulting from
heart disease which Hunt's Remedy relieved
at once."
William McLoney, aged sixty, a wealthy
farmer, was found dead In his slelzh by tbe
roadside, near Akron, O , on Monday. The
body was frozen stiff, and it Is supposed
McLoney was overcome by the cold while
Tbe highest marriaee celebrated !n Col
orado this year Wat, that of Oscar Olsen and
Miss Conners, who were wedded on snow
hoes on tbe top of the divide. 13.000 feet
above the sea.
"The ladies especially go Into ecstacies
over Parker's Hair Balsam," writes Mr. J.
Decker, druegiet, of Findlay, Ohio. "They
force so tmnrTmcrm mmcb 4 I it-U Uw mosLelegantdreesinthey ever ;
disorganized as they are at present.
How to overcome all bickerings aod get
bis forces united on some definite plan
of action causes him much anxiety, and
the mental strain under which he is
laboring has caused great apprehension
among bis triends, who fear that be
may be prostrated at the most vital mo
On the other band. Lord Salisbury has
bis political forces well organized, and.
it is asserted, is planning and scheming
to forestall any contemplated aggres
sion by his opponents. He is acting
with the utmost caution, and will, it is
stated on good authority, be able to
meet any attack upon his policy with a
much bolder and more compact front
than many anticipate. He is said
to be quietlv throwing up fortifications.
and hopes through the presentation of a
program containing measures of such a
liberal nature to discomfit his-opponents
and demoralize them in the very
threshhold. He hopes by this plan to
bring the moderate Whigs over to his
support and thereby augmeut his forces
Mr. Gladstone, sorely hampered as he
is bv the apparent impossibility of get
ting his forces to combine on any plan
with regard to legislation for Ireland
will be at a disadvantage, and it will be
impossible for him to antagonize the
indefatigable Tory leader with any hope
of success. Unless he can bring about
an agreement upon some concerted plan
of action by his followers it is believed
he will adopt no policy, and watch for
a favorable opportunity to strike his
opponents and drive them to the wall.
In Conservative circles it !s freely hiut
ed that the present Government will
assume a defensive attitude, and use
every means at their command to in
duce Mr. Gladston to reveal himself
before they venture to move.
Representative Loutitt, of Cal
ifornia, is a "blacksmith congressman,"
and it is related that during the last
electoral campaign an opposing paper
said he was "not hierh-toned enough"
to represent that district. "His father
was a blacksmith and he is a black
smith." it said, "and he would better
be at the anvil than in Concress." Not
long after Loutitt made a speech in the
town where that paper was published,
lie read the paragraph quoted aloud and
then "It's all true," he said, "my fath
er wis a blacksmith, and I am a black
smith ; but I am not ashamed of it.
And if I can find the litt'e rascal who
wrote th it editorial I wil' let him know
that I still possess a blacksmith's arm."
fantry from November 3. 17$3. the
eloee of the Revolutionary War, to
July 4, 1S31, the time of his death, the
amount found due to be paid to h'.s legal
representatives. Mr. Cockrell said be
Introduced the bill by requesc, but his
own vote had always been against such
bills and always would be. Mr. Logan
remarked that President Monroe never
was a Colonel, and was never in the
army at all. Mr. Morrill, of Vermont,
aid that Mr. Monroe bad gone home to
ra se a regiment, but gave it up and
went to studying law with Thomas Jefferson.
tauCy that they are heirs of a vast
estate in Europe, it (iait them od-j
with death. As long as they can raise
money to send a lawyer or other agent
abroad they will continue to prosecute
their imaginary claims. Philadelphia
The late snow storm appears
have prevailed in nearly ever pan
the Tr---m o
nu bs therefore of
wider extent than any one that has pre
ceded it Tor twenty-five years. In Min
nesota and other north-western states
the thermemeter on Saturday, Sunday
and Monday, ranged from 13 degrees
below zero to 23 degrees at Omaha and
tbe same at Des Moines, Iowa, while
along tbe Canadian Pacific Railroad in
Manitoba, it was 52. The oranges were
frozen on the trees in Florida, an un
nsnal occurrence, and in some towns
General Jackson's triumph at the
battle of New Orleans was fittinglv el"
ebrated on Friday last, the pe-rnty-first
anniversary of that im-jTtaDt event, in
many of the and large towus
througho"r ae country. The Philadel
pf, democrats under the auspices of tbe
Young Men '8 Democratic Association,
celebrated the event by a dinner at St.
George's Hall, Speeches were made by
U. S. Senator Gray, of Delaware, Dan
iel Dougherty, and others. During the
course of his remarks Mr. Dougherty
said :
'I am no sycophant crawling for fa
vors at the footstool. Grant Mr. Cleve
land has made mistakes of omission and
commission. Who has no? Yet I
voice the opinion of the American peo
ple, white and black. North and South,
East and West, Democrats and Repub
licans, men of all parties and of no par-
Mr. Parnell Hisses His Train.
1 T lt.... 1 a. T ; J a.
of Texas the thermometer was down to j "uou uw.hh vuh uu l raiueut
v 1 ' that hoo Dttar rrvo rmA f Ka tKnie K n a In
zro, the coldest weather known there
for forty years. Travel and transpor
tation on nearly all tbe railroads in the
West were either temporarily sus
pended or seriously impeded, and the
destruction of cattle and hogs bv being
frozen in the cars was very great.
Over two hundred hogs were frozen on
Monday in the cars and stock yards at
Tittsburg. The storm along the Atlan
tic sea const did immense damage and
several Fchooners were lost. Involving
the sacrifice of many lives. Both in its
severity and in its extent the January
storm of will long be remembered.
Each branch of the Ohio Legislature
ballotted Tor U. S. Senator on Tuesday.
In the Senate, which contains a Demo
arattc majority of three, the vote Blood,
Thurman, 20 ; Sherman, 17. In the
House Thurman received 41 votes and
Sherman 67. The true Republican ma
jority in the House is i, and that was
its complexion until a short time before
the balloting for Senator commenced,
when the Republican members rushed
through a resolution unseating nine of
the ten Democratic members from Cin
cinnati, and swore in their nine defeat
ed opponents. There being a true Re
publican majority of three on joint bal
lot Sherman was sure to be elected, but
his crowd were unwilling to risk so
small a margin and went through tbe
cut-throat performance we have men
tioned. Jobo Sherman, of course,
knew that this outrage was to be perpe
trated, and no man who is familiar with
the dirty tricks be resorted to in order
to cheat Tilden out of the vote of Louis
iana, will be at all astonished that be
consented to bold another term of six
years in the Senate by a disgraceful and
revolutionary proceeding that would
bave done credit to a Republican carpet
bag Legislature in South Carolina, dur
ing the progressive days of reconstruc
tion iu that vilely-governed and ruth
lessly plundered Stale.
bored more incessantly, struggled more
conscientiously and striven more suc
cessfully to fulfil to the letter bis plight
ed faith to the people.
He has disappointed machine politi
cians, but it is because aftei the election
he has kept the promises he made
befoie. With him there is no cajoling
for the succession ; no kitchen Cabinet;
bo side door ; no doubt either in tbe
White House or out of it as to who is
in reality the President.
The rapidity of his rise and the height
of his elevation have scarcely a parallel
in history. Yet without the arts of the
accomplished politician, with no bril
liant points to dazzle tbe public eye, but
solely by straightforward, fearless and
independeut fidelity to public trusts, he
rose in toree nights, from a private cit
izen to be Mayor of Buffalo, Governor
of New York, and President of the
United States.
Courteous to every comer he is in
nately a gentleman. He listens with
interest to the humblest, and cannot be
swerved from his judgment by the high
est. He can neither be moved by flat
tery nor by frowns. He would willing
ly help those who have served his par
ty, but the firs: consideration is ability
to serve the Government. He is ever
at his post, and devotes himself unceas
ingly to his public duties. Questions of
state, matters of national moment, re
ceive the calm consideration of the prac
tical man. He doubtless consults his
Cabinet, is not unmindful of the great
organs of public opinion; then weigh
iug fertcb matter in tbe scales of a "just
and unstrained construction of tbe
Constitution," be decides for himself,
and will change his views only for good
and weighty reasons. He never forgets
that, if be be the head ot a party, he is
President of the Republic. He seeks to
bury all remembrauces of fratricidal
war, and draw closer and closer the
bonJs of fraternal affection. He will,
as President, beyond question cultivate
friendly relations with alloreign pow
ers, but I am sure he will never forget
that America bs a policy of her own,
from which he will never swerve.
Above all, economy and iuttgrity shine
resplendent in every department, and
be courts the severest scrutiny into
every official act."
Dublin, Jan. 11.
Sixty out of the eighty-six Parnellite
members of Parliament attended t I
meeting here to day, called for ne pur
pose of holding a conf ' on the po
litical situation- n(i to draft aline of
action to b opted at the forthcoming
8ess"" f Parliament. The discussion
"s devoted mainly to the subject of
home rule. Reporters were not admit
ted and therefore no details of the
meeting cau be given.
Mr. Parnell was not present. He left
Londou lafet evening for the purpose of
attending the conference, but quit the
tiain at Crowe to partake of refresh
ments, and when he returned to the
platform he fourd the train had left.
He again started for Dublin this morn
ing and arrived at Chester at the same
time as did Mr. Gladstone, who was on
his way to London. Mr. Gladstone and
Mr. Parnell were on the same platform
for a few minutes before the restarting
of their respective trains, but neither of
the leaders spoke to (he other.
Singular Will of a Miser.
The following singular will was made
by a miser in Ireland : "I give and be
queath to my sister-in law, Mary Den
nis, four old worsted stockings, which
she will find underneath my bed ; to ray
nephew, Charles Macartney, two other
pair of stockings, lying in a box where I
keep my linen; to Lieutenant Johnson,
of His Majesty's Fifth Regiment of
Foot, my only pair of white cottou
stockings and my old scarlet great coat;
and to Hannoh Burke, my housekeeper,
in leturu for her long and faithful ser
vice, my cracked earlhern pitcher."
Hannah, in high wrath, told the other
legatees that she resigned to them her
valuable share of the property, and then
retired. In equal rage. Charles kicked
down the pitcher, and, as it broke, a
multitude of guineas burst out and
rolled along the floor. This fortunate
discovery induced those present to ex
amine the stockings, which, to their
great joy, were crammed with money.
A Valuable Merileal Treat ie.
The edition for 1880 of the sterling Medi
cal Annual, known as Hosteller's Almanac,
is now reody. and mav he obtained, free of
cost, of druepists and peneral countrv deal
ers in nil parts of the United States, Mexico,
and Indeed in every civilized portion of the
Western Hemisphere. This Aimanac has
been issued regularly at the commencement
of everv year for over one fifth of a century.
It combines, with the sonndest practical ad
vice for the preservation and restoration of
health, a laree amonnt of Interesting and
annusine lieht reading, and the calendar,
astronomical calculations. chrnnnloc''"!
items, etc. are prenred with eat care, j
and will he found ent'--'j acCHtate. The
issue of FTnotet"! s Almanac for 1886 will
prnr,,w5t ie the lurpest edition of a medical
rn ever pnnnsnen in any connrrv. l ne
proprietors, Messrs. Rnsretter & Co., Pitts
bnrgh. Pa., on receipt of a two cent stamp,
will forward a copy by mall to any person
who cannot procure one in his neighbor
hood. War horses, when hit In battle, tremble
In every mtrscle and eroan deeply, while
their eves show deep astonishment. Dur
ing the battle of Waterloo some of the horses
as they lay npon the ground, having recov
ered from the first agony of their wounds,
fell to eating the grass annut them, thus
Rurrnundinu themselves with a circle of bare
ground, the limited extent of which showed
their weakness. Others were observed
Quietly eraxii'.t in the fiM wtpe- '
two hoetiie lines, their riders navmg been
shot t ft their backs, and the balls flvingnver
their heads and the tumult behind, before
and around them caused no interruption to
the usual instinct of their nature.
used." Stops falling balr. restores color.
promotes growth.
Father Kolasinsb, the deposed Polish
Catholic priest at Detroit, has, with the as
slsitance or bis attorney, prepared an ap
peal to the ecclesiastical authorities at
Rome. It sets forth tbe charges made
against him. and denies their truthful
Some sav "Consumption can't be
cured." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, as proved
by fortv years' experience, will cure this
disease when not already advanced beyond
the reach of medical aid. Even then its use
affords very great relief, and Insures refrtsb
ing sleep.
On Ftiday, Charles Williams, colored,
convicted of outraging Mrs. Keene, white,
was banged ot Cambridge, Md. He protes
ted his innocence. Wheo the clergymen
spoke to him of eternity be said . It is too
late. I am going to hell, where I shall meet
my accusers.
A fatal disease has made its appear
ance among the milch cows in many of the
counties of Central Illinois, which is attrib
uted to the eating of mouldy and rotten
corn which farmers left in their fields. The
animals when first attacked are seized with
dizzlnets and fall down, many of them dy
ing. . At Baldwin, Wis., Saturday night, Mrs.
Gundersnn left three children In the house
while she went out to milk a cow. In some
way unknown the children overturned the
lamp, exploding, it and the clothes of the
youngest child were set on fire. The bouse
with contents was entirely consumed. In
the debris the charred body of the child was
John Schauf, reputed fairly well off,
died lately near Alburtis, Lehigh county.
aged o, aDd when the appraisement was
made of bis goods $4,000 in hard cash was
found in the house. Piles of 6ilver and
gold were found stored In corners and
drawers, including French, Spanish and
English coins, some of the pieces being
over 100 years old.
John NiMtz, a farmer, of Upper Saucon,
Pa., began chewing garlic twenty years
ago, and chewed it so remorselessly that
his wife deserted him and has not spoken to
him since. Bat he kept on chewing, say i op
that it would preserve his life. He is now
seventy years old, but looks like a man of
forty. He promises to live to see the next
centennial, though there is a wish, almost
as big as the nation itself, that he will not
attend it.
Rev. John Dunn pastor of the Catholic
chui rh at Plains, near Wilkesbarre, whose
sudden death has already been announced,
was reardfd as one of the most learned
clergymen and eloquent speakers in the di
ocese of Scranton. One of his actions will
long be remembered. In August, 1877.
when a great riot was threatened in Scran
bet ween the steel workers and tbe militia,
Father Dunn appeared on the scene just in
time to quel. it. The mob had begun to as
sault the soldiers with stones and a rush
was made for Mayor McCune. The priest
interposed auj saved bis life.
Absolutely Pure.
The powder never varlM. A marrel ot pnmy.
nreoetb and wholeoomenejs. More economical
thn the ordinary kiDds, and cannot tie told In
competition with the multitude of the low wn.
I Have Now in Store the Largest
Stock of Hardware Ever Offered
in the Country, all bought at
Rock-Bottom Prices for Cash and
all First-Clas Goods. I do Not
Buy or Keep in Stock Any Cheap
Job Lt or Auction Goods. What
ever You Buy From me You Can
Rely on Being Worth the Money
You Pay for it. Owing to an Ad-
vance 1 am INow belling .Many
Sba'l Con.
to Re-c.v
ware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Trunks and Fanning Implements. Ctfl
and See my Prices. I am Not Uundersold.
Ebensburg Angust 1 4 , 1885.
auv - o j
Goods at Less Than I Can Replace Them at But I
tinue to Sell at Bottom Prices, until I am Compelled
short welirht. alum or phosphate pow.iere
onv in cant. Kotal Haeii
Wall St.. r iw York
The principal cause if nenrly all elclcnes at
this tlr.e of the year has its nrlRlD In a disor
dered Ter. which, il wot reeolated In time, (treat
.n?A,-tr,u- wrftiii'1npci triilriesth will ensue. A
rentleinan wrltmif ir ui Mouth America sajs : 'I
bave uei tout puniinnTi. i.n" nui.i
KOid effect," bi h aii prevention and cure for ma
larial leTers on lue iuiiuu.- ui
If you wish to Farm for Profit, READ
"HOW THE FARM PAYS. -412 pages, S2.5c!
f ...
-If ycr' o Gaffen for Profit, READ
Or? PROFIT, 300 pages, S 1
' ' io become a Florist, READ
"'CULTURE." 300 pages, SI
Auv of t!u:
SOatalo:ruc for
A Purely VegetaYia M:i:s.
MAi.AKiors yy. kk .
DYSt EF5lA,c
If toii frel drowpT, dotillltated. have Ireqoeot
headache, month taste? r.sdlv, poor appetite, and
tnrif uc coated, vou are i;erini tr.m lerpld ller
or nil!iusne'," and nothlnn will cure you (
speedily and permanently a? to take
! Is given wPh .ie'y. nr l the h.ipplet result
to the most del'c i-n intiint. It tane the place of
quinine and hi't r -it cvwf kln.l. It ia the
cheapest, .ure?t aid best family medicine In the
woi Id.
by all Druggists
Attractiye. Entertaining and Instructive.
Tbe Family Journal of America.
Stories of the War
a t U C
1 ,
titrations of the newest, c
foiailed on reccijit of tj ctt. i't tfi!ii i
: rare 5 '
:C-3 an i PLAK'TS.
Peter Henderson & Co.35&3
1 886.
The Only Democratic
Paper in Pittmnr,
At the Low Kate oi SI
a Year, in Chihs n
Five nr Over.
it la LIGHT RDNNTNO and aoea
such beautiful work. Agents' Favor
ite, because it is a quick and eaey seller.
TlionnniKla Sy Ro,
Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard. Knn., write? :
"I ripver hesltat to rpcommenrl your EIpc
trlc Bitters to my customers, thpy givn en
tire satisfaction and are rapid hellers."
Electric Bitters are the pnrest and best
medicine known and will positively cure
Kidney and Liver complaints. Pnrify the
blood and regu'.ate the bowels. No family
caD afford to ne without them. They will
save hundreds of dollars In doctor's bills
everv vear. Sold at fift cents a bottle by
E. James.
Thli medicine, combining Iron with pur-a
Vegetable tonic, quickly and corn t .l Vfe'ij
torn Dtkim-p! iMlfrMlim, UmknrH,
I !.' Ulood, Malaria, (-bill and Fevera.
n1 Nrm-alg-la.
It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of tbe
Kidneys and I.ivrr.
It is lnralnable for IMseaws peculiar to
Women, and ail who lead sedentary lives.
It does not injure trie teeth, cause headache. or
produce constipation rtlhT Iron medirinrtt do.
It enriches and purifies the blood, stlraulates
the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength
ens the muscles and nerres.
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of
Energy, &c., it has no equal.
Mt The genuine has abore trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
A hzi: for t H.X3 c. lis Spark-
1 w hPeMs
1 1
Umm H i 1 '
flHl Uiuritli it new denitrture In every feitnra
L f the kuklv Tim as will be made. Every
numtirr will te lihera:ly illustrated in It? Vr
contrihu tinns, whlrh huve so Ionic been a specialty
In it column, and in its Stones wliic) will te
frreaUy enl.irre1 from the pens ot the be?t writers,
and In current History. Biography. Politics, Art,
fcv.'!e"Ce and the leading events ot the day.
The tljie pse.l Icr the weekly lournal of
tha city to till the plice ot a newspaper. The
Sh0v newpaier from the gree.t centres ef news
now reaihe Into every section ot the land. Eve
ry inl.tri city and every twn of Importance hve
their d illy newspapers, snn ;he local weaklv.
with the wotideriui ptvares in provincial jour
nalism, meets every want that the dally newspa
per fails to supply. The metropolitan week ly of
to diy must In; much -nor- man a newsj.aper ; H
must led tlie mairaime In popular literature : It
nun lecd it In popular 11!utration. and It most
meet every requirement ot the intelligent reader
ot every class.
Cor. La Salle atsmj iA Ontario Street,
flR81XU FARMS lilltr
circular. A. o BLiaa, 't-mllm. Ta.
All News of the AVook
and n Great Variety
of Miscellanv.
1 Will be published in each number trom the ablest
1 writers who participated in the bloody drama of
I citil ptnTe, and each will beirofusely Illustrated,
j The most et.tertaimnir and In.tructive Stories
from tlio Nest writers of fiction will appear In each
I ls:-ue, witii illustrations.
I TK.KMS : Sol j hv all news agents at Five
Cents per Copy. Ky mail Tl per year, or (1 tor
six months. Clubs of ten. J14 a d an extra copy
to the getter up of the club.
.4 d (Tress. THE TIMES.
Times En tiding, Phila.
A fire broke out In the block of build
ings bounded by Coral. Adaoisi, Taylor, and
Emerld streets, at Philadelphia on Mon
day last. Nearly the entire) block was des
troyed. Two laree bmldihes on the oppo
site aide of Adams street caueht. fire and
were also destroyed. The buiidines were
owned by the Arnett Steam Tower Mills
Company, and were leased to a number of
occupants. Nine hundred people were em
ployed in the buiidines, and the fire throws
them out of work. Snow and ice hindered
the firemen a ereat deal. The total loss is
placed at ?l 000 Ooo. on which there Is a
very consideraole insurance.
My boy (tbree years old) was recently
taken with cold In the head, which seemed
finally to nettle in his nose, which was
stopper! up for days and nlchts so that it
was difficult for him to breathe and sleep.
I called a physician who prescribed, but did
him no good. Finally I went to the drue
store and eot a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm.
It seemed to work like magic. The boy's
nose was clear In two days, and h has heen
o. k. ever since. E J. Hazzard, New York.
Anna Pasner. a preposessln young
lady of W. Va , and the dauehter of a far
mer in comfortable ciictimstances, died ou
Saturday last in frichtfui aeony from the
effects of poison administered by her own
hands. The pirl had become Infatuated
withfa you ne Mormon apostle, wtio has
befn endeavoring for some time past to ob
tain concerts in that state, and the refusal
of her parents to allow her to accompany
him to the West was the cause of her rash
THorFAxmoF Ablk Men Fail in Life
for purely physical reasous. They are not
torpid but their liver is. and the liver blocks
the way. They are bilious, yellow skinned,
headachy and miserable, all because that
Kreat eland declines to do its work. The
medicine that can restore to ihis orean its
natural power will add one hundred per
cent, to the available force of this world.
We know of but one thine able to do this
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.
Ts tha moat virulent f. irm of blooti-polson-Jnjr.
Lena speedily fatal, but not less cer
tainlv so, la the vitiation of the blood of
Which the first symptoms are Pimples,
Sties, Uoils, and Cutaneous Krup
tlons. When the taint of Scrofula- pivet
wai ninffof Its presence by such indications,
no time should be lost in using AYKR'3
Sarsapakii.i.a, tho only perfect and reli
able medicine for the purifieatiou of the
Is a foul corruption in the blood Hint rots
out all the machinery of life. Nothing
will eradicate it from "tin; system u;.U pre
vent Its tran-mi-sion to ofipri.iij Tut
Avrit'8 SAnsAi-Aiiii.i.A. This i rcpn
tion Is also th! only uic that will i-ltipse
the blood of !Mi icini:il poiaon :"id :'ic
taint of 'ontaiii!s lii-rasei. I:apoir
lthcd blood is p:-iMU.-;i (- of
ffea attained a standard of excellence which
admits of no superior.
I contains every improvement that in Ten tire
genius, skill and money can produce.
, .. -,- ,
The retmris of the Pope's feebleness
are declared to be grossly exaggerated,
and his Holiness is said to be t-njoyini;
unusually vigorom bealtb. It is diffi
cult to believe any item of news affect
ing so important a personage wheu that
item has been communicated to the
Continental press bv parties interested.
Lho XIII is an old man, whose health
has always been delicate, and whose
death might reasonably be expected at
auy moment. At the same time people
of his constitution pre-eminently the
scholar's are apt to reach great ages
through temperance and care. Eveiy
one will wish that the amiable and tal
ented Pontiff my, like his predecessor
upon the throne, see and exceed the
"years of Peter." riis is a transition
Pontificate, such as a man of his temper
and character will administer most sare
lj, aud illustrate most acceptably in tbe
eyes of outer nations ; and it is" for the
best interests, alike of the Church and
the world, that this period should be
made ns long and as quiet as possible.
Philadelphia, Record.
Any man or woman making less than tiO
weekly should try our easy mooey-making
busiuw8. We watit agents for our cele
brated Madame Dean Spinal Supporting
Corsets; also, our Spinal Supporter, Shoui
dei Brace, and Abdominal Protector Com
bined (tor Men and Roys). No experience
required. Four orders per day give the
Autitit $150 monthly. Oar AeenU report
four to twenty sales daily, ontfit free
Vi-oTflfSla!?: I SSS" SPSS I w,
A wretched condition imlicatcd PnllKt
Sklu, l-"i.iTil "M iisx-tes. Sliatteretl
Nerves, mid Mel-incholy. Iti first
symptoms tiro Weakness, languor,
l!rfs cf Nerve I 'orce, nnd Mental Re
jection. l,s cotirc, invhokcd, lends
in it;it!- to infinity or di'iith. Women
f ivpiont ly snfti-r from it. The only m-li-
in" thitt, while, pnrifvinir the blood, cn-i-iclM-s
it w'n i r.i-w t i::-lity, and Invigorates
tUc wLulo j-; -i. in, is
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
I t:: r.i;i i nv
Ir. .1. '. .'.ycr Co., 1.oyi--11, Mass.
od ! !-.i ---N(s: ivi,-e 1;
s;- ! o;t;,.s f0r fco.
When T sy cur, Ida not mmn mrlrtn Urtp then. fr m
time u1 tlirn hsT them rvturn scsto. I m., rdicsl fu-n.
I msns tl Har sf FITS, KPILKrKT or FI.L1N
PICKS 1S llfe-lfm mi nAy. 1 warrant my rerae1y to for,
t' wr-pt r,-e,, B,Tit otftsr, ts falleit Is no reso lor
Br t now rrr-r:,tn a c.irn. t-nrl utrar. for B treaMss ar.-l m
i r.ii R'lttle ot riT InMilbln remetlr. tiiTO KiTiirM ana Post
C3U-e. Itfv -, I, .tlrnc Irratrlal, ird 1 ;llr,ii
il li sfiir. U. O. KOOT, l.ea.-l St., ! i York.
Dr. C. C. Abbott's collection of stone
Implements of the American Indians, now
on exhibition in the Peabody museum rf
archteology, at Cambridge, Mass., is consid
ered one of the most Important of the kind
ever brought toeether, and one which arch
woioeists will consult for all time to come.
It contains more than 20 000 stone Imple
ments and several hundred objects made of
uTie, ciay ann cocner. and was citiierpil
I.iuiip i:h!inneys. Heirs henry tails ; will sustain
your weticht on it ; stands cold water splashei on
hot chimney t sells at Bticbt. Sample mailed.
Me.J one dozen ov express, 91 j.v Also, the
1NU IAJIP RI RNF.R. Has nickel reflector.
No Mowlim down chlmne: Alls lamp without re
moving hnrner or chlmnev; ne smoke, smell or
danger. Ssmnle mailed. 8!e-; one dozen by ea
press. 2 10. Koth tbe ,vt mailed lor AOe.
Ac dress, J. E. CI.OWM, Reensvlllei. Pa.
A f A MT FTl llrllaulj a ten l.ri.,,,1
If f m . m-ixj M 1 f antt-( r t Be 1 !e
Tree. O. see Vines Rij-ei. it -
frerioos exuener.oe not ssten':' H. I
id A arm i
TheBO exeoilont Organs are celebrated for vol
ume, quality of tone, qnirk rrspouno, variety of
combination, artinlic dnnicn, bcuutT iu finish, pert
fectcomitrnct.ioii, making them t'.io inert attract
ive, ornarjiontal and rlesirnhlo oin 'tis for homes,
echoold, churches, lodgrs, aocioties, eta
rsT.tni.isiiKn nr.PiTATiojf,
I XEUI AI-E" FArn.iTirs.
NHii.i.r.n woRKAi.s,
nrisx SI VTF.BIAL,
Si'.siruclion Doolis ati T!otrjos nnd I'ncn Lists, oc
j-:o Slools.
j 1 Ii stion, ruBB.
Liiiasgo Comga Crgan Co.
Coraer Eandolph and Itn Streets,
Tons, Toncli, Worta'sMs & DnraMlity.
tm.UAJi KTAnr . ro.
N'. W -,t BaKtmora Ftr.-ot. Baltimore.
I a a Mltlvs nsilr aw aMv Alaaaaai k, a ai
ot k kas4 MS ot lau .asl
TaM4, m ami la ST s!1k la 11 Hurr,
o bottub rmaa, immio wwa inu
Complete Market Re
ports iiom all 1'oint?
Cattle Markets
a Specialty
I J pad Ca re fully:
IT. a"
F iI.lTirAL Alwats
cordial and candid sujlt:
l.Tl F.KAKY 1 lust-a ei r
BDi'cellany. tt-stiy ar. i t.r,. .
WASHIM1TUX-An, 1 -,otidrn-e.
ninil and le.f-s-s;1
proceed : tte rst ys-
Administrat'on, with L.-:.
Itet i!.ni.
M sre'u! rf - 1
Forelitn and ot.t-- ms-ae:
tions.- the woo1. eris:e' ;Lt
stock markets. t ! -r. e a- A. a-
ly letter from c -r,
S".w York, -f -Vllrig o
. .. :r ic
a s'r!. ' a tv.e r'tti", ri" s
otr.nsel Tas Wirttv f-T w ;.
esre'nl u-fir of rs '. ic f-st If
ot bu'iness, the '-c-t.t r .
dent, and r-re etc'nently tte !r
held cir le.
5 rule snoi.-rt f..-n. HI 2 a r"' r,:
In t"luli. ct rite ( r 1 've- (1 ; e T'"
An extra cf y !- '' " i'
M0- Send for.fcample ople."S
J.1S. P. 7URRS -
1 1.,
1 1 '
The Best News oarer
aid by far t'e Most Peaoa: e.
money in distribut e,
The rnost inte-es1
rrpAi i oHers Svpf rSCi
No Subscriber ino'e-J n? ; ?
Somethinc for a i.
.... . . I N,'"'
Peantifal and S".r"tTix:ai 1 . - -
BtAndrd Gold u ctbey Vs i'-
known to the trac, and inKf,A
of object of real utility a3 iMtr.
Smtes, ly Afaii,
DAILY. rr Year (s
w r .
. ill
rltbotit SunS'T 1 " ,
DAILY, pr MontwlttS;it', ,j
SUNDAY. pr Year . J
a,t-ff-a, W N -. . f
Tvr.r.M.1, per - a, .
Crdicarr SuM: Boots
aiwars wear oat Tst rc
tneball. ThettM'H
Boots are ri-u'-.t en. k
on the bni:. and c;
Dornii: vr at.
Jr' ctxios": Ri r
boot in tue ;r.a ;
Lasts ln;rr t. :- a: J
ether boot ni tie
PEHF 0 HlOHtlt.
Call and ex
amine tbe
FBf.EMAM , Pr.tfhtnn, K. T.
ns a r. O. tMna, tiaV T. 4. aLOCTH, Ui IWI ,.