The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 08, 1886, Image 3

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    tats. if
Ytitre and the Other Place.
for an oy'er stew (jo to the Sujrsr
"Fc. trc tft 3our In the market fro to
" fof frB groceries of every description
tZtaV' Howl.
jj ,:;i,Wy-t)vir foundry firm has ao
,Z; one thousand coffee mills.
, J PritfB has put a oorn sheller In
"' p.i Is now ready to shell corn for
Tt new in St. Michael's Catholic
m y. Lcretto, is said to be a jfreat and
'Z.-l cet-Je'l improvement.
" K rnany new leaves that were
, ,'"rj o-r I'd New Year's, have already
Zi turre'l bak snam.
y,;r;. IVrt and Edward Williams, of
o-teac!. son' of T. J. Williams of this
; rf, are pend-:ne a few days on a visit to
W pstental r-f.
-Mr (ore Walters, a prominent slti
f V te : wr'hip, died on Friday last
'leiif t about 83 years.
Hrrv rat-l;:n, a waltby and werTi
'fl,Pj:;fii .if ci-arteld county, died on
..'fV-: u:t , a-! Vrs.
V i ' rk.'" Myers, the new Toor House
, r-vr, took tbe oa!i of office and erftered
duties on Xonday last.
vrath is miirf . anil will prevail, Hunt's
.'jj (jr--s maaic all diseaaeisof kid
Z , ivr urinary oreans.
'!,u K "?.nlan, Emj. who 'baa been
,.r. .., y iH f " several weeks, has been im-
r ?r y
-Tv. 'as 1 M-'u'.lough, Ej. , one of
j 1-! E-ember of the Clearfiel-i county
ir, -Vri at rt.ilipburg 0,1 last Monday
t-k u i v y.-ars He leaves a wife and
-.t c..,iirrn.
-Mf-r. En-'ienart, O'Dowd ami Cover.
: A- I. tor-. ( niiueDeed the work of
:i:.r-t' e t--.-..ant of the county on Mon-
-?': will a meeting of the teachers
Auius'me, on Saturday, Jan. Ptb, to
;i: a 'Richer-' reading circle and dis
t :"jv All interested pet sons are
: .'-led t.) a'terid. the Cambria Iron
... L
:o:i t
:.j ::;t
r.eiilu, in bonaerset county,
i1: ii iarsjn body of mineral
y company.
-.: .- t! at Deputy Organizers Flick
" -7 - t A t. ora, will in the near fu
"' " ii rt to orKaniz a branch of
' C.-val Association in this
! II they may rcet with success.
w;o undertook to take tbe
::.p Jackson township oil well
w :'i !;s few days aave up the job.
'"e .!:: would cost more to take out
? it would to bore a new bole.
'.'t-.-i :, a " wtchtnan, in the P.
A ti. r,a, on Friday, attempted
'' .-: in tt tt of a moving traio.
:i!'; t t : r Haisam," writes Mr. J.
' -t, i f Findlay, Ohio. "They
' fr.o-t e eaant d ressing they ever
fi;;'5' hair, restores color,
-"' i!.-o:,
- - ar l.oret'.o always pays the
r u ,d country product of
L -- i- I .. -a-: Oats, jo cts.; corn.
f-f rv particular.
- .xLa.i at Loretto, Ta., has a lot of
':'V.:a l !,'tLir'K that be will sell at
' '"- ' '.'.o-e them out. Pants as
' upward ; vests as low as
- -t'irl , coats as low as ?2. and
'"f"' as low as fJ. and up
-' he;rv IVctoral is recommended
' - f ti,e treateSt eminence on
'.-I. ' " A' a,i'-. i the most relia-
--, f f.,:ds ao d ooughs, and all
' r '"rs- It afforda prompt re-
; ''I'a-e No family should ever
r "f the Church of the
' -' i- piace, presented an ex
af ;"arame at C o'clock
: j. y "., " mf'r"ing, and great credit j
M'p Myers and Maggie O '- t
a'tisM. nianner In which thn
i"-;rn'.ed. The new Msa hv i
":ri., the principal loss
' -ury to the .af
-., ' ramer. who left this
'''ij o "r' family thirty-seven
';U-'r'S,", "''"n. Paid his first
" i ""'"" "f ,!is outh- on Wednes-
"'ion-.' ' 10 ,s now dea1.
''..'..', 4'1'1 "'j and harness-making
u Irars in this olace. Mr. f.
i - L.
"'''"'r.t of Monroe county, la.
' ' -day r.irn,n -
"o1t B i -year-oia
-'uJ'K K,)r'r. of Johnstown,
V'4 . ',f"'t KSt of f' hom".
u "1 (I , w"rd- fllPPl her
'?!),.' , mand he caught
Z"' 7" vr 7';-.f't it off and threw
' rr "?p prjrp,) a
In January we take our inventorv nf i ,
now offer some Great Barring in Bll? f m n C,lea7P
-TX7 r A- -i ,
F -
frM.CiDrtl1 " Lorett0 9el,s SoU at
rromfi. tof2. Der nir. .
tr to 4 : child.. . rrom
ouwco irum ou CIS. to 1 1.-
T: '"m7octs. to tL; ladies'
m f l' 10 -' mlssea. ladies' and
men-, rabber9 of a k,nd8 and
for cash or marketable produce..
-Thrw hundred and thirty convicts were
!?iLBfI,,t0 W v DM9 ,aSt Wwk at lh8 Wrn
Uh ? J y tbe "t,on 0' tracts
with the Penn'a Construction Co.. iron
brooms. These convicts will retcain Idle
wntil some other industry is provided for
them. They will probably be pnt to rue
matin?. R
.Tile attem0,a ' onr readers is called to
the adverttemem of Wm. F.5able & Co
of Altoona. w1,ich appears a.the top of this
paee. Mews. Gable & Co. are live busi
r.Ms men ana take the lead as merchants in
Altoona ; and any of our readers who visit
, In I Y W1" d WPU t0 !it thir 'rKa es
tablifihroent. wblce they will find filled with
seasonable Koods at very low prices.
-Tbe -Galhtzin Cornet Band held a ball
in Armory nail, this rrtase. on .New Year's
afternoon and evening. Every thing wns
conducted in a satisfactory manner ajd
w to treat bis men j A T
decrees that Easter shall be observed on the
C i-. . aner tne run moon following the
21st of March. Its earliest possible, date is
March 2id. It is 152 years since Easter Day
has been so late. It will not again fall on
that day til! 1943. Ash Wednesday will fall
this year on the 10th of Mareh.
A letter received by Master Milton
Connell, of this place, from Master Frank
Kennedy, son of John A. Kennedy En
!;.! THke them several weeks to of Adrian, Minnesota, who removed from
mis place last fall, conveys the information
that the 'Squire was taker, suddsnly bick on
tb Wednesday before Christmas, and for
several day? bis life was despaired of. but,
we are glad to state, he took & change for
the better, and was then (or. tba 27th.) on a
Com- ' taiT WH? t0 reco'ery.
it rcr i 2 build a railroad from I McDonald at Loretto. Pa., still holds
: me ion ana continues to wage war against
; high prices. He sells dress goods as low as
j 5 cu per yard ; canton flant,el8 at 6 cts. per
yard ; all ginghams at 8 ctg. per yard ; best
i shirting at 10 cts per yard . gray flannels at
! 13 -its. per yard ; good Kentucky jeans at
; 15 cts. per yard, velveteens, shawls, blan
i keU, and all other fall and winter goods at
! equally low prices, for cash or good, mar
i ketable produce.
At tbe Presbyterian church, in this place,
I on Cbrlntmas evening quite an interesting
; entertainment was given, the programme
I consisting of vocal and lustrumental music,
j recitations, etc. The church was tM-autlful-
ly decorated for the occasion, and during
: the evening the members of each and svprc
SrU a,'d tlis le wa3 ! Sunday School class presented their teacher
anjP"tation above , with some ?ftlnable artiCle. A like e-.ter-
tainment was given at the Congregational
-1 . iK.iL'her. an old citizeu of church,
v. cf.c.ri.irR wood a couple ! Mr. c A Grumbling, of Grant, has ac
:r-k a stirk which flew up cepted a situation as salesman for that well
m e eye, injuring that organ j known and rejabe firm Messrs William I.
J t,.at it is feared he w.ll lose the . Boyd A Co., wholesale grocers, Xos. 10 &
21 South Water street, Philadelphia, and
..: especially go Into ecstacies I will in a short time be interviewing our
j merchants io this and adjoining counties on
! the subject of stocking np with a first class
j line of groceries. Mr. Grumbling Is a clever
j gentleman, whom our merchants will find it
I a pleasure to deal with, and the firm he
j represents Is one of the best to be found in
While in Philadelphia on Wednesday
wheat, 1.10; beans. ' last, we hung our hat In thi American
' :, a :,l all of.ier good mar- j House on Chestnut street, presided over by
" n?ed. j that veteran landlord, Mr. Wm. V. McClel-
!sy evening of last week nuite i lnd, formerly of the liOgan House, Altoona.
-' i ":.t-rtaininent was given in j Ur- ThomDson, formerly of this place
' fhiir .!., irallitzin, by th chil- ' is chief clerk, and what the landlord and
:'-i i m'.n the Sisters' school In ! chief clerk don't know about runBing a bo
- v are '.ad to know that it ; tel and making a guest feel comfortable is
I not worth knowing. While there we met
' Mr Ben. P. Thompson, Mr. Thomas C
; Sharbangb, M. D. Kittell. Esq. and Herman
Myers, Esq. all from Ebensborg, who were
stopping at that house. The American has '
become beadqnarters for Cambria county '
, people visiting Philadelphia, and when you ,
! visit Philadelphia that's the place for you to j
1 stop at.
Frank Derr, the foolishly bravo Indiana '
borough landlord, who deliberately under- ,
took to run an open bar after having been
; refused a license by the Court, was senten- ,
! ced on Tuesday last to pay a fine of f 100 on j
j each of ten Indictments on which he bad ;
i been convicted. Thf re are several other J
! cases pending against him. A man who is
: silly enough to '.hlnk that he can drive a .
i coach and four through an act of Assembly :
will discover in the outcome that he has
been "gnawing at a file," and that the 11-
' is ! rc.,,,1,.,,.,, y ' cense laws were matfe to be rigidly enforced
i?. r.f . .. tana cannot Do viotatea witn impunity.
:.V.V tiardware Com- j !,.,, experience has been somewhat ex
-... JJTkf. was hlonin . ......
':' cr.j. , . pensive, but it will be very nsefui 10 mm, as
"- Ki vt'iV a b7 Profe9S- ! wel' as to others who have an insane notion
tr-tr entraDce inta i that it la quite an easy matter to "cheat"
ar "D th frnt dr ' the law on the license question. j
l-i, k. ,ir rortunate v the aaf con. I
"On Satnrday last," says the Hunting
don focal yetrt, "Mr. James Cullen, the
well known supervisor of the Pensylvanla
railroad, was given a surprise by tbe fore
men and assistants, at bis residence In
Spruce creek. It was the twenty-fifth an
niversary of his appointment as supervisor,
and his friends deemed It fitting that tbe
occasion should be celebrated. Mr. Cullen
was presented with a vary rich sliver tea
service, consisting of seven pieces. The
presentation was made on behalf of the do
nors by the veteran foreman, M. George L.
Calderwood. who, with Mr. Cullen. has
been In the continuous service of the com
pany since Sept. 1C. 1850. Tbe Sisters of
Mercy at St. Aloysious Academy, Loretto,
also remembered Mr. CnKen by a token
accompanied by some appropriate verses."
money. Prn
Alexander Gilchrist hi;nj
1 - """u auiuier, or
ie town of Indiana, whose eyesight was
destroyed by the march over Limestone
u 1 Tennes9e. dunng the war, received
aS 0t"Tda,,Mt,roin th Pension
Agent at rittr.oure for 12,161.8. all on ac
count of back pay. This rs the largest
mount that has ever been paid to any sin
gle petwuwT. From tbia tiwe on he will
receive 75 per month, the amount prescribed
iW P6"00 who have become totally
wind rrom disease contracted in the service.
Hcnrisx's application has been pending
ever stnce 1864.
Mrs. McCormick, rertct of Tatnck Mc
cormick, formerly of Sammerhlll township,
ttijarounty. died m Mioneanapolis. Minn.,
on Monday of last week, aged about 79
Vears. Mrs. McCormick went to Minnesota
nearly two years ago and kept house for
juuesi son. Frank, who left this
j county for the West several years ago. Iler
West son. John McCormick, a well known
'citizen of this section nf th-
. . f U4UJ, 1 1 v jjz uu
the old homestead near Wiimore. The de
ceased was a highly respectable lady, and
ner death, whk from her advanced age was
to have been expected, will be regretted by
all her old Cambria county friends who
hBr 1 n '"mnlUnce. with bar own re-
Thomas opened the door and stepping out
with his revolver In hand ordered the crowd
that bad gathered to disperse, when be was
seized by the officers. He was taken before
Justice Woodruff, and on Tuesiay evening
was released, haying given bail in the sum
of froo.
nnmarr by Reooni Flood.
I The recent heavy rains caused an almost
unprecedented flood in the Susquehanna
1 and Juniata rivers, Involving the distruction
j of a vast amount of property at Williams
i port and other places along the West Branch
as well as at Tyrone and other points on the
(Juniati. No loss of life Is reported except
at Duncannon, some miles west of Harris
burg, where the Pennsylvania railroad
crosses Sherman's creek, which empties into
l the Susquehanna at tnat place. One of the
piers of the bridge having been weakened
by the foice of the flood, gave way on Mon
, day night. Just as the train known as the
Huntingdon local was crossing, precipitating
1 eight ore dumps and the engine iuto the
i creek, causing a loss of three lives, viz : K.
M. Turbetf, brakeman ; T. C. Baldwin, the
conductor, and A. McCachron, bis assistant.
All the unfortunate men were from Hunt
ingdon. Passengers over the Pennsylvania
railroad had to be transferred east and west
I over the walking bridge near the scene of
, the accident, and great delay was occasioned
in the running of trains.
.fw Oftlrra wrn In.
On Monday last Court met for the pur
: pose of swearing in the newly elected offl
i cers. Sheriff Elect, Joseph A. Gray, and
Jury Commissioners, E. J. Blough and Wil-
Ham Davis were sworn, and entered upon
I the discharge of their respective duties.
Sheriff Gray ha3 appointed Mr. Cele.stine
Biair, who performed the duties of Deputy
Sheriff under Sheriff Luther, as his deputy,
and Mr. Thomas Peach, of Susquehanna
township, as turnkey at the jail. Mr.
Peach and family moved into the jail on
Monday last, and Ex-Sheriff Luther and
family took their departure for Carroll
township, where he will again turn his at
tention to farming. Both the outgoing and
incoming officers have our best wishes for
their future success. In the removal of
Sheriff Luther, EOensburg looses one of her
best cirizens, a good Democrat, and an hon
est, conscientious and obliging official, who
perfonned his duties at all times faithfully
and to the best of his ability.
Attempt to Wrerk I.lmltel F.xprea.
On Friday evening or last, week an attempt '
was made to wreck Chicago Limited Ex
press between Cresson and Lilly's. A lot ,
of ties were placed on the track and were '
struck by the locomotive, but fortunately
were thrown off without derailing the train.
After the train had passed the ties were ;
again placed on the track, but were discov-
ered before being run into. It is to be
hoped that the parties who placed the ob
struction on the track and imperrllled the ,
lives of trainmen and passengers maybe
caught and a long term of Imprisonment
meted out to them.
A Wonilerfnl IMwoyery.
Consumptives and all who suffer from any
affection of the throat ane lnns can rind a 1
certain cure in Dr. K'ng's New Discovery !
for Consumption. Thourands of perioa- j
nemt cures verify the truth of this state- j
roent. No medicine can show such a record I
of wonderful cures. Thousands of once
hopeless sufferers now gratefully proclaim
thev owe their lives to this new discovery. :
It will cost you nothing to give it a trial. ;
Free trial oottle at James' urug store.
Large size f 1.
RaIe Towhlp Item. !
Mr. James Palmer, of the Eldorado mines,
has left our midst to take charge of a rail
road In Ohio.
David Mulholltn, an employe of the Van
Scoyoc coal mines, was hurt very badly last
week bv a fall of rock.
The town of Glasgow is progressing in
the way of pool rooms, etc.
Itev. Thomas Van Scoyoc is visiting in the
Quaker City. ...
James W. McCartney and wife are visit
ing relatives In Franklin county.
Mr boy Ubree years old) was recently
taken with cold in the head, wnich seemed
finally to settle in his nose, which was
atoppVd up for days and nights so that it
was difficult for nlra to breathe aud sleep.
I called a physiciau who prescribed, but did
him no goo.1. Finally I went to the drug
store and got a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm.
It seemed to work like magic. The boy's
nose was clear In two days, and he has bee u
o k ever since. E. J. H.zrd, New ork.
St0cks we wU1
at $8 ;
Item pr,arF, by One Whom We
HpV Il-ar from Often.
Glasgow, Jan. 4, 188;.
Our merchant: are now doing a " land
office" business.
Mr. Wm Troxel as been confined to his
residence for some the by Illness.
Mr. Ego, of Bellwo, has moved bis fam
ily here and taken up heir residence in our
At present writing theroads are in a ter
rible condition, and travj is pxceedingly
The coal trade at Mnuntan Dale still con
tinues brisk, and the sup.iy is scarcely
equal to the demand.
Mrs. Fry, an old and mncl respected lady
of this place, has been corfined to bed for
some time by serious illness
The work or laying tract still progresses
on the Cresson A Coalpon railroad. It is
being laid now from both dictions ; a force
of workmen Is on the Creson end also.
An educational meeting at Utahvil!e was
held in the Biethern thureh, of that place,
on last Friday an( Saturday, during both
day and evening it was largely attended
by teachers and ot-ers.
On New Year's day Mr. Jos. G. Hollaud's
family and near relatives, to the number of
about thirty, assembled at his place and
spent the day in a most enjoyable manner.
Since that eventful occasion Mr. Holland
has fewer fowls to feed.
Coalport steadily and constantly continues
to increase. A large, spacious and hand
some hotel building, to supply the place of
the one burned last summer, Is nearly com
pleted. It stands on Main street and adds
grea'ly to the appearance of the town.
Where the pellucid water? of the Clear
field wind In graceful curves, near Fallen
Timber, there abides in his mansion,
"skilled to rule." a pedagogue, of disposi
tion so pacific that not a wave of trouble
rolls across his peaceful breast, and just as
meek as Moses' little lamb.
Mr. Daniel Matthews has erected a very
fine dwelling house in this place. It is
nearly ready for occupancy. The painter's
j brush is now changing its complexion and
j giving it a more beautifying appearance
Mr. Chas. Troxel also contemplates tte
i erection of a new dwelling. Ground Is now
i being broke for that purpose.
: A pool room, where many of our young
idea learn how to shoot, Is now in operation
1 in this place. The magnetism is so
that our youth, instead of spending their
: evenings in profitable employment, go to
: the pool room, where others of their kind
I assemble, and spend their goldeu moments
j In such a way as to reflect no credit upon
1 themselves.
j The Lntherpn Sabbath School, of this
! place, celebrated Christmas in a most appro
I prlate manner. Their church was finely
j decorated and beautifully illuminated. A
j Christmas tree, full of presents for the
1 young and old, was a prominent feature of
j the affair. Speeches were made, essays
j read and orations delivered, and the occa
j sion was enlivened by music.
ine standard, rnblished at Coalport, is
one of the spicy papers of our land. Its
columns sparkle with news or an exciting
character. The circulation is deservedly
large through this section. Mr. Pannebaker,
Its editor, Is well adapted to making a news
paper a success, and deserves much credit
for his painstaking and untiring energy in
raising it to fhe standard it occupies.
The large tannery at Iivona Is being
rapidly pushed to completion. This build
ing is a formadable stone structure, over
200 feet In length and about 50 in width.
The town of Irvona is ' looming up." A
good vein of coal has been struck there,
which also gives a fresh impulse to the little
village. Parties from a distance have been
negotiating for the purchase of lots In that
place with a view to erecting thereon. The
tannery will require a larce force of work
men to operate it, and it will occasion the
building of many dwelling houses. There
fore the future outlook for Irvona is very
bright. Red Cloud.
IsOeal Institute at Loretto.
Programme of Local Institute to beheld
at Loretto on Saturday, January 16th, at 10
o'clock, a. m.:
1. Best methods of teaching reading
A. J. Sanker.
J. Wrong methods of study nnd how to
correct them. Thomas J. Itell.
:i. Variety in school work M. D. Bearer.
4. Th use of text books in the recitation
F. J. Parrish.
5. How far shonW teachers' explanations
extend '.'Harold G. Kaylor.
ii. How to secure attention A. J. Noel.
7. How far are directors responsible for
the success of their schools? W. A. B.
h. The proper discipline of the school
County Superintendent.
Teachers, directors and friends of educa
tion are cordially invited to attend.
m -
The t'hrlatlain Advocate.
says : "A general complaint that spares
no class nor condition of person Is seated
In the live r. It may be truly said this Is
our national complaint, and it gives us
great plesure to hear or read the testimony
of persons of well ki, own veracity and In
telligence to prove value of Simmons
Liver Regulator as a rmedy. The printed
and verbal testimony of so many friends and
acquaintances satisfies us that this is one of
the exceptions to the general rule of hum
buggery of medical specialties."
IJt accident a mas swallows a poison,
now frightened he is. How the home anti
dotes are sent down after it, and In what
giowlng terms the messenger hurries along
the doctor. Yet hosts or excellent people
are slowly dying of poisonous elements In
their blood. The liver should have removed
thee, but it is weak and disease!, and so
fads of Us duty. Do you uoderstand this
fact? If so vou will be Llad to learn that
D. Kennedy's Favotile Ueuiedy m.e.?
and Russian Circulars at 5, $6 and
worth $12. Plush Coats with Real
Lining at $lo ; worth $S1.
Prices. Every erarment we are
town r x irATtn.
rORTAGE, Jao. 5, 1886.
Editor Fueemas Trusting that a few
lines from this quarter will be of interest to
many readers, the wiiter pens the following :
On the evening of New Year's day Patrick
Moran. aged about seventeen years, who for
a number of years had been staying with
the family of the late Patrick Reilly, near
Portage, attended a reverie at tbe Cambria
House. Wiimore. and, it is said, became
slightly intoxicated. Where he obtained
the means by which his mental powers were
thus dethroned is tot known to the writer,
hut the probability is that some readers of
the Freeman could conjecture with a very
considerable decree of certainty. At what
time younp Moran left for home is a mystery.
It is known, however, that he was at the
partv as late as eleven o'clock New Year's
night. The next morning, between the
hours of ten and eleven, he was found lying
at the foot of a high embankment in front of
Mr. John McGovein's house, Wiimore, in
an insensible and verv much mntilated con-
. . . .J frnm ha 11
amon, ana nesiiirs ucm ij uj -
ing lain so long in the cold, lie was taken
to the house of Mr. McGovern. where kind
and willing hands did all they could to aile
viate his sufferings and restore sensibility,
but all to no purpose. He lay lingering be
tween life and death until one o'clock Mon
day morning, when death put ao end to his
agonies. Whether young Moran ascended
the embankment in doing which be would
not be poing the road which would lead him
"------ as 1
u r
jur og-
j ever may have any thoughts to offer on the
I subject at hand. Th meetings have been
j well attended by interested and appreciative
! audiences. The question, "Kesoived that
I Country Life is preferable to City Life,"
was debated at the meeting on the'riOth ult.,
and In view of the arguments produced, the
, judges decided in favor of the affirmative.
In any community that can hope to be pro
, gressive, there must be refining and elevat
j ing influences to counteract the many retro
I giesslve tendencies incident to lives that
must be engaged in constant toil in order to
j provide for worldly wants. The church,
i the school, and the press supply some of
j these needed irfluences. but then there is a
' side of man's nature rot reached by any of
these which can only be reached by the ly
: ceum, or some kindred institution. It was
to supply a much felt want that such an
organization was formed In our midst. T.
Following ie a brief report of visits to
schools by the County Superintendent dur
ing December :
Lowkr Yookr. This district has built three
new houses within the last three vears. The one
; bnilt during the last year Is a commodious bulld
! Ing. containing lour rooms. ood furniture has
been placed in the new buildings. The directors
have taken a step in the right direction and have
; gradt d their schools in Morrellvllle. One house
, In the district is unlit for use and will be vacated
next year Three teachers have had no experi
j ence. The books In use are excellent, and read-
Ing charts are provided. The teachers are heart-
i i 1 v iinnfiiirr..1 h. , i Kab..i -i . . . .
efforts to hve successful work done in th chn..i.
Length of term, five months. Messrs Hill and
Tomb, directors, and Kev. Mr. Davis accompanied
! to visit the schools.
Crotlk. A new four-roomed building has been
j built in the village ot Summerhill during the
summer. Three rooms are occupied at present
, The house Is substantially hoilt and seated with
j good patent furniture. The schools were dcJaved
i In opening until about the first week In Deeem
j bcr. The school.; begin the work of the term iin
I der tavorable circumstances, the teachers belnf
j enthusiastic nnd competent. Term, five months
' uirecuirs fiummer ana .ilc(;arren
visited the
schools witn me.
Wilworb. F.iund the schools well attended
and well conducted. The teacher ol the tim
grade. Mr. Beswlck, Is a young man who Is teach
Inu his first term, hut is doing wel.. He attend
ed the Indiana Normal School tor peveral terms
and passed a highly satisiactory examination.
The school building has been painted during the
summer. Term, rix months. Directors Mottner
and MoOuire and P. M. Brown, Fsa.. accomt.a
Died to visit the schools. 1
East Taylor. The schools were well attended !
Found each teacher's desk supplied witn a copy' I
of W ebster's T'nabrldged Dictionary. Term five
months. The Angus and Mineral 'I'olot schools
were not visited this time.
West Tatlor. This dlstriot built a new house
during the s jmmer. It Is a fair building and fur
nished with good luruiture. l'he location Is not i
god. but about the best that conld be had '
found all the schools well attended. In the '
Kosedale schools upwards of seventy pupils nre '
enrolled. At this place a graded school ot two i
rooms is needed and will likely he provided lor an
other term. Webster's dictionaries were also
found on the teachers1 desks in this district
Two cd the teHchers. Hirry Johnson and Merman
Wilson, both from the Normal School at Indiana
are teaching their hrat term. Term, five months' ' uirei-iur L.ougnry ana Mracken
me iM-noois.
Prosi-b.-t. Fonnd the school eksed The
teacher has been in 111 health for some time
Substitute teachers 'hould be engaged when con
tinued sickness prevents the teaober from teach
TJpi-ek Yoder. Yisltcd three schools an.i
graded scnf Z "".t."'
i Tbe teacher of the first grade, Mr. Norman Berk
: ley. has been teaching the first grade lor several
terms and is doing good work. The new building
on Kernvllle hili is a subdtantlnl house and pro
vided with good furniture,
t'owKMAVOH Twp. A new building has been
, added in this district. It Is the mot substantial
d best finished single school room In the coun
ty. The location Is good and play ground of suit
able sie. Found the schools In good condition
t c WPfe nnt rannhnd l r-i n ... v. . i
i mx-ucr! csrnrai in meir work.
! Mr'HoslT.rMran.rl' aYS .'7ZIVZ-
visited seven ol the schools In thi..ri7.r v. . ..' i
them trenrrallv iloln. -11 ri r w- .' t . '
are teaching their first term an.) are doing nuite i
wll This district has secured the services of i
mi. ininn i ooer ana jonn II. Uh rmi lorsev
al years, and no more enthusiastic and earnest
teachers are found at.ywhere. The bouses In the
district are all lair buildings, but the furniture
Is uneomlortable and not adapted to the wants oT
the pupils, (iood patent lurniture would add
much to the comfort and advancement of the
schools. This district has also provided suitable
bells for ech house, the only country district
where be Is are placed on the buildings.
Physiology Is tauht in the schools to some ex
tent, but suitable books have not been provided
tor the pupils ol some ol the schools. In many
school rooms suitable mottoes, pictures, e'e
were displayed by teachers and pupils, and the
school rooms presented a cheerlnl,
These things ao far toward securing order ami
obedience Irom pupils. From observations an. I
notes taken we fonnd about 60 tier cent r,t k.
" y veuiimieu. it is a mc.tter el too ;
much neglected. Teachers and pupils connot do
good work In the school room where Impure at- I
inosphere prevails, yet In some Instances no pro
visions are made for ventilation. Severn I la i lures '
In teaching hate been reported during the month I
and several resignations have taken place i
Where no attention Is Riven to proper discipline i
and the laws of grverning power, failures goner- I
ally o-enr. In several distric's comphnril Is '
made that teachers do not keep their schools open
regularly and that schools sutler Irom such irreg '
ulaiity. Teachers certainly Minuld never close i
their schools or lose time miles it cannot be i
avoided, and it should las the dutv of directors to '
report such to their board who neglect tnelr duty, i
The term is short enough, and teachers, directors
pupils and parents should use every possible !
means to make the most from the work of lur I
schools. i
Teachers' reading circles and district Institutes '
are open in a number ot dlst.-lcts In the county !
and are doing; good work. A report ol the-e !
meetings will Le given In our next communication
noi-peciiuiiy suomitted.
Thk new patseoger and freight deiot of
the Cre.iiiuu Clearfield railroad at Cuai
poit 13 rapidly ap p'oaulnu couapletion.
$S.50. Fine Broche Cloth Coats
Seal Loops and Fine Satin
Children s Coats at Reduced
ofTerirnr is a Bargain.
The following marriage licenses have been
Issued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court
since last Tuesday week :
Samuel H. Onltert, i'oopersilale, and Krance
Conftnhle, Mlllville.
Ilncoln Kobrts, Summerbill township, and
Mrv K. Jones. :mhria township.
Kdwurd W. Emst. Kat-t I-lberty, and Lillian
HPTTinirton, Johntown.
l'orter ItavU and Laura An-lerson, Karr town
ship. William F1her and Polly Slane. Johnstown.
Harry A. Luther and Emma V. Eger, Carroll
Joseph Boyerand Anna I.. Constants, Morrell
ille. Charles Tlokert. Loretto. and Clan Kvin.dal
litzln horoneh.
Adam Fender and ETellne Croyle, Upper Yoder
I"ld J. Houck and Katie S. Oemslei, Karr
Jacob H. Hose, Adams township, and Anna V.
Lltzlner. Hichland township.
Merman Krtlemnn. (;onenianirh noroagh, and
I'etronilla Koxler. Woodrale boronirh.
WIM,m Wike and Hrldiret Kyan, Millrille
borftuirh .
Willinm ottn and Mary Mnran. Frospect boro'.
Joseph Suvcr and I. Jessie Hrubaker, Johns
town. John Haws. 1'ittshurit. and Maireie Hene;h.
e:.rife K. Hubert. S.mth Fork, and Julia Ar
thurs, 'onemnuirh township.
Conrad Deinhart and Lizile Mullen, :one
niHoirh toronirh.
John B. I'faller. tTonemauirh borouicb, and
Miry McHriile. Prospect borotitfh.
Kobert Walton nnd Katie Hcpp, Conemauifh
PATTEKSON K F.L.T.Y. Married, on Tuei
day. Jinuarv 4. bv H. Klnkead. Esq.. In
thlg place. Mr. James H. Patterson and Miss
Charlotte Kelly.
IE KKK r K YAIV. Married, at St. Michael's
Clllirch I .rTt.ttt it Tit O - - IBO t
1 KfT. K. A. Hush. Mr. Chas."iwkert, ol 'lretto.
, and Miss Clara Kyan, of (Jallltiin.
THOMPSON. T!-d. at the residence nr his
(rrandiiarenta. in Fhiladeli-hla. Iec. 30. 1ss5.
Johm P. THf'Mvsow, only son ol Ben. P. Thomp
son, aed 19 years.
To Gratify His Wife
A (iood Reason for Ilapplnen.
'For many years I bad suffered from a tJom
plaint which the tihyalciana call JraveI. I had
employed some of the most noted doctors without
j obtaininK any permanent relief, and lor a Ions.
i time my case was regarded as hopeless. All who
knew the eircumstane. a said 1 must die. Finally
my wife Indnced me to try a bottle ot Dr. Kenne
dy's 'Favorite Keraj,' which she had some
where heard of or seen advertised. Wlthont the
slightest faith In It. hut aololyto irratlfv tier T
i bouirht a bottle of a dmziost in our Tillage. I
i used that and two or three bottles more, and to
mnke a lonit story short I am now as healthy a
man as there is In the country.
Since tin n I have recommended 'Favorite
I Kemeny' to others whom I knew to have suffered
from Kidney and I.iver complaints : and I assure
! thepnt'tlc that the Favorite Kemedy' has done
Its work with a similar completeness in every sin
gle Instance, and I trust some other sick and dis
couraged mort il may hear of it and try the ' Fa
vorite Kemedy.' as 1 did." Wanhitwtnn Monroe,
Catskill, S. F.
Imn't a Fool tat. Prejndlee against
. popular medicines stand between you and the
health or your wile, child or babv. I- Isalwavs
; right to advertise a blessing. Ir. Kennedy s
' Favorite Kemedy" ig a blessing It has saved
thonsands. and it will help vou. It vou are sick
i from troubles ol the Kidneys. Bowels", Liver and
Blood, spend One Ioliar l r this King ol Medi
cines. Surface Indications
What a tumor xvould vervproprrlv term
"surface indications" of w lint is bin :il!i,
are the I'imples, Sties, Sore Kyes,
I tolls, and Cutaneous Kruptions 1th
which people ar aunoved in sj rinir ntnl
earlv summer. The ertv-te mutter accumu
lated durim; the winter months, now
makes in presence felt, through Nature's
endeavors to expel it from the system.
While it remain. It is aped -on tlnit festers
In the blood and may develop into Scrof
ula. This condition c;tuos deraii'.fiiirnt
of the digestive and asimilatory oriraii.
with afeclinafof enervation. Itinjnior. and
weariness often liirhtlv spoken of a- "onlv
sprins fever." There "are evidences that
Mature Is not able, unaided, to throw oft'
the corrupt atoms which weaken the ital
forces. To retrain health. Nature nmt be
shied by a thorough blood-purifying med
icine; and nothing else is bo effective as
Ayers Sarsaparilla,
which Is ufficleTitly powerful to expel
from tho system even the taint of Hered
itary Scrofula.
The medical profession Indorse Arm's
Farsaparilla, and ninny attestations of
the cures effected by it come from all parts
of the world. It is, in tbe language of
the Hon. Francis Jewett, ex-State Sen
ator of Massachusetts and ex-Mayor of
Lowell, 'the only preparation that dor s
real, luting good."
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowe, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists : Price $1 ;
Six bottles for (5.
ARGUMENT LIST. Following is a
Ijift of ('aoea get down lor argument at
the Oourt to be held Jannary 11, 18S6:
'om mon wealth ,vs ....
Nfcees vs
Hipps St Lloyd vs
Scott et ux
.Summit Borough
.loiia-l DH.liL. Ass n
. .vs..
. vs.
In re application
Johnston's Ex'rs.
McMollen etal..
Commonwealth . .
I vory
v huh i Ken
John CJ. Diahong j
...... .McOough i
shiver et al :
... vs...
- vs . ..
KTcept'ns to And. Kep't.
treenwoKi vs.
Fzceptions to road in.
t'leartteld Twp j
r.xceptinns to road In('nmtria At Carroll Tu
Exception to report of viewers in Lilly Borough
H A. SHOKM AKEK.Frothonotary.
t'roth'y's Office. Ebensburg, Dec. '6, 18S5.
, VS() S I K
' J. town lots. Io0 by feet, sit-
Val? ,n a very "es'raDle location
lor OUSlneS
and having thcron a g"Od dwelling
house, storeroom, stable nnd oihcr outbuildings,
together with a number ot good bearing apple
t-ees, well ot good water and ristcrn. all ol winch
are In good oondition. will be sold at a very bw
i figure. For terms, etc., applv, on the premises,
I Loretto, Jan. 8, 1SHil.-tf
I'DITOR S NOTICE. In ihe mat-
t-r of the first an1 partial account ot Ke-
becca A. rlass (f.rrncrlv Kl-eccn A 'hri.jtv) Ad
ministratrix ot .losiah Si. thristy, deceased.
The undersigned having bt en "aptiolnted Audi
tor by the orphans' 'ouit of ('aiiihria t'ounty.
Fa., to make distrii ntion el the lunil in the
hands ot said accountant, notice is hereby given
thai. 1 will sit at my office, in the borough ol Eb-en-tnrg,
':i:nl.ria county, on Tvnrfay. .loniar
i'. fvs-;, t lt o'clnc k, a. m . ol said da. to
I and shin; nil i.ersntia hiiiri.ti..i ,nnv t , n . i ,,P
i-n-na-ge inn mines or sum aniMiintrncnt. li
be forever debarred Irm coming In on said Intel
JOHN FEM.ON. Auditor.
Ebensburg, Dec. al, l(.'i -;jt.
ADM I X ! ST 1 1 A T( ) li'S X ( THJE.
Estate of Dr. V. A. HRserr, doe'd.
Letters ol Ad ui i nisi ra ticti on the estate ol Dr.
W. A. Harnett, lute i.f t'rnyle township, deceased,
haviim tieen granted to the undersigned, notice
is hereby given to those indented to the said
estate to make payment without delay, and
those having claims sgalnst the same must pre
sent them properly authenticated lor settlement.
"J. T: LON. Administrator.
Summerhill, t'royle Twp., lcc. 1H, lSKS.-at.
"VdTICK. Notice is hereby given
that an election of Directors of the Protec
tion Mutual Fire Insurance t'om,any will tie held
at the office ol the Secre'arj. In Ebensburg. on
Monday, 11th day ot January. A. D. IsSti, betwean
the hours ot IO s. m and a p m.
T. W. DICK, Secretary.
A. ttorncy-n r - m-cl w
Ofllco In Arm- ry runum.', pp. ourt Horn.
forming the people of Ebensburg and vicinity, that wc hare
opened out in the Tudor building on High street, a new, large and
complete stock of hardware of every description,
w ci.uij.ii juul.,
Referring to the above, we respectfully ask the citizens of Ebens
burg and surrounding country for a share of their patronage. We
have been regularly trained in the hardware business, have bought
our goods for cash and believe we can offer great inducement.0 to
those who desire to purchase.
Ebknsbcro, April 3. 1885.
Watches, Clocks,
Silverware, Musical Instruments
Optical Goods.
Sole Agent
Celebrated Rockford
Columbia and Frednnia Watches
In Key and Stem Winders
of JEWELRY always on hand.
I-" My line of Jewelry is unsurpassed
Come and see for yourself before purchase
Ebensburg, Nov. 11, lfi.-o.-tf.
?,jn?mper AdTcrt,,,"r Bnwan (10 .Nprccb
lW be niaile'lJr i tlu ill. If Utlaa
&u0 rrmi, to to 10.000 acres at a a to i5 SI"
acre. Good markrl R.aliK. t
hle prospects. Wr1- for circulars contaiolnr
de'cnpticn. Sent free. PTLK ft DrHAVRNi
I ! !
' I !
l ' '
! ! :
iiuii.r. in i ii.ililtow r I. S
' - ' 5 if
tH 1
V.jg vair '
' Best in the World!
H'-st Prices ur.d Terii:- t-.
' rlli-T-! l.VSS MI.N. ONLY l!SI'osiHLt
Jewelers, Fcrniiarc Men and Knsic
Can St II Our Instrants.
:i.n 'liiit v a KKKNs i mo a vs,
si mn x i. m;k iiiimxs,
DK KI.I1 BKl's. I'IXNm-;
; Hl.ll li Isbi S I I AM is,
; Wm. KN ABE J fo s funos
; .i nc. ussiii.ii riAM's.
i Our business tx-'nir the Innreit in lcnn vlvnla
! we have t.ic(ttie lor supplying the tr ide' at bet
ter rife than inn enn fosit,iv get trra the
, t orn ti-pwlrvt Solit '! ' . vv, mly t.ff'n Pri-
i tr t rill V rr1 .
i". lliiiiiiltoii.
ST i(Th Ave. iw f 'r-t Ave.
i'TTsHrii;n. i-A.
Nov. VT.-Iiii
'.frt.rrfnt Pa;- H
.rr-- V ;: . -K Syr
j. i--eC-,
a, Ti:if -v.StT'SrmfM.
t f I . - i -ri p
St rat-..- lilrif-if--
- -rr.Cry:E.i Ft r .ne.P-
r-;iiii r i ff f" "i I t : in r t :r
11 v sXUi'oAWl ixX'T&S
1 floi ineMmpln l'n)fr,1 Hoi Vv blt
ftainplns Howrirr, 1 FBicnt rp!He Penart, v I
ij- l'-J i-si K'e lr( .,l:n ' f K';.';i.t'rn S" j-i iii
l-.'-r t Wy. K-TgT-n r1"?r.f. Lttv.--. M- l'A'rt
td Irrt icirert Pt.-t.ny. ( -Ur i 1 tr. 1 ti;ix,- g uf t'oiors,
LwJ Rir lTdn Emhr -t-.'-T. Chcf)!ll n4 W -tk. Cormt
J C 'flcn r.( a(: trim .;--nt -. P ir' " r e.erx st: h
usd in rrnbT' j.ierw lr- . w.ihir j a r.-rrj et O'J't that can
Hot tfc-jcht t rrt;i f i' n J4 .". 1 o i;i:r--1-f e
FRM AND HOI SSM )l T. th lrr. nrnr I!ltitrtpJ
? frW wtTl. TorrA-Mioy Vfto w'f! t-r-1 f"
P""" lOe'f. ti;hcnp:..n fo rSt Miu:nt. Fie f t $1. W -y
chr(u;.r tfunifd If t rour 1frn tl factor jr. Addr-a
1 FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. Box 49. Hartford, Cw
g R, L JiW.M, 1. J. BIXK. 4. I. BrCI."
t .Johnston, Buck k Co.7
TiJb e n si) i r 2 IPa
Money Received on Depsit,
f4 r ABLE IF.nAI.
at A LX. AorcaaiBta roirrrw.
i DltAFTS on the rrinripal Citill
Hnnilil anil siol stn al n
flnnnnol DcnVinrr Dncinnrf Trnnnatfi4
A. W. BUCK, Cashier.
j Kbenftiurg. April 4.
j Three loon W est of rostofflcf,
.1. II. (l.NT, Proprietor.
'IMIE lTHlill' will alwavs find o at our plae
j 1 ol business in business hours. Everything kept
neat and cosy. t'LK i tow l a arm ialtt.
( Formerly known as the Myers lloue)
;-?Saiuple Rocitn for Salestren and good
stabling tor louses. I-Terms Mod
l.tOrl-Ur. .-frj t. 1.. .
i I