Hi! : I ' n A I COI ? . yor. 13, 1S8S. ST. I ' " - TTvz? personal. , rttft f Ofwr Place . ii'i f 1 - i vi'P tvr " !er. , lV- have CVItll.'. r,.rt!?- Cam mai. Freeman. .1 t! vi- i!" lo t,h s,lr twli . ,,. i.,ik f .rrootpr wbrtrww-. fr. V. . J"l-' fnm 2 !' ..! i:prni!tiKW1orWl'? ,.,.,.!... if erV time is jrrowsfii , in i,r- t pay tip yur it raiwd S2 ooo ,.ir.i."irni isMn. . lt:-'v ...! time of th jmr Freeman. Btlb- . w.ina haa hen in. 1. . . --. 1 .0" t li' .li-; In a week to ix. ,.. r-y Teachers' institute ,1 laystuirg on the 30th ,1..r nar.ts who advertise Tii-y ali re'ia-ble ,r. church was orupniz-'d It rUrtert with tour- Mr. Rrt NfePatve tha tenors ualnu I - ' -' 'rkj VI IH I I . the EtHDbnra and Creson branch who. had been off duty for several weeks on ac count of lltness, on Monday last resumed his duties. Mr. Michael McfJann. of Al tooua, who bad been running In Mr. Me Cabe's place, returned to Altoona on the same day. Judge Pershing In his charge to the trandjaryat Pottsvitle on Monday last, depounod afl kinds of lottery enterprise, incindinj those for church, -charitable, -and ,i benevolent ;irposes, as schemes that take away fria mi n money that should be. ap propriate to he maintenance rf their families. liuweell Snerman an! James feec'-e. of J uniata township, Bedford tv-unty, the for" iner agnd 21 years and Mie, latter aged 13 years, k.ave been arrested for entering the house ef .?co! Marshall with inaftks on their faces, in August last, and br-utally heatlrm Mrs. Marshall, wr.o refused to tell wln-c hr husband's aoney was concealed. PXannel which ha become yellow by ofe ivtuy n wtort-d tn whitene? by the us-- a solution of twenty four ounes of Marjwilles soap in fiftt-en pounds ! soft wmef, to which Is added two-thirds of an r.uine of spirits of aia ainmnnla, od the wiuiie thoroughly mlxtd. I ai m r the .flannel, stir around well, thn rinse hi pure Edaentlonal. Tfher Inatltate. lo the KJttor of Cambma Fukshak: The following 18 the program for tho nine iuito a number of your read res have tjt, annual session of the Teacbers' In- written to me inquiring the facts relatiDC sitate, of Cambria county, which will meet Witn your per- , tne Court nonse lu Ebensburg. Monday. V . jt,r - '- .,...- :" ,.ui'ty Teachers intl r-u-nrfi-ld i-n Hie 21st. i M'lft'n cmKtiy luan, i"f li f 4 ' V- (, rest t:H W " ' , ,1i. : A f " m- r f V:!-lnnt? City, ,1 u i i-t '! a it to his ;, , .In red man who died almshouse rt-rHn'ly, . 1 It is a solid 1 '' "" ,'. -. h- nf the fciilivys hint- li -i-.idy . fti. K-'i-.hi-i rfiii'.ved to 'he f.,ri-r:k ix'i-'ipied .Inlin ,.n II' j I: street. rv i ' 1 1 ' who don't Invi' tnki-n tlie iipc .t rt-" cuiis'itntionftlity. . r i l f n tin ground? a-iks v'.- 4li-v ennnot fall any- v h wve cot to fall snim-- ii .-. ; -' k ih'I'i" irn r The Tyrone coreespondent of thei Al tiiotKi Timet Is of the opinion that there "should be a law passed that any it!tfn tiawnn the risht to vote and doesn't ex ptcW it for two successive elections with mi t'asor.ahlp excuse, should bo denied the tinUt tor five years, and should be Iff ated ijiitttiH same as a foreigner, who refns?e to Iweome naturalised.' f ! Poor Directors hare been -called npmi by th poor author'ties of 'Mifflin r.-uutv lo pav the exoense of Ihe bnrlHl of a-mn natnt-d Michael Isfffrty, who was kPlprf on the railroad ner MiffTn a few dnys aif". The M-fflin authorities claim hat LK--rty belonced to Cambria county and was a residmt of Clearfield township, -hav-lne hoarded with Mr. Dennis Caulf v. Aout one year aeo Mr. John N'xdorf. boneht fnrir dozen of Germav earn frnm Br. I)nvif, of L'inr'ister. The sir" of the fish then averaeert four i.iches, and thev were . put In to Mr. Nlxdorf's ice pond, bnelr of F-lrview remeterv, -to grrw nn with tlie pnnntrv. Y'-sterdav thev were tftlten from the pond and fonrd to measure sixteen In- chs ewh. They are now on exhibition nt the Rquarlaru at Harry Nlxdorf's hotel. A'tnona Tlmx. off 1 : J 1 -. -.r of of on (. 1k:ii tore the boxing ,i, trin-S 0'anted in front ... ri M' T Iwtnl Griffith mtV tliitlt. ,r't tn c -i'o anJ examine Mrs. B. ,4' !; i.f riiafl- Mie is prepared ii ith in nyle and prices. ri-i-. ri'. irii. i 1 ' M in-' M A I ill' -i'l It : t. ."l i. ! A -r. !i lk'1ll -f-l. i .... 1 ir t- .l.-i in VsliinL"i n county for f!se n-tnrns in S T,i-t'i:r. i f f the here. . i W7il prrilrfn , f.:.- r i!iv-d ' ..e .i r . -1 will ri r ii.p .. ' . V. 1 . : .ni.iir l!iu. to risct:i'- in ii-.r'-:: eniivt l.r:z near Somerset, ,- 1,U lirot'n-T while t eck. Althouiih ir-i-1. (f l is pro' ', -ii i f ( .'!', -d it is believed he will r- ! i - .1 Clydesdale horPS ar. -, ,-t week from coiiano. ! bv I-rael ThDiiins a-i ! , -it.., had hern vit.itii;C ; 4 M-I'i' :'iialile , 'tnilncp at r1 . rleoeased, M.-t'ik". nf tlie Altinr wife, were here the fuueral who was a Kst Cone- M- Jc'.n MeCunn. of :k. fr.i' tur-i1 rvr rlelit arm at the elbow if :r-Uy :a-t by f il:ir,s down a st:arwav at 4 -j freturfj were reduced and a z-'"'"J i' 't'.a well. M' ! In.'.rl- Miiler, chief enii'tneer of 1 i-h Pti -y'vxTia railroad in Somer ., : ie-ente1 each of the ministers y i;-t h' T.uK'h with a fifty-dollar bill 4 --Uli -v hi-departure. :''if.1 M"Ide and George Dlener.were s ;kttn i' on Monday last, the former : ' :i-'?n a 4cntenre of thirty days for as- ' i'-1 h-ttery and the latter to await k'-'i ' ?'r tvi sanie off-nce. i.n .; Hiebt, of Cnnsviile. nun- ' V'-r tr.iir.tv. 1 as J'.ist had restored to J"M rit-H taken trom her dead hus i !' Aril ;1 -ir'nj the war hy a Coofeder- f .1 -r fr. ni Ninth CaroMna. i W sMtran, son of a prominent of Wi'Siamspor. was yesterday held 'I " ti'i hv United States Comml f " B-nt.ey nn the charge of sending ob i t:rs through the mall. ) -4 lw-'v-vear otd-hny, named Sollvan, j t 'Tipt;ng to board a movlna train! 477f.ip rn Saturday last, m'ssed his foot- , ' ar 1 Kit t; mn. n down and so badly In- j fr-rt ,va: h ;4 r , nvi-ry is donhted. -Utv- l5''hai'.aU of Banks township, , t " ur.'v, livd lon enough to marry . w v.i a-,i tjerame the father of twenty- : " "Vl 'rpn. t-en died, only a fe , I - k t!,,-. jrivanced age of r.'ly 90 ' - i f-TV f.r.iwini named persons can each I l i H:., ,y aiiina at the Kbensburu -;'--: A Buchanan, Miss Bessie i t M-s M'ran Davis Mr. J. E. C. Hes I Vn Ileker, Miss Ann Jones, J. F. ;-Ltt stnink, of West Ml'iport, Clear-klrn-jnty wafi recently cauaht upon a in s w mill and whirled around f 'vhi for-e as to break a plank. Ills 1 Words cannot oietivre the consternation , flppiried on the faee of an a.iye and euro- est riepfcimean. of Wah1nton township. , when, late lo the afternoon of election day on examlnlnff the contents of his capacions overcoat pooknt. tfia. bad nsed all dsv as a f-afe rr ro--.itory for hi laree stock or Republican tickets that he handed out as Ihev were called for. he found that hy ome ou pocu or fjr &e. main, the pocket con tained D"mocraiic tickets Instead. N wondi-r he exclaimed. "Mine 'i I half made a creat mistake'" Mr. .lucoS Knhn. o .loljtown. f n em- I ploree of the CmnSrin IronTynpanv's ma- ; chine shun, in Hi" apaeftv of feinnn. j whiie running a thirteen-foot. iMiring mill on j Sarnrdav la-.r. was standimr nn a revoinu tabic I'.nkinu at the work ' when a a nip j caneht his foot and Pf UllJo the floor, j injiirinir him so baillvvitiAt'tEriea had j to be amputated. He did nrjj .rally from j the shock, however and died on Haturday. i He was seventy-four vears of aus and had j ticen an employee of the machine shop for j thirt5-on years. He leaves a wife, who is j blind to mourn bis loss. i i . . . . i New Chief In toxoid Wigwam. The scepter of leadership of Tammany has passed from the hands of John Kelly. Frail in health and Indifferent to politics, lie abandons the excitlna Beld in which he hAB an Inno heen a master spirit, and which ' .. n,! trh a rod of iron, ne has. not ; been a success as a c!ty boss. Possibly he ; ws too honhst. Certainly h wai too blunt, i aifiiressive and r,elf-reliant took too little ' account of other?, trampled out opposition ! and ansorbed the whol- power of the or ' jranization. The World says. I Stranpe as It mav seem, the nncomprom Islni! and burr.init li -man Catholic Unk to his bosom men of ail creeds. II showed ; not the slluhest linee of religious bigotry. His methods of rulintr was simple. If a ' man differed with him about a nomination he would rather in the most wondcriui coi to several new school laws. mission, I will reply through the columns of your paper. 1st. K umber of dayacocstitutlnR a school month: Twenty davs actuui t'mrhiva must now j constitute a school inoiilli. Schools yiust I be closed on IcaibI tioli4s, and during Hits tiuic of holninn the Cutiniy instiiule. or a five uioiittra term, one hundred days Must It luuyhi. Directuis have no lUfltC whatever, to make any special- agreeue will) teacheis Hint wiil conflict with ttm oa etui school laws. 2nd. Is.the teachinu of Physiology ad Hygiene cooipulaory with all pupils, ad , what are the best onsthods of teaching is. to pupils of all trades? The, State Superintendent ot Pubiic 4n struction, Mr. Hbrwe. has given Ins opwion in the Peuna. School Journal Nov. number. ; page 205. at cuiMideiaule lengtu. He de- j oides that the terms of the. law are specific and mandatory. 11 la the Imperative -duty of ai2 school grades to introduce the iudy ; of Physoloiw and njtiiene In oU their j schools. That the pupils must receive te;u- j lar instruction. That the refusal of a pupil j to study the new branch Is sufficient -cause for suspension from schools. Directors or teachers have authority to excuse any i pupil from studying and receiving lutdruc- : tion ir Phyioligy and Hygiene. It ts uow a legal bianch of school study and ou.Hbe ; sustained. ' 3rd. What are the bet methods of teach- ', Ing Physiology aud Hygiene? I Textbooks must be provided tor and ( used by pupils who are competent t study ; lessons from books. It is the duty of di- rectora to adopt text books and it thus be- , ' homes the duty of parents to provide pupils ! with tbe necessary books. Lessons should I he a.sined. studied and recited as In other I branches. I recKmend. however, to our I teachers, thai leons be read over in aJ l vsnce of study; drfficalt words and fhrases i explained. Tliere are necessarily, many j scientific terms used and they are new alike, I to many teachers and pupils. Teachers ; f.tiould be able to add instruction and iofor j nintion not found ki the books u-ed. The j study- of DvBiene the laws of bealth, j should he taught In a practical manner. The majority of text books published on ; the subject and adopted throughout, tlie , county, are well adapted to class instroc : lion. Primary pupils must, of course, reeeiye , oral Instructions, without nsing text books, i Teachers will present the subject about as i they should tach tha elements of other l branches, snch as arithmetic, tancnage, etc. ! Teachers should have a fixed time on their j program for Physiology and teach the sub- j-ct. .daily In or del to confirm to the law. Methods of teaching ihi branch will be ; presented to our teachers ilurlngthe Connty , institute. In a few districts, teachers have j reported that their pupils are not provided I with the necessary books, and in yls'ting; i th schools, I tonnd several sclu.o!s not pur i suing tla study In the proper manner. It becomes mv duty to report to the State de- Happy Children, j Sheriffs Sales. November Zlrd, Inst, tj1 continue nntll the 27th: J INSTRUCTORS. ' Dr. K. E Higbee, Slate Superintendent. Leonard 11 Durlln. A. M., rriuctpal In- i 3ina Stale Noimal SobiAd- i Prol. S. G. B .yd, Voik, Pa. j Prof. A. -I. Dm. Iu. liana Normal 5schoxl. j ! Piof. L.. S. SOtmuiell, Principal Hunliug- ! tlon I'uU lie Schools. j i Miss Stella M. Kinrf. Indiana Normal . School. , . I Miss Kati L. Shrinor, Principal Mifflin- j burit Music Sa:Iioo1, L iuoo county, t a. TOPICS OF iXSTRTCTION. ' How to teach Aualomy and Physiology . in the Public ScImiois. Psychology as the Basis of all TruoTeacli- ; iog How to ffak- Them Sio Keep Tkfia la Healthaad They Wtll Tak Car of the Rest. The ioy of every well-remlated htndehold comes cblony itom the children. Thoogaaild of arlcrtionata parents do not take care of their . . . t i V. I .. n nr .1 nr-M mnff ihail ril 1 TA h 1 R r,,-lr-t tlie Miner '.oem w ' - " ., IV- orlte Kcmeilji emiiiRucniij uicunu,..... Hy virtue er sundry rlU of Fieri Km la Vend Expoa levari Faolaa and Alia Lean F rl, lfued onl cf the court ot Cora non Plea, ot Cambria eouoty. )a end to me directed there will te exposed to oaolle rale at the OOURT HOt'SE Ebeniburjt, I'a., en Mowday, KoTmber 30, 1S?, when knuwle litc roljrht hare med thorn lu lor an.l home. Hr. llsrld KenneJy offers his -Fav orlte Kcmeily M emiuancnuj i ui'.' 1.1. ,ho.ir..n - irontle In 1 netlon. cnntainlnn Harmful imrrdirntu irhatrrrr, mnir strihthi to tiio Bli""l. tncli. when ltiiiur. is the neat an-t ("unree ol ilinease. "fai arif Hrm'dy I the an ili. rirht title and tntereat of Henrv T. Ilertnir. of la and to all that certain tract of ' Hardware ! Hardware! :o:' " ' IMPORTANT TO CITIZKTsTR OF KB- KisrsBXJRG Aisrr) vioiniity. Ineml ! clill-llKenl i nursery In the land. Arithmetic -Methods of Study and Meth od of Solution. ww..- r ii Kulea to be obaerved in the Solution of alt Pro' ileitis. -Short Cuts" in Arithmetic Oiauiu.er-Huw to Study and How U Tlr ad in e Voice Osl'-ure, Practie! Irj!Jt, . per-n:i.le anyh lvrBiiuiK : T ... . from suliertni! and MeliMMis or i e-ii"'w- Buslines Forms. Dra wuii and Penman ship. . . o.. Gewtiraphy tteiaiion or t iiysn-ni litic-al. Relation ol ;eouraphy Ui HlStry. How u Find Tune tor Things nol ruusd in Coinmi ii Uraiicliefl. O'jjec-t TenchiuB, Its Methods and I ses. P.rssiOihues. , , Vocal Music, Calisthenics and rbyslcal (Culture. The Kelation of the Teacher. j Conditions Ntctssaiy KiSuccessiu Teach- t '"K- - , , i Thefiiijnification an.1 History of Joeal N nines. i hoill no It-unil in every Keep It .n y'ir house fur T nr rl.Uilrcn aane. we., u. ...... Trv It-anu yon will he "lad yt.o aw this article. Make i.o mintakce. The .no.l'eine i favorite Hrmrii,- ami Hie .r..i rietor nam an.l nlJrwn: Pr. livt,l Ktnn-xly, Knintout, N . ne dollar tx-ittu. Un Wnrt fur ftead Thln(.-Hr. Imvl.t Kenn.-ilv's -ivoriie Heiuciy ' la exactly what II pl.lms to he ami Jcrrve hc pralnsa that art- h..-rwtl m; It tiv al. wi. hnve uicd II. Mr. I.-ml II. SnvJ.-r. i Saiureri ie, N. Y.. hv- "Mv little ilniitfl.'T ! covereij with Salt Riien.n Im'm l.ea.l K ": IT. Kennlr' -Favorite Kcmt-il ' ouriil ,ir. This was two veara ' We arc nol In ! Habit ef FaHaf ! nv ..ri ol , lent ine.lt'-ine!' l our columns, l-ut ! ac" hni'iien to know lr. DKrlrt Kentie.ly. ot Hon. dout N Y ami csn .i-r.onn lly tet-ty to the pi ' rellp'nre ol the nie.'lclr.e wt.lth the Koctnr calls i-.v..,.,,f n..,ii,,ir '' An.l If a wor.l ..f jurs win .ran... in mvhnlv to use It mill thus flnil relict Irom suln-rini! no pr,n-j- I 1er ii irom nvinif tin" worn. rr I hl.uwl IcnlnevS an,t iH)els it has i Wo would not W without It lor live times the dul- lnrthut It cuts. f'ai'v Tirurt, Troy. X. Y. ! a bv VoBtble HALL b hair i i tt r-tin 1 1 Inn- diseases of no co on I. TEACHKKS' CONFCltESCE MKKT1SOS. A period ea(;h rlity will be eiven to the dis cussion of questions of a local character. The following topics are submitted. Teach ers are invited to pte-'er.t other qetion. Tlieir meeliiic will lie entirely irrthr hands ; of the teachers of the eounty: 1. now to Ortanix and Sustain Tcach- I ers' R-adinif Circles 1 2 The Necessity for Supplementary 1 R-adine. 3. How shall we Teach Physiology to ' Primary Grnfles? 4 Theecessity for Greater Discipline ! of Studv. j 5. ManaifeniPnt nf Kerens. 6. Value of Proper School Room Sie- liala. Western prtment where ochools aro not sustained according to law. Districts will forfeit the State appropriation to their schools whsn. they are not graduated properly, and the bratM-rn" taiiiiht whlcri tlif ls.-r requires. We hope that directors and teachers will cheerfully assist to carry out the provisions of the law? jjnv.-rniiiH our rchools, and that all he fonnd workina in harmony to make public schools more s ucci-sfful than hereto fore. Lewis Stkater, Oouoty Superintendent. 7. Modes of Onest1(u)lne. 8. How to O .tain the Best Results in Spelling; ClasH. 9. Concert Rcitation Xri and Abuse. 10. Special Duties of Teachers. 11 How to K--en Pupt's Employed. 12 Necessary Apparatus for Successful School Worn. 13 Uniformity of Tent B"nl". 14. Value of Nounal School Training for Teachers. EVENING ENTERTAINMENTS. Jonrfoj, A'orcmorr 2rirrf PKOF S U. HOY l. An Illustrated Journey Through Europe Tuesday Vovioer 2Ath. DR E E H Hi REE The Con.mon Schoo's of Pennsylvania. Wednesday November 25fA. PROF. S. . ROYD. f An lliusirate'd journey i nrouun otuiwiii Europe. Tttrdau. Xovember 2Mh Elocntionarv and'Musicei Entertainment of . Select Readinirs. D alect Kecila- y , - Hons", 'Character Stretches and i ' - MsVci NU'aber. I - MISS STKI.T.A M KING. MISS REssiK KlN'i UK riTIF I. SI1R1VF.R i - Vj fee Ararwmcnt tonrt I'rnccetl 1 n . The great potmlarltT of this preparation, after its test ot many years, should be an arffluranre, even to the most skeptical, that It is really meritoriou. Those w ho have used Hall's Hair KtvtwiR know that It does ail Umt is claimed. It causes new prowth of nair on bald heads provided the hair follicles are not dead, which is seldom the cae: restores natural color to gnr or faded hair; pre serves the scalp healthful and clear of dandruff; prevents the hair falling off or ehanfcinsc color; keeps it soft, pliant, lus trous, and causes it to prow long and thick. Hall's Hair Renewkr produces Its effects by the healthful Influence of lu TCfretable ingredients, which Invigorate and rejuvenate. It is not a dye, and is a delightful article for toilet use. Con taining no alcohol, it docs not evap orate quickly and drv up the natural oil, leaving the "hair harsh and brittle, as do other preparations. Buckingham's Dye Ton mi WHISKERS Colors them brown or black, as desired, and Is the best dve, because it is harmless ; produces a permanent natural color; and, beinjr a single preparation, is more con venient of application than any other. rasrAaBO by B. P. HAIX A CO, Naahaa, If. H. Sold, by ail Daalari In Medicines. SI mi Mm Itml 1 I Sheriff's Sales. I NjFlh K In man's Klndseu. ! S th Kinman, the most noted hunter i I the, Pacific Sione. is well known to ra frijl.tfnl hot It la thftiiffht that rer,vrr. -a ti t' e hurry In petting out the w .(h tho rrial unt nf Cambria '"? ti !tt wpp-a Freeman. number f wptp overlooked. We this week r ut wvn i, ir pajr a corrected tabular i'T.-trf t vote. ! -SoroHrwt c,'.tir?y contains thirteen coal I r, ork fnnr.rlr IhrAA wnnlfin fartfirieS. J e,.! thirtv-flte flour and erlst ' r -aw mi!H, sin planlnir mills, lection of facts covering the qiipstlo-i in all hft FUrc Its bearings and then he would sit down dP9Cfiria ln chair as lein patiently and persistently witn an aieumeri that would sweep th cround from beneath his opponent's feet. ni powers of slow, detailed and subtile amument were simply marvelous He would never use foiee where argument could carry his point. But If he failed to convince a man he would se;z him with the ronh hand of a Crom well and throw him out of the Council. Ech man was but as a machine guided oy Kelly's brain and wiM. If a stranger had wandered In he m'.gnt have, thought that an animated struugl was ointi on and that Kelly was -ome mere spectator, hot under neath the surface was his Iron nana aim cool, far-seeing mind, pulling, pushin. j prompting, curbing and crushing on all sides. For thirteen years his autocracy was so complete that the "slate" of candidates was never broken bnt once. Tans many be came a smooth machine with oiled wheels and the lever was In the hands of ooe man Letter rrom .nr. T 'llia. Somerset Nov 9 188.1. To the Editor of '.he JohnMcncn Trihvne. Sir- I notice an article golnz tho rounds of the prpss which Is entirely destitute of troth, vlj , that the Italian and Hungarian laborers of the South Pennsylvania railroad .r. nrnwllng around through Somerset county in a destitute condition, "not hav ing received any pay since early In the spring." The men on the road were paid regularly every roontr , and I think there Is not a dollar due a man on th entire length of the line. The management organl ratlon were rascally all through, with the exception of paying their Indebtedness, which they have not defaulted In. a . r.ia u a reflection on the contractors. I think It proper that It should be corrected i K.iu thorn t'i not a half-dozen Hungarians and Italians In Somerset county. Respectfully, yours. Tomas Collins. r. Arar-SltaUrn RnfTerera. vrifHaad', three distilleries, j Who resort to n-vetter's Stomach Bitters ' nt.ti.ix r of minor industries. ' ' '!. n call the attention of rnv " ;-'r mv large assortment of ladies", " r! children's coats; also my new on many P itrrmrT hticit.ecn. neonle. His home is at. Table binff. Humbolt. co inty, Cal., but the greater portion of his time is spent Jo the wilds of that great State. Seth celebrated . his seventieth birthday on the S h of last month. He was born in Union connty, this Slate. Ills early manhood wasfspentjln II- ; linoi-. In 1S4 he crossed the plains to Orefcon. where he remained two or three years. He returned to Illinois, but in 1840 again crossed the plains and settled In Cali fornia, where he has made hie home ever since. His fame as a daring hunter and i traprer is broader than his Stsle. He has J killed the largest grizzly ever known in the Roekeys. Fortune has smiled upon mm and he lives a life of luxurious ease, ne has Just completed a chair which h pro noses to present in pprson to President Cleveland. In a letter to a business film in rchases stores. he describes the chair as being one or me finest he has ever made, although he has completed and presented fonr Presidential chairs. All his chairs have been fashioned from sections of wild animals. The, 6rst he presented to President Buchanan on May 23 1M7. The second he gave to Presi Ar.t t -nnnin nn Xovember 29. 18t4. The third he presented to President Johnson on September 8. I80.I, and the fourth he de- ; livere-d to R B- naves on September 1", 1H76. ne accompanies each gift In person and the number of chairs presented denotes the number of his visits to his native State. . The chair now ready for President Cleve- j 1 lsnd and which will be delivered soon. Is . j formed entirely from elks captured by him self, save a band of steel and some cord. The horns of six elks were useo. rour horns were ud for.the, 'egs; at the end of each Is attached the cloven hoofs of the ani mal. The seat Is constructed by stretching an elk hide with the hair np over the steel band. The hide Is secured in its place by strong cords underneath, which cross each other at right angles, and the whole forms an easy, comfortable seat. An elk horn on either side forms the arms. The horn tips, which branch out from the chair most ag gressively, represent the thirty-eight States and ten Territories in the I'uion. It Is hlch'y polished and is fit to decorate a throne. Setb has another chair which he intends presenting to a friend. It Is finished after the one presented to President Johnson. It-, frame of substantial wood Is covered with the skin of a grizzy bear. By pulling a string fastened under the seat the bear's head protrudes, gnashing its teeth as if Id a rage. In its construction entraordinary skin waadisolayed. Mr. Kinmao has also a curious chair made from the vertebiw and one rib of a whale, ne has a fiddle made . m,.!'a sknll. The animal, owned by &-th loved music. Its soul Wis filled melody and it would leave its wouid hane about the camp to tnr. niaveri. He has otner ties, besides considerable hard coin. He will ston for a time In this city when he comes On Monday court convened with I'resi dent Judge Johnston and Associate Judges Flanagan and Masters on the bench. The following cases were disnosed of: John Anderson vs. D. E. Notley New trial granted unless th: plaintiff accepts a verdict for f.T0 before the 1st of Dumber rext. .Iams Condon vs. C. D. Wharton. As signee of Cooper Ik Mellon. Motion for new trial. Motion overruled. TJ'e Joseph llengele vs. Francis Wagner, Rule to show cause. Stay discharg-.d and plaintiff has leave to proceed. Charles Farahangh vs. Davis Bracklu. No. 9 J nne Term. E. U. Rule to show cause, etc. Argued and Judgment opened and issue directed to ascertain what if any amount Is du npon the plaintiffs note. No. 93 June Term. 1885 E. D-, and case ordered for trial on Thursday of 1st week of De cember court. Blssius Z'lner vs. Joseph Behe. Cer tiorari. Proceed lncs affirmed. Administrator's of George Orris, de ceased vs. John A. Webb Certiorari. On report of testimony. Joseph Miller A Joseph Baker vs. Joseph Lantzy. Rule to show :ause. Rule discharged. ! iJTJ ' M 11 WM01 i 1 . 4 nt situate In Allecaenr towBBH. i:miirli connty. Pa,, bonmled by the lsn.ls of John 1 IViutrl ertT on the north, Jacob Z. Nwrle on tne ' e?t. Iama Kckenre-ie en the weat snd others; , rontatnina- H2 acres, more or le, ahoot s'Tty : acres of which are cleared.haTtnv thereon erected : a, two rtorv low honae and partly loc and tartly trnsne. hern and cothoil1tns;. now In the ycusncv t William A !. Taken In execution and to be sold at the salt of Martin Hoelle. Also. All te rlg-ht title and IntereU of At fre1 T)orioaho an 1 Mark Donoaahe of. In and to all thnt certair piece or parcel ol land situate In Maintain township. Cambria, connty. I'a .a.l iolninK land of IV. K. Ilroirlass on the west, on the north by land ol William Christy, on the sontb by lsnl of Sebastian Slhert and others: containing- 142 acres, about seres ol which are cleared, hnvlnir thereon erected a two-story plank honse and frame shed. Now In the oc cupancy of Francis Pononsrhe. Al'o. All that certain piece or parcel of land sltaate In Alleirheny townshlo. ,mbrla eounty. Pa., artjotntnir lands of John Iionaherty on the writ lan.le of Krank Hlte nn the aet. lands of Chri'tv on the north and others: containing; SO ac-rea. more or le aboot 50 acres 01 which are elenrit. hsrlnir thereon enecl-d a Inc houe and and frame barn and other onthnildinira. now In the occunancy of Silas lmnowir ie. I asen in ex ecn'ion anil to be sold at the o!t Hotrtic S'f'ntr ie eonit non cum tetlamrnto nrxo ol John Bradley. deceel. AIo Al the rtirht ti'le and intereet of Su'an McMullen and C-harles MoMallen. auent of in sod to ail that certain tract of land situate la 1 White township. Cambria eounty. Ia.. bounded on- the "orth bv land of Pavld Hollls. on the et bv lands of Harry Ut, on the aouth by Jnd r William Conrad and other; containing so acre", more or les. ahoot 2S aere of which are cleared . havlne thereon erected a two storr loe: hooe. loc stable and other outhutldlns. bow In the occupancy of Sufnii M-M alien and Ch-l- McMullcn. Tnken In exeentlon and to be fold nt the full of Cambria County. i Alo il'. the riiiht t'.tle and Interest of Invld 1 I.i-idv of. In and to all chat certain tract of land situate In .lacscon township. Caro'.ria eounty. : Pa., boon led on the north by lands of Henry Kairersndon the ea.t by lands of Frank De- lraw and on the w. t by lands of Mlirg-. containing 13S acre more or less. ab.-ui. SO acres of whlih are eleare-l:harlnir thereon erected a two story plunk houe and loe ba'n and other ou-bulldlMf. now In the occupancy ot Joeph Ieldy. Taken In execution and lo be sold at the etiit of Sarah I-oidy. Also. Alltherivhl title and Interest of the Cambria Ounrds Hall association, to wit : All that certain lot of ground sitnate In the West ward, ot the borounh ot Ehensorr. connty of Cambria snd State of Henna, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit.: Keulnnlna- on thecor ner of Center and hrle streets, thence wet alonr said Ovle street ft 1y feet to lot of K. L, John ston, Fsq., thence north by said lot eitrhtv five fept to a corner, thence eist by the :.ld lot filtv feet V Ontre ptroet. thence south nl'.nc sa'a street einhtv-five feet to the (ilaee ol btrinriinir: bavins; thereon erectad a two tory Brick H-.lt. Taken In execution and to be sold at th suit ol , C. V.. Koberts. I Aleo. AM the r'.irht title and Interest of K. W. j Keed. situate in thst part ot tJallttsin township, I now annexed to illltzin boronich. Camt.ria Co., Fa., boundsd on the we.t by lot ot Joseph Hoirue, on the north by an alley, on the east by lot of Mrs. Crnm and in the '011th by street, belna a lot 60 feet bv ISO f.-et snd sltusted In that part ol the extension of ftllltitn boroimh. known as Mnrysvllle The hnil.llnsT Is a one-storied plank , batlrtins:. sixteen feet by thirty feet. Taken In execution and to be sold at the salt ef C. K. A H. HnmmelwrlKht. for use of Jno. A. McMullen. ! TF.KMS (IF SALK: One-third of the pur 1 chase nonet to he paid when the property Is knocked down and the remaining twe-thlrds al the contlrmatloc of the deed. Sheriff's f Iffleo. Eh s;. Ia.. I D. A. U'THER, Noy mtxr 2 1SSS. ( Sheriff. :0:- 77fE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF IN- I forming the people of Kbensburg and vicinity, that ire have opened out in the Tudor building on High street, a new, large and ' complete stock of hardwareof every description, HT MECHANICS' TOOLS.' BUILDERS' It A HDTW1RE. urFARMIMf'LEMh:.rS,Ft)IiKS,S'AI)ES. FLA C ' ve-SMITH I VOLS. HORSE SII O LS, JLt RROW T I.Y XSTXAILS OF ALL KI.YDS. BAR IROX and STEEL, . HOUSEFURXISHJXG GOODS. RE- IZrVOLVERS. CUTLEKl'. GU.VS, SHELLS. UT CARTRIDGES. TU LYES. COR DAGE. ETC. I Referring to th above, we respectfully asj the citizens of Ebens burg and surrounding country for a share ot tltir jstrrrppe. e have been regularly trained in the hardware business, have bought. "mrntV'cn. OUT goods for cash, and believe we can offer great inducement .to. whodesiretopurcha.se. I. E, DUFTON & feON, ' .' Ebensbcro, April 3, 185. ' a BOTTOM IS REACHED AT JfA 1 --:o:-- THE BEST TONIC. tlfeW-riicdicine, combining Iron iin piu reiriHable tonics, quickly an.l conii u-t. ly t urea Dysprpsln, Inli;estton, W rnUnesm, linpnre Hlood, .lalaria, bllNand Frcrs, and enrBllo. It is an unfailincr rraicdy for DLieascs itnc Kidneys sind I.frrr. ... It is invaluable lor liiseascs peculiar to Womrn, and nil who lcert -cltntnr' lives. It does not injure the tt.-eth.cnii.se headschc.or produce constipation oMt yron medicmr. dn. Itcnrichesand purifies the Wcsx'. stimulates the appetite, aids the asMmilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and hi lcliing, end Ftrengtb ens the muscles and net-res. ... For Intermittent Fe.-ers. lAB5itude, I-ack of Energy, Ac. it has no equal. The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Wmt. nt? T ISOSI CHiaiCIL CO, BALTIstOBB. BBv. IITNt.V F.A I,. ALLIS ELKJ-- Married, on Tufsrlav, Noypinber 10. 1885. hv R"V. Father Wa!ah.. at the Church of thH Iloiy Narno in Ebn9 burg, Mr. John Allis, of Cairoll township to Miss Annie Eiln, of AlleRheny towuliip. ELIO-ALLIS. -Married, at St. Bene dict's church, tarrolltown, iy R-v. Father Trinr, on Tuesday. Ncvember 10th, 1885, Mr. Frank Elin to Miss Annie Allls, both of Ca:toll township. Trial l.lat- Llat of cases a-t down for trial at a Court of Common rit-cs to be held In and Tor the connty of Cambria, commeneine ' 011 Mon day, the "th day of IVcembvr next: FIHST WEEK. Farabauirb vs. Bracken. Same s Same. SECOND WEEK. J.Swark A :. vs. Hutzen. Boi-k vs. Stoltr. Kanstead ys. Oarman. Same vs. Same. Bower vs. Kelly. Behe vs. Belie. Same vs. Same. O'Nell vs. Kitiannlnir ins. t'o. . I.u'.e vs. J. ttlenn Sims. Moore vs. Bvn.lon et al. Knintx vs. Voeknrol. !Iyers v?. Miirtin. 1' lei ale vs. iM-jlii. An.li-ifioo vs. wen. KnlKnd vs. W llson et a!. McMillan fc 'o. vs BrendllDKer. Iudwifvs t'amt.ria Inf. I'o. Wlltiauisvs Uodson. M.tiisjne's Y.x s vs. Hswkpworth Knrtlorvs. Kndler. Yejrer vs Same. Bloom v. 7inn. Marshall k. Weakland vs. Bcrkey et al. Blakey v D"tiKl.is. Mary Burns Btal. vs. F. R. K. Oo. ITothonotMrv'sOmoe. i II. A. SHOE.M AKKK, Kb'K Nov. 9. 1W. , By vlrtoe of sundry writ" of Fieri Faclss Vend Kzpon snd Facias. Issued out ol the Court ..1 1 Common Pleas, of Cnirl connty. Fa., snd to n.e directed, there will be exposed to public 1 sale at the MANSION HOt.SE. Johnstown. I'a., on ' v Kalardar. Ssyfmber 21, at ten o'clock A. M.. to wit.c - j All the rlitht ti'lc nl interest of Henry An- 1 stead ol. in and to all that cert!n piece or par- eel ol land situ-.te in t. e tonrohl - ot Jackson, county oft'umbria. 1'.. a-to'tntnic tsnd ol Jacob Keller or. tliesoulh .lacob Klemlflirr. on the east John Miicl.cll. on the nrth and Uavld Kei:i-r on the '; c-ntaininir I'Wi ncres. mum or less and about SO acres of hlch are clt-sred. hav- j Inn tliereou erccti-d a twu-story Ir.me bouse, i frme I'.irn and .ntt ulidinif1. riow in the occu pancv o' tlcnrv Anftead. Tsken in execution ami fo be sold st the suit ol Hturj O. Milt-n- b'Ju'o. All the rinht title and lntercft of Fos- ! )cr W. Invis'.r. in and to ali that certain lot of (tr nnd situate In the village ol Morrellville, . Lower YoJer township, I'stnbria county. P., 1 frontlnir on the wet ("handler ctrce! and ran- ', ninu back Ut an alley on the east, having an alley ; i on the north and lot of (iro. Adams on tne south, 1 havinif ttii-reon erccte-l two-story plank house I ' andcutM1H1iiinrs.no In t nt. weeupancy ,f F. W. : Hnvis;- Taken in emocotiou and W sold at tne j , sultot Juiuee Uuoean. ; i Also. All the rijrht title an.l interest of . J. ! Haws J.is-.h Bush. W. A. Stonebraker. James j Sam-o'tn W.B. Keller Kicliar.1 tfeotve. K. K. Edwards snd -. W. Marsh all trustees of the j SecotoS Methodist rJiilciiiil church, ol .lohns ; town. Fa. The said bull Mnir is 1,-tcated on a lot , - rie of irn.iin-l situate on Fraoklm street In 1 the First ward, or Johnstown borouati. l"aiub-le ' county. P. . i.ttnde.i and described as rollown: . KmnlinK H!ty feet on the essterlv tide o' Frank- ; lln street anj extending back the Mine width enchty feet to an allly. havinir lot of Margaret Koplio n the north i.nd lot ol (teonte W. Kerr on j : the south. It Is two story brick bnlldlt ir. de i signed ror a church; havluu a front of forty tcet I on Franklin street and extendina back the same I width slsiv-six leet to an alley. Taket. In execu 1 tion and to' be sold at the suit ol It. B. F.llls. ! TERMS OF SALE- t.e-thlr.l et the purchase ' money to be paid wh n ihe i.roi.er:y is knocsed j down and the rcma'nluu two thirds st the eon ! Brmatton of the de -d. 1 Sher'fTs Oftl.-e. Eh'B. Fa.. I V. A. LUHtK, I Have Now in Store the Largest Stock of Hardware Ever Offered in the Country, all bought nt Roek-Bottotn Prices for Cash and all First-Clas.s Goods. I do Not Buy or Keep in Stock Any Cheap Job Lot or Auction Goods. "What ever You Buy From me You Can Rely on Being Worth the Money You Pay for it. 0wiri toVtid vance I am Now Selljng Many Goods at Less Than I Can Replace Them at But I Sha'l Con tinue to Sell at Bottom Prices, until I am Compelled to Re-stnck up. "When You Want a Cooking or a Heating Stove, Tin Hard ware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Trunks and Farming Implements, Call and See my Prices, I am Not Uundersold. G HUNTLEY. Ebensburg, Angust 14, 1885. Ebensburg InsuranceAgenc , T. W. DICK, ifrsMieral Insurance Agent! A ' - EBENSBURC. PA., GrO1i3i written at short notice in the o!fl ..i 'reliable REMOVAL! Alfred E. )o( :' -J Altoon's Leading Merchant Tail- or. Has Removed to Much-i 7 Larger and more Commo c dious Quarters. -- )o( TWO SQUARES ABOVE HIS old stand to No. 1511 Eleventh Avenue -)o(- Where His Fall and Winter Stock is Now Ready for In spection. For Fashionable Fabric, Beautiful Fit and a Good Workmanship, go to G0ETZ, the Tailor, o iETNA, OJdpJi&tford Ar! ctfrVrfrlibt ln t onipaslet. '..- . - ' 9 - - 'TlTf AKKVsj'fTr iJT SAI.K! Ky v.rtu t'aml.ns o ec 'e St pub S-tdsy. at one '.'' ' f f IB .-rdr of the trj.hnns t'ourl ot nit . tba un-1r-ii!ne1 will eipo-a to ' c e ,.rn or on t y on tbe pr.vmi'-es ' i.-.'h'dav ot Ortobs'. A I . !. r !' " . t' e loll-ivina described real f-tn V of il ;. to w't.- Tan l"t f l.llly . p.itin' and erteml 'r j John Brao!r i " lot on tha !; two tory pla . " TERMS r . che tnanev to l-. third o' th bs'.a-i. I-.-l, tel ". Wrsdlcy died se've-i. ds;n3e i-i trie borcneh of a,trii:. frori'ir.K e-n atr et I. -il rr a l.o - n It. b'i el e n-.' 4i-r.t s nd s '-ho.-i kot-ie " !inr:n.' tt-4-r.a erected . - i I'l.nl stable. 1 t. percent ot tre t r- oua- ani t.n tt--e dsv ,f sala. 1:1 T r ni a t i"l of sals. the remainder In tw sw. ;a: pivments with in terest to ba secured r 'ti - ii.r'op snd Judic meot boods of the nor" ser. 31 Ml' HAIX HKAPLET. ieentr. V( - 11th Avenue, Near 16th St ALTOONA , PA. "CANDEE" Rubber November 2. 18-".. Sheriff Frot honotary. of -A- ilry kh1s, millinery anl faucv Mr. II. E. Jones. T'lr fr Avers "i.rsanarllla acta lid prnrr.pt ly. A slnal twttl) will ' "'r ts Mary thousands of people) vVv sysr from dangerou fevers by "M-rci tf , liulp tlnly r,I( n deana-""sy-tem hy use or jjji, rrmedy. J:'r'HU rapine at Greenfield, a nurn perVir,a f avma died sslthlrt the past !"ffPfrlly f,f "8t,r 7iDdt two 'n wre lyina dead yestt-rday and oosi n"""Hi,t Thre other cMldV- tt-e u.(,iii.r are m a critical conrtl- 1 1 Mra enmnletS TP I enpt-rlence apneuier ami t - Uef than they can hope to do bv ttm use of ' qtiinine Thla well authenticated fact Is of Ulf sofneienttohave established a hlh reputation for the Bitters, uui . Is not a specific roerelv fot the various forms of malarial disease, It endows the sysf m t I. sa rtoorAP nf vitfor. and reforms its ir- reatilarities with a certainty ina ... tutes Its best defence against disorders of . knasla eaneclallv the stomach, liver anu i""- - rite wher. the atmosphere and watet ' are mla-ma tainted, rever and aaue, bl.lons remittent, dnmb aeoe and aaue cake are remedied and prevented by it, and It also removes tlvauepsia, constipation, ruru, ,. . ti.ia mAHicine on tlsm. JTC. i"' . . .... t . u..'aii inrH. TrnaMBA and oniTl'ARY. BANKER. Dird, at the residence of her son, Mr. Anthony Sanker, in Allegheny township, Mrs. Sanker. aged 83 yeara SWIRES Died, at her residence CleatfiVId township, on Sunday, Novetn 8ih, Miss Jane Swires, aged about years, tier remains were intered I John's cemetery. Altoona. on Tuesday last. BARNETT. Died, at his residence in Summerhill, on Friday. Xovember 6th, 1885, j Dr. VV. A. Rarnelt. aifed 29 years. j The deceased was a native of Allegheny township, near Chest Springs, wbere his mother still resides. After studjirnt medi : cine he practiced for a year or two in Barn- ; side, t;iearfield county where tie married a Mise Davis, of that place. About four years '. ago he removed to Sumtoerhill where he soon acquired a large and lucrative prae- 1 tic., and enjoyed the respect and esteem of the entire neighborhood. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. Ilis re mains were int-red in the Catholic ceroe tery at S- Augustine on Saturday last. rVoce to his ashes. STORM Died, at his residence in Wil more, on Saturday. November 7th, 1885, Mr. Patrick Storm, aaed 82 years. The subject of the above obltoarv was bom in what was then known as Greerfl-ld township, B-drtird coonty. Feb. 21. 1804 Baptized and Instructed In the Roman Catholic faith by Rev. D. A. tlallilzin (the Frienc.e Priest, and I may also say the Fast to rresent the chair to President -rt-nre f riwf whom he ever held in high ORPHANS COURT ,"ALE. By virtue of an order ot the Orphans' Court of Cambria- coontv. the underpinned will expose to Pi. lo nt pubbe n'nclion or outcry iit tne hotel ol . S. Kumoon I St. Auicuyrine on Saturday, No veuitier 'lft.lO, at twoo'clock F M 'he follow Inif de.ribe.l renl e?tjtc of winch Andrew Bur. kood did seir.cd. siti.ute in tbe Ivwnship ol t'Psrbelil. county ci vniinorni ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Bv virtue ofan order of the Orphans' t'oorl of Jainbria eout.ty. li e undersigned will esiaise to puhli auction or ou'erv. on the premises on S t urdy. November 21 Jl. lbs5. at two o'clock F. M . the following real eFtate of which James I'nn ; ntnuham died seised, to wit.- ! A t'lecc or parcel or land situate In the ton ! ship of I'arroll. cunty of IVtnbna. Fa., sdiotn , Inir 'ands of Aaron Hurley. John L,antiy. Henry it. Ktrkpatrlck an.l others, contalnlnir one hun I dred snd fortv acres more or less, about one huo . dred sna twentv acres cleared: havinir thereon 1 erected a two story ...ank bouse, frame back barn, I waif on shed and frame stable. ' TKKMS OF SAI.K One-fourth of 'lie piir I chase monev to be paid on conhrrostton of sale, one-fourth in one year thereafter, with Interest. I and the balance to remain a Hen on the premises ' dur'nif the liletimeof EMrsbeth S. CunninKhsm. ! widow of deceased, the interest thereon to be paid to her anniiailv Jurinir her lifetime, and al her death the principal to be paid to the surrlv inu rviriitor. Deterred naviuents to be secured by tbe iodirment bond and mortasire of the pur-cha.-er. KMZABKTH S. I'l'NMNOHlM, WILLHH F. Hl'SSlNWHAM. Executors et James K. :nnninnham. deceased. BOOTS WITH DOUBIE THICK BAIL. Ordinary Rubber Boots aiwsvs wear out first on the ball. Tnet lNPr K Boots are dou'-ie thifk on the ball, and give DOUBLE WEAK. Kott economical Rubber Boot in the market. Lasts loner tban any other boot and the FBICE 0 HIGHER. Call and ex amine the foods. I 77V.' UI sf T JEFFERSON ACADEMY I rannn'bnrc, Im., 20 miles from Flttstrc i For both sexes 10 teachers. Thorousb lartrne ' tion In I lasical. ComBciL. Snirtwio, I Normal asd Mtsical (Vnssrs; also, Frensk. i tJertnan and Milits Priij.. Stodeets pre I pare! for Sophomore vsar In any eollewe. ' Tnlllwsi. aiO te 913 Next terra epens Sepc i 22d. For cataloirue rr it. formation, eidress star, i W. F. HKMWN, FaictSAL. J July i4. 'B6-V.. FARM LOANS 7 pr rent. --n'-d bv rtBST JIORTOtrs. I nterest re lavesisrs see s OOVIRN1K1T BilMiv latrresl Payable rml-Ansn tlly. s. o)r. nr tank o nwnf. 12 vesir rinerlraes, act! ever ls a IIIr for mr 'mtnmerx Het of references riven a te a'.llltv. letea-rt'.y, and nnnncts! tsndintc. Write us foe ei-a'a- . rvtne re'erenre and particulars. I.CBOLP, ri"ll F.R AV CO , Hankers ant I.9 s te. Abilene, Hnn. lei. .4 1 Also. At the some time and plnee. the nnder . . .in .tibh n aio at nubile auction or described Veal etnte. to wt: FOR SALE BY H. CH LDS & CO., WHOLESALE AI.F.XTS ( AS lF.F. (O I'lTTSBUKG, PA. Ebensburn, Sept. 11, S. ""OTICE. In h "rphHr" tbe Corrntv (itCisMH. T leir-1 reprceot-'tires of .1 hn r- RBBTe.a: Tou sre be ehy -appear asire tbajudire- ' to be held, in r'.twa-Kurf . "i t Peeefrfber next, then and t fuse, to 'ulte the real ets te ceased, at tbe sj oraisei . by an it.quept duly awaror J show why tbe same shonli4 FARM FOR SALE. Ti e si '.. 9t wilt sell at private sale at a rtM'.-i price and on eay terms. bt tarn Ic J. v . - I township. 1'imhnj eoooty. adilnin tb i!!l I or Falrvlew. eontatnlna 100 aces. aKot H aae No. 1. A piece or parcel et land a.tjotnintt lands A piece or parcel of land situate in tne towurnip fs lTwwvrtl I'nhrin i , Z "7 v.r.. ,.'li i ln or Oatharine Hont-n. . r.nd 1. Adain? and i Ki.ler. rt.nntv of Oambria. Fa., adiolnlna-la-d I'tntn RlnTITTini V O li II il I lsrve frame boire well ! ' T ber j ot ers. contcm.n, tour acres ,.,d tift,eiKht per- ; of Nicho,s H elf rich. lr., Am Miller an- J I fi f V I (11 rtllllUUl. .T.rrS ':r:er'; fr-U ,. a St. ! of John Montgomery and others, containing lour afh. 'b em lock and oak and underlaid witn coai. INDIAMA, r. J,'".,ni; p. I n.1 nn.l thitiv nine perches. TEKM.S OK HAI-iK : Ten percent, of ;he cbase ir oncv to bepiild on the day of sale, tha bAlance on contlrtiiai 'on . t sale. lOHN H. IKITOLASS. 31 Administrator. Trnvs v il V One-half ot the purchase "VTOTICK.- Xs ers ol tin Noti'-e t'i th- StockhoM- he Jitekson Joint Stock Oil com pany. Iimlted. mil mere win no a nn-v .nc i h'Nirv-iew, 'am'.ria c.unty. Fn.. on S KIIiAY, NOV. ao, 1H.5, at 2 o'clock F M . to make a nomination b r i.ttlcers ot f e Oompany to be elected at the rnMilnit veur, at an election to be held st Kairview. oft Frldaj , Docomber the 4th, m. at ! o'rlot.k F. H. All Stockholders should attend both meetings. F. f. crsrEK. Secretary. Falrview.Nov. 10. F5. Pur: ' mnnJ.v lo be nald on confirmation of sa'.e, and the ana 1 bslnnce In one year thereatter. with Intere?!. le- ferred pavments to be seenrefl ny tne juoKmom bond ol tbe purchaser, with approved surety. ELIZABETH S. n'NNINOHAM. 3t WILLIAM F. ITNSIM1HAM. Executors ol .Ismos flnnntnbam deceased. MICHAEL M. WEAKLEN. o OUKT PROCLAMATION. NOTK'E In the OrjitiHi.s' (urt of ihe .'ountv offambria. To the heirs and leiral rei.resentatives of Ollllan Hoflman .. ...... 1'f.mmon I 'ea vi mo 4th Judicial district. WDsistlntr ot the Coonty of Cambria, and the Hon. Jno. Flanagan and tbe Hon. Joseph Masters. ss ci" briacnnly. having issued their I'Wj- f "SJ date the 7th day .! epi. ibm w holding a lonrt ot eral Jail Pelivery and to commence oa tne isi """""'"' .; ." ber. beina- the seventh d-y of lecetnber. 18M and to continue tw. weeas I Sept. lass, to me directed, tor r Oyer and Terminer and Oen and Uuarter Sessions, ol the nr. lor ihe eounty of I'embria Will iln fm the new tr. Monday. September 7t 1885. Tins is a thoruiiRh Professional School for teachers, preser.ting, also: C'ollece Freparatery rparoisat. Maalrstl leprtnent, (smmrrrlsl leprtmesii. To be sure of a room it shouM be or dered early. For particulars or catalogue, ad dress. 4t L. H. DURLINC, A. M.t Prln. Ebensborw, Oet. IS, WILLIAM THOMAS, lssj.-at. THRr c Mli CRAIN DRII with food and bear the rare con. m de- mmcixi . rv, .lice is nrnsu k ... - . - , . tsK-m-n. You are hereby cited tobe and I of th. Feace ' tnJ 'ThTn Snd tbe. ! appear twfore fbe Ju.ies ot the Orphans' Ooort fou"1' 'i?1?'1' . . o o'cW-a In the lore . t.V'be held at Eben,burK.on the first Monday of in the T pronei P" ' ' Inquisitions. December next, then and there to accept or re- ; noon "t ' "' "r.!;, w to , ruse to lake the real estf of Ollllan Hoflman j "m'"2VoinV. wM appertain I deceased, at the aupraised valuation put upon It , d"1,'' l. ,0 -ho are rs.und tn rVcnl b an innnest lu v awarded by the said Oourt. Dr to l-e done, and those who n h , Sow 2se -by the same .hoJ.d nol be sold. XV. f tbea i SherirT. , j I IW.hnnr I trt 'J-J 1 SK.S. I J I Cleveland. Aoy man or woman makitji less than i0 weekly shituld try our easy money-making business. We want agents for our cele brated Madame Dean Spinal Supporting ! Corsets; also, our Spinal Supporter. Shoul- I det Brace, and Abdominal rrotector com bined (for Men and Boys). o experience requited. Four order per day give ihe Agent $130 monthly. Our A cents report four to twenty sales dally. 3 outfit fiee Send a once Tor full particolara. State sex. Lewis Schielk Co , 390 Broadway, N. . Fits -AH fit stopped free by Dr. Kline's th. first rir.t Verve Restorer. No fits after first -- -- i . -- ------ esteem.) To have the advantage or prac- i tislng the duties of his holy religion was the motive which prompted him to settle on the Alleghenys in Loretto parish. Possessed of a strong, practical faith and Christian charity his life was most exemplary. To be at the bedside of the sick, to administer to their necessities or to render assistance to a neighbor in dMres or want was his highest ambition. Wei', he knew that bv ao doing he was sanctifying his soul. The Rev Pastor at W'io...re. tn speaking or hun said he had fnte charity; no higher charac teristic eoeld h- pons.. On Monday TNuv. 9, his remains were taken to St Baithol mfw'a church where Requiem Mass was offered for the repose of his soul, t Rev. Father Mellaril, and funeral eervices read. The corpse was laid to rest In the cemetery In the presence or a large . snipatl.istnc friends pes xfivncr Ti. 1 1 e O.-nhin (.' ntt of the f 'oiinty ol f'ambrU. To the heirs and : leiral representatives ol Catharine Lneuer, de ceased. Qrkktinq. You are hereby cited to be and appear belore the .Indues of the Irpbans Court, t' be held st Kbensburjr. on the first Monday ot P ceinbcr next, then nd ;here to n-ept or re lne to tiike the real ei-tate ol I'atharlne Iiencr, deceased, at the appraised valuation put upon it by an ino,uet duly awarded by the said Court, or show cause why the same should nol be sold. II. A. LUTHER. Sheriff. Oitkw noder mv band, at Efenbonr the day of Noveii.ber. in the ear I ...ir Lord "If. ,h' ,.,. r.l aud ninth year ol the dependanceot ihe Unitjl KK heria. ire- r n S m --- 1SK5 viBRvrons. LLS.clder mills Warranted the bet. ttratn drill': the sele brated Pennvlvania. tne only perfect foree f4 phosphate attachment tn nse. Older Villa; the (Whr. .-I lm,Hp.n and on -r Sfrrleaa. itsHrixra, hit mr.sAM 4 KT4nRD IHPLrKJITa eenra1iy. Sena for catainrne A. BlBQrHlI, Fennsvlvaola Aarleultnral Werks. Tork Pa Important to Canvasser W A sfTFI-Live Canvassers In everv enaety tn the United States to sell FOX'S FATENT RE- , TEBS1HLE SAD lRO, wh en combines twe " Sad Irons. Polisher. Fluter, fce.. one Iron del&a the work t an entire set of ordtnar. Irons Is self-he.ttne- be t"s or sieoio l.mr. IOF4 AWAY WITH HOT HITfHFSI. Prw tnoderste. A lare aad lastloa Income lesnre to r-ofl1 earvassers. Addres. for etreula'. ., FCX SAD IRON CO.. e Keade ft . N. T. eaa eat Mats the Ti-AV c a TTI.K. Ctn 'o residence of the rnbs.-rtr.er ,n s er four have both ears spin, i i roT( to come lorw .rl. i.rove Ebensburtc. Nov. 4. 185. j TKAY SIIKEP. Liris t the resi-; rtrnce cf tho subscriber in Hlaekiicu town- ' you ' bead owners are reqoc-im '- .,. m .... other property, pay .char and taws e --Tj-r Will U3 11 I." Jrs-w. . - .- shin on or about the middle ot May. seven head ot slicep five white and two black, niche cut , Irom the'under side ol tlie left ear, and tbe right ear split wise lh Tlean twp.. Oct. 30, ls. wr. corner Fsna ase.aad Sixth 8s, PITTSBURG, PA. Hon. Ww A. Hkbkow. J. I . Awparws Fres. ol H -ard ol Trustee?. hocl y ul Hoard. The Larnen, Most Thorough. Fractical and Soo ccsful I'otn-JiercialfolleKe A fc-nnUoh Trainlrc Scbool In I'enusylvanla. SU Students laat year. K-eaant Buimmns, riret-ctass Equipments. CI Insirnctors. U Le Halls and Recitation Rooms. oocupytoK an ires ot over 10,000 sJ I. I'oples ol the hnest piece or Fenmaoshtp in Ibe Stale mailed .-ee wlib Handboch el ei-huul upon . n I-u . I 1 n 1 1 1 Hakmok D. Williams, Jas. Class Wh.liah. FriDcIpal. LORETTO HOUSE, ( Formerly known as the Myers Roaae) Business Manager. irp...... .. . The owner Is reqiteften to come forwar.1, prove, (,..IURI. rOTTNTY. PA.. nn rl.urvesand take theiu away, other- T.ORETTO. CAMBRIA LUU-ii. W. . PRCSEIC, Frepriet.r. wise then will be disposed of according to law. I. N. WISSINOEK, concourse, of MayhUsoul rest in j a.. ,t,ir.- . I". u Blackllck twp,. Nov. 9. riiO AOVER T! slF Rsi. Lowest Rates for ad I ".!:... t v.h'I newspapers sent free. nriu.ua - - . .... ,.--i-,.-. l, X tySample Room for Salerren an. good stabling for boisas. BT-Tsrmb MoD- ERATK. A live school, tmpartinK a .ractlcal business ed.icatlon ; enabling yonn men to enter npon tbe ee.'te d'i'te ol lif. I"r circulars address ' T pVTT fc T' l" -ra With Haaever'a Taylor hysteai yea Irrerses to Bt. without oral lns't"tl.ns. makers rrrnnoonce it r-r' . Frfe tor Book and Double Trarlna Wheel, TO INTRODUCE A c.vfT H'"k and Wheel will basest ca reawtpt erfl.CO. sddr.a JOB" C. Hi0TB, naelOBBtl, 0. F0 ULK'S SOX'S' CO., Aei ; Fennsylvatjli Ohle atid Wtt V , AfSi-clatlon, a: -o ', dvertlalw Aaeaita. Orrica- " 'r.Tcs EaildlOK. Eiab Avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. AUrITOn- XOTICE. The ob derslaned Ard:or a;. pointed y the Or phans' 'curt, el i'lmi t'a -.pnty. to report dlstrU but.on of tbe fund tn i'i bocls of John J. Klnnev. esecutor of the lt wri and teelaaeat ot 'havls Hunter, oeceased. will at'end te h duties of bis api-ilntment at bts office 1a !Tb-enp- urif n To.'dav. November 10th. lka, M esie o'clk F. M.. when and where all prww lutere5teJ mitt present thr Calms. .tvrt T. .UFUV, . in4 t ' r t i t ii.n.. ihl Ihs vtf!tl i.s OUl or or.ir-i, asy s use. InJ.cat. .t, thai Ihe y rn ftteful tritt, hotti. free to fit cases. Send to and rent assured that you win " ; frw,,J1pi -wi Ar-n St., r:ilWdelpni, for V.e hint t. t r