The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 09, 1885, Image 4

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All About ric.
1 tie re id a growing disposition among I
hog growers to abandon an exclusive i
corn list. Rome, have Intimated that
an almost explosive diet of corn is a pro
line canse of bog cho.era, but now the
tendency of all Is to the germ theory .
which will relieve corn of that charge.
Where fat ia the chief desideratum ;
corn will undoubtedly be held in high I
esteem, bnt where development of frame j
ai.d Ivine and iiiiscV is desired, it is j
probable that o!hr fcdi are to be pre
ferred, alfalfa recommend
ed highly, and any kind of pv.sturage
will tetid to the more f mII devi '.iprnent
of the rareass of the ,z tin, . more
concentrated food. l-rs r innd
feed for pigs, h iving ; ,;,u ; : :ion
the elements reqnired for a d'.i vel
opmeiit of bone, llt-sh, muscle and fi t,
but oats are ii'il always to be ha', or
their scarcity makes the prir ft pro
portion to their desirability for. i.mmI.
Farmers wih small dairies and who
make domesMc butter, have their skim
mi'.k which with a little corn meal
make a fjood feed. !
V is '" 'ii r l that a chance of diet ia
of en Iviv.t.'igeou. ami evf "riment ing '
In line wouid be of vnUie to farm - '
ere so far as in aiding in discovering th
most. pr-. Liable fefd. Ttie Invca JIo,r.
ttfvl gives a mixture which it recom-
mem-i for crowing pigs. j
The ptoposiiiori is to take sixteen ,
bu.ih l.- of oats and ten bushels of corn
and irritid Uimii trgeth. i ; then intimate- j
ly mix with this one hundred pounds of j
oatmeal, vrhirh at Iowa prices madp a 1
f "dtt.:.t cost eh.iiir si-renty rents per !
hur.dr-l. I',. it E:,verri pi.rk lais-r-
shi-i'Id Mil he I't-rojv.d r-g41iliti2 tin
"-' ' !" ''eri:!1, HH W.i-l'.J . f-n, s ,1 r
!: in r- t, t. .. , j... ,rj t,, . M
rasr- I w;; a here ; s c.-sr 'wenMrH'
-i;tsa . ,-hei, corn tur;ry ei'-t cpih
a t u-l.r-i, and oai meal about ?1.4o per
hundred, wlr.le here the mixture would
cost as much or more than corn meal, i
It is claimed that corn does much more !
good when fed wPh a little oatmeal
if fed alone, which a careful trial
1 that is now but little used but
' hi Id in very high esteem
"S. '9 fiats and liens crr.ini,,!
V i
. i- '
V -in suvwi together
'd and ready for
' ! ' 0"tn could tie har-
:" ' v:!ent to start pigs
- n pi(ce.s. Al-
j was common years
in grown together at
' - : although i hey might
- ' ding experiments at the
K lirri-u'tural college, there oc
curred unintentionally a cor di ion that
furnished a fair test of the effect of temp-rat
ure in fattening pjKS. Ten pigs
were fed. Nine were protected, while
one chanced to be in a projection of th
pen. leaving it wholly exposed. Ir. Jan
uary thpre was a ere cold spell, and
the exprsed pig !st exactly six pounds
i" weight, while mch of the other nine
gamed in amounts varying from five to
in pounds each. This little cireum
s'ance fs si flicient to show the impor
tance of keeping fattening: pigs wairn,
or perhaps what is iqually well, and is
followed by many, fatten before any se
vere winter weather arrives. Otrnmn-t'-ini
A ri:oPiiKT in Hrs Own Countky.
"I tH! v n. rey dear" said an i Id
tc-ntleniac ..s ife oi, the summer
hotel verand l.
i'l'li r, lei' me ;tr y : h.i
U'H h-dy w j' h inphafcis.
sir'' retorted
I? it I t eliev. '
"IJ..h ! What do our 1
"Hut I f'ink
"H..h ! Y ,. Har-. r -..mir. What
aie your thou'its worth ? '
'I? it my dear. I krow
"I) n"t taM to me about vU it you
kniia- li'.t ton .1. i- .. is !
tid an eiicyclr.ji;u d in. Kverj bovly knows
., . J
tliat JOII area Senseless, old, Stupid,
Worthless dr.tir! Vim .1 r,-f .
wulluie " 'i"iitr.i. l mi don r. know
enough hicunip in when it ruins '
.... . Lima.
' h' IH tliat old (lentletUAtl over v , ..i .. .,; .;. ,i .i t . . . ,
Vtf i m,'!:i viMtur to the liotel clerk.
'I) M-t V,M! kllOW hini V Vl,v lU ia '
hini ? Whv. he is
the Chef
.lustict of ojr Supreme
Tkavelkd With the Show. "Can
any little hoy or girl tell rue why the
lions wouM not hurt lUniel ?" paid a
Ke' Hddn-tsir j; a Sunday school.
"I know," p;iid u t righl little fellow,
Itoldiim up iiis hand.
"And what w;.s the reason, mylitt'.e
man ?" -aid the fptaker, steppirg for
ward with his face in a joyous kIow.
"Speak up loud, so that all may hear
you. Why wouldn't the lions Lite
Daniel ?"
"I RiiHd it w?s coz he b'loDged to the
ciicu.s. "
The seda'eneM o( the occasion was
An lirellrnt Tfedlelne.
"I eerlifv tiiat my wife and rr.velf were
' -1 linltfi f1(r on.e fifteen yenrs. I
eil in tii Ini-Kins overot.e of Simmons
iit..r mana. s and saw A. 11.
! i. n 1 I? i-hnj, r.f n-e'a names i
f .. ti ol.i:r!ied some tif
-.ii rt . t r'iillv rifoni-
.' IenulHtnr to my ;
' - .tt n:f. Heine. '.. K. I
' sVll-, Va. j
t lilseni er
nni il s -..very is that j
Or,? ifond t Tie greatest '
t I : Kiti.ys New Discovery for;
- !'. ' .oitb" and folds will pre- i
' ih nr l soe loe and is a price- j
i. i . v ..i i-. t'.e afflicted. Not (inly do,; ir i
jvi.-itive y ctire ciipsnniptlon, but couahs, !
r.i'cts, tiniiietiitis. asthma, Ik arseness and !
nil aflt-rtion f.f the throat, ctie.-t and lungs!
yield at once to us wood rful curative pow- i
ers. If you doubt this, net a trial bottle free :
at James' drug store.
Lemons are a very cheap luxury for
IHople livitjff in the city, or having; eafy
access to rai-id transiKrtatioD, and can
e k?if. cVan and fre&li for tLonths by
IMittii'g irr) a tight jar anH covering
wiTl water. Keep in a coo! ii'ace. out
Keep in a cool ii'ace, out
of reach of the sunlight, and change tl e
water n-jt lesa often than every third
An Omaha man advertises for a
buggy hotgH. What stranpw tastes soUie
people hav ! f'liila. Call.
Mary Andersen writes: S-ki' I: t a L:i i Vi N '
i L delighted w,th frUa 'l&i 11
yonr Corahne Corset. It 'vA - t ,, 1 : -
is perfect in fit anJ cle- ".'"."TICT ' iji.'j '. l-i j '-" '
gnt in design and work- ; ' . P! i -"
b?j M'mvm.w '.'J '.jw'Ui' im pt id, ..r,jz,Tma A ,' i j-i--'" 1
' -i V '? m ??W F.'Vil 5 Of .Jin U v i va ? i t-J 7i - i
fTorallnc is not Ileir.p, Jute, Tampfeo, or ?.feiican Grass.
'ruliiie is ued in no goods except those sold by Warner Brothers.
I lie gejiuine (Joraline snprior to whalebone, and gives konest value aad
perfect satisfaction-.
Imitations are a fraud and dear at any price.
For saie by ail leading merchants. I'rice from Jfl.OO up.
36 XtnOADWAV, Sew lork. 141 dc 14S TTlUltt AVE., Ciilcc.
Gloreis, Veillnr Net9f T
Ijiulies' Neckwear, tj
ITianlkeroliiefs, ftj
F:mbroiderIc3, fA
Snool Silks.
floss and Arraseno.
-rr.',nnn nnil MltHn'S will rfwlvc nt;r Mni ' ,T--.;i-na! of Fault Ion JVe If they will
nil us the ir I i'f..
1 88 s 1 ThT
i .
Under a DemoemticXn
tional Administration.
The Will of the People
Vindicated and the
Great Wroni;-Ki-hted.
cnnirriiriil.'itr- I)i iii..rr i-i" ro:i.!.-r- i n the .!:m n
of a nw year, unil-r i-..n.tit:oni hae n-:t pi
iPteJ a iiuarter of ;i ienfiry
"li'.r.if ..ut tln ... rU,r In tl - i.. vr,
!tmif 'iit the !n !. r:n-j In tti ir :i-
' i v.i' tn l phi ?!i-ni!ri"k liavc I cr-n cii r 'f,!
Alt.T Uic !..iirili ,.l .M;irc-li tl, ... I ,.,i , ,
rr it i.- a im inlstr.i timi at W'n -li i ,iirt n. n It ii re.; i
p.."-iHl.tivs In the ).r .u !. .r .r 1 1 v h a..
v.irif-t'inent of tlio cniiMtry.
A I iik I'i-T ha laKorpit unm-ini y u-r turn
ty Hv ean lur W.ffe iili.ri.iun ri'tults. ...1 It
eit-ml to the n"w a il m t ri 1st rut inn inrt itivi't
lr.n an.) 1 i-iT.lial ?ii.i,.irt In the re i t:ihl fti irrrt
.t prineipli'i ami nilli'l' vital In th' puliho wi l
fir. tiy rclnrmintr, riilitina rnna n ml
nprt!nif the npretnaey of Hip lipmi.i-riitii' l.iiti..
We art- on t lie thru hulil nl Inipurt in t events :i t,.
irrea'. ehniie. I n a 1 ienio. r i t who i,li- j tr,
l"lvi-l:in'l'f eleetion, t!.e future i? lull nl inte;e-t
an.l hope.
Tim Wktki.v I'd-T will
iiTefi.-i oi nil' nine-i in ev ru!n:u rciailou to tt.,.
"''"' iiimini!"riti,.ii. it p..ii.-y .n home a,,.
. aNrort.l w i llie i ntel l iif cut 1 v i i-ciip.l verierolv
ft rte.; orcar..J:.lly a:i.f klu.llv cr.t'iee.t N-i
yur In t he hi-;..ry nt t h : o:im:i I promises t t.e
-o r,.,.i,.te w ti, , .,.t.-r- ..i interest to V
M "hi,'h :,,'""r fl""r- "
j i,.,.tiiiu- of ViiKres the ile.-ln m: urn (.1 tlie I'.-.--
i '''et.tril vote. tiio'tiaiiicnr.iMnn.the iiewCaaLitict
i tlie rhatiwen In n.r pii'-He- serviee. the oi.rnini '"
I ot fA.- , re , i Ur, ,... tiikw,k
.'.".-'J' '. "'"-" " 'rli.-t Ir.elllLre,
i"i-' io-iii ii ;oe in. I M'Iioit: t o-
n .mo ; km i:i . .u. r.- w : 1 1 net fill ri per it : :i v n.. r
tlinn a iii:ir!er ul a .-enti.rv M imp-lire 1 .1
The Frl.-n ul the I.-..-lii'i'n. Mth a !'.. n.
i tnvernur upMe.l l.y :i Kepul-u.- in in
pr.. min-s t'i I.e. Irnitfu! ul Inn ..rt:int i,.-ue
j- rfy.
in-l -
eit inz n.'t.ient. 1 he e.iin iriK .'. ion ol ('..n-iri-v
will he even :n ire lntere--t li.i; In it hroinler tiehl
In all it-i varied
l'o-r will aim at ej
.i"p:irtnuMit. Thk wkkki y j
elience ninl reh ililllty. It? '
llternry. intsee llnnemis. new an 1 h.eal dei.urt
menf. will he nmlntalne.l in their ntmo?t ettlcien
ry, while itsnmrket retmrls will l.e prepared -null
itreiter cure ami precision than ever nr.l
uia.le iil.-ulutely
N..w the time .'. .r ' i .' eri rv where In ? 1 1
h.. 1.1. cement nn.l c'rennthen the ' party ami it
el o-en r.-pr. -ent.itivef . hy exten.iliirf th".. circiil i
ti'.n i.t Iieinoerat Ic papers. We .ire no lunirrr nn
the ilefetiMve we are .l.nie with a, ml mulim ihe
puny t.. , i ror a nin..rl! v .if the A iiieri, :in
I .e. ple. and In a lew weeks it will tie called on t..
j admlnl'ter the ueneral 1 iuvtri-meul. I'ruih i '
mmhty and has j revaiied.
Mnulo Nnlisr r il inn, one jc-Hr,
! iMislimre. .reuiil l.-2"
j lit iulis of l lir or nirr, our
yenr. p.iilanf irriall. (to
A free ropy to ler rllilt of ten.
Send for Sample roplen.
m. p. ii.iini & co.,
I'mm ia cumpoaed wholly n na
nici...... -'etahle Ine-rflipt.ts. rnrh one.
.3 of hi. h is u. LtiohI 'j. .1 l.y the mMi
leal pr.ife-siot tn I n tht mo'! ootent ' 11 remedies k -i.i-vn t- mediral
sciem.e. It cures witho it f u '. c vrr rase o
iii-Miii i i rr.TjKajjmuu
rhranl Catarrh, f onsnmpf inn, j
(General nnd errrn lebi!itT.
Xenralgia, C hronic Khenmn-
tim, Uiahetia, Stone In the
Madder, l.rteht'a Iieae, Iys-
pepdn, I.lTer Complnint nnd
Diseases of the Stomach.
If your Drnirtrist Is cut of ourpamph
leta on tho ' of Life," or if you are
iahorine un ter a disaaso not
p It or in these a.lvcrpwra-nu, adJrensg
tne propneion, s. jj. Hartmau dt ' o.. 'o-
liimDun, u.-ip).
p o 1 1 i v ely
cur-.- t.'nripti-
Ir i 1'in-Kii.l l.Lsrrli.i-i. f-iM l.y all S4
ir i' I na .... .. I f.i... ;
rSiOn. Jnrortkmaln EiiKli-h nnj German.
Dr. LBr
l tHti
ee.rl.1 r.e,i,. fr. stifle tre.tmrr.l j " ,"d Ju'ri
f lT" fre IipmrrilmMv,,! their M.lrss.
1 imii,, k M,u. Iihnii mu 1
Teavsl l.tMni. I0 Wn.l .
f uccirtcl to j
buna i.iirtna., a,(atiIUbt4 lo tcaia.
fA ,
1 1 rLfw 7'
Phynlrln' Teatlmanr.
A. W.Brown,M.D.,of Providenct,
R. I., eay: "I have need IIurrT'B
Kidney nd Liver Riiedt in mj
practice for the past nixteen years,
and cheerfully recommend It aa
being a tafe and Ttliable remedy."
Another prominent doctor of
Providence fiys that ' am fre
quently urs;el to use other prepara
tions a pnlifitute fur ilisfi Kid
ney and I.iver Kemedt. I find on
trying them that they are worthleia
in comparison to it."
Aa Old I.ady.
'"Ty mother. 75 years old, haa
chronic kidney complaint and drop
ry. Nothing ha ever helped her
like FIctct'b Kidney and Liver
liarenT. She hag received great
benefit from 8 bottles and we think
it will enre her." W. W. Sunder
land, Builder, Panbury, Conn.
A Minister's Wife.
Rev. Anthony Atwood, of Phila
delphia, say: '-IH-NT'9 (Kidney
and Liver Kemedy has cured my
wife of Dropy j,, its worst form.
All say that it ia a miracle."
General Cfaaee.
General Chace of P.hode Island
says: "I always keep FJcsT'S Kid
ney and Liver Remedt In my
I house. Taken in email dosea occa
sionally at night, it prevents head
ache, and regulates the kidneys,
stomach and other organs." 10
"Disease soon shaken, by EIv!T"b Rexedt taken."
C. 5. t KIT1EM0S, !. T., General a;ent.
1 II?
A ri independent Newspaper of Dem
ocritic Principles, but not ContiolleJ by
any Sot of Politicians or Man pulators ;
Devo:ed to Collecting an J Pub! ishing all
the News of the Day in the moot Inter
esting Shape ; n i with the greatest pos-
sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impai-
. . . . , r
iianiy , ana to too rromo'ion ot Demo
cratic Ideas and Policy i i the affairs of
Goverrment, Societv anj industry.
iti'lletc, try Mnii, fnstjftitt;
DAILY, per Year $6 00
DAILY, jic: Vor.tli 50
SUNDAY, per Year i 00
DAILY and SUNDAY par Year ... 7 00
WEEKLY, per Y.r i OO
Ad,lree. I tl K f.V. te York City.
the popular favorite for drcn
ing the hair. Restoring the color
when grny.and preventing Dan
druff. It cleanse the
it stops the hair falling. anH T
sure to pl-.ase. cry-, an.l $i. si.-es at rruiTuisfs.
The Best Cough Cure you can use
an.l the best known prerentive of Conmmption.
Pakkrr's Tonic kept in a home is a sentinel to
keep sickness out. L sed discreetly it keeps the
11 . ..d pure and the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys
in working order. Coughs and Cuius vanish be
fore it. It builds up the health.
If you suffer from Iiebilitv. Skin F.ruption.
Cough, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Kidney, Urinary or
t cmaie Complaints, or any disorder of the Lungs,
Stomach, Bowels, Llood or Nerves, don't wait
till you are sick in bed, but use Parker's Tonic
to-day ; it will give you new life and vi -or
HISCOX & C', N. Y.
bold 1 y Pni,;ists. Large iaving buying $. iize.
fn Minnesota. Worth Dakota. Montana.
Idaho. Washington and Oregon. , ';
rrorn Lake Snperlorlo Ptirel aoKuili -
' Eri"s rnin? chiny -om 2 to tS per acra
loecurinq Good Homes now open for settlement
tm fP C TZ ? "."r-"" "r "vrrmiifnt
1 h tml I-rre iimler Hie Ii.. e
, " . "I 1 I Hi I" ' 'lllt'l'e 1 -i-s mitf
aiW to.1-439' r'" OR noiii; 1111
!. of ml the I'ui.lic Lands (lisp.-i-.i of ., Is-i
werun the S-.l,.,, Paetne rountrv. Hooks, .,i
2Jar, t FHFE d.-srrihine ,,e Northern
V . n " "r ' Hailroad I.nmls for Sa.e and
i . , , ' ,,ovtninnt Ijinrls. Add'ess. t H s B
LAMUdH.N. UnilCoiri'r, N. P. R. It.. St. Paul, Mlnn
i.,', '. or ' '' L'" Real
" '" sis ef l.tjer CMr.'a.n.
T , -n ri
114 I'. -- '-l .. n ..
-k.-e t '
A -.J 1 3 ftr-u- 9 E3 M K C
HJ 1 S-W rw BLfl aw H mm mm
mm pacific;
Farm Sotes.
The chemical composition of fruits
can be changed by the fertilizers applied
to the trees and vines producing tliem.
It has been fouud the quality of fruit
can be great ly improved by the judicious
use of fertilizers, and that the percnt
ae of sugar in them can be largely in
creased. The increase obtained is most
marked in the case of wild fruits. Pro
fessor Goessman performed some very
interesting experiments in this direc
tion. Several Concord grape vines and
several wild purple grape vines were
set in pots and fertilized at the rate of
4."0 pounds of dissolved bone black con
taining 12 pT cent, of soluble phospho
r'c acid, and ISO pounds of nitrate pot
ash containing 45 per cent, of potassium
oxide and 13 per cent, of, or 52 pounds
of soluble phosphoric oxide and twenty
two pounds of nitrogen. One half of
the fertilizers were applied in the fall
and the other half in the spring. Three
years after the application of the fertil
izer an examination of the grapes was
made, and compared with that of fruit
from the same kind of vines on land
that hatl not been fertilized. Tt was
found that the sugar in the ('oncoid
giape from vines unfertilized was 13.89
Tier cpnt., while that in grapes whose
vines had been fertilized was 15.43 per
cent. The sugar in the wild purple
grapes from vines unfertilized amounted
to 8.22 per cent., while that in grapes
from fertilized vines of the same kind
was 23.j7 per cent., a very remarkable
increase. The most notable changes
in the mineral elements noticed in the
trrapes was an increase in the potassium
oxide and a decrease in the calcium ox
ide. These experiments indicate that
iht-reis a widn (i-ld for experimentation
tor the improvement of the quality of
fruits by the skillful application of fer
tilizers. The quality of apples grown
upon trees that are well fed with all the
fertilizing elements needed is decidedly
superior to that of apples raised upon
trees which have not been fertilized.
A flock of sheep will pick up wind
falls in an apple orchard even more ac
tively than a drove of hogs. The pig is
naturally a lazy animal if he is bred as
lie should be and kept well led, as is
most consistent with profit. Sheep will
gel more benefit from pasture in orch
ardsthan pigs, and will deposit their
droppings more evenly.
September and October are months
when flies are more troublesome to
h irses at work than any others in the
jear. A fly net to protect horses from
these attacks will soon repiy its cost.
Better diminish the grain ration one
haif than dispense with the net. A
horse will soon fret off more flesh than
the best feeding can put on.
I?e sure to secure fine, ripe fruit.
Tare anil cut in halves, removing the
stones or pits. Place them in water as
they are pared, or they will at once be
come discolored from the action of the
;tir. Fill the jars with peaches closely
puked ; add hot syrup until within two
i iches of the top. Put the jar3 in a
boiler of hot water, the latter coming
neailv to the necks or the jars. Cook
for ten minutes. Then add hot syrup
to fill the jars full, and seal up. They
CHn also be preserved whole, when they
should not be cut at all, but cooked
twice as long as when halved.
1'are them and pack them as close
1 as possible into the jars. Pour in hot
syrup till within an inch of the top ; set
in the boiler of hot water and cook if
quartered, for fifteen minntes, if halved,
lor twenty minutes, and if whole, for
tl.iny minutes. Leave covered for ten
minutes, and then fill the jars with hot
yrup, or some hot water, and seal up.
To be canned, pears should be well
ripened and of fine flavoi. ,V tasteless
or insipid pear ia only suitable for sweet
Finely ground rice, one-fourth pound ;
butter", one-fourth pound ; white sugar,
one-fourth pound ; two eggs, a fev cur
runts, and a little nutmeg, if liked.
Work the butter to a cieam, add the
rice and sugar, lastly, the eggs well
beaten. Previously line patty tins with
good pastry, stir the mixture well to
gether and drop a little into each. Put
immediately into a quicK oven. When
cold strew sifted sugar over them and
, Tomato flitters are an agreeable en
tree. Use one quait of stewed toma
toes, one small teaspoonful of soda, stir
in flour enough to make a batter, like
that for griddle cakes. Have Rome lard
very hot on the stove. Drop in the bat
ter and fry.
celery sour.
Poil a small cupfu! of rice in a pint of
milk until it will pass through a seive.
Grate the white parts of three heads of
celery on a bread grater, add this to the
milk after It is strained,puttoit a quart
of strong veal stock, let it boil till the
celery is very tender. Season with salt
and cayenne pepper and serve.
A Lame Horse. Sudden lameness
in the hind leg which disappears and re
turns indicates occult spavin, which is
inflammation of the inner part of the
hock joini. It is a serious gisorder, as
it usually ends in bone spavin and con
firmed lameness unless well treated.
Use cold water, bandages a few days
then apply slroBg liniment to the hock
joint ouce a day. Let the horse have
slow exercbe.bat do not drive It, Mod
erate work 1s better than standing still
Profit in Pocltry. -There is profit
in rearing poultry when it is done on
business principles. When we import
over ..,000.000 worth of eggs a year
equal to 1125,000 weekly, or 20,000 a
day. it is proof that there is money in
the business. This fact :s not to be
taken as showing that the foreign trade
in eggs hurts our home product,it is de
ficient and might be safely increased.
It lsapnor reflection for an enlighten
ed American citizen that he cannot
keep a flock of poultry as well as a Ger
man or French woman can, and that
be cannot help but suffer from the com
petition of any industrious foreigner
The consumption of eggs in maoufact
"res is coiiblaully increaeiug.
Why Bkes Wouk in the Daiik.
. , , , , , . .
Every one knows that fresh honey is
like a clear yellow syrup, without any j
trace of solid sugar in it. After strain- j
ing, it gradually assumes a crystal ap- j
pearance it candies, as the saying is,
and ultimately becomes a solid mass of
sugar. It has been suspected that this
change is due to photographic action.
The same agent which alters the mole
cular arrangement of the iodine of sil
ver on the excited collodion plate and
determines the formation of camphor
and idoine crystals in a bottle causes
honey to assuire a crysta'like form. M.
Seheiber inclosed honey in well corked
flasks, some of which he kept in per
fect darkness, while the others were
exposed to light. The result has been
that that, portion exposed to the light
soon crystallizes, while that kept in the
daik remains unchanged. Hnce we
see why the bees are so careful to work
in the dark, and why they are so care-
ful to obscure the glass windows which
are sometimes placed in their hivet..
The existpnee of the vounff depends on
the liquidity of the saccharine food pre-
1 . i if n.tttA a .
lowed access to this in all probability it
n-Olllit nrnvp flitul to th inm:.tCS Of the
hive. TFf stern Form Journal.
It is said that 9."5 farms in Iowa are
owned by womentand that twenty dairy
farms are managed by women.
Vermont furnishes one-third of the
maple sugar crop of the country. It
produced this year 12,CKK),(l00 pounds.
At a recent sale held by the Spring
field Jersey Cattle club twenty-three fe
males brought ?3,12o, or a fraction over
f each.
When cleaning the perches in the
poultry houses it is necessary to apply
the mixture of kerosene oil and grease
to the und. r side as well as the top.
A large flock of fowls contiued in a
one-acre yard will manure it to
such a degree that er.ongn green food
can be grown on it afterward to feed
When cattle begin to bloat after eat
ing green feed, or from any other
cause, give them promptly from three
to four tablespoonf uls of ordinary bak-
'"fs nona.
lo innke quince show, take one-third ;
pound qu inee marmalade to whites of!
two eegsand a quarter pound of sugar.
.... . ... ... . . ,
i lie in a paramid in a di-h and bake
a pale pt-llow.
Mr. 15. F. Wheelvi, Amherst, X. II.,
s ild last season 7W worth of small
fruit, from four acres of land, most of
which six years ago was overgrown
with I uhhes and very stony.
Celery rust is occasiom d by any
thing that itijures the root either an
exess of rain or a drought, which
kills the working roots, and the yellow
ing up or rusting of the leaves soon fol
lows. On a farm near 1 oston the new milk
is subjected at once to the action of a
centrifugal cream separator, extracted
in a lew minutes, ana servea in tne
. . , .
uii iiiau s.iin- nun iiiii ai oifaKiast.
A putrid carcass po li.tin? tl e air of a
pasture will spoil not only the milk of
the cows running there, bnt also the
entire contents of the vat into which
the tainted milk is poured at the fac
tory. A firm of cheesemakers near Buffalo
have just pressed a cheese weighing
3,300 pounds. Sixteen tons of milk
were used in its manufacture. Thiee
other cheeses, weighing from 1,000 to
2,000 pounds ea'ch, are being made by
the same manufacturers for the Eng
lish aiarket.
Thourhts;for Saturday Mght.
lie riyid to yourself and gentle to
The g e itest misfortune of all is not
to be able to car misfortune.
When teason is against a man,a man
will be against reason.
All philosophy lies in two words
"sustain" and "abstain."
Xoone will dare maintain: that it is
better to do injustice than to bear it.
Absence destroys trifling intimacies,
but it Invigorates strong ones.
Age, that lessens the enjoyment of
life, increases our desire of living.
Our giief may be guessed from the
solace and self deception we resort to.
The higher up the mountain you
climb, the higher you can see.
It is more profitable to look up our
defects than to boast or our attain
ments. If evil be said of thee and it is true,
correct it; if it be a lie, laugh at it.
There is a German proverb which
says that Take It-Easy and Live-Long
are Brothers.
A told Day for Him.
We were strol Ting alone
On the sands.
She must surety have known
From my look and my tone
What I wanted to say when I took my
Iloth her hands.
She seemed gracious and kind
As conld be.
And encouraged to find
That she was gently inclined,
I plead for the soft-whispared "Ye3"
that should bind
Her to me.
Thus we stood side by 'side
K the sea.
And to you I'll confide
A cold chill seemed to glide
Down the length of toy spine as the
sweet eirl replied,
(Someivill Journal.
Tlain and Practical. Pennsyl
vania has the best quality of coal in the
world, and ought to send it abroad for
the world's use; but the total export of
coal of all kinds from this country is
only about one million and a quarter
tons per year. The yearly export of
Great Britain is over twenty-five mil
lion tons. We shield ourselves against
British competition by a barricading
tariff, which serve the double-purpose
of keeping but foreign coal and enab
ling the railroad coal monopolies to oat
the substance of manufacturing indus
tries. Philadeljjhia Record.
TnE King of Denmark has a wart on
his chin, but he is afraid to let the doc
tor get at it. He is of a peaceful dis
position and does not believe in wart to
the knife.
"Kon(b nn Rata."
. - : v. . f. .
s lears uui ruts, miuo, ii"ics. . v ' .
nts . bed-
Heart rain.
PdlpitAtion, dropsieal swelllnics, minees. ln
dlKestlon. headache, sleeplessness cured byWelia'
Health Kenewer.
"Rnnik on fnrm "
Afk for Wells- "Kouirh on Corns." 15e. Qnlek
complete eure. Hard r sort eorns.wart. bonlona.
Clniek, eimplete eure. all kMney. bladder nd
urinary diseases, scaldlnic. Irritation, stone, ifrar
el catarrh of the bladder, ft. druicirlsts.
nrd.Rnra. Files).
Klle. roaches, ants, bed buirs. rats, mica, iroph
ers chipmunk.-), cleared out by "Rough on Kats."
Ihln People
"Wells' Health Kenewer" restores health and
vigor, cures dyspepsia. Impotence .sexual debility.
r i.
" Rnnth on Vain."
'ures chole.-a. colic, cramp, diarrhoea, aches.
palns. sprain, lien. lache. ncnrnlirla, rheumatism.
20c. Rough on Pain I'laster. 15e.
It you are falling. broken. worn out and nervous,
use Well's He ilth Kenewer. ' fl. Urugglsts.
I.ITe Pmerier.
If on are losing vmr grip on life, trv "Wells'
Health Kenewer." os dirc-'t to weak spots.
"llniiith on IMIen '
ttiires piles or hemorrhoid. Itching, protruding.
bleeding. Internal or other. Internal and exterml
remedv In each nackaire. Sure cure. 50c. Iirug-
j '
I'relty Women.
Tf, who wmll,, THin T,hnn n1 Tlv,lti
don't fall to trv " Well's Health Kenewer."
, ..Kooirn "s hnm'.r. Vrnption. ring-
wi.rm Inltnr si I rhrum chllltilnlnc
. . . . ,.
'irrects offensive odors at once.. omplete euro
of worst chronic l-o a frArtrle for
Ronfiti on atnrrli."
rort chronic, al-o uneiuiile.
diphtheria, pore throat, foul breath, "inc.
The Hope or the atlon.
t'hll.lren. slow In development, puny, scrawny
and delicate use "Wells" Health Kenewer."
Catarrh or the Hlaitder.
Stinging. Irritation. Inllauimntlon. all kidney
and urinary complaint; cured by ""Huchu-l'alba."
"Water It ii ar s . Rnarhrs."
'"Kough on Kat."cleir them out, also beetles
Two Weetly Newspapers for the
Price of One.
-A.n cl tlio l?t rnil,y :t
IiO"v Hates.
The HarrisburK Wkkkly Patriot Is a large
eight page sheet and contains a greater variety of
rending matter than any other paper published.
It Is new-y. spicy, itistru' tlve and entertaining.
The subscription price of the Wkeklt Fatriut Is
i fi.oo per aunun: cash In advance.
c i, r h n i n g . ;
The WrKKt v Patriht and New York ir,i; !
! s'" will be sent to any i,!reo. pom i.aid. one ,
I vcar t-r 1 10 1 the Wekklv I'atriot and New
. Y..rie nrt n 0n,i to nv a.!rire- ji- t paid tor '
; one yeir tor 1 : the w kkki v I'athiot and the
i Hhiladelfihia Sat'ird iy Rrrt-A. pot t.alj. tor one
I year. ."0: the Wekki.y PTtti..i- and l b 1 -i 1 1- ' llfily l imo. post paid .one yeir f..r 1 -5
In nil cai-s the cah must nc--omp.iny the order.
la the oulv morning paper published nt the S!:ite
capita! : the -.nly morning paper r.n.ti.e of I'hila-
del!. hi an.l Pittsburg that g-"s the complete As-
aociuted l'res news, and that lm a general sy-
tern of special tel-gnm : r nd the orilv daily that
reaches the interior tovtr.s .,f pennsvlvania before
the Philadelphia and New Y"rk ' naiiers The
Iiaii.y Pathiot ha been grea-ly tmpr .ved In all
us departments within the hist -:x m. tth and Is
now equal In all resteers and uperu.r in some to
the dailies ot the larger ciil-j. i'r-e t.v mail
S 141 t.or u n ti . n t n .1 ... .. .... w . . I. , ,
. ... - ,-- . ... u..n.t... f, 7 II III. I paiI III
advance): 1 on f..r six no.n th - in a. : (l.M
ifor three months, tn advance. cents for one
month , in .i.lvunrr : tri u .! i -. e. $',.i."i per copy
per annum : to clubs of ten , c.pv per an
num. i.aya'.le in a. Ivan . The Ii.sitt "Patkiot
an.l tne I'm:
a lelidiia tinihi .v. nrd (ur.dav rA-
I tlon efei. ted ) will be sent ' ne ve ir to anv adrtros
i ",I , " r2 " . n-.vance. srl),t ,.,r s,,.ritr.t.n
,-.,.,,. UMIY an.l WKfKtV I'ATRl.'T. In
Co, ties tif th
r-niitting money I. r subscription fend postom-e
money order, i rek or drait.
Addres S
MOT I'f HI, IS Hi :.'( ..
UaT.-i ary, Pa
And pu
i t'ic S.-eliler- Mills (in the u
i. be known a; the
1 repair, ts now prepared to
.t"all custom work
on shout xo n e.
11 on i stiifl lKVocl
Kept constantly on hand' t the
r-It will be a pleasure for us to wait ca
who may favor us with thir patronage.
Knenshurg. April 'J4. lWi.-tf.
Carriage Making in all its Branches.
rain tins', Trim min
and KEPAIIUNi; of all kinds done a
PKICES. Also, Pinning. Sawing and Wood Turn
ing with Improved machinery. Also, all kinds of
heavy work done. "arrlage smith shop connected
All parties trusting me with work will he honor
ably dealt with- All work warranted.
I V l"HlTF
Etienshiirg. October -'-4. ISM.
Gen'l U. S. GRANT,
For MAY. 1iO enta.
W Jenmnp, Demor,t, Publisher. 17 E. 14th St., New York
Sold by all NewnleaJera and Postmaster.
AMI LTOX I A N 1 1 ( ) USE
The celebrated Hamlltonlan horse. Colonel
VV Infield, will be kept during the coming teason
at O Har"s livery stuble In thlsplaee. Some ol
the finest cults ever seen In this n-ightK.rhood are
his best recommendation, r . r further Informa
tion call on O HAKA HKOS
Or JOHN BENl)EK..Kbenahar Pa
May 29. 188S. s
Health is Wealth
-rds.-ru.. T I
I) L. t . Wr.sTi Nerts and TIraisi Tutmt
aTENT, n gimrnntofKl nrcifio for Ilyatena. lirzt
fr"V '"tinilHion, IHs, Nurvnna Ncurnlgin,
', !,!,s"hn, Nittous Prostrntion caused l.v the uso
or alcohol ortohncco Wakof ulnese. Jleht;il l)o
prcBsion, Softening of the Urnln r-uliing in m
jnnity and londing to misery, decay ami lentb,
rrernatura OKI Aea. llnrranneaa, la .f jMiwer
tn eitbor sox. Involuntary lxirwoi ami Hpermiit
.rrhoea caumni byover-xertion of the brain, eolf--tbutraor
over-imlulcenc'ts. lai-h box contains
one trionth'a tmnimenU JLOIa box, or bix boxes
tur(5UAl,eentbymail prepaidou receipt of pnea
TocttrOBnycaee. With eich order reeeiiTed byrw
j' 'xeBi accompanied with tiuO, e will
jenrl theimrchaflorour written sruaranteA to re
luuiltho money if the treatment dooaDftcffvcl
cure. Guurauteea iBened onlyby
Cole Prop's "iTtft"fc Liver TUia.
fc. 1 I rTT!l.
. -' ' v- ;
'm e
r;iHk rvA
"O, Lor Hit ln Acaln!
Tn the early day of Methodism in. Scot
land, a certain counregatioa, where tbre
was but one rich man, desired to build a
new chapel- A churvl meeting was held.
The old rich Scotchman rose and said :
" Urcthren, we dinna need a new chapel;
I'll give 5 for repairs."
Just then a bit of plaster falling from
the ceiling It It htm on the head.
lookitii? up and seeing how bad It was.
be said: "Brethren, its worse thon I
thought: Til make it .V) pun'.''
"Oil, Ird." exclaimed a devoted
brother on a back fe-it, " hit 'ini aua n : "
There are luany bimnwi tabernacles
which are in Mre need of radical building
OTer. but-we putter an i fuss, and repair m
soots without satisfactory results. It is
only when we nre personally shinned at
real dnticer ttiat we act ni'leiiend-
Pntlv and do the rijrht thing. '1 ben it is
j thai- we most keenly regret Lpoiiise w
i did not sooner use our jiidm -nt. follow
! the advV horn of the experience of
, others and jump away from our perils.
Tliousatu Is of persons who will rctid tills
j pnrnr.T,ih are in abject misery today
j hci t licv m ijrh t te in a rt ifa torv cou-
tlition. 1 hev are wenk, lileie?,, mil or
od.l aches nn'd pains, and every year they
1 i .... ..Afti.T.v ( m. ir t. r 1 ridlir'h
! , . "i . - .-l.'n.rr ti,.m In
I the bcr dot-tors arc paihing ttiem in
j -pots, i he orino r u.. sea. 'M".
! Is the kidneys uud livt r. and if they wonin
j build t hese ail out w wit h Warner's
I safe cure as in . ilions liave done, and ceane
: inve-siinir tin ;r money ' nnscrauie tin-
; successful p.,tchwork, they would be well
'. n'l nillitiV alUl W'lllILl Hit?r-S lliHUMI m lieu
the l.ord ""hit em'' indicated thecommon-
een-e co ue for them to pursue.
a ' tsS.
Only Temperance Bitters Known.
n other medlilne lrr.own so eCectnaTy
pur.'- t'i? biood of 1csn-esl' rt'.aer-a.
TT illlo na hear uttluioay tu it" on-
d.-rlri: curaliva erfcm.
It tm m portly Teeetable PraptraUca.
ma.'.e f-"m Uie nauva hrr:a aod ro ta of Ca.ifomia.
t ie me li. innl rrropartic of vhlrb ira axtraclc
liiercfrivn v-tt'ioot the on cf Alcohol.
It runatei th ran ot diasaa mr.i tlx
pa: ..-nt reos-era his hefct'h.
It In the irrat Ulaoa Ir1flar ir?
T-ifs-piTing Prinein ; a Gentie Pu rotls-e and
T..r.!r; a p-rf-ct Herrator and vi, orat'.r rrt
th- .--. ii. V Tr tn ti e'orr r.f the
w-.rid Us a p-ed1- bf-eii rcitr poi.virti p-eses : r
f-i" imr .r Vispoii BiTTrri Is LaaiiL Uif
i' . f -T.-r-r i!:sras maa te t- r to.
f fi- 1 (e.-rr tia e, prr''P'.l a -l.r.rf4'c Crr-rr..:s';T-.
N;i.ri: mi. I.inin.- -r'a.;-. . ' 'i'. -
Irrti.l. ::-r:r, Anli-Ii.r .s, S. :T-i.t. l:i:n-::C
ami 1 -. : i r.- .r .rli- r.f lrflan P-lTTSRs ex
c -1 of a:-y ft: tt in 1. ' in 'l.e v o- '.
T 'i person o ts- t:.n I'.itikbi a--i ".:-i?
'j .- -i a . r-: i n i'ri rrn- pro ':
r.i- ' : .s sr. f-:r"!7. .! iy p.;- rri. p- ri
r r:h- i:i--.:.. i.r.d ti.3 orat v as c j
he-. '. j -f
r- .li-sria. It nil : r r. Trt r"' z- "--prr-a.'a.t
t.iroi::.:. ":.!.: 1
Is' ; rt. .i.-:r 1 .1 U3 -;. t.f O' - t ' '
rt . .-; S'i 1 Isii. rirl t hni -ira C:i, '.vf tha Sn :r. in- -r
tr. I A e. i e- ,a..y c irti-s acaaL of ui-uaiii
I. r ' - .1 ; r cs.
T hrs Krrerii are ir.vaKa'.'T irccmpsaied y
e::s;.-,:f f.f ll.e f:o:rl I, iinriii
b s. In tHf.r rca"ment. a pn-s'ir-, r-r.: rt
r. ; ..wci-fil ir93-;r.; c,n taeae orgaus, is eba-
' r ' rTs
'ISiere ta i-.e rsthartle
1' e rnry"
! f li I 1 s L . n : : T - i l:w. f s
e c jr..-. . ... i v. '4
I.-- t-.-.Ts. p ST- 1 it. at tho
1 f li. as. re.; t; . IM .'v"sr,
tie Lvx u.t fj' if
it -.:: sr.. t r
n-.:- ti w .'
Bj 1 I..-? a:j :u :
ar, "l j-nra.:r rr "
ii". C. res. itt rrrrs
I eiulv !-.' L.-s'y i It jr-i-
fyzz a : .s C ..-a t .- a i i ; n rrr.s. bo
Cm. :r.5.0.' fli-.IHi- " r : f .- . rl'
1: 1m ; tl-.r stoiiri la a.-i a".:ii-i:'..t--
t--.a tnr vl liver and i re.s. c.eic:s.i:r
t- - rf a.l i o.":r : -a. iir;.r'..if 1; '
v-. r-r ;.- lwe frs:-. r i r - r-r-r T s, ,.;t tr
e. -f "jone!. o.r v -irr i : TVS. e'l t!, a
ifct., t lrcm the tsc!.-i. it .a c v-t rf a.anun-e-f?c.
;"-i. .-.jt ;a i. .:.--i , a-J nr.auii iu Ua
re 1 1 s
I')spepia n r rridi-T-lln, feedfcrhe.
r.iin in ;;. spfu'f. tot;t:s. Tifse-w .f te
f --t. It"ii!i:uuji. T "iT-n.em.. "I a-.:e in tn
'o'ii. M.l-nw A!! .-.i, l'a'p r.f the
i eiirt, ar-sl ai hon.!s1 .hr pa.:.'i:i r mi ioru(
a-r-- ait s .oi re:lrrel bj ikLuis i;:-rr.KS.
tr InltaMimiiliir' rd f"hrci.!c Piesj-n-fjls-rt,
Iro'.lt. .Tiiri:-a. I -l. ei.sra c ' th s p.r---1.,
Ij'cr, f-isineTg rvr.ii ri.aO ct. ure I-::::a I-sib
r.o e-j-i.-J. la Cic i.aa.lccn-.. u! 1 . -news.
WaxxTrti Vistc jah Prr-rar ha ehowa
Its rt-rt ure.tjse yo-.-s, In L& most oLiiinaK
tr.1 i-nrr"iiN" c
. . l l at n i t ii 1 rlsv Psjrsooa es-raiTet
to I aL'i'.s auul il era-, rj.--h as H.i;i.i rn,
rre-ttra. tfriid-beatorB. rl I'iaet-s. cm vaary
a.lvanoe Ufe, are atiib.-iect -" purauyais of th
hiireii. To gnard against tins, t&Ke ouoisiotua
d. rj of V"csaa Bii-rr
akin Dluaifi, tscTxifiiirV. fat Ehe-ura,
fl.-erss. Swe'.tnca. Pimp'r-a. lusto'ea. Feus, i ar
bsincles. Ring worms, S"Jd-hea.i S. re l"ye.
Jj-ysiriolas. I:h. S-jrts. riscoiorsi.iruB. Fun:c-n
and rf;case- r.f th.1 fVLn, of rl ctrrsr najria or
nature, are literacy dug p arvl ottrrll cut of
rhn svgteui in a aiiorl tiJr.e by the u-a of th
Pin, Taps and other W r. r-m , htrticg
In t:i si su m of se tainr thouiuuid. ara
erTc-tiia;y uestros ed find atnOTe-i. Noirareiu
of mdtcine, no ensiifuiT.ji. no anthelrnlBCica,
wnil fre tiie as attm Irum worm ilka Ydlm&am,
."Icaalea. Scarlet Faver, Muinr.TTBoop
lng ("out'h, and aj ch:Hre' dienes mar be
, n:ada 1 m rr br Itsering tha towau open
.".li niJU dirti i.t the f-i-.i-n.
A"r r'emale rarasblntt, In toutij rtr
C)d. 7rrried or stDslCi. ut ttc daT) cf wrunaa
buod. or the rum of hia, Uua BiMera baa ca
f leaaae .he Vitiated llloeal whea tta
laipnndes busaC throuxn vho akin In rrLr'r-na
ortsores; ffieavnFe It whan obstruc-ted aid iIik-K-h
tn the Taina; loamse It wijeti it ia foul;
rviir feelings ill Mi vmi when, and tlie heej:'i
of the frmsn T-iH fullo"-. .
la evnrltialaB I ti'v the BltMra a iru
It will speak for itr?f. One horUe is a b.."f-e
ptianuiaoe of i!a martts tliaa a laufiCT air:
Arootifl earTt fcottlo ire. fuT. dlrrx-c;.. sa
TrtiiTsi vq u.:.rrt,x;t loneuaea,
It. IS. 7t"Oonll I r n Cs.. f".r .t..r,
aVau VraasaiKs.. ; m.l f .-..e 6.-J tVasbicrn Sl,
cor. ." Nt, N.-w t-k.
Sld by nil tcaletn and linrsit.
C: V-" .i-"---!.-' - t::e Tar:.-?
. s.-.-v t
lifT. It ? Tllf
grent relief and
CiTiifort to tl.e
a ' V-.'.'PK many who rj;r".
3 f-z&t tt' -1 :'.rV ordinary Cors-ts
S" fii-t -:- S cpt'rr-ss'.Ta. n,
J ftvr r i Vr 4 Uu iIC0RA-,.y
arsi tmemaled fir
frioa tl.00
fi Ttab'.o i rnert
Ask f:r
at ara hsoluia'.j
I Lrit!fl Or,, I erer lJrili rrura. I
Krary pair uarraal.a to
;" a1l,ra
cttnw or money rrl.raH
J. 0. riTZPATRICK & CO.. Mfr
Tl I viiar.1 H'rt. VfTW TcRK.
msaixn tan tH" wui:.iit
To all svhn ara sulTering from the errora and
lndieeretlon of yeulh, nt-rvons eakntss,
early decay, loss of manhood. c., I will send I
recipe that will cure yon. KKKKOF CH AltG K.
This great remnly was rl recovered by a mia
snonary in Fsnt'.U Aim-rica. Snd a salf-ad-dreaaed
iit;h to the Hv. Joru T. In
mak. tstatlon I), New YorV City.
a I.-, .i 1
r is. 44 ' - " eto M
... w,' M S
- A. U
. aaimacu. adsarta.
JJTTKN A CO., of the fV nrr-rtrtr Avrnu rsm
rr.,..t-,delTe,rrla,.s4 a.-,. ,,! h", -It i A Ai'; ZJi"
s e k
Iran .
formation .".rV r"'n,rT"l"
lean sent frei a rtVire-a M N v 7 . V. 1 L P. .
-"noe. , ilr,.iw.y. nw Vork
In the heart of the frront wheat, corn and stock
irowinn se tion ot the Mate
The lUai Eitntr Iir.,-rtsr. decrib!nir the coun-
AiKlrosa, A. H. M.VONNF.l.l.. Heal F.state AarU
iry ann tor shIc, sent tree.
ri' ivi itrisi us.-i, .t Kates fur ai
L re:tii.inK in l7i tnt new'.i.era fent free
i.l l"-ss . 1. ri( t l;i.i. t'll . 10 spro,.e H
IN ts 'aula.
Vi, "-jC--.-' iT'Xaii; It e bulk
V:. V-3.-.?jial d pact lor a
S .- --"J.. .MJ ad a ft 1 1 s e 1
i - 1
ralall , Uk
VOTTS-.-t Ur.. T,
Cows will kick son - ,
heifers with their frr-t rH;Tt-A ?
pert at it. Ad unhand led '
uuvj n3 ooLura.iV ti, i ,
Leghorn hens do to acra'ci'-A'1'
calf should be placed f, .lp
fiide, and encourafje.i tr,
whether it dues so r.r no v
er at once begin to rn ;j.
rn i L ! a nn ......
" IV;. ,
...r, ui ii. . iiiixiriatice s,
heifer is nervous, keep ,t. ',
and rnilK on the Riour,, j, al"
UAol lip til.r Q...1 I.. : -
' ss."i ;il' -
let her think her kit k!i-u
effect. A rail may t .!,.
r., ... I... .. .
tnance, and sotuet im.-s ,
placed clos to a rail r:fl.
fends the milker from j
r ally v cious,
milking still c
cow will ordinaii') ;. ; ,
s.ances, and staiid i ; ; t.T
. at least, irie pressure 0t t
I ...11, l. : .1 .
i uijuri. Tsiiicii may cin
iM n
can thus be ielieve.j.
I' the ,.,
t. . ...
j tinuous nervous, ar,d
fied. the thing to :.( j
1 M
hei legs. I"h:s may !.
light r-'pe like a 1 ,1 (.,,:.;
once around thrj h-n - i,
tir-d by a ' halt l,,t( h' 1
, tl e:i tnisttd a few tiu
i hitch turned in it, ar.l
j around the right li-. rt.
I bow knot, so that it ca:. !
1 tied. A cow so tied .,,:. ;
she is almost sure tn t '
' backward, aij.l wl.n,
end of her tie strap. ( r 1
. she can go in the .an 1.:
, legs may be ';,r
j her p.siti on is a vnv u-
j may fall down. To i v
I may be passed tv:ce rt:
i nijie, carried furwar 1, :.
i the mancer, Tl. ;-i w .;;
! batkitig. and the
! soon give up, aud ttai.-l
j rrt'Mtt Ajriculturi.-t f .. '
tinier llairtiEp.
j It is most l.roStab'.e in
; ness when most otl;-r iif. -.'f
i This applies espf-cia'! - -few
dairymei, ran n : r-:-:
ter, and so ft-w C i'. . r ....
l-;i;n tr. j.ack :' r--
niaud t or liiie I i.tu r : .: j
is prt-ater than run W
w inter dairynin : . H
. liir.2 1-H !!: l , . -A . i
resting durh.g t!:e v.-y .
. shade of a w. i .. .
busy with his ci. ; : :
has all these st ourni. 1 -and
roots iirenared. 1 .
ures in the this-t r-rd. :. - -j
begin luttr makii -,i .
vantage to his Uv r. T: -dairtnac
has Itui w, riyi: .
the heat, c. di-1: m i: j : -t- lt: -and
has siiiceedt-1 .:-.- :;.
second quality i f I :;t-i.
sell twenty-Cve tr :"f ;r
. than that fresh-rr,. !r
; iitcessities lor w;r.;-r U :. : .
and are eai'.y ; r : : -1
fresh cows. c.:iiit.c ::, z'. -plenty
of g.od h.y '. .
roots ai.d suppitn.tan f .-
cheajH-r now thar. a", a:
i tiecause it is in sea?v u. n:. ) i
. an airy dairy h.iu. waiai-i '
I temperature by a sv-ve. hv
j daTiculty. ai d the dainrt.i:.
! ciiLtrol ul t-v(T:l: ;s
best managemHit ..; i.;s !
i stead of CgLti:. f.;.-e. t- ::. i ', ai.d ev-r n"! - r '.
in summer. .1 i ,
(tool) Coi:v Ci.. -i'. i c
! the cimntry is r.,"iw h :. !
and safe. It is e-".:n; i i 1 it
i ": bushels th.' la-- t
; raised. It ext:r zui-hi .!.-
i those w ho have b-h '. V. ;
prfdictirg a li-ni ;:: .
of the short tr",. i f tL-.t .-r-
: crea-'f t 1 ' . .
i p:n d with the - -.! '. a '
j is the gnat ii.'ii - i r. ; . '. t!
the ti.'tif.
Km .
! l.trid. It p sses
a substitute for
1 1 i
' r
beii:j turned to tr v1 .
, ways than any n't r rr
i is al snrd ; l.i.-k f .r !
Maple articles i f f.b- i ::.
: v ith furt v 1-u-L-L-.
. man, woman and cL. i
tion. PoivJ w il; t
to coui, at leirt.-
ClI 11.
IMskasfs r I'll v-1':
n::es tne is j t r- 1; -. s
and among the d:seas - '! -
is well known. There - s ; '-'
oi au whu ones 10 r 'i i :. i. r 1
rioucht into cu'tivat i."':i. if "
gotxl plum ill le fou: ! 'n c
proof. 2satuie beats; :
bers of trees and qai.'.'j
Ihis may be a hint K u? .-'-' -rals
have thoroughly discus ' :-
luc puujri.1, niiu tin.
point out remr-die?. T; r t i 5
when it attacks is w? tit--:: 1
e I i.n . i. : r ,-. u -. : . .
wiiter in onf t.f tl.e N i ;
nals c aitn- it is t'.iu- iy I
j SOll and want of CUlH.i
mistake as natural pr vei
wild ones are often et.t r-'T
them. The only safety I t- ':
out and burninp every '"'
by which means it c.i:: i:
from doing any L.irt:..
roiling on me irves ii.
some varieties are nmoh nK-re -j
ii man omers, oui cii-m- i -
trees and thinning ou: t'.e !r-;-
most tffectual remed ts. As -to
these difficulties in cri1' i: f :'t
its advantapts are that is trrac
life, and adapted to all oi:!"?1 ?
sandy soils of the hh'at.i.1-
btifT clavs ot the rivti I '
stands our hauled it.tii-'.
fectly hardy, and i as l r'-:"
tree that tnars liuit. It ;s 14 '
proi orated, eithtr by u -n --
of the root, or from p'a::'.:i
South Australia
! an unexampled peliod i 'I 't''
' Durinn the lust six nu"..'-
only 3.S'-'4 "oeople wtnt to
! compared with S-'-Tl ! .
- -
v l i . - -
M Kh K1HE 101, a'.d H.'