1 Vrt pare 'fit Hhni Selj l. ; I V J 1 7 J . ' 2 . r i Ko sooner are the small Ep-ma, grains, barly and oats, harvested than-- it Is tfta to eorcmenoer"eparat4oo5 fr : fall seeding. ..'No sooner,' afte " the barly ba" rr haul-! from the field, plowing trc iV ' ble is cnrc-nencrvl, the better; au". '. v. same is trne o ot, provided - trhe . L to follow tho crops. f.-r it ..a.i- little unfortunate that the j . preparation of sed-bJ-j for wheat ; msst commence in th hottest and an- j usually the driest time of the yer. i 'when team must suffer most from heat and flies and the ground is so dry that . it is very difficult plowing it tha proper depth, and when it is very likely to break Into hard lumps. But there seems to be no alternative. If the stub ble is left until near seeding time it may be still harder and Insufficient time is left to complete the proper comminu tion and compaction of the soil before seeding. If proper preparation of the ground was made for spring seeding It will b. less difficult preparing it for wheat If the ground, when well dried out, was plowed deep and finely pulverized it will neither be so hard nor so lumpy U If plowed while too wet, plowed shal low and left in clods. Slovenly, negli gent preparation for one crop Increases the labor of preparation for subsequent crops. No farmer can afford to slight the pre paraiion for any crop, for the crop slighted will fail to pay the cost of indifferent culture and the cost of fol lowing crops Is Increased. If a farmer cannot properly prepare the ground for the seasonable sowing nor planting of one crop, he had better omit the crop entirely and let the ground lie in fal low until it is time to prepare for the next rrop. If the ground was plowed deep for barley or oats, it will not be necessary to plow the stubble very deep; because ' it has'been decided ty the best practical "farmers, from lonsr experience, that it is not best to make the lower soil mel low for peed-bed for wheat, but if the upper two or three inches is fine and mellow it is better to have that below pretty firmly compacted. It is best to have the wheat routs collect their fo'l flear the surface in autumn. A rmss of fine roots, near the surface will rie and fall with the exparsion and con traction of the soil in freezing and thawing, without being hoven out upon the surface, wherearj, if the wheat roo'. s deep in autumn, the roots will b broken off by the expansion and the crowns will die. And here, we think, may be found an expiration of the wonderful 1 efT'X' s i'f :!:ph:i? ' s, -m s;ts-ns. :ti prevfc!.lu.g ? r ki:l uz. Ti- ph- - il pbate, drilied in wi'-u tr. tli erowtti ('f a n;ai t ro-its r,":r ti-- surface. In view of tliese considerations, t!. Btubble should IV turned ntrdiT as f- u as possible after the harvest i p H'.hf-n -d. and then time will be afforded to Cuavi prct the lowtTFtiata of the s uland pul verize the upper, I y mi-aii of roi!er,hnr row, gang-plow, cultivator. Ac, 1 1 f rc eeedin? time arrives. In regard to the are i it will be ndvi able for f irmers to sow to wheat, this fail, we won'. I ?.y that we tliii:k the had ttiur snw torit which comes ri t!. regular rotation, ptovided it cau !( veil i-n.prrt-d. Wheat has not ;.:-.! vry well for ih 'ast. two or three e;i. :.r have other crops as for that, but r.et f -ri:!y bring a change. "We i i 'vt believe it best to abandon any M:tj ! Crop N-ranr it h.13 nut done well for to or three years, uiiiis condition iiave so changed that there is iittlt probability of its p.iying in the future, prepare the seed-bed well, sow in sea son, good, plump, clean wheat of tne most profitable varieties; sow with phos phates if experience has shown that tht-y will pay on your Buil, or top-dress with fine barnyard manure; do the best ym possibly can, and await patiently the action of Nature's forces to accomplish the remainder. Jinrnl Jfjme. tthinglo the HarTet Apple. A watermelon and a cucumber which found themselves on the same stand at the central market yesterday began quarrelline: "You are all colic, to s;ty the best of you," remaiked the mellon. "And you are all seeds and rinds" re torted the cucumber. tome now, what's ai; this row about?', queried the stand keeper as he finished selling a quart af strawberries "Why," answerpd the mellon, "old cholera morbus here is jealous of me, "No such thing! old rind and seecis prices nimseir on wing aMe to kill two inen to my one, and you know that is rll wind!" "Hush, tny children," whispered the tand keepfr. "While I appreciate both of you for you're worth, neither of you ae j ut!fi-'l In doin i any Lrat ii at in is season 01 toe year. 111 :,-.r- vest apple is now knocking 'em ou" one round." Ihtrvit 1'n.c l'rms. jioimi'i.u i -. 11 fjrease or on , 1 . r . . r is spillfd on tho cari-et, tipriLkl ;1 ur or fitie w.C ovvr the jx.t as s.:. a 'SSiM Ift it lii" f r spveral hours and it will ul' 1 1 I li- k tr X-i". A prett y el !i-in:i i.t Jor H lli;iit-l or :i bracki-tiiH snii!l pn.il rnvn".! wiM crmr.in : 00 11. .s -.t o.tcr.i- tel hoMv (.;! (te ; 1 i- it .11 v. h .1 rOW, )'d kT'i'd .-iltill r'h'cll. It 111 y 1 1 i.t ! k;m .Vii to ail li.u.--k" rs that ' ' y iv.ti e il- ct n.i!!v n ii .-, c h "roni !li li ; i.l ' J ! V V. 1'.. 1 ! ( i : h il , -I i;i V.' -t. V 11 ! y.i t'ti 1 ; 1 1 1 : i . 1 U - r. vtii.di I ( a !: hi 1 ;i .1 ! ui'.i l.-lVr Fp.:.i:.;. 'I'i' pM VI Hi p-r-f VI ;i! Ji I ! ! !;. f 1 1.' if w i" h : tlii kr:r.a at ul.'If. I r-, -!. ;i J' 1 1 1, w 1 1 , Li vli i i, v- r t! j;r.-, !-j-i;i; over irn I. -r I'vn. It vj,l riiir' im teci.mir v. I -n ilry i:icitit-eivliy tig,' atii r'i ''-'I 5n:-.-riiius tt I he .iir. Kits. ah fi:x 1 i-il fti- of Jv:i. 1 Orat Ni-rvi' K. sti.n r. No til a(!i r lit-' i"ay' t. M ;iivi ii.tis til T.-e.it.-ri ?.fii 2.(" trial h-f fn-i- !- fit -n-s. S.-n.) t,. Or. K1:n-. ! 1 Arhs. I'.iU l'lr hia I. v. i .--r m : ' 1 ':-: ihi. ' 1 ' ;7 it---- '---Vi' ..?,.-::ti;- -v vis rt . ' ' - ' .. -i pfliM tifaWi&i WfF- Wissi ISlll I t&m yonr Coraline Corset. It vi"-'jSVsL i fi.fl1 W lii"' is perfect in fit nd cle- v. 1""-T!:r , Lisf rat in design and work. vSXw fK 'iU I Hliy Coralln U not Hemp, Jste, Tftmplco. or Mexican Grass. CoraJine is used in no good except those sold by WasE BioTHMJ. The genuine CorallDe U superior to whalebone, and gives honet tslw and perfect sstisfsciion. Imitation A are fraud and dear at any price. For sale by all leading merchants. Price from $1.00 up. WARNER BROTHERS, 363 BBOIDWAT, New Tor. 141 & 149 WABASH ATE., ftalemc. llYiTifinTrrP fFi I WH0LESALE HEADQUARTERS nSBiefiWMIILERY Corsets, .Terseys, Glove, Veiltntri, Nets, ft Ladira' Neckwear, IJandkereh i e f i:nbroiderics, Fnool Silks, Floss and Arrasene, Jtr-MfrrhnnU and Milliners will receive our Monthly Journal of Fashion Vee if they will n(l us their a-lclres. Kos.820, 522 & 824 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. 1885, 188. THE WEEKLY POST Under a Democratic Na tional Administration. Hie Will of tho People j YimlicatcMl and the (Jieat A'roim' j Ri-hted. ! THE PITTSURS WEEKLY POST r.i:r-iT n I ri t.-- !f - I v rii -" )" tva.I't- ' n t : 1 a in n . ur. i:r.lvr t fin.- 1 N.it !. i e r. ' ?'i;-l U.'T h uii..ri ,-r -.1 a.-CZ irv in t fi- rr XT . r-ti in in.c. irvpl i!,.l li- ..Tr:--K9 l.avo '-ern rV u 1 , ftt-r ti.o f'.nr! i Man !i H"--;. rr'.'l h- n fi.-i .,. r-:T " a: -, i r.i-Tr-i r tj v. '.V-i i r.eit'r.. w i t:i u r t ;-.r:f '-Tr.ei t of the rou&trv. A Tm! I""T lia lbor fl nnreacirz'T d'rtTTi v r.v-,. vt-qr l..r Iho? ifl-.r-imj T"-i:'!i f.j it i'fn. I thm '!m!t.:siMi Inn liortv nr. , ;. i:n am) ci.r.hiil nn nrt in ttie re- st.-ili! 1 -!.i:.i.t t ; rincii.i.- arnl imiH.-h p vital in tl e i.ut.iic wi-i- fn-e. liy ri-'firmtriir rii?e. rihtir. wr,.n:.- r,.t nprt;r.' the fniirernarv of the Iiemirr.t? ic fuih We are nn tlie thr-hhol l 01 imtwirt in t events nn.l rr-rt eh.iniEe. To a lem'M-rat vim ai1p(l m (,'levlna election, the future is iuil of ihtcri t And bnpe. Tne Wifkut 1Vt will iin to Vie., f 1 'v nt rrnt of the tune In everything re'a-lnu to 1 e no..fr.mc n.lnilnisiralion. It. in.llrr at lir..,, ..,,.1 ni.r nl w il! he I nie' hurnt lv .1 i..cu,e'.t . icencn.n- v supported or ranIi!!y am! k ui.iiv cr Hi ; c l No year in the hiMory of tin" )ou-n.ii .roinir-5 1, o replete with matter? of Irttei-rct to leiror- as the on hfch we are p.hout to enter. T'. mei-tlPB' of t oi;re?. the foo!irstion of the I'r- (tentlal Tote, the 1 nauir-irntion. t he new 'a ti the ehanue? in tne i nnlie ervire. the nrrir.n ;,) ol th' bookt. all are of ureal concern. Thk Wki k- i.v rrT will lurni-u the ciriiit !titeil;-. i , r lth judfrtoti." comment fr..nn ihe M Iien.. m: !r Finnnpiint .-ii'-ee-. win not rnmper it any n i" 01 ijuarvcr ui ccniury 01 aetc.it iui:i.iitc enerxit-s. The feM..n.,f ti.e Ti-iture ,!, , .;.vr,-, : J-vernor .jpoc,t ,v ., ;o...,hMr.,n ,,,., rrr,mii-e! to f.e friiitf-ilot ,,,,.,.Vr-1'5r ,i ..V: citlnir incident. 1 he cm in -s-on i W-rr.- win re ereik more intere-ttn- In Us hrra.Jer ncM. in mi it r.nert .i. ,v I'wt will i at excellence anrt red itiilitv. It.- literary. nii-erllanenii. new an I local ..-i,-,'t- meni win oe tnaintmned (n ihe-r nttn'Mt eftic.en while Itsuiarkei rrimrtj wiii I.- i reiir, ,1 mt-i arrester .ire- an-i reei.ion thin ever tie lore r..! i tn nl e alol'itely reii;iiIe. ' Now tha time f'ir I i, :rr., rat rv-.n .,-!.,. tn 1 . 1. r h"l1. ctinetit ami ftreiitcth, n tlie ) ar'y nt:,l it. cbtxen ri-.r, se'i'Tit?ve?. hy nti-!iii..' the c-lri-j;'- t : ii t Ih-tnorratie a;ier. are to !,-acr the.lef. n-:ve we -e d..ti. w:;li a -j 7. , Z i .:ir!y t.. d.iv st.tr.-5 4 l.r a nn;-,r.y the An-er.i- ,n j ,- ji.e. and in a lew w.-i;- It w tl c;i'le-i n t.. a limnt-tcr ihe sf.-rM "r v, : :ini -j r. I.-u'h , luiihly arj 1 l,a- p .:i!e.'. Sfnirlo .SiilMerlfhii!, : j ar, lioiln.'e ir -i, Si.' In luhs if live .r o-r. yr.tr. t-.irto prr-f,;,;,!. o-i A lrr -! lit t-wry rluli of Veil. Nnl lur Nari;lr C't'. m p. n iiiii & en., Piihlisliprs. r i mmmmm frri'.'2 u '-r -i wholly of isa- t I r 'f o-i to l.o : I'iTt rT.i-n t -'b1."'- .- : in, - ' .1 I . I .-. -..-i,l. iSCJOS.-.-. ?'r -u--.-;f ; : .- -r rv ----- . - jC.ir ';,!.:-j-: i - --,:-np't.i!. ii-.' ' :-: j yj: l V'ZJllllZi f V j j" 1 f i.i i icrr, lii-i.-!:- .',-;,.:,. V .. i.i-r r.-i.-.i-i;.-.,5- - ,.- v:; j J'.m'.-is' s f t i;,e i-.-;:, : s er t;,e :-1,,;; i..n ff 1 I ; j :;-:- r i y t . JiilL-': - I.L, ,.r- , r,; . i, V - V . W'i'S- 1 V a n . - i 1 - unit-- i . rrj-; BUNTJS KIDNEY- -KIDNEY- .to t -r- e-A V- I ', io r 1 siTA I rrihrriiYnriH. SO YEARS RECORD. ; CTTBES All, CIFH323 OT THE BLADBI? l'hylclan' Testimony. A. W.Brcn-n.M.D.,of FroTidenc", R. I., eays: "I have n?ed ntnrr'8 Kldaevand Liver Rehedt In rr.y rractice for the pa-t firtecn year, and cheerfallj recommend it 9 te:ng s toft and reliable remedy." Another prominent doctor of Providence paya that "I an fre iaet;tlT urged to ce other prt para Tion aspnbf'.itnte? for Hckt s ;Kid ney and Livvrj ii kmedt. 1 nd oa tryine tbvrn tliat th-y are worthitfS iu coin pardon to it. ' AKD tTBTKAET OBOAIT8 EBOPST GBiTFL EIABETF8 BRISHT3 DISEAS3 fa:ns ts THS BACK X.OTS3 OB 8ICB ITEHVOtTS DISEASS3 HEIEKTIOX OB or rrRrsB. PB1CE tl.25. Send for Parcphlet of Teeti xnoni&ls. nrsrs KEMLDT C., ProTldeae, R. I. An Old I-ady. "My mother, TO years old. has chronic kidney con ; laint and drcp. K!nr.e Has ever Helped her iike Husrr's Kidney and LiverJ Rt:?!edt. be ha received great b.'iiefit from 8 hot;l-s a;:d we thiiik :t win enre her." W. W. Sunder lacd. Builder, Danhr.rv, Conn. A .IlnlBter's Wife. Dev. Ant'iony Afirood, of rhlls delnhia. !dy : 'Ilcst's (Kilney mcl Liver Kehf.dy has c:red my wife of Dop-T in ita woirt form. All eay that it is a niiracle." Ocnrral thace. General Chace of Rhode Island says: "I always keep HrsT'g Kid ney and Liver Rejiedt In my bouse. Taken In email doses occa sionally at night, it prevents head ache, and regulates the kidneys, stomach and other organs.-' 10 "Disease soon ehaken, by Hnrr'e Rebkdt taken." C. 5. CBIT1E5T05, 5. T., Ceaeral Apeat. ' An Independent Newspaper of Dem. 1 a zrs ava arm vn rrm w m b . -t aam sri am sasi laaUKS-n i b i h a h i it rTiWiYrriTrWrj uS2L ocrat'C Principles, but not Control ed by K , lt , ' ne norage is taking place in some oth any Set of Politicians or Man-pulators; ,r part of its co.irse betwi-en thohpart ( Devoted to Collecting an i Publishing all i I L n rl...e- .f Al PV A.I l"c ',cyvi m xn mosx inter- ochnY QL-, 0 J ,. tL . r'fc J g'ai-Oi pus- sible Phimntness Ar-ruraru anH lmn,. . ... .r ' tidlitv: and to the Promo on of Dimr. ; rr,;r J... i,a'-ls- and Po'icy in arfairs of : C"! 9nt lhe VeaSel shm,,d l compres a'. , i t i t sird with the finger, if possible, or the , botiety and Industry ' . ,. , , ' ' 1 i ar'ery both be:ow and above the wound Government Hnlin, lj M.iil, 7',l;ii,f . DAILY, per Year ' DAILY, per Month SUNDAY, prr Ysar OA'LY anJ Sl-'NtiAY p?r Ywr - -WEEKLY, per Year $6 00 50 1 00 7 00 1 00 -f'ffi". Til:. Sf. .Vrip For;- fi'y. rSh PARKER'S tV;-! HAIR, BALSA rV! tJ-C- i I'T'Tetav-iTe for dr..s- f-.A-.' i; -ftne h :; ir. Ket.tnrire tb-c .or ;J ''" ;rav.ar.J frevenrin I 'an r:--v. ist:,jx the hair li.lirg, and 'is Tha Pest Cotigh Cure you c&a use ar.d l ie txt known preventive t f Consumption. I akker's Tonic kept in a home is a sentinel to kc-p s.dnciS out. L ed divrree-'y it keeps the hi.w.J pure ami the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys in or.:n oricr. Corghs and Colds vanish be fore it. It build up lhe health. If yr.-j s:iti-r from Je!:litv, Skin Fr:-!;, r Cr ::h. Ast'nna. 1'ysper.sia. Kidncv Vn-lrj-y cr r ei.aic Corr.;.ljints. rr any (lis rder of th- 1 un Stomach Itosvels. El wi or Nerves, d..Vt w-it' ti.l r"-.i re vicle in bed, b-.:t ue Pakkcs's 'J'u h. lo-iay ; it v. .11 tivt j-c;i r-w life ami v; -, - iUSCOX A CO v V "-' -'J ris.i-K. l.-,rc- mviic Iovip.e f rlf-tfrcrg i ''i..'fd!H I Ii . . ' "".. -1 ""W;. : . . ,.?-!-- e.k i r-'j'-r, ari C.-rgon. t's-otu J.U- on to i a .r- i.,: " : - ,J rr acre, hu is tre Ee.t r;fi.t,-. . :,, j , - 1 1 5 - - - -. 1 , ., ft ,-rr - - (..-..., . ' frf- ir- V ,:,?i'"" of '"T-rriniert -10l .00- '" ''" ''iI''L"-I . MlTF Mm. 'n. ai.a-a- ,T',!'ro,""''- I'"V" :.! rr;R;.;--"r;r;h.'r. ti - rr. ,' - ... a7. Faats Abont the Metropolis, Pome of the more salient points of life in the Metropolis may be Been in the following figures : j 1. Topulation. The population of : the city of New York, according to the census of 13A0, is 1.206, 209. t 2. Sexes. Of the population of the city, 590,514 are males, and fil5,7S5 are females. , 3. Transient population. The tran sient or floating population may be esti mated aB follows : In any one day, on ! an average, we may suppose that there are of immigrants temporarily stopping i in the city 5,000 ; of seamen and Doat- j men 5.000 ; of visitors at hotels 10,000; j of Tisitors at boarding houses 10,000 ; I or, in all, say 30,000. ! 4. Families. The number of fami- ' lies living in the city is 243,157. The average number of persons to a family ! is 4. 90. j 5. Dwellings. The number of dwel ling houses in the city is 73.G34. The J average number of persons to a dwel ; ling is 6.37. j 6. Tenement bouses. Houses con- taining three or more families are clas ! sed as tenement bouses. It is supposed j that there are 20,000 tenement houses, ' and that they contain a population of ! 500,000. ! 7. Nativities. 727,629 persons were 5 born in the United States, and 473,670 i are from foreign countries, of forty dif ; ferent nationalities. ! 8. Marriages. The number of per ! sons united in marriage in the city dur ing the year is estimated at 27,000, equal j i to 13,500 marriages. ' 9. Births. The number of births in tbecitj during the year is estimated at 40,000. 10. Deaths. The number of deaths during the year was 85,044. 31. City Taxes. The city taxes are about $30,000,000 a year, or about $30 a head for the entire population, 12. Property. The total valuation j "at comparea witn tnis is tne social of property in the city is $1,1?5,047,00S. j position given by wealth to the lonely 13. Public amusements. The mony j old bachelor in the country village ? spent in theatres, operas, and other pub- J Though he be a millionaire, he is sim lic amusements is estimated at 57,000,- : P1?" tbe bach." The truth is that 000 annually. j 88 Pop' grow older It Is the man who 14. Public education. For the sup- j becomes dependent, and the woman the port of the public schools about ?4,000,- centre and essential figure of the house 000 are required. i bold, since she can do without him and 15. To! ice. For the support of the he cannot do without her. The proof police about ?4 000,000 are required. I of this lies in the fact that we see all 10. Emigrants. The number of em- around us self-euffic:ng and contented igrar.ts landed at Castle Garden for sev- j households of women, while a house era! years has beer. 400,000 ; last year it I tnat contains men only is a barrack, not was 330,000. Christum at Work: HealthJUInt. ! , , . ,. , , . , ., , i iheseed rod of the plantain, boiled ; m rnjik, wi.l check trie most violent : cas of choltra morbus. A freckle cure recommended by a pro fesMnml consists of two ounces of lem- toeethor and let stand in a glass bottle ; for a few days ; then rub on the face and avoid exoosure to the son or wind. I For Jos wood or ivv thiamins- th fol- li winj is said to be an infallible reme dy : Boil wood allies enough to make a strong lye ; wash the poisoned parts j in this; let it remain a few minntes, ! ami wash . ff in soft lukewarm water : ! when dry anoint with grease. Repeat I . i,is? process as the noisnn dpvplnrxt itself nJ one or two appneations will cure The p,ace to 9ee tne Americau p?op!e the tuoi-t obstiDate cases. It acts like j of every sba1e is at the summer resorts, magic. I The tpyical American. man, woman, boy The Latural process by which bleed- and 8''rl are a11 to be there, and i:ig is sioppod is Hip formation of a blood j every phase of American cnaracter is clot which plus the orifice of the divi- ) there exhibited. There can be no sjs ded vpsspI. When an anery is divided j tem of seclusion in this country to give the cut end retracts or shrinks so that j anv fading summer hotel an iron-clad the formation of a clot is facilitated, individuality. The doors may be but the blood current is so strone, tin- ! slammed in the face of the Jews here ess 'o s of much blood has dimin'shed and ""fr;,i Lut the experiment has been ; ho f rce of the circulation that it hin- failure 83 a rule, and the average df-rs the coagulation. It should, there foibe the aim of the assistant to check or !top the flow of blood away fiom the nitery in order that the beginnings of cli.t formation may not be swept away by the current. This may be accom plished by pressing upon the orifice of tlie vrssel in the wound, or by pressing the edges of the wound firmly together, or in cases where this is not easy and tfliclent, by compressing the artery ,1 1 i i Vi Mtmvtltna I k n . . 1 . - V . . i and the injury. The main arteries sup- 'l mm- p:iug me neaa lie in tne neck, one on pr-U ci.to nf fV.o i .: ",uul"Fi wucio iu3ir ptlPatlOPS may be readily felt. In CBSB . f , , ... " l " ' -"e uecs ine ; .-hould be pressed firmly backward i :!tr;,inf't ll;e backbone. Unless skilled j ."nrgiciil aid en be speedily obtaiued ,,iere is ,iltle norw of saving life in case n gre it vessels nre wounded. llOW TO T UK AT liALKY IIORSKP. The habit of balking in double har t;ess can le easily overcome by means of - -,.rd one fourth of an inch in diame- ' l .uid sixteen-feet in length, an iron i rin'4 alwur. one and a half inches in di ! atneif r and a piece of strong twine j .ne two ftft in lenarth. Fasten the i rinu Sfcnrly oy means of the twine to j '.he backs! rap where it is is crosied by ; Mi;; bnt-c iiiik,' s'tap. then donble the ! ', pl.ici.ijf t he luip formed by the : ;-i:re under the ba'ky horses tail 1 i ! e i i oruppi r. Cro-s 'lie cord and pas? b ith di -t n-ii'i th.- riii atta'jhel to the I "'ktrp. C'Hrry th,:u forward and i ss tlu-m t!;r )iu-h tint terret ririjf on u-Sif!d nf th hir,i-si which is nf-xt ! ' ' ; '" ,''ky oai diiU'e's ma'e, then car- r. tlu-m thruo'i ) d !,.,,..e ,..! fasten them, leavin? kv : 5,5... into the breech i ' t..- i' .r:.-. Af;-r c-.n:pletli 2 U .-"ii.-f.. .-;, k. k tha rr, d il.'li-f ail.! faslt-n Ihfm lpavir.-T o he Ills t 9 1 ii' r-rira i !. s ,'.v.y. i')r i: -- the h.t' ky '!ick. h'j' I he ;) if :i-r:)t-. ,i . .-1.5 i! iri !:'! il- ,: i.v t e c r I v Hi i!i- ves t l.-S .-it :r :t: l-t-f'ir? h ; v-fy !.. it lirnf, -7. -s what h is d )i-,tr t e. ,iit his f.h. ui.h-r to the col'iir .'it i To urrtw t;,,. i,,a,j This is fsr i. r -1. v-' !: :A a few le&sor.s 11 g-n-r-illv f-'t :i ;'TiHi:icnt cure, in.. What ' - s ii t, ll.-lll-V O ktl"iV '!:: man who h-iR no f -r- l.O x SLirrs f -'I'' Vs. Li) r,f ' ;-;iis i . ) 1 .,r s ,- i f'ifTLS, in,,r-! i!iat) j.vi v.,,u '' 1 ' -,:.t: rth ,:,t 12") k:: ! , - 1- ? 1,: .-( r 11 '.. -. Woman the Home Maker. "ITome," says the proverb, "is where the heart is," but if so, no man seems to have heart enongh to fit out a home without a woman to help him. A wo man can do so for herself ; there lies her advantage. It may be harder for a wo man to make money : undoubtedly it i s harder. She makes a dollarperhaps, where a man makes twenty, but when it comes to purchasing power her dollar goes the farthest toward the mainte nance of a home. So long as she re tains it she is strong and self-respecting, and even if she parts with It, so strong is the instinct of home that she can sometimes reconstruct it for herself, even In a boarding Louse. If the home is combined with a little freedom in the use of money, it gives more comfort and more local prestige than a lone man can win by a fortune. What would be the condition of any country village in our Atlantic Slates without a first-class maiden lady 1 She is the daughter of "old squire" sombody or "parson" somebody else ; she lives in the great square house, with its elms and its white lilacs and its breezy hall ; she has a maid or two who have lived with her so long that they seem like half sisters ; she has in daily use the precious china and the old chairs that her envious city niece vainly tried to rival at auction rooms ; she manages the book club and the church sociable ; she is the confidante of all the love affairs ; she calls upon the new comers, if worthy indeed the new comers, if worthy, bring letters to her. To the older inhabitants of the town she always seems young and even elegant. She has a prolonged tradition of precedence that outlasts youth and beauty ; if she has a sister, they are known to the end of their days as "th Parker girls." All this is the joint re sult of womanhood which creates homes. II is not only potent for itself, but it ex tends its potency over all other homes. a home. In youth it is easy to Ignore, . to say with Shakspeare in "Henry V": 'Tis ever common That men are merriest when away from home 1 But the merriment is shallow, the i laugh is forced, and the years and sor- , row soon bring him back, a repentant prodigal, to his home and to woman, the only heme maker. Where to Study American Ch ak ACTER. The American people are last 1 becoming summer wanderers. Not only from the hot and fetid cities come the ma who can afford toseek wholesome air and rest but the hole country Purs out us we!l-to & intelligent I560?16 to spena part I trie idle summer season ;n mirgled rest and s:gnt-seeing. Christian has learned that the averaee Hebrew has much the same virtues and the same infirmities of all other races. The smaller houses naturaMy attract congenial people from all the various sections anu conditions of life, from the ultra snobbish to the cheap side lounger; but the great hotels and the favorite regions of resort, become alike the temple of every race and class. Even Newport has its full share of so cial pretenders and mendicants, and the Catskills swarm with the qmiet elegance of culture, the restless ostentations of shoddy, the babble of the dude and the middle strata of common sense, all jost ling each other in the race for pleasure. Summer rest and summer sight-seeing have become fixed attributes of the Am erican people,, and there is no better way to stndy American character than in the now countless and varied sea side and mountain summer resorts. A Texas Lawyer's Strategy. In a suit at Longview, Texas, John W. Duncan, one of th! attorneys in the case, vehemently argued that do value or reliance conld be placed upon peti tions promiscuously signed by citiz-ns. Opposing counsel refuted Duncan's ar gument scathingly and characterized it as absurd aud idiotic. Tbe court and the jury were also against Duncan. They believe that petitions in an cause if signed by good wen, weie entitled to respectful consideration. Chagrined and defeated, but not con vinced that he was wrong, Duncan quietly went to work to prove that p- lliiunh were lt UO Value. IliS infrfriioilS zal was regarded ,lr , ,itL":i 13 court be read a solsmn n-t ;i inn v i.iiuii irav llie that the Court would hurrr thpir fl low townsman Luke Howard. wi,o is one of the most repectab'e nd -ner- I prisintr citizens of the and brut'ier-in-Uw of Howard. F.very siixni'ure was proven lo gf n- i nioe and it whs conceded that .Lawyer : Duncan h;i,l proved his -iime:i ' ! - Wonilciful Itlacovrry. . 1 . . ... vtiiis irrpu vei anl all, w!u miJTt from anv affection of the Turoat and Lime- pt fini a certain eura in Dr. KinfH Nrw Dis- cove.y f.ir consumption. Thotisan s of p-r- manent cure verify the truth of m tii.. raent. No n:e1iclne can show suori r. nr- . , , " ordof wonderful cures. Thjiisnd tf oi ee inps? sufferers crutf fti'ly rroc'aim Ilii'V Owe tl;eir liV- S f t'lis NVs Di-eoverv . . J ' It in co-.t yon no'.liifsr to c"'ve it n tr'nl Fre-Tt a' Kntle nt K Lr2 s;z-,. tl (... isr-lar II,- . ,. . f a 3 1 T IO V HS 7 I f t' 1 I , . , Jlr 3 jj , , ,le rnnniv i i ri F i 6 i a - . n r n i i i i 1 tiuiie.sar.fi 01 nity tusme? men signed i . J t this iudicroua Retition. j fJJ .X.C.'rt'r-.e! ., iw. . ,,,, TtonrTt n Rata. C!?m out rati, mice, roahe. ants. Heart PsUa. Palpitation, drwtea! wel!!nr. iflJ. dieMtlon. headsehe, s!ple5ns cured by welis Health Krnewer. "Rnnth on "onto. Aik for WfU' Kdathonrrnj.'' Qolck eomrlete care. Hrd r oft cr.ro. warts. tonlti". "Bfhn-Patl II.I.V MmnUm fnrr ll! V!dl!T. Mullff SHI j urlaarr dlie. iwaldins;, Jrntatlon. 'tone, gra- el. catarrh of the M1dT. i. oraicsriftB. nel-Bnr, riie. Flie ro--e. an. te1 bar". rt, mice, roph- r chipmunk, cleared oat by - Rough on Rats. 15c. . j Ihfit Iplv "Well"- Hnltb Ksiw" rwUre health ana . Tltror. cure dTpepi. impotencecxual debility. "Rnor.h oss Palst." Oures fhnlera. colic cramp, dlarrhnra. ai-hes. j ruins, praln". hMdifbe. nnrslrla, rheumatlgin. . 20c Rough on Pain Hlater. l&e. , Mttar. ! If tou in fslllni.hroken.worB oat and nerrous, are 'Well's Health Kencwer.' 1. Irur;lts. ; Lire Prwrrsr. j Tf yon are lrwinsr your srrlp on life, try "Wells ( Health Kenewer." toes direct to weak spott. i "RAath wss Pllea " i Core pile or hemorrhoids. Itchlna;. protruainr . bleeding. internal or other. Internal and xtral remedy in each paekaare. Kare enra, Me. Vtuk cirts. "Pretty Women. ljuili who woald retar frehnes and viTaalt, don't fall to try "Well's Health iUuawer-1 "Rnnch n 1 teh." "Ronrh on Itch" cures humors, eruption", rlns: worm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chillblatn 'Kofjartt oss Ctrrti." Correct offenslTe odors at onoe. Complete eare of worst chronic, also tmeqoale! as rargle lor diphtheria, sore throat, foul breath. We. TTn Hope r the B aliea. Children, slow in 1eTeloprnent. pony, scrawny and delicate, nse "Wells' Health Kenewer." Catarrh wf th Bladder. Stlnsrlnr. Irritation. Inflammation, all kidney and urinary complaints cured by -Buchu-Paiba." "Water TRaara. Kahea. "Boofch on Ku" clears them out, also beetles ants. BEST and CHEAPEST Two f eelly Newspapers for tie Price of Dub. And tlie 13et Daily at Ix)AV Ilntes. Tha Harriubnra- Wibklt Patriot U a larre eight page iheet and contain a rreater rarlety of rMltiK matter man any wnw 'twt poumiidi. It Ii nawiT, pieT. Irmrortive and eDtertaJnlnr The pnhiwlptlon priea of the Wklt Patriot 1 (1.00 per annum caan in advance. CLUBBING. The TmitT Patriot tw York Weekly Sn will be lent to anv alirfi. po't r'il- " year for $1P0: the Wkeklv Patriot aol New York MVclrv H'orrf to ar.r a,llre. pi t paid, tor one Tear tor II 90: the W viklt Patkiot Dd the Phifa1elphia Safir.Jay Record, pot raid, for one year.fl.V): 'he Wfeklt Patriot and Pb Ma Jel phia Wtekly Timet, post pM. one yetr for tl 5. In all caef the ch mut icecai;,iiy tne orjer. THE DAILY TAT RIOT I the only morn inn paper pnMlhe.i at the State capital : th in!' tatrr'n? o;rptit!ioi r ni la delphla and PlttVbnnr that -et the complere Ai iociatd pTe new. and that has a ienril vs tem of special tlirrn) : and the anly d iily that reach e the interior towr, ot l-nn?ylvania before the riiilaf'elph'a and New York papr The IIailt PxTii"T hn been -'i'.ir !mirovd In l! its department within t. -' hi -t f x rriont h and now eual in all re-i.p-' r.1 uprr in i-me to the rl1!ie of the lrir-r !-;. Price by tnil. 96 -At per ar.-.nm in .)tnee 'or T 0: if not r I in ad vaTve) : f:i Ol f.ir -T t; t . . -; n adrane : $1 M for three n-.onth". 1n a !vm-: 6 cent for one month, in jvan e : to cia'i ) fire, i j perco;i pT nnnom : to clns of ten . 4 V, pr eoT,y p.r an nnm. pavatde In advsne. Tre Haitt Patkiot and the PbilaJelplsta 'aify Herori (Sunday e-!i-Hon exept-d ) wi',1 t'e ent cue "ar t-, nr x adoro?" for i.0H enh in .-.dvan-e. Send f"r Fpeeri:en co-iie!- of the Iailt and Wkkklv Fatri.it. In remi'tinir money f.r :itrr!ptlon -nd jMt office money arder, cheek or draft. Adira us liUOCI PT'HUSHINO CO., Ziu MAtrr STPir-. Harrisbanr. Pa u j DRiaas Harlntr purchased the Scch'.er Mi",la (In tha u ture to be known as the EBENSBURG STEAM FLOURING MILL And put It In good repair, U ne w prepared to ftrlnd all oust',m work ON SHORT NOTICE. Floxir iiiicl lo oil Kept constantly on band at ths LOWEST CASH PRICE -It will be a plearore for o to wait ca wha may faror n with their patrcnaee. EbeDnburx. April 24. lSS5.-tf. CRRIAGES, WAGONS & SLEIGHS Carriage Making in all its Branches. Pain ting, Trimming and REPAIRING ot all kinds done a the SHORTEST XOTICE and the LOWEST PKICES. Alo, I'Hninit.Sawlniaiid WoodTnrn Ina with improved machinery. A loo. all kinds of faeary work done. Carriage tmith hop connected All partlee trnrtlnif me with work will be honor ably dealt with- All work warranted. Ebenfbnrg-. October 24. 18M. PKE BESm fobtkait er -1- Gen'l U. S. GRANT, zHEMOREST'S " r MONTHLY Far MAT. 20 f rata. W Jeaaiarj Demorejt, P.b!lhT. 17 1. iath SU New York Bvid by all Ntwsdaalan and rottmastera. T-JAMILTONTAX nonsE. 0 f'",r,"ted Hamiltonian horse. f Jolonel . .i,,,.T,j. 1 ,o ki,i ,,'ir n. rf .,n n . i .ivfrr .. ia in mis tiBf. s.nie ol ! L"! ?"7LrJl,e.,'J.'::n ,n V '" "'"''"'"""J "re U"t rerotnrnen,1rlnn. V . r f.,.i,.. i. j ""n "'! on ' H A K A J l;i IS ., i M-T . lt'K" KR "' ! vV,J.V i'l f J"&&t- J-- T-'-'.'-v T1lr VT '-' - I I i: I r. "iT,v t'- "r::!-rr. ..?::- I':tv :,- Tr-iT tr.tr, a a i--ots..-vJ rr--ifi-5 for i Irrt.'riT. J ir, : I . jll'; iLi 1 .Li. NcrroLLd '(iii -ir1 l-i rr.-.-j) r-itf ! ') ' 4-:'-'1. v-- . VV;.k.-fiilnwe. Jteht -.1 lv- Vo fJrK7r;. j fetlt . r.- rL-1 - i t.ri.r.rji.Tiin r n hotiram. a it. .i-:or trr-i a.luiinnuo, Jjii-Ii box 1 f-ra t,r,.!7'r-'::'' tr-,im, nt. i.iiAbn5,irnh,iri , ijrc-.-J-!,i:;t 1;;-niLi:i j.r' p.-iiil-.ir. nic,iit of pnea. : 1VE t f tRAMIT. MX ItOXXI J10"" any cei. T.lth -nrh or.Wrrv-eivrtl hy j I r jix li-ri r.reomtiaiiic.1 mih evll. wo will ''l'ho ".:, twriinrwntlf!i cumr.tm to rn. f.Binltho riorn-v if tbo trfutmer.tvtt'Osnotefrecl : sti:r- (i.i--.r:.i.ti3 ib .nol by P'ace. Duncan fit IjI- lltf.f t ! J7 JOii- WEST & CO., W. M.0!?ON ST.. CHtCGO, ILLS , i ITop'i .i . i Vtr jiiia, 0, tor JlJt 'Ira Jl6In!'J;- i Tn h early day of ifLo3iiraa SiCf-, Utl3, a certain to?regat'ion. whef Jnr Wa bnt one rlv"h man. CesJrf 3 to LuPid a new chafl. A c"hurca menng was held. Tb old rich Scotchman row apd fal4r ' Brethren, we dlnnt need a nw cispel j I'll glre to for repair." Jost then a bit of plaMpr'falUcg from tha ceiling hit him on the bead. Looking rsp and neelnjr how bad It waa, he eald: "Brethren, it wore thon I thought: I'll make it iV) pnn" "Oh, Lord," exclaimed a, derote brother on a back eat, " hit 'Ibi aga" ' " There are many hnmaa 4txrnacle which are in tore need of radiral building oxer, bat we putter an! f and repair la epota without aatlafactory reaulta. It Is only when we era peraonallT alarmed a the real dariuer that we act independ ently, and do the ripht thing. Then it is that we most keenly resrret tecaii ws did not sooner use our judgment, follow the advice born of the experlene-e of others and Jnrop away from otir perils. Thonaands of persons who will read this paragraph are in ahead misery tday when thT might be in satiafartory con dlUon. They are weak, lifeless, full of odd aches snd pains, and every year they know they are petting worse eren though the beet doctors are patching tbem ia spots The origin of these ach- snd pains is ths kidneys and lirer. and If they would build these e.11 orer new with Vs arner's aad? enre as miU!ouahTe done, and cess lnTesting their money in miseraMs un succeasf ni pntchwork they would be well and happy and wonld bless the day when the lxrd'hit m" lndicased tbe rq.ramoD- sense course ror taem to pursue. An ire. 4 Craly TraperEao Cltten Emwt. , sap rVa aftirr melerae ben so efffetnaTj prr tlx btaod at 4mp fil-t tlmm. 11 illVon bear teatlmeny to Ms von drfal cnrat1e fle. It la m parelr Tegetable rrerrat!eia, Bi4 trora Uk sadV hem hmd reota of C-atrf orrta, tha mwUaaai properties vi waieli are otnOM lbr-froai wins oat ttea ave ef It rmiTM tha eanaa vi diataee. asd tb( Mm rmnca a -a titnii. W -r nil WyC s "Ww a 5 It is the arrest Rl'eod Purifier ; dog Waited. patientiT fir il,,....' Ufrrtrra; PnatpW J a Gentle ParjratlTe ac . , B rvat. rar heora ta: tb kl-tory cf tba worV haa a b4KIm fcaati iofiui! p "'r Kok oc rnrr isaa li nrir in. th iiimi4r, Atneu i:ar.Bore'ic. oa i bark violently, walking 121- nraTve. Knwitloo, L4Utce. Ilallva. OnriitT. .... - - Irrtuuit. Honorific, Anti-ti-oua. tVvaa.t. I) or 'e tne till 10 lhe Chopping b'oct t 4 tl.ne or any owvr m nw in ; wt. penon tan lac rj-a fciTTriia a-r-H-.-rn:; to d .rctioaa ati r matia iocf rai X rt,-.-tiieir buoM ar not Seet-oye5 ry rrl-Hti o r oi-r lueKtia. arid Ui vttfti oriia as'.e-d br"' tw p- cf repay. KOlmia, Kpitttii!1Trb'.i!!'t't' rn'Va rTr -- p.-era-eat firOTfjui tae v u!iJ f.vt-. rKirtlca.ar.T In tt T,ir a err rrrt r. v. ana tiiw va; trrtratariaa aa-:c( hTnn-r n:! Aa-tms. .ft (ft:, fc ft r fcf uLPCui bit ft-,,! ? r- Ia (rvm ar lc'!-cr?Bv'y arr-rpon!-5 hy e-r c, n .".iio A ti. or-l.. ilvT 31. .i it j-r-'a. r ti-5- ir-armrt. a p-r-r -i r.r i-.-fV! J: Ji-rf ar ttr- rt.-.s, ia ! a v . S-fre f - r'rf f--r V t-t"-'' - . J. rr ji b n vi-r,B (, -isi , r ; -jm t 9 iVa A - - - ' - i w ::tes- v.-. wV'k t-- V-ti t-n . T : , -5 f -- r- .-.'.tr 1 ff -rr-" ' ' . - y', (.- -j."r -.;.-- vi:r Srr- fiurrt E-- ai 1 f-i' fk.- ' ' -r V" 7- .ri- f-4! i' i, j r 1 ( Hi vi a Yia r-'r-r-v-.' r''r-r-. f w k- C t i r-w.rM-i. I ii:ji'-(-i rr:.f h r.-' r l- ; !- -a "i--.-.w i. eJr:" v : 1 ,v ' -' c-'. . t . .-x. r at . t: - u-e frs i-- e. lc . :. g e-T. -ri- - -rr v a i of i rat-tn--. or r.-'.-.r B-jrr-... a'l tki riniVr fr m the sv-p--iv It m vcr a Irn'n. frryrr.- la ar-'Xi, iwj1 o"Va: in VJ D)ipr)la r In1!7f!lna. T-1- -t", JV! ic t.e Shc-:yi t. "-.ri . r. r ' ta ( i.-. rniirocn!. I irr!P-r. I a-i T r-i V J'attt!, T,r,a .tt. fft '-trw -f .a.t. a-,d a tr -ir1 r p'.lrli. ar-" ut r.o rr 'rr4 r iaAC fc--a. For iBflaptmaftrf C"5?eJ VJu-'-n-a -Tn. Crovt, 5ejra .r. I '.i er ire ca I - I ivsr. EUtiri a-4 a rr, Ktirr L-'-e r? :vl. 1 M In kL ora-Jwti,al 2 Kws. Vf ALX--E VrroAa Banu iu nn tts rreat cv -airs -nrtfi In ti-t mc-a clMr.e !vi-l Ir.lar4-U.- cwe. 4 bautral I lar Me a. Trpr e-fnTl rn raiaui aa4 14;fT", a r"jv Ttj ac,Aa. Ootd-iiaatai a. aa4 Ml-r-a. aa W--v io-i ToruiiM fti-iktit Uas, tajce oo iv--r.ta ; with the dew cpon tie fir Skin IUenc. crx-'tj'v PeJ 'PriPtrm, Ccera. Pwe'ltce-a. P1ikJ. T urt-.ilea. TV-" ( r turx-iea. liias-worrrft. Srir!-hea4. rVvr Eryairelas. Itca. fcur-fs. liso.,VTTislor. E;iric and d:Mie at tbe Stria, Qf wtatHi- rair er nature, a-e U'-erai'T dux op aod c-arri4 ou-f the CTitttin in a ahort om br (aa uaa (4 ta BiTr. I'la, Tim and tWr TTwrme, Virkln m xco lyavca or no many u.'n-iuA ivra rffertoal'T lastroj-e4 and -etnoTed. So i Cf m1icia, a taitsii-fma. I)" an'helrarr.tira, will fir 9 tbe ayatem from worma Hkm Tnmt BrrTERa. MrulAft) Srarlet eTir, IrfTrmrwv Worv-p-tnr Oonrh. aad all caJldrvw a dlaaocea inay ho rniula "aa efr by kaeraff U aewata cr with wilUl dnara of tba fv.;fTi. for cemaiei t'emplilHta, tn roanta- ar old. married or rixirle. ai lhe din of w coort. or UK turn ot ulet, Una i;tri baa d equal. ( leasee tTie Tlttateffl Bwi wsn tx tmnurltiea bwat thn-ouh tiia akin la Fntfor or Aorea; elcaaae H when t ufted asa i tw rich In the veins; rWnw ft abn it ifl f."T yow feelinra will Vn you when, abd tlte bklt& of tba aretem will fotkrw. In tsarlnileni Give tbe ItUera a trM. I will apeak for ftaeK. Oae bottie ta a bt? yaaraatee ot Ita hmtim thaa a lentrUiy aiint Baaat. Araaia fk bottle are foU Sre-jtc prtnteat la dlffereot lacirnaire. It. It. Jtf DoniH Drtit Co., Trorr,tw, Baa Fiaaoam, Ca) .an l O, aa. ft ua alAiurxx t. Cor Crtt,-i bL. I arki , Said by all leaier and lrtiry1.tti. "th tn, U V COR 8 E 71 IRA RELIEF ii aTlLE e. attic jioe recttoa 1 ?Z Y-Xg i X rtmr.a of tee tn ocpica a ni. I asorjai frrott relief aaa comfort to tae 1 many who Lb crdinary Corwta cr;TrrTe. Ta TEICSKA'Jtj.. a- tirrcr-a'a fe" dnrsbLry a v-?a fortaf.e irprw-L a are ar-f .-.aV! J Prloa tl Aekfcrit i r w( ihe-atk. fV-!ata, anal I B.'9l.rVl CVrtrC nr M.W - (, .rut. I Krera- pair warraaiia ta Bcreakat. i"y rtt w rn rf J. 0. TITZPATEICK CO., Kfra, Tlleonarl Sa-eel fr-T Trvi To all wo are sniTerlng' from the rrrvie art! tniiisf rrtlons of yrnth, nesr-raws wMktiew, arly drear. 1 of mnnhovv. ae.. I wiU aend a reripe thnt will pure you, F"HEK OF CBAKGC T!.i rrrat reme.3y waa d'.ecore-TKl ba- a rata. Monary in South A marina. Peed a apM-aW drtAe-t envelope to the Rav. JocP8 T. Ii Ma 31. Station D. New Yort OU7. Bv Tr viiaa Birita 'JZ--X??Jrzt: trl ' f .-.---- - --i "if 1 fa 11 f . -, m rrrnv nvr tt-v. . i ax i.,-tr -nrr.Ar. r:n' 10 ia wrararraaiiw " a a, . am illiF.itf - ,mm- I I A.MIl' I'OI. FnlJ-up I ! I I un-t.r--.ia. Mf jtu rW!4 I 1? l.-tL.ni t-2 U. t an t - j. -i - J, Y "ir-''1 1 ot i :t i ;i In 3 mln r ll -i. Vav' M.iuin to ft A F.I RF.h A t Ili.lHMi ' i r :il ;rnt-,t : -,,iirar:d J:-'"" !i t. Asi,ll W.I,!-.J " 7 " i, S'..Tn w i -r ri.i..i',ri!!s ' P0TVCTnVWnQ ' 0--?" AIJjU I I O L"""T. Onrl W 1 IWTtoi. H-Mliau .,J Airr.i,.. Ap rr-Tt-,t: nt. ar i ... """" I-n,.rr,. -.if, Trra-d. C LI r vrHa for 1 rt cf ;' -!. . !,. -.. . 1 1 thte ViH,.r mtt. I., M i (r.r. ..frh,r apt,,, AkaM 4 nr a34m. 4 If.-. rantii,t. UMu. IlKM, ir 1 ArfJr.-lr. r. t. I..HIKI.H. rr 1 Ftr.a i-trmi a hu-v. ik.ilimi, rtfn ut.-i .t.. u WNTFnirVrKT-Tt(5rvr AmMtrAo. PnerraUnJ . ja . m.n in it they CO-' fintl I CUItoiw.ireaii.1 fill o rordora In bi. aee- thetO W aS a man in H11 - A MAN !lt,,' Hr.Dairl Hun Kr-frrvnc.-e 1 i Mm ne of N,ir Iflrill I.-.i(ht,ii lAinmlcai a raw inni. nat i"e u- i:tViiiiOiivAi,jvl,i,,V.;3 I H $103 ahe TLere is a rCewfouai: Lycame, whogiyes fiiii, ' eoruprebension ol tat js ' A ladj called on Lia miatr day, DariDir her call lv"4 ratber slyly, lay down W J . "u ii;s re- , pet and went to sl-ep. Xbe I tion ran on. and the vis;r, I "What a handsome ." yoa Lare!" ' Lion opened one eve 1 mistress. 'he i .. ' V rir evirj j 1 ; takes excellent eare of the ch j Lion opened the other eve .1V j his Uil complacently t,nd ?'' : the carpet. 1 J j "When the baby goe8 pc ; goes with her, and I feel iL " then that do harm can corn. , 7 "f I bif mistress went on. 'I I Lion's tail thumped tp j Tio'.antly on the carpet. And be is gentle to tb f such a playmate indjcomp.r.i ) that we would not take a ' lars for bim." Lion's Uil now wett ap i and fro, and round hhi , girai aoa nnai?uiied glee j "Bat," said his mistress,' -.j , I j one serious fault.'' ' ( , Total absicence of Lior,', . ? Igether with the appearance 0'1 5 . pression of great concen. on t J "He will come in here ; j feet and lie down on the caT " I I have told him time and v n.l -I , Here Lion arose w:th aa r utmost dejection and huci:' , ' slnnk out of the room, with V, exuberant tall totally crestf.-'j '", A dog went every day, ' giyen him by his master,' to"b-..' for bis dinner at a bntebf . The dog always preaeted i', ' which went into tbe ti.l Iaj meat was g:ven him IDj jj, ' j bom with it. One day the j thought he would p'ay a trici 1 customer, just to se xba 1 , j do. Sd be put the dim. ia ; ! ni "went aboiit other bw " Flience. The butcher ruadf: pervinifbim. Finally tbe fc-i." 1 ? urn v ju meati, yo-. I fhouted the butcher. "Get ' ; get oat!" and he kiekeO uti-t,.t j out of the shop. Tbe dog lingered an izi'.n' -' trotted awav in a wc-' t ; down tlie street. Ia a few rzu I 1 came back with a policeman: Farm, harden and j Pets rpq'jir" about To iwz, radishes, : tomatoes. . : With all such ja!cb rrjwir.j . .' is need for fjie. we'.I ro'.tei. ? . ! nr. re. i Pucfes Fk'u'.i hsTe 5-:-,-r j from -?ther fowl. No r- 'f - j sary, but tLey sbi-j'.d I:?; -! as they do not like to tat,t V ! the frronnd like chieker?. i The Ain'n-T, A i i '.-v ', a remedy for colic ir. b-jrsrs, r: . I er fai'.s, is an iirecticn cf ': 1 two quarts of cold va'.er. cr. ; : ! Instant relief wi',1 be ojrc-:r 1 tteatment. An old &vA 5'jccejful fs-r1- j that he has EDticed in lis :k that rKrtior. which is l.oeJrrc::" ! better crops than that ti of the day." Don't neglect to civ? the ; on the ground and in the cpr-.i.:-breeding sows should rua i: tnre, and should be left to rx" hungTy. It will pive tlT r' and constitutional vigr. bogs die of cholera or stT. J when kept shot up in rc; wallowing in fi'th. Farmers who have cews ar: -own dairying, and whoatth---keep hens, should know t'.s: nothing better for hec atd t: i to encourage their laying rr plenty of skimme3 milk to dr.: -clabbered it is none the advantage of this of f" illustrated by the c?rcpa::r: " of two neighbors ore a-usr..1 all the time, while the o:le. but few. It was foend that : feeding exactly alike w:'- t, exception that one ras freir;1 ful of skimmed miik, arid 1 ' quence was receiving tbeej milk is also good for yourcc- Facetious rarsrnr' Jones calls bii wife's ta!' ; switch-tender. A one legged man w:nr6T'- - . led with wet feet. We suppope they rail moon" because there are f-: in it. rV! The woman who tCectua-? ber husband with the brwaJ-?:-' , tainly gains a sweepirg J' "WT.en a barber seeks to r,. self sociable trith a cu?tr - j chair, be is probably "crsF -i quaintance." Everv building in a Pakot" ; blown away by a cycloce, r court honse and a saloon. town back to just what it t Frank showed te riftc!?JHj slate, "It's awful l. Kate. "Just like tt j -Why?" a-ked he. ; " i 8l;etchirg, d yon f"' 1-pr h'T i t'1 rrt What charm can scvMhe hV.V ? What art cm m thrive rk' " i . . t -.Q t "I I COT"- . 1 t iiiv nil - ---- r0rT fn ' Ta hide I er see from ,;. : To come the ptim-game i )s And made her Te5.c1.rr to lit He pn,;!: '.' I j you going. NellieV .' . ! take us to Florid Wf'rit j tell what the r.ip:tl of j " Yes'm. It' the roorey V j boarder." r,-.i J Komanticyourgladie?. caomei,tsat n;s:ht and 1 upon the moon are very I is -Uil i'"l mV.es J-5-2'".,. Iil'r , , i- 1