The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 12, 1885, Image 3

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1 nmlnin f rccmmi.
I lir.MU H(l.
IDA 1 .
J I XE 12, ISSi
fre. there ntul the Other riace.
p,,-j;'h yf July next.
. j. , j . tni'il ud'xJ-- bo to the .Su?r liowl.
i'e frst- have tlone luit little dam-
ii-e Etocerli-s eo to tti Sucar
;p Collins whs liere on Werlnes-
r '
ivr. r:
..II .'i J i!m I'.;i!'k wis appoiiite.l post
. --r;t Carrnlltown, on Friday last.
i.Fv-1'r 'I: .-.nofary I. M. McC'olgan wa.
S s vmi UVrlnefday.
4, 1 r- t :i r rami li ive riven the crass
A" i'p -' i ' : 'i-"1' tl'-tt it nuit certainly be a
'. ''ii!'.
r-x vt.HtifT Haumer, of Johnstown, was
i gvpi:i! trcp at Court as a Juror durint; the
-!, f.irmeil in Cambria township,
tu'ltlttiorluMul ot I'ensacola, on Wed-
f'iv ii. -r ri i n sT-i:-v
K.itinT Win. Kittell, of Filtshurij.
t in town on a visit to his mother, on
iTt, pnople of Carroll township are agi- i
,l,eqUr..t,o.. of openly a new road j
i-j t !:!t township.
I ' .
.1 :-t received a lot or nrt-class car
which ran be hought at a nominal
tiM at Huntley ..
tr Y;i'l!'- I.uttringer has contracted j
;tr the directors to line the skylights
In f "i!'ne with tin j
Vr. M'liy Krmire, wife of Peter Erm ire,
cf Wi :nore, died on Wednesday of last ;
aged a'tout G years.
i-Mr I).r-ev Kin has contracted with
( oaty CommNsioners to put lightning
r tj- mi fie Court House.
-An infant child of Mr. C. C. Briggs, of
Ei-t Liberty, died at Belmont Cottage, in
t':l? place, on Saturday last.
1-Wanted McDonald, at Lnretto, wants
; t)f '' pounds of good clean wool, for which
ta.wi'l P:' the highest price.
-I hsve one Buckeye second hand and
en Cupper mowing machine, which I will
gll at a birgain. G. Huntley.
A large spoonful of copperas dissolved j
In ii ' t of boiling hot water makes a good
dao ' ,r' r for sinks or waste pipes. j
i- t 'I'll O'Connor, a formpr resident of i
Jot :i-town. was drowned in the Ohio river !
09 Sunday last, at Sewick'y Station, Ohio.
r-.iame M. Walters, Ei , of Johnstown,
w admitted to practice in the I'niled
St ts District (jourt, Pittsburgh, on Mori- i
Mr. Davd fl.twells. of, MeKeaa
coiii;t , formerly a resident of this plaee,
sjK-'.t several days here during t!i pr-'st-nt
The are up. and so art? the po
tol'iijs; the only sure remedy for them is
Pi- - gieen. You cau buy the pure article
at !' i rkers'.
- N i w Is the time to get a bargain, 1 have
3 !'.-! Chieftain Horse K.ikes, which I wish
to eiofe out, only fAl, will buy one at Geo.
Hti' t "s.
Mr .Mieh.iPl I.a'terner, n former resi
4et ' of tlirs plact, but for several years past
a f ' i of Altoona, paid th. town a visit
on M 1 1 a v .
T;i S.-nators. of this place, succeeded
la .1 i-. ting the St. Francis college base ball
I.oretto on Thurday last, by a score
Of '" I'.
.1 ! ii riad'es, a track hand on the Penn
iy!' ni x K ii'roaf, was struck by an engine
OB 1 lay night, near A'.legrippu, and in
stli' t ki led.
i Ti e following persons can each set a
let'. t v calling at the Eliensburg posfofliee:
. t,'iie I!Tg, (3), Julia A. ("harles and
J ' ;i W illiams.
. .Mr Ed K ttell, who is engaged as a
el r'c by Messrs T. and T. Collins, in Som
W : , spent a few day s in town dm ing the
pr . w-ek.
'-'Inn s' ililes in Altoona, belonging to . I.
SL 1 Hi and J. Leslie A Bro., were burned
ot Wednesday n'ght, supposed to be the
V cf in'-endiaries.
;-V"'i c-.n buv a No. 1 f;is'nen pump,
W cv. is the f,et pump in the market for
pr ! lower Than the lowest. Call arid price
tt- ci -t (,. Huntley's.
The 1 iinris for the marriage of John
T I'O.t a.d Miss Angeline Eckenrode wer
need in St. Michael's Catholic church
t I. r. rto, on Sunday.
; -d Tuesday la-t Peter McGough, Esq,
I- pointrd postmaster at Portage, and
!e siiiiie day F. C. Gt'orgp was appoint
tC i o-t master at Hemlock.
J 1 he attention of bridge builders is called
V..' a hertisement of the county commjs-
II . . j., another column
Mr J. C. I.;oy,t i,aB broken ground for
'e. :ir, atitl will commence the erection of
t !. I.'iue oil Ct litre street, south of the
I .ti'i.j riiifc, in a short time
i :i S'jnJav lust, hiil the si7e of a walnut
fr ,
l.ewMown, doing a great amount of
At least two thousand panes of
were broken in the town.
li.itcains in cultivators, shovel plows,
'.I :li sell them at greatly reduced
Come quick and purchase before
fc v- all gone, at (i. Huntlev's.
S iii'h Fork s'.immer resort bolong-
II -' l';!tshur2 sportsmen will onen on the
' ; ' -' It Is only open to members of
i ciation and invited guests.
I J tuing struck the house Wm. Dibh-
i -
Vt.i'e tnwnship. a few days ago, and j
i l ra!!e darnace to the building, but !
I loing no injury to the family.
1 - h'tle two-year.old daughter of Mr.
Woleslagle. of Wilraore, fell luto a
I ' i re I nn Wednesday, and before she
V i- : .-i overed the vital spark bad fled.
I N v- r neglect a constipated condition of
" '" or serious results surely follow,
I !. h- r nes, impure blood and many chron-
' " iii-iints. Burdock Dlood Bitters is the
I l,.-.!
I li you wi-di to see the best shoe for
.. i. en r syid at J3.C0, call down at Barkers'
their m1wm rndd f that n r Tf fa a
and g'"Ml enough to put on any i
K l u Pryce, an inmate of the alms
' l tills (Thursday 1 morning, aged
v ars. She was admitted to the
e from White township. 'on the 31st
t. 172.
ii live any notion of buying a wag-
) .....
' call at Barkers' ar.d see the "Conk
i' -vithout doubt the best running
'- 'i in the market. For sale by V. S.
'T .t llros.
-' . V II i .... . t. ..:. m f . i . .
i i-i at me .Mountain House on the
ttn b.;ii i . . . .. . . .
il Friday ar.d Saturday of each month,
1 'v '" wi!1 be f'n'ParJ to do all work
" " T-m-1 iru . r fcT III.
" dnesday evening f,f last week a
' ' - "-an named E'dwell. aged 'JO years,
- I'it' hall at Tarentutu. Armstrong
r!. lell d(,Wu from overexertion and
i '", -a. :t i. j u two hours thereafter.
- I ' " man who was left by the train the
' "r 'lay l)e,.HU, wal,.n tllj lo,t five
,,,i'- in f. t. i is .
. .. - ..-,Jlf mm uiiuis, aiiuuiii riave
f at( Aurora watch of P. J. Mauson.
IA'Jr-ira was hes are always on time.
1 ''"rinati,,,, j, wsn.p,! flM.t.ruilllt Alex
" "' r bavis, a aj y,,,,,,,!, rather heavy
L.t "'. ,r'y five fp't ln hpil' wit'1 !imple in
,' t-lieek aud i,auie upon right arm. Ii)!lit
f l,r r.. prM r... k ;...
j. .. - j . ....i null inu ftUTIfci;
i'.,,.s ( lia whereabouts will confer a
I t'.of llliiin thun A.I Iru. . 1-..I
& a.
! A prominent Pennsy Ivania railroad ofli
rial bap invited General Grant to spend a
few week at the Mountain Hons, Uresson,
the cominii summer, and it may t possiMe
that tb (i)'iieral will accept th Invitation
Horalii'iiine a superior wall finish. Hr-t-ter
than all kalsoinines or whitewash, i
cheap and durable, will not crumble or peel
fT. ard is 2otd for Inside or outside, woik.
All shades at Or. Zimmerman's drue stire.
A new company of the National Guard,
to take the place ot company A, of this
plf.ce, in the 5i.h regimen, was organized in
Curwensvil'iP, Clearfield county, on Tuesday
P. J. Wo!e!;i(jif, former'y ot Wilniore, was
elected ci.priii
On Friday two Adams Express cars '
prsscd nvrrthe Penpsj Ivania railroad load
ed wifi 200.000 s;lver dnllnis The money
was shirpid from tlie California mint to
New York, and was divided fi pouches,
eacb containing ?10fl.
The mnic of the locust. h-s not y t beor.
heard In this vk'it'itj , and his open air con
Certs are jet to come. John Owens, how
ever, stitl spIIs boots anil shoes, dry iood,
erooeries and provisions at hi-, o'.d stand, :it
the very lowest prices
A convention of school directors, com
pusi-d of on; from each board in the county,
will meet in Indiana, on the 2(tli Inst . to
select a book on physi.iloav and hygiene, so
that there may be uniformity of instruction
in the schooU of that county.
T), T.. r j . .
i,,D '"""'"" '- ys ,a, B ,
" t,ml tow'' retP"" removed a d. , ay d
tooth from a lady's mouth and then fnvd it
. ,
ftnnn.r ttw. .1 . To., uan,.. ..... ....... I...
. i k, .U in j . a tin nninr r,riiii.f : it- f
placed it in it original socket, therein it
has grown again as Arm as before its rmo
Degin dnsioi; the currant worms and
sluas on rose bushes with white hellebore.
It will clean them out. Insect powder that
may be a little bicher in price, is still more
efTeetve, and it you wish to have your foli
age kept in fjood condition you must (jive it
your attention.
McDonald, at Loretto, sells 20 yards
calico fot fl ; 10 yards cotton dress goods.
i $1 : 20 yards muslin, $1 ; 12 yards best mus-
''n, ?l ; 12 yards ben gingham, $1 , 10 yards
, uest cotton shirting, ?1. and ail other eood9
at equally low prices for cash or giol, mar
j ketable produce.
On this fThursda) morning all the j-t-j
rors attending Court were discharged, with
the exception of those empanelled on the
case of Elizabeths Lytle vs. Edward Mc
Glade et al.. then on trial. It being the last
case on the list for trial, all the rest liaing
j been continued.
) All ladies like a neat fitting sh e, and it
I does not cost any more to get a shoe that
will fit nice and neat than an ill fitting one.
; By coing down to Barkers', w bo keep the
largest assortment of shoes in town, you will
I not only get a neat fit, but the best shoe fur
the leat money,
j Next week will be bakoain wkkk at
; Barkers'. We make the announcement now
j so that yon all will be prepared to g" early
for bargains so that ou may get some before
1 they aru all gone. You will find bargains in
corsets, gossamers, shoes, dress goods, and
i sevtral other lines.
j Mr. Jacob H. Callahan, formerly of
' Johnstown, had his feat so badly burned at
the Edgar Thompson S'-el Works, Brad
docK, last week, hy a quantity of mol'en
steel s-lnshini from the converter into his
phot g that both feet bad to be amputated in
order to save his life.
The white of an egg is st i'.ed to be the
best application for soothing burns and
scalds. It may be poured over the ' wound,
and forms at once a w'.iioh excludes
the air. It is also far more coo'ing than the
usual applications of oil aid cotton.
Wilson Brown, of Spriififield township,
Huntingdon county, who had been partially
insane for several years, hung himself on
Monday last, in the woods, to a small dog
wood tree, by a hickory withe which he had
twisted around his nock. Hn was dead when
found with bis knees resting on the ground.
At Oil City, on Satnrday, Patrick Jen
nings ibta'n"d judgment a-jainst Venango
county for 52.1. He was an inoiate of the
Poorhnusp, end claims the money for work
performed. The Commissioners hold that,
being a charge npon the county, he was
not entitled to pay, and will appeal the case.
On a track of land in Huntingdon coun
ty, belonging to J Simpson Africa, several
men last week were cutting some timber.
They felled a large oak tree and in it was
embedded a bullet. The choppers counted
the growths on the tree and found that the
ball had been shot in there one hundred and
five yet:rs ago.
Mrs. Laporte. mother of John Lapnrte.
who is in jail, charged with the murder of
Wm. Irwin, at Warrior's Mark, Huntingdon
county, died at ber home in the latter place
on Saturday. It is said that her death was
the result of a broken heart over the course
other son. Previous to the murder Mrs.
LaPort had 8lwas bn ln d all-
W, A. B. Little, Ei., of Allegheny
townsliip, while plowing up an old meadow
on his farm this spring, turned up a petrified
potato. The skin and eyes look a natutat
as a veritable potato, and it appears to have
been of the early rose variety. The field
had not been plowed for eighteen years, and
when last worked had been planted in pota
toes. V. S. Barker & Bros, are making a spe
cialty this spring In fine shoes, to which they
call your attention. They have the finest
shoe ever eold In this town, and the price is
lower than yon have ever seen for the same
quality of shoes ; they have reduced the pri
ces on itll their shoes, and you will certainly
save moDey by buying your shoes at Bar-
Aioeri jiemzer or rranRstown, iiiair
county, while crossing the track of the Ilolli
dayshnrg Branch railroad in the neighbor
hood of Altoona. on Wednesday last with a
horse and wagon, failed to notice the ap
proach of a train in time to get his wagon
off the track, which was struck and badly
damaged. The horse and driver escaped
Prof. TTawkinson, archeologist of New
York city, while fishing near a town called
! New Baltimore which is located at the head-
quarters of the Raystown branch of the Ju-
I niata river, In Somerset county, recently
discovered a cave, and upon entering it
I found a number of valuable relics In the
! shape of medals There were also In the
i . .
cave a number of human skeletons.
On Satnday last Dr. Smith B uttertnore,
Jesse Smith and N. B. Harding, trustees of
the proposed Connellsvllle bocpital,' were
1 arrested at Connellsville, and gave gave
I bail in the sum of 1 10,000 for their appear
I ance for trial at the Dauphin county court In
I August Dext. They are charged with at-
tempt to defraud the State by false preten
ses In drawing the f 12,000 hospital appro
1 Steward Lilly went to Uniontown. Fay
; ette county, on Monday last, and returned
on Wednesday. His par pore !a going was
to locate a colored woman named Gordon,
who has been at the Almshouse for some
time, and whom Le ascertained while away,
i properly belongs to Fayette county. She
' will be removed to that county and the ex
penses of her keeping up to this time will
be paid by Fayette county.
McDonald at Loretto sells 16 pounds
. liglit brown sugar for fl .00 ; 12 pounds white
: sujrar, tl ; 3 pounds good tea, 11 ; 10 pounds
coffee, tl ; 4 boxes essence coffee, 10c ; 4 pa
I ters soda, 10c; 3 pounds prunes, 25c ; 3
j pounds rice, 25c ; 4 pounds barley, 25c ; 5
pounds oatmeal, 2.1c ; 6 pounds hominy, 25c;
(5 pieces soap, 25c ; molasses, 35 cents per
gallon ; good fyrup, 40 centa per gallon
All other goods at equally low prices for
I taijU or good marketable trade.
t'Ol'RT rKIM l III.S.
The following criminal cases were dis
posed cf last week, after we went to prf w :
Commonwealth vs. Mepbrn Kelly, keep
ing a bawdy house. Jury find defendant
guil'y. Sentenced to pay a fine sf :W and
costs and undergo imprisonment in the coun
ty jail for three months.
Commonwealth vs. Andrew G ret n wood
and John Swur'zrain, larceny. Jury find
defendants giiilty. Sentenced to pay a fine
fI0acl to Com. for use of Cambria coun
ty, and costs of prosecution, and each to
undergo an imprisonment at hard labor !
the. Wreidern Penitentiary at the county of
Allegheny frr one year
Commonwealth vs. Mrtr.roe Pringle and I
Jobn Mullen, highway robbery. Jury find
defendants guilty. Monroe Priugle sen
tenced to pa a bne of $."j0 and cjsts of pros-
(culion, aod that he undergo an j
uient at haul lalitir in the Western lVnitru- ,
tiary gl the com Ay , Allegheny for the j
tenn f one jear. As to John Mullen, it is :
ordered llMt he tie taken by the sheriff of '
Cambri.i county to the Home of Refuge of
Western Pennsylvania and delivered into care and custody of the superintendent j
and manager tnereof, and that, be be under
their education, training, employment and,
discipline until discharged according to law. j
Commonwealth vs. Charles Adams, aggra- 1
vated assault aed baitery. Defendant plead ;
guilty. Scnteuced to pay a fine ef 1 and j
costs and undergo an imprisonment in the
county jail tor a term of three months.
Commonwealth vs. Charles Adams, as
sault and battery. Deftndaui, plead guilty.
Sentenced to pay a fine of one dollar and
costs and to undergo an imprisonment in
the county jail for thirty days, after expira
tion of sentence In previous case.
Commonwealth vs Daniel (Jrubn, assault
and battery. Jury find defendant guilty.
Sentenced to pay a fine of five dollars and
Common wealth vs. Patrick Hagan, 1st
count, sliootiog a person with intent to kill ;
2 1 count, shooting a person with intent to
maun, disfigure and disable; 3d count, ag
grated assault and battery. District Attor
ney enters a nolle pros, on 1st and 2d counts,
and defendant pleads' guilty on third count.
Sentenced to pay a fine of $10, and undergo
an imprisonment in the county jail for three
Corn. vs. Patrick llagan, carrying con
cealed weapons. Defendant pleads guilty.
Sentence suspe nded until the first Monday
of Se ember next.
Com. vs. Edward Williams, larceny. Ju
ry find defendant guilty. Sentenced to pay
a hue of $10 and costs, and undergo an im
prisonment in the county jail for Dine
Com. vs. Charles G. Cooper, larceny by
bailee. Jury rind defendant not guilty.
Com. vs. Simon O. Williams, 1st count,
shooting a person with intent to kill; 2J
count, shooting a person with Intent to
maim, disfigure and disable; 3d count, ag
gravated assault and battery. District At
torney enters uollle pros, as to first and sec
ond counts, and defendant pleads guilty on
third count. Sentenced to pay a fine of 85
and costs, and to undergo an imprisonment
in the county jail for three months.
The Grand 1ury made the following pre
sentment : That, haying visited the court
hnn-e; and jail, they found them in good con
dition. SECOND WEEK.
On Monday at 2 o'clock, P. M., Court met
with Hon. R E Johnston, President Judge,
and Associate Judges John Flanagau and
Joseph Masters on the bench.
James Myers and Anslem Weakland I
were appointed constables to attend .upon
the jurors. j
The following cases were disposed of : j
Martin KutrutT, Jr , et al. vs. J. XV. and '
P. C. dates. Feigned issue. Jury called
and sworn, who find for defendants.
James C. Murray vs Willliani P. Vanaken (
et al. Feigned issue. Jury called and
sworn, who find for plaintiff hv direction of ;
the Court. (Point ot law reserved.) j
D. G. Mvers and Jas. F. Myers vs. John j
Wilkinson. Ejecln.ent. Continued at coats ;
of plaintfTs. j
Borough of Coopersdale vs. the township
of Yoder. Appeal. Continued.
Frantz Joseph Frantz vs. Carl Elias Vock- j
a::ro.I et al. Ejectment. Continued. j
A. II. Flske & Co. vs. Henrietta Towell
Continued. James J. Miliigan ys. Peter Fisher et at. ,
Continued. J
Chas. Farabaugh vs. John A. nines. Set- !
David Sir.ay vs. J. C. Martiu et al.. tres- ;
pass. Jury called and sworn who find for j
the plaintiff ; the defendant to pay two ,
dollars per tree for 31 trees sixty-eight dol- ,
lars and the Court to treble it. j
John A. Will vs. George Busline, assump
sit. Settled per paper filed. I
Hurdtfe McKee vs. Simon Nagle et al., I
scire facias. Defendants confess judgment '
for $144 19. I
nurd & McKee vs. Uriah Nagle et al.,
ejectment. Jury called and discharged and
cause continued, to be put at head of list for
September term. !
John B. Baum vs Vincent Tonkin, debt. ;
Jury called and tworn arid Court directed a
compulsory non suit with leave to plaintiff
to move to take It off within four dais.
Executors of Christian Mvers, deceased,
vs. J. C. Martin, scire facias. Continued.
Jacob Murphy vs. George Fye et al., ap
Iea!. Continued.
James Cunningham et al. vs. Samuel
Weakland et al., ejectment. Continued.
Elizabeth S. Lytle vs. Edward McGlade
etal., ejectmeDt. On trial.
A Veto .vtftajre.
The following Is the message of Governor
ratttson announcing his disapproval ot the
bill regulating the allowance to Sheriffs for
boarding prisoners :
This bill allows the Court to fix the com
pensation of sheriffs, for boarding prisoners,
at the maximum rate of fifty cents a day
for -each prisoner. While this may eeem a
email matter, it Is, in fact, a very serious
and important one, and of very considerable
magnitude when considered In its effects
throughout the entire State.
This act of April lltli, 18."6, authorized
the Courts to fix the allowance for boarding
prisoners for all counties except Philadel
phia and Allegheny at a sum not exceeding
twent fiv cents a day. Special laws were
afterwards passed for a Dumber of counties,
but, except ia such cases, the act of 1856 is
at present the law. The sums now fixed In
me sevetai counties vary in amount ; some, '
as in Chester, being as low as a fraction less j
than nlDe cents a day. Montgomery Is !
nineteen cents, Philadelphia twenty cents i
and Lehigh fourteen aud-a-half cents. A j
few of thtt counties pay as high as fifty cents '
and two more than that sum. By far the
larger number, however, pay twenty five
cents or under. This bill would allow the
compensation In all counties to be fixed as !
high as fifty cents, which, I believe, would
be an excessive sum. The cost of living has
leen diminishing rather than increasing
during a number of years and I do not know i
of any reason Justifying the Increase this !
bill would permit. How burdensome it j
might prove In many counties will be per- '
ceived when It is stated that in quite a cum- ;
ber and these not containing large cities i
the monthly cost of maintaining prisoners
exceeds $;S,o0o. It may be further stated j
also that at the last State encampment of the
militia the cost of maintaining the men was .
only freventeen cents a day. If soldiers j
could be kept for this sum why should pris- j
oners cost fifty cents.
The House sustained the veto. i
....... j
How young old people look who have ;
never been seriously sick, and who never !
worry or fret. How old young people look !
who fret and stew and suffer palu all at
once. But we car.'nt altogether help our I
dipositlon, and we will sometimes get out of
sorts in spite oi an our caution. Then we
need the best, the simplest and the safest
medicine known, which Is Dr. Kennedy's
Favorite Retreds'. Purifies the blood and
renews vitality In old and young.
l.OC 1 1. ( ORRISI(IMII ( E.
Sr. Boniface, June 9, 1885.
J Editor Fhefman: On Thursday la-t
. the feast of Corpus Chrisii was ceiebialed,
, and our church was highly decorated with
j wreaths and evergreens. Four beautiful al
i tars had been erected in our cemetery, and
I after High Mass we had a procession
' around the church to the different altars,
j The Cirrolltown Silver Cornet Banrl was
j present and furnished the muf.ic during the
j procession, in which over twelve hundred
persons took part, it being the largest as
. Semblage of people ever seen in St. Boni
; face, and will be long be leniembered. Able
' sermons suitable to the occasion were de-
live re,! Iv
Uev. Fiitners Mux and Edwin.
j A branch of the Emerald B-nevoIent Asso
j ciation was organized, and twelve new meui-
ber9 were taken in.
, Mr. John Otf, Sr., who has been ill for
j some time, is recovering,
j Dr. Rice, our popular physic! tn is kept
buy by his large and growing practice.
' Miss Agnes Hartmau, who has beet very
111 for several weeks, basso far recuyerd as
to be able to go around again.
Mr. D. O. Ferguson, of Lumber City, has
erected a photograph gallery In our village,
and is doing a thriving business.
One of the lightning rods on our church
was struck by lightning a few daj s ago and
badly bent, but no damage was done to the
Eight new bank barns wil! be erected in
this vicinity during the coming summer,
which is good testimony to the thrift and
enterprise of our farmers,
Mr. J.ihn Endier. wno had his leg very
badly broken and mashe.J at the barn rais
ing of Mr. Peter Helfrich some time ago, is
alruost well and able to walk around.
Mr- Michael Holtz and Elizabeth En
dier were married in our church by Rev.
Father Max. on Tuesday, June 2!. The
wedding feast was celebrated at the house
of Lewis Endier, the father of the bride,
and was enjoyed by all present.
Messrs. Bard and Palton, who have leased
a large amount of coal land along the Chest
creek, have Dut on a crew of men to open
up the coal veins, and we hope soon to hear
of a move in the building of the railroad
along the creek to Kaylor's station on the
Ebensburg and Cresson road. Mr. Fran
cis E Farabaugh, who had been clerking in
the store of of Messrs. Thomas Ott & Co .
at this place, and is now a travelling sales
man fr a Philadelphia wholesale bouse,
paid us a visit on Saturday and Sunday last.
He is honest. Industrious and enterprising,
and will make a successful salesman.
The Fanteiit Train In the World.
Some over-porfident Knellshnien boasted
that "The Flyina Dutchman" train, from
London to Liveroool, was the fattest In thu
world. But they aoon found o:tt tha tthnv
were mistaken. The Pennsylvania Rail
road Com onn y sends a train out of New
York at 9 o'clock every morning that riea'.s
the time of the "Flying Dutchman." Con- j
si.ierine the distance covered, it Is the fast- j
est tram in the world. When the careworn j
business man journeys from New York to 1
Philadelphia, Chicago or St- Louis, he fir.d9 J
in the parlor cars of the Pennsylvania rail i
road a luxurious home on wheels. As he ! '
being whirled along at the rate of sixty j
miles an I our or better, not a jolt disturbs ,
his serenity. The rails rest on a bed bal-j
lasted with solid rock, and the joints are !
made with a kitd of chair and fih plate, of J
the company's own make, that cause the
miles of track to be as unbroken as one long j
jointless rail. There is no dust, little noise,
and r.ot a cinder. A few weeks ago there
were put on a number of parlor cars, made
at the company's shops In Altoona. Instead
of the ordinary flat window, they are fitted
with five hay windows on each side, each
about seven feet wide. The passenger can
look up and down the track for miles with
out leaving his seat, and the new windows
admit twice as much light as the old ones.
The cars are somewhat larger than the old
style, and are divided into a main saloon.
ladies' boudoir, smoking room and
room .
Recently the entire running time between
the Atlantic seaboard and the great Western
cities has been reduced. On the 9 o'clock
morning train the time. to Chicajio is 24
hours; to Cincinnati, 21 hours, and to St.
Louis, 20 hours, with i corresponding re
duction to other points. This speed is main
tained without the slightesl danger to the
During the war of rates which began last
winter the Pennsylvania company alone
maintained its rates. Beginning May 25,
though, it fixed the fare to Chicago at f 15 ;
to St. Louis. ?19;and to Cincinuati, 514,
with corresponding reductions to other
points. A". Y World
Kaw 51111 Destroyed by Fire.
j The saw mill owned by Mr. David K. Ra
; mey, of Altoona, and situated at Harriet's
9tation in Clearfield county, was totally con-
snnied hy fire on Thursday night of last
j week. The fire is supposed to have origin
; ated from a spaik from the cupola of the
boilers. It spread rapidly and soon the, en-
tiro mill and the machinery therein was de-
stroyed together with 200.000 feet of lath.
The lumber In the yard some 3,000,000 Teet
j was saved. The mill was worth about
, $12,000 upon which there was an insurance
I of $7,500.
I ..
j leel Acknowledgments.
D. A. Luther. Sheriff of Cambria county,
j acknowledged the following deeds on Wed
nesday last :
Deed to M. D. Kittell for 120 acres in Gal
Iltzin township ; sold as the property or M.
J. Cooper and Henry Mellon for the sum of
xJeed to James McNelius for 80 acres in
Dean township ; sold as the property of
William Conway for the sum of flO.
Deed to A. V. Barker for 60 acres in
Reade township ; sold as the property of
John F. Glass for the sum of $25
Normal .School Noted.
I'rof. fehiramell Is now teaching in the
school and is an Instructor of ability, having
had experience in the State Normal schools
and also as principal of public schools.
One hundred and thirty-five studeuts are
now attending the school, classified as fol
lows : preparatory, two teachers classes
and a professional class.
Superintendent Straver has been selected
by the State Superintendent of Public In
struction as a member of the examining
Committee of tbe graduating class at the
Indiana Stale Normal School.
What All Ton?
Unless the food is properly prepared in
the stomach it becomes corrupt and poisons
thp system it is intended to nourish. Dys
pepsia and its aeempanimeuts are bad
breath, heartache, constipation, piles, bili
ousness and depression of spirits. Suffer
ers with dyspepsia experience a rapid and
permanent core by the use of Simmons Liv
er Regulator. It is purely vegetable and
pleasant lo the taste. A half tablespoonful
of the Regulator, taken aftei eatme, en
sures Rood digestion.
A Bottle
of Curtis' Carmelite Cordial httuld occupy
the handy corner ot every traveler's satohel.
No prudent person will thiuk of undertak- i
ine a journey tuvolving chances of climate, j
diet and water, without first procuring a I
bottle. It never fails ! It never disappoints '
Money rerunded in every case when a single j
bottle, as directed, falls to cure any case of j
cholera, dysentery, cholera morbus, diar- j
rhrea, cramps, pains in the bowels, or any
Ir estinal irritation. Sold by all dealers. i
Johnston, I Ioi.loway & Co., I
Philadelphia Agents. 1
Hi ll. I SI A I t. I R.lXM'tRS.
The following transfers of real estate
were filed in the Recorder's office, this
place, for the week ending Wednesday, June
10, 1SS5:
Theodore Covi r to William Gobert for lot
in Stool creek township; considera
tion. 5700
Ad'iiitiistiators of O-car Grsffd to Jobn
E'lierhntr tor lot in JoLtixtown ; considera
tion, fi.ti23
David Tobin to Philip Mellon fur I it in
Gallitz n : consideration, $150 t
Hugh Driscoll to Mjchaet Dnscoll for UT
acres and 541 perches in Allegheny town- .
Bliio; consideration. 5? ."00.
Michael Diiseotf to Catharine Bradley for
60 acres in Allegheny townhlp; coiisideia
sion, f 1.
A. J. Anderson to Catharine Lamb for 1
acie and 8 perelies in Keade township ; con
M(iemt,i..!i, $130
Johnstown Manufacturing Company to
Anio- M Wgner for lot in Wood vale ; imii
Execuinrs of James Mcl.ane to Rsehael
McLane for lots in Lower Yo. er township ;
consideration $24
Charles B FJlis to Ralph A. Bronforlot
in Johnstown ; locsideration, $1,A00.
John Bowde'i to Klph A. Isvrou for lot iu
Johnstown; consideration, ?:V2.").
Jobn Lowman to M. J. Kennedy, lot in
Johnstown; consideration, SI ."00.
John Lowman to F. L. Bnlwr for lot in .
Johnstown ; consideration, $l,.r,00.
John. F. Rainev to T. G. Stewart for lot
in Johnstow n ; consideration, 56,5o0.
Jobn II. Hennlng to T. CI. STewart for lot
in Johnstown ; consideration, $850.
Herman Baunier to W. A. STe wart for lot
in Johnstown ; consideration, $000. j
Joseph Watson Htvns fo Adam nnmmel
for lot in Johnstown; consideration, 1200. J
James P. McConaughy to Samuel Giveu
for lot, in Lower Yoder township ; consider
atlnn, f :!2.". i
Frank G'oghnnr to Harriet Gougl.nour j
for 8 acres m Slonj creek township ; consider- j
ation. ft I
Harriet Gnoghnonr to Samuel Lenbart for
2 lots in tS'.onycretk township
Hon, fUrtO
Harriet Gotiarinour to Samuel Lenhait for
8 acres in Stonvereek township
Hon. $200.
Harriet Goughnour to James Lenhart for
lot in Ntotiyercek townsliip ; consideration.
Executor's of H. Buiiner, Sr. to Eliza
beth Baiimer for lot in Wood vale : considtr
ation, fSOO.
Cambria Iron Company to George Aigner
for lot In Cambria H iougli ; consideratiou.
George Aigner to John Fisher for lot In
Cambria Borough; consideration, $t500.
Eii7.beth Baumer to Charles F Davis for
lot In Wood vale; consideration. $425.
Nicholas H.ckey et ux. to Isadore Eager
for lot in Gaili'ziu township ; consideration,
John R Njiele to John 1 nntzy. Sr. for 95
acres and 20 perches in Susquehanna town
ship ; consideration, $1,200
Executor of Martiu Cronauer to Earhart
Fatabaugh for piece ot land tu Cieatfield
township; consideration. 150.
Maria Wvland and husband ' Theodore
Cover for 2 lots in SH tiycreek township;
consideration, fill.
I). R. Moore et ux. to W. W. Amsbey for
120 acres in Ga'.litzin township; considera
tion, $.5,305 2:i
George Busline to Zella Abernethy for 11
acres and 25 perches in A llegheny township ;
consideration $400.
Ja.-ob Bomgardner to Joseph Bonigardner
for 40 acres and 41 perches In Richland town
ship; consideration, $1,700,
Joseph B'ltr.gardner to Ann Weaver for 40
arr s and 41 perches in Richland township ;
consideration, $2,000.
Sheriff of Cambria county to I. N. Wis
singer for 180 acres iu Blacklick township ;
cousideratiou, $'.100.
General debility, female weakness, Jos;
of physical power, Br iiitil's disease, and ner
vous diseases are speedily cured by Hunt's
June 1. 18S5, ty llev. Fnther Schell. Mr.
Paul Sharp to Mrs. Ella Farabaugh, both of
ABRAMS. Died, at the resilience ot her
j pran.1 mother, Mrs. D.ivw, in Eheriiburit,
I on Tuesday. June 0 18S.", Miss Lizzie
Abranis, ai;ed about 15 years.
HIGIIAM Ded, at the resldetice of her
husband. Mr. Emanuel M. Biiiham, in Al
toona, on Saturday, -lime 6, 1HK5, Mis. Ame
lia T. Hiuhatn, aced 71 years.
The deceased, maiden name was
Christy, was born at the old Christy home
stead between Munster and Ioretto, od
June 4, 1811. Slie was manied to Emanuel
M. B.Kham, My 2, 1830, and was the moth
er of eleven children, eiijhi of whom are liv
ine, viz: Rev. John C. BiEbaru, pastor or the
Catholic church at New Brighton ; James
R., of Al'oona ; Dr. Aueustus W., of Indi
ana ; Mrs. Mary E. Conrad, of Altoona;
Ilajdeo, S., who is an attache of the Indi
anapolis Sentinel ; Alphocsus, of Altoona ;
A. G., of Philadelphia, and Andrew, of New
Brighton. Frances, Martha and Lucy are
SCANL.VN. Died, at her residence In
Cambria township, on Wednesday, June 10.
1885, Miss Theresa Scanlan. aged about 76
The deceased was a sister of Henry Scan
lan, Eq., of Carrolllown ; Mrs. Augustine
Durbin, of Munster township, and an aunt
of John E. Scanlan, Eq., of this place, and
had a large coinection of relatives through
out the north of the county. She was a life
long resident of the neighborhood in which
she died and was respected and beloved by
her neighbors for her Christian virtues and
her quiet devotion to duty. She was a de
vout and exemplary member of the Catholic
Church and her last days were passed In
preparation for death having received all
the consolations of her religion. May she
rest in peace.
Ebensburg, June 11. 1885.
Flour, choice family $5 C3 to 6 40
Wheat, white l 00
Rye 75
Corn 70
Oats 50
Clover seed 7 00
Timothy seed , 2 50
Flax seed 1 50
Bans ... 2 00
Potatoes 50
Butter, tt 15
Lard, fh.. 12
Etfcs. per doz 12
Onions, per bu 50
Hay, per ton 12 00
WrtnMtsDAT, Jnne 10, 1885.
iV'";""-'"' "l Perru.'.n.el oa ,racK
- - . m r. -n . . ,
55tf?.-j0.i. Jerer Sweets. $ t.n hbl.
HorLTBT chickens, n&ft-loe per pair : lire
turkeys. l(fi-ia per pound , live a-eese, 75c?Jl 00
perjialr. Iiressed-t'hli kens, 16g !7c per pound;
torkers. 17? ID" : a-eese, 10??12.
Kaiis-Y'tig 2c for country mixed cotton; K3
for all wool.
Sienna Small clover seed S 7.Sf6 00; lanre.
8 ii&a fx); timothy seet, 1 80if?l 85; orchard
grass.! 80; blue nrass. 1 801 .io.
Eor;s Frcli Pennsylvania and Oslo euirs. S12
15c per doien
Applm-2 2St2 .10 per bbl lor (ommog to fair
and 2 1bi3 no for prime to choice.
BCTTBk Fncv creamery. 2&j)2'. c: do. other
brands. ih'Ul'c ; choice creamery. 23?)22a ; choice
dairy, JV'a iV : choice enuntrv. 2i'3 18e; common
irrade, lO'i? 8c: low (trades. ,K?6c.
Mill Fbed Hran. 17 5o.??l 11O: mlddlinirs. tlT
v?11 HO lor brown and 20 (X;J 19 no for white: chop
ped feed. 1 (ijV2i ne; chopped corn. 18 01'519 00.
Hav -No-1 timothy baled, 18j:8 50 lor tiifht :
17 bv'tfiH Oft for loose pressed : from country waic
ons. 17 002O no ; No. 1 prairie hay, 8 60ffi9 60 :
upland, i ."W3:12 00.
CJrais Whent. 1 os?l 10 per bushel: corn, 58
69: oats, i 'li? 13c ; rye, S0jj S2
FLora f5 60 S5 7f per bbl., according to quall-
i ty.
j Unions 4 00it4 50 per barrel.
I Provisions Hams, U(ilu?4c; bacon, 9c; shoul-
1 ders, 64c.
FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce
myself a? a candidate lor the Democratic nomina
tion of Sheriff subject to the decision ol the Dem
ocratic primary elections.
Carrolltown, May ,
TAVtrm the I'ulinnnpoli TmM.)
From Mr. Harry W. llnotrn, Proof
reader Ml "The l imn "
Tlie foll..wlr::r letter Is nimuri(lni( and worthy
.1 c.ireful perusal. xmma. a it .loes. from no reli
able (loarce, unsoliciled. It contains lacls ot
irraal value :
l'nniot.M. InJ . Ilet. 12, 1S4
1R. Davti Kinmiiv. Rnnrlnut. . Y.
DKn Sin : Ion years I have Neen n mirTer
er truin 1i.. ae of the kl.tney, t time o much
p.. ! to make lile a IVir m tin, lone
everi i,t n.e hesi j.nj e.ciaus in In. puna hve
IretUeo lue woh I t!o i r no nm-t, ni.til 1 h.
ulnii.ft despaired of reller. I then trie.! sever!
H.lverti-n,! reme.liop. hut nothins pneloce.! the
lelrei. result unl: a Irien.l who Iih.I I. -en relies.
e.i I mine. .1 me t.. .-i.e iR 11 1 1 K KN N" Eli"S
I A t on i r. lit lll.lH a u,;ll. I .Hit n.
tikllW one Iniltl.. I l.fiian to eziierieuee re
1 1 m.i k D "Mier mi l w.i-eri irnie.l wum rn. re-ul-.
In all. 1 tMketi I. .ii r tH.itlen. nml e-in tmlw
I feel like a now man. I am c.nh tent I am
eiitirels mri.. j it ia. been several iuiioiIk stnee
T tiHik Hi l ist'iiie. ami the'e K nolmlic:
lion ul a return ot n.e .liseae. I nave recom
memleii your to sev.-rl sutferniK Inenitu
who buve Ku heen relieve.). 1 write tins to re
turn my "tneere thank to yon tor theeure which
hua lKn ett.-eie In nirrif n-1 als .tenee to av
1 tltiuk Kiirternitf liuiuonlv owe von a ) l.t of
Kri.t tu.le lur onr womierlnl clent 'the .1 1 neovarv.
I Shall 1 : ttlilt in me l.. to let all Sllfj.'iw-
kntiw where thev niav hii-l relief, ami tio-reij m
in.aitf in.-aruro reiuiiuera'.n you Jot tlio .nai juii
h-iv me. yon l.-nir ltfe ani rifieritT. and aiKo
tii;llikOMf yi'Q lor tiri''lliK mv lie 1 run
lr. Kennedy. f KonOonl. X. Y , .
iir.T the l.y a reieitation whieh he eaiin..t
arlorl to turlelt or Invert!, rhnt the - Kavori le ' iloon Imif irKte ti e t.ioml. enrro liver,
kictni v and hla tiler i-otuilHiiii. a well a thoe
i1l-en.s ami weikne--e iienlinr to temalen.
Your iiruirieini ban it; II nut. emt One Lhillar to
lr. U.vni Kennedy, Kondout. N. Y.
inn vnncipni rxtie iinoirlvnr sickness at
mis lime me yr imi it i.rlin in a dm ir
oere.i iiver.writcii . 11 writ revuinte.i in time, urct
fuMerirnf. wretcnei1n!M nn.l rte-tth will ensue.
KeiilleiHtn wrltin rn m N.nith America : j
liav.-e u!i yimr Stnim.inn' l.iv-r witii
I lt l afreet, both a orevent 1..11 n.l rnre fir u..
j larial lever on the- Ixthmu ul Panama.'
A Purely Vegshils lis
' I.I
Ml K HI-.AIiAi'HE.
liYS. tlIA-.kc
If yon fcal rtrowsv. letiiitale). have Ireqiicnt
heAflaolie. itionth integ ImiII-, tiour ajipeiite, and
tonirue nuaie.t. vim are sntlerina Iron t.iriii.1 liTer
or "tilinii-news," anil n.itlmiv w.II cure you eo
upeedily ami erinucuili a to take
Tt 1? srleen with ?ate:y, and tlie riappieu re.-iiln
to the in.isi del c:ife ititunt. It tKi Uie pl'-ioe fif
quinine anil hiit.-rs ol every kinil. It ij the
cheapest, parks' ami hest laruily inedictne In tbe
wo: Id.
Sold by all Druggists.
j Purnnt to See. inn 3T".i. Kvise I Statutes, the
cmlersiK ried will ofler at public auction, on Sut
I urday. September l j. 18s. at a oViock. p. in., on
I It.c t reniires. all tbe rmbt, title aud interest of
the L ui ted States in an.i tn tbe liitli.winu dc
I fenbed tr.ict or parcel ot bind in ('Hmnria e iunty.
I lV'nnpylvaniH . Heicimiinu at a ?iiii;ir tree marked
I for a comer, thenre by bind n.r ol Joseph Van
- t inner e;i!l 5 decree? south jerohes to a post,
j the. .re by same s-mth 7 decree e;ist 'J4 perches to
I a post on line ot land ol Thomas I'oirelis' e-oate.
! thence by bind "I said ThotnuS Powells' e?tate,
, west 2 deitrres south 4"1.; pcreiies to a post, then.-e
re rth Xi ileiiee east 'Z2 perrh'-s to a post, thenee
. north 11 dearer e.t-t 6!3 per.-bei. to a simar tree,
the pbiee ot beinnins. c-inrainin C acrs more r
I less, beins the snrne pre!nles conveyed to the
V tilted States by William W. Iiudlev. Trustee,
by deed dated .Inly tsst, rei-or led in said
county in I.i'er 61 t-.lio Til et etj.
TfcKMS OK SAI.K: llue.third cah and bal
ance in 13 aid 1"2 timnths . wit h interest; or ail
cash at option ot purchaser, lieierrd pav.nents
lo be secured 1'J n-iles and inori.iicp on the pro
perly. A. .MiCl'K.
Solicitor ol the Treasury.
June 12, 18o -8t.
A Nt.'l A L ST A T 12 M E X T
X; w i.
more School Ihstrkt tor year ISS-I.
T'o nmount
t 69 .
1 '."0 .
lu$ 1 '
In ban. 1 of Treasurer at last settlement
t If duplicate, year 1H4
Received irotn I'om'
Of Sta be appnipriation
718 74
May n.h
By orders jiaid nn-1 cancelled lo d.ito
Oommtssion paid Collector
fo nmis-'lon paid Treasurer
Kxonerations tcranted t Collector
Amount ou hand Iu Treasury
VW 7
ft ('5
S f)
144 t 5
71S 75
Motion made and carried to have
statement published in the Kiikkmaji.
. O. RoHAl'OH, President.
U. (1. J. Mc'JUI KK, Sei retary.
Wilniore, la June 5, 18s.".
B. Y. Williams
W. Killinicer and
No. 66 and No. 67 Judo
Tern., ISSi. K. I).
O. s. tllif.
Having- been ajitminted an Auditor to report a
ntatrlnation ot tlie lund ln the hands ot the Sner
iff arising trom frale of iierotial property ol de-
leodant? on above Mated writ, notice i? hereby
Riven that I will nit at my offli-e on Saturday.
Jane 27. 15. at ten o'clock, a. m.. to attend to the
duties ol aald apimlntment. at which time and
place all persons Interested mav attend il they
see proper. M. I. KITTKI.L, Auditor.
tDenshurit, Pa., June 12. 1S5. c.
Yin. H. Sxhlek, Attorney.
Estate ol Charlks Rasstiad, deceased.
I-etters of Admlnllr.ition on the estate of
Charles Kunstead. late of the city of Baltimore.
Maryland, deceased, havintt been iiranted to the
tm.leriund by the I'cai-ter ol t'arubna county,
Pennsylvania, notice Is hereby (tiiren to those in
debted to said estate, that payment most be made
without delny, and those ha fnit claims ic;iinst
the same must present them authentica
ted lor settlement.
Flake, Pa., May 21. 1885.-C.
ttate of SArKi. TcCi.kabt, deceased.
letters of Administration on the estate of
Samuel Mcl'leury, dece ised, late of Waihlncton
township, havlnit been granted to the undersign
ed, notice i hereby itiven to those Indebted to
said estate, that payment must be made without
delay, and those having claims nvainst the snme,
must present them tiroperlv authenticated for
settlement. MI HAU WiXOHVK,
June 6, 195.. 8t. Administrator.
Estate ol Joseph Fool, deceased.
Letter of Administration on the estate of Jo
seph Foula, late of Iiean township, dee-ased. hT-
I U M I'crti ki difictl J liir uilllCI - IK II M .
nottce is
, hereby itivcn to all persons indented to said estate
to make payment without delay. and those liavina;
claims anainst th same must present tbetn pro
perty auinenrtcatcn tor settiemenu
JOHN FOtM.K. I . .. ,.,,.
... u-irii.- Aatn .nlttrators.
Dean township. May 15, !S5.-ot.
... ...--l.. 1
. TvirfTDIV
i li AfcvU 1 lv 1 .V
Kstate of Albkrt Bexdir, deceased.
! letters testamentary on the estate of Albert
Bender, late ol fonenvi'iih borouieh, dee'd. hav
f Inir been -mnted to the underslirned. notice Is
I hereby iriven to all persons Indebted to said es
, tate to make payment without delay, and those
. havlnir claims airafnst the same must present
' them properlv anthent!ct"d for settlement.
! FKAINt'lS J. FAKKISH, ( Kxecutors.
April 24, 1XSS. 8t.
UDITOR S NOTICE. In the mat.
Barker, Administrator of Anna Margaret Mur
ray, deceased.
The nn.lersirned. appointed Auditor to report
distribution of the mom y In the bands ol the Ad
ministrator will sit lor tbe piirtiose ol his appoint
ment at the otrii-e ol A. V. Barker. F.sq., In F-b-ensburr.
on Friday. June 26. lss,". at 1 o'clock, p.
m , when and where all parties interested mav at
tend. F. A. SHutM AKLK, Auditor.
June 12, I88.1. -c.
LOnT. On Siiinlay. between Jolins
town and the T'itre, on the Kbcnsbunr road
a small 1 ' A ' K A t K, contiininif MISSF.S'
DKtSSES. The rinder will be rewarded bv lesv-lna-Hatthe
hotel of JOHN A. BI.A1 K. F.bens.
burit. or at the store of .JIIH.N K V AN, Johns
tow u.
Hardware !
fonning the people uf KK-n.-bunr nml rfcinity, tli
opened out in the Tudor luiMiii on High street, a new
complete stock uf hardware uf
MECHJ.XICS- Ti'OT.S. Til'TJ.DEl.'S- U. 1 1: DM'. 1 1; F
I " E f F,'. 1 7. V I 'I. E. 1 . " is. in.-hs. SI'.fKS. 'II.. f'A-
l-r SMITH iOOLS. Ill HIS ,' s Ho t.s, U.lUIinW J'.YS,
l-.YAT.S OF. ILL AI.YDS.n.ti; JLO.Y n,,,I STEEL,
z?r-()Lii:i:s. cr ii.Fin ar. s. siiEi i
l (iUl;iD(; i;s. v II'ev. u;f, ETC.
Referring to th aloive, we respectfully ask the citizens of Ebens
burg and surrounding country for a share uf their patmnaire. We
: have been regularly trained in the hardware business have bought
, our goods for cash, and believe we can oifer great inducemcnts'to
those who desire to iurchae.
EiiENMU'ito. April 3, Iks."..
j; $10,000 in Gooils to k
HAVING iurth;i:el for cash,
than elsewhere. Our fine stock
p1 i b "JaMaSBr9al
- se iMi - -tt . . . ' re , - n
eal our astonishingly low price list
17 qt. dish pan. pienM"!
14 qt. p in, reeij
12 qt- tlNh pnu. precetl
11 qt. lili pan, presM-d
14 qt. bucket
10 q!. bucket
1 ln liiMip titicii t. wiHKiefi...
1 three lump bucket, wixulrli.
4 qt cufTee put ...
3 q?- ci-fl-e pi.t
2 qt. ci.ffee Jnjt
Wail paper trimturd tree. A full line of
Hie..-. ..i .(..rni-nair in we MHU 1 ,
Agents lur the lijlit Kuniiini; Home
VAIiNlMI AND (il.AS at
t-"Aii Hie invi'etl lo convince tlietuselrts of our SUPERIOR COODS
A. C.
1 in buying Yun;
j Cellar Furnaces, Fire-Place Heaters,
j Tinware, Coiiior Ware, Sheet-iron Ware,
' Lamp GoouS of Every Description,
i Knives ami Forks, Spoons, Soup Lauk's,
Granite Ware, CotTee Mills, l'late.l-wart ,
Toilet Sets, Cake Boxes, Breatl CI. .sets,
Clothes-wringers, Y' Beaters, Slaw Cutters,
Iron Stands, Fancy Spittoons, Slop Bucket
Hard oal Parlor Heaters,
Soft Coal Parlor Heaters,
Copper Kettles, Brass Kettle -,
Iron Kettles, StOT COOtoS,
Rice, Milk ami Farina Boilers,
Perfect Waffle Irons, Boilers of
Meat Pounders, Mincing;
Ami a Laree Stock of KITCIIKN ARTICLES, will
(J.l and Kxarnine tlie Goods. ( LOOK POP. MY NAMK ON TUP. WIN
;: ; No. 280 Washington Street,
Still Reducin
J I aain call the attention of the puhlie to the fact that I am still
selling fTootls at a great retluction in ortler to retluce my stock. M
you all know my stock consists of everything in the
Hardware, House-Furnishing, and Agricultural
; line. It is not necessary to enumerate it here, but come anil satis
j fy yourselves that I am offering bargains in everything. As this is
! the time of the year for Shovel Tlows and Cultivators, call and see
my stock, which I am selling right down to first cost. I am also
j offering great bargains in
J Wall Paper, Trunks, Silver Plated Ware,
Well and Cistern Pumps, Double Bitt Axes, &c. Remember my
i terms are cash, I cannot make these big reductions and charge foods
on the books.
Ebensburg, May 10, lSS4.-tf.
The siihcrttir offers at private sale. Ms farm tn
Cambria township, one and one hall miles lrura
Ebeiisbtirir. ronta,lnin 2l Aereii, in a utxii
state of cultivation, with koo.) frame house and
frame barn, an excellent orchard, plenty ol wal-r
and about one tnillinn feet ot on the tirem
ise To parties wichlnir to purchase a smaller
piece of land, he will divide it to suit iu-chasers.
Terms reasonable, fall nn the subscriber resid
ing on the p remises. MAKITN SANUHHS.
Cambria tu, Jan. 9. l'l-'i.
A M 1 1 . TO X I A N 1IO R S E .
The cole'rated HamTtoiian horse. Colonel
Winfield. will be kept dutinic the c iminit 'ason
att'H ir's livery n;,le In this Some ol
the tini t cults ever seen In this neighborhood are
his best reci'Uimendatlon. f.r further Informa
tion call ou (I'HAlit BKIIS..
. r .TtlHN BKNDEK. KtK-nst.urr, Ta.
May . l'-ii.
STRAY C OW. Strayed away f n in
the subscriticr residing at allitrin , 1'jiutnii
cinnty. a small red c .w about 5 years old. with
white lace, two white spots on her 'back and a bell
on The c.w was raided by John 4'ariheiui In
Carrol! township. Any per.. n brinuinn the i-..w
back will be rewarded.
(lallltiin. Pa.. Mav ii, 1V-.-.
! "pv11
i 1 for sn
S, I.E. The iinili-rsijiifil ?i;is
'ale one lull b'n. I sl,..rt b .rnd Inirliain
calf, lour muTi'.hs old. Hii.i oie lu. i..rr
horned liurlniir. c.ill. ten months old. Will be
sold cheap. Call on or a.! lr--
inkini; a'.l-v, Blair Co.. Ia.
Hardware !
it we have
, large and
every dest ription,
Sold atRetadMos.
we sell for cash 15 per cent, lower
! h in 1-15 1 ri
M m twtt una on
llf unexceilefl I Tl tjl A 1.1 I X KD
low rii;n:iA An iM-
llnnhrurr, Ttv, 'r,
khit't irn roi ? Stlri rir' ,
JJit ami StuLlr Funii.-hiwjs,
Ami Fakminu I mil.emf.xts.
4 tin not pail, with dipper.
:t pressed tin basins, netted.
2 pti(1ilin imnii
1 ilex tin t'upv
1 la'tfe H tinlier, No. s...
2 coorl euro biixmis
3 coal buckets
C'i I till, per ra I.
C'nihe-. puis, pet Muz
Wnile lend. ter rut
Nails, per kei;
f 75
. -. !'5
.... 25
. .. l.oo
.... . lf
.... 01
.... 5 ,M
.... 2.50
An im-
Slierwin Williams' re.iny mix. d paints.
HT Celll. IllWrt tilall
cist- a ii. re.
Sewing Machine.
f'F.riAl. 1!.TF.
I'i:'5ii-t!.y Atiem.ek to.
nllit y.iii.
all Kinds,
Knives, saw EniTcs.
V- a Iiw Prices.
Hav in purrhased the Sect.Ier Mills (in the fu
ture to be known as the
And put It In co
1 re; lr. is
nil cus...m
prepared to
Ket t cont.!:itly on hand at the
k It '
r" l-l;,
K n-'
I! b.
;.lnre for u to wait on all
'i Ii t tier ptr. n . e.
:1 '.'. ! I.
O a or.ii r- lor 'ii-r-i i Stock Fni;t n I Irna-
p -. i i i ne hi lr-w an.l rh.oce
'' I '? '!! st-ady eiiM li.vment civen
i-r f..r tertn
THO.H 4i H Milt It IK -,
lo l i-l i ii
etc.. tn