' T I .... it. il i . r r FAKH OTES. ROTECTIN'O MANURES. There Is some difference of opinion as to protecting manures against rain, wind, and tLe exhausting effect of the 8ud. Doubtless all these have an injuri ous effect upon the manure heap, and it Is certainly true that wi'hout any moist ore at all from rain, it will not be im proved. However this may be, we are very certain that unlimited exposure to the weather will prove highly injurious to the qiirility of the manure. A lead Irg farmer tf.IJ us some time ago that be rejiar-lt-d Hip complete exposure of a manure heap through the winter and tjntil it can be used in the spring, to damage it fifty per cent. In other word", one load of well protected ma m,r j vcorth two of the exposed. This ' almost incredible, but it may not r from the truth. Tri-te is no question that a subject v t U'h so vitally concerns the farmer as ttiisoneof manure, and causes him to give so much attention to it, possesses great meri:. His straw is not to be sold because it is to be converted Into ma nure. Stock ia fed through the winter for the express purpose of acpumulating manure. Articles that scarcely pay to send to the city are nevertheless hauled there, in order that manure may be broutrht back as a return load ; and yet the wbo'e of the manure gathered is frequently all the season exposed to the sun, wind and rain until it is great ly din.ini.-hed in value one-half, according- to the opinion of our agricultu ral fn'ormint. The trouble is that few really beiu-ve that exposed manure un dergoes this serious loss. Hence in ar ranging farm buildings and we know that many are so arranged that it will r;iy almost as well to look to the preser vation of the manure as of hay or grass. ALd those whose barns have no provis ion for this purpose, can not spend 23 or oO dollars better than putting a up shed under which the manure heap may be protected against these adverse influences. IlirOUTANCE OF SALT. Salt is necessary to the health of all vegetable eating animals. Those living exclusively on fl.sh get the saline mat ters coatair ed therein, and consequent ly do not need salt. Scientific investi gations have proved that a portion of the rjl)0,j consists of common salt. This is continu illy evolved by the kid neys and pores of the skin. The bile and cartilages of the body contain soda, one of the constituents of Jsalt. If the supply is cut off digestion can not be properly carried on, and the animal suf fers. Farm animals should always Lava a supply of this necessary mineral, that they may take it at will, in which case they will not eat more than they naturally require. This is the season of the year when the stock is in the pas tures, arid, as the gross is fresh, salt is peihaps relished by them more than at most any o?hr season f the year. HOUSES. The welfare rf thu farmer requires a tior-c eqn illy ad '.p'e l to the farm and riad. lie wai.ta horses cf more strength and belter q ia!itie8 than he now has. The. perfect l.orv for the farm and road O one p !-s sing Iho-n; coaibined quali ties that render him valuable for what cverdutiishe is required to perform, whether in the field or on the road ; and this h is is tl.o one that is docile, of good temper, quick and easily managed, with steady nerve, added to strength and endurance. Good-natured, docile r'.' i's urn always the best workers; V . i.ti niH horse worries himself more i; . !. s' raint or guidance, and is more to tie abused by bin driver, and con Bqiintly cannot thrive as well. Let the farmers get sound, good-blood colts and make them by traiuing just what thy want, for no animal is more suscep tible to teaching than a horse, and noue mora ready to respond to kindness by wilhus. obedient service. The colt is not naturally III ttuipeied, and if it be comes so, binme is due to some ons who has handled it. ll-tpid walking increas es greatly the value of farm horses, and this is largely the result of training. So long have our farmers been negli gent arid careless in the cultivation of those qualities they moet need in the horse lor farm and road, that they must be educated up to theii own best inter ests before we shall attain excellence in this direction. COLT3. An old stock breeder tells us that those who raise colts usually exercise care ia the selection of good stock to breed from ; but a great many neglect to give the colts proper attention dur ing hot weather, while they are running with dams. It ia not uncommon to see those that were healthy and well devel oped in early summer, looking puny and poor, and their hair falling off, before autumn. The trouble arises from al lowing the colt to draw milk while the blood of the mare 13 in a high state or heat from violent exertion. When the dam ia used in hot weather npon the farm or road, so as to heat her blood, the colt should never be allowed ta suck until Fhe is fully cooled off. Lt him 3 11 himself before the mother is put in the harness, and if it is im portant that ha should accompany the dam. tie him at her eide so that he will 1? unable to draw milk until he is lib erated ; for it is much better thai he should eo hungry a few hours than to take his food when It is in a fevered Btate. If the mir is to make a long distance on a ho' d .)-. and return at night, it is b3t to lava the colt a home, and draw the tniik from th udder by Land once or twic during the clay and upon re turning, thTi allow the coil to fi'.l him self gradu illy as the milk is secreted. Col's injured 1 y heat-d milk seldom recover from ;t for a year or two, and rr.Htiy tiiiit-s nt-Tfr. They become re dufd in Msli, get lousy in the fall, and duiii'is the first winter of their existence when thty n- ed health and strength as, under any circumstances, this is the most critical period of their growth tliev have just life enough to move, aud thf sr-coi.il summer, the proper time for dev. l-itinirn', is fpnt in the recupera t' . 1 f lost vitality. 'IrVmnr and Tu eiicourauis nld p, cri-ate an ?.pp-tite, brae- up the sys-ten , an-.i to purify the blood take the uataiiiiiu llun'.'s (Liver" and Kid ney) Ueuitdy. Word of Warning and Comfort. 'I! yon are mffe-Inir from poor health or 'languishing on a boil of sickness take cheer 'It you are (imply ailing, or II you feel 'weak and dispirited. 'without clearly know- Inir why. H"p Bitters wlil furely cure you. If ynn are a minister, en 1 have overtaxed yourself with your pastoral duties, or a mother, worn out with care and work, or a man ol business or labor.weakened by the strain of your everyday du- ties.or a man of letters tolling over your midniKht work. Hop Hltteri will me at surely strengthen you If vou are suffering from over-eating or drinking, any discretion or dissipation, or are young and growing too fast, as is often the case, Or II you are In the workshop, on the 'farm, at tbe desk, anywhere, and feel 'that your system needs cleansinit.ton 'Inif. or stlruul;itlri. without I d to ilea t Mnar. If you are old, 'blood thin and Impure, pulse feeble, nerves unsteady, 'acuities 'waning. Hop Hilton Is what joj need to give jou new life, health, and vtKur." If yon are costive or dyspeptic or suffer ing from an; other of the numerous dis eases ol the stomach or bowels. It Is yeur own fantt If yon remain ill. If vou are wasfiuir awRV with anv form of Kidney disease stop teniptmic death this : moment, and turn lor cure to Hop Hitters. If you re sick with that terrible sickress i Nervousness, vou will find a "Dalai iu Gile- ! ad" in Hop Bitters. j If you are a frequenter, or a resident of, j a miasmatic district, barricade your sys- tern agrfclnst the scourge of all countries I Miliaria. Epidemic, Hllious and Inler- nitttent Fevers by the use of Hop Hitters, j If you have ronifh, pimply, or sallow skin, bad i breath. Hop Bitters will it've you talr skin, rich 1 blood, the sweetest breath and health. i!- 0 will i be paid tor a case theft will not cure or help. A Lady's Wl-ti. j 'Oh, how I do wish my skin was as clear and j soft as yours, said a lady to her friend. 'You can easily make it so.' answered the Irlend. 'How?' inquire.! the fir-t lady. 'By usinic Hop Bitters that makes pure rich, blood and blooming health. It did lor me as you observe.' -None genuine without a bunch of irreen Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poi sonous stulf with '" Hop" or "Hops" In their name. WW. An Independent Newspaper of Dem ocratic Principles, but not Controlled by any Set of Politicians or Manipulators; Devoted to Collecting and Publ ishing all the News of the Day in the most Inter esting Shape anJ with the greatest pos sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impar tiality; and to the Promotion of Demo cratic Ideas and Policy in the affairs of Government, Society and Industry. Itatrm, by Hail, Fotfpaid: DAILY, per Year $6 00 DAILY, per Month 50 SUNDAY, per Year 1 00 DAILY and SUNDAY per Year - - 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year 1 00 Addrtrn. THE f. AetP For City. CARRIAGES, WAGONS & SLEIGHS! Carriage Making in all its Dranclies. Pa in t hi g, Ti immin g ami It EPA I RIM? of ali kinrls rlone ;i Iho SHOKTK-ST MiriCE nnd the LOWEST rKICK. Also, I'Unlnv. SanlDi; riil Worn! Turn Idk wltli improve, 1 maclitnerv. Also, alt kinds of heavy wirk Jodh. t'arrinitc smith shop connected All parties trntlni; rue with work w:fl be honor atily dealt with- All work warranted. P, X. CilVTE. Eben!.!irn. October 'U. 1SS4. ALL FOR NOTHING. WH THE DOCTOR WAS 0ISGUSTFO, ANO WHAT MIGHT HAVE DONE WITHOUT HIM. Well, wife." ?n!d Ir. K . an tie entered h!. h(u. e. wht"h was emitted In a osy viihiire in crn-t.-:il New York, " hare pot tn.'k Irjrii a lon arid riren ry ride .-rd y riv wn amnii the mount.-! n-i. and all to'rio purpoi-e whutever. 1 tie luei'rnirer Fald the man wouldn't lwe till mnrnlnic, when the Net Is he had only an ordinary attack of colic. If the lmdeti'ri!t had onlv had jH'npe ennuvh to put a HKNSON'S UAPllM-; I'OKdl'S rl.ASI KKon his rtomach he would hare been all rtieht In an hour or two. II it some fon are slow to learn,"' added the oiil idiYHrian. BwallowinK the cup of steaniliiif tea his wile had just poured for him. Ir. E w! TiKht: yet peaole do learn, even though f1ow1t. The rapidly lnereaitnir ufe of Hen ion'!' plaster prove t h la beyond question, ar.d the rood doctors are certain tr be sare-l mui-h o( their needless toll In all dfHeases capable of befntf af fected by a piaster Henson's uct" erhiMentlv and at once. Ttieirennlnehrivetrie word t'API'iNEcut In the centre. I'rire '2b cents. Sbaruht l .Ji'Usom. t'hemUts. New York. MTTNV A CO., of the 8-ivnrto Amrrica jr. enn ttnnetoact as P'.llciturs for Paten's, "avt-:in Trada X.irks, t'tiprrlghts, for the I'mteii States, ar aila, E llwand, f ranco, Germany, pte. Hum! t,.k ai-oui i'fl-i'nn Bi-nt free. Tliirt v-si-ven -.' -a .n-r-riice. Patents ohtalned thrrni-hMl SN'ACil ar noticed In the Si las-Tiric Amkhh-a.v. tne Insert, tost, and nion -.del y circulated S'-w-ro itlc piir. -Hayear. W.-k!r. fpli mild eneravi-.ps a .1 into-. .rig in. orr. a'.lcn. Soeciruon cnny of t :e hcienii fie A mrr Irnn sent free. AiMn-s V I NN l 11, . ikviis IC American office. 3G1 Brom.lnar, New York. STOPPED FREE M a tt s success. Irrtaie Pt-tont KestonfJ Dr. KLINE S GREAT NerveRestorer few alt B ATrf A NRV 1ISF.SBS. Omfy sur cw-t f.'w Aa-f-ar jt?fe(tc h U s : FPii-Pry. etc. TTtFALt-IBLal iftaVPn dirrcrrtl. AO Fitr after Tt dnv' 1 ure. I re i rise v. tri"l bottle frre to V a r-i?iert. S?nti n.im-s. P. O. and eipft ddrcw. at fet. afHicte.1 to PR KLINhejn Arrh St-.Phtladc'ph ,Pa. horn Lms2its. BEWARE V-' 4MITAT1XG FKAUOS NOW IN USE 3G,989. All pm(-i ur Ihrir prw-.H are IV- .-vt Wrfk v a lo 'I m-rtne our IretrroTert Kellt-r Positive Ffrrcr Krerf. tnli Kred and r rnlllilsi llrlll an-1 o.i liar Itukra. f ' arr c 0 ' :I e 1 . r'l-nl-r sol.1 i, . li-ap A.I r? "ir rintr l Circular-, mil!- I fri-r. NSWrk M.IChlnS CO-. NSWStk, OftlO. .Arern BfAnih ticu, HmertowB, a E Ir. U Brff, H laparfjev. Qmnw tTMiBf-v mnnmrrmm, "raUnM ai d rrrvrlml Vrmmm. c.fittifle trmtmiit; smfc and ur rrm1 ir. rWhnr. itio TfittJ. Ca'l r write for lit of e, n( 10 aa W. be an wrerrM bjrthoae deirhC trarment by mavii. Pertts MffrtB froaa Rnttnr!nnl4l eol tfcetr 3!raja aal iimrm aoaatthltta; U Ibe-h- adroatu. 1 1 U a trw. adffra fH. C. L. l.tKlRM, Tre! aJ Payitrlaji tra TbarM fcsitravl rd. Rajr-. a.ittrl, 9?0 Looiat .. ft. Lnnla. Eccecaavcio ir. Hun L-insrtij. iabllaW4 SO Ira THE BESrp PORTRAIT OF- Gen'l U. S. GRANT, lilOHTHLl Fee MA V. 'iO Outs. W Jser.irr' Bnwtt. PaWrsfcer. 17 f. 14 S.. New York boW tiyall Nrw-Ui-al-ra tnil Pota.istera. Crr-ntet :.:t1-.it;meot evrrof-f.jr-o 1. N' yrur tune to t'top or.lcr f T oar cehrated Tean a-id i'otreeti.and secure a beaut i Ot d Rati i orMosa B"e China T-St. peTlaiii aia fiecr-ted fVld Bald M el tlryi IVnner fW, oeC.-.W Kand Musa Ikaeeratwt T l-t K-t. fu',1 J-ir!icil!r addresa THK(.I!UT AIIVRil AN TICA TO., P. O. Box i, 81 aad ii Vcaoy bU. New York. FCH SALE! Kolt. il:- t -l in AriiTif-. All from re lM.w'i.! S' n - ift St i.! -.ini. Ali r; - : hikI - : t -. i r . t t m il Trrnw tin. . 4fHAV IlKOV., Brooka.de Farm, rt Wayn. led. r. i". ro" M a I Cl., lu Jsumee St., New York :' u exact cost of anypr jposed line'-" iiiei, iwc, American Nwpaoer. TV PATEGMTS w 1 I i - mm mm fafeakgafa MS?. r. Lets cf Peopla Say, OH MT BACK." Hers i's Solid A 1 TESTIMONY KIDNEY LIVtM ' as i To FAIL ;r f:i:nnjril::ia Han! lYorfci 5 Men. Machinist n.r.d Rcilder. T 1 , f 1.1.-. I I'll TH w'.t'.i kidney and A iv . - - bladder ill Hi --.:'.'.y. After nsti-.g io..r HfST Ki.ln-v nnd Liver Kexeut 1 nae oeru complete car-.l."-WiUiaa C. Clark, Mason and Builder, A-.ion-n, . 1. il.jaHli i" hitter than wealth. Jlrchiutst. .p-e K;ire Machinist. HITS Ridge Ave., rhila'deiphia. I1i..''vs:-"Mv.iiseae started when I was Quite a vmm; hid bv havinir weak kidney. . . M i . 1..L e II i'vt. r K idneT and IT- r: 1 nave liseu jimi ei "kiit -i--; t- , I.iver) Kkheuy. and I soiemnly proclaim, I feel like a new man.' "' "Good couns-1 hjs no price, obey it." Sii'cUanic. Mr. Henry Wi'.Vianis, Mechanic, East Bridge port, Conn., favs: "About two months ago I caught a heavy cold, which settle J in my kidneys. I got a bottle of Hcnt's Kidney and Liver Rmiur and with the- fin-tdoae begin to get well." "Light suppers makes long lives." Kailroad Man. Frank B. Lee. office N Y. C. TT. Tt. H. Little Falls. N. Y.. June H. 1!i3. says: "My rather, 62 years old, had severe kidney aud bladder disease for 0 years, urination causing acute pain. The weakness was so great he was obliged to wear a rubber bap. Twelve bottles of Hi nt's Kidney I.'emkdt completely cured him. and we consider It remarkable. We cheerfully recommend it. ' "Deeds are better than words." Ilt-XT's Kidney and I.iver Ritbedt has stood the test of time. It has been before the public for twentv vears. and has cured every year thousands of people suffering from various diseases of the Kidneys and I.iver. an.l kindred disorder, who had failed to get relief froindoctors and who expected never to be cured. Thousands of testimonials from such persons attest ita value. Send for book. "Alls well that ends well." Sold by all drncgists. Price $1.25. HUNT S KEMEDY CO., Providence, R. I. C. If. CBITTKSTOS, Genera! ia'nt, N. T. Are you failing, try WEiia' Health K s'zwEi, a puro, clean, wholesome) TONIC, For BmJn. Nrre. Ptomftch, 1-Ker. KWneys, LunaL An Unequal ei lnviorant. Cur Headaohf, Fever, Astii, Chill. DEBILITY & WEAKNESS. Nii-e to take, truo innt, unequnled for TORPID LIVER and Night Sweats, Nervous Weakness, Malaria, Lieaunes, Sexual lechiie. tl.iM vrr but., 8 for fS.OO, at Dnireists. E. a Weixs, Jersey City, N. J., U. S. A. n re Buchu-Paiba Remarhahle Cures of Catarrh of the Bladder. Inflammation, Irritation of Kid neys and Hlaililer, rjtone or Oravel Ina eases of the Prostat Gland, Dropsical Swellings, Female. Diseases, Incontin ence of L'rine, all Disease of the Genito urinary Orrans in either Bex. For Un healthy or"Unnatural Discharea use also "Cliapln's Injection i'leiir," each $1. For Sl'lMMUS, either contracted or hereditary taint, use Chapin-s Constitu tion Bitter Kynijj, $1.00 per bottle, and Chapin's Syphilitic Pills, f 2.00; and Cha pin's Syphilitic Salve, tl.00. 6 hottli-s riTTup. X or r-uis, 1 alve. hy Fxpress on recei) t or i iu.uu, oreii )ni tb-ikw. E. S. Wei.ia Jersey- 'ity. N. J., V. S. A. 1.. ; I I-i a P Uli F Mi ?- V? 17." ,s composed -wholly of na-?-4 menu. a . -'OtaMft Inp-rdientn. each one S-"Jof which ai.-kno-wl "igt-d ly the medi- tijcal iTufeviion 1 be the most potontc' &V.p v-a the tiero-il remedici It-mwi to mod ice. i A science. It cures with o it f ;i! every caseo ft f1iron!frafiirrh f nnsumnf ini.E i(i i .. m '.fia imm nr lflin'l HI iwi.-m I iriin i , I I- A'eiir.ilrjia, Chronic Khcnmn linf, DiabHM, Ston in illtUrt-ler.Hrisrht's 1ts-SI? r 'r: r r--IH Diseases of tbo htomacb. If your DniKlst Is out of ourpimph leia on tha "111 of Life." or if you nre larorine under a disease not metiti'-in'.-d hA In It or in these a lvertisem'-nt. address . v. -I.. a u II At- I ' . . I ' . t 1 lumbuii, Ohio. (.Xo. 4.) V : 5 pain ;i, tuts aua in irrnnM. Mna oyaiit-, trdriizi-its. Oned- il r p-.t bottle: Siifori-' ferS.OO. Directiousia English aud Geraiau. Ljj V..-i:4: TRtATMCN ', Uh 1- t:. V.'crr'u Kcaris and rtttiN T3at Ftr, acu.ir.ml.nl ei--jCiiic for Ilyat-jrin. Pizzt- res Convil inn. I -t.. Nerrown -siraltfia. ! I! -. Vir'i '.'i-ri'o-ji Fromt(on cr.ti bv thi uba J of L-i-l.t,l r-ti '.-:i.j-; V.ul:-ful:!a-s "5-h'.-J Do- T ,rws,o::, -ft'i'ittiv of ti e Pruin rr-t:i,ir.rr- in- 1 f-rriry ur-i I-rdi.-tr ti r.'-iwry, deetty nn-i aeath. l'rc:i-.'.r Ci'? A.;---, l?rrcimeso. Is of mwae in i-Jicr Fr. Inv.'.-l-int-u-y I.r.fi a'ld rTvirxnat. ,rrh-r r.:: ! I'Vn c-eTort'im ft t';b:ain. self- j ar) or i :v!--.!.-i-::c. loch box contains t od m'y 'i' -i -c.it -'.oTit. Jl .M A boi. or sn bnies j tocJ-VJ. tf ,:it by u'2.1 prvnaidoii rccenjt of price. wr. crA?..irxr. si-x iotks 7-iciires?'(T,t5. T:tHor.chnJerrecciTcJbyrt ! for sir Vioxe, Rcco ;'.oi-ii.il vith $"-ir. wa will I rit3il t r T'or-.-tn.tL-r tmtr -wru'pn p.i.-irecir'a- k r. isii'ltLw ..ii.ey if tt tr.-atnc rf. liuusnotetlect (acure. Ciuarsiiiit-.-s ji.s km! cnly by JOII1J C. WEST & CO, 62 V. MADISON ST., CHICAGO, ILLS., Sole Prop's West's Llvoe Pllla. trt M:nnesoa. North Dakota. Montana. Idaho, Washington and Oregon. From Lalae Saperlor to Paid Sound, At pricta ranging chiefly f'om f 2 la $6 per acra, en 5 lo 10 yearr time. This is th Best Country lor securing Good Homes now open for settlement. F"'ay"fS"w 3o acres of Government PT r " Land res under the Uurr --i-nd Baa ,ml iiaitK-rfuItr.re 1,ttS. NOTE 10.sU8.4S3- Acres OR WOKE THtl HALF of !1 the Public Ijinds dip"el "f in 1HKS. were in the K-ti.,.... Pacific eountrv. Fwiln ana Mans sirt FItFK, tlesrrihing the Knrllie-rai lkar-trl C'otaatry.llie Kailroad Lands for f-al aud t!i rilF.K itovt-rnment Ijinda. Address.! HAS. B. LaM Bo UN. Land Com'r, . P. K. h..St. Paul, Minn. fc a. t a A ( A eri 5. in tbe- hi'! ' 37s CTj rVrrt .Tre:i? w-h Sir -.( -!.,., , j lit. 1 tir- t.d stock Till! w-.l 1 A 1 !r.-- F.-T'tf Yo i:.,;- I -ft :' ; li r. 1--s -i-iltiiiir I I...I-; t .r ..tic. : ni I i Ivv'CSNi.l.L H.t-Mi l.-.t I S ; 1 1 if i SmmeCi - K' rlx n . i -(."-. !t ;i-'n .--I unci's K-ivane Send s'.x cents for iiot. tare and re ceive tree a (-only r x of eooitr? that will help ail. n( cither sei, to mora runner rlvnt w:.y than anything else m the world. Furinn.-s await the workers al Foiuuir in-,. At once address Tltra a Co., Aa grusts. -Maine. -. I -4,'8-4.-l v. J I .1 I II IXi t!ii wKlRl ll tiil FAUS. r 4 ot.(rii.--i rup. 'lane good. t5 jj Vy: in onie. S-.Id by d . cr: Ma y? eJ . T '' J vi TV., '"",'.J"r nt Kate for ad- ' i i i- r:'i-:- n i- t"n'1 ""HM-em s-nt fr-e. -f . P. botvcu. vo., lo spruce S; j , t;M M mmmm j thefeH nn;i s f 1 Health is Wealth i 1 POULTRY SOTES. Do not forget the vegetable part or the bill or fare. Boiled potatoes In the morning feed are excellent and greatly relished. Chopped cabbage, onions,tur nips or other vegetables, should be fed daily. Boiled pumpkins or squash, mixed with bran, make a very good feed. If you are near a brewery, get some grains mixed with ground feed, giving it to the fowls occasionally for variety. TVio fnniQ am Terv fond of a warm , - morning feed, especially uuiius iijc weather : and if red pepper, cnoppea onions or hot material of any kind be mixed occasionally with their feed, it will greatly assist in keeping them heal thy and active. Do not feed cooked entirely, for it is liable to cause disease. Food simply steamed and fed warm is beneficial to fowls. A good feed of whole grain at night helps to keep the fowl warm while on the roost, and the soft feed in the morning will warm them up quickly. If you want to have hens that will lay well all winter, withstand the cold and keep healthy, select those which are well feathered under the wings. Exam ine your birds that are suffering from cold or roup, and you will find the ma jority are naked under tbe wint 8. The dust bath will eo far toward keeping you fowls in good condition. It is to them what water is to man. Throw ic a bucketful of sifted coal ashes and fee how they will revel in it. It will clean the feathers and help to kill the ver min. A handful of tobacco dust will help wonderfully. Give the fowls plenty of sunshine and fresh air. Let the sun stream in npon them and open the house every day as early as possible. No matter if it is cold outside ; sunshine and purr air are the best medicines. Fowls should nev er be frightened. The best way to make a hen unprofitable is to have her chased about by a dog. Be kind and gentle to them ; it pays to keep them tame. Fanciers keeping large breeds of fowls, such as Brahmas, Cochins and Plymouth Rocks, should set their hens I this month, if they want their pullets to i lay early next fall, since they require age before they will lay. By hatching I them early plenty of time is allowed in : which they can grow. I Be sure and see that your sitting j hens are free from vermin before you j set them. Many diseases spring from ; neglect to supply pure, fresh water ev j ery day, ans also from not cleauing all j drinking vessels at least once a day. Fowls should never be left wiihoul wa ter. During the winter weather care should be taken not to place the drink ing vessel where the snow will fall into it. hnow water, if taken in any quan tity, will soon reduce the fowls in flesh, lessen their vitality, and throw them out of a healthy condition. The poul try house should be kept so clean that th slightes odor cannot be detected. Poultry Monthly. ORCHARD AND GARDEN. Don't kill the toads. Hurry in the late seed?. Wheel hoes are labor savers. Plant melons in manured hills. Washing berries is a failure ; mulch them. Dwarf apples may stand as close as seven feet. Good picking and packing is half in fruit growing. Six hundred bushels of onions bave been raised to tf?B acre. Three ounces of carrot seed will sow a drill 100 feet long. Fires kindled in the orchard at night j will attract and ki'.l many of the early moths, which if all-jwed to live will en tail much trouble through tbe increase of their number. A Renarkabl Escape. Mrs. Mary A. Dailey, or Tunkhannoea, Pa., was nffiicted for six years with asthma and bronctntU, during which time the bent physicians could give no relief. Her life- was despaiied tf, until iu last October ihe procuied a bottle of Ir. King s New Dis j coverv, when immediate relief was felt, and ! by continuing its use for m short time she was compfctely cured, gamin, in flesh 50 lbs Id a tewr monlbs Free trial buttles of this certain cure of alt throat and luog diseases at JL James' Cor ner Drug Store. Larrt Buttles 1.00. . ! r,,c, f.ji-mae ciK..! i ...t , Evert farmer should pjaut a crop for ; fodder. Grass will begin to-fail ia July j and in August is usually scarce. A lot ' ,f fnHrcnrn tr, , A rr found of great alue to keep up t he flow of milk i aud if there is a succession of such crops the fodder will furnish acceptable pro vision for the cows until the end of the ri.,r it ;j . j , But it will not do to sow corn season. broadcast. The plants must have liirht and air to make a healthful erowth as r dispensed with, aa in a week I was per .. , ., . ' F tectly well. K. N. WitimHT. the whita.watery, stuff which often grow 'r Business Ajeat Evening IIcraM, Erie, has but little value as feed.. F For pamphlet on th "Ills of Life," ad- f dress Dr. !S. K. Unrttnan A Co., Columbus, . , , . ! Ohio, they will sead It tree of chance. Jtear tres seldom need trimming af- . . j ter they go to beasing. except cutting N Therk never has been offered ttie people j out deaU wood if there is any. The best ' J Ca?it)r,a county a medicine sj.deservirig , . -"j. . of praise and pstronnee as McD-nid s eel- ConditluD for a pear orchard is to keep. ;, ebrated Worm rovrrters. They ooibinethe ! the land in so l and never p'ow it but I.,,rM n,t desirable points in aoy remedy , ,, . 1 via; t'mallness. tf doae, nasinaw. to take not anw the grass to gro-w within two; an,i effectivenex. They are positively the t or turee leet or the trauka of the trees j Keep the circle mulched with manure, j leaves or stones. Slauure the laud lib erally unce in three or four years. Early lambs ce cooaideretl by some Bheeprueu to t- tbe most profitaVl source or iucome from the flocks. General de!ilit, female weaknessv toss or physical powec, Brigbt's disease, arxiaer. vnus diseases ara speedily cured by Hiuil's Ktxuedy. The four greatest and most desirable pro perties of a successful medicine are perfect ly conjoined iu Mc Donald's Blood. Purifier or Sarsaparillian Alterative. In malnssiioi lation of food and dysoepsia its effects are ! tjpeedy and happy. For dlsfiaurtnn humors t of scrofula and tatter, the lotubooaie sores i of venereal aliseHnes, the hurninK tortures of j etyhipeias, no otUer medicion can noavibiy f qtial it. As a soriuK medicine, perfect I blood purifier, efflcieut and a!e diuretic and : aperient, it meets with jjratlfyiim favor i trom the medical professien aud I lie Deoole. Kissatwcert DuyeTscan frtve their o.oney j tnavdea. For pale bv E. James. ! ret i Johnston, Hollow-ay & Co., Philadelphia Aiti-nta, A. Crownover Ssu'sury, Pa., writes ; '"J- A. M'-I,itiald. Dear Sir : o:ir Liver Pills are iriving vonil satisfaction here, and there Is Quite a -- ti denirtiid spi inline up for them. Please send in. li.c-.... !,,, ,t once, as I rtj out and somti of my customer otnt.r .. J '".nets on t bavd any inWt needl.ss Dissatisfied pur. Johnston, IIoi.i.oway & Co , Phiiadi Iphia Agents. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets never fail. The Dancers of Dlo rolaoalnff. Slnca tha death at President Garfield, thera sema to hart been aa Increase 1 tha number of recorded cases of blood poisoning. A few week ago the Rev. Noah Schenck, D. D., of Brooklyn, had an operation per formed on his foot, inflammation set In and death ensued. If a man be In pood health, a wouud heel rapidly; if the blood is corrupt, it ia slow to heal. Impure blood Irritates and Inflames the whole system. It follows then, if the blood purifying organs are deranged since every particle of blood courses through these organs over one hundred times an hour In a very short time the blood poison must destroy all vitality. Id the winter season nature demands heat making food ; in the spring she scU up a cooling process; and, to accomplish this, she ordains that the change from winter to summer should be gradual ; if her laws were never violated, this pro vision would be sufficient ; they are vio lated, therefore, we must furnish help in this spring bo use-cleaning time ; otherwise the see !s of disease remain within us. Hlood is made in the stomach: it is puri fied by the skin, lungs, liver and kidneys. During a long, cold winter, the liver and kidneys are overworked; the consequence Is that In the spring these orgftris are pros trated: the nrostrution is indicated by ex tremely dull, heavy feelings and a weari ness .vhich seeuis to go to the bone: head aches, furred tongue, lack of appetite. Itching and discolored skin, mental lrrita bility, depression of spirits, neuralgic pains, convulsions, chills and fever,, ma laria." These little Irregularities of feeline; are Nature's warnings; if neglected, disease may pet the upper hand. If you introduce into the blood a little kidney and liver poison, you can artificially produce the above symptoms: it follows, therefore, that to remove them, vitnlitv must be re stored to those blood purifying organs. If they caunot perform their work no amount of medicine taken for other or gans can Lave any permanent effect in the system. Urigadier-General D. 11. Bruce, business manager of ie Syracuse iX. V.) Jouriuil In found that lie was not coming through tha spring In pood form; be wn not sick, but ouly out of condition: to tl j timely use of a 'few bottles of Warner j eufe cure. however, he attributed recover of constitutional tone, and undoubted! warded off some chronic disorder. This preparation is not a cure all it churns to restore the blood-purifying organs to nat ural vita ltr; by so doing, it not only cures but prevents blood corruption and dis ease. If you douht its power, ask your friends; millions have heard of it, hun dreds of thousands have used it and com mend it. The ill feelings of sprlDg time are caused by a more or le?s poisoned condition of the blood ; a condition which grow worse by nealect, and finally may send one to the grave. One day a young physician discovered on his nose what turneJ out to be a ma lignant ulceration: the blood virus at tavked his brain and killed him. A prominent merchant of apparently average health died suddenly the other day ; an examination showed that one kidney, entirily decayed, had poisoned the blood terribly! Had this condition been recosrnized in time, he might have lived to the fnll " three score and ten." Kvery day we neglect to take snch pre cautions as are herein indicated we may be said to drive a nail Into ourcottin. The blood is poisoned every day ; if it is not purified every day, untimely death la in evitable. 'Ronitli on Rats." Clears out rat, mice, roaclio, flies, ants, bedbuga Heart Pain. Pulpltatlon. dropsteal swellings, dlnlne5. In diinion. aeadche, alL-ejilespness cured byWelia' Htallb lienewer. "Ronrli on Corns. " Ask for Wells' "Kouith 03 jrn." 15c. Quick complete cure. Hard or suit euros. warta, bunlwos. "Bofhn-Palha" Ciuli-k, eomplete cure, all kidney. Madder and urinary dlfeaacs. cldlrit. Irritation, clone, grav el, catarrh of tbe bladder, tl. druiicifta. Drd-Rnrs, Flfea. Flie, roarr-es, antp, bed buys, r-itp, mice, iroph ers ell ipinnnks, cleared out by "Rough on Rata." 16c, I ) !t People. Wells' Health K-i.. cr" restores health and vlKnr, cures dyspepsia, impoleuce,exual debility. Si. " Itnnnh on Pain." t'urea cholera, eolle. cramps, diarrhoea, aches, pains, sprains. ha1ache. ncurWia, rheumatism. 2oc. Kouifh on I'aln Plasters. 15c. Mother. If you are falllnKroken.worn out and nervous, use rVell's Health Kenewr.' tl. Druggists. I.Ife PrfSrrtfr. It on are loslnir your irrlp on life, try "Wells Health Kenewer." tioea direct to weak spots. "Rouft-h on file" t'ures piles or hemorrhoids, licnlng. protruding . bloedini. Internal oroiher. Internal and external remedy In eich package. Sure euro, frOc. Irun Klet. Hrelfy Women. readies wh would retain frcshnes an-l vivacity don't fail to try Well's Health Kenewer." "Rniilttl on 1 let." 'Kouith on ileh" cures humors, eruptions, ring worm, tetter, salt rbeum, frosted feet, chillblains. It omk b on alarra." Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete cure of worst chrome, lo uneqaaled as gargle lor diphtheria, sore throat, foul breath. 5;. Ttte Ift of the Nation. Children, slow In derciovuietii. v . -and delicate, use "Wells' Health Kanewsr.' talarra f the Itlartrtrr. I Stlnitlnif. Irritation. Inflammation, a'l kidney and urinary compinlnts cured by "Kaohu-Palba.' 1. "Wales Rncra. Koach." "Rough on Kat" clears them out, also beetles, ants. Woiulrrfnl f'nrea. The press of the countr Is enr.stantlv ft.ted with wnndrrfnl cures which bae tran- spired ibroueb tre attency of soums medicine in their Ininiedia neinhbortiopd. Some of these have sonis. fountlatioD, but a great number bave no better basis than Mie flighty itnaiflnation of the writer. The followinK ease, however, w without precedenf, and 1 anv;nr is eiVPD the priviieRe of writing to I the subscriber and finding if he tells the ! trntn- Erjk, fa. IK. HaBTMAS-I Cannot but foel it my duty tu express to-you. hefoie your depart ! ure from our city, my thanks for Ui ureal benefit I reeeiyed from the use- of yjiur tiled -I ieines. Peruna and Mtnalin. On bUle of : each plsced me square on rnv fpet after a I sickness of four weeks, which confined me 11 to my bed and thin lert me lame and crip- ! p!r.dJ Tnre Jays frni thfi Con.mnoetr.ent of the use of your remedies, the on dm was ; createst worm destroyer or the ae Many children Miff er mntinially anii feually die, their parents naver dreaming tliat tlielrs'.om aohs are irtft-stn-rt and eaten Uiroogh witn worms. Twenty-five emits, invested in a nox of McDonalds oelpraterl Worm Pow ders would hay saved the liotle 8uffnrer's. life and kIudd back its rusj cheeks and. blirotnlng he!th. Any cHr- of failure to. cause lopuksion where wcraa-i exist, the money rrotTptly refunded. Sold by E Jamen, Khensbure. JOHSSXisN, IIOLI.OWAY A Co., 5-9.-ljl Phiiadtphia Aneats. UrniCklsta as a rule extremely Jealous nd ca?-fu! of the hiwior of their vt-'fessioti. and, are lotli to Bruise a medicine- which tliev Jo not Trom personal knowledge fcnow to be a mer- I itorinus atticlt. Tney all agree, however, that fw sniaHness of se, easiness to take, ! anJ efft'etiveness s n wot in destro-vwr, Mc- ! LsohRia's Celebrnted Worm Powdeis are the best atid most desiihle veruiifuifu in their j stock, and do not hesitate to recorLituetid i thoir. 1 lissatisfid bit vera can have their money ; refunded. Forssreby K. James. I JoHNeTO. Holloway & Co.. j Philndelj.hia Agents. I . A rtoltle of Curtis' Carmelite Coidlal should occupy the handy corner of evr-ry tiaveler's st-hel Notindent person ili think of undertak Inv a Journey involving chances f climate, diet and wnter, withmit first procurinu a bottle. It never fails J It never disappoints ! Money rorundert in every ease when a single bottle, as direcfd, faiu i CUre mTiy eaSe of cholera, dvst-i.tery, cliok-ra movtm diar rl tt-A, e ramps, pains in the bowel. r- any intt'stinol irittaiion. Sld bv all dealers. -JOHNSVON, Hoi I.OWAY A Co., l'lillai'elpliia AKeuls. i TiUNDRE IS WHITE tlif y ewe t!,olr life I t:d pieaeht BOOd health to Ai-ketV E:ife',ih I Rr-uiedy foi coneiimpWuD, coughs, coiOa. &c, oold by E. Jauies, SIMPLE REMEDIES. Prepared chalk, to be found always at druggists, is used as a remedy for acid stomach, and all unpleasant headaches and sickness to which it gives rise. This is one form of dyspepsia, and is sometimes cured by the uso of this sim ple remedy. Contrary to an old theory, a medical man gives the following on how to man age a cold : Eat nothing but a piece of toast at each meal, for one day, drink freely of cold water, walk twice a day till you are in a gentle perspiration and go to bed eaily. A nice dietetic preparation for the sick can be made according to the Drug gists'1 Circular, by taking of wheat bread one ounce ; cinnamon, one dram ; wa ter, one rint. Boil them till well mixed, then add a little grated nutmeg and su gar. Wine or butter may be added, if liked. Sleeping with the mouth closed will prevent that dryness and bitter taste so commonly experienced on awaking. These unpleasant sensations ordinarily come of sleeping w'ith it open ; the hab it of keeping it closed may be formed by a careful clearing of the nasal passages on lying down, and by going to sleep with a determination to keep the lips closed. Everybody has a cure for sore throat, but simple remedies appear to be most effetual. Salt and water is used by ma nv as a eanzle. but a little honey and a'.um dissolved in sage tea is better. An application of cloths wrung out of hot water and applied to the Leek, 1 hanging as often as they begin to cool, lias the most potency for removing in flammation of anything we ever tried. It should be kept up for a number of ! hours ; during the evening is usually the most convenient time for applying ! the remedy. In advanced stages of diph theria, however, this will not answer. Frequent sips of ice water will usually relieve a sore throat. "Windows open more, would keep doctors from the door." A very large quantity of fresh air is spoiled arid ren dered useless by the act of breathing. A man spoils not less than a gallon ev ery minute. In eight hours' breathing a full-grown man spoils as much air as seventeen three-bushel sacks could bold. If he were shut up in a room seven feet broad, seven feet high aud seven feet long, the doors and windows fitting so tightly that no air can pass through, be would die, poisoned by his breath, iu a very few hours ; in twenty-four hours he would have spoiled all the air contain ed in the room, and hav6 converted it into poison. Let in the air so that a current will not pass over you while in 1 bed. 1 Those who care for the sick know , how difficult it is to remove or put on a ! wrapper. It seems as if the invalid ; ueeds to assume attitudes that would j be almost impossible for one in robust ! health. A half hour's work with a ; needle and thread will suffice to change j a pair of these garments aud to make i them more comfortable. Cut them open j tbt entire length, then put a facing on one side and a plait on the other ; at proper intervals put on some small por ! celain buttons and make tbe button i holes, and you will be surprised when j this is accomplished that you never j thought of doing so before, i Summer showers frequntty overtake 1 persons and "wVt them to the skin"; it is then safer to walk rapidly and steadi i ty on, until the clothes are dry again, I than to stop u'jder shelter and remain there until the storm is over. If home I ia reached while tbe clothing is yet wetr j take some hot driak instantly, a pint i or Onort go to the kitchvn fire, remove- 1 every garment, rubtbe whole body with, j a eoarse cloth or torvel, put on woolen j uiad6rcIothing, go to ira wrap up wen,. I taks another hot drink ; then go to ' sleep if it is at night 'r if in the daytime, 1 get up in an hour, dress and be active I for the remainder of tbe day. Keeping the head perfectly clean, - says a writer in tne oaiem, .Mass Gazette, is a great tkidito health. A di3 tinguished physician, who- has spent much of bis time at quaiantine, said that a person whose head was thorough ly washed every day rarely ever took contagious diseases, but when the hair was-allowed to become matted and dir ty it was hardly possible to escape infec tion.. Many persons-find speeiy relief from nervous headaehtj by washing the bead; thoroughly in weak soda water. We have known cases almost wholly 5 cursd. in ten minutes Ly this simple rem- . . ed- friend find it the greatest re lief iu cases of "rose cold, the cold symptoms entirely leaving th, eye after on thorough washing of the hair. The bead should be thoroughly t'jried after wan), and drafts of air ahouJd be avoid ed, for a little while. BaeUlen'. Arnica Hal vs. Tbe best salve ia the world for cuts, bruls s, sores, ulcers, salt rheurn, fevet sores, tetter, chapped hoods, chilbaius, corns, and aJl skin eruptions and positively cures piles. r no pay required. It is guaranteed to. give perrect satisfHCtion, or ttney refundeti Price 25c. per bax. For sal by K. James. Wanted. Tlie woret ease in Catibria county of trofula, ervsiselas, tetter or blood disease "lany nature, inherited or acqniied, to par ;base one bottle of Mt-Dosald's great blood urifier or sjusaparidiau alternative, uss as lirected and if not benefitted many times the value of rts cost, yoar money will be re turned. Johnston. Holloway A Co., Itiila delpbia agwnLs. Sold Uy E. James, Eiens lur. t6-9.-ly. The csiof lodoforo or mercurials In tbe "el"'"i" V1 catarru wuemer in Use form . KJ I suppositories or intments should h avoided, as they are both injurious and dan serous. Iodoform te easily detected by its offensive odor. TSte only reiitle catanti remedy on the market to day is F v's Cream HhIiU, heititr free from all poisonous drutrs. It htticund thotijands of chronic and acute cases, where all other remedies have tailed. A paiticle is applied into each nostril ; no r-am ; agretabla to use. Prie 60 cents : of oruRKists. OK ! Oh 1 This howling, jumping, rapine toothache 1 I would eive anything for relief. Well; It won't cost you mui-h. 1.1 .imu will get you fc bottie of the Carnal Z:iv;n To.itliai-ho Drops, (iuaranteed. For toothache and neuralgia the Great Zincari have no equal. Keep ihem it: the house, tiiey may save you hours ot afcony. Sold by all dealers iu med icine. That feeiinof mental dullness, that troublesome t'.iius licaoru'lie, fastidiousness as to food, and wonry aching pain in the mall of tlie back can ai i eotten rid of by usitia one box of McDonald' Improved Liver Piils. PbsatWieil buyers can I ,ive their mi.ney refunded. Johnston, Holloway A Co, riuladclphiu, "Asuts." I5-J,-ly.J r TlPPECANOL THE VGLST 6 t H X n O f- a -t o r- z h. o u o z 3 oov m : OM T ft C "J. HAX.ARIA 5 m z X r- trn 1 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. H. E. WA1HEB CO . Eocaester, H.T FOR SKIN ERUPTIONS AND BAD BLOOD. 1.00 A HO I TI.K. H. H. WiRKIH A CO., Kochester. N. "S. W t. Ht.DON. of Browneville. Ala., make affiilaTlt that four bottles of Warner's Tirra canob. Tha Best, cured him of a of bleed pctcoctiiB of twenty er; itandin-. FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAKNESS l.WO A LIOI ILIi. H. H. "WARNER. & CO., Rochester N. Y. Rit. WM. WATSON, Watertown. N. Y.. ra (r.rt tLat bit Mf is infUi.teJ to a tLoroUfb ton of tha svtcm and restoration of Lei tirangih. to VVarner'a TipracAKpa. Th Beat. A CENUINE EDISON INCANDESCENT ELECTRIC LIGHT a. .'a r Iittcry vr.b 1 candie I-Amp, Stand, n1 atlk ooTerJ wir. .... $LS0 Eatury with 3 ran lie- Urnp, Stand aU-J tuk covered "ir. - - - - S.'JQ Batiar? wiib 4 candle Ljimp, Stand ana ft.llt cnrird w:r. .... Batiatry with 6 candl Lamp, Stand and 3'Jk cirerad wira, .... f 7 JO Ttia-i hftiter.c wiil run tha reajwir. a Laupa for two cooUn uom h-ura a tca char; 0 tt.ution. Th h-'te ai'j--ataal roaia:ne4 im m hicdrat wo-ieu OriHAHaii P'K riiT B tTbIK y we;gh i lev 5 ft.. w;ih Kl't n Uuip muunUrd un 7.00 hay U'Jid plab-d Scar! i 10. ) Itcdis:i. rori?:an and L,t.tir outfit. wiio ljarynfraaxiTr' &Ld laiup. cumpieu. H. OUIMARAES & CO, !T Ar r-!ret. Nkw V'.tl t'lTT. BaAJlCB til rti : t1ljn Elwtrtc IJibt fcd ng J V.b Triu tncuy cab. Hemil wQtu uriu:f. T KoPrese i!s! HcussieenBrs, HaC U.-i . 1 ;it U 'f Y'irk for li ihrir vtrupt T, r rmundi mno b Laos or sreen i t-a. fcu..n u i.,r ll ud uiiwird 1 t prra-are frw. Sji:!ipie P"'Hiiil. 'JO. l-usf CO.. i. B.-njn S. Y. $10 ATI A T11''5 OrP"rtnn!T. aJ&. jL crcat novelty iu l'ormit bu&ii 1 I'-turrai hluUVrA i ' . .. - r. Iwl CHTDESTCli k C O. ci Fs:tun St. JL I. DIO OFFrrr To tr:re'-c tV.tin X fcl a AT l.HBIaif CnWIir ''ntcis - U ?"J T Htfc IlolX Co., Wj L, . . Draft ml cujta H01IK IXDI'STKY. The attention of buyers in repi-erttuilj Invited to coy l&riee fiok f ELEGANT FURNITURE, CtiJi9I.-TIJH CF Parlor and Chamber Suits, WARDROBES. SIDEIiOAUDS, Centre, Extension and Breakfast Tallies, CHAIRS, CUPBOARDS, SINKS, BED SPRING MATTRESSES, and In fact nearly everything pertaining to the furniture business. Also, any goods iu that line mnniibirtured In the t'nltr 1 Statei otd at the lowest catalogue prices. Upholster in?:, Repairing and Painting of all kind of Furniture, flairs. I-eunges. ac. promptly and satiMactonly attended to. Ware room on High street. opp-isUe the t Vnarregatlonal church. Please call and exatnlr.e goods whether you wish to purchase-or not. K. H. CKKSSWELU Ehensbnft. April lt 19S4.-ly. B. J. LYNCH, UXDKUTAKBR, a aiartmraiii Dealer la HOME AND CITY MADE - FURNITURE ! mm and :mm suits. '.LOUNGES, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, 1G05 ELEVEXTII AVENUE Iletnceu ICth and 17th St ALTOO'A, IV. fltlzena of Cambria county and all others wish ing to purchase honest KV KNil rKE,&o..t honest prices are respe.-ttuliy Invited to give ns a sail before buying elsewhere, a we are con tldent that we caa meet every want and please avery ste. Prices the verv 1-jwest. Alteona, April 18. l'snu.-tr. KELLERSSg iTARRHr REMEDY THE ?3F T tT-OT PmiFlER Kj wr wit tmii wK Hit UKIJ. prr-waJcnt t ri mnpV and it ia lu the mai LH ricin r.-ic. t'lat 4 i- rc Uita'-n'ies, .i-c, and FAILi;.C5 ;.Ths we :r"T-.-T t-jall. h I 1.1,1 JJ'H t stun h J; , :(--f.T aaj Hlowtl I'u-rult-r wM.'i I II fa.'lr-d in a Finjr'in cere, v a.sa riiro. ti.ins ae f..lwred. It ? r.i rr tre n urirl e jv-.:i?i nro tbe l.lood. l'a. m l-.'.lVv e 11 bo tv-Tit t-jr fr-e, prr-ruii.-l. I.il. eo o'ter, fOT It la t;: or., J rieration t'-Jit rmrA-olu -'! tif th. cti.rer- Mt ( u Herd- . .' T circnlnr ' ' - a r(-.r ,1.- -r t. em) enriteiTiv f '-.-.- Nt::ee Srmt-t.-me a-.id ( new Cf Catarrh, it coni.'.na r-rim"T--e'n -f anrh-rnio e-i-1 rt-nain-iu. It at' alsota lira,! ltlood 'b nrier in th- c rrket. I nr wl- l)ens.,f-i Co fiersi!l, Whilea'" bj- hAV i, F Kn.i.ia A HarriBiirn-rl'a. : ait-5 J ifxstosj n.u- WAX . : a uo..aon aairraa, fc.ua a to. fluiad'i i'a Pa I'naiaa i aa as UUrapllS by lieW v..' ory piate pmcess For cts. wc will send post paid Koche's Manual for Amateur, which eives full in- St ructions fur .nbl th. r,icf.a. Outfits we ftirni.sb from ?10 pids. Our THOTOCiH.VPHIC PULLKTIX," edited by Prof. Cmas. F. CHANULV.U. UraJl j o. the Chemical Department f Hie Sclnxd of Mines, Colli ruh!i ('.i;!-e, ptt';if-ed twice j a niniitli for only f'2 per annutu, kc-ps I'lio- toctaphers, piofes;totial or ti:.iieui, fu iy posted on tl- imr-ri.vpnii rts, ai d answers all questions v hen diflicult ii-s aiie. Circulars and price lists free. K A II. T. AMIIO.M A ( .. anaPrs Photoxrahlc Ifiana as a til Materials, No. .Vl HKOADWAV, nkw lOKK t irv. Forty yetff-s entnlnhed in this line of basinet. March vtT, IS -5 - tf. 4GIHTS! WAKTED!::: OK. sroTTS o-n i t, Hki n i . No rik , nuirk f s 4 i iM el'minMea t t. r w i.ri.i'-.-.'e-.Lr.i'rstnB'--iiiiTrmaiiflri!i.ii 1 1 !tmes. A!-.t!:nt aiaake.1 f at a trial rrr li 1 '-",--; ': -4 i-.-r.r-nudi.itr V ll cav yti r---i, f, f-u. r--ii:i ti u Vfraril rrr-t.,-,ar.i m. free I a bottle.. 8 JT-SVaII t "t-1e f JS..V tja receipt of K.a i. -J S.t 1 r tn'i J Vri'i-r a IVi dftlr. Trrrii'rv .'vpn. rtTi'nft n.n ieurnieeil. Ati Irrw M'oTI, -2 Bromilnmj St., .N. I. iVlnroh la, lm. QHORTHAND ',; il. L.c-e iiis I v mail. 4i airphlr-l ini.lcd In-e. i . ...... I 1 .n tJ. I.H.el' i .e-n Shortnand. 1 1 ."1 t'hcstuut St j. m. laNaLE. I'li'liidelptit, fa.- l885, 1885. THE WEEKLY POST Under a Democratic Xa. tional Administration The' Will of the P0(1,le Vindicated and tlie Great Wroim-Ri-hted. THE PITTSBDRB WEEKLY P eonirrtalAtee ttn I-miwrtl rn .1 rm r nnit? lnnilLlinn. il ... . lsted for a quarter of a century L:r' "Ring ont the old. ri!j(f in tl:r r.( Klnn oat the false, rluit lo itie tru " ClleTelanil end Hendrtrki l,r ten '. A Iter the lonrth ot Marr-n there :li t i. ertie Bdmlnltration at '.Vftsturt n w-i posfilrithtie loi tha i-r-trept. yujfir.-.x 'a-"' yancemerit of the eountrr. '" ' A Tri lfT ha latofrd ari'-Hii'r, ty fltre yean) lor thee rtiirlou. ru! i extend to the new adtntuxtration a I --v tnc and n.rdial utnrt in the re 't;t ot prlncltilp and iolirie ital to tr iu.'.-.,"' fare, tiy retormlnir ii-u-ei.rn'it. r)t ;','.,' fertitiit the ujiremarT ol th Irr.trat' VV e are on the ttir"haohl ot I nitHjr: m ; tr'., . ' freat rhrniifi. To a lieui nt 4 i.' leveland'a election, the funjre 1? iu. . and hope. The WtKLT I'c-t will a'm t.. k... . atirea-t of the limes Id etrthn. r- . ' Incoming adiniDifftratien. It r--j ii-t abroad will be Intelligent ly d i?-!f.f.t Fupr"Tted or candid it and itid r r. . - ' year lo the htftory of th:s ji urr.nl i t-tl o replete with matter of iri'crr-.t p-, .. '. hp the one which we are about to -meet i rc of i Virttre.f, the de-larati-D i ' y. Idential Tote, the inauvuraui n. tr.e rim t . the chaoses In toe t ut-iic f,.Tx.r. i; , ,.... ot the books, all art of (treat concf-rn. 1 hk w , LT 1'oeT will lurnish the ea- in: ..".' with ja-1 ii-louf corn nirnt fri.tn e r.vj ji... ftandjiotut. Succe-i- will c-t hun.per il a" r - 1 man a quarter ot a century ol Jc-: ,z.- a - energies. ' The relon of tte Legi'ator . d .;i , i , - J iriirriiiii I'i'i-nTr i i'. r.ri ur .---nri D t j.nimle to be frunfal ot iDipo'rtant i a elltng lucblcnt. 1 he cuniitig uti : i L wbl be even in-re Interent li.g m a .." In all its varied departrreTin. Thi Vt PirT will aim at excelleticr and r--..: : -, literary, tni'eltaneou. rc an 1 1 ment will t'e tnnin'aired i r: t - e r i:- x - . I cy, while Its market rei-or. wi.i t e pr-r gre.irrr care ana t r'-cinn tr.ari ti: I -. ujnde absolutely reii-ible. Naw tt-e tiaie T-r I it-a, o-rati ev.n( . hold, cement ar-l iirriitf-in -le iiir- I chor-en repr'fccri t at ive . p y h-plj-; v X' I tloD ot l't oiocrailc tapers. W r L. , : the d - fi-n-ive we are d - - tie w : !( a u z -. party to day stands tor a mai-rlt of tt t A j pe-.pie. atid In a lw ween a w. I i f -a ; adujinlcter the gcr.-ral ir.verr.xt j:. 1 mtghty and has j revaiied. Single KuhacrlplloD, rHce prepaid. one year. Il r In 4 I una l Ihe or oer. one year, po'late prepaid . l, A free ropy to eerj club of lea. Send for Sample roplea. JAS. P. BARK- & ro. "PublisLrr . I BEST anil GHEAFES1 WesU? H n-rrri nan Pries tf 0 And tlie Uo-t Iailrsi The Harrl'hnrg Weekly I'at;:!"T ! '" eight page sheet and Contains a rrt-i'"- -- rendtng matter than any (.'tier pipe- Ji lt 1s nT, spicy, instrui-tive a:.d ei.:e-i - -The sutis.-rlptinn prit-e -.f the U i.ki.v 1 fl.bv per anDuiE (.as!) In aJm e. CLUBBING. The TTsiitLT r.Tr.nT arl "W Y "k r' Sun will he sent to arv aid-es. t--t : J ' year f-r 1 W : the V tuttv I'atrut ' York TTerk'y M'old to ary a-'d--'--. p -". I one vear lor $1 the W kkklt 1'atkp-t a; . I'lu'iadelphla Satnrd-iy K- ri, p--t i-a-: '. : ver,l.ye: the Whklt Pathii .n 1 I 1 i' hia Weekly Ti-nrt. po-t paid, utie r'J' f x n all eaes the eh must ec. xp:-y '-' THE DAILT PA'lT.U'T 1 the nlT morning paper puMIs he-1 at capital r the only morning paper outs-de o r: dclpbtaand I'tttshurg that gets the c-m i sociated I'res Dews, and that hi! a ferr-t " tem ol apeclal tetgrams : and the cti'y da reaches the Interior towi.s id I'ennfy.'at a : the I'fc4ludelphl and New Y'ort :"" Hailt rATRtoT has I-een greatly m Tt-c" Its departments within the last f t u.r.-' K now eioal In all respects, and super- v -r -the dailies of the larger c ti -i-t t' 6.00 per annom n advance (or i a) 'iv: advance) : 3.n r.r sik months, in a !ar- f-r three months, lo advance: bj ri:t '-' month. In advarx-e : to c!at' o! f - e. $' ' ' per annum : to dubs of ten , 4 f- :T s -nnta. iirat'ls 1n advance. Trt i- "' and the 'l, Had ehdi ia l.ly ti'co'i tinn eveptiHl ) will fe sent cme yenrta-1 for ?5aii ch 1 ra advance Set-d '''' eo.ile" of the Hailt and H'tmtv I'"'1 remitting money lor uhcrlptlon sesi ) money order, check or draft. Address PATRIOT ITHLl'!! ! ' Harr; '' TTlXANCi AI, STATT!Vr'T JL Washlnaton townstiip rJ t tie rear end-.nar larcn . lSt-. t'nts& I niswi ir In a-'-.-utii w.: t'.wnh!.. It. To aroonnt of latjlcte g:. Halitne tn-ra lst settlement .. St. ne for private use Vsira t'K. He exonera't.-T) Tsies ,.rte. h v a I 1 r ly days' serrie as Sopervtstr. Orders, etc.. redeemed tltah paid for work Two days at Kb'n and exi-er.-rs -' f '4 Hftlance rtae Snier1s r .. V AltEN-rma tli-ARTz. su-er.i . ri. f- To amount of dui-ln-ate 9 To amount from ('"niml-i1 joer. t'TKA t B. Kr orders redeemed ... Kiorn rations ' 1 'a"h vafcl lor work Work on T.ia.'s -,v' M day' service s sup-rvts -r v' Bit'aneedne towrh'p I.I A B' -i.TlKS tJatstandlnit ordcrf (estimated).. A-TS. Hs'snce due from tx-S:rervls -r Luo from Lilly tiroua;:i (est! 1 Kxcesi of llal.ilitles iver jpt We. the tin.li.r.:iti'l An.!'t-r-. r that we have examined the ae- sr-i tlj above atateiucnt an I nc-1 ih"Hi J MKS '-.... IIILVVl-TlMlM ttkt: j.' UH WAKNi-a-' .1. T'K'?il , , , ,w Wafblnatton towihtp. A r .1 THE KEYSTONE ELECTRIC , .La tucMxra f.k ' ' ' j Til n I VTL'!' TitTTI'ir I Ini7.il UUi llA.MMt fJ.M Itllt I ! "''., are pr-p.-.red to 'urr.th r r.f r also arraia-o th c .unl:cs c:f ' in.ini 'nals. !-r the r-irlit t.- I. A VI. the rvot ecr-nn.i i-sl 1-trH trie i-.-r.t'n.' ever tt:v -.i :.-.l ' ' ""-ti t li.' Itaat t-V l 1 !-! " HT! , dler a n i j-nrer I; v nt. '1 he - : - -: Is lea; - I Jrt i i.( .a' '' lan.i. Ili-!.: ..-n eh ol ilinan- Irmi.. I d( halt c Pt'l' ei. 1' e !" u-rr Utr.pa three r..h-.s. t-urn-3i tt Addres , , , i, KKYSTK IH'1!:, sn s. Tiiikum.. iHiia April 11. is4.-ly. "ski onkti VrK.':i ar.twa 1 i tM'i . 'I I a 1 ,e - v ' i-. s . . . i.,. ner.- . . .--rvi-j . . r. .-s r- . I WC S5 .- .( A. CO., Pa:, i t- esaud liault'r.s;, '' . -. r ? e". IH.-li'-.-.I'M-lvr!' (-: ,- I ..--'i-.-i; d. 't(i - - 1 v.-T ec1--.--1 r. -i:r-. d t- - . :..,r'iM l I' '! I 1 'r V ' or . y .- hi I - -1 if ' 1 1 A. Si. Kl M