The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, May 08, 1885, Image 2

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ui-hi. 3
The A CD '
lew, in -
SbYhsburc. pa..
exe,tiT. ... MAYS I RSS
rfl'i'nE bill prohibit in jt the employment
j-jf persons under eighteen yean of age
i public school teachers, was defeated
n second reading In the House at Har
jisburg last week.
to tui
jctJoiiN Adams, the secoDd President,
in t;e paid fifteen thousand dollars for a
?!ilt of clothes and a hat. It was, of
course, with what is known as Conti
; nental money that he made the purchase
aud at a time when it had reached its
greatest depreciatien.
The desk of Mr. Ridge, a member of
the Legislature from Philadelphia, was
robbed on yesterday week of seren dol
lars worth of postage stamps and a copy
of. amuire Hand Btxk. As Ridge
didn't pay a red cent either for the
stamps or the Hand Book, but got them
at the expense of the State treasury, his
loss is not of the kind that is likel) to
drire him to suicide.
It is said at Ilarrisburg that Govern
or Pattison is determined to ke?p the
expenG:V.res of the State government
within the revenues, even if he has to
lesort to a liberal exercise of the veto
power. He is carefully watchiDg the
appropriation bills In their progress
through the two houses, aDd his esti
mate is that the bills now on the calen
dar, if they should become laws, would
appropriate over a million of dollars be
yond the amount of the revenues from
all sources.
The present Republican Legislature
rt-waving been in session four months, the
t one-fourth of which time has been wast
ed in reeular adjournments from Friday
at Doon till the following Monday even
ing, and the public press of both parties
having openly denounced its shortcom
ings, Colborn, of Somerset, who aspires
to boss the House, admonished his
friends in that body the other day that
they could not afford to be langhed at by
?' -r Democratic brethren and all tbe
- as they deserved to be. And yet
men will ask their constituents
i iect them.
TnEsiDENT Cleveland accompa
nied by Vice President Hendricks and
several members of the Cabinet, left
"Washington on last Monday morning to
attend the annual meeting of the veter
ans of the Army of the Potomac on the
battle Old of Gettysburg. Gov. Patti
son welcomed the President in an ap
propriate Epeech from the grand stand
.and after several other addresses had
been delivered, the Presidential paity
under the guidance of ex-Governor Cur
tin and Col. P.atchelder visited the most
imrtant points on the battle field.
The President and party returned to
Washinfjton about 8 o'clock in the even
ing. Ax interesting race on skates was to
have come off at one of the Pittsburg
ritks on last Wednesday evening, be
tween Hot rt S. Himerstick and Con
rad Iluntsinger. The priza is a hand
some Dutch girl of tbe Twenty-sixth
ward in that city, lioth have been
"mashed" on her for some time and a
few evenings ago they both met at her
house. A d'spute arose as to which
had the best right to call. The girl
settled the matter by telling them they
Bbould decide the question by skating a
two mile race, the winner to have the
exclusive right to visit he They
agreed to the proposition, but what the
result was we have not yet learned.
If human folly can improve on this we
Would like to see what shape it will
About a year ago we were led to be
lieve that ex-Congressman Morgan R.
"Wise, of Greene county, in this State,
had toiever retired from politics, but we
were mistaken, as a dispatch from
"Washington of April 28th, states that
the irrepressible Morgau R. was then in
that city, trying to convince Mr. Cleve
land that he is just the man to be ap
pointed Governor of the Territory of
Arizona. If Wise possessed any of the
gift of seeing himself as others see him,
he would have long since retired in
to a bole and pulled the hole in after
him, but hid thirst for office seeuis to be
insatiable, and like so many other men,
he always wants an office which he is
notoriously incompetent to fill. The
Apache Indians are Arizona's greatest
sc urge, and tbe President will never
aJd to her tribulations by inflicting
Morgan IL Wise upon her as her Gov
ernor. No man has a definite comprehension,
-veil the Commissioner of Pensions
' 'f, of the amount of money that is
ly paid out on dead and fraudu--nsion
certificates. All that can
i aiout it is that the iiam-s of the
, .j?joners, with tbe amounts they are
respectively entitled to receive and the
agencies where they are paid, are cor
rectly kDown by the Commissioner, and
that at the end of each fiscal year a cer
tain amount of money has been dis
bursed. If every one connected with
the pension agencies was honest, this
wouid all be entirely satisfactory, but in
eooje of them are to be found dishonest
!erks who have been swindling the
government for year. Only week or
ten days ago the new Commissioner of
Pension directed the Puspension at the
Philadelphia agency of 102 pensions,
wtKe pensions have Len drawn regu
lar'r since 1371, the year, an the Coni
muuiuuer says, in which many of the
petitioners died. At the same agency
seven widows who remarried in 1SS1,
and therefore forfeited their pensioiiS.
have continued todrawtbem ever since.
Thr-s fraud., that is the drawing of the
money afler the pensioner! wtre dead,
was the work of a couple of clerks at
the agency who were convicted som
time ago and are now in tbe penitenti
ary. No doubt imilar frauds have been
perpetrated at other agencies, but from
the vigilant manner in wbicb General
KUrkthe new Commissioner is aJmin
feripg his office they will be unearthed.
The House at Ilarrisburg having j
failed bj the small margin of eleven, j
votes to override the Governor's veto i
of the job for stealing fifteen thousand
extra copies of Smull's Hand Book, im- j
mediately turned Its attention to put
ting through another bill directing a ;
le?s number, ten thousand, to be forth- j
coming for the use of the members of j
the two houses. The bill has ben ;
rushed through the House at raj' road j
speed, taking precedence of a'most all j
other legislation aud was passed finally j
ou Tuesday by 113 yeas, to 33 nays. !
Soon after this performance the joint '
resolu;ion proposing an amendment to j
the Constitution abolishing the poll tax i
as a qualification for voting, which was i
so earnestly recommended bv Gov. Pat- j
tison in his last message,cam before the i
House for consideration.and was defeat
ed tbe vote iu its favor being under 101.
This is tbe kind of hair pin the present
Honse delights in showiug itself to be.
When the Hand Book swindle was on
second reading a Republican member
from Bucks county named Shoemaker,
covered himself all over with mud by
offering, and tbe Republicans bv adopt
ing, an amendment directing one hun
dred copies to be given the Governor,
hoping, we suppose, that this petty bribe
would induce the Governor to stultify
his record in vetoing the first bill. Mr.
Shaw, of Blair county, who seems to
have a conscience that revolts at an act
of legislative larceny, offered an amend
ment requiring the members to pay for
all the Hand Books received by them at
their cost price and that the remainder
be sold at the same rate, but his propo
sition was promptly defeated. If this
bill passes the Senate the Governor will,
of course, behead it with another veto
and then the struggle will again be to
pass it over his head. This second at
tempt to rob the State treasury is even
more disgraceful than the first.
At the late term of the Luzerne coun
ty Couit the Grand Jury set a precedent
which might oe followed with great ad
vantage in other counties. In that
county as in nearly every other in th9
State, the Grand Juries are called upon
at every term to dispose of a large num
ber of trifling cases that grow out of
petty quarrels and private jealousies,
that have no business to take up the
time of the Court. Of this class of cases
the Luzerne Grand Jury dismissed ttijh-ty-fve,
imposing the costs in each case
upon the prosecutor. The primary
source of the mischief is the habit of a
large number of the Justices of tbe
Peace returning to Court every petty
prosecution that is instituted before
them, instead of disposing of them final
ly as tbey have the right to do. This
evil grew to such proportions in Alle
gheny county a year or two aga, that a
Judge of the criminal Court in Pitts
burg said from the bench, that it was to
be regretted that Grand Juries hadn't
the power to impose the costs on the
Justices of the Peace, who send insig
nificant cases before a Court to consume
its time, and subject the county to di
!y pay and mileage of the jun-r who
try them. What the Grand Jury of
Luzerne county hns just done cou'd
have been done quite as well by the
JuKicea of the county, and at a large
saving to the prospensors, if they had
performed their duty.
From an interesting review in a re
cent number of the Philadelphia Times
of a volume of the efsays and speeches
of the late Jeremiah S. Black prepared
by bis son. Chauncev F. Black, the htp.
sent Lieutenant Governor of the State I 'r'tr act'" a"d lhHt "while si ght, de
we get the closine sentences t,f J,,: I !,arture from ;." nced miud may
T-l . i
Commission in February iotr .
" - - wivvki'lAI
South Caiolina case, and in defence of
Mr. Tilden'a right to the Presidency.
"We read the speech soon after Judge
Black delivered it and now publish its
conclusion, as a specimen of the wither
ing, sledge hammer style of that won
derfully great man. It Is as follows : I
If this stand? accepted and the law you
tiave made for this occasion shall be the law
for all occasion we can never expect -jch a
thing as au honest election aeain. If you
want to know who will be President by a
future election do not inquire bow the peo
ple of the UDited States are going to vote.
Von need onlv know what kind of scoun
drels constitute the Returning Boards and
bow much it will take to buy them.
But I think that even that will end some
day. At present you have us down and un
der your feet. Never bad you a better right
to rejoice. Well may you say :'We have
made a conveoant with death and with bell
are we at agreement ; when the overflowing
scourge shall pass through it shall not come
anto u-, for we have r.iade lies oar refuge
and under falsehood have we hid ourselves."
But, nevertheless, wait a little while. The
waters of truth will rise gradually and slow
ly but surely and then look out for the over
flowing scourge. The refuge of lies shall be
swept away, and the hiding-place of false
hood shall be uncovered. Tiiismlghtv a-d
putsiant nation will vet rouse herself op like
a strong man after sleep and shake her in
vincible locks in a fashion you little think of
now. Wait: retribution will come in due
time. Ju'tlee travels with a leaden heel,
but strikes with an iron hand. God's mill
grinds slow, but dreadfully fine. Wait till
the flood-gate is lifted and a full head of wa
ter comes rush in on. Wait and you will
see fine grinding then.
Dr. Buttermore, who, when he
was a member of the lower branch of
tbe Legislature two j ears ago, secured
an appropriation of $12,500 tor a hos
pital at Connellsville, Faette county,
ar.d subsequently iu connectiou with tbe
other two trustees drew the money from
the State Treasury, upon an affidavit
that a like amount had been subscribed
by citizens of the county, which turned
out cot to have been the fact, slipped
into Ilarribburjr one d.v last week and
pa:d the money back into the Treasury.
This peculiar transaction has bt-en in
vestigated by a committee of the I,eir
islature whose leport Ims nut yet b-en
made, and It is believed when urn!" w;;l
be so damaging to Dr, Hutt.-rm.-e
to bottle him up for all tirr.e to c..n.e.
If it does there will t-e In - svm t.y.
felt for hioi. since he Jh- .; ';
ped into a trap of .. , r-, , - c
tion and has been nicely tan.'ii-.
It may now le og .nl. d a- -that
there will be no w.r ei
land an-.l Russia, both govr-rr.mei t
icg agri'i fl to submit the que?! ion
tie :
sue to Ecme Eiii(ip":ih iwer. p-n'-st
the Emperor of Germany. Th- l.ond
Pwt of Tuesday last eays: O .e ru .re
iiurnilUtioD when they crowd no thirk'y
on us would le of little moment if
thereby we tvoided wr. l-or vei. if ;f
frontier jne c. r :;. ; . . . f; .
tie eobfl.ct .;!, . .
brief i i i ..-.
The appointment of so many ex-Con-federales
of tbe South to important offi
ces by President Cleveland continues to
give much oflVnse to the opposition or
gans. Yet if the South a to be recog
nized as eutitled to political equality in
the Union of States, the President could
do no less. The men of the South who
were not in some official capacity In the
late Codfederacy are extremely rare and
enjoy in a very small degree the respect
and confidence of the people. But in
waving the bloody shirt over these ap
pointments the opposition organs afford
the Democrats the opportunity to review
the list of ex-Confederates woo have
been elevated to offices and honors by
Republican Administrations, including
General James Lonsrstreet, Amos T.
Akerman, David M. Key, John S. Mos
by, Thomas Sett le ar.d James S. Chal
mers, the "hero of Fort Pillow." Eve
ry ex-Confederate of political influence
has been sure of recognition by Repub
lican Administrations since tbe close of
the rebellion upon the condition that be
would abandon the Democrats and act
with the Republicans- No other test of
loyalty was imposed on him. Mahone
and Riddleberger, ex-Confederates help
to make up the narrow Rlpublican ma
jority in the United States Senate. In
view of the6e facts it is rather foolish in
Republican organs to lash their partisan
reruiers into a rage over the nomination
of Southern Democrats to office.
This spectre of the restoration of the
ex-rebels to power was reproduced on
the political stage during the last Presi
dential contest, and it was banished,
never to return, in the election of Cleve
land. If any blame attaches to the ap
pointment of Southern Democrats to
important offices it is shared by the Re
publican Senate. The Republican Sen
ate in every insiance has promptly con
firmed these nominations except that of
General Lawton, of Georgia, for Min
ister to Russia. In this case the nomi
nation was not confirmed immediately,
on a technical ground of objection, it
appears that the disabilities of General
Lawtou had not been removed, and his
nomination was reported to the Senate
by the Foreign Relations Committee in
order to afford a future opportunity for
overcoming this objection so that the
Domination might be confirmed in the
next session of Congress.
Bnt denunciations and reproaches are
heaped on President Cleveland by the
orgai.s, which forget in the eagerness of
their partisan zeal that the Senate snares
with him the responsibility of these ap
pointments to office. If the nominations
were objectionable on personal or public
consideration it was the duty of the Sen
ate to reject them. The President took
care that his selections of Southern men
for important places of honor and trust
at home and abroad that no just com
plaints could be raised concerning theii
personal character and fitness. There
lemained, then, to the Senate no other
reason for rejecting tbem than their
participation in the rebellion. Tneir
rejection for sach a caue after twenty
years of peace and a restored Union
would have been an act of sectionalism
in the Republican Senate sure to do in
finitely more political harm to its au
thors than its objects. In denouncing
the Presidents for nominating ex-Cun-federate
generals and statesmen to high
office the org. ins of sectionalism oblique
ly attack the Republican Senate for con
firming them. Yet the organs must be
conscious their rejection would have
tiet-n a poli; ica! blunder of the first mag
nitude in betraying the implacable sec
tional ehap-ic'erof the party committing
. it. PhiluUlphiti Record.
As Important Decision. The Su
preme Court or lVims I vama on Mon
day, through Justice Mercur, rendered
an imporrant decision as to the degree
of iusanity necessary to be proven in or
der to work the acquittal of a prisoner
charged with homicide. The Court
takes the ground that "moral insanity
is not sufficient to constitute a defense
unless it be shown that the propensities
in question exibt to such an extent as to
subjugate the intellect, control the will
and render it impossible to do otherwise
than yield thereto ; that no mere moral
obliquitvof perception will protect a
person from punishment for his delib-
r . i i . J ... .ruiL, Dl-
ence, jet such a rule cannot be recog
nized in the administration of law when
ofa hghicrPJTiH, for tbe commission
protection of society requTilAssary
ognition of a rule which demands a
greitt r degree of insanity to exempt from
putr.sliment." This decision ought to
have the effect of lessening the number
of pleas of "not guilty because of insan
ity" in murder cases. We tave had too
much of that kind of insanity which be
gan with the destruction of a human
life and ended with the acquittal of tbe
accused on his trial for murder. Pitts
burg Chronicle.
Sound Sense from Dan Voorhees.
i Senator Voorhees, who has been dis-
apKinled iu securing important ap
pointments under the administration,
says among other things : "The distri
bution of patronage is not a proper sub
ject upon which to break with an Ad
ministration. Dishonesty in office or the
adminin'stration of the Government
upon false principles of legislation can
alone justify a leader of the party in
rushing into oppositiou. It is, in my
opinion, highly impolitic for any one
who fails to get an office to cry out that
the party is lost, and then fall to raiting
against the Adminis. ration. To men
j who are before the couutry accusing
j this Administration of moving slowly it
ought to be a sufficient answer that the
j Democratic party taKes possession of n
. Government that has teen for twenty
i five years in the hands of the Repuhli
! cans, and that the Senate is still Repub
lican. If the Administration went to
J work with a recKless rapidity ii. making
i changes the members of it would there
by prove their unfitness for their pla-
ces. I refuse to dsrus any such prop-
. . ... .
oi:i-n asthrtt Mr. Cleveland may prove
dit'mal to his party or the principles
upo-t which we tiected him. My confi
dence in his integrity is absolute."
The Morals OF the SouTn. Glit
tering generalities stand no chance iu
furn rif ntMliRtipft Vnr vstra Hip
j Xorthern papers represented the average
Southerner as a man in a slouch hat. It
took a long time to convince them that
the Derby and the tail hat were not. al-
together unknown in this secti.m. j
Smr herriers wt-rn a's shown np as pro- j
fane nnmr-rs. whiskey drinkers and '
on' '.. Grtliial'y. tx.wev.-r, the c.iun- j
try ! ci.iii- ! ' he om.o'ii-oon t hat I here j
it rn-'r-- 1 v - -1 1 law out. W-ff rhvtu in Ihe !
" it Ii iiio! fli i' Hi avrg Southerner '
.. .nv m--ie sw-Hriri": than his .
N-.r '
d! a k
M '.:
I -
in r r.,M i. At to the wh'sk-y j
!' SI-.. V I llil t I.M ,N mttl ;
h' . yc of he '
- ,1" h i-1 '.30 lmrw
'. '. I. !' name If'tKI-
- . : 3 iXKl ; .. i s. AiNn
1 :14 - i ' ; C..!f..r..i-4. w Ml
' s 'n P 'pii a i.n. ha- 9.33f a- !
..'.I 15.. 'i ! ... Kent nek v has 4 401 '
. ii- .1 O ... 15 S!0. S artlir.g ks j
-ne'i tiriv le in pTp-irtion to j
V'l . he N-'rfh hng twice as
.'i-Ti-i us h S ir h. All this is
!h- v
!' I'M ,
:n 1 1
v. ry era ifi in, an t ihe good work will I
lie i-ouipl-te when we lish Hie fact
il'Hf ihf necrro hns a better howing in
ti S nith trmn anyher? else. Atlanta
I, -.a . : "
my iii.'i-i
- R
From our regular Correspondent.
Washington, April 20, 1885.
Your correspondent did not have his
usual six hour confidential interview
with the President of the United States
this week, and is consequently not able
to give you a news report hot and steam
ing from the lip of the Administration.
Maybe the reason I didn't call on the
President was because my friend did.
I have a wild western friend who found
himself in Washington last week with
two whole hours at his disposal. He
decided that the time was not quite suf
ficient for him to see and talk to every
body in Washington (though be could
come as near it as any living man or
even woman), and inasmuch as he had
to draw the line somewhere, he called
only on tbe President, Secretary Lamar,
and your correspondent. I will not at
tempt to tell all be told me for be talked
without punctuation. But to tbe Pres
ident he made tbe original remark that
he had no friends to reward, no enemies
to punish and do favors to ak. The
"no favors to ask" clause seemed to
please the President.and he replied : "I
am nearly worried to death by those
who have nothing but favors to ask."
My friend then called at the Interior
department on Secretary Lamar, and
told him that he wished to see bis bath
tub. Tbe Saturnine Secretary at once
set down my "Westerner for a crank, but
a glance at his nice clothes and bis face
painted red with intelligence and hu
mor convinced him that be had struck a
character rare. So he showed him tbe
little zinc bath tub and the two four
dollar rugs to buy which, he had sold
the ten thousand dollars' worth of car
riages and horses.
The President and the members of
his Cabinet have gone to Gettysburg to
celebrate the anniversary of the battle.
This is the first respite that Mr. Cleve
land has taken since the 4th of March.
Miss Cleveland is away in New York.
Col. Lamont and his family, consisting
of his wife and two little daughters,
have, at the urgent request of the Pres
ident, moved into the White House, and
they will soon accompany the President
to his country residence at the Soldiers'
Home. The President's cottage at the
Home is about three miles from the
White House aud about a mile and a
half from the northern boundary of the
city. It is situated ou a commanding
elevation with a fine vievof the city and
the Potomac river. Surrounded by trees
acres of greensward, it will have al! the
advantage of a summer resort with the
additional advantage of complete retire
ment from society and fashion that can
not be obtained at Long Branch, Sara
toga or Newport.
Th6 illnes of the President's private
secretaiy has revived the old talk about
the peculiar Washington malaria. Ev
ery ill that flesh is fceir to in this city is
attributed by the non-professional wri
ters for the press to malaria. A Senator
cannot eat or drink too much bnt bis
indisposition is malaria, and one of them
went so far as to attribute the accouch
ment of a prominent woman to the
same prolific cause. Washington, as
the statistics show, is a universally
healthy city, and its death rate shows
as small a percentage from malaria as
anv city in the Union.
What will the Administration do con
cerning official changt-s ? is a question
that is being very earnestly asked at
this time. There are in round numbers
102,000 salaried office-holder uuder the
Federal Government. They are the ar
my of imlitics, for it means their bread.
Their discipline enabled the Republican
paity to keep itself in power for half a
century. Nine-tenths of these officials
are still in position. What is the Presi
dent going to do about it ? A gentle
man who holds a very prominent and
responsible position under Mr. Cleveland
and comes from a very powerful State
occupying a most important political
and geographical position, spoke very
plainly and fully the other dav respect
ing the matter of changes. He said :
"No one better comnreheuds the neces
sity for a complete change in all com
missioned officials than does the Presi
dent. He is perfectly aware that the
people, in making the change in Presi
dents last fall, did not mean simply to
put one man out and another man in.
They meant that the entire system was
to be altered and renovated,and you may
depend upon it, that is precisely what
the President means to do, but he will
not be hurried." j.
UErman Carp. Carp culture is be
coming a remarkable industry In this
try. "Ti J is essentially a farm indus
profit upon a majority-?, on with great
this county, with practically no n".
with small outlay, with trifling attention
and without interfering in the least with
any other branch of farm industry. It
is believed that about 3,000 persons in
the Slate have commenced the business,
mostiv in a small way, and in the entire
country about 35,000 have made a com
mencement. W herever the business is
started systems! ically in simple but
properly constructed pond3, the results
are successful to a degree far surpassing
any other branch of farm industry here
tofore attempted.
Give the carp a chance and be will be
a success. You need no fancy or large
pond. Any waste or unsightly piece of
ground or useless swamp will do, the
more grass, logs, rocks and litter you
submerge the better his carpship will
like it. He is not much of a rover ; all
he wants is a place to swim and a deep
place to rest in during the winter. He
will not ask you for food or any caring
for whatever, only let him have four or
five more feet of deep water to snooze
away the winter months you are caring
for your pigs, cows, sheep, poultry, etc.,
and they will come forth in the spring
and seek the shallows where the grass
stands either dead or alive and will
there roll and flutter with their backs
half out of the water, while depositing
their spawn, which is of a glutinous na
ture and adheres to any puitable mate-
rirl, and in a few days thousands of the
most minute fish will be seen, so small
i that at first coming they are difficult to
' . 1 1 T " 1 1 r i r
see at all. These small fry. under fa
voratile circumstances will grow to six
and seven inches by the time cold weath
er sets in, and will then cease to either
eat or grow, and allow their life func
tions to be held in abeyance until warm
weather sets in :n the spring. These
six ar.d seven inch Dsh (and in cases they
are larger), will bv the coming fall
measure from 15 to 17 inches, and be
fine and plump, and in texture of flesh
muc like that of the shad, uot by any
means objectionable on account of bone,
not having any of thos-i backbones com
mon to some v-iri'-ties of the sucker
family. G rcrnsburg I)c mocrat.
Ierltl siarrsss.
Dr. Hartmak & Co (ient9: Perurux
sells vrv wil here. I have ordered several
dozen bottles since your aneut was here.
W. W. Steele Co ,
Ciuiiieothe. Ohio.
Am seltini; your Petuna. It tives uni
versal shtiMraction. & VV Barrkrk.
Hilsbum. Onto.
Trade splendid ori Peruna. Wrt n-ver
sold a medicine that gir better satisfac
tion. D Heed A Sos, Pomeroy, Oiiio.
The case of medicine you sent me came
all riht, ar.d is rtoini; me good. Others
think so too, who have tr ed it. Please
seod me a rtuzen bottles or Pernna.
Robert Ixmsan, Tnpefca, Kan.
Your iVruna sens fast and eives good
satisfaction. J. v. Sandehs,
Marlinsburt;, Pa.
TMs srreat medicine can he found at all
drng ("lore?. A- for l. Also on the book
on the "Ills of L,lfe."
Nver nealect a constipated condition of
th bowels, or serious result mrely follow,
Mich as piles, i in .u re lilotxt and many dom
ic complaints. Burdock Blood Bitters is tbe
The new Catholic co!leg In ritts'turgn
was dedicated with imposing services on
Sunday afternoon.
Commodore C. K. Garrison died sudden
ly of paralysis of the heart at his residence
In New York on Saturday.
Attorney General Garland sets tbe em
ploys of bis department a good example by
doing his own marketing and appearing at
tbe office ready for work perclsely at 9
The Harris Remedy Co., St Louis.'Mo.,
most have confidence In tbe Pastille treat
ment for weakness, nervous exhaustion, etc.
in men. They offer free trials and trust re
sults for orders.
Mrs. Frank A, Vanderbllt, tbe widow of
Commodore Vanderbllt, died at 9 o'clock on
Monday morning at her residence, No. 10
Washington Place. She bad been ill for tbe
paf t few days with pneumonia.
Qninsy troubled me for twenty years.
Since I started using Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil, have not had an attack. Tbe oil cures
sore throat at one. Mrs. Letta Conrad,
Standish. Mich., Oct 24. '83.
A life prisoner In tbe penitentiary at
Cbarlestown, Mass.. says he bas a bullet in
his bead which he can feel move when he
shakes bis cranium. He has sold his head
to a docter for (15, proviso that be is to keep
it nntil his life sentence bas expired.
Wheeling Is no longer the capital of
West Virginia. The state archives, proper
ty and officers were on Satorda removed to
Charleston, which, under tbe provisions of
an act passed In 1879, becomes tbe perma
nent seat of government for the state.
An exchange rises to remark, the war
news reaches flour dealers from tbe eads of
the earth by telegraph, raising the price of
flour; but it would take a declaration of
peace six months to travel over the same
ground and bring the price down again to a
peace basis."
. Tbe United States Treasurer, on Thurs
day, received through tbe mail an envelope
postmarked Washington, D. C, containing
a $500 United States note and a Dote saying :
" This f500 belongs to the Treasury of tbe
United States." Tbe money was deposited
to the credit of conscience.
Mr. Joseph Barker, of New Brighton,
Allegheny county, who bas been acting
queerly of late, was discovered a few days
ago dissecting a cat, and upon his wife In
quiring tbe cause said be was practicing
preparatory to dissecting one of their child
ren, lie will be taken to Dlxmont.
Colonel Jim Bowie's famous dagger,
which ferved him id many a combat and
was the pattern of subsequent "bowie
knives," Is now on exhibition at New Or
leans. It is a doub'e-edged weapon, with a
bora handle and a curved blade fifteen inch
es long and an inch and a half wide at tbe
Lightning struck the residence of Alex
ander Cameron, of Shenango township,
Lawrence county, tbe other day and played
some queer prank9. The carpet was set on
fire in one room, a double barreled shotgun
was discharged without Injury to the gun,
tbe wheels of a clock were welded together,
and the hands splitnd welded so as to make
a perfect letter X. No one was injured.
The United States grand jury returned
indictment against twenty eight of the
Oklahoma boomers seperately and a gener
al indictment against the remainder of Ar
kansas City colony, charging tbem with in- I
citing and engaging In rebellion against the
government In opposition to the president's
proclamation. No steps have been taken
toward making arrests under tbe Indictment.
At 11 o'clock on Monday morning Lucy
Gllcrist. wife : .' T-hn Gilcrist, of Newark,
N. J., while insane fi .tn drink seized her
six-month-old baby snd placed it on a block,
chopped its head, neck and body with an
axe, killing it instantly. Another et her
children gave an alarm and neighbors rush
ed In, but too late to save tbe baby. The
woman without doobt Is loane. She says
she did the deed because the srints told her
and because she must isave Ireland. She
was taken into custody.
Major General Irwin McDowell died at
San Francisco Monday night after a long
Illness He was aid de-camp to Gen. Wool
in the Mexican war, commanded the De
partment of Northeast Virginia and the de
fenses at Washington In 1861, and led the
Army of the Potomac at tbe first battle of
Bull Run. Id 1S64 he was appointed Com
mander of the Department or the Pacific, in
1866 of California, In 18C8 of the East, and
in 1872 of the South. Ilis death was due to
pyloric disease of the stomach. lie was born
In Ohio In 1818.
1r tramps were taken from jail at
forty men, armeu -.iv night, by
whipped until they bled. For the pas
day? a gang of tramps bas terrorized sub
urbs of Anderson. After the whipping of
the tramps a gauntlet was formed from the
railroad to tbe river and through this the
tramps were compelled to run and they then
plunged Into the river. When each one I
reached tbe water be was bleeding from the j
castigation he received. All got out safely j
on the other side, Tbe citizens of Ander- j
son generally approve of the course taken.
Wainrijiht'e brewery, on Thirty-sixth
street, Pittsburgh, caved in with a heavy
crash about 3 o'clock on Sunday morning
last. The structure was a four story brick
and substantially built In it were twelve
thousand barrels of beer and a lot of new
and valuable machinery. Tbe immense
weight of beer, it is supposed, caused the
supports of the floor to give way, and the
building collapsed from roof to cellar. The
falling of the walls crushed the beer barrels,
and torrents of tbe malt fluid ran down
the street and completely flooded cellars.
The loss is estimated at J10O.0O0. The struc
ture will be rebuilt at once.
Three thousand people witnessed the
unveiling of tbe Toe memorial in the main
ball of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in
Central Tark, New Yoik on Monday after-
I noon
Men of letters, men of science and
others prominent In society were seated on
the plat! or iu at trie eat eud of the hall
when th? ceremonies beitan. They consist
ed of aJrses hv Aleeron S. Sullivan. Edwin
Beoth, Louis P. 1i Ceroia and William
Rouseville Ager. Tne unveiling was con
d oc ted by J1n Gilbert. The tDeruorial is a
lifeMze marble figure, loosely draped, hold
a marble wreath over the bronze medallion
of Poei. The medallion is affixed to a white
marble tablet, and the whole stands upon a
huge block of granite.
Thf medicine, combining Iron with pnra
TeetaMe toniis, quirkly and completely
area Oyaprnain, IndinrMton, Wraknrea,
Impure Blood, .IaJLrl,t ijtllawnd FeTere,
and Nrurwlaia
Ir is an unlailinp romedy for Diseases of tha
Kidney and I.lrrr.
It Is Invaluable for Plseawa poctillaT to
Women, and all who lead aedentary lives.
It does not Injure the teeth, ranse beadache.or
produce ponstipation othr Iron wwdinttr do.
ltenricheaand purifies the blood, stimulates
tbe appetite, aids the ajwlmilatlon of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Belching, aDd strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of
Energy, die, it bas no equal.
M i The ge nuine taa above trade marl: ard
crossed red lines on wrapper. Talte no other.
B sal; ky BtOWS CRHIClt CO, BiLTHeM, BD,
Royal now
Absolutely Pure.
The powder ner varies. A marvel of pontT.
trenetti anil wbole.'otnei). More economical
than the ordluary kinds, and ranaot oe sold In
competition with the multitude of the low test,
short weight, alum or iiheph,te powders. Sold
only in can. Kotal bitlia fovDil Co., lot
Wall St.. Nw York-
p. jTmanson,
Asist roi TBI
AURORA watches,
the best In the market. Will sell yon
At as lew prices as at Johnstown or Altoona.
klads el repair work prcmp'.ly done.
Ebensbunr. April 17. lS5.-tf.
WashiDgtnn township road department tor
the year ending March 9, 1&S.
Frabk Kriedhofp In aecoont with Washington
township, Ir.
To araonnt ol duplicate ),3S9 OS
Balance (mm last settlement.- Tl W
St'ine lur private use 2 60t) ,433 57
i'sm Cr.
Hf exoneration f I 20
Taxes wrke. 262 V9
19 days' service as Supervisor.. 1W6 00
Orders, etc.. redeemed ( 22
"al paid lor work 716 U
Two djs at Eb'j and expenses... t 80-l.5 95
Balance due Supervisor fa ss
Vai.ti tli'ARTZ, Superintendent, Dr.
To amount f duplicate S
To amount In mi Commissioners. 30 57 -fiOS 88
By orlers redeemed.... M 9S
Kxom rations 1 90
'.b paid lor work SI ri
Work on roads 204 72
85 davs' service as Supervisor 84 la 39fl M
Balancedue township t'.t 30
Untslandlnfc orders (estimated).. SS 81
Balance due from ex Supervisor f 12 SO
lue from Lilly Porouirh (est).... M 00 t eg so
Exccm of liabilities ever assets a TM 61
We, the urderiicned And I tors, hereby certify
that we have examined the ssset and vouchers in
the ahove statement snd find them correct
JOHN MoT AM ANY. Auditors.
Wa.-hinnton towuhip, April 21. l8j.-c.
John K. Scanlan
J. K, 'a.e!r.erry and
E. S. Klchard's.
In the fourt of Com
mon t'ieas of Cambria
No. 2S9 June term. 185.
Foreign attachment.
Commontctalth of Pmntylrania, Cambria cnvvly, SS.
To the Sheriff of said countv, Oreetln: We
command you Hint you attach j. K. aselberry.
and E. S. Klehards. late or your county, by all and
sinicular. their ro-l." itnd chattels, lands and ten
ements, situate in Adams township. Cambria
EbensburV 'i?. Z2 e, hn.'' lK""eion soever
Monday ol Jui.e next. t!;r?J C2 f11'1 '?ear D
Scanlan of a plea ol assumpsit, and also thaTH.
summon such person or persons in your naiuwicK
holdlnv possession of aid lands and tenements,
under the said defendants, as Garnishees, that
they he and appear before our Court on the said
first Monday ol June next, to answer what shall
be objected airatnt them and abide the judament
of the Court therein, and have you then and tbere
this writ.
Vltnesthe Honorable K. 1. Johnston,
beat.. President .Indite of said Court at Ebens-
- buric, this eighth d.iv of April. A. I). 1SSS.
H. A. SHOEMAKER. Proth y.
By virtue of the alove stated writ of Foreign
Altac hment. I have levied upon and attached all
the nitlit, title and Interest of J. K. Casselberry
and E. S. Kichards, f. In and to all tht certain
tract ol laud, watraoted In the name of Ferdinand
Oordou, situate, in Adams township. Cambria
county. !.. adjininu: lands warranted in the
names of William Nichols, Harry Harrington.
Harry Rice, John Anderson and others, contain
ing lour hundred acres, mere oriels, unimproved.
V. A. LI" i H F.K. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Ehenshurg, April 13, 1855. -6t.
Having purchased the Sechler Mills (In the fu
ture to b known aa tbe
And pat It In Rood repair. Is now prepared to
grind all custom work
Flour Jin tl leetl
Kept constantly on band at the
lt will be a p!rnare for n to wait on all
who may laror ut wilh their patrvnatre.
tDt'urn. April 24. 18W.-U.
will always ahow
fraud on itarery face If you doubt our basineaaor oar
foods, we willsend sample free. We hare an article
minTrr, mm, womii uiicbiu needs and apprecl
atea. Erery housekeeper and ererybody else will bey
It. It pits agenta immense profits and gives Immense
aatisfactiou. We want 1 AtiEHT in each county
male or female. Mention this paper and yon will at
circulars and full information FREE. 8am Dies sent
Ifrequested. AHr,a
ii ewissus i n. oo, rattorek. r.
count t of t'ambrla. To thr art'm and legal rtp
rttentnttvri of francU X. ChrUty, dfrrated. Overl
ing : You are hereby el'ed to he and apnear be
fore the .luilees of the Orphans' ouri to "be held
at KtHrnhtirif , on the firl Mouday of Jone next,
then and there to accept or relue to take the real
estate of Krancis X. 'hriiy. deceased, at Ihe ap-t-raif-ed
valuation put utmn H hy an Inquest duty
awariieo bv the saIu t'ourt or nliow cause whv the
same should not be sold.
Sher-fr-time-. . Sheriff.
Etjencburx, March 27,
The piibscriber offers at private sale, bis farm In
a" I
Cambria township, one and one half miles from
Etet.sbur. containing li4 Arres. In a aiood
Mile ol cultivation, with icood frame houte and
1rame barn, an excellent orchard, plenty ol watr
and about one million feel ot lumber on tbe prem
ises To parties wnlilnir to purchase a smaller
Piece ol land, he will divide tt to suit purchasers.
Terms roasnnaMa. Call on the subscriber resid
I mv en the preini.-e-i. 31 A K TIN rANl'i:KS.
I Cambria twp., Jan. 9, i6Sj.
Hardware Jjardwarej
forming the people of Ebensburg and vicinity, that u '
opened out in the iudor building
complete stock of hardware of
UT V OL ERS, C'( J L A li i ' i L .YS, SlIEL LS
Referring to thft above, we respectfully ask the citizen? of
burg and surrounding country for a share of their patronage
have been regularly trained in the hardware business, have b- t
our goods for cash, and believe we can offer great induce ae ' "'
Ebkxsbcrg, April 3, 18S3.
$10,000 in Ms to ieSoHatBeiflceUat
HAVING purchased for cash,
than, elsewhere. Our fine stock
C- - 5-15 '.-T-t ; -
" j
$Sr-Read our astonishingly low price list :
17 qt. dish pan, pressed.
14 qt. dish pan, pressed
12 qt. dish pan, pressed. ....
11 qt. dub pan, pressed
14 qt. bui ket,
10 qt. buciet...
1 two hoop bucket, woodeo
1 three hoop backet, wooden-.
4 qt coffee pot
3 qt. coffee pot ...... ...........
2 qt. coffee pot
Wall paper trimmed free. A fall line of
merta stock of Queeusware to be suld 15
Via Agents lor tbe ligtit Running Home Sewing Machine.
ROOFING AND il'GUTLNG Fromptlt Attemej ?'
A. C.
Cellar Furnaces, Fire-Place Heaters,
Tinware, Copper Ware, Sheetiron Ware,
Lamp Goods of Every Description,
Knives and Forks, Spoons, Soup Ladles,
Granite Ware, CofTee Mills, Plated-ware,
Toilet Sets, Cake Boxes, Bread Closets,
Clothes-wringers, Egg Beaters, Slaw Cutter?,
- Iron Stands, Fancy Spittoons, Slop BuJk
Hard Coal Parlor Heaters,
Soft Coal Parlor Heaters,
Copper Kettles, Brass Kettle
Iron Kettles, SteSffl COGta,
. Kice, JU ilk and Farina
HMTl,, T,
And a Laree Stock of KITCITEN
Ot.l and Examine the Goods.
No. 280 Washington Street,
I again call the attention of the public to the fact that I an sr
selling goods at a great reduction in order to reduce my stock,
you all know my stock consists of everything in the
Hardware, House-Furnishing, and Aricult
Tt. 5s nrf ripfnwnrv fn pnumfrflfp it Viorp. but come
fy yourselves that I am offering bargains in everything.
the time of the year for Shovel Flows and Cultivators, c;Jl m-
my stock, which I am selling right down to first cost. I &a
offering great bargains in
Wail Paper, Trunks, Silver Plated Ware
Well and Cistern Fumps, Double Bitt Axes, &c. Kemen" M
terms are cash, I cannot make these big reductions and cliarge -on
the books,
i.bensburg, May 16, lSS4. -
I mm
CorBPts. .Tprtdct;.
GloTes, Veilintrt, Nets,
lilies Neckwear,
UancLkerch i ef s,
Spool Silks,
FIom and Arrasene.
1U.,1.... ..J ii i, . .
..,vuu, i'liniuriH win recei
01 D I DP
I r-5 ''
!- :S- 'ie-
Nos. 820, 822 & 824 LIBERTY STREET, PITT
AI.TtH IN A, P .
Office in Knntn Nn. 7 Shenlt Itlora Fle
enth avenue. All kind of I, ital Inn. promt t
l.v yd satUlactorllv attended to n -ith Knirlih
ierman. Collect lou a
l -
N.v. I. 1SS3. KssssBCHn,
on High street, a new, hr -e
every description,
we sell for cash 15 j.rr cent j
to a.
. " w
Are nr excelled in QUALITY
i. iuc iu. An I,
si ens e Line r
Hardware, Tin, Coij.'r,
Sheet iron ar,d .t.Ycrtrj-j
llorte and S:a'JiC 'iu-r.-4
And Farming IxrLtutii ''
J J J J ;
4 tin nest pails, with
3 presd tin basics,
2 pudding pans
1 doz tin cups ..
1 large wash boiler,
srooa corn brooms
3 coal buckets
Coal oil, per al ..." .."
Clothes pina, per dcz.. .......
White lead, rt-r ct
Nails, per kerf
Sherwin Williams' ready mixeJ i 4
oer cent, lower than e:-sAi
s- A: .a
Gallitzin. Pa.
All no,i,w.t;,.fl.
LXK ri,.. -
TO FIND i- 4
- - - - 5 .
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ve nnr aiontnir Journal v-. .
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A. 1 1 o i 11 e v
Ulllce In new Artnury H
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1 St. N. Y.
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