The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, May 01, 1885, Image 4

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The tllghtaj and iitie of the linrrt
In llcgard to Kdnmtlon.
The American Catholic Quarterly Ro
Jew, in an article on "The Rights anc
Duties of the Church In Heard to Edtic
tion," says that the Clinrch is bound ti
"eieicie the greatest vigilance. th;i'
While the child and youth is growing phys
Ically and intellectually, his moral anc
religious development may keep pace witl
bis bodily and mental growth.
Suth is the divine mission of the Church
rub. her indispensable duty. If then th
Cbtirr h ha received this charge from hei
divine spouse, the surely has the right
to f lilril it vviihont let or hindrance. Bui
It cannot be fulfilled without free acres!
to the s' htK'ls, without a perfect freedotr
in teaching the childcen. in assembling
them to daily exerciws of devotion, and
At Mated times to the sacraments, withoul
the means of assuring her.-elf of the morai
and religious tone of the schools, of exer
cising the necessary supervision, to pre
vent anything being taught by word 01
example which might endanger the faitb
or morals f the children. And
thivt-an be obtained only by the direct in
fHiei'ce of the Church on the schools and
their daily workings. Lf the child has an
imtn'irtal soul to save, and his eternal
weal oc woe depends upon the issue of thif
affair of salvation, surely no less, bnt
much more' stress should be laid upon his
training to success in this all-important
business than to cleverness in the sec
ular pursuit of life. If such is th
caae. why should the Church, the divinely
appointed organ instituted by Cod for th
saivu'i'in of mankind, le e-xclnded from
the ! -mum of education s-uch an exclu
elou rs a crying iuifiuity against (iod and
tnau, luauift-sting either the grossest igno
ran- e of the most elementary Christian
nut:, bus or the most inconceivable and
fiend h malice, liut we go still further
arnl 1 -sert that the Church has not only
the rit.-ht to give a complete rei iriotis edu
cation to her children 111 all s -hoo.'s. but
ias 11I.-0 tlu li'lt t 11I mi n isi 11 'J I'l'' m
Vlur l-t-t riti! imi, .of, liiirtirji ( in
fill, ut least so far ng to assure herself
that tliere is nothing either in the snbject
maiter taught or in the i:iannerof convey
ing it winch might endanger the faith
or morals, or i-tstri.ct the moral and 1
relivi.cis derlopment rif the youth. !
Tbi-will appear u hard saying to the nd s of i-i -tilnr or uu.-ettarian eihp-a-t'.ot:.
et it in only a co.oihiry of the pre
coti.ii 1 mi'-ipie. ' Tlus right of
sue-i-i-m we vindicate for the Cimrc'.i
In :i ::;e of her di i;ie mission in regard to
all t-' -I- of every ur.-.d -. fiom the kin
der.:::' ten to the i niversily, though not iu
the ;i'i e ili'm-. 1't c in .nen; 1 y si e hoi Is
and 1 el ci-i-5. it i i iiimrti m hii4-.
' We 'o no: deny the Hate its due
fhar-- in the C" luliu t of sch ls. It may
put :!.. -I:i!tth wiihm its own sphere, in
reg.-nd to tin- s.- i.hir results to ho y
taifid: but the Church, being charged
with what is essential in the education,
miu-t h ie the decisive vote and superin
tend. !.;?."'
A ( orrcspoudeiitof the ChurchmaTi says:
"Mii"nc!iisni c-n neither be brought into
nor kit. t out of the Church by resolut ions
or In . e. opinion, or prejudices, and "the.
verd.ct of the reformation ' will po for lit
tle today or in tin; future. What tna 'e
nvi u n h st!i iu the Chur'.h in the p;;st ?
"Vvhi-t peopled the very deserts in Atha-na-i
is a day Not the notions or the s.lf
wiil cf one man or a hundred men. .Nor
will it be otherwise in our day. ilona
chisi:i Ul not ri.e or fftll at the nitre
tudi'.ing of a prelate. Nor will it jierish
virder a storm ot paper pe.-lei. Ifitoe
iuoi. aius a foot bold, it will be because tie
iuitr of the Church and of the world, on
the whole, Jiiaritlcw it. The lack of candi
date for the holy trders, ' clerical sup
port, the rest Iriuess of the clergy,' ' tiie
Mocujarl.'jitton of the clergy,' ' inonachism,'
etc--, ai e related subjects, whic h are to le
conMilcred in tike light of the present and
probable state of th Church nnd of the
worlii "
The Fixaminer hts : "The Interior
wnntji t know. It is very much disturbed
becwuee Kapiist paj ers "are not jet weary
of harping on their favorite (ireek word,'
ai.diliiuks the object must be "the pic
u lytingof Christians from other denomination-
to unsettle them in their faith
And in thehr church relations. Oiw dic
tionary detines proselyte as " to cause to be
come converted to some religion, opinion,
or system.' That desc ribes our object ex
actly ; we desire to 'unsettle' Christians
of other denominatiousin their faith'
that sprinkling is baptism, and we hope
to cause them to liecotne converted to our
opinion that obedience to Christ demands
that men shall ilist believe In him and
then be buried witL him in baptism.
And why thould we not strive after
The Churchman says : "It must never
be forgotten that the"Church of Christ is
a temperance society Instituted by God
hrmst-it. anil that to it all other temper
ance societies must b auxiliarv. St,
I'anl gives us the true key when he tells
ns thin temperance Is one of the fruits of
the fpirit That is, a Christian grace or
virtue. Keligion alone can furnish the
ftrensrth to res:t temptation anil save
from tailing. When men realize this, tf
they can be brought to repentance and
rraer, there may be hope of real reform.
1 11 in ip law and its restraints may be
m1ubI-U a a help, foa certain extent, the
vicious may stand in fear of it, but it does
not strike at the root of the does
not reach the heart. N'o man was ever
made iietter, no man was ever Chris
ttoniml. by law."
The Christian Advocate thinks some fu
tile inquiries addressed to it concerning
mysteries may best be answered by quot
ing the following sentences of a negro
T-reai her : "My lieloved brethren, sup-
ee Kve ha1 sinned and Adam had not.
.S'ould Kve have gone out ot the gorrian
and Adam stayed in f And lf so, would
Adam have had grace to bear the separa
tion lirethren, I have often thought of
this. I am getting to le an old man, nnd
I don't know any more about it now than
I did at the beginning. I havecome to the
conclusion. In my old age, that the best
thing a man can do is to believe what is
Xiecesii.-iry to h:s salvation and what will
help him work the works of righteousness,
and leave Adam and Kve to take care of
The Ob rver says :
The Her. Phillips
, in a re:it sermon, severely repri
d the press for the lack of d'i.crim-
manned me press tor me lacK or discrim-
ntion iu commenting upon the moral char
acter of men who have tigured largely tn
the community for their wealth or in pub
lic stations. If a Jtostnn millionaire
should die. he intimated that the jiapers
would extol him for his wealth and make
him out to be n public. lenef-i-tor whether
be had cahued his wealth by fair
niea' n or foiiL L"uloubtedly the press is
in fault in this matter. Httr is the pulpit
so free from fault ns to bo justified in cast
ing stoi cs at the prevs f We trow not."
The l'.sptist Weekly says: "The appall
ing spirit nal destitut ion iif Brrjoklvn, the
city of churches,' is made puinfulfy appa
rent by the announcement that the lxnig
Ilan l K.iHroad Comianjr proposes to rtia
special train" on Sunday mornings to take
w irs!-ippers to the i.ev c athedral at Gar
den City. Uf c-ourse it Is not a love of
llity, but puru philanthropy, which
induces this action. The company is re
tX'ti ed to do irs part to promote the spir
itrtrif ton 1 uf Ur--kLTn, it all its employees
have to w-.rk every Lord's Day."
Acci nling to the "hristian Icnder, it
won Id np;-nr that the study of Shak
pr ejiie in Sunday schools fatally ntfe-cts
jtiv: noin h. That Journal says : "In
cii-.f of o:r church papers, not lone ago,
w.-i n c nimunication from a Methodist
trcsi!.ir, !a which he makes the sweep
ing d -cianitiou that 'the plan of furnish
ing ererr teacher a .lournaL and every
n holnr a ' l,onr," has resulted in bantshing
all H:bes anrl 'I futviinents from the Sun
day schrttd.""
A rttrlmkra and Fodder ( reps,
1 h-no who propose planting urtii.hokr
th'n cr.mi'.K "cron will Jlnd the White,
fi'olie fir mi vi ioj- in pi-.wluctivc ne- to the
Tertian lpt.
The M i :lo tnni.o. Int : i.inced hy Mes-ri.
I'rnt ; . -.,' . : i-c rcrt-iinly a remark
ni'ie pi.-. it iu tin ahility to witiistatnl
dro i.;Vi . ml will pay velltota:se for its
H-t d li i sivf.l fend mu.-t l.e!-mg to tlie
Forsliii'ii f n ii i ! y. though distinct in its
grn, t :i and great amount" cf fiKldcr.
Si 'uilar to the Miiio ruai.e In t he tnanner
It 1 il l rn --r nt. .!. i lVurl millet, making
fp:i ten to twenty ntalk from a single
prnln and lienrtng repeated cuttingn.
Tin ne w ho arc l i t of fixlder or rongh-ii-
w ill Hud it int al'ialdo. A few rows
planted near the stfthle, convenient to cut
every day. will please the 5tc-U and save
in an j d i'.-ir.
Snrghuni sown broad cat like oats and
mown f-r hrtv, in splendid for feed,
and stock, will eat it rea'lily, or. sowed
with pe n it nsisls to cure the latter.
ftllghtlr Sareaatle.
The Lyon Medical says that Professor
JialgalRne is much dreaded by studioits
on account of his irony at examinations.
One day he was discussing some obscure
points ia a student's thesis, and the can
didate rerilled almost nt random : " Now,
air," PX'l.iiiiied the irate examiner, '"can
you tell me v. h it ti create menus ?"
Create."' -!.ur,mered the youth: '"it
mcnn- m ik.'-on:etliintriut of nothinR.''
'Tint's joo.i. j-ir." ftii.l Malitiisne; "'we
Mill n -w ";ik.' you a d i'tr.r.
Tn feslly Newspapers for the
nr n
iTlCC Ol UHu '
And tlie Best T)fi ilv nt
I ,)W 1 iltl'N.
The Harrtsbnrc Wibilt Patbiot U a lsrge
etKh' Pg0 Iheet and contains a arremer variety of
reading inatier than any other paper published.
It Is newpy, npicy, Instructlre and entertaining.
The uhcriptton price of the Wheilt Patriot It
fl.CK) per annate cnih Id advance.
The Werklv Patriot and New York Wrekly
Sun will be ent to an address. po paid, one
year fer ll.SK): the Wbcklv Patriot and New
York H'rekly World to any address, pi st paid, lor
one Tear tor 1 90 : the W kkklt Patriot and the
Philadelphia Satnrdny Krcord, post paid, tor one
year,fl.90: the Wisilt Patriot and Phdadel-
Fhia Wrekly Timrt. poet paid, one year for $1 85.
n all cases the cash must accompany the order,
Is the onlv morning paper published at the State
capital ; the only inorninir p3per outside of Phila
delphia and Pittsburg that icets the complete As
sociated Press news, and that has a iceneral sys
tem of special teWrams : and the only d:iily that
reaches the Interior towns of Pennsylvania before
the Philadelphia and New York papers. The
Uailt Patriot has been greatly Improved In all
its departments within the last six months and Is
now equal In all respects and superior In some to
the dailies of the larirer cities. Price by mail,
$6.00 per annum In advance (or T.OO If not paid In
advance) ; 13. Oo for six months, in advance : $1.60
for three months. In advance: 50 cents for one
month. In advance : to clubs ol five. $S.0O percopy
per annum : to cluts of ten, ?4.50 per copy per an
num, payable in advance. The 1aity Patriot
and the Philadelphia Daily llrcord (Sunday edi
tion excepted ) will be sent one year to any adnross
for $8,011 cash In advance. Send br spc-ctmen
copies of the Daily and Wekrlt Patriot. In
remitting money for subscription send pustofflce
money order, check or drait.
3JO Market Strkbt,
Harrlsborg, Pa,
An Independent Newspaper of Dem- :
ocratic Principles, but not Controlled by
any Set of Politicians or Manipulators;
Devoted to Collecting and Publ ishing all
the News of the Day in the most Inter
esting Shape and with the greatest pos
sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impat-
tiality; and to the Promotion of Demo
cratic Ideas and Policy in the a'fairs of
Government, Society and Industry.
Hntf9 hf ytnil, I'oaipniil:
DAILY, per Year
DAILY, per Month
SUNDAY, per Year
per Year
$6 00
1 00
7 00
1 00
Adrr. Til tZ SI'S. ir YorTc City.
I .. . - - . . .
gill iw w aii c 1 1.
r- w: . - i
Iu i: V. West's Nr.tiTR asd Fmix T!?tt
1TTNT, n pnarmtrel areeitic for llyf-teria. J)nr.:
resa, C.nvulhions, Vita, Nervous .Vi:i-:iI;i-,
lIr(l.ic!io, Ni.Tvnua Proetrntion caucctl by t! in :
ofnli:tliol or tobaeco, WcikeftilneeB, JI-ni:sl l.i
freesion, Hrtinins ot the lirain rsnlt inr: in i"i
Banity nnl leiding to niiaery, deeny di ti cb'ath.
l'ronmttiro OMAre, l?arrcnnet.a, Ix.m f pt-.wi c
in eithe r per. Involunt.-iry b::I KjwTis.- t-
-rrheca cn-.i:-rl byciver-exortion cif tlio brain, ft-.r-j.busoor
iiver-iri'lulRence. Each box coi:ti in
pno month's troatrnnt. fl.fOa box.orsu horea
Corg.".tM.bc:itbynmil prepaidon receipt of jtico.
Tocnro nny caso. With each order receive:! hyrs
for nx accompanied vith iXK). wo
penil the jmrehtmer our vrritten punrar.tee torv
unltho money if the treatmontcloeanoteuscj
bcuro. OunrHiiteea iesuecl onlv by
Bole Prop's West's Liver PUla.
Carriage Making in all its Branches.
rainting, Trimming
and REPAIRING of al! kinds done m
PRICES. Also. ri;inlnir, Sawtnirand Wood Torn
Ing with Impmveil machinery. Also, all kinds of
heay work done. Carriage mlth Jhop connected
All parties trusting- me with work will be honor
ably dealt with- All work warrant.!.
Ebenstmric. October S4. 14.
MT"VN CO., rt the rViEXTTrc Aotttav con-timieton.-t
as Solicitors f..r I'merts, Caveats.
Mrcrks, C ..pyrlht-s for tho l.ile,t States. Cai-ata
J.nicand. F ram, Cermany. etc, llH;,d I4..ok i.i-.nt
l-v.-nts ai-nt free. Th.rt t-.c n t.-;i-s" oi p ri. I'-e
Patents oofii thronrh MIS V . c" ( are no" Iced
lntje;iaxT,ri.-American. ,. laresi
weekly. ppb-ndid enniTii:rs a- d In.
formation, f-pedmen c..y of i he Scientific A mer
Ica n sent frve A d1re. Mt"N.1fii ,f, I Ejirir IS
AmaiCA.i omoe. ;i Broadway, Nuw York
Insane Ke-$fn KfstoPrd
Nerve R estopfb
f-m mf BXAnf NWRVB UISHASB4. Oniy sttwe
curt fr A'erv Jl rfeettam Aiii A".Vr
IfPM.IHII if Uk-l a ritre.-tad. A' Fas mfttr
frit' t tt re. I reality n-1 Jt i tHal rotl fret- to
Fit pviants. they pinnif fiprmrhwirM on box hr
r-irp-.i. Sni mm'v P. and -xr. irirtx. of
mitf4 f f.KLl Vh.on Arch St..r,Nil-t.Vlnhi P-
- f lmnrnvf -1 K r'lr I t t
cA trT f f-rtltlrtr-c lr!II
or- 1 .- - t 4 t is- f vk 1 ( All tn-
ri".', t. r its. :. .. tn
Newark OhfO. f
r- Jewark lv..ichlne Co-.
r:i l;r..:u i ;l Il.-.i. -.tow-i, 4
In i!irma ctthr lHoexl,
hones.-.Sn-ton IfetMllla-.
awrrbaT, 8yphllltie i &
ertwU! AWwxtnn. rut. fie nd ftire
rrmIi-fl. t'fonntif Tmatii. Cn 1 or irr' f r lint rf
r; !rt..'.nato h- answercl hy rhr drnrit-(r frratmenT by mail.
fVvrm nTerrne frcna. fl crrtnrs ahotrM emt tletr IkiSdi-M.
m4 r wftth1iie to th-tr JKata. It hiwl tmnm.P
A'Mrm Or. . I,. IHtRt.K. Pre-H mmH PhyitHaa ! Tbarra
(ntrnt Icsi. h mm. Int llNf. 30 Lorwt H. Lout. Ho.
tutctM.tiuL-r. iutu iiipctut.7. efc1H..fcf4 to lean
I h.
a .itlvo r.tnflr fr th a'ls disoa.. ; t'V 111
11. amis i frr ni th. wor.t kl"l an. I nf i -r
ataa -1 rtnssbpTi rur".-!. I it l so ttrrne i- trr f "i
In 1-s IV-tt I will Sf.i I TTi tulIlLF. h I !"
I nr- .'. -r v -tn a V. l.r C ''.t.K TUT CTISK fn Ih'. rt a -mi
to :iy !-
l"t. T. A. M.ilU H, 111 rsrl St., NcT Trlt
GOflFt WH'ftV Aft fltt fat
I In tip. fvtid hy lrtiireiBi.
td Id
iVinlr. Nrw r1iTton S'r-w hirdiT m .i ......
I t-rjt. Nrw fHitton.-
Sew htt-.fii V. Vl ......
Irtrm nw cl-tfcii.
wirk. I XriLlfM Imai. lianrtvi.c- pw JectJS
trf i. .ii-I Ar.nlv n'-..
I'aSILkV C. SKI.1 7. t S- "X .V CO V,.rt. .-I. C. Dki.J.I
kv an.l Hit ler.
siooa In.T T.e irrs!. f.! If . or ro-.
eio. aids' -! Ilntr ni- .lr;n- l c-.i ICi.f.-,t,'
t jsauuii. j ! Ih i. It;, ;t,., .hs- ,-.
Wil t; I.. J.
?ls-a urtijf sk 4 ., i ,., , .. i...
i jj m&
1 ke
" -V v - . -l-l
Mrr- " trr.. .v,.,,iri,B
' ' lla, 1m1.-.-. i :.-
.WE Li t - m -m
O-l. 1HH3.
Etenslmra: Fire Insurance Apncy
Policies written At short notice In the
And other Flrnt ( lana Companlea.
I'cun 1 vnn
i JJll
EbecsDurn. Juiy 1882.
Ind Minntartarrr and Dealer la
M!attreses, &c.
Between Kith and 17th Sts.,
4f Cltlzeni of Cambria conntv and all other
wlnhliiK to purchase honot FUKN1TI' HE,
honest prices are rcopectiully incited to icive a s
call before buying elsewhere, as we are contlilent
that we can meet every want and please overy
taste. Prices the erv lowest.
Altoona. April 19. ISSO.-tf.
"not dead" yet
KespeefuHy Invttes the attention ot his trlends
and the public in ireneral to the fnct that he is still
carryinic on business at the old stand opposite the
Mountain Hou'f. Eoencliurif . anil 1 prepared to
supply from a liirice stock, or manafaclurlnir to or
der, any article in his line, from the smallest to
the largest, ir. the best manner and at the lowest
llvlnif prices.
fiVo penitentiary work either made or sold
at this establishment.
Olvemeaca and fatislv yourselves us to my
work and prices. V. LT.'TT KINtJEK.
Ehenshurff. Ap"ll IS, ISSS-tt.
.i.V dry plate process
For 50 cf wo niil fenil post paid lloche's
Manual f r Amateurs, which gives full in
structions for makinc the pictures.
Outfits we furnish frfnn 510 upwaids.
Our "riioTor.rjArint; bulletin,
edited by Prcr. Chas. Y. liead
of the t;iicm leal D-partanent of the School
of Miues, Columbia College, published twice
a month tor only ?2 per annum, keeps Pho
tographers, professional or amateur, fully
posted on a!' improvements, and answers all
questions when difficulties arise.
Circilais and price lists free.
E. & II. T. AMIIO.M & CO.,
HanaPrs 1'hntovrahle ippaia m and Materials,
No. .Mil HllOADWAY,
Forty yrars entahlished in this line oj buine9.
March 27, 18S5 -tf.
m m
In Minnesota. North Dakota. Montana,
Idaho. Washington and Oregon.
From Lake Superior to Pnrrl Soand,
At prices ranging chiefly from 2 to ?S per acre,
on 6 to 10 years time. This is the Best Country
tor securing Good Homes now open for settlement.
1 1 V 3?0 iirrea of (ioTernmrnt
B" I"" f Land Free under the H,.B-t.-.
" andlimlM-rt'nlture T.sws. NCITE
IO. RIB. 433" Aerea OR JIORE IH
of all the Public bands disposed of In
were in the N.--Ttp-n Pacific country. T?ool sua
Map s-nt FRF.F., O.cribine the Rorlbera
Fuetfle t'onntrj,tlir liftilroitd LnnU for sale Rod
th- FKFE (iovrnment Ijinds. Address. Oil AS. B.
LAMlitiKN. Land Com'r, N. P. R. K.. St. Paul, Minn.
TV - i
Cleanses the
Head. Allays
I n fl a in in a t i n rt.
H tVr's p
n est oYp." he
. ru.
LOJAr f rises of Taste
0S-A. 1 '"I'll. A UtllrK
& TosltiTe Cure.
A partie'e is ai-piled tn each nostrlland tsaicree
ahle to use. I'rlce, 50 cts. hv mill or at Irniricistg
Send f .r clrcii!sr. ELY H'J. lirnnKl-t-
May 1. 18S. 5. Oweiro, M. V.
1 V-I--T -I.T. ... '
By the Introducers of KA.o M KASI'BtKT.;
Only these need noply who can devots their en"
tire tine and attention to the work. The b-isi-ness
easily learned. Our men succeed where oth
ers tn 1 1 .
(irmrrrs of tt f.:,ii t.iir of Fruitt nr. Ornamentals.
Oond openii.g 'or h'-ne.'t. enerictie men. Addrms
K. " 4SE, A ., Philadelphia, Penn a
Mar-I. -27 -6t j
rpHE BESrp j
portrait or L
Gen'l U. S. GRANT, !
For MAY. 20 Cents.
W Jenninirs D-mnrest, PuhMshar. 17 E. 14th SU New York
Bold by all Newadealen and Postmasters.
Greatest intiuocmenta eTerof-ferf-d.
Njw'i your t i me to at. up
orderaforonr cl "rated Tea a
arid Coffeea .and ioctts a bennti-fnKi-'d
Band nrMjesIWOhiii
T ... U.. n- il .1 T . . . .,1
Oold Bard Mosa Roaa J-nner Set. cr c;old Bsnd Moea '
lw.itM l o-.let Ht. h ot fr.U nsrtlcnlsrs addrnwe
TUP. f:ui:cT iMi-iirriv tl-a ft
P. O. Box i-y. 31 aad'si Veeey SU. New York.
tflwtflaMarlaKlA tta.l
Ball. Th brM in
America. All from rt.
nowrwwl Sirpi in Scot
land. AH rptriKtreHl nd
pf"iiirr.-c furnished.
Prlra Low anl
Tfrnn -lumy
-kcM, A Y BROl, Brookstd Farm, rt.' Wayn. Ind.
Sen 1 six rents lor imetairt) an.l re
ceive true a cosily (x.x of kim.os that
in neiji an. t,t rithr-r sex. to more 1
"mnev rliriit awnv tnun nthimi
else n the a-orl.l. Korinnes avcult the workers ah- i
sulutely -. urn. At utice a.iilresa Tnr fc C o Au ;
(rusts. l:ilne. 4ti'h4.iy-aj j
a Ktensr"iirg, Ta. tiffice In SniMieif el T
J I.loyJ. .e:--, . ,hrst fltior,) l!entro street. All
tnsnnerot levril huslnesa attende.t t saiisfaeto- !
T" aaj eollea-.ljo a specialty. ll-U-tfl
---- Arnm.vr.i.iT.i.Aw. Mr A
at'ftlee over tho Klrst Natlnnnl Bank Kb on lltlt avenue, secoml rloor Irom l'Jth at.
KFVNsnrno. V.
aV( tf..-c in ('..llona.'e Ro. on C entre street.
Kmc-sr.rej, Pa..
tJmcc on tenirs atreet. rear liih
AHTK TlsKKs fcy a.J.lresslMr UtO. I'. HOHML
"- 'i 10 Si.rii-e St.. Nfs York.ean learn the
exa.-I e.c r,f any i- ).so l line of A'ivertlsinir In
Amenctn Nwi .ner. 100-2'at PampMrt, 10e.
PATF'cTS J;':i.""'5!'"!",n.'",v, V ,-c-hlii R ton
1 All: lib 1 t . N-iyayaskei! I..r patent until
ciu .ii.e l. vv n-o trr 1,-ivcul-ri" CruiJi. U-er,h
This Is a long closes-fit ting Jacket of light
gray cloth, trimmed with light braid, and
a mantle of light beige-colored cloth. The
former has the braid set in perpendicular
bands on the vest, from which revers tnrn
that are trimmed with short bars of braid
terminating tinder a bntton. The mantle
is bordered with a fold of dark brown vel
vet, from beneath the edge of which round
tabs of the same velvet project. A similar
border is at the foot of the skirt of the fig
ured brown wool costume with which the
mantle Is worn.
This jacket Is of drab mottled English
cloth, nwide njwn at the throat and with a
short shoulder cape. The wide notched
revers, collar and cuffs, and pockets, are
of dark blue velvet.
Ttlnte Inatrnnienta tlint ItedOee the
Strain I poll tlie I layer'a Kenae
of Hearing:.
JoselTy, the pianist, pract!ceslionrHl:cily
upon a dumb piano, ami Von liulow
curries one with him in his travels to keep
up his practice, and I.iszt is said to use one
asskluously. The object ot subslitutin a
silent instrument, w iiich U said to he
growing in f.ivor with musicians, is to
subordinate the .senst of bearing iu prac
tice, and to protect the plaer from tho
nervous fatigue produced by the use of
that nn.e, ul the wmie vinits that the Sctn0
of si:lit and touch urs citiplojvd. A
nkiileJ niitsician said recently that the ex
hiiiirtiini from pra. t .ci'iij iro-ii a piuno win
preHlt.-l" than most f-cro:.s i:i.iiiiLetl. lie
doubted whether a stre-.-i paver was as
much;uis.c'l by a c:u;. ". labor es a Juan
who is ob ie l to i ,v;i."e a.l ths after
noon, lie favored lie uj of it piano that
made no ioi.e. ile Ii ki lie.-r l a physician
say thai I he ne.'votis hf-a.i:i( iu-s of yoiiii
wotncMi in musical conservatories were
larpely due to ti.e din of prartiee. ivud It
wa.of.en lhoU)4i:t ;-i:iit this noisy impnred
the niusii al nense. 1 he ni'ite piano mi.Li-s
the perlornier dei-eiid upon his eye an I Ui
touch, nnd enforces more atuulion to tho
score, so that he will be a ;le to vret. a
notion of the music iij on siuht readiii.
1 ner? are some n ine pains in New
Yorkand several in liosion. Tne nrst one
Bent to this count rv ( atue fiom Weiuier,
nnd after the model of thin me others
were constructed. The mute piano has a
full keyboard, ami hus the npoi-ar.incs of
an ordinary piano, bnt there is neither
Pounding bonrd nor strintrs within the
instrument. The keys are welehed with
lead, and provided with springs which
cause them to cjnickly y;o back to their
places when touched. J'he tension may
tie recpilat-d fo as to correspond with the
piano to be used for flay i Uf? the music
with sound. Then the touch need not bo
varied, and the sounding piano need not
be used except to correct errors in the
shading of iiotes. It is further claimed
that it is economy to use a mute piano, ns
an expert will "play havoc with a e;ood
piano in two or three years' of hard
The muscular and nervous strength re--ired
in modern exhibition piano playino;
I- 'II lSlla.' VI triii.
Kacllenof Maltiniore,
n-, iJL irr.wl upcm the muscles of
-'T KJ Bill in int.- II m lit :-
.l n , ; v;.
aof ciig.tal strength
2Srf J?.WST-,th''""-lth a very "mall
and nerve. ( arreno, : ,rM HJMtr..n
hand, cn crush the fin. tl.1 f TbKw'
man without moving her arm. ,., to the
er comes from long practice, wbu"' . nfi
devotee is limitod only by enluran.T-,i. ,n.
it is exfiect-d that the mute piano wiu
create practice, nnd nocordingiy cleveljt'
more brilliant and rii;icn!t piano playing. '
The instruments are inexpensive, but are
made only when ordered. A pinno manu
facturer says that they should not cost
over irif or -'0. as one can easily be maLe
ont of a cast-off instrume nt.
"eiv and Old Seeds.
A "writer in the Iindon Garden, referring
to the well known fact that new seeds
Usually germinate more quickly thau old
ones, says that many old ones will germ
inate well with heat, that would perir.h in
old ground, n fact, which fhot-.M he borne
in mind by those who are testing seeds this
year in warm rooms. Among those which
may be kept two seasons, are named
onions, salsify, and some others; while
lettuce, tomatoes and artic hokes will con
tinue crood three seasons ; cabbage, turnips
spinach, kales etc., four seasons; and
melons, cucumbers and beets, for five or
fix seasons. It must, however, be Ijorne
In mind that such rules lis these are more
or less arbitrary, as much depends on the
condition of tlie seeds, and the temper
ature and dampness of the place where
they are kept, and on the condition of tho
soil which receives them, favorable influ
ences somct'mes more thnn doubling their
keeping, and favoring or preventing
germination altogether.
! It Takes
Xlilef I o rateh a Thief".
The capture of a thief under very exeep.
tional circurastanros is reported from
1'Hris. He contrived to gain admission in
to a set of rhsniliers during tlie nhsence of
the lawfnl occupant, and proc eeded to lay
hands on everythingof value he could find
In the midst or this operation it occurred
o him that his wardrobe was in urgent
need of renewal, and he therefore took oft
his c lothes with a view of replacing them
by others he found in the room. Scarcely
however, had he reduced himself to the
nrb of primitive man, when he heard a
Flep onrside. ivl promptly hid h:melf un
der tlie bed. Some ons entered the room,
nnd the thief lay noiseless for several min
utes. At length the new comer departed
ntul he ventured to leave his hiding place..'
liut much to his disgust he discovered that
the- visitor had been a gentleman in his own
way of business, for not only wajs every
thing in I he chambers cni-i ietfo'f, but even
his own suit, of c lothes hud disappeared I
He hm I here fore compelled to await I lie
return cr the owner of the property, who
at once handed him over to the police.
She Had is Iteaaoii,
"You must be a good lit tie girt, my
daughter. You want to go to heaven when
you die, don't you ?"'
"No. pa."
" What ! You don't Why ?"
'Cause, pa. the minister said in his set"
inon last Sunday that there were no skat
ing rinks in heaven. "
These symptoms ot a rising reputation
gave me enc ouragement, as 1 was ever
more disposed to see the favorable than
the unfavorable hleof things a turn of
mind which it is u-.ore happy to possess
than to b- born to au estate of ten Ihou
wtndt, yia". "niv's My Oi'i, i.tii jf
Ralalnz ."Honey for CIirlMlan W'orlt-Kerlprs-Drr-
Temperance, i:tc.
It Is curious behind w hat flimsy veils
men will hide themselves, and think they
are completely screened. A lady of great
knowledge 0' human kind was well known
In New York tor many years as a leader in
foreign missionary work. She often
amused her friends by recounting her ex-
f'erieuces with rich men when she went to
hem for a contribution to her favorite
cause. Alter hearing her eloquent appeal
for the far-o(t heathen, not infrequently
she would be answered thus: '"Your
cause, madam, is tvo doubt a worthy one,
but one cannot give to everything, how
ever benevolently inclined he may be, and
I find mv sympathies turned more strongly
in the direction of Home Missions, so you
will please excuse me from giving you any
thing." "Oh! sir," this wise woman
would sny, "1 am glad to rind you in
terested in Home Missions. 1 have my
subscription book with me, and I am most
earnestly endeavoring to raise a large
sum for the needs ut our workers in the
branch of the home field. It is re
freshing to rind one who. by concentrating
his benevolent disbursmenU, is so sure to
be liberul in one direction. I shall rejoice
to receive your check for a sum com men -urate
with" your interest and your ability."
The veil must le thrust aside, and avarice
show itself, or the treasury be largely
benefited, by thi womau's device.
What is the Spanish-American Treaty
Thin trenty is the most complete reci
procity treaty ever negotiated by our gov
ernment. It provide that Spain shull ad
mit a long list of the products of
the I'ntteil States in C'uha and
Porto liicofreeof duty, and charge only
a limited and specified duty on a still
Jonper lit, in consideration of a large and
important decrease in the duties charged
by the I'nited States on the products ex
ported by Cuba and I'orto Kiro Into this
country. The objection which has been
made with this treaty is founded on the
fact that these concessions are not equal.
For instance, the reluct ion of the tariff on
sugar, the principal product sent by those
Islands to this country, will cause a lass
to us and a gain to them of about $45,000.
000 annually. On the other hand, on the
principal export of Wilis country to the
West Indies breadst tin's there still re
mains a duty of M a barrel. In addition
to the reduction of duties on product ex
changed, this treaty also covers upectal
shipping privileges for the vessels of the
two nations, the abolishment of all tou
nage and consular fees on vessels and car
goes, and the reduction of all other fees to
the charges made for national vessels en
gaged in the coasting trade. It fnrtlier
provides for special privileges to commer
cial traveling, and for reforms in the
Cuban customs regulations, and stipulates
agains-t the imposition of any new ex(ort
taxes by that country In the future.
The following Is a list of the ten best
novels, as given by a number of literary
men. The figures show the votes rn h
work received. Those following the first
ten indicate the number of voks given
other novels :
Pcarlet Letter
Adam I'ede.
les Miserables
35 David Copperfleld 2T
Henry Kstnond
On the Heights
Wilhelni .SleUter
Uncle Tom
Jane Eyre 17 Guv .Mauncrtng 5
The Newcomea 10 Villette 5
Vanity Fair 14 IMeak House 5
Guv Mauncrtng
IMeak House
Vicar of Wake
field Txirna Doona
I'ickwick Papers
Silas Mariner
The Virginians
Cot inne
Felix Holt
Kobukson Crusoe
Heart of Midlo
thian 14
Tale of Two Cities 14
Robert Falconer 11
Hypatia 10
Coiisnelo U
The Marble Faun H
MiddleniHrch 8
Mill on the Floss 8
Daniel Deronda 7
Don Quixote 7
Dr. F. I. Hedge gives Sir Charles
Orandison, Vicar of Wakefield, Guy Man
nering, the Antiquary, Ivanhoe, Heart of
Midlothian. Hob b'ov. lieliuda. Old Mor
tality, and (Axlolphlii.
In these days of temperance theories by
the eutiusiasts. it is for science to put peo
ple right, ami tell them what is harmful
and w hut is not Science has done o, and
established n drflnilion of temperance in
drinking. There is.-in exact limit in drink
ing alcoholic liquors, the passing of which
places the drinker in great peril. One
ounfe and a half of alcohol, nccording to
Drs. Austin and Dnpre who exhaustively
investigated the subject h few yenrs ago,
is the limit of the food use of that sub
stance. To that extent there does not
follow a particle of injury to nny organ or
to t he hiood. On t his basis six t able-spoonsful
of brandy, or four small glosses of port
or sherry, or" twice as ninchclaret, would
be harmless for a healthy person. About
half the quantity is advantageous for an
Invalid An excess of this amutiut, exact
experiment show, never fails to have an
irritating disease prod itcing efTect on the
organic structure of the kidneys, harden
ing the tissues of the brain and injurlnpj
the liveit. Alcohol istherefore, food, taken
In small quantity specilied; it is poison
taken iu large quantities
Many people buy from the bakers rolls,
crumpets, and the like, whic h lefore serv
ing they heat in the oven. Hot ndls aro
thus obtained at a sacrillce of moisture
and they come upon the table dry ami
hard. This may lie avoided by putting
them In a brown paper. I 'our water over
the bat; tint il it is thoroughly dampened,
but not enough to make the paper pull
apart ; place it in the oven on a pan, .and
when the rolls will be found superior in
taste to those heated by the old mel hod.
Men are very free to criticise tho dress
of women, and are prone to moralize, unon
! its impropriety nnd injuriousneas. tint
j they are themselves largely responsible
I for both faults. When the "men who at
; tend fashionable parties avoid women who
j wear dresses which fall to cover their
! net k and arms properly, and so rigor-
ously treat the subject in 'their own homos
i that Iheerrwr is not repeated by their own
I family, the immodesty of women's dresses,
wil! tie driven out of respectublo suciety,
-nd not till than.
I -pretty and convenient way to serve)
A r-i'sisthis: Cut the oraniie in half
orange" ,, sections. ith a sharp knife
across tnpj,e pulp from the skin, and divide
separate ti,,nr portions Tor eating with a
It. into propcsui be done so Bicely that it
spoon. Itcaiai if it had been dtstr.rbed
will not look as, jiately under the eve. A
until it is imme, ,ied into it improves the
little 8iiar sptinkietry sweet.
fruit, unless it Is vc ,t
g'liugthe little, folks
IT you want "ouieth.'-mes won't refuse,
like and the larger c lio;ht anil ready
when your hi p bread is r noutth fr a loaf
for tius cut oft dough e,fe .f sugar, same
and work In a tencupfiifisins, one half
of currants or chopprrt n.Ne cinnamon,
cnprul of shortening, son" a loaf nucl
cloves, or mac e, make inlcl'ate oven
bake near ao hour in a moderai
n vrkerst tako
To make oatmeal water crrti eti pf ul of
half a cupful of butter, half i 'h a tea
sugar, one cupful of Hour, wic aid three
spoonful of baking powder, ait;-t.h on
cups of oaten meal, totrethcr wirlU out
hnlf cupful of boiling water. Ko-.a,reful
thin, bake in a quick, fiveo, leing Ci,
not to scorch them.
. w ............ ...rv.:. ..11 ..SL
cupfuls of white sutrar. one-half rnnfnlfl'i
now ro make KntnisSi cake Mir i".r.f
hotter, whiles of four eggs well beterP,n
one cupful of ceild water; stir well, the1""1
add three cupfuls of sifted Hour and twi4
teaspoons of baking powder; Btir Ave
VlliniltM Thia em
minutes. This makes two leaver
TnrklaTi l.adlrs.
The condilion of Turkish ladies Is not
one to bfl envied, as it is nw stntml that
even the privilege, or witnessing day per
formances nt the theatres has been
withheld, on th." ground rh::t it alTcrds fov
prcat fjii ihnrs for the exchanrje of luilrtu
ilour, and tiint il is impossible fr th
police to cTcrcire .t.Tcotir.te surveillance
over (be conduct of the ladica
.t Lew Prices.
wiTOI" CATA,-ooua
Horsed Waters Co,
TO A l V F.RT I si F.RN, Lnwant Kates for ad
vertislnst In 2 icoocl newspapers aent free
Address Uxo. P. KoWKLL fc. Co.. 10 Spru re St.,
N Y,
tumijj:l, Ad'itesa Vateutuie Cv"S.tJaueiviUa,W (
Two Cents.
inr I T is the World coming
nn Tit or books are concerned." Central
you can hardly fail of making a J.appy
period of history, with the wisest, the
wmcn nave aaynieu imiuamij. "
wiucd nave aayrneu uuiuamij. "
,sl..irinMA Trvlmr JelTO Mllf.ll.
11 1 I X... - n . wr " VI W
. si. 17.. Mi, lwaimm.
!K'i:-V..rfinL hmr 2c 1 1 Eraamua and Henry
5 :"Tl:?"vl;ZlZr "'" : E ia it
! f-'"H. u . '.: - J"" 5. i?7
B rreoenen m - 7. i. V: i,
0 en 3 arT. eic r ., ,r . . - 7.- r'ron, f n Cl
! V,'.T" ".:..r;v.n HHa i;..biicueith. reward on.,!.
" ' "l- " V..r. .-.. . J 11 tr-. 1 '1 aime
Ul Some
11 A miTH (tu ri iiiii't ...
IS CTlelcet on the nenrcn. ih-kii
1(1 Imon.-an H 11 mt irlMtA. TlW'll
V) American Hnniorlits. A. Vs nrd
St American Hiuii'"rit. SlarkTwaln.
5 irewrcrl Vlllsipe, rte. O "lilimll n .
ft, Cotter's Satiinlur Night, ete. Hurna.
2S Son(.- of seTi-n, etc. Jean InKelow.
86 Srhiller'a Sonic of the Bell, etc
117 Great Thought from Oreek. Autn-
ora. Etiriplilea
W The name: leinwthene. DIoRenes.
th The name: Aristotle, etc
;C4 The name: Arlntophanee. etc
143 The same: .ffvhTlua, Anacreon.etc.
1C EiwnuiD. Matlhew Arnold
141 Hhyl-al Filnentlon. Spencer
j'i Moral Bilucation. Herbert Spencer
1W Intellertual Koneatlon. Speneer...
1 What Knowledge M of Most W ortn.
1.11 Provrens of the Working Claaaea..
Robert fiiffln, LII
Its The War for the Unmn. W.Fhllllpa
1 Wendell Phillips, cfeo. Wm. curtia
IU number. Matthew Arnold -.
I ts The coming Shivery. Speneer.
l.O fn Libert-. J"hn Moart Mill
131 Hokeby. Sir Walter bcott
ir I QU Jame
HI Flop
74 Tne
JLmiK I IWlw-i Iv Ci W IWV tho creat literary works of Greece and
its place among the standard authorities. The books are admirably written and adequate
in their scholarship. For English readers who desire acquaintance with the preat .works of antiquity,
4i.o wire v i recommended a the very best within reach. The Christian Lnion, Isew ork.
lil'.. J a-rf a. -v
rri ..i Tll. navlea l.Vr I f The
iJ- ' i,Ji, t i.'M..rie lie II ArUtPhanra. Hy W. L Colllna lo"
i Lurrecitta.' By W. H. iti.ll.K.k. . . . . . lie 811 Pliny. By Charrh and Brodrlbte....
.f Pla.ituaan-f r.-rraoe. w. L. Collins l;c 7S s-.,.h.wle. 1 y c v. t ol na
Ill I uclan By W L Collins ISC 77 AKCbylus. llishop of Colombo
Th irtrt'l. Iv W " l" "l na l' 76 Xenophon. By Mr Alex.
S7 c.vln Bv S"w - Vhnreh. . 15c 7 Homer". dvey . By tv. L. c 'ofllna.
SB I Ivt" Bv W i. c'olllnV 1 I 72 Homer's Iliad, ttv W. L, Coliln...
S6 Eu.rtild.1 H, W. K Knne . loc II VlrgM. By W.L. Collins
Tk.i '..i,iiiiil l recelTed u uesi
l . Muiin,. nnt kai th&A
I O C E N T S . from date of Una paper irn aarae
your PROMPT eeepon-e and Indicate t.le
on reascBiaWe evidence of pood faith.
Our (irnrratlon'i Chances.
There are thousands of people living in
this country to-day who never expected sla
very and ether fixed institutions to he
brought to an end In their day arid cenc ra
tion. Those wrongs to a down trodden race
were deemed Invincible, but yet ane geneia
tion has seen them blotted out, and now the
prespnt one stw-s just as great evils confront
ed with an array just as strong as any that
ever waged war for the benefit of tha op
pressed. Change Is written every wnere.
The ills and woes of mankind are claiming
, attention, and the eoming generation csn
I erect the mounment over many of the flour
I ishing evils of to-day. In no profession is
! there more advancement being made than In
the science of medicine. Physicians are
learning to piactiee common sense as well
as medicine. They are beginning to pre
! scribe Peruna and yflin. for a large num
ber of the complaints of mankind, and with
astonishing succefw. Tbey should keep on
in the good work and the end is assured.
Send for the hook on the "Ills of Klfe," and
for a bottle of rprvno. to Dr. S. li. Hartnian
& Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Thkp.k never has been offered the people I
of Cambria county a medicine so deserving J
of piaise and patronage as McOouaid'a eel- !
ebrated Worm Powders. They combine the j
three most desirable points in any remedy J
Viz; Smallness of dope, easiness to tate"
and effectiveness. They are positively the ,
greatest wot m destroyer of the age Many
children suffer continually and filially die, '
their parents never dreaming thatthelrs',otn- j
aehs are Infested and eaten through with
worms. Twenty-five cent invested in a ,
box of McDonalds celebrated Worm Pow- j
ders would have saved the little sufferer's j
life and given baek its rosy cheeks and
blooming health. Any case of failure tr 1
cause lepulsion where worms exist, the i
I money promptly refunded. Sold by E. 1
J James, Khenshurg.
Johnston. Houowat & Co ,
5-9.-lyJ Philadelphia Agents.
It la
Now conceded on all sides that there is not
and never hss been a lemedy of such re
markable efficacy as Curtis' Carmelite Cor
dial, in curing e-holera, dsentery, diarrh-a.
cholera morbus.snmmer com plaint s.erarops,
pains in the Iniwels, or any intestinal irrita
tion whatever, a single dose brings lemark
able relief ard a sina'e bottle Is guaranteed
to cure any cuse or money refunded. A re
markable pain killer ami vsluable household
remedy. For sale by E.
Johnston, IIoi.i.owat Co ..
Philadelphia Agents.
Maaj C hildren
Suffer from day to day ; puny, psl'ld,. fret
ful and feverhh, variable appetite and rest
less sleep, finally die, and their parents ncv-
I er suspecting the real cause, that the little
sunerers stomachs are infested and enten
through with worms. Twenty-ccsi ts invest
ed in a hex of McDonald's Celebrated VTToim
TowdsTs would save the doctor's bills and
the patient's lifis. Entirely vegetable. Kasy
to take. Money refunded to dissati.-tied
purchasers. For sale bv E .lames.
Philadelphia Agents.
I"CRKASED btinyarc of spiiits, perfect
assjmilHtiiin of food, improved appetite.
Rain in fl-sli, sound, refreshing sleep, l eiwrh
tened color in the cheeks and lips, added
brilliancy to the eyes, follow the use of Me'. 1.' t..,w, 1 . . - , T. - - nw. r. I
Ian Alterative. A bottle or two used in tit
family would obviate the entire train of
spring maladies. l)stt"fied purchasers
can have their money refunded. For Mitt
bp E. J.iines.
Johnston, IIoi.iowat fc Cc.
1'hilac'elphia Agents.
Thk of iodoform cm mercuiials In. the
treatment or catarrh whether in the oTm
of soppositories or ointments shouJi he
avoided, as they are both injurious and dan
rerotis. Iodoform is easily detected, by its
offensive dor. The only reliable catarrh
remedy on the market bo day is Ely Cream
Haloi, beiiiff free froai all poisonous drugs.
It has cuif d thousands of chronic and iwu'.e
cases, where all ullira remedies have failed.
A particle is applli-cJ into each nostr'l ; no
pain ; agreeable to ase. Trice SO oeiats ; of
CnltlTatlor and Refiaaeeet.
Hon. B. S. llewit, ex Speaker House Rep
resentatives, wriSes: -J. A. McUinald.
Dear Sir : 1 have been olivine my flavor
extract? for yeais from a Pittsburg manufac
turer. Recent!s" we tt'ed a bottle of vours
and found It very good indeed. Enclosed
find five dollass. Send nia is values in your
Vanilla Extract.
Moral always ask fo McDonald's Fla
voting Extracts.
I A rOPPSiVK GDARASrElt Is given Ihst!
; every article sold at the tioldvn Emle Cloth
j Ing Ilnuss". Altoona, Pa.. Is lower In pric
i than the, same quality and maR t an be-
! bought flsewhere. And remember, rioha
here, lat it makes no difference how low a,
" price dIht clothiere may ask for their goods
a K. . . . . . -
t Or Wl'JCt indllCemeuta tl.ov tnas.- ntTor ftr vnn.
Vipatrwiage the prices will always be la-wet"
Oiat the Golden Iai.r
aij:3A Eleventh avenue, Altoona. Pa.
Yoc will find McDonald's Improved Liver
'ayiis so satisfsotory as a corrector f a tor
Tn 1 liver, as a regulator of the bowK as an
pic- .dies tor of, biliousness, that ytm. will re-em-
;t not havinn tried them sooner. Money
ure mcied to dissatisfied tnirctkuwrs. Tnr
by E. James.
sJqhnstots, I1ot.t.oVay A Co .
1 'hiladeiphia Asents.
rsworst rase in Cambria enuntv or
Tha p, erysipelas, teller or blrod disease
crofularoatunt. inhei iteil or acquliel, to pur
lany r le bottle of McDonald's ereat blood
hase oi'aor sarsapariliian Blternfttlve, use as
urifier-1! and if not benefitted many tines
lirecte e of its com, vour money wil'i b re
ihe vali. Johnston, Ilolloway & Co., TtM.iia
tnrned. I aj;unt-s. Sold by E. Jsrnes, Kbens
delphia h B-O.-ly.
uui. w
1 hat
lrf mental dullness, that trouhlesom:
feelillt? a beanache. fastiil irmsnes aa tn frwvl
bilious rVeary achina pain in the small of
can all be uotton rid of by uslnc one ! La MP The n , Jl K ' u?e u"' "AXIKK
rof McDonald's Improved Liver Tills. tie .TV l.B,'-fwemf"
box lissatisfied buyers can have their money I "ioi iuntm t.y Are i.impa. an.i inaktn a
iiundert. Johnston, Hollowat A
reh!ladelphia, "Agents," 1 5-9.-1 v.l
HUNDREDS WHITE thev owe their lif
if- nnd present coed health to Acker's KnuIKh
; Ketnedyf'i consiiinp tion cougfis, coldx v:c.
( bold by k, Jaiues
now on an equality
!o? The poor man is
Baptist, St. Louis.
man. ...... - " d th
wittiest, the tendered, the brayefet, ana tne
ll4!w I I r.lJX.aiLk
. . . -.
T. Babl
Dainty little books, always iir..n)n"., ... -1-.
ia neat paix.r covers. A lie prices
i. touimk.-... -.-
75 I.lfeef Sam Hc-un
..7ue i..k. scott.
rmln. .
of the ljwt M Inst re
t,. i-i linrk.
of My I 'eta. lirare oreen-
v:.' I i-. ,i,.- i.if of vva-liltiirtii 1 Tur a..
V." j S7 A Half ll"lir with . I"aul ...... eel UllS lilb0"!tr.
.V.v.v.:::::: , r-viiTSirJ slfine Anvri.,'y,
CI The l-K-t'lre IVxik without I kHrM. l"r
CV The l-e Wnlden, and other utriea.. Vr
It 1 lie ChrlMiima C.reetlfw l'k-
Sho- i f p'ort'ineand other SVirtaa.
f.T p'alry 1 al . Hini AmtTx-n lliu. (
in TtiaMnry Teller, and other Talea... 10c
61 Nod. HI. 13. 61, fci. M c.llibiD4 ... n
M AilTer.turea of Baron MuBCt4Caal .
bi Sinrthod theSnllor "
61 Kahlea f rom Aop. Illuotrate a
I'll 1 1 f. i "by 'f Htyln Spenrrr 4e
41 Evidence of Eroinilon. Huxley ic
4.1 I)uddhim. Ty John Calrd . tf:
it Clwllirnilona of A!a. KawllnaoB..
41 Life of PrUTtWIiT. ". E.lyt r. lur-
I Sunshine and other stnrlea. AUiav
AA Life of Kli hard W apner. Portrait.
rt 1'earla of the F aith, fcdwlu Arnold, je
Life of Alex. li. Stepuena. Illua '
82 Indian Sons of Souk. Arnold
3"1 Hihwaa of Literature. D. Prtde. 3
27 How l.lsal.ed the KlllC 0. Eliot 7r.
lfl Life of Cintae !or Iilntrated. V
13 A Half Uimr In Natural History ic
B Hamlet. Shakespeare Ir
7 Motive and Habit of Heading 2-
S 1 he Worda of Washington 4c
tn The Ha.n. ete. Kdinr A . l"e..
II Etlilenof the Unrt. John RiMkln..
114 crown of wildcillra. .i.ibn I'.tiktn l"r
117 sesame and Ullea. Jol.n icunkin... l"e
11 Luther Anecdotea. lr Maeanlay..
Hi Luther'n Table Tnlk. Vr. iiaeaulay
3c 11 Life of oeorjre Jfluller. i r. m 111 n-r
111.1 Tho UnderstandlnfC. John I.ocie..
?e jll'J The Biittleof Wati-rloo, K.a.Creay
2; 1 1 1 1 The Battle of Saratira. t . S. Cn ay
Zcilll lefatof the spaniiiU Arniada
2d 10 Battleof HaatlnK. F. M.Crrny
2C il'M Tlnta of the Time. O. C. Kerr ....
JcilW Battleof the Book. lean Swift...
5c il'J The Heart of Brure. etc. Aytot-.n...
ia I10S Virginia. The Armada. Maeanlay .-
5c l"4 Count KiimTord. John "1 yndil
6c l'B The Battleof Mara'hon. K s. creaky
1(12 The Ancient Mrtnir. Coleridgc
4C 101 Mazeppa. LnrdBrron
Kereuson, the Atronom-r...
Sl The Konrcnier Apoii-. r.
89 Oertrude of Wyoming. Campbell..
1 on Man Rt I'one
d'Allxa. By Lamartlne 1
Spectre Bridegroom, lrrlng... 2c
T .il.T. rr
Tliis scries or bntf, condensea accounts ci
Oreek Anthelotry. I-erd Neores. jtc
45 Taeltna. P VT. Tt. TvorTie
79 Juvenal. Bv Kdward vv alf'-rd
?A Horace, tr Tlientairs Martin
SL1 I'lato. Ty C linton W. cv.IIIiik
il Aristotle. It sir ili-x. irai.t
7i Ilsmwltx-ni-s. Ft IV. J. llrodribu.
24 Cl.-ro. I:y W. I.ucaa C'elitns.
Z3 Herodotu. Kr ceo. ". Swayne....
t Our. Ly Aulheny TroUc-i.
ot l Cf n o. wnu "
IricU.. if icnl Vlltllll lOdftTS
of papcri. This oiler Is to ae-
pa-emir ans-emsing mcninrrs.
Address J OJIX
It. AIjDEX, rublishcr, ZDS larl S.'rc f, S c y0,.L
' $325.00 GIVEN AWAY DAILY. $100.00 FOR 65 CENTS ' j
Ho Postage will be repaired tf ?oi for yir preseat. Tnnr reset will be feat
or express at onr exaeasa as ioa as jaar
praeata sriil ba risen daily mmd iritl ajv
The. Illustrated C'ompanom.
For 65 Cents e am enter jmr time
The lUni'rated nsiniM fop aiz month, aed
.STo tbe Orel ssbsrrlbrr recede ky Ball r tCH
1 Gant't Solid Oold Watch, wenb
1 To the scrooa lubacrtbcr rcteura bj mall tar b
JTa ibe Iblr4 aybarrlbrr " " "
Totbefoortb buriiber-." " " " aPoalUBIta Hoary Orcrr fr .. 10 '
To the nrtb tabsrrlber " a PottOrsra Moaef trrr for . n (,
To the aril 10 subscriber s. etb.a Haaisome, liUn-Mt-4
Jewel Caakel. ronialDlDc talc-ret of Jewelry, eacb worth $ 00 M o-
Jsroall otbsr cabaeribeia, taca day, a preape:
tem-srindera and ttera, a a char BOTimtot, beavy bereicd raira. fcandanrrtf r.rrat j.
Riamhap lb aboe preaan't are airta oat Irerr Dtt and Una afer it eo-a::T r-s m
its7, tr.eretora a delay ia reaeiTra tbil adrertiaemeBt deca but (Bert yo jca ran Send
vrpll ai I ait week. In eonaidf ration of tna aaera
nresent worth 13 00 or mora to ahow to their
it rimpanum and tbo valuable preaent reiT-l,
h arill baof gTeat aers-ieo to , bavansa tae paeaanta are pi ran solely to adrertiae out tk;ui" c t.:
. ten iiuna. . i y uuKiip; i vi m tm ww iro ia CDS
to the Inapoetioa of aabacnbaraat all timaa.
TKt lututraud Caaavanaasi aifl iDiuBO
atoTiea, Poetry, BiOprrarhy, ate, and la baadaosaely iUaatratod by the bi a-tji" ia the ccatss
Jper 35,000 aubaenhera apeak id tupaest praiaao el it. It II well wot: a mi year to ft- o-r
The above are ppeaenta to o eabeeribere, f iven to, tbem abaolotely free of any cbarre wai;err
and will be eent aa pvin aaati ttaerretion ia r.aei.d . S a ample esr"ee aad r.fsreo'iBecT i."c
If a letter rontalnln FIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS iboaid be the Brst one rerett.c
ea any raoralas II will be eaililaa to Ike ate Oral preheat. i-nut Ly aictv- .
dioto or Bilver. Foataf e stacar-a aet waated.
, Aiinam, IH8 ILaCSTatTaD C0BFA5I0S. 9 -SO Foeutb itsctt, Lcelrr-r.t. K
I couches :v;urv i3Uiiri?rci,
( Corner Eleventh Avenue and Thirteenth St., Altoona. Pa,
! $20,000 10RTH of tlx BEST QUALITY El! MADS CLE)
W'hleb we vnarHntee to fell lO SO per re ait. I esaai tl. n any ott.e "Vr- ir-ir H -i;'? 'n '.' c t. r-:'
ers ttuxy tlierlnre rest assure-. thHt lliey can sate Inim '.ti to c.m-s in l!.e j u'-Ea'i l :" '
ol e l-clu-s or an ovenvixt tiv tjoaling wit h us. S, rjleaj'e tclre ns a eaal a r.t ei i :n :nt i ur k -. jai: - 1
; our y-jiees lielc.rc 1 nrcst.ic)f y jar luuucy eiscwhero. o treutue to cl:o goods.
tK.T:oKK 27, is
AI.TlltlNA, l'A..
The attention of Imyrr" respectfully ir.vitU to
tut larye ifcli ot
1 Parlor and. Chamber Suits,
; Centre, Extensicii ma. Breatfast Tallies,
an.1 In fact nesrljr everything .ertain!riic to the
Fnrnlturo l.iislnc.i. Aij.i. anv erc j.s in that
line maiiuf-ietiir..I In the Vnite-l states
olil at the lowest ratHloue nrM.
j Upholstering Sppairinx anl- Painting
1 of all ktml c.f '"arnlture. Chairs. lounpes. fce
promptly an.l Fo-tlttuctorllr a It en Jo J to. Ware
i riKim on Hiich atrael, oiiposite the C snicrearatlonnl
ehoreh. I'l.-nse all anil examine aolf whether
, you wish to pum.aayi or not.
... . I- B. ("SliSSWELU
! fcliensbuu. April 18, lS54.-ly.
R, L. JnL'rxC S . J Bl(C " ri."Bffi""
! Johnston, Buck t Oo.
Mcucy Received on Deposit
fA r AK1.V. 4X. E1A!D.
t at.'. ACx-xcsaiaLK rotjrra.
&RAFTS on th rrlncipal Cities
Barht ai. Sold anil aa
Ham Baniins Bnsiuess TassactEll.
A. W. BUCK, rash-in-
April 4. 1S4..
52 N Is m
all taa j
uniaitien. and all r.iTEXT HCSIFs at
lended t-. f..r MOD ERA TE FEES
Our . ftice i cpooMte te IT. S. ratent Of
fice, and we csn obtain Patents irrt-tinid
than tbo?- rerote fror M'ASTIfXG TO V
e ad
ie ns 10 pateiitaruutv free .f cbarise
j Wo reler, Ion-, to the
Sap;, of Money tM-dc r Div
j of the U. S. faunt Office.
l'ostnas:(r. I'ie I
. ami in oiVlonals !
For drcu'ai. ad- j
t actual c!l,-.t '
ICP, terms and refeiiee.
... nii oimc or county, wtito !
C. A. 8XOY& CO.,
PP. Pslenl llffire, Wathlaitnn, n r
T lrttlt a.a V." -
'u-r; tic-ascics, roR rSN'
eTDi.B.XTl',El.tCTIlir LIMIT fGJIl'ANi,
1. " prepare.1 to lortilsh entire elect, ic nlant.
the I MY! T,,h f,u!"''S cities. cirp.(rtieis.
T. V.... ,V J"1" ,ln",n"'nptlool carbons
Is less thaoone t nrth ol what it la the orclinarr
lamp. Kmieen lnehes o( cart.on,. urnlnt n Cr
cl.nary a.,a hot hall a nucht. .11 ia"t l
"kVl nl,!h'-''t,urn,n "T io8
m-im"m; m.kctkk;
21- . IH'
li. l-i.-lv.
Tvitli the riclit-st.
characters j
j ur"iti(,n
beautiful Vr.i .;!:-
uni.ill . " "I.
1 j-r
tor-s, pri, ...I"-"
irom v?9.tos
.. u-.- r,.. .
anl other CiTlen... 1(
apf4, Iu,
" is t r
caulajrof the Iu,t, ,5;
quir k hlx-vn
ty up rii-a i. fl r
in the fksh ; tl,-T V"
men on. no,;.,..;
liLstoric br fit-;r' ",;
is as tliam r.e r.s'.r'
romance, l-wj,!
one draw-L-i.-fc
K-nis more li
,'nrfli:tfs:'.,'yvJ)1jI. "
C'ctircwati, T.-r.1"1
rrora tlie pr, '
raaster. IJowJi,
can pive the c v
tho Elzevir
llorue lias taken
una tiiii.
f.-irr. an-l ci...-ir'
iri Ladir.t' H pi,
i v- :
of ILlu-tntior.'?'"
. " 1
ciiio we ri.v.-e cj: T.i
ait wp f.iir.
i.v. i'irafici it. c
.1 - , . -
lie , fiou Lt'idrr, Bo-t -
lOO-TAGK CATALOGUE unit frr. Th0
ernture of the worM at tli lowest Tn"s c v. r tnowTi p
ncnl for nXAMIXATIOX JiKFOJlIl J'j f.Vrvr
abtcrlpllna is receive. Itib,;:,!,,.;, .
until farther not;c, to a.1 til auiasr.Uxs 1.
la fwrrabferirllon book! and tr.ail to Toir.r!ar
mpn".'tiatels' Bead jn "n of the f-ilrjr tr r ww.
anornrae e will lamrdlaiei scrd
maralnc a La j't Rolls tolatrh work li tv
a neai f "Bin MiTcrnairk woria 30 (.
wor.a from lacatalo$l 00. Tbeabc Vi"x6av
prpesnia wa reqnre trerj au:crit)r vtnt;it
f net) da and cup h Bora a ecrycf Tse l. vM'sU
arjd aak tkta to oend u their aabsenr-Uor.. Tt
wiuri i ia icmfrtt rica lif,lD3 -. .j tsCE It
iowraal daTO'.eJ ntiraly to choice Serial nii
ui: had at Tin;
mnp imrFTV nnrif
lllEt H Cilmb I rual
UiIor a Democratic Na
tional Adminiitrsuion.
Tfee Will of the
Vindicated and tho
Great AVronr
eonirrnt elates Its IVisikt:!' re '"f "':.n
of a new year, nnder o.iti.t-t' n '.tr. I .fi
Isted for a quarter of-aoanti-rf
King cut tha jM. rif ii in tt"? "r"- ,
King i"Ut the lii-e. in t!ie o t
C'evelan.l and anerirks hte 'V
After the lenrth 1 March there a 'I
eratu-almlnlstraJ:oa at " "ash't . w1' .'
possihihtivs loi arte j.r"ros-. p ) -vanrecnent
of tfca ooaniry. t , .-,e
Aa Thk I'ost ha lorel iiifi'' J ..
t five vears tti tbee nlcr!..i' re- "
eiteml to the mt-m adrnlnistrs'.l ti a
Ids and ri ril ai inrt tn thf r'st-,'
.- r.'
et principle!. ar4 p.-.ilr!es vlts! t"- Jf"P'-
fare, by relwatatna- ahnse'. riifn ""."., 5 i
aasertina tkaprrinaeT ol tt.e ! -" ",..,
W are cm the tbrrshhe'Mot in - ' ' " . ... t
areat rnaacaa. To a leni.t a"; , ... 4etion. ll. futura I ' ' - ""
and ho,-a. t
Tk Miicu I'ost artll an t" u
abreast tl lae times In ereri shira r , tf a.tniin's'rt"i-r yap. '
al.r.m.l will t m tell iients Jr-.:e... s:
siippiotc.l cr ean.liillv ani kir.i:y ! " , ".
year la the history cf th nwrrnl r" ' '
Hiini4(..ih tuatter ti n.t f! ' ',,,7
as t on which we - aN-t:t to "-M
n:e?iin ,.l Ci.nicre?, tl ,le.- -t '"' "
blent lal mta t ii. ir.aii. uh! I e:i . l"if rt
Ike ehanves In tne fiu-iVe srrv!
t the all are c ret e-.r-cn
v riwt win lurns.a tie
w Ith jn.lirlous com wen I from the i JJ
atati,1 point. Snraari will not fcsrf.;sr . (
. I ' . . , !C "
ha fMin e.l the leils,u'
V.i;, wwe.t I v a K it'"
l-remiscs to 1 crutt in", i.f lnu
eltina tneideavt. Theeomtna ses-iro e!
Will II .I'., u. . . h l.tamcliU If!
In tt'l It. ...l-.l .nurtti'-'. 1Vf
I'ost will alar, at excellence ,T"; Jul 4" '"
literary, mlsetllaneeus, in" aril
ments will he ins:ntslnet la t'-e
j cr, whlla its tns.rket reveHts w-,:i '" I .f-?i '
j greater rare ana precision than f'!
j made ahsolntelv reliahle. k."'''
Now the time .'or lwim-rl,'rr" .., ,. ,-.
t hold, ecment anr tre;iatt;.-n t! I---
enosen reprcentatlTe. hv r-c'. - ' - j.-rT
tion ot lK-moeratle papers. W c r r ' t ,"-'"
'he rlefc-nsive we are dene "l'1 , i" v
party to clav lor a mv "r"'.r '. --1
people, and In a lew wecK o M. ' "
administer the tcenersl c..Tenn"1'
i"lcb.T and has prevailed.
MtiRle. Knbarrlpllan
one J";; .,.'
oatiase prepaid
It c lain nf lltr or over.
one j.
ypnr, posiate prepaid., --j .
A free ropy to rtrrj cm"
fcenU for Sample ropiea.
JAS. P. BARR i (,l