IHX WAY OF THE TRASSGBESSOB. Bob Knrdrllt mr to tle 'nncln Mlon that It I Hard. My son. yon say it Is " so hard to be good?" You say it is easier to break all of the Ten Commiinilmpnts than it is to keep one of them. Well, yon mistake. It isn't hard to be good. It's hard to be bad. Xot rieht at the time oh. no! The wine is pnrklinc, the wnga are stirring, the stories are brimmins; with humor and the nir is full of latichter. Yon are just as bail as yon know how to be. and it's lots of fun to be bad, and you never want to be jfood oh, yes. it seems to be very easy and very delightful to be bad at night. Hut the next morning, my boy Where Is the difTienltv then Who feels serious then ? Whose head ca,n J I be covered with a tub? Who is afraid and ashamed to en out on the street and meet people Who doesn't want to sea anybody ? Who wants to hide Who wonders where he was last nltrht, and whom lie met. and who saw him. and what he said, and where he went, and how he diil? Not the loy who went to the soeiaMe and ate east iron pound cake and washed it down with faded lemonade. Not the young man who passed the even ins in the company of the himxI. jroody at the debating society. Ah, no, he didn't hear the rollicking soni; that you heard, my toy. and he didn't hear the racy stories that " broke you all up." Hut he is feeling much better than yon are this morning. He finds it verv easy tobe"gcxd;" very easy indeed. I$ut to be bad. to have t he headache, to have a sour rebellious stomach, to have uncertain ees. to have a treacherous memory, to have a sense of shame, to have a dread of sunshine and a horror of daylight, to have a set of quivering nerves and a fal tering ppeech, o have raging thirst that water cannot ; ppen.se and a gnawing hun ger that loathes food, to h ive a dread of meeting your mother, my boy. anil a fear of seeing your sister, and a shame of sm-ak-ing to our good old father this is hard, my siv-i.' This is being "bad." And look me in the eye- honestly now, honor bright, do yon think this is easier than be ing " g'" d " My deir boy, ynti may call our goid" friend a milksop and a m-immy 1 "," if yon will, ami you may in your be' ter moment s sometimes say you would like to be " goi! " but it's so hard, but just weigh the " good "' and the " bad.'' weigh them honestly, and tell me, tell me honestly, which is the harder, to be ' good " or to lie '"bad." Ah. my lwy. it is the en-ier to he cnod."' " '1 lie way of the transgressor is hard."' nr'Kifclju I'mjlc. The Flute (.Irl'a Debnt. When a gir! reaches womanhood and her family de-ire to indicate to the tribe that the r danchter has na.hel the mar riageable period she makes her debut, a you say in K:i-li-h. but the I'iute girl comes out in fin entirely different way from that ad"p'-d by lier white sister. Just before she leaches womanhood her grari'lni itiiei-h is e-.peci.it charge of her. To that oi l iad. who.-e yea's are sun p..sei to l.a.c 1 1 i.ight wisdom, th-' girl is ci .en. and i irupor; .'.1 , sclio Ins t. if! is her 111 domestic duties he: lie i.;:tiin ai:d e w'.f !v relation. The kirl t; ti vs v 1111. w t 1 1 1 1. otd r leiii.ile rela- . tit here :i-!i 1- a .-mail wig witii them ,i- time she . -r 1 to be Mi. remains l.ui-i:.g i. t t'iv.- .! 1 K i.g !t col: tl.' My of pll- ay, ;:t uiorn ks live piles da. K.ery her to the I. 1 lire t -i r.i '! irght. sr.e . iii.i.k:!!: n.ieea e.u h - , r ! 1 itiie; . take ' . I n' be. : .-- g:e-, (,.!' ami reiur:'- t id at the end of I lie I line lihiag to her attendants lie- f;"i;ih bilge. Very treijueiitiy t h v. s-nt- ;, r leiii.ile t i.i-iv-. and 1 valual l.- pre-eiif ai 1 . 1 it wMch -be pre ai ; .-1.1l.ii1 ts 1.- tjiii;.' e. rigar.Ied by thi ni .1- a A lien the voiing girl has si'cni l-iii v-tive ii.iv 111 Ihi- teenee 8be ha- made hei 'eimt into the s-wicty of her tribe, and ih.-t is considered as a public announcement th it si:e is ready to marry. ('! r unnMn ''. MODERN CONUNDRUMS. Y hen is a girl like a gi i-t u!i oii-e oil. -7.orti "When .-he (.'101 nVr. has her sash Why is a burglar like a dog that tries to Catch its tad ? IVcau-e ,t- goes round after his swag. ''i mx .o'fti;ii. Why is tlie press like l'rov idence 7 lie cause not a " sparrer " falL-th to tha ground wit hoi it it - notice. foe It ('on rirr Why is the man at the lower end of a whip -aw like a man who i- dt-ad anil buried ? Hecaiise he i- under the -awed. JoNfuii 7'ron-f rit. This i- t lie dillerelice bet rt eeii a part of our cider receptacle and a trick with cards one is a jug hmdleand the other is a hand juggle . I. mi t It t'ourii r. ' es." said .b ines. " when my wife gets mad she reminds me of a vessel under weigh." ' i low so?" imiuired Smith. ' Hi-cause she's g"t her rancor tip." iiosfon 'on it r. j "Ma," cr ed Charlie Caution at snp-i per la-t night, " w hat are pa's dress pants made of " I ' I hev are made of doeskin. Charlie " stop sjiul.ng that milk 011 the clean table Cloth. ' " Well, ma, why are they like the crust on this biscuit ?" " 1 don't know. I'm sure." ' llei atise they're doughskin." said Charlie, ducking his head as his father reached for him. VUinburg ChronicLe Tcleyrajih. From the Bloody Urtnnd. ToLI.ESP.OIlO, Kt. Vn. S. H. IIa iitman A Co. 1 keep the largest stock ot medicines of any store in Lewis county, with the exception of a drue store in Vanceburg, our souuty seat, and am selling a preat deal of yonr reruns and Manalin. It is giving the best satisfaction d any medicine that I ever handled. In one cuse, oiu constatile for this precinct, lias been verv sick and low spirited for a !onu tune. For seven years he has tried ail the doctors here, and we have some Rood ones, but they did him no cood. After much per auasii n I sold bim two bottles of I'eruna and Mara'in. He took half ef the medicine. I could see a great change in him, and now he is as sound a man apparently as there is In this vicinity, and says he is entirely well, lie Is a number one man, and is hithly re spected. He is satisfied that your medicine sived his life, after all the doctors and ad medicines had faild. Heine unacquainted with you, I refer you to John Shbl;to A Co. Aitor, Tinrkard A Co., and other business houses of Cincinnati. K. 1j. CiiLtEsriE, I M. "Tom Know How It la Yonraelff." There Is not a particle of doubt but you have to this day a vivid recollection of the i h .rrlble, nauseating doses of worm-ieed tea ore.rups forced down your throat twenty t ars ago by an over-solicltons aunt or Kr ndnnher who pronounced your case wnm. You will be. able to apyreciate a y-riiiiiuge bke McDonald's celebrated wotia powder. The most efTectire and reliable w inn destroyer of the age. So easy and pi a-aL t to take the. patient will never know : ..: d fine is te ng administered. Money ref'indn I to dissatisfied buyers. For sale tj J.l'iies. Johnp-tos, Hoi.t.owat A Co., l'bilar'.elphia Acents. Wanttd. i ." orFt rase in Cambria county ot si- iiiin, irsir"las, tetter or blood disease ol miy nrtur?. itiheiited or cuiieil, to pnr hae one bottle of McDonald's pre at blood purifier or sarsaparilllan ajirnatlve, vise as ilirei-ti'd and tf not benefitted many times the value of its cost, vonr money will be re turned. Johnston, Jiolloway A Co., I'liila ielpliia ant'iiU. Suiil by K. James, Ebens bur. 5-J.-ly. That fepi'mif of mental dullness, ttiat troublesome i bilious heaa.icl.e, fastidiousness as to food, t and weary acbitur pain in the small of the ' back r.in a'l tie itotten rid ef by usinu one box of Mi l)ina!d's Improved Liver Tills. j I)!iifitir.lied bujerscan have their money . refuni'.e-!. Johsston, Hoi.i.owat f.'o., 1 l'hilad -Ipt ia, Agents." ( 5-.-ly II M Mlpery Ulan Tyr. "The Snu'ti," s.iy tfie author of ' The j Hiwi-ier S.;.iiK'!u:ater," "wore one class eye j and a wij The glm eye was cn.itantly j slipDinu out of focus, and the win turnlnij j around sideivi.s 011 his head when le ad- ( dteed penp'e of the F'uit Creek ' sricl." Sot snecnrle. Parker's Hair Iial 1 Uiiu jiti-erns and promotes the urowtli of I the i.aturnl hair It alio teitures the Hat lira? ciilur to hair which has failed or become jtray. C'ean, t-ietrand, briirficial, highly per f aii.pi! . t riOUP. s MtMJI'lNti COrII and tten AstrniiH itumt'liauit relifveii bv Acker's KiikIisIi IieiueJj . iulj uo Jer Luarantte by . Jimt:. r 885- i l885. THE WEEKLY POST Under a Democratic Na tional Administration. The Will of the People Vindicated and the Great Wroncr Righted. congratulates Its Pemocratl" renders on the dawn of a new year, under conditions that bare not ex isted for a quarter of a century "Rinir oat the old. rlnar In the new, King out the lalne. ring in the true." Clereland and Hendricks hare been elected. After the fourth ol March there will be a Demo cratic administration at 'ahlnirton, with (treat possibilities toi the progress, prosperity and ad vancement of the country. As I'm Post has labored nnceaslnirlv fortwen-tT-flre years for these Klorlous results, so It will extend to the new administration a hearty (creel ing and cordial support In the re-eatnblishment ot principles and policies vital to the public wel fare, by relormlnir abuses, rUhtlnir wronirs and assertlnK the supremacy of the Democraticfalth. We are on the threshold ol Important events and jrreat chnnites. To a Iiemnorat who aided In Cleveland's election, the future Is full of Interest and hope. Tbi Wkkklt Post will aim to keep fully abreast of the times In everything relating to the Incoming administration. Its policy at home and abroad will be Intelligently discussed, generously supported or candidly and kindly criticised. No year in the history of this journal promises to be so replete with matters of interest to iMmocrats as the one which we are about to enter. The meeting of Congress, the declaration of the Pres idential Tote, t he inauguration, the new t'aabinet. the changes In tne untitle service, the opening up of the book, all are of great concern. The W'ekk lt Post will lurnlsh the earliest Intelligence, with judicious comment from the old Democratic stri ndpoint. Success will not hamper it any more than a quarter of a centnry of defeat impaired its energies. The session of the Legislature, with a Reform Otvernor opposed by a Republican maierity, prumises to be Iruitful of important Issues and ex citing Incident. The coming session ot Congress will be even more Interesting In Its broader field. In all Its varied departments. The Wbeki.t Post will aim at excellence and reliability. Its literary, miscellaneous, news and local depart ments will tie maintained In their utmost efficien cy, while Its market reports will be prepared with greater care ann precision than ever before and made absolutely reliable. Now the time Tor Iiemo.-pl every where to take hold, cement and strengthen the party and its chosen representatives, by extenuing the circula tion of Democratic papers. We are no longer on the defensive we are done with a,o;,giilng the party to day stands tur a majority of the American people, and In a lew weens it will be called on to administer the general (rovernmeut. Truth Is mighty and has prevailed. Single Stnfesirrlptlon, one year, pnslatr prepaid. 81 25 0O In 4 ll ef Hie or over, one yenr, pootnice prepaid 1 A free ropy to every rlnh off ten. Semi for stnmple niplrs. M P. BUM & CO., MMIUIfJWJtf m L PB 1 f;Vi!'-: . t",7 V."rTT.a ! ' P 1 r tit M 5rTrs.T, V- V S'Jv wholesome TOMICJ I.;:.; A :i V iieqia-fu I u v : a.t. V :rt-s i I7'i 1t-''. l ev. ' , 1 !;' H DELITY & WAKNk'SS. TOrtPIt) LIVER ' ts, florvotis ' f-t) v'.iririT L. aii;:. a, i 5 1. 1 rl) i., 0 for .'-. l:. S. V. 'rr.r .l"rs: v Cite cni Night a lil.ll Ieci..e. H I . S. A. H Buchu-Paiba Rnmarkaliln Cures of Cc.ttrr'i ff tr; Yf lllaavitr. hr'a-r-iiidlten. Ij-riUiLior. o; bi t E.'is a: i' I ' l.i r. Sto:ie r (irivrl ;.- !l 3 of tin? Prti.taio li..u:.;, Droi s-.ii nl fi Sw.'!l;r:Tn. IViruVe i: 1 r . Ir tn -o of Li i ii'., ail )ftu so; tne tier.ito t'rinary Or,ra3s io cither S.-X. For t'n- ' h nli'ir or Unna'itr.il l'i-e'i.trM tise afco"v hafiin 3 lnj, erinTi t r." e.w'h For sl!!f., c i. r e-.titt-.'-ted or J. n.-"r(n:i'.irv imnr, us.' ( hnpin's forist ti' D l:::t.-r r-'v.- p, (ij. r hnttie. 1 I'hapln'H Kvfhih'le I'.l!-. nr,: r.r.H pin's l?ytl:iii;ic! 8:v., $!.in. 1; li;,i STnir1. 2 of I ;!-, 1 S i 1 . -r ,,,.. . r -eiiipr of JIO.ikj, or r.r I -r - ', '. E. H '.'-': .T.' ;'!." ' : c 5r?TT'rr-'"?"-""'-'. " ' RESM Cream'falm IT I V'Ci Cleanses the Head. Allays I n fl a in in a t i on. Heals the Sores. Restores the Senses or Taste iV Sin ill. A quick - Positive ('lire. --im ur'- ,r, mf - au " - , hayfeyerD i AY- FEVER A pnrticla I npplie l In each nostril nn.l in aitree utile to ne. I'rli'e , M) rt. by in-ill orat Iimiitl.-lii. Smul for Cin-nlar. KLY HKiJJ, Drnuiji -is, -May 1. 14. 5. Oweuo, N . V. 1 ...T-y. , pp. t,rJrnvc s ci vinuc, 1 j AK Kl Au VAlJUi & cLLI(iJiM 1 I C'liriase Making in all its Branches. Pa in tin J, Trinmiin Q' ami UKI'AIUINi; of all kinds done 1 the SHor.TKST NO TICK and tho LOWEST THICK. A!o. 'l inlnir. Samuiir an.l Wo.ul Turn Ira with Impr-iived m.irti inery. Aln, all kin-l of he.iv y work ilune. t 'arrtaice ?rn Ith 5 hop connected All parties tru.tin me work will be honor ably dealt with- 11 work warranted. I. X. CHUTE. Ehensburir. Ortuber 24. !. THECOMPLETc HOM E-iVT";, 1M 1. c e:itton New tin !inH', r ti.;i:r,irion w ft m 1 :t it . ' til IfVT ritkMi. I.'ie I : r.4nuv.ti.st prf itut -r t it v !V ti... 1... A ..1 o.-i' 1 urn t new Kx-kt nJ Bi I CvltS VHEIE All US I QHORTHAND V . I.enn t'V mill. fN. I.i ei m:it!el 1ne. Cum ;ien.l i nn'. nvle l 'i.I.eir- f M.ortimnd. 14:il t'tiemnut t., I iiilmti ii.liiii 'i.. J. M. I.lN'il.K. AllTr iTIst K by r, . 1 . 1 . 1 . .n. P. HOW I I, A l it., IK Sitiic St.. New Ynr . i-n ie rn the e.i.A-t vest nf any ;. jsoJ hue ul Ailrertm nir in Amti.iJO "i.kPMi.. 100.1'kc I'lmphlet, 10c. N. J., 6.f M mi 11 f . . n x . . ' ' 9. . ":wl n$. Q :si-m" it I BEST and CHEAPEST Two Weeily Newspapers for tie Price of One. And the I3est IDnily at The Harrlshnrst Wkkkly Patriot is a large eight page sheet and contains a greater variety of reading matter than any other paper published. I It is newsy, spicy, instructive ami entertaining. '. The subscription pnee of the Weekly Patriot I 1 fl.OO per annum cash In advance, j CLUBBING. i The Weekly Patriot and New York Weekly ' Sun will be sent to any address, post paid, one I year fer fl.PO: the We'kklv Patriot and New j York Weekly World to any address, pt st paid, lor j one year tor fl 90; the Wkekly Patriot and the ! Philadelphia Saturday Record, post paid, tor one year, fl.PO; the Weekly Patriot and Ph iladel- r" hia Wrekly Time, post paid, one year for $1 .15. n all cases the cash must accompany the order. I THE DAILY PATRIOT ' Is the only morning paper published at the State j capital ; the only morning paper outside of Phiia- 1 delphia ana Pittfburg that gets the complete As- snciated Pres news, and that has a general sys tem of special telgrams ; and the only daily that i reaches the interior towns of Pennsylvania before the Philadelphia and New York papers. The Daily Patriot has been greatly Improved In all lis departments within the last s'ii months and Is now equal In all respects and superior in some to ; the dallies of the larger cities. Price by mall, W.00 per annum In advance (or $T.OO If not paid In advance) ; 3 00 for six months, in advance ; 1.1S0 for three months, in advance: .SO cents for one month. In advance ; to clabs of five. fft.OO per copy per annnm : to clubs of ten, 4.50 per copy per an nirai, payable In advance. The Daity Patriot and tne' Phllail "lnlila Daily Rerord (Sunday edi tion excepted ) will be sent ene year to any addross for $8.00 cash in advance. Send for specimen co. des of the I'wiv and Weekly Patriot. In remitting money Tur subscription send postofflce : money order, check or draft. I Address PATRIOT PUHL1SHIJKJ CO.. I 3"0 Market Street, Harrlsbarg, Pa, B. J. LYNCH, I UXBBRTfVKER, A ail 1lanatrtarer and Dealer in j HOME AND CITY MADE FURNITURE! FAUCI. AND lUUlll SUITS. LOUNGES, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, 1603 ELEVKXTH AVENUE. Ret ween Kith and 17th Sts., ALTOONA, I . Bf Citizen of famtiiia ennnty arnl all other 1 wIMitnvto pnrih.ie hnpi-Jt Kt" KNITI H K, ate. ct ; hmipi't jirice are re'i ectnilly invttM toicivenva caII tiefure buyinic eliliere. as Wb are eimfl'lent that we can meei evry want arnl please every taate. Frice The verv lowest. AIM'.n, April 1. isso.-tf. irni. ; EtensTmrnL Firs Insurance Agency T. AV. DICK, General Insurance Agent, k it i:sn una, rA. Policies written at short notice In the OLD RELIABLE "ETNA" i Anil other rir lass Cmnpanlr.. I rr. W. DICK, A liF.XT FOR THE OLO HARTFORD 1 lv i. 11 i nn 11 11 CflMNKNCKll BVSIMS 1794 Eer.pnnrif. .liny 't.1k82. XL - f An independent Newspaper of Dem ocranc Principles, but not Cont-olled by any Set of Politicians or Manipulators; Devo'.ed to Collecting and Publishing all the News of the Day in the most Inter esting Shape an i with the greatest pos sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impar tiality; and to the Promotion of Demo cratic Ideas and Poiicy in the affairs of Goverrment, Society and Industry. Hntrs, by Mail, i'omlpaui: f. DAILY, per Year $6 00 M DAILY, per Month 50 SUNDAY, per Year 1 00 DAILY and SUNDAY per Year ... 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year 1 00 Ad,lrr. Till-: SIS. Xrtr York City. 11 mm R. LAESSD3 In Minnesota. North Dakota. Montana. Idaho, Washington and Oregon. rem Lake Snperior to Pnaret Sound. At prices ranqing chiefly from 12 to 6 per acre, on 5 to 10 yearsr time. This Is the Best Country tor securing Good Homes now open for settlement. !r r p- 3 Z O nrrr of Oovrrnment " F" I.nnil Kreeiirnler lb Uimipni ail anil l inibf ' Cnltii' I . OTK 10.1R.433 .Arrr OR MORE TI1AM II ALt" of nil the I'uhlic l.nd rt!spie1 of In luM iu the N--i-"-'i Parific country. BnoV son f?pa rvi KltKl.. decribina: the Anrlbfrn Irlflr 'ountrT,ltie Knilroad Lands for air and th FatKKiiiivrrnment I.anda. Addreas, H A S. B. 1 AMKuUN, l.ar.dCom'r, N. P. R. II., St. Paul, Minn. UteWv" ffUtliUlWAHTED WiXTEO Sf.rfe. The f.ne,t ....I T BVS - " r'' ' "''lit'- Ms in rt,tr-fter G-d Salary and Expenses Paid' OUTFIT FREE. A erienre y.V K&M S A B LANDS n the lii t ".f h L-reiT whflt. row i!(r iv ij.i... 1 f 1 hi -rri ,-.n.1 stuck Sl'iti- TUo lie i !' ' t. ,'f..f, -i f, r ,1.. rv r, i ,r v,,;,. Ai'.lres, .. II Mi I'DVXEI.I. !' turnii rlv Ml Sali..:, ill l".--t:il' . K 'r,i::oi-ii fiven. P a if"N t C - W v..-; UVi lin-tn. i!i-n hvetr I i- n .'s (. , ., -ill TTi- n 1 - .1.1 Y or KA! If: W- j-! -. s l.v I t- f-v, - 1 I,. ;t.. r-n-. t-.r c -: not rc -1 fr. r r-i- . ti-1 ai fvfi.-i tor n trnMM nini Fre H..tt: of nvfs!- IMf faxT- iive V.-xtr siwl iM OOc- Ucw' y : rt l.ti.p for a tn.il. sn.l I 1 run- jou. A PRIZED Send aixeenra for niwrauR n,l r- rr'.vti lr.-e a costly h . of Co-i ihat win nip a-i. i either son. ti more lllilll rlKht imv than nvlh., " .-i.t. Vruiiew.t ihewHikeraab solutely ure. At unce a.ldr.-5. Tuck & o An KU.t.i. .Maine. I4-xv..i.i snail tTdiTis'lvB bten chtmI I ...1. . .? y II t it r V a I r i it i ar -T-1 t . v , , "r-. lu a: i v ii ; - . . ... .. r. r. i i p. on in: aiscuw. -:r. iilVr f . nr...a -.i.l I - l.t In. T. A. cil.Ki.1 S. Id IVirlHt., Ni w Titk. .t Iny f,i- tccnta. h t to K ;m ter liileelltiK ni-:r:tiwl ,. , 1hiiiu,.iii,( ... i;,i;, :it.M. irt . In i J. t.llcl nrilT A ik. , , , . ,-, tBnU .n.i Type-Writinc HKHr. Si, a-Mrm.-taed. A ;ure Valetiun Hrm. ,J sneavii le, Wia PATENTS l. -.M-.x. Siiunsi.n & Co., VMhinton TI C. Vl 'lllV Rlll.il Wi.Bl.nl ..til "''''ieJ. Write lor Invent. irf Ouhle. re?en rihii.ir 1 li.' eniin- il I-,.-. Kt., Kim, imtmtt3 A PERSIAN riCTTJRE. nawthe Shah Llrri In bla Capital. In the capital, says the London World, the Shnh may frequently be een on horse, hack, and, like all Persian gentlemen, he rides well; his horses, with long and un cut tails, dyed crimson for some six inches at their tips, (the jealously guarded privilege of the King and his sons,) are distinguished by their value and beauty. Here, too, the Shah's quiet taste is ap parent in the sombre materials of his sad dlery, though of course each spirited charger has its pure gold or jeweled neck lit and trappings, and these barbaric orna ments certainly do not detract from its ap" pearance. Riding alone, his eyes general ly on the ground, his Majesty still main, tains a staff of some dozen royal running footmen, who, clad in his state livery of scarlet and gold, and wearing the turreted hats of other days, with their jingling ornaments, and each armed with his silver staff of office, hover round the Shah, while one remains at his stirrup to indicate the royal pleasure. Behind come one or two of the Ministers, then pell-mell the throng of mounted conrtiers. secretaries, officials, and their hangers on, while the royal body-guard of irregulars, each with his gun slung in a scarlet cloth case across his back, mix promiscuously among the mis cellaneous crowd of 100 to 200 horsemen without whom the Shah is hardly ever seen. The royal carriage most in vogue with his Majesty bears a suspicious like ness to one of our Sheriff's vehicles; eight horses are harnessed to it, the pairs being ridden bv four postilions in scarlet. Asa rule the King is alone, the only exceptions being when accompanied by one of his sons or the Prime Minister, or perhaps some religious niaimate. Krratic as he is in his movements, passing from one suburban palace to another, the royal route may generally be asrertained by observing the water carriers, wno carefully sprinkle the road the King will use. Nor is this a need less form, ns the ordinary state of the roads, if they mav be dignified with that title, round Teheran is similar to the dustiest of Derbys. At o'clock ' the royal breakfast is served. It is a solitary meal. The King is squattine on the ground ; some 50 dishes are set before him. His Majesty selects the simplest, and quenches his thirst with buttermilk or iced sherbets, which are served in delicious profusion in magnificent china Ixiwls. Dead silence is observed by the few favored courtiers who stand around the walls of the apartments. The royal butlers silently hand the various lihes. As the King eats he addresses tiiose whom lie may deign to honor with his notice, and these fortunate ones bow low mid answer in humble affirmatives: "May I lie yonr sacrifice. Asylum of the I" ni verse. So it is." and so on. The same kind of language is used by the royal Princes in addressing their father, and they would not presume to attempt to sit in the royal presence; but as in Persia no son would sit in his father's presence un less ordered to do so, this is more due to lilial respect than the awe of majesty. The King rinses his niout h and wines his hands over a golden bowl, and then he rises and the meal is served to the Princes. tin j leaving them it goes to the courtiers, and lastly the royal famishes pick the ' bones, and literally lick the plntters ! clean. The royal dinner, served nhont '. P. M , is a repetition of the breakfant: generally it is evlivened by the playing of the brass bands, or by the music of the j native musicians attached to the court, j The dignatariesof the court are numerous, ! and consist of the l.i in I Chamberlain, the j chief carpet .-prvader. I lie chief oxecut ioner, Ihelxml Hih Treasurer, the chief hunts- man, the Prime Minister, and the head of ' the Foreign tf!icc. Then coaie the minor dignitaries . the chief if the guard, the i chief doctor, the chief b.-iilnr, the chief ' of the telegraphs, the master of the horse, ! the Court poet, and the Court painter j are imt wanting. All these oflice are sa iaried ami every royn ! has his privileges of j ippresMii hi- mi Imnl 'Hates ami ot extort- I iiug from niiisiilers. l Mien salaries are not p;:id, or are Im ieUed. or presents far ex- ! feeding their amount are made to tiie hah himself or his ministers. Hut every man, from the Prime .i imter downward. has his legitimate pcicjiiiMtes. his lawful ' peculations -in fact, the tnodakcl (or tlnstoorie. as it is called in India) aligned ; to his posit ion. Of evei yt himr t ha t passes through his hands something sticks, and t he l.truer his affairs i he bigger his prufiis. In Pers a everything is Mld (iovernor ships..! mlgi siiijis, religious o.lii es. places of i every k'lid. olli. ial protect ion. all The great otlicials are as corrupt as Hai on, but the' are not delected, of, if detected, j know how to buy safety. The King's visit to Kurope tended for the tiint to civilize him, but before a year ' had expired he wanted toexcciite the Prime i Minister. lie had lighted his palace with j gas, and even started the eiectric light there: hut when he did not pay the salary ! of the genial Frenchman who provided I that ligtit, all was dark once more. In 1 fact, t lie nah was int rodnced to t he high- j handed proceedings of gas companies in Kurope. Alter that the Frenchman got his pay. and the supply has been steady ; since. The King now ret urns salutes, as a i rule: belore his-visits to Kurope he did ! not. He now looks at the pictures in the ! illustrated journals with pleasure. Put when he last cros-ed the Caspian he slept on t he HiKir in t he ladies' cabin under the table, and on : he table he put. his In Hits. He maintains a siait of giants and dwarfs. Once it was a pl astirc to the Asylum of the L'niveise to till a boat on one of the large tanks of his numerous country palaces, w ith the grandees of his kingdom clad in gala com nine, and go into lits of I.vughter as t he ImkU sank and the pillars of the empire crawled out, muddy, wet and bedraggled. And they say that on the last visit ol the King of Kings to Kurope, when .seated bet ween two royal ladies at the uiuner tab. e. on lasting and sucking a piece of asparagus, that he uttered the hnlf devoured butt to the more august of the two. with the idea that she should en joy the pleasure he had experienced, say ing, w it h I n 1 1 h en t enjoyment : " Pa, ba I how good it is "' A nrnarKlnfa Verdict. M. E. decree, one of the principal drug gists of Philinsburg Pa., writes : Mr. A. McDonald, Keedsviile. Pa., Dear Sir : One ot the most nroniiuent citizens ot our city and a gentleman well known and highly respected in the surroiinnint; : country, called at our store and voluntarily offeied to eo before a justice of the pence and testify in an affidavit to the virtue ot your Blood Purifier, saying that he had used but three bottles, and was now en tirely cured of a distressing and long con tinued attac ; of erysipelas, and having tried a nunii r of other remedies without receiv inii any noticeable benefit. Plensn s.-nd us i,ne dozen by express. We never had a niedicme in our store that sells as readily or ene such universal satisfaction as your 15 oad Purifier. For i-crof iila. erys;pelas, fetter, salt rheum skm diseaies, humors, sores, eruptions, punt !cs, rtlri'ehes, swellings, tumors, noils, u-cer-. sea'd h.-ad, ringworm, synhillis. and nil blood dionlers, no remedy ever ib-vised iquass in efficacy and p.iwvr McDonald's ureal 15 nod l'uriliei or Sai a parilhin Alter ative. Warrant ri. Seventy-five cenls uer houi at nil dealers In medicines. Johnston, MouowatACo . Philadelphia Agents. Now that sudden an. violent changes of weather occur every twenfj-l'iur hours, al ' imwt everyone has a troublesome cold, , u hicn, if negl- ct-d, may produce resu Is that will tri'ii'd yon for the remainder of ; o-.)r life. Ir. Keller's Celetuiited Eng. hsh Conph Me.1t.-ine Is especially deserving . praise in this class f complaints. It never fi!s ! It n ver rit-nppniit ! Inti nctions for 1retmcnf of cmnp snd whoopino rniich ai.io aecoinp.i iv eeii o.iiiie. Ev.-ry l.iiimv. e.-p. eiitilv wlieie there i children, -hou'd hav- a bottle. IVusi fid buy, rs ean have "heir monpy refunded. Fur sale In K James JOTINVTON. IIOM.OWAY it Co , Philadelphia Agents. T HK r?E of I lct'rr.i or mercurials In 'he frea'uieiil of cat ar i h wh -t In r in the tornr of suppositories or i-it tinents should be avoided, as they are both injurious and dan gerous. Iodoform is easily detected hv its ffensive ,vlor. The only reiiatde catarrh remedy on the market to day Is Ely's Cream r.al.fi. being free from a'l poisonous drugs. It Ins ctiifd thousands of chronic and acure cases, where all other remedies have failed. a particle is applied into each nostril ; no pain ; agreeable to nse. Price 50 cents ; of druggists. That felinz of mental rfullnpss. that treublesomc bilious hfailitrhi. fast'nlious riess is to rrK.cJ, and warv nching pnln in the small of the back, can till be potter) rid of tiy nsina one box McDonald's Improved l.lvi r l'i'is. Money refunded to dissatisfied Ouyera. For sale bv E Janie. JOHNSTOM, IlOI.I.OWAT A Co.. Philadelphia Agents. Fits. All fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No flta after first ) day's use. Marvelons cares. Treatise and ' f2 iiO trial bottla free to fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Ta, I WHAT STKTJCX HIST! The 7f yatrry of Deadly Attaek SolveA by a Newspaper Paragraph, Boiton Herald. " How are Americans lyted In England And Mr. B. F. Larrabee, 43 Cheater Square, ex-director of the New Tork & Boa ton Despatch Express Company, who haa recently returned from a eoslderable res idence in London, answered : " If they have good recommendation and behave themselves the'- are well treated, but they will like the English people, any way. when aequain . anoe ripens into eon fldenee." "How do the English compare with Americana " "The finest looking men In the world ean be seen on pleasant days of the Ion don seascn. promenading Piccadilly. The English ladies, however, are neither ao neat in appearance nor bo graceful of form and movement as the Americans, but they eeem to enjoy more robust health." " Are English people longer lived than onr reople t" "I don't know. I hare not fully Investi gated. But I remember once hearing read a newspaper paragraph entitled why do Englishmen Live Longer than Amerleanar' That paragraph, by the way, once solved a great mystery for me." " Ah, indeed, another ' trfbnte to the power of the press ?' " suggested the re porter. " Yea, if you so please to eall It. In 1879 when I was residing at the Common wealth hotel, in this city. I had occasion to do some business in Washington street When I got to the corner of Franklin, I seemed to feel a blow In the breast and fell to the pavement like a dead man. When I recovered consciousness I wae taken to my hotel. I first thought some enemy had struck me, but my physician assured me that such could not be the case and advised strictest quiet. For six long weeks I was unable to lie down. I was violently ill, and my physicians said I would probably never walk the streets of Boston again. I did not want to die, but who can expert to live when' all doctors say he cannot t" And Mr. Jrra bee smiled, sarcastically, and expressed himself very freely concerning the num ber of common disorders which are con trolled by remedies which physicians wxil not employ. " But how about that paragraph " " Yes. yes. When I was obliged to slf. np in bed day and night for fear of suffo cation, and hourly expected death, m nurse begged the privilege of reading tha paragraph to me. I refused him at flrsi,. but he persisted. Itdescribed my condition so exactly, that for the first time I began to realize what had prostrated me. I was filled with a si range hope. I at once dis missed my physicians and immediately began Warner's safe cure. In a few months, I was restored to perfect health, notwithstanding mine was one of the worst cases of brlght's disease of the kid neys, which all ray physicians. and I had the best special lb ts in Boston, said was incurable. I tell you, when a man gets into the desperate condition I was in, he doesn't forget what rescues him." "But were the effects rermanent " " That was five years a--o." paid Mr. Lar-' rabee, " and for thirty years I have not been bo well as during the past live years. If X had known what 1 do now, I would have checked the mntter long ago, for it was in my avstem for years, revealing itself in my blood, by frequent attacks ot chills, jaun dice, vtrtlgo. typhoid fever, nervousness, wakeful nights, etc., etc. I t'ok over forty bottles before I got up and ever one hun dred and lifty before I was well. I have commended that treatment in thousands of raes of general debility, kidney and liver disorder, etc., and have never heard ljl concerning it. I bank on it." "tweaking of par.', jrnpris, how do Eng lish papers compare with American, in tnis particular " "eil, tne have fewer witty para graphs, but the sturdier papers, like the i'ail .Mall timrtte, St. James Omette, and Truth, abound in sharp, incisive para graphs without wit. In general, Ameri can papers make the most of news, the Jxjniion I upers make iho most of opinion." Hon hi I tiitfe ).i c. When oi e llyes in rented ln.ie-e.-. writes a coi'respoiident, tliey are ulien found l.-irkiiig in closii room I will u-il how we made a suli-titute for a Mardrnbo in a house of this kind. There wa a rei ess by t he side of the chimney, and in th.it i had t w m el vis fit ted. one n ! .nil i;uht inches from ii. !'-. : nd the other about tive feet above ti,.. : . I hen i m.nie a cur tain just long cii.,..!i to reacii iniin one shelf to the other, .'.i id.- it in two parts nnd hemmed it nt Imt Ii ends, i nn a -tone w ire in both hems, which w h, .,i.-teneil id each end to the shelve- and a No la the middle. Below I lie upper shell i ir d two rows of hooks put . aim m closet w.i- tin-i.-heii The cuitain being : ...-tene-1. In it h top and bottom. - mi e-s: i , d . c. p.i.ied the ih:-t It purled ,n the nit,l.'.;c and could be iim-hcil back cither way. -i.j p.ne; easily on t lie w ire A small c!w-et o the same kind tould be made in the cornet ol a room, nsiiitr shelves that lit into the cor ner. Cietontieor canton tlauucl makes a good curtain A wide liem shuild be made, and a casing for the w.re st ttchetl about twoinihes from the e.loe. so as to leave a lieaumi! noovc I ho l.otloia is finished m 1 he same v hv A bout Pie. To prevent pies baking over (Joocl pie apples, such as (ireenimis. do not require any water. Two or three tablespoonf nl.s are enough for oorer apples later in the season Sweeten, season, and add a small piece of butter Cut the under crust a little larger than the dish, lap it over the upper crust, pinch tijht aad in.nk ;' n fork. NOTICE DEMOCRATS, INDEPENDENTS, ALU I ! We now ci !Tr "a real art treasure." The Bust Soi'vekir Enoravi.no yet Issued t OT Cleveland and Hendricks, Tinden Included. I'niipie design. No ehoddyv Heal vp.lue. 3 Chromatic Tints. Heavy Plate Tmper. 12x29 2 tirades-75c. and v. Clubs and Agents. Spe cial Terms. Tend Postal Notes. J. HI. CKBTY A CO., lcw York. WHAT A DIME Will DO FOR YOU i TO THE READERS OF THIS PA- r man: the following special offer to enii on receipt of Tr. ck!ti. in money or pos taire stamp, o jr latest finely lithiKraphnd book.' wlurh eoiitains actuarial calculatlnns. showing Woman's Chscks or Marhiagk at different aires; Hod's N amk in forty-jRht ditrerent lan-. pnages : How to read. writ and speak correctly tho English Innirvmire. wtthont the aid of tirammar ; II 1 titMC II 1. 1. US ; a Sermon to yoanR men by America's most noted divine; Choice selections of poetry; Album verses t M'h at Men n eku Wives foh ; a complete com pilation of 1a ws for successful v cnn.MicrinC mercantile business; Treatise nnCOSI'7l P TION jitssjieeiiy and effectual cure ; iNson 1 I A , i-nrv it may surely be overcome : !I PII THKI1I A, its causrt. effect and renieiiy ; Rules for puysieai care of Infnntu nnd 'hi!'ir"n, by a prominent physician ; III: A D-.4CIS F.ft, their oriein and eradication. " Women are wbatmea doih make tnem ;" tucffetions to Wives; Ta bles of the revenues, expenditure, commerce, pupulatioti and area of the principal nations, la fact, it is a bixik needed by every one, apprecia ted by all. and it is only sold t you at ton cents so that it may be intr.iducexl in your vicinity, and thereby ti?.;v.ra for us a urvc demand lrum T"r f Honiis and neitnlrs. Address DUFFY PUB. CO., B3 South et i Ilaltlmore-, .lid. MALARIA IS THE CURSE OF HU MANITY end follows It, like a Nemesis, Into erery walk of Lie. TOI" A HI'. ITS V ICTTT. Physicians who are candid sny they rsnnot help yen. Hut for om ikh.mii i w ni snil vou a full rc iie by which any one can make Two Quarts of ihe l'est Malnria and l'.li I Mixture ever known. It always pives Baiislaflion. It has been used for years in lu'v.ai.d i The only recopniKii s.andard for all M.iljcrioins and flood disorders anil lieneral lict.ility. It was discov ered by an eminent Human physician, who says he uses it constancy among all claasiw and that it never fa. Is. 'I nn orrcR isnrss osi.r for a i.iVT-rvt- tt v. ni'rcfs. nr.ntioninjr thta paner. I.ICVf .TIASOSi, 39 Untvlcy St.. liochrstrr, . 1. T ' IOEST." W'e desire a representative In thi section forour new hook, " Kistm or Kon TT.KE." A piwvl person can make from 20to fro weekly. All want to knicT how our jrr.-at men made the.r f irtuae'., ana tli s book t';.'s van how. Lit: ce indure::ients. I. S.- Send Tr, cn'nt.s for romp:! U' outfit, and r.a yonr first orr'.erto n w e w.U allow yen to deduct it. This Kfves out Jit frc and a chance to make mon. y fat. MANHATTAN 11 Ti. ;u..'.l lek-.i.an st.,N.Y. m TT .n. m r m sww 1 1.--4 z Lev. Prices. SOLD IHAit PrTB Or" THE COUNTRY --'iJ- -h, Afc.r io nor , KLY Drf,lo,-; rF'- "TAucaua I 1 THE - OF - Wolfs Pioneer TO CRUSH OUT igla-Tonecl PRICES AND- Grilt-Eclgecl PROFITS. THIS r.lUST AND WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED OUR LONG AND ACTIVE EXPERIENCE IN THE SALE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING And Gent's Furnishing Goods, Gives us the advantage of knowing the wants of all classes of people. An experience of thirty years of success ful business enables us to buy or have made such clothing as will suit the trade. Our Stock of Spring and Summer Clothing For Mteti and, Itota ia simply immense, lielter goods tvere never put togetlier. the style, workmanship ami variety having never been equaled atthts or any other house. All our goods are made to order and the prices are scaled down to induce rapid sales. Everybody will therefore subserve their own interests by buying at GODFREY WOLF'S Old Reliable CLOTHING HOUSE, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE, ALTOONA, PA. P. S. Our Youths' Departments contains the largest and test assortment of clothing in the city, and our stock of Furnishing Goods is unsurpassed in quanti ty, quality and cheapness by any other stock of the kind here or elsewhere. COUCH'S NKW OIJLDirVG.. Corner Eleventh Avenue a 13th Street Altoona, WHEKE HAS JUST BEEN KKCE1VEF) ABOTJ r $M0 WORTH oTfke BEST QUALITY anl BEST MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, ETC.. Whlrti we irnarntee to ell at 20 Trr mat. Irnn ers ntT therrtore rest o?urel that they can nave from two to five dollars tn the turrtiAe ot a ult ol ol clothes or an orercoat bv dealing with us. So j.lease (five as a rail an J examine oor if oods and" lefi our prtea before Investing your money elsewhere. Wo trouble to show jfooda. XI. MA11CII, Proprietor. AITOONA, IA.. tKTTOBER 27. lW2.-tt. GEIS.FOSTER&QUINN, 113 & 115 CLIXTOX STREET, JOHNSTOWN, PA., -AlWAVS LARCEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF Dry a,xicL Dress GroocLs, NOTIONS, MILLINERY, CARPETS, ETC., to be found in Cambria or adjoining counties. IForpet not the street and nnn,ber and fail not to eall buy and be happy. PETER HENDERSON & GO.'S spras isi pi Are Anunally Sown ami Planlei in Haifa Million Gardens! CSTThis Year's Catalogue Freo on Application. PETER HENDERSON & Always Buy The Fewest and Tim SEG's"! When it rtnnt cost any mw thin nn n. tfrlr yon Imvo had a linn-lr.-ti . .. ,r tifiy Uiiics you vishtH) for Mmcthint; ottw. MARVIN'S SUPERIOR CRACKERS -A-23, 22 A?lt your Grorer for the GINGER FINGERS. BIG DIAMONDS AND SWEET HEARTS thia is Entirely New. ICED HONEY FINGER CAKES. WHITE ELEPHANT CAKES, yon want to see these. TABLE BiSCUIT, just what you want TOAST BISCUIT, it saves lots of trouble EXTRA SODAS AND OAT MEAL CRACKERS. Oir rppntritton on thw CJoo.) is rroatr thnn w n part- to !..t-; but wh.-n ron 1om fool n-, n n iSm'" "" 1 kwoww,,at Pl.ttpn Is the time j i will aiira wite Marvin's KxtraSoC ALWAYS ASK FOR WARTIV8 CRACKERS AT Y0CR CEOCERS. Office and Factory, 91, 93, 95 & 97 Liberty St., Pittsburgfc IMPORTANT PBVOCTfOV ft THE PRICE L3 K ?3 Wm ealth is Wealth l)n 1- C West's Khhtb akd T.hai Ttifat Kent, n R.simntwvl trcilic fur llyslrria, iJizit rsosB, t'oaviilt-ions. lit. Ncrroim Nrnrrilcis. IoalaclusIerTus ProHtmtion c:iuctl tiy t !; ivj Df nlcoliol f)rtolrcc, Wukofulnffo, ?.?'nt:'.l XTt-pressio-A Hofteninur cif the lirnin rcsnli int; in tn MTiitr lf-ndin to misery, ci rny aui d ath, lrOTnnuro Ol 1 Arro. narrtrit!C(-s, Lof." of pw r -a either -x, InTolnctary Ixwkii nnd HpomiBt rrhren ruvil byovtH--xortion of tho bruin, poif hasor over-iilu'.sco. Fjich hoi c-ctins onoinontH's treotmit. $l.lX)a box. or mix boxos tor Jj.O). sent Uyiuaji prepaid on receipt of price YTE c;r.raxTEn SIX BOXES Tocm-o any caos. VTith ew-h orcW Tce?rod hyn "cJilx x:;esi neeompanied with tUHi will pendtheinirohawronr WTitten Kiiarantoe to r rand tho rnonoy if the trentment doCvteffct A Cere. Cusr&atees tssuod only by JOHN O. WEST & CO, 862 W. MADISON ST., CHlCWGO, ILLS, Eoic Prop's West's Liver Pills. Tr. Li Bare, R 1 urocwwiR to JAM Mil mmmw viuie iucwwi. UO tiCIM. & IWTwMn-y, frnnc W emky . (.owrHrt, aad nre Art 4ft.. nr. 0. I.. l.B H(.K. Vrt r,4 HnUn w s . ' - W -'I felXXCASot U. Liz. iiult' i X WANTED ! "- .i..-V.-,i.. e. rVL,A Kl nrul ?i pr'lr. ; oil. .j p..te .- u, Addrass, Le CLARE t, KtKrtlCK. brigh.cu, N.T. WAXTF.n OneuBcnt. lady r.r -entlHint in " T every county, stpn.iv c(milvint iin Unts nre mHkln from d:i to 87 ir 1hv Bnnlniil i.a aimi I... ... . t'ul! VKK K' rOMI'ANY, H-x 1.1, !v. Hrow.f y. New York. .XlL Clothing House, DK IIAL) AT THE CLOTHING HOUSE than iit othr Clothing Hun., in ,. , HATE TIIE- CO. 85,L2S5sS' 8treet following New flood: COOKIES, same aa vour Kranrimnihpr mono OF 'Ont Oance bottles reduced from 1 5 cts to 1 0 cent! irT""'u"" wn'esauceoTrom &0cts. to ZScerrts Th Bllblir TTlllil. Ml mrr.nt m..-,- I... i j tM.ttied by ns, ai ike imitations arc w tirtiJt-si. .ChjBSEfcrQUhanufactL'ringCo.,HcY'crJt- ttif istm Aiti.r. ir-irsT!t r.TTsnm: PHENOL SOSZQUE. J;r.-toi: tS.t i.iW".El:-.S k f H.TK Kj ariMr rrr.y,,.ur M w r4 f r :l kiR4 ..f inpirm: ..wm3 f 'H-n-.U;. . ri-.'J y l,rlm the i-j.i ( .,r cii, j:r ...e md r,wii.r n lil:HNS ;W I-J 1!ll.n!. tlS.HMiMlH'S FllS'tiS or III 1 .s. CI J ' ! i-r - i..-, Ir t. in,Mir e m C'li.Tt T f I I ( -TV '. r-ifi 1 Tl'linU). fCAhl.K'l. rvi it.-r In N.iSV.f Ar.asll. .rfi.i lh..:,,rv, it-i FAR VV-, A- 'f-: " ANTRt M and CAKtl'.rtiiL'S A'tU ' i-. It a K.-rm I., y th 'Wm-I. fnit Ft MVS K..M.,M 1 IMPl'RcMrf I'MltAIl HV I." ALillli. to frl .r.ld V CIXtliUIN, It ! th A- HISiNTKl'TAXT tn-a, in u."?: r'kmJT. v." "ttb,"lM : ET .?:!! ISO ItiirsAL MERIKAHM trLERA. PAT Patent, oMalned thr-.w-h IHi;N V V.T n. lean MTHrre. AmnMCNS A u i toix?, E STOPPED FREE I"3 W Insme Pe-sans Retord ii Dr.KUNE'8 GREAT -"c s-r r w n vtrfrvnr. -tig, tpUrrt etc. IVPALLIHLI ifhlteu n directed. A htts mftrr rt- -i1. P-nrt ti-imrp. 0- rta xr-s i-r of ietf 1 to Ir KLIV,-x Arch St..Fh'Vhi.p. fcoo iCEit. tWAK Oi-' 4 MIT A 7VA"tr -XAUIS V T . Ke4 mmti Kcrtf IIxImc IH-Mt hj-m I lav r. ( Ttnttxt. t iiL-uiars -.t- . Vewnric W.rhine Co.. P.9LD vriti i h. y n: t:Kivsj. i itn i lont, AutnuniphK, k.o. o l hi'-firv i.l liiirinihrii (..1.1 AUBT'M UlftK, ft til ftlll IWfllltV s:an,.&. Sf.nn f. r tTiri. I M I'KKI It )J.1 JN V Ci .. 1'X. 5'.. tvon. !:!., NX., rl MOW IN USE 36,989. i JIM S ISVESTMEJUS. A Coloird ( ItlKen Drmnnilrair, y. f tionil Lurk arr I ,rr. Klartia or Jim know -l all kinds of siltii he knowed 'must evt-r t!;iri i. I looked to rue like nil ttie i i l.-r i wns 'I it ''""it bad lnrk. mid mi I fisk-d him if t)it r- rn t any fzntvl luck sitms. He fay: "Michty ft-w nn' (ley Rin' no u. f,, a body. What you want to know w)...,, L..tfl luck's a-comin' for wnnt to ko p t ,f? And he said : " If youV l,airJ ;uiJi, ca a hairy brenV, it's a sitrn yoii't a'wyiJP t' be rich. Well.dey's sume use in a ln ;j,.e dat, 'knsi- it's o fur nhciid. V.-. rii;i" be yon's trot toer)' a longtime f, po yoti iniirM iit liiouraL'-' c;i kill vV-.f 't yon didn' know de fcin dat you fr'wvna to ik rich hymetiy." "Have yn pot hairy arms and ,i t ;i;.T breast. .Tim 7" J " What's dense to ax dat question I) ., you s- I has " "Well, are you rich f " " Xo ; but I ben rich wnnst. nnd trwri to lie rich atrin. Wnnst I had fo tc.-t, lars. but I tuck to sp-ciilat'tr, en cot i,-,Jt" ed out." u ' What did vou srieculate in, -Tim " "Well, fust "I tackled stock.." " What kind of stock " " N hy. live stock, t attU-. you k..mv put ten dollars in a cow. Hut I aln t L.w to rok no mo' ninnev in st'K k. Ik- ow 'ii died on tnv hnn's ' r ;.Tic up " So you lo?t the ten dollars " "No; I didn't lose it all I on'y .' ).t Tlfne of it. 1 sole de hide en t;il!ei J-.r ,j .'i lar en ten cents " " Vou had ti p dollars and ten !, Did yon ieculate anv more " " es. Von know fat otiednitri.-! n:L. ., dat li'l"itrs toole Misto llradi-h ' Hot up a l; r?k. en s.-.v nnylHuly il.ii ..' dollar woiiiii ml ti ' dollars mo' at vh",', de year. Wei';, all U- ri!--i-rs -n dey didn'have Tnu'di. 1 wnsihei -Vj ,-.jJr flat had tttnen. Si I stuck out f rt ' . , to' dollars, en i said 'f I didn' tn . j ,t Man a oaim iiiasi-i r;i.o n.i:r - J it nlirt-'cr w.uit to keep me out cr bckase he snyiley irnrn'l tiiii.; l-:1i-S, r.i'ii lor two liaiiks. s,, ;e s.iy I i -ould ;t : five dollars c-t he jav i,:e t:.m ::v( ; en' it do year. " So 1 dour Jt. lien 1 ni k'n"d I'd ir: de tliirty tiv- dollars riirf.t .; ; t hitiK-" a-i:.' i in'. I i"-v v ii. a ni.-ii H'.At. !,it had tch.'d n ivi .. 1 , marster didn' know it : en I l.onnt n i hiin. en told him to t.ike : llor: :,v(. lars when !p n' er lie vear iome la .1- fcomei.oiiy stolif ilf msui ilal ilal iiui.l , lipx' dav de on-la iL'eil ihul-i-i . bank's tnwled. So tlry didn" ii iin- i.; IiO U'oin y "What did yon do with the ten ccr.'s Jim ' " Well. I "j:7. pwyne to s;wn' it . but I A dream, en dc dream to!.- hip t i t a nisirer name' Malum- B.ilmn's ,)..y rail him, for short ; he' tmc er Ipmi i h ;u kle beads, you k "t litit he's lurkv. dev suv n I see I mt -"! ''ioky Dc dreim shv ict lialum i:,ies ie ten vrJ en he d ri',"ki- raise for Well, lial'im he tu k '!e money, en when he wuz in Iraii !, i.( :, r de tiitai i rr say dat whot cr uuc t.i po' leu' to de lird. en lnun' tn i:;t i..s money back a hr.nd d times So I',ai :ii ) e Tnrk en K've de ten cents to de po en :n low to see what wuz ewioe to co'ne of it." " Well, what did come of it. .Jim - " "Xuflin never come .f it. I couldn't manaire to k'leck dat mojiey no wav : en Halum be couldn". I tin' trw yr.e to ii tr i r mo' money 'dout I see de security . Hun' to pit yo' motiey back a haml'd 'tiino. i:s prtHther say ! Kf 1 omU pit de 'en . : back. I'd call it sqr.ah. er lie jrlad crde t chanst." ' Well, it's all rizht anywny. .Tim. lor - as you're poing to be rich al'atu vitne t::ne or othr " "Yes en I's rich tiow.o i::e to I nfci.r it. I owns myse'f.en I's wuthit:lit l:ii: i d d. ,1 lars. But live stock's too n-sky. li nk I wisht I had de eitrht hnr.d" 1 ih ...irs, en somebody e'.se had de cier." Nirk Twaoa. in the L'enturv. COLORADO CnTTAXTES. Kxfrnordlnitrjr Ilontpmanikhlp I)l played ! Fearlea ( tnboji. W had n finf-Ioolcinft herd ot hre, they having iK't ii wt-11 carfi fur, dur:r.Jt tTie winter, to pet them in jit-rfett cnii.'! tion for tliis pi'a.in ft hard work: hut thy were nil full of the it in its lrir.hD tricfts. Sume burkttl f inly when the s-1 ' dlc was put on: others hu( ked wi'h mptintiiiK; wliile the larce? nnm'-tr TmcTied nt errentric intcrvafe whose recur rfiiae could never be accurately calcnLiTeii When tho horses hm trd. the s.i'Mle only, it whs the custom the lv-.ys to wo-r-y him into his little perfi-nn.-inre with nil dispatch, jrivins; him j.l. n?y cf rope, .nnd urcrin him to ""have it out" with the sarid'e, before moiir-tin;: All tht hoi-ses wi re vi ry skittish alxmt being Sftd lVd. nnd to manace U. 'mices-fu'iy re qr.irtd no little tact. The hors aiiLri.t up by rT.e lariat over his head was cant 'only approached, w inrl inc up the lariat as one advanced " walk in ,T tip on the rope" in thr-cuwlvy Mmm. The horse's head rear bed'. hop (a'.ltd a " li.-o kamore " wns twitf 1 Hrouirl his nr5e, nnd he was to where the Mtldle and bridle lay waiting i:p.n the proitnd nnd the bridle pt on very zt-, r!y cm r the rope th.it still c-t.ctrclcd hi- !:-(; tiien f.rr.ilV holdine th-e bri'.le reins rv.i aip.- i'i his lcft ha t. with his richt the fxiwlmy cintion-.lv laul the sutl.i'irt hlanki t- n cr Ti e h buck, nttd :f t nnitunl jumped ' sb-...k theiri otT. f.hf rxiwlwiy siiu!ly smiT' and lad t:e'ii back ntrain. " If 'ic hore per-i-:ed in refusimi In havs tny!i!t'e to do u :th the blankets, he was hi nded with a hatxlken hief. wlii ih nlmnvs had th etlect ot keeinc t hi it: si ilk The blanV- is ndjusled. t he stirrup and cine! as of t!i richt si.-i- of the . ;:iUl!. wvre laid over !' e top. that there nviht le sot tunc li'incmz loos- from that l(. an. the saddle "as lifted by the immel and laid ver thrown across th bors-' tmck. 'i'i:-n the cinchas wer-c-Miy . l ;.t a c. y ..rn.:y tightened, the left handslil! tn ildiiic p roje Hnd liridlc. and the rriiiswere km ' e l to the rope at full lencth or passed vi r the horse's head and fastened to the wi dle horn. 'lakmc InJd f the t-xt viae end of the la-it the ronlmy wnr.i I ri' move the blind from th horse and wn:il make a jump at him. -hen, if the n.T'n.il had any iuidiiiHtjon for hnckmc. ha penerall-beiran wirlt preat pron pw-vie unil vicor. All Uiis m dm opernmii. si lone in detail, reqmired but -a f tninutes in the accouplishmetit. When the horse tioily lecapie tired cf the exerc:.--o h.-.f be could se n f l worried is.t.i ln;ukimi no more, lie av.is ncain caut -ously ar.runchfsl tiy wa'.k-niZ up on the :upe: awl it was ume' ; '': necespsnry U aeain blindfold 1 im bef.'-e mountinR. With the coil of ro;) and tie reins in tl. left hand, w ith tht ame t ar 1 the rider grasped ttie the check piece of the bridlu, and sei.intr the saddle t; ra with t)e other hand, his left foot in the stirrup '4'iickiy sniinu hims!f into the paddle. In moAintinc, in this marl ' r if t he hors-e jump the rider is sure to la'i'i in the saddle instead of Jiehini it. as is the case ot cettuia on " parso- fash on. " so culled, with left hand o- the horn p.thI richt on the rantle. 1 he horse h i i ' l'sld dow-n in mount ii. so that if be were intljma to bu k his ciipaciiv n limiUfl. and the coil of ripe was kepi il in haml solhat, if ot; was throwt,. he could still treveiit the hj'rse from ftt;p-5 away.. i(oi ,ifbr.n in! nutii ; TsRii never hs bo offered the -- f'a ....... ... . vuiiij n mruii. nir sif ll iT- . , s of praise nd patroruect as McDonaal's eel- ertatd Worm Powders. They conhine the . t tiree tirst desirab points in any r-redy Viz; SBiftllne.ss iii t(.se. e?ine. to tUe JiCt effectiveness. They are po-ttivf 'v ti e B re test worm d&sroyer of the e-. Msny fthtklren suffer eotdinviiillv and Bnaliy die, heir parents never Ureaming tLal tlieit ,lta achs are it)fes.el snd fatfn through '-' worms. Tweaty-five rents fttvo'ed In boxot MeIoAalds celebrated Worm Tew ders would fcareiSBved the ill tie sufferer's life and Kivf-n back ita esy cheeks asi blCfCmirin av.tlth. Any tso id fi Uif to est. so ieptls'ion wheto worms exist, 'f1 more y Kdmr.i Iv refused. Sohl t'.l K Jaii!r, Khetisiji.rc. Jt'WKbTON, Uoi l,(WAt & Co , 5-t.OJ lniladelphia Acvk'- ASIUKI V. Whm Hahy it rlrk. we rT tif-r t'il"' . When dhe ! afhtlit. he rrie-1 tr l't:-'i'. W hen 5h heeum ti, sbe clunu t'Bcf' r . 'bn (ihe h4 ,hildr-n. fhe are them ''. For at James Itu Ptorw, "1 DON'T FEEL WELL!" ThesU.tr.s h is out of rder ; neelectef;, this mear.s colon ic dyspeTda. Ton ghonld take Acker's P pepiiia Tablets and avoid this terrible d:s ea9e. Sold bv E. Junes. (.-i rk for CRorr. 1 Pr. Thomas' Filoitrl( Oil aeeordino tn directions. It IS i the best remedy for all sudden attack' of colds, pain arid innammmion, ana I'V"" AckfrV Dyspepsia TaMts never fail. i