The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 06, 1885, Image 3

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rum A I. - - MAliVU 6, lSSJ. '
- I
litre. There and the Other riace.
A' o' " U rln'r with airy irrafe
-. i Ko.ttitiK like a rc:byr, j
j. r r" v'tit iD'ivf an. I wtnm face,
i ' I t.t-vrr shall torvet her.
'i-! " I 1 'round she swiiily flew
jr jt-ip wins npheld her.
l l.n with or"!' expos'd to view
I r i- I .vrly bewitching creature ,
),iv n Mtf tli'ir! Tl'i? t' O hokinif, 1
! ni l ' be tol.i. for. oil. t'o true !
.-! c n. re hut one striped stocking. !
( diirt Wd'k,
.- I , Mi'.T;Ui.- President. 1
r',r r.nnt-1 t j n't' go to the Sugar Bowl.
AiAit's Dyspepsia Tablets never fail.
1 r clu'icrt groceries ko to the Sugar
Ti.e Lilly Cornet Hand will parade in
t; ,i! ilrn'tf on St. Patrick's Day. i
I..-t r the tax on dogs In Westuiore- '
lril ciiiinty ainwunted to S3. 4 12. .VS.
T!ie Court finished up the business of
tt; week ami adjourned on Wednesday ev- I
Kx Sheriff Herman liiutner was attend )
lruM Vuit a a witness during the present ,
week of Court. j
Mr. Michael C. Bradley, an old citizen :
a:-..l liu.iiiess man of Lilly's, is dangerously
Hi in lht place.
Associate Juda Flanagan was not in ,
attendance at Court the present week on !
account of illness. !
Jjdue Johnston's little son Bertie, is Ir- '
Iritf i.i with pneumonia, but we are glad to !
sr.y is rapidly recovering.
Kditur lUker of the Carrolltown Xacs. ' niie of the skaters on Wednesday night j
at the opening of the rink. ,
The c ml miners at Lilly's are making a
little more than half wages but business is
slowly ami steadily improving. j
Jo-eph Watson, a prominent and weal- '
t! citizen of Huntingdon, died at his borne
In that place on .'uesday last.
Mr. W. J. Dufton of Titusville, has ren
ted tf-.e Tudoi store room and will open ud
alunlware store about the first of April
T. Kenton Dully a former temperance .
I, c'nrer. died In the Gettysburg alm.-hotl.-e
on .Sunday last, a victim of delirium tre- j
metis. j
Mrs. IUchel Martz, an aged lady of Lil-
ly's, this county, received from the govern- !
rnetit recently a back pension amounting to
J l.suO.
Wanted A girl who can speak German,
to do housework in a family that resides in
the country near Johnstown. Inquire at
t!iiJ ottice.
Within the memory of the oldest inhabit
ant the ground has uever ben known to be
frozen so deep in this neighborhood as it
bas this w inter.
George Campbell, Hopkinsville, Ky.,
says : iturdoclt Blood Bitters is the best
prepiitH'ion for the blood and stomach ever
mat' t. f ! ured.
. :.- nrion is called to the advertisement
ot -I '.. '.u, who will sell a lot of cattle at
hi , - , ni e in Mubster township, on Mon
d . t ' ltHh inst.
James Myers, of the Mountain House,
made his first appearance down stairs on
Tuesday lit, looking pretty well bleached
after his rcent illness.
Several of Company A's "bold soger
bev-" that started from here on Monday
u, urn, g')t left at Altooua but were taken
alt on a later train.
Hun. L. D. Woodruff, editor of the'
J. i,i,-'iwn Democrat, and C. T. Schubert, of !
t!iH Juliiistowo I'rele i'rei.f, paid our office i
a s! in t visit in; Mouday last. ;
Vigorous health is uian's finest estate.
If wok and nervous, send for circular and
re? trial package of Pastilles a radical cure. !
Ilatns Keruedy Co., St. Louis, Mo.
ti Thursday last a destructive lire oc
cutt 1 at Irwin, Westmoreland county, de- !
stroyuii! about fTO.Oi.O worth of property.
The rite occurred iii the business portion of 1
tf" town and several stores were burued. j
The sleiahinil party troui Last Cone- '
ninnii which stopped in this place Tburs
da) ;.i-t will take the "cake" at any time
for economy. Ttiey brought their own titu
lar and horse feed with thew.
Mr-. II. K. Jones desires to call the at
tet.t.oii of her customers to the fact that the
t ti.e is close at hand for buying her apring
s-t'.rk. anl she therefore requests all those
ir.iu l)ted to her to call anJ pay up.
--At Mrs. U. K. Jones' millinery store in
this piace, will be found a rare lot of bar- I
g:utis in corsets, gloves, hosiery, laces, em- i
troulei its, etc. t'alt at her store and exam-
it.e tlie Kmnii on her bargain couutei. j
The will of the late Francis A. Drexel, '
of l'hi.ade.phia, directs that after the pay- !
men', of certain priate bequests ten per i
cent, of Uis estate shall be distributed
among certain charitable institutions.
A special tiain was run on the branch
on Wednesday evening at 7:10 after the ad
journment of the Court, thus enabling par
t.i living along the line of the railroad to
p.-! to their homes on Wednesday night.
In a scri'jnuiago on Friday last in this i
place, Klias Kdwards, of Blacklick town- !
ii', seized Emanuel Custer, of this place, i
ty tlie ear with his teeth and held on until
he took the upper part of the right ear off.
F. Darnell, Johnstown's enterprising
ti r -t, has placed us under obligations for a
Very tine lot of cut flowers. Tersons want
irig anything in his line should call on or ad-dre-s
him at Johnstown. See bis advertise
cient in another column.
A bid has been Introduced Into the
Mat- Legislature authorizing the election of
a:' H--ssjrs for a term of three years, in
!! 1 1 of one. The object is to enable them,
ty greater familiari'.y with their duties, to
C;n,:e lu tter assessments.
La-t week an opinion was filed in the
Dajpi.m county court in the case ef the
C'.ihiiiotiwealth against the city of Altoona,
i:ivu;t ,Uji the taxation of loans claimed to be
t-x-r.ii,: unler special laws. The opinion
atr I, 4,f!j5.4S to the State.
Cnwpauy A, of this place, numbering
aiiou: vetity men, started on Monday
B.'T'.inuon the 10.40 train for Washington
t : . '..i !. irewent at the inauguration cere-
. 'hey presented a fine and soldier
ioce a? they marched down the
paugraph is written on IVednes-
!'Ttnj for the purpose of saying
!'i'-idett Cleveland's inaugural ad
'.iii not W received here before to
" t 13 a. i . and as that is about the
''- put tha itEEMAN to press, we can
f course, publish it before next week.
' : ' ' a large usituber of people were in
f e at Court during the present '
:i 1 tjcxt week will also bring a nura-
! -trat.ijers tu Uirn. It would be well !
e.. ,!c attending Court and everybody
1 ' '".-niber tint at John Owens' store '
'-'ei t, tbey will find a choice lot of I
: " .ire-s gooils, bouLs and shoes, jrro-
? ! t-r -vi-lous all of t.'ie best quality '
-' M a! tto- !ort.r ltrii..
f .r
cn !
tt-r .
a?. I
u I'.u. . .... i wo.. tr...
'"el j Al echehv rninli !at v.eL-
t' of fibadiah Haymaker iu the
"''tr the Murraysville ga well ic '
-uuoreaml county. A change of venue !
ie!.iiy county was asked for by the j
. on the allegation that thevmulrl iu Westmoreland county.
v-t was found guilty of murder In tba 1
-in t egree and was sentenced to twelve i
fiuM "' th p"niteDtiy- Weston was i
avi k,u;!ty &f volunUry manslaughter. '
" un: jet been, eeclecced.
V. H. Barker wa sw rn In ns tmr je-s
o i Monday last and Burgess Gutwatd con
quently stepped down and out. During
Mr. Gutwald's administration tht. town has
neen well governed and he has administered
the horougb law to offenders without fear,
favor or affection. During the seven months !
of his oflicial term collected and paid
over to the borough treasurer the sum of
fo2.73 for licenses and fines. j
The new skating rink was opened on
Wednesday niaht and drew a full house. .
The Carro Itowu Silver Cornet Band was in !
attendance and furnished the music, a Sied
load of Johnstown's skatorial arti-ts arrived 1
in ihe evening and added to our home tal-nt,
made the room ring with the tattle of th
rollers. Those who ought to know say that
the floor is first class and that the enterpri
ink: gentlemen who have built it, hae spared i
no expense in making it complete in all its
appointments. '
The Hautinsdon .smi- Wetkhj .Yr.say:
On Saturday last as Mr. Joim Adams, a
well-to-do citizen of OrbisonU, was coing
on horseback through the KocRhili Narrows
on Ins way to Burnt Cabins, he was shot at
by a man who had concealed himself near
the roadside. The bullet went through Mr.
Adams' hat, about a quaiter of an inch (
above bis head. Mr. Adams went on his
way to Burnt Cabins and returned to Orbi
sonia Monday. A party of citizens have !
gone in search of the high wavman. j
Peter Gates who was employed on the '
farm of Dr. C. Emerson in Conemaukih
township, on Friday last while handling a I
gun that he supposed was not loaded, placed !
his foot on the hammer and snapped it when 1
it exploded, sending the hail into his body
near the collar bone, parsing upward and
coming out at his neck 'cutting the jugular
vein. Ue died almost instantly. He was
about eeventeen years of age and a son or I
George Gates who was killed on the raiiroa l i
near Johnston about ten years ago. '
About a month ago it was reported that j
John McDade, an eccentric and demented i
man who has been travelling through the
northern portion of Cambria county tor j
many years, was found frozen near Coal- j
port, but an -investigation found the report ,
to be without foundation. Lastweuk a cor- j
respondent of the Gallitziu Xtws finished
John by freezing him near Baker's mines, !
after being refused lodging and shelter by a
i.ard-hearted fain ily" residing iu that vicinity ;
on the night of the 19th ult. As John has ;
been yisiting different parties in Cleairield ;
township since last week's Xeics was pub- ;
lished. we have come to the conclusion that
John is either very hard to freeze or eNe is
very easily thawed. i
The announcement of the Knensbiirg j
Normal School appears in our paper this j
week. The school has hecome a tixnl mti j
tution for our teachers and has been sue- '
cessfully conduced dining former terms. !
Several new features will be added which ;
Will make the s.-hool more successful than
ever. Already a large number of students !
are enrolled for the coming term and the j
present session promises to he the largest !
ver held in the comity. Everv year a large
number of young teachers are employed j
who must attend school if they expect to be i
retained for the next term, as the standard
is being raised every year. Teachers should
writrt for circular giving full informal Inn.
One day last week Cum ad Anger, of
Susquehanna township, paid a visit to his
friend, Adam Neff, of liair township, tak-
ing with him bis wife anil two children, a ,
little girl of about seven and a hoy about !
five years of age. When ready to return :
Mr. Anger placed his children in the sleigh '.
and went into the bouse for his wif Dur 1
ing his absence the horses got frightened
and ran off. Mr. Anger started in pursuit,
expecting and fearing to find his (t.i.dten '
probably hurt or killed, tint titer tiH..w.?g :
some distance touml the iutleitl and . lit '
tie further on the buy. hoth unhur', they
having juiupe I out and the soft show saved
them. The hordes ran for about two im!es
where Mr. Anger found them, one on each
side of a fence, both uninjured and the
sleigh but little damaged.
The stockholders of the Turtle Ci.ek
Vailey Railroad held a meeting on Monday
afternoon at Pittshurg, says tin Putsimrg
DitpatcH of Tuesday last. They decided to
at once advertise tor contracts for the con- ;
struction of the road, and withiu thirty days
will have the section of the road between
Tuttle Creek and New Salem under con j
struction. The following directors were j
elected: J. II. Connor. President; W.L.I
Stevvart, W. J. Wilson, Adolph Kveihardt.
James Herron. G. F. McLain. J. S. Fergu
son. "This road will cost $10,000 per mile i
to build." said President Connor. " We j
have a capital stock of 2.000 fchares. of a par i
value of ?."0 each. All of this stock has been j
taken up, so you see we are ready to begin
work at once. Our charter is an old one, '
and gives us the right to deposit leases witn 1
tbe banks and secure loans on them We ;
have 17,000 acres of vsluablecoal la 'id under j
lease that has not been opened up. It con- j
tains two veins, one nine and the other tbir- I
teen feet in thickness. Mr. W. J. Wilson,'
of Sharpsburg, will be the chief engineer of i
the new road, and twncorp. of engineers i
will go out to-morrow to complete surveys. !
Our road will not only open up desirable
territory, but will give the Seaboard and
Western, Rochester and Pitl-burg, and the
New "ork and Lake Erie roads an inlet In
to the city. It will also be an important
feeder for the Hallimore and Ohio road."
Destructive Fire. About noon on Fri
day last the dwelling bouse of Mr, James
White, in Blacklick township, was destroyed
by fire, together with the eutiie contents of
tbe upper story. Mr, White had gone in the
morning for a load of coal, leaving bis two
little girls in charge of the bouse who did
not discover the fire which originated uj
stairs until it had too much of a start for
them to put it out. E. F. Black and Edw.
Kimball, of this place, who were hauling
logs through Mr. White's farm, ran down to
the bouse and succeeded in removing all tbe
furniture from the lower story, getting the
cooking stove out just before the roof fell in.
Mr. White's loss is about 11,000, and he had
no insurance. This is the second time Mr.
White bas bad the misfortune to have his
house burned, ae bis bouse on the same farm
and Dear the same spot was burned down
about fourteen years ago.
Acknowledgment of Deeds. D. A.
Lather, high sheriff of Cambria county, on
Wednesday last, acknowledged his deeds to
tbe following parties : I
His deed to Mary Bradley for 109 acres in i
Allegheny township, sold as the property of I
Michael Fltzgibbons foi the sum of ?H00.
His deed to J. S. Meloy for 27 acres of
land 1 d Dean township, sold as the property
of Jacob Kopp for tbe suiu of $100.
His deed to A. V. Barker for 5 acres of
land in Chest Springs, sold as the property
of P. V. Kearney for the sum of f 151.
His deed to William Litziuger for 87 acres
In Clearfield township, sold as the property
ot P. F. Kearney for the sum of ?-00.
His deed to f ieorge B. Stineman for a lot
in South Fork, sold as the propeity of Perry
5 wartzentrover for the sum ot (40.
A Positive Guarantee is given tint
every article soiJ at the Goideu Eagle C.'
ing House, Altoona, Pa., is lower in
than tbe same quality aud mane itu be
bought elsewhere. And, right
here, that it makes do difference bow low a
price other clothiers may ask for their goods,
or what inducements they may otfrr f or your
patronage the prices will always be lower
at the Golden Eaole Clothing Uocsb,
1301 Eleventh avenue, Altoona, Pa. i
Asthma immediaUly relieved by Acker'
Knglisb Keaiwdy. Sold under guarantee by
I RT PRIM l:i:il;s.
Court tu.-t at 10 o'clock on Monday morn
ing with President Judge Johnston and As
sociate Judge Masters on the bench. Asso
ciate Judge Flanagan being unable to at
tend on account of sickness.
James J. Kaylor, oi AHnJieny township,
was appointed foreman of the Grand Jury.
Th- newly-elected constables filed their
respective bonds and were sworn in.
John N. Strayer was appointed constable
to attend to the Grand Jury, and James My
ers and Anscltn Weakland to attend upon
Traverse Juries.
Dis'.rict Attorney H. Re on leave of
Court enteied a nolle prosequi in the follow
ing cases, on payment ot Costs by the de
fendants and on filing bonds for the use of
the county in ca-es it-quuitig the, same:
C.jiiiinon wi alth vs. Joim Keiper, fornica
tion and bastatdy ; Elleu S.vartzmaii, pros
ecutrix. Com. vs. Wiiiiam Swank, fornication and
bastardy; Mary Abler, prosecutrix.
Com. ys. Charles LelVvre, fornication and
bastardy; Margaret J. Miller, prosecutrix.
Com. vs. David Baldwin, Alex. Mock, Pe
ter Yager, riol ; W., prose
cutor. Com. vs. Enoch Glicoff. "Ueddy" Metz.
Conrad Viuegar, assault aud battery ; Hen
ry McCreary, prosecutor.
Tlin following cases were continued :
Common wealth vs. Jaiues Chauibu-rs and
Sara'.i Trump, larceny ; 11. J. McDonald,
prosecutor. This was continued ou applica
tion ot defendant, ou certificate of Dr. Em
erson, stating that Mrs. Moore, a witness,
was Very ill, and could not attend.
Com. Y. James B. Anderson and A. L.
Gibson. They are indicia d for violating the
rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania
I'.a.Iioad by act passed 1871, whereby, if by
neglect or retusal to obey orders death re
sults lioui it, the penally is not more than
six years' imprisonment aud not more than
51,000 line. Mr. Anderson entered bail in
the sum of f 1,000. with Herman Baumer, se
curity, aud process awarded tor A, L. Gib
Com. vs. John C. Dishong, for fornication
a-id bast a uty ; Maiy J. Smith, prosecutrix.
Continued on account of child not born.
Deleiiuatit is iu jail
oiu. ys William F. Cook, embezzlement;
P. M. G. Brown, prcsecutor.
Com. vs. Bennie Cooper, fornix et act ;
Mary Hinkeluier, prosecutrix. "
Com. v. John M. Davis, fornix et cel.
Com. vs. Daniel Garuiaii, selling liquor
without license ; defendant pleads guilty.
Sentence j to pay a fine of 5200 and costs of
Com. vs. William Jackson, Francis Ward.
Michael Coyle, Francis Lamp and William
Down, bu'glary and larceny. Defendants
plead guilty or larceny. Sentence suspend
ed aHd recognizance taken for good behavior
and costs.
Com. vs James Burns, John Mullen and
Mai tin Leonard, malicious mischief. Jury
find defendants guilty. Defendants sen
tenced to pay jointly a fine of v-0 and costs
of prosecution.
Com. vs. James Burns, John Mulleu and
Martin Leonard, aggravated assault and
battery. Defendants fouud guilty and sen
tenced to pay jointly a fine of J0, costs of
prosecution, and undergo an imprisonment
in county jail for 20 days.
Coin. vs. Matt. II. Martin, fornix et itt.
Not takec.
Com. vs. Satuutl Kelly, assaud and bat
tery. Not a true bill and the prosecutor,
John A. Storm, sentenced to pny the costs
Coiu. vs. John Gwiun, selling liquor with
out license. Not a true bill and the prose
cutor, D. A. Gar.iian, to pay the costs.
Com. vs. Caroline Smith, selling liquor
without lice ise. Jury find defendant guilty
Coin. v.
jail. Dcfei
teiieed to a
Li wood Goidou, escape troui
taut pitad guity and was sen
.eim of six inontlis in county
(''n. vs. Fia'ik Roberts, e-oape. Plead
guilty aud w-.s sentenced so a term of thiee
ii.outlir. in count jail.
Com .-. Bet j iinin Stoi ks, e-cape. Plead
guilty and was sentenced to a term ot thiee
months in (Manly j nl.
Com. vs. tl.Aood Gordon, Win. McCleas
ter. Frauk Koturls, Beujamin Stinks, Geo.
W. EtiOr, Geo. Swaitzmari and John Ream,
larceny. Nolle pros, entered.
Com. vs. Wm. McCleaster, escape. Plead
guilty anil was sentenced to pay a fine of $3
and serve a term of thiee mouths in county
Com. vs. Aaron Walker, shootiniz with in
teut to kill and assault. Juiy find defeud
aut guilty of an assault. Sentenced to pay
a fine of fo and costs of prosecution.
Coui. vs. Chailes Adams, aggravated as
sault aud battery. Not a true bill aud the
county to pay the costs.
Coin. vs. Richard Biowu, larceny and re
ceiving stolen goods. Not a true bill.
Com. vs. Joseph Fox, cutting with intent
to kill ; cutting with intent to maim, disfig
ure and disable ; aggravated assault aud
battery. Defendant plead guilty and was
sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and costs of
prosecution and undergo an imprisonment
in Western penitentiary for the term of one
Coin. vs. Dar.iel Wingard. larceny. De-
feudaut plead guilty aud was sentenced to
make restitution of stolen property, pay
costs of prosecu'.ion, a fiue of ?5 and under
go an imprisonment in county jail for two
Com. vs. Wiiiiam Hughes, larceny. De
fendant plead guiitv and was sentenced to
pay a fine of J-'O and undergo an imprison
ment in county jail for six months.
Com. vs. Alary J. Hughes, receiving stolen
goods. Detendaut plead guilty and submits.
Sentenced to pay a fine of f 1, costs of pros
ecution aud undergo an imprisonment in
county jail for thirty days.
Coin. vs. Robert Hall, assault aud battery.
Defendant plead guilty and was sentenced
to pay a fine of $-0, costs of prosecution and
undergo a term ot 20 days in county jail.
Com. vs. Charles Adams, carrying con
cealed weapons. Jury find defendant not
guilty, but that each party pay one-half the
costs. Defendant and Aaron Walker, pros
ecutor, sentenced accordingly.
Com. vs. Louisa Michaels, assault aDd bat
tery. Defendant plead guilty and was sen
tenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs.
Coin. vs. William Hughes, larceny. De
fendant plead guilty aud was sentenced to
pay a fiDe of 15, costs of prosecution and
undergo an imprisonment in coucty jail for
thirty days.
Com. vs. William Stough, burglary and
larceny. Jury find defendant guilty and
sentence deferred until Monday.
Com. vs. William Stough, snooting at a
person with intent to kill ; drawing the trig
ger of a firearm with intnl to tcaiui, disa
ble aud disfigure ; shooting at a person with
intent to maiui, disfigure and disable. Two
cases aud defendant pleads guiity to both.
Sentence deferred until Monday.
Com. vs. Edward McGlade, murder. Not
a true bill.
Jnpller'a Lottery.
It i said that, the god Jupiter once made
a !..! ry in Heaveu and allowed both mor
tal aim g als 10 hold tickets. The grand
pnz- as wi-doin anil Minerva held the
wioniog caiii. This caused trouble among
the n.oita.s, and, to appease them, Jupiter
otleied lol y as a second pnZe, which they
a 1 on w, and weie highly pleased with it.
Ever since that time toily bas been beid in
high -st ni.atiuii by inortais. It they wish to
be noted for w isiiolu they will buy FEnt'NA
and ManaLIN of the nearest druggist, and
use them lor the various ailments whi-li are
known to humanity. Thousands are learn
ing wisdom in this regard, and are loud in
their praises of these wonderful discoveries
of Dr. S B Hartman's. Buy a bottle and
win tbe prize once carried off by tbe famous
goddess of wisdom.
The following transfers of real estate
were filed in the Rccordi-i's office, this
place, during the three weeks ending March
4. 18S5 :
David K. Hess, Sr.. to David R. Hess, Jr.,
lot to Coopeisdale b iro-igh ; consnieiati-iii,
Margaret Rn.wu et al. to Jacob Singer, lot
in Johnstown borough; consideration, Sjnoo.
Heiis of Fredeiick Pn-fT. decea-ed, to El
inira .McDonald, two lots iu Loietto bor
ough , consideration, fllOO.
Admini-'rator of J nt us Varner to Niie
Hor ner, 3.1 acres and 10 perches iu Adams
township ; consideration, f."7..
Joiah fusler to A . Z gler. 111 acres
and 9S perches It, Jackson township; con
sideration, fto(l.
William Hoffman to Adams town-hip
school dlsti ict. lot in Adams township ; con
sideration. $10.
John llickey t." Paliick Reed, lot in Mill
ville ; considet ation, $1.
Patrick Reed to John Hickey, lot iu Mil!
vnle , consideration, 5l.
Henry Fye to John D Raynion, 47 acres
and llio perches iu Richland towii.-tnp ; con
sideratiou, $140u.
John 1). Raymon to Benjamin Thomas, 47
acres and Uo perches in Richland township;
consideration, $14(W.
Henry Anstadt to Abraham Varner, 30
acres in Jackson township ; coiisideialioii,
John A. Hill to Ananias Myers, lot in
Lower Voder township; consldeialion, $i0.
John Rose to A nanias Myers, 3 acres and
8 perches in Upper Voder township; consid
eration, $1H0.
! (ieorge Roscline to Loretto borough, lot in
j Loretto borough ; consideration, f-o.
I Annie IS. Glass to Loretto boron eh, lot in
I Loietto boron kill : consideration, flti.
j Summit Coal Company, Limited, to Jas.
: S. Gallagher, acres and ltill perches in
j White township ; consideration, f is. 12.
j James S. Gallagher et ux. to S. M. Wood-
! cock and J. B. Gdiord, 4.1.1 acres and lt:'.
I pereheS in White township : consldeialion,
1 $Jo00.
j Levi Jacohy to Sarah Wissin-jer, two lots
1 in Stonycreek township ; considei ation, J100.
I Nancy J. Hoerle to Frank C. and Edward
i Hoei le, lot in Johnstowi: borough; cousid
j eralion, fsiio.
I Christian Wisemiller et 11 x. to Johnstown
i Building and Loan Association, lot in Jotins
I town borough ; consideration, $J000.
' Johnstown Building and Loan Association
I to John A. Eiumil, lot in Johnstown bor
' ough ; consideration, $S00.
Samuel Watts to Margaret Kettle, lot iu
; Galluzin borough ; consideration, g'.Ml.
j William Voder to lliraui Yoder, lot in
, South Fork ; consideration, f'JO.
i H iram Voder to Thomas J. Wilt, lot in
I South Fork ; consldeialion, f 135.
j Thomas J. Wilt to William Salkeld, lot in
, South Fork; consideration. $W .
I William Saikeid to N. S. Geoice, lot in
Soutn Fork consideration, 5 l.Ooo.
Jeremiah Stiull et ux. toSaiah Helsel, lot
: iu Adams townstiip; consideration, f.'f.00.
August Bergbane to trustees of I. ). O F.
No. o.i?. lot iu Wiimoie borough; cousider
; ation, 500.
j John IS. Strayer to Sarah A. El'.enberger,
' lot in SloiiyereeK to wnsliip ; consideration,
! Joseph Brown to Alice Wilhelm, lot in
i Conciiiiiiigh borough ; consldeialion, $.'i00.
I David Good to Fiank Stutzman, 113 acres
I and 104 perches in Upper Voder township ;
j consideration, ?4000.
I Lewis Pott et al. to Susan Kettering, 1
acre and 43 perches ill Cui.cuiannh town
' ship; consideration, fl.
i Hens of John Barnes to Charles Barnes,
i lot iu Uoiit maugh oorougli ; consideration,
; 5i'03.
i Executors of Casper Keiffei to Charles
' Barnes, lot in Coueiuuugu Uoruugh ; consid-
eration, $1.
, George W. Wissinger to Elizaoeth Bishop,
; S acres and 35 perches in Stonycieek town
1 ship; consideration, 210.
! Ann Buck to Lewis W. Buck, lot in Sto
, nycteek township ; consideration, 15n.
Geoige W. Wissinger to George E. Thom
as, lot 111 Stonycieek township ; col.nidera
1 turn, tl50.
Mns-s 15. Milii-r tollnam Wissinger. 11
acri s and til perches in Richland township ;
coiisiilei ation, ?3!'0.
George '.V. Wissinger to Daniel L. Wissin
ger, two lots in SHonjcreek township ; con
siueralion, Hi.
(ieorge W. V15inger to George F. Wis
singer, lot in Stony creek township; consid
eration, jiso.
; Georgi A. ilagcr et al. to David Thomp
son, lot in Lower Voder township ; consid
eiation, folio.
; George A. riaeer et al. to D. F. Hammond
rt al.. lot in Lower Voder township; con
sideration, s.;,iC.
; Agreement Joseph F. Dutbin to Joseph
. Bengele. lot in Gailiizin borough ; consider
! ation, S'iOO.
i John Feldiim to Francis Klein, 01 acres, in
1 Eider tvwiiship ; consideration. $M)0.
Hei's of Mary Strayer to (ieorge li. Har
i baugh, 81 acres and 18 perches in Adams
j townstiip ; consideration, $1J0.
1 J. P. Wilson to Richard Wilis, lot in South
j Fork ; consideration. 45.
j Peter Boitman to George M. Waltz, 79
! acres and 14 perches in Allegheny township;
; consideration, $1520.
I James Mc.Mulien to William J. Lohr, lot
Meadowvaie ; cousideration, $350.
David (iates to Lower Voder towship
school district, lot iu Lower Voder ; consid
eration, 1.
J. C. Stineman to J. C. Murphy, lot in
South Fork ; consideration, ?40.
J. A. Lane to Jacob Trettz, lot in Johns
town borough; consideration, $50.
Jobu E Strayer to Louis Baumer, 3 lots
in Stonycreek two. ; consideration, $1000.
Cambria Iron Company to Mark Pringlt,
lot In East Conemaugh borough ; Considera
tion, $225.
Charles F. Harris to Johanna Erlinger, lot
in Conemaugh borough; consideration, $200.
Lavinia Buyer to Yost llochstine, 12 acres
aud 2 perches in Upper Voder township;
consideration, $700.
Charles Kast to Adarn Neadrour, 7 acres
and 32 perches in Richlaud township, con
sideration, $710.
Luke Matthews to Thomas Matthews, lot
in Conemaugh borough ; consideration, $5.
Robert Farsons to Naomi Swank, lot in
Lower Voder township ; consideration, $1.
David G. Harris to Edmund Bishop, lot in
Morreliville ; consideration, $350.
Sylvester J. Davis to William L. Gal
braith, lot in Coopersdale ; consideration,
I. E. Chandler to William A shcoin, lot in
Morrtllville borough ; consideration, $215.
James Cooper to Sylvester J. Davis, lot in
Coopersdale borough ; consideration, $000.
It is now about five years since first be
gan selling Ely's Cream Bairn, and from the
time of its first introduction there bas been
a growing demand for it, and so far as I can
learn it bas given very great satisfaction to
my customers. 1 consider it a catarrh rem
edy of genuine merit. A. B. Burns, Drug
gist, Montrose, Pa.
The blood would run. I was a great suf
ferer from catarrh. My nostrils were sensi
tive to d. st ; at times the blood would run.
and at times 1 could hardly breathe. I used
Ely's Creamy Balm. To day I am a living
witness of its efficacy. Peter Bruce, Far
mer, Ithaca, N. Y.
A Paying Investment. At this season
of the year, when your cows fail In milk,
your horses become rough in coat, your pigs
refuse to tnrive, the bens won't lay as many
eggs as they should, you will find a package
or two of McDonald's Celebrated Tonic an.l
Blood Put itying Horse ai.d Cattle Powders
judiciously administered an investment that
will pay big dividends. Tney are positively
foe best Horse and Cattle Powders made.
Dissatisfied buyers can have their money re
funded. What other manufacturer dare
make this offer. Sold by all dealers.
j Fort scrofula, erysipelas, teUr, salt rheum
I skin disease, humors, sores, eruptions, piin
1 pies, blotches, swellings, tumors, boils, ul
cers, scald bead, ringworm, hives, aud all
blood disorders, no mmedy ever devised
equals in eflieaey aud power McDonald's
; great Blood I'unlit-r or Sarsaparillian Alter
ative. Warranted. For sale by E. James.
! Johnston, Holxovtay &, Co ,
i l'Diladelphia Agents.
: Jot ho i
Seven out of ten you meet have a bad
cold, and with coughing, hawking and snort
', ing are about kept busy. Do a good thiug
tor yourself at once, by going to the nearest
druif store and getting a bottle of l)r- Kess
ler's Celebrated English Cough Medicine.
If you are not satisfied that it is worth all
you pay, the drucgiit will hand you back
I your money. For sale by E. James.
j Traditions of the 1 iiIickiiI IW us.
To prnvft llw histoiical accuracy-, and di
vine authority of the Book of Genesis, it is
not ltecessnrv to pi back to the epoch of
nmti's first appearance on this plsnet. The
Universal I). Ius.e is the key to the position.
That Ptoved, t'i- enemy's position iscarr'.-d.
It we can move, that the race of mankind
was swept Troiii tbe face ol the i-ailb, and
that a small n mount was saved in nit ark
bni t for the putpose; it fopows met tl.n
sav, d r- nuial.t must have been xiiperwtt nrul
ly undid to bui d tbe nrk. ami divinely
weiio d o! the c. in 'tig flood which swept
awnv all tin- rest ot the hum in kind.
"Tne mjthoioies or telig ous sVs'ems, of
almost all heathen rations, pr-'sei.t ttie
stri-ing tiacesof this gteat calamity '. the
human lace."
Now, n et giiuer, in rmistructii.g a for
titicatti.ti is nut obliged fo nt'ile the n.t-ii-a
is he u.-es ; far lie rind- hI ready lo hand,
tiers, lucks, tiyeis an.l ravine-, which i e :ir
langes sy steinar lea 1 1 v, and lui.lts into a
strong fortification. Si it t-i witlt 'dm wl'ti
bniais a:i argument, li.- ri 1.1-1 on U'.v. it-
ihle f acts, ol history . man m rs a nd customs,
moiiLiiieiits an. 1 inns. 1 1 addioi.s and laoles,
institution, ai'd ci-nea i.'uat h ns of cuvtiui
sialic s hke a hrl'he b' ttcrn the prwnt and
Vie pixtA ot wi.ich he iinjii-'s into prop.-r
shape, and coi:-'ructs a fort die if lor of
Truth, like a ci.nd. I on a gieat mountain, i
beyond the range of ll. e enemy's guns.
We wili in xt, present a tew facts, which j
aie tm 1 1 into I he hisioi v of ti c world like i
great stones in me t t-e of the ryramid ot 1
Cheops. Theie they land. ai d the pun) j
baud ot man cannot move ttiein.
Josiphiis Flavius, the ce ebra'.ed Jewish j
hisiotiaii who rl urislied in the first century I
ol the Christian Era, a favorite wnh the Ro
man Euiprior, Vespasian, a repres. utat 1 ve
of his nation at Rome, and a commissioner :
to (ialltlee, apooi-ited bv the emperor, gives
us Hie follow n g list of historians who nn 11- !
tinned the (leluie : j
Beri.sus, a histotiau. gives the j
same account with Moses : Ilieronymus, the I
Egyptian; Nicolaus id Dimascm, And
in;-l-y others, as Josephus also test ties, men
tion 1 Oese tilings."
' Abydeiius, an ancient Assyrian histori
an, makes mention of the deluge being fore
told tietoie it happened, ot the buds being
sent forth three several times, and of the
aik bring driven inio Aimei.ia."
' Alexander Pol l.isior, another ancient
histoiian says, that in the reign ot Xisuth
rus, (Noah) was I lie. great deluge that Xi
suthrus was saved. Sitnin having predicted
to htm what would happen, and that he
ought to build an ark. and together with the
fowls and creeping things, and cattle, sail
in it."
P.ato, the Greek philosopher, mentions in
detail the great deluge.
Dtodoi us Sicuius, 40 B. C, w ho wrote a
Universal History ol the World down to iiO
B. C. iu forty books, a conlempoiaiy of the
Ciesars. infoinis us of a tradition of the
Egy plians concerning the deluge of Deuca
lion, i;i which most living things perished.
Ovid's description of Deucalion's flood is
well known to classic students.
Piutarch, the greatest biographer of antiq
uity, mentions in his Treatise on the Sagaci
ty of Animals, the dove nent out ly Deuca
lion. Homer, the father of secular poetrv, men -Hons
the rainbow as a kiyn or token to men.
More anon. A. D. H's Tekiuhle Chime. A
dispatch from Huntingdon says that Miss
Cailie, daughter of Michael A ult., living at
Cornpiopst's Mills, near that place, I aa
been missing tiom her home since Tuesday
week. It lias transpired that her disappear
ance followed a cor. tession by her to her fa
ther of a most horrible ciime, with which
the name of a prominent young man is con
nected. He is also missing. For some
months Miss Auitz bas beeu confined to ber
botne and bed. SI.e, while apparently in
the deepest distiess. refused to permit tbe
rendering of much ar-sistance from her
friends. Her father at last began to fear !
that there was some unusual cause for her i
illness and persuaded her lo make a confes
sion. In December last while attending a j
paity in company with the young abi ve j
referred to, she became so indisposed that j
they concluded to jro home. While ou the
way her indisposition became so violent that
she was unable to proceed any luither and
sat down on the road. The yeung man car
ried her into a school house in-ar by and was
about to leave her in search of aid, when
she biseethed loin fo remain with her. He,
it is said, was not ignorant of the nature of
ber illness. Slie as about to become a
mother, and in the school house gave birth
to ber cnild. After a long debate as to what
they should do, and after they began to re
alize their trim situation, they concluded to
kill the child, and hide their shame and its
frui s beyond the possibility of discovery.
After considering various plans, they broke
a window, and in the darkness cut the
child's throat with a broken pane, and hid
lis bleeding body in a hoiljw stump near by.
He then, with great difficulty, aided Miss
Aultz home. The remains of the child were
afterw trd found as she had indicated. Aft
er the relation of the above, and while her
father was debating with himself as to what
be should do, Miss Aultz fled from the house
and bas not since been seen. Some months
ago Miss Aultz had, at Altoona, sworn out a
warrant against McClay Cherry, whom she
charged with her betiayal, and he fled. The
young man in whose company- she was when
the murder was committed is charted with
having threatened to kill her unless she at
j tributed her condition to Cherry and that
j her having done so much was from fear of
; her life.
Whbn Haby was sick, we irave her ('atoria.
W hen she was a Child, she cried lor Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clutnt to Castoria,
When she hart Children, she irave them Casl'i
For sale at James' Druir store.
Acker's Dyspejisia Tablets never fail.
The Fourth SrkiHO Tbkm of this School will
open on
For a term or Ten Week. In chance of Isewis
Strayer. County Superintendent, and J. W.
Leech. Principal ot ibensburg Schools. Three
departments v
I lirgulttr Trnrhcri' Course,
And a class for those preparing for frTtoFKSsioji al
A new feature of the school will be the
-Wrlte for rircnlar elvlnir Tull information
Box '2h8, Ebenstiura, Pa.
March 8. 1885.-d.
lUBLic sal:
Persona Property.
The subscriber will sell at his residence in Mun
i :cr township on
at IO o'rlork, m. m., the following personal
property, to-wit :
A9Tarns made known on daj of sale.
March 8.-td.J JOHN CAIN.
-i Estate of Pktkr Mi lvkrii.l. deceased,
betters testamentary on the estate of Peter
Mulvehill. late of W ilmore borouijn, dee'd, hav
inir been 11 ran ted to the underslir ned. notice Is
hereby tciven to all persons Indebted to said es
tate to make payment without delay, and those
havlnar claims against the same must present
them properlv niilhentiCHt. il tor settlement.
JOHN HUKNS. Executors.
W'ilinore, Pa., Feb. -2T.-6t.
""OTICE. To w hom it may concern.
Notice Is hereby (riven that 1 have pur
chased the sroreroora and goods therein of J.'ies
MeNelis In the town ol leliinev, 'auibria county.
Pa., and the business wiil be conducted by James
McNeils as my aent.
Ilelaney, February 21, itssa.
"0!llfi over the First National .Bank. En
trance on 11th avenue, second door lro'm 12th tt.
I,KW IS Ii.WIS. Marrl the rrpidenro of
the oltiuialing rlcrajiuan. Kcv. J.ilm H .Tone?, in
this ,l ,, ,n liurs.l 1 . , Kehrua-v -j; 13, , Mr.
lunaitian Lewis i .Mary I'lavl's both of
t'.ilntiria towindi ip.
OBI l i t It Y.
IM)t-u;i KKTY. -Tiied. at U10 ot 1,,-r
parents. .I.iloi nn.l M irv I ) aia !; v in tt.;-- ).!
on Wcln.lav, Miir.-h 4. U.. .'iMi A s M
Ik.iovkiitv, idl M 11 Ml irilllH nn. I h
The decra-cd w;, . h,.rn here, was kn.inr to eve
ry man. n.iiiian ami eliM in our t.nn.nn,i no
de itli In Kneriihiirg l. i-vT cuisod a deoncr or
more u-iiver-.i! i-drng f regret an.l ..rr-w than
tnat.d the stitjeet et tin? brief notice. Iter whole
lite w 01, 1- of and dev.'tion to It e .lutie
i.l li er l.-'h.T'i household. n.1 nr woman ever per
formed ilicm better. She possessed a warm, cen
eroiu and .;, mi.a.tietic nature, and whenever
slcline? occurred outside of her own family, nnrt
ei.eciully anionic younn person, she was .rom.t
in hastening to their :iie an.l rem!enn that .e
eali..r aid and assistance which tender hands
a lone c.'n ;ve. Her mother has been a helpless
Inrabd !ir very many years, requiring nursinif
altenttrn i.ll the time, as well durinic the nli.-lit as
ilurlnic Ihc tl i v. To the decease 1 was ever
present or within the sound ol her voice, nn.I It !
can he literally and truthfully sid ot her that J
she wore her : hie out at the bedside of her
mother. There w is something wonderfully heroic I
in hr ..,.... . ...t . ... . .... . . . I
iuti ... siuif uf vi.iif.n 10 ner
heli l. ss i.jrcnt. I hi strain, however, w is too
urea!, to ho en.ture.l any limner, aid at last lalnt,
weary an.l exh.. u - t-.l , -he sank unconscious to the
floor an.! in a fe hours Iierward died at her
post ol duty. Sorely such a life will meet with its
wed liieriie,! and hlis.-ful rtwar.i In another and a
better vorl.l. She was a inosr exemj.lary meuiber
ol the athi.lic Churc'i and faithfully performed
all the diuies it exacts from its members. Her
remains wi-ra interred in the fatholic cemetery
this (Friday) mor..inic at io u-l.a-k. Slay her
suul rest in peace.
KKIF.WIOKF.-IH.-d. at his residence in C .ne
nniUKli fi .r miimi. on S.uur.btv, trury i'8
Mr. Henry Fnedli..fl, a.-d si jrrs. ' '
Tlie deceased Was born in and came
to this country with Lis wile when he was about
3D years of ae. He resided on a farm In Mubster
township iSr a number of years, and was a broth
er oi Nicholas and Joseph Krledhoir, bolh de
ceased, of that township. He was the father of
Nicholas J. Fricdhotl, deceased, of lids place.
The deceased was respected by all who knew him
as a uood citizen and an honest unn,;in. durinic
his Ionic lilo i.erlormed alt h.a duties f:iltt,fnlly
and well. He learcs to iutvitc him an ate 1
widow, ii childn n, lorty two nrandchlldren, and
three Kreat-urandchililren.
LVXilII-Iliril. st the residence of her son in
law, Mr. llemari! l oni.elly, in Summerhill town
ship, on Monday, March '1, IsSi. .Mrs. Ass IsVM-b
HKeii ai.uui .iye:irs
The deceased was a :n. st excellent woman and
a truo Christian, and w..s liehi In ti e highest rc- I
spoct and esteem by all her neighbors and tie-
quaintances. Four children, two Sens and tw.i
dauzbters. survive her. Her remains were in- :
tcrred in the Catholic cemetery at Wilmore on
Wednesday morning. May her soul rest in peace, j
SI'H KNK. ried, at his residence in Allegheny ;
township, on Wednesday. February 11, l'.io. Mr.
J ohn Selien k , ate.1 atiout 4j ve.irs."
Deceased was a s.m 01 the l ite Nicholas Sclienk i
of Allegheny township, and was boru and raised
on his father's farm In his death tlie township!
ha lost one of its best citiZL-ns, and a blank is ',
left in the home c.rcle. An hone, t Christian man:
Sober ao 1 industrious; a kind husband and !a- I
tl er. and a gojj citizen, he l.vcd oheyims t.e '
laws of tiod and man. ami died in the hope ol sal
vation. and a iciorious tuitnortulity. May hia 1
soul rest in peace.
W l.e tlie cventnir shadows leather,
I'hero id one who ne'er cuuies home:
though t:ie rattle are to lodiler,
Aud the hordes ar t. i;rooin.
lift we lKk out towards the stable,
ls!?ten:n? for a looitall's soind ;
There's a vo-anl sea: at table.
W lieu the tinm comes ar-junj,
H'lan at evenin-j prayers we're kneeling,
liow we iii;ss our latner's voice.' '
t hen Ihe chapel bells are j.e.ilir.ij.
We can .'Circe i:h theui rejoice.
fl. 'tis dreary, -ad and .rca'
Withiut tliat one laintliar lace!
We will always m;ss our lather
H 10 11I the old lun.l'.ir place!
Husband, father, thou hast left us :
Hut we 11 wa.l the anal call.
Which shall join us. nought to part u.
While eternal aiies roll. A. I. H.
13I:T1T10NS roii LICENCE. -The
l-iil-. wini; p-r-orn have tiled i.c'iti.ins for li
cense with liie rlerk id (Quarter SeMos . a;n
bria county, to l presented to tt.e tU.urt on Mon
day, March J.-,?;', :
Alleiictiy towi-liip tavern. .1. H. l'ennv. !
H:.rr t..wr.l.i(i t.iv.-rn, hbcrii.trt icsiler"; c:it- .
in house, ( rei. re H utniikrie.
Oauibna City, lt Ward tsrt rns. K '.ward !
Hayes, I jna-in-; K.shcr. I'eter li.tti . 'ha-. Hub-, ,
Ihinifl l.ysitt. .M i r.ii .-t ll.r,eit. I'.-t.-r Kuzput- ,
Tick, r.ridxet Howe. fatre-K Mcluuhlin, J..I n :
Kintz. ir. t Fit7pa:rick. Tam.-k 'Sorle : em- .
inif hoiix-s, I rans Kurtz, John W aters", Jlartin 1
amhria 'ity. 1 War.l taverns, John I,vsett.
J itm S.-hi-tt.iur. Jacob S lialler, linime Auruur,
Liavid l-iurkiiiir-l. j
f:irr.lit'.wn tiiverns. Schr-.Th. An
drew H II jus, Edward I.. Hinder, 1 1. ( '. W etfcelt ,
t Jas. Sto.'z, I'hiirles lal:i:l.ii:i : eat.r. h-iuses,
Henry li'niin. John St. ..17., Krc b-rt. k ; iju-irt,
John J. II uiit, Joseph A. trav ,. i . s. Williams.
Carroll). , wnshti tiiveriis, 'l iiotuas J. Weak
land. James A. Hau'ey.
'best township tavern. Joseph Khodv.
Chest Sprinas tavern, John Croue, Joseph A.
Clearhcld township entini house. Jno. Hender.
Conemaunh ti.-rourh. l.u U ant taverns. V. S.
Freidhofl. Erhart Main. John Karr. Joim Hans.
treo. Held. F'rederick Henler. l'liill;. Hertzinaer.
Conemauirh horoUKh. vd Ward taverns, C J.
Hettman. Lawroccc Heich, Benedict racer. Jos.
Haley. Hivi l Cosriow, Cathariue A. Sloan, I. aura
Toohey, Andrew Kit7-imiii..r.s. Swartztnan,
Conrad Ernst. Kate Von Alt. John tloarhart, Al
bert V. Ieckey. Josiah Swank ; eatinit house,
Eiir.abfth Hurkc.
ConemaUKh twp eatinic house. Hen. E.Shaffer.
Crnyie township taverns, Thomas Keelan. Pe
ter Hrown, John I). Wentroih. Charles N. C -puse.
I-an township entini huu.-o, James J. Ktiody;
tavern, Iconnrd Hollis.
East t-oneinauifh tiivorns, Margaret Keily,
Vilbam J. Cannon, icore a. Coaler, Christina
Et.ensburtt, East Ward taTcrn, I). . ti James
Etensturir, West Ward taverns, John A.ltlair,
P. K. Hrown. Idiristina Foster.
Elder township taverns, Charles Endler, Fran
cis X. Ott.
Franklin I'eter Kubriti. tavern.
Oallitztn taverns. M. Fitzharris. Jacob Bopp,
Ihiniel Hurk Sr.. Arnold Eenu, Joi ph M (inn
ninir. tJrilrith Bor.ner. Ctiarles Dress; eating
houses, Andrew Oeauler, Joseph Ila.shner.
iTrubbtown tavern. Win. Li. Eivingston, Jacob
T. Keam.
Johnstown. 2nd Ward taverns, Conrad Hoff
man, Patrick O'Connell. William S. I'atterson,
Philip Schultheis. Thomas Kinney. Oeorue W.
Kouiih, Thomas S. I'avis. Neil Sliarkev. Joeph
t rouse. John SchifTaaer. John Coad, E H. WIU
louer, John Frank, JeurueO. KaaO; quart. John
HaaO, Job Morgan.
Johnstown. 3rd W ard tavern. John V. Shaffer,
John Fritz. Mrs. C. Kast, Charles Zimmerman,
Sr., William Thomas, Charles Oswald, Joha I).
Thomas, John Murton, John Zobel, Hubert Sairer
son. James J. Million, W illiam H. Thompson.
Stephen tiuirk. John J. Hornick, Andrew Winn.
H. Fritz X Charles W'css, Joseph Kost, Hunh
Ureenwooii; quart, Johu Eudwi A. Son, Fisher
Sl Streum.
Johnstown, 4th Ward taverns, Eckhart Ffeil,
Thomas J . Eewis ; eatinur houses, Havid Faiixm,
C J Schnalile : qunrt. William M. Hodson.
Johnstown, oth Ward Paul Weiiraml, tarrrn.
do eth do W illiam Shatter, do
Johnstown. 7th Ward eating houses, Andrew
Abb-r. John tlearharr..
Lilly's taverns. Maruaret Helle.C A. Jeorere,
M. C. Bradley. Edward l'lulhee.ran, John Met
gar. ei. Brant, Simon Kyan,Jno. A. Hamilton,
0. Kobine.
Loretto taverns. C F. O'Donnell, A. J. Chris
ty. Florian Henicele.
Millville txirouich. 1st Ward taverns. Nesl Mc
Aneny, Catherine Howlinir. Evan A.James, Pat
rick ltoditers, Watkin James, Edw. McEauihlin.
Millvble borouiih. 2d W ard--taverns, John Ho
nan, Thomas Mcliermott, Patrick .Minahan. W m.
Marshall ; eatitm house, Jerome Uoulding ;
qnart, M. McBride.
Portane township tavern. Jesse McOough ;
eating house, Francis Mctxmald.
Prospect boromrh tavern, Thomas Klley ; eat
Init house. I'atriek Nary.
Keada township taverns, David Brookbank.
James ; eatlnic house. Albert Youctikio.
Kiehland township taverns, John Helms, Jno.
H. Watklns.
Stonycreek township taverns, Charles J. Schae
fer, Fred Koehm : eatinu houses, Jacob Jacoby.
Peter H. Malzi.
Summerhill twp catlnz house, John Koehm.
Susquehanna township eating houses, Anlho-
y a. tinier. I'niiip r. -Uiller.
I unnclliill bor.iiii;li tiivern?. Patrick O'llnwd.
Richard B me. lhtoipl MoKenna, I athermc Eiti
patrlck ; eatinif In. use. W illiam McOarvey.
Wilmore Imrouirn tavern?, Jos. Horner, Conrad
WenJeritb ; eatmi; houe, H. t;. J. MclJuirr.
V'a.iirnctnn township-tavern, John Hvrne,
John II. Clark, VV. K. DunliHtii. jMiptiael l'lona
hoe, Patrick li. Myrra, John F. U'Neil; eating
bouse, Iouiiia Weiser.
I'l'l cr VoiIit township tavern?, Chauncey Ia
vis, t iiarle? Htichstiue.
I'lcrk j Olti.-e. i H. A. SHOEMAKER.
Eb'B ieb. 27, 18S.'. Cierk tluarttr session.
FOR SALE. T!ie subscriber will sell
at private pale about 314 Aches of ground,
Rituate in VViliuore borouifh, Cambria county,
havinu thereon a larire Fkaji House, containing
ten ruomp. In good repair, .suitable lor & hotel,
with a lot of choice fruit trees and necepsary out
bulldlnirs. For ruther lnturtnation call on tbe
subscriber on the premise. Terms reasonable
MAKY K. S4LLVLH1LL, U ilmore. Fa.
Feb. 27.-2in.
Estate ol Amiuew bi Hiionx, deca.-c I.
Letters ot Administration on tbe estate ol Sir.
Andrew I-turiroon, deceased, late of White town
ship, havinur been it ran ted to the undersigned, no
tice is h-jreby Riven to those Indebted to said es
tate that payment must be made without delay,
and those having claims airainst tlie same, mast
present them properlv authenticated ror se'.rle
neot. JOHN H. IajUOLASS.
White twp,, Feb. 13, i.-et. Adminntrator.
Plenty of Overcoats
Wo have been selling quite a lot of goods at our
Which we mentioned here last week, but still
have too many left, and are de
termined to close them out,
In addition to the
we have the largest lot of
CAjNNID goods
In town, and think our prices are
We invite you all to call and see
And if you can see a bargain, take it : if not, no
harm done.
2SJXo Trouble to
Februaiy 27, IKHj.
$10,000 inGoofls to be
HaVIXG purchasetl for cash,
than elsewhere. Our fine stock
48- - v-- v-- 1
I-J- s: -,
11 I - - -
-- -
V we.M.iw
&-Eeal our astonishingly low price list
17 qt. dWh pan, pressed
14 qt. dish pan, pressed
12 qt. dish pan, pre?ed
11 qt. dish pan, pressed
14 qt. bucket,
10 qt. bucket
1 two hoop bucket, wooden..
1 three hoop bucket, wooden
4 qt. coffee pot
3 qt. coffee pot
2 qt. coffee pot
Your attention is called to our fine assortment of Wall Paper.
ROOFING AND 8 POUTING Fromptlt Attexoed to.
?-All are invited to conriDce themselves of our SUPERIOR rnnric
A. C. BUCK & CO.,
Onllitzin, X.
1 - .- - j ttt1-
Cellar Furnaces, Fire-Place Heaters,
Tinware, Copper Ware, Sheetiron Ware,
Lamp Goods of Every Description,
Knives and Forks, Spoons, Soup Ladles,
Granite Ware, ColTee Mills, Plated-ware,
Toilet Sets, Cake Boxes, Bread Closets,
Clothes-wringers, Egg Beaters, Slaw Cutters,
Iron Stands, Fancy Spittoons, Slop Buokxt?
Hard Coal parlor Heaters,
Soft Coal Parlor Heaters,
Copper Kettles, Brass Kettle?,
Iron Kettles, Steam (Mm,
Rice, Milk and Farina Boiler?,
Perfect Waffle Irons, Boilers of all Kinds,
Meat Pounders, Mincing Knives, KH1YES
And a Large Stock of KITCIIEX ARTICLES, will sold at Low Trice"1
C.l and Examine tlie Goods, fr- LOOK FOR MY NAME OX THE WIN
No. 280 Washington Street, JOHNSTOWN, PA-
vet at a reduction of
i t
Solfl atRefluceilRates.
we sell for csvsh 15 per cent, lower
iuilitA to . M V ki ,
Are utif-xcellerl in (QUALITY and
mense ElNE OF
Harilirnrt, Tin Cjj'rr,
Shrrt iron Pfid ii!crrrjrf,
ll r?e end Stable Furnishi ;.
And Fakmi.vo Implements.
e !f:ss
4 tin nest pails with dipper
3 pressed tin basdns, nested.
2 pudding paps
1 doz. tin cups
1 large wah rni!r. No. 8...
2 pood corn brooms
3 coal buckets
Coal oil, per gal .
Clothes pins, pet doz
White lead. ter cwt
Nails, per keg
I 75
6 50
2 48