FBrSSBlKO. PA. ;).! 1. - - FEB. 27, ISSr,. LOCAL AXD PERSONAL. 'ere. There ami the Other riace. C,,urt nt'Xt week. f .,r liUioeil ifMd3 ro to ttie Sugar Bowl. -Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets never fail. K,,r choice groceries co to the Sugar V'iit t-n Inche9 of snow fell on Tuea- y Mkll't. ( ptttr John Forter has been elected a ; the Peace ia BraJdock. r Jsmes Myers, of the Mountain is !yir dangerously ill with pneu- - K "ii teen trillion feet of logs are ready (v- ifted out ef Kettle Creek, Clinton LV:i"t fail to notice the change and read ? a lvertisemeht of V. S. Barber A Bro. at.o'hri column. -Ti e next is-te of our paper will be the t Fukkmvs published under a Demo ,;:e administration. -Le town's skating ring weut np In ike one niht last wewk. Ao incendiary :li his little watch did it. -Mr. '-.' rue E. McPike, of the Altoona !-., ciine kere on Saturday to add fuel the tiie which he kindled several years . -There are only twenty-three Common a returns to gry before the Grand Jury it week. A short Court will be the re- t. -Charley Watson, a Tyrone lad, son of run Watson, aged 8 year, weighs 131 i:i.l-, within three pounds as much as hi her. -i:-v. Fathers Boyle and Ilyan, the for r .f Ujllitzin aod the latter of St. Augu8 this county, spent the early part of the : k in Pittsburg. -il.-s Annie BejDon.of this plac, who th ire of the Myers school, in Cambria !-! it, was compelled to stop leaching on ilneit;iy on account of Illness. -r:e huinlrid and ninety-one applicants hirn.-e are anxious and willing to under e to keep the whistles of Cambria coun i citizens wet for the ensuing year. -Mr. li.ouias KoseatiUsel, of Allegheny ijhip, will sell at public sale a lot of -..nil property, farming uteusils, live k, etc., ou the 24th of March next, -the following named persons will find ers awaiting them at the Ebensburg post- e: Mrs Mary Evans. Frank Flanigan, , Jones Wm. U. Smith. Lilly Telford. -Ihi.l Uiainaee causes much sickness, bad -1 and improper action of the liver and :;eys is bad drainage to the human sys , which Burdock Blood Bitters remedy. The large steam flowering mill of David s vt Sou, Indiana, was badly wrecked on Inesday last by the explosion of two is. Loss about $:t,00. No person was red. Prof, llarria Tdstilles for nervous de y, etc., are offered on free trial. Their ure causes no loss except to proprietors, know their merit. Harris Kemedy Co.', Louis, Mo. A bill has been Introduced In the House larrisburg providing for the payment ot -usion of $8 per month, to school teach wlio have spent thiuy years of their s in their profession. ee advertisement of James Myers and rge (.iailaher. executors of John Elder, rased, in another column. They will some valuable real estate at Carrolltown Le Uth of March next. Vallie Luttringer captured a small owl Monday morning ot J uJge Lloyds portl nd took it home, Intending to give it the tiit of a civilized education, It died lever, on Tuesday morning. Patrick Ilruwu of th Central hotel of I'hiee lias been awarded the contract for cairyingof the mails from this place to rrvtree lor the term of four years, com- titi'f on the 1st of July next. lhe various officers of the respective juIis of this Common wealth whose .- expire this year will be sworn into of . n the tirst Monday in March, instead of fiist Monday In April, as heretofore. E l ward W. Vogeley, teller of the But fcaviugs Bank, has lost 113,000 of the k s money in speculations la oil. Voge Las di-appeared. He was a trustee In church, a Sunday-school teacher, and the confidence of everybody. A tramp who had been hired by Farmer f-r, living near Jenner Cross Roads, ier,et founty, stole a gold watch, a new j er and a suit of clothes from his eru rT and made good his escape while the i!y were at church ou Sunday last. The County Commissioners have par ed and placed in the well on the Court se s,juare a forca pump that will be 1 hereafter for forcing water from the into the boilers in the Court House in d of having o haul water In cases of rney. "n Wednesdiy evening of last week e Alexander Bacon and wife, colored, Iai.tingdon, wore attending a perfor ce at the opera bouse, some thief enter, heir house and stole 580 which Mr. Ba hd received from the government last s a pension. "ae day last week at Huntingdon as t;e Philips, accompanied by Miss Buch as driving into that town the horse led i.fT a bridge down to the frozen - 111 below, a distance of thirty-five feet, , -ir.u.ge to f.ay, both the occupants of eid escaped uninjured. Application has been made for a charter ''e building of a railroad beginning at teru,i:ius of the Bell's Cap railroad, '-ti'i Clear n Id and part of Indiana to a t or near Punxsutawney, Jefferson ty. The length of the road Is thirty- and the capital stock f 1,000, 000. I't-wnger Engineer John Kemberling, Vlt.nma, while running Second Day Kx- ea-t, one day recently made the fast t n.e tver made oo the Pittsburg Divls lie Diade the trip in two hours aod W:eiiiinutesfioin Pittsburg to Altoo- Mi of over forty-seven miles an hour. The meeting of delegates recently held 'he Concordia hall or Altoona from the "an eiuging societies of Johnstown, ll!'fia City, Huntingdon, Tyrone and Al- decided to hold a Ssengerfest In Au t xt. The Frohsinn, of Altoona, were charge of the arrangements for the -1 ! cnihtion of Bishop Tuiag has been i-i improving since his last prostration, t "isai;eto walk about the pastoral " Father Brielly. who has been 111 i "iiuii,!,ia for several weeks, has also u-"- t" improve, though still UDable to 1 t -i house or perform any ministerial of the singular developments of the i-atural gas explosion In Lawrence the claim of MUs Mary Modey, of !-ry. for $100 damage for the loss of tjral bangs, which she sustained on '"Rion. She has placed hei casein of an attorney and will enter suit r- t:;- cUim A satisfied. -J Trees, his wife and another lady ,'" d kl'Ma;ong the road near Blacklegs, "a -o-.ir.ty. one night last week, when 1 h-ard sounds like the cries of a child. '1 approae!;,., 1q that dirprtjon wf,en "iy they were startled by an unearthly ,'' "' 1:11 :" by s,-"ne wild animal, almost ''flhem. They fl;d i terror. Next ?-i t.. .'arge f,)ot piinU or an animal ; '-!!. in the snow, uelievd to be that v 1 t. l,i..h was recPRtjy seen near During the last thrp U.-ft.krf n. l Tin,.. Wen burning coal in our .fflee from Mosei Davis' bank in Blacklick township, which was delivered by Robert Ferguson, of the eame township. we do not believe there h any better coal In this section of the county. Quite a number of our citizens are on short allowance of water, their hvdrants and water pipes being frozen up by the re cent cold snap. The main pipe on Centre street opposite the Court hous is frozen up and water has to be hauled for the purpose of supplying the boilers of the heating ap. paratua of the Court house. There will be an annular eclipse of the sun with the moon on the IRth of March. TheecliDse will be partially visible In this "ection from 11.38 a. m. to 2.18 p. m. of that day. The moon will be partially eclipsed on the 30th of the same month, the eclipse not being visible In the Unite,! States, but visible in Europe and Africa. A new device by which passenger cars are heated has just been introduced by the Pennsylvania railroad, and gives entire sat isfaction. The new heating apparatus is a seir feeding stove or furnace placed under the car floor, capable of holding one bushel, which is filled with anthracite coal and will make a run of one hundred miles. If the great body of snow that now cov ers the ground should happen to go away with a rain it will be the cause of a great flood, but whether it goes away with a rain or not. people shouU go to John Owens' stor for dry goods, groceries, provisions, boots and shoes, etc , where you will at all times find good goods at low price. Armstrong county has voted against the erection of a poor house with emphaais There were 4,026 ballots cast against to 1,405 for the project. In Kittanning borough the vote was a tie at 156. Voters were not so much opposed to the institution as they were afraid of job'xry in the purchase of a farm and constructing the buildings. The kill providing for the establishment of the whipping post for wife beaters ws defeated in the Senate last week by a vote or 24 to 13. It Is but Just to say that the statesmen who voted against ic did so, not on account of desiring to avoid any unneces sary personal risk to themselves, but that it was a step backward towards barbarism. The Vigilant fire company of Altoona have met with another heavy loss in the death of one or their nw horses. Mr. W. W. Trout recently purchased three horses for the company in Illinois, for which he paid the snug sum of $1,000, and ever since their arrival in Altoona on Friday last, the ODe which died had been ailing, the trouble being lung fver. Information is wanted of the whcrea bouts of John Butler, a bright and active boy. aged about 16 years, who left his home in Huntingdon in search of work on the 17th ot November last and when last heard from was in Clearfield. When there he wrote on the 1st of December that he would bt home in a few days, but since then nothing has been heard from him. Mr. William Lewis, one of the most highly respected and prominent citizens of Huntingdon, died at his rosidencd in that place on Sunday night last, aged 71 years. He was a printer by trade and was political editor of the Huntingdon Globe rrom 1846 to 1874, after whicn Be disposed of his interest in that paper and counected himself with the mercantile business. A tin box containing a toy monkey wa found under the Greensburg Court house steps one day last week, and the supposition or the finder that it was an Infernal machine loaded with dynamite was sufficient to alarm the inhabitants of that place, and great was their joy when they discovered that what they thought to be a fuse wis only a string to make the monkey dance. Mr. Joseph Erb, one of th men who was killed at South Fork last week by the railroad accident, was formerly a Lancaster county clergyman, having left that county thirty-rive years ago, and intending to make a visit to his native place entered inte part nership with a Mr. Bowman and bought a car load of horses which they shipped to New Holland in that county. The verdict of the Coroner's jury that investigated the accident at South Fork by which two drovers were killed last week, says "that the men killed came to theirdeath through the gross negligence or wilful mis conduct of James B. Anderson, engineer of No. 628, and that A. L. Gibson, flagman ou the train ran into, was negligent of his dnty." The engineer and flagman have been arrested. Mr. John Schwab, of Loretto, left on Saturday last for Pittsburg, his intention be ing to enter Merey Hospital for the treat ment of one or Ms eyes, which has been troubling bim for some time. Mrs. Wm. Lang, or this place, who is a sister of Mr. Schwab, accompanied by her little daughter Gussie, who has been afflicted with a epinal affection, aleo went at the same time for the purpose or having her daughter treated by the medical faculty of that institution. The Pittsburg Time reports a some what Indefinite remark of Lawrence J. Mil ler, uiiaine engineer for the Atlantic Coal company, the largest concern in the Clear, field coal region, as follows: Mr, Miller says the New York Central Is after the Rochester Pittsburgh, and thinks their chances for getting it are reasonably sure. In that event, says the gentleman, the Rochester A Pittsburgh will be opened through from Punxsutawney to Johnstown, where a con nection will be made with the B. &. O. The cottage alleged to have been burg larized by William Stough atCresson recent ly, was that of John Chalfaut, of Pittsburg. This morning Miss. Ellen Murpby, who was with Mr. Cbalfant's family last summer, and who is now at the Mountain House, and Agent Corbet, of Cresson, appeared at the Burgess' office to look at the goods recover ed from Stough when he was airested. Miss Murphy Identified eight pieces of lace, two blankets, four towels, three small Bohemi an goblets, and other articles as the proper ty of the Chalfants. Johnstovon Tribune, On Thursday last as Peter Miller, an old gentleman residing Dear Altoona, and Mr. M. A. Teager, of that city, were driving past the Wbi Hall stables a horse that had got frightened suddenly ran out of the yard, and being unable to turn aside Jumped into the sleigh, striking both men with his fore feet, throwing them out of the sleigh, and before they could get up were trampled on several times by the frightened horse. Mr. Yeager was severely braised and had his coat nearly torn off, while Mr. Miller was partly unconscious and was carried Into the hotel, Le having two ribs broken and the broken ribs having penetrated his left lung. It was thought at first that the cnances were against his recovery, but later information says that be Is getting along well and will recover. The special Court lasted until Saturday morning of last week, when the jury in the case of Kin ports vs. Hipps A Lloyd, the onlj case tried, brought in a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for the sura of $3,971.00, that being the amount claimed. It was a long and tedious case, and tried the patience of both Judge and Jury. Judge Bier, of Som erset, who presided, is an able and learned Judge, and moreover a pleasant and cour teous gentleman. Although a stranger per sonally to the most of onr people, be has long been favorably known by reputation, as but a few years ago the Democracy of Cambria county insisted on bis nomination as their candidate for Concress. and onlv yielded when Mr. Baer peremptorily refused to be a candidate. During the week of bis presiding over our Court he has not oalv confirmed the good opinion previously held by his Democratic friends, but has deserved the respect and esteem of everybody, as a Jearufd, lair, upright tad Impartial Judge. ! : John Storm and John Callahan weie brought up to jii on Wednesday night about twelve o'clock on a committment fiom the Burgess of Chest Springs borough for the payment of a tine and costs imposed by that official. Just where the Burgess of Chest Springs gets his authority to commit prisoners to the county j Ml for fines and cos's is a problem that we are unab'e to solve, unless he imagines that he is " a b g ser man than old Grant." The Gailitzin AVics says: "The people of Paris do not know what kind of roads we have here in America, particularly here on the Alleghenies. If they should see them at about the first fall of snow they would think that roads as they were would really wear off all the splendor of those in the old coun try. Our architectural woiks as well as sewers, water works, parks and gardens are in every way in a pleasing state of affairs and are not in need of any spondulix." It may be true, but it makes us feel sad to think about it. About .1 o'clock on Monday mornir.g last the grocery atoie and baker) of J. G. Vor hauer, iu Conemaugh borough, and a double frame dwelling adjoining, owned by Chas. Raines and occupied by -families named Yurt and Culbrt, were destroyed by fire. The loss sustained by Mr. Barnes is about f2,000; uo insurance. The household goods and stock of groceries or Mr. Vorhauer were all destroyed. On his store fixtures, stock and bakery his loss is estimated at f2,000; insurance, $1,500. On household goeds he had an insurance of f "00. A frightful shooting accident happened on Wednesday of last week near Philips burg, Centre ouniy. John and Charley Wolfe, William Brown and narry Gray, all young men about sixteen years of age, were out hunting foxes in that neighborhood when young Brown's gun was accidentally discharged, the ball striking young Gray be low the ribs on the right side, passing through his bowels and coming out at his left side. He was placed on a sled and taker, home but died on the road, ne was the only son of W. Y. Gray of that place, We have iu our midst, if reports be true, at least one young married couple who differ greatly on the question of roller skating. The wife, wh is of a giddy nature, seems determined on attending the new rink when completed, while her leige lord, being the possessor of a jealous disposition, seriously objects, on the ground that it is no place for married women. A few days yet remain for them to settle the difficulty before the doors of the new building will be thrown open rr the reception or pleasure seekers, and we are inclined to believe that she will prove the better or the two, by impressing upon her husband's mind the words of Moo dy, the evangelist. "There is no harm in skating so long as you skate for the glory of God," and both will, of course, then atteud regularly. About eleven o'clock on Tuesday morn ing David Evans, a young man, a son or Johu T. Evans (Ridge) who resides In Cambria township, about four miles west of Ebensburg, was found iu his room at his father's house suspended to the joice by a clothes line, dead, ne had been demented for several years, and some two years ago becoming dangerous his father sent him to Dixmont asylum, where he remained several months, after which he was brought home considerably improved. He had eaten his breakfast about an hour oefore be was round, and then wentto his room, as wasbis usual custom, and was not seen by any one or the ramily until found hanging lifeless. He bad g .t up on the bed, tied the rope to joice and around his neck and then tied his hands behind his back before jumping off the bed. He was about twunty yeais of age. For the information and benefit of our readers who engaged in the culture of carp we publish the following from the Greens burg Democrat: "Mr. J. G. Cottom, resid ing on Jacob's Creek, several miles from Scotidale, is meeting with signal success as a carp culturist. Nearly two years ago he built a pond, 48x72 feet, and placed therein at different times 47 fish. Twenty-seven of the number are now 2J aud twenty )4 years of ajje. Both lots of fish had a fruit ful spawn last summer. The spawn of tnn older fish now measure 6i inches, and those of the younger. 3; inches ia length. Al though he has iiever counted them, Mr. Cottom Is satisfied that the spawn of last summer numbers thousands. His pond is supplied by living springs and Mr. C. at tributes the rapid growth of the young carp to the ract that the cold water was not per mitted to pass directly into the pond, but was tempered in the sun by a long flow be fore entering. Mr. Cottom has just com pleted another pond tnat embraces 1 acres, into which he proposes to transfer the spaw n of last summer, at a suitable time. Quarter Sessions. The following re turns have been filed in the office of the clerk or Quarter Sessions and will be laid before the grand jury next week : Commonwealth vs. Caroline Smith. Sell ing Itqnor without license, Com. ys. William Stough. Burglary. Com. vs. William Swank. Fornix et cet. Com. vs. Robert Hall. Assault. Com. vs. James Burns, John Mullen, and Martin Leonard. Housebreaking. Com vs. William Jackson. Francis Ward, Michael Coyle. Frank McDermoU, Francis Lamp, aud William Doran. Burglary and larceny. Com. vs. William R. Smith. Larceny by bailee. 3 y Com. vs. Wm. F. Cook. Embezzlement. Com, vs. William Hughes. Larceny. Com. vs. William Hughes and Richard Brown. Larceny. Com. vs Lena Shaffer. Lewdness. Com. vs. Lucy Ann Hunger. Keeping disorderly bouse. Com. vs. Aaron Walker. Shooting with intent to kill. Com. vs. Samuel Kelly. Assault and bat tery. Com. vs. Benjamin Cooper. Fornix et cet. Com. vs. John Quinu or Glvin. Selling lhinor without license. Com. vs. Charles Leffevre. Fornix et cet. Com. vs. Patrick J. Nugent. Assault and bat'-ery. Com. vs. Daniel Wingard. Larcenv by bailee. Com. vs. Louisa Michaels. Assault and battery. Com. vs. David M. Lewis. Fornix et cet. Com. vs. Harry Spangler. Burglary and larceny. Com. ys. William Stough. Shooting with intent to kill. REIE.tIPTIO., TERM'S EVOH IIOX. Some of our most popular ''minister of the Gonpel" In these days, Henry Ward lieeclier anionic the number, deny the "fa 1 1 f mar.," ; or the necessity of Redemption. They call ' the Scriptural account, ' a fabulous tradl tc." Their Liiiht is not the Liuht from Heaven, but au iyniiii$ ftitnitx, springing ftoni II. e foes and swamps of fu se philosophy, it is not even a reflection of the truth, f-r tradi tion testifies lo lhe S.tcred .sloiy ot P.iiadise. The truth of Redemption is inU-rwi.ven in ll:e history of this planet, liKe the roots of a great tiee, with ten thousmid ramifications. Erery tithe and nation of Antiquity oOserved traditional rites and ceremonies founded in '.lie idea of Redemption. W will enumeiate a few of these: 1. All nations ot Antiquity built teuiplts and Rltais. 2. Theyi fferrd sacrifices, propitiatory and euehaiisiic.il. 3 They gave tithes for the alt.ir. j 4. They attatained from sensual gratifica- ' tion hetore saciitior. i They owiieo to legal defi e.neots. ! 6. They bad a pritsUiood set aput for the : holy wm k. i Now observe that these sacred customs were universal amongst the nations of Anti quity, i Tney had a tradition ut a sinul nature ; Witness their altars, their sacrifices for sin their priests set apart from common human life The Tree of Truth is too deeply and wide ly rooted with leu thousand branches, to be eradicated troiu this earth 1 Heury Ward j Beecher cannot lo it ! ! Universal sac, iflce for sin thovced a universal sense of sin. ( Weie mankind created without fault, why ' a sacrifice for sni if he remained faultless. I Now tor Positive Testimony iu Redeiuptive ! History : This Testimony is backed up by Sacred aim Secular wi iters, ancient and modern , The Oue kind wrote against Vie otiier, thus clinching the history ! , The traditions of all nations te-ti v. ! The most ancient patriarchs testify. The inspired prouliets ol God, seeing the j end of Pruvideiic from the bediming teiti- ' V.3 P.lnca of th Prophets, the mighty Isaiah, the fifth and forerunning Evangelist, testifies. The great Prophet Daniel, who saw the Alpnaaod Oui.-na or God's Providence in the lise and fall of empires, testifies to the Redeui tion of i.ian from sin. Ail the Prophets testify. All the Apostles or God testify. All the Martyrs who died forTiuth.testify. All the Sous of God testify. All the Angels of God testify. All lhe Holy Evangelists testify. Ail the Cnristiau Fathers testify. Heathen writeis by confirming the truth. testify. I All God's Testimony was indelibly written ! aud sealed by the blood of His witnesses. j Because of this Cloud of eminent wit- I iiesses, we believe the Truth of Redemptive History. Let evolution go and hide himself in the mists of error, in the "Smoke of the Bot tomless pit." A. D. H. Chest Springs, February 21, 1885. Receipts and Expenditures ; RECEIPTS AKD EXPENDITURES Preparing for the Inauqcration. Colonel D. H. Hastings, of the Fifth regi ment, has issued an order with regard to the tegiment's trip to the inauguration. The regiment will leave on March 2 The sever al corapmies will be moved as follows: Company A at 3.15 p. in., with regular train from Enensburg one coach; Company li at 3 05 d. m., with reuular train from Belle fonte one coach ; Company C at 6 p. m., with r-guiar train from Hollidaysburg oi.e coacn ; company l J at i.23 p. m , with spe- i cial Fifth regiment train from Altoona one ' coach, Company F at 2 p. ni., (special) from Indiana oi.e coach; Company G at 9 20 p. m., to join special at Lewistown i Junction one coach ; Company II with I rtgimentai mum coips. at 4 25 p. m., from ' Johnstown two coaches; Company 1 at j 3.20 p. m . with regular train from Bedford one coach. j ...... . A Positive Guarantee Is given that every article sold at the Golden Eagle Cloth ing House, Altoona, Pa., is lower in price than the same quality and mane can be bought elsewhere. And remember, right here, that it makes no difference how low a price other clothiers may ask for their goods, or what inducements they may offer for yonr patronage the prices will always be lower at the Golden Eagle Clothing House, 130J Eleventh avenue, Altoona, Pa. The Vreat Elntarl. ! For toothache and neuralgia has no equal. I Warranted. Only 15 cents at all drug stores, i Johnston, Holloway A Co , Philadelphia J Agents. I SEW AllVERTISKJIIJITS. Council Proceedings. Council met in regular session Monday eye.. Burgess Gt wald presiding ; Councilmen Evans, Jones, Kittell and Thompson present. The min utes of last meeting read an d approved The following bills were read and on motion orders granted for the same : R. R. Davis, work, etc $ 1.05 Kxpresa n meter 75 Ifaac Krans, itationery and postage. .... 60 J. S. Davis, salary a' clem 10.00 E. W. Humphreys and William Leftn't return judges .. 3 00 E. W. Humphreys. IS hoars' work in W. W. 2.24 national Meter Co., repairing meter. 4.S5 On motion, an order of 175.00 was grant ed the Dauntless Firs Company, the same being the appropriation for the year 1884. On motion, a refunding order of $12.02 was granted the borough treasurer, being amount of exoneration for the year 18S4. On motion an order for $25.00 was granted A. V. Barker, borough solicitor for tbe year 1884. On motion an order for $25.00 was grant ed Burgess Gutwald, tbe same being his sal ary as burgess for tbe yar 1884. On motion the clerk was directed to enter on the minutes $3.00. tbe amount paid by the water superintendent to the borough treasurer from the county, being amount paid for use of council rooms oa election day, February 17. 1885, and $2.25 from E. Griffith for gas pipes. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets never fail. PETITIONS FOR LICENSE. The lollowlnic persons have filed petitions lor li cense with the clerk of Quarter Sessinas of t'am bria county, to h- presented to tbe Court on Man y, March 10, Jv5 ; AUenlieny township tarern. .1. K. Dennv. Burr townst.ip-tsTern, lerbrt Oenlcr"; et Inir house, CJeorire HulnnRle. Cumbria City, 1st Ward tarerns, fMward Haves, lirnatlu." Fisher. I'eter Koth.C'ias. Biyle, Daniel I.ysett. Mnrxaret Herbert. lct!r FiUpat rlek, Kridirel Howe, I'atriok IWrLanKhlin, John Kintt, Margaret Fitrpatrifk, I'atrii-k Hoyle; e:il Inic houses, Frank Kurtz, John Water. Martin Lojcan. Cambria City, Jd Ward tarerns, John I.vsett, John SchctTaur. Jacob ScbafTer, tJcoixe Abzner David Hnrkhard. Carrolltown taverns, Idiwrenee Sehroth, An drew H. Haun, F.dward U Binder, D. C. Wetsell Jr. Jns. Stoits, Charles Lannbeln ; eatlnn houses, Henry Blum, John istoltz, Frederick cr; nurm John J. Hauic, Joseph A. (fray fc T. S. Williams! Carroll township taverns, Thomas J. Weak land, James A. Haft1cy. Chest township tavern. Joseph Rhodv. Chest Springs tavern, John Crouse, Joseph A. Winner. Cleartteld township entln house. Jno. Bender. ConemauKh borough. 1st Ward taverns, P S. FreidhofT. Fhart Malzi.John Karr, John tJans Cieo. Held. Frederick Benier. Tbilip Hertzlnrer. Conemauich borounh, vd Ward taverns, O. J. Hoffman, Lssronfe Releb. Benedict Fer, Jos. Daley. David Costlow, Catharine A. Sloan. I .a u ra Toohcy, Andrew Fit7.slmmons. John SSwartzman, Conra l Ernst, Kate Von Alt, John Oearhart. Al bort F. Ieokey, Josiah Swank ; eaunic house Elizabeth Burke. Conemauich twp eating house. Hen. I.,. Shaffer. Croyle township taverns, Thomas Keelan. Fe ter Brown, John D. Wentroth, Charles N. C.-ouse. Ioan township eating house, Jamea J. Khody ; tavern, I,eonard Hollis. Fast Conemanurh taverns, Marx ret Kelly, William J. Cannon. Ueorve A. Confer. Christina Klat. tt-onsburn, Kast Ward tavern, D. U. fc. James Mvers. fcnensbnrr , West Ward taverns, John A. Blair. P. F. Brewn, Christina Foster. F.lder township taverns, Charles Endler. Fran cis X. tut. Franklin Peter Rubrlta, tavern. Oallititn taverns. M. Fltlharrls, Jacob Bopp lauil Burk Sr.. Arnold Lenlz, Joseph M Running-, OritfUh Bonner, Charles Dress; eating houses, Andrew Oealer. Joseph Dashner. Orubbtown tavern, Wm. L. Livingston, Jaoob 1.. Ream. Johnstown. 2nd Ward taverns. Csnrad Hoff man, Patrick O'Connell, William S. Patterson, i miip i-iiuiiuciii, j nomas Mnney. treorjee w. Koonh, Thomas S. Itovis Neil Sharkey, Joseph Crouse John Srhlffaner, John Coad, E. H. Wll louer, John Frank, JeorgeCKaao; quart. John Kaab, Jeb Morgan. Johnstown, Srd Ward tavern, John V. Shaffer, John Frit. Mm. C. Kast, Charles Zimmerman, Sr., William Thomas, Charles Oswald, John l. Thomas, John Morton, John Zobel, RobertSaror son, Jamea J. Mllllan. William H. Thompson, Stephen Clulrk. John J. Hornick, Andrew Winn, H. Frits k Charles Wess, Joseph Kost, Hui;h Oreenwoouf quart, John Ludwii at Son, Fisher & Streum. Johnstown, 4th Ward taverns, Eckhart Pfell, Thomas J. Lewis; eatinr houses, David Faioon, C. J-Setanable : quart. William I. Dodson. Johnstown, 5th Ward Paul Weiirand, tavern, do 6th do William Shaffer, do Johnstown, "th Ward atin houses, Andrew Abler. John Oearhart. Lilly's taverns, Marearet Helle. C. A. teonra M. C. Bradley, Edward If ulhearmn, John Men far, (lei. Brant, Simon Ryan, Jno. A. Hamilton. Loretto taverns. C. F. O'Donnell, A. J. Chris ty. Florian Benjfele. Mlllville borouKb, 1st Ward taverns. Neal Mc Aneny. Catherine Dowllnar, Evan A. Jamea, Pat rick Rodgers, Watkln James, Edw. McLaughlin. Mill vllie borough. 2d Ward taverns, John H nin, Thomas McDormott, Patrick Minahan, Wm. Marshall ; eating house, Jerome Oouldins: ; quart. M. McBrlue. Portage township ts vera. Jesse McOougn ; eating house, Franets McDonald. Prospect boronii h tavern. Thomas Ktley ; eat in ic bouse, Patrick ?Cary. Read township taverns. IHivld Brookbank. James Lair.fr ; eatlni? house. Albert Youogkin. Richland township taverns, John Helms, Jao. H. Watklns. Stonycreek township taverns. Charles J. 9chae fer, Fred Koehm ; eatlna; houses, Jacob Jacoby, Peter H. Malri, Summerhill twp eating house, John Roehm, Susquehanna township eating houses, Antho ny A. Miller, Philip P. Miller. Tunnelhlll borough taverns, Patrick O'Dowd, Richard Byrne. Daniel McKenna, Catherine Flts patrick ; eatinir house, William McOarvey. Wilmore rxiroasrn taverns, Jos. Horner, Oeo. Wendemh ; eaunif bouse, B. C J. Mctiulre. Washington township taverns, John Byrne, John H. Clark, W. R. Danham, Michael Dona hoe, Patrick R. Myers, John P. O'lN'etl; eating house, Louisa Weiser. Upper Yoder township taverns, Chauncey Da vis, Charles Hocustin. Clerk's Office. f H. A. SHOEMAKER. Eo'k teu. i;, i5s5. Clerk tuarUr session, -OF- POCR AND HOUSE OF EMPLOYMENT 1 of ; CATORIAIC0U1TTY, PA.,' Front, January 7th, 18S, to th e th day of Jan nary, lSSt. JOHN A. KENNEDY, ESQ., J Tressurfr. Dr. ; To amount of requisition for H-M 17.KS) 01 To b:latn-e ilue Poor t Hoitw of Em ployment 3.7:t 70 To ra.-h by I. Lilly, steward A'X 7'i To c:t!h by lieu. V. Ealy ' , OF CAMIUIIA COUNTY, PA., FHOM The 7lli I.v f isnntry, ( tU till Ijr of Jnnaarr, JOHN A. KENNEDY. Tkeasi-ker. D11. To am't In baud ol Treasurer at last sett Irment $ 7 4'7 81 To nm'l rvceived from miscellaneous mce 3.4ol 8.1 To tin t received trviu redemption ol i nis .?M Tiki m l rnvived Irom coiiMublcs lor 1S3 anil previous r; STILL. A CHANCE -FOR- T am I rrrctved iroai sratcl and un- iMtri To nui't or duplicate lr 17. 24 I JOHN A. KENNEDY, ES? Treasurer. H amount .itl A n'i;iir,iY aikI other roi:iti?8 A ttorney t'eftx How rlhi;r Hiilntirsinti.1. P 'lot hit . l-y pmhI, boot ixl i1hc. . . . O'HI wiwxt 0tti " tor hmi?e Co thus hihI tiin-Tal ximims O.I). P... CniistMf's nn! JiihI irtt" fis Irii ami metl'it'iiia, F.xjHMtsrs and allowance O. I. r mlir. ... KnrmtT ami House wrvHiit Klotir anti fet'ri Fertilizer irain il.ill iriKerief Hardware I iiMirMtiee Livery hire I,iv stock Meat Merchandise Phvtticiafi nt Mouse l'hsiciau to O. J. P Pump Q- Salary Steward Salary Matron Sleiyh Tobacco Threshing. TransMrtatin Vegetables. Ntrtn Pennsylvania Hospital Hal. due Poor and Houso of Kmploy m nt .". . Cr. 171 .'5 uo :l in 2 i in 211 is VI 75 till !'i S H r.5 10 4.4-1', 03 71 07 SJi .V Villi H 11 14 S no 7s S2 113 6; 93 OS tSt ."! 3U2 00 517 A 21 61 X 40 4St t 17 SO 17& OS 5-i on 137 SO 6L' 5 1"4 t 1 0i 172 3o "J " 2,'!I7 91 7.0.T6 10 V MOUNTS nl'E PliOB ASH IIoU-SK OF EMPLOYMENT : Ity Jin-oil Thomas and wife S 37ft 1) JtV Andrew Knrooii. est oo 70 Hy Cambria Onard Hall Association. . . (KJ Hy AVilliam Prvce ' oo By Pnvid K. Jones 2 oo Ity John H iker 4s 70 l'.v rsrern Pennsylvania Htispitul (overpaid) 1 79 8 1 .K7:t 3 Given under our hiiinls. at the Commissioners' Office, in EbemOmrg. this litth clay of January, A. J. 1S.W. H.A.EXtll.KHART.l ('. K. foVK.lt, S Auditors. PATRICK O'lKJWrM OBITl'ARY, j DAVIS. Died, at the 'eidene of his father In 1 famliria tnwnhip, on Wed ne-d.iy . February ls8". I-mnel Pavi, son ol llio'ioas ( . Davis, j atrcd nliout is years. STOKEY. Pled, at her home in Snmmfrhill township, on Saturday. Feoru-iry 21, HS5, Mrs. Alexander Storey, aied about 32 years. j Ty EPORT OF T. I.I1.I.Y. ESQ ., STEWARD V, of Pisr and lionw of Employment of Ciim bi ia County, Penna: Stork on Farm. Three horses, nine cows, one bull, five brad young catt'e. three beevc. nine sboats, ninety chickens, tw eiity-thrce tutkeyn. Farm Products. 31 tons hav, 6 .0 bushels oats. 4."si bushels corn (ears), yon bushels potatoes. .VI bushels bm-k wheat 23l4 bushels !eaiiH, .V bnshels turnips. 17 hupucls onions. 1 ,400 he:ids cabbage. timnt'es. beets and other garden truck in quantity. 2v dozen eggs. Butchered ei-ht ho-. 1 e;i liring 2.17 lbs., butch ered ten calves, realizing U lbs., butchered two eons, realizing '.'3 lbs. Articles MmmfiK-t ured In House. 2 bbls. soft sa Kip, foo lbs. hard soap. 00 lls. but ter, 2 sets harness, (doub'e), W men's sliirfs, l chemisis, 25 dresses. 2n sheets. 4 pillow slips, 19 t-el ticks. 14 pillow ticks. 21 aprons. 11 skirts. S; haps, -i" pair woolen socks. VI pair woolen stock. iiis. 12 pair mittens. 18 roller towels. Farm Implements. Same as reported last year with the addition of a grain drill. Inmate. In limine Jinunry 1st,iss4 Bt Adinltte.1 during the year V2 Kcirn in house during year 1 1J9 piel jo Discharged, ran oft", etc .V) In bouse January 1st, lsi ; 89 19 tf inmates remaining in the house there are : 33 sane males; -jo s:me females; X insane females; t insane ma'es; 3 blind nviles: 1 bljr.d fema e; 1 colored fem ile; frmnlesand 1 male paralytics, nntilile to wulk, and 1 lunibTn.ile. Monthly average ol Inmates during year. 72 There are eighteen insane at Western Pennsyl vania Hospital, of whom eleven are males and seven females. fiave ltlrth. Purine Year. Annie Ptsel. of East Conemaugh, to fem;lo in lant, March Mh, lsi4 Inmates Who I)iel Dnring Year. Mary Mickel. Kl M cAt.imany . Ileiiecca Flowers, Sarli Lewis, Fritz I'.rown, Daniel Miller. Andrew Burgoon, .lohn I.iver. dn.ph Had?, John Filth. Name of Inmates at Western Pennsylvania Hospital. August Pnlmdal, .btsepli Eoerly, Oscar tibmsen. hrist Klinerayer, Adam K. Nooii, I.eo Wills, Alex Ponaldsoti, Herman liarlich. Ammiltii 'I'homas. Ebensburg, Pa., Feb .TamesMcFal. Is;iac Jeff ries. Mary Mcliride, Theresa Richards, Sarah Card iter, Mary Oallagher, Ann Moreland, Ann Mclwrmott, Fliza Thomas. , 1SS.T. UI3LIC SALE -OF- Valuable Real Estate I THE unde-slgned, exeentors ol the last will and testament ot John Elder, deceased, will ex pose to public sale, at the hotel of Iawrence Sehroth In the borough of Carrolltown, Pa., on SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 'S5, At On O'elorlt. P. If., the following de scribed real estate, to wit ; A piece or parcel of lano situate in ine townsnip ot Susquehanna, county ol 'atnbrfa. Pa., adiotning lands of John Bearer, Joseph Holts, heirs of Henry Weakland and others, containing lOO ACRES, More or less, about slxtv acres cleared, having thereon erected a TWO STORY I'LASK HOUSE unUKi BARN. This land is in a good state of cultivation, and underlaid with coal. To be sold subieot to a morta-aue of 8S3 33. bearing Interest from June 1, IBM, payable annu ally to Jacob LutLer, and at bis death , tbe prin cipal to be paid to the heirs of Magdalena Eutber, ueceasea. At.BO, A lot ol ground situate In the borough of varrontown, t'a., fronting ok teet on JYialn street, and extending back 214 teet to an alley ; having thereon erected a Two Stobt FRAME MOUSE Ann r KAHE STABLE. TERMS OF SALE. Five percent, of the pur chase money to be paid on the day of (ale. ene third of the remainder on the first day of April, 188S and the balance In two equal annual pay men ts with Interest, to be secured hy the mort gage anajuugmem Don ns ot tne purchaser. JAMES MYEKS, OEO. OALLAH F.R Executors of John Elder, dee'd. reoruary si, isw.-l. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Estate of ParaR Mclvkkill. deceased. Letters testamentary on the estate of Peter Mulvehill. late ef Wilmore borough, dee'd, hav ing been granted to the undersigned, notice Is hereby given to all persoas Indebted to said es tate to make payment without delay, and those having claims against the same must present mem properly authenticated tor settlement. PETER M. KINNEY,Ff, JOHN BURNS, Exeoutors Wilmore, Pa., Feb. 27.-t. ' XrOR SALE. The subscriber will sell JL. at private sale abont 3 Acrsn of ground situate in Wilmore borouirh. Oarnoria countv having thereon a large Frawb Horss. eontainimr ten rooms. In good repair, suitable for a hotel, with a lot of choice fruit trees and necessary eut- uunuiugs. ror miner information can on tne subscriber on tee premises. Terms reasonable. MARY E. MULVEHILL, Wilmore, Pa, Feb. 27 .-2m. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Mrs. 8. J. Lkech. deceased, Letters of Administration on the estate of Mrs. S.J. Leech, deceased, late ot Oallitsin boraua-h having been granted to tbe undersigned, notice Is hereby given to those Indebted ts said estate that payment must be made without delay, and these having claims against tbe same, must present mem properly authenticated ror settlement. FRANCIS N. BURK, Oallltsln, Pa., Ian. , "8&.-et. Administrator ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Mrs. Eliza Pasrisb. deo'a. Letters ot Administration on the estate ef Mrs. Eliza Parrish. (deceased, late of Cambria town ship, having been granted to the undersigned no tice is hereby given to these Indebted to said es tate that payment mnst be made wl'.hoot delay, nd those having claims against the same, mast present theta properly authenticated for settle ment. HILL1AM U. fAKHISH. Cambria tp., Jan. 18, '8S.-6t. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate ot Asdkiw Buroooh. deceased. Letters of Administration on tbe estate of Mr. Andrew Bunroon. deceased, late of White twn ship, having been granted to the undersigned, no tice Is hereby given to those Indebted to said es tate that payment must be made without delay, and those having claims against the same, must present them properly authenticated ror settle ment. JOHN H. DUUOLASS, White twp Feb. 1J. 5.-eu Administrator. Cr. By amonnt pjtd Auilltors (County) i Auditor (State)". Assess jrc . Bonds reileoine l....... ............ ...". Building brioges Brldite and Mml views Bo inllnif jurors Boarding prisoners Borough tax t Commissioners .......................... t .mil in issi oners' elerk. ............ .... Coin in if sinner.-' counsel . Counsel leea (St. Francis' College) Court crier and tipstaves Const.lb!cs Criminal prosecutions Court Hotiiie Pistrict Attorney " Elections Km and wild cat scalps Inqul.-itions .......--....... Insurance Interest n bonds.............. ........ J Juror? (ttrand) Jurors (Traverse) ,. Janitor ... J;il and Jailor I Jury Commissioners and Clerk....'... Miscellaneous ........J.J Old or.lers " Probates.... .. . ' J J Postage ..... Prothonoutry . ........ Printing "...."."..".. Poor House Directors..... "J. Poor and House ot Einp.oymont Registry Rec. rds " Redemption of lauds...... .....Ill Reform school Refunding Road datnaire Road lun.i ." Selnsl lund State lax ........... Stenographer .. .. Sheriff " Teachers' Institute Talesmen Western Prnitentiarv Western Penn'a Hospital Thirty. nine deeds to county Advertising lands Remaining in constables' hands E.Toneralinn.i to constables Exonerations on duplicate....... ... .. Abatement to Taxpayers Treasurer's com . on 64,48ft. 4:1 ni & per ct. Treasurer" com. on 14,.;41 M erct. Balance in hands ol Treasurer.. av on 4.i mi 8.ri 7 JU. (.. SI 4..0ll S0.i0 1,74'J 8. a si 1.2O0.I l OIMI OO 2O0.0.) 3-'.il 4rt7.oO 4(:.2.:!7 1.91'I.M r8 2 on 2..Kil.33 54U.IS) 71 ; 375 00 l,H8MiO 7 7.74 ,:7 iti 4.a 2,..3a.4-i 122 8S '-is. 7 1 lo2.K8 :i.75 lu 41 1.I7W.M K83.37 324 00 M,t!f,S.27 6i7.fst l! 44 f.io..;4 2"7 ft BOH.M7 4M 'N 2..M7X7 2.764 Mb l'.m.oo .V.5 10 7.MI ty.(i 1.277 ii 2,4:;x."w prj.in 8 is) 8.2H7 42 a. .VI 1. 35 7H.47 2.4S0.8', ,22:: -i-iW 11. 24a. 97 fIiU.121.tt4 RELIABLE BARGAINS. :0: Plenty of Ovkrcoats yet at .i reduction of 25 "FIEIR, OZEHnTT. A few LA I) IKS' COATS, We liave been selling quite a lot of goods at our REDUCED PRICES, Whieh we mentioned here last week, but still have too man- left, and are de termined to close them out, -IF LOW PRICES WILL DO IT O:- 4 M It TS PT E PROM CONSTABLES EOIS 19m anl previous years. If2 Jonas Foneh, Adams twp Archie lurrell. Barr twp John El I s wort h.t Jam Oris bor..2d w. Henry Sieminer. Johnstown, 7lh w. .lames Miller, Ixwer Yttder twp.. 1R3 Art-hie Earrell. Karr twp Ivicll'd E. Thomas, Hlackll.'k twp. Honj.T. Fuel), Cambria twp los. J. Trexler, Djan twp E B. Mct'artneT.E.t'ouetn'Kh bor. D. t). Burke. 4allltzlu twp Alex. J. Berlcey. rubbtown bor.. Howard lMvis, Jackson Iwp Henry Stcmmer, Johnstown, 4th w. I. K. Miller, Johnstown. Kb w ... M.J. Pioel. t nite tw (Jeo. D. I'rinifle. Wilmore bor John Horn, I ppcr Yoder twp.... Ei. t". Binif le,lwer Yodertwp.. 18S4 eo. E. Krn, Karr twp Thos, M.Kc-cse, Blacklick twp... David H. Jones, Tamhria twp .las. 31 . Kelly. ambria her., 1st w. Aufr. Hainar, t'atnbna bor.. 2d w.. A uk. Yost, Sr., Inn-til twp M. Zollner. t'arrolitown bor....... Anthony tlill. Chest twp tao Soisby, t :iearrte!d twp....... James Kinney, t'.memaniih bor... Jos. J. Trexler, lean twp James Myers, Ebensbnra; bor.. w. w. (since paid In part) Ansehn Weakland. Elder twp .. K. J. Kirtley, E. (Jonetnauich bor.. B. Weis. (iallitzin township. ... . A. .1. Berkey. tlrubbtown tor Hiram Swank, Johnstown, Bth w. John McOahe. Iilly's bor......... J. A. Troxell. I'ortaice twp........ E. J. Blouuh. Kichlanil twp J . N. Stra) er, Snmmerbill twp.... W. A. Kaicer, iu?u,uehanna twp.. J. Htuonnl. stonycreek twp James Ievlir., Taylor twp Jas. D. t'risle. Wnshlni;toii twp. M. J. Noel, White twp teo. W. trfnifle. Wilmore bor.... i4eo. tl-illiiiuer, Wootlvale bor.... John Hen in I"pper Y oder twp. ... tscwlt ilcr'eatorf.ijowcr Yoder twp 15 H7 134. H3 71 M.26 4 .1.1 17.7 15 58 4 1 2.1. t i.57 81.34 14.2H 2! 44 77 53 40 12 142.80 3,14 Vi.bU 10.37 23 27 5.00 l7.0j 155 20 ir..e , 2V2 IS 25.22 : 21 87 24.8') 3K 01 2.80 I 30 80 61.30 M.im ; 67. U0 1 47.33 I 1H M ! 20.7H l'J7.28 K.ftO M7.57 ( 319.7 : 121.SS 477.62 21.21 24.S.S1 81.11 82.ini 1M 254 34 In addition to the CLOTHING TRADE, we have the largest lot of O A.N3NTE D GOODS In town, and think our prices arc OliTTLE LOWER THAN ANY ONE ELSE. j BUT WE LEAVE THAT FOR YOU TO JUDGE. We invite you all to call and sec -OUR STOCK and PRICES,- And if you can sec a bargain, take it ; if not, no harm done. -:0: B3TXo Trouble QUOTE PRICES. to SHOW GOODS or 4.2KI.77 MOT NT PIE CAMAKIA tHIl'KTT O udirmcnts John T. t'ooney Isaac w ike lteniatrtn Eiirart , John W. 4rav, et al John W. 4ray. et al Tames Kleck S. A. K. Kitch. et al W. W. Sherman, et al.... lohn E. McKenzie Barbara Kabb 275 32 17H 7.' 7M) b'j 10 ei VM 88 V. S. BARKER & BRO., Pebruair 27, 1SSS. EBENSBURG, X3. t 2.22 91 A MOT'NT DUE D1STKICTS FKOM missloners' sales and redemption ol DISTRICTS ROAD. Adams township Barr township Blacklick town.-ip t'ambrla township . Chest township Clearfield township t'onetnauxh twp.... Elder township Jackson township Susquehanna twp....... Summerhill twp..... ..... Wasninirton twp White township Vpper Yoder twp , Lower Yeder twp. 9 61.49 1 4 7S 4 54 e us ..... 70 60 9 4t 67 fW 6 54 147 31 1 05 ...... 17 00 . . 11 49 4 &3 4 53 1-1 8-1 18 POM- lands. SCHOOL. $ 62.9 S 11 76 SO 44 64 82 32 7 69 3 PS if 35 2W 68 1 65 17 on 8 49 4 13 4 13 .W 59 HARDWARE ! TIME ! STOVES ! $10,000 in Gooils to be Solfl atReflnceQRates. KJ: HAVING purchased for ca.?h, we sell for cash 15 per cent, lower than elsewhere. Our fine stock of MOUNT RECEIVED FKOM SEATED AND k. Unseated Lands. DISTRICTS. Adams township , Alleitheny twp Barr township Blacklick twp Cambria twp Carroll township.... Chest township Chest Sprints bor... Clearfield twp Conetnaugh twp.... Croyle townsMp.. Dean township Elder township Ebcnshnnr bor Oallltsln bor Oallltzin twp Jackson twp.... Johnstown bor Eower Yoder twp. Mnnster twp l'artaire township.... Keade township...... Stonycreek twp... Sunmerhlll twp Susquehanna twp... Tiylor township Tunnelhlll bor Upper Yoder twp... Washington twp...., White township. Wilmore borough... ROAD. J) 218.78 "."."V. S8.7S 177.72 48 80 8 12 434 65 .7. " 132 20 KM 15 83 99 329 82 60 48 7 43 1 80 12 91 3'JO 80 5 21 127 73 1394 276 20 644 53 .. 3 00 231 S 83 90 115 22 10 68 83 118 53 522 88 4,350 09 244.95 2.50 39. 90 16.74 79 29 7 87 l 608 48 2 40 I 168 89 ! I'll 15 1 141 59 1 457 49 60 46 11 04 298 147 16 ! 490 04 I 121 73 17 05 431 69 1,342 12 3 00 227 52 119 62 120 97 22 100 29 175 12 685 45 1 95 6.one si war r s EASE-IS, tSIS 1KD PAStES ST57S3. Are nripxcelled in QUALITY asd LOW FIGURES. An Im mense Link of Jlirthrare, Tin Coper, Shfft iron and &ih-cr?are, JJorse and Stable Furnishing, And Farming Imflemicntb. 4k our astonishingly low price list 17 qt. dish pan, pressed 14 qt. dish po, pressed 12 qt. dlsb pan, pressed 11 qt. disb pan, pressed 14 qt. bucket, .. 10 qt. backet 1 two hoop bucket. woodeD... 1 three hoop bucket, wooden. 4 qt. coffee pot 3 qt. coffee pot- 2 qt. coffee pot . .50 . 43 . 40 . SO . 33 . 23 . 15 . 20 . 23 . 20 13 4 tin nest palls, with dippr.. 3 pressed tin basins, nested.. 3 pudding pans 1 dot. tin cups 1 larpe wash boilar. No. .... 2 good corn brooms ......... 3 coal buckets Coal oil, per jral .. Clothes pins, per doz White lead, per cwt.. Kails, per keg.. i .TS if - If SS P5 5f 1.00 i o 01 6 M S.4JJ ASSETS. Due from Judgments t 2.223 91 Due from Constables 4.280.77 Doe from D. A. Luther, Sh'fT, (since pd.). 6HI.S0 line from Western Penn'a Hospital . t.139.11 Kal.ince In Treasurer's hands . 11.243.67 To balance, - 24.3S7.13 43,9M.0 LIABILITIES. Outstanding County Orders.... Outstanding Bonds Ihie Iiistricts on KoH and School Due Districts from Commissioners' sales and Redemption of Lands... . Doe IndlTiduals from Redemption of Lands Doe Poor and House ot Employment t 649.18 30.000 00 6,074.61 1,077.74 99.97 7,05. 19 t43.968.09 tliVEH under onr hands, at the Commissioners' Office, in Ebensburg, this 24tb day of January, A. D. 18&. JAMES COSTLOW, 1 JOHN KIK BY. J Commissioners. D. HAMILTON, Wi, lhe undersigned Auditors of Csnjbri County, respectfully report that we hare careful 1t emmined the vouchers and accounts ot the Receipts and Expenditures of said County from the 7th day of January , 184. to the 5th day ot January, 18g., and find them as stated ; also the foregoing statement of Assets and Liabilities of said County. OiTen under onr hands at the Commissioners' Offlco, In Ebensou.-g, this 29th day of January, A. D. 1885. H. A. ENflLEHART, 1 c. B. COVER. Auditors. PATRICK O'DOWD, j NOTICE. To the beirs and legal rep resentatives of Brldg-et Storm, deceased. Take notice, that an inquest will be held at the late residence ot Bridget Storm, deceased, in the borough ol Summltnlle, now Washington town ship. In the county of Cambria, on Saturday, tSth 4ay of February at 9 'rlerk In the loreooon of that day. for the purpose ot making partition of the real estate of the defeased to and among her heirs and lKl representatives, if tbe same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling of the whole; otherwise to value and appraise tbe same accord ing to law, at which time and place jou are re quired to attend If you think proper. D. A. LfTHER. Shertfl. Sheriff's Office, Zbent burg, Feb. 6, ie!.-td. Your attention is called to our fine assortment of Wall Taper. FULL LINE OF BUILDERS' MATERIAL, PAINT, VARNISH AND GLASS at Special Rate ROOFING AND .TOUTING Promptly Attkxdbd ra f-All ure invited to convince themselves of our SUPERIOR rnnno AND LOW PRICES. fcHIUH COOD8 A. G BUCK & CO., Csfnllitzin, -IN BUYING YOUR- RAHGES, COOKHIG AMD HEATING STOVES. Cellar Furnaces, Fire-Place Heaters,1 Tinware, Copper Ware, Sheetiron "Ware, Lamp Goods of Every Description, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Soup Ladlei, Granite Ware, Coffee Mills, Plated-ware, Toilet Sets, Cake Boxes, Bread Closets, Clothes-wringers. Egg Beaters, Slaw Cutters, . Iron Stands, Fancy Spittoons, Slop Bucket Hard Coal Parlor Heaters, Soft Coal Parlor Heaters, Copper Kettles, Bras3 Kettles, iron Kettles, steam Coolers, Rice, Milk and Farina Boilers, Perfect Waffle Irons, Boilers of all Kinds, Meat Pounders, Mincing Knives, gjf KHITBS MF9. ?tock of KITCHEN ARTICLES, will be sold at Low Price.' FRANK W. HAY, No. 280 Washington Street, JOHNSTOWN, PA-