rninAV. nr.a 8. tss2. j)CAL AND rKRSONAU I..,. Thr the, Oth" l'l- hoVery. W str'. t B.rk-r. . rvi .one1 ef winter m . k,n-K SuiMr Bowl." -Money mtv1 on dr-ed corn t Birfcer.; . Candle, wbolo;tlP and 0-tnil, at the V-ney aa.Yrl on hrne h1tntrt at Tl a. .-Pour I arse lonvna of wriest tireal for 75 epr.f at tbe "Saanr P.owl." M-n' lieary kn't Jiep'a at rUrVpra'. TTiintlnedon connty I shipping Home of jt snrplin apple-bolter to Colorado. Ladiea' and children' hood;, at Ti.rker F!e de"r were rfferitlv apnnpM Inside a WM-- hy a Clearfield cnnntv Nlranvl. Vn" extra inrn won? ssrf at HirVers' Onr rtelghbnrln onnfy of Wptmnrf- Jar prilne to Itidnlw In a new T' ean rt Wn orprcni,t: at Barkers'. TIollMaTibar? U tn hav a new Pteam rs-vne mill. Happy TloVIdayshurg en vi nes Eienhnre. money on carnets at Bnrlrers'. -One hundred and plehtr-fonrtioVetifor trbP'nre were sold at the Johnstown station eB rnday Imt. -FrPh prnnes, Valencia raisir.a.rnrranti, cVrn nnd all kind of spfcf, at the "Sugar " Cheap.' Vpw stock bnckkln cloves at Barkers. Te TTuntinedon Glob is offered for sale tiip pxpcutors of Its late owner and editor, II- At. Tynnrst. deceased. Rpt stock floor oil cloths at Barkers'. Three fanrers In Antls township. B'air Wni.fv, have recently loat no less than tlitrtv idti porkers from cholera. Mrf.nl comers for oil c'oMis at Barkers. Tt-rpe tnrkeys at one shot i what a p, orpt conntv man is bracrcinir about haw It.il Wnaht down a few days eo. Ladies' coats, all style, at Barkers'. Thp "Snjrar Bowl" is headquarters for Chri'mfiS candies, fine family groceries, Crs!ers, fresh fish, clssrs, tobacco, etc. Men's and boys (jossarnprs at B irkers'. That merciless malady, diphtheria. In Its ir.is maifenant form, Is said to have made IS appearance !n ITnntlngdtin cotmty. "The most brilliant shades possible on ail fabrics are made by tbe Diamond Dyes, frcpialed for brilliancy and durability. 10 ct. Two dangTitm of M', Georse Lindsey, formerly of Flollldaysbur?, died at their rVimp In Johnstown last week, within a few of each other. Hey prnnes and peaches at Barkers'. IT. K. Miller. Keadlrnr. TV. savs : "1 ?tnrp been using Brown's Iron Bitters as a, t Vc and appetizer and fin. I it very benefi cial." Buy von r "Bin Knn" tobacco at Birkers'. The Tattison Club of .Mtoona, propose to take In the lnaneiration, and have ordered phi 2 hats, (made of pastphnar.1, we pre S line,) fr'oves and canes for the occasion. cave monej on suear at P,irV'. T' e wife of Mr. Jacnn Beck, of Li'lv's ct ! in. oled verv suddenly on ta-t Fvlday c-v. rin?. need alout fifty yeiirs. TTeart dis Pir u nppood to have ben t!ie caue of litr niiHTpected demise. I' bilious, or suffering frpni Impurity of b "1. or weak Inntrs and fear consumption . r. 'nious disease of the lunr). take Dr. v ;..rPi', "Golden fedical Discovery" and it w:'l cure rou. Bv drnjg'sts. The sad and shameful, though, thark G"'t. the nnuiial sight of a w-nan entprinii a ilr nking saloon with an empty b'.ttlp and C'-.,:nrf ont with it full, was witnessed in tli:s nlnee on Wednesday last. rtsrkers' have nil sizes In gum boota. i ' - Our friend and patron, Mr. M. J Wa'tr. r f i-pct Springs, one of the best mechanics '? M county, Tias charge of the erection of t! tioat cnttage now being built for F. A. S,e. n'nker. Eq., of this place. B.'t flour at lowest prices, at Birkers". M. Frank Over, of the ITollldavshnre '..'.. has been appointed Mercantile Ap pmispr bv the CommlKioners of B'air conn v Trinters O'-rr there do seem to g"t some Wrs sometimes for tbe asking. Buy ralins and currants at Barkers'. Xr more sick chickens. Sa vp rour poni. try and enre them of disease by psini Rob Prts Toultry Fowder. It has never failed to enre cholera, and all diseases to wnich fowU a'e subject. Price cents per pickaec. Parkers' have all kinds of overshoes. The IlunUngdon county Teachers' In ptitnte. pow In session at Fluntingdon, is so mrcli crowded for room that it has deemed It a lviable to charge all outsiders ten cents fifh for admission to its daylight doings. Ladies' underwear.all kinds.at Barkers'. An ohlfnarr of Mr. Joseph Wo'fp. who ed in IVilmore on Saturday last, was re rc ve-t n'ter rnr own potice had hpn pnt Ir; h pp From it we learn that Mr. Wolfo was in Germany on the 8th day of April. TV many friends hereaway'of Mr. John F-.-' irris. proprietor of the Loean House, IT. "Mav-ihurg. formerly of the Central Ho-t-l. In this place, will regret to lesrn of his . r .ins iPness, nd hope for his speedy and tro-nrigh recovery. Barkers' will sell boots at low prices. THp knljhts of tbe cleaver hereawav and '-tr-rre will he glad to learp that a Cum wr'and county 1ndge decided that butchers ! rnt "iahle t.i the mercanti's tax, the re tTt lf. ision of the Auditor General to the c i.trarr nolwith.tanding. 1'irkers' have nice rag carpets for sale. A r.i'.wh or Hungarian tramp named .i i-ipe Va!keopfski was struck hy the rr-i PTnress at Allegrippus, a few miles eas', '.'' 7tp. nn Monday last, but fortunately -M,. Witt,nnt prions" injury. He was sent -" i" P.lalr county almslionse, name and all. Birkers' have men's flannel overshirts. rr0-n' 'WineMeKlernan. the ypperable n"ier nf our friend T. I. McKIernan. of 'xts. has iu,t beep granted a pension "--'rejratlng Uie handsome sura of $4,0O. i..-n,i S(iy Tpfoi Williamsburg, and ' .:'PA' e mfty lTe )ODjr to nl)y her E d fortune. -Parkers' keep blue flannel shirts. -"eareu'ider obligations to Mr and Mrs. 'r:'''t f-'oyd, the recentlj wedded and sn r T-o'v happy conple who are jnt now re- "T'1g the congratulation of their manv ' ;' "", for a honnriful ami varied supply of v us cake. Mav life to them be always i t as the wedding cake they sent us. - Ii 1 IvsnirtP, that is the name, plead 5' 'n tbe Bedford county court last week 'inecpnt nssan t nnnn nn ....t wnre. and sentenced to pay "a fine of 'Ost (f prosecution and Undergo nn ';,r r-o.,tpnt of threp months In the county Ma'nniysroan is still to be henrd from. r "k rs' give you bargains in fine boots. i,',,ona has three daily papers alreadv, 'it .!-, ne,,n; thereaway sem to be Im-i''-l with the idea that theie Is still room b ' ' " rnore, arid hence it is rumored that a ; '('emner,tie daily, with that excellent ' 'r and clever gentleman, Harry S!ep as t ;' .--r, ts tr make its appearance ou the " "l rext month. -Writers' keep largest stock shoes !n town. WiI',r"u'!n i', f smoked glass on i "'""!iy we gazed at the bright orb or , Y. ',' w!'"rn ai: eyes were raised, and the j ; lt saw was sweet Vrnus, the flc ,. n.'raiMing Old Sol with litr beauty to . , ,. ls- "na pranced right in Tropt or ehi..- ',J0W',, ,ar'' nd bowed off her wi'h cojuetish grace. V nrnml. - i - t . ' r . .."ru uurrii n ioiiv ana imcr- Kccr.nnL nf ihi mA -v p ' inr nii.i 7T-nr 1 ' ter Fl. I.emke th revertlv AmraaoA ' n'"!,,r5rof and Priest Gallitzin. ,. present issue, but the Court duties r'-'--1"';lJ"!'n's:oii, E--.ii., from whom we ex ki" . ir'"'1 "'emoir, no doubt pre- ' will eoms yt Barkers' have a lot home made mittens. H .ve yo-l Hte'V ctl'e 1 to e- t T. Rob erts H' h s'reet. E vembnrg? UJ has got Irs C'instmss supnlv of goods, such as watches and Jewelry, cheap and cot!y po tions, etc., and that is why we ask If yon have'not called, we advise you to eall forth with. He will please ynnreVe and your taste, and not wofully deplenish your pocketbook. Barkers' have black and white fianne I. How d;d you like the way the elok on the tower of the Court House kept tUne this week? Good enough 1 yon would say. Carl Rlvlnlus Is Its regulator Carl, who sells approved clock, watches and Jewelry at hoi iday prices. Talkintr nf the holidays, which are near at hand, he has some splendid poedn suitable for presents which he wants you to call and see. Barkers' have best lumbermen's flannel. John Owens, Hlffb street. F.bensuurg, continues to maintain h's reputation for V eeping tbe yerv best grade of flour in town. He i;ets it from approved mills and warrants every sack. I'l adtitionhe se.l's boots and sh.ies. bats and caps, groceries, etc. all of the best at wht is termed by housewife as living prices. You. reader, are invited to call on him this week. Barkers' have cakes, candies, crackers. lolly good fetlow. yrfrpt Andv Far- rpn. Cant Jas. Cossin. Max. Steblev. Rieh't (,'orry John B Thomas, and Jno. Rpinhar.i, Jr.. compriMn the crew of the Pacific Ex press on the P. R. R., and are entirely picifie. In all their com'ngs and goinjs, whether on the train or off it. were h"ie this week as witnesses in a cn'e before Court, and did us the honor of a visit Monday forenoon. Fignres are not always facts." but the Incontrovertible facts concerning Kidney. Vnrt are better than most fi"nre. For in stance: "It is eurin" everybody" writes a drtHTP'st. ''Kidney Wort issthe most popular medicine we sell." It should be hvri?htfor no other medicine has such specific net ion on the liver, bowels and kidneys. Do not fail to t-v it. fta i kers' have a latee sfock ladies shawls. Our vood old friend W. L Akers. of Al- toona. paid us a brief but pleasant call this week.'asdid also onr equally esteemed friends Assembly-elect Home. Judge Kasiy. ex Sheriff Rvan. Chas. S;mon and John Fiber, Fq , of Johnstown, T. J. Stephens, Eq., Geo. Gntwalt and P. A. Burns, of Ga!tttz;'i, James pell, of Portage township. ,nk Be lie, of C'earfieid township, and manv others whose names we cannot at present recall. Barker" have a splendid line of tas. While Mr. John D. Fvans. of the Fist ward, was en?aed on last Monday morning in removing the ice which bad accumulated about, the wstT-wheel of the Kbensbiirg woolen mill, the wheel snddenlv started and struck him on both arms, bruising Them very had'v from the shoulders to the wrists, or nearly so. tbong't fortunately hreakinar no billies, nis escape from more serioil- ini.irv was certainly a very narrow one. nn't bo has good rpason to he thankful. Di Zimmer man has the case In charge and we are glad to learn that Mr. Evans is doing as well as could he expected. Barkers' have men's heavy Jean pints. There was a lsvtre crowd of unruly spir its nn our streets Monday, brought hither by the quarterly advent of Conrt. The trouble was too much beer. An over-excited indi vidual, late in the evening, visited Burgesg Roberts and Introduced his conversation in this wisp : "How much would von charge a pprson in this town if he won'd hanpn to hit another person hn.rd ?" The answpr is pot known, but onr Information joes that t!i-i over-excited individual came down street: bit a fellow hard : was eseor'ed hack to the Burcess office ; paid a fine of 5 and costs, and left satisfied. Such is life. Ladies and girls' gnsmmersa Barkers'. A young htrtv P" men Stalb. living in the family of John H. Douglass. Esq.. in Clear field township, ran a needle in her hand about three we"ks niro, the needle breaking off, and sine" then she has suTered untold torments. Her firm became greatly sw .lien, running sores hrnke out on her wrNf and between her th'.im'i and first fineer. and for eighteen davs and nights she obtained no Slepp and required the a Irpot constant atten tion of some member of the family. The at tending physician has thus far fai'ed to find the piece of needle, bnt we are L'lad to Iparn that tbe young lady was much better at latest a jconr.ts. Bat ker" ha ve a f n '! sto; k nn derc'otb'n i. Mr. Fergus C L'ovd, whose marriage potice elsewhere, presented the "O.vl C!nh."of this placp. with a lar('e and liisot.,,is wedding cake, which was devoured with a re'ib at a special meetinir of the "Ovls" bel t in the snacjnns parlorsof Heist'a Mountain n.'iisn In return for this kind ami courteous act. the Cl'ib in question, of which Fergus is now an ex member, matri mony bavin1? taken nil tbe "f)w'" out of him. have made tl.at i:!l"min and his amiable bride the recinients of t wo elegant and hand sop; e silver na ok in nn "1 bouquet holders, with the namesof i tiip mem tiers neatly engraved thereon. Barkers' have the liest shirting flannels Onr bn'cber friend, Lewis Rdgers, slaughtered three porkprs of his own raising a few iavs a.) which weighed respectively 4.10 4?n. 4m and 3:rt pounds, making a grand total of ir,if pounds, or an average weight, of 404 pounds each. They were all of one litter, fourteen months o'd, and were a cross between the Polard China and Chester White breeds. The mother of these ponder mis porkers were was slaughtered by Mr. Rodders ypr aoo. and weighed at ti e time 51H pounds. Tf anv of our readers can trot out anything in the swine line to beat the four hnrs above referred to. now is the time" to pork in their claims for pondeions porkers. M-n's cotton working shirts at Barkers'. This is a special announcement. Please read it. Tbe ho'idavs ar coming Christ mas atirt the Intervening dar nntil it arrives at New Year's. I.i vcu know how to p'ease your wife ? Or yon husband ? Or that big boy or girl of vours? Or those children? R. fi. Davis. Julian street, Ebensbure. has what ia pronounced by competent judgfsthe nicest and best hoofs, shoes. slipivrs, rubbers Sc , for both gentleman r.nd lad'e. boys and girls inside a sphere bounded by Xew York on t he North, Maryland and tbe rest of those States nn the South, the Atlantic on the Est. and everywhere on the West. H au thorizes us to say that if any aitlcle that goes out of Ip,, ptore is aught else than is re-prese'-t-d, then all money will be refunded end this recommendation will be reseined. Barkers' have largest stock to select from. The employes of the I 'ambrla Iron Com pnpy were rfficiatlv notified on jesterday week that the entire pay rolls of the com pany would undergo a revison of readlust ment, by which certain of them would have their waes materially decreased on and af ter last Friday, the first day of the present month. The reduction will average about 10 per cent, and the necessity for readjust ment, according to the Trtftttna. is ascribed, and correctly too, to the depressed condition of the iron market, caused, as Is the ense elsewhere, by tbe supply being greater tban the demand. The ( 'ompanv prefers to keep its work going and Its employes together, rather than shut down, believing the first named policy to be the betU-r way for all concerned to bridge over the piesent difficul ty. Buy the- Remington sewing; machine at Barkers'. On Wednesday evening of last week the engine nf the Mail Express train struck Mr. Herman Heistern at the street crossing just west, of the P. R. R. passenger station at Johnstown, throwing him a considerable distance and Inflictin2 i.ijuries from the ef fects of which he died in a few hours. He was in the "employ of the Cambria Iron Co, and was on his way home from work, and when he arrive at the crossing a frieght train was passing. The Express was aiso approaching on the south track, but it was not observed hy him, ar.d when the last car of the freicbt train had gone by he stepped directly in front of the Express train, when it was too late hy reversing the engine, which was done, to prevent the accident. The de ceased, who was a German, sixty two years old. came to Johnstown about 1849, where be was employed as a laborer, ami in his prime was regarded physically as one of the "biost powerful man in that place, nis wife and six children, most of whom are married and live in Johnstown, survive him. Barkers' s II the light running Domestic sewing machine. The attention of onr reades was briefly called last week to the larue adverMsamt nt setting forth the inducements held out to buyers of ready-mae clothing, geni's fur nishln.f goods, etc., at the long established and always popular clothing house of God frey Wolf. Aitnona. Pa., and our purpose now is impress more forcibly, if possible, PKin the minds of our gentlemen friends t tie advantages to t.e gained by dealing at this well-known estabishment. For manv years lias Mr. Wolf supplied the wants or Ills host of customers with honest clothing at honest prices. rieverfai!ing to act on the principle of evep and exa?t justice to all, and nowlliat he has once more secured the services of I hat genial gentleman and efficient salesman, Mr. Dan. Einstein, as manager, assisted by our clever friend, Mr. Jas. A. Maher, formerly of Lilly's, as Cambria's representative, the bus iness boom at Wolf's popular pioneer cloth ing house ought attain proportions never before dreamed of in the phi losoohv or dealers ia that kind of merchandise. So oiote it be. FAVORITISM li a bad thine, but Dr. Tierce's "Favorite Prescription" deserves its name. It Is a cer tain cine tor those painful maladies and weaknesses which liubitter tbe 11m Of to mrj worm, Of drf giata. BF.NCII, BAR. JCRT ASB JrsTU'E. THE CRIMINAL CASKS AND OTHER BUSINESS DISPOSED OF IN QUARTER SESSIONS CP TO WED2EBDAY KIGHT. Court convened Monday morninz at the hour of 10:30 o'clock, wita J'l lge Dean as President and Associates Funagan. and Masters oocnpylD their respective positions on the bench. After tbe usual routine business had been attended to. Wednesday January 3d, 1S83, at 2 P. M , fixed for Argument Court, Mr. John Dnrhin. of Clearfield township, selected as foreman of the Grand Jury, and nolle prose qui entered nn motion of District Attorney Soch'er. In six of the Commonwealth cases, on payment of costs by the defetidsnts. com prising one against Joseph Sweeny, George Dev'ne and others, for riot and assault and battery, one against John V. Shaffer for ag pravared assault and battery, one against Mrs. Bnrgnon. for malicious mischief, one against John Connerv, for assault and bat tery with intent to rob, one against Harry Allison, for assault and battery, with Intent to commit a rape, and one against Bell Ross, for larceny, the following cases interspersed with much other business, such as petitions, motion etc . of no special interest to the , pnhlie.. were taken np and disposed of in regular order : fotn'th v. .Tf" M""tzlit h'irhway rnhberv ' an. I rot-berr : Htll Ktrj"I!ev. pronrcutor. Jiiryfin.l I HerpTflvn? ffniltv in winner aot form as tndleieil, hut with recommendation to the mrcv of the. j ' ClA'irt. The priernnr's statement, made under ! ' r.sth. win to tbe efWt thnt on the Mh or last ' Jn'r" late nt nlifht. .Te approached hiiucnsn : nnTrqnente street fa jAhnr..wn an-t il-mandci ' M mnnev at the point if a pt't.it. Both were at j tbe time under rb I'S iw "f liquor. Hill -Ms- . i e-o-B-e1 nn ilemant and M('re:nlit pnekeied the ' monev wM-b nmcnnte.t in tbe aeirreirate tn le tbnn tire dollar. An application w made Tor a j new t-!-i for reons e!"en bv council. j i rrom'th vs. Kdwsrd T. Trett" asiarra rated as. t a n't and battery and Rnalt and h ttery : F. R. i ; Har'n.an. nrneentor On motion of District At- i ' torner end leave nf Conrt ET'ven, nolle pro. was ; . sntered en nvment of the coifs "v tbe defendant. , ! f'cwT'r. t Knoeh ie!enff. li John OleicoiT i I nSTi't and bitterv: F'len Wetneman. prosvn : rrtx. .Tnrv pnd tbe defendant not ruilty and that j the prosecutrix pay f h er,te. i I Pom'th rs. Thpo. H. Frv. J nrcea Cotter, et. al. j . .brentmir and entrl n a d we'b our bouse wi th i n- , i rent toeomniit leionv : Henrv Ctiamr enonr. proa- i ; een'or. .hmn C.tter. one of the defendants, he- . ; tne-three fim- ciTled fnor.cn IVinrtand not an- ; ( .ri'iir. ii' r -'-iiu " ' ' "' - - - -- ; , Tbrndore o "rev plead icality and submitted. j rertny M rornirnno wis necmrea n ySnt i-et ,,n! I fom'ta Msrr Brown, alias T.iiov Simmon li-rnf in l reexirtnir tolen iroo.1 ; t'tias. Simon, prT,,,,tnr The rtfen tnnt plead ifntltj and sub mitted, y; t yet sentenced I'nm'l1. v I'hir'M TT'irtnun nn1 Jos. Sflico- brt ta-eeny and reeetvtnr stolen tr'tod" : fntti.t V . anTXren ?.nu ' Jury find deren.lanti . rlne Friley, prosecutrix. not yniitv. 'oni't'. vs. Hnrr Ca-li' nno1 Wm. Dlllv lir cenv and reeefrlnr t ilen cnod : P. K. B trn, .niiini. The defendants rilesd anil'v and iio- rr,iti-,l to ie seeond eonnf tn the Indictment, and ,, to tv,. .eennd eennt 'In the '"'-t""""- j 'rVr:iVrl " .r W" 6 ' on leare count. Not vet sentenced Com' vs. Txiiie! Homer ob'trncttce a hlvh- WIT; Thomas vvissinirer. prni'e.'u i r. i .... t .. . j , find the defendant irullty In minni-r and rorm as indicted. Sentenced to nar costs as to plaintiff, i and fnrther sentence deferred on promts of do- j fendnnt thit he will cee ol.troctlnf hlvliwavs Ootn'th vs. Snmiiel Scoeti-hel 'orntc.ition and hastnrdv nnd sedo-tinn : Kmra.i F.dmiston, ;.ro e- j citrly. .Tnrv find defendant niltv In manner and form as Indicted. Sntcn-d tn pay a fine of one ) dollar and coJts. nd to farther pnv to Kmmi f'.i- j lnlston. rrosecntrix, the sum of $.10. layln in ei- i ponses etc. j Pom'th TVrn. stiller rape. Thr!stlna B-.iker, ) prosecutrix. Not ynOtv. I Com'th vs. Kate MrVry larceny: H. Valensky, proecnfor. Notirnlltv. I :Dm'th v. Pr. S. A. H. Fitch pincflcfrR modi- i rlne. efc, contrurv to Act of Assembly. O. V . : Shnifa-t. i rosecutor. Irfn iant heinv: called and ; not snnearlnc his recovniisnoe Is forfeited. I (Vm't vs. Wm. P. McMillan rspe ; Antha J. ( I,ee. nmsecntrtx Jorv find, defendant (r:iiltTln t msnner and form as Indicted. The prosecit-i x in ; this eas a lttt'e rlrl shout o yonr" old. and a rest- j dent of near Johnstown. TJot ret sent. n"('d. I fom'th vs. Joseph (VDonnell fornicatirn and j bastardy; F'len PpinrL-k, pro'ecntrix. The jury find the defendant srn.'lty. and he ts sentenced to ' psv a floe or ot.e do!ar.'er.st "t projecution. and j tn fnrtr.err.sv to Ellen Ra"Trfelc the mm of S"0. Irtns tn o.enes. and the f.irher som .me dolpir per week for the sot rort o' the lmird for the t term of seven vears fr Jin the lit of Septenibei. ! etc. ' j Pom'th vs. Ai.(rnt Abler fomi-atlon and bas t.Trdy: IM:i rv I'n o1. prusoeni rl .t. Ii.-fend:int to'ind i mlltv. and serfencd to par a fine nf t ne dollnr . and costs and the fn 'ther t:im of one dollar per ! w -ek for the t.-rm of jeven years for thesupport of ; the c-htld. ce. Pom'th vs. Wm. Mellon rsistina officer and assnnlt snd t n'!fpv. N'-llo pros, enteri. ' Pom'th v . iiTwson Kemrcrry -aycrvs.ed as- ' sanlt and hsterv nod resnnlf a"d bnttory. Iic- fon.lant niche's nr'ltv rr i aubmits on second ' count of ind'eiment n,l I.;s.r:ct Attorney crt'-rs i nolle t.ros as to fi-s count. Sentenced to pay a fine nf vaod coss. ; Pom'Mi n HrlndTe Rsffiutt and battery Not ! aniltv and Mieiiael Union, eropecutor. to pay the j Costs. ' Pom'th vs. Phas. Hnwnr.l. Henfamln Watson ' and John Morrc larccnv and leoeivln stolen ynods. Iefendant. plead guilty and iubmlt. Not yet sentenced. BABY FirPIHa'T. T?arnum is overjoyed "at his acquisition the hahy elephant and declared that $300, -000 cotild not bnv it. He offers $52,000 for an insurance on the life of the infant for 52 weeks. Surely if he knew the full valne of Penma and ifnaHn he would do no such fool ish tiling, as thev nr the most successful protective medicines that have ever heen in troduced to the human family. Xo man can take any disease while taking Prna before each meat and keeping the bowels regular with ifanalin Astr rnm druggist for the book ou the "Ills of Life." A Cfsnof of Nrvr.F.a RrT ot T.orA 1 Ttov Pmnmlraniri Railroad Opine in Pitt ' burgh. We are advised bv "fr. Thomas E. Watt, psscenger agent of the Western district of "the Pennsy I vsr.ia PalTrond. that he l as , jnst finisbed a number of alterations at his office. F'fth avenue and mitbfield streer, P f'sbnrh, Psj.. inclnding Increased space and ail modern accommodations for prompt i ly waiting on purchasers and inquirers, f At the wnme time lie will make a needed correction in the number of his office sign, 110 Fifth avenue. Instead of JS. at which p'ace tie may al wa.vs be found ready to direct. Via proper rone. to a!! pn'nts in the east, as l well as the west, north. wet and aoiit h-w.'St. ; Of conre all communications should now be J addressed to him at 110 instead of 78. I nr.s AWAY. We cannot help notieipir the liheral offer I j made to ail invalids, apd sufferers by Dr. j Ktna's New rtiscnycrT for Ccnsiimpfinn. I Vmi arc requested to call (tt J.itnes' Dripr . Store. F.benshme, and e'-t a Trial Botflerre ' I of co.t. if . you are auff-Tioc; with Consump- i ; tion. Seypre Conahs.' IVilds, Astlrma. Broti- ehitis. Hav Keypr. Ixtss of Voice. Hoarse- ncss. ornnv affection-of the Throat or Lunss, j . It will positively cr:re yo. i -. .. . - I ' ' The man who pays the printer' didn't 1 ' make 'himself any too pnmerons ahont the I PnrDU 1 V i.cl4hliLl manl fVtlj n- u.. Ir 1 ., f . . . , t didn't come nt all In anythinz like the nu ! merical multiplicity we had a riiiht to expect J during Court week, and we are .stronoly in ' clit.ed to do as the HoMidavshure Standard ! has made up Its mind to do publish a deitn . quent list, with the name and amount due j us from every person who la iu arrears for more than two vears. III'tlBlUOED AGAIN. , 1 sew so much said ahont the merits of flop. Bitters, and mv wife who was always doctoring and never well, teased me so ur gently to eet her some that f concluded t he humhiiL'sed acrain ; hut I am lad I did. for in less than two months' ne of the Bitteis my wif- was cured, and she has remained 9 for eichteen months since. I like such hum bussing. T. T., St rani Pioneer Pre. Card op Th anks. We heiepy tsnder our sincere and heartfelf.thanks to the pastorand Isdies of St Bartholomew's church, and to me ninny KTtiiii null lieianiHITS V HO Jent) r.K . i .. . T , ' " HOI tier one 1st, their kindly assistance on the occasion of the EX in thta nl"." ll'ol."rrr1er ' Sl" J dcath an.l burial of our beloVPlJ hushand and i bZ.' The rto la.'s Ah'JTllii Tamer, .losepn oile. May liod reward their meritorious pet. Memukks op Wolfe Family. Wilmore. Dec. 4. 182. Tiia season of the year approaches When kitchen cr'anntea swarm with Touches, Wtth whom the midnrht mice are found Toasting their shins the Are aronnd. And Chr!tmns is cominiff T.ravln? roachci and rol lnlifht mice out of the account, and takirr Into consideration the annuttl vl.-tt on tha oc'ii plon of Kris Klnrle, what are von (folnr to do on the 2id. 2.td and 24th ? If nothing; else Is on your mind . suppose you iro to the IMew York Clothinst Honae, Johnstown, and hay yourself a luit of ready-made clothinr. The propriety has the best atofk In the world, (ells. It the cheapest, and rives better antlsfactlon than any other dealer. Hire hits an erder. Makk how the mvements rln with glee To think how slippery they will he. A nd how vonr coa i hole cover r Iowa When rlrl with tl leg over Kuee. The pavements, which were ellpperr and pllo rlppery this week to all bnt old Inhabitants, and to many of thern. remarked In their sad sort of a way that this wis a rood time ol the vear to wcr an overcoat. Kor what reason f Raau.. t,. you foil, the new suit of clothes yon had bou'rht a ! Jas. J. MnrDhv's. 1(9 Clinton street J.hn.i..n : I '.I:', '"""! ; rriDBius'i numjureu, Ann ins pavements and I everybody elae know that Mr. Murphy sells I cheaper than anybody else In Cambria county. PERSONAM TO HEX 0!fI.TI i TVolTtc Put Co., Marshall, V lea., Trill I rn.t Lib. Iln's t'LratTitD Klictbiv Voltaic VOLTAIO j HI.T. aiKTJ r-LCTRIC ATMANl'BH on trtal tv days to in en (vouiik T old! who are j wILh fs'sjrrins letnlu. ljtt Vitality and ilsn bnotl. od m Irl troubles, (niaraalncintr speedy . ssil mup4s( rwtoraiiun of kmiltb aa1 sorl riic- 11 i w. - Ao.ircss as skoto. r. a.j risk Is iaeurraJ PERISHED IK THIS FLAKES. A. DISASTKOCS FTRK IS MH.LTI1.I.B BOROCOH TWO CHILDREX ROASTED TO DEATH. Three frame tenement heuses, a stable and an office, situate In Millville borough, below Johnstown, all of them belonging to the Cambria Iron Company, were burned to the ground last Friday morning. There were forty-seven head ot horses and mules In the stable when the fire was first discovered, but they were all successfully icmoved before the bames reached the building. The rear portion of one of tbe dwellings was occupied by Hiram Berkeybile and his family, and it was in that part of the building the fire orig inated. There are, however, conflicting statements as to its cause. The family con sisted of the father, mother and fiye children Four of the children occupied a large bed in common, and tbe other, a bahe, slept In a cradle in the same mors with its parents. The father who is employed in what is known as the nine-Inch mill, had gone to work be fore the fire occurred, and Mahlem, one of bis sons, who works in the same mill, was on the niht turn, and badcome home soon af ter 5 o'clock and gone to bed. There was then, as he savs, no fire r light about, the house except the laino in his mother's room. A few minutes after 6 o'clock. Sarah, about eisht years, ca'led to her mother, saying : Mamma, there is fire ; f hear it cracking." Fler mother at once recognized the presence of smoVe in the room, end springing from bed, clasped the babe in the cradle, crossed the hallway to the stair, and finding escape cut otf by the fl;ime and smoke, she passed throueh the room 'occupied hv the four chil chren to the porch and leaped vith the child in her arms to tbe ground. The other chil dren were quickly aroused r.nd Mahtem suc ceeded in leading Darvey. ten years old. from the house and was returning t.i rescue Nellie and Sarah when lie was overpowered and prosttated by the dense volume of smoke, lie was draped from his perilous position and it was found that his left arm had been terribly scorched and roasted while he was lighting his way, to the bed-room of his brother and sister. Meantime the flames spread rapijiy, and although the fire engines were soon on tbe ground no effective work could be accomplished before the apartments occupied bv the Berkeybile family had beep reduced to'ashes. It was hoped that the two children. JSarali and Willie, had succeeded in ......... ... - some way in making their esca pe and were at the house of pome neighbor, but between ' 9 and 10 o'clock their charred and blackened trunks were discovered in the cellar, directly ! under the room in which they had been i sleeping. Their funeral took place at three o'clock in tbe afternoon. Neither the father .., , - ,llllHn Mw ,h,r , ii. ., ... .- .... .. - - after they were found, having been dissna ' ded from viewing the remains, which were ! tnl-en to tbe office of tbe Rnrpess. The fam- (Uea who were deprived of their homes by the flames have been amply provided for,- the Cambria Iron Co. having given orders that their necessities must be met, in supplying which they have been fcenerously aided by the authorities of Millville, as well as by private eiti7ens. We are Indebted to the Johnstown 7t&ine for the foregoing facts in relation to dreadful calaniit3'. Lincoln Reads a Poem. Honest Old Abe Fntrrtafns Ilia Cabinet Willi a Little (nolatlon, "Now, srentlemen. you all hare more or less poe try in yonr soul: listen to thin." and Abraham Ifncoln. then Prtvirr)t . rose from Ms chair. In Ills office 1n the White House, and read. In trem bling tones. which Imiicited his own profound ap preciation of It. Dr. O. W. Holmec --Last Leaf," of which the following are two versei : They say that In his prime. Kre tiie pruning k ntf of tl mo ut him down : Not s better ms.n wis fonnd liy the crier In t.'s round Through the town. Now the tnns.sv marh'es rest On the lips thnt he had irefed Tn their t.Ioom ; A r.d the namei hs lore.l to hear Have ben carved for many a year On the tomb." Sir. Michael fjnllfovle, of Minahainton. N. T.. Is not as old as the venernn't Hoston cltlterj of whom the noet wrote with snch tender pathos, yet he it more ihan three score and ten. "For the past elifl.t of those years." lie writes, I have heen a perfect cripple from rhenmittsm. hoohlinir. ahout ns host I eoejd with my cane. I took Fu ksp.'s Oinher Tonic, and am now tuple and strong a a aynn.t. Thtrt i no frrc of ttr diteatt left about trc." Mr. K. V". T.tosher, whole'le drnitirlst. of Pina' hamton. writes Messrs. H rffiT ft Co.. of New Yortr Pro;. r;etnr of the Tontc certiryinj to Mr. iti!lfoyie!n declaration. Havlnir r.ii liie pr .pe-tic- of nil preparation of glnirer. PnKEn's (JiyoKri Tonic ia a remedy ' Infinitely r-e:iter ranire and power. It enre a'l d i senses nr mir from a q i mpure slate of the blood or Imperfect digestion, nvuneps'a (aril all Its conseqnenccs). Malarial Fevers. Sick Headache, Ki lney trotiMtis. Hrnnchftis and common Oiuifhs and folds, vanifhed at its tench. Prices, 60 cents and tl a hi fie. lariter aize the cheaper. Dec. 1. 18S2 -lm. Who linth killed the t reity flowera. Horn nn.i hred in summer bowers? Who bath taken aw.iy their Moom ? Who hath sent them to their tomb? 7errmber. Pecemher lia'h taken away many another bloom noli"eitily tl.e t.Ioom wiiieh at one time l ayered nrour.d Kepntdian mnj-irities in the state of New York, only tb.ar w:is in Noveinher. and the trjnstt of Venus lias only come and irone. Put a sinple bloom we now nientton at least remains to take notice of. It Is this: T'mt S. Rlnmcnthal. 1119 Klerenth Bvenne. A'toon:i. hns the only fine. se--i-aonahle, serrlceHh1, fishtonaIe and nltorether poo l line of hixia am! .shoe-- yon ever laid your eres on. This I liecember ! Oo and fee Mr. Ii. without delav. WAl-TSTT I.TAF II MR BFsTORKR. It is entirely dlf!. r"iit from all others. Jt ts aa clear ns wilier, an 1. as its name Indicates. Is a per fect Vex"'- lh'e H lir Keso.rer. It will immediate ly free the heal fron alt landrnff. restore yrav hair tn Its natural ecior, ar.d produce anewaroirtii where It'lia' lallen off. It doe net In any manner afTeorhe health, which S'lli.hur. STirnr nf Lead, and Ni rrii te nt Silver preparation have done. It will chnne iicht or faded hair In a few davj to a beautiful nlossy brown.. Ask vonr ilrticeist tor it. I'.ich bottle Is wnrnnted. Smith, KnsnkCi. ""''I'"!' Aifents. t'l.lladel.iliia and M.n k Rvckbl, New York fO-2-ly.l -V C AIM). To all who are snflerlna from the errors and In discretions ef youth, nervous weakness, early de cay. loss of manhood, etc.. I will send a recipe ttat will cur. you. FREH OFCHAKiJh. Tills r,at. remedvwus discovered hv a missionary tn South America. Send a eel I addressed envelope, to the Kf.v. JosKctt T. Ia aw, Stiion D, t York City hept. 1, lS2.-ly. 3 n YMr.Mr.Ai.. LLOy n- klKr". D Married, at the r-j.1. rlen e or rv-e trldVs rather. Hon. II Kfnkead m 1 ,v i. K. .l.- 'asim. Xr I.t"vn and Miaa Anms Livik Km. o. U,ol this place. , OBITIART, KmA.T'TFS"P,e,L: h, residence In Biimmrr hill township, on Saturday. Heoemher 2 pjn Hkwry V AI.TKBS. K."q.. nKe.I flltv two years. Squire v.. uters had heen in declininy healn IT l-',nU"w a"d '"' de,uh wa" not- therefore, un e,ecied. He. was one of the hest known aid 1' .Ih'";.'" the township in whl,h he lived and took an active part In everything- tf. fectm Its interests. He was a man of Intell aancB.read the papers ot the dav.and kept hims.ir well informed of current events both at borne a M nbroal. He lalthP.lly discharged a h'?TuM as a cituen. hu.hnnd and father-led a j.oaceti! and eiemuKry Ufa and enjoyed In an eminent i. free the respect and confidence of all who knew bins. V OTFF Died, at nis reptdi-nce In Wilmnr. I he deceased was one ot the oldest a nected residents of Wilmore. and t, ntair.l throughout bis 1He an untarnished rep taMon for honesty and Interrfty In all his transaetionTwiT his fellow men. His wife and seven children Pitr sons and three daughters, survive L T , his children (sons) are residents of .Tohnstowt m:".hd"::!: 'j:.r.i.n ?'?,'".-i.,h er . . . . v ,,. , n .nurp 1 11 l Pin mornlDK. after the celebration ..r . d nd an appropriate .-rmon bv R. ST Hurh May hla soul rest in peace. r"loer u BKApj.KY.Trted.at hlsresldence fn OalB'm borough, oi, Saturday. Uea. 1. nsA opt Jn? iitunuT l thf sIxty-elKhll. ,er of htU lhe sut.,-ctof the above notice was well known ol time tn different parti, loved re.pec'ed honored by all who kia htu.. TwasTt-e-ti, T?v the Ian.- concourse ot frien!s and a UJ,I)tar,4 that followed Ms rermsins le tba tomt "nitwit tanllnK the inclcntney of the weaTer H bas i been an eventful one. For a nfim' er of yea. he foUowed the occupation of boatmr on the Z'Zl canal, but hoping to do better he like manv mi er,. sought to make a fortnne In (jailforriU It turnip In a few years he aettied with his farniv lnfumberiand.MarylAnl.and had h"s res ld?ml ibere.it the ti me the rehe.a mde a raid ou th t city Ketomin, to Cambria he purch aed fa-n in Munster township d cultivated the so 1 nr he followed stone cnttlmr nnd m sorinr tint was alotyly but snrely sinkinK to tbe irrave A. thouart . Impulsive In his nature, yet so chamahh Jtid phllanthroido in hie tmpniae, non, kni him but to love him or named h I ITI sSlit tn nrala. .,.".."re " hln'V wilh "eat bri5-.Kn f. Fortilted by tha sacrnmetits of tbe' Oath.' lie 1 rurch. he was not .rr.i.i tn i ,1 . I 1. ..i ". irrquem- . h w rrPra.I. His rom-lns w-re it-t-rrcil In the t atliollo remettrrr. Kllitrln ri ate and eloqoent funeral disoonrse hy Hev. Kathtr Boyle. May bis tool rpst n pea-e. F. J P. i ! V" nst ne,oiiatiD a Bote which was recently loit bv the Kihswih., a I Pk , Ddm,fJ";L r""-ninn a:d .! will tt DR. RUSH'S PECiFIC a. rosinri: crnn for cojv- SVMPTIOX IX STAGES. For Bleeding; at Lungs, Colds, Coughs', Cronp, Bronchitis. Influenza, Asth ma, and all affections of the I.nng-s It lias no eqnal. Dr. Bush's Sped for Comsnmption Is recommended by all the leading physi cians who are acquinted with its use. Irlee, laree Rixe, ai.OO Small QO Sold by Druggist everywhere. Dr. Willouabhy, the attending physician at the Sisters' Hospital and one of Buffalo's most rrominent members of the profession, as used it for years, and says : HrprALo, Aa IT. 18S2. Dr. JTutV Mntiral Attorinlinn : Dear Ikxt-bs I nnheittinlv add my name to the Pine b"t ot reynlar r!t tioner, who hae recomnien'led yonr -Sneeffic for ronsnmr-tmn." I have ute.l tt fur mnrv vears In mv practice for all pTilmonsrr af.eri.ins. and have alwar! been more thn atlsfle(1 with tle renlt. I consider it tb bes' compound known for all lnnir ri.',Mge. Yours, M. Wiliocohbt, M. D. Dr. Howard. Professor of Anatomy, Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Buffalo, N. Y., says : Dr. Rush' Mtdienl Association : I ia a a nocrnnsj 1 hare nd vonr Specific for r'onsumntion In mv pmc'lce f.if yers with the hem remits. I conslilcr tt a sure euro for consump tion, if tafcen a.-eordtnif to iireeti-vn Youri tmly, C. F. How. an, M. IX DR. RUSH'S "REGULATOR" FOP. Heart Troubles. A SURE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE TTEART. DR. RUSH'S "REGULATOR" Has never failed to give relief. It has been used successfully for years In subduing the most stubborn cases of heart difficulties. I.arsre Kimm Sl.OO Small 50 Sold by Drussists everywhere. Wm. G. Oseoodby, the well known safe manufacturer of Buffalo, Philadelphia, Pitts burgh, Newark, and Atlanta, Ga., says: Office of thjooonny's Iwpaovtn Saff.s rr.s. "I 1- 17 a. Aroad Mreet Atlanta. ' a Oct. 17th, 1B51 n,- i? i i , i ; t -i. . Dbar Doctors The three Potties of "lie Rnsh'e Beifnlntir"l ordered were rceelred bv express last week. I have ttken nearly one eottle and am thornuzhly satisfied with the result. Kor over two year I have heen troubled with shnrp pain at mv henrt. My physician, upon examinntion pri nouneed It enlarif .-ment of he heart, and was un able to i-lve me any relief. The trouble rew w ,re until I had bee .me cnvince,l thnt 1 could not he cured. hde in New York citv lust week I called nn one of the mot prominent physicians there who charged me J5 i..r nn rait,inatu,n and then recommended your Keif iil-it.,r." Knowirir von to he a retrular Medical A -S'.clat ion. and tin' a pat ent medicine tchewie. I ordered the three hottlej I have nor heen trnntded Bince I commenced taking It. but shall continue and take the entire three Dottles so as to o'.tai n a permanent enre. You have my sincere thnnks. 1 am. gentlemen Very respectfully, W. ii. Osooopbt. Dr. Rush's Blood Root Pills fiivea Iramrdiate relief In all cases f RHEUMATISM ! Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago. Back ache, Sorepess of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, SwHi ines and Sprains, Bijrns, and Scalds. General Bodily Pains, , Tooth, Eur and Headache. Frosted Feet and Ears, and ail otber. Tains and Aches. Dr. Rush's Blood Root Oil Has no equal in the world as a liniment or oil. It in a cheap, safe, simple and sure exter nal remedy for man or beast. It is put up in two sizes. Price 25 and f)0 cents. Sold by druggist) everywhere. Cared r Rhenmatlsm f rt Two Honrs: Bt FFAi.o. N. Y., May 2, 188i Dr. ttvth' Medical A'fclation : (TtTLn-I have heen iron hied with rhen matlsm tor two yesrs. I tried al! the hest adver tised oils and liniments, and manv first-class phy sicians without relief. The Inst doctor I visited rtootnmended Ir. Rush's "Blood Root Oil " X purchased a larae bottle for fifty cents and ap plied It. In two hours I was relieved, and now am entirely well. Its effect a are wonderful and I believe it tha only thin Jn tbe world wtiljh will cure rheumatism. Yonrsj trnly, .totr TTt-rmTTroo-s; W Krte St.. Butfalo, N. T. . :. JLRS. )TL RUSH'S CATHARTIC AKD ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS TRKTrsT A5TD Ctjue Constipation and Piles. 1 A sure remedy for Biliousness, Tor pidity of the Liver, Jaundice ana all Liver Complaints. It Rives immediate relief in Sick pd Nervon9 Ileadache. They cleanse the stomach and thus remove all bad taste from the month and make the breath pnre and sweet. Remove all Impurities and Sal lowness from the complexion. Pleasant to take and aereeable in their action. Eutirely unlike other Pills. Purely vegetable. Price, 25 cents. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. The above prepnrntions are prepared by Dr. Rush's Medical Ajuociation, in which Dr. Rush is associated with the most promi nent specialists of both Europe and America. Special treatment can be obtained for any disease. These medicines are the regular prescriptions for the diseases mentioned, and sever pail to pive relief. They can be obtained In Philadelphia, Ta., at whole sale from Johnbojt. Holloway t Co., and any drufrpist will gladly obtain tlifm for you upon application, or they enn be obtained from us direct. - Address, DR. RUSH'S ASSOCIATION, BUFFALO, N.Y., U.S. A. Dee. 8, lS2,-ly. CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, MUSICAL 1S3TRUMESTS, -t, GALLITZIN, CAMBRIA CO., PA. LI sroods In rcy line at lower prices than any where else in the county. Jewelry sold by Bie warranted solid aold or srol'i late. Repair work of every description attemlcd to promptly, satisfactorily and at reasonable rates. l-S.-ly. tBBCJ WHiPE ALL Hit SAILS, li "Bent Coiijrh Hyrop. TwefOod. pj Vselnltoie f..,'d by uriisTi.'HM. Lli STRAY CALF. Came to tbe premi se of the subscriber In Wastitnajton township In September lai, a white calf, with red spots on the body. The owner Is requested t come for wArd, prove property, pay crurifes and take it away, otherwise Uwill bedisposed of sccordina; t law. JAMES MURRAY' Washlnttea Twp., Fee, . .-st. I FOR coraiPTioi ! Thanksgiving Christmas. Twenty business days intervene between these two holidays, and we propose to make them, if possible, the greatest days of all the year for Oak Hall sales. We are thoroughly prepared with Overcoats and Suits for Men of all sizes and Boys of all ages. All that remains is for the people that trade in Philadelphia to believe what we say and come for our goods. Prices are Extremely Low. Our goods have been well bought, and most of them cannot be replaced at cost prices. Costs, however, have nothing to do with our selling prices. Prices are made in Oak Hall solely with reference to the cost of reproducing the goods. If we make, it is well, if we lose it is bad; but make or lose, the buyer has the least possible price. The stock contains, made and making, over 10,000 Over coats; over 200 lines of men's and young men's suits; over 1 60 lines of suits for large and small boys. The value of this stock was, thirty days since, over One Million Dollars. It is less now, but still very big, and big enough for all who will come. Fresh goods put in stock daily. A special bargain now on our counters is our $12.00 Fancy-back Cassimere Overcoat, which however, is only one among a great host of interest ing things. Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall, 6th & Market Streets, Philadelphia. A Few Frozen Facts for Clottim Buyers. -A. long- ? i -o 1 -M.. win cm 3 rxpiM-ionro ren- ' o-v: it iosiilIt ior- GODFREY WOLF, NEXT D00K TO TIIE POST-niTICE, ALT00NA, PA.. To fit and plcane evervb"'ff in ft OTIJIXG. lie believe that he hua aljli'trly the vri BEST OOM-K fl.G' Till. STATU. 77 1 c Bat because it is the J'incst. Thp Best because if is Better JaIe. The .'est because it is Better lit tiwj. T'he Jl st because it is Lower in Price. r-l'l? real k-oo1ii.-m of our- Clot liinjy in mn 11 i- Harris Globe Mills, or Ray Worsted Goods, " lleady-imi'Te. tit Jlert'n ami Hoys' (lothivf. There is NONE BETTER for WEAR. Xoirhrre elre is tJiere tircTi a uperb Htnck nf nilfc-linerf, elegantly shaped, foreign fabric OVERCOATS. The coloring are - beautiful and attractive beyond di fcription. Clothing- for Young- Men and Boys. 27te same thoughtful attention is ttpparent in thene dejyarlnteif.t, the stock being complete in the finest and tnosf tlryant ynrvn nts. COMPARISON OF OUK STYLES AM) PRICES kuow now win orn fatraxk are m-rtfr. Underwear and Neckwear. We Lave a yplendiJ stock mseb of It imported. ..Prices low. THE BRISK BUSINESS AT TIIE OLD STAND TESTIFIES TO TIIE FACT THAT 0UII CLOTHING IS JUST WHAT THE tTBLIC DESIRES, WHII K l it STkTEM OF I01U BI SIXF.SK, TTAYING BUT ONE PRICE AM) GUARANTEEING SATISFACTION, PROTECTS THE BEYER. We have all our best goods Dianufaotured to order, inJ our prices will m found lower tlmn at any otlir res-table clothing "house. f GODFREY WOLF'S PIOHEER CLOTHIHG EHPOMOH, NEXT TO POSTOFFICE, ALTOONA, PA. GREAT TO HAD AT-THIi ; GOLDEX couch's nkw i3Uiiiirsro, Corner Eleventh Avenue and 13th Streets, ALTOONsA, PA WHERE HAS JIST HEES KECEIVED IBOUf : ' IIATS, CAPS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, ETC., Which we coarantf to pMI t 2C r ffnt. left than any other Clorhln Hro-i in the r'tT. But ers may tberelur rPt apmired lhi ihey cd mv from 'wo to five dollar. o th pnrrhnw of" uit of of clothe nr nn orereo t hy da ling with uo. So rIef o a nail and ersmtoa oar f oodi and learn our prices before inTeftlDg your money elfewbere. o ironhle to show vood. II. MARCH, Proprietor. OCTOBER 27. m?.-tf. ALTOONA, PA. ii:: itnnt rm unci Guenther' r ry 'rftar.a. ;ice, i.;e, "'.. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY At CO., Wholesale Hsrents, Philadelphia. Mm HEAIS LAYiiillpps Tsloable. Nf.thlor on earth will inske bens ls- Ilk. Shend.ir. Condition Howde'V . IioJ I IIZHtJi to 1 pint food. Sold .T.rywbere. or vnt bjr mall for ( letter-stampe. I. S. Joaxsoa CofcrraVaiAjiI 100 N? ON 1"ftOitti Years x mmi rsriraiw bn im Ar.f1 WATPI. -ei,J Ut K&API.ET Jk . l .1. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The nndor stcned harlot; heen appointed auditor to distribute the funds In the bands of Joseph Crista, Trustee to sell the real eet.ite of William Tiley. Sr.. d ere need, rterebs- lres notlne that be will sit at his office in Kbensbnnr, on THwrsday. .Vc. tsr., ISM. at two o'clock in the afternoon, for the pnr pose of attondinr to the dntiee of said appoint ment, when and where all pe-sont Interested most attend or be debarred from com tnir in ea said fund. A. V. BAKKEK, Auditor. Ebensbnrsr. TCor. 8, 1M3.-St. fpa eKn12 rlT l bitne enjl!ymde. Oostly cWLsTTsTtrrsv. Ad ii se T f.Apws.ls. to BARGAINS IGLQTHIIMG HQUS O r- ihi Cur of rVnsiirnr'''". Ppi ' ' t- o? Blco-', Fre :;chitli a, Cr.Iri. Ce-arrh rt the- C! ert. 7 .s; .psia, anc. aii rulmon- POc an' c.d till by i3m(ts;ist. piTTSBirnr.w pa v. N-w Edition. LDiri in t-.. ...s.. t.ri,.-s,l AlliatORlrf W Ml I Es7 H on U ,m IV ASH1QT"N To t e prrt mar. n o.er w ' u. over n-v chouse. -1117 n m i m . o wir stews nf rs , C -.r. ,-h t i r.nna Snwt i'kllad.lrt.1. TXKCUTRIX' NOTICE. "fH . . iateof KiraARDCVt.uwsi,dee'd. letters testamentary on the estate ef Richard I oil Ins. late ol Clearfield township, deceased, bsr. Inir been rranled to fie noderiirned, all penn.ns Indebted to ssld estate are nerefT notified to make payment wi-hont delay, and those hlnic clatros arainst the same win present them proper ly aatnemicated for settlement - , P(iskcii.i.ins. Execntrlx. ClearBMd Twp., Nor. 80. lW.-et. mm OXEOfHiu Hf)OK AOENTIner.ry n1 ' r s Li.. Bend itAmn dimtwnl.. ffirjCrMitne , rr-p-B.-tk,rj WXW A Lire Edly Kcwtr for Its Pecrls. A EE THE .SEWS, 2 CTS. Tb Only .Pi(t Krwapaptr la tta I nltsd stjair Sold at S irnli. Naw Nw Typr, N'isj- Iiiilliri2, App!inop, niif Nw Eir- in l irry I Impart tiiti t . Tk W ri r rrtalrj V f rul'mt ti1 frwboft trx si rot-nri?! cm fr. . a r n rd o ihoritr f.n mwic. tlitbt. tnim and to ntTT mstt-r. Spsi.l a:teninii is raitfxi to the luuonir ami militjirv Itemt la tlicScPAT W ORI-O. THE MW 10KK WOKin till arrlir lth.r .Id. .r ih. s. tt.r as a I t. Fr lhat, Tcr fwily Appo ntn. I'rocmairr rvspap.r. TEnMS-'POSTAC E PAID. IAII.T A!51 KIMtAVH, on yenr. TO : s, Tr.ntha. 3 5 : ILrM troeUid, tl ti ; np uir.th. ..v, I1It. Hlihaal Nnndaia. AO : !i Dioutl . 15 , tbr mor,tl., t.64 ; ! thn lhr uiouihs. hVc. er ninnth. Trt. New Yft k Srn iT (Vfi ii.ot.ynr fl. Y.Arn St'i i-t. y. sro ffnrt" f T TO f T ent tah"s snl.scr'i ,rn tn ih Iw) and Soortsr wld rr.ny rt'.-r- one of a lare. list of lopaiar bof'ks. Tt ee t-"-.ks ar- rJr;io Tt!nrtirs. rrirted ; tuii'um-lT in Irrr-. f't Xyye-.frnrn m f!tm I t-. piairs !.! r. m tr-autlfrllv board In twoiD. wii i.iQn'iru'ti rovi-ra 111 t lira and prold. Tti.r r-'i m jii v 'ou r. L!.i furn:al-e1 on ap plication. iKnmtFtir firiw will r"'1t-. in ir wnt. . commission u pn'i'rrii. irons to PsirT Would, i and ran alo rlvc their ruitomors tietr cbolc., of '. these i-reij.lum,. I THE N. Y. WIEKLY WORLD, A l arse raf 44 Colana Newspaper. C K ill I K TEAR mH QiLT 1. roTOK r AID. BIX MOSTHH m fc.1 CST. 1 he 1 al-c-et.tities m lDiTitr aI sntv-iuint to a chi'w-e f a Inrre !'t of I'l p-iisr ki ail rrln'e.i tn l.riro rl nr txj- and ret!T tniiii. In addition in tde Witilt W inniir year. I-1it furnish J on aj-riiration : t-r thk woBin sisiriL lLer. r .ntair.lne t i.uvt i-f roce Jotniirnil arid to '! mns.,' n t;trli. t retailed ainnly. runM tern rt or. Th V khk: v Wnij r is a cipii" f imi1 y n.wa parer. ! enirs. ns sh"!d ra-1 1 .e,i.i Ma- i.nle IVM.s.rtm-nt. with rontrl'ot r t.s lfi tb t-en ot livtmenished Mma. The V iklt V ohi p t. ttic only 1..din rw-t-si r in T'-eronn-t'y thit bre a si,f.iHi dep.rtrner.i ileroi-'! t fi ionic mtr s; 4. THP nilKIT WOBLD AISO IOTAl!sSt All the !. t'.-mplete and I-iere-t.nir. A fn! psre of Aeri'-Ti'Mirnl and 1'srm .V'W. A f::Tl pare of ion an 1 .Vert stories forrtc t'alla.ls end senena poems, talnr tales srl a!irt yarri U tiat every liou.ear' wane fr. k ri w. 1 lie en-t Irnry depan-rri-rt with p.-r; riptir.r: f-e to alt . r!ccr1bera. and full Instrnctn f r tt.c tcaimert of lv ptock. The hest chea and chc-ker c-r.!nmn In tba world for amateur pi-vera Kidi-. cha,-ide. pntT'es. enttmna. aerosti-s. e.r., for t ywm folks, and answera to tncoin-s. cniple'e niarket reporta unrivalled In detail and a-'-nra y. Path Vepcrt-rvt 1' pr-ft of it kiKd. end mil o-?rrf niirlr f'f W H "f I ? i-T-ci'r- rrcr fv liiht-t. THE X. T. SEMI-lvEEKLY "WORLD. PoMlslied rrery Tnrtday andTrfdiy. HKKSITf A TH V WKFKI.T WORI t. t'Tl T IS A TaH Tb Sitwt Wttn v Vorlp is t nl l hed for these who d" Tift rare to Ink a ail naw.i aper rd wfcci hi:1 to rend ti e ctn e!-eiiir than orjca a we. It. The A jrricuitura1. frer-Msi. Mesrni.- and Oen en.l Nesta Id the Srm Vitmr Vrmn l diii cel led. Snt.'T:hc-t ti- tve ni TrsKLT TTori a for one year are e' tlDci 'o m '.! of a lift ol pop ular books, ail pr!.T. In larro. clyar ir e. and neatly h T d I.'st tn e- an n i'' ttcn ; or Trial OBin Xl Mill. ALPt J. Snbtr'-'bers to the ?r'iuT Won i ere er-tH!d to the -irtie ir- xiurrt as tbose o! it.e bin! Wm IT Wiirin. Unparalleled OiTers to flub Asents. Any One Alfi- become '7h6 .;''. Tie larcest cotnin'ssforj erer paid and h -itd.wtne pT-oinm in il'lrl-ll'in. Tflt Wor.it will rive to the per-on asdlnc In the largest nnml'e-of puTip:ion t"tiiea3 LT W up I ucp In May 1. I-"1?., a iumisoie orn; ax. with tV.n AN PFNrH and MT'vh' Ji'tiiR. woth T-5. This t a rrsrn ti-eiit Ins'riinient. It U ' rantly cased tn hiacit w.iDct anil hu. twenty .eren lops and ten tu'l sets 0. i n T -nrne F.-dt. It can be teen at arv t'me tn Tbb Woia o rot'ltcatlon tifnce. Nn person can c- for thl3 erc- el o aendf In les tt an fo. s-ih. " T."..r to WF1K I,Y or SFMI WH KI.Y Wi.kl.n nn to Vt 1, 1S-S THE WOUI.P will alve a Twn.llorsf Pleach, a Illllins n 1 1 1 , a tar, and a Onr-llorsr l'loiigh. to the persona sendtni; In the ..-on'', thfrd and fonrb li-rest n'lirher o i,i.--ii1ni.n to tbe WKKKLY or SEM1W K1M.V Wdhl.l) op to Mav 1, T'heae premlnnis are IN ATT'l TTO"V to the larfe cash eomtiiis.ton paid by TH t tKH In eompatlue fi.r the cash c. .Trro t--ona and tre U'liims a susTip: n to THE SFVl-WF.r'.KI.Y W(lKTTwill be rpr".!fi.' s ei'i'valent to two anbscrip'-rrs t- TH K W U KLY OKI.TV THh W'tiKI.li takt-s this r--a..'nn to pi-Mlcly thank all the kind Met. da w.. o prnrnp'le fi:r tilahed it with ramw and Information recently, and It beKi'em i'i c--r:ndiT thcnisirea 1'lub Arenta t.,r 1 H F. W( ip.I P. and to remember that tbe Prtrptom offera and bsnjei-irja t'ash Commla Pfoct ap!iT to tern s.g ve:: as p. it!jer awerta. srt Ki:r akii:s i.t masi ini imts win pee the r d van are of re - tin op clubs. Sample co; ie f-ee. Addreea IKK Ntvv YIT.K W(iKI.D. N. T. 1S83---1S84. THE PITTSBURGH For tlB BemocraUcYears cf Jttflee. All tb" Pni !n rom-ite KtadaM Ferra Liti-rary !11srplnnTf ell Mr- cnion of riibHc;)nestions. Ts Fn-rsnT-FfH Wewklt Vot for 13 w.ll bare sperm! inteni f..-r lis n. i ttrr reae- and new loSserlisrr. e are ente-t r.if upon I'emoeratie r.i In Stnt and Nation and it Is to re an era ol refurui and poi.t(cai rep:.neTiiM.r. Tr I'lHBTwjlt lm JiAr;il,.' y r-'tHle 1' j t b"s ir. 'ts t.wi ei-art-ment and frankly diwoi" !s lesjinr fet'irsJ Itorlaliy, a; piyinu In all imtinx tbe test of lem;cratic J-nne j-)e as 1 n-niuta'c t firlelity to te plr -ixrr the 1'eTnorraev has ma le to the peo ple. There 1s a Iitmivr.t:,- rerlral thr'-:s;oot the lenpth and f-readt h the land All Iemo ats des:re It shs.ll be permanent. tht in ls4 w ray b arrest foil fruit ot f 3e ill? to pnnc:p and part v. . t iiere are rears u cui; ifi re so. an i we xr.ur tum- ' Mil tV.WHT.Mi .11 tl(iTst(l!.ruMli.nsf n.,'. poller, dsn ser sir net wnnnerer and w hererer They are called fur, and tiie raamtenanco t f tne ortran Itatlop ia Its purity, frt-e fnm all attemi.ts at t oss Inr or ahns. f -a-n to ie Ihe one war tj ottt us j sxtely orer the qatrVnds and daneer tbt 'ollrw areMt secefjes. lis te (Jute of the lierro- Icrarie rr". ni-d Tnr lnT w?i te no lapi.ard in me. tlna: it farlessty and ust'y. The Commonwcsltti. with tre new rear. f-r tbe f rst time in a qosrer of a cepTr-T. rails a Demo rrat to its 'hiel Vat is; racy and rlaes the ror.j!'r . lejrtslattve branch ouaer Its-mcraticcon'rii i rfT wi!l jre an earnest sc; port to rre-nr I'attlson's administration. f:l epe!a;jT to those measures of rf trenchmet.l and reform' throcrh which our hold on the S'ste r,.TernTient can be reade lastlna. The erst tin if of the rew year win wiine-s a radical reri.lution at llurnsho't; Tbe Tot will Iti ts l'e fs rcino.m;'c hlstoe'an The accumulate 1 abuses and C"rruD"ons of twectr year of the KepubMcsn B.ts and Machine wu be struck down. Ibi Ti'SiT hopes to assirt at lha fn reral ntes. All eyes will rj directed fo the National Capital as lirponant fjnsrcial legislation In rdoens; tai atli.n and .roplifyiac aod adissttntt the tar:8 to chantred conditions, can no l'.Eirr be delsred The demand that the war system id taiation s'kali be retormed ls unirersal C'plnlocs di"!eras to tbe sno-le. and here the Tariff ones.) ,D enters wtta It elements of discord and division. WhiiaTpa Poor will lafhfullr adriereto tte traditional polir of the Pennsylvania lemoeracr In maln::n:us: Ibat duties shsll he m lerted a to t!rf lodtclous In -I dental protection It il, adrise harnmar and eon ciliation In adjusting the (juesfton. that the fere and unity of the pa-ty may fte t reserred for more Important conflicts. Through dilirent and well Informed eorresnomd ents at Hsrr'r'.urj and Wa-hineton. we win keen onr readers fn'ly aorl.ed of al; t'lat is lmro-tant In f.iate and National pollttee and leeieiatlon Unrius: the year there will l e Itr p..rtar.t prellml' nary movements wht-h roar riet-T:1ne the ehoiee of our standard bearer In ISH. I ke p,.T wm that its readers are kept tn;lr informed on this most interestlnif tpc. Altogether lss3 rrornlses to be a rreat year for newspapers and tnwtrac,, readers. ,r The fsmlliar departments of tfcersper w-'l be maintained In all their excellence The-a ar'-ll K car-lul reports, prepared erpre-slv for the '.. LT l i-tT. ot the Cattle. Wool and Uene-al .Varaeu and the sts'ecf finance and trade. The hte-arr mu; .rn.oT win oe a rauiahie acd Inter. uni feature for the family circle. A cnretullr prepared summary ot l-tcal and rtRhhorho-v) news w'il tn form i.'.e reader of an that is at Interest at home TEK.MS: , Slnjtle sohacribers. poster paid, per rear .. (1 to Clubs of tare or store, rxistage paid per rear each a, w-WiUi an extra copy free to ail clubs ef van. tiie daJi, y rosv Conta'ninr full daily Telegraphic, Market aod Ixirai Keports, Edttonrla and a rest amonct of miscellaneoos matter, will be fu-n'shel hi rxiatar prepal i. for s per anrum ; tM or s months; tor throe months; 70 rents for ene aaonth. . T-.SpeetaI terttit to Newsdealers. 5end for pecime-i Copy. Address JAMES P. BARR CO., 145 W nod Street, nttsburgh, ra. JOI1NSTOX SCAXLAX. ATTCKN EVS-AT-LA W, 1 Episssrsa Pa. Cfflee ob COEtre street, trear'e ,.rnj atte tyw Csrt stetiee. f-l.'M -sf 1