The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 27, 1882, Image 3

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Othor 1'Vicf.
flf o. rinntlpy's.
IlPW lot
of wall l'.-iP',r-
at f.i-''V 1' t'' ' f!)f armory builclind
The Iriok work ' '
. ,nin ptinn.
rapMv appro'"""" ' '
r- T.ihn s-dwnh. new liveryman,
rcfvc.f ffn elecmnt wajona.
' "Fv r;" Fn'Mr C'uttPr. tPe. best cut
ter in tnp world, nt Geo. IT nn tl "v .
A tnt tonic modiolm-. a hlousina in pv-f-v
t-otis.'hnld. is Hrown's Iron F.ittfrs.
.T;t t rpfoirPil. a lrtrsro stock of rovnlvrr',
-f j'.inn rind ritlos at (',. TInnt!py'
If yon tvant the "Jot." tb lct wpll or
t -jvn pump mal'. e to ' i- TTnnflpy's.
ro. Ilnntlpy rms int rcceive.1 a npw lot
rt im, fh ln1 an.l Oliver stool r?i!I!l plow.
T1 h niMip school of F!'nltir ami
VlvitiJc r!opJ tlio'r doors lat Tuo.1av. it
'ni.' a leeal holidav.
Call and rpp ITuntlpy's took of
ap r(,iips. linrP blankets and wolf robe-i bp-
huvincr elspwliprp.
T!e hrirpst, clipappst and host stock of
ir and rook stoves in ttip county ran be
; I'l l n i ;po. TTuntley's.
pVi?li Diamond Dye nnv lady can Rft
ji i;,!,!.! results as the best practical der.
r...'y ilye warranted true to name and sam-
Mr Jeremiah Tirown, of Oallltzin, has
pnr," t'l the Wall for pood and all. That Is
;t nv 1 was married on Wednesday of last
5i'. John McGnnsrh, a widow lady resl
C'Z near Wi'morp, died rather suddenly on
tn. of last week. May her soul rest in
I have the largest and best stock of
- "iV-i. valises and ladies' satchels pvpr
t f.i Khenslmrcr, at reduced prices.
G,-,i TI:int!ey.
Ti'ii'll find t!,e Fit F.F.MAN improved this
and we'll tell you the reason why, thp
, l as cone off on a bit of a "seursh," but
j ,. 'n nac K 1 .1 mm 1 i.
Take a look at the advertisement of Mr.
T Anderson, who offers real and persor.-
3 es':ve in .viieuoeiiy townsmp hc piinne
on Tuesda , November 1 Hh, proximo.
Ci t're street, In the neighborhood of the
r.-w Cn;ut House and the new armory bnld-
. eiieh to he divested of much of its su-
I r:hiiis rnhbisi) forthwith. Winter is com-
A Mi!! ille lad named Michael O'Connell
-'! villi his left arm doubled under him
:!.: "paek-horse" Thursday afternoon, and
p--e!t was a fracture of thr arm near the
o v.
' According to an exchange, Mr. Fres.
". ' f rtiiladelphia, and his bride, formerly
3' Jennie Allen, of Salem, Ohio, have
rr.e to K-liensbvire to sperd their honev
oin. Letters await the followins named per-
Kons in the F.lienslmra post office : Wm. I..
Falcer. ('. Hadjer. Mrs L1771P Ihown, fii
Fmny I,ivis, Artlnirl. Duncan, C K. Hives.
Kate Poltrer.
As a matter of reference we mark It
mi 'hat the fir-it ice of the season in this
!:.: ';ide was discernible on the surface of
'-h.or buckets and barrels Wednesday
E.'-rnjr.g of this week.
Fhilosophers say that affairs should al
v v be conducted with a view to the ereat-
f- e.M.d of the createst number. Dr. Bull's
C Ul''i Syrup has demonstrated Itself to be
rftV.e creaVst cood to the createst number
f' i.-.:T.-rers.
T'ne Foster House, presided over bv Mr.
V.. I. K-ck, has just placed in position a
p.-iol table, which is nw In full tide of
f:'i-i-f:il operation. This makes three
7 ; tihles for F-benshurc, with likely one
r cr to cotne.
-Fx -Fn thonotary O'Donnell has been
f i .vi to sprve as a juror at the Vovemher
f f tl-e L. v Di-tricf Court, Fitfsburcrb.
- ! is o"r li'L?-bodii'd an.l amiable friend and
' - i'.j-Me brother, J. X., of the
r - i:..vai r"--.
A ni'tinir ( f tlie Democracy of Wash
n towttsl-.ip will be lipid at Lilly's on
v.'Mr.lty pveriii'T of next week, Nov. 4th.
" V.. L. .b.l Ti-ton and On. Joseph M.
?' -aid. r-f this phtep, will address tb.e meet
:r? Let there be a pood turn out !
Youna men or middle need ones, suffer
'r.z trorn nervous debili'y and kindred wcak--i.iscs
sh.oii! I send thiee stamps for Fart
VJl of World's Dispensary Dime Series of
oks. Address Woni ri's Dispt nsary
"f ' u-i. Assi( iat!.". IhuT.ilo, N. Y.
A board fell from the seend'story of the
.:-Vi!icp Fire Co.'s new buildinc, Johns
: -v. on Fri.lav lnt, and strikincra young
ran ! lined John Devine, who happened to
ra-sh.s through the engine house at the
;-.:l.Lt ed very serious if not fatal inju-
' o. A. Fifth regiment, N". V. V., 4
left Fbershurg Wednesday afternoon
' tr :n at the hour of .) o'clock. They
ruti irate in the Ki-Ontennial per'
"r"v ' in Fh:Iade!phia to-day, and will
to-n-.firrow evening, on the regular
1 Ha'tie Fenlon and Miss Mar y
-. 'f Leavenworth, Kan-as. departed
' ' en last Tuesday morning, after a
' i-it. as we are assured, extending
.'n! i::.i!tl,s, to the grandmother
' 1 f t! e fir-t named voung lady, who
i t!.:s 'ace.
I.. Iivis, Julian street, has this week
! a:...ther lot of men's heavy boots,
f. which he invites
' !) ..f discerning buyers. They
to !nt, to shed snow and slush,
)' the feet warm and comfortable,
v-d tl-ern a trial.
' teilmpn undertook to capture
-' t triin between Johnstown and
the other day. That they
: r ;,y the fact that the quartette
' ' ! ere, to answer several charges
'" is iinduct, assault and battery,
rir i-i-mhpr term of Court.
' I 'rary to our custom to recom
1 kind of jiater.t medicine: but af
n seen the great effects of Roberts'
I Cattle Powders upon the horse in
''). that have been cured of the Ep
- well s other d'weases, we deem it
a- good citizens to recommend It to
s of sfopk.
. t
F. Myers, proprietor of the A'eir
v'-sa, pa., requests us to Ry that
: cf liis establihment on the
t,at)!e terms. Any person wish-
irk in the newspaper business,
- Mr. M. , who will furtiish all the
hpfi-rmation regarding the circula
' f h.i- paper.
' ! O.veris', High f-treet, may be
'"-t line of groceries in town, as
e very best brand of flour inanti
'i .vh.-re. The price of every
- -toie is marked at the lowe-t of
and the people of F.IX'nshurjf
r 1 town-hip, as well as strangers.
1 ' . ill and see if such is not tho
Williamson, of this place, went i
to (iallitin last Saturday for j
' f vi-itintr his father While
. a buyy ride with his little
horie ran away, throwing them
Mr. V
il'iatrisf.n esrane.I without
r, hut, we are sorry to say,
-taine, a severe fracture of
Dr. E. H. Plank, a former fellow citizen
of ours, now of Christiana, Lancaster coun
ty, accompanied by his amiable wife and
family, have been In town during the present
week We bid them welcome !
The woman with nothing on her back
worth mentioning except a kidney pad, the
only other covering being h!ted to her
shoulders, still holds the fort In some of our
exchanges, notwithstanding the party who
receives the benefit of the advertising ha?
long since passed Into history as among the
most unconscionable frauds that ever cheat
ed the poor printer out of his lust dues.
Mr. E. J. Deery, ot Thiiadelphia, whom
we nresume to be an old Tlollidaysburg
friend of boyhood days, has placed ns under
obligations for two elegant photographs of
the next Crovernnr of Pennsylvania, Ftohert
E. Pattison, who has a face that any man
might envy or any woman doat upon if it
belonged to her husband. Thanks, friend,
for your kindly remembrance.
We made a note at the proper time that
the corner-stone of the old Court nouse, now
torn away, had been discovered, and that
two silver coins had rewarded the search of
Messrs. Fiodgers and Pyrne, This Identical
corner stone, after having done service in
that capacity fifty-odd vears, Is built in one
of the walls of the new armory building,
where from all appearance it will remain un
til at least the year 2000.
Mr. Henry O. Stoltz, of Carrolltown, has
Jusr received a fresh and complete stock of
the very hest ready-made clothing and gen
tlemen's furnishing goods, whienhe is deter
mined to sell at the lowest possible rates.
Mr. Stoltz's long experience In the business
has made him a most competent Indge of the
articles he deals in, and his patrons have,
therefr re. a perfect assurance that they will
get the full value of their money.
The Cambn'a Iron Works, Johnstown, an
industrial f stablishment of the first order in
size, equipment and outfit, has thirty-five
miles of railroad on its property, and em
ploys ten large and ten small locomotive en
gines for yard service. The 900,000 tons of
coal and limostene annually used in the man
n fact nre of iron and steel at these works are
mined by the company, as well as a part of
400,000 tons of Iron ore required by it.
For the benefit of all sportsmen living at
a distance, and especially in behoof of the
Altoona folks, we state explicitly and em
phatically that squirrels and pheasants are
scarcer here than they have been for several
years. This is not owing to a dearth of food
such as beech and chestnuts, but to the un
accountable absence of the species of game
who ought to be on hand when the table is
ready for them and bountifully spread.
"Old age creeps on us apace I" is a say
ing which antedates the patriarch Abraham,
and in a certain event everybody needs a
pair of spectacles to suit his or her peculiai
age. They are for saiPi the spectacles, by
Carl Pivinlus, High street, at easv rates,
and each pair is warranted to give full and
entire satisfaction. He has also watches,
clocks and jewelry for the million, all just
as they will be represented by himself.
The two hest second shots at the Lewis,
town encampment of the Pennsylvania Na
tional Guard at the Tate encampment were
Tom Parfitt, of Johnstown, and Dr. Oscar
Creerv, of F.hershurg. We hold onrself pre
parp.l to Tbet five dollars up to within the
reckoning of the arithmetic that either of
these t wo gentleman could have done better
than anybody at the several ranges between
the British soldiers and the Americans at
The County Commissioners succeeded at
their adjourned sale on Tuesday last In clos
ing out all the tracts of unseated land not
disposed of at the previous sale. A few
tracts failed to find purchasers, but in these
cases the deeds were cancelled and the land
will never again be offered. The sale this
tims aggregated about fourteen hundred dol-
I lars, and the receipts the county about three
thousand dollars, which is a pretty good
I thine for the county.
"Kvery truth has two sides ; look at
I both before committing yourself to either."
1 Kidney-Wort challenges the closest scrutiny
! f'f its Ingredients and its grand results. It
! has nothing to fear from truth. Doctors
; mayd'sagrpp as to the best methods and
i remedies, for the cure of constipation and
. disordered liver and kidneys. But those
! that have used Kidney-Wort, agree that it is
; by far the best medicine known. Its action
is prompt, thorough and lasting,
j The first Republican meeting of the
i campaign for Cambria county of magnitude
; was held in Johnstown last Friday evening.
' It was addrpsspd bv Oen. Beaver, the Stal
i wart nominee for Governor; Hon. A. O.
. F'irst, State Senator Harry Boggs, and Hon.
D. J. Morrell. An epitome of the several
! speeches was printed in the Tribune of the
j following day, and if anybody wants a good
' sedative we advise him to procure a copy of
j the paper and read what was said.
! C. T. Boberts. High street, Is the old
' reliable clock, watch and jewelry dealer of
j Ehenshnre, and his stock to-day is larger,
j better and more elaborate than ever before.
I In addition, he has on hand an entirely new
lot of fall and winter hats and caps bought
I In New York a couple of weeks ago, and
j therefore the very latest styles to which he
I Invites special attention. As to groceries.
such as tea, coffee, sugar, etc., he defies the
universe with regard to quality and price.
A youth named Archibald Gore, son of
Winfield Gore, of Gallitzin," while walking
.. ,, , . . . , , . i
on the ral.road track near that place with two
of his brothers Wednesday morning, was run j
over hy the Altoona Accommodation and in-
co,tL- i-in,i rr rt.rA r v,
stantly killed. Tie stepped from the track
to escape a freight train going eastward, j
only to he struck by the Accomodation ,
westward. It Is said it is a wonder that his j
two little brothers who were with him at the
time were pot also killed. Archie, the one
killed, was aged between 6 and 7 years.
The irrepressible John Smith comes to
the front again, this time as the victim of an
accident near Creensburg on Thursday last
which would most like ly have proved fatal
had he been the only John Smith in exist
ence. As he isn't, however, he miraculous
ly escaped without serious Injury, although
he fell in front of a wagon heavily laden
with limestone while going down hill, two of
the wheels passing over his neck, leaving the
impression of the tire plainly imprinted
npon it. The breaking of the lever w.hi'e he
was attempting to lock the wheels i3 what
caused him to fall from the wagon.
The barn of Mr. Philip Skelly, of Por
tage township, having been destroyed ny
fire a few weeks ago. with an insurance in
its favor of sometnlng like $l,ooo in the
Cambria Mutual Protection Insurance Com
pany, it has been found necessary to levy an
assessment of 3 per cent, against the several
policy-holders to cover the loss. T. W.
Iick, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer of the
Company, will shortly notify policy-holders
of the amount of their respective indebted
ness under the assessment. This is only the
seventh assessment levied by the Cambria
Mutual in a period of time extending over a
quarter of a century.
The Johnstown Tribune, of last Monday,
stated that
:in obedience to the call of the 1
President, Harry Boggs, a business meeting
of the Johnstown Beaver and Tariff Club
was held in the Arbitration Room fast evening,
or in other words on Sunday eve rAu a This
js, presumably, a mistake, but assuming It
to bo true, as stated by the Tribune. Boggs,
in view of the present rebellious condition of
the "grand old party," can rely for the jus
tification of his club on Daniel Webster's re
mark on a memorable occasion when he
made a Sunday speech in Baltimore, and
said to an excited crowd of people : "There
tire no Sundays in revolutionary times."
Last Tuesday was the day fixed for Ar
gument Court. It so chanced that the same
day became intermixed in the mind of the
Governor of the State as the only and unal
terable day on which to celebrate the bi-cen-tennial
of William Teen on these native
shores, and a legal holiday was proclaimed.
As a consequence. Judge Dean sent word to
Associate Judges Flanaean and Masters that
he would not be present here on Tuesday to
hold the Court, and the business therefore
went over by the hearing of a few motions
before the Associates for Incidental business.
The regular session of the Argument Court
was by consent adiourned till the 14th of
We note with regret the death of a bright
and interesting little son, aged about threp
years, of Mr. P. F. Kirby, of Wilmore, which
occurred a few days ago. This is the same
child to which we referred in a recent issue
of our paper as being afflicted with that pit
iless plague, diphtheria a scourge that sel
dom snares, and in this instance has robbed
our fripnds. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby, of opp of
thpir dearest household treasures, little Tom
my. Our heart goes out in sincere sympa
thy to the bereaved ones, more especially at
we have learned from sad experience, oft re
peated, what it Is to deal with that terrible
scourge. The other members ot Mr. Kirov's
family that were afflicted, have, we are glad
to say, fully recovered.
A little girl by the name of Ford was
bitten by a dog some time ago at Latrobe,
and to mend matters an old hag of a woman
told hpr that in ninp davs sbp would go mad.
The little girl kppt thp matter a "secret from
her parents for fear of frightening them, but
kept counting the days under the firm con
viction that she would go mad at the end of
the nine days. Her parents soon noticed
something was troubling her peace of mind
and prevailed on her to tell, when she ex
plained the whole affair. It Pad so worked
or. her mind that she was on the verge of in
sanity, but by earefnl nursing and diversion
until after the nine davsexpired, she became
all right. The old ladv who caused the
trouble keeps a good distance between her
self and the parents of the child.
Several of our contemporaries are devis
ing ways and means for expending thp im
mense sum of money left in the hands of
Chairman and Acting Secretary Conrad, of
the defunct J. V. P. A., after paying the ex
penses of the last annual excursion, the
most sensible of which comes from Brother
Trout, of the Lewistown Frt Pr. who
suggests that "Cooney" invests some of the
funds In nostal cards with which to call
meeting of the fraternity at Huntingdon on i
the third Saturday of next month, for the j
pnrposp of devising ways and means for the ,
formation of a Juniata Valley Editorial As- j
sociation. The idea is a good one. and .f
the ramifications of such an orgxniation can
be sufficiently ramified to Include all the j
territory embraced within the limits of its j
predecessor, and Altoona instead of Hunt- j
ingdon is named, wouldn't mind seconding ,
the moHon. '
We did an unintended injustice to the
Golden Eag:e Clothing House, Altoona, by
stating a couple of weeks ago that Messrs.
Eicher were the only clothing
merchants in tnat citv who had a standing
advertisement in the We don't
know tiow we camp to fall into the error, as
the "Golden Eagle" has been represented in
our advertising columns for spveral months
past, and, as will be seen by a new annonncp.
merit in onr pnppr thi week, comes to the ;
front with a Fall and Winder stock acareea
tinir $2(l.ono, which the proprietor puarantees
to sell at 20 per cent, less than anv ether
clothint house in that citv. Mr. V. W.
Sanp. a popular youne Cambrian, formerly
of Chest Sprincs, is connected with the
"Golden E.iele" as salesman, and this fact
shou'd, as it does, attract hosts of Cambria
county customers to that lnree well filled and
honeflv conducted establishment.
We notice by an exchange that the F.b
ensbura Stiver Cornet Band has been dis
hanled. Snch is not the fact Professor
Viola, the instructor of the band, has taken
his departure from our midst, but the band
goes on. Pr. Oscar Creery Is the leader,
and he assures us that the organization will
be continued intact, lessons for instruction
to be held in the Council Chamber as usual.
We certainly hare in onr midst enough in
side talent, to perfect a f ull-fledsed band
without relying on irresponsible influence.
To say that our band has pona down or is
coins down i a mistake of which we desire
our Carrolltown. Cherrytree and other
neighbors to make special note. We maybe J
permittf-d to arid that inside fifty years, no
band of the sort mentioned has come to its
perfect fruition here, for the-simple and onlv
reason that the leader ran off, was inveicled
away, or otherwise became a resident of an
other towr. under circumstances which he
presumed to be better than those presented
here. Let the band play ! i
The old Court House Is demolished.
The structure which for oyer fifty yonrs
reared its proud head as a temple of justice
is no more. Its lat wall fell to the cround
with a crash a couple of days aso. The ma
terial used in ti e construction of the whole
has trone to make up the bulk of the ne-sv
armory beine built on Centre street, mid
wiy between the "Diamond" and the rail
road station. One day last week, while
what may be called the Inside partition
which supported the vaults of the bn'ldinsf
was heini; torn down, Mr. Evan C. Evans
walked over the top of the walls two min
utes before they fell, while ex-Sheriff James
Mver was lust underneath. Thoy are both
f-mploves on the new armorv, and were at
the time in the discharge of their respective
duties, and their escape from either death or
iniury is a source of eoncratulation to their
fnends The work of razing the ancient
pile was both laborious and daneerous, but
it was acconiplii-hod satisfactorily to Mr.
Tarrish, the contractor, and without loss of
life or damaee to limb.
Mr. John S. Oouffbennur. a farmer, who
resided about two miles north of East Cowe
maueh, met with a fatal railroad accident, at
the crossing between that place and Wood-
vale, on last Saturday eveninsj.
He was in i
Johnstown on that, day and started to walk
home late in the afternoon. Tie reached th
crossing about the time the Mail train left
East Conemanch. A freicht train had been
standing on the track, and pulled nut just as
Mr. (Jouchnour arrived. He waited while
the train passed the crossing and proceeded
on his way, not noticing the passenger train,
the engine of which struck him on the bide,
raising him several feet from the ground and
in falling his head struck the rails, fracturing
his skull and bruising his person in a terrible
manner. He died Instantly. lie was one of
the oldest citizens of that section of the coun
ty, his age being about eighty, and 'was a
qniet, upright and industrious citizen, enjoy
ing the highest respect and confidence of all
who knew him.
We should have tendered onr thanks a
week ago to the Travelers' Insurance Co., of
I Llll'l, l H'lll., MIC mr l rtll'l IM'lll 1111-
hp institntu.n of the kind in existence, for
a magnificent lithograph of thirteen of the
representative journals and journalists of
America the necessityof drawing the line
soiriewllpre y,av;nr no doubt excluded the
Freeman and it. editor. All the same, the
lithograph is an exquisito piece of work and
"'"""ItS ""or to tho publishers, Messrs.
Tl.. .- f..- 1 f ' . . .,n 1 . 1 :
nooi v tinner, it .install sireei, .ew
York, who have gone to the Boot of the
thing thoroughly, notwithstanding there
was a Tinker at it. The lithograph contains
fac similes of the first page ar.d portraits of
the owners or editors of the following named
journals: Thurlow Weed ; C'nas. A. Hana,
n, Oswald Otfendorfer, Slants Zeitunq,
Whitelaw Reid, Tribune, J. C Bennet,
Herald, all of New York ; Ceo. W. Childs,
Isdtjer, Philadelphia : Jos. Medill, Tribune,
I). S. Storv. Time. Chicago : 11. M. Snlsifer,
Jlrrnld. E. B. T!askell, Sunday Jlprald, Bos
i ton ; Henry Watterson, Courier -Journal,
Louisville: M Ifalsead, Commercial, Cin
: cinnati, and Jos. II. Llawley, Courant, Ilart
j ford.
Heartily Recommended.
Don't condemn a good thing because you
have been deceived bv worthless nostrums.
Parker's (iincer Tonic has cured many in
this section of nervous disorders, and we rec
ommend it heartily to such sufferers, Kc$.
Death of Mrs. Anjhe M. Remisotox.
We sincerely regret to notice the death of the
lady whose name precedes this notice, which
occurred at her home in Neola, Iowa, on
Sunday. October 13th, 1S82, after a painful
illness of about two weeks. She was in the
24th year of her age. Mrs. Remington was
a daughter of the late James S. Clark, of this
place, and was born here. Five or six years
ago she removed with her mother to Council
Bluffs, Iowa, where her brother, C. is. Clarke,
had located somo years before, and made
that city her home until July, 1879. Her
mother died a year previous to her marriage.
She and her husband spent two or three days
tn our town last summer, on a visit to her o'ld
friends and acquaintances. She was always
of a frail and very delicate constitution, and
predisposed to consumption. She was gifted
with a very bright and sprightly mind and
possessed far more than usual intelligence.
Those who knew her were warmly attached
to her on account of her many excellent vir
tues as well as her kind and gentle disposi
tion, ar.d the sad news of her untimely death
has been received here by her former friends
and admirers with a feeling of deer and gen
uine sorrow.
Dr. Tierce's 'Tellets" the original "Lit
tle Livtr Pills" (sugar-coated) cure sick
and bilious headache, sour stomacn,
bilious attacks. By DrugRisti.
nrRnr.R socth form.
We are indebted to the Johnstown Tribune
of Monday last for the following facts con
nected with the fatal shooting of Daniel Fin
negan by Stephen Moore, on last Saturday
night, near South Fork. In Croyle township,
on the P. R. It. : A somewhat notorious
family named Moore, consisting of Charles
Moore, his wife, Stephen Moore, a son twenty-two
years of age, a grown up daughter
and several voting cnnoren, wno lonnmiy
lived in Johnstown, for sometime have been
making their home about one mile east of
South Fortt. Their house is said to have
been a common resort for a number of prof
ligate young men. About 10 o'clock on Sat
urday night, last, a party af young men, con
sisting of Barnot Mock. Paul Prlngle. Wm.
Quintan, George McClaren and Charles Co
baugh, all living west of South Fork, were at
the Moore house. Another party consisting
of Daniel Firngan and Frank Rorick, of
South Fork : Michael Owens, of Lilly's Sta
tion, and Peter Sloan and Michael Kilduff, of
Gallitzin, came to the house with the inten
tion of entering it and making themselves at
home. Stephen Moore stood in the doorway
and refused them permission to go in. Ow
ens insisted on going in, and walked towards
the door, followed Jby the others. Moore
said. "No, I'll bed d "if you are coming in,"
and picking up an old musket which he
seems to have had ready for emergencies,
fired it at the crowd. All of them ran away,
with the exception of Finnegan, who received
a heavy charge of buckshot in the head, be
hind the right ear, and fell dead. When
Finnegan 's companions returned to the house
to ascertain what had happened to him, they
found him lying on the ground near the door
with his hands in his pockets, showing that
he had intended no violeuce.Tand that he had
been killed instantly. As soon as Moore as
certained the fatal result of his shot, he pro
ceeded to the office of Squire George, at
Sunimerhill station, not a grpat distance east
of South Fork, and gave himself up. He
stated to the Squire that the Finnegan party
had tried to break into the house, and that in
firing on them he was acting in defence of
his father's property. In contradiction to
this it is alleged that the door of the house
was standing wide open when the young
men approached it. and that the moon was
shining brightly. To the parties inside Pf
the house Moore is reported as saying after
lie fired the shot, "Now I gness the sons of
b s won't come In." He is also reported to
have immediate' reloaded his musket while
standing beside the dead body of Finnegan.
Moore's father, at the time of thp shooting,
was up at Summerhill, having gone there, it
is said, for a supply of whisky to entertain
his visitors. The body of young Finnegan
remained at Moore's bouse until Sunday
morning, when It was taken to the houss or
his Tfather, Mr. Thomas Finnegan, at South
Fork. The Finnegan family is very respect
able, a brother of the deeeaswd named John,
being a conductor on the P. li. R. The re
mains of the deceased were buried in the
Catholic cemetery at Wilmore on Tuesday.
Moore was brought to this place on Sunday
by Constable Pringle, of VViunore, and lodged
in jail. A jury of inquest was summoned
soon after the tragedy, but adjourned with
out taking any testimony until Monday af
ternoon, it is proper to nan tnai Moore sia-
tp(1 to Nonstable princle that he had no in
tention of shootinc r innecan, that he intended
to hit Owens, an.l that Finneean stepped be
tween him and Owens and received the con
tents of the oun. lie arouses Owens, who
! is a brakemar. on the railroad, with having
! frequently insulted the members of his fath
i er's family, and that he has been in the habit
; of offeriiie insults to the women of the house
as he passed alone; on his train. Moore man
! ifests a singular indifference to his fate, not
seeming to realize the terrible situation In
which his crime has placed him.
A Pi.kasawt Family TtEcitiOTJ. A fami
ly reunion was held at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. John Strayer. in Taylor township,
on Wednesday of last week. The occasion
was the seventieth birthday of Mr. Strayer,
and it was fitly celebrated by the gathering
of all his children around the family hearth
stone. There were present members of the
family as follows : William, a farmer, who
resides near Waterloo, Blackhawk county,
Iowa ; Mrs. David Harrison, who lives) on a
farm near the same place ; Mrs. Benj. Stutz
man, who lives on a farm in Indiana county,
this State ; Paul, who had been living in the
west for a number ot years but recently re
turned to Johnstown ; Solomon, who resides
on part of the old homestead. In Taylor
township; Mrs. John A. Wertz, who lives
with her husband in Stonycreek township ;
Lewis, County Superintendent of Schools, a
resident of Ebensburg j John E., cashier of
the Cambria County Bank, who resides on
part of the farm, in Taylor township ; Jacob
I , a school teacher near Johnstown, and
(i.'orge B., .hose home is with his parents,
in Taylor township. The sons-in-law and
danghters-in-law were all present, except
the. wife of William and the husband of Eliza
beth. The most of the grandchildren were
also in attendance. Several months ago the
father of the family, who was formerly pos
sessed of nood health, was stricken with par
alysis, and up to this time has not fully re
cover. The children and grandchildren
pleasantly surprised their parents by pre
senting to each an appropriate present. To
their father an elegant adjustable reclining
chair, and to their mother a large arm rocking-chair.
The oldest member of the family,
William, made the presentation speech ; and
after a few words of thanks from the pa
rents, the children all joined in singing,
"We've Met Again," Jacob B. presiding at
the organ. Lewis was then called upon and
made a brief address on "Our Reunion,"
when, after several more pieces of music,
all adjourned to the dining-room to partake
of a bountiful dinner.
It was many years since the children
gathered around the family table, never be-
rore as iney met tins nay, i'aul. Susan,
I,ewis and John having been married since
William and Elizabeth went to Iowa, four
teen years ago. In the afternoon Photo
praper Statler came out from Johnstown and
photographed a number of groups of the
family. The day was spent in singing and
amusements of various kinds, and in the
evening a social meeting was held. Thus
closed the reunion of this family, the like of
which will hardly occur again. William and
Elizabeth win return to their homes in the
west in a few davs.
Mr. Strayer settled on the farm where ho
now lives somo forty vears ago. By in.
dustry and economy, with the help of his
family, he has succeeded in clearing and
bringing into a good state of cultivation
about two hundred acres of the farm. The
children now wish to relieve their parents
from work and the responsibilities of man
aging the laree farm, and to this end Paul
returned from the west a short time since
and will nextspring take charge of the farm,
so that the old folks may spend the remain
dor of their declining years in quietitude
and rest.
Spain as Found. The November num
ber of Ballou's Magazine contains an arti
cle on ' Spain as Found," by Capt. Charles
Steadman, who has resided in the country
and knows what he is writing about. It Is
well written, and worth reading, the engrav
ings being especially noteworthy. In addi
tion to this there are many other articles of
great interest, and stories of the first quality,
and poetry that is not excelled by any in the
Now is the time to get up clubs and sub
scribe, so that our readers will not fail to get
the first installment of the great story "The
Belle of Australia," by Willaru II. Thomes.
to commence In the January number.
Back numbers can always be had. Send
10 cents for a specimen copy if your Dews
dealer does not have it on sale.
Published by Thomes A Talbot, 23 Haw
ley Street, Boston, Mass., at only ?1.50 per
annum, postpaid, and for sale at all news
dealers at 15 cents a copy.
Liver, Kidney and Bright' Disease.
A medicine that destroys the pprm or
cause of Briehfs Disease, Diabetes, Kidney
and Liver Complaints, and has power to
root them out of the system, is above all
price. Such a medicine is Hop Bitters, and
positive proof of this can be found by one
trial, or by asking your neighbors, who have
been cured by it.
Tetsrson's Maoazmtc We have before
us the November number of this well-known
favorite of the ladies' monthlies, and find it
full of useful and interesting matter ; beau
tiful steel enirravinp, eoloied pattern for a
side-board cloth, numerous illustrations of
fashions, embroidery patterns, etc, and stor
ies that are unusually good.
Undoubtedly "Peterson" is not only the
nest, but the cheapest magazine of its kind,
being but Two Dollars a year to single
subscribers. To cluw. it is cheaper still
with great inducements to those getting up
clubs. Every lady should take this maga
zine. Now is the time to subscribe. Ad
dress Chaiu.f.s J. Peterson, 306, Chest
nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. .Specimens
are sent, gratis, to get up clubs with.
A TF.I.l.lXi FACT.
It is not often upon the first appearance of
a toilet preparation that the druggists give it
their highest recommendation : but from the
outset "Champlin's Liquid rearl," for the
complexion met with their heartiest endorse
ment and a readier sale than any like article.
Wf clip the following from the Hunting
don Xevn, of Monday last :
tn Saturday eventn last, the engine of Ftrt
IJne atrock n unknown man short distance be
low Arilenheira, anil killed htm Instantly. He
was walking on the track and the traintwai ap
proaching when Mr. . W. Hal! ealled to the maa
to o-et off the track, but he paid Bo attention, and
was ytrvck by the pilot. Vim body wm throwi
higher than ln moketark, and fell lute a ditch
alongside the track. The train wa Hopped and
his remain were bronght to thl place. A deep
gush wm cut In hi ehln and hi neck wal broken.
There was nothing found In ht clothing by which
to Identify him. He wai a hoot at yearn or age,
tout, about 6 feet 6 incheihlcb. poek -marked, and
wore dark bine woolen coat and pantaloon, eon
gTess shoe with screw nail, and a well worn straw
hat. It Is thought he was of Irish desocnt and'a
mate. About an hour before hi dosth he called
at a tiouse below town and asked rr something to
eat by pointing to hi mouth, and answered ques
tions bv nodding his head. An Impicst wa held
by Si)Uire Kelly, and the jury rendered a verdict
In accordance with the above facts. The remain
were Interred iu. the cemetery yesterday after
f w. love's but a dance
Where Time plays the riddle ;
See the couple advance.
Oh, love's but a dance,
A whlper, a glance
Shall we twirl down the middle?
Oh. lore's bnt a dance
Where Time plays the fiddle
A pre-reo,nts!te for good danelng for anybodytmt
Time I a palrot good ho. Theseenn hehontrht,
along with all descriptions of boot, sandals, Up
pers, etc., at S. Blumenthal', lll Klerenth ave
nue, AJtoona. cheaper than anywhere elae. He
keeps the largest stock ol wear lor the feet for la
dles, gentlemen and children In this eeetlon of
Western Pennsylvania, and. the full stock being
enstom made, a guarantee as to the general excel
lence of each piece will be given It reqalred. Or
ders by mall will receive careful attention.
Tna sun may be the king ot day.
The moon "the radiant queen of night ;
But 'twlxt the two the comet reigns.
And during dawn asserts his right
To wander through the sky
With a twinkle In Its eye
And a tail aa Ion; as pedigree of knight.
The snn. moon and comet have their respective
and relative spheres, just as. In johllmary affair.
Ja. .1. Murphy. 109 Clinton street, Johnstown, I
bo" of the ready-made clothing business. He
has a very large and very good lot of Fall and Wln
ter goods' on hi shelve, to which he Invite the
attention of the readers of the Krkkmaw. They
will be sold at prices which will considerably eut
under those of any other dealer hereaway. Olve
him a call, or send him an order.
Twsi breete now are b-oysteroo.
The boys came home r-oystrrons.
And the family circle, as one man.
Rises op and say, "O ! oyter u."
We took occasion some weeks since to say that
ovsters K in season, an.l the foregoing, from an
exchange, bear out the assertion. The cold
weather or the past row week ought likewise t
bring It to the understanding thit Winter Is at our
doors. How better provide against Its coming than
bv bnvlng a suit or two ol heiwv clothing snch aa
Is' sold bv the New York Clothing House. 210 Main
street, Johnstown ? This etM1shment deals only
In good goods. ells at moderate tirlces. and If an
article fulls to give satisfaction it will be exchang
ed or the money be refunded.
Trains on the enshurg and t'resson Brunch
Railroad rnn aa follows under the existing time
MopTt jrn Thais Tares T'.hen'hnnr at 7.10 and
arrives at Oresson at 8 10. Neturnlng. leaves Ores
son nt 11.40and arrives In Khensonnr at 12.4" r. w.
A FTKR5now Thai leaves Khenshnrg at 8.10
and arrive at Oresson at 4:ln. Retnrnlng. leave
Cresson at 5:4 and arrives In Fhensburg at 8.40.
Both train (morning and afternoon) on the E.
A O. H. K. connect at Oreon with trains going
eat and wet on the main line of the P. R. K.
To all who are suffering from the error and In
discretion of yonth. nervous weakness.'early do
cay. los of manhood, etc.. I will end a recipe that
will cure yon. FREE OFCHAKOh. Thle great
remedy was dlicovered by a m11onary In South
America. Send a elf-ftddrcssed envelope to the
Krv. Joanr-H T. Ink ah. Sfaftow D, t'tw York tHty
Sept. l,lSS2.-ly.
Thb VotTAic Bm.T Co., Marshall. Mich., will
send 1m. rT"a ('m.snitiTin Kljctro-Voi.ta?o
Bkt.ts wn Elkctric Aprt-tAW.'na on trial forthlr
tv dav to men (vonna -r old) who nre afflicted
with Nervous Teh1lity. Tost Vitality and Man
hood, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy
and complete restoration of health an.l manly vig
or, address as above. N. B. No r1 1 Incurred,
a thirty davi trial is allowed. fi-W.Km. J
CRAMER 1'ted, at hi residence tn Chest
Springs, on Tuesday. October 24, 182, Mr. Joeim
Cmxn, In the astli year of bl age.
The deceased had been in falling health for sev
eral months, and hi death was caused hy con
sumption. Hp was a son nf Mr. Joseph Cramer, a
well known and highly respected citizen of Alle
gheny township. The deceased was a blacksmith
nv trade, and worked ln.lntrlou?lv at his business
until the delicate condition ot his health forced
him to cease his labors sometime last March. He
was a most exemplary citiren. posseted a charac
ter for honesty and integrity beyond reproach, and
en joyed the confidence nnd respect of every one In
the community in which he lived. His widow and
fun r children ynrvive him. His remains were in
terred In theVntholIc cemetery, at St. Augustine.
0n Thursday mornlna. May his soul rept in peace.
anABWK-nat rRnFHl HOW
C A M M A K E n 8 p AWfc
Uic KH
M,- i-1t At Cm-. Philadelphia, Pa.
STRAYCOW. Came to the premise3
of the subscriber. In Allegheny township. o
or anout the loth Inst., a Mack cow with a white
face, supposed to he about ten year old. The own
er is requested to come forward, prove property,
pay charges and take her away: falling In which
she will bo disposed of according to law.
Allegheny Twp Oct. 27, l82.-3t.
All persons Indebted to the subscriber are
hereby notified to call and settle their respective
account on or before the 25th Inst., as on that date
he contemplates removing to Iowa. Those failing
to comply with the alove notice will find their ac
eouat In the hands of an officer for collection.
Ebensburg, Oct. 20, is2.
Of Reynolflsyille, Jefferson Co., Pa.,
Five or Six Uoofl Men
r r
I &
u t
hh I (j oA-
Largest and Cheapest
Eicher & Latterner,
Nnrrsssers I A. f. Anderson A I'n.,
1308 Eleventh Avenue, Altoona, Pa.,
HAVE joet received and opened the lanrcst and
finest stock of Fall an.l V Inter 'L. ITHIX'1,
kind, that has ever heretofore been brought to the
Mountain Oity. Onr stock embraces the ixreatcst
variety, finest" fabrics and latest styles of made-up
clotliinz for men and lio-s that can be foiir.d In
the miimet. All sroods "warranted as to quality
and make, and full value for the purchaser's mon
ey srunrintceil in each and every Instance. Our
f imbria count v friend" and all others will do well
to uive us a call. V1'HLK & LATTLKNK.
Altuona. Oct. 13, 18W.-tf.
xxrmova tub Bora.
-..-".ri f
Guanther's Lunq Healer.
Tor the Cure of Consumption. Spi'"! of Blood, Brorwhltle,
Cougha. Cold. Catarrh of th Chest, Py;;epeia. and all Pulmon
ary Organa. Prico. 2&o. 6O0 and i-cld ail by Druggists.
TO 15K 1IA1
Corner Eleventh Avenue and 13th Streets, ALTOONA, PA.,
Which we g-nnrmter 'o sell at HO le- rent. Iran than any other Clotliinu II. .tire in the city. Buy
er may ttuvc. r assured that tliy cn save from two "to bve didlur in l!ii- purchase of a nlt of
of clothes or no -. . ; -":t t.i den ling with us. So pleae give ns a call and eixiiiluc our g.Kids and learn
our price ln.-f.iri- mvoilni; jour money elsewhere. o trouble to show no,.-.
11. MARCH, 1'ropriotor.
IMTIIII1U 87. IKiCi.-tf.
r' i
t&x2&& liUuTuinrjea uircuiauon, idoi.
.1 J. t n
wm. m m
Oak Hall ana thc
Our exhibit In the Trades Procession of the
Bi-Centennial Celebration on October 25th
vill illustrate the great stock of men's and
ixys clothing now ready in Oak Hall. Our
preparations for the trade of this Autumn
and Winter already reach
One Million Dollars.
Our stock is in all respects the best we have
ever offered, and we firmly believe has never
been equaled in volume by any retail clothing
house in America.
Do not fail to visit Oak Hall. Look at the
Clothing and Piece Goods, go through the
workrooms and see how the vast place goes
on. We have a hearty welcome for all,
whether buyers or visitors. The tens of
thousands of friends we have made in the
country about Philadelphia during the last
twenty-two years are, we are sure, more
firmly our friends than ever before. We
have gained their confidence by giving them
the best dollar's worth of clothing to dc had
anywhere, and we offer a new pledge of
fidelity in our low prices and elegant Autumn
stock for this year's sales.
Wanamaker & Brown,
Sixth and Market Streets,
rui3i.ic hvt.ic
Real and Personal Property!
OWINtl to 111 health 1 propose to otter ar ptionc
sale on the premtc. In Allcuheny townhlp,
Cambria countv. (near ('reason Station. I. H. It..)
Cnmnienrinx at lO o'clock, A. 1.,
My TWO FARMS, containini. 400 Acres,
more or le. about loo Arre of which areclear
et and In a irood state ot cultivation. The residue
Is heavllv timbered with pine, hemlock, birch, ma
ple, and'other valutde woods, on the premises
I a 3o-horse power Hlandv saw mill : also, anotlx r
mill with water-power sulhclent to rnn a saw-null,
hlntfle mill and jilanint; mill.: also, 4 llwrmsn
Hous. 1 Stork Hoi se, IIahkh. and all necessa
ry ontbnlldintzs. Inelo.lina a Blacksmith Shop.
I will also offer lor sale, at the same time and
dace 4 Male. 3 Horses. 1 Spring Wairon.'J I.tim
er Wairon. 4 Sleds, Karmln; Implement. Klack
smith Tod. Chains. nts. Ac: also, about SO
tons of Hay and a lanre quantity of Oraln of all
kinds. A lot oi saw-lors and luinlr In theyatd
will likewise be sold. ... ,
mw If desired, both the real estateand personal
property will be seld together, and a private ofler
to bnv will he taken Into consideration.
Tcrm will be made known at the time of
AlleKheny Twp.. Oct. -.hi, ls-cj.-tt.
p s 1'artlis w'--h!ntr to pnr.-he thc rcl es
tate can tret anv Informatlou desired In rceard to
the title, etc., bv calling on or ad dressing Juhn I'..
Kcantan, rjq., r-nciini'iiis. , ...
AUTIOX. All lH-rsons are her-hy
eautlonedaralnst levyinit npon or otherwise
Interferlnx with anv of the five st.-k. t:irmini im
plement. prtHluce, honehold iroo,ls. or other pro
perty now !n the possession t.f Andrew and Klury
Bunrnoa. of Cleartleld township, a- I have p..r
chased and paid tor the same. nd will resxt the
selure or sale of anv of said property to :,tlly
nv debt which has n.-cn or mny lc c..ntr-c.n,i bv
either of the partte- named. tli. pr. peny referr. n
to fcavinir been left with them subject to my tl'S
posal or removal at any titne Hl-lir,,Juy .
Clearfield Twp t. 13. lsj.-3t.
) OTKAY SIIKE P. Strayed from tlie
O enclosure of the subscriber. In Washlnaton
township, on oraoou. "
thirty or more head of f h- "P. some ot h-ch were
marked ".I. K.," others -.1. A .. and Mill others
"S K " each in one wide with tar. and all of them
h'ad red kic! murks on ll.eir rumps. I li. y arc sup
posed to have left in different floek. Any inf .r
Jnation which will ti e r.-eo-rv o ..d -I ce
will be thankfully rec. Iv. 'J.! ' rewarded
byOct.l3.18S2.-Ct. ' CrcftonP. O.
AT Till.
i . a r r
Real Estate at Private Sale.'!
flHK niidersiif neil oiler nt private ale a valua-
1 FAHM, situate in M .inter township, one mile j
west of Cresson. containlnir I.t Arres. about 45 j
Acres cleared, havintc tto'reon erected a laive two j
story ritAXi dwki.livij hotk. rt.A?.: ptablh and
neeessnry ontliuildinifs. There ia an orchard of
choice fruit trees ai d an abund.ince of srood water
on the premises. The land is In the vicinity of
Rood markets, nnd is well adapted for farming and
ralslmr stork. For terms apply tn
Sept. 1. lSi-Sin. Kbensburjr, Pa.
" Ktafo of 'Iniiiom TRoiiLt,, dee'd.
letters of adminitratiTn on the otate of Oeo.
Troxell. late of Keade tnwnsli.p. I iambrla county,
dceensed. have been irranted to the undersluned.
who hereby notify all ?ersons indel'ted to said es
tnte by note or otherwise that payment of their re
spective acconnts must be made without delay,
and those having claims or .lemands airainst te
same will present them properlv authenticated for
settlement. H'KKKY TlinXKI.U)
Ola'jnw I. ()., Keade Twp., cU IS, 18t,-eL
signed, havlnir been appointed Auditor to
heir and decide upon the ex..,tions filed to the
first an.l tin.-il aecount of J. T. r.te-son nnd W. C
Kl"minir Admlniatritor of Kllzabeth Klemlnir.
late nf White t-iwnhip. dec "d, hrcliv ifives notice
that he will sit at hs ofTice in Klienslmrir. on hri-tta-f.
Vit lth dry of SnvrmbT nrrl, at two o'clock
in Ihr afternoon, for thc purpose of attending to
tho duli'-s 3f the above a). pom I mint : when and nil p:ir.ies interetied nnv attend If they
thii k proper. JOilN f- f.NUi.V, Auditor,
t.oenshorr, Oct. i. ln"X-3t.
Kstate of Johm Killins. dee'd
letters testHnientrv to the cst.ite of John Kill
1ns. late ol M:irr Township, Cambria connty. dee'd
have b. rn tcrat.t". to the unil. r'isincd. who here
by noti'ies all persons In leoted to i;ii, estate that
pnyieoiit most be made with. mt delay, and those
having c!:tim or d.-mmi'ls .ii:it the same will
be r. red to have tli. ln prm I y autheu t icatcd
for seitiement and present tliem to
St. Nieholas; S. pt. 15. ls; e,t. Eieeutrix.
J -J Ktte ol M .4iali:n H mki hh, dee'd.
Ix-tters te-ta.tieiiTary to t he estate of Mairdalena
Weakl in I. laic of AHei:heny township, deceased,
having been isueil to the undersigned, notice Is
hereby tiven to nil persons inde'ue.t to said estate
th.-.t propipt pnytimnt must ie u:adc, and thoe
Imi ;n claims or iiem in ls aaa .nt the same f-hould
present them properlv aur fieot ic-, ted for Fettle,
menf. HiAMX 1.. I.I'IILC, Executor.
Ailejiheoy Twp.. Oct. , lS8i-Ct.
11 a i:-r uU- rued B Xi.i : -euU ri' in
With a fV-nirl ! r.. -'n-r . n It t'.nt ri'.art.
merit, S';p; ' :!. -; ! l-y ..i.i.-,l r i.. riTi. ik
the wnr! .f J.fC et.--', v. M-fl:ji'. .ItnufiiT
ftlKid el U!:ri :i:li-;i 'jUai:' v. "1 . i.- r ct. (llir
rATINT API! -T.l:l.K
Gui!! Aciion, Reservoir Pen,
In .'.-ivsr-rc (f r"-''.J.r Jr.:-. r!.iiu v .V. t tt
cf it. u 1 vr ! i i .1 a fj.1. I- : " i 1 i wiilr- - 4
on rrci ci f-
'arr!-. u-t .i"h IV a, any I Guntnin TVn.
TJ'IiJ i'l : 1 .TS .ANY 11 JLM It.
; (!! rf ; x. ::i i r -.-. tr .;-.
1 iiwi: rou sAi.i:
10 mrii: T.AJSLRI
which were i!r -j In Ai rll end Jlny-six .we
I.anil.s and lour H:ifk-..l !urc I.cicvf icr blood.
The sire of ttn-c l.nmU i- one year old l:t-l
April, and 1 cl:.i-cd lS l-nds i fw.l fn m hitn
last Mar. .The ewes that r . e l thee l.ambs were
Imported from 'anada by l-:iac S. Train, livit,c
be-n selected an 1 purf.a-fi by that ir'-ntlcman
from some of the l . 't ft .'p ra;er! In tliat prov
ince. 1 may alo add tbal tlie uranJ-Ire of these
I-amhs wa? 'owned by ?lr. Traiu and weiidied 3'
i will sell tli---e l.nmb firmly or all togeth
er. a purchasers ma Me-ire. The Mi ewe lambs
would make a nice yew u fl.ick to Mart with. 1 or
further Inlormatlon. price, etc. call on the utvlT
slirne.l at bis rei lenco in Sinklrc Valley. Blatr
Countv. I'a.. or addr. s- lil.t liKN K'X.
tept. 2y. lS-i-nu. Tyrone. I'a.
civi: voi ri
a HAynsoMi: ri:i:si:xr
BT ei srr.imG ron
An Illustrated rarer tor Onr By and l.lrli.
ruMlshed every month. Contains (fine Miiusrra
tt'ins. re.idlnir. find I? fuml-hed at
the lollowlni; prices, payalde in advance:
5 copies per anr.u m 8 3. no
l. " .fo
no " ' loon
ll " 3 .
2M " TO.OO
BOO " " 12 ..(
No sutcr!ptl..n t"r lc tHn flTe e.iplcs re
ceived, and nit leg than live p'.i? Ee:;t to one
All remittance? and communications i!:euld be
addressed to
The Cattolic Fnlilicalion Simcly Co.,
Ijmrrnre Kphoe, Manacrr,
IWolay Strcft. N I !" YOKK.
ijo Yor TAKi-;
rrnLiBn with ihe AirponAur or bis m
or i:w v. r.K.
Is a tnavaziuo r 144 i-ae. mnklm; two larne vol
furl!!ipj to ut''ri?-er? f.-r
Invarishly In advance. Single copies. cents.
Lawrence Jiehoc. JTanager.
Practical WatcMer an! Jeweler
HAS alwnrs on hai l a In-ne. varied and ele-B-at
ns' rrm-nt of WATI II KJ. I." M'KS.
J fcWKI.K Y. SJ'Kt TAt LIS. K V K . 1 1. A SS KS.
Ac., whlrh he of. rs I r sslc at l 'wer pr'ees thiin
any other deafer in the C"unty. l'ers-ins neej:nir
anythinir In his pne will do well to pive bim a call
tief'TP elsew here.
sT Prompt attention paid t rpa'r'rir ("locks.
Watches. Jewelry, sc., and sutisiaetion guaran
teed In both work and price.
Farmers, Look Here!
I have fin liati'1. roajv f t a I -t of tjv)' inr!v
ctlohrate-i lNK liiKt EML!;ss HA1N "
Tread Powers and Threshers.
Also, a few 1 Wo-HOKSK I'OWKl.s nd
(Separators), which 1 will J--i.m , f nt reasonnt.le
prices. The merits of these Mactvnes ai-e so well
and wldelv known that 1 need on'v sm thev are
warranted to uive pTtc-t at1 raetr,.h. i't e-e Ma
chines are i art of the unfinished 't K-k leti amoiit
the effects of my deceased bp.! her. Jo-hna (t ilbert,
and therefore they will b sold ciieap.
Sale rooms on the Fa ir irromvl . iir tl Al
toona 'ar W orks. 1'or fur'iier inu.rin.iti'.ri call on
oraddress FKLPKHM K till HI.Kr,
Sept. In, '8i--iai. Box 7SS. Altk.ja, I'a.
Thn-e lor;rsI of Postofllrp,
T. II. (lANT, 1'roiirietor.
fpHK I'CBI.IC will always find n st our plrn-e
A of husine.s in bns;nes honrs. rervt1iin kept
nent ind eov. Cuaj Towels a sto uliv
Sept. 15. l'Vi.-tf.
fn. m. j.'buck,
Physician ami Strcfon,
omce and residence on Fourteenth street VeiV
r.leventh avenue, where niuht calls can be made
Ofl-e hours frtim to 1Q. a. w.. and to 4
and 8 to a, p. n. special attent'nn paid to lis.
eases of the Kye and Kar. as well a to Surgical
Operations of evcrv description. 1 4-ltf.' -tf.l
WM. 11. SFC1II,KK. M. l KlTIM,
Johnttotrn. I'n. rvr.-fi-.- ij -1
ATTOKN I : V S - A T . I , v .
.l.taycTowv Avr FKFveitr nr..
i KKli Ksin Luther . ; n I irv... '.rl-k bull.l
r in7,e'-nT .i i'n a" i t !i"t .ii st.. .r
and in ( olonaje Ko. i:; -ri'-urv. '
' 1."
ATI or I I -
1.1 . N A I'A
Ottlee over the First' National Hunk.' F.n
trance on 11th avenue. ..,, d d..r irmn l.i I. -treet
Altoona. April IX ii. t '
rii w titct.- , .
l l aivjx. ai iuir.i-ti
r.bensbum. Fa. Offl.-e In t.uiMin ol
... i.uiyn. nee n, (nrst p.. nr.) ( 'entr-si reet
! mfunnrot legal lusliie st'ented Ihm'i'
i ri.y and Cullrctlins a ictaity. ; lo-u.
lf: tier day at hline. S,rj.',. r-h
free. Addrafrf fTf-("i fc I v . F' rt-l-T.
'Ad, Maine.
I'L- Iff
i ;
i il
f I