The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, August 04, 1882, Image 3

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).) At, ANI IM'-IISONAli-
. I nori' :i Mil . i
. . , I 11
1" ' ......
-TV.- i tlie mo-
t Auiut ir.onui in mc
tli section
im mat M'ti j i
proT in
v.r v iniTiitMi-r.
cpcak, lia9 been
; ami yrupa
verv lowcsT r r o,,r,,t
,r. , iir-ii rioi.r ;u ci.'w (wr k.
. . . i t. . . .. . . . ..
T';lt niKl'lu ( "u''.l c;in no o 'un-hiy
-.y, by Milioii s ur.?. e uumum n.
n,uv county Jan. to c"c imm m',u"u
, 13 aiioui lo oe ereeiun i "jicpiis-
"irr Crtrrolltnwn letter earn too late for
vci'-Mo find a plrtco to ptit It in this
T'" f1-t!"lf'" "tinrtowor, which Just now
om. is gaudy and cay, being out in !
i ess nights made miserable bv that
roif-'h. Shiloh's Cure Is the remedy
. v i At J.inies' drug store.
In ;! vou suffer with eivpepsia, and liver
";i;t ? Shiloh's Vitader is guaranteed
you. At James' drug store.
m nave powoer aim pun wiiicn you
vt to stcr, fr squirrels you can go
, r thp first, and nary fine" fear,
will find bargains at, I'.arkers' dnr-
. nV'iith. as thev mut sell off their
" . ; -:n, k before getting new goods.
-:,!!llI .i I . ' rm '1 .M1U-K, lT I aUlOria
r ifii or siex(i on a scythe, on i
,- ;a.ii, cuiiiiifj one oi ins icet very se-
--'rh cured, health and sweet brenth
:,, , bv Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price
N aal Iniector free. At James'
. -, re. F.betisburg.
Y Parker Iro. have succeeded in
rp ! few good bargains this week,
wnich is canned corn at eleven cents
,,r five cans for fifty cents,
lu'-o ever heard of good raisins being
. at ten cents per pound? Nobody, we
..-'-a t, saw and vet V. S. Parker Ac Pro.
p -,, u'v sclli'ig them at that price.
'r .l. si t h Mack, of Cambria township.
in securing a pension I
imck to Julv. I S'", at the rate of two
r- r r month, amounting in all to J u.
-A l' ; ! baby six weeks old ami wei.;iijng
- .. r pounds is what puzzles the. Puzzle-K-rs.
over in Plair countv. The parental
.. n i; Heisej. but there is nothing of that
. j'-.i-.t the storv.
:p.e 1. Martin, en employe at the
, r Wire AVnrks. Johnstown", Jhad the
t i f nil ir.o a tub full of boiling
- . . ii af urlay last, and was shockingly
: ' There is some hope, however, of
; - '.A. V.
vr r. If. Ifeist, chairman of the Dem
. .., ii'ity committee, desires the pres-
- hi this place, on Monday next, Aug. 7th,
; i ! a-i irants for olliee who are seeking
-r:' i-ion a the approaching Democratic
-v ,''.Tion.
w is the time to buy shoes if yon wish i
u.tige of low nrii es. V. S. Par-
" v P.- have filled up their bargain conn- i
. tv , r,f all sizes, and marked them ;
v !. w t rices that you will be astonished '
- c-'ds can be sold so low. '
Y '. . 'i'' s have increased 40 per cent.
v-'ir.g men have learned of the soottijnu ;
' . f -.ii' Tar, Wild herry and Iluar- ,
. I. babies. Young man if you ,
t i !. t'e en haiiillfor an emergency, you
-t'.. jn br'mc'ni things ti a climax.
A -v of M'. Wm. Ford, of Frog Hollow,
' .V Ml from a load of hay
was 1, . ;!',' hauled ilown the Penshoif ,
: a f.'W d.ivs au'f". and rolling over the j
; 1 anl down an cm! aiikment twenty-five ;
''-h. fnctt;ri!ig one of his legs between I
. ;.- ,,.(.!.; r!::! ' !
-Mr-. I.ydi.i F. Pinkham's A'egitable j
tl'! is a tnot valuable medicine for .
St! 'es who may be nfilicted with
r f of diea peculiar to the sex. Her j
: . - .ire rot only pu up in li.pii.l forms
: n i i'N and lozenges, in which forms they
. rt '. -sent thrr. ugh the mails.
v'-t-r Mary Martina, of the or.ler of Sis---
M-'rey, and a daughter of Mrs. Tlier- ;
E ..-'e. f Altoona, died in Hayes City,
on Tliursdav last, in the twen.y-
' ir of her age. The deeea--Ml was born
.- V.-'.vrv. J'.ht'r county, and entered St.
.'' wavnt, T'ittsdurgli, April 4th, lsTii. ,
v ! s.,j re-t in peace. -V)
til.f-nsburg l.uly wiio was in Callitzin !
T ;- ' :' !a-t as-ures us that there was a :
' fall "f snow there on that itav
f.ble while it was coming down, lint
' after it rt-aehed 'ta'i Anna. Snow ;
rr d.iv tf August is indeed a rarity, '
' 'i tfi . ( tl e AHe.jlienies, but theie is 1
g what a cold summer like this will :
-T. i- Peieocratie nominee for Judge of ';
pi-me Court. Siias M. Ciark, Esq.. is !
' a iii-1 iiitgnisiied lnwxer, but a sue- i
.i t ir.-r. I lis farm in onr neighboring !
'.vof Indiana wi.l this year yi.-ld one
-" 1 bi:-!iels of wheat and rye, all of .
' i is l:arveted and partly threshed. His
-t v-'es. not oats will be in about the
. op..rtin. ;
-U'iii sincere sorrow we learn that Mrs.
1 vt'.ry of Aitcttna. a woman aged about
r-. was stricken with paralysis on last ;
-'! iv nfterufon. her entile left side being 1
'1. The nfl'.it'ted ladv is a cousin of
, i ior of this paper, and for that reason,
'!! as bei-T.i-e she Is a most worthy wo
i in everv i expect, we hope and pray for
early an. I coinnlete recovery.
-I.oretto's a-pirant for legislative honors
he Denio 'ratic ticket, Mr. A. J. Christy, 1
'ooning things up pretty lively, and it
he his fault, or the fault of a goodly
. r of earnest friends, if lie don't carry '
1 rh'e at the coming primary election,
s active and energetic, and if he don't
i- c..:il of his ambition he will at least
' ' e satisfaction of knowing that he did ;
'a: o-t to attain the object in view i
-( :iti:, t, ,tj iri tle r...... 1
come tr us at any hour, and we'll '
i r- t'y soon that there is no place in '
rg t.r any other town where you can
!r. a! value for your money in the
i!ry, dres goods, hats, shoes,
notions, and many things else,
t' el eap cesh store .f John Owens,
i's of all kind and summer goods of '
r ption positively closing out at :
'i ir Fob Roy ("uninngham, Trs. ', A. T. Duncan, Wm! 1
i - .'inn s Jackson. Prop. Marshall '
' I. S, Mf-Kenzie, fli'hert A. Mont- '
" I. Morgan, (i.orge Thomas, Mrs.
F TNeiton. S. M. Woodcock. Stew
1 '"us or Miss Ad-lie Yf.Mno,uire
' t 'i! th.e FlH'nsbiirg posfoffice. he or
sure to g,-t it, provided the appli
' h' in time.
' a! !.(., or Robeitsdale. Hunt
' . '.'.: hi ms, if full of cider and
V ' r bei,le the tmck of the Fast
!:. to sieep oiT the effects. This
a ! i eer well enough if there hal
running, but unfortunately
'vis not the rase, and about 7
f"t morning wh.ieh was Monday
h:s lifeless remains were found
ii'.ilared condition.
"s.i.ay last, says the Ilunting
Mr. Ooo. Jacobs, employed
: Mr. Samuel Smith, in Jaek
' Hiis county, while riding on a
is s'ruek by the limb of a tree
i ' the ground, failing upon his
i.Mers. No bones were nroken,
": of the brain ensued and he
t ilav. He wa a single man,
a,. was well thought of.
" T:"iii a gentlemnn in this place
' . -pi t, deuce with a party high
1 ' ir.'i.-s j., New Yoik, that the
i f th" railroad for which a sur
'' through this section last suin-
- t down in the calendar of fn-
- v eents ns an assured fact.
' -t! ;i n..w to he determined, is
' to routes from Bradley's will
b e one running northward or
- r.;ite, the chances, however,
r of ll,e latter.
it is not so well known as it
ulni ist anything people reed
'' ..t the variety store of ... T.
" establishment sin fact and
.1 ie! v store " of Khenshure.
o 1 whal is more to the point,
' ae hist as cheap, and maybe
': "r, than anywhere else, and
- no Teason whatever for send
'''t towns fur what can be had
j.'t-ney at jour own door. Pest
! a's arid .-hoes In town, with
-i hi ways on top.
and patron. Mr. Benjamin
iii1 na town-hip, had the
'1' - i ntered or cracked imme
; ' Ihow, on Wednesday of
ng thrown from a load of
'ic.-et while lie was engaged
"iig a sidling road from the
' 11 Pis arm was first .struck
; ti.e wagon and afterwards j
' ' it and i lie of the wheels; :
Mr. I., was al-o thrown a,
j'.eto down the hill, and to
'. ' ' " ,i't 4 'a:xs hhi t-scape from ;
A yotir.e Grpensru-.r, lady nameil Ed'.tTi
Ke'i'.y went out on Saturday nipht with, rtpr
lover, a yotmi; man named TLotms B;p;ert.
and after their return to the horse the Mil-uai
! bi'ilinii and coomc; wnt on until aViont 2 o'
! clok in tlv moniinff. when Miss Kelly was
I seized with heart disease, and the family,
' awakened by lnr croans, fonnd her dvin7 in
her lover's arnw, death ensuinsj in five honrs
after. Bitieort was so overcome by jrHef that
be ook poison, it is nlleaed, and at la et Re
counts was lying in a comatose state, with
little or no hope for his recovery.
Deputy Sheriff Kinkead, who went to
nende township to arrest n married man and
a married woman, named respectively Sut
ton and Dixon, both of whom are charged
with adultery, was taken suddenly ill in
White township, on Monday last, while on
his return lo this place with the accused par
ties, and was compelled to lay over for re
pairs at the honst of Constable Noel of said
township, who lied cone with him to assist
! in making the arrests. ITis illness is not se
i rious, and we presume he will reach here
1 either rhis;'Thnrsday) evenl'ieorto monow.
' Our eood friend and true. Mr. Alver
j Akers. of Johnstown, was struck bv the lo
! cal frei-jht at that place, on last Thursday
! mornin?, being at the time encaged in dri
ving some hoes which he had just unloaded
! from a car. and while we condole with him
the comparatieelv slight vet painful injuries
1 he sustained, he is certsinly to be concratu-
lated on the fact that tt is no worse tvbirh
wimin unnonuTeiiiy nave riocn the case had
he not, fortnnattjly for himself, been knock
ed Into an open culvert which crosses the
track. It was indeed a miraculous escape
from terrible injuries of not instant death.
We are pleased to learn from the Zanes
vllle CO Ttol'y Cwrirr that onr voung
friends Marshall W. Jones, of New York"
and his brother. W. Seward Jones, of the first
named place, are alwiut to sever their eonneo
tion with the wholesale marble and granite
works of Mr. '.V. C. Townsend. whom they
have served for several years as confidential
clerks, and onen an office in one of tli onst.
em cities for the sale of Scotch and American
granite at wholesale. That thev mav nros.
j per in their new departure even beyond their
I most sanguine expectations is the sincere
. hope of their many friends in this locality,
i Afferal1 the prr-ans of praise bestowed
utiiii i on uiinii-rmi nv me i:epn hiicnn pa
pors of Blair county for his alleged efforts to
secure a pension foi iiss farv Murray, of
lloinnaysbnrg, thp onlv danchter of the
brave and lamented Col. Wm. G. Murray,
the bill, we regret to sar. has stuck fast in
the Senate, and of course has not vf t reach
ed, much less been approved, by the Presi
dent, as we were led to believe, and so stated
a couple of weeks ago. Don. wp mnv ndrt
Is as busv as a Reaver trying to bring about
the election of the machine candidate for !
Covernor, and therefore hasn't time to q'rve
imsmiicn neserving matter ills personal at
tention. At a nich Mass celebrated in St. Pene
diefs church, Carrolltown, on Tuesday
morning of last week, as we learn from the
AVic.9, Miss Maggie Gels, dnnghter of onr
merchant friend. Mr. John fieis, of Johns-
j sown, received the Renedictinp habit as Sis
! ter M. Oertrudo, and the following named
, ladies made their perpetual vows at the same
I time and place : Sister M. Florentine, for
! merlv Miss Katie Jacob, of Allegheny : Sister
M. Paulina, formerly Miss Mary Hardy, of
Allegheny : Sister Ildephonse, formerly Miss
Lizzie. Dorn, of Allegheny; Sister Teehla,
formerly Miss Til lie Kavlor, of Carrolltown ;
Sister Mechtilda, formerly Miss Lizzie Wag-
ner. of Allegheny
Rev. John Reardon. who has been pastor
of the Church of the poly Name, in this
place, for nearly it not qnlte two years, has
been appointed pastor of S1:. Marv's church,
nollirlaysbnrg. and Rev. Thomas Walsh, who
took charge of th latter congregation when
his lamented brother. Rev. John Walsh, now
deceased, was transferred from HVillidavs
bnrg to Altoona. soon after the ordination of
Rt. Rev. J. Tuigg, whose place he filled, is
to succeed Father Reardon as pastor of the
church here. p.,tli of the Rev. gentlemen
will make their bows to their respective con
gregations on Sunday next. We can only
wish them success, spiritual and temporal. In
their new fields of labor.
"Yo'e for.Iohn M. King, of Johnstown,
for Assembly." is the advice given to the
Democrats of Cambria county in a card w hich
will for the first time he found among the
other announcements political in this week's
issue of the Fhff.m n Tt is not for us to
say that the advice should be followed im
plicittv, but when it comes to measuring men
according to their merits we are nor aware of
any reason why Mr. King should hide bis
light under a half bushel or any other kind of
a vessel. He has always been an active, en
ergetic and reliable Pemocrar, and we are i
sure, so far as ability is concerned, he would :
not have to take a backseat if he was sent to
repiesent the people of this county in the
Legislature. j
In the "Cresson Notes" published in the '
Altoona Trihnnf of Tuesday we find the fol- i
lowing: "One mountain attraction which ;
has not beeen proportionately patronized bv i
the guests, but which Is now beginning to j
attract their attention, is the trip to E'aens- ,
burg. The roadway to the ancient burg is i
directly along the wafer-shed separating "the i
waters flowing into the Atlantic from those :
finding their way to the Gulf of Mexico.
This in itself should attract attention, but is i
supplemented bv the natural scenery and j
historic associations of the nlace. We hope '
this thoroughfare will receive more at tent ion !
than heretofore. Orders for excursion tick- j
ets at reduced rates mav be obtained at the j
hotel office. Mr. James Snyder is the gen- i
tlemanlv conductor." ' !
Rt. Rev. Pishop Tuigg, of Pittsburgh,
was with ns on Monday last, the object of his j
is.r netni tne reception Into the order of the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Miss Pridget Gilllgan
fin religion Sister Mary Patrick of Prook-
Ivn. , xjs l,i77je O'Connell fin relic-
ion Stfer Marv Parbara). of Honesdale Pa"" i it , . . . ... .... ' - ' ' I
and Miss Mary Platte fin religion Sister Mary '
holasfiea). of MoKee's ( ;np Hhiir m,mtv I
l lie l,t. l.ev. Pishop was assisted by Rev
Dennis Kearney, of St. p3 Til'a f a t TinI i-o !
Pittsburgh, and Rev. Father Reardon, the resl
idenf pastor. Rev. Father Kearney preached
a beautiful and eloquent sermon appropriate
to the occasion. The ceremony was follow
ed by the Penediction of the Plessed Sacra
ment and the bestowal of the Papal Penedic
tion, whichjlatter Mesfngthe Rt. Rev. Bishop
will also bestow on the congregation of the
Church of the TToly Name, at an esrly day.
On last Monday morning a oarpente
namet Griffith Ashtown, employed at the
new summer report of Mr. T. H.'neist, had
the nil-sf trhlnn .t ftill . 1, . . :
I.; ; - , "'l,r. I-'11"" I
oi u.e mi! (i ng, a nistanee of twenty-three
feet, his abdomen coming Mr! contact "with a i
block of wood, strange to say escaped with
no more seiious injury than a severe sprain
of the right wrist, a" severe bruise on the
forehead, a slight contusion on the left leg,
and a few citsin;;he face. The injure.! man
is lying at the residence of his uncle. Mr
Pen. J. illianis. He is a native of Wales,
has been only one month in this country and
two weeks in this place, and has a wife and
family in England. He is under the skillful
care of Dr. Kennedy, who was instructed by
Mr. Heist to give him all the attention nec
essary, and that means something entirely
characteristic of that generous gentleman.
The Doctor represents his patient's condition
as quite encouraging, and we aresure he will
want for nothing that medical skill and kind
care can furnish.
A NoTF.n Woman. The item In regard to
the faihire of "Yours for health, Lvdia E.
Pir.kham," of Lynn, Mass., which has been
floating through the papers, we are glad to
learn is false in every respect, as we found
on inquiring at Hubbard's International
Newspaper Agency of this city. The Inn
Hee said a few dsvs since : "The Lydift
Pinkham Compound Pusiness Is not finan
cially embarrassed as reported, but is being j
conducted on a much larger scale than ever, i
doing a large and growing business and pay- '
i"g one hundred cents on a dollar" Mr. .
Hubbard has entire charge of the ad vertising '
of this and other similar large houses, and
informs us that he has inserted her advertis- !
tuents on yearly contracts in over 8,0oi) news- 1
papers last year, f.o that she is to-day the '
best known woman in America In addition
to this fact she U a live, earnest woman of
over sixty, and doing a great deal of good in
te world, as many of the best families in
this city can testify. Her artverticements,
though worded plainly, are not equivocal in
any sense, and her remedy is one rf the few
of great merit before the public. .cic Haven
tt. V. Pif iicf., Nf. I). : Iear Sir My tvif,
who ha.l boeti ill tor over two years, n'nd had
trio 1 ninny rnedirines lierMiie sonnrt
nti. I yyeil t y usintf your "Favorite Proscrip
tion." My niece ya a!o eurel hy its use,
after several physicians had tailed to do her
any .oi.
Your truly, Tnr j Mf.tttvfn,
Hatcher's Station, ia.
Derail-! they have learned by -xperienee
that it overc, me despondency, ,i iCetion
weakness in the and other troubles ,,f
the sex Is why women every wheie use Var
ker's Ginger 1'onic. 7onie Journal.
Itexuty Ilegalnl.
Tlv beauty ami c!or of the hair may be j
.-alt'ly regained by iiMncr Parker's Hair P,al- ;
,uii, admire. 1 for it iterfuhie, and dautlrull
ei-adieatiiu iTojierties, I
a Mn i ssm. Kri-ni.r:.
Joseph Polcy, an honest, unsuspecting
and industrious citizen, resides in Allegheny
township in the vicinitv of Mr. Wm. J.
Buck s store, on the Loretto and Carroll-
iA A' and is tlle ownir a small tan
yaia. rour or five weeks ago a stranger
wno gave his name as Henry Richards, of
muidie age. medium size, respectably dress
es, ai.d of fair conversational powers, made
nis appearance at tr. Potey's residence in
the evening and told him he was a saddler
nj trade that he had come from Woodbury,
tHltOTd county, where he had been working
rpr a Mr. P. urns, and was in search of a loca
tion In which to resume his trade. He stay
ed at Boley's that night and an arrangement
entered into bv which the saddlery bus
iness was to be started by Polev and himself
pn the former's premises. Of course some
leather not manufactured bv Mr. P.oh-y and
a variety of other article were ronnirod to
start the business, but Richards had no mo
ney, nor had Polev the requisite amount, hut
the latter had credit and a good name among
his nelghlKirs. After a delay of a week or
more without proceeding to' carry out their
partnership arrangement, Polcy took Rich
ards with him to a neighbor who lived a
couple of miles distant, and from .whom he
borrowed ?K0, giving his Judgment note for
the loan, payable within one veai. Richards
at the same time giving Poiey his (Richards')
judgment note for the same amount. Polcy
either then or before thev started to ritts-
j rmro on last Monday week, to purchase sur
I plies for the proposed saddlerv shop, handed
; the borrowed money to Richards, and in do
ing so committed the greatest mistake of his
I life. Arriving in Pittsburg. Richards sug
gested that he would l'ke to cet a suit of
clothes, to whi.-h Polcy assented and ?1
were Invented at a clotbing store for that
pnrtiose. Thev then visited a leather store
and nurchased $."0 worth of that article, af
ter which they took lodging at the "lle'ivetia
douse, " not far from th Union depot, in
tending, as Holey supposed, to close out their
TmrChasi'S TKv -hnnt O r.V.l.l-" nuvr
rinrn'"cr Kir-Iiarr ?ot np, and after tellitiji
Boley that he could not sleen owing to op
pressive heat, he remarked that he would go
down stairs and take a walk out in the fresh
air. He went, but did not. return to bed,
nor was he on hand when Poley came down
in the morning. The latter waited at the ho
tel an hour or more tor him and as he did not
appear went to the leather store and stated
his case to the proprietor, who advised him
ro RPP ,,1P Mayor. He ca'led on that official
but was nnable for some reason to procure
the services of a police officer to search for
Richards. Poley remained in end about the
hotel until evening, but Richards did not pnt
in an appearance. Tn the evening Po'ey
went up the Connellsville railroad to Port
Perry, where his brother resides, and re
turned the next morning, when he was told
bv the barkeeper at the hotel that during his
absence Richards had been there inquiring
for him. He made search for him that day
(Wednesday) in a score of sniorms, but
could not find him. Thursday was also
passed in an unsuccessful hunt for Richards,
Mr. Poley not returning home until Friday.
Mr. P. managed his business verv badly in
PitNbnrg on Wednesday, when Richards'
return to the hotej in the morning showed
that he was still in the city, and he could
unquestionably have been found if the pro
per effort had been made.
On Monday last 'Mr. Poley was in onr of
fice and till thought that Richards would
soon return to his residence, but we learn
ed on Wednesday that he had not done so.
Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Polev, who
can ill afford to stand the loss of loo. Ho
seems to have placed the most implicit, con
fidence in Richards, who played his game on
his unsuspecting victim with the usual cool
ness of men of bis stripe. That he is a first
class scoundrel what we have above related
demonstrates beyond doubt or question.
a tr.xrn ri.EnurwiJi.-
! Kven the patience of Job would become
I exhausted were he a preacher and endeavor
, ing to interest his an. Perce while thev were
: keeping up an incessant couching, making
i it impossible for him to be heard. Yet, bow
j verv easy can all this he avoided by simply
! using Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
' sumption, Coughs and Colds. Trial Pottles
; given away at James' Drug Store. Khens-
burg. Pa.
Wk call attention to the advertisement of
Dr. Orin F. Newton, of No. Smithf-old
street, Pittsburgh, on our second page. The
doctor is a graduate of a Cincinnati medical
copege, in which citv he practiced medicine
with eminent, success for oyer thirty years.
So successful was he that he acquired a great
reputation for his treatment of chronic dis
eases, and many who came from abroad to
try the docror's skiil as a 1 n 1 resort are, now
living and well, and willing totestify that he
positively cures cases that have been pro
nounced incurable. Leaving Cincinnati in
.March. lss-, the Doctor came, like a good
Samaritan, to Pittsburgh, where he estab
lished an office and is now practicing and will
continue Jto practice the healing art. He
makes a specialty of chronic diseases, such
as catarrh, consumption, asthma, bronchit is,
tc, and many who have suffered for years
have been snatched from the verge of the
grave by a few timely visits to his office. He
i the author of the '"Scientific and Rational
Medical Treatment Quarterly" and several
other publications treating o?i his Profession.
l.y reference to the the advertisement there
will he seen letters f rem a number of citizens
' "''tsburgh and vicinit y recommending the
'""r as a Kind and skillful physician.
those who are afllicted with
or I I it.i r. 1 , 1 . . 1, : .j: -
any danaerniia
or "agreeable chronic disease w;e would sav,
cur out Or. ewton 's address and the next
time you are in the citv rro ami see him
charges nothing for consultation.
Health is Wealth. Hires' Improved
Root Peer package makes five gallons of a
delicious, wholesome, sparkling temperance
beverage Ask your druggist, for it, or sent
by mail for twenty-five cents. Charles E.
Hires, 4S North Delaware Avenue, Philadeb
rhla, Pa.
A Harotr's Stuaxcf. FxrEnrExr k. On
Wednesday afternoon a strange man, about
six feet tall and having the appearance of a
drover. Went ton hnrher
SJVJf".'l.;I,.rt.'r".I, ?treet' ko5
bv a col
ored individual named Jason, and made ar-
rangementa with the proprietor to keep the
shop open a little later than usual that night
i for the purpose of cutting the hair of a voung
! lady who he proposed to bring around. Ja-i-
son remained as he promised, and sure enough
1 about II o'clock the stranger made his ap
; pearance in company with a young woman
; dressed in black. The female submitted to
I the operation of having her luxuriant growth
1 of hair cut off short, after the prevailing style
j in which men wear their hair, and when that
, was done she also asked permission'to arrange
j her toilet in n side loom. The gallant Jason
I consented, and the mysterious young woman
disappeared for about five minutes. When
she came out she was attired in a light eol
! ored suit of men's clothing, her cast oiT gar
I ments being tied up in a shawl strap. The
j man who brought the vour.g lady to Jason
handed him ?2 for his trouble and the pair
departed. Jason happened to be at the sta
, tion when the four o'clock train left for the
I west on Tuesday morning, and he paw his
, visitors of the night liefore getting on lward.
i This is a strange story, but Jason is a man
of truth and vouches f.,r its correctness.
Does anybody know who the parties are?
Altoona Tribune.
Bttnin i dm:
re made pallid and unattractive by func
tional irreeularities, r. Nch Ir. Pierce's "Fa
vorite Prescription" will infallibly cure.
Thousands of testimonials. ly druggists.
A Case of Mistakf.n Tpf.ntity. Men
tion was made in these columns lat week
that a Mr. Kelita Woodliead, of P.altiniore,
had come to Johnstown, and tlie remains of
the bov who had! been killed by the ears at
the station in that place on the 8th of July
having been disinterretl, had identified them
ns being those of his son. Mr. Woodliead
took the remains to P.ristol, p.ucks county,
where he and his family resided previous to
their removal to Ilaltimore, and before their
burial at Bristol thev were identified as those
of his son by the re-t of the family find also
by their former neighbors Thus matters
remained until Sundiv last, when, as we
learn from Geo. V. Ka!v, Eso,., of Johns
town, who is one of f he Poor Directors of the
county, nd who received a letter from Mr
Woodhead on Mondav, the real son, who
had liiiicn the lamented Greeley's advice bv
Koine west, turhed up at his liome ir. P.aHi
more as full of life and waywardness as he
ever was. This stranee denouement has as
we learn from the Altoona "Trihune" crea
ted a fear in the mind of Mrs, Courtney if
that city, that it was her own son, atred ah'ou
twelve years, who was kil'ed, as he had left
only a few dnjs before the accident and has
not yet returned. It would be next to im
possible, however, for any one to ideal ifv
the remains now.
The Iitlngn nhlitir Charm.
A delightful frasrrance of freshly fathered
IFTTi n FUOn OUR PI.I r.r.l.lABLF.. ;
Ci.ARAPAI.E, July 30, ISoi. '
Lt:.K Mcl'iKF. I am here enjoying the !
society of a dear old sister, with several '
daughters and her daughters' daughters. 1
This old grandmother and myself are the
only living members of a large and, if
not a conspicuous, a distinctive family of the .
Smith tribe. Onr parents were both or- 1
phans, and neither mysister nor niys"lf ever
had a single relative, outside onrown family.
We never saw an unrle, aunt or cousin. 't
Had. our parents died without issue their ;
races would have been extinct: yet, if there '
were a reunion of all their direct descend
ants, enough could be collected together
about Pittshurfc and its surroundings to make
ft first-class camp meeting : and if a book of
prose and poetry were written about their
vices and virtues, it would make a large if
not an interesting volume. If all th de
scendants of the orphans, William and Ag
nes Smith, were collected together, the
would almost equal the swarm of descend
ants of the sturdy Walter Palmer, who lately
overrun Stoningfon.
Claradale, in Washington county, is a de
lightful spot, overlooking Monongahela City,
on the Monongahela river. While it is not
perhaps as alluring a spot as Andalusia, it is
nevertheless a lovely one. No softer moon
light baths in floods of silver sheen were ever
vouchsafed the orange groves of Andalusia
than are shed over Claradale. No balmier
breezes blow over Araby the blest, or the
gardens of Oul and Cashmere in their bloom,
than the zephers which linger in loving dali
ance amid the rose beds, janira thickets and
honeysuckle arbors of this Eden. No bluer
skies bend their sapphire arch above the
Pay of Naples, or the Lake of Como, than
here on Monongaliela's enchanted shore. On
all the beauteous pendant globe, no fairer
realm unfolds itself to temptan angel down.
There comes a time in life, however, when
wealth, position, and all the fascinations ot
the world fail to charm a time when we
realize "all Is vanity." A time when those
we would care to please are no longer with
us, when with Tennyson we exclaim : ..
'Oh, for the touch of a vanislied hand,
Or the sound of a voice that is still !" .
The other night while wanderins through
tire labyrinthian passages about Claradale,
when tlie katydids were chirruping, the fes
tive lightnina bugs were giving out their
phosphorent flashes, and the moon had risen
high in the heavens, suddenly a body was
seen to fall. The fallen victim looked woe
ful, ami remained silent for some time, after
which he said. "Well, I'll be damned."
When a man makes use of that expression I
he gives all- to understand that he Is badly
beat, and accepts the situation. There is no
other popular expression in the English
language which so fully expresses a man's
disgust, and at the same time his resigna
tion. Fearing that the readers of the Freeman-
might think your correspondent was
romancing, he wiil not attempt a further
description of that fallen body, but change
the subject.
Monongahela City's elite society is on tip
toe over the pleasing news that there is a
probability of having an American Victoria
as well as an English Victoria. Mrs. Wood
hull is to be a candidate for the Presidency
of the United States, and it seems as if the
people of the whole world are going to rally
around her. Meetings are being held
throughout England in advocacy of Victoria
Vvoodlmll's election to the American Presi
dency, and all of Europe and the balance of
the world are likely to follow suit. The
American Victoria is said to be very hopeful.
Why not have an American Victoria ? Very
pleasant in the higher circles here, too, is the
news that American society is to be honored
with the presence of that English beauty , the
"Jersey Lily," Mrs. Langtry. We "have
England's word for it that she is the most
beautiful woman in the world. This English
Langtry "Lily" will eclipse the aesthetic
Wilde, the glaring 'Sunflower." The Pitts
burgh T)l"p"irh, however, has the assurance
to say that the average American'lady "will
discount her fascinations before she has been
twenty-four hours in our expansive atmos
phere. "
While upon the subject of female beauty,
I will take occasion to say that a lady guest
at Claradale is beautiful beyond my power
of description. This lovely young lady but
recently cave tlie most precious treasure of
a woman's life, her love, to a young man, a
prominent railroad conductor, and is here
summering for the restoration of health.
She is beautiful as a fiower. In the delicate
lines of her lovely face there is an expression
which tell more than words can speak. Her
deep brown eyes flash a passionate love, and
her voice is one of thrilling tenderness.
While it is pleasurable to gaze upon this
lovely young wife, it. is painful to think and
fear that, like a summer flower, her summer
is about to close.
Roses bloom, and then they whither:
Cheeks are bright, then fade and die :
Shapes of light are wafted hither,
Then, like visions, hurry by.
Quick as clouds at evening driven
O'er the many colored west,
Days are bearing her to heaven,
Home of happiness and rest.
How long I shall remain in this Eden Is
problamatical. My stay here depends en
tirely upon tlie action of the "wisdom
chunks" of the "cave of wind" and the "fog
bank," ami th movement of Gniteau's Pres
ident. "Chet " has determined not to desert
the White House until Congress fags out un
der theonmbiiud pressure of bad ventillation
and malaria. At this writing, speculation is
rife as to where "diet" will go after the ad- j
joumment of Congress. Some say that he '
has selected the Soldiers' Home as his sum- i
mer abode ; some declare that he is going to !
Alexandria Pay; some say he will either
summer at Grove Spring, on Lake Kenpa, or j
at Conemaugh Lake, on the Allegheny
niumiiitoi ; sump comcnu mar, ne win sum
mer at Long Branch or Conev Island, but
Madame (irundy positively "asserts that
"Chet" will summer at Greenbrier Wrhite
Sulphur Springs, and if there is anybody in
this wide world who has his secrets and
knows w hat he is going to do, it is Madame
(irundy, and, although "Chefs" prettv cot
tage is being arranged for him at Long
Branch, I think that what Madame Oiundy
aserts is true, and that "Chet" will go to
Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs. Wher
ever "Chef goes I will go, and it may be be
fore tins letter reaches vou, or is in print,
you will know at what point mv next letter
will 1h wiitten. Pp to this time "Chef has
maintained a Sphvnx-like silenee worthy of
the "Great Gilt Taker" himself. It is ex
ceedingly gratifying to know that "Chef
graciously accepted the present made him by
the President of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, of a Scotch collie dog. The "Grtat
Gift Taker" refused the present of a bull
pup because the expressage bad not been
prepaid. It should be a matter of pride to
the American people to know that Piesident
Garrett prepaid tlie expressage on the Scotch
colI,e- G. N. S.
Thf. Matitin-dalf, Coi.i.if.rt fs. We find
the followincr in reeard to an extensive and
prosperous Cambria county industry in the
Altoona Call of Thursday last :
The Martindale branch of the Pennsylvania
railroad connects with the main line at Porta ire
and extends south ne.irly three miles to Martin
dale, the new mininir town r.-.-ent!v established In
the very centre of the extensive coal r.ronertv of
John It. Martin & Co. Many new mlneJs''
have pist been completed : others are now under
contract , an i itfs the intention of this firm to fur
nish every miner or craplovc having a iamily with
a comfortable house convenient to thee woriTs
J!';?;. ;u"-l h? e".-ral manager, has come to the
cone iisb.n that there are as manv steadv, sober
and Inteliiarent miners In proportion to the nnrn
oer employed in the trade 'as i' that of anv other
and that with care In the selection of men ami
then in iirimt them comfortable home, irood
school faeil.Hes and chnr-hes convenient and In
banlshlna the whisky tariirfrom the neighborhood
Z . ?,, t f r?move 'he prejudice from this class
?L "!h r"- ""I " et he has demonstre.
ted that this class of men are not strikers for his
miners have been steadily at work durinir the en
tire summer, and are earning fair wapres and ara
content. Ve understand that nt no verv dlltaSt
day there will be coke ovens established at this
point to manufacture coke lor the eastern market
It is said thnt mde from the "F.-"earn of
'"'PPy will equal tnat maie Bt mon!
nellsviile. if made in bee hive ovens and with
same core ,n cr.kimr. etc. The steam saw m in at
I ortae station so l,.n2 operated bv this tirm will
be removed to Martindale. and will be uTed at
once to manufacture lumber from the lanre q.ian-
eV,e ,'fT,'n1ih,e VRhFT thnt -Tet remnin "n the
estate of the firm. There are over one thousand
EE,,.,hI?7r Knir,"!1 'I'"", common!, "led
cedar, that has never been cut over at all for oir
CATATtrtH. P.eiief in five minutes in every
case : cratifyine, wholesome relief beyond a
money value. Cure bee-ins from first appli
cation, and is rapid, radical and permanent
Ask for sanford's Kadieal Cure. Complete
i.F.msov ix MioitT-mxn.
If a class of 10 oi 12 persons can be se
cured, I will civ-ea course of lessons in the
at an early day.
For terms and other particulars, person"
interested will please address
T , J- Frank Condon,
July 21, lS8..-4t. Johnstown! Fa.
Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" (the oricinal "little
liver pills ) and no pain or priplnr. cre
sick or bi ions headache, sour stomach, and
cleanse the system and bowels. 25 cents a
Nfw Jr.rsr.v Ghatf. Wine. The success
of Mr. Speer, tlie great wine man of New
Jersey, has arisen Irom the strict purity and
valuable properties of his wines for invalids
and feeble persons, and his reputation ex
tends over the whole union as being a relia
ble producer of pure wines. His Port Grape
wine is now being ordered by families "in
Dresden, London and Paris for its superior
medicinal virtues, owinsr probably to the iron
contained in the brown shale rock soil in
which the vines grow. For sale at James'
drug store. Ebensburg, Ta.
OrR bravehero Fat on a moesy stone, beneath an
ancient elm. cazlnB; npon tbe "flippery ripples of
the crvtal ?tream whieh sped pii.-this slippered
teet. He was drcamtntt a day-dream and softly
humming tht favorite son!?, '"'Still so rptiIIv o'er
me stefilina." when a voice sweet s the ripplinir
ws'ers fell upon his ears, and this is what it said :
"Why sit you here idle when Jas. J. Mnrphv. 109
Cllnt'.n reet. Johnstown, has such ft fins stock
of ready-made elothinir tor men and ovs nwattinir
your Inspfn'tion and purchase, and has such a
cnmmendal'lo desire to please and suit
the pocket-books of all who wish to buy anythlnir
In his line.
That's AVhktii!. f h where are von trninsr, my
amiable friend T oh ! where are you oln said
he. I am irolmr a new utt of clothes to huv at the
New York ("lothtn Hall. Oh! where is that ? my
nniltlo friend ? oh ! where is that? said he. The
pln?e is at 210 Main street, and the store you shall
quickly see. Then I will ro Willi you, my amlahlo
friend then I will (to wilh vimi, said lie. So they
both went together and with suits for ttne weather
they quickly were fitted to a T, T. T ! o thou
and do likewise, reader. New York 'loth!ni
Hail, '210 Main stecet, next to Opera House, Johns
town, Fa.
Marv had a ltttle corn upon her little toe, anil
every plaoe that Mary went this corn wne sure to
jro. She went to Hlnmenthars storo one dny to
ir-t of shoes a prtlr. and of course tt is fair to pre
sume thnt the little corn on the little aforesaid
went with her there. 'orn or no corn. Blumen
thal'a Oreat Kastern Boot and Shoo Store, 111'.)
Kleventh avenue, Altoona. 1s the place to get very
cheap. neat-fittiiiK and comfortable foot covering-?
of all styles, sizes and qualities, for ladles, misses,
men, youths and children.
TmVimTAfr Hilt Co., Marshall, Mich., will
send Dr. Dvh'si Ciir.nitTii Ki.wno VotTio
Bklts and Klrctrk; Appliances on trial for thir
ty day to men (younsr or old) who are afflicteu
wfth Nervous Hehllity. Tost Vitality and Min
bood, and kindred tro'uhles. euaranteeinir speedy
and eomplete restoration of health and man! v vlic
or. Address ns above. N. B. . .No risk is Incurred,
as thirty days trial is allowed. (5-:M.-5X"-.l
KiVUr.HlART.-Hied. In tfalTItztn. on Sunday
evening. July 31. is2. V. H., enly son of H. A.
and .lulia A. Englehurt, aiteU 1 year, 11 months
and 13 day.
"Another preelous little hnnd
To Kden's sweet harp-strlnsr irtvon;
Another seraph's jrentle voice
Another ehcrnh safe in heaven."
The bereaved parents have the sincere sympa
thy nf their manv friends in this community, of
whieh the were reoent residents.
BUCHANAN. IHod. at Armarh. Indlanaeoun
ty; on Saturday. July j. 1882. Miss SaUie Buchan
an, at an advanced age.
ASSEMHLY JosF.rn McDonald,
of Khenshure;. will le a candidate for nomi
nation, suhjeet to iMrooenttle rulej, at the next
primary election for Cambria, county.
ASSEMBLY. Editor Freeman
Pear Sir: I'lease announce the name or A.
J. Chp.istt. of Ioretto, as a candidate lor Assem
bly, subject to fhe rules or the Pemr.oynti pnrty of
Cumbria eountv. MANY UKJIUI'KAIS.
Loretto, March 22, lSS2.-et.
ASSEMBLY. We are authorized to
to announce the name of N ath akibi. Hornk,
of Johnftown. ns a enndi late for A"ptnldy at the
cominir primary eleetion, subject to the rules and
renditions wh!"h irovern the Pemoeratie party of
Cambria county in its choice of candidates.
ASSEMBLY. We are authorized to
aunonnco that J. P. Woonm rr. or Johns
town, will be a candidate for renoinination at the
coming Democratic primary election as one of the
Kfpresentiitives from this In the State I.o
ifislature, and that ho will faithfully ahldn by tke
decision of a majority of his fellow Democrats as
Indicated by the vote cast at said primary election.
ASSEMBLY. Enrron Frkeman :
You are authorize i to annouree the name of
MlrnAit. Bracked, of (rallitln Borough, as a
candidate f"r Assembly, subject to the approval
or rejection of the Democratic voters at the coin
ing primary election. Knowing- hi? fltnr--s and
worth, we can earnestly commend Mr. Bracken to
the cordial support of erery Democrat In Cambria
Uallitiin, March 28. lSM.-t.o.
FOB ASSEMBLY. The undersigned
offers himself to tho Dcmtwraey of Cambria
county as a candidate ft. r the Iecish.ture, and If
found worthy the support of a majority of his rel
it, w i 'f-iuorrais ai me rnminy prnnnrv election,
and Is endorsed at the polls in November next, he
pledges himself to serve the Interests of all con
cerned to the best of Ms ability anil entirely re
gardless of cither fear, favor or affection.
Ebcnsburir, March 10, lva.-am.
JOHN 317. IvING,
At the P.'aiorratif Primary Ucction, Jnj. 19;h,
CARD. 1 hereby place myself before
the Democracy of Cambria count v for nomi
nation for the office of Sherilf, subject to the rules
of the party. JOHN BEHE.
St. Augustine, April S. 18S2.
STTERIFF. We are requested to an
nounce that the name of .T .siah Waters of
Johnstown , will be presented to the Democrats of
Cambria county for the office oi Sheriff, subject to
the rules Eroverning the party, at the approaching
primary election.
STIERTFF. At the solicitation of a
a number of friends I hereby offer mvseir to
the Jemocnicy of Cambria county as a candidate
for Sheriff, and will abide by their deejion at the
cominir primary election. D. A. LUrHEK.
Carroll Twp., June 9. 1S2.
SHERIFF. The undersigned will be
a candidate for nomination at the approach
'nar Democratic primary elect ion. sobject of course
to the rules of the party, for the office of sherifl of
Cambria county, and hopes to bo deemed worthy
of the favorable consideration of his personal and
political friends. JOS. F. DI KH1N".
Allegheny Twp., April 21, 18S-.i.-te.
POOR DIRECTOR. YYe are author
ized to arnounco that Charles Flick, of Ja
retto bcronirh. will be n candidate for Poor House
Director at the comlnsr lieinocr.atie primary elec
tion, the result of which ho pledges himself to
abide by.
are authorised to announce that John Kora
n.rn. or Croylo township, will be a candidate
for Poor House Director at the comf ns Democra tie
primary election, subject to the rules governing
the par'y.
are authorized to announce that jAeon War
ner, of Washington township, will be a candidate
for Toor House Director, subject to the rules which
govern Dcm.cratfe primary elections, and if nom
inated and elected he pledges himself to se.-ve tho
taxpayers of the county to tho best of his ability.
POOR DIRECTOR "We are author
ized to announce the name of .loHr ".n?FT,
of Allegheny township, as a candidate for Poor ln
rectorat the approachinir Democratic primary elec
tion. Havins; been a Democrat all his life and be
lievinit himself competent to dichorice the duties
of said office honestly and creditably, ftir. Carney
earnestly solicits the support of his personal and
political friends throughout the county.
STRAY STEER. Came to the prem
ises of the subscriber, in Allegheny township,
on or about the first of June last, a red steer with
a white stripe on his back, commencing at hips,
and supposed to be about two years old. The own
er is requested to come forward, prove propertv,
pay oharires and tae him away ; failine in which
the steer will be disposed of as the law directs.
Allegheny Twp., Aug;. 4. ls-j.-3t.
per woek to live airents. Some
thing new. Sells on sigh. Thb
Tkmm.b of Life: representing
the l'a-t
i'resent and Future. A fine lithotrraph
in six eleeant tints.
Size. '2 x 33. Comments of
I'ress. It is a beantlfuliy finished work ofart.;non
Sfvtarian conveys the truth of immortality In an
unmistable manner." Pitts. Chronicle. "A irreat
dealtf Ideality and artistic taste shown in compo
sition, clearly and irraecfnllv blended into a nar
montouswhole.' Pitts. Eve 'n Telegraph. Sara
plelree. Send for circular
ls-4-2m. W. T. Pittsburgh, P,
..ii:.f;;.iif-'; b I ,'-.--T itCllKItiTS: t
On vhit'i any one rsapliy.
Orrrar.p.rtes, Melotieans and Automatic Organs,
t .:.i.'-....
Send for Circnlmrt, Otmlofraea of Miufe, C
Inventor and Manufacturer. Worcester, Maes.
The annual meetme of the stockholders of
the Cressoo Springs iompany will be held at the
Mountain House. Creson, Pa., on Monday, Augwt
7th. !'!, nt 12 o'clock, m.
Election for .President and Directors same day
and place. JAMLS R. .Mcl'U KE.
July a, l2.-it. SecretHry.
Louis Cook Mamilacliiriiig Co s
Brewster, Whitney, Cooper and Timpkin Side Bars, and Sal
idee or Monarch Triple Spring Buggies.
The Greatest Varieties of Styles,
Tlie rinest Tiro and Three Spring rita-tons,
Hie Jlamlsomest liarouches in the Market,
Stylish Carriages,' Four ami Six Fassertgers,
Canopy Top liashel Phan tona,
Tlie liest Flat form Siring Wagons,
Rail E-ctl and and Flain Side Wagons,
Open and lop Surrey Wagons.
t. BOOK'S -STANDAUD VEHICLES " are known all tlie world over a3 the best for
r?,i,r r " !0"EY' D" not y circumstances buy until jou have sent for our Cir-
wt r. n rriCeS- AVl!",tS!!e trade a specialty. 1U member we make our own
WLee.3, the SARVEXT TATE.NT, and warrant every vehicle. 17-23 'o- -Cm 1
A Passing Word.
Wanamaker & Brown.
Oak Hall, Sixth and Market, rhiladeltihia.
The Weekly Lancaster Intellteonccr
M the olrtpst. th? lart.Vhe chnr.e?t an J tbcjt.cst
weekly imblislird In fennsx lv.inia.
It feels that the f re?ent State campaign If of pn
yireiue 1morUnce t..;the t 'r inmcawcaliti, an i th;it
ihe elertt.iii i f tlie lKTn.i-itir ticket challenges
the earnest cflnrts of every patriot.
It believes In full ar. l free niicuspl.m or the is
pn?. and that tlie clrnitation it Ii-'moerTtic jour
nals is the bet way to turme the truth effective.
Itemocratie eomuiitteemen an.l'workers can do
no Letter servlee to the than to pi rend their
local 'j.arty n!ni;il and a 'irt-rhtpi Iieuaocratic
State j.aper throneliuiit their ditncM.
It wiil furnish fr.uu now until aft.T the election,
for SO cent?, eh in advance, an eiirht paze paper
of M eolumhs. and with peldom les th:in fr..m 60
to 64 polid c.'l-iuins ol reading matter, inclu.ltnic
1 The news of the .lav received hy mail and tel
eirraph from nil parts c.f the world up to the time
of (toing to press, at o'clock on Tue.-day evening.
'1. Editorial eoicnient9 on the leading topics of
popular Interest from 8 to 10 columns of original
editorial matter weekly.
8. Everything relating to the State campaign in
Pennsylvania, including reports of ineeiinifj and
speeches, addresses, etc., and pungent notes of the
1. t.'hoice literary, poetical and humorous selec
tions. 5. A fresh and well eornlucted agricultural de
partment. 6. W'pekly reports of the Lancaster. Kcw York
and Philadelphia tobacco markets, with accounts
oi the growing crops, its outtinu and curinif.
7. All the local new? ,f Uanua? ter city and coun
ty and ndjoinimt districts.
Household, commercial, produce, cattlo, stock
and money markets.
. Ixcl and Keneral correspondence and epecfol
wuiii.'uLiyiH mi in i".-ei laneous toi.ics.
From this date to November )
1 Copy
p. maiieu rree to any i
dres In Pennsylvania.
tree to any ad- SO ftn.
io c oplett, to one post otnee 9 I. no
2 " " " ' 10.00
Address, sending check ot monev order
SI'or double the alnive amount the Lancaster
Wrrkltj Intetliqencrr, tho Cambhia Freeman and
a neat and valuable little b.K.k entitled "A Thous
and Facts," or a copy of lr. Kendall's -Treatise
on the Horse nnd Its IMseaoes," will bo furnished,
singly or in clubs, to pnch and every subscriber,
hot hampers to be sent for a periei cf three months.
Kemit money to this office.
SiiltE cf tffUUTS! f:r IHiiXSUS
"VTOTICE Is hereby ftlven that an application
i.1 wiil be made to the Court oi Quarter Sessions
of Oambria county, on the first Monday of next
Seytember Sessions, to annex to the boroimn of
Oallitzlc. and to become a pHrt thereof, the follow
ing described territory adjoining said borouscu,
and now embraced tn the township or Oalliiiln,
viz : Commcncinif at a post, corner, on the line di
viding TunnelhiU and Tallitzln boroughs; thence
north eisfht and one-fourth dearees, cast ninety
five and six-tenths perches, to a white oak: thence
north seventy-one and one-half deurces, westfurty
two and seven-tenths Heretics, to a white oak ;
thence north seventy-nine and one-half decrees,
west one hundred and nineteen and six-tenths
perches, to a chestnut oak ; thence south sixty and
three-fourths degrees, west one hundred and nine
ty perches, to a beech ; thence south thirty-four
and three-fourths detrees, west forty-five and elirht
tenths perches, to stones : thenee south thirty-hve
and one-half deirrees. east one hundred and thirty
six perches, to a hemlock; thence south thirty
seven and one-hall deicrees, east one hundred and
forty-seven perches, to a post on public road: thence
north seventy-six .xr.d three-fourths deurees. east
eluhry-four and two-tenths rches. to a post on
line of the boundary of laillum borough ; thence
by the line of the boundary of borough
the following courses and distances, vii: North
eiirhty-three and three-fourths decrees, west two
hundred and thirty-six perches, to a post : thence
north twenty-nine and one-Iourth devrees, east
forty-eiitht and five-tenths perches, to a post ;
thence north sixty-two and one-fourth deprecs,
east one hundred and eijf hty-eitfht perches, to a
post; thence south twenty-live and three-fourths
degrees, east one hundred" perches, to a post, tho
Place of bcinnins.
Attomry for Petitioner.
Ebensburg, Pa., Aug. 4. 183A -ot
The Pailt Tatbiot will be sent to sinirle subscri
bers until the tenth oj November next, at the
rate of $1.2i per copy: to clubs of five and up
wards at the rate ol jl.00 per copy.
The Weekly Patriot will be sent until the week
after the election at the following rates : Sinirle
copy, 40 cents: club of five, cents per copy,
club of ten. 30 cents per copy ; club of twenty. '5
cents per copy ; club of filly, 20 cents per capy.
The campaiirn will be exeeedinuly interesting
and every citizen will be posted on its issues and
events. Send in vonr orders. Ad.lres
Harkimrvho, FA.,
Or send double the nmntint c'inrired tor tho week
ly edition to this ollioe and secure both the Fkb
iah and Patriot for the time specified.
The Kine of the Itorty is the bMln: tho
stomach its main support : tiio nerves Its messen
gers ; the bowels, the kidneys and r..res its safe
droirds. Indi -estion creates a violent rovolt amonir
these attaches of the regal ornan. and to brinir
them back to their duty, there Is nothinir like the
reirulatine. t.uriivimr. "invlKoratinz. cooling oper
ation of Tarraxt s Seuizek Art;iitr. It ren
ovates the system nnd re-tores to health both the
body and the min-l.
Send Postal for CatsTotrne (fri, whlcn will
Kire full information roncerninit this substantial
and well-known Setnir.ary for both sexes.
Tprm Opens Annat 32.
Address PROF. i. T. EI)WABD.l, 1). .
Oor Ir Weeli can be made In any locality.
oiitntfree. U. W. I.X.KAHAH k lO B jston, Mass. j
ADTFKTlKUS ! send for our Select Iist of Local '
Newspapers. Oco. F. KowelJ it Co., 10 bpruce (
St . N. Y.
1,000 PER WEEK.
Slate Normal School
Prcnpnfs Innnrpnsd Fncilitle for
Prrparlnfr TeiKhrrs for Enter.
lnc Their I leld of libor.
There is no more noblo pursuit than
that of moulding human character, and
no irrentcr benefactor than the truly suc
cessful teacher.
If you intend to teach, prepare yourself
thoroui;h!y, and thus make your work
1 !ea.-ai,t and profitable for yourself and of
rc rnuc to othert.
Kvry teacher f honl 1 ta);e a full course
at a professional school, and Pennsylvania
offers you none superior to that of th
1. LOCATION, beautiful, convenient
and healthful.
a. liriMUMl and; AITl'KrEN'AN.
CKS. unexcelled.
3. INSTKL'CTOUS, experienced and
f ucces.'ul.
. IJHAbfATES stand high wherever
5. COT IiSK of STUDY and plan of In
struction are what.youjnccd If you have de
termined to become an earnest and suc
cessful teacher.
FALL Term will open SEPT. 4, 1SS2.
For further particulars address
Notice to Taxpayers!
TN acv.rd.mce with an Act or the Oeneral As.
sembly f this Commonwealth, approVed the
of taxes in ( ambria county, notice is her-hv eiven
Jh'Tr:'v"6 resiiin in "'e districts below named
that the County Treasurer, in compliance wi-h the
b n'n ',h0,-1'aul CU "ttcnd'at the places o?
ihe nLinJSwns'h,,p."nJ B"rou"h elections on
ce. ving the 8 J dajr9 f"r the PurF0S0 of re
COUnty, Poor and State Taxes
Asuessfd for the T ear ISS21
Itcan Twp, and Johnstown, eth Ward-Monday.
C,Caav! i'u'Justth hnStWn- 7lh Wrl-Te
CLe?tAu'usTeuth,r' "nd CoPersdale-wednesday,
AlIcirhenyTwp.'and Cambria Boro'. In W ard
Thursday, Auirust 10th.
Munster Twp. and ambria Horo', 2d W ard Fri-
dav. August 11th.
Heade Twp and Millvllle Eoro', 1st Ward-Monday.
August 14th.
White Twp and Millvllle Boro', 3d Ward-Tnes-dav,
Auuust l'.th
ViTi IrTi-"',1 f'rt-Wednesday. Aue.ieth.
Klder and Taylor Twps.-Thursda v. Aur. 17th
SsusqiiehannaanJ Conemaugh Twps.-Fridav Au-
CarrollandStonycreekTwps. Mondav Anir 21st
Carrolltown Br. and Lower Yower twp J!iw
day, A u trust 21. r
BalT n"t -liS1'" YodcrT"T Wednesday, Aug-
Blackllckand AdamsTwps. Thnrsdav, Anir 24tn
Jackson and Kicbland Twps Friday Ani.' Wth
Cambria Twp. Mon.lav. Aoirust 'th '
Fbensbunr, Fjst Ward Tuesdav, August 2h
tbensburif. West Ward Wednesday, Auir. 30th.
And. in accordance with the 2d Soction of said
Act, upon all taxes paid to the Treasurer on or be
fore the 1st day of September there will t a de
duction of rrvK Prr cet., while five per cent, will
be added to all unpaid taxes and placed in the
hands of a constable for collection.
J. A. KENNEDY, Co. Treasurer.
Treasurer s Office Jane 23. ivt2.-4t-
TO JOSEril KERR, the father of
Joseph Kerr, Asjh Kerr and HouerKkrr
Jreetin(f :
You are hereby notified that at an Oirbans
Court held at York. Pennsylvania, on Tu.jsdav,
July 11. A. I. 1S2, a rule was eranted upon you to
show cause why John. Eichelberirer.;..f the county
aforesaid, should not he apjiolnted iruardianol the
aloresaid Joseph Kerr. Annie Kerr and Homer
Kerr, and alo lo show cause why an order of sale
should not be eranted and the'same directed to
Samuel Myers, executor of the last will and testa
ment of Martha Kauffman, deceased, to sell the
rl estate of said d'-cclent, conistinit of Tracts
Noc 1 and 2 situate In MnnaKhan township, in the
county of York, aforesaid, in which you are inter
ested. Which said rule is returnable on the itolh
dav of AiiL'.lst. A. I). 12.
Witness the Hon. J. h x tTinsos, A. Ij. J.. of onr
said Court, this 11th d.iy ol Juiv. A. I lt2
J. A. BLASSEK. Clerk.
York, l'a., July Im, ls.-3t.
A;r..t ior the
Ebensbura;. July 21. l.-3o.
- K-f ate of Jons IIru-, dee'd
letters of admin. strat:on on the estate or John
Irrew. late ot V ilo ore l-r ntli, 'ambria countv
deceased, havlnit been irranteu to the underiirned'
notice is hereby iriven to all persons indebted to
said estate tn make immediate imvment, and thoe
havmr claims or demands airainu the etate of
said decedent will make known the same without
delay to ,M A K A H KT K F W
Wi.more. July 'Tilu JB" '
CTRAY SITEEP.-Straved from the
T em,X' ,f the h'er, at head of Piano
No. e in WasliinKton township, on or about tho
1st of July, four head of sheep and three lambs.
One of the sheep is a buck, as is also one ol tho
, ooi v iwo oi tnc;older ewes are marked,
said mark consistinir ol a slit or notch in one ear.
One of the old ewes has also a small bell on her '
neck. A liberal reward will l-e paid for any inior- i
mation that will lead u the reeovery ol said heep
,.. , 1 ' HANClf I. I
Wa.-hlDriton Twp.. Julv 2. ls?J.-Jt. 1
C H E A P E R !
stock or
Hardware !
Stoves, Tinwnro,
Housefurnisliing Goods,
8u?., fcc. that can be found tn arv one etabl'h
ment in Pennsylvania. His ,K compnses
of various styles and patterns;
I3llilleI'!, Hardware
of every description and of bestVjualitj ;
of all kind and the beft in the market.
lanre st.M-k of
(Uaswsrr. 4eenar. KIlTrr-l'latd
Hsrr.Vnndin.l Ml I low Hall
Ir,Trinlind Ville. KmUrn, 4n.
ll, llnrsrMton. lijtr Iron, Rnll
Rod. Horse Knlla. t arrlaxp Rolls. HI?.
!. Mill snw. Urinilatnnrs. Mrrl Shov
-l Ilw Mould. Itoad Srnp;
mowing -mm hay mu,
llnrnf II I nrks. Rnp rtnrt Pnllrtt,
Cof-n ( nlilvalor. and a lull Hie ol llnrw.
sillaar Tools. Also, a larife assortment ot
Table, Floor and Stair Oil Cloths,
Carriacp Oil Cloth.
a vr SH Al'F FIXTl'KK : I.IvrnrcioL AHTOX
SALT, the bet In tb worM forlHilrvand Table
ne: InrcTiin IfocK SALT, the rbaj.t id
bet for fec.llnir Live Sto. k : I.ANH PL ASTF.K ;
Wmx An Ci-arnx PI'MIS. of the bt quai'tv ;
eann.d be exploded : ChilievW'adiins Awr
t'AKTS : tbe lanrest stock of MILK I'Km'KS of
all shapes and s'res and of superior ware ever of.
fered for sale In F.lenbunr : a full 'r" of PAINT
HKfSHfN of the tnopt (ea'-i.le oii"l"v: WIN.
VARNISHKs. fcc., together w'.th a lareand eom
plete stock ol choice
a well as thousand" ot other nefnl and need'il
articles. In fnct. anytMrtr 1 biwn't irot or can't
ret at short notice Is not worth uy!nir. and wLut I
do offer for sale may always he r--i'e l od a rnwT
Lass in QfALtTY, while they wiil InvarlablT be
9 " Havintr had nearly thibtv tsah.-' ririm
SSi K in the sale of troo.N tn my line. 1 am enabled
to supply my customer" wfh the verv het In the
market. Oive tne a l.bernl share of v.. ur ptr..n
aire. then, anvl be rnvtnf.-J tb'it ttie is alwsvs
tho cheapest, and that It never pavs to luv an In
ferior article simply becauie the price Is low. a It
Is an indisputable ra t that such sods are always
the dearest In tho eu.I.
Kbensburg. April 11. 1T.
II 11 11 I'll Ctlll'CIH,
rtn, mtm
Sheet Iron Wares
Jobbinfj in
Nos. 218, 280 mm WastiLEtcn St.
l:n4 to an Sinarr in the Market.
ThA frit r.. , . -a. . . .
-- .i-..-u.ii .or i-.puiar srv e Trr
the people, which the undcr-i-ied it,,
at the wonderful low pnee ot f-. Tt,. rn,chn
is varrem.djnr the frm of three vr.r.. Hetucm
ber that we are here an the time and that v .u not
only have every opportunity to examine the ma
chine and see lt in ojK-raio.n. but vu know where
to come to itet your money back if the machine
don t do exactly as reor.-en'ed. Vou will there-
...p i , ..or n micn-si r.y ouyina the Phil-
.... .fuio .i.Kti -uuciime ano i-ur'ng r.(
but ii- 1 iji-,.
n no oue
(4-2.-em.J Huck's Miiis.AUd.he!
IOWA and I A M H O
On the Ohlearo. Wilwaakee k St. I iul Hallway.
Cheap Prices, Lons Time, Low Interest,
And Kebalen lor Improvrmrnli,
For map and fuTl particular, a ' twa-
U li.LIS I.Kl MMU' n. .Tr.,
Land Cominisiuner, Milwaukee, M ia.
Phtsician and FrRarov,
A I Toosjt pi
Office and residence on Fourteenth street near
Fteventh avenue, where nisht calls can te mti
Offco boar. from 9 to lo, a. w., and trorn a to 4
and 6 to . r. m. Sicial attention paid to 1,Z
eases of the Lye and Far. as wcll as to Snrr-oal
Operations of everr description.
wuh H..ler and other appurtenances in a "vl
rens ir. 'a n be seen t t h e S -n m an s . a IX "oi liery.
Benscreek Station. 1". K. K.
N. b". mTHK(HiK,
Sonman. June 9, li-tt. P. K. K. Aont.
ATI OKX ET A 1-1. A W.
LBtM-Bl IS, f A.
Oftca on Centre stree t.