The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, July 21, 1882, Image 3

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    1 ', Jt'i-y 2i.iss7.
iv ''
or A- r
fl.'V "
W "I
V "
v -" 1
-. cu-"! tlif s.i!e rialit to use wliat
w -i ',. Flukf E.-onomiziTiii Tablet
"V(, ,,rr.pne to furnl-li one of
' ,,!'!' free of oharce to
' " : r brinsr us an
It',, iirin'!') ' fiv1 letter-
.. ll.M'N hl.l-li".ll-, SlMlt-MIClll-., IT
H rk ( tli;t ik-soription, all of
ir.' (:il!v r-p.irel to do In the
nnvr ar,.l at tin; vt-ry lowest cash
t til '
.v is the tune to seuii or unu in
TViero rtn.l Ihe Other l'lacf.
T' e doa i1ny3 are with ih onre aciin.
the new patterns in tloor oil cloths at
r are eighteen prisoners in the
T;,-.!iraR plain, white, or bordered, In
. , v:ii i-'tv at Barkers'.
! i f.iil to mil in nrpl see the monster
-..',- of coil-; at Markers'.
'.' v u need a hat of any kind it will pay
- 'i huv it at ( latnmn's.
to the Variety Store of C. T. Robert
iv a straw hat at cost.
1 Van-Nome rokina chair for ?1.X.
'1 i.rv by M- Ij- Oatman in F.bensbnr.
L.,i,iil nieili'-inal tonic, with real merit,
-.vm' Iron Hitters, so all rirueaists say.
1'.' v I1. trker A have received a lot
I--.1 ami table covers of ail color and
;: j rui want to buy the be-t shirt you
i-r -r'v ft one dollar, you ouht to ro to
"Ly, : find a tronrl assorttnent of
-r.t!'.s, lakes, forks, and whetstones
r " r-T-'.
f" lime bark, side, or chest, use Shl-P-r.iiH
Minster. Trice 2.5 cents. At
; . -' -!r:i J -tore.
ti,-.,i ha been only one fatal acrMent
,;. i- !.! year at the Cambria Iron Vork3,
. ; -..'!.
"- , Vhoopini Conch ami Bronchitis
-, 1 :! relieved by Shiloh's Cure. At
i',VrS -tore.
'! ! IJlair county Odd Fellows and even
-. i.'-':ii-ke,l at Lloydsville, this county,
r.M' vi'v la-t.
Crumb ami Consumption Cure
;; ; ' '. v u- on a guarantee. It cures con
- ; ! At JamesMniir st-ire.
. i A'toona man with one arm anil a
' -, f n-t imn hsnirs was in town Wednes
J, ., ., ... c ihl aires an-l "-irb" like.
" i'. l.'- C'oiiL'h aiul Consumption Cure
-..' t bv u "ii a cuarantee. It cures con
,.:. '.-a. At .James' drug store.
- '- M.iivina V. fiarman, of Garaan's
y - r' - r-niititv, trrailnated fiom the State
j r- V. N-hnol, Indiana, I'a., on Friday last,
ran -I've money by buying your
at U-irker', as yrm get more and
V r -.r for a dollar there than anywhere
T; i- the k mil of weather for gosa
r r-. reate.t variety of whirl) for men,
:. n. I- y- and girls, can be found at Uar-
; r, av interest -ome people at a distance
t !' at n.t a drop of rain has fallen in
; - ;. v;:. ie durin-j the last twenty-four
" . y T ' T. Hell, of r.lair county, had
j- ."a ' . r, for Mi-s Lizzie I'ennork, of
A -". and the result was a wedding on
T - k-a p pare with the times yoii cn0uld
i-:v " vonr c-"ds at Oatman's, the place
!-:'i'- -t business in Ebens'iurt? is
C ' !!!'.
A i ' wel! regulated families in town
' . '.'"r!:oI are buying one or more of
... r-H-king chairs at OatmanN.
F:. '-'v M.-i.
f . v. JJMiop Tuigg. of ritfsburL'h.
r. r-' tiavn with bis welcome presence
I :t tweiitv-.-ewn I c-iirs on Monday
i: ! Tti.-i'ay last.
T':e r.i-f l as appeared on the crowing
ft'" f':e ticrthern -er-tion of this conntv.
f.-are-l that little if any of it will be
i! v. I iinr.
A: .Mimrnt Co'irt will be held here on the
f .i!git. Tl.e li-t of canoes to be then
i ( ii wi'l e!r-e at the l'rothonotary 's of-
t: - Ufb i-i-t.
i'ra- M. ( u'loucrb, Henedirt Oesr-hger.
; : ' i mei-ter. Thomas Wilt ami I-Mward
wi.! fnd each a letter awaiting him
o Kl-.-i-'i-irtr T'ostoflicp.
:'--r r.iinii-g prettv inu-'h all of Monday
T - lay, the pr;!ranune was diversified
iv at noon t- a lieavv fall of bail.
.'lin.b'a ! What n.-xt?'
1 1 e .l-ein-town Tribune informs us that
ear.!a-!s of lwr are received in that
!. w.-ek, and not each day, as we
rt.-i it i v stated in our last issue.
I..! n Stil'd. i f Add'son town-tiin in nnr
'rihir rountv r.f Somerset. ws killed
'-day r f la-t. week by a tree filling
nil. lie was n jed about sixty vears.
An Altoora l'net has become a t ns-
Ilis fli-t name is Michael, and al
'i he ain't much on a rh me, lie hopes
- -'tl.e in res-iole a--r.--ab!es all in good
'amrl paints are the best in the world.
I V. t ar llill"cr Mold flip .nlnr lielfur anil
ve lie an perfect satisfaction than anv other
i t in the market. For sale bv V. S. IJar
r I'a...
Three new raes of small pox are re-
pcri,., in ir.ut7d.ile, Clcnifieal county.
rcVere thirteen deaths from the disease have
occurred since its fir-t appearance a few
r.or.'hs ago.
V. S. Barker .t Flro. have a large stork of
umbrellas, m all sizes from a It inch snn-
s'.nde, at o cfs. up to a2t inch silk sun shade,
c m T( -milar Mzes to a .".2 inch umbrella in
c "on, cambric, or a!para.
1 'iin L. MeNamara. of rhiladelnhirt and
Cj'w e::svi;ie respectively, spent Monday
:'j:.t in our midst. Of all the kind friends
r near or afar ah none are more wel-
r winsome than Mr. Tom MrNainar
Mothers, before giving your little babe
:a or croup men ernes, remember t':at
s rup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Ib'nr
1 is tl.e only cough preparation that
i ns no opium, morphine, or any other
'i ! -e season thus far has hem an unprof
on,' for our summer hotels and board
! : s. This time la-t year they accom
'.'! a couple of hundred guests: now,
.' 1 bother them to count up a couple of
'I ": taw summer hotel of "mine hot"
-r. in Ms grove west of town, is rapidly
-' ape, the shell being well-nigh coni
Next summer it will be ready for
" 'i ' ii r.f gue-ts. The entire business
aiM.ut ?'.". oih.
!.ough the corn crop this season will
- V
: means equal to that of last year,
of our neighboring farmers express
"Vps as being highly pleased with th
mgress it has made in growth within
i-t couple of weeks.
-e understand that Mr. J. A. Shoema
?'n f,.r several months past ha? been
'n the capacity of civil engineer in
'. intends returning with his fam-
::ear future and settling once more
I N K.'iensburg friends.
J. Frank Condon, of Johnstown,
b!s desire in a card elsewhere to
a "bss in phonetics, or short -hand
- in this place, and as he is fully com
bach this u( ful anil prof table art,
':t 'hat he will succeed in aeeomplish-
1 ' Huntingdon V'' assures us that
a a I'mugh, aged years, of Union
- h. that county, cradled and shocked
I'l'aliv.t ami five doen of wheat on
" lay of last week. Surely a shocking
'' bp.-ines, f,)r a Christian Trouh-d of
V. 11. WiSt. son of nnr old frifn,l
West, of Hollidaysburg, tarried
'onta! school mate, Dr. Ric hards, of
e. from Saturday evening until
i-trroon, and those who formed
untanee say they could "go West"
-'lie at any time.
- daughter of Deputy Sheriff Kin
'at geiously ill with scarlet fever
' , .".it i- now happily convalescent,
v of T11, other cases" of the kind in
i '-'i the !jse. seems to beobtain
"y I'iiii foothold in the neighboring
;; of r.imhria.
"' r M rotn and family, of the New--.
wi- regret to learn, are still suf
T'.ahma, iiron having yet earned
-r- otTeted by that gentleman for
which will eradicate the disease
' r . s,-:cnis. Haw would it be to
New pott and try Old l'ort for a
-i t sheet iron roof ever brought to
1 inty has just been put on a new
- ! h"-e m,w being erected by Mr,
:h, r.f ( 'atiil.ria townsliip. The
1 'ii. ha-ed pi ( incinriati. and the
I ' " !"-.! it on was done by Mr. Valiie
r, of ti.i, jii.n-e, iu tiis usual skillful
"'' ' x; . rleiic,. bad taste in mouth, sal
' '' 'V ilow color of skin, feel stupid
wv. appetite unsteady, freqnent
''" '' in ss, you are "bilious and
; iiion-e yum- liver to action and
I our svslem cniia to JH
a Discovery." Ly
j The roof of the steam saw mill owner!
j by Sheriff Griffith and located in Cambria
I township caught fire twice in succession a
few mornings ago, caused by sparks falling
upon it, but fortunately the flames were dis-
covered and subdued before any damage
! worth noting was done.
j A seven-year old Altoona lad named
Walter Garden was pretty severely Injured
on last Saturday evening by belrg knocked
j down and either run over by a beer wfgon or
trampled by one of the horses. Another ar
gument in favor of temperance. And vet
the unfortunate lad can't properly be called
a beer Garden.
j Mr. Harry Iioyts, of Somerset township,
Somerset county, was thrown in front of a
hay rake on last Friday evening, in conse
quence of the horse he was riding taking
fright, and the result was that lie was drag-
j ged along the ground for a considerable dis-
I tance and had both legs broken and was
j otherwise injured.
! We stated som6 time since that the do.
! funct Ehenburg Cornet Band had been re-
organized, and we now add that a profes
sional music teacher has arrived In town to
j Instruct the members bow to play, what to '
I play when to play, and when to quit. We !
trust the organization may hav6 a longer
lease of bfe than its predecessor. I
. Hater continue to be pumped night and 1
day into the reservoir ry the steam engine,
, the windmill being found utterly unable to j
; keep the supply equaltothe demand. When !
; such a condition of things continues for any j
i considerable length of time, to use an apt '
expression it makes ouri system of water j
I works "cost more than they come to." I
j We have been requested to say that the '
I excellent musical organization which enli
I vened our town with its melodv on the 4th i
. of July is the Mechanics' Band, South Side !
! Johnstown, and not simply the South Side I
; Rand, as we called it last week. Still we !
don't know hut what the music of the band
! by any other name would sound as sweet. I
I Our good friend Georoe Tlorrov f tiT !
i litzin. in remitting his subseriptionthe other
j day, which he always does in advance, adds
. by way of postscript: "Our town Is in
i creasing wonderfully in population, build-
I niii, hiiu t-iiierjirise, ann is one of the live- !
liet towns on the mountain." Mr. II also i
Informs us that the traffic on the P. Jl. R. is j
j immense- . j
j Th strike among the ClearfieM county 1
i coal miners is at an end, the participants :
j having all gone to work on Monday last at '
i the old rates. McPadden, the labor agitator i
: who engineered the strike, was arrested for
! attempting to create a riot at Moshannon, !
j but after being taken to Clearfield was re- 1
leased on f .00 bail for his appearance at
court to answer. i
I.ydia E. Pinkham. whose benevolent j
face is shadowed in almost every paper we i
pick up, appears to have discovered what !
Addison calls "The grand elixir, to support i
the spirits of human nature." It is quite !
evident that she has the patent and has e- i
cured the contract for making over and im
proving the invalid corps of American Wo
manhood. Globe.
Straw hats at cost to close out stock.
I .isi, uic oesi assortment or reit hats, as
I well as gents' shoes. Don't think, however,
i that there are no other kinds, as there are
plenty for boys, misses, and babies the best I
sejection in town. Ada to these rubber
j goods, gossamers, umbrellas, etc.. all of
; which can be found at C. T. Roberts' Variety
j Store. High street.
j "Uncle" Joe Gutwald, referring to the
j contemplated race between his mustang and
' a man last week, insists it was the man
! who barked out, and not himself, the word
i "hack" having been ineorporated into the
j bet to let his opponent down easv. He
j further, savs he feels confident that bi"s mus
. tang can beat any other mustang in Cambria
i county in either a long or a short dash.
! Mr. John Stalil, of'Somerset, was killed
by a falling tree In Addison township, that
j county, on Tuesday of last week, as was also
the horse he was driving. Mr. Stahl had
I been warned to keep out of 'the way of the
tree, which two men were engaged in chop
ping down at the time, but being hard of
hearing be did not understand the warning
and rode on, the tree toppling over with a
crash just as he got beneath it, killing him
and bis horse instantly.
McDonald, ot T.oretto, sells 12 lbs. good
i brown sugar for 1.00 ; 10 lbs. good white
. sugar for $1.00 ; S lbs. good green coffee for
$1.00 ; 0 lbs. best roasted coffee for f 1.00 ; 4
boxes essence coffee, 10 cts. ; 4 papers soda,
, 10 cts. : 3 lbs. rice, 2." cts. ; 4 lbs. barley, 25
I cts. 5 lbs. oat meal, 23 cts. : 5 lbs. hominv, 25
I cts. : common molasses. 40 cts. per gallon ;
! good syrup, f." cts. per gallon : flour, meat,
j fh, salt, and canned vegetables of all kinds
j at equally low prices.
! Two Eberisburgers went hunting last
; Monday. If they tell the truth, thev shot no
j less than twenty-one gray squii rels bet ween
! sunrise and sunset. They further allege
j that they were induced to go on this expedi
J tion by the representation of a farmer, who
' said the little animals were literally destroy
; Ing a field of wheat for him. Under such
cirrumstanres, a prosecution for infraction
I of the came laws would not hold water, oi
j at !ea-t would not seem advisable.
! Tbebioken leg of Mr. W. C. Wiiiiamson.
which was adjusted by Dr. Lemnion, and
not Dr. Kennedy, as erroneously stated by
us last week, the latter only assisting in the
operation, is mendino sutisf.irtoriiv- In
; view of the disappointment experienced bv j
1 him on the 4th instint. he divps if a lifj I
opinion that another picnic ought to be es- '
saved bv Co. A later in the seaon, taking !
caie to pick out a day when neither over- !
coats nor umbrellas would be necessary for I
i personal comfort. I
j Lawrence Fitgan, an rough, be- j
j came crazed with liquor in Tyrone Thursday I
I night, and, in company with a gang of .
drunken men, assaulted Officer Cramer,"who
; knocked Fagan rlown with his mare. The i
mob released Fagan, who then ran through
the streets assaulting every one he met, until
he was shot in the right foot, when he limped
to his boarding house, and made his esrape
during the night. Two of the rioters, named
; William and Wolberton, have been lodged I
; in fail, and a reward is offered for the arrest
of Fagan.
A good many of our farmers began gath
ering in their harvest bright and eariy Mon
day morning of this week, but if they oiil
they'stopped operations In that direction with
' surprising unanimity at noon the same day.
They were induced to this step by a violent
! rain which set in at that hour and which
! lasted about a flay and a half. It is feared
that some damage will be done to both the
1 cut grass and the growing wheat by the su
! perabundance of moisture, while in the al"
I sence of the warm rays of the eun the corn
I cannot prosper.
Edmund Matthews was killed, or at leest
died in about fifteen minutes after the ac
! cident, and Richard Nichols slightly injur.
j ed bv a fall of coal in mine at Robertsriale
iiiiimniiiion couniy. on .aionaay or last week.
A shot had been fired by one of the men to
knock out the prop, but before the coal had
i come down hotti ventured under it, and
I hence the death of one and injury of theoth
i er. The deceased leaves a wife and two
! children, who arrived from Wales, of which
j both men were natives, only about three
! weeks previous.
I A word of advice let ns give ton. in lan-
guage respectful, though pi iin, and in this I
I we've no wish to deceive you, but seek only
! year profit and gain ; and this is the counsel '
i we most earnestly tender, obey it at once and !
, to yourself a service you'll render: When
i you want the full worth of your money, and
we;presume you will asK tor no more, buy
j all your dry goods, your groceries, and so
forth, at John Owens' cheap store, where at
first cost can be bought summer goods wi'h
i out flaw, among which may be mentioned all
j styles of hats made of straw.
! Let us find our sweetest eomfort'in the
! blessings of to-day, with a patient hand re
moving all the briars from the way ; and
then if something Siill is wanting our comfort
: to complete, we all can surely find it in clo
; thing, sound and neat, which cheaper than
, the cheapest at .New York Clothing Hall
i thev sell to all wlo wish to purchase what
. will fit and wear like well, go and see the
splendid stork of seasonable wearing ap
' pare!, etc., at the largest and cheapest clo
I thing emporium in Johnstown, at 210 Main
, street, next door to the Onera House,
j The annual encampment of the National
Guard will this year be held at Lewistown,
j beginning on the 5th proximo and continu
, ing one week. Our company will go
' in full force, and with a view ot carrying on
! some of the honors on the occasion are being
' diligently put through a course of sprouts in
the way of marching, drilling, etc. Captain
i Humphreys, after a prolonged illness, is
i mending so rapidly that he hopes to accom
pany the boys to camp, though he will take
no active part in the exercises. The eom- !
maim ot the company will therefore devolve
I on Lieutenant Thompson.
I Francis Trabold took "French leave" of
i his family in Germany fourteen yuars ago, financial difficulties, and eventual
ly found his way to Cambria borough, where
, hisedest daughter turned up as a married
' woman not a great while tten, though with
out being aware of her father's presence in
that place. A friend of Trabold s recently
i met and recognized him, however, and the re
: suit was that he wrote to the old country and
: In due time Mrs. Tra'.Kild, learning that her
j hu.sband was still living, made her appear
l a nee in Cumbria borough, and after trying
, in vain to readjust matters on the old basis,
j brought suit against her truant lord torde
I sertion. This brought the old man to terms,
j a leconeiliHti.m and withdrawal of the suit
j followed, ami now peace and harmony once
uioie prevail among the Trabold tribe.
The Carrolltown Xeirs tells of a rather
unpleasant experience wbih fell to the lot
of Mr. II. C. Kirk patrick. of Carroll town
ship, on Monday afternoon of last week. It
seems that the gentlemon in question went
to the farm of Mr. Evan Morgan, in R-arr
township, for the purpose of buying cattle,
and while sitting in ttie field making calcu
lations in a little pass-book as to the weight
of each animal, a large and ferocious look
ing bull began gyrating towards him in any
thing but a courtly manner. Not liking the
appearance of the brute, Mr. K. concluded it
was about time to "git tip and git," and act
Ing on the conviction he ran as quickly as
possible to a locust tree, np which he fortu
nately succeeded in clambering just in time
to escape the attentions of the maddened
bovine, which was obliged to content itself
with bellowing and butting the tree in the
vain effort to dislodge Mr. K. from his perch.
The hull-dozed gentleman wasobbged to re
main in the tree about an hour before assist
ance readied him.
We learn from the Johnstown Democrat
that Mr. Lee Van Sant, a brakenian on the
Accommodation train, met with a serious ac
cident going down the mountain on Monday
night, ne was sitting at the front end of the
a car near the winnow, and as the train was
rearing South Fork station, an iron bar
crashed through a window a couple of seats
In front of him, and swinging around struck
him on the arm. When the bar of iron came
through the window lie placed his arm before
his face, which movement probably saved
his life, as the bones of the arm were broken
in small pieces both above and below tbo
elbow. Conductor McClellan of the train
was notified, and has been trying to investi
gate the cause of the accident. It isthougbt
that it was caused by a loose baron the door
of a freight train which was passing at the
time. The injured man was removed tojobns
town and taken to James' Hotel, near the
Lincoln bridge, where a couple of physi
cians dressed his wounds, ami on Tuesday
he was taken to his home near Altoona.
This same arm several months ago was badly
A most daring burglary was committed
in Altoona on Tuesday of last week. About
two o'clock in the morning t wo men entered
the resilience of Mr. Wm. B. Ford, foreman
of the erecting shop, through an open win
dow, and going into the sleeping apartment,
one of the men pointed a revolver at Mrs.
Ford's head, causing her to scream, which
awaken-d her husband. One of the burg
lars then struck her on the head with a re
volver and the other one hit her with a bag
of sand. Mr. Ford seized hold bold of one
of the villians, receiving at the same time
several heavy blows on the head. The burg
lars then retreated from the room and es
caped by the samr way they had entered.
The Injuries indicted upon Mr. and Mrs.
Ford are not regarded as dangerous. The
object of these two scoundrels, as is believed,
ws to steal $3,0S0 back pension money,
which had been received by Capt. Alex.
Marshall, who resides with the Ford family,
on the preceding nay. There is no clue thus
far to the perpetrators of the outrage.
After a delay of a couple of weeks, the
contract for building the new armory for
our home military organization (t)o. A, Fifth
regiment, N. G. P.) has been awarded to our
townsman Mr. Josue I. Parrish. lie will
receive $7,200 for the work, and, besides, is
invested with control of the material com
posing the old Court House and old jail,
which buildings were some time since bought
at public sale by Co. A. Mr. Parrish's orig
inal bid was something in the neighborhood
of $7,400, but for valid reasons it was re
duced to the figures above given. The
building will be HO feet long by 40 feet deep.
The first floor, front, will be laid off in offi
ces, four in number, three of which are un
derstood to be already rented to members
of the legal profession ; the rear will com
prise two rooms of large dimensions and one
room 10x13 feet. Up stairs will be the ar
mory, the room beir.g arranged with a view
to utilizing it for theatrical performances
and popular gatherings whenever found ne
cessary. There will a!o be a commodious
basement. The building will be of pressed
brick, with ornamental stone trimmings. It
will be heateri throughout by a furnace, and
lighted by gas made front gasoline on the
premises, while each room will be supplied
with water. The total cost, including $1 ,0o0
paid for the ground on which the structure
will stand, will not be far from $10,000.
Should even-thing progress favorably, it is
expected the soldiers will be able to take
possession of their new quarters about this
time next year.
is good philosophy, but to do so you must
have health. If bilious and constipated, or
blood is out of order, use Dr. Pierce's
"Pleasant Purgative Pellets," which are
mild, yet certain in their operation. Of all
' B
Forn I)Fn kt Rkt.mont. A gentleman
named Dr. W. II. Colrsbury, accompanied
bv his sister, arrived in Ebensburg. on the
20th ultimo and took rooms at the Relmont
House. It was plain to be seen that he was
in the last stages of consumption. For
about a week after his arrival he was able to
go occasionally to the parlor, but afterward
was confined to his room. His sister, at the
expiration of a few days, took her departure
for Quincy, Illinois, where her family re
sides. After she had gone, the Doctor "was
frequently asked if ha did not desire the
presence of relatives or personal friends
those who might le able to do more for him
in bis illness than strangers could. Rut he
maintained to the fast that he was in no Im
minent danger of death, and even so late as
FVidav last made preparations for leaving
the Belmont and going to Washington City
next morning. Delusive calculations ! He
retired to bed Friday evening at the usual
hour. Mr. Kemp, the landlord of the Bel
mont, repaired to his room the following
morning to get him in readiness for the train,
and knocked at the door several times. Re
ceiving no answer, he entered the room and
found the Doctor lying in a natural position
on the bed dead. "He looked so natural,"
said Mr. Kemp, '-that I did not imagine him
a corpse till I closely scanned his face and
touched him." He was about 35 years of age,
and held a position in the Medical Depart
ment of the United States Navy.
Shortly after the discovery of Dr. Coles
berry's death, his relatives at Quiney, Illi
nois, were informed by telegraph of the sad
event. His mother, sister and a gentleman
friend arrived here Monday at noon, and at
3J o'clock P. M. the same day the body was
removed by rail to Quiney for interment.
Health is Wealth. Hires' Improved
Root Beer package makes five gallons of a
delicious, wholesome, sparkling temperance
beverage Ask your druggist for it, or sent
by mail for twentv-five cents. Charles E.
Hires, 48 North Delaware Avenue, Philadel
phia, Ta. 6-9.-13t.l
State Normal. School, Indiana. The
"Commencement" exerrises of the Indiana
State Normal School took place on Thursday
last, July 13th.
The graduating class was the largest in
the history of the institution thirty-five.
This school now takes rank witli the fore
most schools of the State, and its graduates
are our most efficient teachers. The pros
pects for the coming year are very flattering.
On Monday evening was "Commencement
Concert ;" Tuesday evening, "Junior Exhi
bition ;" Wednesday evening, "Alumni Ex
ercises ;" Thursday evening, "Final Com
mencement." Prcf. Geo. J, Luckey, Sup't of Tittsburg
Schools, delivered the address on Wednes
day evening. Two of the graduates of this
year's class are from Cambria, viz : Miss
Mollie Garman, of Garman's Mills, and Mr.
W. P. Reese, of Johnstown. The time has
come when our teachers must have normal
training if they expect to succeed in their
work. The fall term opens ssept. 4th.
PnovFTt ns. "A place for everything, and
everything in its place." The place for Phe
nol Sodique is in every one's house. "A
Stitch in time saves nine." Keep Phenol So
dique on band. It will save time, suffering,
and tedious recovery. See a Jver tisement.
If a class of 10 oi 12 pessons can be se
cured, I will give a con re of lersons in the
art of shout ha sn writing in Ebensburg
at an early day.
For terms and other particulars, persons
interested will please address
J. Frank Condon,
July 21, 18S2.-4t. Johnstown, Ta.
Catarrh. Redcf in five minutes in every
case ; gratifying, wholesome relief beyond a
money value. Cure begins from first appli
cation, and Is rapid, radical and permanent.
Ask for Stanford's Radical Cure. Complete
for $1.
Mr. J. Mar-Smith accompanied the Al
toona hasp hall club to Indiana last week,
but was unfortunate enough to be put out on
a foul attack of pleurisy, and at latest ac
counts had not been able to make thj home
Ben nr. v Retrained.
The beauty and color r.f the hair may be
safely regained by using Parker's Hair Bal
sam, admired for its perfume, and dandruff
eradicating properties.
The Illin:n ni.Inx ( harm.
A delightful fragrance of freshly gathered
flowers and spices is the distinguishing charm
of Floreston Cologne.
Death of William Palmer, Esq. This
former vrell known citizen of oureounty died
at New Cambria, Macon county, Missouri,
on Tuesday, July 4th, 1SS2, In the 83d year of
bis age. We believe 'Squire Palmer, as he
was familiarly called, came to this county
from Westmoreland, and first commenced
keeping a hotel in Wilmore In 1838 he re
moved to the Summit, where for some years
he kept the hotel now used as a summer re
sort by Mr, William Linton. After that he
went to Plane No. 2, in Washington town
ship, where he conducted the "Washington
House." Leaving there he returned to Wil
more. whera he acain embarked in the hotel
business, and in a few years afterwards went
to Johnstown, and there became proprietor
of the "Foster House." He left Johnstown
in 180S and located in Missouri, where he
lived up to the time of his death, engaged,
we believe, all the time in keeping a hotel,
the business he had so long followed in this
This sketch of Mr. Talmer's life would be
Incomplete, however, if we failed to mention
the fact that through the f (Torts of Thomas
A. Magnire, then of this county, authority
was obtained from the War Department,
shortly after the civil war broke out to raise
i company for camp duty at Camp Curtin,
narrisbnrg. The company was composed of
men who were pretty well advanced in years
and was known far and wide as the "Silver
Grays." 'Squire Palmer was elected Captain,
the late Captain Murray, of this place. First
Lieutenant, and Mr. Magnire held a military
rank in it. The discovery havint been made
after a time that the company, like the In
dian's gun, "cost more than it came to," it
was mustered out of the service in something
over a year after it had been organized.
While 'Squire Palmer resided in this coun
ty he always bore the reputation of an hon
est, upright man and good citizen, and from
the account of his deaf h.Tf urn ished by the
New Cambria, paper, be seems to have fully i
preserved that honorable distinction in nis
Missouri home. On the day of his funeral
all places of business in New Cambria were
closed as a token of respect for the kind
hearted, good old man, who was held in high
esteem by his fellow townsmen. His remains
were interred in the Episcopal cemetery at
New Cambria,
For Flay Fever I recommend Fly's Cream
Balm. It entirely relieved me from the first
application ; have been a sufferer for ten
years. Going from home and neglecting to
take the remedy. T had an attack ; after re
turning I immediately resorted to it, and
found instant relief. I believe, had I begun
its use earlier, I should not have been trou
bled. J. Coi.t.ykr, Clerk, 118 Broad St.,
Elizabeth. N. J.
Messrs. White Bcrtmcit, Dmgglsts,
Ithaca, N. Y. I recommend to those suffer
ing (as T have been) with Hay Fever, Ely's
Cream Balm. I have tiied nearly all the
remedies, and give this a decided preference
over them all. It has given me immediate
relief. C. T. Stephens, Hardware Mer
chant, Ithaca, N. T. Price 50 cents.
Apply into nostrilt cith little Jlngsr.
Gat.a Times at Cape Mat. Beginning
with the 18th tnst. Cape May puts on holiday
attire, and from that time until the close of
the season sojourners there will be at no loss
for amusement. The famous Baltimore regi
ment, the "5th Maryland," with three hun
dred mew and a band of forty, will encamp
on the 18th and re main until the 28th, during
which time there wi'l be balls in their honor,
exhibition drills, lawn concerts, paraces,
target exercises, and all the features inci
dental to camp life. On the 29th and 30th
the Orand Mnsical Festival will take place,
and it is promised by those in charge that it
will be the greatest event of the kind ever
held at a watering place. M. Arbnckle. the
famous cornet virtuoso, and other distin
guished soloists, have already been engaged.
Simon Ilassler, Carl Sentz, and J. F, Zim
merman will lead an orchestra of one hun
dred and twenty. five and a chorus of three
hundred voices. The programme will em
brace numbers from the most prominent
composers of the German, Italian and French
schools, and among those already decided on
are selections from "Stabat Mater," "The
Creation," "Faust," "Moses in Egypt,"
'.The Messiah," Ac.
Commencing on the 20th inst. there will
be ascensions in a captive balloon, one of the
largest ever constructed in this country, for
manufacturing and conducting which the
famous aeronauts Prof's. Ciias. E. and John
Wise have lweu engaged.
By the attachment of strong cables and
suitable machinery, the balloou will be held
captive and permitted to rise to the height of
one thousand feet, at which altitude a view
of fifty miles in every direction around Cape
May will be obtained. These ascensions
will of course be for the public. Cape May
was never more popular than at present, and
with its beach, which is the finest in the
world, illuminated hy electric lights; its im
proved ocean drives ; neaeh railroads, excel
lent surf, etc., stands number one among the
watering places of the country. The Penn
sylvania Railroad Company have arranged
to give excursions covering the Musical F'es
tival from all stations on its lines at less than
half the usual rate, the particulars of which
may now be had of the ticket agents.
We cannot help noticing the liberal offer
made to all invalids and sufferers by Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption.
Yon re requested to call at James' Drug
Store, Ebemburg, and get a Trial Bottle ree
of cost, if you are suffering with Consump
tion. Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Bron
chitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Hoarse
ness, or any afTe.-tion of the. Throat or Lungs.
It will positively cjre yo.
ITow Cressox was Named. Our old
friend and correspondent G. N. S., writing
to the Pittsburgh J'ort, tells what he knows
about the way Cresson came to get its name.
He says :
Since f'rppsnn hns become fumniis s one of the
mnt de?iralil summer resort" in the land. It has
caused roniU1. -rattle nowepaprr crirrespondeneo
about bow It .,t Its name, but In all the learned
eorrespoTidiTioe upon the ul-jeet. not one of the
well tnfnrmert wriier" kne w em.neh abont It to tell
how the name orlir innteri. 'reson was not bo
ealle.l, a? it has been said, bv rensons or tt. loca
tion near the crept or the mountain, hnt was so
named bv its founder iHietor Jackson in honor of
the arreat philanthropist. Elliott ('reason, who was
the i.riitinul owner of the land noon whieh the
buildings or the noted summer resort now stand.
Ioetor Elliott -reason was a distfnaaisherl physi
cian and philanthropist or Philadelphia, who do
nated V-.oo in money to various eharitahle in
stitutions throuuhont tlieeonntrv. and booueathed
landed estnte valued at $an.oor) reestablish a home
for aited and infirm merf-hnnts anil gentlemen who
hn l become Impoverished, and Dox Jackson, in
honor of this distinguished American philanthro
pist, nam d It Cress,, n. Doctor . I aekson, the foun
der and namer of Cresson. while he hart not th
wealth to distribute anion? Tarions charitable In
stitutions, was at heart as g-reat a philanthropist
as the rich Philadelphia. To the efforti of Dr.
Jackson Is due the world'? recognition and appre
ciation of Cresson as a mountain resort. For
many lone years he labored to establish at Cresson
a hospital or health regort. and to assert Its claims
or powers to produce health. To found a place
with pnro air and water for a sanitarium or homo
of healinit for all sutTerinir and infirmity had lonR
been his absorhinar effort, thought and constant
Ptruifule. It was the aim, motive and action or
his existence His labors on the AlleKhen moun
tain in ( ambria county will never be fully made
known and appreciated. He was at tieart as be
nevolent a irentleman as he In whose honor the
place was named.
Whbx a man wears a sponge In his hat.
And a niirt Julop's cauirht on the fly.
hen the sparrows perspire on the telegraph wire.
And the cholera comes with the green apple pie.
'Tis July.
The formjoinir maybe an acenrate description of
the ayeraire July, but It siitnallv fails to fit that
month the present year. In s,eak in m of ready
made clotbinir at this season. It has ordinarily
been onr custom to advise ourreadera to j to .las.
J. Murphy's, loo Clinton street, Johnstown, and
purchase a suit of some Ilht. airy material, but
diirinar the paat two or three weeka it would have
been more in accordance with the eternal fitness or
things to have told them to sro and buv an over
coat ! nether you want lljrht or heavy e.lothinir.
patronly Mr. Murphy. He has a larie suck oi"
eittier sort on hand, and can riir you out trom top
to toe for considerably Icfs money than any other
dealer in Cambria or Blair county.
Now the airy l.adv-k filer
Uetteth off bis wild invec
Tive when doth the caterpillar
Tumble down his neck
From a limb
In the woodland cool and dim.
r 7hJ "lIPm,'n' hetnir ravorable, this is the season
f.r picnic. The regulation pi-nle is held in a
woods and thomrt. the lashion years ago mav have
been to repair to the rendezvous it' Is tn
rryM now to fro fully shod. II you want'to buy a
pair of boots or shoes for that pnrtMse or. Indued
for use in any emergency which mar occur in lite
iro and consult S. Klumenthal. U19 Eleventh av
enue. Altoona. on the snbiect. He la can-vine an
unusually heavy stor k this season, and can fit yon
out with any style you may want. Every article
sold is warranted to wear, and as to pttres well
he ans-ages himself to cut awav nnder tne figurei
of any and all rivals. Ordersby mall will becare
lully and promptly Riled.
It is entirely different trom all others, it is as
clear as water, and. as its name Indicates. Is a ier
foct V 'rouble Hair Kestoier. It will Immediate
ly Ires the head trom all dandruff, restore grav
hair to its natural color, and produce a new growth
where it ha fallen off. It does not In any manner
alloct the health, which Sulphur. Sngar oi I ead
and Nitrate ot Silver preparation havet.lone It
will change light or faded hair in a lew iiav to a
beautiful glossy brown. Ask your dmugist lor It
Each bottle Is warrants,!. Smith. KnmitCo..
Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia, and C N Crit
tektos. New York. fa-lly?)
A maw and wife 1n Bedford; conntv disagreed
many years ago. and fully a vear passed without
An exchange of words between them. Eight
months after a son was born to them, and though
now sixteen vears old, he has never spoken to his
father, although able and wiUing to talk to other
Thomas Horse, July 13, issi
rren WIcPimE I concluded my last letter by
saying that no one could do justice to the powerful
tueeches of the trompet-tonguod mountaineers
who paid forensic tribute at South Fork, on Mon
day last, to the 104th anniversary of the Signing
of the Articles of Confederation and I'crp'tnal
T'nlon. and I repeat here that their eloquent words
could not hare been successfully reported.
"As well might yon go bid the mountain pijics
To wag thoir high tops, and make no nnlso.
When they are iretted with the gusts of heaven,"
as to try to give the faintef Idea of the glorious
efforts of the aforesaid mountaineers. The speech
es, though unprepared, were nnexcclled. Each
orator seemed to he warmed with Cambria's fa
mous Mountain Ambrosia. The affective, svmpa
theticor facetious predominated in every speech.
In responding to the toast, "The American Armv,"
a Cambria veteran, a hero of three wars, Oen. Sam.
!. Paul, astounded the audience with the vehe
mence of his eloqnence. When he first opened
the cavern conventionally called his month, there
was silenee deep as death, even the tKildestjho'.l
eat holding their breath for a time. As he slowly
swept the horizon, orraiher the pent up Vtfcaof
the banquet room, every eye quailed under his ea
gle gaze ; and further alonij. when he had become
warmed mi ry the subler-t, his paper shirt collar
wilted with perspiration and his cotton shirt dicky
burster! its fastenings, laving bare Ms brawnv
chest. It was then his vein hocauio poetical, anil
he shonted :
"Thy spirit independent let me share,
I,ordof the lion heart and eagle eve;
Thy steps I follow with niv bosom bare.
Nor heed the storm that howls along the sky."
As the thunders of the stern veteran's eloqnence
resounded, all the citizens came flit-king to hear
and oi course took a deep lntrest in the vocifer
ous harangue. It was indeed a big era for the pa
triotic South Forkers, and nothing but a big ear
was competent to drink in the fervid utterances
of the Inspired Paul.
But the (rreat speech of the occasion was deliv
ered by one of the Irrepressible Smith familv. It
will be a matter of sincere pride to every American that na less a personage than Augustus
OctavussHrutus Smith, the d istingnlshed gentle
man alluded to in my previous epistle as hailing
fiom the National Capital, an old '-sea dog" who
had sallea the hrinv ocean under the auspices of
the noted ex-Secretarv of the Navy widely and fa
miliarly known a the -Boiled Lobster,"" jumped
np to respond to the toast. "The American Navy."
There was something eeeedlnglv touching In this
mariner friend of the "Boiled lobster" volunteer
ing a cheerful "Aye, avo.slrl" when the Ameri
can Navy was toasted. If showed how the old fire
will still born how the smell or the salt sea can
not be obliterated even on ton of the Allegneny
mountain by the perfume of the rhododendron.
Myjgrent regret Is that I cannot report this old
tar s speech. Oh how the "Boiled Looter's" elo
quent friend thundered In "poop deck" style;
how he tacked and filled with lingual mysteries ;
how he bore down on the lnckless land lubbers
with all his oratorical sails set apeak. What he
said. It grieves me to tell, will never be known.
None but the sweet little ehcrnh who sits up aloft
will ever he able to record It. Oh that Aunt Jane
Swlshelm, Phrrbe Oor,7ens, Annie I tickenson. and
all the strong-minded femlnines of the land, could
have had the Inexpressible felicity of hearing the
thunders of eloquence resounding thro' that ban
quet hall ! The wi.le scope taken in the discussion
of each subject showed a deep maturity of thought
much deeper, indeed, than might have been ei
pected. The celebration throughout wag m most
enjoyable and edifying affair.
Monday last was "truly a gala dav at South Fork.
The cltirens of this mouataln-glrt village hare the
honor aye, the pmnd satisfaction of alone cele
brating an anniversory whlca all true Americans
fhonld glorify with enthusiastic spirit. Cambria
county has just cause to be proud of her spirited
South Forkians, they being the only citizens of
any village, town or city in any conntv. State or
Terrttorv In the t'nion who honored the 114th an
niversary of one of the most momentous and mem
orable events In the history of our country.
I had almost forgotten to mention that some
thing universally occurring at all anniversary ban
quets did not take place on thi.i interesting occa
sion. Tir. : There were no letters received from dis
tinguished gentlemen who lound It Impossible to
attend. U. N. S.
Call a si Horsis, Cresson, July IT, 1883.
Urah Mr-PrKi Since mv last letter to yon from
the Thomas Honse, South Fork, where I sient sev
eral days very pleasantly mingling with the het
erogenous mass of spirited South Forkians. and
enjoying the kind hospitality of that prlnceof good
fellows, .Judge Thomas, I have been for the last
taw days the guest of another old. who'e-sotiled
friend and prince of good fellows. John H. Clark,
proprietor of the Callan House. I am here enjoy
ing the society of several gentlemen of "infinite
jets." among them being an old Johnsrown boy,
Huiih Kelly, esq. Mv host also has in his employ
an old Eineralder. a hero of the late "onpleasant
ni"5S.'' -bn is a very entertaining gentleman. In
aM my jonrncyfngs through life. 1 think I never
met with a man who had so manv miscellaneous
accompli shments a this old veteran. Es
pecially are hts long-winded pious reflections won
derful, lie Is exceedingly edifying in Scrit.ttiral
moralizing. He told me'how lie had once offend
ed a friend by tellinr him of some of hts misdo
ings. But, said he, we don't any of ns Pke to have
our sins set befroe ns. There was David for in
stance, he continued, who was crank as eonld be
when he thought Nathan was talking abont other
people's sins, and said; "The man who did that
shall surely die !' but when Nathan set it home
to him bv saying; "Thou art the man!" David
caved right in, and cried out: "Oh, Lnrdy Massv!
bless your soul and body, Mr. Nathan, I don't
waht t die." Yon would" be delighted In listen
ing to Mr. Erin go Brash's scriptural morali7tngs.
My old friend Kelly Is also very entertaining in
his commentaries on the lightning bugs, katy
dids, mosquitoes and house hies. He presented
me with a poem on the first domestic fly of
clipped from the Burlington Ilntckryr. In the fifth
stanzasof the fly poem the Hate' ye minstrel sings:
"Vain are my wishes ; oh, little honse fly.
You're hard to smash :
Strong men mav swear and women may cry,
Tetthing thrir onaih
But Into the house your friends you'll lug ;
Tou'lpbnthe your feet In te svrnp jug.
And your eares you'll drown in the baby' mug.
Cheeky and brash."
The readers of the Frfimas will please to ob
serve that tho fourth line in the above stanza
s brum Id read " Gnarhing thrir tri III." A little po
etic license, you know, was necessary to bring In
the rhyme.
With the poetry of the llmrkey man, I endorse
the prose of Joh Billings, who savs: -I hate a
fiy, durn a fly." Yes, I fully endorse both senti
ments. 1 regard the fly Individually and collect
ively as a "durned'' nuisance Ttie newspaper
man is the greatest victim of the flv. The editor
may wag his ear Incessantly, yet will the fly fly
Uon tie rim of his long aurtcul ar appendage
and distress him more than spring poets, .fo-n
Billings' sentiment, "durn a fiy." will meet with a
hearty second by every long eared editor and bald
beaded tat man. In boarding houses the fly rises
to the dignity of common enemy. He keeps the
housekeeper In a perpetual stew. When he is not
In the butter be is in the gravy, an.I when he Is
not In the gravy he is in the sugar bowl awaiting
to be sa.tiftced in the hot coffee. Although it is a
remarkable f,at that greens, radishes, onions,
spring chickens and sprin poets come about the
same time, still the appearance of the fly Is not an
occasion for an ovation. With Josh J-tiiltngs I
9ay, '-durn a Hy." O. N. S.
, July IS, 18S2.
Dkk Frkkman Sociability is one of the char
acteristics of a good and generous people, and we
think we possess that element in our town. For
instance, a few weeks ago a number of ladies and
gentlemen assembled at the bouse ot a friend In
the evening tor the of having a little
amusement. After enjoying themselves chatting,
asking conundrums, idaylng "bingo." etc., for a
while. It was discovered that there was a good mu
sician present, and some one proposed '-tripping
the light fantastic." which was accordingly done
in good style. About 11 o'clook the party dis
persed, and all went to their respective homes
peaeeably and quietly, being well pleased with
their evening's enjoyment, but In a few days after
ward some of our kmm1 people held ep their hands
In holy horror because the young ladies had danced.
What a terrible thing, this dancing, thev said , It
will be the means ot corrupting the morals of all
our young ladies who engage in it. A few weeks
passed on, however, and there was another party
ihis time in daylight. The old and t'te y.-ung,
the rich and the poor, the saint and tho sinner,
gathered together lor a little social amusement.
Alter cogitating tor a while as to what kind o! play
to play, they concluded to play the old-fashioned
game called "King." Well, now there Is nothing
bad about the play. It is simply this : All hands
join and form a cir-le, while another of the partic
ipants goes around the circle andpaps some one on
the back, as much as to say, you can't catch me.
The one that is tapped runs' briskly after the other,
and if he orshe catches the fugitive before getting
around the circle, the forfeit is a kiss. Now this
la all very nice, and 1 have no doubt but what some
people enjoy that kind of fun. Speaking with
strict propriety, however, however, in which Is the
most harm, dancing or kissing (especially II it
happens to be a married man who kisses a "yonng
lany) ? We do not see the propriety of time peo
ple making so much ado about dancing, for we can
read in the Holy Scriptures ot both dancing and
kissing. We do not think there Is any harm what
ever in either, provided they are not carried to ex
tremes ; but, as Josh Billings says, "sich is life !"
For onr part we are Inclined to think that there Is
less harm in a social dancing party than there Is
In a social kissing and hugging party. But you
know ministers will differ with us on the sutqect ot
dancing, and of course we modestly allow them
the right of their own opinions. Saxox.
tlABDor Thakkb. We, the undersigned Com
mittee of Arrangements for the 4th of July cele
bration, do, on behalf of the officers and nwnbers
of Company A. 5th Regiment. N.(E P., tender our
sincere thanks to the citizensol Ebensburg and vi
cinity, lor their generous support and patronage
on that occasion, and hope that they may all live
to eDjoy many more of the same character.
W.c. W ILL I AST 90 v,
Daniel I'rH.
J. O. Crkkky.
PONAHOE. Died, In Altoona, on the 16th In
stant. Wu.lik, son of Patrick and Bridget Dona
hoe, aged one year, three months and ten days.
The remains were Interred In the Catholic cem
etery at St. Augustine, this county, followed
thither by a largo concourse of persons from Al
toona and intermediate points. Willie, while
alive, was a most interesting child, and his early
demise is sincerely regretted by all who knew him
and took pleasure In tils artless, winning. Infantile
ways. HU parents have oar sympathies In their
llllVli VUil
rl ill 1 1
Ebensburg. July 21. 1982. -3m.
Aim RTISKKS ! send for our Select List of Local
Newspapers. (Jeo. P. Kowell a. Co., 10 Spruce
St., N. Y.
ASS KM RTA". Josepit Mcl )on all.
of Ebensburg, will be a candidate for nomi
nation, subject to lemocratie rules, at the ntut
primary election for Cambria county.
ASSEMBLY. Editor Fkeeman
vr Sir; Please announce the name ot A.
J. Christt, of I o ret to, as a candidate for Assem
bly, subject to the rules of the iK-mocratie p.-.rlv of
Cambria conntv. MANY DEMOl'K A I S.
Loretto, March ffl, lSS2.-t.
ASSEMBLY. We are authorized to
to announce the name of Nathatsikl Housk.
r.f Johnstown, as a candidate for Assembly at the
Coming primary election, snbjeet to the rules and
conditions which govern the Iteraocratie party of
Canbria county in Its choice of candidates.
ASSEMBLY. We are authorized to
announce that 17. D. Woonm-FF. of Johns- i
town, will be a candidate for renomination at the
coming Iiemocratlc primary election as one of the
Ket.resentatlves from this eouctv In the State Le
gislature, and that ho will laithlully abide bv the
decision of a majority of his fellow Democrats as
indicated by tho vote cast at said primary election.
ASSEMBLY. Editor Freeman :
You are authorized to announce the nameot
Mi.-hari. BHsr KKiv. of (tallifzin Borough, as a 1
candidate b.r Assembly, subject to the approval .
or rejection of the Democratic voter at the com
ing primary election. Knowing bis fitness and
worth, we can earnestly commend IVlr. Bracken to
the cordial support of every Democrat In Cambria
Oallitiln, Mar.-h 28. 1tt2.-t.e.
FOR ASSEMBLY. The untlorsitrnfr
otters himself to the Democracv of Cambria
county as a candidate for the Legislature, an. I if
tonnd worthy the support of a majority of bis f.-'.
h.w liemocrafs at the coming priuiar.- election,
and is endorsed at the polls in November next, lie
pledges himself to serve the Interests of all nm.
eerned to the best of bis ability anil entirolv re
gardless of either fear, favor or a flection.
Ebensburg, March 10, lSS2.-2ra.
"ATtl). 1 lierehy place myself before '
tne Democracy of Cambria countv for nomi
nation for the otlico of Sheriff, sutoect to tb rules
of the party. JOHN liLHl.
St. Augustine, April S. 1932.
SHERIFF. We are rerjuesterl to an
nounce that the name of J.wiah vVATitns. of
Johnstown, will be presented to the Democrats of
Cambria county for the office of Sheriff, sub.ect to
the rules governing the party, at the approaching
primary election.
SHERIFF. At the solicitation of a
a number of friends I herebv offer mvself to
the Democracy of Cambria eonnt'y as a candidate
for Sheriff, and will abide by their decision nt the
coming primary election. D. A. LLTHEK
Cnrroll Twp., June . 1S82.
SHERIFF. The undersiffned will hp
a candidate for nomination at the approach
ing IkMnocratle prl mary elect ion, subject of course
to the rules of the party, for the offlce of Sheriff r.f
Cambria county, and liojies to be deemed worthv
of the favorable consideration of hts personal anil
political friends. JOS. F. DUKH1N.
Allegheny I'wp., April 21, 1882.-te.
POOR DIRECTOR. We are author
ized to announce that Charles Fltek. of Lo
retto borough, will be a candidate for Poor Honse
Director at the coming Democratic primarv elec.
tion. the result of which he pledges himself to
abide by.
are authorised to announce that John Horn
bah, of Croyle township, will be a candidate
for Poor House Director at the coming Iemocratie
primary election, subject to the rules governing
the party.
POOR- DIRECTOR. We are author
ized to announce the name of John Cabwht,
of Allegheny township, as a candidate for P.w.r Di
rector at the approaching Democratic primary elec
tion. Having been a Itemocrat all bis life and be
lieving himself competent to dichorge the duties
of saiil office honestly and creditably, Mr. Camev
earnestly solicits the support of his er9onal and
political friends throughout the county.
State Normal SciiooL
Present Ins)nrpafet Facilities) for
Preparing- Teaebers for F.nter.
Inc Their field of Labor.
There Is no more noble pnrsnlt than
that of moulding human character, and
no greater benefactor than the truly suc
cessful teacher.
If you Intend to teach, prepare yourself
thoroughly, and thus make your work
pleasant and profitable for yourseir and of
reel valve to othrr$.
Every teacher sfcnnld take a full course
at a professional school, and Pennsylvania
offers yon none superior to that of the
1. LOCATION, beautiful, convenient
and healthful.
2. Bl'lLMXa and; APPT'KTEXAN
CKS, unexcelled.
S, INSTRUCTORS, experienced and
4. GRADUATES stand high wherever
5. H )UKSE of PTT'DY and plan of in
struction are what you'.need if you have de
termined to become an earnest and suc
cessful teacher.
FALL Term will open SEPT. 4, 1SS2.
For further particulars address
July 14. l'2.-8t. PKIM IPAL.
It Is the concurrent testimony of the pnbtic and
the medical profession that Hostetter's Stomach
Hitters is!a medicine which achieves results speed
ily feit. thorough and benign. BesMe rectifying
liVeT disorder, It invigorates the feeble, conquers
kirlncy anrl bladder cotii!air.ts, and hastens the
convalescence of those recovering from enfeeniinc
diseases. Moreover, It Is the grand specific for
lever ann ague.
for sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally.
The Kins: of ttie Korty Is the brain-: the
stomach it main stirtxirt : the nerves its mfen
gers ; the bowels, the kidneys anrl pores its safe
guards. Indigestion crcHt.-s a violent revolt
these attaches of tne regal organ, and to bring
them back to their duty, there Is nothing like the
regulating, purifying, invigorating, cooling oj.en
ation of Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient. It rer
ovates the system anil restores to health both the
body and the mind.
TO JOSFTII KE1?R, the father of
JowitPB Kerr, Asxib KKiutand HomeiiKeir
Greeting :
Yon are hereby notified that at an Orphan"
Court held at York. Pennsylvania, on TuedHV,
Julv 11. A. D. l-2. a rule was granted upon you to
show eausewhy John Kicholherger.:of the'eounty
aforesaid, should not be appointed gunrdian of the
aforesaid Joseph Kerr. Annie Kerr and Homer
Kerr, and also to show cmise why an order of sale
should not. be granted and the same directed to
Samuel Myers, executor of the last will and t'tn.
ment of Martha KanrlmHn, deceased, to sell the
real estate of said decedent, consisting of Tractn
Nos. 1 and 2 situate in Monagban township. In the
county of York, aforesaid, in which you are Inter
ested. Which said rule Is returnable on the it.tlb
day of August, A. D. 1H1
Witness the Hon. Jons Oinsow, A. L. .1., of onr
said Court, this 11th .lav of J jIv. A. I. lis--'.
.f. A. BLASStK, Clerk.
York. Pa., July 18, l'Si-St.
IOWA and I A l! R C
Oa the Chicago. Silwankee St. Pael Railway.
Cheap Prices, Lons Time, Low Interest,
And Rebates for Improvement.
For map and full p!rtl-nHr. address :
I.and Commissioner, Milwaukee, Wig.
- i 7
We'll try the experiment aw nile
of giving you a little more spe
cific news about goods. We
know well, if we can get such
news to you promptly, that it
will be acceptable. You can
write or come.
White muslin dresses at
about three-quarters value. A
few are shown in the window
of 1 301 Chestnut, each one
marked with its price. Very
many more are within.
The materials are nainsooks,
linonsd'Inde, mulls and Swisses.
Some are very plainly made
with little or no trimming be
yond some deft handling of the
material itself; and some are
elaborate enough. The ex
treme prices are $3.50 and $60.
An excellent plain dress is sold
for $5 ; neat and well made.
Lowpricescan almost always
be put upon such goods a little
late in the season. It's rather
early now ; but profitable mak
ing appears to be over already.
Just now you have the double
advantage of many such dresses
to choose from and low prices.
1301 axd 19)3 Cbostnatstroet
Ready-made dresses of a
black-and-white striped fabric
that looks like summer sMk, but
is silk-and-cotton. For general
wear they will be found quite
good enough; better indeed
than summer-silk. Well made
and substantial ; but the chief
virtue is in the price, 10.
1301 and 1303 Chestnut street, second floor.
Black grenadines have been
one of the most distinefuished
features of our trade for two
months past. We have had
the finest in the -world, and all
grades down to the poorest
that we care to keep; and a
wonderful variety of patterns.
Figured grenadines that
brought f.2 lately are selling at
i. And this may be taken as
a general indication of what we
are doing in grenadines.
tfext-outer circle, south entrance to w&ia Ladling.
An extraordinary debeige,
extraordinary in quality and
width, we are selling at 50
cents ; 47 inches. No lady who
can use debeige will be inclined
to pass it ; for it is worth twice
the money.
The melanges at 40 to 60
cents are worth a half more,
just about. There are four
qualities, and somewhere about
fifty color-effects.
Socond circle, southeast from center.
If dress-goods are lower than
they were elsewhere we don't
say they are. Advertisements
say they are; but there is a cer
tain shyness in those same ad
vertisements.which makes them
not very impressive. If dress
goods are lower elsewhere in
our city, the fall is due to the
singular spectacle here of three
great classes of the most fash
ionable dress-goods at a fraction
of theirvaluc: Frenchmclanges,
small checks and small-check
stripes of wool and silk-and-wool,
and black lainage.
We mention these three, be
cause they stand out from the
rest of the stock, conspicuous in
two ways; they are fashionable,
peculiarly so ; and they are at
half, two-thirds or three-quarters
Third an.I fourth circles, couth from center. t
Sash ribbon, satin-and-gros-grain,
7-inch, of value $1.15 for
75 cents ; all colors. We refer
to a particular sort, of which we
have three thousand yards.
Black moire, 7-inch sash, 90
Block sash at $1 we are out
of part of the time ; but we re
ceive some every morning. Do
not confound this quality with
that sold at 65 cents elsewhere.
Outer circle, ty south entrance to tatia bunding.
Silk mitts, ordered from tho
makers a year ago, include a
wider range in the colors than
ever before: black, 50 cents to
4.50; white, cream, ecru, terra
cotta, cardinal, etc., 75 cents to
Wert of Arcade, 1311 Cacntrrat; wreath coaa!sn
John Wanamaker.
Chesrn-nt.TMrtAenth and STarkct streets
and City-hall square, i'bilarlc ipiua.
Snrponb Dentist
il'iiliii-fr, 1 ri .
DT"NT.-.T, V.'nKK, cifhrr operative or rnorhrin
icai. t 1 T-ic t-pih. and all oihr-r work pert i in
inn t" my prof -ii-n, will 1- eTra-.t at rn.wleri-te
rsi'- and m a i lino!,irv manner. Your patron
are n p.TMusly solicited.
KxmiH on Jlijjli treat,'v opposite the
Blir Hoc-c S-J4. KJ.-tf. J
A ri'oliNEY-AT I. A W,
l.BIIKIBI rs, Pa.
OHie on Centre street.
Noted Men ! -
Dr. Johv F. Ha-cock,
late Itc-adentcf the Naticwl I'ar
mareutical Aiiociatiyn of the Ur-.ted
States, savs :
"rrB-n-t I-n T -e-t lit) a
tx-svy tie, : c,ct-.t itbt, f
tcmc : tie ctAr-itter cf th mi -. .
fa -rai er k M a v -uchr tt purity
mad cierlroajd wtt. fLce."
Dr. Jo'etii RoT.ntT?,
Pre-siient L.vamci:e riiarmatcvticr!
Colleg", s.rri :
"I Ir.irta It si a f nr n-i'n,
rWijVe ai a - afi'-i- ir.r lane,
free fi m aicoh jtjus."
Dr. J. Fapis Tlocr.s. T:t.
D.. I'rofeor cf r'aam.acT, ftt'i
more l'hannaceuccai O : syt:
' Prwn'i Iri T'-.r-ri Is m
d rekav:; medic ne, rf'T-Vy
cVeefr.m aicer.Diic pc.orv e-d ca
le reec:r.eurd a. it n far ute
uicn uose TBa c, . it.W."
Dr. Edward Eak:ck?ov,
Secretary LaJiiaaorc Co'.'.ez of
macy, says
' 1 iade-e it aa e-eeM.r-t
d.cine. a r?"d c (tii a. - u.
ar. i a con-tnwit:ciit :n tti-: f.;..:t
Dr. Richard S a r i n g to v,
ere of Ik'.tirnore'i o!i.-t ari n:cst
reJiaiiie ihaiciaji, sij:
" A!l who fcave tis.-f It r :se it
standard virtu., ar.d tr.e we'..
kn?w character t fr. hou? which
Vflatea it 19 a ..rtFeier.t V r.-Tr
ef it beinf a.l 11 c. aimed, fcr
they ar tren whrc c-c nt fes in
jured to etfar apyt3.:r.g else but a
riL&tl maa.cioe ti r .u'ulic ua."
A Druggist Cured.
FocmVcro, ML, Oct. Tt,
Gentlemen : brorra a Iron Lit
fara cured ana of a bad tra.k cf
lodigeatlnei an fu'Joea in -.h- itajn
ach. Havirp tested it, 1 taae '-a-C.
in rercn roan din it to n. T CM"
tomare, and am (r a.T to y it j.vos.
venire aattelartion 10 a.l."
Oao. W. Horrauui, Drveflat.
AiV yotsr Drngpst for row-s
Iron BittekS, and taVe no etier.
One trial will convince yea tiat it
U jut vhjLt you rttd.
Lj : : v -. .
0 u forr.i- - v.
u S Ht "-. . ; - ... r - u , t
t , :, i . ' 1 - ' -jt, ? - t- ! v .
1 !l-"3 fT T ' . - : .
M W ND . .:.;!, r v T x . ,r
"l a,.. ;r,.. -. - n - ;.-.-, T . .
. r 'Ti-.i: r t . 1 : - .
"s Win - '
t.i 1 --.. v c ; -j
.- .at. tt. i - -ii 1 : :
y Prtw, T"o7r". ! - ffr . f '-
tuts I rM.MlH". IW'-, 4.
If : fc y r' 11 r yn r r t -' "- -4trkui,
t.i 'OP.i; rcl..tu: rcn . ' 'i :
J ' . iv.. .(x,f T'u. 1. '--
1 J
1 . i A 1 .
-J I. t.
r r i i it ! .;-- r , '
1 f
er arm.
! 1 Y virtiif ot rn: r ' - - ,.f
' ft 1 ':; ni r . ti ' r i ; . - y l:: -
; V i !' f ; I ., j." .1 ' . . .,. , .;. ; . . ;
i t c. l t..w:-h'i. r.!!.!' tt. - . I a. r.
1 s. r ; ). i ) .irr.yjj.
AT ill'IIIX'li IN Till iniKV'iiv.
" n w cvM-uvi-M ty Vi-rm A. " -r. .v land
r .('i:i:s r,n.i -i ri 1 k;s.
! hi mi I t rr .! V "!i :.TV r . . t ii, ,L fc- .. 4i
.f :" ;i p.! n . 1 1 ' r-- n r- t I m
; H. TK. I r,l,i:,ri -'!".. I. r)fcr.
i r 1 li' : t rtii i w :t ! - ,i "::! ; n. Au-
pU'inr, and i- in a very !- ; ., : . r : n.
11 1 rl t'fthirifp nn c it rn:jtj -n . -- f ; :, t
, n u iT)-lrr in I i .. ir. " :) t-- nfi'N
I rel 'nTn.-Tii t- -t i- t t v "".i!vd
by iiiduruer.t li'-Tp f X' - ywx '...t-r.
Any Jurth'T ml tui t :-'n 1 '-ircl cm h -
t iinr. !-,;m h'j Tri'-ti- A : .-r A. V. I- ai".
I Tri-ti"f ' '-II i'in rcii i -.. - r ' M..r :u A, Xih-r.
O at a R r H E:Y: Crra F:T!i
?3U- 'l r'-""T.- U,
j7 I-i- S in'ii- and !
t i , S Ii rn -Kii r--'jlT
t- - ii-.-.XJ r.-ntni. r.wiil,
' ni l M
"ri'i'irh i; rr r a
ply I
nostrils. On rooi' t ni .'ri- ,
O tlw
i : k;a-
mr x i i in1 '"r! ii -l' . .:
Ki.Y -i t KI.A... UAI,V f -March
17. i's-..e Otvtpo, r Y
ArDTTon" xotk t:. Tiio t
slirred Auditor, i,; i-;i. i.vM'e t
t't'iirt i n : -i i rmir i t. ; wt r a tm!
the cx'v-i ;..r nifd t. tliV . ri.l ai,'. i ,!
r-f ,lnir M. Th'.Tnp-'iii r?,, Xi. I.' . '
Admit, . J. f.n Thottf-.v l. an, rl
t"rt l t 'i- Ion I-- in i i . iinr di i.-re-ny
eives not toe that he will sit nt hi' r -n- in ';
enhiirif . tin Montffiv.July t "dto---
ytlitlnc ,.r c II - . '.. , Y
..i-.- l t!.i" t.i, ni wnt-ti Ti ne
pi are all parties lntere.-t.-d tnav n-' iT
1""''". AL IN IVANs A j,
i:ien'inrs, Janc-JT. i--2-:.t.
a rniTOTj-s NfiTirr.. Tho v
'..urt r.f I'nml.'n rv.npty t.. report ,1-tril-ii
"1 of
.... ,,...- , ,.- ,,;ln;- tr r,..n. -l . JJe,,)
1 xot'llNir of Anthf.nv . ,
.-. I-'-q..
the person leil!v -t 't J fl pretA t-r-.
n.ti.-e thAt he w ill T'cnd t.. The ,'.,t'l... ,, .
pointnient. at hi ..ttire in l;.eii-l.ti-' ..r.
J'llu rth. j-?. at 1 r, rl - k r w ,V,n,
and plaoe ;) part- ir-.-r.--..,i v n,
see proper. AI Vl I.VAXs An
i-l art.
' irfrv,
Ii I li,
.- , tii.i i-. in, .
utider'iinied .iler a! priva'e en'-e p '
nt a fair pn.-e and r-n msV -Tit
moms, a l itve I raine llnne t.'l "
I'lank Mahle ,n.i In rre.sJ-- .itti:
of improved land on themiUk ro'i I ,...
onith. The hoqe I- M.n fr,.,t- . ,
j!mot new, and i io cverr -,.(.,. r. I
further particulars inquire-on trie r.- - i- ,, w- ta
". -. IJ I t 11,1 v
Oallltzin. Pa., .Jane 2 5. U1'
A t. Ti r : ' y.
- times over the Flrt l p-,r,
tnrnoeon 11th sver-ue. eennd dt.r 'mm l"-t, "
Altoona. April 72, lxl -tf. " " "tt
"XTOTIfK. iravirrr fi t:re!v r:vrt, ,.n
O- the imetjoe of medu lne, 1 hop .ti - '
knnerine themselves in lcltred tom-w.ii r- i'
settle their aee..nnt. AHNLK UUHr i
Lhenshoix, June n5. 18.-. -
"fOU TIE XT Four cnnif,iraf.TV f ;r.
- niched m-.m. nn Nonb Centre street. ' W .-,-d
can be procured neir.
Ehenhunt, Jnne 1. i -i-tf
Per Week rtn he tnsde In anv !t pA;
.-.oniet r -Tie ri""lf t-w I .r tif.-r.-.
outDifrea. ii. W. 1M.KAHAI k 10., p .-,,,n -;
CT.A " wr'"t ,n T""r-.wn tr.wa. T-riusin, ( ...- t
C'j'J free. Addref . Ka!Utl f Co., p( rtl iaf. M.
(-.-..- .-..v.---i
i t V.- -. '.i .11.. m-ri ! r.:. -
rrvcLvC-'' ,H S MM
fi r"H coi." jriil In"--. -
V- ffS Iv -.!.- ttiof,.
I !
i ' f
I r
I I t
' i t
: t
! t