The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, February 24, 1882, Image 3

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'il i
i r, . - - f EB. 24, 1882.
There ami tVie Other Place.
1 ;i,h better no veunoai sugar ana conee
I v. t.i l.c out of TERO-A.
f Fr' -!i oyster aud fresh fish received ftt
v' f -; ?: RovsT' to-day.
I Lprinson your Spring poetry. Our pile
j.j.JHn? wood is pretty near ant ga' spiel.
1 T-'n e-Sliprills of our neighboring coun-t-
rf in linn are still in the land of the liv-
j 7T!i? IIi"l!idaysbiire5'tanfarfeall9 It "the
H-i State Convention." And ret there
1. a: i t ) te notnin? in a name,
j A lares and varied assortment of weath
, y x. ;,p(!i erved up to the deuizens of this
,,n luring the past few days.
yr. Mm'a C. Thomas, wife of Samuel
i of B'acklick township, died on
iv lar. aeed about 23 years.
I n-'JT?'tive medicine for kidneydiseases,
1 ;.,v. r. and rervous prostration, and well
y v "f a trial. Is Crown's Iron Bitters. -
if!--te ! an item the Johnstown Tribune
',! L i ve lin t stereotyped many a day ajro:
j,., 'aerifT Kinkead la In town on bus-
I - r i' street railway company has
f:i!!v pranlzed, and the next thing you
,,w tr.rtvh" there will be an 'Os-car running
ip t'-it city.
T!:fre are one hundred and sevetity ap
n for license to !ell other than the
J .-;! C term of our county court.
communication noticed in our last
;.. i-; been withdrawn by the author, and
i l,, : "Ton Like Tt" or "Don't Like It."
:l have to forego the pleasure of read-
i-V. 'ii. T and the (rround-hog are being
write Wednesday Is Ji'st about as
1 .1, to say the least, as any we
..,(. hoi t'lN whiter.
I V-"!-ft. 'tt.! im and rye bread, rolls and
m.-i, ii, hire and apple pies, sugar cakes,
.p . i- sni'-e cakes, fruit cake, lady fin-
-., j- y p-il. jumbles, and Ringer snaps, at
t i !.r s.:-ar Bowl."
TVy Iiavc what they call a convertina
ft :! in J"hnt.)wn. And yet we liave no as
t :u!,;'t that tlire are more Christians there
t t!.e 5'Hiir inch than there are in other
j rtii ns of Cambria county,
j ivntli to rats, mice, roaches and ants :
f ir i:s F.xti rmiua'or. B.irns, pranaries and
use'iolil cleared in a sinple niht. No fear
ba l sni'-ll. Tlest and cheapest vermin
j.:iiT In the world. Sold everywhere.
I S;,k and bilious ha.lnche, and all de
Jr.'.iryii.rNts of stonmrh and bo'.vels, enr?d by
j r. rrce's "Pellets" ex anti-bilious gran
) es. '2" ct-nts a vial. N'o cheap boxes to al
t vr va-'e of virtues. By nmcreists.
Edward Mafnt, of Jun'.a'a township,
f jntir.don county, hr.s been arrested and
mniittsd to prison on suspicion of setting
e lo F-trr Heff ner's barn, a notice of which
t e.iird in the Tkefmav two weks ac;o.
7 see it ststd that Conductor Dent, of
llii'lidnysburj branch, has been running
ra-o-iT train on that road for nineteen
f.r H" must have been ln-Dent-ured to
e r.!':ncs3 -.vhen he was about m years old.
J Ti e ti.if ures cf neuralgic pains, sick and
irvnvn hp;d:'.ch, are instantly banished by
usei'f I'r. F.iust's German Cure for Xeu
ti iiia ;tr Headache, (iuamrtced to relieve.
4-ic d.-t!tfei-ts. For pale by E. James, Eb-f-5''nrj.
On" ( f the most prcmpt-pr-ying patrons
If wl li the Fbekmax can boast u 5fr. Wm.
) i--ks':;, rf Altoona, who, we hope, is not
f ";en:'t r.i.-.n ot that name who had his right
I t b.vby crushed the other day by a car-
f" -el filling upon it.
Ti -riide it'-liinsi and scaly humors, ulcers,
:fs and srrfulotis swe'.Iincs cured by the
i .tiiura and Cuticura Soap (thn great skin
test externally, and Cuticura Resolvent
(I i.jOil purifier) biternaily. Ask about them
C yui'.i drueaist'a.
J The people of CarrolHown want the or
r of th.ints reversed in the carrjing of the
Jills trom this point to that, so that they
i cc-t their I'.'tters and papers on the same
y th-y rench here. Hope they will get
t .it they want, and that pretty considera
Jy son. If rot cwjner.
J For the psst two yean I b.ave been trou
1 (1 with leucorthrea and female weakness,
t :irh at tines has been so gcat that I could
iithereat nor ie?p. I wore one of Prof.
4 iimette's Kidney Ppds and it cured me.
!;. H. Jbbomf, Toledo, O.
I.fittrs for the following nnnjed persons
amain uncalied for at the F.bensbtirg post
1 :e : Joseph M. Donehoe, Stephen Hurd
4.;:. ! Catharine IT uey, John Ifazleton,
1 F. Kennedy, M. W. Keica, Maria C. Lone,
J-n.-s Heed, Miss Mary A. Stelnbeiser,
t .Ue! sehultz, and M:ss Celia West
J Lydki E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Com-
.'jJ revives the drooping spirit; invigor
4 and harmonizes the organic functions;
i ei.v-iticity and firmness to the step, re-
the natural lustre to the eye, and
-.-'.a on ti;e ptile cheek of beauty the fresh
? cf life's spring and early summer time.
I A man known as Jack Hitching, a rei
I t cf Mincrsyiile, tliis county, is said to
Veruaiie another effort fhow many efforts
kind pre.-eded it the Tribune don't say)
f Fri.lay lut to leave this world by the back
Kuiu. r has it that he attempted to
i! ?-''f in one of the upper rooms of his
" '. b.rt v,'3S rr-ventel liv thp nr-nnr.
"4 a; va:-,i-e of a member of his family.
JT fn'.-i irora the country who come here
1';,P.! f.. id Cham. P.oberts' store a eood
1 ' '' : , pro idfd, of course, you wish
o'.aa anything that he keeps, for 'twill
7a'i in vaiit to to any one else in hopes
i''iie. .So hesitate not, while In town
to look in nn f!hm.. wbo o
j-i"e Ji hnstown Tribune needn't take on
I" aony about tiie alleged mysterious dis
J.'iraace of County Treasurer Kennedy's
son. whose name is Giles and not
?, ss the young man in question, who
r.e .i:.i;j't work in Johnstown at all, has
m his huue ii this place since Tuesday
.Ktwk, having been in the West during
?''' tii? time he was absent.
r-If y,iitor of the Holiidaysburj; Stan
T Iiad rad ttie last issue cf the Carroll
f 3.Y.;!f he would have learned that "a
i.Mnei Luther, residing near Orroll
I y and who "Is said to be 100 years old." r..--ar ttiat place, nor any other
' ii terrestiial hemisphere. 'Cause
- ti.eoil gentleman referred to went over
majority, i. p., died, about two years
het Justice be done, though the heav-
1 ,s ,ru: i fall," is an adage so trite that we
T" freely recall It to mind, though it Is
F lin t(J be seen that the Tribune of
f 'V'n has played it quite mean on the
.up of Justice, whom it said, t'other
-M f alien from grace or something else
1 -at ay, when the truth is just this, she
J.? lK "'rp" the scales from her hands
L t- c a naP-
- hr.p the story going the rounds of
i j M bout Judge Dean having recently
f one thousand acres of land In Reade
I',, p! this county, for f;o,000, which
I . m h" Purchased a year or so ago from
fMgnets of Wm. M T.W,1 for iooort
nrirt ik .... . J-
- leer, but there are people
'onrf Wh "ay 11 wiU re1uire rn,
ti ZLthB aif,Drane of the Judge him
10 Pet thQ to believ. the story.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy ie a marvellous
cure for Catarrh. Diphtheria, Canker-month
and neadache. With each bottle there is an
ingenious nasal Injector for the more success
ful treatment of these complaints, without
extra charge. Price 50ets. Sold by E. James,
Druggist, Ebensburg, Pa.
Messrs. narrisonHavemyer 4 Co., pro
prietors of the Franklin Refineries. Philadel
phia, manufacture all the cut loaf, pulver
ized, granulated, A yellow and brown sugars
sotd at popular prices at "The Sugar Bowl,"
In this place, and guarantee them to be free
from adulteration of every kind, consisting
solely of the product of raw sugars refined.
W. norace Rose, Esq., one of the ablest
lawyers and best pleaders at the Cambria
county bar, delivered a lecture before the
Cambria Scientific Institute, Johnstown, on
last Saturday evening on the subject of
"How to Achieve Success In Business." We
have not had time thus far to read the lecture,
which occupies nearly three columns of small
typfc In Monday's issue of the Tribune, but
coming from such a source we are sure It wil
amply repay perusal.
We invite the attention of our readers to
the advertisement of .1. Monroe Taylor. The
house has been established nearly 40 years,
and his goods are celebrated eveiy where for
purity and strength. We would recommend
a trial of his Gold Medal brands to all who
appreciate good and wholesome bread, cakes,
etc. nis Gold Medal Baleratus or bl-earbl
sodals sold by M. L. Oatman and John Lloyd,
Ebensburg. 10-7. -4m.
A German named Jacob Snyder, former
ly and for several years a resident of Johns
town, where, the Tribune says, he was given
to strong drink and a penchant for telling
tall stories, committed suicide by hanging
himself In the woods near Xepfar, In Tlesse
Darmstadt, Germany, on Thursday, Feb. 2d.
Tie was aged about 64 years, and leaves one
son, a printer, somewhere in the west, and
two daughters, both married, one of whom
resides In Johnstown, and the other in Ak
ron, Ohio.
John S. Stewart, a sixteen-year-old son
of Mr. Wm. Stewart, of Jackson township,
this county, was accidentally killed in a piece
of woods on his father's farm, on Wednesday
afternoon of last week, while engaged with
his brother Solomon In haulinglogs. A heavy
chain had been passed around a log and Jobn
was In the act of making the chain more se
cure when the log rolled, causing a heavy
wooden spike or skid to fly up and hit him
on the back of the head, producing death
almost instantly.
Mr. Patrick Kelly, for many years a cit
izen of Johnstown, died at the residence of
his son-in-law, Mr. Joseph Bridges, in Home
stead, Alleaheny county, on Sunday last, at
the patriarchal age of 02 years. Deceased
was born in Ireland, was married three times,
and was the father of twenty-three children,
nearly all or whom survive him. nis last
wife died several years ao. Mr. Kelly's re
mains were brought to Johnstown on Mon
day and interred in the old Catholic cemetery
In Conemaugh borough. May he rest In
A little daughter of Mr. Henderson Burk
hart. of Cambria township, a bright and
o'hrwise healthy child of ten years, was
seized with a serious pain in the head a few
weeks ago and since then has been gradually
losing her sight, until now she Is almost if
not totally blind. No cause can be assicned
for this sad affliction, which we trust will not
be of long duration, as the father of the little
girl, who Is a brother-in-law of our respected
townsman, Mr. Thomas Davis (Jackson),
Intends to take her ere long to Pittsburgh or
Philadelphia for medical treatment.
Our old and earnest friend John Kearney,
of Munster township, having determined to
quit the firming business at all hazards, the
work being too laborious for a man of his
years, will offer at public sale, on Tuesday,
March 7th. proximo, his farm of 120 acres,
with a two and-a half story frame house,
bank barn, 00x43 feet, and other buildincs
thereon erected. Also, one horse, five cows,
three head young cattle, one wagon, one cart,
one sled, a lot of wheat, oats and corn, and
a general variety of farming implements.
See posters printed at this office.
There was a large vote at the election In
Altoona on Tuesday last, with the following
result : Howard, Pep., for Mayor, re-elected
over Ga'braith, Dera., by 112 maj.; Mc
Nevin, Dem., City Treasurer, by 141 over
Bitner.'Rep.; Amies, Rep., Recorder, by 122
over TTeinsline, Dem.; Barr and Cole, Dems.,
School Directors, over Houser and Dem,
Reps. average majorities, 275; Kendicr,
Dem., City Auditor, over McLean. Rep., by
199. The next Common Council will stand
ten Democrats to six Republicans. Glory
enough for one day, with a whole month
thrown In.
The new management of the Binebam
House, Philadelphia, have notified our friend
and everybody's friend, R. n. Thompson, of
this piace, that while they are sorry to do-it,
they will be obliged to dispense with his ser
vices on and afttr the first of next month,
having already more clerks than the business
of the bouse demands. They promise, how
ever, to give him a boost if they can when
ever or wherever he may desire or require it.
"Bob" will look around for awhile, in hopes
that something may turn up, before return
ing to his old stamping ground. May success
attend his efforts.
Several townships and boroughs in this
county are and have for years been indebted
to for publishing their annual statements,
and, although we have sent bills time and
again, we might as well have spared ourself
the trouble and expense so far as they are
concerned. The name of one of these dis
tricts commences with the letter B, two with
the letter C, one with the letter S, and one
with the letter W. We hope this hint is
broad enough to receive Immediate atten
tion ; if not, we shall try what virtue there
13 In "stones," as the well-known fable has it.
The reporter of the Pittsburg Dispatch
who furnished said paper with an account of
the "Trobable Murder of a Woman" in that
city on last Sunday niht, tells among other
things that he discovered, while visiting the
scene of the tragedy, "a number of empty
bottles, one of xrhirh contained over a half
pint of whisky." Certainly a very startling
discovery that, but it is none the less possible
that if somebody else had discovered the
tmptu bottle just before the reporter did, he
(the somebody else) would have found it to
contain not less than a pint of the aforesaid
beverage. Do you see the "pint" ?
Mr. James Keilly, an elder brother of
Hon. John Reiily, late of Altoona, now of
Philadelphia, a gentleman well known as the
Superintendent of Transportation on the T.
R. R., and as an ex-Congressman from this
district, was seized with hemorrhages of the
lungs at the corner of Broad and Catharine
streets, Philadelphia, on last Sunday morn
ing, and died before he could be removed
from the spot where he fell, and before med
ical aid could reach him. The deceased was
a resident of Union City, Erie county, Ta.,
and had never been married, nis age was
about 66 years. May he rest In peace.
Our good friend and true, Mr. Geo. W.
Dunmyer, cf East Conemaugh, did some
tning the otner day which ought to bring the
blush of shame to the check of every delin
quent on our books who reads but never
heeds our oft-repeated appeals for what is
honestly and justly due us. Commiserating
us In our many and sad bereavements, Mr.
G,, whose subssription was already paid np
until next month, 6ent us the money for two
more years in advance, giving as a reason
for so doing that he supposed we were in
need of pecuniary aid. That Heaven may
bless our generous friend in this woild and
be bis reward In the world to come is our
sincere and heartfelt prayer.
The Indiana Mtsnon'!r of last week ex
pressed its deliberate belief that "at a low
estimate the average expenditure of money
per day in this (Indiana) town for whisky, is
one hundred dollars." This represents one
thousand drinks and is a verv good showing
so far as whisky is concerned. Lnger beer,
however, is a more popular drink than whL.
ky, and if the editor of the ifrenaer will
cipher out and tell us next week what is the
average expenditure of monev per day" In
the same town for lager and pretzels, we will
thus be able to form a more intelligent opin
ion as to what kind of an opening his town
presents for a vigorous temperance crusade.
The dedication on Sunday last of the
new Presbyterian church, in this place, bro't
hither a goodly nnmberof former Ebensburg
ers, of botb sexes, but we venture to say
that none of them received a more beart.v
welcome than our good friends A. T. Jones
and his excellent sister-in-law, Miss Lue
Ktnkead, both of whom reside in Kane, Mc
Kean county, but never fotget their dear old
home on top of the Allegheny mountains.
We are glad to say that botb "are well and
doing well, and that they did not forget us
in our recent ten ible afflictions, which same
is tiue of Mr. Jones' worthy wife and family,
whom we have abundant reasons to esteem.
Editor Haines, of the Altoona Call,
claims to have been interviewed on Saturday
last by our usually amiable friend, Dt. Bitt
ner, the recently defeated Republican candi
date for re-election to the office of City
Treasurer, who mildly Informed the aforesaid
editor to this effect : "If you print anything
more about me I'll knock the ruddin' out of
you I" lie also gave Mr. Haines to under
stand that be had his (names') record and
would publish it in poetry. Whereupon ye
editor wondereth with exceeding great won
der "what the people have done that they
should be compelled to read our (his) record
in P.ittner's poetry." He seems willing
enough, however, that the public should be
forced to submit to that trying ordeal, provi
ded the following couclu?ion to his remarks
may be taken to mean anything : "If the
gonial doctor, however, wants to go into de
tails, we will try and keep up our end of the
string, either in nrose, poetry, or 'puddins.'."
Gen. John Williamson, "of the Hun ting
id on county bar, was eighty-six years old on
Friday of last week, and is probably the old
est lawyer in the State. As early as 119,
when Gen. W. bad only been al the bar a
vear or t wo. he was a regular attendant at
the Courts held in this place. Mr. John
Dougherty, the oldest man in our town, his
age being nearly the same as that of Gen.
Williamson, settled In this place as a tailor
in the year above named and still plies the
needled and he has often stated to us that of
all the lawyers who came here from other
conntips to attend Court. Gen. W. was by
odds the best looking and finest specimen of
a man. Mr. Dougherty is the only male cit
izen of this place who resided here whn
young Williamson, together with some other
Huntingdon lawyers, all of whom but Wil
liamson are now dead, played a leading part
in the infancy of the Courts in this county.
A meeting between the oldest lawyer and the
oldest tailor in the State, at which they could
review their recollections of the men of Cam
bria county sixty-three years ago, would
possess peculiar interest to" both.
James G. Allison, the Indiana county para
cide, was duly choked to death, according to
law, in the jail yard in the neighboring boro'
of Indiana, on Friday last. It was the first
hanging ever witnessed in that county since
Its formation, some seventy-nine ypas ago,
though there are said to have been fifteen
murders committed within its borders during
that time.
The event attracted over one thousand
people from the adjoining counties, of whom
only about forty were permitted to see the
hanging, which was very quietly conducted.
The victim was James G. Alli-'on. convicted
of killing his father en June 1. Alli
son seemed to bo perfectly indifferent to his
fate. He refused to listen to any spiritual
advice and protested his innocence to the
Father Allman. the Catholic priect at In
diana, made a final appeal to him, but he
met with less success than in his previous
visits. The murderer w:is particularly ill
natured, end gave the priest to understand
that he did not want his or any other clergy
man's advice. Later he had a visit from his
mother, brother, and sister, the first from
any relative except a cons'n since his impris
onment. The visit of his relatives gave him
grave offence, and when he recognized theni
he qnickly turned his back and requested the
under-keeper toserd them away. His moth
er was miTh affected, but th tmm.erer was
unmoved by her tears.
At 10:"0 a. m. the culprit was told to get
rendv for the hanging. lie promptly arose
to his feet, but declared that he would not.
walK to the scaffold. The sheriff end depu
ties then took hold of him, when he accom
panied them without offering the least re
sistance. As be stepped from the jail door
he took in the gallows at a glance, and mo
mentarily seemed;toshudder. He, however,
ascended the seaffold arid passed through the
remaining portion of the terrible ordeal with
out exhibiting any fear, nis last words
were : "I am awfully wronged. I was
fetched her innocent." ' There was no cler
gyman on the platform, because it was
thought that the presence of one would give
him offence. A young man endeavored to
impress on his mind the importance of pre
paring for eternity, but meanwhile he was
quietly chewing tobacco, and made no re
sponse to anything that was said to him.
At 11 A. m. the sheriff sprung the trap, and
in seventeen minutes he was declared dead
bv the physicians. His r.eck was broken.
After the bodv had been cut down it was
placed Ir. a coffin, ami over a thousand men,
women and children gazed at it. The
friends of the murderer took charge of the
Tuesday's Election. The following i
the result of the election held in thisborouch
on Tuesday last, with the number of votes
cast for each candidate, and also the names
of the officers elected in tiie adjoining town
ship of Cambria, where things political are
always on one side, like the handle of a jug,
and that side ain't the ribt side for us eith
er. It wil! also be seen that the Republicans
elected every officer in the borough 'this year
except the constable in the V"et ward, the
two Democratic inspectors chosen being of
right due to the minority party. Here are
the official returns :
nonoron at Larob.
Fait Want. !?nrjrs. C. T. Roberts. R., 73; H.
Kinkeid, ls : School Directors, Kdw. Thomas' K
T0.: W. K. (littinifS. R.. C9:T1ios. 11. Heist. D..-J4'-John
r.. Sto'Ufh. I).. 20: Auditor. W. H. Cnnell
K.. 73: M. 1). KltteM. D.. In Wt Wr.n. I!ur
ees. C. T. Ko!,er'. 72: H. Kinkead. W: School
Directors. Edwin Thomas. 73: Wm. A. Oiutnirs 1
': T H. Heist. .?: .Tbn T.. Stnuith. 64: Auditor. 1
Assessor R. K.Davis R . 7.1: Assistant A sues
snrs K. R. Tib'.ott. R.. Kvan C Evans. ... each !
Council Thos. I-. Divis, K.. 75: Constable Evan
K. Evans, R., 73 : Judeof Election W m. I.eluh
ty. K.. .z ; Jos. .McDonald. D.. U ; Inspector Isaac
Davlf, K., 69: Henry Kyrne, !.. ii.
Assessor Hosea Evans. R., 73; John A. Plair,
D., 61 : Assistant Assessors R. Lt. Davis, R.,73;
K. W. Humphreys. R., 70 : H. A. Shoemaker. D. ,
63: Thomas J. Williams. D.. 70: Council Ernil
Custer. It.. 76 : J. D. Purrish , D.. 60 : (Constable
James Myers. D . 7S : Daniel Etc-rv. R.. .VS ; .Indire
of Election John Kirsclmer. R.," To ; M. R. H.
Creery. D., : Inspectors Daniel I'uau, R.. 7u :
II. J. Crouse, D., e4.
Justices of the reace Tem. Davis, Abel Llovd.
Constable Ihivld R. Edwards. Assessor David
Tudor. Assistant Asessr3 1 Thomas, KoVt
R. Joncg. Judif- td Election Oliver In
spectors -1 en. W. Crittlnzs, R., Thos. Hoover, D.
Supervisor Henry Walters, Wm. K. Rowland.
School Directors Henj. I.lovd. Thos. D. Iewis.
Auditor John E. Evans. Township Clerk ti. J.
Killed at Cox em a ugh. A fatal acci
dent resulting In the inst ant death of Samuel
Kitehie, occurred on the P. R. R. at Enst
Conemauuh, this county, on last Friday
evening, shortly after dark. Mr. Ritchie, as
we learn fiotn the Johnslown Tribune, was
a member of the firm of Weaver & Ritchie,
stone masons. Roth men came to East Con
emaugh from Butler county about eighteen
months ago, and la-t summer built for the
Cambria Iron Co. the foundations for ten
new houses in that place, and on the day of
the accident had finished a contract for lay
ing the stoue work on which the company's
new coke ovens are to be erected. In the
afternoon they went to Johnstown to receive
their pay, and on their return, and when
they had reached the new bridge between
Kast Conemaueh and Franklin, the New
1 ork and Chicago Express came alone, run
ning at a very rapid rate. Roth stepped
tro.n the track, but Mr. Ritchie did not get
far enough away, and was struck by the
front part of the engine and thrown a con
siderable distance. When Mr. Weaver
reached, his side he was dead, it being after
ward discovered that his neck was broken.
The deceased wag about forty years years of
age, was the father of ten children, and was
a sober, hard-working man, enjoviug the re
spect of all who knew him. Ilia remains
were taken to Butler for burial.
The most sensible remedy, and the only
safe, sure and permanent cure for all diseas
es of the liver, blood and stomach, including
billious fevers, fever and acue, dumb ague,
jaundice, dyspepsia, etc., is Prof. Guilmette's
French Liver Pads, which cures by absorp
tion. Ask your druggist for his noted cure,
and take no other, and if he has not got it or
will not get it for yon, send tl.50 to French
Pad Co., Toledo, O., and they will send too
one post-paid by return mail.
Mr. Geo. A. Kinkead. one of the building
eorunnttee, has; very kind'y furnished us with
the following account ofthe dedicatory ser
vices at the new Presbyterian church, In this
place, on Sunday la-t.;and also the append
ed description of the elegant edifice. which
is indead an ornament to our town :
The new Preshytcrtnn ohtircli. bennHfnl nnd
comfortable hoiife of wiirchir'. was dedicntc l to
Almlirbty Ood nn lt Sabhath mornina-. 19th lnt.
The iay wa wet nn ! tie "tr. ts slippery, but. tlm
people wmild not allow themselves to be" der-rlved
of the ?p1ntnl entertainment rf this occap Ion ;
hence the unpointed hour found a fine. Innre andl
ence in attendance. The services were opened with
avoluntnry by the ehoir. The sica-irir. it Is pro
per to :tr m t here. wa n delUhtful feature of the
day. The pieces w. re well cbosen and their rendi
tion showed the members of the choir to be Kitted
and cultivated voenlists nnd the oriranist a fine
musician. The sinsrtnjr was strong, foretl le. well
timed, and Its effect was nr.t infroqtient'r thrill
ing. Kev. Haniel Harbison, a former patorof the
conpeiratlon, but now of Catasauqua. Pa., deliv
ered the ded'eatory sermon, tokina: rr his text
John iv, 19--J4. Mr. Harbion. In comim anions
ns on thia occasion, revived old and sacred reor.l
leetions, and his irnsenee and preaching were ex
ceedinirlv edifyin- to all who saw and heard him.
His erTon was a learned, practical and eloquent
effort, breathma; a soi-'t so larje, so frie, so cer
tain, as to impress Itself Indelihlr upon the hearts
and consciences of all who listened to him
Kevs. W. H. f'Hir. or I.atrobe. T. II. Jones. pa
torof the Congregational church, Ebenshurir. and
t. Barnes, of Kane. pa... were present and tonic
part in the exercises, the Kev. trent'.eman first
named making the dedicatory praver.
; Servioes were held acain in the"a fternoon. and
despite the inclemency of the weather a larsre and
appreciative audience erected the preacher, who
at this service was Kev. Mr. t'nrr. who. nv the war.
! made himself beloved bv the congregation thro'
; his kind and efll-lent preaehlna- to them d'inn
! the pat summer :nd present winter, thev beinn
rruuiMr paior. hk sermon on this oc
casion showed riy;id research, accurate armlvsis
and deep devotion to his hltrh and sacred calling.
In adOition to the ministers alreadv named. Kev.
A. S. Morrison, of the Disciples' church, was pres
ent and assisted in the exercises.
Services for the third time were held n the even
Ins, when the house was filled to overrlowine with
an intelligent and Interested audience. Rev. Har
bison airaln preached, taktner his subieot the
Transfiguration of Chr! t. The sermon was deep,
Impressive and edifvinir.
Tnus spent ii'eof oirweete?t Sabhath davs,
the remembrance whereof shall loni? be eherished.
The day was an illustration of the outward man
perlshin and t:ie inward man renewed day by
dav. The outward dav was uninvitintr. The rains
descendej and the floods came, the win is blew and
the clouds lowered and threatened. No rainbow,
no sun. The streets were wet. lev nnd danirrrous ;
r-l' We' r;liae'1 UP bcavenly places In Jesus
Christ, fell not. but became renewed in strength
and faith and hope and hope and love.
The church is built of Philadelphia pressed brick,
with Ohio stono trlmminirs. nnd is of modern de
S'trn The plans and specifications were prepared
by A. L.. Dorr, architect, of St. Catharines. :ana
di. The auditorium is 5"x32 foot, with a reecs in
roar of pnlptr, for the choir and a ver! Untie in front.
The ceillntf i arched and fini.-hei In white, while
the side walls are of liirht M Jo. The window" are
of stained jfla-s. set in leaded saph.and were man
ufactured in Hutfalo. N. Y The pews and pulpit
are of ash, trimmed with walnut, and areaoknovl
e deed to be unsurpassed for neatness and comfort.
The floors will be covered with 8-p!v inu-riin -a met.
The buildine was completed within a vear from
the time it was decided bv the conercVation to
build, at a cost of $0,K)O Including: price of lot of
The work was done by Mr. Henry Sl-.enV. con
tract' r from T'rle, under tho sti) crvibion of his
foreman, Mr. Chas. Marks, and too much praise
eanr.ot be sriven to these pentlemen for the work
manlike manner lu which the work has been done.
A West Point Gadetsitip. Gnrxi Chance
for So-mfi Yovnft M'in. The following card
from Congressman Campbell, of this district
fully explains itself :
Hlirss Or liRPKHSEyTATlfFS. I
Wshisti'X. I). C, Fi b. 13, 1U52.
To the Kditor of th' Johnatown Tribune.
StR: Having been requested by the Secretary
of War to nominate a endid. ite I;r appointment
as Cadet to the I" . M'lifarv Academy at West.
Point, frnin the Vllth District of Pennsylvania. I
would respec'-f nlly request the papers in the dis
trict, to announce that there ba a c.'''mpcit;Vo ex
amination as to the mental and phytorl qupltrica
tionso such applicant as mav nfent themselves,
said examination to l,o conducted bv a Piard of
three qualified pentlemcn, who will he appointed
for that purpose, and who will m""t In Johnstown
on Wednesday, the C2d dav of March. l'iS'j. or at
such other time a the Hoard tiny asrree upon ilv
itisf due notice of the same. The examination to
be free to all applicant" bet ween the airer nf seven
teen anil twenty-two ycata who ar- bna fid resl
deits of the strict : but no applicant will be ex
amined who has had a brother educa ted . rr bei ni
educated at tho Military Aa lemv s.t We.-t Point
orthe Naval Aeademv rt Anpapo!i. The candi
date select, d I t th? P ard be required to re
port at West P'.tr.t no! hi'i r than the lo;h of June,
Very resoectfullv, J. M. Caiirr.r.LU
o-'ori ;n.rr. vises.
Fine, vicrorons Vines. Two, Three and
Four Years Old. for sale by the dozen or
thousand nt the lowest prices.
These Vines are raised on the famous Mr..
Prospect Vineyards, ntPassiie, X. .1., where
the well-known Port Grape Wine is produced
that is so highly esteemed by Physicians.
Enquire of Alfred Kri.Fr.,
2rl0-2m. Passaic, X. J.
A J OCR's" al mi! Metc PTAirs. The pub
lishers of the ' Mechanical News," an il
lustrated, practical mechanical journal, for
eleven years published at Sprincfield, Ohio,
have defined to remove their pancr to their
Eastern office. Xo. 110 T.i hortv froot Vam
Vork. on or about the 1st of March. The
''Mechanic al News" is one of the best
journals of its class published, and it is (he
intention of the proprietors to stiil further
improve it. In order to do this economically,
anil in the best possible manner, they find
j umi, n, it rssfiiTim irt remove tiie sami to the
; metropolis of the! "nited States, where they
I can make the paper fiist-clnss in every re-
inn is a nanusonie sixronn
page journal, printed on fina paper, with en
gravings of the latest mechanical device'
and subjects that cannot fail to interest evl
cry reader. They propose not only to make
it popular with the artisan, but a welcome
visitor to every mechanic's household. The
publishers send a specimen corv and Premi
um list free on application. Their snWrlp
tion price is verv low. onlv One Dollar per
year, and a useful premium included.
VorNO men, and middle aced ones, suffer
1112 from nervous debi!it and kindred weak
nesses, send three stamps for Part VIT of
Dime Series Rooks. Address World's Dis
PENSARr Medical Association, Buffalo,
Rallop's monthly Illustrated Maga
zine. The March iiumbei of this popular
journal is out, and contains a liberal instal
ment of that very original and thrilling story
called "The Clenched Hand:" and also
many illustrated articles of great interest to
the general reader. Evry one Phould buy
and read Railou's Magazine, for ir, is one of
those publications that satisfy every house
hold. If your newsdealer docs not keep it
on sale, send fifteen cents to the publishers
and Cpt one by return mail, and then you
wi'l be likely to subscribe.
Published'hy Tbonies Talbot, 23 Ilawley
street, Roston, Mass., at onlv ?l.r,f per an
num, postpaid, and for sale at all th news
depots in the country at fifteen cents a copy
Speak to your neighbors ahout it, aTd cet
up some cluhs this spring. Vow is the time
to start clubs for the new vo'uine.
The entire stock ,,f overcoat', dress coats'
pants, vests, f un:isbing coods, etc., now in
store at the corner of Eleventh avenue and
Thirteenth street (Couch's new building)
Altoona, must be closed out within the next
sixty days, and in order to insure that result
every article comprised in raid stok will pos
it Irebi be sold at 25 percent, let than the ori
rrinal cost. Make a note of this fact, and the
next time you visit Altoona drop in on our
gentlemanly friend Dan. Einstein and his
polite and attentive assistants, Messrs. Tat
ton and Sanpp, and see if they don't make
good the promises contained in'this notice.
Answer This Question. Why -do so
many people we see around us seem to pre
fer to suffer and he made miserable by indi
gestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appe
tite, coming up of food, yellow skin, etc
when for 75 cts. E. James. Druget Ebens
burg. Pa., will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer
which is guaranteed to cure in every instance?
O Tfirtt Dats' Trial. We will s-nd Dr
Dye's Celebrated Plectro-Voltaic Reit ftn,i other
Klectrie Appliances on trial fur thirty davs to
vonna men end older persons who arc ofa'i.-ted
with Nervous Debility, lost Vltalitv etc "cuar
auteelnir speedv relief and complete restoration ot
viiror nnd mnnheod. Also lor Ehournat"m Nea
rularia. Paralysis. I.iver and Ki.lney difficulties
Ruptures. nd many other disease'. Iilutrated
pamphlet sent free. Address Voltaie p.eit Co.
Marshall, Mich. (10-28 -ly J
DONt iriHK, Died, of plenro-pnenmnnlv at
the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. Peter Hall
In Alleaheny township, on Tuesdav, Feb It, 1852 yountrcst daughter of lute Patrick and
Kllza Donnuube, erred 21 rears and 10 months.
Thesubjet ot this notice had taken on herself
the task of carina; for the lamilv of l.ce sister all
of whom were prostrated with dij.n,,la. Her
over-tried strength (rave way, however, and she
fell at her post. No one ever bore Intense sufler
lntr with more fortitude, or aeeei.fed death with
more resignation. From a life of' innocence and
consoled by the last rites of the Catholic church
she passed, let ns hope, to a happv eternit. We
pray that the reunion with her parents, to" which
she looked forward wi'h such a firm faith and
oriifht anticipations, will be speedily, if it hns not
already been realized. The respect In which she
wa held, and the deep svtnpnthv ftlt for her sor
rowing relative, were well attested bv the lanrn
attendance at her funeral in Loretto, and by the
reat numbers who were prnt at tbe Mati oer
ei for the repose of her loul.
500 Bushels Potatoes,
300 Bushels Apples,
200 Lbs. Dried Apples.
The above are sonic of the articles we
are just now in need of, but any
thing you have to sell bring to
us and we will crivc vou
THE !3!C
At the same time we wish to call your
attention to the fact that wc have a
on hands at present, all of which we
are positively oflering at
old Weather 1D8P
you can save money by haying them
now, as wc are oflcrinff
M fc-07 K V B Us. Ti W i.' if
in goods that we have on hand, so that
we can dispose of as many as possi
ble before the 1st of April next.
w hich is the largest and most complete
in Ebensburg. To make a long story
short, bring us what you have for sale
and we will sell you what you want at
the right figures.
Ebensburg, Feb. 24, 1882.
I : '. : .
CJ U; . -; . . O . ,r-r '. .. ' :v j
':'; -A -' , r-ok. V- VA- i
. . , -: -
; .."-" ' " ' i.-. AM
3! t'j
I . . fe? i: j"
'TIS . 1v---i
V"OTICE. The followmp afi-oini" oi
JLI AFiirtiPP! liavp b n fil"vl in the Tr tlior: -
tary'g Oltir of Cambria I'onnty. whfoh wiil ! i re-m-nted
to ths.Inlirp of the t'oiirt of t ' i!rm n l'l "T
of Jid county, at Khrnihnr:. for cuniirin i'..on. on
Ihf. firlt Monday of March nclt.
I he account or Jobn Wagnor, .??'.trn u! r. . t.
The first and partial account or Jrhn A. H'.air
and Johu Llovd. A?slnes of N. . Krcuili. fl.
JOHN C. (1ATKS. .ni tH'y.
Protbonotary'g Office. Ebensbursr. i oh. U. IstJ.St.
T"W. DICK, Attorney-t-Law,
Ebensbnrg, Pa. Office In building of T.
J. LIOTd. dee'd. (finit loor.l Oontre ii rert. All
leannar oi lurjl huiinetf attended te ist.shto-
TH, awl tfntB. a iptKalty. H0-l.-tt l
V W.. ? S
- 'XJ -
" ; V "EST"
T7xi:T'Toirs notice.
J J I - arc f Patkks McMajtakt, dee'd.
l.-'iT !-f rmei!tary oa the estate of I'atriok
T.i Ijn.'iny. Iit of Vahinston township. Cam
I r:a cono'v, havinp been crnnted
t tt:? ii'wi.-r'iirne'l ly th-3 Keiriptor of AN tils of
1 'lv. ijr'tit.-e t li-reOy civen to all persons
in.l ot:ife to rnnke immliate iay-
in'ic. I th r'.1 w;o hare c!atms arnint the same
wil' rrf-.M'Di tl.csn firfeitsmont. pronerly anthli
, t:.-,t...i rtl s. K. McMANAMY', Ezecalvr.
' V.'ahiiiiflon lrp. "eh. 3, 18S2.-8t.
r ,-.,
r r-iice cn f. entre street.
EBENfeOCao, rA.
The Best Piace
Sixth and Market Streets,
No. 3 MOE RiS Street,
tT Resident of orf?iern Cambria are peci:iUif invited to give u a
rait. Contm odious yard and feeding place for ti'vrfts. free ff eliarge.
j ui it.-: iij cti.tiuiners.
JOHNSTOWN. JA.N. 27, li'I.-STj.
they a:r,:e .jDI
Prices Down to Zero!
Largest Business in Ebensburg.
Jbxecutor sSale
Of Real l:tnto.
THK umlprslsned will i.fTer ! r a!- at jm'.'ii out
pry, nt the St. !-art:aee li jtel la t'arrjiiii.-vn,
Caiu'.Ti.i county, on
SATURDAY, March 11, 1832
Tiir ex ti r iHKi) oxr-HALr
of the hHnwinir rtr' -ihrd TA l'.M. .-iiuito 1 in ("sr
rU t';wnhip. :i.i!o'rnn jMn:i or Anutine V( t
on the sotuli. Ar.ifw stnl tn-.!i't:T cti th" wot. J-.l.n
FlU-it cn the n.-rth anl fft, 'Uri-ti in S;r.T-l -r mi
tt e ti"rt!i. nn 1 H-nry lifMnlf-r "rt tup ent. ri.ui.iiR.
inw 1.4 A I:S jiui :!;nwmi-f, iuiviiii; tl.t-reon
a.twu f t. rv 1 . kick Mijsmj Hurs:, a o'tiin"J'fu
Fitmt Barn, a 1i-l' (H'.' Ha!:ii . r fr.i ;.! fri:.t
trees. anl an!re f ir .! w ixor npv!!:-.l
by nevcr-hiilir.e yjirinr. A !'! 10 Arr" cf the
lanil If clc-nrc-1. in a tr".' l i.f .n:t;v..:i. . v..
enc!"?.1 t y irit.ul 'tires-1 ! r. -tt l i-irir ttvll
tnutiroil. Title In.iijiutnlile. Ai.-o, tlse 1- ii' t ir.;;
(lPMTiiU: J
riizcr. on rAizcr.L or laxd
s'.tn:itc in (V.rtjn.-fmn t.ori.Mith. flili'Mninz I.tTi.i f.f
V. X. Stritt tint tcr c ti thet .-mr. h...'tr.i-'li f r -i i :i
tiio wrl. lr.t:-i jf IHtvrenc- S-hV"'tii n tti" nurlti
nn-i heir? f ."ii. St"itrorwn ..n ti!e rat, contain.
Iiik S Arrn ami 10 I'orctio.
Tl'.KMS OI' SAI.I-;.
9ir nt hr-tf t.r ti.ft pMrlinp money to 1..? ra'-i
on ft, ft rut 'it i-.n vf f i it, rt nd t iif I :tiane i n .n vrr.
with ir.tcrcFt. M be fctnn-U Uy !-m.J and ruurtst j-e
of the ptirvliuif.
Ji IiN W. Pit A K II AT"i H.
Survivire Hxcvninr "1 .1. SnA'imroR.
Aln. at ttie titpe li'l.l 1'lnee, trill l
for ftt!". 2 A Kl.S OK I.IMI ir, Carro'.l t-vwihif,
mi'.ii uint? Ian-is of Atiitu -t n.c Y- : the ntt.i'.
I.u'thc-ron tiie went, au-l James Shai:.:iah on the
Tte.-t an. n-.rth. having thprei-n er-vt-vt a urost -iy
Flank licrs n;-1 ttic-r it j-rnvcnieais.
I'arrcllti-wn. Ich. !7. 1 H-j.-.;t.
Siii-iniFfs orrici-:. iv TiiE"T?
ni C(t;:t -r ('Avnin v. To
y ftry M ci "lnr, w i ;oT,r.r'- i - i tur s t N tr H ?
yii)Ti-f-T roiiftty, I'.i. ; "vViHiam ylci'n';c, rr --
I'fir'". Hi:ntlnavl'-ri r-:ii:y. i'r:.: lnv,.i
jrlClnro. ,-i.tinT Pt J r" c n v ; 1 !e, "Tr. "T c-m:r,
: ?." T-oiin Jlilcmn. liarvcy Milmsn, Aia
rnta (tnteruiarrir-'l 7ti AifXintir-r
t unci, iI-sry ililoman lin'.-TtuarnH wiin J;ic-.?
V urh:: !i r-'.t'.in nt A" 'T.h. l'.I ;'r r ir-.iy.
I.!.; niv'n P't.-ijitiuh, r5iHiii Rt t :'". .'ii,
IIunMnjr 1( n oouiity. I a. ; Alfreo i in-;! ikrh. Mil
t"'n liaiislitnub, licnry !ii:i-,:i''.':. ro? nt, Ia-'tilo o-ninty. 1 1 ! i n - -; : H'ir-t-'Tt-i
J-inn;;iiiih (i'itv-M'nisrrir ! "w!t h l'-'-l M i ; J-t j. r
?il iriB Tifir TTf n !rii I. ' .. I -m ' Invr mti c: i -' ty .
F;rrr 1 v ii : ii (,n: ;TT"ir f -I w. h .f'in
H'.uh'.i-ier). rrci)'itiJ: nt AIjsi Hnnt : : tr-
U-n county. 'n. : "arr .? liri't s' a nt h (inrnrr:''!
with ImvuI Kknii:ji ), regain;? r-t !1 j;:t iud'-r.
Hnn!inj'.!'.a oounfy, :
lu'.rir. on t'rl-i t-.:.ry 7. l"-. th. . i t H":irr
ft. It 'lure. r. i.' .nil 1 -t - ii t A , r r 7 I t '1 i -, i : o
if ? I rrr -r t1 j n " y , I i . 'riC"':i ' r 1 f ; i t : ?
tnrt t a w." r-1 f t i nq u"-t t- t:iivc j r . . ... .. I ne
real es-s te of ih?Rii uoc l-.t : Ar v1:t---3.
trie pr.-.y.T .-f the rt.tif ner wdb crsritfj r.r. ! a j
rst vt inL'':fr-t i vr rd'-; , ;1 ' w o'irri tl'rl I
nft !"0 hn w ! voti '-y r-n "i : r ion In J r ! -ir:i Vv
bunr mu i ':in:u i"ti km an, ail ni'.i : i coj-r cl
lu-.h no-; .I'v-r" to a 1 ?! :ri o i:: a-;
'r ticy i li'.-rt-l y ir o:i t., i i-p ? ' - .-. i. ;:v 1 .r
ties thru 1 y virtue f the nbv '".cr'-n-1 -t' p
iiK-nft wn Vo hci'l n t)t" l lf'i- P.f tii i. i
rribffil. on Friday, th' Cd da; o f Mrc7:, . ?. 8
oVlock, A. m., ltr t rti.'; oi rr. 1. : i ur; : t
at vulnaiion ami c. pir:i: err -' t (: tl- i I 'ii .?
tutc. n in the sat! writ rcu.r. i ; pt Mcti ;rr.r
and tlace said j-n-t-'"' evn u - ! ii" t! cv tiijk
proper. i : "T ' i; h f-1 1 II. St.
ShcrifTs ( Uil. c, L!-i.-l)ur-, Fea. bin, J-.-2.-4r.
SKM.FD t'lifi!'- iSILStIii Lri-. ;ve.l t the
"oniiiii.'-.-it.nT-' t if.i.-e in l.i'C-n-lu.s until 2 it'-fl-ek.
r. m.. r-n 7t.j.i '. y, -tit. : f. !--.. f.-r the
l-'-r.-l'.a-e -t e.-nty b. -"-h hi' t -. o.n-tn
st'itctncnl f.t" :.m .-itit i. ' ; r. f u-c to
take an.) the ( n-n-hi-n r .t..i-e i ;.,,(. .vt--i j.,r
....... - ... .1- . 4 c i i.r
satm l: hid t.-r- h.ivin the riglit to b.-i f..r any
unt ir ni to
tnn !atn
Theje l-.n,i wiil t e i-at j wih!n ten il ) .lavs
atler ahove date, will be-r t.i"-r-t at 4 i. r ' t.
1-er annum, rnyt hle jenii-anii.!).!ir. in X ir h in-1
Se.lem: or ca-.h year, wiU I e ili Mur 'i '. !"J.
an i re m ahle nt the i-len.ure -f the ('.inrui
fiot:er at n-y t;m alter ?Ir n 1. lji. .till will he
free from a!! fixation, tiie i'oittitv i-aiu tiie&ute
The Crtra!i'onrt-s reserve the riht t reject
any ainl til j r.-joals.
S. W. Ii.Wis.
Ji'SKP.'i lH-itT..
""ontini:.n-n of t"aailri "ountr
Attest w. H. Mc .it i t rs, tjr.rt.
t"oiimii:oners' l:liee. l.hf ti.-t urg. Feb. 13.
HAi:xr:-. saddles. i;p.iiL7;s
sadi-m irs tools, sr., m,; tsi.:-:!
lie nM''M23,i 'JiiMi.i.-f t r of Mv:-cw M
"Ni'l. it9 ol l.utn-t.iiu I-r-uith. u-i-M.
for fale vcHi tinproit nsn thnr'. k c,1
Hsm.s, Sa Idle. Kr.-ilev. S i i U-rs T'olf. tt?..
of fai-1 le.-eoriit. Ao. V. in.l tn i ; 1 in t rl..'t
wo:kirs t-rdor. For f ur' hr-r tnturr:' : -n ill on or
aJ'Iri-ts Ktih'KKT i:. li'.Nf It.L,
ANMK M. n xm.!.,
A-lnt inis' of M. HI. u Netll, deed.
' Ebtnsrir, Feb, 8, lSi-tf.
nr.lTTTSORASS,C7 5!toi...ioet T?..e 'i. only
mmm mm f 9'i. 1'ianiM up. Karelloiiday
Iqdarernentt i;e(ly. rite or ok 11 ou tiLATtl.
Washlnsion, N. J.
a wek 1n ynrown t n. Tertran4 f4 emit
ireo. A-idreil H. Hjllrft 4- to., Fortlan.l. Me.
E. STRAYER, Secretary.
r f ;b
"TV ) J" T J-
T7;-?ta53 ,-T?V;i7
) y wir iiji j
Mid c!arsio.l r..,ie-, v-re n.;.?r ca'u-., the
1' citf 1 s i ;. t cet s T." c-f - , '. c". ; t :?c cer SCO
ii'iii" mtlre t .zir '.j.,- ; !:r --.m' lv bo:1-! in
r? th.
el'tti.ri? sh-i- I l '-,. jv,"-u2 '
S.i&r! t; .' rc--i;vet by all p traai
tcrs. S-r.j lor r j-y.
crrcr, r.i rrs.
The 'Vv-! v !
1 kkkma on" vrur, i:
ary. t.j,!y g . SO. Aii :
y of I' :"'-D-
br; 41 of V- -; yi f Pz.', ; rT i Izrzr ; -. - T : -
of B-t ar.i ::,vt . t -. .
(. -ri )a try rnr'-i I, ' r j "it -4 v ' t-.irrm
j Sc.VJD Crrf-rl c 1-. t fr t. '
I Kirn nrirellow'; :. '. y
sh.'H it tt-.-jvc ct, 1
' at
I - .! t: --- . - .. .... r-? a
New 'tff-;,:cs a - .
A Fine Fara lor Ms.
VVAM'AHr.j-; r.h:. ;;v .-r c ti.."-i-ei
in A!til:e..y town-:.:;.. - f.ti't r - : , I
I.1: t-t-1'- '"'1 I- re-: . . :, . ,.r- r !,. irrea
: f..i-l ': i i. ti..-- i.ft to .t- ct r . . -re
eier.rea. wc'.l I -i.- -! tul in t . .1 . : c-: .1 o-t:.-i.
1 f ti-r--:i i . .- - t.i: i. "..:......'--: -rrr...
'ir-. i'n) r.r. -rt' -..t? rr--.- i - iv n.i.jxo
1'or--,-. e--r.::i :rt!t.-' l-: r :. t.v t. r - e 1 ; i -n. a
s":;-:-l:i. '. - ' M If-!. a -.'.- H -..J c Tl -
rrt--.l : n.-tm;i :t;.. I : i ur- : !.',. ou t n
an r: jo.'- ttt-e ot fiirsl-r -t.i r.l, i in.tT of
-i.'e :r,,,t. . t t ,' i:f. t-A"-.. t t- t-r-
r'. tr.i e .-f.. I ''! I '.'t -f ...-. -c.l
t, - !'l:e rt-r ti - t- tir- r.
wiii t;.l v.-; v ch".''7. !'t'tiif m
rh-.s.T. cn.l r-r:t"'i!r ii;!? i"-
; n 1
pory is in a very .-.-'- .o : i. v, th a -tr.inj
lw f--..iii ;!: hi tj.p. find f--r tit- tl .:. (lpii! v tvt
y ir ! : K-er, u.-cj as i dcl.ittuful report f..rium.
ic -r ar V r.
I"..r Jurtlicr information apply to
K. A. 1 Jl'SI r.
J n. 6, r?l.-lf. l. utTTO. Fa.
FARM, SAW MILL, fc., arFrits Sals.
jl i . ir t'-r::- h FAiC.'l at.-l the itn-r.'vnnii2tt
t:.(r-, ,ti tn Atj-wiiTy t tt-'-i;.. on th-t r-. u! ic.i
ln.r r.",'ti ' 11 "- S' : rt-i t ; I- ' .t:'-i. Stl 1 ! .t-n
1 c :.i ,:'t. IT r n ft' -Ji 1th-.: . t r
r i' r.'-i, n a ' t ' i o t r. '. ' :ort t - . ' - - .- - j
I -'. ;:t 1 ! V'i ! i. ! r " . vn ? tl t .. 'i j . : . .T..
(tl:or - : r.t- i . t. n . ; . - .
Bit. '' ' jj a v-. ; , i .n - t
r: --i: i .tt-Mt i: ! ra at ii. ot . w it p " 0" . f
In to ' . r Ir. t ti ve h-n.i-. 1 a 1 o; . . - - -r
bull l!.aL-. l'.'.cr-tare two or- ti.-r -- ' ' :r--:t
on the ,reT !.. tcveral yl 't eitt,
tn of tiiein l-tinc ;a ti r i -i . t .r i '. ', v "e a
t u:tain p-Mni- i. J n a -'t : t r :-' a 4.-4 I
woiiof :.t"f Rt t M r. a::.t t"j. v on - I h'.n f. t
ot ico-d ttw titrit er. licri:I" -K. iiir !:ty, ci crr; . r
J le. a-b. oak. ct- 01 it.? i"li"n d -t y-t clci'r-l.
In eoniidoti -n W'ti tbe tnui itaetj ini'-i!t-hpniir.
I. -the f.iw. rnt-of! s.t r. "1115 ft er-y
w il be' .-il. nnd ' ' .' a bt-ir a;.i, - :r.-- t' e
owner i' no ..Tt?t-rf hie to "n .11 !' 'rw k 'f-.o
farm. For Junker .ar; -u -' ' -1
KANC1S M" u; a
Pee. 3, ll.-Sra.
t "l;t :
... t
U - :