The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, February 03, 1882, Image 3

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    p.r. - - EEIi. 3. 1882'
,! T. HF.tHT TRrETO Mr.""
; ..r oi7 (fi'-en Acay. By
,iirt. r"it piti!t sVimns to n.
. , l -'- H' .ol strpt, PitMtiiirsh,
i''..tvt' f ".- of PhTrjjo, a Iiphu-
; . I : D" Your Heart Bt
m'v'ii-s't.'-l wiMi a splinii'l
;i"i?'. rprp-ieiitin'' an
i U-ani'tsr unon the arM of
I 'I'iicwDtiNMnrMithc beauty
i f.iitt'.fi'l anl niiiirinr lovi.
i !:!- oT yars snd ll frost ;
n,l tv ni'.i-;i is or rnai fmy, nnpie ;
, , ,m kinl which cannot fail to i
'.t of a" who have a soul for .
we civp you a 30 cent sone free
,.-i nnl t -o 3 cent stamps to H.
1 ' V
yilt-ro r ri . 1 Hip Othpr l'le.
I,..,;,.; at Oatman's.
ir in town at O.itman's.
-., .:, f., 7 and cents, at Oat man's.
..:.m; is ;;i men' heavy boots at
; r int j-0'l oysters by the quart or
, . i it:;:.Vi's.
siy O.ittnau keeps the best
. ;,;i.MS in town.
:'..;!'ii'T Si Hto. w ill buy all the po-
,., ..;y !:A- fur ?al.
'.. oystrrs are received every
i . 1 I'ri l.ty at Oatman's.
t ;:,ren coffee ever sold in this
:.! hnutit at Oatnian'9.
M -.nit. lin Salvia, the great asthma
r s c at j ames tirug &iure.
nealth, hope and happiness are restored
by the use of Lvdia E. Pinkbara's Veeetable
Compound. It is a positive cure for all those
diseases from which women suffer so much.
Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 West
ern Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets.
The connecting of the names of Mr. Jno.
Sanders and his two sons with the recent
shocking death at Benscreelt of Mr. Louis
Delahunt, is an outrage on those gentlemen
which demands a prompt retraction from all
the papers and persons who have given cur
rency to the story.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is a marvellous
cure for Catarrh. Diphtheria, Canker-mouth
and Headache. With each bottle there is an
insenious nasal injector for the more success
ful treatment of those complaints, without
extra chare. Price 50 cfs. Sold by E. Jamo's
Druegist, Ehensburg, Pa.
The nnly citizen ot Cambria county, and
a worth', upright mn he is, who has ever
been known to decline a nomination for of
ficethat of State Senator out of pure mod
esty in declaring himself unfit for the posi
tion, was m town on Wednesday, and the
printer is ti.ree dollars and a naif better off
for it.
The I. O. O. F. brethren of this place in
dulged in a big feed and a good time gener
ally at their lodge room on last Wednesday
night. About seventy ladies and gentlemen
participated, and nothing stronger than
toasts, arffl not many of them, was drank.
Mr. Swartz, of the new confectionery store,
engineered the eatables.
If Henry Barnhart, Hattie Carney, John
Cellar, Annie Hildehraad, Miss Elizabeth
Jones and Mrs. E. Thompson call at the Eb
enshurg postoffice and ask each for an ad
vertised letter, they will have no more diffi
culty in getting it than James Glasgow or
Evan Powell would have in getting two each
iui nit- anif auiouni or asKing.
, The recent destruction by fire of the Lan
caster Enquirer building resulted among the
I other disasters in wiping out the Pennsylvania
j School Journal, printed at said office." out of
existence for a few weeks. Subscribers to
the Journal who read this notice will there
I fore be able to account for their failure to
j receive It for a month or so to come.
Cc. Snn't Straver ami Mr I'. l?;
B. E., superintendent of the Ebensburg pub
lic schools, intend to conduct a Normal Class
If you want a hat for vour head, or shoes
for your feet, a watch for your pocket, or
e'en something to eat, tobacco to chew, or
cigars of the best, rings for your fingers when
you pun down your vest, these goods you
will find, and many things more, with Cham.
Roberts, the clever, whose Variety Store is
filled to renletion with a stock that's com
g.ete, while his prices are as low as his su
pars are sweet. So vou'll go there and buy
t you're wise and discreet.
A lively railroad war was inaugurated
early on Saturday last in the vicinity of East
; uvrriutuir,i, cflusei ot fiidb i wo unnnrea
trackmen ot the Pa. R. U. Co. tearing no about
j a thousand feet of track which the Cambria
Iron Co. had laid on the bed of the old Por
j tage R. R. About 10 o'cloek the Cambria
; Iron Co. took two locomotives and twenty
! cars loaded with old rails, ore and stone, and
1 ran them up on their track to prevent the
j other side from eoing on with their work of
j destruction. This had tb? effect of suspend
' liig hostilities for a time, when orders were
received from headquarters in Philadelphia
i directing the. railroad men to withdraw,
which thev did, and the C. I. Co. men soon
I followed their example. The origin of the
j trouble is a fear on the part of the P. R. R.
j Co. that the Iron Co. was playing into the
. hands of its rival, the Baltimore and Ohio R.
! R. Co.
! The Journalistic pathway of Mr. James
j F. Campbell, now of the Greene County Dem
ocrat. avnesluirg, Pa , is seldom, ir ever,
strewn with roses. It seems from the dimin
utive edition of his paper of last week that
he owed a lawver named Huss ?2"i0. borrow
ed from him when he was about, to start the
Democrat that early last week Hnss not
only wanted his money returned, but also
insisted upon supervising the editorial arti
cles nefore they were set up. and runninethe
paper generally. Mr. C iifTered to pav him
back his money arid ?."0 for the use of the
amount, but repudiated the other demand
stated. In his last week's issue the editor
i avers that when his workmen were taking
! the forms of the paper to the Republican ot
1 fice, where he did his press work, Huss in
j terfered with them and in the altercation
I that followed the forms were "pied," as
i printers say, and the type scattered in the
: mud. Campbell declares he will eo straight
ahead with his paper and show Huss that he
Editor Freem an Dear Sir :
Portage, Pa., Jan. 30, 1882.
Dear Freeman. Business u
in this locality, and quite a number of new
buildings are beinir erecta1 Xl. l
On the dav I Martin A Co. contemplate th oi-t';..' i I
after the last November election, when thn j some twenty new houses (you don't suppose '
telegraph had substantially announced the ( they would build old ones do vou'! in the '
....k vi,, i"c year.) i nis enterprising firm
f-'iaiso.uXtndin? tneir railroad about one !
..t cakes of a cold morning
a:iJ cattle powder at James'
i l Neuralgia and Palpitation of the
,.f ?r.v .s.wured me Avo. Melgert,
- u r.i.
ft il-::-: know the "true inwardness"
31 : ,ii foiitrihiition sent us this week
f i;' ciii publish it.
. r'l.iy (.Tir.irsdiy) was Candlemas
,-.'r!i chr. nit:les ami gro uud-hog
i:- .: ur vt r'l.ieu Jar.
T - jroMi! I-ling crawled out of his hole
j y i'. is fmuily to bo hoped that he
J ' i '.p'.v Ik hir.d hi'.ii.
i' i.r sixteen pound boy baby is
J airs Dan. Eberly the happiest man
t uig a present writing.
1 ,.. is about six inch 9 thick, and
I have been hauled this week
i r i away for summtr use.
I '..liiibria Iron Company is import
t : 'tt fruin Georgia and erecting a
t rim n'l.inufaftory in Johnstown.
- Barker & Bro. have on hand a nice
1 .v niackeial put up in all sized pack-
u :i ten pound kit to a full barrel.
Barker & Bro. have just received a
t ..t of (lour from Miinkle'sand Sech
t which will be sold at very low
teachers, com, nneing about the first of May
and continuing for ten or twelve weeks. We
w ish mem success.
li. L. Johnston, E-q , of this place, de
livered a very interesting lecture on the
Irish land question before the Land League
at Minersville, this county, last Sunday
evening. Daniel McLaughlin, Esq., of
Johnstown, orated on the same occasion.
Both addresses were worthvof the respective
authors, but Mr. Johnston's was the longest,
and, it is needless to say, replete with wit.
The existing mail arrangement is the
worst Ebensburg ever was cursed with.
About half the time of late there has been no
morning mail at. all, that matter reaching us
at 5 :to p. m., while no maii can come at night
under any circumstances, and no letters can
be answered from here until twenty-four
poms auer tneir receipt, we are prajing
at the I'nion sebol KiMi , " ! w'l . ms paper .. ..... ii' ss
.1 time to buy overeats now, the intellectual and profesMonal training of ! CanDOt "PeV ln any sucn manner.
, is a good place to buy them
. ".ii you see by the dawn's eai
i'uy 'iht's intruding on the do-
For the Third Timf.. St. Joteph' Con
vent Ajain Entered by Burglars. If som of
the fast young men who, on evil deeds intent,
prowl the streets of Ebensburg at late hours
of the night, don't look "a leedle out," as
the Dutchman said to the boy who was steal
ing his Limhnrg cheese, they will be publicly
exposed and swiftly dealt with according to
the statute in such "cases made and provided.
Three times wittvn the last few months have
the Sisters of St. Joseph, at Mt. Oallitzin
Seminary, bpen subjected to the terror and
alarm naturally attending a burglary, or
something very much like it. The latest in
stance of this dastardly outrage having oc
curred on last Saturday night, when one of
these cowardly sneaks got info the building
in some way, but was fortunately frightened
away by one of the Sisters before he man-
result in the State, a young man who had
then cast his first vote, asked me to tell him,
if I could, in some future, number of the
Freeman, how long a time it required before
the telegraph came into general use to ascer
tain the vote of the State, and how the elec
tion returns were received. I told him I
would no o, and I will now not only fulfil
that promise, but refer, in addition, to some
matters not immediately connected with the
My earliest accurate recollection of the in
cidents connected with a political campiign
goes back to the memorable contest for Gov
ernor in 1S3S between Jos. Ritner and Duvid
R. Porter, the first-named having been renom
inated lv the anti-Masonic party, and the
other (Porter) being the Democratic nomi
nee. This was six years before the first tel
egraph line in this" country that between
Washington and Baltimore was erected by
Morse, its inventor, in the face of almost in
surmountable difficulties. The Ritner and
Porter campaign was, so far as my knowl
edge cf elections extends, the :ost exciting
and hotly contested one that has ever occur"
red in this State. It became so in conse
quence of the vindictive, and bitter attacks
marie unon the personal character of Porter
bv the Ritner press, and also from the settled
and deliberate determination of Thaddeus
Stevens, then one of the Canal Commission
ers, who was the power behind the throne,
rreater than the throne itself, and of Thomas
II. Burrowes. Secretary of th Common
wealth, and Chairman of he Ritner State
Committee, to carry thp election at all haz
ards, hy fair means, if thev could, but in any
rvent to carry it. The amount of monev
staked on the result was enormous. Betting
became a perfect mania all over the Stated
anrt it was a rare thing to meet with a man
who had not wagered something on Mie snc.
cess of his candidate.
it was
often a horse, a cow. or an ox.
Two four-hore stage coachps, forming the
line between Pittsburgh and naisburg
passed through this place each day, one cn.
ing east and th other west, and the way-bill,
in a.Mition to the list of passeneers. contain
ed the first and subsequent result of the elec
tion in tne (lirterent counties along the route.
".,rrj.lon or Jerry (Reason's, to
IX L Kh yhave tapped the -white
ash vein of coal. The coal in this vein at
?AJde?nerJ de?,a y experts (noYinsan
LP" flMSiitifut and bountiful-
15 k I - 1 exct"llcnt- so to speak. It is of '
i?v WhP' anlof thracitical solid- i
UrTtS,Cdred 8trn' aDdkeel
. Much talk there has been b.,nt the open
ing of coal on land of E. MeGlade Eso and
Th2 thte r"vation of he &rs Vlinn1
they ! thC ear'y SPrinK- May
Winn00 Pressing. A little late
beginning, but then, you know, great entei
prises must, of necessity, move slowly
A lecture on "Ireland'of To-day" was de
livered here, in the Lutheran church, on
Altoona. Mr. Kerr handled the subject in a
masterly manner, and though his mission is
no doubt to preach "peace and good will to
men, he didn't manifestmuch love for Brit
ish tyrants in his lecture on the above occa
sion. How could he, and be a man, and
especially an Ameiienn citizen" -.i
SL ML,aughlin. one of t wo maiden
sisters who have lived for nearly half a cen
tury on the McLaughlin estate, at "Old No.
' Is ciry (il0w nr" vo". citv?). died
on Wednesday last, aged about seventy years.
Iter sister Rose, some years younger, survives
her. Ma she rest in peace.
The general health of our people is very
good. I he only artisan that ennnnf fin.t
Of Cambria County, Fa.,
From the 27tti nay of January, JSSI,
I the 2d Hay of January. IS-2.
A. TEAGLEY, Treasurik. Dr.
To amount in Treasurer's bands at
last settlement $ fil.OSS 7s
To mt. of rtuplicate for tlie vear 1SK1. 67,437 44
" rereived from seated and un
seated lands 4T,7 ?8
" " " redemption of lands 4fK 08
" ' " miscellatieons sonrccs Sc6 04
" " " Constable for 18?0 and
prerious years 1,37 is
' " " A. Hueber, being in
terest on bal. ot duplicate 12 45
his candidate. If it was not monev. ""crative employment here is the doctor
a coat, a hat. or a pair of boots, and U e very healthy people, considering
ltrfn fc AAns ' fill r C17A '
our size.
Messrs. nahn McGearv have estaWlished
an agency here in the sewing machine line.
Thev are young gentlemen of energy and
ability, and are driving a brisk trade. If
.....i-eKeeper wnnm thev may tackle does
not. become possessed of a
j Biiiltliiij; Bridees. etc '..'...'.
Boarding .rimcrs -.....!".!!
I Boarding jurors .7.7.7
I Borough tax 7...!7!.7
I Commissiniien 7.7.7.
I Ouiimisioiiers' clerk .
; Cimniisi,niers' roundel .77."
! Court Crier and Tipstaff
; Criminal prosecutions. . .
Court Hou-e (old)
: Pi.-trirt Atlorney '.
Klections . ..
I Fox and Wild Cat sca'ps". 77!
! Inuisitions
Insurance ......!!!! . .
Interest on New Court House bonds "
I Grand Jurors
' 'traverse Jurors 7.7.7
I Janitor
Jaii and .iaiior7! 7!!7!!!7!7!77!!7777!7!
Jnrv omiuissioners find clerk.... 7 . " "
Miscellaneous Accounts
1 Of tbis amount .1. P l.intnn 'irTA' "V.'
reived .'4l 9 being SO per ceut. of
rebate on State tax for 87i;.
New Court House
Old Orders
Probates 77.7
Post a Se . S t a t ioiie ry7 et c
Printing .".......!!!.!!!!
Poor and Hon- oY'KmpYoyment
Poor House Iirectors
Keform School....!!!!!!!!"!!"
Koad Damage 7..!!
Road Funds 77.7!
School I'unds
State Tax
Sheriff ..
Teirhers' Institute !!!!....!!!..!!!!. !
Redemption of Lands '
txoneratioi.s to Constables .
Will be because thev ora r."":.i 7 Ksoneraiions on Imd irate...
talked tn itftAth '". t Kemninine in hands of Constables r..r
Before the stage left Pittsburgh, on the daw ! talked to death. Th inr r;..t : ..
aiu-i eiecKin ine agenr ot the line in , .' m. and these young men say the i Abatement to Tax Pavers
""i" """""u wny-ni ii wnat ne men
Knew aoout tr.e vote in Allegheny county,
name is very appropriate, as thev are" well I Treasurer com .on si .7-vj Mat's i'er "c'u
i., mrtKe tne person sing who
and gave what was regarded as fha probable ! rates thtin. though they never "Sngefr)d ' l Ru,nalninK ' Treasurer's hands..
:.174.29 at 1 per ct..
for a new scheilnl-? or other cl.ange for the i aged to steal anything more valuable than
better at an crlv day the earlier the better
The popular Bingham House of Phila
delphia, Mr. McCiellan (late of the Logan
House, Altoona, and Cresson Springs House)
proprietor, has changed or soon will change
hands, a Baltimore firm having bought the
property. Our townsman Mr. B. II. Thomp
son is a clerk in the Bingham, and we pie-
the key of the main entrance. He is known
and is strongly suspected of being concerned
in the two previous performances of a similar
character. He will be closely watched here
after. A gentleman of this place, whose
business required him to be on the street on
Saturday night between 11 and 12 o'clock.
during which time the outrage referred to at
f unie will remain in the like capacity under I the 8tminarv was perpetiated. saw and rec-
the ni w dispensation. Mr. McCiellan will ' ngnizej in the western part of ttwn two va-
go to to re-emoark in the hotel business. ! nanc youtlis at a short rtistance from mm,
Divis has removed his saddle
if.i making establishment into a
a: i ve John Lloyd's store, on High
v! ! I that it is the intention oj
i'. L'.ans to reruove to Johnstown in
lie won't oe sorry for the
i continue to make splendid
new (..'our' H.iuse, but the
t be ready for occupancy by
n oC Court.
e p:j.t-in one of public school,
.rvUy afternoon, necessitatino
: tponenicr.t of otiuly and recita-
-xt ii.otnlii);.
Eaiker A Bio. want to buy appies,
iltied apples, beans, corn, wheat,
. e.v 1. inter, and all other kiudi
" i;: .lin.
Li i ei J. M irreil, of Johnstown,
a tlie otlier side of the "big poi;d"
- !y wonderfully improved lu
' 1 1 to it
.'i"ie liniment will do the bdsi
; ;il! otlier liniments have faileJ.
''Iru, store. Try it. It is used by
'!-:-:neii in the county.
-" sleighing party, which is the
- : in sex to a 'sta '" sleighing
f t.. !ced of for to-morrow, with Car-
t i their destination.
j i 1 ae five or live hundred bushels
... si or mote, you wish to disnose
. -:! theui at Barkers' providing
t U . I size and perfectly sound.
a :.iLseiice of a few weeks to rccu-
n..-tt,l energies. Dr. A. Griffith
: : Ii'"'" in this place last Mon
'' ' i,f. illy restored to his wouted
r l.iMitfeit hope.
I trancis, a former resident
'. is l ark home from Chicago on
;- ten years since he left his na
H ere me plenty of his old
' til 1 1 J in welcome.
rats, mice, roaches and ants :
r!.!!naor. Barn', granaries and
Vare.i in a single night. Xo fear
' ' B st and cheapest vermin
t wor!:I. S.,:d everywhere,
fyiuaii blew out the gas a few
"t re retiring to b d at the Logan
,,vr.a. What would have been
f the bi.nnler had it not been rec
' 't r. e cn well be imagined.
'-n pretty well settled in the
" ' I'ouis D.-lah'jnt was acci
' I at Benscr.-k, r.u the 2lst ul-
' ' US r.'irinfT rt-t-r bin. r..l
uiui, nun uui
I T a tirtie Kiisnef teil br
, - - - j ,
I ;
la Ii
r frc.Ti sick or nervous head--plessne?s?
If so, do
xt in time nature wilj
o at ouae to V. .Timoi
-U, Pa., for Dr. Faust's
Messrs. Gibbs Hason an'l John Farren
i will constitute a firm who will embark in thtj j
j general merchandizing business in the room !
j now occupied bv Mr. Edward Griffith. High
, street, on the 1st of April coining. Mr. Grif- ;
i fith has purchased the property next otoor j
! westward, lately owned bv Hon. John
. Thomas, on which he designs erecting a j
. buililiiii; suitable for grocery purptwes. to be i
. icady for occupancy by the l.-t of April. So 1
we go. i
An item is going the rounds tiiat Col.
Thomas A. Scott, dee'd, was the fust con- ,
. ductor on the Indiana branch, twenty-five
years ago. He niay have been the first requ-
i lar conductor, but it is within our knowledge '
that riiilipS. Neon. Ksii , dee'd, was con- I
j ductor of a train for the Messrs. Collins, con- '
tractors for the construction of the road,
which carried passengers prior to the up-
pearance of Col. Scott in those parts. Mr. 1
Noon lived and died in Ebensburg. '
The two Tri'iitnr (Johnstown and Al- j
i toona) sc.y they have been reliably informed. ;
the former having informed the latter, that !
i we did not swei.r when we "pied" one of
the Freemas forms on Friday last. As J
j tint settles what might otherwise have been
a mooted question, there sems to be no
; need for us swearing that we didn't swear a ;
; single swear on that momentous occasion, i
Cause whv, we never allow any -'form" to ,
: outdo us in the matter of pi-ety." i
! The l?irii loci Tim's says that officer !
I John Harris, of Johnstown, passed east on
; Thursday having in charge two prisoners
i whom h- bad c-iptured in Pittsburg. One
; of the men was implicated in the shooting of ,
' a young man in Kense A Hammond's store, i
, nt Boiivar. a short time ago, and the other ,
( was arrested on a chirqe of jumping his
board bill. OfTWr Hinis has been very :
j successful in hunting down criminals, and ,
! he may be truly said to bo a "detective that ;
. detect,."
i The new Presbyterian church of this '
; place will he dedicated to the service of Al- i
. mighty God on Sunday, the l'lth inst. The !
services will doubtless be interesting, but ';
i we have not been furnished with any infor- '
mation on that subject. The church edifice !
was finished last week, am) has been turned
. over to the trustees by the contractor, Mr. :
Shenk, of Krie. Pa., who is also contractor :
j for the new Court House. It is needless to
, say that in both instances his work has been
. well done.
j Minnie !,ong, the fifteen year old daugh i
ter of Mr. B. F. Long, of the Central Hotel, '
j Johnstown, got unon her ear Saturday even- '
ing because her father had administered to
; her a much needf-d correction, and thereupon
: swallowed about an ounce of laudanum with
! suicidal intent. Proper antidotes promptly
, administered brought the desired answer :
and had it not been for that Minnie Long 1
' wouldn't have been very long for this worhf
; Next time she essays a role so desperate may
! be P would be as well for Minnie to try what
; virtue there is in her namesake of the rifle
i persuasion.
i One of our forms fell into an ineonglom- i
I erate mass of "pi" while being washed or.
' last Friday morning, and nobodv, or at least
; no printer, need be told that the assorting .
and distributing of eight columns of sadly
demoralized burgeois, minion, nonpareil '
j and display type, to say nothing of resetting '
f the advertisements, was anything but n de
j liahtful task. With the aid. However, of '
! some extra help and a good deal of extra la- !
! bor on part of ourself and our office force, '
the annoying difficulty was overcome with- I
out causing any delay in the issuing of the j
present number of the Freeman. !
The semi-official draft of the new rail- ;
road proposed to be run through this neigh- 1
horhood is to be. sen at the banking house
of Messrs. Johnston, Slneniaker A Bucks. ;
There are two projected lines. One leaves
the P. H. K. at a point-not far from Cresson,
touches Eoensburg on the south, ami pur- :
sues a general southwestern direction, and
thu other leaves the Eiiensburg branch near ;
Bradley's and goes northwestward toward :
Carrolitown, ultimately striking the Indiana :
branch at or near Homer. Either route ;
leaves Indiana boiouah out in the cold, ai.d i
the people over there are in a bad frame of
and as he approached them one jumped over
a fence into a garden and the other hid him
self, as he thought, in the shadow of an ad
Joining house. The circumstance i- suspic
ious when taken into connection with, what
occurred at the Seminary irumediately''rbre
or just ailer that hour of the night. Surh
conduct is disgraceful beyond language to
express, and if another similar visit is made
to the convent the depredators may expect a
warmer reception than is only too infre
quently accorded to such despicable charac
ters, and even as It is exposure and punish
ment mav yet be the result of the last mid
night raid on the premises of the good Sisters
of St. Joseph.
JrnoE andthe License Question.
In the Huntingdon county court, two
weeks ago. Judge Dean refused for certain
reasons, which he stated, to grant two license
applications. The Judge then referred to
tne "large amount of drunkenness anil row-
result in that county. Whew the stage ar
rived at Mnrravsville, in Westmoreland
county. Gen. Murray, a veteran Democrat, at
whose hotel the stage stopped, added on the
way-bill the returns from that county, as far
as he knew them with his estimate 'of Por
ter's majority in the county. At Blairsville
the voteof Indiana county, as far as received,
was noted down, and when the stage reached
this place the vote of Cambria, then contain
ing feu election districts, was added, and in
all the other counties as tlu stage passed on
to Hanisburg. The way-bill from Harris
burg to Pittsburg was used for the same pur
pose, and bv Thursday night the returns on
one way-bill going east and those of another
going west were known here; but, as they
were very meagre, no intelligent- opinion
could be formed of the gerrl result. By
Friday night, although the way-bills contain
ed a great many additional returns from the
north-western and remote eastern counties,
thev did not afford any decided encourage
ment the friends of either candidate ; still
they formed the material out of which the
adherents of each built innumerable castles
in the air. It was believed that all doubt
would be removed by Sa'nrday niht when
me srage arrived from the east, and such
proved to be the case. There was a general
i"' ""in aooounceii nis near r.
proach even the small boy of that day par
ticipating in the excitement, and forn"rn a
large and important part of the anxious
crowd. Among the stage passeneers was
the late John O. Miles, Esq.. of Huntingdon
on his way to Pittsburgh. He was known to
a'l the citizens of our town, and both Michael
Dan Magehan, a Ritner man, and Dr. Smith,
a Porter man, immediately undertook to in
terview him Mr. Miles, who was a strong
W big. or anti-Mason. Was Pl'iflpnHi n nt ict
before ; so nice," smooth and noiselessly do
they run.
Beta's Cuf.f.k. Jan. 31. 1S82.
Editor. Freeman. On the ni-ditof Sat
urday, the 21st inst... Louis Delahunt cot off
the mail train at this station, and started for
nis home about one-half mile east of here
He walked alone the mil
j njslit being stormy and he more or less under
' I T, '""'""" liquor, he was unfortunately
I ,! , , v R freight train. His body was mn
, tilated almost beyond recognition. All this
j was horrible to contemplate, and esneciallv I
i was it distressing to his family and friends i
! and in tneir great distress tney have the sinl 1
cere sympathy of the whole community But
: was it not enough for them to suffer ? in the !
j opinion of some of the very wise men of the :
; community it seems not.' An inquest was
; inaugurated, and, to make that appear jus- j
I ,?' V,p s'or nil,st be P'lt circulation ;
that Mr. Delahunt had been foully dealt with.
I I Ins was communicated to the press far and 1
i 1"r. an'' H dailies, east and west, larce
: and small, had the horrible htory prominent- !
: IV presented in t'-.eir columns as "A rr.nrder i
at Ben's Creek," "Strong suspicion of foul
p ay, etc. A physician was sent for. who
arrer two days' deliberation, couldn't see it
and nobody else could pee it, except those
wno wanted notoriety and thev have got it
Cambria county's greatest coroner" minht
probably have seen it in the same litrht were
he still on deck. Ben's Creek.
fore kept tho excited crowd for a short time
dyism" which seem to prevail at the ccunty ! on the ragged edges of hope and
rcrti., i ne coin no in in z cause to uisornei ly ana
outrageous conduct, and what was the rem
edy. He remarked :
"A sreit donl ha been alj anut tbe people of
Hantintrdon beinir moved, nn never before, by ia
temper.! nee and the aanoyaneeand rhatnelessness
ol exc'ei?ive trinkinic. a exhibit. id he-e for the
lat ft?w months. It 1 obvious to ".. and no doubt
to othen also, that there is a lar amount of
drunkenness and rowdyism in thu town: and it is
shameful to those who practice it. and the town
authurittes who tolerate it : but wo are clear that
it is not the llreised houses that cruise it. It seems
to us thatcerMin police remilations. properlv en
forced, would stop a larite amount of the drunken
ness and rowdyism complained of. There is no
reason why men should bo allowed to irt Jninlc
arid commit breaches of the peace and other viola
tions of the ! In (ace of the authorities. All
tiiese men are IfaMe to be arrested, no matter
whether there are licensed houses In town or not.
when tiiey iret drunk an 1 bcomean annoyance to
peaceihle and orderly citizens ; and th in jnlcipal
authorities shoahi see to it that the peace! Jlnes
and order ot the town is preserved. Vearcnre
that this trouble is attributed to the wronit cause
when'it is chanted to the licensed houses n is
caused hy a failure on the pnrt ol the authorities
to enforce proper police reKiil.itions. e d not
refuse these licenses because them is drunkenness
on your streets: for we think it cannot h traced
to the licenced nouses, and it cannot be . suppressed
by suppressing licenes : but it can be suppressed
by the arrest and punishment of men who est
drunk and commit breaches of the peaco "
i r, . HI"I"'AT- REWAitn.-The psblishers of
RutMv- , Monthly, in the prize pnzrle department
I or their monrhly for Februarv. offer the following
, easy way lor some one to maka .') : To the person
then disposed to tell all he knew. nd there- ! Teamen, VnlVy 7uTrv7o J wS win
I he money
Those who try for tho prirr must send ij cents in
silver (no po-tnir stamps taken) with theanswer.
for which they will receive tho March number of
the. Monthly, in which will be published the name
and address of the winnev of the prize with the
correct answer thereto, t'ut this out. it msv ho
worth .n to von. Address Hntlede Publishing
ompany, Kaston, P.
rear ; but at
cive twenty dollars jn irold as a prize,
will be forwarded to the winner hebri
i j.-: "YB" icMonigie. Pr.,.e. t bor
1ST, Jobn lierlev. Kbei:sburK, w w
1--.7 J. F. Skellv. Sumnwrhill twp
is:s .John Wbcriev, Kbensburg, w. rr.
IXT'J John T. Harris .lohnstown. 1st w.
ISsO Javiil Strauss. ConeinaiiKh borlw
" H . . I. eh. Crovlc since pl)
' Anslem Weak land. Kbler. "
1R"1 .toM. F. Iurbin. Allcyheny" .'
" M J. lioilson. Cambria bor 1st w
" Michael I..d(ers. " 2d w
' Thos I.. .Jones. Cambria towmdiip
since paid in part
" H. C. Kirkpatri. k. Carroll town
ship, sin-e paid in part
' Anthony i ill. chest township. sinoo
paid in purt
" John WasiiPT, Chest Sprincs bor!
since paid
" Pavid Strauss. ConemauVi '"boir!
since paid in part
" Wm Mc' larren. ( Yovle twp 7""
" Kvuti K. Kvuns. Kbensburn. K. W.
" James Myers. Kleiisburg, WAV.,
fince paid in part
" Anslem Weakland. Klder toVn paiil in part
" Jonathan Custer, Jackson town
si tice pi ul
" .7ohn T. Harris, Johnstown. 1st w"
" Geo. K. Slick, ' 4th w.,
since paid in part
' Thos. McKce, Johnstown, C.tti w7,
since jaid
N. H. West brook. Portage twp..'.'.'..'
" Josiah Waters. Prospect Iwr
" .IdIiti A . McCa-tney. Ke ole tow n,
ship, paid in j-art
" Cyrus He's .1. Pichlaml twp.........
" Silas Uiildwin. St.m vcreek twp
' J. A. I'lumnicr, Suinnierhill twp
" J'cph Shuma'c, Summitviile lor
" John McNultv..Siisuehaiinatwp.
Wm. criste. Washinjrton town
ship, since jiaiii
" M.. J.Noel. White townshii 77
" Ceo. W. I'rinle.Wilniore lior
" m K. Grubb Upper Voder twp.
Appreciated Compliments. The com
mencement last week of the sixteenth vol
ume of the Freeman has and is calling forth
many kind expressions and warm commen
dations from our brethren of the press but
nothing quite so handsome as the following
from the Johnstown Daily Tribune ot Moib
d ay last has as yet came under our observa
tion. Brother Swank mav rest asc.iroH n, ot
itis good wishes are highly appreciated, and
that we are heartily thankful to him for tjem:
Thb Ebensburft Frkkvax. with the Issue of last
week, beitan Its sixteenth volume under the suner-
r,Hn k,H- A' Ml'- The FnEKMAN is edfted
with ability, printed with care, and conducted in
evur?' .w,y ln a ''onscientlous manoncr on tho
wh.,le It is a better paper than is printed in any
other town in the State with no (rreater dl neri
sions than Khenshurir. Kor the editor s persistent
and palns-takln performance of what he conceives
to he his duty, he deserves nothing but praise
from everybody, and the urood will of the Democra
cy above anybody in the county who has not
worked so faithfully as he has. and we can recall
no one who has. But. in his case, as in others it
is not the plodding wheelhorie that nets the suirar
..III i iM,ler' V fror" bee"U5 he has the
VLr T humans called cheek with not half the
?on! t'k' r ab"'tv of lu" ' "" compan
Ions. The DBKEMs?. and its editor have the best
wishes of the rrtbune, it that's of any consequence ne announced tnat the returns
ceived at Hntitingdon that morning from
jiHiuoro anil tne northern tier of counties
showed that they had given Porter majorities
so largely in excess of what had been antici
pated, as to render his election certain by
about five thousand majority. And thus the
long agony was over on the fifth night after
the election
As an indication of the extremely bitter
feeling that marked the contest, I recollect
that as soon as Mr. Miles made the statement
that Porter was elected bevond all doubt a
prominent Ritner man in the room avowed
his willingness to bet ten dollais to five with
any "Loco-Foco" that. Porter would be in the
penitentiary Wore the end of the year 13
and he would have put up his money without
the'day0"' S W'ld WaS th P,itical frenty of
It may be here stated that the newspapers
in each county, on the da after the election
issued small slips, or extras, containing the
returns of their respective counties, so far as
they were known, and when these extras
reached the printing offices to which they
were sent they furnished data from which to
make a gradual approach to a more intelli
gent estimate of the general result.
A most notable feature of that remarkable
campaign was the powerful influence exerted
by the addresses to the people of the State
Issued by the Chairmen of the two State Cen
tral ( lommittees. Such r.rodnetions are now
generally regarded with indifference as
mere sound and furv
Thev were published at short intervals, were
; Thirty Hats' Tiwai.. We will send l)r
! Tve' Olehrared Klectro-Vol tale Belts and other
. Klectrie Appliances on trial Tor thirty davs to
, yorinit men anil older persons who are afflicted
i wfth Nervous I'ebilitv. Vitality, etc. euar
1 anteein speedv reliel and fomtdete restoration of
, vifor and mnnbeod. Also for Kbenmatism Ncu
; rjileia. Paralysis. I.lver nd Kidn-y difficulties
i Knptares. and many other diseases. Illustrated
. I'sroptilct sent free. Address Voltaic Belt Co
; Marshall. Mich. fto-vfe-ly.-)
harles lolmston. et al
.1. I.. Martin .7.7.'."!!!!
!Sarnuel Kelly, ct al
John T ooiiey 7.7!
Geo. I.. Bowser, tt al
John Crouse 7.!!!!!
Michael Kirscli, et al
M ichael K irscli
Wm. I.loyd . ct al 7.7
Benjamin Kiart
M.irv Majrdalciia Trinklev!. !!!.'!!!!
s. j-iakin ;
John W. Gray, et al
M. A. McGon,j;e '
John Kohlcr .!,
John Pear n
i FAfi AN. lled. rt the residence of her parents ,
. near Altoona. on Thursday. Jan. 28. 1S2. of con- '
! sumption. Ato-ik. eldest tlamthter of Thomas and !
I Marcella Fairan. formerly of this place, aired 23
j years. 1 month and 8 days. ,
! The remains of the decensed were bronht to this 1
; place for lntrment on Saturday forenoon, and i
; were escorted from the railroad station r.y a num- '
; her of the youn ladies and irentlemenliwearinii i
' badges) i-elont nir to the Sodality connected with i
; the 'hurcli ' the Holy Nume. of which she had !
; been a fattbfnl and exemplary member, and also ;
: by mmy other svinpat hizinR friends. The usual i
religions ceremonies at the church and a brief but '
i touch inir discourse by Key. Father Kcardon, were :
: followed by the last sad rites at the srrave. Miss
, Annie was a mint exemplary and well-beloved i
; yonnir l:idv. sreatlv esteemed liv II who b new hr
; and many there are who will sincerely mourn her
cany and untimely death.
S Keceived from Keiiemption of Lands
Bought by County.
Chest township
Summcihill township.
Cambria tow nship
oncmioiKh tow nship.
Voder township
Jackson township
Ulacklick township....
Clearticld township
tiallitzin borough
,1 90
19 ;
27 S7
9 -J9
J 2 5
i.'7 tai
3 19
1 irfi
21 42
1 01
...Oixa to the sick.iess unto death of his
little daughter Maggie and the serious ill
ness of one of his employes. Brother Wil
liams, of the Cnrrolltown Air, requests us
to say that no paper will be issued from his
office this week. Sorry, indeed, are we to
hear of the sad distress that has come upon good friend and his excellent wife, and
sorrier still to learn that the condition of
their bright and interesting little daughter
uo n.iuicien wiiu paralysis of the brain,
an affection of the heart, and perhaps scarlet
May she rest ia teace.
' usually of extreme length, and were written , . -ARRIO Ar. Iied. nt the r"s!denee of Fru-
: Witn great ability. Their annoarana ; h 1 ""nee and Kachel tjeorire. at Lilly's Slation
county papers was looked forward to with
intense interest, and it was made the busi
ness of the party leaders to see that thev
reached every nook and corner of every
county in the Commonwealth. Each of the
two parties put its best foot forward in these
addresses, and regarded the arguments thev
H?rfnf'i',i V ,n, Wrongest possible appeal
, that could be made to the voters in favor of
the election of its candidate. So important
, were thev considered thoi it
J&r iPa y 'TV?1" nn? rPa," whatever
onrntted or neglected to publish one of them,
the offense would never have tieen condoned.
miTtJl -ha,rn "f 'e Ritner State Com
mittee was Thomas H Uurrowes. who as
.im slt?,V1WS.retary of the ( Common
wealth, and Dr. Daniel Sturgeon, of Favette
county then the State Treasurer w i Chair
man of the Porter Mate Committee The
addresses issued by that Committee were es
pec.allv vigorous and able, and had given
Jc!rrfr0ra Very Str"'? on th grat-
it tide of the Democracy of the State, ne was
r,?tvrW7Pr' a"t''"r, that credit being
ent re v iim .,-.a r t
s station on
Sunday. Jan. 1ft. 18S-2. Mr. Mk hkaL Carbio'as.
i ajreu sd years, 7 months and is days.
Ueceased was born in HunMnirdon oounfy. from
; wiienee he rame in his early youth to this enunty
I with his father. I'eter t:nrrl!;.n. Sr., one of the old
j Revolutionary soldiers, and settled near Ixretto,
where he spent a rewyears In the employ of the re
j nowned prince ami nrlest. Kev. Father'Oalliizin.
From Iretto he went as first Peutenant of a vol
. nntcer company to tho war of 1S12 In 1519 he
, worked on that part of the turnpike be tween Kl
, enshiinr and Cresson. nn.l in 18J4 he removed to
Fittsburir. where he married a Miss Craiir and be-
eatncjiiie rather of two di.iifhters. In iscj i,e went
j to Harrisbunr with the "Stiver tireys." where he
remained until said organization was discharifed
j ftetn the service. years of wandering and
j toll, he settled in Armstrong- county in 175. where
! he burled bis wile and shortly nlt'erward his two
dauehters. In 1878 he lost his siht anl would
have bocome a charireon the conn'y had he not
'. been taken to the home of his nieces, where he was
: eared for line a f ithcr until death. His remains
i were Interreil In toe Summitviile cemetery. May
; his soul rest la peace. W. Met.
F f8 50
. and L'neated Lauds 1879-S0-l.
Adams township
Barr township.
Cambria township
Clcartie'd township ,
Conemaujjh township
Vroy le township
Iean township
Kbensburp Bor W. W
Gal'ifzii! Bor ,
Ctallitzin township
Jackson township
M. instcr townshij
Portage township
Keade township:
Snmmcrhill township
Susquehanna tow nship
Washington township
W hite township
Yoder township
t MS
! 5 5s Jig
1 Oi s 37
7 01 a :7
10 71
2 0J g 40
2 i
2 f4
12 00 7 2
2'J 40
13 70
3 00 15 48
2 7o
2s .Kl
'4 1.' 22
1 20
P.' l
3S K5
1 25 2 '..."
S 42 27
Amount due from Judgments S
Amount due from Constables for 8SS1
and previous years
Amount due from 'I hos. (irifllth. Sheriff
Amount ilue from Poor and House
of I mplovment
Amount Item lining in 1 rca's hands. .
To Balance
lawyer of TTarrisbiiru, wl
Governor Prf. ,:d."f" "Y
frenoral tl u,e "lce OI Attorney-
after the campaign was ended, Dr sturgeon
was elected to the Vnited States Senate by
M,at,c nia1' ilv in thp rcislature,
crdQnot,,,,,n2Trf,ntrib,,r'J wich to his snc
cess m the Democratic caucus as the heber
on the part of most of its members, that he
or"?b Fl J? ftb" and mirahle addresses
of the Sfate Committee, and that the Democ
racy owed him the Senatorship. "e,c-
I Jr. St 11 rfvtiAn t.. H
manv reonle we see rn,i ... ' it,: ... ' i nniuesrionable
fer tr suffer and be made ic..:r.T"',r ,.r i V" - '!"SSPSSP" sha.e of
.. .. r, .. . "s mui-
kcjuui., couMipsiiiin, dizziness, loss of appe
tite. eominr up of food, yellow skin etc
when fur 7 is T .. ... . . i . . . '. '
4-8. -e.O. i mind in consequence.
i '
( .J
- """J nuiiiuirjuuru,
5. , f l "' SWplinES cured by the
vv.'. ..'"'.'! '""'" SoaP (the K"'a skin
T"' y' anJ Cuticura Resolvent
; ititernaiiy. Ask about them
r f neuraigi., pains, sick and
1 ; " ar" instantly banished by
Fai-fs German Cure for N'eu
J (iuararteed to relieve
K r sale by K. James, Eb
tl-l.'.M.-e.n w It!
J- r-ite!Mamt a merchant of Lo-
',t.i... ... . .
itiiernoon, or iy.
, we presume, about thirty
was f t!ie nehrew race.
t.'lk'en to Allans f..r Inia.
i ashes.
i extension to the Mountain
I ., ' '' W'H knocked helter skelter
i i i ir-h prevailed on Thurs
3' " b, ! i
1 w
I "' 'litzin and other points in
JV kn)e storm.
. r.f7iV'- 7;at',r'J of Muthew M. O.
i ! s'r-.r ,'-V''' ','cart. offer a large
" ! "l es, harness tni f
1 at veru l. r. i.
j i'jn urines. ree
a!"' then en and if m,t-
you need.
f. , .,k: snow "1 Tuesoav of
v I f l' far the leiKhin
,V'-K- of hy ta.mers and
.re t0 bX to market,
row. " Paring it my Mt for m
The I.atternrT House in thisnlaee has
been leased for a term of two years from tiie
1st of April next, with the privilege of re
maining two years longer, by Mr. Peter J.
Martin, of Hoili-.lavsburg, at an annual ren
tal of $'7j. Mr. Martin is a young man of
excellent repute, and there is no question at
all but what he will keep an orderly, well
conducted hotel, where all who favor him
with their custom will be kindly treated.
Mr. Martin I? a young bachelor, hut as his
father, mother, two sisters, and it may be a
brother or two, will all make their home
wit'i him here, he will have abundance of
help in his new venture.
The Carrol'towii Xeirs has learned of a
young lady of nineteen In Harr township,
who weighs about 1(50 pounds and is of ordi
nary size and build, and vet has hands and
feet like those of a four-year-old child, while
her head Is of extraordinary sie and cover
ed with a beautiful growth of hair. Her I
eyes are clear, but continually rolling in her :
head eyen when as'eep, the motion bein"
plamlv discernible; her arms aie large, but i
tall otl abruptly from just above the wrists,
and her lower limbs are powerless and will
not liear her weight ; hence she has to be re-
moved from one place to another like an in- '
fant. She converses very intelligently, but
with some effort. i
Our long-time friend and patron, Mr. M '
J. Waltz, of Chest Springs, intenris'to erect '
a fi;ie house for himself early next Spring at i
a cost of lidwee.i $2,000 and $3,000. and set
lie down t farming and it may be an occa- j
sional building contract tor the rest of his 1
day. For the past thirty years Mr. W. has j
been engaged hi the erection of buildings bv 1
I'oniract, during njMH or wincn lie was and
till is employed at the extensive steam pla
ning mill of Mr. Win. Stokes, in Altoona. and
to him belongs the honor of having put up
some of the most costly and imposing edifice
In that cify, as well as In this county. He
is a mechanic without a superior and a gen
tleman without gulia,
By A mount
Bv Amount
,r,r, oiiv.ii as ut preciuue ail nope for her
recovery, if indee. she has not died ere this
(-od pity and corn fort the fond parents in
their great tribulation.
Asswkr This Question. Why do
'tri'ton out.-rarni-
Ify Amount tue lMstrirtson n:il and
School iinul
Cy Am. unit ine iMMric.u from Ke -ht'motioT.
when for 75 ct. K. .Im I
burg, Pa., will Pell them Shiloh's Vitalize '
which is guaranteed to cure in every instance?
(4-1. -.u.
Mr, Jo vb Olemesm, Teldet son of Mr
m. Clements, of the Esst ward, returned I
loine from low on Tuesday night after an
absence of four years, lie will be remem
bre. as the young gentleman who. auring '.
the Murphv excitement in this idace several
years ago, made theshotxet it not the strong-
est t -luperance speech on recsord.
tlfrkinirnien will economize by employing
Or. I leree's medicines. His -Pleasant Pur
feative Pellets" ar.d "Golden Medical Dis
covery cleanse the b!o.1C and system, thus
preventing fever and other serious diseases i
and curing all scrofulous and other humors' :
Sold by druggists.
. - n iitige snaie of
'I??" he wa,
ihiU i. Vi "urss OT llavnc wri'tenany-
,it,I;,lnamp,to t,1p addresses referred
to. and which oi.l,i , .' .
about the eiectioof DaVw lTp;rrnnKnff
Hk who flsrtif ami rnr.a nwav
Mst live to tiht n.-rhor rtay
Knt. he who nfT-r tii;hf nt nil
ft Bfars he wlii-.s, hag lot of (rll.
A 11 which Is nn eplirrummatle gort of wT of do
no,, what 1, p,,i.rly d.norain LMo.
"J; ,J;3- Mnrph.T.lOQriititnn .twt JohnT
town i, not jrnilty of this national wef, knV. wh"
very hent Tz1?-ml. clothimr inPt , ch ., Tf
not l.ttle rhasper than any other dniV 7n O,.uf
took which t? always kept full In all if ,e,. -nien'..
i, cl.oscc with an rve mnle -o the w int.
flCM ft wall a. .1 - . ' " '
tIm to onlpr. a, well 8wr fnvf . .
i'artic.ilr iton;inn ii rented to liU
HY virtue of an alia oriler issalnit out or the Or"
Iinn' ttonrt of Oamhrl ci'iintv. to me di
rected. 1 wlil expose to pnhlle Hale, at the hotel 01
Lawrenca Schroth. in Carrdltown, on
. 9 ...,. n - w i. r,.n; .i . . lsn.N
. . .... v . .. . . ' ' " s UWIIUCU 1CI
estate :
All that ceitain Piece or Parcel of Land
! I tn ate in Carroll townliip. Cambria eonntv. Ia..
'. anout i!J miles Ir-im Carrolltnwn. hounrted on tha
north by lands of Kev. K Wimtner. on the east, hy
lands of heirs of treorirc 1 ."lie, deceased, on the
i' fionth hy l.ind? ol Mielii-.el Steiirerwald and other.,
' and on the west hv lands of Pe er White and
others containing 12 Arm and 9 Prrrhen,
more or les. liavlnir thereon crectoil a two utory
PtNit Hocse, a f'rajne Rarn and the necessary
oiitlniiMintts. There Is also a good orehard on the
' premises.
I 1 Kims o? S a lb. One-third ot the porchase
I money to be paid at the continuation of sale, the
and the remainder in two equal annual payments,
; with interest, to be secured by the judgment bond
and Pi.Ttifage ot the pnrchaer.
F:reoutor of Klizabeth istuby, dee'd.
1 Jan. 27. ISSi-at.
K'tnte of Matthew M. 0'JJbii.l. dee'd.
letters of administration on the estate of .Mat
, thew M. t'eill. late of Kbensburv boronith. de-
ceased, bavinu been issued to the understood by
: tho Keeisterof Cambria eonntv, notice is hereby
; itien to all persons Indebte! to saiil estate that
Eayment must be made without dolav, and those
avinif eliii'ns nirnlnt the same will present them
' legaltv aiirbenticated for settlement,
i BOBKRT K. (I NFILL, , . , . ,
! AXME M. O NI I1.I.. Adminimrators.
i Kbensburs. Jan. "2", 18s.'.-6t.
l.i AitiriTii:...
of Outstanding orders
of Outstanding orders
2m o;
2, f97 ai
3. '; 14 33
179 i"
2fi.i-.ft 01
! ,.!2 4
6i ,fr: s.-
331 52
2i-i 33
lf.2 02
61 ,( - FS
. S 121,79? 23
22 00
6;7 so
1,V 7 75
i,:m oi
11 2J
72 19
1,1 S i 00
Oio tin
S"0 00
17S &0
1isj 02
2,8': 41
42 e
So 00
2.171 27
33! no
l'i3 ir,
10 f.fl
3,fXI 00
8 -9 76
3.221 84
1T5 00
l,'Sl S9
oR B
2C4 93
4jr" 17
70 7o
40 65
1!M 42
4:i C3
729 10
14.914 20
1 "j) n-J
ass 3
60". M
1 25
10O 00
70 M
1.421 17
2.2:10 :i7
110 B4
2 9 53
2W Oi
l'"i 10
: 22 M
2.1S7 15
13 00
Notions, Medicines, Wall Paper, Ciiars, Tctecco, Fancy C-oois, Tor k
Largest Business in Ebensburg,
I uatmaas zzio:
2 si ia
1.9 ! 70 I
2..r7 2
3 il 74
2X84o (1
121.19J 23
Prices Down to Zero!
BIG B H G 1 1 S
I"! and jirevions year.
2.'2 79
9 0.S
21 56
30 24
. 79
3 0C
2"! 27
S 37
2X1 00
17 07
CO 13
lu 00
I'd 51
i r3
93 :s
52 18
100 93
4" 77
P7 53
121 85
17 23
ei i;
A 70
12". f-6
U I'7
2HJ 19
6 57
111 77
? 37
1:9 ."(3
3 J
S fi. Sjp
No. 3 MORRIS Street,
i ZJtesifents of ortfiern Cfttnbrin ttrf specialhi invitrrl to dive us a
I rail, Conimotlioits yard antl fictllny jlacv for Ttiirxcs, free of charge,
I for use of customers.
JNO. E. STRAYER, Secretary.
I JOHNSTOWN. .IAN. 27, li.-2.-m.
I . .. .
! The Best Place
,314 S3
I"'.) 23
1.1 01
SI 81
217 74
14 4!
1 1'l 53
X4 4J
2- 4 4'.'
17! 81
722 19
V2 So
71 -f
l'.-i 6G
p p- n
1 aa 1
Sbrth and Market Stres'
! Krnittrce'
i Hani Tare . . .
i (liim Imse
t Iniirne
; Men -hnndise
. I'fxtme and 1. l. box
i I'rintinir
j l'liysicians lor house
" " o. d. p
: Stownrd's f iilry
State en vrntio'n
Snap, a-lies and lluie
Stnnirle and carpenter work
at houe. . .-
! Tohaeoo
1 Vineirar
: Wheat and fiour
1 Whisker for house
! Water Works
1 Balance ln favor of 'oantv. .
f ?J.?S
IV fr)
a .-o
203 6
IS" 0.1
91. .SS
f.l'O !
22 M
1 04
67 0s
v 1 to
M'.i r.i
24 0 1
1.27.4-i 'i 4.044
I am li.vry to int rm yu : "n-.t I in . 1 hire rcir
ou hknd vTir of I'ic larges; Wi ; .,rk ut
! J . S. St river in "liarIeton ca'e. .$ f "7.1.S
Frank T'rtmn's estate 41 M
I Tnvid SMnklc 1.7s
1'hilip Warner ",".100
; .lohn Ernn 11 t'7
j T.eoTiar.l Hook's e3tnte 2-;'.20
HcnTil Tlnrrv White t-i i-i
I Hnnt'nif, Inn conr.ty (in doubt)... 11
. I. Lilly, sinee paid a.L-
! 4 ' t.
' thU I ever VaJ sir I c.-.n- arr, yTi i
i Kt"'i!si. Fl'"tU ' 1 W;t? ;:.t. In i.'X f
j f.wiiitf tr t?.t fa -' I t I very m. !!. r t -
coulti i-t lier 1 - X v- t'-n;. : - ;c r vu i i : ;
. wpailuT 0 .ir:i:ir i he F:i il ktl t t ; f m
. )(' wi.or.-ie ;;i-r i'un'g r.:,h . , t- p t! c
. P'mmIs t itrnt iV rc- l-i '1. !rT-(iii; nt !
n :it:r:i; y :! t t 1 t i t .i .:-S. ic -;rr a tiii I jMir-'hu'-! ;i i f in v ni'ni' : ''.n i t r o-.-
, ( cent. Irftv rtyitlr wh- ' tl? r ri-e an-J X
t fcrp t r in "M 1 1. my i tr. in'T.e i..k
' tc fo;in-: r.-:iT.y or. tl !!lt r ; . try f,,r
it ml ;.. r-oi: u nc-.-, u -. .i v. hi'::, m-tv t c iei.
! AMCI.l.oTor ll.s,
I A li-l a l.v.sf i-II? cT l.AIMi:-' SAO'lfES.
'; all of c;L:c!i ii i i; s..i ! T'Tv c'ne..r.. Also, p ! "
: ;i:. I ;.:'e f!-l. -U.,r. it
Oiitstandiiif; onlers
s-'"' , Ladies' anl Misses' Woolen Skirt .
"triren rnder nur h.'in.N nt th lorrTiiNiorier's ,. ,
frti-. in E'-'ers'iurt. th.27ft d-.r r.r.iananrv, A. i all new un , vt r -.o,. ., : a .-n ple;e a ..rtx-C. . '
I. Wl. H. A. "N JT.VTI AKT. ' i Us? .RS.. st.'lf? i.
.l.MTXIN'JKK, Auditor. ItflESS f;f)S. 1 CI Ci Ct T
'. li. (1IVEK,
Com iu issionen. .
I Given under our hand at the ComiuisMoners'
i Offlee in KlrtMir-huri this 27th dayof Jmiuarv, A.I.
! 1.-1
1 .INO. r.VMPHKI.L,)
I JOSEPH Jlo(;li:.i
We the undemigiK d Anditors of Camhrin
f eonntv. Pa., do respeetl ully report that we hae
' raret'ully examiiel the roiK-hers and aeeonnts of
the rerripts and exiend lturs of said county from
J the 27th day of .lannary. A 1. sil to the 2d lay
j of January", A. 1. 12. and do find them to he as
I !tatel, aU'J the foregoing statement of assets
1 ai'd liabilities of iaid eonntv.
' fliven under our hands at the 'omni?iones,
i Ortire in Klwm-burg this 2rth day of January,
A. u. l-'.
! ,'. LITZ1NOKK.
i II. A. KNid.KHART.J Auditors.
J V n"d lToue of Employment
t ounty , I'a.
4 hores. I 1 spnic bull I 6" ehi"ken.
W J e-ilf. I 8 turkevs.
1 hclier.- I 7s!ioat.
.1 tor-' Tiit. I ll"anc. l-ee!?. tomaloea,
441 lmIie!s nnt.. J and .1 l'oo.) srfir-
;'00 hn?hels ear eorn. ' d.n triek r-Te r.'i ied .
lvsi hnshels rotntoes. I ?ex pounJs -ork.
14on tiMrts puiiiHffe. I ' vril
.15 bushels apples.
yt J on. t . : :in n-i-'e :i;.;.;v if Wonlet
1 ..I !.'... r- iiu I ! ' i . . u.l a
lull, elegant acj vrrud ; :o-. k -t
of Catnbiia . IiOOT. SlIOEs .Ii 1! V i'.I' LTI fiO'iT)
to .;y n (; r.i a r?v. r .:3pi-"y "T
Teas, Polices, mjit. l?latcs, :
Hoar, I ceU. l'roiiion, Ac,
f'. whi.-h nil! lOi.r'v-; (.. ?.,, n; f - vrrv 1
est utcm. 1 i'n rirK rr-i-c.uui! .a it- ;
aril free Kt j-yur.-cn -"
titomvs nntr:.i:y.
I 4o p.-nltry.
21 Kilt-.
1 rt 0(qi,f.
; ??0 bfinl onp,
: i-oio lb. hiiTtpr.
i f-" njfn" 5hirt.,
I ."1 rhrmfpe.-,
' 41 pillow Slips',
IVI..V "hi oe rioe,i on t at cost.
4 a.l and get a bartf.nn, nr send order by mail.
The Board of County Auditors conclude.!
their arduous la!xrs Friday of last week and
the same evening returneil to their respective
homes. They did their work well, and are
entitled o the thanks of the taxpayers. The
tabulated statement of receipts and expendi
tures will be found in our columns to-day.
T h.. t-td'SE. J ACK, Mo., Sept. 14, 1X7J.
reeelSJn ln.UK ma JIop Citt"- have
iI .i' "Pfit from them for lirer
corn plaint and malarial tever. They are su
ptnor to all otber medicln 7
M. Barnbs,
The Yankee tonds no pleasure so sweet
As to sit at the window and stiek out his feet
rufl away .t his t..l,y. whose flr.vorju "t anTts
And ,a at the Stan, 'twixt the toes of hfs boot.
Talklnif ,.f boot, tne largest stoek r this sea
onV." t this section hni )u, been
opened nnt by S. Rlnmenthall. 111( Kleventh aVe
More A'm?:-.V he T1 Bo" n -t Md Vh
tore. He has foot wear for both ladies and r.n
B-um and over.Ho.. ..,!,-.,- r J 1 . "1t,?fr"1 1 11 SAIlIH.tK'S TOOLS, fcr.. FOR fSAI.K
rMfr ei.i k. . ""riion win do so d
rnraprr i.ian the game uriiH. h . :
Orders by mall wiUr.ceTvV c.rViu,
K.state of P.sTRirK McMasamv. dee'd.
Letters testamentary on tiie estate of Patrtric
Me.Manamy. latent Washington townhip, t'am
bria county, deceased, havieur been itranted
to the nnderslifiied by tho Register of Wills of
said eonntv, nniiee ts hereby p-iven to all persons
indebted to said estate to make I mined iate pay
ment, and tnoiie who have claims Biainst the tame
will present them for seitlemcnt. properly authen
ticated ('HAS. B. MtMANAMV, Executor.
Washington Twp. Feb. 3, lS.-5t.
from the !$th day of J.muary. to the id day of
janujry, JvsJ.
A. YEAI5LEY, Treasurer, Da.
To amount of requisition forlSl...
balance at lat seitleuient
' cash paid by ieo. W. Easly
bed -ticks.
2i pillows.
24 rol'er towels.
3 shrouds.
Nuoiber of innnN- in hone .Tnn. 1. 11... f7
'!mitt'M ilurmir vear ....... ..4
Horn In hnnsc during year .... 2
I 4ed durlnir vear -
Discharged and rjn oil durin ycr .
1 he unaerslxaed Adini of Matthew .M. .
O'Neill, iate or Eheni'hura; boronph, dee'd, otter
for sale vkkt chkap for cash the entire stock of
Harness. Saddles, Hrtdles. Middler" Tools, S.C.,
of said decedent. Also, one Windmill to perfect !
tvo: king order. For further Information call on or 1
address ROBERT E. O'NEILL, I
Administrators of 51. 7M . O Neill, deo'd, ;
Eteiifburf . I eb, 3, ifti,.f, i
lit amount paid for
'beck J!.ok
"ottit.j lor House
Cotlius and funeral expenses,
o. d. p
Constable': and Justice's feas
o. d. p
Clearfield and other counties,
lor enre o! poor
Coal tor house
Clothina. dry itoods, boots and
shoes ............... ....
Irui?s and medicines.... ....
Dixuion t. ...
Expenses ard allow'ce. o. d. p.
1 reiitnt, P. F- K. Cu..
Earns acd Hous fervsnti. . .
.$ 12.000 CO
j in nouse Jan. l, ls2 s; i
I t if the Inmates now rma inintr in houn there are
I 30 sine males. IS psnc f-mn'e. ten liis:; ne mn !e. '
1 and 11 in-npe females, of whi'-h arc l-.-ur M!cd mv-n '
an. i one M:n l eiri.
Avernee no'.iber fnn.Ti.5 per nion'h . di:r:csc '
i yeiir l"!!. 72 Nntpber of ln-- n- at '
' .lan. 1. l-i-2. 14. Nnmer at IlsrrUf ur-j-. 1. Nua- I
; ber a' Pennylranta Traininn Scn.'Ol. -Media, i. '
Namk " Isxatf' WnoIliinllrtixuYtiR
; .leph I.t'erner, James 4 ill. Thomas Rod
P. J. Ruddock. Leonard Hoock, Patnck U'Cgu- i
' nor, Elias Crum. j
lad iuit,t t arers and Pial-rs la
Aitatif A41M tll:sial
li.kvknth avkvue.
33 20
2 "0
17. M
" Oltiz-t t-t Cnt..?.r'a c.-j-.'- ir i a'l ot!.
wi;nnjr to pnr-ln- h. I-'l t 1 1 1 " 1,' I., .c pri"cs it-c rt -'oe . : 1 ! v inr?t;'l to ,
1 I !'-! r- l.jviTiir ;, &.s wt arc e.-o'it.
th.-.; w. c-in t :-y ir-.rt ai;J j.i.;-c e-
tasie. Prioe t o-; v rr .jwMt.
A:toct.a. Aprn 16, 1 iv.-;i.
, High Street, - - Ebensburg, I'tt. i m LfjOYD,
; l!ep:tiritip and tun!ns of instrumetits pruinpt'T (
, ai.d :iti-:etort!y at'ended to, and instruction" ia H'hoUaif and iTr.'ai.' D.-j.'-r in
Toea and Instrumcni.! music iriven at rt-.isona ole .'
rte. Pianos nn.1 ilntmn so!.l to reliable parties : OOAI If C " ft f I I
on n.onthJy or other pay meub when Hwtnl. aii ' wWAL., VV-'IVt nliW
il-..'i-tf. .
and see.
C000 " vr !0 Aeentt. acd eTrtiet. ifiC'arflt
1 v J fre Ail.-s f. V.r:n 4 (., Aua'usia.I.le.