The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, December 02, 1881, Image 4

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Chicago & North-Western
Kill Il"i'I.I! and hence the j
Il it the 'hort and best route between Chlcajr "anp
points in
irrthera Illinois. Iowa. Dakota. vTynralnc. e
hraska. (alnornia Oreron. Colorado. Itah,
Arizona, Idaho. Mnntaaa. Nevada, and for
ni:. t er, i.EAitvii.i.E.
Dradnnod, Kinnx City.
i erfnr Rapid. )rt .Voine. f'olumbu. and all toints
in the Territories and in the Writ, alvo, for Miivau
tee, tlreei hey. tJthknih. Shrhoynan, Marquette. Fond
tin Liic. H'atertnwn. Howthton. yeenah. Venaha, St.
Jiul, Minneapolis, Huron. X'olna. harno. Hi'marck.
Ft inojio. IxLt rcsse. Oiratonna. and all points m .Viit-
nttota, liakota. itconun and tt.e Sorthtcrtt.
At Council Hlutts the Trains of tha Chicago &
3V'orlli-Vtcrn aud the I'. I. R'ys depart from, ,
arrive t and uo tho seme joint I'nion Oepot.
At I hicauo. cbe con necti'.ns are made with the
I.nkeShore. M if Miran Central, lialtimorefc Ohio,
Ft. Wayne ami l euy-iylvania. t hiVaito ,V Onincl
Trunk K'js. auil tho Kankakee an.l Pan Handle
A-tlo raanertions made at Janrtinn Points.
It la the OM.V l.MF. rnnnlna;
I'iilli)i;in Slt''HTS on all Mgrht Train.
Ineisf. upon Tickot Apentp "ollinir Ton Ti kit
via thip l-'.auinr your Tike!?. imd rerue
to buy if they do ii oi read over the trhicuiro
North-W-lerii Kailwnv. j
ll'yoii !ih the li-f 1 1'rart linif Ar-commatkna
you will Imv y.,ur Ti. kets hy tliii. rout, and will
jAii 1 icket j irent- il Tlkft bv this Line '
ntRVI If 14; II I IT.
I. P. end lirnrmt Maiayer, Chicago.
4-i5. j vi;srvAiti). iyi
Pan Cake Flour.
rk flmat Sr )OM wkat i aaxte imolie 3xr
r B (.. Th ill lKHi for u.e are iti li r ,'.d
wr muk, niU a bitrr aul lmke at nni't
n a bt frM.i Tkia its uiuta cliMr
t' w l'irkwkBi aWr.
FOR IT.-fc
New Yori Viator Cr.tclvers,
! M f 1 r U I A L ( 1 1 A M P A ( i N E C K A CK K KS
r.ZIRk 01Jl ckackhup,
Jk Mwri t ad aa-t When twv uy trikt.
-K -, Itflll III lttUV Uti4':(r, kt
tT art , MN OtaM m4 Work!
1. . 7 Uktrl; Street,
Xelatl Biaa wmrmt,
M rifSta AtMiar,
ii TTr.rrciii. pa.
iaL-'i ALLI;" Hi' l I:.
The whitest, rice;t and test goods made.
Guaranteed pure, superior in q ;ali!y ar.d
style of package to any brand in lc
world. Takes less quantity to do the
aine work. Ask your grocer for :' -ni
Lave no other.
Jnt pnhlished. a new ed:tion of Itp. Oliver.
well"" t elehrated t'.nnay on ttie raittrnl curt
fl SpKiitt AToiiiiH'KA or Seminal Weakness, lnvol
tintary Seminal I.oe. Ixririitcr, Mental and
Phyti'al Incapacity. Impediments to Marriitite.
.e. ; al'n, t "o -c m riici. Kpu epsv and ?"its, in
dneed hy self-indtilenee. sexual extravai.inre. ete.
The celebrated Author, in this admirable KsMiy.
elearly demonstrates. Irotn a thirty years' puecen"
lul practire. that the alarminif consequences of
elf al.iiFe mav he radteally cured : pointinir mil a
mode ot enre at once certain, simple and etr-etual.
by means ot whieh every sufferer, no matter what
his condition niv he. may cure himself cheaply.
jirivaoly a::d radnally.
his lecture should be In the hands of every
youth and every man in the land.
Sent under seal. In u plain envelopa. to any ad
dress, pmt.piitd. on re .eipt of nx eeuts or two pott
age starac. Ad.ire.s
iiiciiii i Rtt ri i. uniint ro..
II Inn St., York, X. T.
Pest Office fcox 4mo. 10-7.l.-ly.)
lleriltlt i AVi'iiltli!
MltXT-i i-of'hr ft r Ilvst. ri;. yyj-ui . i t.
ulio:,. NfrvoU Hf:u1:i. ht. M !i't! I t
Is f Mfmor?, SjM-rm-ititrxiicHn. 1 .-,. t ..
Toluntary Knt(-ion. rrti.iitiir i X '
overexert '.on. ?f'f-i!tuf. or - u
which tn mi-ery. l"'ay nihl - -i,, m, : v
will rurf recent ra . K;ch hi t n r; 1 i t
tre f tnieut. t dollar 'r h...x , it i mti - r. r ,
dollar; ?ei;t liv mnil pn-j-mil n r- i-ipt ..f t-n -
W ennrjintee fi rt i t cure am i-
each onitr r--eivel hv ni '..rsix t'i.-, :trt?n .-.
Birtl y five rt'llar. w w.V p fh. j -in t
our written uftrant' to return V- Mirm. v if tl.
treatment il-e not effort rum. O 1 r
it.nd onlr when tri'.itincnt ja ur lep-d i r - ,
r9. AfT" JOHNl1 KT .. --,. .r
tom. 11 h. W. Mad'-i.n Sr.. 'hinui.. : ... !
ty 11 1riiirif!t-. Smith. Klinb a. . W - '
Aknf. rii)l;itifljhi;i. ;n-5 81
"lrK will pay the ahrve rewar-l tor ativ e.,.e ot
T T I.iver omidamt. Iiypep:, Su k Head .etie.
Ind:aestion. t'ostipatioti or otiv',ep we eanio t
eure with West a Viretatde I.iver Tills, when the
direct, ins ara urutiy eoinolit I with 1 liev are
purely vesetaMe.aml never la it to Kivi- ..iii.-':,i t.-.n.
Suaar t "ate-1. Lae Hexes, eont unei-z :.o Pi!;..
'ih ets. For sa le hy il Iiruiralsts. Heware of e.un
terteiters and imitators. The genuine n'snufie.
' t n red on'y hv .Tl iHN I WKS r .. --The I ili
Makers.'" 11 k p.-, v. Ma.iisun St.. t'hie .jfo Free
tnal parkflae gent ly mail prepaid cn reeeipt o! a
: ent stamp. l-4.-l -ly. j
A Tiotun ot yoTithful tmprndence canswiu Prema
tra Icay, JCervoua Pehinty, It SarihsMl, etc,,
TliiaT tried in vain evary known remedy, has dia
COTarnl a aimple au cure, which he will Mil FhfE
An hia fc w.enfiereni. add-i:a J. II. Kl.t'.l US.
4.1 f tiatliauj feit., . v.
ei. i. laal.-lj.
IJF.VNONSi afBi' ted with pains and s -hes who
have Rf-ver 'rird tha -real If H. H. Medicine
lo not know ( powers in removing pain floe It
a triii1 tor Heuiruatisin, .eiiralii:ia. ai.d part-cn-Iarl.
l",Miierla. A sure cure tor torses snttent n
with l.oneand Blood St,v(n. l'o!! Fvil ami Celir
He fire a-id arlt for the Ii . H. H. Meilleine. ma no.
faeture.l 'y I. I. Toinllnsin. I'h lladclph i a. lis the
popnla. ty of t he same has led other parties to pn'
hu inP r r :i ' on ttie market hearing the same
nam.-. :-i.i: hy drincmina ever whore. V-Su.-Stn.
M4- I'ffice at lli2 Twelfth itrwi. In taoie ' nt'.il
tni and ixtce.diate'v In resir of Ktrat Kal'l P int
Artovrifa., A pfW I?, 11 .-tn.
ti - i ' a pl in yonrown town. Terma and 4 r ntht
UO'ruf. Adttres U. ffnIMI If Co., Purlland. Al.
VSi c ji
2 5 1
iuilixgtox izovte.
.tN'o othrr line runs Three Through Pna-Fi-r.L'f.r
Trams Paily ltween C'hioag-o, IVs
Mo'ivs, t ouncil Illuffs, Omaha. Lincoln. St.
Ji'fii!i, .tchi5on, T p ka and Kansas City.
i ret ronnrctlona for all point in Kanae,
Nc'thsIs.i, Colorado. Wyoming. Montana, Ne-v-
-. Now Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oret?ou and
'1 !. SiiorteM. Speedieat and Mot Comforta-
!c Kouic viallannib& to Fort Fcott, Denison.
li:i'!ai. Houston, Austin, Pan Antonio, Galves
ton and all points in Texas.
Th uniuah'd inducements offered by this
Line to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows:
Th celebrated Pullman (l4-wheel) Palace
filepini Cars, run only on this Line, C, B. Sc
V Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Horfon's
Keclininir Chairs. No extra ehars-e for Seats
in Kochninir Chairs. The famous C. B. Q.
Pnlaoe Pinin Cars. Gorpeous Smoking Cars
fitted with F.lefrant Hitrh-Baoked Rattan Ke
Tolvintr Chairs for. the exclusive use of first
cIh'is paen(rers.
Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com
bined with their Great Through CarArranire
mnt, makes this, above ailothers.thefavorit
Route to the South, South-West, and the Far
Try it, and you will find traveling: a luxury
1ntead of a dionmfort.
Through Tickets via this Celebmted Line
for snle at all offices in the United States and
All information about Rnte of Fare, Slor-o-
inir Car Acf-ommodtitions, Time Tattles, Arc,
will be cheerfully given by applying to
J. Q. A. BAS. Gen l Enettrn Airent.
Jitt Wahiti(fton St.. B.t"'i. Mas.,
and il7 Hnmdwtiv, Now York.
JAUKS R. VTOOlt. (ii-n. Pa. Aifi . ( tit. 'l'o.
T.J. PoTTEK. G-ti. M.nitLrer. it ico.
or ALL-
' -If i i
r- "X I I A t aw
-At'?jr L A ST t
7 LI PET! M E :
y IjohnsoDlfari&co.
Chicago ill.
ori nr.rovi:!)
VN f leant i' Lith.rnph ot our late Pre
idem, makinir fill t-Ions' h p'rtra it, printed
in pM oioroon heavy paper with a rich irnhi horder.
Si.e. !SxJ6 Inches. The sale of this beautiful work
of art at f I per eopy hat heen aimply unpreee.letit
ed. In order thM every famity ma be aide to pos-
ei this heautif'tl anl touehin souvenir of our
late Pre-'denl and his Cabinet, we w.ll trail it (or
only .V) rents per eopy. We can furnish this same :
snt.iet f.rined In 8 oolors. refltiee1 to oxVi in'-he..
tiken. Now is the titno tor aicents to reao a rich I
harvest with the-e heautiful portraits. Nothing i
aells like ttier . end fwr namptes a -id terms
r A .. I'ahlishers,
Oct. 7. 1M.-Jcn. 7 Key St.. New York.
Clients wanted for Life of Pre?-
dnt Oarnel.l A complete. fait h-
tnl history trom cradle to irrave.
hy ttie eminent tioireapher. Col I'onwell. Intro
dncti n hy His Kxeelieney, John I. Lon'j. Oover
norot Massachusetts. Hooks all ready for deliv
ery. An eliran'ly illustrated volume. Kndorsed
ertition. I.iheral'termi. Atfenta take orders lor
fpMn 'io to So copies daib . f ut:ells any other hook
ten to ore. A '.rents never made money so fast. The
hook sells itself Kxoerience not necessary. Fail
ure unknown. ' I to ) ke iTnipenfle orofi . Privata
terms free (.en. MiUon A Co., Portlan. JIaine.
1 I Ji.y t T.tff Pent i
O tor Ii
ir riivTW ti
ANISNt. TIO of our HtUTiKtn 1'RtMBF.
Pv Ker. rr. Irapr. of New York. Thi with mir
T.mttl of A TiTiej-i PH.(rre Six Bf.k? f.n one.
An A No. 1 Work r Home f ,itrnrv fr i 'onnt-rar
H-nA F. R.TRR.iT, 737 BROanWAY,
3CFW TOKK . ll"-7.-2m.)
I Ill0iwri0 W:dowi. father. moihur or
thilrlrrm. Thnntaixli Tetantitlrrl. PcninTi viTffl
for lur f f rjaTr,u.oy fr rutto .Tarirofte-Te.;nj h
r ini iriRCaVM;. jin",ori rriiT " fth
l-M.. e ,,.mwl to IX lU.Ar. ii BOl'.N'TV.
PATI-.T proenrfd f r lovnw.rn, 'Hiert
n warren tl trurvrti, hi)0I.t nn-i ilrj. 8 Mir
Tk4 tatir ai'I -T ff'T y nr rishts t nnce. Str-d S
funpi fur "Th ('it:?-?' liti-r. n4 hem en
and Bonnr-f law b'a:iki and inrrrtifri. W
twiwfrtn tVnn-'a rt P-riinnn ard riiprita.
Aire N. VV. FEticterald St Co.Pwno!fft
rl ut Avt ;i, live i
.. .... " s . , . :
box .v6t V acuAfftta, l. '
Garmore's Artificial Ear Drums.
Aa lnTnt4 mn4 worvi hy him arfWtly rtortiar hm
fcf.VIi.a t..i,:r y .j ,tr it t..irty h-ir itb tb-a.
ttnK,i!i"M.u .-iy. Arc not oommt ille. ajid r
n s i in-nriri io ., . jjfj P ri 'l!V e ii cnlur f ".
' Ili i io T!"". b d c.-.ted r-'-ruf Mr irtip' JM:ua
is f;e ' .y f ii -1 I ar ; liv :al tir' lmm mun ifaeture"i.
Jnhn Crf.rN S.W. ,r. ft'h i Hare VdrTU. O.
M&5H:J i-3T in the WORLD !
I ti IV wa A
i -sj
t Vi-'.riil K
r f r fun tr. ti yryrs.
i r r " T i n;t k. V- pp.
rrr.'h. it!l wiii
t at Timi! ' ' t.t
tor, Etc. ami a.i.M"
v 1 1 irpm
v 1 '
t f-t- l f
UaUnitJ l, STl r:
I'ric s, tii. .). M. t " . f t t-
f' 11"': -j - r
i r -...'it sc. I'.OsT , : 4 K ,-tlt.ii ;.. Nt A loi.i ;
lit Wa'i "lh Ai".,( : '.' '.
IF J hill X-iecnt POfl , R Al I I ll,cr.
1 J Pi V "''- N- V., itt.e re . :,t
III 11 II cv Mrs, ojr.ic.i to one n
llll 13.L1I ll Victoria, hi.,., ri'.r t t-rc-t
Steel Kni;'v'i. 5:re for Iranueif i'-t. i . ' I y i. a:l.
Agents Wanted. K. B. TirT,7;7 H-r .iw .y, N.V.
The Nf-w York W ei kljr Witn trn.
r-.titr r. ! f if It i n i .1 i-i tr N.-a yi yt.u
w : . !i i t- -v-t-: r . i . 1 1 : T'tt 1.. . -: t - fi in a1 - rt.
rior!- of Kti'ton S: t Pr .y.r-i - iT.t: . tl.e h-yj-r A
err t't:i";ir "trrvi ; rry 'Itii t -f iri'r -t io
fivvl pAf-n'e ; ni.irVrpt, nit-ir. M'Tnf !' ir T ii.;-rf-t The
l.viitja $1 a yir. Siv.1 i t pn:! -t.1 ami p't a
!Vrtm-T. ropv. JOHN I ' L i Li A O., 21 Vasde.
w!ir rreai. Y'.irk.
Th f-i Dj..i.ff.. in.- ii,-.. , finnl errriu ? cn
fil.r.a fr- ni tt.s sss of r..ponii. !.t, ni. t. D.t ir'.LT.iu r
ri n Education, Home, Society. Etiquette,
Amutemttiti, press. Love, rst.irriaue. EuBi-
feltiAC -if hr'-ul.f ttT-s tf. di i .:- 11 r.n r.
,,'nme atr-r-ii in strik-ns titonrhu. rare nfarnit i .a
an iiateos. mm. -eni.. Y n'l-c' ' c i.or- i r 1st- s-erch
t.iVR A il M. Aanntsj Wanted Everywhere,
feaud Inr .irr'i'nr , 1 .' .T';. ' i. enr. A - -wd- ,s
J.t. M.S.I KUV 4- 4 11., I'hlltt lelpblw, 13
B.00O AerT1m TVainf eel for m
It conta'rs thefult h!-ory of his nohle and eventful lifu
aa l ia-t -.I j fl"a--.!tiiftin. SntK.eal -111-111. fl'-atii,
limrral ohs.-qiiie. ere. 'I be Nm-i r'laace of Tr-nrllfe t
inakamenev. 1-iewaraof calrhoenay" iniita iori. TM
ia iher.nly a'nthenticand fwlly iilnstrated 'ifcof enra-fe-.
tyrt ('resident, KltieMaal ponra. tilrl htu l
Atfwal- ircalars fre...
AJu iuvuL lXub C., nr.aJelvUlarV
..." is ! '
The sand-bornet is the greatest vii- 1
lain that flies on wing, and he is bni'.t
for a professional murderer. He car
ries two keen ciraeters besides a deadly
poisoned pionard. and is armed through
out -with an invulnerable coat of mail,
lie has thines his own way ; he lives a
life of tyranny and feeds on blood.
There are few birds none that I know
of that care to swallow such a red-hot
morsel. It is said that not even the
butcher bird inkers after him. The
toad will no touch him. seeming to know
hy instinct what sort of chain-liehtnini?
he contains. Among insects this hor
net is the harpy eagle, and nearly all of
them are at his mercy. Even the cica
dia, or drumming harvest fly, an inject
oftt r. larger and heavier than him"lf,
is his very common victim. Consider
ing these characteristics, it was of spec
ial interest to witness such an incident
as I have here pictured, where one of
these huee tyrants was actually captur
ed and overpowered by the strategy of
three black ants.
I had left the meadow, and was as
cending a spur of the mountain by the
edge of a pine wood.. when suddenly I
espied the hornet in question almost at
my feet. He immediately took to wing,
and as he flew on ahead of me I observ
ed a long pendant object dangling from
his body. The incumbrance proved too
great an obstacle for continuous flight,
and he soon dropped again on the path,
a rod or so in advance of me. T over
took him, and on close inspection dis
covered a plucky black ant clutching
tightlv with its teeth inon the hind
foot of its captive, while with its two
hind legs it clung desperately to a long
cluster of pine needles which it carried
as dead-weight. No sooner had the hor
net touched the ground than the ant be
gan to tug and yell for help. There
were certainly evidences to warant such
a belief, for a second ant immediately
appeared upon the scene, hurridly emer
ging from a neighboring thicket of pine
tree moss. He was too late, howevf-r,
for the hornet immediat;lv took to flight
Rut this attempt whs even more futile
than the former, for that plucky little
assailant had laid hold of another imped
iment, and this time not only the long
pine needles, but a small branched stick
nls-o. went swinging through the air.
Onlv a yard or so was covered in this
flight ; and as the ant still yelled for re- j
inforcements, its companion again ap- !
pcared. and 'rnshed npon the common j
foe with such furious zeal that T felt like !
patting him on the back. The whole ;
significance of the scene he had taken in '
at a glance, and in an instant ne had to
ken a vise-like crip on the other hind
leg. Now came the finnl tug of war. i
The hornet tried to rise, but this second
passenger was too much for him ; he
could only buzz along the ground, drag
gir.g'hls load after him. while his new
assailant clutched desperately at everv- :
thing within its reach, now a dried Wf, ,
now a tiny stone, and even overturning
an acorn cup in its grasp. Finally, a
small rough stick the size of a match
was secured, and this pro veil the "!ast '
straw,'' Tn vain were the struggles of
escape. The hornet could do no mere ;
than lift his bodv from the ground. He j
rolled and kicked and tumbled, but to
no punose. except !o make it very iive- j
lv for his cantors ; and the thrusts of j
that, lively dagger were wasted on the
des-rtair. for whether or not these ants
knew its searching propensities, they
certainlv managed to keep clear of this (
bnv estremitv.
How long Mils pell-mell battle would ;
have lasted T know not. fr a third ant ;
now appeared, and it was astonishing to i
see him ; with, every movement of the
hornet, he in turn would lay hold of a
third sMck. and at the same time would ;
clutch upon those pine needles to add !
their impediment to the burden of his :
own body. '
Practically the ants had won the vie- J
tory. but, what they intended to do with j
the fl. Hindering .-lephant on their hands ;
seemed a problem. But it was to them j
only a question of patience. They had '
now pinned their victim securely, and j
held him to await assistance. It came.
The entire neighborhood had been ap- j
prised of the battle, ami in less than five i
minutes the ground swarmed with an '
army of re-inforccments. They came j
from all directions; thev pitched upon j
that hornet with terrible ferocity, and '
his enmph-te destruction was onlv a I
question of moments. W. . (iib.n,
in If'irjier's for Jhccmher.
Fish as Food. Pound for pound,
fish is fully as nutritious as butchers'
meat. It may not seem so satisfying,
hut. that is because the sense of satisfac
tion which we experience tn eatinsr is
the result of supplying the stomach with
food, and in no direct or immediate way
related to the nourishment of the organ
ism as a whole. Very few of the solid
substances we eat are digested, even so
far as the stomach is concerned, in less
than an hour, and nutrition canirnt
commence until after digestion has pro
ceeded for sometime. It follows that
the feeling of satisfaction produced by
solid food during a meal must be due to
the appeasing of those cravings which
which are set up in tlie stomach rather 1
than the supply ot the needs of the sys- !
tern. Inasmuch as butchers" meat is j
less easy of digestion tbim fish, and it
gives the stomach in .ire to do it is easy !
to see why it stems, at the m rnent, ;
more satisfying. Looking to the ulti- '
mate purpose of nut rition, fish is the bet- j
ter kind of food, it is more readily and I
completely reduced in the stomach, and
it nourishes the organism more'thor-'
oughly, and with less physical incon- i
venience. than the llesh of'warm bhtod- '
el miinials. A common -rror in regard 1
to tlie use of fish is the failure to recog-
nize thai there ar? two distinct classes
of this staple, looked at as food. In j
m class, which may le represented by
the m ickeral ami the salmon, the oil i
ami fat are distributed througli4ut ttie i
tlcsh, while in the otiier, of wliict) the j
cod and whiting may be taken as exam- !
l)es. the oil and fat are found almost ex- j
ciiisiveiy in the internal organs, notably
th liver. Xow, the oil and fat are nec
cessary. and if the fish is not cooked
and eaten whole, or nearly so, these
most important parts are wasted. In
cleansing fish, as little as possible should
1m; removed. This is a point of the high
est practical moment. Fishmongers
and cooks ned to be instructed afresh
on the subject. To omit any portion of
the liver of a cod in preparing the disli
for tlie table is to throw away a great
delicacy. A cod's lier properly dress
ed is a dish for a gourmet. It is inex
plicable how anything so nauseous as
he ' cod livei oil"' of the chemist, and
d-nggist can be prepared from anything
so n;ce as t he liver of cod. Housekeep
ers and those who purvey for the table
should take care that nothing edible in
a fish is sacrificed. For cooking pur
poses it may lie assumed that lish is not
onlv good food, but food of the best de
scription ; well able to supply the ne'ds
of the system, and particularly easy of
digestion, it js equally serviceable' for
the weakly as for the robust, the oung
asfor the old. (io'Ml Worl..
To mvkk a good walk, dig out the
earth a few inches ne- p ami fill in a lay- j
er of I) okeu stones, brick and tlie like,
'hen a layer of fine clinkers and over
this spread coal ashes and roll down, if
you have ;l roller if l0( make the sur
face as smooth and compact as possible
by otl er means and the weather will do
the rest. Tin se walks are hard, clean,
durable and withal cheap.
IU'ttkrmilk is not only a sjiecific
rmed tor imiig. stion. but it soothes
add quiets the in rves, and is very som
nolent to those who are troubled with
aietplessnts?. - -
Charge of th Ligtt Brigada.
After we had mounted for the famous
charge, and just before we commenced
our advance. Colonel Shewed, com
manding the Eight Hussars, happened
to rest his eye on one of his men with
a pipe In his mouth, which so ex' ited
his military ire, that he hallooed to
him that "he was disgracing his reg
iment by smoking in the presence of
the enemy," a grave view of the ques
tion which certainly I (his command
ing officer) did not, or at least up to
that time had not reciprocated, inas
much as I at this very moment was en
joving a remarkably good cigar. The
question then arose in my miud, "Am
I to set this bad example? (in the Col
onel's opinion, at least,) or should I
throw away a good cigar?" no such
common article in those day, be it re
membered. Well, the cigar carried
the day, and it lasted me till we got to
the guns. With shame do I say it.
There was one, I believe, who,
when he started on tins advance, was
insensible to the desperate undertaking
in which he was about to be engaged.
So we went on. "Right flank
keep up. Close in to your centre!"
The smoke, the noise, the cheers, the
groans, the "ping, ping,'''' whizzing
past one's head, the "whirr" of the
fragments of shells, the well-known
"slush" of that unwelcome intruder on
one's ears what a sublime confti-ion
it was!
One incident struck me forcibly about
this time the hearing of the riderless
horses in such circumstances. I was,
of course, riding by myself tnd clear
of the line, and for that reason w:is a
marked object for the poor, dumb
brutes. They consequently made dash
es at me, some advancing with me a
considerable distance, at one tim-; as
many as five on my right and two on
my left cringing in on me. and positive
ly squeezing me as the round shot came
bounding by them. 1 remarked their
yes betokening as keen a sfcnsn of the
perils around them as we human beings
experienced, (and that is saying a good
deal). The bearing of the horse I was
riding, in contrast to these, w:is re
markable, lb: had" been struck, hut
showrvl no signs of fear, thus evincing
the confidence of dumb animals in th;
superior being. The I.ithl fitrnlrif
Jlri'imle in the Crimen (ituryr.
-- aw
Some time ago an Austrian chemist
is said to have devised a new sorioriiio,
the action of which m so rapid and
powerful, that a few drops of it sprin
kled on tho head and fac" will i ti'ec
tunlly stupefy a man in a sew seconds,
and render him utt rlv defenseless. Ho
gave it the name of Hand'g -r, or "tam
er," and ofr.-red the secret of its s .lo
to the Austrian Government. Hut. the
Government T10t only refused to
purchase it, but has ordered tiie police
authorities to formally notify the in
ventor to discontinue his experiments,
and to abstain utterly from using in any
way his invention, or communicating
it to others, under pain of being crim
inally dealt with.
fr! .
. ' a
It- .! i-S-MwjuCi.
.3 rmr-
IKON niTTKItS nr.- highly recommended for alt diseases reamrini;
a certain and elhcicnt tonic; especially lntii'jrrtiim, Jtypejwi, Inlmniticnt
Tever. WnrJ of A p.7i,Lei of Sirm-jth. I Ark of L-nsr;ry.1c. Enriches the blood,
strengthens the nmseies.and pives new iil'e to the nervec. They ai-t likeaclinrm
on the dip -stive ornns, renvtving all dy.'prptir -7rr'owu.Hii h a TuMinq thr W,
The only Trnn IVeparntion
tlint wiil not hbicken the te-'.:i or gi vo liendat lie. Sold hy
all rtnur-hls. Wn f.-r t't;- A II f T'. - ' "- pp- of r.H'ul nnd nmnsinc r a 1
itgi .- r.ifr, BROWN" Clir. '.CAL. CO., Baltimore, "Mtl.
See t hit al' Inn n''..r r ni -t S-i.n Cm vt.-.i Co ,-nd hi ve cm-wed red line no wrappar.
-?sv A !.; . :.
If LI c.
Iar-fiwt and Clioapost fStocl oi
Dry aLicL Dress Groocls,
to be found in Cambria or adjoining counties. J-??" Forget not the street and numbers
and fail not to call, buy and be happy.
An inntitntlon for fmpartinir Tract !cnl Enlnea Education oune ani middle
need men fitte.l for the wtul duties) of life Kturtentsi can enter at any tone. In
dividual ln1ruction. Ijiree and finelv fnrnlshe.t Halls tine Offices. Comprhetiiv
course of FtudT Regular nndi ajTrnprinte Lecture Thornnch Xetvchiug Practical
Training. For" Circulars addreaa 1 buff A Sous. I'ituburgb, l a.
, la
very sa.irt nine both SICK, arid N fc. 'OUS HEADACHE ; and, while
actL-iff on t-e ncroua ey-tern, relieve f" t PS I A i w-orst li rfnp, Ctonnst
1115 the system of eicesa of bilo, prodacu:!; a. regular healthy action o . the bowela.
" iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiimni,T .j.-n mi
A f:il
size box of these
t.i.s I ir a complete Cure, maneuu any a.ldn sa on receipt of LjJJ,'
IO 3-cent Postage Stamps. For aale by all Druggist.
bulk rntir-KiKitiKS,
Tlie Tinitla Tritely TolcT.
And a cordial Invitation is now extended by the proprietor to everv reader of tlie FitrEw as to call and
aee the Inrae assortment, examine the various qualities, and learn" the unsurpassable prices, whii-ti are
o low that -X) percent, can positively im saved by those who Pnv their iroods from me. The reason 1
can sell so ehei.p is that I houirht my entire stock for cash and iiitend to sell tor cash or its equivalent
and am llierelore prepared to make quick sales at smaller profits than anv other merchant In t'amhria
county. Ion't lake my word for thin, however, but come and see lor vourselves.
ttARROLLTOWN, Not. 21, lsl.-tl.
LIFE zri
ru . . i . .!- .i , ... r:ia i.ii.- uni ii,,i i .rricti nr fl tn
rrwird of a nt-Mo T.n.MLiir.Li I Ca H
r' nmrRHMir nui t-nt;ni m rnfAiinc.
ou per cent, ficcunt to AgcntsrVcTjfvii rK a-VJTr
How Peannta are Cleaned and Prepared
for tha Market,
Peanuts to bo prepared for the mar
ket are placed in a large cylinder,
from which they enter the brushes,
where every nut receives fifteen feet of
a brushing before it becomes free.
Then they are dropped on an endless
belt, passing along at the rate of four
miles an hour. n each side of the belt
stand girls, and as the nuts fall on the
belt, the girls, with a quick motion of
the band, pick out all the poor-looking
nuts, allowing only the best to pass the
crucible. Those that do pass drop into
bags on the floor below. When the
bag is filled it is sewed up and branded
as "cocks," with the figure of a roost
er prominent on its sides. The reas
caught by the girls are thrown to one
side again, picked over, and tho best
singled out. bagged ami branded as
"ships." These are as fine a nut as
the first for eating, but in shape and
color do not compare with the "cocks." ,
The third grade is branded as eagles."
These are picked out of the cuttings
of "cocks" anil "ships." The cuttings
that are left from the "eagles" are
bagged, sent to the top storv, and what
little meat is in theru is shaken out by
a patent sheller. The nuts being shelled
by this process, the meat drops in bags
below, free from dirt or dust of any
kind, and is then shipped in 200-pound
sacks to the North, where it is bought
by the confectioners for the purpose of
making taffy or peanut candy. It may
be here stated that a peculiar kind of
oil is extracted from the meat of the
nut, and in this specialty a large trade
is done among the wholesale druggists.
There is nothing wasted, for even
shells are made useful. They are pack
ed in sacks and sold to statde-keepers
for horse-bedding, and a very healthy
bed they make.
Pacific Islands Folk-Lore.
When in the Tonga-tabu group I was
amused by a curious custom the natives
there have of saying, when one sneezed,
Ofa," which means love. I asked the
reason for this, and was told taat when
a man sneezed he was thinking of his
wife, and that when a woman did so
the was thinking of her husband; so
that they consider it only a polite little
attention to say "Ofa" to one at those
times. Here in Samoa I find a very
different phrase in vogue on similar oc
casions, and, on account of its likeness
it, meaning to one still used in England,
of much greater interest. II- re when
one sneezes, they say, "Socfua," whose
meaning is, as near as pos-ible, "Gd
bless you." It is strange that in two
countries so far apart as England and
Samoa ttiere should tie a custom so very
much alike. X'o'cs and (hifrits.
Capt- Isaac Hassett. the veteran door
keeper of 1 he United States senate,
and who will complete his half century
of service in the Senate chamber in
December next, is now busiiy engaged
in preparing hs forth coming volume,
entitled "Sketches and Reminiscences
of United Stales Senate 1831-
53 PTT3 PT:-T.
w to
- - HE PILLS enre most wonderfully tn a
valua pilir. with fnil di- Jf
ST PRICES THE ...iV i . ST j
At Stl S3
lrriTfinr i'L-.rtTrr-d l..,.,ii.-
. m ra. n Than
Ali I of t
ne At.h. 'ir'-ulir-i It-.
Sscid- t--k 1.0".
I W . 4: M . ClnebaaiiO. O.
Cock fighting originated with the Ath
enians. The great gray slug has a upply of
20.f tO teeth.
There are forty-six species of the Eng
lish enckoo, !
Dusters were at first made of the tails '
of oxen or foxes. j
The earliest mention of parks is ;
among the Persians. I
The leech has eight or ten eyes set in j
its back near tlie head.
The idea of fertilizing land with salt I
was conceived by John Napier in 14'.H. i
Gauze is said to receive its name from ,
Gaza, in Palistine, where it was first j
made. !
The part of the human body which
show the greatest variety of colors is the
iris of the eye. '
The rnoon was pronounced by Atiaxa- ;
goras. ooo li. C. to e an earth having
mountains and valleys.
King Alfred used to measure time by
a device of twelve candles, graduated
so as to burn two hours each.
The Itoiling water column of the Ice- t
land geysers is nineteen feet in diame- ;
tei , and sornet:nies ris'S ninety-two feet.
The cochineal insect is very small, a
pound of cochineal being calculated to
contain not less than 7'J,OOU in a dried
A peculiar violet odnr is emitted from
the males of some species of 15razil:an
buttei flies, the female being not at all
When frogs are seized by snakes they
enlarge themselves wonderfully, so that
if the snake be of small size the frog es- ,
To neutralize the sting of gnats and
mosquitos, English sportsmen nib the
parts affected with cerumen, fir the wax
from the ear.
The IJitile has leen translated into
' languages and dialects, and in the
last eight years 140,Mi,0(.K) copies have
been circulated.
The fashion in men's hats changes
far more often in England, France and
America than in other countries. The
sombrero on in Don t Quixote's time is
the fashion in Spain to-day.
Within tlie past sixty years the value
of gold has fluctuated from l-" l- to 15
7- that of .--ilver averaging about 15 1-l
times and never falling so low as that of
fifteen times such value.
Among the early Unmans a kind of
fasti, or annals, was kept by driving
nails into the walls of the Temple of
Minerva; and in public calamities, in
time of pestilence, etc.. a nail was fas
tened in the Temple of Jupi'er.
Christ ian names are so-called by hav
ing lwen given to converts in baptism
as substitutes for their former pagan ap-I-llatkt!S.
many of which were borrow
ed from the names of their gods, and
therefore rejected as profane.
The institution of the --Order of the
Path" originated in the custom of the
I Franks who, when the conferred knight
I hood, bathed before they performed the
! ceremoiiv. and from this habit came the
i title Knight of the Path.
; The growth of plants of all kinds, l r.
j C. W. Siemens chtims, after expf-riim-nt,
! can be stimulated by the electric light.
! As is well known, plants grow all the
J yar around in tropical regions, and r.
; Siemens believes that the electric light
: over glas, kept burning all r.itrht. will
! keep plant lite active dining the winter
! inontlis. even in temperate regions,
i Although considered mute, insects
: have the powi r of producing sounds by
! certain movements which to some ex
: tent are characteristic of the different
: species. The shrill chirp of tie'' cricket
; is produced by the rubbing together the
wh:g a s Tlie iiaisli shriek of the
grasshoiipt r is caused by fnetion ol ;he
; legs against the wings. The e-1 1 r : 1 1
trumpet sound of the mosquito and th'
' busy hum of bees and llies. result from
the rapid motion of the wings while f.y
ing. j IIitoi:v K C.VKl'KTs. The use of
I tajtesti v and embroidered cloth as a cov
i ering lor furniture and the floors of
j rooms is of treat antiquity. T;e JJaby
: loiiiafs. ParthiaiiS and Gauls were fa
; mous for embroidering carpets in differ
i nit colors, and several cities early ac-
quired a celebrity for the manufacture.
The carpets were usually made with
j woolly nap on one side but occasionally
the nap was raised on both sides and the
; design enriched by the insertion of
! threads of gold and silk. The names of
distinguished makers of carpets have
la-en handed down along with those of
the cities in which they plied their vo
cation. Pat hymns, an Egyptian, with
Aeesas and lielicorn. of t'yprus. were
among those who obtained eminence in
the art, and it was conjectured that the
two latter worked under the direction of
Phidas, the famous sculptor. Piato
mentions that it was customary in
Greece to cover couches with carpets
and place others on the thor. The
wealthy patricians of Home used purple
carpets, for which they paid fabulous
prices, liabyionian covers for couches
sold in the days of Metel lus scipio, for
1s.ikhJ each, and that price was qt. el
rupled in the time of Emperor S'eio.
Carpets figured conspicuously in the pa
gentries of the ancient nation of the
East. They were used to deck horses
arid elephants in triumphal processions,
and resiect for the dead was marked by
placing carpets on tombs and cenataphs.
In Turkey carpets were used many cen
turies ago in the same manner as at
j. resent. The skill of the natives of In
dia in working textile fabrics is univer
sally admitted ; but, perhaps, in none
of their product ions have they displayed
so much ingenuity and taste as in em
broidering carpets. The finest work of
the kind is stiil produced by them, but
though much in demand among the
princes and chief.- of India, tin se car
pets are too gorgeous and expensive tor
European and American tastes. In the
most cosily the design is tamlmred in
cloth ami canvass, with threads of gold
and silver and silk. The only Indian
cariK-ts we have ever seen in this coun
try were a thick, soft kind made in Mas
uipatam. I'nital Stntis fj'.-omntttxt.
Hlf.f.oixo at the Xiwe. There are
two little arteries which supply the
whole face with blood, one on each side ;
these branch off from the main arteries
on each side of the windpipe, ami rtin
nins upward toward the eyes over the
outside of the jaw-bone, about two
thirds back from the chin to the a:igle
of the chin, under the ear. F.ach of
these arteries, of course, supplies just
one-half of the face, the nose b-ino- the
dividing line ; the let t nostril is supplied
with blood by the left artery, and the
right nostril by the ritrht arteiy. Now,
supjMising your nose bleeds by the richt
right nostril, with the end of the fore
finger feel along the outer edire of the
right jaw until you feel the beating of
the artery directly under your singer, the
same as the pulse in yourwiist ; then
press '.he linger hard upon it, thus get
ting the little fellow in a tight place le
tween your linger and jawbone ; the re
sult will Ih-. that not a drop of blood
goes into that side of the face while the
pressure continues ; hence the nose stops
bleeding for want of blood to flow ; con
tinue the pressure for five or ten min
utes and the ruptured vessels in the nose
will by that time probably contract so
that when you let Ihe blood into them
they will not leak, l'deeding from a
cut or wound anywhere alnuit the face
may lie stopped in the same way.
Thf. sooner milk is cooled after milk
ing the greater the amount of butter
obtained. So the creameries arc said to
My daughter's Paralysis ataxia disap
peared from 'he use of Tercsa. 13. C.
Hid, Pittsburg, Pa.
kbs. mi l mm, of im, mz.t
... -
u s
V i . ri f ; o
vstaele cc:.-ror::r. Qhop.t Iron M..
1 tv
forall thise falnCnl 4'nmp! i.tnn art ts eteeavr
...comisieM tssor bM feBle tapulallB.
ItwiUcire .i.tirely t.e worst f'-rTnuf i -msJe ( om
flsJuts. all ovarian tmn'ilea. t'lfaim: ath.n a-d tlcera
tlon, Fallinir and It.plweniei.t, and ti e c.niimt
Srlnal, aid la particularly adapted to tha
Clianjre t'f 1. !.'-.
It vill HI.F' lve and erj"'' t-lir.ors fmn; th nteros In
an early atare of d. v lo tin- t. The t r.denry to cn
eerous hBmortLrei.') o ted very pjs1i:y hy Ira osa.
It removes faintness. Tutvl. re-v. r1.-stiT.ya all cravLia;
for stimulants, end re!t-vs wl-nera eNf the atomech.
It rnrea ri"a'':i?. fl ?.'! ches. Ni-vons mtratlon.
General ruVUitj, SksieaMM-, lA-presatoB and Inrll-a-esf
Thet feeprir of t-rlnr; dism. canslng; pain, weight
and hckac:ir . is u i-ttukii. r.'.:y cured t-v Ita
it will at e.l times end under all nm;m!iii' art
hannonr with thelnwa that t-. 'eri ih- female ayatenx.
For the enre of Kidm y (,rupu.ta if eiLLar aS thia
ConiiH'.iTi't is iiTe-.'r--- .!.
1. in i.p iNk.11 m-s TrfirTtmt r-
por,f!s pr itrd at ;! a-d V. rrtern Aveone,
I.ynn,:a.s. Poet!. -ix le.ttlesf -r Ai. Sent by mall
in the form of pills, also ln;!:e f ,rm of lortTip' S. on
re-s-1pt of pr'-e. ti perlx i t reitlir. Mrs. riLkram
freely answers all lertara of Inquiry. B-nd rjr pamph
let. Addreaa aa Mmtum f(ua Ujwr.
Wo family ehoald he without I.TTd t E. PI STT. HAM'S
IJVTJi Pll.lii. Tliey cure constipation, bUioiianaaa
aad torpidity of The liver L cents per boa
ee- Sold by mil Droggiata.
All'. 1J. lsl.-ly .
. .v.x
r': Cro
. Ft 1 arrri t s.
One of iho Itana'-I1 F1 n ri
! I, ;. :i -ri v r-.M.K.-i 'iicl. al. - Is !:fl r-r no
T' :i '."'TirirU.-' 1 -J I l- t H''T !
t'f -' i- ti is tn a" el v . t t- i -:
H.;cr- th- " !- mill r
!ri:j r'jii.T i m : 1 i tel
t f s -1 :n . I -- 'h: ur.i.-i t- r.
h 5 - ' ' " ':! ! ' ' . it. 1 .
re T ;ve
I- "T ic I v it: 1 r;itri; ;-- ainl 1 ' . u- I.
t.l: y . ( : i-T.-I
Cxceed1stfy Delicate ztd La-tiaj.
Fnc;, 23 c-a.; Larre ;-.t;-:3, 73
ftold rjy demlOTs tn Drcr, A Pfrfumsry. EitScr. cf Ilia
cdt a C-, N. oo s..1 1 t lt.
rDADicn n!:j?trr Trt "??
f I M 1 1 1 A. 1 1 I VtltlVaasIt IVl.-j
The Medicine for Every Fcrr ity. 3
'.Iatefrom .iir.rr. Fu:hu. !arnJ ?l r'Tlrris,
L and ether ef the lot rc:nrC rs knr r., 4
r Pafkek's Gin-gfk Tom: hz r.-rtj-k 'y vznd j
r or, Liood Fiinl:-T sind Livr Kc-aL:cr frrcr -r. j J- c-v
The Best Kedicina Yon can TJ: 3 1
t forEest3riagEealtli&Strp.2TTtL i
t Ttc-rnT7i?npe?trt4Rct fm the fi"-t d r srarebe;
L r.Tt the -.-eat crg.-:r.. an i ii rr ,i to cu-t c-
help stl Gileses of t.Me iw-: Stmath. til
t Kitincj-s, Livrr. t'rmary tc in. a'iC oi.:riaii:t" of
t Women, Nervoiine, S.rep:e:ne-s ial'eoni-w- 4
r tira ard Pmr krunf..
1 ry a botiie to-cay ; itn.iyjt yrui I::c ocf. A
and $1 sizes ataiUirurit-;. Everv ceruin?bc';: j
has our 5 1 gnnture oa o;:T-;e rrrTw-r, h.t.-ccx 4. j
r Cov, N. Y. Lanre n inp'm buvu-.; 5i sirs.
I Jl -J t'JU'iT".
Jtsst 'WTiat Is wantea.
Eweryrxiry 'setisir Is r-v r-r f. rr-r! ha5 f:!t
ttie need ofa Hair Reftorrr and drrsvlnr; that is
cleanly. agr-eaMy pcrf-iTned a::d harrr.tess, I'nr
ker's Hair Balsam satisfies the most fastidious tn
these respects. Sold ty- drj rri ists at 50c. and Si .
In crrorsid r.-u:h, 1! ki nusi
t- or Pri K-:i - - t or o- 'i -r r:
Bl'NA. !r-
t or nerv'i u
ri tit s .
1'Ellt N w ili f- $. i.u;aO--
enercv. rre hmlii i
lnin.eOiatoiv. Zri
For nervous i i,.
s'veDJturih r ti'im'nr.i! 'r"-
ft lies A Is a Fure i-nrc. x:'ZrT. .il
n K 1 1 :i n:
soovi-r: ai-" a--f ih.nvio-r f.
CUI Ax til 1. I " IM 1 - - . 1 I- t HI C.
;o niiiicje. tii" 1, i. tin B3
rf ili Jt K Vh - I I
i t . t f T
.r',wii-;:;.ii Practical aclz;iif:
mule rorr:-'-- "'s ..r ..-i i ... i3. -p. x i-
f l j wf i . ... 1 : r' ;.!.-. . . i i i . j I 1 csrt i. - o--. : ; M A ' '" '
n.'trrsti.rn,r.ll.1-lrn..Llitle r s--. I I lnV,KV -l-H IP I. t :
J not resume or at l. i-t prcatiy l:n J
Sond for a pamph'. t.
UJ S. B. II AKTM.VN A CO.. Osboro, OM i
Keep y 'nr V -nrrlsP'nilir W-
Mr- at the New Irug Stoee. r 'S'offiee. Kh
erishurn. l lW3,"H.-ly. I
j: y .u r.rr a rr-.n ,i . .c ar-. . - -
ftfl-J.-'l.-v,:J i ,- .i-l- c' I :-
ei.ea 1 1 e tnu n (.f yr"i T- l".i-.: -,-,- r-.t - v
y 'lir !.;:.. .-i' fj tv. : : ...-.. t r. - .
stimnla' t a r d u s a- r-v t.-M t-i.- . ,-.;ii k.
Hop B.tne".. iju. iwttopB.
If yon are yonria- i. w ust.rtns eo . .. t.
tnaei-vtifli (t ',' r. . r t . t
Ti-d or c'-r:le. i r tsl fMinr sniT. r ;t- f rr.-i i'
JKKrlKSiui iAiruwi m ii- on 0.1 ,.f H(u. f .
r :j i..-. Htipi? Eirtrrs. r
tA"hoe.'r - en t- . a?4 11- .isjiit die aji- a
whenever you feci . j t rrail fi n. s.1...- j
tast yon i n:"ii t J ' ' K'rJnf I
to . j iffli ..r w a n e v
tc or st:mui.irti. (.- Vf 1:rt. hrr ;eM;-L-l a
y ,' Tit.i i i, .-. lit 1 limr It n. ..1
nt-he Hop -A HoFEIl'.er. uJ
Pitters. a - K fc
tl I t IT:. I
sr.1 lrr-.-s..
U' er or
tt -J I ! I he
'U'1-IPCO, tit
K Harj Eater.; V Si! I rK
urns cUiaai-
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S--li3 r-np-
.'T lor
1 I ST Jit
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f i If 9. It haso
"i snved hun
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r v:..i.i III VI, Tor cn.r.r. i
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Xnmirrljf Ituiitior, Jtl.
Dn. m. j. duck,
rUTSlClAJt Ail ?t ROROK,
Ai.THust, r.
Office and residence ort Fourteenth, street, our :
Eleventh avenna. whan aiftil ealls ean be I
ttttiee heart from 8 to 10,. m.. and troro 2 tn 4 fj
and 6 to I, Sprial attention paid to r s.
easeaol the Ev ana 1 ar, aa well aa loSmit al, - O T 'ir
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