The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, December 02, 1881, Image 3

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$3ffikto xt man.
1TT."(BF. PA.
- DEC.
. 11.
Tories within TBonth has the desolation of
death came upon the st'tor'e family from that
fsarful malady, dtpbthsta. nd (od alone knows
waan f he end Is to be. Vndar the proper headtnr
tn snoihir ulnmn the storv of our last ("od
rrant t rai be the last) sad bereavc.nent is toM.
Tee tiHIi In this Instance 'S the eldest remaln
lar ds'iaSfr. Arnee. one of the brtrhtest and
tut of our dirltna little flick. Her death rame
upon n quite unexpectedly, her condition when
we left her beds'dsat Friday noon helnc such a
SIJ ns al! with hope for hr early and complete
recovers. Less thn three hours afterward, and
when we had scarcely more than commenced
werklnr off the present lue of our riapor. word
earns tht our pour su!?rinr child wanted to fee
her asps, brother and ancle right away, We knew
si once that another of our loved one was to be
innvnit from earth to heaven. Ahan.lonlnr
trinihui. we hastened aSiedlv s possible to
her bedside, and there remain until o1 m Hli
aearflf took Jier to His shelterinz "mi. We shall
BQt atteaspt to descrlh the partiair eren which
eas of the most afleetlng th it would be po
fib's for the mind of mi.n to conceive or. nrdar
llt. ehlld retained her eonrionne until the
Ter" last moment, and while In the .irony of death
tiled sa--h "f the loved ones prevent to her side
aed bads each one In tnrn a final !;irwell. not
ferrettlr.r evea to vend a eood-bve to one of her
nn,t beloved companion, little Tlnev Scanlan.
snd assuring n all that she weuld never cease to
pray for us in heaven, do. Ood ! th s-zony of
f hit moment will aevar ho efT:i-sd trim onr mm
ry. Tfcn ss1 dispensation will tully explain the
faflnrs of the FttKEMA t' reach He patrons last,
week, and will alee account for the printing; of It
t th!i late day (Tnesdav. Dec. 8th.) when the
newt It contains hrn for the mot part bcotne (Vt
and tale. Of enurse we can issue no other parr
this week, bnt will endeavor to make np for the
omission. If no further calamity comes npon nt. by
rlmis a paper dnrl'r the cnmlnr holidays,
feaatlme wo ask onr friends to remember ns and
car terribly bereaved lamlly In their pnyers.
Hava.Thera nrl the- Other l'lce.
Dth to raw aid vermin -Parsons' Ex
wjimtnator. n-7.-lm.l
John-.tiwn congratulates itself on hav
ing at last aot rid of the small-pox.
David McClure, of Hnntinedon county,
tilled two wi'.d turkeys with one shot Thurs
day last.
Thursday of this week, the feast of the j
.. n i- :i 1 1. 1. ..I .1 .
i;nui.u..r v."-..-, j
of obllpation in the Catholic Church.
Any remedy that always coincides with
t tit r4rarix rntu cures all diseases, i
PamCltA- At new drug store, Ebensbur?.
A twenty-foot leather belt wa stolen
froaa the mill of Mr. John St Clair, in Whit". ;
township. Indiana county, a few niehts asjo.
The Carrolltown ,Vir credits Joseph
Ibody, Samuel Gill and another hunter with
thootlne thrae ler in Chest township week
fcefora last.
Kep your family well supplied with
"?"!",' Cough Syrup. L"ae it in time ; you ;
witljavtrt bronchial and pulmonary affec-
tlons. M cent.
Bight childran of Mr. Thomas Doran, of ;
Latrobe, are, or were a few diys auo, suffer- I
fa with diphtheria, (iod pity and succor
tie aJicted family.
"A lady had the flesh eaten off her arm
by f.irofnla. Could see the sinews working.
I it
ff,irlsey'i Blood Searcher' cured her." J.
ston, Ililerton, Pa.
There was a big flood in the Susquehan- '
na last w-k. and the amount of logs and
lumber rnn to market from this and adjoin
hf sounties Is said to have been hnge.
ThetOscaola lii-till says that one mil-
' I lion Bine thousand one hundred and sixty-
F 6t dollars were paid out for mining alone '
y la that region during the last ten months. j
Ore of the peculiarities of the old Ro-
tnanj is said to have been that they consider
ed !t disffrat'ef ul to be dunned. Sorrv that
"S th people who owe us don't see it in the
war-a light.
Ii Writ to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, N'o.
Wf'tern Avenue. Lynn, Mass., for
( pamphlets relative to the curative properties
f ter veftabla compound in all female
i. The new chapel of the Sisters of Mercy
frf. t Loretto will be deditated to the service of
Ge4 on Monday, Dec. 12th, which iathe ftf
l tith anniversary of the founding of said or-
! iff tf religious women.
: Loss of memory, universal lassitude,
J"',"? tha back, premature old age, pronipt-
r . t !y enrad with Brown's Iron Bitters. It re
r!r , lost functions and strengthens the
ba-eH . wf akened parts.
Tha Osceola Ri illt says that the Stafe
jical survey of the coal measures of cer
ai: portions of Csai field and Cambria
otr.':9 "it worse than worthless, being n
4f-r rather than a benefit "
Me. Thomas c:. Hannum, late city editor
f the Altoona Daily Sun, bns gone to
?Tyneburn, Pa , to do the writing (or Jas.
T. Campbell's new paper, the first number
of which Is to appear this week.
rion. John D. Thomas, one of the rres-
Associate Judges, intends to remove from
nwm!kvltle rt Sontli irnrlr nevt. Snrino
a i
f erbe will pursue the same bnsiness he
ia'"v h now" engaged In hotel-keeping.
carT " Py postal card from Mr. M. L. Keck,
I pr- e.f i'-a, Foster House, this place, we learn
nfala' ,-lt Ws respectad father, Mr. Isac Keck,
'J at bis residence in Punxsutawney on
' ?3d ultimo, nis ailment was paralysis.
-H, E- Carpenter, Eq., Henderson, N
, ired of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty
T'n-V etanding, by the Cuticura Resolvent
!?al!y. and Cuticura and Cuticura Soap
tVm.HT. The most wonderful eas on
r- -!.
A religions reception will take place at
-' c apel of the Sisters of St. Joseph, this
! on Thursday next, the Feast of the
-sonlate Conception, when several mm
1 cf the community will take their final
A'dermau Tucker, Boston, says that
f t rcay state that I have pvd for medicine
treatment in ii years f?.0,i0 without re
siTSng permanent benefit. Entirely cured
tsia d'.aassa (salt rheum) by Cuticura Rem-
'dm. '
Borises McCabe. (,f Latrobe, who is a
on and namesake of Mr. Thomas McCabe,
. Sr., of East Coneinaugh. this county, was
j atra.k on the head with a stone by some one
I unknown and very badly injured on Wed
rsday ef last week.
-rwjoi smaer rroai su-k or nervnushead
. maaralg'.a cr s'aplessnes? If so, do
', wTneting that in time nature will
-few yoti, but g at onae to E. James
" f U it, Kbenehmg, Fa., for Dr. Fsust's
f4-.- o. w Iyl
ieV. mt w
fV ri Mi-mi'.l, at Homer City, Indiana co'in-
"sar".' M hit right hand nearly severed from
T-;. . .i . . ltJ .n.-. .iy ao ny tn cut-orr saw.
rfrois around which he was attempting at the
' !' to remove the accumulated saw dust.
-Th tortures of neuralgic pains, sick and
rvc.j headache, are intant'y banished by
- of Dr. Faust's German Cure for Neii
' t lod Headache, Guaranteed to relive.
; i'..'TlC5lsts. For sale by E. Jsmes. Eb
vy. Pa. 4-l,'l -e.o.w ly
' v f estmore'and county farmers who
hadly fleeced in certain ed wheat
-sior.s by that cut Yankee, E. W.
gs, formerly'f f Johnstown, ha-a eon
to try what virtue there Is in the law
mistered by th courts of that county.
Bry Detwller, of Martinshtirg, Blair
it eredllen hva correspondent of the
Tritium with killing five turkrys at
9t the other day. but whether the
were wild or tame is left to conjecture;.
a rtwsrkable sht t, however, in eith-
trackman rawed Simnel Vord was
under tha wheels, run over md in
killad on Sanday moniii-r,-wldi
V ta get on a moving frefeht train
al Folnt. this county. The unforf u
an leav-a a wife and family at It
W leurn from thp CarrolUnrrn
tht the infant m of Mr arid Mr. Jaiv.b
Hootw, of CaiTOll townhip, faft cf (jipi,.
thri and combination of othpr diepReps
onaWerlnedar lat. Fonr ohpr children of
the eamet family are afflictfrl in mnnnpr,
bnt it i thought thut thPT win all recover.
Priiloh'a Catarrh Remedy is a marvellous
cure for Catarrh. Diphtheria, Canker mouth
and Headache. With each bottle there i an
ingenious nasal injector for the more success
ful treatment of the complaints, without
extra charse. Price 50 cts. SnM hv E. .limes.
I Druceist. Ebenshure Pa. T4-1 -e 1
Chief Justice Sharswood icrned a per'
I cvrtTim order in the U. S. Curt. Pittshnreh.
ia few days aeo, trnnferrine Armtrone,
Butler, Cambria, Erie, Favntte. Forest. In
diana, Lawrence, Mercer and Somerset
counties from the Western and Midd'e Dis-
tricU to the Eastern Judicial District or the
! State.
! The laiire new bell for the larce new
; Conrt Ifonsp was hoisted into the laree pevr
' tower Thursday afternoon and evening, the
! work liayine to be completed in order to re
'. turn a borrowed rope to Altoona next niorn
: tn, and since then ve have had an occa
j sional taste of its tone and tenor, which are
! Tnr aweet and sonorona.
J We rend in the Kae nia of a lnte date
I that Miss Clara Evans, of F.henshurc, has
! returned to that place and re-Mimed the posi
! Won of clerk at the "Rock Bottom" store.
where, we mar add, her brother Weh
. ster a'o t.olile a clerVhip. and that Mrs.
Howell, likewise of Een-ure;, is visiting
; amoncr her relatives in Kane.
The Johnstown Tribune has already in
1 aneurated its annual custom of naminjr can
'. riidates for offlca on fie Democratic ticket.
' havine no longer aso than Saturday last
' trotted out Mr. Scntf Williams, of tli Car-
rolitown Aw.', and Mr. Edward Mcfrlade.
! of Portaee towiitiip. as prnhnhle aspirants
. for the nomination for Sheriff neyt
The saw and sliincrle nil:! of Y.' A. M.
' R. Porrer, which was located on ciearti-!d
creek, 'in Lawrence townsliip. Clearfield
j county, near the Cambria county line, was
j destroyed hy fire a few nichts aero, tocether
j with a quantity of sswed shingles. T-oss.
! t2,20O; insurance, 1,000.
Just asJohnstown had hrjbo fn concrat
ulat itself on the disappearance of the
sn'Sll-pox from that vicinitv, f'mrmore cases
; suddenly loom tip, the victims heinu Mr,
i T'riah Noon, daughter and two sons, of
'. MorreHviile, who were taker oown with that
; loathsome disease on Simd-tv last.
One of tie most desirable farms, gaw
mills, etc., in the country is offered nt pri
: vs sa'e hy rr. Francis Mr.rnn. tf A'le
; uhenv township, whose advertisement will
np rouno
in another column. Mr. Moran
.ii-mv iit- im- v.ii HI Itlil II! 1 Ill lin.!
voi uH) nui irt Tann. an.
hence lis desire
to This iscertairlv a
(rood chance for some one with agricultural
The directory of the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company bns organized a svstem for
the benefit of trainman on thut road. Small
contributions will be required from mem
bers, and hewf's will be given in ca of
sickness r b-fh, and pensions in old aae.
The nii. will not he comnnlsorv,
and tt t" t.e.. will be represented in the
mane :'" f tV svstem.
T' e an' 'e firm of McDonald Co..
of Lore i- d'ssoH-ed a few days ago by
the retir ..-,t of Tt . M. .1 Pfoff. the junior
member, leaving the business entirely in the
hands of nur friend, and even body's friend,
Capt. M. F. McDonald, whom we can heart
ily commend to fle pa'ronace of our friend?
in that section, l'.oth gent'emen have our
best wishes for their future prosperity.
Our fHend A. J. (Ireer. who fcr many
vairs has wielded the editorial pen with a
vigor and vim which few of the fraternity
possess, and who fora considerable time was
"mploved in that, capacity on theAltoona
Daily Trlhiin. and subsequently on the
Dnlly .?n. has Just hoeoni one af the edi
tors of the Ei-mini Cull, same city, which
will be that much liefer for the acquisition.
A concert- nartinlly in aid of the Calvin- .
st Met! o liv church of his plee was given
in the Court House on Wednesday evening;
of last wt-ek. P was both vocal and instru
mental, and in the rendition of either branch
of melody Professor W. Aubrey Powell, of
Seranton rleveloped the utmost proficiency.
An audience of about two hundred persons
listened to and applauded the entertainment
It seems that the some accident in the
railroad yard at Chicago which caused the
death of young O'Neill, of this county, as
noticed in our last'issue. resulted fata'ty to
the engineer of the locomotive on w'Mch be
(O'Neill) was emnloved ns fireman snjrj ac
cident being entirely d.e to the criminal care
lessneee of another employe, who displaced
n switch and is now in Jail awaiting indict
ment for murder.
We had a visit yesterday (Mondavi from
Mr. P B Smith, of Mnnster township, who
denies most emphatically and is wil'inr to
make oath that he did not by word or deed
attempt to defeat, the Democratic ticket, or
any portion of it at the recent election in
this county. Mr. Smith is certainly entitled
to the benefit of this denial, and we very
freeiv accord him the space in our paper pe
cearv to make it,
Mr. Harry Enc'ehart, for a nnmher of
years a resident of Ehensburg. and chosen a
member of the new' board of County A uditors
at the late election, has, with his family,
moved to UalHf in. We believe it his inten
tion to e,i!ra.e jn the boarding-house business
at that point. To the peonle of Oallitrin we
take p'easure in saving that TIrrv is a tip
top voinj man. who will prove a valuable
acquisition to their number.
We invite the attention of onr readers to
the ad ver'isenient of J. Monroe Tavlor. This
house has heen established nearly 40 years,
and bis good are celebrated evejv where for
puritv and strength. We won'd recommend
a trial of his Gold Medal brant's to all who
appreciate trood and wholesome bread, cakes,
etc. Hi Gold Medal sale-atns or h'-earh.
soda 's sold by M L. Oafman, John Lloyd
and E. C. Pamsh. Ehensburg. fin-7.-4rn.l
McDonald, of Loretto. sells calicoes at
rt. 7 and R cts per yard : muslins nt f. S and
10 cts. per yard : ginghams ,t S. 10 and 1?
cts. per yard : dres g,ods at . 121.;. 10. o
, and 21 ct. per yard : canton flane!.s at x,
10 and 12' cts. per yard : p'aid flanne's ai
25.. ?1and 4"ct per yard : lat'cs- coots t oo
to $10.00; !, lies' dolmans T.2" l'i." W :
ladies shawls, .r0 cts. to $10 no : nesid.'s cor
sets, gloves, hosiery, etc., etc.. at lowest c;ty
Michael nsrr, a hrakeman on the Fast
Line, went to tb rear of his train to flag the
section followino-at RlairsviMe Intersection,
on Friday night week, and to that fact an
Englishman whose name is not given, but
who was in a beastly state of intov'cotion.
owes bis life, as Harr found him lying on
the trnck and with the assistance of a fellow
hraKcrnan took him to the sNtion bouse,
thereby saving him from a speedy and terri
ble death.
--Charles Africa, of Huntingdon, furnish
es us with another item, the third in succes
sion. Week befoie last we noticed his ar
rest for stealing an overcoat and watch, last
week we recorded the fact he had been con
wicted and sentenced to the penitentiary for
five years and a half, and this week it de
volve npon ns to sav that the bird has flown,
having made bis escape on Tuesday night
week hv breaking out of the Huntingdon
Jail. So much for Africa.
McDonald, of Loretto. sells infants'
shoes at 2." cts. to $1 no per pair ; children's
cbofi. ,o cts to $1 2S, per pair ; men's shoes,
Jt .iw to 1 7. per pair : lad;es' shoes. $1 25 to
$2.00 per pair : hoys' boots. Jl on to $2 no per
pair: men's hoots. 2 00 to $4.00 per pair;
hovs' overcoats. n.25 to $7 Vl : men's over
costs $.! 00 to $1.5,00. hovs' suits. $5.00 to
$10 00; men's suits. $10 50 to $20.00: als
rubbers, flannel shirts, cardigan Jackets, etc.,
at prices which defy competition.
The Carrolltown .Vv. has neen Inform
ed that parties owning matketab'e timber
a'onjf the Snsrjnf hanna river up as far as
Kob'er's dom which is a'out two miles
west of CarroPtown. are opening the stream
that far. a distance of three miles from
T.a'itTey's dam. Just below which timber was
floated lst veer. Chutes are to he placed in
Lantr-'s dim ami the Brothers' dam. Su
ar. poplar, ash. lin. hemlock nnd other tim
ber in large quantities line this part of the
TK corn of engineers who last summer
ran a l!ne for a railroad which is designed to
eonpeet. If it ever connects af all. with the
Baltimore Ohio Railroad at some point in
EranVlIn county on the son'heast and with
pittshurnb cn the west, have ao-tin made
their appearance in nnr midst They wept
toworfr with wi"Mondavof 'st week in two
pene-v th.noh the precise obiect thev are
dr'vbi" rema!ps to he d'seoyered. An ex
perlm. ptai ur.e pt Chevrvtree or some point
In that neighborhood wl'l donbtless be run,
but only, we imane. to be abandoned, un
le the terminus of the line Is to be made at
some point on the Erie road instead of at
In th midst of onr own terrible be
reavement comes th esd pew from our
kinsfolks. Mr and Mrs .limes ft Curry, of
A Itoons. that one of their own brlghtand in
teresting little children Florence, aged 4
ears aid J months has been strieirerj down
by the snme fearful scourge that ties o sadly
decimated onr own afflicted household, her
death faking place at B o'clock on Sunday
morning. Dee 4th. Never was there a time
when we con'd appreciate more keenly the
bler anguish which now fl'is the hearts of
onr worthy kinsfolks, and if sv.nparhy deen
and eerueet can at all assauge their grief
thev certainly have (t from nnrelves, as well
s from all who have learned of their be
r'" ent. May Rod In His m-rcy keep
fr famt'r frt f.trhr aV-vrt.
Charles DeitricJcand Re!Ie Hurke, of At
toona, were to have been married on the
18th of last month, bnt owine to the appear
ance in that city of another woman who had
pone through the same ceremonj with Dm
rick on a previous occasion, the wedding
had to be postponed and did not take placer
until Thanksgivine evenine, a divorce on the
pround of desertion meantime havine been
obtained in the Lancaster county court by
the first wife, Deitrick of course offering no i
The sincere sympathies of friends not a
few in this community will be extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Manly Tello, of the Cleveland
Catholic Universe, on the loss of their sweet
little daughter, Annie Grace, aged . years
and 0 months, who died on the 22d nit. from
the effects of sca'ds received on the lUth of
August last hv the upsetting upon and del
uging of herself from breast to feet with the
boiling contents of a teapot. May God com
fort and conso'e our stricken friends in their
sad and shocking bereavement.
Ladies, whi'e silently suffering from your
many forms of weakness and disorder, to you
is given Dr. Fausfs German Aromatic Wine,
guaranteed to benefit and permanently cure
yon. A lady writes: "I gained eight pounds
in three weeks by your German Aromatic
Wine." Sold on "a positive guarantee to in
vigorate, regulate and give new and perma
nent vital force. Are you a debilitated per
son, aced and feeble, or iust recovering from
the effects of exhausting mental or physical ,
work? Revive the drooping energies, get
pew strength and rich blood by the prompt
use of Dr. Faust's German Aromatic Wine.
In no way can it be used as en intoxicant. .
Ask Druggists. For sale by E. James. Drug
gist, Ehensburg. Pa. f4-l--e o.
It will reioiee the many friends of ;
cur young kinsman, M. II. Ward, son of ,
Mi. Martin Ward, of this place, who for sev- ;
eral past has been in the employ of the 1
American Express Company, X V., to learn '
that lie has just received another"promotion j
by being placed in charge of one of the six ;
branch, offices in that city which serve as ;
feeder to the main office at no Rroadwa"y.
There was quite a lively contest for the posi- j
tion, several of the management having each
a favorite, and for that reason Mart, is de-
serving of special congratulation for having ,
succeeded to a post of trust and respopsibil-
ty which we are sure he wiil fill to the entire ;
satisfaction of his employers and the public.
May his career be ever upward and opward. '.
We regret to state that Rev. Father ;
Boyle, late of-this place, but. now pastor of t
St. Patrick's church, Gallitzin. has been and
probably still is quite unwell, his ailment be- !
ing a fever of some kind, brought on a few
days ago by overheating himself, while on his :
way to attend to tl" spiritual wants of one j
of his parishioners whose death was believed
to be near at hand. Our Rev. friend also ;
had tha misfortune to be tripped up the day
before his illness came on hy a loose boa'd
in one of the -lilapitated sidewalks which
there abound, and falling flat on his face
was badly stunned, and probably hurt to
some extent, hut we can't sav that this mis- j
hap had anything to do with his subsequent ;
illness. That God may speedily restore him
to his accustomed good health is onr heart- ;
felt prayer.
Our readers will understand that this ,
issue of the Fbff.vax should have reached '
most of them on Saturday last at tha furth
est, but owing to the death of onr dear little 1
daughter Aggie, the third sad bereavement
which has visited onr family within a month,
jts publication, with the exception of about
one hundred copies, which were worked off
just previous to the heart crushing event,
and in which we enclose an extra half sheet
so that the situation may be understood, has
been delayed until thi ( Tuesday) afternoon.
Of course this de'ay makes onr paper some
what stale in the matter of pews, and will
also Prevent ns from Issuing another one this
week, but we know that our readers will bear
with us in our great trouble, especially as we
hope to be able to make up for the loss dur
ing the holidays now so near at band.
F. A. Shoemaker, Esq . of Ehensburg.
rnsfee of the Fisher heirs, who are ownesr
of certain lands in Cambria and Indiana
counties, filed his final account as trustee in
the Orphans' Court, of Philadelphia some
time ago Exceptions having been made
thereto, the matter was referred to a certain
Mr. King, of Philadelphia, as Auditor and
( 'ommissioner. whose duty it is to audit the
account, decide on the exceptions, and report
the testimony. In that capacity be last
week sat at the Court House in this place tak
ing testimony of witnesses produced on the
pott of the Fisher heirs in support of the ex
ceptions filed to the account. Counsel for
exceptants are Messrs. England and Albert
son, of Philadelphia : for accountant, Mr.
Remak. also of Philadelphia. The taking of
testimony was concluded on Thursday after
noon We briefly noted the fact last week that
our amiable friend John M. Fnrey, formerly
citv editor of the Altoona Tribune and Sun.
had become local editor tif the'Bellefonte
D'morrnt. and now it becomes our painful
duty to record bis death, which occurred in
the latter place the early part of last week.
The deceased was a brother of Mr. Joe W.
Fnrey. of the Bellefonte Wrr'rhman. and, lika
him. he was a ready and graceful writer.
Onr poor friend was for several months af
flicted in mind, hut after a brief course of
treatment at the State insane asylum he was
discharged under the belief that a cure bad
been effected The hope, however, seems to
have been vain, nid now it becomes our
painful duty to record his death at the early
age of rio vears. 10 monihs and days. He
leaves n wife and one child to mourn his loss
and revere his memory. Peace to bis ashes.
A Fn.lAHi F. TirsiNEs HorK. rhilartol
pbi.t rnn hoast of a stonrllv number of whnl1
sali mprrnn'ilp et-tblishnipntti which have
alwrtv nminf ainoil a rhsraotT for intpprity
anrl Tiir 1atincr. but in all that vat city no
ho'icp can b fminil fhaf lias won if way to
public favor and a liinrativp trartp in o short
a time as that of David. Kpyrr, ReinhoUl
it Co.. inipoitPr nnd jobbpr of bojpry. la
ppa. PtnbroidpripH, fancv cools, nritiono, etc.,
:?2.r Market strppt. Tbrcp membprs. of this
firm, which was established on thp first dav
of last .Tanuary, apre salesmen in one house ;
for pkhtepn vpars. ami the other partnpr was
in tlie pommi-ssion hosiery trade. The entire !
firm i composed of work in a men of PTperi- I
plies, who huv f'.r cash and believe in niovine .
tjnods rapid'v They supply a wsnt Ion? felt j
in Philadelphia for a live house of this kind, i
and as such thev solicit the patronage of cash .
buvers. We had the pleasure of meeting
our old friend Harry Keinhold, of this
firm, in our town last week, but as he is well
known anuuiir our niercl an's, having been
vis't;ne here for several year, he needs no
introduction from ns. Suffice it then to say
that our merchant friends can order what '
thev want direct from this reMahle house and
be sure to apt exact I v what they wish, s the
firm knows full well the Kind of goods the
trade demands. More than that, they will :
receive free of charee a full line of price and j
rihbon cards of which Mr. Feinhold i" thn ;
patentee, and which the firm send out with j
evry order thev fill. Let all. therefore, who
want to huv what this house has to tell give j
it a trial order without de'.av.
Brvs Thfm rv ma Wgo. TMease send
me af once one eross of yonr most excellent
medicinal tonic, T.rown's Iron Bitters. I
have used them in my practice, for indiges
tion, dyspepsia, sour .stomach, heartburn,
nausea, vertitM, etc., and have met with
creat success, in elTctinir rnres. I find thev
give perfect tone and real ' ren cth to every
part of the bod v. and in cases of kidney dis
eases anil consumption they quickly stop all
decay. R. R AiT.irpiR.
M I), and Druggist.
Steubenviile, Ohio, Maj J7, 1S$1.
There were more admission!, deaths, rlis
eharges, ete., at the eountv almshouse dur
ing t!it month of November, just closed,
than durine the saoie nuinier of days since
that intitution opened. Steward Lilly'sre
port, as furnished ti, shows that there were
6H inmates on the flrkt rlav of last month,
that 11 others were admitted rltirinr the
month, a till that the three d'x death, dis
charges and decampings got away with an
even dozen, thus leaving the house at the ' of tlie month nsU'ss than it had at ths !
(iR atf.Wine for Coy Mt'KroN. The sup
er!) quality ami entire purity of Speer's Port
(irape Wine, of New Jersey, and the success j
that physicians have had hy it use, has in- j
rliic.ed tiiein to write about it, and caused j
hundieds of others to prescribe it in their !
practice ;n the best and most realiah'e wine
to tie had. It is held in great favor for Com
munion purposes, and is said to be cure for
consumptives. Mr. Speer also preserres i
Grape . I nice natural as it runs from the press !
without the addition of a particle of spirits.
It Is called ur.fermented juice.
Catakrh. Clear head and Toiee, eay ;
breathing, sweet lireath, jM-rfect smell, taste,
and bearing, tio coiinh, no distress. These
are conditions brouciit about in Catarrh by I
rse of Sanford's Hadical Cure, ftnebot- j
tie Hadical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent !
and one Improved Inhaler, iu one package, '
forjt. ,
Batti.ii Crier, Mich., Jan. 31. 1ST.
6nirrtn FTaving been affli'ted for a
number of years with indigestion and gener-
al debility, by the advice of my doctor I used :
Hop Bitters, and mnst say they afforded me ;
almost instant relief. Iam glad to be able
r -st!fv fn risir erirf. Tsr. r,. Krrrr.
PTjRrNG the pAeT wsanc.
Rkt. Father Wim.iak .1. Bownsr died
on Saturday last at San Mateo. California,
in the fortv-ceennd var of hi aen. The de
ceased will be remembered by many ef onr
older citizens, as his mother," with her two
vountr sons, of whom ne was one, xne ornrr,
James B., now and for the most of bis life a
resident of Altoona, resided here for some
time many vears auo. and remnvine from
here took rrp "their residence in Altoona. The
deceased priest, always' of delicate mould,
was bom in Mercer county, thia Swtte. and
when in his 14th year was sent to Rome to
study for the Church. He remained there
eleven years, and since his ordination in lfr4
has labored in various missions in Califor
nia, the one at San Mateo bein? the last scene
of his missionary efforts. His mother had
heen with him for several years on the Paci
fic coast and closed his eves in death. Fath-
t. . . ,oi. I
rl """ " - - - :'. i
and in every respect a noble man, and the
' news of his antimely death will be received
with sincere sorrow by a wide circle of ad
. miring friends who knew him only to love
him for his deep humility, bis eminent piety
i and is great learning. Requiexcnt in pare.
Thomas Dfvtxk, one of the'oldestcit.i7ens
! of this part of the county, died at his resi
dence in Cambria township, on Monday 28th
in the 77th year of his age. ne was a brother
of nenrv C. Devine. a notice of snd
' den death in Elder township was pnhlisbed
: in our paper on the lt.h "It. The deceased
; was a tailor by trade, and several years ago
resided in this place and subsequently re-
moved to Loretto. from whence be returned
; last spring, living here a few months apd
then moving to Cambria township, where be
died, ns above stated. He was a quiet, peace
j able and inoffensive citizen, upright in al'
worldly dealings, and respected by all who
; knew him. nis widow and six of bis child
; ren survive him. His remains were interred
in the Catholic cemetery in this place on
i Wednesday, May he rest In peace.
IIobiht McKtM died at bis home in Mun
j ster township, on Tuesday last, aged aoout
, sixty-one years. The deceased was bom in
: the village of Mnnster. and Pinee he oom
: menced life for himself has followed the bnsl
: nesa of a coal miner, most of bis time being
spent in the mines near Lil'v's station. He
was an honest, bard-working man, and was
highly esteemed by bis friends and neighbors
for hie many excellent traits of character.
Tlis widow and four of bis children survive
him. His remain" were interred in the
Catholic cemetery in this place on Thursday.
May his soul rest in peace.
Patrick O'CrvssiFvt departed this life af
: ter a brief illness, on Wednesday last, at the
county almshouse, of which be bad heen an
inmate for a few months, in the ssth year of
his age. He was a native of Ireland, and for
1 a long time previous to bis becoming unable
' to work as a repair hand on the railroad.
: had resided at Summitville. In the prime of
bis life he must have been a splendid speci
men of physical strength and manly vigor.
, OnTYidav week, the day before be took sick,
he visited the Frfemax office to learn the
latest news from dear old Ireland, which be
' loved so well. May be rest in pence,
j Jepemiah who was well
i known all over the country from his long
' connection with the Merchants' Hotel and
Girard House, Philadelphia, died suddenly
of heart disease at St. Joseph. Missouri, on
Tuesday last, in the Cist year of his aye. ne
j had only recently leased a large hotel pro-
pertv in that place and was iust about to
i open it to the public when he was stricken
down. He was a most genial and compan
ionable man and a son of the venerable
Chambers McKibhen. who has been promi-
nently identified with the Democracy of this
: State during the last half century.
.To my Ma lot, one of the oldest citizens of
! Allegheny townhip, died on Saturday, Dec.
j :id. 1SS1. He was about eighty vears of age
1 and came fn the neighborhood of loretto
i fully half a century ago, if not several years
more than that length of time. He was. as
i his name indicates, an Irishman by birth,
! and was always a quiet, inoffensive, honest
I man, and during his long life was respected
i apd esteemed by all his neighbors and ac
I qnaintances. nis remains were interred In
j the Catholic cemetery at Loretto yesterday
j (Mondaj) forenoon.' May his soul rest in
' peace.
j "Dots Torn Heart BiatTrth to Mr?"
j A' I'fuiiiful Vi Song Given Aieay. By
sending two three cent postage stamps to n.
j Kleber Bro.. 122 Wood street. Pittsburgh,
i Pa. . you will receive, free of charge, a bean
I tiful'song entitled: "Doks Yot-r Heakt
1 Peat Tri e to Me?" embellished with a
I splendid lithograph title page, representing
j an elegantly attired ladv leaning upon the
j arm of her betrothed. The words express
; the beauty and holiness of faithful and en
I during love, undlmmed by the lapse of years
i and the frost of age, and the music is of that
I easy, simple and melodious kind which can
j not fail tr, touch the feelings of all who have
a soul for music.
i Remember, we give you a 30 cent song
! fret nf cfuirgt, if you send two 3 cent stamps
i to II. Kleher Bro.
biPORTuns' Tea Covrin? is ths name j
of an extensive tpa firm which does business I
at 0-22 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. They 1
deal in both tea and coffee, and one of their
methods for securing trade is to givs a pres-
ent rancr'nii jp value from a nominal sum as i
high as f.10. The tea or coffee of itself is j
said to bp worth at a fair retail price more ,
than the amount askpd per package one I
dollar. Among the drawers of prizes last j
week was Mr. K. II. Thompson, late of Eb- i
ensburg. row a clerk in the Bingham House,
Philadelphia, who was to fortunate as to
scoop in a set of diamand Studs valued at
a larcre fiiTiire. A nv of our readers who wish
to buy tea or coffee and at the same time se
cure a prize, there being no blank, should
send their money to the abovs named firm
and address.
Ow s more my eiser, searchlnr eyes
A iiiht of thes hsth gladdened :
Once more "hnu hrtnKt a irlad surprise
To him thine absence sndd.:ned.
Too ionic thy pearl white hand hath pressed.
That of S'ime other feller:
Come, let me r!ai thee to m krsast.
?ly loved and lost nmhrellar.
Wa have hnd some weather of late reqnirina: the
use f.t an smhrella. but that sesson. in the nature
of thinrv is past and irone. "hat one needs now
rather an overcoat, and nnr advice to those about
purchasinr is to patronise las. J. Murphy, lot
I 1 nt nn at ...t liilincl(Ln ll. t nnt .1..
iwn. He sells not onlv els-
trant overcoats, bnt ready-made clothinir ot every
description of the very ltet stvle snd made t j
wear at prices which for cheapness will compare !
favorably with most ot the wholesale stores. He
will not only not be undersold, hut says he will
undersell all other deslcrs. ,
Thr -mnmer bat Is off the eons
No wren around the door stej hopa.
The farmer's yankinr in his crops.
The base b:iHplayer' playlnir stops.
The buckwheat oakes are viaion topi,
The clerk on wearing du'tars drops.
And ioy our ro;y fancy props
With dreams ol sausage snd proelne ebopi.
The clerk on wearing- dusters drops and to has j
evorbody else. AH hands have joined In the sen- '
timent that December weather is too cold for dns-
ters. and bnve soneluded to wear heavy woolens
pTirn rimnini. is a is sola dt i too tt t
Wolt o.-t Ho, l .. ..,,.m. VI,.
the pos
st(ek of winter noods ts by "dds ths larjrest ever
Feen in Altoona. nnd tbe best and most stylish at
well, and Mr. Woirs well known reputation Is s
sure aiiarsntv that at no other estshli-hinent can
" bitr bareains bs secured. 3lvs him an order
sod bs convinced.
!5n tk yellow moon Is cons,
A nd the frosts are coming on,
While the nights are getting cold sad dark, dark,
dark ;
But the yotina; and irlddy Kats
Meets her Charley at ths ftate.
And they make the weather warmer with a spark,
sp irk, spark.
VTe know nothintrof Kate's apparel, butit fhar
lev is rljfifed up in one of The peerless suits rf win
ter clothinir sold by Simon It Bendhetm, next
dooT to the First National H-ink. Altoona. then
he is in condition to defv all the frost." that have
come or are cotcinir. That elothina: is mads spe
cially for this laritude. Is of the best material anil
cut in style, each piece is (uily warranted, snd
customers may rely on it that "nowhere else will
they be accorded as liberal prices. If nnable to
viit Altoona. the reader is rccsinmended to send
for their price list.
If a who courts and rnes away
.May live to conrt another day :
Hut he who weds and couns girls still
May ret in court against his will.
All which recites in poetry a well-known Tact.
iut s in proe we recite the equally well-known
fact Unit the r.erson irocs aMrsy who fmls to buy
what boots, shoes, si ipper. or overshoes or rubbers
ee or she may need at S. Hliimenthal's. Ills Elev
enth avenue. Altoona. His stork is simply im
mense snd comprises all the several styles now In
market. Mr fi. sells lnrt;e quantities dl bis roods
in fambria county, and In no intanee has a case
f dissallciaction come to his knowledre The
mcaure of satisfaction irlven in the past he prom
ises for the future, soupled with the assurance
that the present prices will do found several
notches lower thas sver befers.
America Must Yield.
The rreatest thinkers, the most prnfonnd schol.
ars. the most expert, thoronrh and successful chem
ists for thee America must turn to tcrmany
ln the wofully speculative field of nicrlicino rio
rreater step has yet been taken than In the disenv
erv, after the most extended research and the most,
carelnl and patient experiments, of Ir. Faust's
f ferman C'ourh Syrup, for the curs of consumption,
eonrhs. colds, sore throat, bronchitis, croup, and
all pulmonary diseases. Remember this medicine
ts S'lld on positive ruarantee toenre. Trice, 'ic.,
8oe. and 1 per bottle. AFk Ururrists. SolJ at E.
Jtmv' Trig Ktere, Fbn'try, Pa -l.-s.5.w.l
onnrivit atiowib.
What li ednoation T The term eland undefined
In the ntndeof 'honaod? who are etrnrjrllna: for It,
and Id the mind." ot those endeavorinc to aratifjr
aiich atraeirle. In whet does It cnnelet? to what
Joee it relate? with whet has It to do? and what
Is Its object or aim? Tbee are qntiori9 easier
proponnded thaa ree ponded to. Ketaloti. the
an-eat Oerrnan educator, who probably had deeper
and clearer tnslirht into the true character of ado
cation, and the development of those Ood rlven
faculties throiurb which onr knowledre ot external
ity Is obtained, than any snbeeqnent wnte. thn
defines it: F.dncallnn relates to the whole man,
and enetst in the drmwlna- forth, strenethenfna;
and perfectlnic all the faroltir with which an All
wiee Creator has endowed blm phvsleal. Intel
lectual, and moral. Flncarjon nat to do with tha
band, the head and the heart."
Perfeetlna- the hnman mind, and doeattne; tbe
hand and the heart witlr that mind are. then, tbe
imposed ddtles of those who don fne professional
jrarb of teach In. What snperflelaf work in enact
ed In the sehe j-ronm at tflts late dev. when even
the spirit of progression carries with !', on Its on
ward march the retroa-radmir fosles of an earlier
period. Another learned writer, (n sneaking: of
education, says : "The one end of all trie educa
tion ts to learn how to oe an onr facntties to tha
Krcarest advantage of ourscrves and others." Its
end. then, is
eenerosltv. liheralltr. aid to the fel
low men of those endowed with It. It "hoald fit n
I for citirenship of a iclorlons republic like onrs. so
i as to enahle us to appreciate and render cheerful
1 obedience to reasonable laws, which, by its fnsta
; mentality, we may nnderstand and erpound.
I lo not he satisfied with simply impart! mr knnwl
1 edice which yon mav have received in like manner.
The diamond does not datzle the eve-ot Its admirer
by transmitted Haht received from a lnminonf
j source, hnt with iU own native hrilllancv. Fier-
clse your own lnirenultv : let yonr in born heht
i shine: be earnet. a ad the onlv legitimate result
; will ke Srorasa. o. A. K.
if)! tha withered leaf hath tremhled lent;
I In the Autumn blast. f the ni;hts rrew tons:.
And the frost had binned np the wee birds' sons;
From the tree by the meadow nrook.
! O ! It c'.uns- to its branch, where eo snuff it rrew.
From the early Sprinir. all the Snmmtr thronab.
Till the Autumn blist so ron-hly blew
j And the withered hemlock shook.
i tl.
' O ! the array haired pllrrlm hath tottered oa
! From the sprint's first breath, through tke brtrkt
davs (tons.
j Till the laet sheaf Into the barn was draws,
i And the woads were of tnanv a hue.
Then the chillv nr'ath of the fir off Tfortn
Blew over the hills when the iters came forth.
And It hardened the breast of old mother eartb.
Till the grass could no more come tbreagh.
A ! then earn a 111 fovewiber day.'
And it hasted alone into evenina tray ;
And the withered leaf mlrht no loafer stay.
For Its tenute of life w n frail.
O ! a mde blat rame from the hll's ef
From afar, where the northern rivers law
And the wi'hered leaf it soon bronsht low.
While the hiKht-wind sad did wail. A. P. H.
II EN F. A I,.
RARKF.R PT'NN". Married, at the residence
of the bride's mother, in the Wet Ward, on Tuee
i tiay;evenink. Not. -29. isi. by Rat. Knb.rt Mcf'as
lin. Mr. V. H. Buaa and Miff Kn Hcwit.
both of thl place.
It Is seldom indeed thet so nlasant a day aa
I Tuesday lat this mountain rerion at a
: time when grim winter usually holds high earl
j val In our midst. True it Is that Tenoor and tha
I whole tribe of etmannc-makert assured m thatltha
reniuf of the North Wind w to prevail on that
; occa"tin. yet for all that the sun In i's e-lory sheue
. oat. and in the vat extent of its weler ase beams
I we ventare to say that no happier pair was visited
1 hv their vladdenina; influence than our bllthefona
i younir friends Connie and Katie This Is as it
' should be: for Connie, the yonnrest of a family
eminent for useTnlne and interrlty. and the ju
nior member of one of the most nrosperone and re
; liable mercantile firwie in the eonnty. Is the peer
t of any end all and the poressnr of many ooro
: mendable trais of character, white as to 'Katie.
1 one ot the handsomest and most bewltchtn of tier
! sex. is It r.ot said "Happy Is the bride whom the
; sun shtnion?" We minrle our conrratnlatlonf
j with the menv which have already been extended
; to the worthv vimny couple, and add thereto th
hore that the same anspieions omens that witnefs
. ed their nnptinl mav abide with them till the last
I syllable of time, mnnv yean henee, ehell have
; been reerde4 fer both. In the language ef tha
j poet:
' "When lonr years have pasted away.
j When triends have left, or ioys have tjora,'
j When time shall tinge their loekf with rrev.
And sadder scenes tkelr hearts hava knewa.
! Oh. mev thev live nnd love as now.
May hope then cheer their wBninf dava, v
When cere perchance shall mark their brow.
Af each fond youthful charm deeaya." '
The newly wedded pair departed kv Tuesday
evenlne'f train for a bridal tour to Philadelphia.
New York, and other points of Intereif. bearlnc ,
with them the ronselonsnets ef a treed deed well
done and hc aeurance that every one who knowa
them eannot hut wish them well in tha new duttee
and felicities of life uron whteh they have jutt -tered.
and to alt whieh we aav inn.
WF.RFR SN YPF.R. Married, at the CTrnrch
of the Holv Name, this (Tuesday) mornina-. Pec.
6. issi. by Rev. Father Rcardon. Mr. tIaoR(iKI.
Wbber. of Salisbury. Somerset county, end iMisa
.i7:rtE Snviikr, niece of Mrs. Christina Foster, of
the Cambria House, this plaee. No cards.
Knowinsr the arrcnt trrlef which ha come npon
our own household, wo arc sure that our younis
friend3 will excuse us If wefonly brlcflv yet earnest
ly wi"hthem InnffTivcs'of nnalloyed felicity.; They
are bo h worthy of each other's iove and devotion,
and that Ood will prosper theni here nnd welcome
them to the joys of eternity herenfrer are blciinirt
whieh we trut they will deserve and hope they
will receive.
t KIM RT..FR C AM PR F.I.I. . Harried, at Lower, I
Two Lick. Indiana cauntv. on Nov. 1. 1SS1. by J
tier. S. Keehler. Mr. .Towsj Kivat.aa. ot Fbens- i
bnrir, and Miss I'omsDi ('mriiLi.,o( tka tormar j
place. j
RT'RNS IVORY. -Married, at su. AuernsMne. '
on TucJsv. Nor. 1r81. by Rev. Father Ryaa,
Mr. EfMBT Brass and Miss M aooib Ivoav. "
TOT-riHFRTY McCONN F.I.I. -Married, at
the same time and place, hy the same. Mr. Java
DAttHKETT and Miss kin Mit'oisui.
MrPTKK. lMed. In this place, on Friday after
ternoon. Iec. 3. 1SK1. of diphtheria. Assss Ross,
second danehrer of Henry A. an.l Annie W. Ms
rike, acred 11 years. 11 months and 8 days.
SadlT afflicted and thrice bereaved friends. Mr.
and Mrs. Jlcl'lke. rather than ronen a if am and
i nirnln tho wounds inflicted by an All-wtse FYotI
i dence. 1 have refrained from'pnhllrly expresins;
incneep sympatny i Tnei rr yea and your sadly
I decimated lamllv in this the hour of tour sore
!' Rr"1 hitter sorterinr. Harin soon your eldest
dauifhtT. the pcn'le Annfo. torn 1 mar say from
the bosom of her kind and lovinir mother, and
j havln a fw das alter beheld her dsrlis little
! brother, winsome Willie, the yonnirest of your
j sons, laid to ret by her side. 1 coul-l not but feel
the deopet anguish in my soul. Had your terrt
! ble bereavement censed here, howcrer" I ehoald
j have remained slleaf. much and sincerely though
I ivmpsthlred with vou but when the briuht and
J beautiful Astfie. your eldest remaininir daughter. '
I was summoned from earth to heaven. I could do i
longer retraia my feelinK' Not yet twelve years
of as;e. your darlinir Airuie had nevertheless In-
sinasted herself Into the affections and found a ,
place in the hearts of all who kna her. Brliht !
even amons; those who were remarkable for youth
ful Intelligence, pious beyond her years, old fa bar
early day. helpful to her devoted Varests and her
deariv hefoved slTers and brothers. 1 can offer aa
a balm to vonr thrioe wounded hearts bnt oss sen-
j ...,' that ot onl T fro m ho,v inspiration "but
- '
equally applicable to your first and last bereave-
i m-nt : "In a short time she fulfilled many years
I for her soul and plea-ed od; therefrs he has-
tejed to call her from the mldt of iniquit v." Ssd
lv scoiirirod by the thontrs of affliction as ws aeo
you to-dav. we recofriiite It as the work of an Oui-
nlscient (io, wlocbatisetb thosowhom He lovea.
j it is not f'T ns to find fault with He dispen-atiot.a
; orendesvor to controvert His holy will. Ws will
j join wHrl your many sincere friends, however, tn
j appealing to the Throne of 3raee in yonr behalf
tad bea-(inir tnat the Almighty, pleased witn ids
esorineos alrendy mads, will apars tbe restol your
lovsd ones snd tfive vou ths yracs snd strensts
yon so much need to enshls you to bear ths heavy
oardens that have heen laid nyon you. R.
BAFNFTT.-Iled at his residence tn Alleshs
nv township, Cambria eountv, on Sundav, Nov.
30,1(81. Mr. James Babtt, is tlis Tlst yesr of
hi" aw'e.
Teceased was born la ths Parish of Kalnassrssa,
'".' -.rr. ir-innu. .oii -n-n -mi-. j.uu,
man csme to this countrv snd settled sn s pises
! of land which wae then almost wilderness, but
I ny patient Industry he converted ths forsst ints
productive fields snd before Ms death be saw bim
I self and family comfortably situated In s neat and
I pleasant horns. He was a devout and sincere fa-
thniie. a most excellent ettiicn, snd s s:ood nelab
1 bor. who wns ever ready to lend s helpins hand to
I those in affliction. Fren when the shadow of
j death environed him he expresd sollcltuds for a
I nsiejtibor In trouble. Ths last years of "his life
! were almost wholly devoted to tke only work whlos
I man wa rMllv cretedthe MlTttinn ftf his sonl
Well and truly did our beloved pastor say in hit
sermon that "he lelt nothlns; undone to save his
sonl." He bore his sufferings with patience snd
Christian fortitsde. and at his last moments he
recommended his sonl to hit Crentor snd departed
as peacefully as If lallinn to sleep. His funeral,
which took idace on Wednesdsx mornins-. Nov. SS.
I was attended by a larire concourse ot ad snd tor-
rnwfnl friends who therebv showed the respect and
esteem they had for one whorichty de-erved such
a tribute. "His remains were Interred in thecems
tcry at St. Anrustineto await the weleome sum
mons: "('ran ye blessed of My t ather, possesa
the kinrdom prepared for you." May hi j S'-sl rest
in peace. E. F. M.
SH A K B AUfrH. Died, at her residenrs in sr
roll township, on Saturday. Nnr. -JS. 11. Mrs.
Minnn.iSi, wits of Mr. John "IhurbsuKU. ared
about f years,
Htlf tVF.K. lled. in ,arrolI township, on Wed
nesday. Nov. So. 1S81. Kssiakis, sua ol Mr. and
Mrs Jacob Hoover, sited one year snd sir months.
: Farm, Saw Mill to, at Private Sale.
I rpn K umlcrsiirned offers for sale on accommodst
1 ina terms his FA KM and the improvements
I thereon In Allegheny township, on the rond lesd-
i inr rrom nest springs to ttamiT.iD. ai r arm '
! contains 17-" Arrss, about HO icreaof which ars
t cleared, and'tlie improvements comprise two rosl ;
i lrwBLM5 Horses, one of which it SVJ stories and
j the other '1 stories hirh. sn excellent HafK
i Bb?j, "U by fc'J f"-t, a Watfii Ssw Mii.i, in first
! class condition and capable of s:wit 3.uW fest of
I lumber is tweiv hours, sad all other necessary
bnlldinrs. Theretare two"orchsrds of ohoice fruit
j on the premises, several rood sptinri convenient,
i one of them ninr in the barnyard and bitvinix a
lountain pump and a constant now. pesldrs a eosa
wrli;sr water at ths door, and fully one million fest
of good saw timber, hemlock, hickory, cherry, roa-
ple. ash. oak. etc.. on the portion not jt cleared,
n connection with the saw mill Is a d picket
header, lathe saw, cut-off saw, etc. The property
will be sold, and sold at a bargain, because ths
owner is ns lonrerabls to run the milt or work ths
farm. For furlhsr particulars call on or address
Pr. ?. tV-'" 9a j,r-5,. sR.
Ia what's the matter with as now ! That is to sy, we have bought cb Iax
assortment of goods tbis fall that we cannot find room on our shelve 6
counters to place them ; so we shall be jrld to exchange thasa
with the public fos the public's money, as we can fin
plenty of places to put all the oash any of onr
old or nen ustomers have to s;re. In
TVe hare the largest and most Taried assortment we have ever carried. ITe i9
taken special pains this fall in se!ecting our stock of IDir' Fixx Hmom,
and we take pride in saying that we hare much the finest assoitmeat
ia Ebeusbtirg. while in Boots for Me: aud Hots everybody
knows we kep twicn as reany as any other merchant is
. town y. so it is useless for us to say anything fur
ther aVut Boots or Shoks. except that wa
have all kinds a art qualitie, as well as
Overshoes in Gum and Cloth.
eithei buckled or plain, for both sexes and of all qualities and sixes.
is much larger than we have ever before kept. We have found it difficult hereto
fore on account of our meagre assortment to fit chiHren from 4 to It) years of
age, but now we have all the sires requisite for children of any age, while
for men we have suits at any price desired, and will guarantee to sell
you a complete outfit as ebeap as the same kind of a suit can to
bought at any other establishment In the Stats?. Onr special
bargain, however, and it is a great bargain iodear Is a
We claim that it is the cheapest suit o? clotbes in the country, and the very beat
for the money. We also have Ibe
ever displayed in Ebensburg. If you want to see the
Cheapest HATS and Winter CAPS
you ever did see, call at our store and we will show them to you. We challenge
anybody to show you as good Hats at 75c. and $1.00 as we art
offering at those prices. We have also
A Fashionable Line of Dress Goods for the Ladies;
But we haven't room enough to enumerate half the goods we have for sale ;
so we will simply say that we keep Axes. Baskets, Clocks, Drugs, Elephant Over
alls, Fish, Gossamers, Hardware. Ink, St. Jacob's Oil, Kendall's Spavin Cure,
Lamps, Merino Hose, Napkins, Oil Cloth, Paints, Quilts, Hope. Shirts, Tinware,
Umbrellas, Varnishes, Whips, XX Flour, "i am, Zero Overshoes, and everything
else that people need in housekeeping, farming, md all other pursuits of life.
W tak all kind of GRAIN and PRODUCE in exchange for Good;
Ad tli 6di jaat ttae am prists aa wa far cash.
fyZS Thanking all our friends for past favors, we again cordially invite
la them to call at our store and examine onr goods and prices, believing
that we can sell them goods as cheap as any one else can do. and knowing that
they will find with us the largest assortment of goods to select from.
Normii 11, isn.
C3-EO. W Z"EC3-E,
14()2 ISleventli Ave., Altoona, Fn..
rrRIAPUT PLACE I?l THE CITT. Ronflsis;, Kpnntlns; and Repair I ( of
II ktnol prnsatptly and atlsfaetwrlly sitesdrd 10-M,'T9. tf.
la Bsili of ramlllsa
II ostet tar's stomach Bitters is as much retard ad
as a necessity as surar or eotlee. The resssn of
this is that years of experience have proved it to
be peifeetly reliable iu those cases of emergency
wherefs prompt and eosvenlent remedy Is demand
ed. Constipation, liver complaint, dyspepsia. In
divestiOB snd other trsublea ars ovsrooone by It.
For sale by In-narists snd leslsrs. to whom an
ply for Hostettcr s Almanac for Wvl. li-a.-lm.
,OT osimtU'Nll la the West Ward of F.b-
snsburt; Bomnth, known as tha "Oibson Prnper-
tv." now owned bv James Kane, bounded oo ths
onth bv Hfrh street, en the east bv lot of w m. H
Sarhler. Fso.. on ths north hy Sample street, and
or tho wet bv Mary Ann street, having; a larire
two storv l a us 1wf.luso Horss thereon crset-
sd, will be sold at private sals on rensennbie terms.
Inqnlreoi ra.. v. ninc-i.u,
SS TWA A. J- 1 4 . jsXST V
SfJ.OO FOR S3.r.o.
a view to lnersaeinc oar eirensttlsn. ws
make ths followtnt; liberal offer: To each of our
twtrona in ths sosatv who will pav all arrearages.
II any are due. and send at ths name of s aew ssb
scrlber ts ths Ksimas on or before tho 1st dav of
March next, sesompsnled by M SO to per ror both
sabscriptlons one year snd two sopies to each)
ot Kendall's "Treatise on the Horse and Its li-
essss." the lest work of the kind eves published,
orto sny of onr patrons outside ot the eonnty who
win send ns for themselves and a new tub
scrlber. the additional o cts. heinr r postare on
onr paper, we will ni.t only send tc each a copy of
ths horse book, but to the one remitttna ths mon
ey we will also send a receipted bill for one year a
subscription to the ("ottsos Hasans, an Illustra
ted Marazmsof Home Arts ami Home I ulture.
published in Boston and contaiclnr Portraits and
Sketches or ii.inruinri rersons, superior Home
Jilusic. t'tinice I oetry, stories and Adventures.
Ornamental and Fancy Work. the lateU Fashions.
the Mother s t hair, tbe stsxient s i;omer. fcc. all
fully tllnstrated. As the two copies of the Frcb-
and horse hooks are ajons worth the money
asked. It will be seen that tnel'crrsos Hssrth.
the suhssrlption price of which is II. So per year, is
to be rivaa aa s free gift onerinr to sny snd all ot
enr subscribers who are wiplar to earn It. All
tbat I necessary, therefore, in order to seenre a
first class mnratins leee ol expense for an entire
year ia a little personal exertion oo part ol oar
readeas. scarcely one el whoia would hnd acy dif-
ncsity in complying- wun tne reiuiremenis at tins
notice. Ho to work. then, and send in the names
d ths each as soon as possible.
St. Elm Hotel,
Nos. 017 and illO Arch Street,
Ratrsi llrdncdd to 82. OO per Lsiy.
The travelling pnhlls will stiB find st this Hotel
the same liberal arovisir.n for their cora'nr. H Is
located in the linmediata cea'res of l.nine-s an.l
amusement, and the different Kail Raad depots,
as well as sll parts of the cley. are easily aeiiihis
hy street cars constantly aHSsinn the doors. It oi
fars speelal Indueemsots ii.r those vlsltmr the city
Kr lusmess or pieaaurs.
Your natrouare Is respectml
v solicited.
H IS. M-
I ti. M. 1 ropneior.
Philsdslphia. N.v. 1. Jtso.-tl.
nnn a vsar ts Arents. and emeasea. ntfli
VVr fW. 4-es- s- .., amHTs -we
C C"
C (
KHH nt
I FF R a
a FIT rE KS ft
A I' I. H R u
A F A EE f. R W
, ""JSI"?
Stoves Tinware,
o ouot uoop ra-iDD ss'jss
O OO O O O tr 1 Lr S
JQ oOCICl 0(00 t'Il'll
., e . tbat nan 1 fi.nbil Is sot ogs ssiNwk.
mentl a heansylrania. Hit a luck soap;
ccs, nmi iKs mss ism,
of rarloui itTlsi sod ptt'.artt:
0 11 11 cl !- Ilnnhvnr
ofeTeiy dsfcrlf.tluc aoJ of betcaJitT-;:
fall klad sb4 the test In tlie ma-et. Aire, av
large sturk xf
Olanwars, Qswtuwsrf. nils sr-FInf eof
"rs. Snol a. I Hflloir Wars, Vsall I'a
rr. Trnnks iri) Val tarsk. Krrnl rrrv.
alls. V Isrs. llorsrMinrs. Bar I n. HsLI
Bod. llorf SifHIs. arrlafc Rolli. Kl
ls. Mill Maws. Wrlnrtstosra. trsl stliavs
1 flsw .Vloalds. Roail Vnapi;
Mowing MacbhK,- Hor"r Hajr Kakff,.
TIarss Hay Forks. Rope aad rwly.
sia 4 nil I vat or, and lior ! Hsrr.
f sltaf Tssli. Air, a Itnj t asionmssi t
Tnoie, Floor arM StnirOil C7fth,-
CaT-ria.t Oil Cloth.
aIHAI't FIXTVKS": Litkhth..l A HlVisf
SALT. tr st In thr -rlJ for I'atrr ao.l 1 atilo
oie: lirortD K H'K .ALT. th rt'-:i f o
bnt tor fin; Llr ;t- : LAN I'LAS'I t.R ;
WiUiSSl'iimis I'l'T-Tl'S. if ths . uui ltr;
can nor bs raplodrs) : Ciimis's W(K'NS !
"AKTS.-ths lar-.t t'K-r, MILK CKIH'KS nt
all shaprs sod s:xs ami ji fHr!oTrtcvirtf
frrad ir sal in Ktnshur: : a full lino of 11VT
BKl'SHFS f the moft d-ijnal!r : WIN
Kiff'lUW, U1IJ. FA1N1S, Tfm!NTlE,
VARNB'HKSX fcc. to;ptlie.-wi-.h a larg-rand cuis
(ilste ssck of choice
SI wrl) as thoossnds ot othsr Sfrful ill tier l"al
srtloln. Id fact, anything I Ssrs-n't ;t onu't
set at svrt notice lsn4 wurn '.tviiid.sDj srt'at 1
do offer fc-r snlr tnav always tsTr-iicl od a" tisst
cI-Aaa I si araijTT. stblte they s'sl iuvarial-lT bs
Haslsic bad nearly ibwtt tsrs" Eirav
Bscs In the sale of (roods In nr' line. 1 am enabled
to supply sit roU.Uirrs with ie-sery Lest in lbs
market. tre me a ll'-eral sf are ut or j.atros
sire. then, and he convinced that trs t.'est is aisy
tha chea(iet. and tbat It nerei "rsyi to buy aa la
ferlor artless simply Iciuit thpriee Is low. as IS
Is an lndlspotaHe iart that surt sjjods srs slwsj -the
dearest in the and.
Lbentburt. Ajjrll 11. 1T.
Sew Presses. ew Tye Throe sat, .
ew Iloildlrj, Jfw ippiianrts
f Every Kind, mud w
Lire In Every De
$1.00. A YEAK .
Special Departments for Ei:ilY
MEMBKll of the Jlotrtchvld.
1. All the News, fullv and sifcinrtlv.
8. The Farmer'" V orld A full patct ef Aarlcul
tural and 1'arm e s.
. Tbe Literary World A lull past- -f I -on a; Sto
ries and Short SMnrs, Comic ballal- at4
Serious I'oems. (airy 1 al.-s and Suliurs'
4. The Housekeeper's Culumn' Wtist tvsry
W'oman Want to Know.
. The, Veterinary l-.Mrlment W!th i-ressrlp-lions
free for" ail Subcrilrs. and full in
struction' for the treatment of llwe etock.
8. The best t hes Column In the w wld for ama
teur players.
7. The b-st Ot,s-ker Department lc the world tot
amateur and pr"f"S.lon;i! players,
f. A t'orner for the Youna; Klfl fles. t'ts-
rsdes. 1-uzt1c. l.Tiitfrna. At.ii, Ac.
0. Complete Market Rt-i-orls I!aj is de
tail and accuracy
10. Answers to Inquiries.
Kach department Is perfect ef I" kind, and sit
combined mnfcc tlie be-t W rt-kly ws.psc
r ever ptitdl'heii.
The w York Morld Iia no superior a.
cither side or the atrr s a Live,
Brilliant. I'erferlly Apcwinicd,
W orld Bnildine. os Torks
rec. 2. 1S1.-I.
atarrh. Hit Is-
In te fl-nd.
i lArARRH,C0tD
xc. T."ert with llt'ls
nrera part'cii tbe
H.Am In'othen -'!:
Itw srnr re:itie
Isurli thensse. it
v'll tons kniirV.t,
Icensint; nr.i h-al-r-v:
the disea.e-i inera-
For Dp?inpss.
' Kpply a pamcle into.
kie ear.
H A VINO rained an enviable lrval rej iratk'r. .'ls--placine;
all other prepanitir! in the vlon:tv o' d'.s
covery. Is. on Its merits al-ae. recnaeHl a a w a
derfui remedy wherever kvwn. a -fcir trial wll
convince the most skepti -wl of its en-atie powvs.
It eRectnally cleanses tte nasal pr..smf s (.f "s-.
tarrhal virus. cautnr l.ewlthy sestions ; a'jjra
inflammation and irritation : pr iteess the rsra
branal llnlnrs of the tuad fr.m aicltlonal cilds ;
completely Bcals the si re and rptores tbe sr..
of taste and smell. Bw:eficiHl reMslts are real e4
by a tew applications. A thnrourh trestn.stil as.
directed will curs t'atarrh. Asa Mouse-hold- rerrs
dy for cold in 'he I it 's nnc aaled Tl s Rr lta
Is easv to use and ar'soible. Snd bv drnitj:sts aV.
60 cents. On receipt of M. cent? will mai. a park
age. Snd for circu ,r with fu'j tntormaU.ii.
EU"St'KKA:s HA1.M t .. tp . N. T.
For 'ale by Uslnirn, li.htiti wa and Vl
toona Ih-urrists, ar.d by Whoiavaie Irufist r' n
erallr. Il-i4.-lnu
I5irnRPwR(TEn ! 1.17.
fcmlnm V.e. ... .'s, fa... 3
I smsiIum ilasas Ms ft ial Wli,
Onlj Six Assessments in 24 Tears,
GEO. M. READE, President
1 W. DICK, Secretary.
Elnsarlt. Jn- 1. '' -IT-
TM. H. SFOHI-F.K., Pa.
r. A
ATTdltN i: Y
S-A T I. A W
OFFlt'KS In I.-uhcT Ikllw'. !.-vr t.ti -k build
inr. corner Vnn and t'I'nt t sts,. Julmnowa
and In (.'olonade R .w, K.beuur. T-l.'I.J
Et). M. UK APE. Jomrv-ot-Leu,
three d-..r from U a-b stv-i. 'a rr.7 l
I -
a da v
b'-eic ea"ly
si1 a- c a '
i L fntfci fee