The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 21, 1881, Image 4

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- J I II Mil J i
y i
tO Till" MOI TH.
ri!;uvo Yikf tl.f (.'amulian thistle h
v-m1 ami, while it is indigenous to the
AmPTlo.m States, it cnltivtition an a
fomnjf-rcial com mod' ty is limited al
most ent'ueW to tlie States of Virginia,
North Caro'lina. Kentucky, Connecti
cut, Ohio and Illinois. The V ujrinia
and Kentucky product is used almost
excluvvely in t lie manufacture o. plu? ;
the product of the other States goes into
clpars and cheap sniokintr tobacco, ex
cept that quite all of the fancy plnKs
are wrapped with North Carolina kat.
Before the war, in Rapides Parish,
Louisiana, an immense business was
done in prow "me perique tobacco, used
exclusively for smokin?, though put up
in plurs shaped somewhat like a chani
paizne bottle ; it sold at fabulous prices
and bv old smokers was esteemed holi
er than opium by the Musselman
little perique is trrown now . ;
In the ilavs prec-dimr the war. to- ;
lacco was cultivated almost entirely hy ;
slave labor, there was no lederal or ;
state tax upon it, and no incentive to ;
manufacturer to cheat or to adulteiate. ,
When slaverv was abolished, when the
government put a he-ivy tax upon its
sale, the cunning American began de- ,
visin ' wavs for d. fraudinir the luxur-
ions customer, for as yet no means have ;
been devised for defrauding the ievenue
department. Many apocryphal stories
are told of the wav plus! tobacco is doc- ,
toredand adulterated, but sitteddown,
the truth is f ullv expressed in the words
of a prominent manufacturer : "oth-
jnc ever poes in tobacco as deleterious !
r injurious to the constitution as tobac- .
o itielf." Nevertheless skilled work- ;
men command extraordinary luj-'li sal- t
atiea for the dexterity with which they ;
will take a cheap or damaged lot of to- j
b.icco an.l discruise it in a wrapier as to ;
deceive even the old tar. j
u averaee plus-tobacco manufact ur
ine: establishment works about -JX
hands. The tobacco is sorted into four j
grades, from which are produced as ,
manv as sev.4ntv-five or one hundred d;t- ,
ferent brands, the pencil of the aititt ;
ami the skill of the photopeapher beinc ;
brought into requisition for ornamental
desipns to catch the toothless old man as j
well as the precocious boy. "While the j
uovernment requires every package to i
bear the stensii mark of ihe manufact- ;
urer, it would be supposed that none j
but straight goods would be put up ; i
but it is with tobacco as with whiskey
alwavs a fair demand for the stuff, be ;
it tver'so vile. Licorice, oils, molasses, j
glucose, and similar sweets, are liberal- ;
Jv used by some manufactureis. and -while
it is certainly as cheap, it is as I
well a harmless one. . in the tine cut tobacco and cigars
is where the greatest deception is prac
ticed A manufacturer says there is no
end to the adulteration of fine-cut
goods. Machinerv has been so much
improved that, as he says, with one
pound of tobacco liquid, obtained ly
boiling down stems and refuse leaf, one
pound of rag weed and one pound ot
Mipperv elm bark live dollars worth ot
tine cut chew ing tobacco can be produc
id The suggestion of slippery etm
bark was a new one, and the inquiry
was puuuud tun her. He said it was
nicely shaved and mixed with tobacco;
that it had a pleasant, sweet taste, held
v, .a...r. t.itrt.tlif i and made the
"quid"' last a long time. Ihis bark :
r.ts alut. four cents a pound, an.l as
it sells as high as seventy-ive cents a j
pound, one can easily see the en:ri')ou- ,
profit resulting.
A gentleman who knows says thai
neailv all the slippery-elm tiees or Ohio.
Indiana ami Michigan have tx-en (.enud
ed of their bark, yet a leading win l. sale
,lrur-ist atlirn.s that r,0.t" poum.s ot
slipi.eryelm bark would, for git unate
druggist and medical trade, glut the
entire inarket of the United Mates. (
In citrars, cheroots, cigarettes, and ,
?moking tobacco, is probably where the ;
publi. .el iot,ted the worst. lliecim-
mug devices are so many that even good j
judges are imposed upon. It used to be ,
a boast among gentlemen that they ;
could alwavs select a tine brand of ci- j
gars, and of course they smoked no oth
er. The other day an old smoker, j
whose devotion for the weed cost him
five dollais everv week, admitted that I
he couldn't tell Havana tilled from Con
necticut suifTed. The dishonest article,
however, is the product of the big man
ufactories, for the small country manu
facturers cannot afford the machinery
nor conceal the lotions and decoctions
that are brought into requisition by the
wealthier competitors. It is quite safe
to assume that about the purest, no. no
purest, for if there is anything impure
it is tobacco the honest st cigar is the
hand-made cigar of the local manufac
turer. And yet, one of these relates a
sad tale of how even lie was led to be
dishonest. He had a small store and
was joined in his labor by his wife, two
daughters an.l a son, and an occasional
'jour." 1 iy bnving close, manufactur
ing square, he had built up a splendid
local trade. One day a tramp jour cam"
along and he gave him work. He was
the soberest and steadiest fellow he had
ever employed and even his eirls cot to
liking him. He was a good wrrkman,
and easily persuaded his employer to
let him work overtime of nitrhts and
Sundavs. For a month or two the little
manufacturing establishment doted on
the new workman. Hut all at once and
without any apparent cause the trade
began to fall off. First one old custom
er and then another quit purchasing, so
that the manufacturer lecanie financial
ly embarrassed. He went to one of his
heaviest purchasers and asked him why
he had taken his trade els. where. The
gentleman showed him why. Opening
one of the manufacturer's boxes, be
showed him the usual handsome cigar,
but tearing it open, it was found to be
tilled with mashed stoma and brown pa
per soaked in tobacco liquor. The man
ufacturer went home, and watched his
model jour and found that the work he
was doing in overtime was stealing his
employer's good cigars and palmmg in
their places his ow n worthless ones, and
selling the good ones on his own ac
count. This rr.ucli can le s.iid fo the credit of
the tobac. -o dealer : I-Iis product is
purelv a luxury in no sense en'ering
into the medical or
and leing a luxury
public opinion, can
Sat &S
M '
T a n Voi't'v fur?
Torall tle I'Hlnful Omrlnlnt n.l Urolnfllfl
ocomiaon l"ourbcftm:il' .opnltloii.
It will cure entirely th worst form of cmi.! Com.
plalQtr all orlnn trouMr", IiiflnnicKi! ion and Vlcera
tJon, rallilid onl HL-plarrnn nt, ni.dtlio conqtient
Pplnal Wtn.i, and la r,l'c,iIl:r:y aOortcil to the
Oiansr cf IJV.
HiU Ji..fl lr anil rij f 1 ti.rr.or frr:,i Ihi-utm In
an tarly tiiK of il. !) in. "t. Tho tcr.Jrnrj to can
croufl hum"iTthfrolm l keil Ttrj-ri'ril'.lTT.y Its iiae.
It irmnTfi,. fli:l i.''r, (!rstr.y8oll crarinff
foratlmulanta, an.1 r. !vi , v.. uV.r.rss of th atomaoh.
It curM ni'tl:ijf, I". :.!(..!! , N.-rrona rr.istrotlon,
General Ixi.illtr, &; j !.: r.i, l i ru.iai-.n and Inrtl
ffertlon. That tft'.ing r.T Jwarlnir ,'.nmt, craln rain, wrlclit
and tacka''.i -, l al 1 t!"n. r.t:y rii-od I y iu nao.
It will at all times r.Ti.I iir..: r n'l rirmmf tatxsta net In
harmony with thr laws t!.( t-..T-.-rn th. -f. mi.le jyrtctn.
For the cure r.f Klilr.i y mi '.aiuts f either MX thia
Compound fs HarTi' d.
POl'NDis rrTrr,'d nt - T and V.Vstern
Lynn.Maw. 1'rirc !. SUtx.ttl.sfora.V Scntbymail
in the form of j'lll-, intlto f -rm tf loienjrfa, on
receipt of i)Hce. $1 i-r lKt for either, lira, rinkham
freely answers all lrttera of inq.iiry. Send for pamph
let. AddrefW as above, y'tit.on thia raprr.
So family should k-without l.VDl A E. I1SKH.4M S
IJVT.R PUXS. Th"y cure constipation, bUloutnaia
and torpidity of thelivrr. 3S rent per box.
S5- Solil hy all I'mcu'sla. -a
An. VI. lsxi.-iy.
Chicago & North-Western
Ktir il'l'KU! and heneo the
It is the churt and li-t route hetwecn Chicago anJ
till xii nt in
orthern Illinnla Iowa, llaknt. Wjnminsr. -braka.
t aliiorina Oreiron. Colorado, I t.ih,
Arizona, Idalio, Montana, Nctadn. and for
,S.I , T l.A K K, S.I X Fit A X CISCO,
cnIoofl, filn t'lty.
Crtft'r ttnpi.fs. IV Moif.r. ('ol rnf:'tx. and all pnint
j'f thr Territories ti)i1 in thr U.7. .-t.o. for Mihrnu
Are. tirrrn .Vy. t)xltkt)h., Sitrhoii:aii. yitir:itctte, h'ond
, f.'rt .ill-. Hti!ritorn. Hot,hion. Sfcnati, Mr 'tnsha. St.
I'nul. Mtnnrr.pot;, Huron. I'o'ii:. yarfjo. I,isnurck.
II iiuinii, l.c 1 Yi)sm (h.rr.'oiint:. and nil point in Min-itrfl.'-T.
fi7iio';t. H' 'o?)?.i and tl.c ynytUirmt.
At 'i,i:i-!l niiltts t!:e 'I'l-.t t)- of tlie 'hicV-'n .si
J.'.irtli-Wefiern nml the 1'. 1". K'v-s d')'ii'i from,
; nrrive :it. und ue the s;inie iuint t'nion Ieot.
i At 'h iiRn. rlo-ie eon n eel ii itis n re in.-nle n it it the
1 I.ikshore. Miehiuan t'entrl, lhiltiinore Al hio.
' I t. Wayne und l'enn biinin. tT.icann x tirand
'l'rtink U'vs, and the Kjir.kaki'e an I i'l.n Ilatidle
' Hniites.
! -Clne connections matie al Jnnrtinn Points.
It in the ONt.V I.IM: mnninc
Our fodder corn was so large that a
man could not reach around the stalks
to bind thein. We wanted to put it in
the best possible f hape to cure, and to
remain in the held until winter, smc
pot a iope and tied an iron rin in one
end and with this slipping noose one
man could draw the stalks as tiht to
gether as was desirable and another
could put on the band. A box was
brought into use for the binder to stand
mon and with these simple devices the
j corn stalks have been set up in the best
! order and cannot possibly fall down,
j The stalks are cut off at the ground and
! laid evenly in small piles and left two
' pcs to dry. There are flue stalks
j enough to bind these piles, and the
! hurdles are set up far enough apait to
i to let the air circulate throuirhtl.em,
I and slanting, so that they stood bracine.
' The tons being drawn closely together
at the top the rains aannot penetrate the
stock, l'ut up in this manner the
t:iR-s will be bright and free from
mould. To utilize" these stalks to the ,
lw.-r n,lv!int:i.TP shtill Cllt them with '
' a machine run bv horse power, vv iilh
I cut fine- say a half inch in length
both horses and cattle will eat them if
i clean. I know a farmer who w intered
j a doyen horses last winter on corn and
! broomcorn stalks. They were cut in
! this manner, and after cutting mixed
' together. The animals did well, t-ows
j will thrive on cornstalks cut fine with
j out any other feed.
I Good farmers estimate that our mice i
i acres of drilled corn will winter ten j
) head of cattle. A large quantity of the
'stalks are from eight to ten feet high, i
I The field was used last year for hog !
i pas' ure. Fodder corn was carted on j
1 to this ground and fed to the hogs, f.d- j
I lowed by roots. The hogs were put in j
again this season to feed upon the elv
. or which tfiev eat down close, after ,
which the land was ploughed the nod-
and the crop starteu.
A I ?. hi r t;)
This Announcement to Read !
Having just rriurnc'f mm Ihr r.anfrm VU Irs, vliire ire bought and
l'All 'I'll i: CASH for runuyh
to Stock out' mi ll IjAJlfti: yTOIiES. tie mv itoir jtrrjtarctl to fill
tiinh every man anil boi to trhom tii.i cotnf. greeting with
rii .-.r Ttinf and the crou started. ir
nrinia white corn was sowed bv hand in
rUIXMANIIOTKLI)IMN(iCAKS! drills, thin oKh to admit of full
growtli. e oegan cuiimg
it was fnl!v tasseled out. to get ahead of
Pullman Sleepers on all Niarlit Trains.
Insist upon Tifket Ai.'nis i-!Iiiia: you Tickot-i
via (his Kxamine your Tii-kct-. :i n J roluso
M buy ir ihov ilo not ri'aj over the C'hi.'niro Is
North"-Wc'ti-rh liailway.
If vin wlh the Kot Trarplin- Ai-cimimoilatinns
vein Vill bnv vnnr Tii-kt- hv tiiH route. ;ml will
1,-TAK i'. N( N K I IT H VM.
-All Ticket Al'imii-- si-il Tii ket-; lv tlii-" I.lne.
sfiti ii i r.
.'d V. '. and tit nfrcl Mt'iuiyir. liicayo.
; iy.i
Iinti i. Istirl V f cor
1 in 'jrc:T Tn:ittr. to tr-oo tr u;Wl
; with iv-i-rik, k;lu' :
! ttT's St'iinrici. I 1 T
', ulatc without rx'Mtin the
coiiiiinn-'n wttli tf- iiiil'i'-:)'-'
' rtt n.-'hiy. i in i-r- . :i p.-i
w;y C"iiI P'lvp to M ,it..l
other in irke 1 .pi iUy i- t' - -.
ane. ;tt).i it- ; cw1." nf" nv- ti
! ait Ini:r: - :t-. 1 i .Lt-
1 J e.---tr -3
the frost. That this corn has virtue is
proven by the fact that a half dozen
hveeiliii'T sows lived nnon it before pig-
frinnr mill -vprv one h: t.l full litters of
hfviTthv iis Kot one had died. It
was sowed so thinly that many stalks
formed nubbins. This corn is too rank
and course to put into a stack or mow-.
It would spoil. We propose to cart it
directly from the field to the cutting
machine, and then cut it and pile it up
on the barn tloor. when- it will he car
ried in baskets and fed to the cows.
Enough can he cut and thus piled at
one time t' last a week or more for
feeding. The lirst snow will not injure
it. as it can he shaken otT. I'.efore the
M-ason is far advanced it can Ije taken to
the barn ami cut. It will not injure
after heing cut, however large the pile,
as Ix-ing mixed with the leaves will ab-
I 1 41 .1 . 4- , ...M - .,..1
I son) i ne iiainpiieMs 110111 ine i.nis,, .nm gtruclni'O
I it will not pack as it would in a stack !
or mow. .e' i hi k J rihuin .
Why is 'it that so many men who
earn their living by cultivating farms
seem to feel a contempt for advice on
fanning which apiears in agricultural
i or other journals ? It is true that this
contempt has a varnish ot justincaiion
in that this device is not good to le fol
lowed by every one, but it is equally
true that the practioe of many farmers
is equally to be shunned so far as plans
and methods of farming are concerned.
There is often too much scorn expressed
by our farmeis for articles appearing in
print, on the apparent ground of the
merely theoretical character of the ad
vice or plan mentioned. Those who
speak thus lightly of the written advice
often would accept it if it were spoken.
It is too often Ihoucht that if a man
j tells his experience through a paper he
is a '"book farmer"' only, when the fact
is such a man has a double advantage
I over his conceited neighbor who im-
agines that nothing can be learned by
i reading, but only bv tret tin? between
thp. nlow handles. True, uractice is of r.fiimi T ft I CFS than thru can Or bounlit at avg 01 11 1 r nousr ui
tipc('i;s:ii'V :m nnnnp will ilcnr hut Hippy- iVnit' m ifiViiM inn -a. In nroof of uli ich assertion wv submit the
j perience of one farmer, if properly de- j following farti :
tailed in the tel'ing, is as valuable on I
many points to Ins brother farmers on ;
j grain raising, stock breeding, etc., as j
l would be the actual exjierience. We
; read a short time ago a letter in an ag- j
ru uiiurai journal, in which the leaders i
of the r.iaer were told that a young)
man by taking a hint from it acquired a !
competency. If the farmeis who are j
successful in their different operations j
would occasionally give details of their j
plans, it would certainly do much to air i
their fellows. Then do not be afraid to I
put on paper what you have tried and '
found out to be true. Do not hesitate ;
because you do not write very well, or I
your hand is a little st i IT. The work of j
that hand guided by an active brain will i
be the best testimony to the value oft
your experience, and this will be of
practical value to the farmer who has
never yet tried this particular method.
l.terieriee is valuable both to the per
son who has had it himself and to the
j one to whom it is properly told. The
J work of :he practical farmer is of ines
; titnable value to others w hen it is prop
! erly detailed. CiiintU in Fnrtii'r.
'i".u c
Tii'1 H'-Tio'i'i"'-! i
. vet ti'i' i.r.s i l.c i
1 script ion of t l.e
i Jakfs or Mva ie( '.i ; :. ;
i volcano :f K.ii '.'.'a.
i Tour hit 9 t te v : ..
j years past all loinen
! pools of lava, the i
, lakes, which oi J i.dr; v
toFed it fiery J". 1
T feet ttlo.v the
cutler. Now '. 1
filled up. then
:.nd coves f hard
V.) I e. I above i he
Cleat (later, whie;
huh. Hut tl.i h:
o; ui: g in th. gr .:
distai.l fi'"!:i .ii
hike, aln ii.-'l r ui.'l
ft et across and s
ili pih, in irdi!ia!v -l'ouiiding
bi ink.
Ilt-IT the treat
11, r.
w i: i;e skm.ino
ilitcl throuuhnut. Kir 2 T.'
Tln-i -tut inc ites and drhe
all ciiuipotition.
W K 1IF. sn.I.lMl
A Kin (.nO'l RiiMnr Snit 4. ij. 1 h s.ime kiml id
fl PUlt W ". l:!t ?IT1-- 11
f..r j.--.
wr ahe sn.i.'v;
A Hun's Hhitr I ' I K VINT
t.T 5"
nil, w'nc'l
. ?i tmI w i rv!
, 1-jr si.-.",.
WK Altl. SI.I.I.INC.
from S to 12 ye:ir M. with fi
V-i.-4'i. whirh ur'Uas nnyt i
vnu evnr fun (it th innuey.
ins of the
vi: aim: si.i.i.iNr.
fr-.rn 4 T i s veir ''!. Jit T' "r..!s. ' -f,ti i
t.. !.! T 1 'l.iiT ti.m: a let a--'J WM t.
If AT tcr i:.e:i anj ti. ;'i aa-t JoceiiH.
sents the li
licpii'l lav. i. He;.- are
phrases of tiie p'. i v . : ...
ceiitly observed in i! -KiUuea.
otl:t j;
Sleep, arid t he d
look tlown into a b..'.-.-;,
s rvi s a suiokii g p.t g.-
id l!Ce ot Ci -Hi! ':-t ; t
but the obst-I ver !;u
t h'' pit. tr J V at pooi i
j-ari, nl' u'. t'-.'J Jei t a :
surface aixiu. -- n;v
Al:d w ha' i" t i.l- So ! :,
a dalk silvn-m.' 1 .-.;.
shiue. This is -i c :
ui:d the . t,
1 r
flI S's I.IMMI W(lll'
Ill IA'f'N.
llno'l tliriniiliiiut, m (rum
t'i i enta t j f l.'rj.
WK Al.K SKI.I.lNil
Mrn'ii 4. ! (Hcrnllt
.it U'J ct. ami uii. aii'l ti-iti
I'ai ! ci shuits -r ' -r.t.-.
i'.a f ry wl rr: M 7'; ft.
kv. w.v ii i.i.ivi
r.oiN- vi ith in c riKi-t s.
:.,r hiii K(i ir- Mi 4 tn 8 yr.,
f-ir f- riti;i !i-rt-(j eaji
U -T teAinti rt i2.i .
All t'f lnvc losrribpal Coixlsi anil ttmusWtml f tltllrr wori ot nltirr ar
ticled rqnaUy rhrap rr now In xtock. rc-mly lr i iinprel l.m nl tli
Corner Eleventh Avenue and Eleventh Street,
Opposite Opoi-n Ilmiso. AITOONA, 1
A Hint to Fa htm kiis. The Hanover
Siiftat'ir is right when it askes whether
it is rot a great misttke for farmers to
crowd their stock, farming implen ents,
provender and grain into their barn.
and that if the barn takes tire the
Ihmies destroy everything at one fell
swoop y Would it not be better to have
hay. straw and fodder under barracks
at a sate distance from the building:
and would it not be lieltcr to have horses
and caLle housed in aseiarate place
from the barn 'i In a word is it pru
dent and ceononiical to build large and
costly barns and store them with the
most ini'aminabie material, so that the
tnd contents inav he reduced
d to have Lis se
to Si-eel.less:,!
No ! lie..k ! the
What a Itave
mighty bear lifti-.
Now a wave of ui. lei
the inci rsied mar;''-,
nut bars'., a II-ni..! j.
bid blil.g fl' lil o:,f i
The broad d,sk f "l.e
trembles. Titiul g;i -acioss.
stud i!w ii -- ij,.
and a sei rated IN-iut-a
skull runs tn ui mm.
quick, darting streaks,
t he crust, a i'in.
These St'il'l'.i ii s;!i -.;4
iy. - i.
'.111. 1
van nvKrs sn.piini soap
in i"1 1 ?! i
v 1 1 h
1 nt or , r :ni 'T .. p.--. It m en
Siilj-h tir i ii 1 1 - pnr. uibiii'il! it;i t---l T , : !, . -'i
tVr th p,;r' t'f tlu skin, .'riii'j nturlH-'i i i . the
Din m1 t JiViniuh t Itf tn i Mil t" r:ip: t l;t r !. :i il l t i.M- :i-ts
upon thr kin. wlifrht-r it li'M !: hy -r In a .its
rase, I fonMitio'i. tioth I'vnlly :;m. i. st : r :!' .i ! I y,
th'Tohy oiiminutiinr : i im f n r i t i fr iu tl.. '.i'ittl
ami exi'i.inir Th. skin t.. ho.-tlthy a'ti"ti. It pro-(iiu'f-t
:i liiienr-.-. ptirv :ij;I 1 r-.-tini-- i th I'uin
plcxion .vtiii-h i.- u hi 1 .! . mi.. I rr. n 1 o :"..)!ict'.
y rm -tl it i. run-. Xo t .i ; t . ii ti r-t-ry . , 1. - thr"" m
foiiijiUk w tli"-it it. It in.-il' 1 1 -kin ?ntt.
v)f.iT, puro. whui' ;iin( h.-Hlrhy: i r! f1.: n i n-r. ti"
oliri7i uyi. rt i Ui-. h iiiir, ii''ii: ni.l pa-
rilyimr: r':m ru (t. rlnhn. ,'iri",
ruj tioit, ror.iEhnf'--1 ;mhI r -I in--f h -k n : rr
lvw iifl.tttk!. liniim.Lr nritl .-' ol the .-kin.
an.l lrrt;it:on ! hitinv: nwi -tin-ziiii; in-'M-t-. : will
rrlievn 1 rrhinu rile-' uhen m-t U tl: vv;ll h;ivu
any rl!ft. A-k !or Van Ivi;i:'- fct i.ri:i r. So.r;
iri-t iipi-n it. nn-1 t:ikc no :f:tlioti. Sol ! l i r ti r
A -fh' ii,'!V.i X. .Mill-". iTopri t.-r. X-.
'rtllowiiilt Mnt. I'in
M. I. 1 A TM X X flili! I
bur.', P;i.
ju'iiltxgtox novri:.
i'So lher lino runs Throe Throuirh Pas
'riir.T Tiaim IiiK- hetwern C'hi:iiro, lies
' ..a--, t'inineil HietT-. Omaha. Lincoln. St.
e; !. Atohi-ioi;. Topekn nnl Kansas Citv.
r i r nrioi tioMs for all point in Knnir,
. 'r . I'li'ora.lo. Wvomftur. Montana, No-
' . Ni Mexico, AriZ'tna, l l iho, Oregon and
1 1 !i.. t'-jt, Sner 'host nnl Mot t'omforta-
' i; via Iluriiiili:.! to Tort Soon. Iioriison.
i, 11 ci--ron. An tin. San Antonio, toil ves
. . , . .. !l pi . .ii - ill 'l'eas.
;-. r- .!!.( iiioivcments ofTcro'l hv this
f. . ; . 1 ; -ivi ! - nml T' nvi-t-. nrr- a" follmv-:
i i - i-ii'.-'iriiteil lVwhret I'aineo
: . run iily on this Line, f'., 15. Si
. i. - - i),..-. i.t-'; ) in :,rs. with llortun's
;i, ' i..i- s. N'i.-vtr.i hnriri' fir Seals
i .u 'irt.v-. Tic f.minns C. It. O.
ii-ii, 1 ' itotpoouH Smoking rara
! ! i'-j- .-it !!ijil.-ri:i. ko.l Ilattan Itc-.-
: - ! r Hi" ei hisive u-i' f Urtt-
. . -i'- :-; rs.
! Tr.' ; Kul Siinoi-ior riniiipinrnt. corji
, ..ii -, vi t i ::r r.rofit Throueh I ar A irnnirp
1 . ' . j t hi s ntinvi1 n!! of hers-, t In' fn vorito
r- - t x -- ...
Pi Wk TO
a true: tonic
IKON' IJITTlCltS arc highly h-cimiik "d.-d f.jr a:
a oertalii ami t-tiic-iviit toilic; -f pi-iia ! iy j -i-i ;- s'lVn, 1
Fein;', Want of. !;-; 'Itr ,,f Srmt'it!', !.-); t .'.I'TT'.r?-.'
strengthens the iutiseles,and tivc- iu w
on the digestive organs, mwirinj :U r
;- . , hn. H it in f!,r fi'. i 'h'-r', , U'ir.l - rn .
that will not llar-l.on 1. t ff.
all dniisw. W-i-t" iN II ' "
in-i ? :r ... niiowv
See thut cil Inn Rittrs cm tv.-1.' hv T""'- C" ; v-
1 ait -I-:
f r m'iT
i r
ii;- hi-.
t-j the in rve. They net like ( harm
.f!'-r-"7U.iV..:tioJi as l'i-:tt"t tht J'jci,
. Tlu only !r?n T'rrpnrntion
: or sdvo 1h':k1u 1i-. S.M 1 y
'"2 pp. of 1.' f' 1 rind riiiiisin-' rc:: !-
f Jj C"0.,Ii:lt"miorc,3Tl.
v. i v.-cri-t-l r d lia-s-en Tap;s.-r.
:v. l
liiK-s (in
w iden n;
the t;r.-.
e crili.s-i
t it 1 he iev.
hiihiwv ii.": i"!
r-Ulf.iee. Alo
I. :i ' ' 'J. t he I
l in (d Uie
,l In ! 1:1 r M !; '
t;tliiS "t .'ll n I:
(-V. I. ds ior o f.lli dl.d I
t. ii ihis
' M:rfa
! 1.: 1
y l;. Ii
Ti." Wl
ei :i s i
fel nu is ;
hike ;s ., i
li. 'le ti.ii
4 1
"f the !i
l .1 ; j 1 1 w 1 1 ij
(ins. I r.
. 'A i : . ;.
Olt.s 1 (.
iirii. ii i ,
1 lill" I l.e
d. The
i ( i:i ,-i ii I 1-
I the 1 ..,1
..hi lui-Ts.
l l- lh in
sea. Ai.d
I ell ii.Iit
a; y
1 Il'lVX
t:r- :-..iu!i,
Soutb-tVcst, niul the Far
h I
wi'.l rnul traveling' a luxury
tr fort.
k-ftj via this fplobratni Lino
l;i..i!l.ll;i, r.t. I' T s l.y
lAyi:, iiruLuii!, L'lri;.
nl uliices in the t'nitcii States and
. li nn fihout Ratoa of Faro, Pioon
.',i'ni ihition. Time TaMcs,
i!!v iven by applying to
i;'hN. (Jen'l En?torn Aeent.
,'iv, Wasjvi.jiton St., liostiin. M:i.. i!7 "Ifrii.iilway, New York.
V i' t! i. Con. I'.in. Act.. I'hioniro.
1". i l'n.Ii. :. ri. Manager, t'lncnifo-
Si-vi-r: r.
l V.! N
In erri
1 ii. e:- cs i-f i
. ui o f urlr.o.
1 1 a jv.-iMv.s i
-ll.f .Ltll,
of yriiih l'i r-ith p.-
l or brl
For nun," . t'.:
Peulsa. EE,
I EHC N A . Ill r -i
onergy, firo uudviR
un mediately.
For norvoas iir.-.u.i: i
slve natural or imnr.lurnl
fcncyi Ii a sure . nrc. SiSS
Agiid una youn-r r-oros - no ;
too irequpntly, at nlclit, to rV-
relv Implicitly on I'i ui sa. rs;
or uriiif.ry oi-o-tx-s or
male rumol-ifrts r-T pll k'n.!-.. Pi
wm. uiMmtuuMm
til-) wMiuV-l'if
not restore or at K-x-1 greutly l-m :":t.
Send for a!-. t.
8. E. IIAKTMAX i CO., CiKtm, Oi l i
Keopyonr borelsrotnil-ir v.!-h
r- at the N,
cn.-hur, I'a.
w I rrau
IM.i:;'--'";-.. 81
i' t or (. o o . t;'1""Cm,j5.'".lJ
ttn.i.ttjy ,-.:iil '' '''.i.JJ'; , , l
!sTTn.T?v ' 1 i
t ! f
li nr" ai i v
(A -Medicine, net a Drink.)
nors, nrc nc, mandrake,
nierhnnical nrfs
no lnw, nor pvpii
rest i a in him from
th? practk'i? of nny littlp "dpf to en
hance his profits. Whirh hrinc up
acain tho adniission that in all his
cheats '-nothins is put into tobacco
more deleterious to th huiri;:i system
than t tie tobacco itself."
AMiTttF Tt nicFT Ann Bkt Mrriroi.QrAU-
A'l ni"-!"? of th Ptomffh, PowpIs, PlooJ,
Liv.-r, Knlcr-ys, au4 I riiiary Orfrnf, Ner-
vouaucs-, hipepipssnFsari'l cspecialiy
I cuiaic Cooii'iainia.
Win be paM for a rw they will not rari- or
bclp. or lor jninuni irr.pure or Injurious
fuua-l in ibcin.
Ak yonr dr:i(telt for llori Bitters nml try
tiiciu before you deep. Take do other.
I r - j I
i vair lyiii
I IT St - V
D T. C t an absolute anil IrriIdf :Mernre for
UmnkeuLcsa, use of opium, tobacco and
Send roi Ciicrui,
JllKAr t'OKN-SllKLLFIt. An fX-
cli;ins:e says that a handy oni--heller
may le made from a piece of plank two
feet hH2, two inches thick and ten
inches wide. Drive eip.hteen-pei.nv
nails pretty thickly into the central por
tion, just so that they will not come
throno;!). and at .1 distance of ten or
twelve inches along the surface of the
plank. A small strip shotiid le tacked
acror,H the npjter end and on the npin r
Mile to hold on to the lid of the bnx
when in use. The corn is shelled by
luhhiii? the ars upon the heads of the
naiN. the board resting in a slanting
iosjtioi) in the box.
AH ibm toll! bT (ncriti.
Hno Bl- C... Ks-Hr,trr. N. V., 4 Turm. Out.
iN ORnrfl
7 LI PET! .VIE .
Chicago ill.
R -I
Orange mass
P.SAD 'sin tr mm,
r 'I'tMnjT, 'ino. J in. 'Jri. lsvi.
I Ml. 11.. I. t Co. (rents : 1 tliink it
my .Inly to rfinli r y.m my I'rinks lur lnMiclts ami
Iir-jtits w hii-h 1 Iu. '' tlen v ctl In. in your invri !u;it'le
ami lur lame.l Spavin fur.-. My cini-in nml 1 hml
:t vahmliie stalln.n worth T4.i i wliu h lenl h very
lire! spavin, nml was ) r l liy f nir cm nint
vi-tcri miry mi.ui-iu.s ln-vninl any cure, uinl tint
tin- nurse a .lotii l.irevcr. A. it lii.n rc-urt I .nl-ii-il
mycmisiri to try a ImitHnl JCcmliU";-Spavin
Cure, li lia.l a ma-i.-nl -fl-.-t the tlur.l l.nttl.i
ciir.-il it ami the liur.-c is as well a? ever. ! r. 1 ..
ol riintiiirli. tlie einincTU ctirin:u v Miriicn
an uncle of nunc, ami 1 tnke irrcat interest in ;n
s i s t i ti it lu irnfi-s-ion. inii-, truly,
Jamks A. Wii.siin. t ivfl Kiiirinecr.
Kendall's SPAVIN Cure
.Vii.tun, M inn.. Jan. 11, lssl.
II. .1. Kknuali. . Cn.-(ini!: Ilnvimr Loit a
liore lionk ot you liy mall a year niro. the contents
nl whi. h persiiaiieil me tn "try Kem!al!"s Spavin '
t'nreonthe tnml P a ol one ol mv horse, which ;
a Paillv shoIIi ii an.l emilil not "lie rr.Iueeit hv j
any other I uot two liotilc or rr--ton i j it li . l.rnaists ot Wasera. uliu li eompleU-lv
. iireil my horse. Ahum live years as.. 1 ha. I ii i
three earol.l c-.U aweenie.! very hail. 1 usci! your i
remeily lis jiiven in your hook "without rnw.-liinx, i
ami 1 must say to your credit that the eoli Is en- i
tiroly cured, n hich Is a purprise, m t only to my- i
self, hut also to my nruihtmrs. You sent me the
hoek lor i lie t ri fl i ii it sum of -J5 cents an.! il eouhl :
not tret another like it I wouhl not take twenty hve
ilollars for lt. Yours, trulv. (Iko. M ritK
Wa8hintonvili.e. Ohio, June 17, ls-'ii.
Itr. 51. .1. KkmvsI.i. h. t'o (Jents: Itea.linir
your inlvertiiement in Turf. Kiehl ami Kami, ot :
Ken'lnli's Spavin Cure, ami having a valuahle I
ami horse who hail le-cn lame frnni spavin
lor eighteen months. 1 sent to you for a hottie l.y
express, which in six weeks removed all lameness
mill enlargement, nml also 11 lare splint from an
other horse, and huth horses nrc tn-dav as sound
as cults. The one holtle was worn to m'e one hun- '
dred dollars. Hespeeiinlly y-urs,
H. A, UtrtToi-riT. H. 1).
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
IlARKisiimo, l'.v., Nov. Isin, its .
Dn. H. J. K EM'iu. .V t'o. ( Jents : Ihn.'enverv
fine :nre that had n tmnc spavin for a Innu time. I
1 trie.l every thing man eouhl ilevUc to cure it. hut
all in vain, and s n limit to tive it up when a '
friend ol mine in this cttv cntre to me ami recom- j
mended '-KendiiH'v Spavin t nrc. " which 1 trie.l '
with irraml results, ri mo inz the hone clear and I
cl"n. 1 then sent ! cents to vou for one of vour
illustrated Horse Hooks, and 1 think there l"s no '
Letter hook printed on the hore am his diseases.
1 have taken treat interest in it. and have since ;
sold 1 copies for you to my nelirhlwrs. and will try ',
find do what L'ood 1 can hy uetl inir them h.r other's :
Yours truly. y . Mu.lkk.
v Keniairs Spavin Cure on Human Flesh.
Yks.t KNosiirniiit, Vt., K.h. l'i. issi.
I'll. H. J. Kktiiai.1. is. fo. (lent:
months airo 1 injured my knee loint. which caused
an enlargement to tfrnw th,. sie ol 11 lanre walnut
and caused me very severe pain all the time li.r
tour or hve weeks, when I begun to use Kemlall's
Spavin I'tire with the mo.-t sati.-taetorv results.
, Itlms completely removed the enlarireiiiont and '
stopped the lameness and pain. I have lon
known it to he excellent for horses, hm now 1 know
it tn he the best liniment tor human flesh that I
am acquainted with.
Yours truly, T. 1 j. '.vtiuxr e.
Is sure in its effects and rolld in its action, as It
does not blister; yet it is penetrating and power
lul to reach every deep-seated pain, or to remove
' ny bony urowth or other enlargements, such as
spavins. .pliuts, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings,
. nnd any hmiei.ess and all enlargements of joints
or limbs, ami 8Imi for rheiimatim in man. or lor
any piirpo-H h.r wl, il l, a liniment Is used Tor man
or bea.-t. !t is now known tn h- the best liniment
; lor man ever used, acting ruiMlv und vet certain
. in its efb-si .
; semi mi.iress f.r lllcstrated Circular, which ire
' think gives positive prool ol its virtue?. No rein
. cdy has ever met with such nii.jiialihed success tn
our knowlcdire, for man as well ln-,it.
kti- I'rice 1 per bottle, or six buttle- for $.". All
j Brugists have It or can net il for von : or It will
I bo sent to any address on receipt ot price bv the
iiroprietors, 1 it. It. 3. Kesuam . tlo., F.nosb'urgh
rails, Vt.
( I l.e o; it 1 n il 11 ml i.niv iii'iia III' Chinese Cream ,
'amphor manufactured. IbiMi Sim KfkJcCo.,
Toa lerchants, t-PI South Second street, I'hiladf.l- I
pkiu, l'a.)
Chinese Cream ;
1 ok Tin-:
im:likf ov tain
Coii'titaiids t lie at teiitimi of all who have
been inveterate sufferers id UIIKFMA
I5ATK ACII K. Fiifi-TKi) Finn , Stikk
.Joints, and all pains in every jxiriionTif
i the bddv. The seat of nain is reached
I bv eeiiiiiir the j Mires to action, thus
: eualilit-.o; the eunitive jri ert ies of the
i ClIINK.s"!-; Cl.KAM CAMrilOll tnpn
I ter, which stilles the pain as soon as the
i -affected parts are reached. The lini
ment niiist. upon each application, Ie 1
rubbed in t lioroutrhlv ; and in cases of ;
: Khenniatisiu of !oii standing it should
lie used three or four times ,1 day, and
four applications made each time, until ;
cured, ('are, howevtr, shuui.I lie eer- i
eised atter t tie pores are openeu. 10 pie- :
ven tnkinjr cold. i
Tin: i
Chinese CREAM Camphor;
IS IWAM Am i;. j
Tt relieves Sprained Joints, Thrush in
Feet, Sweeny. Toll Kvil, I'.lood and IJone j
Spavins, Ringbone, and all liard lumps i
caused liy kicks or other bruises. For ,
Kpizooty, DistemiM-r. Fever, l olir. Loss j
of Apet ite, and AV', usethe Ikon i
HtHisi; ami ('. TTI.E I'llWllKK. '
I rir
Wi WzM imm
ed Up a nd d it:- .! ved 111
Tht roai ii ir t i j js j.,
lex ol indi-M 1 : i .il ;- u
Ci4. Vt s OIK II I'll til- s .:i
v.a!I. and a
18 .
: mill
in tl
s 1
ill! !
H um t i
h.. . I hi
l.e i i 1
. s are lviv
1" ' ' . '!.. l
I .1 l.t I
il a 1 .1. s
II i-i- i'i :
- e.!-!;o
I,..:.d 1.
Ui5Ui 8 U
ll.". & IL")
sU '
ALWAYS HAVi: 'tii I'.
I io 'sl :iiid CJIkii jst Sttxdi l
Dry -ancl 33reers G-oocls
ly e::t.
1 .il ! i.e
po er
cry f-i
v. .c r
ii 7',
Ii i
e ;i
1 ii 1:1
I'.t: .(
in- i'.t :
U'-i j 1 1
I 1 ii.,.
he (. i.l
p.. :i . . ; Ii .1
,ii m w i; ii
p..::f..t-s, ;i
simli leul.
I he
-ucil ! ;t
Ki.UI Who l.,l.s i .
LXt l:ilil !,t. id ,
to he found in Cambria or adjoining cuiitics. ;.r" not tl
and fail not to call, buy and be huppj.
street an
A mm I
5 ilMMil
1 -
DP. M ETTAUR'S HEAD HE PILLS fnrc mnft wonderfully in t,
tt h.'Tt Ixiirt SICK '1 Nt 'OUS HEADACHE; acd. wail
arr.n on fo ner--(r. tJl-Ta. r-lie-.p D - ."PEPSI A in : vmrst It T-sfir.s
mi' lau Kvsitm t rxc.-.'.aol biits j rodacii. ; 'cga'jir Leiiiiy acuoa o. the bowels.
1 .uju.,
Afull sirs box of these valua
PILLS, wi'hfnn d
nine Ceni KOSiace Mamps. r or uale cy an JJruggif ts.
yf ' fcOLK rliUI KIETOKS,
r - " " ' - - - t ri' i 1 -flTi
1 c 1 ? tl
Mieti l ill. lit ..mis
lit-vt-r Put
(I ,s. ;.st . i .1 u i, ,cli ,n- j,
inaiy ai. l mis. 1. .
U ii l.e ' lie b'.. ! 1- ... I,
lifi', h- l' ! I.eum.i. Isi.ii
S! at is. les S'i'i
;'"-' i' l'M'ns i.
(M l) f.lSi , ii
lieell 1IU1 I, '1
Hon o: H,,. 1
leas! t o-i d; 1 ls
d isease are asi 1
a lime
1 .a .
1 ii
I ,;
is e,a;ii:-. ;
I ! V. li 1
. liie-ix la
! 1. 1 1
ibtd lo ; -
its acoii'zmc aii i;
liiiieli d. is 1:
t i e as rtieiun o ism,
lailied bv ui.tnx p! :
vei ted by cb- inr :..
Dul if 011 ba e in -er
is piononni-ed, v.
i spt Ciiic remedy.
Foh. 1K, 18Sl.-:m.
. . , , m ? ""e -j'lilcr Hi
Ao ChinesK farmer evei;rc nrt . 1 ; etent t..,a.
L;.it :i) iVefnof?,jj 'l:s iitly. If tJiere
; a Democrat ir. this count v wlin ran le
. -rtl into the sunport of as bitter and
r, proir.isinvr an enemv of Dip Devn
partr as F. II. Darker. "he lias
oilier cf f.p to take, and tliat is
: : !-'i straight into the Republican
.lur finl.lOhrit. reiv rri'tinii of !r. I nlvfr
Wfil'slflrhralfd J-in.T no tli radical nire
ol Si-F.f'W v r.nii-.iiiK -, nr "ini:';i! V-a'ijr4-i., lnvol
untiiry Si'minul Ln-sps, iMenTKrfi Y. Mcntnl and
Vhysii'l lni-:i.:ii'iiy, ltiij.iliini-nis to Mirriai:..
Ke.i Him. -ri-si-Mp-i lov, KliLrrsv hh.1 I its, In
ilnr.J hy clf-ln.liilu"'iiisp. scxnal i-xtrav:nio. t.r.
Th pplelira'cil antlinr. in this Kay,
cl'nrly (l.'ini.iiHrrnri14.. a tliirly yi-ar,' Fiirrr'iis
f it I prai-tiro. thut Iho iilnrniinic' of
?c'i!-nlnso may bn raitirilly i-ur.-il : jioiniin- out a
mnilc ol corir at nnrp rertain. -Imiile n.l It'-clual.
hv n..-iii.i nl' whirh overy iufleri.r, no niattt-r what
bin ei n.litliin laav 1.1;. may euro lamsell vlicaily,
iri't.-nn-l rndirnllif.
jf- I'hii' Keoturo iioii!il hp tn tlio haml of every
Touih and pvory man in the lan.l.
nli-r i;il. In a tiliiln imivo.iiiip, to aav nd
on ri-.i.'i:-l if sixoi'iitK or Two !mt-
had l.elttJVe liavr nln it mire rare for
quash the in.'V;",, ,Kniru,io..
always Will. Illlm St., ew York, X. Y.
never. - io-7.i.-iy.j
A victim ol youthful imprudence rauimm Premv
tnro lecay, Ner-ous iH-buity, Jyist Manhfmd, etr,p
lavinir tri'-d in vain evrry known rirn-.-dy, has dis
covm A a j-implp flf cure, which h will Bml KRV.E
to hi4! f.-H.-.w-snflprp, aldrps J. II. KKK IX
'.I ( bailiani m., X. 1.
I'eh. 4, luf-l.-ly.
1 ea!
.p. CmMy
Tub mystery about the -onii''ti.'NT8-net
anpoiui ments will probabl: feomfit
ptl'ed within a week. r?rp.
time Inhinp rvr lavvui M. A 111 kn t.ii..t:rnf
ft,. . -. ,. r.i i 1IE1L and TOF. roinplrlp, ,n
2--)rr.::i if. It win m k.m a t'r. al tn iv of inn. v-j-oik
f.jr r.-r-l, thprp la ' a-s a rm!v nrr'l:ct. s.-i'"l
V.r riTl ,r!i-1 t' mis to !!i Twomhly Ii nit ling
jllrithlt t o.. Wi Mi,i,n 5t lkt,.u. Alas.
1 itMiiiu' r,n ,jn;,rr I'nli m ik( Nrv l;,,-h
I. "n l, and will cmnpiplclv -linnir.. tho M.kvI in
Oi.s cnt'rr .vsti'iii in tlirrp nnlhs. Anvporson
who n iil t ikp . pill n.v'i nicrit from to 12 oi-l
tnti- In- r,.-to. I t mim I ln.itU!i. if Kiiciia tl.-.;-b.s
po -ili'o. Sor.t hv neril for.8 l.-t'i-r alarm. , "
I. S. !OjrSf .( --. T:-. ir
1 Hamburg-
I (AS-.K FOR LENdEitKErx'S, Till: ONLY BEJriSB.)
I And I'nrirntiTe, which was known to the fauinii
; old AruMan physicians 11s early n the ninth .-cn-i
tnry, H aihiptPd to thr relief of Kever.. I'oiir'tip.t
i tion, I'pnrilo llnmiilaints. Want (if Appetite. Iln.p
1 y and Hi'ni.irrhiiid". lt has a derided advantage
over ail other purirnMvps. Iielnit mure Ihonniiih In
j plpansiiiif out tlio f yf tem. wit hmil prodin-inar the
j agonizing. arliinif prin and atrainini; which ac
company tlieaction of othercathartics. When I'im
jilcs or other skin (1tseic are ln prpepnt. rham-
I poo I tit afteclcd part? thoroughly with Vnti f)yke'
1 Sulphur Soup. A eh nliaoh ,SliIl(.r. proprietors,
I 8.1 and fallowhill St.. riiihidr.elpliln, l'a. Sold hy
! K. J AMisi. liriiKSlst, KtienBliurir l'a. ll-fl.-ly.
KKS(NS afflicted with pain and aehen who
I J hnvo never tried Ihe trreat H. 11. H. Medieinp
I do not know H powers in reinovlni: pain. Hive it
I a trial for Klieiimiitism, Nenrnliria, and p.-irticu-1
larly Iiiphtherta. A pure cure for horses pufTorlnir
1 with lioncand Hlood Spavin. I'oll Evil and I'ollc.
I Beureand ask for the H. U. H. Me.lictno, mano
facturpd hy D I. Tomllnson. riiilad.-lphla, 11s tha
popularity of the samo has led other partien to pnt
! an Inferior arr'.ole ou tha market hear'Cg the ;ame
njae. by iir.i-jits e -syr'prhtre. O-M.stra.
k" A half-pint Imttle of tlip 'imm:e I'kk
i'AMi'HnK e:in he had lor HO epns from 11. .Iameb
Iirniririst. l-'JienslMi!-. l'a.
N. II. I'lie tesritniMiMis of jicr.-.n. usinir thi
pr.-parnt i..n. either on themselves or their horses,
will Pe tliankiiilly received.
1 huve tried the I'liinese t'ream t'ainplior lor
Khi'iiiuiitisin and Xitvihi. Heailnche. and have
lounil in it relief. I have never Poind its
equal in all my travel--. (iirinu-.K JhMi, London,
Emr.. (ion of t'apt. Sir Oeo. Byn:;, K. 1. N., SI11
trapure. India.)
1 used the '"hiiiese Cream I'aniphor for a pvero
attack of Ivhi'iiinafi.-im in the ri u lit rliouldcr. and
can slncer.rly ?ay, after haviin; tried several '..flier
well-known remedies, that it is the lu-s-t thinir I
ever .pptl, curina me comjiletelv. Mu.LAiin K.
H am. in, 117 41st .street. West rinladclpliia,
Man h 1. 1-fll.
A fter one application of the Chinese f?re:im CHm
phor I wa relieved ot froftcd fet. Nathhk Kl
k an, 415 North Third street, I'bllaUulpliia, 'u.
Jan. 12. 1S81.
llaviuir suffor.-d severely with lrofed feet I used
the I 'hinese Crea in t 'amphor t hree time.-, ruhrii nir
I It in thorouihlv. and was cured. My mother tried
It for nervous heiulai-l-.p, oi-i utiimr instant- relief,
' Anton S. Tatiel, 1 "J 1 o Melon trel. I'liilnd'a.
i .lan. 15. I'M. (4 K.-6U1.1
is; It U I 1
Y.. ". West's Nekvine and Tiikat-
knt a specific tor llvstcna. O'znnesa. run-
.-ulsions. Nervous Hciid.iche. Ientil 1 iciiression.
l.ii--. nf Mi'Minry, Spermutorrlui-.i. I in .of ency. In- !
voluntary Kinissions. l'ren..iture lid Aire, caused !
l.y over-pxertioii. s.-lf-almse. or over-indulirenec, '
which leads to misery, decay and death. One hox i
will cure recent caJs. ;:ieh hox contains 1 month's !
treatment. ne dollar per P.ix, or six hies for five
doliarsr ent by mail prepaid on reeeiptof price, i
We guarantee six Potrlen to cure any case. With 1
each order received by us (or six boxes, accompn- j
nied hy tlvp dollars, w will send the purchaser
; our written irnarartee to return the money If the
; treat-iient doe. not effect a cure. Guarantees is- !
i sued on'v when treittnerit l ordered dirert (roin ;
lis. Ad tvs JOHN '. V KST V-t ., Sole I'ropri- I
i etor'. 181 fi 11 W. Ma Hson St.. Chicauo. ;il. Sold ;
' by i ll nrni;irist. Smith, Ki inc Si. Co., Wholesale '
1 Agents. I'liilailclphla. S-5.'81.-lv. !
Tlie Ti'bitli. Tritely ToLcl.
rrniL rs"L2AV stoui-: or
his .
ISTlli: P1.AI KTO HI Y AT Iflinsi I'KK is mi: V t
And a crdial ion is m.w .xt"ti.'.ed l.y the prop; i-t.r t every rea-t.-r ' I' l'i: su m v t ' i'i and
tee the lare assort men t, exaniiue the a noes tjii.i ; 1 1 is ;in.i Pm-h tlie n 1 -ii: n-i'-.i . prices. w!.-h ar-s
so low that 'JO percent, can po-itivcty i.e s;lved hv tlu-so wi;o l.uv ttieir i." Is irmu inc. The eas.n 1
can sell so cheap is that 1 !".:H'ht my er.t ir-' st '--k , .p an.l 1 :.i en I to s.-n i,.r c:i -i'i or i's i-.j-vv:crrt.
and am therelore prepared to nmke .jui.-k svs .-.( ,:i,.r (.r .nts th-in nev r-iier iiicrcli::ni iu Cauinria
county, lhin't t:ike my word lor lie-, however, lua couie and see lor 0:1; -cl o.
:Ar.iioLt.TOHN, May -1, l-nl.-ti. S. 1 II A I'M ,
II till til
cash ih:ai.i:u in ai.i. kind
AND MAM' 1A (."riltl'.U or
1 lOli J:icvii11i Avr., AUooiiii, I;i.
iini;ITsT PLAIT. IN Till: CITY. Roofing, Spoilt in n.,, Itoi.airlnc ol
all kind iirniuptl)- anil Hal lifao tor I Ij allrmlod lo. (p. J4. tf.
rniCTioN or THE T"
uios; t;i-;ii!e ami unlni I-.:: "
is frict ion ol tl:- I- i-
nak.i.l liiind. a j'i i t- c: 1 -is
--t ill tx iu-i a t'e li t n
in cr-al ftet-nl ann'i t" '
and is m at n'. in .1 '
The wlioif Unly L.a v
tli is iniM ' ion. t -(.lua,
on. j'int-. 'i I tck'.i t' -an-.l
ai ;n?. l"i ict ion -' '
rt-s-.! vt s stagnant ! ; u ii- - '
s-iiiu.ii). r. iut li tl.r
cri'.iva Hit- warm". li ; 1
w hole l'ii! v. la 1 In -palr-y,
aiuiittil s-.-K:'-
l Viirl.t l tlut-tl. 'i v' 1' '
liypot lioiidi iai-, al.ii '
11L in-it-s'.i.'n. '. '-;
to take M l'iLii i.l e--i-
fi:o'.io;i t" ibc a l'iniv.;.
.';i::!'it Ik4 km Uiiuli r -
suL'stiu tf fur oil'vr tut .f--dissoiv.-
ihe thick l;u-.i'.
i be lor min 5 in the lwt--.'.;
stnd t-i :rfl ilun tin4 "
rulibin 1 Lai s.i 1 u ' ''
to la- j.e 1 Ion; ivi! in a
ar ti ii'ii musl tav -.u.ii '
the in! is', i lies, ai. ii iii-:. '
It hniit I't- jrt.-ria 1
on an i-mpiy -1
tf iiv ci-uini U. ai 1 '"
for some iniiiutt at a t
will pay the shove reward for any rise of
,1 ver I on iln int. 1 ivspeiisia. Siek Hcdnche.
1 ndiifesllon. Cos: i pat 101 1 or Cost ivn ess wc can not
cure with West's Veiretalile Liver Tills, when the
directions are strictly complied with. Thcv are
purely veiret.i Ide. a nd never tall toitlvesatistacf ion.
Sinraf Coated, l.arvre lloxes. containing 1'ills,
ificts. I'orsale hy all Iiruirnlsts. Keware of coun
tcrlciters an.l imitarors. The ueuulnn manufic
tnred onlv hv .T( HN V. IVKST . C I., -The Pill
Makers." 1SI h. IVI W. Madison St., I'liicno Free
trial package sent hy mail prepaid on receipt ol a
3 cent stamp. (rt-ft.'sl -ly.j
ii rn rn r
rs quickly rnrieurelT cured rirthin.ecf KJXTrV-VFOnT. This n::d w 011 i sj-re.l rerrc.'y which ia
1-iurs r.uchn irncn- ule la ul narrs of the o-.ntry, wofr-on iiai-j.-al rrnc!r'- 1' mu-r sr-cn.-'Ji
a-ul to:ie to tl di.-MCd or-nru, aid Uurorh ther.j ea: . ' - 1 c:r cf a- -uri r". tod and
fcimkira. JT'direy itcBjis..u thirty ycaraautnibce r. -vo N ca ensu, l ioi, co-it.- ation, IOicurau-sa,
tc, wiiica ti.s.vee?rrosra fevt 4.n-afor yeai-a. v."e hr3 vcin cicftmi-.m v r c 1 v. or.'.rKjU-iTiuij
P"wct. 10 j"Tcrvae 1 :rtrr, Trhleh do moro h-nr hn r s or dr.-: j
remndy, UI-N"7--vV0n.T, and hea:Ui w-ill bo cu"k!y rpa-n. ,;. n tt cf r ur C
iwiil spthI prwtpai't.) Will.-. I.'it II ii i'ist: .V 4... lrt.j.-
j:-.a, rat TLsenaturew
ur"'"t, Price, $ I
John stoirn, fa. Kirinirri;, To.
si:culi:i: & kittki.i.,
ATTOKX I : S-AT-liA v ,
OKHCK.S In 1, other ft 1 Ir.-eu's larice In ick l.uilil
tnir, corner Main and Clinton t-ts., Johnstown
11 ud in Colonado Ruw, Khensluiru. (7-1. "M.J
S-20. (K)
DR. M. .1. liUCK,
I'll r str- 1 xr iviiRnicviiv
Offlce and residence on Fourteenth street, near
F.leventh avenue., where ntiitit calls can he made.
Office hurs from 8 to 10, a. m., and t'roro 2 to 4
and 8 to , p. M. Special attention paid to Ills.
eses of the Fye and Kar, as wall as to Surreal
iperatloni of ever r Jcstrriptiun. Iliw.-W.
i riy hick. Atto
I -I FhenshnrK, l'a. Otllci
KNi:V-T-l..V .
Office In l.uildinir ol T.
I J. I.loyd. de.-'d. (first tiair.) Centre etreet. All
manner ol leital Imninesi attended to satttlacto
, rlly and a specialty. 1 10-14.-1 f.
j Alt .. ma, Ap
SAVED! tS-20.00
(?JE0. M. READE. Attorney-at-Ijaw,
I'rionstiure. Pa. Offlce on C?t:fp,
ilueL" doens lit.ia Higb n-uci. 18-.'7.'".
S'ill.Ofl S I I ' . :',.!--
1 1. rsi.v, 1 ii vi acii 1 t: rroin
I . in 1! 1 1 s i - i.e.) . 11 1 i-!;i-. i.nt
1'' 4 lie. 1 nth I., uo-i'ii
Pih Kin! 17'h Sis.. At Tin a. I'..
;.!:.! till. 1 .'!.-l the l..llt. r of the
( AMi i li 1 I muv :.s re!. Tenet'
.1. MeCKATII. '
!. r.. issi.-t(.
. 1 1
tn M :'it .ii-r
1 m ft V attas- 1 rw.--3M.
rrT1 'V'SOI.I. S.lsl . fill 't'o ..,(it. reed,.
ir-i - urn fr..i. Iian ff I25 up. -U!u A .Lire-" IteaM? ,V a-liitnit-.n.
ll.'Mi. (.'ta mr.siK-. 1
la r-o I. it in hTf l :'.s l' '
Uiili ii-1'..l.y i". kl ::
laany twt-nly f-i!'i:i:- :1 '
lionu" in tin" i-i'i:i s .1 oii'v t.iree t : -t t ' -
linj 1 y ta-r: ;.- : a: '- "
v. as i,ot . n: I'"' 1 s
of . r.r..' t.' ii'. in -It M 1
of t'n' m-ili-'I'V i-.w l"- ! '
fa: i i .i'.ii '!:!-.ii''..s, i: : ;
ana-, . : sa l t.e-- :v ' - "
Not so liill.-h l.u'k o! I M
to iti.'.nitt-t it W: -! n
MlL'i-'.eil !'l
tl.atl't- li.'.pl y ' "'
t!lf l itIM' -s i C.'s. u
"smai c.'i:i ot !
bides ! In a look, :
nun ': I ai'l';n-ss 01 ! -niutsii-
lU'il : 'I'U i.k '
tliv les,.i, li.iiin4 4 1'-'
11.1.1 N-V is
tl 1 0 111. -! t.
F-r SHit t V".
. -iisi:T : . I':".-
a wor.i.ei . t.-
p,,,,s .a- , .
IfO-e- '
One c
to r
T r
own !
ft 1-1
f roi
ttoe '
lo W
ii ii
il 1
snac- - , j
- .
11 1 ' -UMWIUI
i :